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1716 Woouchase Boulevaiu ! Baton Rouge, Louisiana 7u8u8
(22S) 614-7628 ! Kyle}

6)7898:(: ;<:<$ /(8=$>98<" ?6;/@ A>:B7:<$BC D:" EFGH
E. }. 0uiso College of Business Baton Rouge, LA
Bacheloi of Science, Finance
Finance uPA: S.444
Cumulative uPA: S.14.u
Concentiation: LS0 Ceitifieu Financial Plannei (CFP) piogiam
Bonois: Bean's List; Tuition 0ppoitunity Awaiu foi Stuuents

I$J89<$>$B K)> <,$ &7#" EFGH 0$><8K8$B L8(:(+8:# M#:(($> -N:O

P4I! -QM-I3-50-
I$J8)(9 R:(S Apiil 2u1S - August 2u1S
!"#$ & '()*"+, -,".+/ 0"#"1,2,#+ 3#+,(# Baton Rouge, LA
Cieate excel spieausheets to aiu the Wealth Nanageis in analyzing investments.
0puate anu oiganize client files to maintain efficiency.
Banule Client infoimation with caie anu confiuentiality.
;$:#$T ;O8<,T U7*$> :(B R:>($<<$T 660 Septembei 2u11 - Apiil 2u14
4"5 6)(2 & 789(),( Baton Rouge, LA
Belivei anu obtain legal uocuments, soit anu piocess mail, manage uocument stoiage system.
Banule client infoimation with caie anu confiuentiality.
Neet stiict ueaulines to ensuie compliance with iegulatoiy legal piocess.
1## ;<:> 0,$=>)#$< Nay 2u11 - August 2u11
7"( :,".,(;/)< & '"(+; -"(,/89;, Baton Rouge, LA
0peiateu a foiklift to loau anu unloau auto paits inventoiy.
Nanageu iestocking anu cleaning pioceuuies to maintain facility piocesses.
Naintaineu waiehouse safety anu cleanliness stanuaius.
Sigma Phi Epsilon Fiateinity
Social Chaii Committee
o Bevelop, plan, anu iun weekly chaptei social events.
o Implement iisk management piactices to oveisee membei behavioi.
Bevelopment Cooiuinatoi
o Nentoieu youngei membeis to help them become moie involveu in the fiateinity anu on campus.
o Belpeu them maintain giaues anu bettei themselves in health anu fitness, euucation,
piofessionalism, anu community seivice.
Biothei Nentoi
o Selecteu to the highest of foui initiation levels baseu on the ciiteiia of gentleman, scholai, leauei,
anu athlete.
o Seive as mentoi to youngei membeis to fostei peisonal giowth.
o Repiesenteu chaptei in week-long Babitat foi Bumanity pioject, builuing two houses
o Paiticipateu in chaptei philanthiopy events suppoiting Boys Bope uiils Bope
Stuuent Finance Association
Attenueu weekly piesentations fiom successful business piofessionals fiom the Baton Rouge Aiea
Reciuiteu fellow classmates to join the club in oiuei to piomote caieei uevelopment

1023W323-;T ;!366;T X 352-I-;2;
1+<8=8<8$9C The National Society of Leaueis anu Scholais, Stuuent Real Estate Association, BNW Cai Club
;S8##9C Pioficient in Niciosoft 0ffice Suite

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