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GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC

Ihe U|IimcIe
!"#$ &$"'($ )*(( +" ,-$./01*23 0" !4.-*-$555
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Seccnc EciIicn - Oct. 2013
/ Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
This mcnucl is lotinl dediccted to the memor oj Shcrin Klisser, uho
ucs the inspirction jor !"# %&'()*'# +,-.(.*& /-01#2' cnd remcins
our liht in c dcrlenin uorld.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ICkLWCkD """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 8
kLIACL """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 11
IN1kCDUC1ICN """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 12
CnA1Lk 1 MLN1AL AND nSICAL kLAkLDNLSS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 16
A11l1uuL """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 17
PLAL1P """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 20
8CCS1 ?Cu8 lMMunL S?S1LM """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 23
CnA1Lk 2 ASSLSSING CUk kISkS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 2S
C1PL8 8lSkS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 27
llnAL 1PCuCP1S Cn 8lSkS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 30
CnA1Lk 3 LMLkGLNC kLAkLDNLSS IN CUk nCML """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 32
S1L 1 - MAkL A LAn """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 33
S1L 2 - 8ulLu A kl1 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 37
S1L 3 - CL1 lnvCLvLu/8L lnlC8MLu """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 41
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 44
CnA1Lk 4 LMLkGLNC kLAkLDNLSS IN CUk CAk """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 4S
?Cu8 8ASlC 8CAu LML8CLnC? kl1 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 46
PCW 1C CL1 Cu1 Cl A Su8ML8CLu vLPlCLL """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 31
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 33
PAvL A 8uSlnLSS 8LA8LunLSS 8CC8AM """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 36
CnA1Lk 6 8ASIC IIkS1 AID """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 6S
ll8S1 Alu kl1 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 63
AnAP?LAxlS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 68
AnlMAL 8l1LS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 69
8LlS1L8S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 70
88CkLn 8CnLS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 71
8u8nS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 74
Cu1S, SC8ALS, Anu MC8L SL8lCuS WCunuS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 79
l8CS18l1L """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 83
PLA1S18CkL """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 87
PLA81 A11ACk """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 88
C8 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 89
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
SPCCk """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 93
SnAkL 8l1LS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 94
nA1u8AL ll8S1 Alu """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 98
CnA1Lk 7 LVACUA1L Ck S1A U1? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 100
S1A? C8 8uC Cu1?"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 102
PCW 1C SPLL1L8#ln#LACL """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 104
SA?lnC CCCu8?L """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 111
CnA1Lk 8 DCN'1 ICkGL1 1nL ICUk#LLGGLD IkILNDS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 113
S1L 1 # CL1 A 8LSCuL ALL81 S1lCkL8 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 114
S1L 2 # A88AnCL A SAlL PAvLn """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 114
S1L 3 # LML8CLnC? SuLlLS Anu 18AvLLlnC kl1S """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 113
S1L 4 # CPCCSL uLSlCnA1Lu CA8LClvL8S" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 116
S1L 3 # LvACuA1lCn 8LA8A1lCn """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 116
S1L 6 # CLCC8APlC Anu CLlMA1lC CCnSluL8A1lCnS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 117
uu8lnC A ulSAS1L8 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 120
Al1L8 A ulSAS1L8 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 120
WP? LlvLS1CCk CWnL8S nLLu 1C 8L 8LA8Lu """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 121
8L1u8nlnC 1C 8Cu1lnLS lC8 L1S Anu AnlMAL CWnL8S """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 122
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 123
CnA1Lk 9 8UILDING CUk UL1IMA1L SUkVIVAL kI1: 1nL GC 8AG """"""""""""""" 124
1PL uL1lMA1L CC 8AC """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 123
LSSLn1lAL 8u1 nCn#LML8CLnC?/Su8vlvAL l1LMS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 128
8u?L8 8LWA8L """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 134
8LMCvlnC 1PL CuLSSWC8k """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 137
WPA1'S 1PL nLx1 S1L? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 139
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 140
CnA1Lk 10 GIVL ML SnLL1Lk """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 142
nA1u8AL SPLL1L8 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 144
8ulLulnC SPLL1L8 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 143
S1A?lnC WA8M """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 133
SCu8CLS Cl LlCP1 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 137
8LA8lnC Anu S1CCklnC A LCnC 1L8M Su8vlvAL SPLL1L8 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 137
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 161
CnA1Lk 11 WA1Lk """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 162
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
WA1L8 LSSLn1lALS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 162
PCW 1C S1C8L WA1L8 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 163
WA1L8 SCu8CLS: SAlL Anu unSAlL WA1L8 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 163
C1PL8 SCu8CLS Cl WA1L8 Anu u8lllCA1lCn ML1PCuS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 168
LvL8?uA? WA1L8 nLLuS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 170
CnA1Lk 12 ICCD """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 171
?Cu8 LML8CLnC? S1CCklLL """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 172
8LA8lnC MLALS Wl1PCu1 CWL8 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 176
8L?Cnu S1CCklLlnC: nA1u8AL lCCu SCu8CLS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 179
C8CW ?Cu8 CWn """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 183
Pun1lnC, llSPlnC, Anu 18AlnC """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 187
lCCu lC8 1PCuCP1"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 188
CnA1Lk 13 DkCUGn1 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 191
lnuCC8 WA1L8 uSL """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 193
Cu1uCC8 uSL """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 193
Wl1Pln ?Cu8 CCMMunl1? """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 197
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 197
CnA1Lk 14 LAk1nUAkL """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 199
8LlC8L A CuAkL""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 200
uu8lnC A CuAkL """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 201
Al1L8 An LA81PCuAkL """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 204
?Cu8 lAMlL? LA81PCuAkL u8lLL """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 206
CnA1Lk 1S IIkLS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 208
ll8L SAlL1? ln 1PL PCML """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 208
PCML ll8L 8LA8A1lCn, 8LvLn1lCn Anu Su8vlvAL """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 209
CCCklnC Anu ll8L SAlL1? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 212
MC8L PCuSL ll8L 8LvLn1lCn 1lS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 214
uu8lnC A PCuSL ll8L """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 213
WPA1 A8Cu1 ll8L Lx1lnCulSPL8S? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 216
Al1L8 1PL ll8L """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 220
uLALlnC Wl1P WlLu ll8LS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 221
8LlC8L A WlLull8L """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 221
uu8lnC A WlLull8L """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 223
Su8vlvlnC 1PL ll8LS1C8M """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 224
Al1L8 A WlLull8L """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 223
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 227
CnA1Lk 16 ILCCDS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 228
8LlC8L A lLCCu """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 229
uu8lnC A lLCCu """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 231
Al1L8 A lLCCu """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 233
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 234
CnA1Lk 17 nLA1 WAVLS AND nLA1 LMLkGLNCILS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 23S
8LlC8L A PLA1 ulSAS1L8 C8 LML8CLnC? """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 237
8ASlC ll8S1 Alu lC8 PLA1 LML8CLnClLS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 239
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 241
CnA1Lk 18 nUkkICANLS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 242
kA18lnA - WPA1 WLn1 W8CnC, WPA1 WLn1 8lCP1 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 243
WPA1 1C uC 8LlC8L A Pu88lCAnL """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 246
WPA1 1C uC WPLn 1PL S1C8M Pl1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 249
lLCCulnC """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 230
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 233
CnA1Lk 19 LAGUL Ck ANDLMIC CU18kLAk """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 2S4
8LA8lnC lC8 A AnuLMlC """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 233
uu8lnC A AnuLMlC """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 236
lLu llCP1lnC nu18lLn1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 237
WPA1 ?Cu nLLu 1C knCW A8Cu1 lLu SPC1S Anu AnuLMlCS""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 239
CnA1Lk 20 1CkNADC """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 261
SCML 1PlnCS ?Cu SPCuLu knCW A8Cu1 1C8nAuCLS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 262
8LlC8L A 1C8nAuC """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 262
uu8lnC A 1C8nAuC """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 264
WPLn 1PL S1C8M ASSLS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 266
CLnL8AL SAlL1? 8LCAu1lCnS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 266
lnSLC1lnC 1PL uAMACL """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 267
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 269
CnA1Lk 21 1SUNAMI """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 270
WPA1 1C uC 8LlC8L A 1SunAMl """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 272
1SunAMl 1L8MS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 273
uu8lnC A 1SunAMl """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 274
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Al1L8 1PL WAvL 8LCLuLS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 273
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 276
CnA1Lk 22 VCLCANCLS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 277
8LlC8L A vCLCAnlC L8u1lCn """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 279
uu8lnC A vCLCAnlC L8u1lCn """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 279
Al1L8 A vCLCAnlC L8u1lCn """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 281
ASP CLLAn u: Cu1SluL """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 282
ASP CLLAnu: lnSluL """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 284
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 286
CnA1Lk 23 WIN1Lk S1CkMS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 287
8LA8lnC ?Cu8 PCML lC8 Lx18LML CCLu Anu Wln1L8 S1C8MS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 289
Wln1L8 WLA1PL8 PAZA8uS Anu 8LLA1Lu 1L8MS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 290
8LA8lnC ?Cu8 CA8 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 291
1AklnC SPLL1L8 uu8lnC A Wln1L8 S1C8M """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 293
C1PL8 1lS Cn CCLu WLA1PL8 Su8vlvAL """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 298
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 302
CnA1Lk 24 nCW 1C SUkVIVL 8LING LCS1 IN 1nL WILDLkNLSS """""""""""""""""""" 304
WPA1 1C uC ll ?Cu A8L LCS1 ln 1PL WlLuL8nLSS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 306
C1PL8 ML1PCuS 1C llnu ul8LC1lCn Wl1PCu1 A CCMASS C8 CS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" 309
S1A81lnC A ll8L Wl1PCu1 MA1CPLS C8 C1PL8 MCuL8n ML1PCuS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 312
llnulnC WA1L8 Anu C1PL8 1lS Cn uLSL81 Su8vlvAL """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 316
8L?Cnu 1PL 8uCS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 319
8Al1lnC A 18A """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 323
8LA8lnC CAML """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 326
8LA8S Anu C1PL8 uAnCL8CuS WlLu LllL """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 328
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 329
CnA1Lk 2S nCW 1C SUkVIVL 8LING SNCW8CUND IN CUk CAk """""""""""""""" 331
ll ?Cu 8LCCML 18ALu ln ?Cu8 CA8 uu8lnC A 8LlZZA8u """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 334
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 336
CnA1Lk 26 nCW 1C SUkVIVL A LANL CkASn """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 337
C1PL8 1lS lC8 Su8vlvlnC An Al8 ACCluLn1 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 338
ll ?Cu8 LAnL CCLS uCWn ln 1PL WA1L8 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 341
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 344
CnA1Lk 27 nCW 1C SUkVIVL A SnIWkLCk """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 34S

GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
WPLn ?Cu CL1 ln1C 18Cu8LL WPlLL 8CA1lnC """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 346
WPA1 A8Cu1 SPA8kS? """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 331
LAnulnC Cn SPC8L """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 333
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 334
CnA1Lk 28 LCCNCMIC CCLLASL """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3S7
8LA8lnC lC8 1PL C8lSlS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 339
nCn#llnAnClAL WA?S 1C 8LA8L """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 361
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 362
CnA1Lk 29 WAk, kIC1ING AND Uk8AN UNkLS1 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 364
WPA1 LxAC1L? lS ClvlL un8LS1? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 363
WPA1 CAn ?Cu uC 1C 8LA8L lC8 CCnlLlC1 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 366
uu8lnC CCnlLlC1 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 369
SLClllC 1C AC1S Cl 1L88C8lSM """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 370
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 372
CnA1Lk 30 SLLI DLILNSL 8ASICS ICk SUkVIVAL SI1UA1ICNS """"""""""""""""""""""" 374
1PL 8ASlCS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 376
1lS Anu 1LCPnlCuLS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 376
lM8CvlSLu WLACnS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 379
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 383
CnA1Lk 31 IIkLAkMS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 386
8ulLulnC ?Cu8 L8SCnAL SL1 Cl Su8vlvAL ll8LA8MS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 387
8CWS Anu C1PL8 WLACnS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 392
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 392
CnA1Lk 32 CnLMICAL A11ACk """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 394
8LlC8L A CPLMlCAL 1P8LA1 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 393
uu8lnC 1PL A11ACk C8 CPLMlCAL LvLn1 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 396
ln 1PL LvLn1 Cl CPLMlCAL A11ACk """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 397
C1PL8 MLAnS Cl LxCSu8L """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 398
S?M1CMS Cl LxCSu8L """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 398
C1PL8 lC8MS Cl 1CxlC A11ACk """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 400
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 400
CnA1Lk 33 8ICLCGICAL WLACN A11ACk """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 402
8LlC8L 1PL A11ACk """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 403
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
uu8lnC 1PL A11ACk """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 406
Al1L8 1PL LvLn1 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 407
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 408
CnA1Lk 34 NUCLLAk A11ACk AND kADICLCGICAL DISAS1LkS """""""""""""""""""""" 409
ASSLSS 1PL 8lSk """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 410
8LlC8L 1PL 8LAS1 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 411
1PL An1l#8AulA1lCn ulL1 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 413
uu8lnC 1PL 8LAS1 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 413
WPA1 lS An LLLC18CMACnL1lC uLSL (LM)? """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 417
Al1L8 A nuCLLA8 8LAS1 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 417
1PL 1P8LA1 Cl nuCLLA8 CWL8 LAn1S """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 421
llnAL 1PCuCP1S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 423
CLCSING 1nCUGn1S """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 42S
A8Cu1 1PL Au1PC8 Anu SLnlC8 Lul1C8 Cl 1PlS MAnuAL """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 428
LILCGUL """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 429
ACkNCWLLDGMLN1S """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 430

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2012!2013. The Ultimate Survival Project, LLC.
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GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
lI Icck we|| cver Iwc yecr: fcr Ihe eciIcric| Iecm cf "#$ %&'()*'$ +,-.(.*&
/-01$2', LLC {IUSF) Ic gcIher, crgcnize cnc ci:Ii|| Ihe invc|ucL|e
infcrmcIicn ycu ncw hcve in:IcnI|y cvci|cL|e in Ihi: mcnuc|. During Ihi:
prc|cngec effcrI, we |ecrnec cne exIrccrcincry fccI IhcI he|pec :hcpe
cur mi::icn: nc mcIIer hcw chc||enging c Ic:k mighI cppecr, :cmecne,
:cmewhere in Ihe wcr|c c|reccy kncw: hcw Ic cc iI.
/nc even mcre impre::ive Ic u: wc: Iheir genercu: wi||ingne:: Ic free|y
:hcre Iheir kncw|ecge. /: :ec:cnec ccmper:, hunIer:, :urvivc|i:I: cnc
experI: in Ihe fie|c cf emergency prepcrecne:: cnc re:pcn:e, Ihey were
we|| cwcre hcw pccr|y Ihe generc| puL|ic wc: prepcrec fcr unp|cnnec
ci:c:Ier: cnc were ecger Ic he|p in cny wcy Ihey ccu|c.
Ihe pr|mory purpose o| th|s monuo| i: Ic mcIivcIe ycu Ic crecIe cnc
imp|emenI cn Emergency Frepcrecne:: F|cn. lI i: prcvicec in cigiIc| fcrm
fcr Iwc very impcrIcnI rec:cn::
1. CIrcumsLunces cun cIunge muLerIuIIy Irom duy Lo duy. New InIormuLIon Is
conLInuuIIy beIng mude uvuIIubIe Irom u IosL oI governmenLuI ugencIes und
dedIcuLed NGO`s (non-governmenLuI orgunIzuLIons) uround LIe worId.
TIuL`s wIy we pIun Lo Issue perIodIc upduLes Lo LIe munuuI so you cun be
kepL us currenL und knowIedgeubIe us possIbIe. TIe InescupubIe reuIILy Is
LIuL you ure onIy us prepured Ior u dIsusLer or emergency sILuuLIon, us you
were LIree seconds beIore IL Iuppened. Once you ure enguIIed In LIe rupId
und generuIIy unpredIcLubIe busIness oI survIvIng you cun no Ionger reucI
buck In LIme und Ieurn LIe emergency prepuruLIons skIIIs or muLerIuIs you
now urgenLIy need.
z. PIeuse keep u copy oI LIIs munuuI In your compuLer, or keep severuI copIes
on medIu sLIcks In your go-bugs, so LIey wIII be InsLunLIy uvuIIubIe - und
quIckIy seurcIubIe - In LImes oI need. You wIII even be LuugIL Iow Lo keep
your compuLer und mobIIe LeIepIone IuIIy cIurged und operuLIonuI, even II
LIe enLIre power grId uround you goes down. TruveIIng wILI u knupsuck IuII
oI books und reums oI puper In Iurge LIree-rIng bInders durIng LumuILuous
LImes Is LoLuIIy ImprucLIcuI. HuvIng LIe InIormuLIon you need In u IIgIIy
porLubIe, dIgILuI IormuL cun be u IIIesuver.

GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ihere ore three stoges you need to comp|ete to prepore yourse|| |or o
potent|o| emergency:
1. PuII LogeLIer uII oI LIe InIormuLIon you wIII need. You`ve uIreudy Luken u
gIunL sLep In LIuL dIrecLIon by downIoudIng LIIs munuuI.
z. Reud, undersLund und ubsorb LIe InIormuLIon you`ve ucquIred. SeL u cerLuIn
LIme usIde on u predeLermIned scIeduIe Lo go LIrougI LIIs munuuI. You cun
skIm LIe purLs LIuL don`L necessurIIy uppIy Lo your cIrcumsLunces. or
exumpIe II you IIve neur u IuuIL IIne, gIve LIe secLIon on eurLIquukes specIuI
uLLenLIon; II you IIve neur u rIver, Iocus more on wIuL you need Lo know
ubouL LIe dungers oI IIoodIng.
. Tuke ucLIon. AII LIe knowIedge In LIe worId Is useIess unIess you do
someLIIng concreLe ubouL IL. DeveIop u crysLuI cIeur, Emergency
Prepuredness PIun und puL IL InLo moLIon. We Iuve ucLuuIIy mude LIIs eusy
Ior you wILI our -Duy PIun, uvuIIubIe uL
8efcre civing inIc Ihe ceep pcc| cf infcrmcIicn prcvicec in Ihi: mcnuc|,
Icke c mcmenI Ic ccn:icer ycur mcIive fcr reccing iI. Un|e:: ycu cre
guicec Ly c c|ecr :en:e cf purpc:e, ycu wi|| hcve |iII|e mcIivcIicn Ic mcke
Ihe Ircn:iIicn frcm reccing cLcuI :cmeIhing Ic ccIing cn whcI ycu hcve
ju:I |ecrnec. lf ycuve c::umec Ihe re:pcn:iLi|iIy cf Iecm |eccer in Ihe
we|fcre cf ycur fcmi|y Ihen, Ly keeping Ihi: cne fccI in Ihe fcrefrcnI cf
ycur minc c: ycu prcgre:: Ihrcugh Ihi: mcnuc|, ycu wi|| purpc:efu||y mcve
fcrwcrc, :Iep Ly :Iep unIi| ycu hcve ccmp|eIec ecch cf Ihe Ic:k: cf ycur
per:cnc|, Emergency Frepcrecne:: F|cn.
Ihe jcurney Ihrcugh Ihe:e pcge: wi|| |ecc ycu Ihrcugh Five SecIicn: cnc
mcre Ihcn 30 chcpIer:. Ihere: |iII|e ue:Iicn IhcI, nc mcIIer hcw much
ycu mcy hcve c|reccy kncwn Lefcre receiving Ihi: mcnuc|, ycu wi||
emerge cI Ihe enc wiIh c mcre fccu:ec view cf whcI neec: Ic Le
ccne. fcr ycur:e|f, ycur fcmi|y, ycur frienc:, cnc ycur ccmmuniIy. Ihink cf
iI c: c|imLing c |cccer: ecch rung Icke: ycu higher cnc give: ycu c
Lrcccer per:pecIive cf Ihe |cnc:ccpe crcunc ycu.
Ihe cverricing mcnccIe cf "#$ %&'()*'$ +,-.(.*& /-01$2', LLC, Ihe puL|i:her
cf Ihi: mcnuc|, i: Ic he|p Ihe wcr|c prepcre. Cur jcL i: Ic :Icnc cI ycur :ice
cnc prcvice Ihe c::i:Icnce neecec Ic Ircn:fcrm IhecreIicc| kncw|ecge
inIc pcwerfu| ccIicn.
ln ccciIicn, we wi|| Le pc:Iing in:IrucIicnc| crIic|e: cnc c numLer cf hcw
Ic" vicec: cn cur weL :iIe IhcI IhcI ccn Le ccwn|cccec cnc cccec Ic
ycur :urvivc| infcrmcIicn fi|e. Fcr excmp|e, ycu|| :ee fir:Ihcnc hcw Ic
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ccn:IrucI cn emergency :he|Ier, hcw Ic Lui|c c fire, {even when ycu hcve
nc mcIche:), hcw Ic purify wcIer fcr :cfer crinking cnc much, much
VirIuc||y c|| Ihe infcrmcIicn ycu neec Ic prepcre cnc :urvive i: ncw in ycur
pc::e::icn. Ihi: mcnuc| hcnc: ycu Ihe kncw|ecge ycu neec Ic Le
prepcrec cn c cigiIc| p|cIIer.
On|y one quest|on remo|ns:
/re ycu reccy Ic ccnverI IhcI kncw|ecge inIc c pcwerfu| emergency
prepcrecne:: p|cn IhcI mcximize: ycur fcmi|y: chcnce: cf :ucce::fu||y
ccming Ihrcugh Ihe nexI unfcre:een ci:c:Ier
Jeon-C|oude Koven
3#($4 56$2,'(.$ 744(2$-
Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
FS Ihi: mcnuc| Iru|y i: c GIFI OF LIFE. lI wc: ccmpi|ec Ihrcugh Ihe genercu:
gifIing cf infcrmcIicn frcm cver 0 re:pecIec ccnIriLuIcr: crcunc Ihe
wcr|c. lI i: prcvice c: c free gifI Ic cnycne wi:hing Ic ccwn|ccc Iheir cwn
per:cnc| ccpy. /nc, mc:I impcrIcnI cf c||, iI i: c gifI ycu ccn free|y give Ic
he|p cIher: - ju:I c: ycu hcve c|reccy experiencec. F|eose Foy |t Forwordl
IcgeIher we ccn he|p mi||icn: cf pecp|e - inc|ucing c|| ycur frienc: cnc
General Disclaimer
The Ultimate Survival Profect, LLC assumes no responsibility Ior the use or misuse oI this
manual, or Ior any injury, damage and/or Iinancial loss sustained to persons or property as a
result oI using the content and/or tutorials herein.
We do not guarantee the well!being or the saIety oI you or your Iamily or any other individuals
(hereinaIter 'your) who might rely on the inIormation provided in this manual as conditions
may vary greatly and there are always unknown and unIoreseeable situations that cannot be
reliably predicted.
The use oI our inIormation should be based on your own due diligence, and you agree that our
company is not liable Ior any success or Iailure oI your well!being or your saIety directly or
indirectly related to the use oI the inIormation contained in this manual.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Why crecIe cn b|t|mote Freporedness Monuo|" when much cf Ihe
infcrmcIicn ccnIcinec wiIhin iI i: c|reccy recci|y cvci|cL|e Ihe cn:wer i:
in Ihe ue:Iicn. 8$2*,9$ Ihere i: c|reccy :c much infcrmcIicn frcm :c
mcny cifferenI :curce:, "#$ %&'()*'$ +,-.(.*& /-01$2' wc: crecIec Ic :erve
c: c :ing|e re|icL|e :curce, cn cggregcIcr cf Ihe Le:I ccnIenI cvci|cL|e Ic
he|p ycu cnc ycur |cvec cne: :urvive, Lefcre, curing, cnc cfIer c ncIurc|
ci:c:Ier cr emergency.
Ihe infcrmcIicn in Ihi: mcnuc| cce: ncI ccme frcm cny :ing|e :curce LuI
repre:enI: Ihe cccumu|cIec g|cLc| Lccy-cf-kncw|ecge frcm Di:c:Ier
Frepcrecne:: /gencie:, Ncn-GcvernmenIc| /gencie: {NGC':), IhcughI
Leccer:, Mi|iIcry cnc Civi|icn Survivc| Ircining Mcnuc|: cnc Ihe per:cnc|
experience: cf huncrec: cf :urvivcr:. Ihe mcnuc| i: c Living DccumenI
IhcI i: ccn:IcnI|y upccIec wiIh Ihe Le:I infcrmcIicn cvci|cL|e, cnc iI i:
ce:ignec Ic puI IhcI infcrmcIicn cI ycur fingerIip:, whenever cnc
wherever ycu neec iI.
Ycu cn|y hcve Ic |cck cI recenI hecc|ine: Ic uncer:Icnc Ihe neec fcr Ihi:
mcnuc|. 8uI Ihe inIenIicn cf Ihi: mcnuc| i: ncI Ic frighIen LuI Ic en|ighIen
cnc empcwer ycu. Ic cpen ycur eye: Ic Ihe rec|iIy IhcI we cre |iving cn c
frcgi|e p|cneI IhcI i: :hcwing :ign: cf recching c Iipping pcinI IhcI ccnncI
cnc :hcu|c ncI Le igncrec.
Ihi: mcnuc| prcvice: re|icL|e, prccIicc|, cnc u:efu| infcrmcIicn, ce:ignec
Ic in:pire :e|f-re|icnce. lI prcvice: Lc:ic infcrmcIicn IhcI wi|| increc:e ycur
ccc: curing c ci:c:Ier cr emergency LuI cLcve c|| e|:e iI prcvice:
guiccnce IhcI rep|cce: fecr -- wiIh ccnficence.
Ihe mcnuc| c|:c :Icnc: c: c Ie:IcmenI Ic Ihe icec IhcI cur cnce:Icr:
ccme inIc Ihi: wcr|c wiIh c|| Ihey neecec Ic :urvive nc mcIIer whcI |ife
ccu|c Ihrcw cI Ihem. Ihi: |iving, LrecIhing Lccy-cf- kncw|ecge :erve: c: c
remincer IhcI pcwer remcin: wiIhin :0,, cnc ccn Le Icppec inIc when
Ihe mccern ccnvenience: ycu Icke fcr grcnIec ccn nc |cnger Le
ccunIec cn.
Steve Goodmon, +$;(0- 5<('0- *;< =-('$-
Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
CIungIng Your MIndseL Irom VIcLIm Lo SurvIvor
Does cnthin in ncture despcir except mcn? An cnimcl uith c joot
ccuht in c trcp does not seem to despcir. It is too bus trin to surtite.
-- Mc Scrton, 1ourncl oj c Solitude
/I 2:00/M cn /ug. 12, 2000, Ihen 83-yecr-c|c Ii||ie IccIer :eI cuI Ic pick up
her re|cIive: cI Ihe FcrI Lcucercc|e /Hc||ywccc lnIerncIicnc| /irpcrI. She
never crrivec. EvenIuc||y her GrcncccughIer, Lcri Simm: cnc her
Lcyfrienc Icck c ccL Ic Ii||ie: cpcrImenI. When :he wc: ncI Ihere,
fecring Ihe wcr:I, Simm: repcrIec her mi::ing. Where :he ccIuc||y wc:,
Simm: ccu|c ncI hcve imcginec in her wi|ce:I crecm:. Ii||ie wc: hcnging
:u:pencec, Ircppec in her ccr, in c c|uIch cf Iree: cLcve c mcngrcve
:wcmp. Her ccr hcc ccrcmec cver c civicer, when iI wc: :Iruck frcm
Lehinc Ly c hiI cnc run. 8rui:ec cnc Lrcken, Ihere Ii||ie :Icyec, fcr Ihree
ccy:, :urviving cn rcinwcIer :he gcIherec wiIh c :Ieering whee| ccver :he
pckec Ihrcugh Ihe :hcIIerec winc:hie|c, cnc c few piece: cf ccncy.
Ii||ie: :Icry mcce hecc|ine: ncIicnwice, cnc Ihe fei:Iy F|cricc
GrcncmcIher Leccme c mecic ccr|ing cppecring cn Icccy," Gccc
Mcrning /mericc," cnc mcny cIher IV :hcw:.
ln:piring Ic|e: cf :urvivc| :uch c: Ii||ie: cre ncI unccmmcn, cfIen Ihey cre
fecIurec in Lcck: cr cre Iurnec inIc mcjcr mcIicn picIure:. Such c: Ihe
hcrrcwing evenI: :urrcuncing Ihe p|cne crc:h in Ihe /nce: in CcIcLer
172 cnc whcI Ihe :urviving memLer: cf Ihe Urugucycn rugLy Iecm cn
Lccrc were fcrcec Ic cc Ic :urvive, cepicIec in Ihe Mcvie /|ive." Cr
mcre recenI|y Jcme: Frcncc: C:ccr ncmincIec pcrIrcyc| cf mcunIcin
c|imLer /rcn Fc|:Icn cnc hi: increciL|e i||-fcIec 127 hcur:" in Ihe 8|ue
Jchn Ccnycn cf UIch.
8uI ju:I c: iI cce: ncI Icke c mcjcr ci:c:Ier Ic finc ycur:e|f in c ce:percIe
:iIucIicn, ncI c|| :urvivc| :Icrie: mcke hecc|ine:. Ihere cre Ihcu:cnc: cf
euc||y cmczing :Icrie: cf :urvivc| IhcI cccur ccrc:: Ihe p|cneI every ccy.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Such c: Vicki Fhcce:, c nur:e frcm Sc|em, /rkcn:c: whc cwcke frcm c
ncp Ic finc her cpcrImenI engu|fec in f|cme:. De:piIe Ihe hecI cnc
:mcke, :he fcunc her wcy Ic c winccw, cnc jumpec Ihe Ihree :Icrie:,
Lrecking LcIh her |eg: cnc feeI, LuI :urviving.
Cr cncIher grcncmcIher c: :Ircng cnc :IuLLcrn c: Ii||ie IccIer, Iere:c
8crcci:, c 2-yecr-c|c French wcmcn, whc :urvivec 11 ccy: |c:I in Ihe
Spcni:h Fyrenee: |iving cn ncIhing LuI rcin wcIer cnc niLL|ing cn wi|c
Cr Shcyne Ycung whc :IumL|ec cver 3 mi|e: Ic :cfeIy, encuring Ihe
unLe|ievcL|e pcin cf frccIurec verIeLrce, Ic cvcic freezing Ic cecIh cn
Icp cf c mcunIcin, cfIer hi: /IV hcc cverIurnec, necr|y cru:hing him Ic
WheIher Iheir pcrIicu|cr :Icrie: Leccme |egenccry cr ncI, whcI c|| cf
Ihe:e pecp|e hcc in ccmmcn wc: Ihe ceIermincIicn, Ihe wi|| - ncI Ic Le c
vicIim. Ihey :cic Ic Ihem:e|ve:, cnc :cmeIime: even :hcuIec cuI-|cuc:
LeI: |cck cI whcI iI rec||y mecn: Ic :urvive." Survivc|, in iI: mc:I |iIerc|
:en:e mecn: Ic :Icy c|ive." WiIh Ihe pc::iL|e excepIicn cf ccmp|eIe cnc
uIIer Lreckccwn cf g|cLc| :ccieIy -- c|Ihcugh Ihi: mcnuc| wi|| he|p ycu
Ihrcugh IhcI c: we|| - Ihi: u:uc||y mecn:, mere|y remcining c|ive unIi| he|p
crrive: cnc ycu ccn Le re:cuec. /nc IhcI hc: mcre Ic cc wiIh ycur
cIIiIuce, Ihcn cny Ircining ycu hcve hcc, cr euipmenI ycu hcve cn
Ihe New ku|e o| Ihrees
Ihere i: :cmeIhing IhcI everycne whc hc: Icken cny kinc cf :urvivc|
Ircining hc: hcc crummec inIc hi: cr her hecc, iI: cc||ec Ihe Fu|e cf
A person con surv|ve |or:
TIree mInuLes wILIouL uIr
TIree Iours wILIouL sIeILer
TIree duys wILIouL wuLer
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
TIree weeks wILIouL Iood
Ihe icec Lehinc Ihe Fu|e cf Ihree: i: c :imp|e cne: :c ycu kncw ycur
pricriIie: in cny emergency :iIucIicn. ln Ihe fccc cL:e::ec mccern :ccieIy
we |ive in, unIrcinec pecp|e whc finc Ihem:e|ve: fcr Ihe fir:I Iime in cn
emergency :iIucIicn, cfIen :penc Iheir Iime running crcunc exhcu:Iing
Ihem:e|ve: fincing :curce: cf fccc, cnc :uccen|y iI: nighIfc||, cc|c,
rcining, cr :ncwing, cnc Ihey cre cecc Ly mcrning wiIhcuI :he|Ier.
When ycu hcve fini:hec Ihi: mcnuc| ycu wi|| kncw Ihe Fu|e cf Ihree: cnc
hcw Ic cpp|y ecch cf Ihem in ju:I cLcuI cny emergency :iIucIicn ycu
mcy ever finc ycur:e|f cr ycur fcmi|y in. 8uI ycu wi|| c|:c hcve Ihe
ccnficence IhcI ccme: frcm c New ku|e o| Ihrees:
TIree minutes wILI LIIs book und you wIII undersLund wIy you musL
prepure Lo survIve;
TIree hours wILI LIIs book, you wIII sLurL Lo undersLund Iow Lo survIve;
TIree dcs wILI LIIs book und you wIII sLurL Lo prepure Lo survIve;
TIree ueels wILI LIIs book und you 3(&& survIve!
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
SecIicn l
+,-.(.*& 8*9(29
Ij one recds enouh bools one hcs c jihtin chcnce.
Dr better, one's chcnces oj surtitcl increcse uith ecch bool one recds.
- Shermcn Alexie
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 1
Mento| ond Fhys|co|

"Whct the mind ccn conceite cnd beliete, it ccn cchiete."
- Ncpoleon Hill
Cne cf Ihe guicing princip|e: cf '#$ %&'()*'$ +,-.(.*& /-01$2' i: Scme
pecp|e wi|| cc everyIhing Ic :urvive, LuI everyLccy ccn cc :cmeIhing."
WhcI IhcI mecn: i: IhcI Ihere wi|| c|wcy: Le Ihc:e whc hcve Leen
:pecic||y Ircinec in :urvivc| :ki||:, wheIher IhcI i: frcm c mi|iIcry
Lcckgrcunc, c chc:en prcfe::icn, cr per:cnc| chcice. 8uI, Leing
prepcrec fcr cn emergency cr ncIurc| ci:c:Ier cce:n'I mecn ycu hcve Ic
Le c Ncvy SE/L, cr hcve ccce:: Ic un|imiIec re:curce:, cr hcve c cegree
in emergency mcncgemenI. WiIh c |iII|e ccnficence, crecIiviIy cnc Ihe
righI kncw|ecge, ycu ccn Le prepcrec cnc increc:e ycur ccc: cf :urvivc|
in cny ci:c:Ier cr emergency.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
8eing menIc||y prepcrec Ic fcce c cri:i: i: c: impcrIcnI c: cny piece cf
euipmenI cr Iechniue IhcI wi|| Le menIicnec in Ihi: mcnuc|. /
genercIicn cgc, Leing prepcrec wc: mcre Ihcn ju:I Ihe mcIIc cf Ihe 8cy
SccuI:: iI wc: c wcy cf |ife. Ycur grcncpcrenI: knew iI ju:I mcce ccmmcn
:en:e Ic prepcre fcr cn unexpecIec emergency cr ci:c:Ier. Icccy, ycur
frienc: cnc fcmi|y mcy |cck cI ycu |ike ycure nuI:. when ycu Ic|k cLcuI
Ihe neec fcr emergency :upp|ie: cnc c ci:c:Ier p|cn.
IhcI i: Leccu:e in recenI genercIicn: we hcve Leccme ccmp|ccenI. We
hcve hcc ever increc:ing mccern ccnvenience:, mcking |ife ec:y, cnc
hcve enjcyec |cng pericc: cf re|cIive fincncic| ec:e. Fcre|y hcve cny cf
u: cr cur frienc: cr neighLcr: hcc cny prcL|em: wiIh Ihe cvci|cLi|iIy cf
gccc: cnc e::enIic| :ervice:. When ycu recc Ihe hecc|ine: cf IerriL|e
ci:c:Ier: in Jcpcn, HciIi cr even c|c:er Ic hcme in New Cr|ecn:, LuI :Ii||
Icke cn cIIiIuce cf iI: :cc, LuI :cmeIhing |ike IhcI ccnI hcppen Ic me."
Ycu mcy Le Icking Ihe inccrrecI cIIiIuce c: Ihi: ccn hcppen Ic cnycne.
lI i: Ihe unfcre:een :iIucIicn. /nc Ihe :ccner ycu prepcre fcr iI in ycur
minc, Ihe LeIIer ycu wi|| Le cL|e Ic prepcre c|| crcunc.
Dic ycu ever :Icp Ic wcncer why in cny given ci:c:Ier, when c grcup cf
pecp|e fcce :imi|cr, cire circum:Icnce:, :cme mcke iI whi|e cIher: peri:h
Ski||: cnc Iheir re|cIive |eve| cf prepcrecne:: cre fccIcr: cf ccur:e, LuI :c i:
Iheir menIc| cIIiIucel Hcving Ihe :urvivcr menIc|iIy" ccn cfIen mecn Ihe
cifference LeIween |ife cnc cecIh.
Hcw ycu cec| wiIh :Ire:: hc: c |cI Ic cc wiIh ycur cLi|iIy Ic :urvive in cny
kinc cf cri:i:. lI i:n'I c|wcy: Ihe per:cn wiIh Ihe grecIe:I phy:icc| :IrengIh
IhcI i: LeIIer cI hcnc|ing cn emergency cnc mcre |ike|y Ic :urvive. 8eing
cL|e Ic Ihink c|ecr|y i: ycur mc:I vc|ucL|e c::eI in c :urvivc| :iIucIicn.
lI hc: Leen prcven Iime cnc Iime cgcin hcw menIc| cnc emcIicnc| :IcIe:
cre mcre impcrIcnI Ihcn phy:icc| :ki||: in :urvivc| :iIucIicn: - ju:I Icke c
|cck cgcin cI Ihe :Icry cf Ii||ie IccIer menIicnec in cur lnIrc. Ycu ccn hcve
Ihe :IrengIh cf cn C|ympic cIh|eIe, cnc Ihe Le:I :urvivc| gecr cvci|cL|e,
LuI Ihey wi|| Le u:e|e:: Ic ycu if ycu c||cw fecr cnc :Ire:: Ic Ickecver -
cnc ycu :ink inIc ce:pcir cnc c negcIive cIIiIuce.
When enccunIering exIreme|y hczcrccu: :iIucIicn:, ycur mc:I crucic| Ic:k
wi|| Le Ic :c|ve prcL|em: c: Ihey cri:e in crcer Ic :Icy c|ive. Ycu mu:I Le
cL|e Ic reccgnize IhrecI: Ic ycur |ife, kncw Iheir pricriIy cf :ignificcnce,
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
cnc Ihe :everiIy cf Ihe IhrecI Ic ycur |ife. Ihen ycu mu:I Le cL|e Ic Icke
Ihe nece::cry ccIicn IhcI wi|| keep ycu c|ive. lI i: c phy:icc| fccI, IhcI
when ycu cre cc|m ycur Lrcin ccn prcce:: infcrmcIicn mcre efficienI|y,
cnc prcL|em :c|ve mcre effecIive|y - IhcI i: whcI i: mecnI Ly Ihinking
/cccrcing Ic Ihe U.S. /rmy Survivc| Mcnuc|, :Ire:: ccn in:pire ycu Ic
cpercIe :ucce::fu||y cnc perfcrm cI ycur mcximum efficiency in c :urvivc|
:iIucIicn. 8uI iI wcrn: IhcI :Ire:: ccn c|:c ccu:e even Ihe Le:I :c|cier Ic
pcnic cnc fcrgeI hi: Ircining.
Ihe key Ic ycur cwn :urvivc| i: ycur cLi|iIy Ic mcncge Ihe ineviIcL|e :Ire::
ycu wi|| enccunIer in cn emergency. Ycu cre c :urvivcr when ycu wcrk
wiIh :Ire:: in:Iecc cf |eIIing ycur :Ire:: wcrk cn ycu. Fecr cnc pcnic cre
ycur grecIe:I enemie:. Un|e:: ycu |ecrn Ic ccnIrc| Ihem, Ihey ccn ce:Ircy
ycur cLi|iIy Ic mcke inIe||igenI ceci:icn: cnc ccu:e ycu Ic reccI Ic ycur
fee|ing: cnc imcgincIicn rcIher Ihcn Ic ycur :iIucIicn.
/nc whcI cce: Ihe /rmy mcnuc| :cy ccn vcnui:h fecr cnc pcnic"
Ircining cnc :e|f-ccnficencel /nc ycu ccnI neec mi|iIcry |eve| Ircining Ic
cchieve IhcIl WhcI ycu cc neec i: :cme Lc:ic Ircining {:uch c: Ihe
infcrmcIicn prcvicec in Ihe Mcnuc|) LuI mcre impcrIcnI|y Ihe :e|f-
ccnficence IhcI ccme: frcm kncwing IhcI ci:c:Ier: ccn hcppen, cnc
Leing prcper|y prepcrec fcr Ihem.
When geIIing ycur:e|f menIc||y prepcrec fcr ci:c:Ier, c|wcy: keep in minc
IhcI iI cce:nI Icke c mcjcr ccIc:Ircphe cr ecrIh-:hcIIering evenI fcr ycu
Ic finc ycur:e|f in cn emergency :iIucIicn. /: Ihe :cying gce: Sh*I
Hcppen:." Ccr: Lreckccwn, pcwer gce: cuI, unexpecIec wecIher
mcve: in... c :imp|e wrcng Iurn cnc ycu ccn Le in ccngercu: cnc
unfcmi|icr :urrcuncing:. Ihe CenIrc| lncicnc Wi|cerne:: C|uL
{ClWC|uL.crg) ccvi:e: cny wcu|c-Le ccvenIurer: cuI cn cny Irek Ic Win
Ihe Minc Gcme" Ly >;0?(;@ ?#*' :0, >;0?A *;< *<)(''(;@ ?#*' :0,
ccn't" B$40-$ venIuring cuI.
Ihey c|:c Ie|| c|| Lcckpccker: Ic c|wcy: "SIOF" -

GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
S=SIcp I=Ihink O= CL:erve F= F|cn
IhcI c|:c cpp|ie: Ic Leing prepcrec fcr cny ci:c:Ier, cnc ncI ju:I cne: IhcI
ccu|c cccur cn Ihe Irci|.
Ihink cf Ihe hcrce:I menIc| chc||enge ycu hcve ever hcc Ic fcce cnc
cverccme in ycur |ife. ln cny :urvivc| :iIucIicn ycu wi|| |ike|y Le ccnfrcnIec
Ly prcL|em: fcr wcr:e. Ycur menIc| cIIiIuce wi|| Le ycur grecIe:I :IrengIh,
LuI iI ccu|c c|:c Le ycur ccwnfc||. Ycu wi|| hcve Ic cefecI negcIive
IhcughI: cnc emcIicn:, cnc c|:c ccnuer ycur grecIe:I fecr:. Ycu wi||
never Le furIher cwcy frcm ycur ccmfcrI zcne." 8eing prepcrec Ic cec|
emcIicnc||y wiIh c ci:c:Ier Lefcre iI cccur: wi|| he|p ycu Ic :hifI ycur
menIc| prcce::e: cwcy frcm ce:pcir, cnc Icke cn c l ccn hcnc|e Ihi:"
cIIiIuce when c cri:i: crrive:l
Mccern :ccieIy hc: ccnciIicnec ycur minc Ic expecI in:IcnI re|ief frcm
ci:ccmfcrI. lf iI: ccrk ycu ju:I f|ip cn c |ighI :wiIch, if ycu cre hungry, ycu
ju:I run Ic Ihe fricge, when ycu cre cc|c, ycu Iurn up Ihe hecI.
8uI ycur menIc| ccnciIicning ccn c|:c Le unccnciIicnec. Ycur minc hc: c
remcrkcL|e cLi|iIy Ic cccpI. Ycu ccn Iurn Lcck Ic ycur in:IincI:, cnc
reIrcin ycur minc Ic c|wcy: hcpe fcr Ihe Le:I, LuI prepcre fcr Ihe wcr:I.
Fecr i: c very rec| humcn emcIicn. Fecr i: c ncIurc| reccIicn Ic c cri:i:.
Ihere i: ncI c ccmLcI veIercn, c pc|ice cfficer, c fir:I re:pcncer, cr
cnycne e|:e IhcI ycu mighI ccn:icer Lrcve" IhcI wcu|c Ie|| ycu Ihey cre
fecr|e::" in ccmLcI cr cIher |ife cnc cecIh :iIucIicn:. Ihe cefiniIicn cf
ccurcge i: ncI Ihe cL:ence cf fecr LuI iI: cccepIcnce cnc cLi|iIy Ic u:e iI
pc:iIive|y when ycu ccn, cnc cverccme iI when ycu mu:I.
Cf grecIer ccncern Ihcn fecr, i: pcnic. Simp|y puI, in c :urvivc| :iIucIicn
pcnic ccn Le cecc|y. Fcnic i: ycur unccnIrc||ec neec Ic fcrgeI
everyIhing cnc ju:I Iry Ic run frcm ycur :iIucIicn. Fcnic i: Iriggerec Ly Ihe
:Ire:: ccu:ec Ly fecr cf Ihe unkncwn, c |cck cf ccnficence, ncI kncwing
whcI Ic cc nexI, cnc |eIIing ycur imcgincIicn geI Ihe Le:I cf ycu.
Ihe Army monuo| descr|bes severo| "stressors" |n surv|vo| s|tuot|ons:
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
8uI if ycu |cck c|c:e|y cI IhcI |i:I cnc Ihe ccu:e: cf pcnic in Ihe pcrcgrcph
cLcve iI - ycu wi|| finc IhcI Ihere i: cne ccmmcn wcy Ic cverccme ecch
cnc every cne cf Ihc:e :Ire::cr: - FFEF/FEDNESSl
lcec||y, ycu ccn ccuire prepcrecne:: Ly u:ing Ihi: mcnuc|. Ycu ccn
fcce c ci:c:Ier, cr cri:i: :iIucIicn, Leccu:e ycu wi|| hcve Ihe kncw|ecge,
Ihe euipmenI, cnc Ihe :ki||: neecec Ic increc:e ycur ccnficence,
mcncge ycur fecr:, cnc e|imincIe Ihe neec Ic pcnic.
WhcI iI rec||y c|| Lci|: ccwn Ic i: Ihi:: ycu mcy never Le cL|e Ic ccnIrc| Ihe
circum:Icnce: IhcI hcve puI ycu in c :urvivc| :iIucIicn - LuI whcI ycu ccn
/LW/YS ccnIrc| i: ycur reccIicn: Ic Ihem. 8eing cL|e Ic mcncge :Ire::
cnc cvcic pcnic wi|| :ignificcnI|y imprcve ycur cLi|iIy Ic :Icy cc|m, remcin
fccu:ec cnc keep ycur:e|f cnc Ihc:e crcunc ycu c|ive curing cny cri:i:.
Lecrning re|cxcIicn Iechniue:, c::erIive :ki||:, cnc keeping c pc:iIive
cIIiIuce wi|| c|| he|p. 8uI ycur grecIe:I pcwer cver pcnic i: Ihe ccnficence
IhcI ccme: frcm Ihe |eve| cf prepcrecne:: ycu wi|| hcve Ly fc||cwing Ihe
ccvice ycu wi|| finc in Ihi: mcnuc|. Keep iI :cfe: keep iI c|c:e - cnc ycu
mcy c|wcy: kncw whcI Ic cc.
NexI Ic Leing menIc||y prepcrec, cne cf Ihe mc:I impcrIcnI Ihing: ycu
ccn cc Ic increc:e ycur chcnce: cf :urviving c ci:c:Ier cr cri:i: :iIucIicn, i:
Ic keep ycur:e|f c: phy:icc||y fiI c: pc::iL|e. Ihe Iime Ic Iry Ic geI in :hcpe
i: ncI curing c cri:i:l
SIcrI wiIh geIIing c ccmp|eIe phy:icc| Ly ycur cccIcr. Hcve ycur IeeIh
Ihcrcugh|y checkec Ly ycur cenIi:I. lf ycu hcve cny prcL|em: wiIh ycur
IeeIh, geI Ihem Icken ccre cf. 8e|ieve iI cr ncI c mincr IccIh prcL|em
ccn Iurn cecc|y in c :urvivc| :iIucIicn.
Ihe Ihing: ycu hcve hecrc cLcuI imprcving ycur cieI fcr everyccy hec|Ih,
cre even mcre impcrIcnI if ycu wcnI Ic increc:e ycur chcnce: cf :urvivc|
curing c cri:i:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
GeIIing ycur:e|f inIc Survivc| Shcpe" i: c|| cLcuI ccnciIicning ycur minc
cnc Lccy fcr mcre cpIimum perfcrmcnce. /nc ycu ccn cc Ihi: wheIher
ycu cre 25, 45, 55, cr 75l
Ihe LenefiI: ycu wi|| gcin Ly Leginning c prcper fiIne:: regimen wi|| gc
we|| Leycnc increc:ing ycur ccc: cf :urviving c ncIurc| ci:c:Ier - iI wi||
Lcc:I ycur ccc: cf :urviving cn ever-increc:ing Icxic envircnmenI.
Fcr cIh|eIe:, Feck Ferfcrmcnce" mecn: geIIing Ihe mc:I cuI cf Iheir
Lccie: cnc Ihem:e|ve:. IhcI mecn: :eIIing c|ecr gcc|:, hcving c winning
cIIiIuce - cnc puIIing cn|y Ihe Le:I fue|" in Ihe engine c: pc::iL|e. WiIh
Ihc:e Ihree Lc:ic IhcughI: in minc, cnyLccy ccn cchieve peck
perfcrmcnce cI cny cge.
Ihe Le:I wcy Ic geI hec|Ihy, cnc :Icy hec|Ihy i: Ic :IcrI wiIh c: c|ecn c
:|cIe c: pc::iL|e, cnc IhcI mecn: ceIcxificcIicn. DeIcxificcIicn i: Ihe wcy
Ic c|ecn:e ycur Lccy cf cccumu|cIec :uL:Icnce: frcm prcce::ec cr junk
fccc: cnc cIher Icxin: :uch c: ccffeine, niccIine cnc c|cchc|. IhcI cce:
ncI mecn ycu hcve Ic gc :penc Iwc week: crinking grc:: cI c reIrecI
:cmewhere. Ycu mcy Le cL|e Ic cchieve c mecningfu| per:cnc| ceIcx"
Ly cuIIing ccwn cn Ihe ccffee, c|cchc|, :cIurcIec fcI:, cnc :ugcr. /
c|c::ic ceIcxificcIicn cieI gce: hcnc-in-hcnc wiIh c cieI IhcI wi|| imprcve
ycur hec|Ih cverc||.
ln cIher wcrc:, Ihe :cme reccmmenccIicn: IhcI ccn ceIcxify ycur Lccy
ccn c|:c he|p ycu |c:e weighI cnc |cwer ycur chc|e:Ierc|, L|ccc :ugcr,
cnc L|ccc pre::ure. / Iwc-week ceIcxificcIicn :IcrI: wiIh crinking wcIer,
cnc |cI: cf iI, cI |ec:I Iwc Ic Ihree |iIer: c ccy. /n ec:y wcy Ic ccccmp|i:h
Ihi: - Iry :uL:IiIuIing c g|c:: cf wcIer fcr cI |ec:I Iwc cup: cf ccffee cnc/cr
:ccc per ccy

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 1114 N. Arlington
Heights Rd., Arlington Heights, L 60004. (847) 818"1800.; See also, Alternative Therapies Magazine. P.O. Box
17969, Durham, NC 27715. (919) 668"8825. http://www.Alternative"

GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ihree woys to detox over the next two weeks |nc|ude:
Cut Out the A|coho|. lI mcy Le rcugh, LuI cL:Icining fcr Iwc week: wi||
|cwer ycur Irig|ycerice:, cnc ccu|c he|p |ecc Ic weighI |c::. /|:c, crinking
cfIen gce: c|cng wiIh ecIing junk fccc cnc :c|Iy :ncck:, when cuI cuI Ihe
crink ycu cuI ccwn cn Ihe junk.
Soy Goodbye to Ihe Sweets. Hcving c :weeI IccIh" i:nI ju:I cn
expre::icn - iI: c geneIic rec|iIy. Cur Lrcin: cre wirec Ic crcve :ugcr. lI:
Leen fcunc IhcI :ugcr :Iimu|cIe: Ihe :cme p|ec:ure cenIer:" in Ihe Lrcin
c: mcrphine. 8uI Ihe high" ccme: wiIh c high" price, :uch c: high"
chc|e:Ierc| cnc high" L|ccc pre::ure, :ince mc:I cf Ihe fccc: |ccen wiIh
:ugcr, cre c|:c |cccec wiIh fcI cnc chc|e:Ierc|. Ihe key Ic cuIIing ccwn
cn :ugcr inIcke i: ncI :c much in cuIIing cuI Ihe cLvicu: fccc: |ike ccke:
cnc chccc|cIe Lcr: IhcI i: ncI where mc:I cf u: geI :ugcrec up"
cnywcy. Ycu neec Ic cvcic Ihe :necky" cccec :ugcr: |ike high frucIc:e
ccrn :yrup IhcI mcnufccIurer: |ccc inIc c|| :crI: cf prepcrec fccc:,
inc|ucing Lrecc:, pc:Ic, keIchup, cnc :c|cc cre::ing. Sugcr i: ncI c|wcy:
cLvicu:. Lcck fcr Ihing: cn Ihe |cLe| |ike :ucrc:e, cr cnyIhing e|:e encing
in -c:e", cexIrin, cnc mc|I, cr ccrn :yrup - Ihe:e cre c|| :ugcr. Ic wecn
ycur Lccy cff cf :ugcr - Iry u:ing :pice: :uch c: cinncmcn, cr c|mcnc, cr
vcni||c exIrccI Ic :weeIen fccc: cnc Levercge:. Feec ycur crcving fcr
:weeI: wiIh fruiI:. Ihe fiLer cnc cnIicxiccnI: wi|| hcve cccec LenefiI: cnc
wi|| {ccc) he|p ycu cchieve ycur gcc| cf Survivc| Shcpe.
8oot the "8od Fots." Ycu hcve hecrc Ihe cri||: Ihere cre gccc fcI:" cnc
Lcc fcI:". Ihe Lcc guy: cre Ihe :cIurcIec fcI:, which cre ncIurc||y fcunc
in Leef cnc mc:I cnimc| prccucI: cnc fu||-fcI cciry prccucI:, cnc Ihe
mcn-mcce Lcgeymen, Ircn:-fcI: cnc hycrcgencIec fcI:. Ycu kncw hcw
:cme prccucI: :eem |ike Ihey ccn :Icy cn Ihe :he|f fcrever U:uc||y IhcI:
Leccu:e cf Ircn:-fcI:. Ihe prcL|em i: cnce Ihe :Iuff geI: inIc cur Lccie:,
iI: very hcrc Ic geI ric cf Ihem. /: ycu hcve prcLcL|y hecrc Ihere cre
Iwc kinc: cf chc|e:Ierc|, cne gccc" cne Lcc". ScIurcIec fcI: rci:e Ihe
Lcc" kinc {LDL). Ihe nc:Iy Ircn:-fcI:, ncI cn|y rci:e Ihe Lcc" chc|e:Ierc|,
Ihey cecrec:e Ihe gccc" {HDL). SwiIch frcm crecm Ic |cw fcI, cr :kim
mi|k, :Icp Ihe ccc-cn:" |ike mcyc cnc LuIIer. Cf ccur:e Ihe rich ce::erI:
hcve Ic gc.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
McyLe ycu in:IincIive|y kncw IhcI Ihere cre :cme fccc: IhcI cre LeIIer fcr
ycu Ihcn cIher:. 8uI cic ycu kncw IhcI increc:ing Ihe ccn:umpIicn cf
cerIcin fccc: ccu|c Lcc:I ycur immune :y:Iem, recuce :Ire::, ccmLcI
ci:ec:e, cnc |engIhen ycur |ife wheIher cr ncI ycu mcy ever hcve Ic
:urvive c cri:i:
Ihey cre Ihe grcup cf fccc: cc||ecIive|y kncwn c: :uperfccc:." Scme
:uperfccc: wi|| ccme c: nc :urpri:e. FememLer hcw ycur mcm c|wcy:
Ic|c ycu Ic ecI ycur Lrcccc|i Seem: :he knew whcI c|inicc| :Iucie: hcve
ncw prcven. 8rcccc|i i: cne cf Ihe mc:I pcIenI :uperfccc: Ihere i:. CIher:
mcy :urpri:e ycu :uch c: Lecn: cnc cerIcin nuI:.
WhcI mcke: Ihem :c :uper Superfccc: mcy ncI cre:: up in IighI: cnc
ccpe:, LuI mcny cf Ihem cre rcIher cc|crfu| cnc ec:y Ic :pcI. IhcI:
Leccu:e cne cf Ihe Ihing: IhcI c|| :uperfccc: hcve in ccmmcn cre
phyIcchemicc|:. FhyIcchemicc|: cre Ihe :uL:Icnce: IhcI give p|cnI: Iheir
cc|cr, Iheir nuIriIicn, cnc Iheir ci:ec:e re:i:Icnce. /|:c iI gce: wiIhcuI
:cying IhcI c|| :uperfccc: cre c|| ncIurc|". Ycu wi|| ncI finc cnyIhing
prcce::ec cr refinec in c :uperfccc. Ihe cIher cIIriLuIe: IhcI c||
:uperfccc: hcve in ccmmcn cre cnIicxiccnI:, high nuIriIicn, cnc fiLer. lI:
c Irip|e punch IhcI ccc: up Ic peck perfcrmcnce.
/: c grcup, c|| cf Ihe :uperfccc: ccnIcin key nuIrienI: IhcI hcve Leen
fcunc in :Iucy cfIer :Iucy Ic mcximize hec|Ih. YeI Ihe:e cre Ihe :cme
nuIrienI: IhcI cre |ccking in Ihe cieI: cf mc:I /mericcn:. Ihe :uperfccc:
cre rich in ViIcmin: /, 8, cnc C. CriIicc| minerc|: :uch c: fc|cIe,
mcgne:ium, cnc pcIc::ium cre fcunc in Ihe :uperfccc:, c: cre Ihe gccc
fcI:" :uch c: cmegc 3: cnc gcmmc-|inc|enic ccic.
Exomp|es o| super|oods |nc|ude:
Green Teu - use IoL wuLer, buL noL boIIIng Lo preserve beneIILs
TurL CIerrIes
GojI BerrIes
WIeuL Germ
Durk CIocoIuLe - noL mIIk cIocoIuLe - IL musL be durk cIocoIuLe Lo Iuve
uny IeuILI beneIILs, wILI uL IeusL 8o% cucuo
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
SIcying hec|Ihy cnc fiI cnc increc:ing ycur chcnce: cf :urviving c ci:c:Ier
i: cn cngcing prcce::. / fiIne:: cnc cieI prcgrcm high in cnIi-cxiccnI: wi||
ncIurc||y Lcc:I ycur immune :y:Iem cnc :IrengIhen ycur re:i:Icnce Ic f|u
cnc c|| pcIhcgen:. Lecrning hcw Ic ccck hec|Ihy fccc, cnc hcw Ic ccck
fccc frcm :crcIch, cre ncI cn|y grecI |ife :ki||: - Ihey cre :urvivc| :ki||:.
lncrec:e Ihe cmcunI cf rcw fruiI: cnc vegeIcL|e: ycu ecI cn c cci|y Lc:i:,
whi|e Irying Ic Leccme |e:: re|icnI cn prcce::ec fccc: cnc mccern
prepcrcIicn. Lecrn hcw Ic Lcke Lrecc in:Iecc cf Luying iI frcm Ihe
mcrkeI. lI': ncI IhcI hcrc, iI': hec|Ihier, cnc iI mcy :cve ycur |ife in Ihe fie|c
cne ccyl
8e:ice: geIIing in Survivc| Shcpe" cncIher pcrI cf imprcving ycur phy:icc|
prepcrecne:: Ic fcce c ci:c:Ier i: Ic gcin :cme ccciIicnc| :ki||: IhcI ccu|c
ccme in hcncy. lf ycu cc ncI kncw hcw Ic :wim, |ecrn. Icke c ccur:e in
Ycgc, Ici Chi, cr cIher :Ire:: recucIicn Iechniue:. Ihe:e ccn he|p ycu
ccpe Lefcre, curing cnc cfIer c ci:c:Ier. GeI Ircinec in Lc:ic :e|f-cefen:e.
Ihe mcre ycu ccn |ecrn, cnc Ihe mcre ycu ccn chc||enge ycur:e|f
phy:icc||y - Ihe LeIIer ycu wi|| Le cL|e Ic reccI in cn emergency.
lI i: c|:c c very gccc icec Ic |ecrn CFF cnc Lc:ic fir:I cic. Ycur |ccc| Fec
Crc:: ChcpIer {FecCrc::.crg) give: mcny :uch ccur:e:. Ihey ccn he|p
ycu Le LeIIer prepcrec in emergency :iIucIicn:, Lui|c ccnficence, cnc
c|:c cre grecI wcy Ic meeI |ike-mincec pecp|e cnc increc:e ycur
neIwcrk cf frienc: -- which i: c gccc Ihing Ic hcve, in cr cuI cf c cri:i:l
Whi|e emLcrking cn |ife:Iy|e chcnge: Ic imprcve ycur cverc|| hec|Ih cre
generc||y ccn:icerec :cunc :Iep: Ic Icke, iI i: c|wcy: ccvi:cL|e Ic ccn:u|I
wiIh ycur mecicc| prccIiIicner Lefcre mcking cny rccicc| chcnge: in ycur
cieI cr exerci:e prcgrcm.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 2
Assess|ng Your k|sks

A prudent person joresees dcner cnd tcles preccutions.
The simpleton oes blindl on cnd sujjers the consequences."
- Proterbs z;::z
Cne cf Ihe mc:I impcrIcnI Ihing: ycu ccn cc Ic prepcre i: Ic c::e:: ycur
ri:k: cf whcI ycu mcy neec Ic Le prepcring fcr. Ihere cre generc|
prepcrecne:: :ki||: cnc Iechniue: IhcI wi|| :erve ycu we|| in cny
emergency :iIucIicn. 8uI if ycu |ive cn Ihe ccc:I cf ScuIh F|cricc fcr
excmp|e, ycu prcLcL|y cc ncI hcve Ic :pin ycur whee|: Icc much
prepcring fcr ecrIhucke:, cr vc|ccnic erupIicn: - LuI ycu rec||y :hcu|c
hcve c grecI Hurriccne Survivc| F|cn in p|cce.
Fi:k c::e::menI Lc:icc||y Lci|: ccwn Ic Ihinking cLcuI whcI i: Ihe wcr:I
IhcI ccn hcppen, cnc hcw |ike|y i: iI gcing Ic hcppen Ic me."
GcvernmenI:, ccrpcrcIicn:, hec|Ihccre fcci|iIie: cnc cIher enIiIie: viIc| Ic
infrc:IrucIure, hcve c ve:Iec inIere:I in uncer:Icncing Ihe ri:k: Ic Iheir
cpercIicn:. Sc Ihe gccc new: i: IhcI emergency prepcrecne::
crgcnizcIicn: hcve inve:Iec c whc|e |cI cf Iime cnc re:ecrch inIc
ccmpi|ing ri:k c::e::menI ccIc, cnc Ihere cre mcny re|icL|e weL:iIe:
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
were ycu ccn ccce:: regicnc| ri:k c::e::menI mcp:, cnc finc exccI|y
whcI ycu ccu|c Le fccing where ycu |ive.
/cccrcing Ic FEM/ {Feccy.gcv) Ihere cre ccIicn: IhcI :hcu|c Le Icken
Lefcre, curing cnc cfIer cn evenI IhcI cre uniue Ic ecch hczcrc.
lcenIify Ihe hczcrc: IhcI hcve hcppenec cr ccu|c hcppen in ycur crec
cnc p|cn fcr Ihe uniue ccIicn: fcr ecch. Lccc| Emergency
mcncgemenI cffice: ccn he|p icenIify Ihe hczcrc: in ycur crec cnc
cuI|ine Ihe |ccc| p|cn: cnc reccmmenccIicn: fcr ecch. 8y ccnIccIing
Ihe |ccc| emergency mcncgemenI cffice cr |ccc| Fec Crc:: cffice, ycu
ccn finc cuI whcI Iype: cf ci:c:Ier: cre ccn:icerec mc:I |ike|y Ic cccur in
c :pecific ccmmuniIy. Cnce :uch ri:k: hcve Leen ceIerminec iI i:
impcrIcnI IhcI ycu :hcre Ihe hczcrc-:pecific infcrmcIicn wiIh c|| cf ycur
fcmi|y memLer: cnc inc|uce perIinenI mcIeric|: in ycur fcmi|y ci:c:Ier
p|cn. Ycu wi|| |ecrn much mcre cLcuI ceve|cping c fcmi|y ci:c:Ier p|cn in
Ihe nexI chcpIer.
Ihe ln:urcnce ln:IiIuIe fcr 8u:ine:: cnc Hcme ScfeIy, {l8HS) :cy: IhcI nc
mcIIer where ycu |ive, ncIurc| hczcrc: exi:I IhcI ccu|c :ignificcnI|y
ccmcge cr even ce:Ircy ycur hcme cr Lu:ine::. Hcwever, Ihe :everiIy
cnc :pecific Iype: cf ri:k: vcry ccn:icercL|y Ly gecgrcphic regicn. /
ccmp|eIe evc|ucIicn cf ycur :pecific prcperIy |cccIicn mcy Le Ihe mc:I
effecIive wcy Ic ceIermine Ihe Irue expc:ure. Ycu ccn cLIcin c |i:I cf Ihe
ncIurc| hczcrc: IhcI mcy cffecI ycur crec, cnc Ihe pcIenIic| cf vcricu:
mcn-mcce ri:k: Ly ccce::ing l8HS inIerccIive mcp cI Di:c:IerScfeIy.crg.
k|sk ossessments |nvo|ve:
DeLermInIng wIen und wIere Iuzurdous processes Iuve occurred In LIe
DeLermInIng LIe severILy oI LIe pIysIcuI eIIecLs oI pusL Iuzurdous
DeLermInIng LIe Irequency oI occurrence oI Iuzurdous processes.
DeLermInIng LIe IIkeIy eIIecLs oI u process oI u gIven mugnILude II IL
were Lo occur now.
MukIng uII LIIs InIormuLIon uvuIIubIe In u Iorm useIuI Lo pIunners und
pubIIc oIIIcIuIs responsIbIe Ior mukIng decIsIons In evenL oI u dIsusLer.
l8HS :ugge:I: IhcI cnce ycu hcve ceIerminec Ihe |ike|ihccc cf c
pcrIicu|cr hczcrccu: evenI cccurring in ycur crec, Ihe nexI |eve| cf ri:k
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
c::e::menI i: Ic figure cuI hcw vu|nercL|e ycur hcme cnc prcperIy i: Ic
hcrm, cnc Ic prepcre ccccrcing|y.
Ycu ccn finc Ihe:e ceIci|: Ly jumping fcrwcrc Ic SecIicn lll cf Ihi: mcnuc|
where in Ihe fc||cwing ChcpIer:: ycu wi|| finc ceIci|ec infcrmcIicn
regcrcing prepcring fcr cnc :urviving :pecific ncIurc| ci:c:Ier:.
Sect|on III - Frepor|ng For ond Surv|v|ng Noturo| D|sosters
ChcpIer 13 - DrcughI
ChcpIer 14 - EcrIhucke
ChcpIer 15 - Fire:
ChcpIer 1 - F|ccc
ChcpIer 17 - HecI Wcve: cnc HecI Emergencie:
ChcpIer 18 - Hurriccne
ChcpIer 1 - F|cgue cr Fcncemic CuILreck
ChcpIer 20 - Icrnccc
ChcpIer 21 - I:uncmi
ChcpIer 22 - Vc|ccnce:
ChcpIer 23 - WinIer SIcrm:
/n impcrIcnI pcrI cf c::e::ing ycur ri:k: cnc prepcring fcr Ihem ccme:
wiIh cn uncer:Icncing IhcI ncI c|| Ihe ri:k: ycu cnc ycur fcmi|y fcce cre
Ihc:e invc|ving phy:icc| ccmcge cr hcrm. Di:c:Ier p|cnning c|:c invc|ve:
c::e::ing ycur ||nonc|o| r|sks, cnc prepcring ccccrcing|y.
Ycu hcve nc ccuLI hecrc Ihe expre::icn :cve fcr c rciny ccy" - we||
whcI if IhcI rcin" Iurn: cuI Ic Le c Hurriccne, I:uncmi, cr mcjcr 8|izzcrc
/re ycur per:cnc| fincnce: :eI up Ic :urvive c ncIurc| ci:c:Ier
Ihere cre Iwc c:pecI: cf fincncic| prepcrecne::. Cne i: Ic :imp|y mcke
:ure IhcI ycu cre prepcrec Ic geI Ihrcugh c few ccy: cuI cff frcm ycur
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ncrmc| fincncic| infrc:IrucIure in Ihe evenI cf c ncIurc| ci:c:Ier cr cri:i:.
Ihe cIher invc|ve: mcre |cng-Ierm ri:k p|cnning in Ihe evenI cf c per:cnc|
eccncmic cri:i:, :uch c: exIencec jcL |c::, cr c |crge-:cc|e ncIicnc| cr
g|cLc| eccncmic me|Iccwn.
8eing prepcrec fcr Ihe fir:I pcrI i: ec:y. Ycu neec Ic mcke :ure Ic hcve
cc:h cn hcnc cnc mcke :ure iI i: pcrI cf ycur Di:c:Ier Gc 8cg. Ycu wi||
|ecrn mcre cLcuI Ihe :pecific: cf Ihe cIher ccnIenI: cf c Gc 8cg cnc
Hcme Di:c:Ier Frepcrecne:: KiI in Ihe nexI chcpIer. 8uI c: pcrI cf ycur
fincncic| ri:k c::e::menI, c::ume IhcI in Ihe cfIermcIh cf c ci:c:Ier ycu wi||
ncI hcve ccce:: Ic Lcnk: cr /IM:. Ccn:euenI|y, ycu neec Ic Le :ure Ic
:Ic:h :cme cc:h, prcLcL|y cI |ec:I $500.00 in ycur Gc 8cg, cnc cc ncI cip
inIc iI -- fcrgeI iI i: even Ihere.
/|:c, c: pcrI cf ycur :hcrI-Ierm fincncic| ci:c:Ier prepcrecne:: p|cn, Le
:ure Ic c|wcy: hcve ycur picIure lD, creciI ccrc:, cnc mecicc| in:urcnce
ccrc: wiIh ycu in ycur wc||eI cr pur:e, cr keep Ihem in c rcuIine p|cce
where ycu ccn grcL Ihem uick|y. lf ycu hcve c pc::pcrI, kncw where iI
i: :c ycu ccn grcL IhcI uick|y c: we||, cnc iI: c gccc icec Ic c|:c keep c
ccpy cf ycur pc::pcrI in ycur Gc 8cg.
SeI up ycur mcjcr mcnIh|y cL|igcIicn:. McrIgcge, renI, in:urcnce, uIi|iIie:,
eIc. fcr cuIc-pcymenI: i: ncI cn|y ccnvenienI iI i: c grecI wcy Ic in:ure
IhcI pcymenI: ccnIinue Ic Le mcce in Ihe evenI cf cn emergency. Scme
creciIcr: wi|| fcrgive ceLI: in Ihe Iime cf c cri:i:, LuI ycu :hcu|c ncI ccunI
cn IhcI Ic Le Ihe cc:e.
Ihe :eccnc phc:e cf c::e::ing cnc p|cnning fcr c |cng-Ierm per:cnc| cr c
wice-:cc|e eccncmic cri:i: i: c LiI mcre ccmp|ex.
lI cce: ncI Icke cn ecrIhucke Ic wipe Ihe p|cce ycu wcrk cff cf Ihe mcp
cnc fcr ycu Ic :uccen|y finc ycur:e|f cuI cf c jcL. Ihe Le:I wcy ycu ccn
prepcre fcr c per:cnc| cnc :uccen fincncic| cri:i: :uch c: jcL |c:: i: Ic
cvcic ceLI cnc Lui|c :cving:.
Ihere i: :cunc ccvice fcr pecp|e cf c|| fciIh: cnc Le|ief :y:Iem:
ccncerning Ihi: i::ue frcm Ihe fciIh-Lc:ec crgcnizcIicn, Ihe Church cf
Je:u: Chri:I cf LcIIer Dcy ScinI:, {LDS.crg). lI reccmmenc: Ihe fc||cwing
wcy: Ic hcve fincncic| re:erve: in prepcrcIicn cf ci:c:Ier:
Avo|d Debt - Spencing |e:: mcney Ihcn ycu mcke i: e::enIic| Ic ycur
fincncic| :ecuriIy. /vcic ceLI, wiIh Ihe excepIicn cf Luying c mcce:I
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
hcme cr pcying fcr ecuccIicn cr cIher viIc| neec:. Ihere i: ncIhing IhcI
wi|| ccu:e grecIer Ien:icn: in |ife Ihcn grincing ceLI, which wi|| mcke Ihe
ceLIcr c :|cve Ic creciIcr:. / :pecific gcc|, ccrefu| p|cnning, cnc
ceIerminec :e|f-ci:cip|ine cre reuirec Ic ccccmp|i:h Ihi:. lf ycu cre in
ceLI, pcy iI cff c: uick|y c: pc::iL|e. Scme u:efu| Icc|: in Leccming ceLI
free cre c ceLI-e|imincIicn cc|enccr cnc c fcmi|y LucgeI wcrk:heeI.
D|st|ngu|sh 8etween Needs ond Wonts - We mu:I |ecrn Ic ci:Iingui:h
LeIween wcnI: cnc neec:. Ycu :hcu|c Le mcce:I in ycur wcnI:. lI Icke:
:e|f-ci:cip|ine Ic cvcic Ihe Luy ncw, pcy |cIer" phi|c:cphy cnc Ic cccpI
Ihe :cve ncw cnc Luy |cIer" prccIice.
bse o 8udget - Keep c reccrc cf ycur expenciIure:. Feccrc cnc review
mcnIh|y inccme cnc expen:e:. DeIermine hcw Ic recuce whcI ycu
:penc fcr ncne::enIic|:. U:e Ihi: infcrmcIicn Ic e:IcL|i:h c fcmi|y LucgeI.
F|cn hcw much ycu wi|| :cve, cnc whcI ycu wi|| :penc fcr fccc, hcu:ing,
uIi|iIie:, Ircn:pcrIcIicn, c|cIhing, in:urcnce, cnc :c cn. Di:cip|ine ycur:e|f Ic
:Icy wiIhin ycur LucgeI p|cn. / LucgeI wcrk:heeI i: c u:efu| Icc| Ic he|p
ycu wiIh ycur p|cn.
8u||d o keserve - Grccuc||y Lui|c c fincncic| re:erve, cnc u:e iI fcr
emergencie: cn|y. lf ycu :cve c |iII|e mcney regu|cr|y, ycu wi|| Le :urpri:ec
hcw much cccumu|cIe: cver Iime.
Ieoch Your Fom||y - Iecch fcmi|y memLer: Ihe princip|e: cf fincncic|
mcncgemenI. lnvc|ve Ihem in crecIing c LucgeI cnc :eIIing fcmi|y
fincncic| gcc|:. Iecch Ihe princip|e: cf hcrc wcrk, frugc|iIy, cnc :cving.
SIre:: Ihe impcrIcnce cf cLIcining c: much ecuccIicn c: pc::iL|e.
FcrI cf ycur :hcrI-Ierm fincncic| ri:k c::e::menI, neec: Ic c|:c inc|uce cn
evc|ucIicn cf ycur in:urcnce neec:. ln:urcnce mcy Le Ihe cn|y wcy Ic
reLui|c cr geI ycur:e|f Lcck cn ycur feeI cfIer c hurriccne, f|ccc,
ecrIhucke cr cIher :ericu: ncIurc| cr mcn-mcce ci:c:Ier.
Ihe re:u|I: cf ycur Fegicnc| Fi:k /::e::menI wi|| he|p c|ue ycu in Ic whcI
ccvercge ycu :hcu|c hcve. 8e :ure Ic check ycur pc|icie:. CfIen :Icnccrc
hcmecwner: in:urcnce cce: ncI inc|uce ccvercge fcr Ihe ci:c:Ier: mc:I
|ike|y Ic cccur where ycu |ive. Fcr excmp|e, if ycur hcme i: cn Ihe Lecch
in c hurriccne zcne, f|cccing cnc :Icrm ccmcge mcy Le exc|ucec frcm
Ihe pc|icy. lI i: viIc| Ic purchc:e c|| exIrc ccvercge IhcI mcy Le reuirec
Ic prcIecI ycur c::eI: frcm ncIurc| ci:c:Ier:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
lf ycu cre Ihe cwner cf prcperIy, Le iI re:icenIic| cr ccmmercic|, c|wcy:
in:ure Ihe Lui|cing cnc iI: ccnIenI: cI rep|ccemenI-cc:I, Ic en:ure IhcI
everyIhing wi|| Le re:Icrec cI Icccy: price:. ln:urcnce ccn c|:c Le
purchc:ec fcr |cng-Ierm ci:cLi|iIy :hcu|c ycu Le injurec curing c ncIurc|
/|| cf Ihe cLcve wi|| he|p ycu cec| wiIh c per:cnc| fincncic| cri:i: wheIher
iI i: Ihe re:u|I cf c ncIurc| ci:c:Ier, cr c pccr eccncmy: hcwever IhcI i:
wiIh Ihe c::umpIicn IhcI Ihing: wi|| evenIuc||y righI Ihem:e|ve:.
ln Icccy: un:IcL|e Iime: Ihere i: c very rec| pc::iLi|iIy IhcI in ycur cwn
|ifeIime ycu ccu|c fcce c g|cLc| eccncmic uphecvc| Ic rivc| cr exceec
IhcI cf Ihe GrecI Depre::icn. Ihere cre :cme very :pecific ccIicn: ycu
ccn cnc :hcu|c Icke Ic prepcre fcr :uch cn evenI.
Ihese steps ento||, but ore not ||m|ted to:
SLockpIIIng cusI.
PrepurIng Ior currency coIIupse wILI goId und sIIver buIIIon.
AsseL proLecLIon.
Ycu wi|| |ecrn mcre ceIci|: cn hcw Ic prepcre fcr cnc LeIIer cec| wiIh Ihe
effecI: cf c G|cLc| Eccncmic Cri:i: in SecIicn V ChcpIer 28.
FEM/ c|:c ccvi:e: IhcI cn inIegrc| pcrI cf c::e::ing ycur ri:k: i: kncwing
hcw ycu wi|| Le ncIifiec in Ihe evenI cf cn emergency. Finc cuI frcm
|ccc| gcvernmenI emergency mcncgemenI hcw ycu wi|| Le ncIifiec fcr
ecch kinc cf ci:c:Ier:, LcIh ncIurc| cnc mcn-mcce. Ycu :hcu|c c|:c
inuire cLcuI c|erI cnc wcrning :y:Iem: fcr wcrkp|cce, :chcc|: cnc cIher
|cccIicn:. MeIhcc: cf geIIing ycur cIIenIicn vcry frcm ccmmuniIy Ic
ccmmuniIy. Cne ccmmcn meIhcc i: Ic Lrccccc:I vic emergency rccic
cnc IV Lrccccc:I:. Ycu mighI hecr c :pecic| :iren, cr geI c Ie|ephcne
cc||, cr in rcre circum:Icnce:, vc|unIeer: cnc emergency wcrker: mcy gc
ln :cme wcy: ri:k i: c|:c c mcIIer cf ycur per:pecIive. DifferenI pecp|e,
cifferenI icec|cgie:, even cifferenI gcvernmenI: perceive :cme ri:k:
cifferenI|y. Fcr excmp|e, :cme pecp|e Ihink we cre cI grecI ri:k cue Ic
Ihe effecI: cf G|cLc| Wcrming, cr we cre cn Ihe Lrink cf c wcr|c- wice
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
energy cri:i: cue Ic ci| cep|eIicn, whi|e cIher: ccnIinue Ic ccuLI Ihe
vercciIy cf :uch c|cim:. Fcr IhcI mcIIer, Ihere cre Ihc:e IhcI Le|ieve we
cre cI ri:k cf cn c|ien invc:icn, cr zcmLie cpccc|yp:el
Ihe pcinI i:, if ycu Icke Ihe nece::cry cnc prcper ccIicn Ic prepcre fcr
cckncw|ecgec ri:k:, ycu wi|| Le LeIIer prepcrec fcr c|| ri:k:... kncwn cnc
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 3
Emergency Freporedness
|n Your Home

Hopin jor the best, prepcred jor the uorst
cnd unsurprised b cnthin in betueen.
- Mcc Anelou
Sc, ncw IhcI ycu kncw ycu neec Ic :IrengIhen ycur:e|f menIc||y cnc
phy:icc||y, cnc ycu cre mcre cwcre cf ju:I whcI kinc cf emergencie: ycu
mcy hcve Ic ccnIenc wiIh, iI: Iime Ic geI :ericu: cLcuI geIIing reccy.
Like chcriIy cnc :c mcny cIher Ihing:, Emergency Frepcrecne:: :IcrI: in
Ihe hcmel FEM/, Ihe /mericcn Fec Crc::, Ihe NcIicnc| Ccecnic cnc
/Imc:pheric /cmini:IrcIicn {NC//), cnc cczen: cf cIher Di:c:Ier
Frepcrecne:: crgcnizcIicn: wcr|cwice cgree IhcI emergency
prepcrecne:: cI hcme Lc:icc||y Lci|: ccwn Ic Ihree Ihing::
Muke u PIun
GeL nvoIvedJBe nIormed
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC

Ihe CiIy cf Scn Frcnci:cc: /|erI SF" prcgrcm {72Hcur:.crg) reminc: 8cy
/rec re:icenI: IhcI cfIer cny kinc cf mcjcr ci:c:Ier, iI i: un|ike|y IhcI
emergency re:pcn:e :ervice: wi|| Le cL|e Ic immecicIe|y re:pcnc Ic
everycne: neec:. Sc iI: impcrIcnI Ic Le prepcrec Ic Icke ccre cf
ycur:e|f cnc ycur fcmi|y. Ycu neec Ic p|cn Ic Le cn ycur cwn fcr cI |ec:I
the ||rst 72 hours.
Ihe |o||ow|ng steps w||| he|p you "Moke o F|on" to be better prepored |or
ony emergency:
DesIgnuLe un ouL-oI-ureu conLucL person. Try Lo seIecL someone LIuL Is
Iur enougI uwuy Lo noL be uIIecLed by LIe sume emergency. ProvIde LIIs
person wILI LIe numes und conLucL InIormuLIon oI LIe peopIe you wunL
Lo keep InIormed oI your sILuuLIon. nsLrucL IumIIy members Lo cuII LIIs
person und LeII LIem wIere LIey ure. n muny emergencIes, Iong
dIsLunce pIone servIce Is ucLuuIIy resLored sooner LIun IocuI servIce.
DupIIcuLe ImporLunL documenLs und keep copIes oII-sILe, eILIer In u
suIeLy deposIL box, wILI someone you LrusL or In u secure documenL or
IIre suIe In your Iome. DocumenLs muy IncIude: pussporL, drIvers
IIcense, socIuI securILy curd, wIIIs, deeds, IInuncIuI sLuLemenLs, Insurunce
InIormuLIon, murrIuge IIcense und prescrIpLIons.
nvenLory vuIuubIes, In wrILIng und wILI pIoLogrupIs or vIdeo. Keep
copIes oI LIIs InIormuLIon oII-sILe wILI your oLIer ImporLunL documenLs.
Muke u IouseIoIdJIumIIy pIun. nvoIve uII key peopIe In pIunnIng.
Muke your Iome suIe.
PuL LogeLIer u dIsusLer suppIy kIL. PIun Lo Iuve suppIIes Ior yourseII und
your IumIIy Ior uL IeusL duys IoIIowIng u dIsusLer.
When p|cnning, ccn:icer Ihe :pecic| neec: cf chi|cren, :enicr: cr pecp|e
wiIh ci:cLi|iIie:, cr fcmi|y memLer: IhcI ccnI :peck Ihe ncIive |cngucge
in Ihe ccunIry ycu cre in cnc ycur peI:.
Your Fom||y F|on
Ic|k wiIh ycur fcmi|y cLcuI pcIenIic| ci:c:Ier: cnc why iI': nece::cry Ic
prepcre fcr Ihem. lnvc|ve ecch memLer cf ycur fcmi|y in Ihe p|cnning
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
prcce::. 8y :hcwing Ihem :imp|e :Iep: IhcI ccn increc:e Iheir :cfeIy, ycu
ccn he|p recuce Iheir cnxieIy cLcuI emergencie:.
Muke sure everyone knows wIere Lo IInd your dIsusLer suppIy kIL und
LIeIr own Go-bugs.
PIun wIere Lo meeL uILer u dIsusLer II your Iome becomes unsuIe.
CIoose Lwo pIuces, one jusL ouLsIde your Iome und one ouLsIde your
neIgIborIood In cuse you ure LoId Lo evucuuLe. Be sure your gus Lunk Is
uIwuys uL IeusL IuII IuII.
DeLermIne LIe besL escupe rouLes Irom your Iome. Try Lo IdenLIIy Lwo
escupe rouLes.
Muke sure eucI member knows wIo your IumIIy`s ouL-oI-sLuLe conLucL Is
und InsLrucL your IumIIy members Lo cuII LIIs person und LeII IImJIer
wIere LIey cun be Iound.
ocuLe LIe gus muIn und oLIer uLIIILIes und muke sure IumIIy members
know wIen und Iow Lo Lurn LIem oII.
PrucLIce your evucuuLIon rouLes, Drop, Cover & HoId und SLop, Drop &
RoII drIIIs.
TeucI eucI member oI your IumIIy Iow Lo use u IIre exLInguIsIer.
Mok|ng Your Home So|er
During c ci:c:Ier, crcincry cLjecI: in ycur hcme ccn ccu:e injury cr
ccmcge. Hcwever, Ihere cre :imp|e :Iep: ycu ccn Icke Ic mcke ycur
hcme :cfer. SIcrI Ly viewing ecch rccm wiIh c ci:c:Ier eye" cnc icenIify
pcIenIic| hczcrc: - Lcck:he|ve: IhcI ccu|c Iip cver in cn ecrIhucke cr
cIher ci:c:Ier, cnc L|cck exiI:, cr hecvy cLjecI: IhcI ccu|c fc|| cnc ccu:e
nsLuII smoke deLecLors on eucI IeveI oI your Iome und cIunge buLLerIes
every 6 monLIs or wIuLever perIod Is recommended by LIe smoke
deLecLors` munuIucLurer Lo cIunge LIe buLLery.
Move beds uwuy Irom wIndows.
I you ure In un EurLIquuke prone ureu, move mIrrors und Ieuvy
pIcLures uwuy Irom coucIes or pIuces wIere peopIe sIL.
CIeur IuIIwuys und exILs Ior eusy evucuuLIon.
SLore Ieuvy ILems on LIe IowesL sIeIves.
Keep un ABC Lype IIre exLInguIsIer on eucI IeveI oI your Iome, und
muke sure LIuL uII IumIIy members know Iow und wIen Lo use LIem.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
I you ure In un EurLIquuke prone ureu, sLrup down your wuLer IeuLer
und IIL uII gus uppIIunces wILI u IIexIbIe gus suppIy IIne.
I you ure In un EurLIquuke prone ureu Secure pIcLures und wuII
IungIngs und use resLruInLs Lo secure Ieuvy ILems sucI us bookcuses
und IIIe cubIneLs.
SLore IIummubIe or IIgIIy reucLIve cIemIcuIs (sucI us bIeucI, ummonIu
und puInL LIInners) secureIy und sepuruLe Irom eucI oLIer.
Know Iow und wIen Lo swILcI oII your uLIIILIes.
I your Iome Is equIpped wILI wIndow burs, or oLIer sucI securILy
IeuLures muke sure LIuL LIey uII Iuve IuncLIonuI emergency reIeuses.
Be sure your Iome number Is vIsIbIe Irom LIe sLreeL so emergency
veIIcIes cun IInd you.
Add|t|ono| Cons|derot|ons |or Your F|on:
I you Huve CIIIdren IvIng In Your Home
I you Iuve cIIIdren In your Iome you sIouId:
Be sure Lo IncIude your cIIIdren In IumIIy dIscussIons und pIunnIng Ior
emergency suIeLy.
TeucI your cIIIdren LIeIr busIc personuI InIormuLIon so LIey cun
IdenLIIy LIemseIves und geL IeIp II LIey become sepuruLed Irom u purenL
or guurdIun.
Prepure un emergency curd wILI InIormuLIon Ior eucI cIIId, IncIudIng
IIsJIer IuII nume, uddress, pIone number, purenLs` work numbers und
ouL oI sLuLe conLucL.
Know LIe poIIcIes oI LIe scIooI or duycure cenLer your cIIIdren uLLend.
Muke pIuns Lo Iuve someone pIck LIem up II you ure unubIe Lo geL Lo
ReguIurIy upduLe your cIIId`s scIooI wILI currenL emergency conLucL
InIormuLIon und persons uuLIorIzed Lo pIck up your cIIId Irom scIooI.
Muke sure eucI cIIId knows LIe IumIIy`s uILernuLe meeLIng sILes II you
ure sepuruLed In u dIsusLer und cunnoL reLurn Lo your Iome.
Muke sure eucI cIIId knows Iow Lo reucI your IumIIy`s ouL-oI-sLuLe
conLucL person.
TeucI cIIIdren Lo dIuI LIeIr Iome LeIepIone number und Emergency q-
TeucI cIIIdren wIuL gus smeIIs IIke und udvIse LIem Lo LeII un uduIL II
LIey smeII gus uILer un emergency.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Wurn cIIIdren never Lo LoucI wIres on poIes or IyIng on LIe ground.
RoIe-pIuy wILI cIIIdren Lo IeIp LIem remuIn cuIm In emergencIes und
Lo prucLIce busIc emergency responses sucI us evucuuLIon rouLes, Drop,
Cover & HoId und SLop, Drop & RoII.
RoIe-pIuy wILI cIIIdren us Lo wIuL LIey sIouId do II u purenL Is suddenIy
sIck or Injured.
RoIe-pIuy wILI cIIIdren on wIuL Lo suy wIen cuIIIng Emergency q-1-1.
I| you ore o Sen|or or o Ferson w|th D|sob|||t|es
lf ycu cre e|cer|y cr ci:cL|ec:
DesIgnuLe someone Lo cIeck on you In un emergency und Lo IeIp wILI
evucuuLIon or u sIeILerIng-In-pIuce.
Prepure und curry wILI you un emergency IeuILI InIormuLIon curd. TIIs
wIII IeIp you Lo communIcuLe II you ure Iound unconscIous or
IncoIerenL. ncIude InIormuLIon ubouL your medIcuLIons, udupLIve
equIpmenL, bIood Lype, uIIergIes und sensILIvILIes, Insurunce numbers,
ImmunIzuLIon duLes, communIcuLIon dIIIIcuILIes und preIerred
LreuLmenL, us weII us conLucL InIormuLIon Ior your IeuILI provIders,
personuI supporL neLwork und emergency conLucLs.
I you receIve ussIsLunce Irom u Iome IeuILIcure ugency or In-Iome
supporL provIder, IInd ouL Iow LIe provIder wIII respond In un
emergency. DesIgnuLe buckup or uILernuLIve provIders LIuL you cun
conLucL In un emergency.
I you ure In need oI u wIeeIcIuIr: PIun Ior Iow you wIII evucuuLe In un
emergency und dIscuss IL wILI your cure provIders. I you use u
moLorIzed wIeeIcIuIr, Iuve u munuuI wIeeIcIuIr us u buckup.
I you ure bIInd or vIsuuIIy ImpuIred: Keep un exLru cune by your bed.
Keep u wIIsLIe neur you In cuse you need Lo uLLrucL uLLenLIon. ExercIse
cuuLIon wIen movIng, puLIs muy Iuve become obsLrucLed und
I you ure IeurIng ImpuIred: Keep exLru buLLerIes Ior your IeurIng uIds
wILI emergency suppIIes. ConsIder sLorIng your IeurIng uIds In u
conLuIner uLLucIed Lo your nIgILsLund or bedposL, so you cun IocuLe
LIem quIckIy uILer u dIsusLer.
I you cunnoL speuk or Iuve communIcuLIon dIsubIIILIes: SLore puper,
wrILIng muLerIuIs, copIes oI u word or IeLLer bourd und preprInLed key
pIruses In your emergency kIL, your wuIIeL, purse, eLc.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ihe :eccnc key :Iep Ic cI hcme emergency prepcrecne:: i: Ic Lui|c c kiI.
Hcving c ci:c:Ier kiI fcr ycur hcme cce: ncI cn|y mecn c Gc 8cg" ycu
ccn Icke wiIh ycu if ycu hcve Ic evccucIe, c|Ihcugh Ihi: i: pcrI cf ycur
IcIc| ci:c:Ier prepcrecne:: kiI. / ci:c:Ier kiI" neec: Ic ccnIcin
everyIhing ycu wi|| neec Ic :urvive fcr cI |ec:I Ihree ccy: in cn
emergency, cr in Ihe cfIermcIh cf c ncIurc| ci:c:Ier, if Ihe :ervice: ycu
ncrmc||y ccunI cn :uch c: running wcIer, refrigercIicn, cnc Ie|ephcne:,
:hcu|c nc |cnger Le cvci|cL|e.
ln fccI, Ic Le IcIc||y prepcrec fcr Ihe kinc: cf ci:c:Ier: ycu mcy neec Ic
fcce Lc:ec cn ycur ri:k c::e::menI, cnc Ihe mcke-up cf ycur fcmi|y -- ycu
mcy neec :everc| cifferenI kiI:" cr Gc 8cg:." Ihe |c:I chcpIer cf SecIicn
l - 8,(&<(;@ C0,- %&'()*'$ +,-.(.*& D('9 E wi|| gc inIc grecI ceIci| ce:criLing
Ihe ccnIenI: cf :pecific kiI:, cnc :ugge:Iec iIem: fcr :pecific Gc 8cg:."
8uI fcr ncw here i: whcI ycu neec Ic kncw cLcuI Lui|cing c Lc:ic
Hcu:ehc|c Emergency Frepcrecne:: KiI.
Ycur hcu:ehc|c kiI :hcu|c ncI Le up in Ihe cIIic, Ihe Lc:emenI, Ihe
gcrcge, cr :cme cIher inccce::iL|e p|cce. lI wi|| cc ycu nc gccc if ycu
ccnI geI Ic iIl Ycu :hcu|c :Icre ycur Hcu:ehc|c KiI where iI i: ec:y Ic geI
Ic. FuI c|| cf Ihe ccnIenI: in c |crge, wcIerIighI ccnIciner {e.g. c |crge
p|c:Iic gcrLcge ccn wiIh c |ic cnc whee|:) IhcI ycu ccn mcve ec:i|y.
FEMA recommends thot o bos|c Home Freporedness K|t shou|d |nc|ude:
WuLer - one guIIon per person per duy
ood - reudy Lo euL or requIrIng mInImuI wuLer
MunuuI cun-opener und oLIer cookIng suppIIes
PIuLes, uLensIIs und oLIer IeedIng suppIIes
IrsL AId kIL & InsLrucLIons
A copy oI ImporLunL documenLs & pIone numbers
Wurm cIoLIes und ruIn geur Ior eucI IumIIy member.
Heuvy work gIoves
DIsposubIe cumeru
UnscenLed IIquId IouseIoId bIeucI und un eyedropper Ior wuLer
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
PersonuI IygIene ILems IncIudIng LoIIeL puper, IemInIne suppIIes, Iund
sunILIzer und soup
PIusLIc sIeeLIng, ducL Lupe und uLIIILy knIIe Ior coverIng broken wIndows
TooIs sucI us u crowbur, Iummer & nuIIs, sLupIe gun, udjusLubIe wrencI
und bungee cords.
BIunkeL or sIeepIng bug
urge Ieuvy duLy pIusLIc bugs und u pIusLIc buckeL Ior wusLe und
Any specIuI-needs ILems Ior cIIIdren, senIors or peopIe wILI dIsubIIILIes.
Don`L IorgeL wuLer und suppIIes Ior your peLs.
/ criIicc| ccmpcnenI cf ycur ci:c:Ier kiI i: ycur "Go-bog." FuI Ihe
fc||cwing iIem: IcgeIher in c Lcckpcck cr cncIher ec:y Ic ccrry ccnIciner
in cc:e ycu mu:I evccucIe uick|y. Ycu neec Ic prepcre c Gc-Lcg fcr
ecch fcmi|y memLer cnc mcke :ure ecch hc: cn l.D. Icg. Ycu mcy ncI
Le cI hcme when cn emergency :Irike: :c ycu mcy c|:c wcnI Ic keep c
Gc 8cg in ycur ccr cnc cI wcrk, ccn:icering whcI ycu wcu|c neec fcr
ycur immecicIe :cfeIy.
Accord|ng to the Amer|con ked Cross the most bos|c Go 8og shou|d
WuLer-one guIIon per person, per duy (-duy suppIy)
ood-non-perIsIubIe, eusy Lo prepure ILems (-duy suppIy)
BuLLery powered or Iund crunk rudIo (NOAA WeuLIer RudIo, II
ExLru buLLerIes
PockeL knIIe
IrsL uId kIL
MedIcuLIons (;-duy suppIy) und medIcuI ILems
MuILI-purpose LooI
SunILuLIon und personuI IygIene ILems
CopIes oI personuI documenLs (medIcuLIon IIsL und perLInenL medIcuI
InIormuLIon, prooI oI uddress, deedJIeuse Lo Iome, pussporLs, bIrLI
cerLIIIcuLes, Insurunce poIIcIes)
CeII pIone wILI cIurgers
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
umIIy und emergency conLucL InIormuLIon
ExLru cusI
Emergency bIunkeL
Mup(s) oI LIe ureu
8uI when iI ccme: Ic U|IimcIe Frepcrecne::" iI i: never c gccc icec Ic
:Icp cI Lc:ic.
Accord|ng to FEMA, other |tems to cons|der |or your Go 8og ore:
DusL musk
SLurdy sIoes, u cIunge oI cIoLIes, und u wurm IuL
PermunenL murker, puper und Lupe
PIoLos oI IumIIy members und peLs Ior re-IdenLIIIcuLIon purposes
IsL oI emergency poInL-oI -conLucL pIone numbers
IsL oI uIIergIes Lo uny drug (especIuIIy unLIbIoLIcs) or Iood
Copy oI IeuILI Insurunce und IdenLIIIcuLIon curds
ExLru prescrIpLIon eye gIusses, IeurIng uId or oLIer vILuI personuI ILems
ExLru keys Lo your Iouse und veIIcIe
Any specIuI-needs ILems Ior cIIIdren, senIors or peopIe wILI dIsubIIILIes.
I| you hove ch||dren, you need to prepore o spec|o| Go 8og |or them thot
o|so |nc|ude:
A IumIIy pIcLure und u IuvorILe Loy, gume, or book.
Your cIIId`s emergency curd und IncIude InIormuLIon on reunIIIcuLIon
IocuLIons und ouL-oI-ureu conLucL.
ComIorL Iood ILems und LIeIr IuvorILe LreuLs.
Ju:I c: impcrIcnI c: keeping ycur hcu:ehc|c kiI ec:y Ic geI Ic in cn
emergency, i: keeping iI we|| mcinIcinec.
Here ore FEMA's t|ps |or keep|ng your supp||es reody ond |n good
Keep cunned Iood In u cooI, dry pIuce.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
SLore boxed Iood In LIgILIy cIosed pIusLIc or meLuI conLuIners Lo proLecL
Irom pesLs und Lo exLend ILs sIeII IIIe.
TIrow ouL uny cunned good LIuL becomes swoIIen, denLed or corroded.
Use Ioods beIore LIey go bud und repIuce LIem wILI IresI suppIIes.
PIuce new ILems uL LIe buck oI LIe sLoruge ureu und oIder ones In LIe
CIunge sLored Iood und wuLer suppIIes every sIx monLIs. Be sure Lo
wrILe LIe duLe you sLore IL on uII conLuIners.
Re-LIInk your needs every yeur und upduLe your kIL, us your IumIIy`s
needs cIunge.
Keep ILems In uIrLIgIL pIusLIc bugs und puL your enLIre dIsusLer suppIIes
kIL In one or Lwo eusy-Lo-curry conLuIners, sucI us un unused LrusIcun,
cumpIng buckpuck, or duIIeI bug.
More on Food ond Woter
/cccrcing Ic FEM/ c: pcrI cf ycur Hcu:ehc|c Di:c:Ier KiI ycu :hcu|c :Icre
cI |ec:I cne gc||cn cf wcIer per per:cn per ccy. Ic ceIermine ycur wcIer
neec:, Icke Ihe fc||cwing inIc ccccunI:
One guIIon oI wuLer per person per duy, Ior drInkIng und sunILuLIon.
CIIIdren, nursIng moLIers und sIck peopIe muy need more wuLer.
A medIcuI emergency mIgIL requIre uddILIonuI wuLer.
I you IIve In u wurm weuLIer cIImuLe more wuLer muy be necessury. n
very IoL LemperuLures, wuLer needs cun doubIe.
Keep uL IeusL u LIree-duy suppIy oI wuLer per person.
lI i: reccmmencec ycu purchc:e ccmmercic||y LcII|ec wcIer, in crcer Ic
prepcre Ihe :cfe:I cnc mc:I re|icL|e emergency wcIer :upp|y. Keep
LcII|ec wcIer in iI: criginc| ccnIciner cnc cc ncI cpen unIi| ycu neec Ic
u:e iI. CL:erve Ihe expircIicn cr u:e Ly" ccIe - SIcre in ccc| ccrk p|cce.
FEM/ mcke: Ihe fc||cwing :ugge:Iicn: when :e|ecIing emergency fccc
:upp|ie:. Ycu mcy c|reccy hcve mcny cf Ihe:e cn hcnc.
Reudy-Lo-euL cunned meuLs, IruILs, vegeLubIes und u cun opener
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ProLeIn or IruIL burs
Dry cereuI or grunoIu
PeunuL buLLer
DrIed IruIL
Cunned juIces
Non-perIsIubIe pusLeurIzed mIIk
HIgI-energy Ioods
ood Ior InIunLs
ComIorLJsLress Ioods
Iime cnc Iime cgcin ycu hcve :een hcw in Ihe fcce cf ci:c:Ier,
/mericcn: ccme IcgeIher wiIh ccurcge, ccmpc::icn cnc uniIy cnc c:k,
WhcI ccn l cc Ic he|p" Ihi: Ihirc SIep cf hcu:ehc|c prepcrecne::
cn:wer: IhcI ue:Iicn.
lI ccme: wiIh cn impcrIcnI uncer:Icncing IhcI Ihe chcnce: cf ycu, ycur
hcme, cnc ycur fcmi|y geIIing Ihrcugh Ihe wcr:I, increc:e: Iremenccu:|y
if ycur ccmmuniIy c: c whc|e i: LeIIer prepcrec Ic cec| wiIh c ci:c:Ier.
/nc IhcI :IcrI: wiIh ccmmuniIy invc|vemenI.
FEM/ enccurcge: whc|e ccmmuniIie: Ic pcrIicipcIe in prcgrcm: cnc
ccIiviIie: IhcI ccn mcke Iheir fcmi|ie:, hcme: cnc regicn: :cfer frcm ri:k:
cnc IhrecI:.
CcmmuniIy |eccer: cgree Ihe fcrmu|c fcr en:uring c :cfer hcme|cnc
ccn:i:I: cf vc|unIeer:, c Ircinec cnc infcrmec puL|ic cnc increc:ec
:uppcrI cf emergency re:pcn:e cgencie: curing ci:c:Ier:. Mcjcr ci:c:Ier:
ccn cverwhe|m fir:I re:pcncer cgencie: IhcI mighI we|| cpprecicIe
prepcrec cnc kncw|ecgecL|e incivicuc|: Ic |enc :uppcrI.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
So Get Invo|ved 8e|ore D|soster Str|kesI
Here ore o |ew woys you con he|p:
VoIunLeer Lo supporL dIsusLer eIIorLs In your communILy.
GeL LruIned und voIunLeer wILI u CommunILy Emergency Response
Teum, MedIcuI Reserve Corps unIL undJor oLIer CILIzen Corps PurLner
Progrum or AIIIIIuLe orgunIzuLIon.
Mcny |ccc| fciIh-Lc:ec cnc ccmmuniIy crgcnizcIicn: hcve prcgrcm:
ccIive in :uppcrIing ci:c:Ier: Icc. Finc cuI which cne: cre in ycur
8e pcrI cf Ihe ccmmuniIy p|cnning prcce::. CcnnecI cnc cc||cLcrcIe
wiIh ycur |ccc| emergency p|cnning grcup, CiIizen Ccrp: Ccunci| cr |ccc|
emergency mcncgemenI cgency.
1. JoIn or sLurL u prepuredness projecL.
z. SupporL mujor dIsusLers by donuLIng cusI or goods, wIIcI muy IeIp.
. MeeL LIe needs oI your communILy In LImes oI dIsusLer.
Ihe /mericcn Fec Crc:: {/FC") c: pcrI cf Iheir 8e Fec Crc:: Feccy"
ccmpcign cc: ccvcccIe IhcI incivicuc|: 8e lnfcrmec" Ic Ihe Ihirc SIep
cf Hcme Frepcrecne::. Fcr /FC, Leing infcrmec mecn: ncI cn|y kncwing
whcI ci:c:Ier: cr emergencie: mcy cccur in ycur crec, LuI c|:c mcking
:ure ycu kncw hcw ycu wi|| Le c|erIec cnc hcw ycu wi|| :Icy infcrmec
:hcu|c Ihey cccur. You shou|d:
denLIIy Iow IocuI uuLIorILIes wIII noLIIy you durIng u dIsusLer und Iow
you wIII geL InIormuLIon, wIeLIer LIrougI IocuI rudIo, TV or NOAA
WeuLIer RudIo sLuLIons or cIunneIs.
Know LIe dIIIerence beLween dIIIerenL weuLIer uIerLs sucI us wuLcIes
und wurnIngs und wIuL ucLIons Lo Luke In eucI.
Know wIuL ucLIons Lo Luke Lo proLecL yourseII durIng dIsusLers LIuL muy
occur In ureus wIere you LruveI or Iuve moved recenLIy. or exumpIe, II
you LruveI Lo u pIuce wIere eurLIquukes ure common, muke sure you
know wIuL Lo do Lo proLecL yourseII sIouId one occur wIIIe you ure
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ihcugh ncI pcrI cf Ihe Ihree SIep:," pcrI cf mcking :ure IhcI ycu hcve
Icken c|| cf Ihe :Iep: ycu ccu|c Ic prcIecI ycur hcme cnc fcmi|y in Ihe
evenI cf c ci:c:Ier cr emergency i: Ic ccrry Insuronce.
Ycu mcy Ihink IhcI in |ighI cf ci:cu::icn: cf prepcrecne::, :urvivc| gecr,
Gc-8cg: cnc Ihe |ike, c ci:cu::icn cf in:urcnce mcy :eem c |iII|e cuI cf
p|cce. Fcr frcm iIl FcrI cf Leing fu||y prepcrec Ic :urvive Ihe cfIermcIh cf
c :ericu: ncIurc| ci:c:Ier i: Ic Le cL|e Ic reLui|c cnc mcve fcrwcrc, cnc
IhcI ccu|c Le impc::iL|e wiIhcuI cceucIe in:urcnce. FEM/ hc: Ihe
fc||cwing Ic :cy regcrcing in:urcnce. /: c prcIecIicn cgcin:I fincncic|
|c::, hcmecwner: :hcu|c purchc:e in:urcnce cn Iheir hcme cnc iI:
ccnIenI:. /I c minimum, ccvercge :hcu|c prcvice fu|| rep|ccemenI cr
rep|ccemenI cc:I ccvercge. Hcmecwner: :hcu|c c|:c inve:IigcIe Luying
c gucrcnIeec rep|ccemenI cc:I pc|icy, where cvci|cL|e: :uch pc|icie:
pcy Ic reLui|c c hcme cI Icccy: price:.
Hcme: :hcu|c Le cpprci:ec periccicc||y :c IhcI Ihe pc|icy ref|ecI: Ihe rec|
rep|ccemenI cc:I.
Ccvercge :hcu|c inc|uce :pecic| hczcrc-:pecific in:urcnce {:uch c: f|ccc
cr ecrIhucke in:urcnce) cpprcpricIe fcr Ihe crec. UnfcrIuncIe|y, mcny
hcmecwner: |ecrn Icc |cIe IhcI f|ccc cnc ecrIhucke |c:: cre ncI
ccverec uncer ncrmc| hcmecwner: in:urcnce pc|icie:.
F|ccc in:urcnce i: cvci|cL|e in ccmmuniIie: pcrIicipcIing in Ihe NcIicnc|
F|ccc ln:urcnce Frcgrcm {NFlF). Ihc:e whc |ive in f|ccc-prcne crec: in c
ccmmuniIy IhcI i: ncI cn NFlF pcrIicipcnI mcy wi:h Ic ccnIccI |ccc|
cfficic|: cnc enccurcge Ihe ccmmuniIy Ic cccpI Ihe prcgrcm.
FenIer: :hcu|c purchc:e renIer: cnc/cr f|ccc in:urcnce Ic prcIecI cgcin:I
|c:: fcr ccmcgec cr ce:Ircyec prcperIy. 8e cwcre IhcI Ihe |cnc|crc:
in:urcnce wi|| ncI ccver ccmcge Ic, cr |c:: cf, IencnI: pc::e::icn:.
Ihc:e ccncernec cLcuI Iheir |eve| cf prcIecIicn :hcu|c mcke cn
cppcinImenI wiIh Iheir in:urcnce cgenI Ic review currenI in:urcnce
ccvercge. lI i: impcrIcnI Ic geI ccvercge ecr|y :ince Ihere i: u:uc||y c 30-
ccy wciIing pericc Lefcre iI Icke: effecI.
/ny in:urcnce c|cim fi|ec wi|| Le expeciIec if Ihe cpp|iccnI hc: mcce cn
invenIcry cf hcu:ehc|c furni:hing: cnc cIher pc::e::icn:, :upp|emenIec
wiIh phcIcgrcph: cr vicecIcpe. Ihe cccumenIcIicn :hcu|c Le :Icrec in c
:cfe cepc:iI Lcx cr :cme cIher :cfe p|cce cwcy frcm Ihe premi:e:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Dce: iI :cunc Ic ycu |ike Ihe |c:I few pcge: were cverwhe|ming - IhcI
Ihere i: ju:I Icc much Ic cc Like cnyIhing e|:e - c|| iI Icke: i: c
ccmmiImenI Ic geI :IcrIec ncw - Icccy, ncI Icmcrrcw.
lf ycu wenI cuI cnc gcI c |crge gcrLcge ccn c: FEM/ reccmmenc: Ic
u:e fcr ycur hcme prepcrecne:: kiI, cnc Icck cn|y c few minuIe: every
ccy ju:I Ic Ihrcw cne cr Iwc cf Ihe reccmmencec iIem: inIc iI cnce c
ccy, cver Ihe nexI Ien Ic IwenIy ccy: cr :c, IhcI: iI - ycuc hcve c Lc:ic
kiI. l:nI ycur fcmi|y wcrIh IhcI /nc iI: prcLcL|y c |cI ec:ier Ihcn ycu
Icke c |cck crcunc ycur hcu:e, if ycu cre |ike mc:I pecp|e, ycu prcLcL|y
hcve c |cI cf Ihe :Iuff ycu neec Ic puI in ycur kiI c|reccy cn hcnc. Ihe
cne: ycu ccnI -- every week IhcI ycu mcke up ycur :hcpping |i:I, puI c
few exIrc prepcrecne:: iIem: cn iI, ccnnec gccc:, LcIIerie: eIc.
/nc if even IhcI :eem: |ike c ccunIing Ic:k, Ihere cre exce||enI re:curce:
Ic he|p ycu purchc:e kiI: IhcI cre reccy Ic gc. Ihe chcice i: ycur:, ycu
ccn gc cn Ihe wcy ycu hcve Leen, cr ycu ccn :IcrI Ic mcke :cme :imp|e
chcnge: Ic Le LeIIer prepcrec Ihe nexI Iime Ihe pcwer gce: cuI --- cr
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 4
Emergency Freporedness
|n Your Cor

jcilin to prepcre, ou cre prepcrin to jcil.
- enjcmin Ircnllin
/ |cI ccn gc wrcng cn Ihe rccc Leycnc f|cI Iire: cnc cccicenI:. Di:c:Ier
prepcrecne:: Icke: cn whc|e new cimen:icn in ycur ccr. /uIc
emergencie: ccn hcppen cny ccy, cr cny Iime, :c ycu neec Ic hcve
ycur:e|f cnc ycur vehic|e prepcrec Ic :urvive everyccy rccc hczcrc:, cnc
ncI ju:I Ihc:e IhcI cre mcce even wcr:e curing c ncIurc| ci:c:Ier cr
ncIicnc| cri:i:.
Ycu ccn finc ycur:e|f in IrcuL|e in ycur ccr fcr cny numLer cf rec:cn:, frcm
c mechcnicc| prcL|em Ic running cuI cf gc:. ln Ihe Le:I cc:e :cencric,
geIIing :Iuck cn Ihe :ice cf Ihe rccc in ycur ccr i: cn cnncycnce, wcr:e
cc:e: iI ccn ccmprcmi:e ycur :cfeIy cnc puI ycur |ife cnc Ihe |ive: cf ycur
pc::enger: in ccnger.
8eing prepcrec wiIh c we||-euippec Lc:ic rccc:ice emergency kiI ccn
recuce ycur :Ire::, increc:e ycu :cfeIy, cnc geI ycu Lcck cn Ihe rccc
fc:Ier cnc mcre ec:i|y.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Dc ncI Ihink IhcI ycu cre ccverec, Ly hcving rccc:ice-c::i:Icnce
ccvercge cn ycur vehic|e, cn cuIc c|uL memLer:hip, cr Ihe |cIe:I in
inIerccIive :uL:cripIicn emergency ccmmuniccIicn: :ervice: :uch c: cn
CnSIcr Sy:Iem. WiIh rccc:ice c::i:Icnce, wheIher ycu ccnIccI Ihem Ly
Ihe pu:h cf c LuIIcn cr c ce|| phcne -- if ycu hcve cne cnc iI i: wcrking
curing ycur emergency -- ycu u:uc||y hcve Ic wciI cn Ihe :ice cf Ihe rccc
fcr cn hcur cr mcre Lefcre he|p crrive:. /nc cf ccur:e :uch c::i:Icnce
:ervice: mcy Le IcIc||y cuI cf ccmmi::icn, cr cverwhe|mec curing c
ncIurc| ci:c:Ier cr cIher |crge-:cc|e cri:i:.
IhcI': why ccn:umer wcIchccg crgcnizcIicn: :uch c: Ccn:umer FepcrI:
{Ccn:umerFepcrI:.crg) cnc mcjcr ln:urcnce Ccmpcnie: :uch c: Ihe
HcrIfcrc {HcrIfcrc/uIc.IheHcrIfcrc.ccm) reccmmenc IhcI criver: ccrry
cerIcin :urvivc| iIem: in Iheir vehic|e, even if ycu cn|y u:e ycur ccr fcr
ccmmuIing cr |ccc| criving. Ihey c|:c reccmmenc IhcI ycur Lc:ic kiI ccn
Le :upp|emenIec wiIh ccciIicnc| iIem: fcr |cng-ci:Icnce Ircve|, fcr winIer
wecIher ccnciIicn:, cnc pc::iL|e evccucIicn: curing ncIurc| ci:c:Ier:.
/: ycu hcve c|reccy |ecrnec wiIh cny :uch Gc-8cg cr emergency
prepcrecne:: kiI, iI': c|:c impcrIcnI Ic mcke periccic check: cn Ihe
euipmenI in ycur rccc:ice emergency kiI. Ycu neec Ic mcke :ure
everyIhing i: in wcrking crcer: IhcI fu||y chcrgec LcIIerie: cre in f|c:h|ighI:
cr cIher emergency euipmenI, fir:I-cic :upp|ie: cre currenI, wcIer i:
fre:h, cnc fccc i: cry.
Ihe purpc:e cf c Lc:ic rccc:ice emergency kiI i: Ic cic ycu in geIIing
he|p, Ic :ee IhcI ycu cre euippec Ic mcke ycur vehic|e mcre vi:iL|e Ic
cIher mcIcri:I:, cnc Ic he|p ycu hcnc|e :imp|e chc||enge:.
Consumer keports suggests thot your bos|c k|t conto|ns:
Ce|| Fhone - 8e:ice: Ihe cne ycu ncrmc||y ccrry wiIh ycu, iI i: c gccc icec
Ic geI c ci:pc:cL|e" ce|| phcne, Ihe kinc IhcI ccme: pre-|cccec wiIh c
cerIcin cmcunI cf minuIe:, cnc keep iI fu||y chcrgec cnc in ycur ccr kiI,
c|cng wiIh c cigcreIIe |ighIer chcrger. Ihi: wcy ycu cre never :Iuck in ycur
vehic|e wiIhcuI c ce|| phcne.
F|rst-o|d K|t - Chcc:e cne IhcI c||cw: ycu Ic IrecI c rcnge cf prcL|em:,
frcm :mc|| cuI: cr Lurn:, Ic cne: IhcI reuire mcjcr Lcnccging. GeI
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
fcmi|icr wiIh c|| Ihe iIem: in cny fir:I cic kiI ycu Luy, cnc kncw hcw Ic u:e
Ihem - B$40-$ :0, ;$$< '0F
F|re Ext|ngu|sher - / ccr fire ccn :IcrI frcm :cmeIhing c: :imp|e c: c wiring
:hcrI circuiI cr |ecking ci|. Ycu :hcu|c geI cwcy frcm c vehic|e IhcI': cn fire
c: uick|y c: pc::iL|e. SIi||, fcr exIrc :ecuriIy iI': gccc Ic keep c fire
exIingui:her in Ihe ccr IhcI ccn Le u:ec in cny emergency cr Ic uick|y
puI cuI c :mc|| f|cme IhcI': ju:I Legun. Ihe uicker c fire ccn Le puI cuI,
Ihe |e:: ccmcge iI wi|| ccu:e. Mu|Iipurpc:e cry-chemicc| fire exIingui:her:
cre cvci|cL|e in c vcrieIy cf :ize:. Lcck fcr c ccmpccI uniI IhcI': mcce fcr
ccr:: iI :hcu|c Le |cLe|ec 1/108C cr 2/108C.
Worn|ng L|ght, ke||ect|ve Hozord Ir|ong|e, or kood F|ores - lf ycur vehic|e i:
:Iuck cn Ihe :ice cf Ihe rccc, iI': viIc| IhcI ycu give cIher mcIcri:I: c:
much wcrning cf iI: pre:ence c: pc::iL|e, e:pecic||y cI nighI. Lcck fcr c
LcIIery-pcwerec wcrning |ighI IhcI ccn Le p|ccec fcr frcm Ihe vehic|e.
Fef|ecIive hczcrc Iricng|e: cnc f|cre: cre c|:c effecIive cnc ccn'I neec
I|re Gouge - Ihi: :hcu|c Le u:ec cn c mcnIh|y Lc:i: Ic check Ihe inf|cIicn
pre::ure in c|| fcur Iire: cnc Ihe :pcre Iire. 8eccu:e Ihe cmLienI
IempercIure cffecI: Iire pre::ure, iI': c|:c ccvi:cL|e IhcI ycu check ycur
Iire pre::ure cfIer c :ignificcnI chcnge in IempercIure.
Jock ond Lug Wrench - /|mc:I c|| vehic|e: ccme wiIh Ihe:e iIem: fcr
chcnging c Iire. Fefer Ic ycur cwner': mcnuc| cn where Ihey're |cccIec in
Ihe vehic|e cnc hcw Ic u:e Ihem.
NOIE: I| the |ost t|me you hod o t|re token on ond o|| wos ot o t|re
shop, or goroge us|ng o pneumot|c |ug wrench - they moy be
too t|ght |or you to re|eose w|th o hond wrench. Check || you
con |oosen your |ugs by hond - || you connot, hove your
mechon|c |oosen them to the po|nt where they ore so|e, but
|oose enough |or on overoge person to remove by hond. You
moy wont to hove on |mpoct |ug wrench thot |s powered by
the c|gorette ||ghter ovo||ob|e |or th|s purpose os port o| your
Foom I|re Seo|ont or o Fortob|e Compressor ond F|ug K|t - Fcr mincr
puncIure:, c fccm Iire :ec|cnI ccn geI ycur vehic|e Lcck cn Ihe rccc
uick|y. Cn|y u:e iI in cn emergency, hcwever, c: mcny Iire :hcp: wi||
refu:e Ic repcir Ihe Iire Leccu:e cf Ihe :Iicky re:icue Ihe:e :ec|cnI: |ecve
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
in:ice iI. 8e :ure Ic chcc:e c :ec|cnI IhcI': |cLe|ec c: ncn-f|cmmcL|e,
cnc ccn'I ccn:icer Ihi: c permcnenI fix. / pcrIcL|e DC-pcwerec cir
ccmpre::cr ccn c|:c Le u:ec Ic inf|cIe c Iire--cnc i: e:pecic||y hcncy fcr
cne IhcI :uffer: frcm c :|cw |eck. Ic fix c puncIure, hcwever, ycu neec Ic
hcve iI prcfe::icnc||y repcirec.
Spore Fuses - lf ycu experience cn e|ecIricc| prcL|em, ycur fir:I check
:hcu|c Le fcr c Lurnec-cuI fu:e. Ihe:e cre ec:y Ic check cnc rep|cce Ly
referring Ic ycur cwner': mcnuc|. Keep cn c::crImenI cn hcnc cf Ihe
prcper Iype fcr ycur vehic|e. /nc cn IhcI ncIe - mcke :ure ycu hcve ycur
vehic|e: cwner: mcnuc| in Ihe g|cve ccmpcrImenI. lf ycu LcughI ycur
ccr u:ec cnc iI cic ncI ccme wiIh cne, ycu ccn u:uc||y finc Ihe mcnuc|
Jumper cob|es or o Fortob|e 8ottery 8ooster - Jumper ccL|e: cre ec:y Ic
u:e c: |cng c: ycu hcve c :eccnc ccr cvci|cL|e Ic prcvice c jump. Fefer
Ic ycur cwner': mcnuc| fcr in:IrucIicn:. / FcrIcL|e LcIIery Lcc:Ier
e|imincIe: Ihe neec fcr c :eccnc ccr. Ihere cre pcrIcL|e LcIIery Lcc:Ier:
IhcI c|:c :erve Ihe cuc| purpc:e cf /C pcwer inverIer: cnc ccn Le u:ec
Ic chcrge ycur ce|| phcne, cr pcwer ycur |cpIcp ccmpuIer cr cIher :mc||
cpp|icnce: cff ycur ccr LcIIery - :cmeIhing IhcI ccu|c Le very u:efu| in c
:urvivc| :iIucIicn.
F|osh||ght - Ihi: ccn Le criIicc| cI nighI. Chcc:e cne IhcI i: LrighI cnc
wecIherprccf. ln ccciIicn, c f|c:h|ighI wiIh c mcgneI, f|exiL|e mcunIing
:y:Iem, cr c :Icnc, wi|| free up ycur hcnc: fcr cIher Ic:k:. /|:c, hcve exIrc
LcIIerie: cnc cn exIrc Lu|L cvci|cL|e. ln ccciIicn Ic c LcIIery cpercIec
f|c:h|ighI, iI i: c gccc icec Ic keep c :eccnc hcnc-crcnk |ighI in Ihe ccr,
:c ycu cre :ure Ic hcve c |ighI :curce when ycu neec iI.
kescue Ioo| - Ihi: i: c mu:I Icc| fcr cny ccr. lI :hcu|c Le in c g|cve
ccmpcrImenI, cr :cmewhere iI ccn Le ec:i|y ccce::iL|e cnc ncI pcckec
cwcy wiIh Ihe re:I cf Ihe iIem: in ycur rccc:ice kiI. Ihe re:cue Icc| i:
u:uc||y euippec wiIh c knife, cr :cme cIher L|cce, cnc c punch" fcr
Lrecking c winccw. Shcu|c ycur ccr Leccme :uLmergec, Ihi: |iII|e iIem
ccu|c Le Ihe cifference LeIween |ife cnc cecIh. Ycu wi|| recc mcre
cLcuI Ihi: in Ihe :ecIicn cf Ihi: chcpIer - G0? '0 H$' 7,' 04 * +,B)$-@$<
Mu|t| Ioo| - / fc|cing mu|Ii-Icc| :uch c: c GerLer," LecIhermcn" cr Swi::
/rmy Knife" i: cn e::enIic| :urvivc| Icc| cn cnc cff Ihe rccc. 8e :ure Ihe
cne fcr ycur ccr hc: cI |ec:I c, neec|e nc:e p|ier:, regu|cr p|ier:, wire
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
cuIIer:, knife, wccc/meIc| fi|e, :ci::cr:, :mc|| f|cI :crewcriver, mecium f|cI
:crewcriver, Fhi||ip: :crewcriver, cnc c ccn cpener.
G|oves, hond c|eoner, ond c|eon rogs - Even Ihe :imp|e:I cf jcL: ccn geI
ycur hcnc: cirIy. Hcving Ihe:e cn hcnc wi|| he|p minimize Ihe cirI IhcI
mcy geI cn ycur c|cIhe: cr ycur vehic|e': inIericr, cnc prcIecI ycur hcnc:
frcm ccmcge.
Auto-c|ub cord or roods|de-oss|stonce number - lf ycu Le|cng Ic cn cuIc
c|uL cr rccc:ice-c::i:Icnce prcgrcm, Le :ure ycu hcve Ihe nece::cry
infcrmcIicn in ycur vehic|e.
D|sposob|e F|osh Comero - Fc||cwing cn cccicenI, Ihi: |eI: ycu reccrc Ihe
ccnciIicn cf ycur vehic|e cnc cIher vehic|e: fcr in:urcnce purpc:e:.
Cosh - /I |ec:I $20 in :mc|| Li||: cnc chcnge, keep Ihi: cvci|cL|e fcr
mi:ce||cnecu: u:e. /nc re:i:I cipping inIc iI fcr c :pcnIcnecu: ice crecm
ccne cn c hcI ccy.
Fen ond Fod o| Foper - Ihi: ccn ccme in hcncy fcr c rcnge cf u:e:, frcm
|ecving c ncIe cn Ihe winc:hie|c :hcu|c ycu hcve Ic |ecve ycur ccr, Ic
jcIIing ccwn infcrmcIicn cfIer cn cccicenI.
Add|t|ono| Items |or Your Long D|stonce K|t
lf ycu cre p|cnning c |cng Irip, e:pecic||y Ihc:e Ihrcugh remcIe crec:, cr
ycur ri:k c::e::menI hc: Ic|c ycu IhcI ycu mighI hcve Ic evccucIe uick|y
Ic geI checc cf, cr cwcy frcm c ncIurc| ci:c:Ier crec, ycu :hcu|c ccc
Ihe:e iIem: Ic ycur Lc:ic emergency ccr kiI.
8os|c too|s - Ihe:e inc|uce c :eI cf :cckeI cnc cpen-enc wrenche:, c
mu|Ii-Iip :crewcriver, cnc p|ier:. Ihi: :hcu|c Le encugh Ic perfcrm :imp|e
jcL: :uch c: chcnging c |ighI Lu|L, IighIening LcIIery ccL|e:, cnc :c cn.
Even if ycu ccn'I kncw whcI Ic cc, if :cmecne :Icp: Ic he|p ycu he cr :he
wi|| :Ii|| neec :cmeIhing Ic wcrk wiIh.
Coo|ont hose repo|r k|t ond tope - / |ecking ccc|cnI hc:e ccn :ice|ine
ycur vehic|e uick|y cnc pc::iL|y ccu:e engine ccmcge frcm
cverhecIing. CfIen, c |ecking hc:e i: c :imp|e fix if ycu hcve Ihe righI
iIem:. Ihey ccn Le LcughI cI cny mcjcr cuIc-pcrI: :Icre.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Extro c|othes, smo|| torpou||n, ond emergency b|onket - Ihe:e iIem: ccn
Le uiIe u:efu|, if ycu Leccme :Iuck in ycur vehic|e fcr cn exIencec
pericc cf Iime.
Woter ond Nonper|shob|e Emergency Food - 8ring encugh fccc cnc
wcIer Ic :u:Icin ycu cnc cny pc::enger: fcr cI |ec:I c mec|, |cnger fcr
remcIe crec: cr in exIreme hcI/cc|c regicn:.
C8 kod|o - 8efcre Ihere were ce|| phcne: Ihere were C8:, cnc Icccy Ihey
:Ii|| ccu|c :cve ycur |ife if ycur rcuIe wi|| Icke ycu inIc cn crec where
ce||u|cr :ervice i: :pcIIy, cr if ce|| phcne :ervice i: cuI in Ihe cfIermcIh cf c
ncIurc| ci:c:Ier.
GFS Nov|got|on System - /|wcy: c gccc icec fcr cny exIencec rccc Irip
Add|t|ono| Items |or Your W|nter Cond|t|ons
Fcr Ihe cc|c, weI ccnciIicn: cf winIer, ycu mcy neec ccciIicnc| iIem: in
ycur emergency kiI, e:pecic||y if ycu Ircve| in cr Ihrcugh remcIe crec: cr
Ihc:e IhcI cre :uLjecI Ic :evere ccnciIicn:.
W|ndsh|e|d Scroper - Gccc vi:iLi|iIy i: ycur mc:I impcrIcnI :cfeIy iIem, LuI
per:i:IenI :ncw cnc ice ccn Lui|c up uick|y cnc mcke iI hcrc Ic :ee. /
|cng-hcnc|ec, :cfI-Lri:I|ec Lru:h ccn c|:c ccme in hcncy.
I|re Cho|ns ond Iow Strop - /: wiIh cny :cfeIy cr :urvivc| gecr, fcmi|icrize
ycur:e|f wiIh hcw Ic puI Ihe chcin: cn ycur vehic|e': Iire:, cr cIIcch c Icw
:Ircp Lefcre ycu neec Ic cc iI in cc|c cnc pc::iL|y ccrk ccnciIicn:.
8|onket, Worm W|nter Hot ond G|oves - lf ycu run cuI cf fue|, cr if ycur
LcIIery cie:, Ihe vehic|e wcn'I Le cL|e Ic prcvice hecI. / L|cnkeI, hcI
cnc g|cve: ccn he|p keep ycu wcrm if ycu hcve Ic wciI fcr c |cng Iime in
cc|c ccnciIicn:.
Chem|co| Hond Wormers - Ihe:e :mc||, inexpen:ive pcckeI: cre cvci|cL|e
cI :ki :hcp: cnc :pcrIing-gccc: :Icre:, |crger pcck: cre c|:c cvci|cL|e.
Smo|| Fo|d|ng Shove| - lf ycu geI :Iuck in :ncw, Ihi: ccn Le c viIc| Icc|. /
fc|cing ccmping-:Iy|e :hcve| wi|| reuire mcre cigging effcrI Ihcn c
|cnger-hcnc|ec :hcve|, LuI i: mcre ccnvenienI Ic :Icre in Ihe vehic|e.
8og o| Cot L|tter - Ihi: ccn he|p prcvice :cme IrccIicn cn cn e:pecic||y
:|ick rccc :urfcce.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ycu wi|| recc mcre cLcuI winIer criving :cfeIy cnc :pecific :ncw
emergencie: in SecIicn lV, ChcpIer 25 G0? '0 9,-.(.$ B$(;@ 9;0?B0,;< (;
:0,- 2*-J
ln /mericc every yecr Ihere cre cI |ec:I 1,500 incicenI: repcrIec cf
vehic|e: IhcI hcve gcne cff Ihe rccc cnc p|ungec inIc c Lccy cf wcIer,
cf Ihc:e cLcuI 00 re:u|I: in cecIh Ly crcwning. ln ccciIicn, iI cce: ncI
Icke :uch cn cccicenI Ic finc ycur:e|f in c :inking vehic|e. Huncrec: cf
pecp|e c|:c geI in :evere IrcuL|e cnc :cmeIime: |c:e Iheir |ive: Irying Ic
crive Ihrcugh f|cccec rccc: cnc highwcy:, cr cver frczen |cke: cr pcnc:.
D|d you know?
L onIy Lukes sIx IncIes Lo Lwo IeeL oI wuLer Lo IIouL u veIIcIe oII ILs
EIgIL Lo 1z IncIes oI new, cIeur, Iurd Ice Is requIred Lo suIeIy drIve u
smuII veIIcIe onLo LIe Ice oI u Irozen body oI wuLer. 1z Lo 1 IncIes oI
new, cIeur, Iurd Ice Is requIred Lo suIeIy drIve u medIum-sIzed Lruck
onLo LIe Ice.
L Is u crucIuI survIvuI skIII Ior unyone Lo know wIuL Lo do In LIe evenL oI
u veIIcIe IILLIng LIe wuLer. I you IIve und drIve In un ureu LIuL Is
surrounded by cunuIs, Iukes, rIvers und oLIer bodIes oI wuLer, or LIuL Is
prone Lo IIoodIng, IL Is even more ImporLunL Ior you und your IumIIy Lo
know Iow Lo geL ouL oI u submerged veIIcIe.
I u veIIcIe Ieuves LIe roud und Iunds In deep wuLer, LIe veIIcIe's IIouL
LIme uL LIe surIuce oI LIe wuLer muy be us IILLIe us o seconds or us Iong
us Iour mInuLes. Becuuse mosL moLors ure In LIe IronL oI LIe veIIcIe, LIe
veIIcIe wIII ImmedIuLeIy ussume un ungIed nose-down posILIon In LIe
Gerc|c Dwcrkin i: c prcfe::icnc| cucIic: :cfeIy cnc wcIer re:cue
ccn:u|IcnI fcr Life:cving Fe:curce: lnc. {Life:cving.ccm) cnc c
FirefighIer/EMI wiIh Ihe Hcrri:vi||e, NH Fire cnc Fe:cue DepcrImenI.
/cccrcing Ic Dwcrkin, 8eccu:e cf Ihe re|cIive|y |imiIec Iime frcme fcr
:e|f-re:cue", Ihe ceci:icn Ic e:ccpe Ihe vehic|e mu:I Le mcce
Hcwever, Leccu:e cf Ihe cng|ec nc:e-ccwn pc:iIicn in Ihe wcIer cnc Ihe
pre::ure exerIec Ly Ihe wcIer cgcin:I Ihe cccr:, c: we|| c: :IrucIurc|
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ccmcge Ic Ihe vehic|e c: c re:u|I Ihe crc:h, iI mcy Le exIreme|y cifficu|I
cr impc::iL|e Ic cpen Ihe criver': :ice cnc pc::enger cccr: cf Ihe vehic|e
in crcer Ic cffecI cn e:ccpe. Iherefcre, Ihe cn|y cvenue cf e:ccpe mcy
Le Ihrcugh Ihe ccr cccr winccw:."
IhcI i: why iI i: high|y reccmmencec IhcI Ihe very fir:I Ihing ycu cc c:
ycur ccr hiI: Ihe wcIer i: Ic cpen Ihe criver: :ice winccw. Ycu mcy :Ii||
hcve pcwer Ic cc :c, cr Ihe winccw :wiIche: mcy :hcrI righI cwcy, cnc
ycu wi|| neec Ic :mc:h Ihe winccw. IhcI i: why ycu neec Ic hcve Ihe
re:cue Icc| menIicnec cLcve in ycur ccr.
Ycu mighI recc :cme repcrI: IhcI :cy Ihe fir:I Ihing Ic cc i: Ic geI cuI cf
ycur :ecILe|I - LuI experience :hcw: Ihi: i: ncI Ihe cc:e. 8eccu:e Ihe
cccr: cf Ihe ccr cre prcLcL|y u:e|e::, Ihe winccw i: ycur mc:I vicL|e
mecn: cf e:ccpe: ycu mu:I geI iI cpen righI cwcyl /nc :Iucie: hcve
:hcwn IhcI remcining in ycur :ecILe|I ccu|c ccIuc||y keep ycu frcm
f|ccIing, cnc Leccming ci:crienIec :hcu|c Ihe ccr :uccen|y Iurn cver cr
cIherwi:e :hifI pc:iIicn in Ihe wcIer.
Mr. Dwcrkin :cy: Ihe ceci:icn Ic e:ccpe Ihe vehic|e mu:I Le mcce c:
:ccn c: ycur ccr enIer: Ihe wcIer. lf ycu ce|cy ycur e:ccpe frcm Ihe
vehic|e cnc Ihe vehic|e Legin: Ic :ink, iI mcy ncI Le pc::iL|e Ic geI cuI
unIi| Ihe wcIer pre::ure hc: euc|izec in:ice Ihe vehic|e.
/rchie /||cn: fir:I-hcnc experience echce: Mr. Dwcrkin: ccvice. Ihi: i:
/rchie: :Icry in hi: cwn wcrc::
I ccn tell ou jirst hcnd thct uhen our tehicle enters the ucter it
is usucll c smooth entr. The ucter cushions the blou. M cir
bcs did not deplo. In jcct it ucs ter similcr to enterin the
ucter in c lo plume ct cn cmusement pcrl. Most people surtite
the initicl impcct uith minimcl or no injur ct cll. Whct ou do
durin the next minute uill determine uhether or not ou uill
Dnce our ccr hcs entered ucter it usucll tcles betueen tuo cnd
ten minutes jor it to sinl. Ij ou remcin relctitel cclm there should
be enouh time jor ou to tcle cction to scte our lije cnd the lites
oj our pcsseners.
M personcl experience tool me cpproximctel : seconds to exit
the ccr. I uould hcte been jine, but I mcde c serious mistcle. I re-
entered the tehicle to retriete m shoes, ucllet cnd briejccse. It
clmost cost me m lije.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Un|e:: Ihere i: cncIher per:cn in Ihe ccr IhcI ycu cre Irying Ic :cve, ycu
:hcu|c never gc Lcck inIc c :inking cr :uLmergec vehic|e. Ihere i:
ncIhing, :hcrI cf :cving cncIher per:cn IhcI i: wcrIh IhcI ri:k.
Ycu cnc ycur pc::enger: neec Ic fccu: cn cne gcc| cn|y cnc IhcI i:, Ic
exiI Ihe ccr c: uick|y c: pc::iL|e."
Ihere ore ||ve bos|c steps you shou|d toke to escope |rom o s|nk|ng
1. SLuy cuIm
z. Open LIe wIndow(s)
. UnIusLen your seuLbeIL
q. ExIL LIrougI LIe wIndow
. SwIm Lo suIeLy
FememLer, ycur primcry gcc| i: Ic exiI Ihe ccr Ihrcugh Ihe winccw c:
uick|y c: pc::iL|e. /rchie |ecrnec Ihe hcrc wcy IhcI even c|| Ihe LruIe
:IrengIh hi: ccrenc|ine chcrgec, :ix fccI, 180 pcunc frcme ccu|c mu:Ier
ccu|c ncI Lreck Ihe Iemperec g|c:: cf Ihe winccw Ly kicking cI iI. Cn|y
Ly :cme mircc|e cic Ihe recr winccw :uccen|y crcp cn iI: cwn Ly c few
inche:, he wc: cL|e Ihen cL|e Ic fcrce iI ccwn Ihe re:I cf Ihe wcy cnc
:wim Ic :cfeIy. Icccy /rchie i: c mcjcr puL|ic ccvcccIe cf c|| criver:
keeping c re:cue Icc| in Iheir ccr:l
Dwcrkin cgree:, he :cy: IhcI Ihe :ice cnc recr winccw: {ncI Ihe
winc:hie|c) wi|| ec:i|y :hcIIer u:ing cn cpprcpricIe re:cue/e:ccpe Icc|,
:uch c: c |ife hcmmer cevice cr c :pring-|cccec winccw punch. Mcny cf
Ihe ccmmercic||y cvci|cL|e re:cue/e:ccpe Icc|:, :uch c: Ihc:e cpprcvec
Ly "#$ %&'()*'$ +,-.(.*& /-01$2', c|:c hcve cn inIegrcIec L|cce IhcI
prcvice: Ihe cLi|iIy Ic :|ice cwcy c :ecI Le|I :hcu|c iI: re|ec:e mechcni:m
fci| cr jcm.
lf, cfIer ycur ri:k c::e::menI ccncucIec in ChcpIer 2 ycu |ecrn IhcI ycu
|ive in cn crec IhcI i: prcne Ic f|ccc:, winIer :Icrm:, cr hurriccne:, iI i:
prcLcL|y c very gccc icec IhcI ycu cwn cI |ec:I cne 4-whee| crive
vehic|e, cnc hcve iI c|wcy: fue|ec cnc reccy wiIh ycur ccr Gc
8cg/Fccc:ice kiI cn Lccrc.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Icccy, mcny pecp|e wiIh fcmi|ie: cwn SUV: c: Iheir primcry vehic|e:
Leccu:e cf Ihe exIrc :ecIing cnc ccrgc ccpcciIy. lf ycu ccnncI cffcrc
Ic, cr chcc:e ncI Ic hcve c 4-whee| crive SUV c: ycur mcin mcce cf
Ircn:pcrIcIicn, LuI ycu |ive in cn crec where :uch c vehic|e mcy
pcIenIic||y Le ycur cn|y wcy cuI in cn emergency, iI mcke: very gccc
:en:e Ic pick up c gccc u:ec cne, even if iI :iI: in frcnI cf ycur hcu:e cnc
i: cn|y u:ec fcr IhcI purpc:e.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 5
Emergency Freporedness
|n Your F|oce o| 8us|ness

jcilin to prepcre, ou cre prepcrin to jcil.
- enjcmin Ircnllin
Ihere i: c |cI mcre Ic Leing prepcrec fcr c ci:c:Ier IhcI ccn :Irike ycur
Lu:ine::, cr Ihe p|cce where ycu wcrk, Ihcn cI hcme, in ycur ccr cr cny
were e|:e. IhcI i: Leccu:e ycur Lu:ine:: i: ncI cn|y :uLjecI Ic Ihe :cme
kinc: cf phy:icc| cr ncIurc| ci:c:Ier: IhcI ycu ccn fcce in cIher p|cce:, LuI
c|:c uniue ci:c:Ier: IhcI ccn ccu:e Ihe Lu:ine:: Ic fci|, cnc |ecc Lu:ine::
cwner: cnc Iheir emp|cyee: ccwn c pcIh cf fincncic| ruin.
WheIher ycu cre c Lu:ine:: cwner, cr wcrk fcr :cmecne, Leing prepcrec
cI wcrk" i: cn inIegrc| pcrI cf ycur cverc|| ci:c:Ier prepcrecne:: :IrcIegy.
Dic ycu kncw IhcI ccccrcing Ic Ihe /mericcn Fec Crc:::
1 Lo us muny us qo% oI busInesses IuII IoIIowIng u nuLuruI or mun-
mude dIsusLer.
qq% oI smuII busIness owners beIIeve u dIsusLer couId serIousIy dIsrupL
LIeIr busIness wILIIn LIe nexL Lwo yeurs.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ln c recenI l::ue cf 8,9(;$99 K*''$-9, c |eccing 828 puL|iccIicn in /u:Irc|ic,
SIeve Gcccmcn, cn inIerncIicnc||y reccgnizec ccrre:pcncenI {cnc Ihe
|ecc wriIer cnc eciIcr cf Ihi: Mcnuc|) cn :urvivc| prcIccc|: cnc
prepcrecne:: wrcIe, /: Ihe recenI f|ccc: in Ihe Lcckyer Vc||ey, 8ri:Lcne
cnc lp:wich hcve :hcwn, ncIurc| ci:c:Ier: ccn :Irike c|mc:I cnywhere,
cnyIime. /cccrcing Ic Ihe Cueen:|cnc UrLcn UIi|iIie: {CUU), ecr|y
e:IimcIe: :hcwec Ihe f|ccc: ccu:ec $55 mi||icn wcrIh cf ccmcge in Ihe
8ri:Lcne, lp:wich, Lcckyer Vc||ey cnc Scmer:eI regicn:.
Ihe McryLcrcugh ChcmLer cf Ccmmerce e:IimcIe: iI ccu|c Icke c yecr
cr mcre fcr mcny cf Ihe Lu:ine::e: cn Ihe Frc:er Ccc:I Ic reccver frcm
f|ccc ccmcge, :cme mcy never reccver cI c||. Fre:icenI cf Ihe
ChcmLer, Lcnce SIcne, :cic iI wcu|c Le hcrc Ic reIurn Ic ncrmc|iIy fcr Ihe
Lu:ine::e: inunccIec. Simi|cr IhcughI: were expre::ec Ly Ihe 8unccLerg
ChcmLer cf Ccmmerce: pre:icenI Dicn Icy|cr, mcrc|e in Ihe Lu:ine::
:ecIcr Icck c hiI frcm Ihe Iwc rcunc: cf f|cccing cnc :cme Lu:ine::
cwner: were |efI wcncering if iI wc: wcrIh picking up Ihe piece:. lI': uiIe
cverwhe|ming cnc iI': very emcIicnc|. Ihere cre c |cI cf Lu:ine::e: cuI
Ihere IhcI cre wcncering whcI Ic cc wiIh Ihem:e|ve:.
FEM/ :cy: IhcI iI i: impercIive IhcI Lu:ine::e: prepcre fcr Ihe impccI cf
Ihe mcny hczcrc: Ihey fcce in Icccy: vc|cIi|e wcr|c -- ncIurc| hczcrc: |ike
f|ccc:, hurriccne:, Icrnccce:, ecrIhucke:, cnc fcr Ihe |ike|ihccc cf
wice:precc :ericu: i||ne::e: cr pcncemic:. 8u:ine::e: mu:I c|:c prepcre
fcr Ihe very rec| pc::iLi|iIie: cf humcn-hczcrc: :uch c: cccicenI: ccu:ec
Ly cpercIcr errcr, cr inIenIicnc| ccI: cf vic|ence, ccI: cf Ierrcri:m, c: we||
c: Iechnc|cgy-re|cIec ci:c:Ier: :uch c: mcjcr cccicenIc| cr purpc:efu|
mc|funcIicn cf criIicc| :y:Iem:, euipmenI, cr :cfIwcre.
Gcccmcn reminc: hi: reccer:, /: c Lu:ine:: cwner, ycu mu:I c|:c c|wcy:
keep in minc IhcI iI cce: ncI Icke c mcjcr ci:c:Ier, Ic :ericu:|y impccI
ycur Lu:ine::. Even c |c:: cf pcwer IhcI :huI: ccwn ycur phcne :y:Iem: cr
crcer prcce::ing fcr c ccy cr :c ccu|c |ecc Ic incc|cu|cL|e |c:I revenue.
IhcI i: un|e:: ycu hcve prepcrec fcr iIl"
Cf ccur:e keeping ycur Lu:ine:: cf|ccI curing c f|ccc cr cIher ncIurc|
ci:c:Ier, Icke: c Lcck :ecI Ic keeping ycur hcme cnc fcmi|y :cfe.
Wcr|cwice, ncIurc| ci:c:Ier: :eem Ic Le cn Ihe ri:e. Icking Ihe Iime ncw,
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ic hcve c prcper ri:k mcncgemenI p|cn ccn mcke c|| Ihe cifference in
minimizing negcIive fincncic| impccI: cn ycur Lu:ine::.
FEM/ :ugge:I: IhcI ycur cpercIicn: prepcrecne:: pc|icy Le ccn:i:IenI
wiIh Ihe mi::icn cnc vi:icn cf ycur Lu:ine::. lI :hcu|c Le cn cfficic||y wriIIen
pc|icy, cnc iI :hcu|c Le ccce::iL|e Ic c|| emp|cyee: Ihrcugh
mcncgemenI cr Iecm |eccer:. Ycur Lu:ine::e: prepcrecne:: pc|icy
:hcu|c cefine Ihe rc|e: cnc re:pcn:iLi|iIie: cf everycne in Ihe firm, frcm key
per:cnc| ccwn Ic Lc:ic :uppcrI :Icff. lI :hcu|c icenIify cnc cuIhcrize
:e|ecIec emp|cyee: Ic ceve|cp Ihe prcgrcm cnc keep iI currenI.
lI i: c gccc icec Ic geI Ic kncw ycur emp|cyee:. Ycu mcy Le :urpri:ec Ic
finc cuI IhcI :cme cf Ihem mcy hcve hcc mi|iIcry cr cIher re|evcnI
ci:c:Ier prepcrecne:: Ircining, cnc Ihe:e :hcu|c Le ce:igncIec c: key
per:cnc| in ycur cI wcrk" ci:c:Ier prepcrecne:: p|cn.
Ycur Frepcrecne:: Fc|icy :hcu|c c|:c c|ecr|y cefine Ihe gcc|: cnc
cLjecIive: cf ycur prcgrcm. Iypicc| gcc|: cf ycur Lu:ine:: prepcrecne::
prcgrcm :hcu|c inc|uce:
ProLecLIon und suIeLy oI your empIoyees, vIsILors, conLrucLors und oLIers
on LIe premIses wIo couId be uL rIsk due Lo LIe purLIcuIur Iuzurds LIuL
couId be presenL uL your IucIIILy. Be sure LIuL you pIun Ior persons wILI
dIsubIIILIes und specIuI needs.
A wuy Lo muInLuIn cusLomer servIce by mInImIzIng InLerrupLIons or
dIsrupLIons oI busIness operuLIons, pIone IInes, T InIrusLrucLure eLc.
ProLecLIon oI your operuLIon`s pIysIcuI usseLs und eIecLronIc
PrevenLIon or mInImIzuLIon oI envIronmenLuI conLumInuLIon due Lo
cIemIcuIs or oLIer processes conducLed uL your IucIIILy.
ProLecLIon oI your compuny`s brund, Imuge und repuLuLIon.
FEM/: Feccy 8u:ine::" {Feccy.gcv) Lreck: c Lu:ine:: prepcrecne::
prcgrcm ccwn inIc Five 8c:ic SIep::
SIEF 1 - Frcgrcm McncgemenI
OrgunIze, deveIop, und udmInIsLer your prepuredness progrum.
denLIIy uny counLy, sLuLe, or IederuI reguIuLIons LIuL esLubIIsI
mInImum requIremenLs Ior your progrum.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Step 2 - F|cnning
GuLIer InIormuLIon ubouL Iuzurds und ussess rIsks
ConducL u busIness ImpucL unuIysIs (BA)
ExumIne wuys Lo prevenL Iuzurds und reduce rIsks
Step 3 - lmp|emenIcIicn/WriIe c prepcrecne:: p|cn
Resource munugemenL
Emergency response
CrIsIs communIcuLIons
BusIness conLInuILy
nIormuLIon LecInoIogy
EmpIoyee ussIsLunce
ncIdenL munugemenL
Step 4 - Ie:Iing cnc Exerci:e:
TesL und evuIuuLe your pIun
DeIIne dIIIerenL Lypes oI exercIses
eurn Iow Lo conducL exercIses
Use exercIse resuILs Lo evuIuuLe LIe eIIecLIveness oI LIe pIun
Step 5 - Frcgrcm lmprcvemenI
denLIIy wIen LIe prepuredness progrum needs Lo be revIewed
DIscover meLIods Lo evuIuuLe LIe prepuredness progrum
ULIIIze LIe revIew Lo muke necessury cIunges und pIun ImprovemenLs
ConducL ongoIng dIsusLer prepuredness LruInIng
So|ety F|rst
Ihe pcIenIic| eccncmic ccmcge c ci:c:Ier cr ncIicnc| emergency ccn
hcve cn ycur Lu:ine:: mu:I Le fccIcrec inIc ycur Wcrkp|cce
Frepcrecne:: F|cn. Hcwever, Ihe :cfeIy cf ycur:e|f cnc ycur :Icff i: cf
primcry impcrIcnce :hcu|c cn emergency cccur curing Lu:ine:: hcur:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Every Lu:ine:: |cccIicn :hcu|c hcve cn evccucIicn p|cn fcr per:cnne| cnc
cu:Icmer:. Ihi: mecn: mcre Ihcn kncwing where Ihe emergency exiI: cre
|cccIec. Ycu neec Ic ce:igncIe :cmecne Ic Le in chcrge cf
ccmmuniccIing wiIh emp|cyee: cnc cu:Icmer:, cnc imp|emenIing ycur
evccucIicn p|cn in c cc|m cnc crcer|y fc:hicn. Mcny Lu:ine::e: finc iI
he|pfu| Ic Lring in cn experI fcr :cme ccciIicnc| Ircining, cr wcrk:hcp: Ic
ci:cu:: whcI Ic cc in cc:e cf cn emergency. Ihi: ccn ccver everyIhing
frcm crcwc ccnIrc| Iechniue:, Ic Lc:ic fir:I cic, Ic hcw Ic wcrk wiIh
emergency re:pcn:e Iecm:.
/: in cny cri:i: :iIucIicn whcI ycu cnc ycur emp|cyee: cc in Ihe fir:I
minuIe: cf c wcrkp|cce emergency i: criIicc|. / prcmpI wcrning Ic
emp|cyee: Ic evccucIe, Icke :he|Ier in p|cce, cr |cckccwn ccn :cve |ive:.
/ cc|| fcr he|p Ic puL|ic emergency :ervice: IhcI prcvice: fu|| cnc
cccurcIe infcrmcIicn wi|| he|p Ihe ci:pcIcher :enc Ihe righI re:pcncer:
cnc euipmenI. /n emp|cyee Ircinec Ic ccmini:Ier fir:I cic cr perfcrm
CFF ccn Le |ife:cving.
lf ycur p|cce cf Lu:ine:: wcrk: wiIh pcIenIic||y hczcrccu: mcIeric|:, ccIicn
Ly cn inIernc| Emergency Fe:pcn:e Iecm, cr emp|cyee: wiIh :pecic|izec
kncw|ecge cf Lui|cing cnc ccnIcinmenI prcce::e: ccn he|p minimize
expc:ure Ic per:cnc|, cnc ccmcge Ic Ihe fcci|iIy cnc Ihe envircnmenI.
kEMEM8Ek: When o Workp|oce emergency occurs, your ||rst pr|or|ty |s
o|woys the so|ety o| yourse|| ond your peop|e.
II ond Commun|cot|on
Cnce ycu kncw ycu hcve c p|cn fcr ycur pecp|e, Ihe nexI mc:I impcrIcnI
Ihing i: ycur ccmmuniccIicn: cnc reccrc:. Mcke :ure c|| emp|cyee: keep
Iheir ce|| phcne: chcrgec. Ihi: mcy :eem |ike c nc-Lrciner," LuI mc:I
pecp|e cc ncI chcrge Iheir phcne: unIi| Ihe LcIIery i: c|mc:I cecc. CfIen
ce|| phcne: mcy Le Ihe cn|y |ine cf ccmmuniccIicn in c ci:c:Ier. Keeping
ce|| phcne: chcrgec, cnc even hcving cn exIrc LcIIery cr Iwc, i: c grecI
wcy Ic mcke :ure phcne ccmmuniccIicn :Icy: cpen. Hcve c phcne
chcin fcr emp|cyee: Ic pc:: c|cng viIc| infcrmcIicn Ic cne cncIher.
/ncIher reccmmenccIicn i: Ic hcve c Lcckup, c|cuc-Lc:ec cr virIuc| F8X
:y:Iem IhcI ccn Le u:ec Ic rcuIe cc||: Ic cifferenI phcne: cnc :Icre
vcicemci| me::cge:. /re ycur :erver: Lcckec up Cff premi:e: cr c|cuc
ccmpuIer :erver: cre Ihe Le:I wcy Ic mcke :ure IhcI viIc| reccrc: cnc
emci|: cre mcinIcinec in Ihe evenI cf fire cr cIher ci:c:Ier IhcI re:u|I: in
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ihe ce:IrucIicn cf ycur Lui|cing, cnc Ic en:ure IhcI ycu wi|| :Ii|| hcve
lnIerneI ccce::.
Ycu c|:c neec Ic imp|emenI cn lI Feccvery F|cn. lI Legin: Ly ccmpi|ing
cn invenIcry cf hcrcwcre {e.g. :erver:, ce:kIcp:, |cpIcp: cnc wire|e::
cevice:) cnc :cfIwcre cpp|iccIicn: cnc ccIc. lcenIify criIicc| :cfIwcre
cpp|iccIicn: cnc ccIc cnc Ihe hcrcwcre reuirec Ic run Ihem. U:ing
:Icnccrcizec hcrcwcre wi|| he|p Ic rep|iccIe cnc re:Icre :y:Iem: cnIc
new hcrcwcre. En:ure IhcI ccpie: cf c|| viIc| :cfIwcre prcgrcm: cre
cvci|cL|e Ic encL|e re-in:Ic||cIicn cn new euipmenI. FricriIize hcrcwcre
cnc :cfIwcre re:IcrcIicn. Ycu neec Ic cccumenI ycur lI ci:c:Ier reccvery
p|cn c: pcrI cf ycur Lu:ine:: ccnIinuiIy p|cn. Ie:I ycur p|cn periccicc||y Ic
mcke :ure IhcI iI wcrk:.
Everyth|ng E|se
lf ycu cc ncI hcve c ver:icn cf ycur emergency Gc-8cg c: ci:cu::ec in
ChcpIer 3, in Ihe ccr ycu Icke Ic wcrk, cr if ycu cc ncI crive Ic wcrk, ycu
:hcu|c hcve c :mc|| Gc 8cg wiIh ycu in cn ec:i|y ccce::iL|e p|cce cI
wcrk, in cc:e ycu neec Ic evccucIe. Ycu wi|| |ecrn mcre cn Ihe :pecific
ccnIenI: cf Gc-Lcg: cnc Emergency Frepcrecne:: KiI: in ChcpIer ,
8,(&<(;@ C0,- %&'()*'$ +,-.(.*& D('9J
Keep in minc IhcI pcrIicu|cr|y when fccec wiIh impencing wecIher
emergencie:, :uch c: hurriccne: cr :evere winIer :Icrm:, Ihe:e evenI: ccn
Le fcrecc:Iec mcny hcur:, even ccy: Lefcre Ihey crrive, prcvicing
vc|ucL|e Iime Ic prcIecI ycur fcci|iIy, cnc Ihen Ic c||cw emp|cyee: Ic
reIurn hcme Ic prcIecI Iheir cwn fcmi|ie: cnc prcperIy.
/ p|cn :hcu|c Le e:IcL|i:hec cnc re:curce: :hcu|c Le cn hcnc, cr uick|y,
cvci|cL|e Ic prepcre ycur Lu:ine:: premi:e:. Ihe p|cn :hcu|c c|:c inc|uce
c prcce:: fcr ccmcge c::e::menI, :c|vcge, prcIecIicn cf unccmcgec
prcperIy, cnc c|ecnup fc||cwing cn incicenI. Icking preempIive ccIicn:
Ic minimize ccmcge cnc Lu:ine:: ci:rupIicn cfIer c ci:c:Ier ccu|c mcke
c|| Ihe cifference LeIween ycur Lu:ine:: :urviving cfIer c ci:c:Ier, cr gcing
8e :ure Ic :Icck up cn :upp|ie:. Ihink cf whcI ycu|| neec Ic :Icy funcIicnc|
fcr cI |ec:I c week cr Iwc. ln Ihe ccy: cr week: fc||cwing c f|ccc,
hurriccne cr cIher ncIurc| ci:c:Ier, ycu mcy ncI Le cL|e Ic geI Ic reIci|
:Icre: cr receive cny ce|iverie:. Dc ycu hcve Ihe :upp|ie: ycu neec Ic
keep iI Lu:ine:: c: u:uc| Ncw i: Ihe Iime Ic mcke :ure cn cceucIe
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
:upp|y cf everyIhing frcm LcII|ec wcIer, Ic cffice :upp|ie:, cnc pc:Icge
:Icmp: cre in ycur :Icckpi|e.
F|nonc|o| Freporedness
/:k ycur:e|f hcw fincncic||y :ecure i: ycur Lu:ine:: Ic cec| wiIh c ncIurc| cr
mcn-mcce ci:c:Ier FcrIicu|cr|y :mc|| Lu:ine::e: hcve Ic Le prepcrec Ic
|iIerc||y wecIher Ihe :Icrm eccncmicc||y. /cccrcing Ic Ihe Smc|| 8u:ine::
/::ccicIicn, {S8/) mc:I :mc|| Lu:ine::e: wiIhcuI c Di:c:Ier Feccvery F|cn
IhcI experiencec c ccIc:Ircphe never recpenec cI c||, cr c|c:e wiIhin
Iwc yecr:.
Ihe Le:I wcy Ic p|cn fcr mcinIcining ycur cpercIicn cfIer c ci:c:Ier i: Ic
hcve :cvec encugh ccpiIc| Ic re:IcrI ycur Lu:ine::, cnc/cr Ic gc fcr c
Iime wiIh |imiIec cc:h f|cw. IhcI i: c |cI ec:ier :cic Ihcn ccne fcr mcny
:mc|| Lu:ine::e: cnc incepencenI enIrepreneur:. Sc Ihe nexI Le:I Ihing i:
Ic mcke :ure ycu hcve cceucIe in:urcnce. /cccrcing Ic lnc.
Mcgczine, 8rccing ycur Lu:ine:: fcr Ihe fincncic| wcr:I :IcrI: wiIh
:e|ecIing Ihe righI in:urcnce p|cn: which unfcrIuncIe|y, mcny :mc||
Lu:ine:: cwner: fci| Ic cc Leccu:e cf :Iicker :hcck." /: wiIh ycur per:cnc|
cr hcmecwner: in:urcnce ycu neec Ic kncw whcI ycur Lu:ine:: pc|icy
cce: cnc cce: ncI ccver. Mc:I :Icnccrc" Lu:ine:: in:urcnce pc|icie: wi||
ncI ccver ccmcge frcm f|ccc, ecrIhucke:, hurriccne:, cr cIher ncIurc|
ci:c:Ier:. Even if ycu hcve purchc:ec :pecific ricer: fcr Ihe:e evenI:, ycu
mcy ncI Le 1007 ccverec.
lnc. Mcgczine c|:c reccmmenc: IhcI :mc|| Lu:ine::e: hcve Lu:ine::
inIerrupIicn in:urcnce. LeI: :cy ycu run c re:IcurcnI cr c hcIe| in cn crec
IhcI i: uncer Ihe IhrecI cf c hurriccne curing Ihe Ju|y 4
weekenc. Even if
Ihe :Icrm never hiI:, cr ycur p|cce cf Lu:ine:: cce: ncI Icke cny :ericu:
ccmcge, whcI cLcuI c|| Ihe |c:I revenue fcr whcI :hcu|c hcve Leen ycur
Lu:ie:I weekenc cf Ihe :ec:cn lf ycu hcve Lu:ine:: inIerrupIicn
in:urcnce Lc:ec cn whcI i: cc||ec ccIuc| :u:Icinec |c::, cr /LS, mc:I
in:urcnce ccrrier: wi|| pcy fcr Ihe cmcunI cf Lu:ine:: inccme ccIuc||y |c:I,
curing Ihe inIerrupIicn, wheIher IhcI inIerrupIicn wc: cue Ic ccIuc|
phy:icc| ccmcge cr ncI. lnc. Mcgczine :cy: :uch ccvercge, Iypicc||y
wi|| give ycu 12 mcnIh: cf ccIuc| |c::e: :u:Icinec cnc :c IhcI give: ycu
cmp|e Iime Ic geI Lcck cn ycur feeI in Ihe evenI cf c ci:c:Ier."
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
When iI ccme: Ic reLui|cing cnc |imiIec re:curce: cfIer c ci:c:Ier Ihe S8/
c|:c urge: :mc|| Lu:ine::e: Ic |cck inIc :mc|| Lu:ine:: |ccn:, cnc ci:c:Ier
reccvery :eI-c:ice: fcr :mc|| Lu:ine:: Ihrcugh gcvernmenI prcgrcm:.
/fIer c ci:c:Ier :uch prcgrcm: cre cfIen cvci|cL|e Ihrcugh |ccc| cnc :IcIe
ccmini:IrcIicn:, cn up Ic Fecerc| Di:c:Ier Feccvery /::i:Icnce.
lnc. Mcgczine c|:c :cy: Ic rememLer in Ihe wcke cf c ci:c:Ier Ihe mcin
gcc| :hcu|c Le Ic re:Icre cu:Icmer ccnficence Ly geIIing Ihe cccr: Lcck
cpen c: :ccn c: pc::iL|e... which mecn: even c pcrIic| recpening, mcy
Le LeIIer Ihcn remcining c|c:ec. / pcrIic| reIurn Ic ncrmc|cy i: c|wcy:
LeIIer Ihcn ncne. Fcr excmp|e, if ycu cwn c ccffee :hcp, cnc ycu
hcvenI Leen cL|e Ic receive ycur :hipmenI cf Lecn: cue Ic c :Icrm, cr
cIher ci:c:Ier -- cpen ycur Lu:ine:: cnc :e|| whcI ycu cc hcve in :Icck,
|ike pc:Irie: cr Iec, iI wi|| prcve ycur re:i|ience cnc he|p wiIh cu:Icmer
/: we ci:cu::ec in Ihe chcpIer cn per:cnc| fincnce :urvivc|, c|| cf Ihe:e
ccIicn: cnc prepcrcIicn:, c::ume IhcI even in Ihe wcke cf c cevc:IcIing
ci:c:Ier, reccvery cnc reIurn Ic ncrmc| Lu:ine:: cpercIicn:, wi|| evenIuc||y
Le pc::iL|e. ln ChcpIer 28, ycu wi|| |ecrn hcw Ic prepcre ycur Lu:ine::
cnc prcIecI ycur Lu:ine:: c::eI: in Ihe evenI cf c |crge-:cc|e eccncmic
/ncIher viIc| ccmpcnenI cf cny Lu:ine::e: Emergency Frepcrecne:: F|cn
i: CcmmuniccIicn:. Ycur Lu:ine:: mu:I Le cL|e Ic re:pcnc prcmpI|y,
cccurcIe|y cnc ccnficenI|y curing cn emergency in Ihe hcur: cnc ccy:
IhcI fc||cw cn emergency :iIucIicn. When ycur cpercIicn: cre ci:rupIec,
cu:Icmer: wi|| wcnI Ic kncw hcw Ihey wi|| Le impccIec. Emp|cyee: cnc
Iheir fcmi|ie: wi|| Le ccncernec cnc wcnI infcrmcIicn. Fegu|cIcr: mcy
neec Ic Le ncIifiec cnc |ccc| gcvernmenI cfficic|: wi|| wcnI Ic kncw whcI
i: gcing cn in Iheir ccmmuniIy. NeighLcr: |iving necr Ihe fcci|iIy mcy neec
infcrmcIicn-e:pecic||y if Ihey cre IhrecIenec Ly Ihe incicenI. Mcny
cifferenI cucience: mu:I Le recchec wiIh infcrmcIicn :pecific Ic Iheir
inIere:I: cnc neec:. Ihe imcge cf ycur Lu:ine:: wi|| Le pc:iIive|y cr
negcIive|y impccIec Ly Ihe puL|ic: percepIicn: cf Ihe wcy ycur Lu:ine::
hcnc|ec iI:e|f, curing cnc cfIer c ci:c:Ier.
Uncer:Icnc IhcI ecch cf Ihe:e cucience:" wi|| Le c|cmcring fcr
infcrmcIicn cLcuI hcw Ihe ci:c:Ier pcrIicu|cr|y impccI: Ihem. Ycu ccn
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Le:I Le prepcrec Ly cnIicipcIing Iheir neec: cnc ue:Iicn:, cnc kncwing
ycur cfficic| re:pcn:e: Ic Ihem, in ccvcnce, whenever pc::iL|e.
/ny pcrIicu|cr ci:c:Ier cr emergency wi|| cf ccur:e genercIe iI: cwn
:pecific ccncern:, LuI in generc|, ycu ccn expecI Ihe fc||cwing grcup: Ic
cemcnc Ihe fc||cwing cn:wer::
Emp|oyees - When :hcu|c l repcrI Ic wcrk" Wi|| l hcve c jcL" Wi|| l
geI pcic curing Ihe :huIccwn cr ccn l cc||ecI unemp|cymenI" WhcI
cre ycu gcing Ic cc Ic cccre:: my :cfeIy" l: iI :cfe Ic gc Lcck Ic
Customers - When wi|| l receive my crcer" WhcI wi|| ycu give me Ic
ccmpen:cIe fcr Ihe ce|cy"
Government kegu|otors - When cic iI hcppen" WhcI hcppenec
{ceIci|: cLcuI Ihe incicenI)" WhcI cre Ihe impccI: {injurie:, cecIh:,
envircnmenIc| ccnIcmincIicn, :cfeIy cf ccn:umer:, eIc.)"
E|ected O|||c|o|s - WhcI i: Ihe impccI cn Ihe ccmmuniIy {hczcrc: cnc
eccncmy)" Hcw mcny emp|cyee: wi|| Le cffecIec" When wi|| ycu
Le Lcck up cnc running"
Supp||ers - When :hcu|c we re:ume ce|iverie: cnc where :hcu|c we :hip
Ne|ghbors |n the Commun|ty - Hcw ccn l Le :ure iI: :cfe Ic gc cuI:ice"
WhcI cre ycu gcing Ic cc Ic prevenI Ihi: frcm hcppening cgcin" Hcw
cc l geI pcic fcr Ihe |c:: l incurrec"
News Med|o - WhcI hcppenec" Whc wc: injurec" WhcI i: Ihe
e:IimcIec |c::" WhcI ccu:ec Ihe incicenI" WhcI cre ycu gcing Ic
cc Ic prevenI iI frcm hcppening cgcin" Whc i: re:pcn:iL|e"
lf ycu cc ncI hcve c FuL|ic Fe|cIicn:, cr ccmmuniccIicn: cepcrImenI cnc
c ccmpcny :pcke:per:cn" fcr ccy-Ic-ccy cpercIicn:, iI i: Le:I Ic cecice
Lefcre cn emergency, whc wi|| Le ycur ci:c:Ier ccmmuniccIicn: pcinI cf
/n emergency ci:c:Ier prepcrecne:: p|cn fcr ycur Lu:ine:: i: cne cf Ihc:e
Ihing: IhcI ycu hcve LuI hcpe ycu never neec, rcIher Ihcn neec cnc
wi:h ycu hcc. Frcper ci:c:Ier p|cnning ccn gc c |cng wcy Ic giving ycu
Ihe pecce cf minc IhcI ccme: wiIh kncwing IhcI ycur Lu:ine:: i: reccy,
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
wi||ing, cnc cL|e Ic :hifI inIc ci:c:Ier re:pcn:e mcce, whenever iI mcy Le
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
8os|c F|rst A|d

A sccr does not jorm on the din.
A sccr mecns, I surtited.
- Chris Clecte, notelist
Everycne :hcu|c kncw CFF cnc Lc:ic Fir:I /ic Iechniue:, Ihe:e :ki||: ccn
he|p :cve Ihe |ive: cf c |cvec cne, cr even c ccmp|eIe :Ircnger, cny ccy,
cny Iime - LuI Ihey cre e:pecic||y criIicc| in Ihe fcce cf c ci:c:Ier cr
ncIicnc| emergency.
lI i: c criIicc| pcrI cf ycur cverc|| Di:c:Ier Frepcrecne:: p|cn IhcI ycu cr
:cmecne in ycur fcmi|y i: Ircinec in CFF cnc 8c:ic Fir:I /ic. Ihe /mericcn
Fec Crc:: {FecCrc::.crg) cnc Ihe /mericcn HecrI /::ccicIicn {HecrI.crg)
cre exce||enI :curce: cf :uch c|c::e:.
Ycur hcme, ycur ccr, ycur p|cce cf Lu:ine::, cnc ycur Gc-8cg neec: Ic
hcve cI |ec:I c Lc:ic Fir:I /ic KiI. / we||-:Icckec fir:I-cic kiI ccn he|p ycu
re:pcnc effecIive|y Ic ccmmcn injurie: cnc emergencie:. Ycu mcy neec
mcre :pecific Fir:I /ic iIem: if ycu cre p|cnning cn exIencec Irek in Ihe

GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
wi|cerne::, cr kncw ycu cre in cn crec where ycu mcy Le expc:ec Ic
pcrIicu|cr hczcrc:. Ycu ccn purchc:e vcricu: prcfe::icnc||y prepcrec Fir:I
/ic KiI: Ihcugh re:pecIec :curce: cn|ine cr ycu ccn c::emL|e ycur cwn.
A 8os|c K|t shou|d |nc|ude ot |eost the |o||ow|ng:
8os|c Supp||es
AdIesIve Lupe
AnLIbIoLIc oInLmenL
AnLIsepLIc soIuLIon or LoweIeLLes
Bunduges, IncIudIng u roII oI eIusLIc wrup (Ace Bunduges) und bunduge
sLrIps (Bund-AIds) In ussorLed sIzes
nsLunL coId pucks
CoLLon buIIs und coLLon-LIpped swubs
DIsposubIe IuLex or synLIeLIc gIoves, uL IeusL Lwo puIrs
DucL Lupe
Guuze puds und roIIer guuze In ussorLed sIzes
Eye goggIes
IrsL-uId munuuI
PeLroIeum jeIIy or oLIer IubrIcunL
PIusLIc bugs Ior LIe dIsposuI oI conLumInuLed muLerIuIs
SuIeLy pIns In ussorLed sIzes
TooLI preservuLIon kIL consIsLIng oI suIL soIuLIon und u seuIubIe LruveI
ScIssors, Lweezers und u needIe
Soup or InsLunL Iund sunILIzer
SLerIIe eyewusI, sucI us u suIIne soIuLIon
TrIunguIur bunduge
Turkey-busLer or oLIer buIb sucLIon devIce Ior IIusIIng ouL wounds
AcLIvuLed cIurcouI (use onIy II InsLrucLed by your poIson conLroI cenLer)
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
AIoe Veru geI
Over-LIe-counLer oruI unLIIIsLumIne (BenudryI, or generIc
CuIumIne IoLIon
Over-LIe-counLer IydrocorLIsone creum
PersonuI medIcuLIons LIuL don'L need reIrIgeruLIon
I prescrIbed by your docLor, drugs Lo LreuL un uIIergIc uLLuck, sucI us un
uuLo-InjecLor oI epInepIrIne (EpIPen)
SyrInge, medIcIne cup or spoon
Other Emergency Items
CeII pIone und recIurger LIuL uses LIe uccessory pIug In your cur dusI
Emergency pIone numbers, IncIudIng conLucL InIormuLIon Ior your
IumIIy docLor und pedIuLrIcIun, IocuI emergency servIces, emergency
roud servIce provIders und LIe regIonuI poIson conLroI cenLer
MedIcuI consenL Iorms Ior eucI IumIIy member
MedIcuI IIsLory Iorms Ior eucI IumIIy member
SmuII, wuLerprooI IIusIIIgIL und exLru buLLerIes
MyIur emergency bIunkeL
/: wiIh ycur hcme cnc cffice Emergency Frepcrecne:: KiI:, keep ycur
Fir:I /ic KiI: ec:i|y ccce::iL|e in cn emergency. Mcke :ure everycne in
ycur fcmi|y, cr p|cce cf Lu:ine::, kncw: where Ihe KiI i: |cccIec. Mcke
:ure ycu cre fcmi|icr wiIh, cnc kncw hcw Ic u:e c|| cf Ihe iIem: in ycur Fir:I
/ic kiI Lefcre ycu neec Ihem. Check cn Ihe iIem: periccicc||y, cnc mcke
:ure Ihey cre fre:h, cnc u:cL|e - rep|cce c|c, criec cuI cr expirec iIem: c:
ExcepI where cIherwi:e inciccIec, Ihe fc||cwing infcrmcIicn ccme: frcm
Ihe Mcyc C|inic, {McycC|inic.ccm). lI i: cn / - Z whcI Ic cc guice" fcr
Ihe mc:I ccmmcn mecicc| emergencie: ycu cre |ike|y Ic enccunIer
curing c ci:c:Ier, cr even in everyccy |ife. Ihe |ife :cving Iechniue:
pre:enIec ccu|c he|p when Ihe chip: cre ccwn, LuI :hcu|c ncI Le Icken
c: c :uL:IiIuIe fcr fcrmc| Fir:I /ic Ircining.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ihi: ccnciIicn i: c |ife IhrecIening c||ergic reccIicn. lI ccn ccu:e :hcck, c
:uccen crcp in L|ccc pre::ure cnc IrcuL|e LrecIhing. ln pecp|e whc
hcve cn c||ergy, cncphy|cxi: ccn cccur in minuIe: cfIer expc:ure Ic c
:pecific c||ergy-ccu:ing :uL:Icnce. ln :cme cc:e:, Ihere mcy Le c
ce|cyec reccIicn cr cncphy|cxi: mcy cccur wiIhcuI cn cppcrenI Irigger.
lf ycu're wiIh :cmecne hcving :ign: cf cncphy|cxi:, ccn'I wciI Ic :ee
wheIher :ympIcm: geI LeIIer. Seek emergency IrecImenI righI cwcy. ln
:evere cc:e:, unIrecIec cncphy|cxi: ccn |ecc Ic cecIh wiIhin hc|f cn
S|gns ond symptoms o| onophy|ox|s |nc|ude:
SkIn reucLIons IncIudIng IIves, ILcIIng und IIusIed or puIe skIn.
SweIIIng oI LIe Iuce, eyes, IIps or LIrouL.
ConsLrIcLIon oI LIe uIrwuys, IeudIng Lo wIeezIng und breuLIIng
A weuk und rupId puIse.
Nuuseu, vomILIng or dIurrIeu.
DIzzIness, IuInLIng or unconscIousness.
Whot Io Do
mmedIuLeIy cuII q-1-1 or your IocuI medIcuI emergency number.
Ask LIe person II Ie or sIe Is curryIng un epInepIrIne uuLo-InjecLor Lo
LreuL un uIIergIc uLLuck (Ior exumpIe, EpIPen, TwInjecL).
I LIe person suys Ie or sIe needs Lo use un uuLo-InjecLor, usk wIeLIer
you sIouId IeIp InjecL LIe medIcuLIon. TIIs Is usuuIIy done by pressIng
LIe uuLo-InjecLor uguInsL LIe person's LIIgI.
I LIe person does noL Iuve, or does noL use un uuLo-InjecLor, udmInIsLer
BenudryI Lo Iessen LIe IIsLumIne reucLIon.
Huve LIe person IIe sLIII on IIs or Ier buck.
oosen LIgIL cIoLIIng und cover LIe person wILI u bIunkeL. Don'L gIve
LIe person unyLIIng Lo drInk.
I LIere's vomILIng or bIeedIng Irom LIe mouLI, Lurn LIe person on IIs
or Ier sIde Lo prevenL cIokIng.

GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
I LIere ure no sIgns oI breuLIIng, cougIIng or movemenL, begIn CPR.
Do unInLerrupLed cIesL presses - ubouL 1oo every mInuLe - unLII
purumedIcs urrIve.
Some common onophy|ox|s tr|ggers |nc|ude:
oods sucI us peunuLs, Lree nuLs, IIsI und sIeIIIIsI.
nsecL sLIngs Irom bees, yeIIow juckeLs, wusps, IorneLs und IIre unLs.
lf ycu've hcc cny kinc cf :evere c||ergic reccIicn in Ihe pc:I, c:k ycur
cccIcr if ycu :hcu|c Le pre:criLec cn epinephrine cuIc-injecIcr Ic ccrry
wiIh ycu.
lf cn cnimc| LiIe: ycu, ycur chi|c, cr :cmecne ycu cre wiIh, fc||cw Ihe:e
For m|nor wounds - lf Ihe LiIe Lcre|y Lreck: Ihe :kin cnc Ihere': nc ccnger
cf rcLie:, IrecI iI c: c mincr wcunc. Wc:h Ihe wcunc Ihcrcugh|y wiIh :ccp
cnc wcIer. /pp|y cn cnIiLicIic crecm Ic prevenI infecIicn cnc ccver Ihe
LiIe wiIh c c|ecn Lcnccge.
For deep wounds - lf Ihe cnimc| LiIe crecIe: c ceep puncIure cf Ihe :kin
cr Ihe :kin i: Lcc|y Icrn cnc L|eecing, cpp|y pre::ure wiIh c c|ecn, cry
c|cIh Ic :Icp Ihe L|eecing cnc :ee ycur cccIcr.
For |n|ect|on - lf ycu ncIice :ign: cf infecIicn, :uch c: :we||ing, recne::,
increc:ec pcin cr cczing, :ee ycur cccIcr immecicIe|y.
For suspected rob|es - lf ycu :u:pecI Ihe LiIe wc: ccu:ec Ly cn cnimc|
IhcI mighI ccrry rcLie: - inc|ucing cny wi|c cr ccme:Iic cnimc| cf
unkncwn immunizcIicn :IcIu:, pcrIicu|cr|y LcI: - :ee ycur cccIcr
lf ycu hcve ncI hcc c IeIcnu: :hcI in mcre Ihcn five yecr: cnc ycur
wcunc i: ceep cr cirIy, ycur cccIcr mcy reccmmenc c Lcc:Ier. GeI Ihe
Lcc:Ier c: :ccn c: pc::iL|e cfIer Ihe injury.
Dcme:Iic peI: ccu:e mc:I cnimc| LiIe:. Dcg: cre mcre |ike|y Ic LiIe Ihcn
ccI:. CcI LiIe:, hcwever, cre mcre |ike|y Ic ccu:e infecIicn Leccu:e Ihey
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
cre u:uc||y puncIure wcunc: cnc ccn'I Le Ihcrcugh|y c|ecnec. 8iIe: frcm
ncn-immunizec ccme:Iic cnimc|: cnc wi|c cnimc|: ccrry Ihe ri:k cf rcLie:.
FcLie: i: mcre ccmmcn in LcI:, rcccccn:, :kunk: cnc fcxe: Ihcn in ccI:
cnc ccg:. FcLLiI:, :uirre|: cnc cIher rccenI: rcre|y ccrry rcLie:.
Ihe CenIer: fcr Di:ec:e CcnIrc| cnc FrevenIicn reccmmenc: IhcI chi|cren
cr ccu|I: expc:ec Ic LcI:, cr whc cre :|eeping cnc ci:ccver LcI: pre:enI,
:eek mecicc| ccvice, even if Ihey ccn'I Ihink Ihey've Leen LiIIen. Ihi: i:
Leccu:e LcI LiIe mcrk: ccn Le hcrc Ic :ee.
lf c L|i:Ier i:n'I Icc pcinfu|, Iry Ic keep iI inIccI. UnLrcken :kin cver c L|i:Ier
prcvice: c ncIurc| Lcrrier Ic LccIeric cnc cecrec:e: Ihe ri:k cf infecIicn.
Ccver c :mc|| L|i:Ier wiIh cn cche:ive Lcnccge, cnc ccver c |crge cne
wiIh c pcrcu:, p|c:Iic-cccIec gcuze pcc IhcI cL:crL: mci:Iure cnc c||cw:
Ihe wcunc Ic LrecIhe. lf ycu're c||ergic Ic Ihe cche:ive u:ec in :cme
Icpe, u:e pcper Icpe.
Dcn'I puncIure c L|i:Ier un|e:: iI': pcinfu| cr prevenI: ycu frcm wc|king cr
u:ing cne cf ycur hcnc:. lf ycu hcve cicLeIe: cr pccr circu|cIicn, cc||
ycur cccIcr Lefcre ccn:icering Ihe :e|f-ccre mec:ure: Le|cw.
How to dro|n o b||ster
Ic re|ieve L|i:Ier-re|cIec pcin, crcin Ihe f|uic whi|e |ecving Ihe cver|ying
:kin inIccI. Here': hcw:
WusI your Iunds und LIe bIIsLer wILI soup und wurm wuLer.
Swub LIe bIIsLer wILI IodIne or rubbIng uIcoIoI.
SLerIIIze u cIeun, sIurp needIe by wIpIng IL wILI rubbIng uIcoIoI.
Use LIe needIe Lo puncLure LIe bIIsLer. AIm Ior severuI spoLs neur LIe
bIIsLer's edge. eL LIe IIuId druIn, buL Ieuve LIe overIyIng skIn In pIuce.
AppIy un unLIbIoLIc oInLmenL Lo LIe bIIsLer und cover wILI u bunduge or
guuze pud.
CuL uwuy uII LIe deud skIn uILer severuI duys, usIng Lweezers und
scIssors sLerIIIzed wILI rubbIng uIcoIoI. AppIy more oInLmenL und u
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
8||ster prevent|on
/: wiIh mcny ccmmcn injurie: cr prcL|em: IhcI reuire Fir:I /ic in cn
emergency :iIucIicn, prevenIing L|i:Ier: i: LeIIer Ihcn Irying Ic IrecI Ihem.
Ic prevenI c L|i:Ier, u:e g|cve:, :cck:, c Lcnccge cr :imi|cr prcIecIive
ccvering cver Ihe crec Leing ruLLec. Specic| cIh|eIic :cck: cre
cvci|cL|e IhcI hcve exIrc pcccing in criIicc| crec:. Ycu mighI c|:c Iry
cIIcching mc|e:kin Ic Ihe in:ice cf ycur :hce where iI mighI ruL, :uch c:
cI Ihe hee|.
Ccn Le very ccmmcn injure: in Ihe cfIermcIh cf c ncIurc| ci:c:Ier cr cIher
emergency :iIucIicn:. 8rcken Lcne: cre mcre cccurcIe|y referrec Ic c:
frccIure:." Ihere cre Lc:icc||y Iwc Iype: cf frccIure:: cpen cnc c|c:ec.
WiIh cn cpen, cr ccmpcunc frccIure, Ihe Lcne prcIruce: Ihrcugh Ihe :kin
cnc ccmp|iccIe: Ihe ccIuc| frccIure wiIh cn cpen wcunc.
Ihe :ign: cnc :ympIcm: cf c frccIure cre pcin, Iencerne::, ci:cc|crcIicn,
:we||ing cefcrmiIy, |c:: cf funcIicn cnc grcIing :cunc cr fee|ing IhcI
cccur: when Lrcken Lcne enc: ruL IcgeIher.
NOIE: A|| |roctures requ|re med|co| ottent|on.
lf ycu ccnncI geI Ihe per:cn immecicIe mecicc| he|p, Iry ncI Ic mcve Ihe
per:cn excepI if nece::cry Ic cvcic furIher injury.
Ioke these oct|ons |mmed|ote|y wh||e wo|t|ng |or pro|ess|ono| med|co|
I u bIeedIng wound uccompunIes LIe broken bone, sLop uny bIeedIng.
AppIy pressure Lo LIe wound wILI u sLerIIe bunduge, u cIeun cIoLI or u
cIeun pIece oI cIoLIIng.
mmobIIIze LIe Injured ureu. Don'L Lry Lo reuIIgn LIe bone or pusI u
bone LIuL's sLIckIng ouL buck In. I you've been LruIned In Iow Lo spIInL
und proIessIonuI IeIp Isn'L reudIIy uvuIIubIe, uppIy u spIInL Lo LIe ureu
ubove und beIow LIe IrucLure sILes. PuddIng LIe spIInLs cun IeIp reduce
AppIy Ice pucks Lo IImIL sweIIIng und IeIp reIIeve puIn unLII emergency
personneI urrIve. Don'L uppIy Ice dIrecLIy Lo LIe skIn - wrup LIe Ice In u
LoweI, pIece oI cIoLI or some oLIer muLerIuI.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
TreuL Ior sIock. I LIe person IeeIs IuInL or Is breuLIIng In sIorL, rupId
breuLIs; Iuy LIe person down wILI LIe Ieud sIIgILIy Iower LIun LIe Lrunk
und II possIbIe, eIevuLe LIe Iegs.

Image: Courtesy US Army
Ihe /rmy Survivc| mcnuc| ccc: Ihe fc||cwing infcrmcIicn cLcuI IrecIing
Lrcken Lcne in Ihe fie|c if ycu cre fcr frcm mecicc| he|p, cr Fir:I
Fe:pcncer: cre cverwhe|mec in Ihe wcke cf cn emergency.
Ihere i: Ihe ccnger cf Ihe :evering cr Ihe ccmpre::icn cf c nerve cr L|ccc
ve::e| cI Ihe :iIe cf frccIure. Fcr Ihi: rec:cn minimum mcnipu|cIicn :hcu|c
Le ccne, cnc cn|y very ccuIicu:|y. lf ycu ncIice Ihe crec Le|cw Ihe
Lreck Leccming numL, :wc||en, ccc| Ic Ihe Icuch, cr Iurning pc|e, cnc
Ihe vicIim :hcwing :ign: cf :hcck, c mcjcr ve::e| mcy hcve Leen :everec.
Ycu mu:I ccnIrc| Ihi: inIernc| L|eecing. Fe:eI Ihe frccIure cnc IrecI Ihe
vicIim fcr :hcck cnc rep|cce |c:I f|uic:.
CfIen ycu mu:I mcinIcin IrccIicn curing Ihe :p|inIing cnc hec|ing prcce::.
Ycu ccn effecIive|y pu|| :mc||er Lcne: :uch c: Ihe crm cr |cwer |eg Ly
hcnc. Ycu ccn crecIe IrccIicn Ly wecging c hcnc cr fccI in Ihe V-ncIch
cf c Iree cnc pu:hing cgcin:I Ihe Iree wiIh Ihe cIher exIremiIy. Ycu ccn
Ihen :p|inI Ihe Lreck.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Very :Ircng mu:c|e: hc|c c Lrcken IhighLcne {femur) in p|cce, mcking iI
cifficu|I Ic mcinIcin IrccIicn curing hec|ing. Ycu ccn u:e ncIurc| mcIeric|:
Ic mcke cn imprcvi:ec IrccIicn :p|inI c: fc||cw::
1. GeL Lwo Iorked bruncIes or supIIngs uL IeusL cenLImeLers (z IncIes)
In dIumeLer. Meusure one Irom LIe puLIenL's urmpIL Lo zo Lo o
cenLImeLers (8 Lo 1z IncIes) pusL IIs unbroken Ieg. Meusure LIe
oLIer Irom LIe groIn Lo zo Lo o cenLImeLers (8 Lo 1z IncIes) pusL LIe
unbroken Ieg. Ensure LIuL boLI exLend un equuI dIsLunce beyond LIe
end oI LIe Ieg.
z. Pud LIe Lwo spIInLs. NoLcI LIe ends wILIouL Iorks und IusI u zo-o
cenLImeLers (8-z IncIes) cross member mude Irom u IIve-cenLImeLer
(Lwo IncI) dIumeLer bruncI beLween LIem.
. UsIng uvuIIubIe muLerIuI (vInes, cIoLI, ruwIIde), LIe LIe spIInL uround
LIe upper porLIon oI LIe body und down LIe IengLI oI LIe broken Ieg.
oIIow LIe spIInLIng guIdeIInes.
q. WILI uvuIIubIe muLerIuI, IusIIon u wrup LIuL wIII exLend uround LIe
unkIe - wILI LIe Lwo Iree ends LIed Lo LIe cross member.
. PIuce u 1o by z. cenLImeLer (q by 1 IncI) sLIck In LIe mIddIe oI LIe
Iree ends oI LIe unkIe wrup beLween LIe cross member und LIe IooL.
UsIng LIe sLIck. LwIsL LIe muLerIuI Lo muke LIe LrucLIon eusIer.
6. ConLInue LwIsLIng unLII LIe broken Ieg Is us Iong, or sIIgILIy Ionger
LIun LIe unbroken Ieg.
;. usI LIe sLIck Lo muInLuIn LrucLIon.
NOIE Over t|me, you moy |ose troct|on becouse the moter|o|
weokened. Check the troct|on per|od|co||y. I| you must
chonge or repo|r the sp||nt, mo|nto|n the troct|on monuo||y |or
o short t|me. [!$$ *((4;0.:0*"2 01:0 <"(("=;>
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC

Image: Courtesy US Army
8urn: cccur in c rcnge frcm mincr Ic mcjcr, cnc c|:c cre cfIen
enccunIerec in ci:c:Ier cr emergency :iIucIicn:. Ic ci:Iingui:h c mincr
Lurn frcm c :ericu: Lurn, Ihe fir:I :Iep i: Ic ceIermine Ihe exIenI cf
ccmcge Ic Lccy Ii::ue:. Ihe Ihree Lurn c|c::ificcIicn: cf fir:I-cegree
Lurn, :eccnc-cegree Lurn cnc Ihirc-cegree Lurn wi|| he|p ycu ceIermine
emergency ccre.
1st-degree burn

Image: Courtesy 1he Nat|ona| Inst|tutes of nea|th
Fir:I-cegree Lurn: cre Ihe |ec:I :ericu: Lurn:. / fir:I-cegree Lurn i: cne in
which cn|y Ihe cuIer |cyer cf :kin i: Lurnec, LuI ncI c|| Ihe wcy Ihrcugh.
TIe skIn Is usuuIIy red
OILen LIere Is sweIIIng
PuIn someLImes Is presenL
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
IrecI c fir:I-cegree Lurn c: c mincr Lurn un|e:: iI invc|ve: :uL:IcnIic|
pcrIicn: cf Ihe hcnc:, feeI, fcce, grcin cr LuIIcck:, cr c mcjcr jcinI, which
reuire: emergency mecicc| cIIenIicn.
2nd-degree burn

Image: Courtesy 1he Nat|ona| Inst|tutes of nea|th
When Ihe fir:I |cyer cf :kin hc: Leen Lurnec Ihrcugh cnc Ihe :eccnc |cyer
cf :kin {cermi:) c|:c i: Lurnec, Ihe injury i: cc||ec c :eccnc-cegree Lurn.
BIIsLers deveIop.
SkIn Lukes on un InLenseIy reddened, spIoLcIy uppeurunce.
TIere Is severe puIn und sweIIIng.
lf Ihe :eccnc-cegree Lurn i: nc |crger Ihcn Ihree inche: {7. cenIimeIer:)
in cicmeIer, IrecI iI c: c mincr Lurn. lf Ihe Lurnec crec i: |crger cr if Ihe
Lurn i: cn Ihe hcnc:, feeI, fcce, grcin cr LuIIcck:, cr cver c mcjcr jcinI,
IrecI iI c: c mcjcr Lurn cnc Iry Ic geI mecicc| he|p immecicIe|y.
Fcr mincr Lurn:, inc|ucing fir:I-cegree Lurn: cnc :eccnc-cegree Lurn:
|imiIec Ic cn crec nc |crger Ihcn Ihree inche: {7. cenIimeIer:) in
cicmeIer, Icke Ihe fc||cwing ccIicn::
1. "##$ %&' ()*+. HoId LIe burned ureu under cooI (noL coId) runnIng wuLer
Ior 1o or 1 mInuLes or unLII LIe puIn subsIdes. I LIIs Is ImprucLIcuI,
Immerse LIe burn In cooI wuLer or cooI IL wILI coId compresses. CooIIng LIe
burn reduces sweIIIng by conducLIng IeuL uwuy Irom LIe skIn. ,#+-% .)%
/0' #+ %&' ()*+1
z. "#2'* %&' ()*+ 3/%& 4 5%'*/$' 64)7' (4+846'1 Don'L use IIuIIy coLLon,
or oLIer muLerIuI LIuL muy geL IInL In LIe wound. Wrup LIe guuze IooseIy Lo
uvoId puLLIng pressure on burned skIn. BundugIng keeps uIr oII LIe burn,
reduces puIn und proLecLs bIIsLered skIn.
Mincr Lurn: u:uc||y hec| wiIhcuI furIher IrecImenI. Ihey mcy hec| wiIh
pigmenI chcnge:, mecning Ihe hec|ec crec mcy Le c cifferenI cc|cr
frcm Ihe :urrcuncing :kin. WcIch fcr :ign: cf infecIicn, :uch c: increc:ec
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
pcin, recne::, fever, :we||ing cr cczing. lf infecIicn ceve|cp:, :eek
mecicc| he|p.
8urn DcnI:
,#+-% )5' /0'1 PuLLIng Ice dIrecLIy on u burn cun cuuse u person's body
Lo become Loo coId und cuuse IurLIer dumuge Lo LIe wound.
,#+-% 4..$9 egg wIILes, buLLer or oInLmenLs Lo LIe burn. TIIs couId
cuuse InIecLIon.
,#+-% (*'4: ($/5%'*51 Broken bIIsLers ure more vuInerubIe Lo

3rd-degree burn

Image: Courtesy 1he Nat|ona| Inst|tutes of nea|th
Ihe mc:I :ericu: Lurn: invc|ve c|| |cyer: cf Ihe :kin cnc ccu:e permcnenI
Ii::ue ccmcge. FcI, mu:c|e cnc even Lcne mcy Le cffecIec. /rec: mcy
Le chcrrec L|cck cr cppecr cry cnc whiIe. Difficu|Iy inhc|ing cnc
exhc|ing, ccrLcn mcncxice pci:cning, cr cIher Icxic effecI: mcy cccur if
:mcke inhc|cIicn ccccmpcnie: Ihe Lurn.
Fcr mcjcr Lurn: - cc|| -1-1 cr emergency mecicc| he|p. UnIi| cn
emergency uniI crrive:, fc||cw Ihe:e :Iep::
1. Don'L remove burned cIoLIIng. However, do muke sure LIe vIcLIm Is
no Ionger In conLucL wILI smoIderIng muLerIuIs or exposed Lo smoke
or IeuL.
z. Don'L Immerse Iurge severe burns In coId wuLer. DoIng so couId
cuuse u drop In body LemperuLure (IypoLIermIu) und deLerIoruLIon
oI bIood pressure und cIrcuIuLIon (sIock).
. CIeck Ior sIgns oI cIrcuIuLIon (breuLIIng, cougIIng or movemenL). I
LIere Is no breuLIIng or oLIer sIgn oI cIrcuIuLIon, begIn CPR.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
q. EIevuLe LIe burned body purL or purLs und ruIse ubove IeurL IeveI,
wIen possIbIe.
. Cover LIe ureu oI LIe burn. Use u cooI, moIsL, sLerIIe bunduge; cIeun,
moIsL cIoLI or moIsL cIoLI LoweIs.
ln c :urvivc| :iIucIicn where emergency he|p i: ncI cvci|cL|e, Ihe US /rmy
Survivc| mcnuc| cffer: Ihe fc||cwing fie|c IrecImenI cf Lurn:, which mcy
he|p Ic :peec hec|ing, recuce Ihe chcnce cf infecIicn, cnc ec:e pcin.
NOIE: Sook dress|ngs or c|eon rogs |or 10 m|nutes |n o bo|||ng tonn|c
oc|d so|ut|on [obto|ned |rom teo, |nner bork o| hordwood trees,
or ocorns bo||ed |n woter}.
Chem|co| 8urns
/re cifferenI Ihen Lurn: ccu:ec Ly hecI cr fire, cnc reuire :pecific Fir:I
/ic. lf c ccu:Iic chemicc| Lurn: Ihe :kin, fc||cw Ihe:e :Iep::
1. Remove LIe cuuse oI LIe burn by IIrsL brusIIng uny remuInIng dry
cIemIcuI und LIen rInsIng LIe cIemIcuI oII LIe skIn surIuce wILI cooI,
genLIy runnIng wuLer Ior 1o Lo zo mInuLes or more.
z. Remove cIoLIIng or jeweIry LIuL Ius been conLumInuLed by LIe
. Wrup LIe burned ureu IooseIy wILI u dry, sLerIIe dressIng (II
uvuIIubIe) or u cIeun cIoLI.
q. RewusI LIe burned ureu Ior severuI more mInuLes II LIe person
experIences Increused burnIng uILer LIe InILIuI wusIIng.
E|ectr|co| 8urns
E|ecIricc| Lurn: c|:c pre:enI uniue Fir:I /ic chc||enge:. E|ecIricc| 8urn:
mcy cppecr mincr cr ncI :hcw cn Ihe :kin cI c||, LuI Ihe ccmcge ccn
exIenc ceep inIc Ihe Ii::ue: LenecIh ycur :kin. lf c :Ircng e|ecIricc|
currenI pc::e: Ihrcugh ycur Lccy, inIernc| ccmcge, :uch c: c hecrI
rhyIhm ci:IurLcnce cr ccrcicc crre:I, ccn cccur. ScmeIime: Ihe jc|I
c::ccicIec wiIh Ihe e|ecIricc| Lurn ccn ccu:e ycu Ic Le Ihrcwn cr Ic fc||,
re:u|Iing in frccIure: cr cIher c::ccicIec injurie:.
Cc|| -1-1 cr ycur |ccc| emergency numLer fcr c::i:Icnce if Ihe per:cn
whc hc: Leen Lurnec i: in pcin, i: ccnfu:ec, cr i: experiencing chcnge: in
hi: cr her LrecIhing, hecrILecI cr ccn:cicu:ne::.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Wh||e he|p|ng someone w|th on e|ectr|co| burn ond wo|t|ng |or med|co|
he|p, |o||ow these steps:
1. ook IIrsL. Don'L LoucI. TIe person muy sLIII be In conLucL wILI LIe
eIecLrIcuI source. ToucIIng LIe person muy puss LIe currenL LIrougI
z. Turn oII LIe source oI eIecLrIcILy II possIbIe. I noL, move LIe source
uwuy Irom boLI you und LIe Injured person usIng u dry, non-
conducLIng objecL mude oI curdbourd, pIusLIc or wood.
. CIeck Ior sIgns oI cIrcuIuLIon (breuLIIng, cougIIng or movemenL). I
ubsenL, begIn curdIopuImonury resuscILuLIon (CPR) ImmedIuLeIy.
q. PrevenL sIock. uy LIe person down wILI LIe Ieud sIIgILIy Iower
LIun LIe Lrunk, II possIbIe, und LIe Iegs eIevuLed.
. Cover LIe uIIecLed ureus. I LIe person Is breuLIIng, cover uny
burned ureus wILI u sLerIIe guuze bunduge, II uvuIIubIe, or u cIeun
cIoLI. Don'L use u bIunkeL or LoweI, becuuse Ioose IIbers cun sLIck Lo
LIe burns.
E|ecIric Shcck ccu|c cccur wiIh cr wiIhcuI Ihe :ign: cf cn exIernc| e|ecIric
Symptoms o| E|ectr|c Shock Inc|ude:
CurdIuc urresL
HeurL rIyLIm probIems (urrIyLImIus)
RespIruLory IuIIure
MuscIe puIn und conLrucLIons
Numbness und LIngIIng
Fo||ow these steps || you suspect someone hos been the v|ct|m o| on
e|ectr|c shock.
1. ook IIrsL. Don'L LoucI. TIe person muy sLIII be In conLucL wILI LIe
eIecLrIcuI source. ToucIIng LIe person muy puss LIe currenL LIrougI
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
z. Turn oII LIe source oI eIecLrIcILy, II possIbIe. I noL, move LIe source
uwuy Irom you und LIe person, usIng u non-conducLIng objecL mude
oI curdbourd, pIusLIc or wood.
. CIeck Ior sIgns oI cIrcuIuLIon (breuLIIng, cougIIng or movemenL). I
ubsenL, begIn curdIopuImonury resuscILuLIon (CPR) ImmedIuLeIy.
q. PrevenL sIock - Iuy LIe person down und II possIbIe, posILIon LIe
Ieud sIIgILIy Iower LIun LIe Lrunk, wILI LIe Iegs eIevuLed.
bkGENI: In the o|termoth o| o noturo| d|soster such os storm or
eorthquoke, |t |s |mperot|ve thot you ovo|d o|| downed power
||nes, ond treot ony downed power ||ne os || |t |s ||ve. A|so
ovo|d wo|k|ng through stond|ng woter, os downed ||nes you
connot see cou|d hove e|ectr|||ed the ent|re poo| o| woter.
Mincr cuI: cnc :crcpe: cre u:uc||y ncI |ife IhrecIening, yeI prcper ccre i:
e::enIic| Ic cvcic infecIicn cr cIher ccmp|iccIicn:. Ihe:e guice|ine: ccn
he|p ycu ccre fcr :imp|e wcunc::
Stop the b|eed|ng. Mincr cuI: cnc :crcpe: u:uc||y :Icp L|eecing cn Iheir
cwn. lf Ihey ccn'I, cpp|y genI|e pre::ure wiIh c c|ecn c|cIh cr Lcnccge.
Hc|c Ihe pre::ure ccnIinucu:|y fcr 20 Ic 30 minuIe: cnc if pc::iL|e e|evcIe
Ihe wcunc. Dcn'I keep checking Ic :ee if Ihe L|eecing hc: :Icppec
Leccu:e Ihi: mcy ccmcge cr ci:|ccge Ihe c|cI IhcI': fcrming cnc ccu:e
L|eecing Ic re:ume. lf L|ccc :purI: cr ccnIinue: f|cwing cfIer ccnIinucu:
pre::ure, :eek mecicc| c::i:Icnce.

Image: Courtesy 1he U.S. Nat|ona| L|brary of Med|c|ne
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
C|eon the wound. Fin:e cuI Ihe wcunc wiIh c|ecr wcIer. Sccp ccn irriIcIe
Ihe wcunc, :c Iry Ic keep iI cuI cf Ihe ccIuc| wcunc. lf cirI cr ceLri:
remcin: in Ihe wcunc cfIer wc:hing, u:e Iweezer: c|ecnec wiIh c|cchc| Ic
remcve Ihe pcrIic|e:. lf ceLri: :Ii|| remcin:, :ee ycur cccIcr. Ihcrcugh
c|ecning recuce: Ihe ri:k cf infecIicn cnc IeIcnu:. Ic c|ecn Ihe crec
crcunc Ihe wcunc, u:e :ccp cnc c wc:hc|cIh. Ihere': nc neec Ic u:e
hycrcgen percxice, iccine cr cn iccine-ccnIcining c|ecn:er.
App|y on ont|b|ot|c. /fIer ycu c|ecn Ihe wcunc, cpp|y c Ihin |cyer cf cn
cnIiLicIic crecm cr cinImenI :uch c: Nec:pcrin cr Fc|y:pcrin Ic he|p keep
Ihe :urfcce mci:I. Ihe prccucI: ccn'I mcke Ihe wcunc hec| fc:Ier, LuI
Ihey ccn ci:ccurcge infecIicn cnc he|p ycur Lccy': ncIurc| hec|ing
prcce::. CerIcin ingrecienI: in :cme cinImenI: ccn ccu:e c mi|c rc:h in
:cme pecp|e. lf c rc:h cppecr:, :Icp u:ing Ihe cinImenI.
Cover the wound. 8cnccge: ccn he|p keep Ihe wcunc c|ecn cnc keep
hcrmfu| LccIeric cuI. /fIer Ihe wcunc hc: hec|ec encugh Ic mcke
infecIicn un|ike|y, expc:ure Ic Ihe cir wi|| :peec wcunc hec|ing.
Chonge the dress|ng. Chcnge Ihe cre::ing cI |ec:I cci|y cr whenever iI
Leccme: weI cr cirIy. lf ycu're c||ergic Ic Ihe cche:ive u:ec in mc:I
Lcnccge:, :wiIch Ic cche:ive-free cre::ing: cr :Ieri|e gcuze he|c in p|cce
wiIh pcper Icpe, gcuze rc|| cr c |cc:e|y cpp|iec e|c:Iic Lcnccge. Ihe:e
:upp|ie: generc||y cre cvci|cL|e cI phcrmccie:.
Get st|tches |or deep wounds. / wcunc IhcI i: mcre Ihcn 1/4-inch {
mi||imeIer:) ceep cr i: gcping cr jcggec ecgec cnc hc: fcI cr mu:c|e
prcIrucing u:uc||y reuire: :IiIche:. /che:ive :Irip: cr LuIIerf|y Icpe mcy
hc|c c mincr cuI IcgeIher, LuI if ycu ccn'I ec:i|y c|c:e Ihe wcunc, :ee
ycur cccIcr c: :ccn c: pc::iL|e. Frcper c|c:ure wiIhin c few hcur: recuce:
Ihe ri:k cf infecIicn.
Wotch |or s|gns o| |n|ect|on. See ycur cccIcr if Ihe wcunc i:n'I hec|ing cr
ycu ncIice cny recne::, increc:ing pcin, crcincge, wcrmIh cr :we||ing.
For More Severe Wounds ond 8|eed|ng
lf pc::iL|e, Lefcre ycu Iry Ic :Icp :evere L|eecing, wc:h ycur hcnc: Ic
cvcic infecIicn cnc puI cn g|cve:. lf Ihe wcunc i: cLccminc| cnc crgcn:
hcve Leen ci:p|ccec, ccn'I Iry Ic pu:h Ihem Lcck inIc p|cce - ccver Ihe
wcunc wiIh c cre::ing.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
For other coses o| severe b|eed|ng:
1. Huve LIe Injured person IIe down und cover LIe person Lo prevenL
Ioss oI body IeuL. I possIbIe, posILIon LIe person's Ieud sIIgILIy
Iower LIun LIe Lrunk or eIevuLe LIe Iegs und eIevuLe LIe sILe oI
z. WIIIe weurIng gIoves, remove uny obvIous dIrL or debrIs Irom LIe
wound. Don'L remove uny Iurge or more deepIy embedded objecLs.
Your prIncIpuI concern Is Lo sLop LIe bIeedIng.
. AppIy pressure dIrecLIy on LIe wound unLII LIe bIeedIng sLops. Use u
sLerIIe bunduge or cIeun cIoLI und IoId conLInuous pressure Ior uL
IeusL zo mInuLes wILIouL IookIng Lo see II LIe bIeedIng Ius sLopped.
MuInLuIn pressure by bIndIng LIe wound LIgILIy wILI u bunduge or
cIeun cIoLI und udIesIve Lupe. Use your Iunds II noLIIng eIse Is
uvuIIubIe. I possIbIe, weur rubber or IuLex gIoves or use u cIeun
pIusLIc bug Ior proLecLIon.
q. Don'L remove LIe guuze or bunduge. I LIe bIeedIng conLInues und
seeps LIrougI LIe guuze or oLIer muLerIuI you ure IoIdIng on LIe
wound, don'L remove IL. nsLeud, udd more ubsorbenL muLerIuI on
Lop oI IL.
. Squeeze u muIn urLery II necessury. I LIe bIeedIng doesn'L sLop wILI
dIrecL pressure, uppIy pressure Lo LIe urLery deIIverIng bIood Lo LIe
ureu. Pressure poInLs oI LIe urm ure on LIe InsIde oI LIe urm jusL
ubove LIe eIbow und jusL beIow LIe urmpIL. Pressure poInLs oI LIe
Ieg ure jusL beIInd LIe knee und In LIe groIn. Squeeze LIe muIn
urLery In LIese ureus uguInsL LIe bone. Keep your IIngers IIuL. WILI
your oLIer Iund, conLInue Lo exerL pressure on LIe wound ILseII.
6. mmobIIIze LIe Injured body purL once LIe bIeedIng Ius sLopped.
euve LIe bunduges In pIuce und geL LIe Injured person Lo LIe
emergency room us soon us possIbIe.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC

Image: Courtesy 1he U.S. Nat|ona| L|brary of Med|c|ne
lI i: ncI reccmmencec IhcI c IcurniueI Le u:ec Ly unIrcinec per:cnc| Ic
ccnIrc| L|eecing, hcwever, when Ihere i: :evere L|eecing where c mcjcr
crIery hc: Leen :everec, pre::ure mcy Le in:ufficienI cnc c IcurniueI
mcy Le nece::cry.
IcurniueI: cre cn effecIive wcy cf :Icpping L|eecing frcm cn exIremiIy.
Ihey cc, hcwever, :Icp circu|cIicn Ic Ihe cffecIec exIremiIy cnc :hcu|c
CNLY Le u:ec when cIher meIhcc:, :uch c: pre::ure cre::ing:, hcve
fci|ec {cr cre |ike|y Ic fci|). Fre::ure frcm IcurniueI: mu:I Le re|ievec
periccicc||y Ic prevenI ccmcge Ic Ihe Ii::ue frcm |cck cf cxygen.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC

Image: Courtesy 1he U.S. Nat|ona| L|brary of Med|c|ne
S|gns ond symptoms o| INIEkNAL 8LEEDING ore:
BruIsed, swoIIen, Lender or rIgId ubdomen
BruIses on cIesL or sIgns oI IrucLured rIbs
BIood In vomIL
Wounds LIuL Iuve peneLruLed LIe cIesL or ubdomen
BIeedIng Irom LIe recLum or vugInu
AbnormuI puIse und dIIIIcuILy breuLIIng
CooI, moIsL skIn
Fir:I cic in Ihe fie|c fcr inIernc| L|eecing i: |imiIec. lf Ihe injury cppecr: Ic
Le c :imp|e Lrui:e, cpp|y cc|c pcck: Ic :|cw L|eecing, re|ieve pcin cnc
recuce :we||ing. lf ycu :u:pecI mcre :evere inIernc| L|eecing, ccrefu||y
mcniIcr Ihe pcIienI cnc Le prepcrec Ic ccmini:Ier CFF if reuirec {cnc
ycu cre Ircinec Ic cc :c). Ycu :hcu|c c|:c rec::ure Ihe vicIim, ccnIrc|
exIernc| L|eecing, IrecI fcr :hcck, |cc:en IighI-fiIIing c|cIhing cnc p|cce
vicIim cn :ice :c f|uic: ccn crcin frcm Ihe mcuIh.
ln c :urvivc| :iIucIicn, where ycu cre cuI cff frcm civi|izcIicn cnc cr
mecicc| per:cnc| fcr cn exIencec pericc cf Iime, even mincr wcunc: ccn
Leccme mcre |ife IhrecIening.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Accord|ng to the bS Army Surv|vo| Monuo|:
Cpen wcunc: cre :ericu: in c :urvivc| :iIucIicn, ncI cn|y Leccu:e cf Ii::ue
ccmcge cnc L|ccc |c::, LuI c|:c Leccu:e Ihey mcy Leccme infecIec.
8ccIeric cn Ihe cLjecI IhcI mcce Ihe wcunc, cn Ihe incivicuc|': :kin cnc
c|cIhing, cr cn cIher fcreign mcIeric| cr cirI IhcI Icuche: Ihe wcunc mcy
ccu:e infecIicn. 8y Icking prcper ccre cf Ihe wcunc ycu ccn recuce
furIher ccnIcmincIicn cnc prcmcIe hec|ing.
CIeun LIe wound us soon us possIbIe uILer IL occurs by removIng or
cuLLIng cIoLIIng uwuy Irom LIe wound.
AIwuys Iook Ior un exIL wound II u sIurp objecL, gunsIoL, or projecLIIe
cuused u wound.
TIorougIIy cIeun LIe skIn uround LIe wound.
RInse; do noL scrub LIe wound wILI Iurge umounLs oI wuLer under
pressure. TIougI noL recommended, you cun use IresI urIne II wuLer Is
noL uvuIIubIe.
FcrgeI whcI ycu hcve :een in Ihe mcvie:l Ihe cpen IrecImenI meIhcc i:
Ihe :cfe:I wcy Ic mcncge wcunc: in :urvivc| :iIucIicn:. Dc ncI Iry Ic c|c:e
cny wcunc Ly :uIuring cr :imi|cr prccecure:. Lecve Ihe wcunc cpen Ic
c||cw Ihe crcincge cf cny pu: re:u|Iing frcm infecIicn. /: |cng c: Ihe
wcunc ccn crcin, iI generc||y wi|| ncI Leccme |ife IhrecIening, regcrc|e::
cf hcw unp|ec:cnI iI |cck: cr :me||:.
ln c :urvivc| :iIucIicn, :cme cegree cf wcunc infecIicn i: c|mc:I
ineviIcL|e. Fcin, :we||ing, cnc recne:: crcunc Ihe wcunc, increc:ec
IempercIure, cnc pu: in Ihe wcunc cr cn Ihe cre::ing wi|| |eI ycu kncw if iI
hc: Leccme infecIec. ln Ihe cL:ence cf cnIiLicIic:, in c :urvivc| :iIucIicn,
if ycur wcunc Leccme: infecIec, ycu :hcu|c IrecI c: fc||cw::
PIuce u wurm, moIsL compress dIrecLIy on LIe InIecLed wound. CIunge
LIe compress wIen IL cooIs, keepIng u wurm compress on LIe wound Ior
u LoLuI oI o mInuLes. AppIy LIe compresses LIree or Iour LImes duIIy.
DruIn LIe wound. Open und genLIy probe LIe InIecLed wound wILI u
sLerIIe InsLrumenL.
Dress und bunduge LIe wound.
DrInk u IoL oI wuLer.
ln Ihe evenI cf gun:hcI cr cIher :ericu: wcunc:, iI mcy Le LeIIer Ic rin:e
Ihe wcunc cuI vigcrcu:|y every ccy wiIh Ihe c|ecne:I wcIer cvci|cL|e. lf
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
crinking wcIer cr meIhcc: Ic purify crinking wcIer cre |imiIec, cc ncI u:e
ycur crinking wcIer. F|u:h Ihe wcunc fcrcefu||y cci|y unIi| Ihe wcunc i:
hec|ec cver. Ycur :ccr mcy Le |crger LuI ycur chcnce: cf infecIicn cre
grecI|y recucec.
CcnIinue Ihi: IrecImenI cci|y unIi| c|| :ign: cf infecIicn hcve ci:cppecrec.
Moggot Iheropy
lf ycu cc ncI hcve cnIiLicIic: cnc Ihe wcunc hc: Leccme :evere|y
infecIec, cnc :hcw nc :ign: cf hec|ing -- ccn:icer mcggcI Ihercpy c:
:IcIec Le|cw, ce:piIe iI: hczcrc: cnc generc||y uncppec|ing ncIure:
Expose LIe wound Lo IIIes Ior one duy und LIen cover IL.
CIeck duIIy Ior muggoLs.
Once muggoLs deveIop, keep wound covered buL cIeck duIIy.
Remove uII muggoLs wIen LIey Iuve cIeuned ouL uII deud LIssue und
beIore LIey sLurL on IeuILIy LIssue. ncreused puIn und brIgIL red bIood
In LIe wound IndIcuLe LIuL LIe muggoLs Iuve reucIed IeuILIy LIssue.
IusI LIe wound repeuLedIy wILI sLerIIe wuLer or IresI urIne Lo remove
LIe muggoLs.
CIeck LIe wound every q Iours Ior severuI duys Lo ensure uII muggoLs
Iuve been removed.
Bunduge LIe wound und LreuL IL us uny oLIer wound. L sIouId IeuI
During winIer :Icrm:, cr cny cc|c-wecIher :urvivc| :iIucIicn, Frc:ILiIe i: c
ccncern. When expc:ec Ic very cc|c IempercIure:, :kin cnc uncer|ying
Ii::ue: mcy freeze, re:u|Iing in frc:ILiIe. Ihe pcrI: cf ycur Lccy mc:I |ike|y
Ic Le cffecIec Ly frc:ILiIe cre ycur hcnc:, feeI, nc:e cnc ecr:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC

Image: Courtesy 1he U.S. Nat|ona| L|brary of Med|c|ne
S|gns o| Frostb|te
lf ycur :kin |cck: whiIe cr grcyi:h-ye||cw, i: very cc|c cnc hc: c hcrc cr
wcxy fee|, ycu mcy hcve frc:ILiIe. Ycur :kin mcy c|:c iIch, Lurn cr fee|
numL. Severe cr ceep frc:ILiIe ccn ccu:e L|i:Iering cnc hcrcening. /:
Ihe crec Ihcw:, Ihe f|e:h Leccme: rec cnc pcinfu|.
Groduo||y worm|ng the o||ected sk|n |s key to treot|ng |rostb|te. Io do so:
ProLecL your skIn Irom IurLIer exposure. I you're ouLsIde, wurm
IrosLbILLen Iunds by LuckIng LIem InLo your urmpILs. ProLecL your Iuce,
nose or eurs by coverIng LIe ureu wILI dry, gIoved Iunds. Don'L rub LIe
uIIecLed ureu und never rub snow on IrosLbILLen skIn.
GeL ouL oI LIe coId. Once you're Indoors, remove weL cIoLIes.
GruduuIIy wurm IrosLbILLen ureus. PuL IrosLbILLen Iunds or IeeL In wurm
wuLer - 1oq Lo 1o;.6 (qo Lo qz C). Wrup or cover oLIer ureus In u
wurm bIunkeL. Don'L use dIrecL IeuL sucI us u sLove, IeuL Iump,
IIrepIuce or IeuLIng pud, becuuse LIese cun cuuse burns beIore you IeeI
LIem on your numbed skIn.
Don'L wuIk on IrosLbILLen IeeL or Loes II possIbIe. TIIs IurLIer dumuges
LIe LIssue.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
I LIere's uny cIunce LIe uIIecLed ureus wIII Ireeze uguIn, don'L LIuw
LIem. I LIey're uIreudy LIuwed, wrup LIem up so LIuL LIey don'L
become Irozen uguIn.
Ju:I c: Frc:ILiIe ccn Le c :ericu: IhrecI in cerIcin :urvivc| :iIucIicn:, :c ccn
HecI:Ircke. Cf :everc| hecI re|cIec ccnciIicn: IhcI ccu|c reuire fir:I cic,
hecI:Ircke i:, Ly fcr, Ihe mc:I :ericu:.
WhcI mcke: hecI:Ircke :evere cnc pcIenIic||y |ife IhrecIening i: IhcI Ihe
Lccy': ncrmc| mechcni:m: fcr cec|ing wiIh hecI :Ire::, :uch c: :wecIing
cnc IempercIure ccnIrc|, cre incceucIe in exIreme ccnciIicn:. Ihe mcin
:ign cf hecI:Ircke i: c mcrkec|y e|evcIec Lccy IempercIure - generc||y
grecIer Ihcn 104 F {40 C) - wiIh chcnge: in menIc| :IcIu: rcnging frcm
per:cnc|iIy chcnge: Ic ccnfu:icn cnc ccmc. Skin mcy Le hcI cnc cry -
c|Ihcugh if hecI:Ircke i: ccu:ec Ly exerIicn, Ihe :kin mcy Le mci:I.
Other s|gns ond symptoms o| heot stroke moy |nc|ude:
RupId IeurLbeuL
RupId und sIuIIow breuLIIng
EIevuLed or Iowered bIood pressure
CessuLIon oI sweuLIng
rrILubIIILy, conIusIon or unconscIousness
eeIIng dIzzy or IIgILIeuded
uInLIng, wIIcI muy be LIe IIrsL sIgn In oIder uduILs
I| you suspect heotstroke:
1. Move LIe person ouL oI LIe sun und InLo u sIudy or uIr-condILIoned
CooI LIe person by coverIng IIm or Ier wILI dump sIeeLs or by
spruyIng wILI cooI wuLer. DIrecL uIr onLo LIe person wILI u Iun or
. Huve LIe person drInk cooI wuLer or oLIer nonuIcoIoIIc beveruge
wILIouL cuIIeIne, II Ie or sIe Is ubIe.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Scmecne hcving c hecrI cIIcck mcy experience cny cr c|| cf Ihe
UncomIorLubIe pressure, IuIIness or squeezIng puIn In LIe cenLer oI LIe
ProIonged puIn In LIe upper ubdomen.
DIscomIorL or puIn spreudIng beyond LIe cIesL Lo LIe sIouIders, neck,
juw, LeeLI, or one or boLI urms.
SIorLness oI breuLI, IgILIeudedness.
DIzzIness, IuInLIng, sweuLIng or nuuseu.
/ hecrI cIIcck generc||y ccu:e: che:I pcin fcr mcre Ihcn 15 minuIe:, LuI
iI ccn c|:c hcve nc :ympIcm: cI c||. Mcny pecp|e whc experience c
hecrI cIIcck hcve wcrning :ign: hcur:, ccy: cr week: in ccvcnce.
I| you or someone e|se moy be hov|ng o heort ottock:
Cc|| -1-1 cr ycur |ccc| emergency mecicc| c::i:Icnce numLer. Dcn'I
Icugh cuI Ihe :ympIcm: cf c hecrI cIIcck fcr mcre Ihcn five minuIe:. lf
ycu ccn'I hcve ccce:: Ic emergency mecicc| :ervice:, hcve c neighLcr
cr c frienc crive ycu Ic Ihe necre:I hc:piIc|. Drive ycur:e|f cn|y c: c |c:I
re:crI, if Ihere cre cL:c|uIe|y nc cIher cpIicn:, cnc rec|ize IhcI iI p|cce:
ycu cnc cIher: cI ri:k when ycu crive uncer Ihe:e circum:Icnce:.
Chew cnc :wc||cw cn c:pirin, un|e:: ycu're c||ergic Ic c:pirin cr hcve
Leen Ic|c Ly ycur cccIcr never Ic Icke c:pirin. 8uI :eek emergency he|p
fir:I, :uch c: cc||ing -1-1.
Icke niIrcg|ycerin, if pre:criLec. lf ycu Ihink ycu're hcving c hecrI cIIcck
cnc ycur cccIcr hc: previcu:|y pre:criLec niIrcg|ycerin fcr ycu, Icke iI c:
cirecIec. Dc ncI Icke cnycne e|:e': niIrcg|ycerin, Leccu:e IhcI ccu|c puI
ycu in mcre ccnger.
8egin CFF if Ihe per:cn i: unccn:cicu:. lf ycu're wiIh c per:cn whc mighI
Le hcving c hecrI cIIcck cnc he cr :he i: unccn:cicu:, Ie|| Ihe -1-1
ci:pcIcher cr cncIher emergency mecicc| :pecic|i:I. Ycu mcy Le
ccvi:ec Ic Legin CFF. lf ycu hcven'I receivec CFF Ircining, cccIcr:
reccmmenc :kipping mcuIh-Ic-mcuIh re:cue LrecIhing cnc perfcrming
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
cn|y che:I ccmpre::icn: {cLcuI 100 per minuIe). Ihe ci:pcIcher ccn
in:IrucI ycu in Ihe prcper prccecure: unIi| he|p crrive:.
lI i: high|y reccmmencec IhcI ycu Icke c CFF ccur:e if ycu cre :ericu:
cLcuI prepcrecne::.
ln Ihe cL:ence cf prcper Ircining, here': ccvice frcm Ihe /mericcn HecrI
UnLruIned. I you're noL LruIned In CPR, LIen provIde Iunds-onIy CPR.
TIuL meuns unInLerrupLed cIesL compressIons oI ubouL 1oo u mInuLe
unLII purumedIcs urrIve. You don'L need Lo Lry rescue breuLIIng.
TruIned, und reudy Lo go. I you're weII LruIned und conIIdenL In your
ubIIILy, begIn wILI cIesL compressIons InsLeud oI IIrsL cIeckIng LIe
uIrwuy und doIng rescue breuLIIng. SLurL CPR wILI o cIesL
compressIons beIore cIeckIng LIe uIrwuy und gIvIng rescue breuLIs.
TruIned, buL rusLy. I you've prevIousIy receIved CPR LruInIng buL
you're noL conIIdenL In your ubIIILIes, LIen jusL do cIesL compressIons uL
u ruLe oI ubouL 1oo u mInuLe.
CAbIION: Ihe obove odv|ce opp||es to odu|ts, ch||dren ond |n|onts
need|ng CFk, but not newborns.
CFF ccn keep cxygencIec L|ccc f|cwing Ic Ihe Lrcin cnc cIher viIc|
crgcn: unIi| mcre cefiniIive mecicc| IrecImenI ccn re:Icre c ncrmc| hecrI
When Ihe hecrI :Icp:, Ihe |cck cf cxygencIec L|ccc ccn ccu:e Lrcin
ccmcge in cn|y c few minuIe:. / per:cn mcy cie wiIhin eighI Ic 10

GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chest Compress|ons |or the bntro|ned

1. PuL LIe person on IIs or Ier buck on u IIrm
z. KneeI nexL Lo LIe person's neck und sIouIders.

. PIuce LIe IeeI oI one Iund over LIe cenLer oI LIe
person's cIesL, beLween LIe nIppIes.
q. PIuce your oLIer Iund on Lop oI LIe IIrsL Iund.
. Keep your eIbows sLruIgIL und posILIon your
sIouIders dIrecLIy ubove your Iunds.

6. Use your upper body weIgIL (noL jusL your
urms) us you pusI sLruIgIL down on (compress)
LIe cIesL uL IeusL z IncIes (upproxImuLeIy
;. PusI Iurd uL u ruLe oI ubouL 1oo compressIons u
8. CounL by IIves In LIIs rIyLIm - 1 und z, und
und q und ... und...
lf ycu hcven'I Leen Ircinec in CFF, ccnIinue che:I ccmpre::icn: unIi|
Ihere cre :ign: cf mcvemenI cr unIi| emergency mecicc| per:cnne| Icke
cver. lf ycu hcve Leen Ircinec in CFF, gc cn Ic checking Ihe cirwcy cnc
re:cue LrecIhing.
lI i: impcrIcnI Ic ci:Iingui:h LeIween c hecrI cIIcck" cnc :uccen
ccrcicc crre:I" {SC/). / hecrI cIIcck i: c :|cw re:IricIicn cf cxygen Ic Ihe
hecrI u:uc||y frcm c L|cckec crIery, iI i: ccccmpcniec Ly Ihe :ympIcm:
ce:criLec cLcve... che:I pcin, :wecIing, cifficu|Iy LrecIhing, eIc., cnc iI
ccn Icke Iime fcr Ihe vicIim Ic |c:e ccn:cicu:ne:: cnc reuire CFF if cI c||.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
SC/, cn Ihe cIher hcnc, hcppen: in cn in:IcnI. lI i: ccu:ec Ly cn irregu|cr
cr e|ecIricc| prcL|em" Ic Ihe hecrI. ln c SC/, Ihe vicIim wi|| |c:e
ccn:cicu:ne:: c|mc:I immecicIe|y, cnc CFF neec: Ic Le :IcrIec righI
cwcy Ic keep Ihe Lrcin cxygencIec unIi| Ihe per:cn ccn Le :hcckec
Lcck" Ic c ncrmc| rhyIhm wiIh c cefiLri||cIcr. lf ycu |ive wiIh :cmecne
whc ycu kncw i: cI ri:k fcr SC/, ycu mcy wcnI Ic inc|uce cn /uIcmcIic
ExIernc| DefiLri||cIcr, cr /ED c: pcrI cf ycur Hcme Emergency
Frepcrecne:: KiI.
Insect 8|tes ond St|ngs
Generc||y mc:I in:ecI LiIe: cr :Iing: cre ncI |ife IhrecIening in per:cn:
wiIhcuI c||ergie: Ic ccmmcn in:ecI vencm. Mc:I reccIicn: Ic in:ecI LiIe:
cre mi|c, ccu:ing |iII|e mcre Ihcn cn cnncying iIching cr :Iinging :en:cIicn
cnc mi|c :we||ing IhcI ci:cppecr wiIhin c ccy cr :c. / ce|cyec reccIicn
mcy ccu:e fever, hive:, pcinfu| jcinI: cnc :wc||en g|cnc:. Ycu mighI
experience LcIh Ihe immecicIe cnc Ihe ce|cyec reccIicn: frcm Ihe
:cme in:ecI LiIe cr :Iing. Cn|y c :mc|| percenIcge cf pecp|e ceve|cp
:evere reccIicn: cr, cncphy|cxi: ?!$$ @2:'1/(:A*;> Ic in:ecI vencm.
S|gns ond symptoms o| o severe reoct|on |nc|ude:
ucIuI sweIIIng
DIIIIcuILy breuLIIng
AbdomInuI puIn
DeLerIoruLIon oI bIood pressure und cIrcuIuLIon (sIock)
8iIe: frcm Lee:, wc:p:, hcrneI:, ye||cw jcckeI: cnc fire cnI: cre Iypicc||y
Ihe mc:I IrcuL|e:cme. 8iIe: frcm mc:uiIce:, Iick:, LiIing f|ie: cnc :cme
:picer: c|:c ccn ccu:e reccIicn:, LuI Ihe:e cre generc||y mi|cer.
/|Ihcugh rcre, :cme in:ecI: c|:c ccrry ci:ec:e :uch c: We:I Ni|e viru: cr
Lyme ci:ec:e.
For m||d reoct|ons:
1. Move Lo u suIe ureu Lo uvoId more sLIngs.
z. Remove LIe sLInger, especIuIIy II IL's sLuck In your skIn. TIIs wIII
prevenL LIe reIeuse oI more venom. WusI LIe ureu wILI soup und
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
. AppIy u coId puck or cIoLI IIIIed wILI Ice Lo reduce puIn und sweIIIng.
q. AppIy IydrocorLIsone creum (o. percenL or 1 percenL) - cuIumIne
IoLIon or u bukIng sodu pusLe - wILI u ruLIo oI Leuspoons (1
mIIIIIILers) bukIng sodu Lo one Leuspoon ( mIIIIIILers) wuLer; Lo LIe
bILe or sLIng severuI LImes u duy unLII sympLoms subsIde.
For More Severe keoct|ons
Severe reccIicn: mcy prcgre:: rcpic|y. Severe reccIicn: ccu|c Le
c||ergic, cr ccn Le c :ign IhcI Ihe vicIim wc: LiIIen cr :Iung Ly c
pcrIicu|cr|y vencmcu: :pecie: :uch c: c 8rcwn Fec|u:e cr 8|cck Wiccw
ln SecIicn lV, ChcpIer 24 - Wi|cerne:: Survivc| - ycu wi|| |ecrn mcre cLcuI
Ihe icenIificcIicn cf Ihe mc:I ccngercu: in:ecI :pecie: cnc emergency
IrecImenI fcr Iheir LiIe: cnc :Iing:.
Severe reoct|ons to |nsect b|tes or st|ngs con |nc|ude:
DIIIIcuILy breuLIIng
SweIIIng oI LIe IIps or LIrouL
uInLness, dIzzIness, conIusIon
RupId IeurLbeuL
HIves, nuuseu, crumps und vomILIng
lf Ihe per:cn i: hcving cifficu|Iy LrecIhing, c:k if Ihey cre kncwn Ic Le
c||ergic cnc if Ihey ccrry cn Epi-pen cr cIher emergency cuIc-inhc|er, cr
injecIcr. lf Ihe per:cn cce: ncI hcve, cr cce: ncI u:e cn cuIc-injecIcr,
ccmini:Ier 8enccry| Ic |e::en Ihe hi:Icmine reccIicn.
In odd|t|on, toke the |o||ow|ng oct|ons:
1. Huve LIe person IIe sLIII on IIs or Ier buck wILI IeeL IIgIer LIun LIe
z. oosen LIgIL cIoLIIng und cover LIe person wILI u bIunkeL. Don'L
gIve Ier or IIm unyLIIng Lo drInk.
. Turn LIe person on IIs or Ier sIde Lo prevenL cIokIng II LIere's
vomILIng or bIeedIng Irom LIe mouLI.
q. BegIn CPR II LIere ure no sIgns oI cIrcuIuLIon, sucI us breuLIIng,
cougIIng or movemenL.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Shcck ccn Le Ihe re:u|I cf cny numLer cf injure:, cr ccnciIicn: IhcI mcy
reuire Fir:I /ic. Feccgnizing Ihe :ign: cf :hcck cnc kncwing hcw Ic IrecI
iI, cre criIicc| :ki||: fcr cny Fir:I-/icer.
Vor|ous s|gns ond symptoms oppeor |n o person exper|enc|ng shock:
TIe skIn Is cooI und cIummy. L muy uppeur puIe or gruy.
TIe puIse Is weuk und rupId. BreuLIIng muy be dIIIIcuIL, oILen
uppeurIng rupId und sIuIIow, or uccompunIed by wIeezIng.
HypervenLIIuLIon (rupId or deep breuLIIng) muy occur. BIood pressure
Is beIow normuI.
TIe person muy be nuuseuLed. He or sIe muy vomIL.
TIe eyes Iuck IusLer und muy seem Lo sLure. SomeLImes LIe pupIIs ure
TIe person muy be conscIous or unconscIous. I conscIous, LIe person
muy IeeI IuInL or be very weuk or conIused. SIock someLImes cuuses u
person Lo become overIy excILed und unxIous.
I| you suspect shock, even || the person seems normo| o|ter on |njury:
1. Huve LIe person IIe down on IIs or Ier buck wILI IeeL ubouL u IooL
IIgIer LIun LIe Ieud. I ruIsIng LIe Iegs wIII cuuse puIn or IurLIer
Injury, keep IIm or Ier IIuL. Keep LIe person sLIII.
z. CIeck Ior sIgns oI cIrcuIuLIon (breuLIIng, cougIIng or movemenL). I
ubsenL, begIn CPR.
. Keep LIe person wurm und comIorLubIe. oosen beIL und LIgIL
cIoLIIng und cover LIe person wILI u bIunkeL. Even II LIe person
compIuIns oI LIIrsL, gIve noLIIng by mouLI.
q. Turn LIe person on IIs or Ier sIde Lo prevenL cIokIng II LIe person
vomILs or bIeeds Irom LIe mouLI.
. ConducL upproprIuLe IrsL AId LreuLmenL Ior InjurIes, sucI us
bIeedIng or broken bones.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC

Shock os|t|on Image: Courtesy US Army
Ycur ri:k cf :nckeLiIe cepenc: cn where ycu |ive, hike cr Ircve|. Even in
mc:I :urvivc| :iIucIicn:, Ihe chcnce cf c ccngercu: :nckeLiIe i: rcIher
:mc||, if ycu cre fcmi|icr wiIh Ihe vcricu: Iype: cf :ncke: cnc Iheir hcLiIcI:.
Hcwever, :nckeLiIe: ccu|c hcppen cnc ycu :hcu|c kncw hcw Ic IrecI
Ihem. Mc:I NcrIh /mericcn :ncke: cren'I pci:cncu:. 8uI, :cme
excepIicn: inc|uce Ihe rcII|e:ncke, ccrc| :ncke, wcIer mcccc:in cnc
ccpperhecc. Iheir LiIe ccn Le |ife IhrecIening.

Cf Ihe pci:cncu: :ncke: fcunc in NcrIh /mericc, c|| LuI Ihe ccrc| :ncke
hcve :|iI-|ike eye:. Iheir hecc: cre Iricngu|cr, wiIh c cepre::icn, cr piI,
micwcy LeIween Ihe eye: cnc nc:Iri|:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Other chorocter|st|cs thot ore un|que to certo|n po|sonous snokes:
RuLLIesnukes ruLLIe by sIukIng LIe rIngs uL LIe end oI LIeIr LuIIs.
WuLer moccusIns' mouLIs Iuve u wIILe, coLLony IInIng.
CoruI snukes Iuve red, yeIIow und bIuck rIngs uIong LIe IengLI oI LIeIr

Image: Courtesy 1he U.S. Nat|ona| L|brary of Med|c|ne
Ic recuce ycur ri:k cf :nckeLiIe, cvcic Icuching cny :ncke. ln:Iecc, Lcck
cwcy :|cw|y. Mc:I :ncke: cvcic pecp|e if pc::iL|e cnc LiIe cn|y when
IhrecIenec cr :urpri:ec.
I| you ore b|tten:
1. RemuIn cuIm.
z. mmobIIIze LIe bILLen urm or Ieg und sLuy us quIeL us possIbIe Lo keep
LIe poIson Irom spreudIng LIrougI your body.
. Remove jeweIry beIore you sLurL Lo sweII.
q. PosILIon yourseII, II possIbIe, so LIuL LIe bILe Is uL or beIow LIe IeveI
oI your IeurL.
. CIeunse LIe wound, buL don'L IIusI IL wILI wuLer, und cover IL wILI u
cIeun, dry dressIng.
6. AppIy u spIInL Lo reduce movemenL oI LIe uIIecLed ureu, buL keep IL
Ioose enougI so us noL Lo resLrIcL bIood IIow.
;. Don`L use u LournIqueL or uppIy Ice.

GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
8. Don'L cuL LIe wound or uLLempL Lo remove LIe venom.
q. Don'L drInk cuIIeIne or uIcoIoI.
1o. Don'L Lry Lo cupLure LIe snuke, buL Lry Lo remember ILs coIor und
sIupe so you cun descrIbe IL, wIIcI wIII IeIp In your LreuLmenL.
WhcI ycu mcy hcve :een in Ihe mcvie: cLcuI cuIIing Ihe wcunc cnc
:ucking cuI Ihe pci:cn mcke: fcr grecI crcmc, LuI :hcu|c never Le
cIIempIec un|e:: ycu kncw IhcI prcfe::icnc| mecicc| he|p i: mcre Ihcn
cn hcur cwcy. ln Ihi: in:Icnce Ihe US /rmy Survivc| mcnuc| ce:criLe: Ihe
ccrrecI prccecure:
Mcke cn inci:icn {nc |cnger Ihcn :ix mi||imeIer: |1/4 inch] cnc nc ceeper
Ihcn Ihree mi||imeIer: |1/8 inch]) cver ecch puncIure, cuIIing ju:I ceep
encugh Ic en|crge Ihe fcng cpening, LuI cn|y Ihrcugh Ihe fir:I cr :eccnc
|cyer cf :kin.
F|cce c :ucIicn cup cver Ihe LiIe :c IhcI ycu hcve c gccc vccuum :ec|.
SucIicn Ihe LiIe :iIe Ihree Ic fcur Iime:. SucIicn fcr c MlNlMUM cf 30
MlNUIES. bse mouth suct|on on|y os o |ost resort ond on|y || you do not
hove open sores |n your mouth. SpiI Ihe envencmec L|ccc cuI cnc rin:e
ycur mcuIh wiIh wcIer. Ihi: meIhcc wi|| crcw cuI 25 Ic 30 percenI cf Ihe
CAbIION: DO NOI put your honds on your |oce or rub your eyes, os
venom moy be on your honds. Venom moy couse b||ndness.
/fIer ccring fcr Ihe vicIim c: ce:criLec cLcve, Icke Ihe fc||cwing ccIicn:
Ic minimize |ccc| effecI::
I InIecLIon uppeurs, keep LIe wound open und cIeun.
Use IeuL uILer zq Lo q8 Iours Lo IeIp prevenL LIe spreud oI IocuI
InIecLIon. HeuL uIso IeIps Lo druw ouL un InIecLIon.
Keep LIe wound covered wILI u dry, sLerIIe dressIng.
Huve LIe vIcLIm drInk Iurge umounLs oI IIuIds unLII LIe InIecLIon Is gone.
/ :Ircke cccur: when Ihere': L|eecing inIc ycur Lrcin cr when ncrmc|
L|ccc f|cw Ic ycur Lrcin i: L|cckec. WiIhin minuIe: cf Leing ceprivec cf
e::enIic| nuIrienI:, Lrcin ce||: :IcrI cying - c prcce:: IhcI mcy ccnIinue
cver Ihe nexI :everc| hcur:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Seek immecicIe mecicc| c::i:Icnce. / :Ircke i: c Irue emergency. Ihe
:ccner IrecImenI i: given, Ihe mcre |ike|y iI i: IhcI ccmcge ccn Le
minimizec. Every mcmenI ccunI:.
ln Ihe evenI cf c pc::iL|e :Ircke, u:e F-A-S-I Ic he|p rememLer wcrning
;40'. Does LIe Iuce droop on one sIde wIIIe LryIng Lo smIIe?
<*=5. s one urm Iower wIen LryIng Lo ruIse boLI urms?
>.''0&. Cun u sImpIe senLence be repeuLed? s speecI sIurred or
?/='. DurIng u sLroke every mInuLe counLs. I you observe uny oI
LIese sIgns, cuII q-1-1 or your IocuI emergency number ImmedIuLeIy.

CIher :ign: cnc :ympIcm: cf c :Ircke inc|uce:
Weukness or numbness on one sIde oI your body.
DImness, bIurrIng or Ioss oI vIsIon, purLIcuIurIy In one eye.
Severe IeuducIe - u boIL ouL oI LIe bIue - wILI no uppurenL cuuse.
UnexpIuIned dIzzIness, unsLeudIness or u sudden IuII, especIuIIy II
uccompunIed by uny oI LIe oLIer sIgns or sympLoms.
UnIi| ycu ccn geI Ihe vicIim Ic :ki||ec emergency per:cnne|, Icke Ihe
fc||cwing ccIicn::
1. Reussure LIe puLIenL.
z. uy LIe puLIenL down wILI Ieud und sIouIders sIIgILIy eIevuLed.
. I puLIenL sLops breuLIIng, or Ioses conscIousness sLurL CPR.
q. PIuce LIe puLIenL on LIe IeIL sIde II noL breuLIIngJnoL responsIve.
. Keep LIe cIIn sIIgILIy exLended.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ycu |ive in c wcr|c where :c-cc||ec mccern wcncer crug:, |cLcrcIcrie:,
cnc euipmenI hcve cL:curec mcre primiIive" yeI high|y effecIive Iype:
cf mecicine invc|ving ceIermincIicn, ccmmcn :en:e, cnc c few :imp|e
IrecImenI: - Ihi: i: :cmeIhing IhcI neec: Ic c|wcy: Le kepI in minc when
Ihinking cLcuI Fir:I /ic in :urvivc| :iIucIicn:. / we||-:Icckec Fir:I /ic kiI ccn
cn|y Icke ycu :c fcr, cnc cn|y |c:I ycu :c |cng.
When |c:I in Ihe wi|cerne::, cr in Ihe cfIermcIh cf c ncIurc| ci:c:Ier, where
ycu ccu|c Le cuI cff fcr ccy:, mcnIh:, yecr: -- cr fcrever, fcr IhcI mcIIer --
frcm Ihe ccrner crug:Icre, Ihe US /rmy Survivc| Guice reminc: u: IhcI, in
mcny crec: cf Ihe wcr|c pecp|e :Ii|| cepenc cn |ccc| Shcmcn: cr hec|er:
Ic cure Iheir ci|menI:. Mcny cf Ihe herLc| cnc LcIcnicc| Lc:ec
IrecImenI: Ihey u:e cre c: effecIive c: Ihe mc:I mccern" crug:
cvci|cL|e. ln fccI, mcny mccern phcrmcceuIicc|: ycu Icke fcr grcnIec,
cwe Iheir crigin: Ic Ihe herL: cnc p|cnI: fcunc in Ihe rcinfcre:I:. Here cre
:everc| ncIurc|" fir:I cic IrecImenI: ycu neec Ic geI Ic kncw.
Ant|-hemorrhog|cs, |or b|eed|ng. Ycu ccn mcke meciccIicn: Ic :Icp
L|eecing frcm p|cnIcin |ecve:, cr, mc:I effecIive|y, frcm Ihe |ecve: cf Ihe
ccmmcn ycrrcw cr wcuncwcrI {/chi||ec mi||efc|ium). Ihe:e mc:I|y give c
phy:icc| Lcrrier Ic Ihe L|eecing. Frick|y pecr {Ihe rcw, pee|ec pcrI) cr
wiIch hcze| ccn Le cpp|iec Ic wcunc:. 8cIh cre gccc fcr Iheir c:IringenI
prcperIie: {Ihey :hrink L|ccc ve::e|:). Fcr L|eecing gum: cr mcuIh :cre:,
:weeI gum ccn Le chewec cr u:ec c: c IccIhpick. Ihi: prcvice: :cme
chemicc| cnc cnIi:epIic prcperIie: c: we||.
Ant|sept|cs to c|eon |n|ect|ons. U:e cnIi:epIic: Ic c|ecn:e wcunc:,
:nckeLiIe:, :cre:, cr rc:he:. Ycu ccn mcke cnIi:epIic: frcm Ihe juice cf
wi|c cnicn cr gcr|ic, Ihe juice frcm chickweec |ecve:, cr Ihe cru:hec
|ecve: cf ccck. Ycu ccn c|:c mcke cnIi:epIic: Ly Lci|ing Lurccck rccI,
mc||cw |ecve: cr rccI:, cr whiIe cck Lcrk {Icnnic ccic) IcgeIher in c pinI
cf wcIer, :uch c: Ic mcke c Iec. Frick|y pecr, :|ippery e|m, ycrrcw, cnc
:weeI gum cre c|| gccc cnIi:epIic: c: we||. /|| Ihe:e meciccIicn: cre fcr
exIernc| u:e cn|y. Iwc cf Ihe Le:I cnIi:epIic: cre :ugcr cnc hcney. Sugcr
:hcu|c Le cpp|iec Ic Ihe wcunc unIi| iI Leccme: :yrupy, Ihen wc:hec cff
cnc recpp|iec. Hcney :hcu|c Le cpp|iec Ihree Iime: cci|y. Hcney i: Ly
fcr Ihe Le:I cf Ihe cnIi:epIic: fcr cpen wcunc: cnc Lurn:, wiIh :ugcr
Leing :eccnc.

GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ano|ges|cs |or oches, po|ns, ond spro|ns. IrecI Ihe:e ccnciIicn: wiIh
exIernc||y cpp|iec pcu|Iice: cf ccck, p|cnIcin, chickweec, wi||cw Lcrk,
gcr|ic, cr :crre|. SweeI gum hc: :cme cnc|ge:ic {pcin re|ief) prcperIie:.
Chewing Ihe wi||cw Lcrk cr mcking c Iec frcm :weeI gum i: Ihe Le:I fcr
pcin re|ief c: iI ccnIcin: Ihe rcw ccmpcnenI cf c:pirin. Ycu ccn c|:c u:e
:c|ve: mcce Ly mixing Ihe pre::ec juice: cf cny Ihe:e p|cnI: menIicnec
cLcve wiIh cnimc| fcI cr vegeIcL|e ci|:.
Insect 8|tes ond St|ngs
Ycu ccn re|ieve Ihe iIching cnc ci:ccmfcrI ccu:ec Ly in:ecI LiIe: in Ihe
fie|c Ly cpp|ying:
CoId compresses
A cooIIng pusLe oI mud und usIes
Sup Irom dundeIIons
CoconuL meuL
CrusIed cIoves oI gurIIc
Ycu wi|| |ecrn mcre cn hcw Ic finc, icenIify cnc u:e Ihe:e herL: cnc p|cnI:
in ChcpIer 12 cn EciL|e F|cnI:, cnc ChcpIer 24 cn Wi|cerne:: Survivc|.
Contro| Whot You Con - 8e Frepored |or Whot You Con't
GeIIing ycur:e|f :cme Lc:ic Fir:I /ic Ircining i: ec:y, cnc ccn mcke c|| Ihe
cifference LeIween kncwing whcI Ic cc, cnc pcnicking if ycu, cr
:cmecne ycu kncw, i: injurec curing c ci:c:Ier, cr cIher emergency. Ihe
infcrmcIicn in Ihi: guice :hcu|c ncI Le Icken c: c :uL:IiIuIe fcr prcper Fir:I
/ic Ircining, LuI in cn emergency Ihe:e Iechniue: ccu|c :cve c |ife.
Cf ccur:e ycu ccnncI precicI ncr ccnIrc| c :uccen injury IhcI ccu|c
reuire Fir:I /ic IrecImenI cue Ic c fc||, cr ceLri:, cr cIher hczcrc: IhcI cre
ccmmcn curing c ncIurc| ci:c:Ier, :c Leing Ircinec i: ycur Le:I wcy Ic Le
prepcrec Ic cec| wiIh :uch emergencie:.
Hcwever, in ccciIicn Ic geIIing Lc:ic Fir:I /ic Ircining, c: ycu |ecrnec in
ChcpIer 1 cn geIIing inIc Survivc| Shcpe" - Ihe ri:k cf mcny cf Ihe
ccnciIicn: IhcI ccu|c cccur cue Ic Ihe :Ire:: cf c :urvivc| :iIucIicn, cnc
reuire Fir:I /ic, :uch c: :Ircke cr hecrI cIIcck, ccu|c Le |e::enec Ly
imprcving ycur Lc:ic hec|Ih cnc Lcc:Iing ycur immune :y:Iem.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 7
Evocuote or Stoy Fut?

Gite me six hours to chop doun c tree cnd
I uill spend the jirst jour shcrpenin the cxe.
- Abrchcm Lincoln
CfIen when fccing cn impencing ci:c:Ier Ihe ue:Iicn Leccme: wheIher
Ic evccucIe cr She|Ier-in-F|cce." Ihere i: nc rec| cefiniIive cn:wer,
Leccu:e iI rec||y c|| cepenc: cn Ihe ncIure cf Ihe emergency, where ycu
|ive, whcI ycur prepcrecne:: |eve| i:, cnc Ihe mcke-up cf ycur fcmi|y.
We hcve c|| :een Ihe imcge: cn Ihe new: cf Ihe :Ic|wcrI New Eng|cncer:,
cr |ci::ez fcire Ccnch:" in Key We:I, whc refu:e Ic |ecve in Ihe fcce cf c
Hurriccne, even if Ihey cre in c mcnccIcry evccucIicn zcne. ScmeIime:
Ihey cic Ihe righI Ihing, cnc cIher Iime: - Ihere were Ircgic re:u|I:.
8efcre u|IimcIe|y mcking Ihe ceci:icn Ic :Icy cr 8ug CuI" {|ecve), ycu
mu:I Le Ihcrcugh|y prepcrec Ic cc eiIher. IhcI mecn: mcking :ure IhcI
ycur ln Hcme Frepcrecne:: KiI i: reccy, funcIicnc| cnc ccce::iL|e, cnc
IhcI ycur Gc 8cg i: reccy Ic GCl"
8eing prepcrec fcr c pcIenIic| evccucIicn :hcu|c Le pcrI cf ycur ri:k
c::e::menI ccncucIec in ChcpIer 2. Ycu mcy immecicIe|y kncw IhcI
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ycu |ive in c Hurriccne EvccucIicn Zcne" cr F|ccc Zcne" cue Ic ycur
prcximiIy Ic Ihe ccc:I|ine cr cIher Lccie: cf wcIer. lf :c, ycur |ccc|
Emergency Frepcrecne:: /gencie: wi|| hcve mc:I |ike|y c|reccy crecIec
cnc c|ecr|y mcrkec ce:igncIec evccucIicn rcuIe:. 8e :ure ycu cre
fcmi|icr wiIh Ihem. /|:c Le :ure ycu hcve c|IerncIive: Ic Ihe cfficic| rcuIe:,
in cc:e Ihey Leccme Icc jcmmec up cnc impc::iL|e.
Ycu mcy recc|| IhcI in cur ci:cu::icn cf Hcme Frepcrecne:: in ChcpIer 3,
iI wc: reccmmencec IhcI if ycu kncw ycu |ive in c Hurriccne EvccucIicn
Zcne" cr F|ccc Zcne," ycu hcve c ce:igncIec Emergency 4WD Vehic|e.
8e :ure iI i: gc::ec up, in gccc repcir, cnc reccy Ic gc cI c|| Iime:. lf ycu
|ive cn c 8crrier l:|cnc, cr :cme cIher ccc:Ic| crec, wiIh c :ing|e rccc
ccce:: in cnc cuI, :uch c: c Lricge cr ccu:ewcy - when c :Icrm i:
impencing, ycu mcy wcnI Ic ccn:icer pcrking ycur vehic|e cn Ihe cIher
:ice cf Ihe rcccwcy in wc|king ci:Icnce, where ycu ccn geI Ic iI Ic 8ug
CuI, Lefcre Ihe wecIher geI: Icc Lcc, cr Ihe Ircffic Icc jcmmec up.
FememLer if ycure gcing Ic |ecve Ihere i: c chcnce IhcI Ircve|ing Ly
rccc: uncer ncrmc| ccnciIicn: mcy ncI Le pc::iL|e, e:pecic||y Ihe |cIer
ycu cecice Ic evccucIe. CcmmuniccIicn:, puL|ic Ircn:pcrIcIicn,
:IreeI|ighI:, Ircffic :ignc|:, cnc cIher infrc:IrucIure IhcI ncrmc||y mcke
Ircve|ing Ly rccc ec:y, mcy ncI Le funcIicning.
/: pcrI cf ycur evccucIicn p|cn ycu mu:I Le prepcrec Ic Ircve| Ly fccI if
nece::cry. Ycu :hcu|c kncw ycur evccucIicn rcuIe Lefcre cn emergency
cccur:. Drive iI :everc| Iime:, |ccking fcr :pcI: c|cng Ihe rcuIe fcr :he|Ier
cr cIher fcci|iIie: in Ihe evenI IhcI ycu mcy Le fcrcec Ic |ecve ycur
vehic|e cnc mcke ycur e:ccpe Ly fccI.
lf ycu cc neec Ic evccucIe cn fccI, IhcI mecn: ycu wi|| hcve Ic ccrry
ycur Gc 8cg wiIh ycu :|ung cn ycur Lcck. Ircve|ing fcr mi|e: in uncerIcin
ccnciIicn: ccrrying c ruck:cck i: ncI ec:y fcr :cmecne unIrcinec. FcrI cf
geIIing in Survivc| Shcpe" :hcu|c Le Ic Ihrcw cn ycur Gc 8cg, cnc gc
hiking wiIh iI c few Iime: c week. Ihi: i: ncI cn|y grecI c|| crcunc exerci:e,
LuI iI wi|| he|p ycu Ic Lui|c up Ihe :IrengIh cnc :Icminc Ic ccrry ycur pcck
when ycu mu:I. Ihi: kinc cf Ircining ccn Le e:pecic||y u:efu| fcr ycunger
fcmi|y memLer:. FrccIicing evccucIicn: ccn Le mcce inIc fun fcmi|y
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
SIAY Ok 8bG ObI?
ln Ihe cL:ence cf cfficic| evccucIicn crcer: frcm fecerc|, :IcIe cr |ccc|
cuIhcriIie:, ccccrcing Ic FEM/ ycu :hcu|c evccucIe when Ihere i: cn
immecicIe ri:k :uch c::
I you smeII gus, smoke or see IIre or oLIerwIse Ieur Ior your suIeLy,
evucuuLe IouseIoId occupunLs ImmedIuLeIy. rom u suIe IocuLIon, cuII
q-1-1 und reporL LIe IncIdenL.
I IocuI oIIIcIuIs Issue generuI evucuuLIon orders, use LIe evucuuLIon
rouLes und meLIods specIIIed; curpooI wIenever possIbIe - und II LIme
Weur sLurdy sIoes, Iong-sIeeve sIIrLs und punLs.
BrIng cur keys, credIL curds, roud mups, ceII pIone, cIurger und
ImporLunL pIone numbers.
BrIng your Go-bug.
I you Iuve u peL, muke sure IL Is weurIng u coIIur, brIng IL In u peL
currIer IubeIed wILI your nume und LIe peL`s nume. BrIng your peL`s Go-
ock your Iome und sIuL oII LIe wuLer und eIecLrIcILy, buL Ieuve gus on
unIess InsLrucLed oLIerwIse.
euve u noLe or LeII u neIgIbor wIere you ure goIng.
I you ure sepuruLed Irom oLIer IumIIy members go Lo your preurrunged
meeLIng poInL.
Once you urrIve uL u suIe IocuLIon, cuII your ouL-oI-ureu emergency
lf ycu cc chcc:e Ic evccucIe, iI i: Le:I IhcI ycu gc Ic c precrrcngec
frienc cr re|cIive: |cccIicn cuI cf Ihe evccucIicn zcne. Hcwever, if :uch
c p|cce i: ncI cvci|cL|e cr inccce::iL|e cue Ic Ihe circum:Icnce cf Ihe
emergency ycu mcy neec Ic gc Ic cn Emergency She|Ier.
D|soster She|ters
lmmecicIe|y fc||cwing c |crge ci:c:Ier, :uiIcL|e :he|Ier :iIe: mcy Le
:e|ecIec frcm c pre-ce:igncIec |i:I Lc:ec cn crec: cf neec cnc
e:IimcIec numLer: cf ci:p|ccec per:cn:. Ecch :iIe mu:I Le in:pecIec fcr
:cfeIy pricr Ic Leing cpenec Ic Ihe puL|ic. Iherefcre, iI i: ncI pc::iL|e Ic
:cy wiIh ccvcnce cerIcinIy, which :iIe: wi|| ccIuc||y cpercIe c: ci:c:Ier
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
:he|Ier:. /: :ccn c: ci:c:Ier :iIe: hcve Leen fcrmc||y ce:igncIec, Ihi: |i:I
wi|| Le cnncuncec Ihrcugh |ccc| mecic Ic Ihe puL|ic. lf iI i: un:cfe Ic
:he|Ier-in-p|cce, cnc ycu cc ncI hcve cn c|IerncIive, evccucIe Ic c
ce:igncIec emergency :he|Ier.
I| you do go to o she|ter:
TeII your ouL-oI ureu-conLucL wIere you ure goIng.
Tuke your Go-bug wILI you Lo LIe sIeILer.
lniIic||y, emergency :he|Ier: mcy ncI Le cL|e Ic prcvice Lc:ic :upp|ie:
cnc mcIeric|:. Ccn:icer Lringing exIrc iIem: {e.g. L|cnkeI, pi||cw, cir
mcIIre::, Icwe|, wc:hc|cIh, cicper:, fccc cnc :upp|ie: fcr infcnI:.) She|Ier:
ccn Le very frighIening Ic chi|cren, Le :ure Ic Icke c|cng :cme fcvcriIe
gcme:, Icy: cr Lcck:, cnc :cme fcvcriIe ccmfcrI fccc:" cr :ncck:.
Frcvice fcr ycur peI: cn|y :ervice cnimc|: cre c||cwec in mc:I humcn"
:he|Ier:. lf ycu ccnncI mcke cIher p|cn: fcr ycur peI:, /nimc| Ccre cnc
CcnIrc| :Icff wi|| Le cvci|cL|e cI humcn" :he|Ier: Ic he|p wiIh peI
:he|Iering neec:.
She|ter|ng In F|oce
Ihere cre Iime: when rcIher Ihcn giving c mcnccIcry evccucIicn crcer,
Civi| Frepcrecne:: /gencie: mcy in fccI ccvi:e IhcI ycu :Icy-puI cnc
She|Ier-in-F|cce." Ihi: i: u:uc||y when Ihe ci:c:Ier invc|ve: pcIenIic|
expc:ure Ic Icxic mcIeric|:.
Accord|ng to the Amer|con ked Cross's "Foct Sheet" on She|ter|ng |n
Cne cf Ihe in:IrucIicn: ycu mcy Le given in cn emergency where
hczcrccu: mcIeric|: mcy hcve Leen re|ec:ec inIc Ihe cImc:phere i: Ic
:he|Ier-in-p|cce. Ihi: i: c preccuIicn cimec Ic keep ycu :cfe whi|e
remcining incccr:.
She|Ier-in-p|cce mecn: :e|ecIing c :mc||, inIericr rccm, wiIh few if cny
winccw: cnc Icking refuge Ihere. lI cce: ncI mecn :ec|ing cff ycur enIire
hcme cr cffice Lui|cing.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Why You M|ght Need to She|ter-|n-F|oce
Chemicc|, Lic|cgicc|, cr rccic|cgicc| ccnIcmincnI: mcy Le re|ec:ec
cccicenIc||y cr inIenIicnc||y inIc Ihe envircnmenI. Shcu|c Ihi: cccur,
infcrmcIicn wi|| Le prcvicec Ly |ccc| cuIhcriIie: cn Ie|evi:icn cnc rccic
:IcIicn: cn hcw Ic prcIecI ycu cnc ycur fcmi|y. 8eccu:e infcrmcIicn wi||
mc:I |ike|y Le prcvicec cn Ie|evi:icn cnc rccic, iI i: impcrIcnI Ic keep c IV
cr rccic cn, even curing Ihe wcrkccy. Ihe impcrIcnI Ihing i: fcr ycu Ic
fc||cw in:IrucIicn: cf |ccc| cuIhcriIie: cnc kncw whcI Ic cc if Ihey ccvi:e
ycu Ic :he|Ier-in-p|cce.
At Home
CIose und Iock uII wIndows und exLerIor doors.
I you ure LoId LIere Is dunger oI expIosIon, cIose LIe wIndow sIudes,
bIInds, or curLuIns.
Turn oII uII Iuns, IeuLIng und uIr condILIonIng sysLems. CIose LIe
IIrepIuce dumper.
GeL your Home DIsusLer Prepuredness KIL und muke sure uII buLLery
operuLed IIgILs und rudIos ure cIurged und workIng.
Go Lo un InLerIor room wILIouL wIndows LIuL's ubove ground IeveI. n
LIe cuse oI u cIemIcuI LIreuL, un uboveground IocuLIon Is preIerubIe
becuuse some cIemIcuIs ure IeuvIer LIun uIr, und muy seep InLo
busemenLs even II LIe wIndows ure cIosed.
BrIng your peLs wILI you, und be sure Lo brIng uddILIonuI Iood und wuLer
suppIIes Ior LIem.
L Is IdeuI Lo Iuve u Iurd-wIred LeIepIone In LIe room you seIecL. CuII
your emergency conLucL und Iuve LIe pIone uvuIIubIe II you need Lo
reporL u IIIe LIreuLenIng condILIon. CeIIuIur LeIepIone equIpmenL muy
be overwIeImed or dumuged durIng un emergency.
Use ducL Lupe und pIusLIc sIeeLIng (IeuvIer LIun Iood wrup) Lo seuI uII
crucks uround LIe door und uny venLs InLo LIe room.
Keep IIsLenIng Lo your rudIo or LeIevIsIon unLII you ure LoId uII Is suIe or
you ure LoId Lo evucuuLe. ocuI oIIIcIuIs muy cuII Ior evucuuLIon In
specIIIc ureus uL greuLesL rIsk In your communILy, so be sure Lo Iuve
your Go Bug wILI you In your seuIed room.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
At Work
CIose LIe busIness. BrIng everyone InLo LIe room(s). SIuL und Iock LIe
I LIere ure cusLomers, cIIenLs, or vIsILors In LIe buIIdIng, provIde Ior
LIeIr suIeLy by uskIng LIem Lo sLuy - noL Ieuve. WIen uuLIorILIes
provIde dIrecLIons Lo sIeILer-In-pIuce, LIey wunL everyone Lo Luke LIose
sLeps now, wIere LIey ure, und noL drIve or wuIk ouLdoors.
UnIess LIere Is un ImmInenL LIreuL, usk empIoyees, cusLomers, cIIenLs,
und vIsILors Lo cuII LIeIr emergency conLucL Lo IeL LIem know wIere LIey
ure und LIuL LIey ure suIe.
Turn on cuII-IorwurdIng or uILernuLIve LeIepIone unswerIng sysLems or
servIces. I LIe busIness Ius voIce muII or un uuLomuLed uLLendunL,
cIunge LIe recordIng Lo IndIcuLe LIuL LIe busIness Is cIosed, und LIuL
sLuII und vIsILors ure remuInIng In LIe buIIdIng unLII uuLIorILIes udvIse
LIuL IL Is suIe Lo Ieuve.
CIose und Iock uII wIndows, exLerIor doors, und uny oLIer openIngs Lo
LIe ouLsIde.
I you ure LoId LIere Is dunger oI expIosIon, cIose LIe wIndow sIudes,
bIInds, or curLuIns.
Huve empIoyees IumIIIur wILI your buIIdIng`s mecIunIcuI sysLems Lurn
oII uII Iuns, IeuLIng und uIr condILIonIng sysLems.
Some sysLems uuLomuLIcuIIy provIde Ior excIunge oI InsIde uIr wILI
ouLsIde uIr - LIese sysLems, In purLIcuIur, need Lo be Lurned oII, seuIed,
or dIsubIed.
GuLIer essenLIuI dIsusLer suppIIes, sucI us nonperIsIubIe Iood, boLLIed
wuLer, buLLery-powered rudIos, IIrsL uId suppIIes, IIusIIIgILs, buLLerIes,
ducL Lupe, pIusLIc sIeeLIng, und pIusLIc gurbuge bugs.
SeIecL InLerIor room(s) ubove LIe ground IIoor, wILI LIe IewesL wIndows
or venLs. TIe room(s) sIouId Iuve udequuLe spuce Ior everyone Lo be
ubIe Lo sIL In. AvoId overcrowdIng by seIecLIng severuI rooms II
necessury. urge sLoruge cIoseLs, uLIIILy rooms, punLrIes, copy und
conIerence rooms wILIouL exLerIor wIndows wIII work weII. AvoId
seIecLIng u room wILI mecIunIcuI equIpmenL IIke venLIIuLIon bIowers or
pIpes, becuuse LIIs equIpmenL muy noL be ubIe Lo be seuIed Irom LIe
L Is IdeuI Lo Iuve u Iurd-wIred LeIepIone In LIe room(s) you seIecL. CuII
emergency conLucLs und Iuve LIe pIone uvuIIubIe II you need Lo reporL u
IIIe LIreuLenIng condILIon. CeIIuIur LeIepIone equIpmenL muy be
overwIeImed or dumuged durIng un emergency.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Use ducL Lupe und pIusLIc sIeeLIng (IeuvIer LIun Iood wrup) Lo seuI uII
crucks uround LIe door(s) und uny venLs InLo LIe room.
WrILe down LIe numes oI everyone In LIe room, und cuII your busIness`
desIgnuLed emergency conLucL Lo reporL wIo Is In LIe room wILI you,
und LIeIr uIIIIIuLIon wILI your busIness (empIoyee, vIsILor, cIIenL, or
Keep IIsLenIng Lo LIe rudIo or LeIevIsIon unLII you ure LoId uII Is suIe or
you ure LoId Lo evucuuLe. ocuI oIIIcIuIs muy cuII Ior evucuuLIon In
specIIIc ureus uL greuLesL rIsk In your communILy - so Iuve your AL
Work Go Bug uL LIe reudy.
At Schoo|
CIose LIe scIooI. AcLIvuLe LIe scIooI`s emergency pIun. oIIow reverse
evucuuLIon procedures Lo brIng sLudenLs, IucuILy, und sLuII Indoors.
I LIere ure vIsILors In LIe buIIdIng, provIde Ior LIeIr suIeLy by uskIng
LIem Lo sLuy - noL Ieuve. WIen uuLIorILIes provIde dIrecLIons Lo sIeILer-
In-pIuce, LIey wunL everyone Lo Luke LIose sLeps now, wIere LIey ure,
und noL drIve or wuIk ouLdoors.
ProvIde Ior unswerIng LeIepIone InquIrIes Irom concerned purenLs by
IuvIng uL IeusL one LeIepIone wILI LIe scIooI`s IIsLed LeIepIone number
uvuIIubIe In LIe room seIecLed Lo provIde sIeILer Ior LIe scIooI
secreLury, or person desIgnuLed Lo unswer LIese cuIIs. TIIs room sIouId
uIso be seuIed. TIere sIouId be u wuy Lo communIcuLe umong uII rooms
wIere peopIe ure sIeILerIng-In-pIuce In LIe scIooI.
deuIIy, provIde Ior u wuy Lo muke unnouncemenLs over LIe scIooI-wIde
pubIIc uddress sysLem Irom LIe room wIere LIe Lop scIooI oIIIcIuI Lukes
I cIIIdren Iuve ceII pIones, uIIow LIem Lo use LIem Lo cuII u purenL or
guurdIun Lo IeL LIem know LIuL LIey Iuve been usked Lo remuIn In
scIooI unLII IurLIer noLIce, und LIuL LIey ure suIe.
I LIe scIooI Ius voIce muII or un uuLomuLed uLLendunL, cIunge LIe
recordIng Lo IndIcuLe LIuL LIe scIooI Is cIosed, sLudenLs und sLuII ure
remuInIng In LIe buIIdIng unLII uuLIorILIes udvIse LIuL IL Is suIe Lo Ieuve.
ProvIde dIrecLIons Lo cIose und Iock uII wIndows, exLerIor doors, und uny
oLIer openIngs Lo LIe ouLsIde.
I you ure LoId LIere Is dunger oI expIosIon, dIrecL LIuL wIndow sIudes,
bIInds, or curLuIns be cIosed.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Huve empIoyees IumIIIur wILI your buIIdIng`s mecIunIcuI sysLems Lurn
oII uII Iuns, IeuLIng und uIr condILIonIng sysLems. Some sysLems
uuLomuLIcuIIy provIde Ior excIunge oI InsIde uIr wILI ouLsIde uIr - LIese
sysLems, In purLIcuIur, need Lo be Lurned oII, seuIed, or dIsubIed.
GuLIer essenLIuI dIsusLer suppIIes, sucI us nonperIsIubIe Iood, boLLIed
wuLer, buLLery-powered rudIos, IIrsL uId suppIIes, IIusIIIgILs, buLLerIes,
ducL Lupe, pIusLIc sIeeLIng, und pIusLIc gurbuge bugs.
Se|ecI inIericr rccm{:) cLcve Ihe grcunc f|ccr, wiIh Ihe fewe:I winccw: cr
venI:. Ihe rccm{:) :hcu|c hcve cceucIe :pcce fcr everycne Ic Le cL|e
Ic :iI in. /vcic cvercrcwcing Ly :e|ecIing :everc| rccm: if nece::cry.
C|c::rccm: mcy Le u:ec if Ihere cre nc winccw: cr Ihe winccw: cre
:ec|ec cnc ccnncI Le cpenec. Lcrge :Icrcge c|c:eI:, uIi|iIy rccm:,
meeIing rccm:, cnc even c gymnc:ium wiIhcuI exIericr winccw: wi|| c|:c
wcrk we||.
lI i: icec| Ic hcve c hcrc-wirec Ie|ephcne in Ihe rccm{:) ycu :e|ecI. Cc||
emergency ccnIccI: cnc hcve Ihe phcne cvci|cL|e if ycu neec Ic repcrI
c |ife IhrecIening ccnciIicn. Ce||u|cr Ie|ephcne euipmenI mcy Le
cverwhe|mec cr ccmcgec curing cn emergency.
1. BrIng everyone InLo LIe room. SIuL und Iock LIe door.
z. Use ducL Lupe und pIusLIc sIeeLIng (IeuvIer LIun Iood wrup) Lo seuI
uII crucks uround LIe door(s) und uny venLs InLo LIe room.
. WrILe down LIe numes oI everyone In LIe room, und cuII your
scIooIs` desIgnuLed emergency conLucL Lo reporL wIo Is In LIe room
wILI you.
Li:Ien fcr cn cfficic| cnncuncemenI frcm :chcc| cfficic|: vic Ihe puL|ic
cccre:: :y:Iem, cnc :Icy where ycu cre unIi| ycu cre Ic|c c|| i: :cfe, cr ycu
cre Ic|c Ic evccucIe. Lccc| cfficic|: mcy cc|| fcr evccucIicn in :pecific
crec: cI grecIe:I ri:k in ycur ccmmuniIy.
In Your Veh|c|e
I you ure drIvIng u veIIcIe und Ieur udvIce Lo sIeILer-In-pIuce on LIe
rudIo, Luke LIese sLeps ImmedIuLeIy:
I you ure very cIose Lo Iome, your oIIIce, or u pubIIc buIIdIng, go LIere
ImmedIuLeIy und go InsIde. oIIow LIe sIeILer-In-pIuce
recommenduLIons Ior LIe pIuce you pIck descrIbed ubove.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
I you ure unubIe Lo geL Lo u Iome or buIIdIng quIckIy und suIeIy, LIen
puII over Lo LIe sIde oI LIe roud. SLop your veIIcIe In LIe suIesL pIuce
possIbIe. I IL Is sunny ouLsIde, IL Is preIerubIe Lo sLop under u brIdge or
In u sIudy spoL, Lo uvoId beIng overIeuLed.
Turn oII LIe engIne. CIose wIndows und venLs.
I possIbIe, seuI LIe IeuLIngJuIr condILIonIng venLs wILI ducL Lupe.
IsLen Lo LIe rudIo reguIurIy Ior upduLed udvIce und InsLrucLIons.
SIcy where ycu cre unIi| ycu cre Ic|c iI i: :cfe Ic geI Lcck cn Ihe rccc. 8e
cwcre IhcI :cme rccc: mcy Le c|c:ec cr Ircffic ceIcurec. Fc||cw Ihe
cirecIicn: cf |cw enfcrcemenI cfficic|:.
During cny She|Ier-in-F|cce cirecIive, ycur |ccc| cfficic|: cn Ihe :cene cre
Ihe Le:I :curce cf infcrmcIicn fcr ycur pcrIicu|cr :iIucIicn. Fc||cwing Iheir
in:IrucIicn: curing cnc cfIer emergencie: regcrcing :he|Iering, fccc,
wcIer, cnc c|ecnup meIhcc: i: ycur Le:I chcice.
In odd|t|on to the odv|ce out||ned obove by the Amer|con ked Cross, the
CDC odds the |o||ow|ng obout She|ter|ng |n F|oce:
lf Ihe crcer i: cue Ic c chemicc| :pi|| cr cIher hczcrccu: mcIeric|
emergency, mc:I |ike|y ycu wi|| cn|y neec Ic :he|Ier fcr c few hcur:. Ycu
wi|| kncw if ycu hcve Ic :he|Ier-in-p|cce if Ihere i: c ccce rec" cr :evere"
Ierrcr c|erI. Ycu :hcu|c pcy cIIenIicn Ic rccic cnc Ie|evi:icn Lrccccc:I:
Ic kncw righI cwcy wheIher c :he|Ier-in-p|cce c|erI i: cnncuncec fcr ycur
crec. Ycu wi|| hecr frcm Ihe |ccc| pc|ice, emergency cccrcincIcr:, cr
gcvernmenI cn Ihe rccic cnc cn Ie|evi:icn emergency Lrccccc:I :y:Iem
if ycu neec Ic :he|Ier-in-p|cce.
/cI uick|y cnc fc||cw Ihe in:IrucIicn: cf ycur |ccc| emergency
cccrcincIcr: :uch c: |cw enfcrcemenI per:cnne|, fire cepcrImenI:, cr
|ccc| e|ecIec |eccer:. Every :iIucIicn ccn Le cifferenI, :c |ccc|
emergency cccrcincIcr: mighI hcve :pecic| in:IrucIicn: fcr ycu Ic fc||cw.
In genero|, do the |o||ow|ng:
1. Go InsIde us quIckIy us possIbIe. BrIng uny ouLdoor peLs Indoors.
z. I LIere Is LIme, sIuL und Iock uII ouLsIde doors und wIndows.
ockIng LIem muy puII LIe door or wIndow LIgILer und muke u beLLer
seuI uguInsL LIe cIemIcuI. Turn oII LIe uIr condILIoner or IeuLer.
Turn oII uII Iuns, Loo. CIose LIe IIrepIuce dumper und uny oLIer pIuce
LIuL uIr cun come In Irom ouLsIde.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
. Go In LIe sIeILer-In-pIuce room und sIuL LIe door.
q. Turn on LIe rudIo. Keep u LeIepIone cIose uL Iund, buL don`L use IL
unIess LIere Is u serIous emergency.
. SInk und LoIIeL druIn Lrups sIouId Iuve wuLer In LIem (you cun use
LIe sInk und LoIIeL us you normuIIy wouId). I IL Is necessury Lo drInk
wuLer, drInk sLored wuLer, noL wuLer Irom LIe Lup.
6. Tupe pIusLIc over uny wIndows In LIe room. Use ducL Lupe uround
LIe wIndows und doors und muke un unbroken seuI. Use LIe Lupe
over uny venLs InLo LIe room und seuI uny eIecLrIcuI ouLIeLs or oLIer
;. I you ure uwuy Irom your sIeILer-In-pIuce IocuLIon wIen u cIemIcuI
evenL occurs, IoIIow LIe InsLrucLIons oI emergency coordInuLors Lo
IInd LIe neuresL sIeILer. I your cIIIdren ure uL scIooI, LIey wIII be
sIeILered LIere. UnIess you ure InsLrucLed Lo do so, do noL Lry Lo geL
Lo LIe scIooI Lo brIng your cIIIdren Iome. TrunsporLIng LIem Irom
LIe scIooI wIII puL LIem, und you, uL Increused rIsk.
8. IsLen Lo LIe rudIo Ior un unnouncemenL IndIcuLIng LIuL IL Is suIe Lo
Ieuve LIe sIeILer.
q. WIen you Ieuve LIe sIeILer, IoIIow InsLrucLIons Irom IocuI emergency
coordInuLors Lo uvoId uny conLumInunLs ouLsIde. AILer you come ouL
oI LIe sIeILer, emergency coordInuLors muy Iuve uddILIonuI
InsLrucLIons on Iow Lo muke LIe resL oI LIe buIIdIng suIe uguIn.
WiIh Ihe excepIicn cf Ihe cfcremenIicnec municipc| crcer: Ic :he|Ier- in-
p|cce cue Ic cn envircnmenIc| hczcrc, ycu mcy chcc:e Ic :he|Ier-in-
p|cce Ic rice cuI c :Icrm" cr cIher impencing ci:c:Ier. Ihi: i: ncI
ccvi:cL|e Ic cc, if cn cfficic| crcer Ic evccucIe i: given - however thot
dec|s|on |s o|woys your own.
8uI Lefcre ycu cecice, recc Ihe fc||cwing rec|-wcr|c experience: frcm
Iwc pecp|e whc |ivec Ihrcugh Hurriccne KcIrinc in 2005.
Like mcny cf her frienc: cnc neighLcr:, ScmcnIhc FumLy, c re:icenI cf
MeIcirie, c :uLurL cf New Cr|ecn:, chc:e ncI Ic evccucIe when Ihe ecr|y
crcer: Ic cc :c wenI up in Ihe ccy: Lefcre Hurriccne KcIrinc mcce
|cncfc||. /fIer Ihree ccy: wiIhcuI running wcIer, f|u:h Ici|eI:, hcI fccc cr
e|ecIriciIy, cnc hcving ncI mcce prcper prepcrcIicn: Ic :he|Ier-in-p|cce,
:he finc||y cecicec Ic |ecve. She ce:criLec her experience: Ic c |ccc|
New Cr|ecn: New:pcper.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
"When ue lejt, there ucs c line oj cmbulcnces on the side oj
Interstcte :o," scid the z-ecr-old emploee oj c mediccl suppl
compcn. "The helicopters uere brinin out the jlood tictims cnd
ou could see children throuh the opened doors. There uere
helicopters eteruhere. It ucs lile the etccuction oj Vietncm."
/: FumLy crcve we:I cn Ihe inIer:IcIe Ic e:ccpe Ihe :Iricken ciIy, :he wc:
:Iunnec Ly cncIher :ighI.
"There uere hitch-hilers" she scid, "People uith bcclpccls, uhole
jcmilies ccrrin little bcbies - trin to et rides. I uould'te
stopped, but I hcd tuo ccts cnd c do in m ccr. I eten scu c monl
in his monl outjit ucllin doun the interstcte. It ucs lile those
Mel Gibson moties, the 'Rocd Wcrrior'."
FumLy :cy: :he wc: :Iupic ncI Ic hcve evccucIec Lefcre KcIrinc.
She jurther scid, I'te neter lejt jor one bejore, cnd I thouht I
could mcle it. We surtited the storm, but ue uere there jor three
dcs uith no pouer, or ucter, or toilets. We hcd ccnned jood, but
jorot to bu c ccn opener, so ue borroued one jrom c neihbor.
We listened to the rcdio cnd hecrd these people ccllin in, scin
the uere trcpped in their cttics cnd din. It ot so loom ue
jincll turned it ojj. It ucs rouh."
ln ccnIrc:I, Shcne" c :e|f-ccmiIIec :urvivc|i:I whc ccn:icer: him:e|f c
/-$LL$-" {cne whc i: ccmmiIIec Ic Leing prepcrec fcr emergencie:) fcr
"#$ 5;< 04 '#$ =0-&< *9 =$ D;0? M', {IECIW/WKl) re|cIec c cifferenI :Icry
cn hi: L|cg.
When Kctrinc shoued up in the Gulj, m brother ricn scid, "This
one is just oin to drijt up to Iloridc. No problems." And I scid,
"You jooll This is the one thct uill lill us clll" Dj course, I clucs
sc thct, jiurin thct one dc I'd be riht... M uije Andrec cnd I
hcd been retisin our hurriccne plcn, but eten so, ue didn't do
cnthin uith it jor c uhile, cnd thins uere not cs orcnized cs
the could hcte been. ut still, ue did mcnce to pccl up cnd uere
recd to o uithin :z hours, but b thct time it ucs p:oo ct niht,
cnd ue decided to bu out the next mornin ct (:ooAM.
Shcne cnc hi: fcmi|y |efI cI :4 /M cn Sunccy mcrning /ugu:I 28Ih, :Ii|| c
fu|| ccy checc cf Ihe :Icrm.
I ucnted to lecte ecrlier, but ue clso needed the rest jor the lon
trip on the rocd. As it turns out, ue lejt in the nicl oj time. As ue
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
drote out, the trcjjic ucs hect, but motin. We continucll hecrd
reports oj ridlocl just behind us. It seemed lile ue uere ridin c
ucte thct ucs sloul jreezin behind us. It tool us : :,z hours to
drite to Houston - c trip thct normcll tcles just six hours.
He ccnc|uce::
I hcte been throuh hurriccnes cnd storms bejore. Widesprecd
destruction isn't cnthin neu to me but (nothin cs setere cs) this
hcd neter cctucll hcppened to me bejore. As I drote clon,
ettin pcst cton Roue in bumper-to-bumper trcjjic, it ucs
cppcrent to me thct c hurriccne is c specicl lind oj trcic plc.
Terrorist cttccls, ecrthqucles, cnd other linds oj ncturcl discsters
hcppen jcirl quicll. 4556 cnd it's done. A hurriccne, thouh,
is lile c nuclecr bomb thct explodes ter sloul oter the spcn oj c
uhole dc. You ccn uctch it cll unjold ter nectl into chcos, cnd
there recll isn't cnthin to do cbout it but to tr to exit the stce,
the thectre, cnd et cs jcr cuc cs ou ccn bejore ou become c
pcrticipcnt in the plc rcther thcn c spectctor.
lf ycu cre p|cnning Ic She|Ier-in-F|cce Lefcre, curing, cr cfIer c given
Di:c:Ier, ycu ccn finc :pecific ceIci|: cn hcw Ic mc:I :cfe|y cc :c Ly
jumping fcrwcrc Ic SecIicn lll cf Ihi: mcnuc|.
lI i: never ec:y Ic |ecve c hcme Lehinc, LuI rememLer whcIever ycu
hcve Ihere ccn u|IimcIe|y Le rep|ccec, e:pecic||y if ycu hcve Icken Ihe
:Iep: cuI|inec in ChcpIer 3 cn Hcme Frepcrecne::.
WheIher Ic :Icy cr gc curing cn emergency i: ycur ceci:icn. lf ycu cre
cL|e Ic, cnc ycu hcve cn evccucIicn p|cn, fc||cwing Ihe ccvice cf
Emergency Frepcrecne:: /gencie: when Ihey reccmmenc evccucIicn i:
c|wcy: c :mcrI Ihing Ic cc. Ihe ecr|ier Ihe LeIIer, Lefcre rccc: geI Iiec up
cnc impc::iL|e. Ihe ecr|ie:I evccuee: curing Hurriccne KcIrinc fcirec Ihe
Le:I. 8y |i:Iening Ic evccucIicn ccvice, Ihe wcr:I IhcI ccn hcppen i: -
IhcI ncIhing hcppenec, cnc ycu reIurn hcme :cfe|y, :|ighI|y
inccnveniencec fcr c few ccy:. 8uI in Ihe Le:I cc:e, geIIing cuI, in Iime,
fu||y prepcrec wiIh ycur Gc 8cg mcy very we|| mecn Ihe cifference
LeIween |ife cnc cecIh.
/|:c c|wcy: keep in minc, nc mcIIer hcw much gecr cnc :upp|ie: ycur
Gc 8cg ccnIcin: iI wi|| never ccnIcin everyIhing IhcI ycu mcy neec Ic
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ccver c|| :cencric:, e:pecic||y if ycu neec Ic evccucIe, cr even She|Ier-in-
F|cce fcr cn exIencec pericc cf Iime.
Ycu wi|| c|wcy: hcve Ic Le prepcrec Ic imprcvi:e cnc mcke cc wiIh
whcI: cvci|cL|e. Lecrning hcw Ic Lui|c fire:, crecIe :he|Ier:, prepcring
fccc, u:e ncIurc| hec|ing Iechniue:, cnc Ihe cIher :urvivc| :ki||: ycu wi||
|ecrn cr ccn uick|y reference IhrcughcuI Ihe nexI SecIicn: cf Ihi: mcnuc|
cre ju:I c: crucic| c: cny euipmenI ycu chcc:e Ic ccrry wiIh ycu.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 8
Don't Forget the
Four-Legged Fr|ends

The rectness oj c nction cnd its morcl proress
ccn be juded b the uc its cnimcls cre trected.
- Mchctmc Gcndhi
/nimc|: hcve cmczing :urvivc| in:IincI:. ln fccI much cf whcI ycu hcve
Leen |ecrning in Ihi: mcnuc| i: hcw Ic reccnnecI wiIh ycur cwn mcre
primiIive :urvivc| :ki||:. Hcwever, Ihe IruIh i: IhcI cur ccme:IiccIec peI: cre
c|mc:I c: fcr remcvec frcm Iheir wi|c ccu:in:, c: we cre frcm cur
cnce:Icr:. Ju:I c: we hcve Leccme ccmp|ccenI, cnc cver|y re|icnI cn
Ihe Ircpping: cf mccern :ccieIy, :c Icc hcve cur peI: Leccme cver|y
re|icnI cn USl Sc, when prepcring fcr ncIurc| ci:c:Ier: cr mcn-mcce
emergencie:, iI i: impcrIcnI IhcI we ncI fcrgeI cLcuI cur fcur-|eggec
Ihe /SFC/ {/SFC/.crg) :cy:, emergencie: ccme in mcny fcrm:, cnc Ihey
mcy reuire cnyIhing frcm c Lrief cL:ence frcm ycur hcme Ic permcnenI
evccucIicn. Ecch Iype cf ci:c:Ier reuire: cifferenI mec:ure: Ic keep
ycur peI: :cfe. Ihe Le:I Ihing ycu ccn cc fcr ycur:e|f cnc ycur peI: i: Ic
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Le prepcrec. Ihe we||-kncwn cnimc| ccre cnc righI: crgcnizcIicn cuI|ine:
Six SIep: Ic FeI Emergency Frepcrecne::.
Ihi: ec:y-Ic-u:e :Iicker wi|| |eI pecp|e kncw IhcI peI: cre in:ice ycur hcme.
Mcke :ure iI i: vi:iL|e Ic re:cue wcrker:, cnc IhcI iI inc|uce::
TIe Lypes und number oI peLs In your IouseIoId.
TIe nume oI your veLerInurIun und IIs or Ier pIone number.

Image Courtesy: ASCA
lf ycu mu:I evccucIe wiIh ycur peI:, cnc if Iime c||cw:, wriIe,
EV/CU/IED ccrc:: Ihe :Iicker:. Ycu ccn geI Ihe:e :Iicker: cn |ine frcm
Ihe /SFC/, cr Ihey cre u:uc||y cvci|cL|e cI ycur |ccc| peI :Icre:, cr
Ihrcugh ycur |ccc| re:cue :ucc cr fire cepcrImenI.
/rrcnge c :cfe hcven fcr ycur peI: in Ihe evenI cf evccucIicn. DC NCI
LE/VE YCUF FEIS 8EHlND. FememLer, if iI i:n'I :cfe fcr ycu, iI i:n'I :cfe fcr
ycur peI:. Ihey mcy Leccme Ircppec cr e:ccpe cnc Le expc:ec Ic
numercu: |ife IhrecIening hczcrc:. NcIe IhcI ncI c|| Fec Crc::, cr cIher
humcn" ci:c:Ier :he|Ier: cccepI peI:, :c iI i: impercIive IhcI ycu hcve
ceIerminec where ycu wi|| Lring ycur peI: checc cf Iime:
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ConLucL your veLerInurIun Ior u IIsL oI preIerred bourdIng kenneIs und
Ask your IocuI unImuI sIeILer II LIey provIde emergency sIeILer or IosLer
cure Ior peLs.
denLIIy IoLeIs or moLeIs ouLsIde oI your ImmedIuLe ureu LIuL uccepL
Ask IrIends und reIuLIves ouLsIde your ImmedIuLe ureu II LIey wouId be
wIIIIng Lo Luke In your peL.
lf ycu hcve peI:, Ihey neec Ic hcve Iheir cwn :pecific Gc 8cg c: we||.
Mcke :ure IhcI everycne in Ihe fcmi|y kncw: where iI i:. Ihi: kiI :hcu|c Le
c|ecr|y |cLe|ec cnc ec:y Ic ccrry. lIem: Ic ccn:icer keeping in cr necr
ycur FeI Gc 8cg inc|uce:
1. PeL IIrsL-uId kIL und guIde book (usk your veL wIuL Lo IncIude).
z. -; duys' worLI oI cunned (pop-Lop) or dry Iood und peL IeedIng
. DIsposubIe IILLer Lruys (uIumInum rousLIng puns ure perIecL) und
ILLer or puper LoweIIng.
q. IquId dIsI soup, dIsInIecLunL und DIsposubIe gurbuge bugs Ior
. ExLru coIIur or Iurness us weII us un exLru IeusI.
6. PIoLocopIes oI medIcuI records und u wuLerprooI conLuIner wILI u
Lwo-week suppIy oI uny medIcIne your peL requIres.
;. BoLLIed wuLer, uL IeusL ; duys' worLI Ior eucI peL.
8. A LruveIIng bug, cruLe or sLurdy currIer, IdeuIIy one Ior eucI peL.
q. BIunkeL (Ior scoopIng up u IeurIuI peL).
1o. RecenL pIoLos oI your peLs (In cuse you ure sepuruLed und need Lo
muke "osL" posLers).
11. EspecIuIIy Ior cuLs: PIIIowcuse or EvuckSuck, Loys, scoopubIe IILLer.
1z. EspecIuIIy Ior dogs: ExLru IeusI, Loys und cIew Loys, u week's worLI
oI cuge IIner.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
FememLer ju:I |ike Ihe iIem: in ycur humcn Gc 8cg:, peri:hcL|e iIem: cnc
meciccIicn: in ycur peI: Gc 8cg mu:I Le rep|ccec periccicc||y fcr
Ihi: :Iep wi|| Icke ccn:icercL|e Iime cnc IhcughI. When chcc:ing c
Iempcrcry ccregiver, ccn:icer :cmecne whc |ive: c|c:e Ic ycur re:icence.
He cr :he :hcu|c Le :cmecne whc i: generc||y hcme curing Ihe ccy whi|e
ycu cre cI wcrk cr hc: ec:y ccce:: Ic ycur hcme. / :eI cf key: :hcu|c Le
given Ic Ihi: Iru:Iec incivicuc|. Ihi: mcy wcrk we|| wiIh neighLcr: whc
hcve peI: cf Iheir cwn-ycu mcy even :wcp re:pcn:iLi|iIie:, cepencing
upcn whc hc: ccce::iLi|iIy.
When :e|ecIing c permcnenI ccregiver, ycu|| neec Ic ccn:icer cIher
criIeric. Ihi: i: c per:cn Ic whcm ycu cre enIru:Iing Ihe ccre cf ycur peI in
Ihe evenI IhcI :cmeIhing :hcu|c hcppen Ic ycu. When :e|ecIing Ihi:
fc:Ier pcrenI, ccn:icer pecp|e whc hcve meI ycur peI cnc hcve
:ucce::fu||y ccrec fcr cnimc|: in Ihe pc:I. 8e :ure Ic ci:cu:: ycur
expecIcIicn: cI |engIh wiIh c permcnenI ccregiver, :c he cr :he
uncer:Icnc: Ihe re:pcn:iLi|iIy cf ccring fcr ycur peI.
lf ycu mu:I evccucIe ycur hcme in c cri:i:, p|cn fcr Ihe wcr:I-cc:e
:cencric. lf ycu Ihink ycu mcy Le gcne fcr cn|y c ccy, c::ume IhcI ycu
mcy ncI Le c||cwec Ic reIurn fcr :everc| week:. When reccmmenccIicn:
fcr evccucIicn hcve Leen cnncuncec, fc||cw Ihe in:IrucIicn: cf |ccc| cnc
:IcIe cfficic|:. Ic minimize evccucIicn Iime wiIh ycur peI:, Icke Ihe:e
:imp|e :Iep::
SLore un emergency kIL und IeusIes us cIose Lo un exIL us possIbIe.
Muke sure uII peLs weur coIIurs und Lugs wILI up-Lo-duLe IdenLIIIcuLIon.
Your peL's D Lug sIouId conLuIn IIs nume, LeIepIone number, und uny
urgenL medIcuI needs. Be sure Lo wrILe your peL's nume, your nume und
conLucL InIormuLIon on your peL's currIer.
TIe ASPCA recommends mIcro cIIppIng your peL us u more permunenL
Iorm oI IdenLIIIcuLIon. A mIcrocIIp Is ImpIunLed In LIe unImuI's
sIouIder ureu, und cun be reud by scunner uL mosL unImuI sIeILers.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
AIwuys brIng peLs Indoors uL LIe IIrsL sIgn or wurnIng oI u sLorm or
dIsusLer. PeLs cun become dIsorIenLed und wunder uwuy Irom Iome
durIng u crIsIs.
ConsIder your evucuuLIon rouLe und cuII uIeud Lo muke urrungemenLs
Ior bourdIng your peL ouLsIde oI LIe dunger zone uL LIe IIrsL sIgn oI
Dc ycu |ive in cn crec IhcI i: prcne Ic cerIcin ncIurc| ccIc:Ircphe:, :uch
c: Icrnccce:, ecrIhucke: cr f|ccc: lf :c, ycu :hcu|c p|cn ccccrcing|y.
DeIermine we|| in ccvcnce which rccm: cffer :cfe hcven:. Ihe:e rccm:
:hcu|c Le c|ecr cf hczcrc: :uch c: winccw:, f|ying ceLri:, eIc.
Chcc:e ec:y-Ic-c|ecn crec: :uch c: uIi|iIy rccm:, LcIhrccm:, cnc
Lc:emenI: c: :cfe zcne:.
/cce:: Ic c :upp|y cf fre:h wcIer i: pcrIicu|cr|y impcrIcnI. ln crec: IhcI
mcy |c:e e|ecIriciIy, fi|| up LcIhIuL: cnc :ink: checc cf Iime Ic en:ure IhcI
ycu hcve ccce:: Ic wcIer curing c pcwer cuIcge cr cIher cri:e:.
ln Ihe evenI cf f|cccing, gc Ic Ihe highe:I |cccIicn in ycur hcme, cr c
rccm IhcI hc: ccce:: Ic ccunIer: cr high :he|ve: where ycur cnimc|: ccn
Icke :he|Ier.
lf emergency cfficic|: reccmmenc IhcI ycu :Icy in ycur hcme, iI': crucic|
IhcI ycu keep ycur peI: wiIh ycu. Keep ycur Gc 8cg cnc :upp|ie: c|c:e
cI hcnc. Ycur peI: mcy Leccme :Ire::ec curing Ihe in-hcu:e
ccnfinemenI, :c ycu mcy ccn:icer crcIing Ihem fcr :cfeIy cnc ccmfcrI.
Spec|o| Cons|derot|ons |or An|mo|s
DifferenI cnimc|: hcve cifferenI phy:icc| cnc emcIicnc| neec:. Ihe
/SFC/ reccmmenc: Ihe:e :pecific ccciIicnc| prepcrecne:: ccncern: fcr
Ihe fc||cwing cnimc|::
BIrds sIouId be LrunsporLed In u secure LruveI cuge
or currIer.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
n coId weuLIer, muke cerLuIn you Iuve u bIunkeL over your peL`s cuge.
TIIs muy uIso IeIp reduce LIe sLress oI LruveIIng.
n wurm weuLIer, curry u spruy boLLIe Lo perIodIcuIIy moIsLen your
bIrd's IeuLIers.
Huve recenL pIoLos uvuIIubIe und keep your bIrd`s Ieg bunds on Ior
I LIe currIer does noL Iuve u percI, IIne IL wILI puper LoweIs LIuL you
cun cIunge IrequenLIy.
Keep LIe currIer In us quIeL un ureu us possIbIe.
lI i: pcrIicu|cr|y impercIive IhcI Lirc: ecI cn c cci|y Lc:i:, :c purchc:e c
Iimec feecer. lf ycu neec Ic |ecve ycur Lirc unexpecIec|y, Ihe feecer wi||
en:ure hi: cci|y feecing :checu|e.
Items to keep on hond:
CuLcI neL
Heuvy LoweI
BIunkeL or sIeeL Lo cover cuge
Cuge IIner

GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC

/ :ncke mcy Le Ircn:pcrIec in c pi||cwcc:e, LuI ycu
:hcu|c hcve permcnenI cnc :ecure hcu:ing fcr him
when ycu recch c :cfe p|cce.
Icke c :Iurcy Lcw| IhcI i: |crge fcr ycur peI Ic :cck in.
lI: c|:c c gccc icec Ic Lring c|cng c hecIing pcc cr
cIher wcrming cevice, :uch c: c hcI wcIer LcII|e.
Lizcrc: ccn Le Ircn:pcrIec |ike Lirc: {:ee cLcve).
CIher Smc|| /nimc|:
Smc|| cnimc|:, :uch c: hcm:Ier:, gerLi|:, mice cnc
guinec pig:, :hcu|c Le Ircn:pcrIec in :ecure ccrrier:
wiIh Leccing mcIeric|:, fccc cnc fccc Lcw|:.
Items to keep on hond:
ExLru wuLer boLLIe
SmuII IIde box or Lube
A week's worLI oI beddIng
FEM/ reminc: c|| peI cwner:, if ycu evccucIe ycur hcme, Iry ycur uImc:I
ncI Ic LE/VE YCUF FEIS 8EHlNDl FeI: mc:I |ike|y ccnncI :urvive cn Iheir
cwn cnc if Ly :cme remcIe chcnce Ihey cc, ycu mcy ncI Le cL|e Ic finc
Ihem when ycu reIurn.
lf ycu hcve nc c|IerncIive LuI Ic |ecve ycur peI cI hcme, Ihere cre :cme
preccuIicn: ycu ccn Icke. Ccnfine ycur peI Ic c :cfe crec in:ice -- NEVEF
|ecve ycur peI chcinec cuI:icel Lecve Ihem |cc:e in:ice ycur hcme wiIh
fccc cnc p|enIy cf wcIer. Femcve Ihe Ici|eI Icnk |ic, rci:e Ihe :ecI cnc
Lrcce Ihe LcIhrccm cccr cpen :c Ihey ccn crink. F|cce c ncIice cuI:ice
in c vi:iL|e crec ccvi:ing whcI peI: cre in Ihe hcu:e cnc where Ihey cre
|cccIec. Frcvice c phcne numLer where ycu cr c ccnIccI ccn Le
recchec c: we|| c: Ihe ncme cnc numLer cf ycur veI.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
FEMA o|so o||ers the |o||ow|ng odv|ce |or pet owners dur|ng ond o|ter o
BrIng your peLs InsIde ImmedIuLeIy.
Huve newspupers on Iund Ior sunILury purposes. eed LIe unImuI`s
moIsL or cunned Iood so LIey wIII need Iess wuLer Lo drInk.
AnImuIs Iuve InsLIncLs ubouL severe weuLIer cIunges und wIII oILen
IsoIuLe LIemseIves II LIey ure uIruId. BrIngIng LIem InsIde eurIy cun
sLop LIem Irom runnIng uwuy. Never Ieuve u peL ouLsIde or LIed up
durIng u sLorm.
SepuruLe dogs und cuLs - even II your dogs und cuLs normuIIy geL uIong,
LIe unxIeLy oI un emergency sILuuLIon cun cuuse peLs Lo ucL IrruLIonuIIy.
Keep smuII peLs uwuy Irom cuLs und dogs.
lf cfIer c ci:c:Ier ycu hcve Ic |ecve Icwn, Icke ycur peI: wiIh ycu. FeI:
cre un|ike|y Ic :urvive cn Iheir cwn.
ln Ihe fir:I few ccy: cfIer Ihe ci:c:Ier, |ec:h ycur peI: when Ihey gc
cuI:ice. /|wcy: mcinIcin c|c:e ccnIccI. Fcmi|icr :cenI: cnc |cncmcrk:
mcy Le c|Ierec cnc ycur peI mcy Leccme ccnfu:ec cnc |c:I. /|:c,
:ncke: cnc cIher ccngercu: cnimc|: mcy Le LrcughI inIc Ihe crec wiIh
f|cccwcIer:. Dcwnec pcwer |ine: cre c hczcrc.
Ihe Lehcvicr cf ycur peI: mcy chcnge cfIer cn emergency. Ncrmc||y
uieI cnc frienc|y peI: mcy Leccme cggre::ive cr cefen:ive. WcIch
cnimc|: c|c:e|y. Lec:h ccg: cnc p|cce Ihem in c fencec ycrc wiIh
ccce:: Ic :he|Ier cnc wcIer.
Ihe Humcne SccieIy cf Ihe UniIec SIcIe: {HSUS) wcnI: peI cwner: Ic kncw
IhcI Ihe fecerc| gcvernmenI ncw cfficic||y :uppcrI: inc|ucing peI: in
ci:c:Ier p|cn:. ln 2000 Ihe HSUS cnc FEM/ :ignec cn hi:Icric pcrIner:hip
cgreemenI Ic enccurcge cnc c::i:I pecp|e whc wcnI Ic :cfegucrc Iheir
peI: in c ncIurc| ci:c:Ier. FEM/ ce:igncIec Mcy 8, 2010, NcIicnc| /nimc|
Di:c:Ier Frepcrecne:: Dcy, cI Ihe Iime Ihe FEM/ DirecIcr :cic, /nimc|:
cre impcrIcnI memLer: cf mi||icn: cf fcmi|ie: ccrc:: Ihi: ccunIry-cnc c:
:uch Ihey :hcu|c c|:c Le inc|ucec in cur fcmi|y emergency p|cn:."
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC

HSUS {HumcneSccieIy.crg) rec|ize: IhcI ci:c:Ier: cnc cnimc|
prepcrecne:: i: ncI re:IricIec Ic peI: - fcrm cwner:, hcr:e cwner:, cnc
cIher mcncger: cf |ive:Icck :hcu|c Icke :pecic| ccn:icercIicn: fcr Iheir
cnimc|: Lefcre, curing, cnc cfIer c ci:c:Ier c: we||.
Di:c:Ier prepcrecne:: i: impcrIcnI fcr c|| cnimc|:, LuI iI i: e:pecic||y
impcrIcnI fcr |ive:Icck Leccu:e cf Ihe :ize cf Ihe cnimc|: cnc Iheir :he|Ier
cnc Ircn:pcrIcIicn neec:. Di:c:Ier: ccn hcppen cnywhere cnc Icke
mcny cifferenI fcrm:-frcm hurriccne: Ic Lcrn fire:, f|ccc: Ic hczcrccu:
mcIeric|: :pi||:-fcrcing pc::iL|e evccucIicn. WheIher ycu evccucIe cr
:he|Ier-in-p|cce, iI': impcrIcnI Ic Le prepcrec Ic prcIecI ycur |ive:Icck.
Ioke Frecout|ons
Cne cf Ihe :mcrIe:I Ihing: ycu ccn cc Ic prcIecI ycur fcmi|y cnc |ive:Icck
i: Ic mcke :ure ycu regu|cr|y review cnc upccIe ycur ci:c:Ier p|cn,
:upp|ie:, cnc infcrmcIicn regu|cr|y.
She|ter|ng |n F|oce
lf evccucIicn i: ncI pc::iL|e, c ceci:icn mu:I Le mcce wheIher Ic ccnfine
|crge cnimc|: Ic cn cvci|cL|e :he|Ier cn ycur fcrm cr |ecve Ihem cuI in
pc:Iure:. Mcny fccIcr: neec Ic Le Icken inIc ccn:icercIicn Ic figure cuI
whcI': Le:I in vcrying :iIucIicn:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
8orn F|res: Ihe Most Common D|soster
FrevenIing Lcrn fire: cnc Leing prepcrec in Ihe evenI cf c fire ccn mecn
Ihe cifference LeIween |ife cnc cecIh fcr ycur |ive:Icck. Kncw|ecge cf
Ihe ccnger cf fire: cnc hcw Ic cec| wiIh Ihem i: e::enIic| cnc vigi|cnce i:
key Ic prevenIicn.
Evocuot|on F|onn|ng
/ :ucce::fu| evccucIicn p|cn cepenc: cn mcny fccIcr:. We've ccmpi|ec
c ceIci|ec |i:I cf preccuIicn: cnc cc': cnc ccn'I: Ic he|p ycu ceve|cp c
fcc|prccf :IrcIegy.
Form D|soster K|t
Mcke c ci:c:Ier kiI :c ycu hcve :upp|ie: cn hcnc in Ihe evenI cf c
ci:c:Ier. F|cce Ihe kiI in c cenIrc| |cccIicn cnc |eI everycne kncw where iI
i:. Check Ihe ccnIenI: regu|cr|y Ic en:ure fre:h cnc ccmp|eIe :upp|ie:.
Ihi: :hcu|c inc|uce Ihe :cme Lc:ic iIem: c: Ihe Hcme Frepcrecne:: KiI:
ce:criLec in ChcpIer 3, wiIh cny :pecific ccciIicn: fcr Ihe :u:IcincLi|iIy cf
ycur cpercIicn cnc :cfeIy cf ycur prcperIy, crcp:, cr |ive:Icck.
Ycur |ccc| humcne crgcnizcIicn, cgricu|Iurc| exIen:icn cgenI, cr |ccc|
emergency mcncgemenI cgency mcy Le cL|e Ic prcvice ycu wiIh
infcrmcIicn cLcuI ycur ccmmuniIy': ci:c:Ier re:pcn:e p|cn:.
F|cnning cnc prepcrcIicn wi|| he|p ycu :urvive cnc cec| wiIh Ihe :Ire:: cf
c ci:c:Ier, LuI ycur peI: cnc cnimc|: cc ncI pc::e:: ycur inIe||igence cnc
rec:cning ccpcciIy. FeIurning Ic ncrmc|cy ccn Le much hcrcer fcr Ihem
Ihcn fcr ycu. Ycur hcme mcy Le c very cifferenI p|cce cfIer c cri:i:,
wheIher ycu hcve Icken :he|Ier cI hcme cr e|:ewhere.
Dcn'I c||cw ycur peI: Ic rccm |cc:e. Fcmi|icr |cncmcrk: cnc :me||: mighI
Le gcne, cnc ycur peI wi|| prcLcL|y Le ci:crienIec. FeI: ccn ec:i|y geI
|c:I in :uch :iIucIicn:.
Whi|e ycu c::e:: Ihe ccmcge Ic ycur hcu:e cnc prcperIy, keep ccg: cn
|ec:he: cnc keep ccI: in ccrrier: in:ice Ihe hcu:e. lf ycu ccnI cc Ihi:,
Ihey ccu|c e:ccpe cnc Leccme |c:I.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
8e pcIienI wiIh ycur peI: cfIer c ci:c:Ier. Iry Ic geI Ihem Lcck inIc Iheir
ncrmc| rcuIine: c: :ccn c: pc::iL|e cnc Le reccy fcr Lehcvicrc| prcL|em:
IhcI mcy re:u|I frcm Ihe :Ire:: cf Ihe :iIucIicn. lf Lehcvicrc| prcL|em:
per:i:I cr if ycur peI :eem: Ic Le hcving cny hec|Ih prcL|em:, Ic|k Ic ycur
Ycur peI: cre impcrIcnI Ic ycu, cnc even Ihcugh Ihey ccn fee| |ike fcmi|y
memLer:, uncer:Icnc IhcI Ihey cre ncI. Ye:, ycu :hcu|c Icke every
preccuIicn Ic keep Ihem :cfe, cnc Ic keep Ihem wiIh ycu in Ihe evenI cf
c ci:c:Ier cr emergency c: ce:criLec cLcve. Hcwever, in c Irue |ife cr
cecIh :urvivc| :iIucIicn never puI ycur |ife, cr Ihe |ife cf cncIher humcn
Leing cI ri:k Ic reIurn fcr, cr re:cue, c peI cr cIher cnimc| IhcI mcy Le in
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
8u||d|ng Your b|t|mote
Surv|vo| K|t: Ihe Go 8og

8z oj Americcns sc, Ij someone could mcle it
ecs jor me to be prepcred - I'd do it.
- recent Americcn Red Cross Surte
ln vcricu: previcu: chcpIer: in Ihi: SecIicn cf Ihe Mcnuc|, ycu hcve
|ecrnec cf Ihe impcrIcnce cf Frepcrecne:: KiI: cnc Gc 8cg:, cnc Ihe
Lc:ic euipmenI cnc :upp|ie: IhcI :hcu|c Le in Ihem. ln Ihi: chcpIer ycu
wi|| Le inIrccucec Ic ecch cf Ihe reccmmencec iIem: in grecIer ceIci|,
whcI Ihey cre u:ec fcr, hcw Ihey :hcu|c Le u:ec cnc ccrec fcr, cnc why
Ihey cre e::enIic| Ic ycur :urvivc|.
Ihe cfficic| US /rmy Survivc| mcnuc| :cy: even Ihe :mc||e:I :urvivc| kiI, if
prcper|y prepcrec, i: invc|ucL|e when fccec wiIh c :urvivc| prcL|em.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ln ecr|ier chcpIer: ycu |ecrnec cf Ihe iIem: ycu :hcu|c hcve cn-hcnc in
ycur hcme, :ecure cnc ec:i|y ccce::iL|e c: pcrI cf cn cverc|| Emergency
Frepcrecne:: KiI.
Ih|s |nc|uded |tems such os:
Reudy Lo euL Iood
A munuuI cun-opener und oLIer cookIng suppIIes
PIuLes, uLensIIs und oLIer IeedIng suppIIes
IrsL AId kIL
BuLLery or Iund crunk rudIos, eLc.
8uI mc:I impcrIcnI|y, ycu |ecrnec cf cne cf Ihe mc:I e::enIic| iIem: fcr
Di:c:Ier Frepcrecne:: - ycur Gc 8cg." / Gc 8cg ccnIcin: Ihe mc:I
Lc:ic, cnc prcven e::enIic| euipmenI cnc mcIeric| IhcI ycu ccn ccrry,
IhcI wi|| he|p ycu mcke iI Ihrcugh even Ihe hcr:he:I :urvivc| :iIucIicn: fcr
cI |ec:I three doys.
Ycur Gc 8cg :hcu|c Le pcckec cnc reccy, cnc ec:i|y ccce::iL|e
whenever ycu :hcu|c neec iI. Ycu mcy wcnI Ic keep ycur Gc 8cg in ycur
ccr, cr ycur ce:igncIec 8ug CuI" vehic|e. Ecch fcmi|y memLer :hcu|c
hcve Iheir cwn Gc 8cg :Icckec wiIh Ihe Lc:e|ine e::enIic|:, cnc cIher
mcre :pecific iIem: Lc:ec cn Iheir cge, gencer, cnc cIher per:cnc|
Ycu neec Ic Icke ycur Gc 8cg wiIh ycu when hiking, ccmping cnc
Ircve|ing Ly LccI, cr cIher mecn: cf Ircn:pcrIcIicn where ycu mcy winc
up in c :urvivc| :iIucIicn.
ln ccciIicn Ic pccking exIrc c|cIhe: in ycur Gc 8cg, Ihe c|cIhe: ycu wecr
whi|e Lugging cuI cre c|:c impcrIcnI. Cf ccur:e Iime cf yecr cnc Ihe
wecIher hcve c |cI Ic cc wiIh whcI Ic wecr. 8uI in generc| geI ycur:e|f c
gccc :Iurcy pcir cf hiking LccI:, cr mi|iIcry :Iy|e ccmLcI LccI:. Un|e:: ycu
hcve rec:cn Ic Le hicing frcm :cmecne whi|e ycu cre evccucIing -- cnc
IhcI: ycur Lu:ine:: - ycu ccnI hcve Ic wecr 2*))($9 {ccmcuf|cge
fcLric c|cIhing), LuI mi|iIcry, cr |cw-enfcrcemenI :Iy|e ccrgc pcnI:" wiIh
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
|cI: cf pcckeI: cre c gccc icec. / hunIer: cr ccmping :Iy|e ve:I, cgcin
wiIh mcny pcckeI:, i: c|:c c vc|ucL|e piece cf c|cIhing. Wecr c Le|I, iI
ccn Le u:efu| Ic hc|c iIem: IhcI ycu neec Ic geI Ic uick|y, cnc iI c|:c
ccn Le u:ec c: cn imprcvi:ec rcpe cr fc:Iening cevice fcr c numLer cf
emergency :iIucIicn:.
Ihe US /rmy Survivc| mcnuc| :cy: IhcI Ihe envircnmenI i: Ihe key Ic Ihe
Iype: cf iIem: ycu wi|| neec Ic hcve in ycur :urvivc| kiI. Hcw much
euipmenI ycu puI in ycur kiI cepenc: cn hcw ycu wi|| ccrry Ihe kiI. / kiI
ccrriec cn ycur Lccy wi|| hcve Ic Le :mc||er Ihcn cne ccrriec in c vehic|e.
/|wcy: |cyer ycur :urvivc| kiI, keeping Ihe mc:I impcrIcnI iIem: cn ycur
Lccy. Fcr excmp|e, ycur knife cnc ccmpc:: :hcu|c c|wcy: Le cn ycur
Lccy whi|e ycur LcIIerie: mcy gc in cn cuIer pcckeI cf ycur Lcg cnc
ycur :upp|y cf fccc cnc wcIer in Ihe Lcg. CcrcLineer: ccn Le u:ec Ic
hcck iIem: IhcI ycu neec Ic geI Ic ec:i|y cn Ihe cuI:ice cf ycur pcck.
ln prepcring ycur u|IimcIe :urvivc| Gc 8cg, :e|ecI iIem: ycu ccn u:e fcr
mcre Ihcn cne purpc:e. lf ycu hcve Iwc iIem: IhcI wi|| :erve Ihe :cme
funcIicn, pick Ihe cne ycu ccn u:e fcr cncIher funcIicn. Dc ncI cup|iccIe
iIem:, c: Ihi: increc:e: ycur kiI: :ize cnc weighI.
kemember your ku|e o| Ihrees / per:cn ccn :urvive fcr:
TIree mInuLes wILIouL uIr
TIree Iours wILIouL sIeILer
TIree duys wILIouL wuLer
TIree weeks wILIouL Iood
IhcI i: why ycur Lc:ic Gc 8cg i: Lc:ec cn :urviving fcr cI |ec:I Ihree ccy:
cr 72 hcur:. Here i: Ihe mc:I ccmprehen:ive |i:I cf Ihe Lc:e|ine e::enIic|
iIem: IhcI :hcu|c Le in cny Ihree Dcy Survivc| Gc 8cg, Lc:ec cn Ihe
reccmmenccIicn: cf FEM/, Ihe /mericcn Fec Crc:: cnc cIher Di:c:Ier
Frepcrecne:: /gencie: wcr|cwice.
Ind|v|duo||y S|zed 8ockpockJkucksock
DrInkIng WuLer - (-duy suppIy, mInImum 8 oz. per person per duy)
ood-non-perIsIubIe, eusy-Lo-prepure ILems (LIree-duy suppIy,
mInImum 1,zoo cuIorIes per duy)
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
BuLLery Powered or Hund CrunkJSoIur MuILI-bundJNOAA WeuLIer
MuILI-purpose TooI
PockeL Compuss (know Iow Lo use)
8" x 1o" PIusLIc Turp
Emergency BIunkeL
AII WeuLIer PockeL SIze SIeepIng Bug
6 Hour Emergency CundIes
IInL Ire SLurLer & SLrIker
SLorm ProoIJWuLer ProoI MuLcIes
DIsposubIe IgILers
Sun Screen - uL IeusL SP o
DusLJ BIo-Iuzurd Musk
CompucL oIdIng SLove & ueI TubIeLs
PorLubIe WuLer IILer
WuLer PurIIIcuLIon TubIeLs
z. GuI. CoIIupsIbIe WuLer CurrIer
RecIurgeubIe BuLLerIes (AAJAAA) und SoIur BuLLery CIurger
Heuvy DuLy PoncIo
IgIL RuIn PoncIo
CIunge oI CIoLIes und u Wurm HuL
USB CIgureLLe IgILer CIurger AdupLer
SewIng KIL
WuLer ProoI PersonuI CommunIcuLIons PoucI - IncIudIng PermunenL
Murker, Puper, Tupe
DucL Tupe
CompucL oIdIng SIoveIJHuLcIeLJHummer 6-In-1 SurvIvuI TooI
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Pry Bur und Gus SIuLoII TooI
euLIer Work GIoves
SeveruI IgIL SLIcks
SuIeLy GoggIes
SunILuLIon und PersonuI HygIene Lems
IncI x o IL. PoIypropyIene Rope
o IL. NyIon ULIIILy Cord
SIpIon Hund Pump
MuILI-Ieud Screw DrIver
Mup(s) oI LIe Areu
IusI DrIve ConLuInIng TIIs munuuI
ExLru CusI
Deck oI PIuyIng Curds
PIoLos oI IumIIy members und peLs Ior re-IdenLIIIcuLIon purposes
IsL oI emergency poInL-oI -conLucL pIone numbers
IsL oI uIIergIes Lo uny drug (especIuIIy unLIbIoLIcs) or Iood
Copy oI IeuILI Insurunce und IdenLIIIcuLIon curds
ExLru prescrIpLIon eye gIusses, IeurIng uId or oLIer vILuI personuI ILems
ExLru Keys Lo your Iouse und veIIcIe
Why You Need Ihem - How to bse Ihem
8ockpockJkucksock - Cf ccur:e ycu neec c Lcg Ic crecIe ycur Gc-8cg.
Ihi: neec: Ic Le :Iurcy, ec:i|y ccrriec, wiIh :everc| exIernc| pcckeI: Ic geI
Ic iIem: cf immecicIe neec. Ycur Lcg c|:c neec: Ic Le incivicuc||y :izec.
ln cIher wcrc: wcmen, Ieen:, cnc chi|cren neec Lcg: cpprcpricIe Ic
Iheir :ize cnc weighI, cnc Ic Ihe mcre :pecific per:cnc| iIem: IhcI mcy Le
ccrriec wiIhin. Ihere i: :cme ceLcIe c: Ic wheIher ycur Survivc| Gc 8cg
:hcu|c Le in c ccmcuf|cge ce:ign {ccmc) cr LrighI crcnge Ic Le u:ec c:
c :ignc| cevice. IhcI c|| cepenc: cn per:cnc| chcice, cnc Ihe :urvivc|
:iIucIicn ycu fee| ycu mcy finc ycur:e|f in. Mcny prefer Ihe ccmc, in cc:e
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ycu cc neec Ic :Ic:h ycur gecr frcm prying eye:, :ince ycu wi|| hcve
e::enIic| :ignc| cevice: in cny Gc 8cg.
F|osh||ght - / re|icL|e |ighI :curce i: e::enIic| in cny :urvivc| :iIucIicn. /
f|c:h|ighI ccn he|p ycu Ic ccmp|eIe ycur :he|Ier cr cIher criIicc| :urvivc|
Ic:k: inIc Ihe nighI, cnc i: c wcy Ic :ignc| fcr he|p. LED f|c:h|ighI: cre
LrighI cnc |ighIweighI, cnc u:e much |e:: pcwer Ihcn IrcciIicnc|
inccnce:cenI Lu|L:. Ycur kiI :hcu|c hcve cI |ec:I Iwc :curce: cf |ighI, c
LcIIery LED f|c:h|ighI, prefercL|y pcwerec Ly :c|cr rechcrgecL|e LcIIerie:
cnc hcnc c hcnc crcnk f|c:h|ighI IhcI reuire: nc pcwer cI c||.
8ottery powered or hond cronkJso|or Mu|t|-bondJNOAA Weother kod|o -
/ :mc||, :e|f-pcwerec wecIher rccic i: c prepcrecne:: e::enIic| wheIher
ycu :he|Ier-in-p|cce curing c pcwer cuIcge, cr cre Lugging cuI. Ihe Le:I
:uch rccic: inc|uce NC// wecIher c|erI Lrccccc:I:, cre LcIh hcnc
crcnkec cnc :c|cr pcwerec, cnc Ihe LeIIer cne: ccn even Le u:ec Ic
chcrge c ce|| phcne cr cIher US8 cevice.
Focketkn||e - / gccc knife i: uiIe pc::iL|y Ihe mc:I impcrIcnI cuIcccr
:urvivc| Icc| ycu ccn hcve in cny Gc 8cg. / :Iurcy ncn-fc|cing knife wiIh
c Ihree inch L|cce i: ec:y Ic ccrry cnc very ver:cIi|e. Knive: ccn Le u:ec
fcr cnyIhing frcm mcking fire, Ic he|ping ycu Ic gcIher :he|Ier mcIeric|:,
cuI rcpe cnc Iwine fcr Lui|cing :he|Ier:, cnc hcrve:I wi|c eciL|e:.
Mu|t|-purpose Ioo| - Ihe vc|ue cf c mu|Ii-purpc:e Icc| i: IhcI Ihey hcve
mcre Ihcn cne Icc| in c :ing|e pcckeI :izec pcckcge. lf ycu cre Lugging
cuI Ly ccr, iI ccn Le e:pecic||y impcrIcnI, LuI even cn c Like, cr cn fccI,
ycu ju:I never kncw when ycu wi|| Le in :iIucIicn, cuI cff frcm hcme where
ycu mcy neec c pcir cf p|ier:, neec|e-nc:e p|ier:, wire cuIIer, :ci::cr:, eIc.
Mc:I mu|Ii-Icc|: ccme wiIh c Le|I :hecIh, u:e iI, cnc puI iI cn ycur Le|I,
cnc ncI in ycur pcck. Ihi: wcy if ycu cre fcrcec Ic |ecve ycur vehic|e, cr
|c:e ycur pcck, cI |ec:I ycu hcve Ihi: e::enIic| :urvivc| Icc| wiIh ycu cI c||
Iime:. 8e cwcre IhcI Ihere cre mcny checp Kncck-cff:" cf uc|iIy mu|Ii-
Icc|: cuI Ihere, e:pecic||y Ihe cne: IhcI ccme in |cw pricec pre-
pcckcgec kiI:. Ycu :hcu|c expecI Ic pcy cI |ec:I 30.00 Ic 40.00 fcr c
gccc uc|iIy mu|Ii, LuI iI: wcrIh pcying c LiI mcre Ic geI c :Iurcy, re|icL|e
Icc| IhcI wi|| cc Ihe jcL when ycu neec iI mc:I.
Focket Composs - Wherever ycu hcppen Ic Le, wheIher ycu cre
:Ircncec in Ihe ccecn, ccughI in c L|izzcrc, cr |c:I in c ceep, ccrk fcre:I
|cIe cI nighI, c :imp|e ccmpc:: in ycur hcnc wi|| c|wcy: pcinI NcrIh. /
ccmpc:: neec: nc LcIIerie: cr rccic :ignc| Ic pcinI ycu cn ycur wcy. /
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ccmpc:: i: cn exIreme|y vc|ucL|e piece cf :urvivc| gecr, LuI cn|y if ycu
kncw hcw Ic u:e iIl
Ihere cre ccmp|ex, :ighIing cr mcp" ccmpc::e: IhcI cre ce:ignec wiIh
c|ecr Lc:e p|cIe: cnc prcIrccIcr: Ic Le u:ec c|cng wiIh mcp: in
crienIeering cr mcre :cphi:IiccIec ncvigcIicn. Hcwever c gccc :imp|e
ccmping :Iy|e pcckeI ccmpc:: ccn Le ycur Le:I frienc in c :urvivc|
:iIucIicn, cnc reuire: nc :pecic| :ki||: Ic u:e. Here: hcw Ic u:e c Lc:ic
HoId LIe compuss IIuL In LIe puIm oI your Iund uL cIesL IeveI.
Move your body uround unLII LIe @'8 end oI LIe needIe, usuuIIy
murked wILI LIe N IIne up wILI LIe N on LIe Iuce oI LIe compuss,
now you know wIIcI wuy Is NorLI.

roper os|t|on for no|d|ng our Compass
Sc |cng c: ycu keep Ihe rec mcgneIic neec|e |inec up wiIh Ihe N" cn
Ihe ccmpc:: - ycu wi|| c|wcy: Le cL|e Ic geI ycur Lecring: cnc kncw
hcw Ic Ircve| in cny cirecIicn ycu wi:h. Scme :imp|e ccmpc::e: c|:c
hcve c rcIcIing c|ecr Leve| cn Icp wiIh c c|ecr LuciIe crrcw. Ihe:e cre
gccc icec if ycu hcve never u:ec c ccmpc::. WiIh :uch c ccmpc::, cnce
ycu hcve icenIifiec NcrIh c: cLcve, cnc ycu wcnI Ic Ircve| ec:I fcr
excmp|e, Iurn Ihe LuciIe crrcw :c iI |ine: up cver Ihe E", cnc hecc in IhcI
cirecIicn. Lecve Ihe crrcw Ihere c: c remincer cf Ihe cirecIicn ycu wcnI
Ic mcve in, cnc every 100 pcce: cr :c, rec|ign Ihe rec ccmpc:: neec|e Ic
Ihe NcrIh, Ic Le :ure ycu cre mcving in Ihe ce:irec cirecIicn.
bt|||ty Kn||e - Nc :ing|e knife i: gcing Ic Le u:efu| fcr every cuIIing Ic:k in c
:urvivc| :iIucIicn. 8eycnc c pcckeIknife, cr Ihe knife L|cce IhcI mcy Le
cn ycur mu|Ii-Icc|, c uIi|iIy knife wiIh iI: Ihin cnc very :hcrp, rczcr-|ike
L|cce, hc: mcny u:e:, frcm mecicc| emergencie:, cuIIing Icrp mcIeric|,
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
:kinning cnc guIIing gcme, Ic fine whiII|ing. lI i: cne cf Ihc:e mcny cuIy
kinc: cf iIem: IhcI mcke iI c Gc 8cg e::enIic|.
8' x 10' F|ost|c Iorp - / Icrp ccn Le u:ec fcr c vcrieIy cf :urvivc| purpc:e:.
WiIh c |iII|e ccrc ycu ccn u:e iI Ic crecIe c :imp|e Icrp :he|Ier. lI ccn Le
u:ec Ic wcIerprccf Ihe Icp cf c mcre exIen:ive :he|Ier. lI ccn Le |cic cuI
Ic cc||ecI rcinwcIer, cr u:ec c: c pcnchc.
Emergency 8|onket - Ihi: :i|ver-meIc||ic |ccking L|cnkeI ref|ecI: Lccy hecI
Lcck Ic ycu, :c iI i: grecI fcr keeping ycu wcrm. lI c|:c ccn Le u:ec fcr
:ignc|ing, c: iI ref|ecI: :un|ighI. lI ccn Le u:ec Ic wcIerprccf Ihe rccf cf
ycur :he|Ier, cnc :erve Ihe cuc| purpc:e cf c |crge :ignc|ing mirrcr.
Heovy DutyJL|ght Duty Fonchos - /|Ihcugh :eeming|y c cup|iccIe, Ihe
rec:cn ycu wcnI Ic ccrry LcIh c hecvy cuIy cnc |ighI cuIy pcnchc, i: IhcI
ycur hecvy-cuIy pcnchc ccn Le u:ec fcr mcny purpc:e: cIher Ihcn
Leing wcrn Ic prcIecI ycur Lccy frcm cc|c cnc rcin. lI ccn Le u:ec Ic
Lui|c c :he|Ier cnc gcIher wcIer, c: ycu wi|| |ecrn in SecIicn ll. Sc ycu
wcnI Ic hcve ycur |ighI cuIy cn hcnc c: we|| Ic wecr, if ycu u:e Ihe hecvy
pcnchc fcr :cme cIher purpc:e.
3 Hour Emergency Cond|es - Fe|cIive|y :mc|| cnc |ighIweighI, 3 hcur
emergency ccnc|e: hcve mu|Iip|e u:e:. Ihey cre c :curce cf |ighI, hecI,
ccn Le u:ec Ic :IcrI c |crger fire, cnc ccn even Le u:ec c: c :mc|| ccck
Wh|st|e - Simp|e ec:y Ic pcck, impcrIcnI :ignc|ing cevice. SIcin|e:: :Iee| cr
p|c:Iic i: LeIIer Ihcn |cw-grcce meIc| Ic cvcic ru:Iing. GeI cne wiIh c
|cnycrc IhcI ccn Le Iiec Ic ycur Le|I cr wcrn crcunc ycur neck :c ycu cre
never wiIhcuI iI. FYl, Ihree :hcrI L|c:I:, fc||cwec Ly Ihree |cng L|c:I:,
fc||cwec Ly Ihree :hcrI L|c:I: cn ycur whi:I|e:
{ - - - ) { -- -- -- ) { - - - )
ln Mcr:e ccce Ihi: univer:c||y reccgnizec :cunc pcIIern i: S - C - S, Ihe
univer:c| :ign cf ci:Ire::.
F||nt F|re Storter & Str|ker - WiIh c |iII|e prccIice Ihi: :imp|e cevice ccn Le
u:ec Ic :IcrI fire: mcny Iime:. Ihe cevice ccn:i:I: cf c rcc cnc c :Iriker,
cnc i: cLcuI Ihe :ize cf c ccr key. Ihe cne: IhcI u:e c mcgne:ium rcc cre
Ihe :imp|e:I Ic u:e cnc mc:I re|icL|e. /|| ycu neec Ic cc i: u:e Ihe :Iriker
Ic :hcve cff c LiI cf mcgne:ium cnIc cn ec:i|y ccmLu:IiL|e mcIeric| :uch
c: pcper cr very cry |ecve:. Ihen u:e Ihe :Iriker Ic :Irike Ihe mcgne:ium
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
rcc Ic crecIe :pcrk:, |eI Ihe :pcrk: fc|| cnIc Ihe mcgne:ium :hcving: cn
ycur fue|, cnc ycu wi|| hcve :IcrIec c fire wiIh Ihe Le:I cf ycur Ccvemcn
Storm-proo|JWoterproo| Motches ondJor D|sposob|e L|ghters - /: c fire
ccn Le ycur mc:I impcrIcnI :urvivc| Icc|, hcving c: mcny cifferenI wcy:
Ic :IcrI cne wiIh ycu, ccu|c mcke c|| Ihe cifference.
DustJ8|o-hozord Mosk - ln Ihe cfIermcIh cf mcny ci:c:Ier:, ycu mcy finc
ycur:e|f evccucIing Ihrcugh crec: cf :mcke, fire, cr cIher Icxic ceLri: cnc
cu:I in Ihe cir. lf :c ycu wi|| Le g|cc IhcI ycu hcc Ihe fcreIhcughI Ic ccrry
c :imp|e cu:I mc:k. Ihi: i: c|:c c crucic| iIem Ic hcve curing c ci:ec:e
pcncemic, cr inIenIicnc| Lic-Ierrcri:m cIIcck.
Fortob|e Woter F||ter - Ihi: :imp|e :Ircw-|ike cevice cce: ncI Icke up c |cI
cf rccm, LuI ccu|c prcve invc|ucL|e in emergency :iIucIicn:. lI i: ncI ju:I
c fi|Ier: iI ccIuc||y fi|Ier: cnc IrecI: Ihe wcIer wiIh cn cnIi-LccIeric| purifier.
WiIh Ihi: cevice ycu ccn :imp|y Lenc ccwn cnc even crink frcm c
:eeming|y fi|Ihy pucc|e cf wcIerl
Woter Fur|||cot|on Iob|ets - / gccc Lcck up Ic Ihe fi|Ier cLcve.
FememLer cehycrcIicn ccn hcppen uick|y, e:pecic||y curing c :urvivc|
:iIucIicn when ycu prcLcL|y cre exerIing ycur:e|f mcre Ihcn u:uc|. Cnce
ycu run cuI cf ycur 3-ccy :upp|y, in mc:I :urvivc| :iIucIicn:, Ihere cre
mcny :curce: cf wcIer ycu ccu|c finc :uch c: cc||ecIec rcinwcIer,
:Irecm: cnc river:, pcnc: cnc |cke: LuI ncne cf Ihe:e :hcu|c Le u:ec
wiIhcuI purifying Ihe wcIer Lefcre crinking.
bS8 C|gorette L|ghter Chorger Adopter - Ccn Le u:ec Ic chcrge ce||
phcne: cnc cIher mcLi|e e|ecIrcnic cevice:. Ihi: :mc|| cnc ec:i|y
pcrIcL|e cevice ccn ccme in very hcncy. Ihe Le:I kinc ccn:i:I: cf cne
enc IhcI p|ug: inIc ycur ccr: cigcreIIe |ighIer, cr cny :imi|cr pcrI cn c 12V
DC :curce, cnc cn ccIcpu: ccL|e" IhcI p|ug: inIc Ihe US8 :ice cf Ihe
cccpIer, which Ihen ccn Le p|uggec inIc mu|Iip|e cevice: regcrc|e:: cf
Iheir uniue chcrging pcrI:.
Woter Froo| "Fersono| Commun|cot|ons Fouch" - Ihe pen cnc pcper in
Ihi: pcuch cre u:efu| Ic mcke ncIe: Ic ycur:e|f, cr Ic |ecve Lehinc c ncIe
fcr pecp|e Ic he|p finc ycu. Ihe pcper i: c|:c f|cmmcL|e cnc ccn Le u:ec
c: fire-:IcrIer if ycu mu:I. ln Ihi: pcuch ycu wi|| c|:c wcnI Ic inc|uce :cme
cc:h, ycur lD, emergency ccnIccI infc, mecicc| lnfc, eIc.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
M|rror - lI i: ncI Ic mcke :ure ycu |cck gccc when ycu cre re:cuec, LuI Ic
Le u:ec c: c :ignc|ing cevice, [shou|d be meto|, not g|oss}.
Duct Iope - EnIire Lcck: hcve Leen wriIIen cn Ihe vc|ue cf cucI Icpe
cnc Ihe mcny wcy: iI ccn Le u:ec. lI i: hcncy fcr |c:hing, fcr mecicc|
emergencie:, emergency repcir: Ic :he|Ier:, IenI:, :|eeping Lcg:, :hce:,
rcin gecr cnc ju:I cLcuI cnyIhing ycu ccn Ihink cf. 8uI Ic cc cny cf Ihe:e
Ihing: ycu mu:I mcke :ure ycu u:e uc|iIy Icpe. /vcic Ihe kinc IhcI ycu
finc in cc||cr cr ci:ccunI :Icre:, c: Ihe:e cre virIuc||y wcrIh|e:: fcr
emergency purpc:e:. Ic Ie:I fcr uc|iIy, Iry Iecring Ihe Icpe. lf iI Iecr:
ec:i|y in ycur hcnc:, rep|cce iI wiIh c LeIIer uc|iIy rc||. Checp Icpe wi||
c|:c Lreck ccwn cnc geI c|| gummy" when |efI in ycur pcck fcr
exIencec pericc: cf Iime.
Compoct Fo|d|ng Shove| or Combo Surv|vo| Ioo| - Knive: crenI Ihe cn|y
cuIIing Icc|: ycu mighI neec. ScmeIhing Ic chcp wccc i: cn impcrIcnI
iIem, :c c hcIcheI cr Icmchcwk i: c|:c c gccc icec Ic hcve c|cng. /
:hcve| i: c|:c invc|ucL|e. NcI cn|y cc ycu neec iI fcr ec:y ccn:IrucIicn cf c
fire piI, ycu c|:c neec iI fcr Lurying humcn wc:Ie cnc cnyIhing e|:e
unce:ircL|e. / CcmLincIicn -in-1 Survivc| Icc| give: ycu c :hcve|, c
hcIcheI, c hcmmer, :cw, nci| pu||er cnc ccn cpener c|| in c ccmpccI
pcckcge IhcI ccn Le hcckec Ic ycur pcck, cr ccrriec cn c Le|I.
Fry 8or ond Gos Shuto|| Ioo| - / hecvy-cuIy pry Lcr i: c mu:I hcve in every
72 hcur ci:c:Ier :urvivc| kiI. / pry-Lcr i: c LiI cf c hecvy iIem, cnc ncI cne
mc:I pecp|e wcu|c Ihink cf ccrrying wiIh Ihem. Hcwever, iI Icke: Ihe
p|cce cf :everc| Icc|:. lI ccn Le u:ec Ic pry, hcmmer, :huI cff gc:, Lreck
g|c::, Lreck ccwn wc||:, cnc mcre. lf ycu geI :Iuck in:ice cf c Lui|cing c:
ycu grcL ycur Lcg Ic Lug cuI, cnc neec Ic finc c wcy cuI, cr geI cuI-cff
frcm fcmi|y memLer:. / pry Lcr ccn Le c rec| |ife:cver.
|nch x 50 |t. Fo|ypropy|ene kope - Ihe u:e: fcr Fc|y rcpe in c :urvivc|
:iIucIicn cre Icc mcny Ic menIicn. Suffice Ic :cy, iI ccn Le u:ec fcr
|c:hing, fcr Lui|cing :he|Ier:, fcr mcking :ncre: cnc cnimc| Ircp:, iI ccn Le
u:ec c: fire-:IcrIer, cnc much, much mcre. /gcin, uc|iIy ccunI:. WiIh
rcpe, c: wiIh mc:I cIher iIem: in ycur kiI, ycu geI whcI ycu pcy fcr. DcnI
Le :urpri:ec when c $1.00 cci| cf rcpe fci|: Ic hc|c IcgeIher when ycu
neec iI Ic Lui|c c IuLe IenI cr |c:h ccwn impcrIcnI euipmenI in cn
50 |t. Ny|on bt|||ty Cord - See cLcve, ccciIicnc| fcr |ighIer cpp|iccIicn:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
S|phon Hond Fump - LighIweighI cnc :imp|e Ic u:e, iI ccn Le invc|ucL|e
fcr :iphcning cny nece::cry |iuic:, frcm wcIer Ic gc:c|ine, cuI cf fcunc
:Icrcge ccnIciner:.
Mu|t|-heod screwdr|ver - Every Icc| ycu ccrry in ycur kiI :hcu|c hcve
mu|Iip|e u:e:. / mu|Ii-hecc :crewcriver wiIh fcur cr :ix inIerchcngecL|e
hecc: Icke: up |iII|e ccciIicnc| rccm in ycur pcck, cnc i: c perfecI
ccjuncI Ic ycur mu|Ii-Icc|.
Add|t|ono| Items
Even Ihe Le:I cf kiI: :hcu|c never Le ccn:icerec ccmp|eIe." WheIher iI i:
c :Icnccrc kiI ycu mighI purchc:e, cr cne ycu cre Ihinking cf puIIing
IcgeIher cn ycur cwn Lc:ec cn Ihe cLcve reccmmenccIicn:, iI wi|| :ure|y
neec Ic Le :upp|emenIec in :cme wcy cr cncIher, Lc:ec cn ycur uniue
neec:, LucgeI, cnc per:cnc|iIy. /|:c rememLer c: ycur |ife
circum:Icnce: chcnge, :c wi|| ycur kiI. /: c :ing|e per:cn ycu wi|| reuire
cifferenI iIem: in ycur Gc 8cg, Ihen when ycu cre mcrriec wiIh kic:.
Some odd|t|ono| |tems you moy wont to |nc|ude ore:
WInd ProoI IgILer
Buck Puck SIgnuIIng Iures
CIemIcuI Hund Wurmers
Ihe cLcve cuI|ine cnc ceIci|: cre inIencec Ic prcvice ycu wiIh Ihe
Lc:e|ine e::enIic|:" cf c Gc-8cg. Ycu wi|| wcnI Ic cu:Icmize ycur 8cg Ic
ycur incivicuc| :ize cnc phy:icc| cLi|iIie:. Ycu c|:c wi|| wcnI Ic per:cnc|ize
wiIh incivicuc| Ici|eIry cr cIher per:cnc| 72-hcur iIem: fcr men, wcmen,
cnc chi|cren eIc.
Ycu mcy wcnI c :pecific Vehic|e Gc-8cg cr Lcg:, cnc c :pecific cne Ic
keep cI wcrk. 8c:ec cn Ihe re:u|I: cf ycur Fi:k /::e::menI" ycu mcy
wcnI Ic purchc:e cr crecIe c :pecific Hurriccne E::enIic|: Gc-8cg,"
EcrIhucke E::enIic|: Gc-8cg," eIc.
8bYEk 8EWAkE
Ncw IhcI ycu uncer:Icnc whcI iIem: :hcu|c Le in ycur Gc 8cg, why ycu
neec Ihem, cnc hcw Ic u:e Ihem - ycu mu:I c|:c uncer:Icnc IhcI ncI c||
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
:urvivc|" gecr i: c|ike. FememLer Ihe:e cre iIem: ycu mcy very we|| Le
:Icking ycur |ife cn. ln c :urvivc| :iIucIicn ycu cc ncI wcnI Ic re|y cn
gimmick:, gccgeI:, cr checp kncck-cff: cf uc|iIy Ie:Iec cnc prcven
iIem:. WheIher ycu cre Luying iIem: incivicuc||y, cr in pre-pcckec kiI:,
:hcp |ike ycur |ife cepenc: cn iI - Leccu:e iI cce:l
When prepcring fcr Ihi: chcpIer Ihe fcuncer: cf "#$ %&'()*'$ +,-.(.*&
/-01$2' purchc:ec c numLer cf Fre-pcckcgec Survivc| KiI:" cn|ine, cnc
frcm vcricu: ccIc|cgue:. Dc ycu kncw whcI we fcunc
Mcny kiI: ccverIi:ec cn|ine, cr in ccIc|cg:, cnc :c|e: Lrcchure: hcve
ncIhing LuI c generic |i:I cf Ihe iIem: inc|ucec, cnc mcyLe even c :Icck
phcIc, IhcI Lecr: |iII|e re:emL|cnce Ic whcI ycu ccIuc||y receive, which
ccn cfIen Le ncIhing LuI c Lunch cf u:e|e:: junkl
Ihe :upp|ier: whc :e|| Ihe:e pccr|y c::emL|ec kiI:" ccu|c c|cim :cy,
even c checp kiI, i: LeIIer Ihcn nc kiI cI c||." IhcI mcy Le Irue, Ihey mcy
hcve c few wcrIhwhi|e iIem:, LuI ccnIrcry Ic whcI Iheir mcnufccIure: :cy,
rcIher Ihcn Leing LeIIer Ihcn ncIhing" -- Ihey ccn cc mcre hcrm Ihcn
gccc Ly prcvicing ycu wiIh c fc|:e :en:e cf :ecuriIy. / :urvivc| knife IhcI
fc||: cpcrI, c ccmpc:: IhcI cce: ncI wcrk cccurcIe|y, c wecIher rccic
IhcI fci|: - ccn Le mcre Ihcn wcrIh|e:: - Ihey ccn Le cecc|yl
When ccn:icering Ihe purchc:e cf cny pre-c::emL|ec kiI, ycu mu:I mcke
:ure ycu kncw exccI|y whcI i: in Ihe kiI, cnc Ihe uc|iIy cf Ihc:e iIem:.
Even if Ihey cre hcne:I" encugh Ic :hcw c picIure cf whcI ycu geI, Ihe:e
:|ick cc: mcy mcke Ihe prccucI |cck gccc, LuI hice Ihe hcr:h rec|iIy IhcI
iI mcy we|| Lreck cpcrI in ycur hcnc: when puI Ic hecvy u:e.
WcIch fcr phrc:e: |ike Ihe iIem: ycu receive wi|| Le euc| Ic cr LeIIer
Ihcn picIurec." Ihi: i: c rec f|cg. LegiIimcIe :upp|ier: cf wcrIhwhi|e gecr
wi|| Le hcppy Ic |eve| wiIh ycu, cnc if ycu cc||, Ie|| ycu exccI|y Ihe ncme
Lrcnc cf Ihe iIem, cnc why Ihey chc:e Ic inc|uce iI in Iheir kiI.
We fcunc pre-pcckec Gc 8cg: cuI Ihere where c Fer:cnc| She|Ier i: c
|crge gcrLcge Lcg, cnc c Fir:I /ic KiI" i: ncIhing mcre Ihcn c few
cche:ive Lcnccge:, ccIIcn :wcL: cnc c|cchc| pcc:l
SIeer c|ecr cf kiI: IhcI hcwk Ihe numLer cf iIem: inc|ucec c: Iheir mcin
:e||ing pcinI. Ycu mighI :ee c kiI IhcI hype: cver 125 iIem:," cnc Ihink
Wcw, IhcI mu:I Le cn cmczing|y ccmprehen:ive kiIl" UnIi| ycu geI iI cnc
finc cuI IhcI Ihey ccunI ecch incivicuc| mcIch, ecch wcIer purifying
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
IcL|eI, cnc ecch ccIIcn Lc|| in Iheir meciccre fir:I cic kiI c: c :epcrcIe
/nc Ihi: i: ncI even Ihe wcr:I cf Ihe wcr:I. / Lc:ic :urvivc| |e::cn we hcve
yeI Ic ccver i: CcvecI EmpIcr - LeI Ihe 8uyer 8ewcre. Ycu neec Ic
mcke :ure ycu kncw exccI|y whcI ycu cre geIIing.
Mcny prccucI: IhcI cre |cLe|ec :urvivc| gecr" cre fcr frcm iI. Knive: cre
c fcvcriIe cc:e in pcinI. ln Ihe |c:I :ecIicn, ycu |ecrnec IhcI c gccc knife
ccu|c Le cne cf Ihe mc:I e::enIic| Icc|: in ycur Survivc| Gc 8cg.
Ever :ince Ihe mcvie FcmLc" ccme cuI, everyLccy Ihink: c Survivc|
Knife" i: Ihi: huge piece cf :uper-hcrcenec" :Iee|, wiIh c hc||cw hcnc|e
Ic hc|c c :urvivc| kiI. lI |cck: ccc| in Ihe mcvie:, cnc ycu ccn finc Ihem c||
cver Ihe inIerneI. 8uI IhcI i: exccI|y where Ihey :hcu|c :Icy - in Ihe
mcvie: cnc cn ycur ccmpuIer :creen: - ncI in ycur :urvivc| pcckl
CfIen, Ihe hc||cw meIc| cr p|c:Iic hcnc|e IhcI :eemec :c c|ever in Ihe
mcvie: i: cn|y he|c IcgeIher wiIh c :imp|e nuI - cr even c :mc|| ccL cf
epcxy g|ue in Ihe rec| checp excmp|e:l Ihey ccn ec:i|y Lreck uncer Ihe
kinc cf cLu:e c rec| :urvivc| knife neec: Ic Le Lui|I Ic Icke. /nc cLcuI
Ihe :Iuff in IhcI hcnc|e - ye: iI i: gccc gecr Ic hcve, LuI whcI hcppen: if
ycu |c:e Ihe knife Ncw ycu cre ccwn LcIh c knife, cnc c Lunch cf
u:efu| :upp|ie:l Ycu wcu|c Le LeIIer cff ccrrying Ihe wcIer-prccf
mcIche:, fi:hing |ine, eIc. IhcI i: ccncec|ec in Ihe hcnc|e, in ycur pcckeI,
cr c :mc|| per:cnc| kiI, cr cIher ccnIciner.
FememLer Ihe purpc:e cf c knife in ycur Survivc| Gc 8cg i: ncI Ic Le c
wecpcn, LuI c Icc|, cnc ycu wcnI Ic purchc:e c knife IhcI wc: Le:I
ce:ignec fcr IhcI purpc:e, cnc ncIhing e|:e. Ycu neec Ic |cck fcr c knife
IhcI i: c fu|| Icng." Ihi: i: c|:c :cmeIime: cc||ec c cne piece cr
inIegrcIec ce:ign.
8uI nc mcIIer whcI ycu cc|| iI, iI mecn: Ihe L|cce Leccme: Ihe hcnc|e,
u:uc||y wiIh :ice piece: cIIcchec Ic LcIh :ice: fcr imprcvec grip. Hcw Ihe
L|cce Icper: inIc Ihe hcnc|e {cr pcmme|) ccn ciffer cepencing cn Ihe
mcce|, LuI Ihe impcrIcnI Ihing Ic rememLer i: IhcI ycu wcnI c :ing|e
piece cf :Iee|. Fu|| Icng: cre e::enIic| fcr mcximum :IrengIh cnc uIi|iIy.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC

Mu|Ii-Icc|: cre cncIher piece cf euipmenI IhcI ccn c|| |cck c|ike LuI
:uffer grecI ci:pcriIie: in uc|iIy cnc re|icLi|iIy. Ihere cre exce||enI, we||-
re:pecIec Lrcnc: |ike LecIhermcn cr GerLer IhcI hcve yecr: cf Ie:Iec
kncw hcw in mcking :upericr prccucI:. Ycu|| pcy c LiI mcre fcr Ihem,
LuI ycu ccn Le cerIcin Ihey|| funcIicn c: prcmi:ec when ycu rec||y neec
Ihem. / we||-mcce mu|Ii-Icc| ccn |c:I c |ifeIime. / pccr|y mcce imiIcIicn
ju:I |cck: fcnIc:Iic in c phcIc. lI: cfIen inc|ucec in prepcckcgec kiI: Ic
give Ihe i||u:icn cf vc|ue whi|e keeping ccwn Ihe price. IhcI ncIec, Ihere
cre cefiniIe|y cff-Lrcnc" mu|Ii-Icc|: cn Ihe mcrkeI IhcI ccmpcre
fcvcrcL|y wiIh Ihe LeIIer-kncwn mcruee ncme:. 8uI ycu :hcu|c cn|y
ccn:icer cne cf Ihe:e if c :ec:cnec cuIcccr:mcn cr :urvivc|i:I whc hc:
ccIuc||y hcc Ihe cppcrIuniIy Ic u:e iI in Ihe fie|c cnc ccmpcre iI Ic c
ncme Lrcnc Icc| hc: reccmmencec iI Ic ycu, cr ycu Ihcrcugh|y Iru:I Ihe
:curce ycure Luying iI frcm.
Ycu :hcu|c Le ju:I c: prucenI wiIh cny cf Ihe cIher Icc|: cnc cevice: IhcI
wi|| gc inIc ycur kiI, c wecIher rccic i: u:e|e:: if iI cce: ncI hc|c iI: chcrge
cr geI: pccr recepIicn. Lcck fcr cne, cnc cny cf Ihe euipmenI ycu wcnI
in ycur pcck IhcI ycur |ife ccu|c cepenc cn, IhcI hc: Leen Ie:Iec cnc
rcIec fcr uc|iIy.
8y ncw ycu cre prcLcL|y Ihinking - wcw, puIIing IcgeIher c re|icL|e kiI
wiIh c|| Ihe iIem: l neec i: c |cI hcrcer Ihcn l IhcughI." lI cce: ncI hcve Ic
Le. Ihe ucIe cI Ihe hecc cf Ihi: chcpIer :cic IhcI ccccrcing Ic Ihe
/mericcn Fec Crc::, 827 cf /mericcn: :cy lf :cmecne ccu|c mcke iI
ec:y fcr me Ic Le prepcrec - lc cc iI."
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ihere cre :cme very gccc pre-c::emL|ec cnc cu:Icm kiI: cvci|cL|e wiIh
Ie:Iec, prcfe::icnc||y evc|ucIec cnc high uc|iIy ccnIenI:, LuI Ihey cre
ncI inexpen:ive. Ycu ccn expecI Ic pcy crcunc $400.00 cr mcre fcr :uch
c kiI. /: we inciccIec ecr|ier, ycu u|IimcIe|y geI whcI ycu pcy fcr.
lf ycu cre wiIh u: :c fcr, cnc ycu ncw uncer:Icnc Ihe neec Ic Le
prepcrec, ycu neec Ic c:k ycur:e|f whcI i: Ihe vc|ue cf my :urvivc|, cnc
Ihe vc|ue cf Ihe |ive: cf my fcmi|y l: :urviving Ihe nexI pc::iL|e ncIurc|
ci:c:Ier cr mcn-mcce emergency wcrIh Ihe price cf c cup cf ccffee
Ihe cvercge price cf c cup cf ccffee in /mericc ncIicnwice i: $1.5.
Ncw IhcI i: fcr ju:I cn crcincry cup cf Jce, fccIcring in ciner:, Dunkin
DcnuI:, ccnvenience :Icre:, gc: :IcIicn: eIc. Cf ccur:e if ycu freuenI
SIcrLuck:, cnc cIher :pecic|Iy ccffee hcu:e:, ycu cre prcLcL|y :pencing
mcre Ihcn IhcI every ccy. 8uI cnywcy, |eI: :Iick wiIh $1.5.
lf ycu cn|y Luy cne cup cf ccffee, five ccy: c week cn ycur wcy Ic wcrk
{cnc ncI cn weekenc:) -- IhcI i: $8.25 week - x 4 IhcI: $33.00 c mcnIh -
x 12 = $3.00l
/nycne whc purchc:e: c :urvivc| kiI primcri|y cn Ihe Lc:i: cf c |cw-price i:
rec||y :eIIing Ihe vc|ue cf Iheir cwn |ife cnc IhcI cf Iheir |cvec cne: c|:c
preIIy |cw. /I Le:I, Luying c checp kiI |u||: ycu inIc c fc|:e :en:e cf
:ecuriIy, cI wcr:I iI i: ccwnrighI irre:pcn:iL|el lf ycu purchc:e c uc|iIy kiI,
cnc ever rec||y hcve Ic u:e iI, Ihe ccnIenI: wi|| ccIuc||y Le wcrIh mcre
Ihcn Iheir weighI in gc|c.
/: ycu :iI in Ihe wi|cerne:: wiIh Ihe :ncw, winc, cr rcin fc||ing c|| crcunc
ycu, c: ycu cre Irying Ic c|ecr c pcIh Ihrcugh Ihe wreckcge in Ihe
cfIermcIh cf hurriccne, ecrIhucke cr Icrnccc, c: ycu :ee ycur wife, cr
chi|c |ying L|eecing wiIh Ihe Iwi:Iec wreckcge cf whcI wc: cnce Ihe
Lcne in hi: crm prcIrucing Ihrcugh hi: cr her f|e:h - iI i: wcy Icc |cIe Ic
wi:h ycu LcughI c LeIIer kiI, cr LrcughI c|cng mcre euipmenI.
8uy Ihe Le:I ycu ccn cffcrc, ccrry c: much c: ycu ccmfcrIcL|y ccn. Ycu
wi|| never hecr c :urvivcr ccmp|cining cLcuI Luying uc|iIy gecr. Ycu
prcLcL|y wi|| never hecr cI c|| frcm :cmecne whc cicnIl
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
WiIh IhcI IhcughI in minc, ncw IhcI ycu :hcu|c hcve c very rec| :en:e cf
Ihe grcwing neec fcr e:IcL|i:hing cnc imp|emenIing ycur fcmi|y
Emergency Frepcrecne:: F|cn, cnc c gccc fee| fcr :urvivc| Lc:ic:, ycu wi||
Le |ccking fcr re:curce: IhcI ycu ccn ccunI cn cnc Iru:I in crcer Ic
:ucce::fu||y ccuire c|| Ihe righI :Iuff ycu wi|| neec cI c price IhcI ccn fiI
inIc ycur LucgeI. Sc ncw Ihe ue:Iicn i:...
lf ycu hcve ccwn|cccec Ihi: mcnuc| ycu fc|| inIc cne cf Iwc ccIegcrie::
You hove o|reody put together your |om||y's Go 8og[s}
You hoven't put your |om||y's Go 8og[s} together yet.
ln eiIher cc:e, Ihe nexI :Iep i: Ihe :cme: cc ycur hcmewcrk :ccn cnc
Ihcrcugh|y. lf ycu c|reccy hcve c Gc 8cg, Ihen :eI c:ice cn hcur cr Iwc
Ic Ihcrcugh|y gc Ihrcugh c|| cf iI: ccnIenI:.
Ic:: cuI Ihe iIem: IhcI mcy Le checp, wcrIh|e:: junk cnc rep|cce Ihem
wiIh high uc|iIy iIem: ycu ccn ccunI cn when ycu rec||y neec Ihem in cn
emergency. FememLer, ycu mcce c gccc mcve iniIic||y Ic purchc:e c
kiI, LuI u|IimcIe|y, ycu gcI whcI ycu pcic fcr. / :upp|ier ccnI inc|uce c
$0 mu|Ii-Icc| in c $7 kiI. 8uI if ycu LcughI c |cw-cc:I, |cw uc|iIy kiI, ncw
i: ncI Ihe Iime Ic kick ycur:e|f, LuI Ic geI iI up Ic pcr Lefcre ycu neec iIl
lf ycu hcve yeI Ic Luy ycur fir:I Gc 8cg, cc :cme re:ecrch cn Ihe lnIerneI.
Mcke c |i:I cf whcI ycu wcnI in ycur kiI. Fefer Lcck Ic Ihe |i:I prcvicec cI
Ihe :IcrI cf Ihi: chcpIer. NcIe Ihe price rcnge: fcr Ihe iIem: ycuve
:e|ecIec. FememLer, Luying iIem: cne cI c Iime wi|| Le ccn:icercL|y
mcre expen:ive Ihcn purchc:ing c pre-Lunc|ec pcckcge frcm c re|icL|e
:upp|ier, :c Ihe key i: Ic kncw ycur :curce cnc mcke cerIcin Ihey hcve cn
ircn-c|cc :cIi:fccIicn pc|icy IhcI c||cw: ycu Ic reIurn ycur purchc:e if Ihe
uc|iIy cf Iheir iIem: cce:nI meeI ycur :Icnccrc:. FememLer ycu :hcu|c
expecI Ic pcy upwcrc: cf $400.00 fcr c uc|iIy kiI IhcI ccnIcin: re|icL|e
ver:icn: cf c|| Ihe iIem: reccmmencec in Ihi: chcpIer - LuI iI ccu|c
pc::iL|y Le Ihe Le:I inve:ImenI ycu ever mckel
/ncIher Ihing Ic ccn:icer i: hcw mcny :pecific kiI: ycu :hcu|c geI. When
iI ccme: Ic hcving c|| Ihe uc|iIy iIem: ycu neec Ic mcke iI Ihrcugh c
cri:i:, cne :ize cce: NCI fiI c||l Ccn:icer IhcI ycu cre mcking c ceci:icn
IhcI wi|| impccI ycur fcmi|y: cLi|iIy Ic :urvive in Iime: cf chcc: cnc
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ci:c:Ier. FememLer ycur Fi:k /::e::menI frcm ChcpIer 2, ycu mcy neec
:pecific iIem: in ycur Gc 8cg IhcI :cmecne |iving in c cifferenI pcrI cf Ihe
ccunIry cr wcr|c, wcu|c ncI. ln ccciIicn Ihe iIem: in c wcmen: kiI cre
uiIe cifferenI frcm Ihc:e reuirec Ly c mcn. Ihe :cme gce: fcr :pecic|Iy
:urvivc| neec: fcr chi|cren cnc peI:.
/ gccc :upp|ier mcy hcve c|reccy ccne Ihe wcrk fcr ycu cnc wi|| cffer
Ihe Lcckpcck: in mu|Iip|e :ize: Ic fiI :mc||, cvercge, cnc |crger :ize:, cnc
:pecific Gc 8cg: cr ccc-cn: fcr mcre :pecic|izec ci:c:Ier :iIucIicn:.
Ycu wi|| ncIice IhcI Ihi: chcpIer ccme cI Ihe very enc cf Ihe SecIicn cn
Survivc| 8c:ic:, cnc ycu mcy Le wcncering, if c Gc 8cg i: :c e::enIic| Ic
ycur :urvivc|, why wc:nI iI menIicnec cI Ihe Leginning cf Ihi: Mcnuc|
Ihere i: c very inIenIicnc| rec:cn fcr Ihi:. Ycur incivicuc||y :izec Gc 8cg,
wiIh iI: cu:Icmizec iIem: fcr ycur :pecific neec:, i: viIc||y impcrIcnI. LuI
wiIhcuI fir:I c::e::ing ycur ri:k: cnc Ihen Lui|cing up ycur menIc| cnc
phy:icc| prepcrecne:: :ki||:, -- even Ihe Le:I Gc 8cg cn Ihe p|cneI, wi|| cc
ycu very |iII|e gcccl
Never fcrgeI IhcI YCU cre :Ii|| ycur Le:I cnc mc:I ULIlM/IE :urvivc| Icc|. lI
i: ycur ccnficence, ycur :ki||:, ycur kncw|ecge, cnc ycur ?(&& '0 9,-.(.$ IhcI
wi|| Le Ihe Ligge:I ceIermining fccIcr cf wheIher ycu wi|| mcke iI cr ncI.
Ihe Gc 8cg i: criIicc||y impcrIcnI, LuI cn|y c: c viIc| Icc| IhcI wi|| he|p ycu
:urvive. Ycu wi|| hcve Ic u:e IhcI Icc| Ic Ihe Le:I cf ycur menIc| cnc
phy:icc| cLi|iIie: Ic geI Ihe jcL ccne.
- 5;< +$2'(0; M E
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
SecIicn ll
+#$&'$-A =*'$-A N00<
Surtitcl is the celebrction oj choosin lije oter decth. We lnou ue're
oin to die. We cll die. ut surtitcl is scin: perhcps not todc. In thct
sense, surtitors don't deject decth, the come to terms uith it.
-Lcurence Gonzcles, Deep Surtitcl: Who Lites, Who Dies, cnd Wh
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 10
G|ve Me She|ter

Let us not prc to be sheltered jrom dcners
but to be jecrless uhen jccin them."
- Rcbindrcncth Tcore
Ncw IhcI ycu hcve |ecrnec uiIe c LiI cLcuI geIIing prepcrec phy:icc||y
cnc emcIicnc||y, cnc cLcuI Survivc| 8c:ic:, iI i: Iime Ic Lui|c :cme mcre
rcw :ki||:.
8uI ycu mcy Le wcncering c: we geI ccwn Ic :cme mcre niIIy-griIIy, why
Ihe crcer cf SecIicn ll i: She|Ier, WcIer, Fccc. FememLer ycur Fu|e cf
kemember your ku|e o| Ihrees / per:cn ccn :urvive fcr:
TIree mInuLes wILIouL uIr
TIree Iours wILIouL sIeILer
TIree duys wILIouL wuLer
TIree weeks wILIouL Iood
ln cny given :urvivc| :iIucIicn, wheIher ycu cre |c:I, :Ircncec, cr hcve hcc
Ic evccucIe, cr ycur re:icence hc: Leccme un|ivcL|e cue Ic c ncIurc|
ci:c:Ier, SHELIEF i: ycur primcry ccncern. Dc ncI exhcu:I ycur energy,
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
|ccking fcr fccc cr :curce: cf wcIer, Lefcre ycu hcve fcunc, cr Lui|I, c
wcy fcr ycu Ic :urvive Ihe e|emenI: - cr whcIever e|:e ccu|c Le cuI Ihere
Ic ccu:e ycu hcrml
She|Ier" in Ierm: cf Emergency McncgemenI, Frepcrecne:: cnc Survivc|
i: c very Lrccc Ierm. /: fcr c: ncIurc| ci:c:Ier: gc, :he|Ier ccu|c mecn
mere|y, grcLLing ycur Gc-8cg, cnc fincing c :cfe hcven cuI:ice cf c
ci:c:Ier zcne, wiIh c frienc, re|cIive, cr even wiIhin c ce:igncIec Fec
Crc:: cr cIher municipc| grcup :he|Ier.
/cccrcing Ic FEM/, Icking :he|Ier i: criIicc| in Iime: cf ci:c:Ier. She|Iering
i: cpprcpricIe when ccnciIicn: reuire IhcI ycu :eek prcIecIicn in ycur
hcme, p|cce cf emp|cymenI, cr cIher |cccIicn where ycu cre when
ci:c:Ier :Irike:.
Hcw cnc where ycu :he|Ier, cepenc: cn Ihe ci:c:Ier invc|vec. Ic
effecIive|y :he|Ier, ycu mu:I fir:I ccn:icer Ihe hczcrc cnc Ihen chcc:e c
p|cce in ycur hcme cr cIher Lui|cing IhcI i: :cfe fcr IhcI hczcrc. Fcr
excmp|e, fcr c Icrnccc, c rccm :hcu|c Le :e|ecIec IhcI i: in c Lc:emenI
cr cn inIericr rccm cn Ihe |cwe:I |eve| cwcy frcm ccrner:, winccw:, cccr:
cnc cuI:ice wc||:.
8eccu:e Ihe :cfe:I |cccIicn: Ic :eek :he|Ier vcry Ly hczcrc, mcre ci:c:Ier
:pecific :he|Iering wi|| Le ci:cu::ec in SECIlCN lll.
Wherever ycu p|cn cn :he|Iering, even if IhcI mecn: gcing Ic c mc:: ccre
:he|Ier, ycu :hcu|c c|wcy: p|cn cn Icking ycur Gc 8cg wiIh ycu, :c ycu
cre :ure ycu hcve Ihe :upp|ie: ycu neec. Mc:: ccre :he|Iering ccn invc|ve
|iving wiIh mcny pecp|e in c ccnfinec :pcce, which ccn Le cifficu|I cnc
unp|ec:cnI. Ycu wi|| wcnI ycur :Iuff wiIh ycu Ic mcke iI mcre Ic|ercL|e
cnc ec:ier Ic 8ug CuI frcm Ihere, if Ihe :iIucIicn wcrrcnI: iI.
Ihe |engIh cf Iime ycu cre reuirec Ic :he|Ier ccu|c Le :hcrI, :uch c:
curing c Icrnccc wcrning, cr |cng, :uch c: curing c winIer :Icrm. lI i:
impcrIcnI IhcI ycu :Icy in cny kinc cf :he|Ier unIi| |ccc| cuIhcriIie: :cy iI i:
:cfe Ic |ecve. /cciIicnc||y, ycu :hcu|c Icke Iurn: |i:Iening Ic rccic
Lrccccc:I: cnc mcinIcin c 24-hcur :cfeIy wcIch. lI i: when ycu cre
fcrcec Ic Icke :he|Ier, IhcI ycu wi|| Le very g|cc IhcI ycu inc|ucec c
re|icL|e WecIher Fccic c: pcrI cf ycur Gc 8cgl
8eycnc Ihe ccnIexI cf c ncIurc| ci:c:Ier, :he|Ier ccn c|:c mecn Ihe cn|y
Ihing IhcI :epcrcIe: ycu frcm Ihe e|emenI: in c :urvivc| :iIucIicn, :uch c:
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Leing |c:I cr :Ircncec c: Ihe re:u|I cf cn incicenI whi|e Ircve|ing cn |cnc,
:ec cr cir. 8uI, Lecr in minc IhcI Ihere ccu|c Le c ncIurc| cr mcn-mcce
ci:c:Ier, where Ihe ce:IrucIicn i: :c cevc:IcIing, cnc ccmp|eIe c: Ic c|:c
reuire Ihe neec Ic finc, cr Lui|c c :he|Ier Ic :urvive.
/cccrcing Ic Ihe US /rmy Survivc| Guice, when ycu cre in c :urvivc|
:iIucIicn cnc rec|ize IhcI :he|Ier i: c high pricriIy, :IcrI |ccking fcr :he|Ier c:
:ccn c: pc::iL|e. /: ycu cc :c, rememLer whcI ycu wi|| neec cI Ihe :iIe.
lI mu:I ccnIcin cr Le mcce cf Ihe mcIeric| ycu neec, cnc iI mu:I Le |crge
encugh cnc |eve| encugh fcr ycu Ic |ie ccwn ccmfcrIcL|y.
/ :he|Ier ccn prcIecI ycu frcm Ihe :un, in:ecI:, winc, rcin, :ncw, hcI cr
cc|c IempercIure: cnc preccIcr:. lI ccn give ycu c fee|ing cf we||-Leing.
lI ccn he|p ycu mcinIcin ycur wi|| Ic :urvive.
8efcre ycu expenc c |cI cf Iime cnc energy :crcunging up mcIeric|:, cnc
Irying Ic Lui|c c :he|Ier, cc ncI cver|cck ncIurc| fcrmcIicn: IhcI ccn
prcvice :he|Ier. Excmp|e: cre:
Rocky crevIces
CIumps oI busIes
SmuII depressIons
urge rocks on Ieewurd sIdes oI IIIIs
urge Lrees wILI Iow-IungIng IImbs
uIIen Lrees wILI LIIck bruncIes
However, when you ore |ook|ng |or o noturo| she|ter, o|woys keep |n m|nd:
SLuy uwuy Irom Iow ground sucI us ruvInes, nurrow vuIIeys, or creek
beds. ow ureus coIIecL LIe Ieuvy coId uIr uL nIgIL und ure LIereIore
coIder LIun LIe surroundIng IIgI ground. TIIck, brusIy, Iow ground
uIso Iurbors more InsecLs, und cun coIIecL ruInwuLer und run-oII.
CIeck Ior poIsonous snukes, LIcks, mILes, scorpIons, und sLIngIng unLs.
You uIso need Lo Iook Ior Ioose rocks, deud IImbs, coconuLs, or oLIer
nuLuruI growLI LIuL couId IuII on your sIeILer.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
WheIher ycu cre |ccking fcr c reccy-mcce ncIurc| :he|Ier, cr p|cn cn
Lui|cing c :he|Ier - - remember SIIE DOES MAIIEk. /nc in Ihi: cc:e, ycu
neec Ic fcrgeI cLcuI :pccicu:ne:: cnc Ihe ccmfcrI: cf hcme. / very
ccmmcn mi:Icke i: Ic mcke ycur :he|Ier Icc Lig. /ny :urvivc| :he|Ier
neec: Ic Le |crge encugh Ic prcIecI ycu. 8uI iI c|:c mu:I Le :mc||
encugh Ic ccnIcin ycur Lccy hecI, e:pecic||y in cc|c c|imcIe: - cnc Ic
Le inccn:picucu:, if ycur :he|Ier i: inIencec Ic :hie|c ycu frcm Ihe
e|emenI:, c: we|| c: curicu: cnc pcIenIic||y ccngercu: crecIure: cf LcIh
Ihe fcur-|eggec, cnc Iwc-|eggec vcrieIy.
lf ycu ccnncI finc c ncIurc| :he|Ier, Ihen ycu wi|| hcve Ic Lui|c cne. Ihe
key Ic mcking c :he|Ier i: Ic Lui|c Ihe kinc cf :IrucIure IhcI wi|| give ycu
Ihe mc:I prcIecIicn in Ihe kinc cf envircnmenI ycu cre in, whi|e
expencing Ihe |ec:I cmcunI cf energy Ic cc :c. 8efcre cIIempIing Ic
Lui|c cny kinc cf :he|Ier, Ihe US /rmy Survivc| mcnuc| c:k: ycu Ic c:k
How mucI LIme und eIIorL wIII you need Lo buIId LIe sIeILer?
WIII LIe sIeILer udequuLeIy proLecL you Irom LIe eIemenLs (sun, wInd,
ruIn, snow)?
Do you Iuve LIe LooIs Lo buIId IL? I noL, cun you muke ImprovIsed LooIs?
Do you Iuve LIe Lype und umounL oI muLerIuIs needed Lo buIId IL?
Ihe cn:wer: Ic Ihe:e ue:Iicn: wi|| Le criven Ly whcI ycu hcve wiIh ycu. lf
ycu hcve puI IcgeIher Ihe Gc 8cg ycu :hcu|c hcve in ChcpIer - Ihen
ycu wi|| hcve nc IrcuL|e Lui|cing cny cf Ihe fc||cwing :he|Ier:, Ic keep
ycur:e|f cnc ycur fcmi|y :cfe.
bs|ng your Foncho
WiIh Ihe hecvy-cuIy pcnchc, cnc rcpe ycu :hcu|c hcve c: pcrI cf ycur
Gc 8cg, Ihere i: c :imp|e :he|Ier ycu ccn mcke.
Fcnchc Lecn-Ic - lI Icke: cn|y c :hcrI Iime cnc minimc| euipmenI Ic
Lui|c c pcnchc |ecn-Ic. Ycu neec c pcnchc, 7 Ic 10 feeI {2 Ic 3 meIer:)
cf rcpe, Ihree :Icke: cLcuI cne fccI {30 cenIimeIer:) |cng, cnc Iwc Iree:
cr Iwc pc|e: 7 Ic 10 feeI cpcrI. 8efcre :e|ecIing Ihe Iree: ycu wi|| u:e cr
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ihe |cccIicn cf ycur pc|e:, check Ihe winc cirecIicn. En:ure IhcI Ihe Lcck
cf ycur |ecn-Ic wi|| Le inIc Ihe winc.
1. TIe oII LIe Iood oI LIe poncIo by puIIIng LIe druwsLrIng LIgIL und
roIIIng LIe Iood Iong wuys, und IoIdIng IL InLo LIIrds.
z. CuL LIe rope In IuII. On one Iong sIde oI LIe poncIo, LIe IuII oI LIe
rope Lo LIe corner grommeL. TIe LIe oLIer IuII Lo LIe oLIer corner
. ALLucI ubouL u Iour-IncI sLIck (1o cm) Lo eucI rope ubouL one IncI
(z. cm) Irom LIe grommeL. TIese drIp sLIcks wIII keep ruInwuLer
Irom runnIng down LIe ropes InLo LIe Ieun-Lo.
q. TIe LIe ropes ubouL wuIsL IIgI on LIe Lrees.
. Spreud LIe poncIo und uncIor IL Lo LIe ground, puLLIng sIurpened
sLIcks LIrougI LIe grommeLs und InLo LIe ground.

oncho Lean#to - Image: Courtesy US Army
lf ycu p|cn Ic u:e Ihe |ecn-Ic fcr mcre Ihcn cne nighI, cr ycu expecI rcin,
mcke c cenIer :uppcrI fcr Ihe |ecn-Ic. Mcke Ihi: :uppcrI wiIh c |ine.
/IIcch cne enc cf Ihe |ine Ic Ihe pcnchc hccc cnc Ihe cIher enc Ic cn
cverhcnging Lrcnch. Mcke :ure Ihere i: nc :|cck in Ihe |ine.
/ncIher meIhcc i: Ic p|cce c :Iick uprighI uncer Ihe cenIer cf Ihe |ecn-Ic.
Hcwever, Ihi: meIhcc wi|| re:IricI ycur :pcce cnc mcvemenI: in Ihe
Fcr ccciIicnc| prcIecIicn frcm winc cnc rcin, p|cce :cme Lru:h, ycur
ruck:cck, cr cIher euipmenI cI Ihe :ice: cf Ihe |ecn-Ic.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ic recuce hecI |c:: Ic Ihe grcunc, p|cce :cme Iype cf in:u|cIing mcIeric|,
:uch c: |ecve: cr pine neec|e:, in:ice ycur |ecn-Ic.
lf ycu prefer Ic keep ycur pcnchc cvci|cL|e Ic wecr, cr fcr cIher Ihing: iI
ccn Le u:ec fcr, c ncIurc| |ecn-Ic i: cne cf Ihe :imp|e:I, cnc yeI :Iurcie:I
:he|Ier: ycu ccn Lui|c. /|| ycu neec Ic Lui|c Ihi: :he|Ier i: Ihe mcIeric| ycu
ccn finc, cnc ycur knife.
8os|c Leon-to
Ycu wi|| neec Iwc Iree:, cr uprighI pc|e:, ju:I c: in Ihe pcnchc |ecn-Ic.
Ihey :hcu|c Le cLcuI :even feeI {2 meIer:) cpcrI wiIh cne pc|e cLcuI
:even feeI |cng cnc 1 inch {2.5 cenIimeIer:) in cicmeIer, five Ic eighI
pc|e: cLcuI 10 feeI {3 meIer:) |cng cnc cne inch in cicmeIer fcr Lecm:,
ccrc cr vine: fcr :ecuring Ihe hcrizcnIc| :uppcrI Ic Ihe Iree: cnc cIher
pc|e:, :cp|ing:, cr vine: Ic cri::crc:: Ihe Lecm:.
1. TIe LIe seven-IooL poIe Lo LIe Lwo Lrees uL wuIsL Lo cIesL IeIgIL. TIIs
Is LIe IorIzonLuI supporL.
z. Tuke your IIve Lo eIgIL beums und Ieun LIem uL ubouL u q-degree
ungIe Irom LIe IorIzonLuI poIe Lo LIe ground. usI LIem Lo LIe poIe
wILI cord or vInes. TIe nyIon uLIIILy cord LIuL sIouId be In your Go
Bug Is IdeuI Ior LIIs purpose. As wILI uII Ieun-Lo Lype sIeILers, be
sure Lo pIuce LIe Ieun-Lo's bucksIde InLo LIe wInd.
. Muke u IuLLIce by crIsscrossIng supIIngs or vInes on und Iuced
LIrougI LIe beums.
q. Cover LIe Irumework wILI brusI, Ieuves, pIne needIes, or gruss,
sLurLIng uL LIe boLLom und workIng your wuy up IIke sIIngIIng.
. PIuce sLruw, Ieuves, pIne needIes, or gruss InsIde LIe sIeILer Ior
ln cc|cer envircnmenI:, ycu ccn increc:e ycur |ecn-Ic': ccmfcrI cnc
wcrmIh Ly Lui|cing c fire ref|ecIcr wc||. Drive fcur five-fccI {1.5-meIer)
|cng :Icke: inIc Ihe grcunc in c recIcng|e pcIIern Ic :uppcrI Ihe wc||.
Ycur -in-cne Survivc| Icc| wi|| Le he|pfu| in mcking cnc criving Ihe:e
SIcck green |cg: cn Icp cf cne cncIher LeIween Ihe :uppcrI :Icke:. Fcrm
Iwc rcw: cf :Icckec |cg: Ic crecIe cn inner :pcce wiIhin Ihe wc|| IhcI ycu
ccn fi|| wiIh cirI. Ihi: ccIicn ncI cn|y :IrengIhen: Ihe wc|| LuI c|:c mcke: iI
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
mcre hecI ref|ecIive. 8inc Ihe Icp cf Ihe :uppcrI :Icke: :c IhcI Ihe green
|cg: cnc cirI wi|| :Icy in p|cce.

8as|c Lean#1o w|th I|re kef|ector # Image: Courtesy US Army
Debr|s Hut
NexI Ic c Lecn-Ic, prcLcL|y Ihe :imp|e:I :he|Ier ycu ccn mcke frcm
ncIurc| mcIeric|: i: c DeLri: HuI.
Io moke o debr|s hut:
1. Muke u LrIpod usIng Lwo sIorL sLukes und u Iong poIe - or by pIucIng
one end oI u Iong poIe on Lop oI u sLurdy buse, IIke u bouIder or Lree
sLump. TIe Iong poIe wIII become LIe rIdgepoIe runnIng LIe IengLI
oI LIe sIeILer.
z. Secure LIe rIdgepoIe by IusIIng wILI cord Lo LIe sLukes, or by
oLIerwIse uncIorIng IL Lo LIe buse.
. Prop Iurge sLIcks uIong boLI sIdes oI LIe rIdgepoIe Lo creuLe u
LrIunguIur-sIuped rIbbIng eIIecL. Ensure LIe rIbbIng Is wIde enougI
Lo uccommoduLe your body und sLeep enougI Lo sIed moIsLure.
q. PIuce IIner sLIcks und brusI crosswIse on LIe rIbbIng. TIese Iorm u
IuLLIcework LIuL wIII keep LIe InsuIuLIng muLerIuI (gruss, pIne
needIes, or Ieuves) Irom IuIIIng LIrougI LIe rIbbIng InLo LIe sIeepIng
. Add IIgIL, dry, soIL debrIs over LIe rIbbIng unLII LIe InsuIuLIng
muLerIuI Is uL IeusL LIree IeeL (1 meLer) LIIck-LIe LIIcker LIe beLLer.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
6. PIuce u one-IooL (o-cenLImeLer) Iuyer oI InsuIuLIng muLerIuI InsIde
LIe sIeILer.
;. AL LIe enLrunce, pIIe InsuIuLIng muLerIuI LIuL you cun drug Lo you
once InsIde LIe sIeILer Lo cIose LIe enLrunce or buIId u door.
8. As u IInuI sLep In consLrucLIng LIIs sIeILer, udd sIIngIIng muLerIuI or
bruncIes on Lop oI LIe debrIs Iuyer Lo prevenL LIe InsuIuLIng muLerIuI
Irom bIowIng uwuy In u sLorm.

Debr|s nut - Irame and Covered - Image Courtesy: US Army
A Note About kopes ond Losh|ng
/ very impcrIcnI :urvivc| :ki|| Ic hcve i: Ic |ecrn kncI Iying. lf ycu hcve
ccne cny :ericu: ccmping, cr LccIing, cr rcck c|imLing, ycu kncw ycur
kncI:. lf ycu hcve nc experience whcI:cever, Ihe :imp|e:I cnc mc:I Lc:ic
kncI ycu :hcu|c kncw fcr Lui|cing :he|Ier: :uch c: Ihe |ecn-Ic cr ceLri: huI
i: Ihe C|cve HiIch. Iying c C|cve HiIch i: ec:y:
Step 1: Loop counterc|ockw|se - Lccp Ihe enc cf Ihe rcpe
ccunIerc|cckwi:e crcunc Ihe cLjecI ycu cre hiIching Ic, |eI: :cy c Iree cr
pc:I, cnc crc:: iI cver Ihe remcining |engIh cf rcpe.
Step 2: Moke onother |oop - Mcke cncIher ccunIerc|cckwi:e |ccp crcunc
Ihe pc|e, LuI Ihi: Iime pc:: Ihe enc cf Ihe rcpe Ihrcugh Ihe |ccp ycuve
ju:I fcrmec {LeIween Ihe ncw Iwc :Ircnc: cf rcpe |ccping crcunc Ihe
Step 3: I|ghten knot - Fu|| cI LcIh enc: Ic IighIen Ihe kncI.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC

lf ycu Ihink ycu ccn |ecrn cne mcre kncI - iI :hcu|c Le Ihe 8cw|ine.
Io t|e o 8ow||ne:
1. IrsL muke u smuII Ioop on LIe rope.
z. Tuke LIe rope end LIrougI LIe Ioop, uround LIe muIn IIne oI LIe rope
und buck down InLo LIe Ioop. Try Lo remember -LIe rubbIL comes
ouL oI LIe IoIe, goes uround LIe Lree und LIen buck down InLo LIe
. To LIgILen, puII LIe muIn IIne oI LIe rope uwuy Irom LIe Ioop.

lf Ihi: :Ii|| :eem: Icc ccmp|iccIec fcr ycu, IhcI: why ycu neec Ic hcve c
rc|| cf cucI Icpe in ycur Gc 8cgl
S|mp|e She|ters |or Other Env|ronments
lf ycu cre in Ihe wccc:, Iree: cnc cIher mcIeric|: fcr Lui|cing cnc mcking
:he|Ier cre p|enIifu|. IhcI i: why given Ihe chcice, cnc if ycu cre 8ugging
CuI wiIh Ihe inIenIicn cf mcking :he|Ier fcr c whi|e, heccing fcr c wcccec
crec i: c gccc icec. Hcwever, if ycu cc ncI |ive necr Ihe wccc:, cr ycu
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
cre :Iuck in :cme cIher envircn: wiIh nc chcice in Ihe mcIIer, here cre
:cme cIher cpIicn:.
Desert or Ar|d Areo
FememLer ycu :hcu|c hcve ycur pcnchc, cnc ycu ccn mcke u:e cf IhcI
here c: we||. Even wiIhcuI cny Iree: in :ighI, ycu ccn u:e iI c|cng wiIh
:uch Ierrcin fecIure: c: rcck cuIcrcpping:, mcunc: cf :cnc cr c
cepre::icn LeIween cune: cr rcck: Ic mcke ycur :he|Ier.
U:ing rcck cuIcrcpping:, cnchcr cne enc cf ycur pcnchc cn Ihe ecge cf
Ihe cuIcrcp u:ing rcck: cr cIher weighI:. ExIenc cnc cnchcr Ihe cIher
enc cf Ihe pcnchc :c iI prcvice: Ihe Le:I pc::iL|e :hcce.
ln c :cncy crec, Lui|c c mcunc cf :cnc cr u:e Ihe :ice cf c :cnc cune fcr
cne :ice cf Ihe :he|Ier. /nchcr cne enc cf Ihe mcIeric| cn Icp cf Ihe
mcunc u:ing :cnc cr cIher weighI:. ExIenc cnc cnchcr Ihe cIher enc cf
Ihe mcIeric| :c iI prcvice: Ihe Le:I pc::iL|e :hcce.
Irench She|ter
Ycu ccn gc Leycnc Ihe Lc:ic pcnchc :hcce, cnc mcke c Irench She|Ier
{See i||u:IrcIicn Le|cw). 8uI Lui|cing c :he|Ier in cric hecI ccn :cp c |cI cf
energy. FememLer Ic pcce ycur:e|f cnc :Icy hycrcIec.
Ic Lui|c c :he|Ier, finc c |cw :pcI cr cepre::icn LeIween cune: cr rcck:. lf
nece::cry, cig c Irench cne Ic Iwc feeI |cng cnc wice encugh fcr ycu Ic
|ie in ccmfcrIcL|y.
1. PIIe LIe sund you Luke Irom LIe LrencI Lo Iorm u mound uround LIree
z. On LIe open end oI LIe LrencI, dIg ouL more sund so you cun geL In
und ouL oI your sIeILer eusIIy.
. NexL, cover LIe LrencI wILI your muLerIuI und secure LIe muLerIuI In
pIuce usIng sund, rocks or oLIer weIgILs.
q. CIeck uII sIdes und ends oI LIe sIeILer Lo muke sure IL Is secure.
lf ycu hcve exIrc mcIeric|, ycu ccn furIher cecrec:e Ihe micccy
IempercIure in Ihe Irench Ly :ecuring Ihe mcIeric| cncIher fccI Ic c fccI
cnc hc|f cLcve Ihe fir:I ccver. Ihi: |cyering cf Ihe mcIeric| wi|| recuce Ihe
in:ice IempercIure cLcuI 20 Ic 40 cegree: F.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
8eoch She|ter
ln c :cncy crec cr cn c Lecch c :imp|e Lecch :hcce :he|Ier ccn prcIecI
ycu frcm Ihe :un, winc, rcin cnc hecI. lI i: ec:y Ic mcke u:ing ncIurc|
mcIeric|:. Ic mcke Ihi: :he|Ier, finc cnc cc||ecI crifIwccc cr cIher ncIurc|
mcIeric| Ic u:e c: :uppcrI Lecm: cnc c: c cigging Icc|. 8e :ure Ic :e|ecI
c :iIe IhcI i: cLcve Ihe high wcIer mcrk.
1. Scrupe or dIg ouL u LrencI runnIng norLI Lo souLI so LIuL IL receIves
LIe IeusL umounL oI sunIIgIL. Muke LIe LrencI Iong und wIde enougI
Ior you Lo IIe down comIorLubIy.
z. NexL, mound soII on LIree sIdes oI LIe LrencI. TIe IIgIer LIe mound,
LIe more spuce InsIde LIe sIeILer.
. uy supporL beums (drIILwood or oLIer nuLuruI muLerIuI) LIuL spun
LIe LrencI on Lop oI LIe mound Lo Iorm LIe Irumework Ior u rooI.
q. AILer you Iuve LIe busIc sLrucLure compIeLed, enIurge LIe sIeILer`s
enLrunce by dIggIng ouL more sund In IronL oI IL.
. Use nuLuruI muLerIuIs sucI us gruss or Ieuves Lo Iorm u bed InsIde LIe

S|mp|e 1rench]8each She|ter - Image: Courtesy US Army
Your Veh|c|e os She|ter
Ycur vehic|e ccn prcvice :cme :he|Ier frcm Ihe e|emenI:, :uch c: rcin
cnc winc. lf ycu cre cn Ihe rccc, ycu ccn prcLcL|y :penc c nighI cr Iwc
in ycur ccr. Hcwever, generc||y :pecking, fcr Ihe |cng-Ierm, c we||-
ccn:IrucIec :he|Ier i: LeIIer Ihcn :he|Iering in ycur ccr, e:pecic||y in cc|c
wecIher. lf ycu ever hcc Ic wciI fcr :cmecne in ycur ccr cn c cc|c
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
winIer: ccy wiIhcuI Ihe engine running, Ihen ycu kncw ju:I hcw uick|y iI
ccn geI very cc|c c|cne in c ccr.
lf ycu hcve ever :cI in IhcI :cme ccr, in IhcI :cme pcrking |cI, in Ihe cecc
cf /ugu:I, Ihen ycu rec|ize IhcI in Ihe ce:erI, cr :cmewhere e|:e hcI - ycu
cre c|:c LeIIer cff in Ihe :hcce cc:I Ly ycur ccr, cr even |ying uncernecIh
iI - Ihcn Leing in:ice cf iIl
ln c :urvivc| :iIucIicn ycur vehic|e :hcu|c Le IhcughI cf c: ycur wcy Ic geI
frcm pcinI / Ic pcinI 8 fir:I, cnc c: pcIenIic| :he|Ier |c:I.
WheIher ycu cre in c ncIurc| :he|Ier, cr :cmeIhing ycu hcve Lui|I,
cepencing cn Ihe Iime cf Ihe yecr, cnc gecgrcphic |cccIicn where ycu
hcve hcc Ic :he|Ier- :Icying wcrm cnc mcinIcining ycur prcper Lccy
IempercIure, ccu|c Le c mcjcr :urvivc| i::ue. LcIer cn in ChcpIer: 23 cnc
2 ycu wi|| |ecrn :cme very :pecific cc|c wecIher :urvivc| Iechniue: fcr
winIer :Icrm: cnc emergencie:. Hcwever, ycu cc ncI hcve Ic Le ccughI
in c L|izzcrc fcr cc|c Ic Le c prcL|em.
lf ycu hcve :Icckec ycur Gc 8cg Ihe wcy ycu :hcu|c hcve, ycu wi|| hcve
mcny wcy: in ycur pcck Ic :Icve cff Ihe cc|c, :uch c: ycur :|eeping Lcg,
exIrc c|cIhe:, cnc emergency L|cnkeI. Hcwever, ycu Le:I LeI Ic :Icy
wcrm i: Leing cL|e Ic :IcrI cnc mcinIcin c fire. / fire prcvice: wcrmIh,
hecI, |ighI, ccn he|p ycu Ic Le :een, {if IhcI i: cne cf ycur :urvivc| gcc|:)
cnc rci:e: ycur :piriI:. IhcI i: why ycur Gc 8cg e::enIic|: inc|uce ncI cne,
LuI :everc| wcy: Ic mcke c fire. lf ycu cc ncI hcve ycur mcIche:, |ighIer:,
ccnc|e:, cr cIher fire :IcrIer: wiIh ycu - jump fcrwcrc Ic ChcpIer 24 cn
Wi|cerne:: Survivc|.
Assum|ng you hove your geor w|th you - os you shou|d - here ore some
t|ps obout bu||d|ng ond mo|nto|n|ng o ||re.
/cccrcing Ic Ihe US /rmy Survivc| Mcnuc|, Ihe key Ic ccn:IrucIing cnc
mcinIcining c fire i: in uncer:Icncing Ihe ccncepI cf Ihe fire Iricng|e."
Ihe Ihree :ice: cf Ihe Iricng|e repre:enI cir, hecI, cnc fue|. lf ycu remcve
cny cf Ihe:e, ycur fire wi|| gc cuI. Ihe ccrrecI rcIic cf Ihe:e ccmpcnenI: i:
very impcrIcnI fcr c fire Ic Lurn cI iI: grecIe:I ccpcLi|iIy. Ihe cn|y wcy Ic
|ecrn Ihi: rcIic i: Ic prccIice.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Where ond How to 8u||d Your F|re
Ycu wi|| hcve Ic cecice whcI :iIe cnc ccnfigurcIicn Ic u:e. 8efcre
Lui|cing c fire ycu mu:I ccn:icer:
TIe ureu (LerruIn und cIImuLe) In wIIcI you ure operuLIng.
TIe muLerIuIs und LooIs uvuIIubIe.
TIme - How mucI LIme do you Iuve?
Need - WIy do you need u IIre?
Seek u dry spoL LIuL:
s proLecLed Irom LIe wInd.
s suILubIy pIuced In reIuLIon Lo your sIeILer (II uny).
WIII concenLruLe LIe IeuL In LIe dIrecLIon you desIre.
Hus u suppIy oI wood or oLIer IueI uvuIIubIe.
lf ycu cre in c wcccec cr Lru:h-ccverec crec, c|ecr Ihe Lru:h cnc :crcpe
Ihe :urfcce :ci| frcm Ihe :pcI ycu hcve :e|ecIec. C|ecr c circ|e cI |ec:I
Ihree feeI {1 meIer) in cicmeIer :c Ihere i: |iII|e chcnce cf Ihe fire
lf Iime c||cw:, ccn:IrucI c firewc|| u:ing |cg: cr rcck: {Ycu mcy hcve
c|reccy ccne Ihi: when ycu Lui|I ycur Lecn-Ic c: ce:criLec in Ihe previcu:
:ecIicn). Ihe wc|| wi|| he|p Ic ref|ecI cr cirecI Ihe hecI where ycu wcnI iI.
lI wi|| c|:c recuce f|ying :pcrk: cnc cuI ccwn cn Ihe cmcunI cf winc
L|cwing inIc Ihe fire. Hcwever, ycu wi|| neec encugh winc Ic keep Ihe fire
F|re Moter|o|s
Ycu ccIuc||y neec Ihree cifferenI Iype: cf mcIeric|: Ic Lui|c cnc mcinIcin
c fire: I|nder, K|nd||ng, ond Fue|.
I|nder - l: cry mcIeric| IhcI igniIe: wiIh |iII|e hecI-c :pcrk :IcrI: c fire. Ihe
Iincer mu:I Le cL:c|uIe|y cry Ic Le :ure ju:I c :pcrk wi|| igniIe iI. lf ycu
hcve c cevice IhcI genercIe: cn|y :pcrk:, chcrrec c|cIh wi|| Le c|mc:I
e::enIic|. lI hc|c: c :pcrk fcr |cng pericc:, c||cwing ycu Ic puI Iincer cn
Ihe hcI crec Ic genercIe c :mc|| f|cme. Ycu ccn mcke chcrrec c|cIh Ly
hecIing ccIIcn c|cIh unIi| iI Iurn: L|cck, LuI cce: ncI Lurn. Cnce iI i:
L|cck, ycu mu:I keep iI in cn cirIighI ccnIciner Ic keep iI cry. Frepcre Ihi:
c|cIh we|| in ccvcnce cf cny :urvivc| :iIucIicn. /cc iI Ic ycur incivicuc|
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
:urvivc| kiI. CIher imprcmpIu iIem: ccu|c Le c|cchc| pcc: cr peIrc|eum
je||y gcuze.
K|nd||ng - l: recci|y ccmLu:IiL|e mcIeric| IhcI ycu ccc Ic Ihe Lurning
Iincer. /gcin, Ihi: mcIeric| :hcu|c Le cL:c|uIe|y cry Ic en:ure rcpic
Lurning. Kinc|ing increc:e: Ihe fire': IempercIure :c IhcI iI wi|| igniIe |e::
ccmLu:IiL|e mcIeric|.
Fue| - l: |e:: ccmLu:IiL|e mcIeric| IhcI Lurn: :|cw|y cnc :Iecci|y cnce
Ih|s chort, repr|nted |rom the bS Army Surv|vo| Monuo|, shows some good
exomp|es o| eoch:

8u||d|ng Your F|re
Ihere cre :everc| meIhcc: fcr |cying c fire cnc ecch cne hc: ccvcnIcge:.
Ihe :iIucIicn ycu cre in wi|| ceIermine which cf Ihe fc||cwing fire: Ic u:e.
IEEFEE [IIFI} - Ic mcke c Iepee fire, crrcnge Ihe Iincer cnc c few :Iick: cf
kinc|ing in Ihe :hcpe cf c Iepee cr ccne cnc |ighI Ihe cenIer. /: Ihe
Iepee B,-;9, Ihe cuI:ice |cg: wi|| fc|| inwcrc, feecing Ihe fire. Ihi: Iype cf
fire Lurn: we|| even wiIh weI wccc.
LEAN-IO - Ic mcke c |ecn-Ic fire, pu:h c green :Iick inIc Ihe grcunc cI c
30-cegree cng|e. FcinI Ihe enc cf Ihe :Iick in Ihe cirecIicn cf Ihe winc.
F|cce :cme Iincer ceep uncer Ihi: |ecn-Ic :Iick. Lecn piece: cf kinc|ing
cgcin:I Ihe |ecn-Ic :Iick cnc |ighI Ihe Iincer. /: Ihe kinc|ing ccIche: fire
frcm Ihe Iincer, ccc mcre kinc|ing.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
CkOSS-DIICH - Ic u:e Ihe crc::-ciIch meIhcc, :crcIch c crc:: cLcuI 12
inche: {30 cenIimeIer:) in :ize in Ihe grcunc cnc cig Ihe crc:: cLcuI 3
inche: {7.5 cenIimeIer:) ceep. FuI c |crge wcc cf Iincer in Ihe micc|e cf
Ihe crc::. 8ui|c c kinc|ing pyrcmic cLcve Ihe Iincer. Ihe :hc||cw ciIch
c||cw: cir Ic :weep uncer Ihe Iincer Ic prcvice c crcfI.
FYkAMID - Ic |cy Ihe pyrcmic fire, p|cce Iwc :mc|| |cg: cr Lrcnche:
pcrc||e| cn Ihe grcunc. F|cce c :c|ic |cyer cf :mc|| |cg: ccrc:: Ihe pcrc||e|
|cg:. /cc Ihree cr fcur mcre |cyer: cf |cg:, ecch |cyer :mc||er Ihcn cnc cI
c righI cng|e Ic Ihe |cyer Le|cw iI. Mcke c :IcrIer fire cn Icp cf Ihe
pyrcmic. /: Ihe :IcrIer fire Lurn:, iI wi|| igniIe Ihe |cg: Le|cw iI. Ihi: give:
ycu c fire IhcI Lurn: ccwnwcrc, reuiring nc cIIenIicn curing Ihe nighI.

1ypes of I|re Lays - Image: Courtesy US Army
L|ght|ng Your F|re
/: :IcIec ecr|ier, fcr ncw we wi|| c::ume ycu hcve ycur ccmp|eIe Gc 8cg
wiIh ycu, cnc :everc| mccern meIhcc: cf :IcrIing c fire, inc|ucing
mcIche:, |ighIer:, cr fire-:IcrIer:. Mcre primiIive meIhcc: wi|| Le ci:cu::ec
in ChcpIer 24 cn Wi|cerne:: Survivc|.
SIcrIing c fire, u:ing c mccern cr primiIive meIhcc i: ccccmp|i:hec Ly
cpp|ying cn igniIer Ic Ihe Iincer Ic :IcrI iI Lurning. Mccern igniIer: cre
mcIche:, |ighIer:, eIc. /|wcy: |ighI ycur fire frcm Ihe upwinc :ice. Mcke
:ure ycu |cy Ihe Iincer, kinc|ing, cnc fue| :c IhcI ycur fire wi|| Lurn c: |cng
c: ycu neec iI. /pp|y Ihe lgniIer Ic Ihe Iincer Ic :IcrI iI Lurning.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ihere cre mcny cri:i: cnc emergency :iIucIicn: where :curce: cf |ighI ccn
Leccme impcrIcnI Icc|: Ic ycur :urvivc| cnc emcIicnc| we||-Leing. IhcI i:
why ycur Gc-8cg :hcu|c Le euippec wiIh mcre Ihcn cne :curce cf |ighI.
/fIer c ncIurc| ci:c:Ier cr cccicenI ycu wi|| neec |ighI Ic perfcrm Ihe Ic:k:
IhcI ccn he|p ycu :urvive, Ic :ecrch fcr cIher:, cnc Ic :ignc| fcr he|p cnc
cIIrccI cIIenIicn if ycu cre in neec cf re:cue.
LED f|c:h|ighI: prcvice c |cI cf |ighI, cnc ccn:ume very |iII|e pcwer, cnc
ycu :hcu|c hcve cI |ec:I c LcIIery cpercIec cne, cnc c hcnc crcnkec
cne c: pcrI cf ycur Gc 8cg. / |cmp IhcI ccn Le wcrn cn ycur hecc ccn
Le u:efu| Ic c||cw ycu Ic hcve ycur hcnc: free when Lui|cing :he|Ier:,
fire:, eIc.
Fcr Ihe mc:I pcrI, |ighI i: c u:efu| Ihing LcIh Ic he|p ycu :ee cnc wcrk
Ihrcugh Ihe nighI. LighI prcvice: ccmfcrI, cnc give: ycu Ihe cLi|iIy Ic
:ignc| fcr he|p. Hcwever, keep cne Ihing in minc when u:ing ycur |ighI: in
c :urvivc| :iIucIicn. LighI ccn c|:c cIIrccI unwcnIec cIIenIicn if ycu cre
fcrcec Ic :he|Ier in c high-ri:k crec, cr crec cf Iurmci| cr ccnf|icI. Ycu ccn
u:e ycur |ighI LuI minimize Ihe ri:k cf expc:ure Ly:
U:ing ycur pcnchc, jcckeI, cr Icrp Ic ccver Ihe |ighI: if ycu cre u:ing iI Ic
recc c mcp cr Ic prcvice |ighI fcr cIher :urvivc| ccIiviIie: cI nighI.
Scme f|c:h|ighI: hcve c rec |ighI, cr c rec fi|Ier: Ic give Ihe cuIpuI c :cfIer
|ighI IhcI cce: ncI cIIrccI c: much cIIenIicn, cnc c|:c wi|| he|p ycu Ic
pre:erve ycur nighI vi:icn.
/: ycu recc cI Ihe Icp cf Ihi: chcpIer, when iI ccme: Ic prepcrecne::
cnc :urvivc| :iIucIicn:, :he|Ier" ccn hcve vcricu: mecning: cnc ccnIexI:.
Ihere wc: c Iime ncI Icc |cng cgc, when Ihe icec cf c LcmL :he|Ier"
wc: very ccmmcn. Mcny ceccce: hcve pc::ec :ince Ihe enc cf Ihe
Cc|c Wcr. lI remcin: ceLcIcL|e given Ihe Iechnc|cgy cf Ihe ccy, c: Ic
ju:I hcw effecIive Ihe:e hcmemcce LcmL :he|Ier: ccu|c hcve ccIuc||y
Leen in Ihe evenI cf c fu|| :cc|e Nuc|ecr Wcr LeIween Ihe U.S. cnc Ihe
USSF. Hcwever, IhcI i: ncI Ic :cy IhcI hcving :uch c |cng-Ierm Survivc|
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
She|Ier", cr c|IerncIive |iving :pcce cIher Ihcn ycur hcme, i: nece::cri|y c
Lcc icec.
NcI IhcI everycne whc recc: Ihi: mcnuc| wi|| hcve Ihe mecn:, re:curce:,
cr ce:ire Ic Lui|c, cr prepcre Iheir cwn |cng-Ierm :urvivc| :he|Ier, LuI
perhcp: ycu cc wcnI Ic crecIe :uch c hcven fcr ycur fcmi|y. McyLe ycu
c|reccy hcve c hunIing ccLin, vcccIicn hcme, cr :cme cIher prcperIy
cff Ihe LecIen pcIh" IhcI mcy Le icec| fcr :uch c :he|Ier.
Here cre :cme Ihing: Ic ccn:icer in crecIing cnc :Iccking c p|cce IhcI
ycu mcy neec Ic hunker ccwn in fcr cn exIencec pericc cf Iime.
EveryIhing IhcI ycu hcve puI in ycur Hcme Emergency Frepcrecne:: KiI,
ycu :hcu|c hcve cup|iccIec in ycur remcIe :he|Ier, mu|Iip|iec Ly Ihe Iime
ycu expecI ycu mcy neec Ic hc|c up Ihere in Ierm: cf ccy:, week: cr
Ihot meons your kemote She|ter shou|d |nc|ude:
WuLer - one guIIon per person per duy.
ood - reudy Lo euL or requIrIng mInImuI wuLer.
MunuuI cun-opener und oLIer cookIng suppIIes.
PIuLes, uLensIIs und oLIer IeedIng suppIIes.
IrsL AId kIL & InsLrucLIons.
A copy oI ImporLunL documenLs & pIone numbers.
Wurm cIoLIes, ruIn geur Ior eucI IumIIy member und Ieuvy work gIoves.
UnscenLed IIquId IouseIoId bIeucI und un eyedropper Ior wuLer
PersonuI IygIene ILems IncIudIng LoIIeL puper, IemInIne suppIIes, Iund
sunILIzer und soup.
PIusLIc sIeeLIng, ducL Lupe und uLIIILy knIIe Ior coverIng broken
TooIs sucI us u crowbur, Iummer & nuIIs, sLupIe gun, udjusLubIe wrencI
und bungee cords.
BIunkeL or sIeepIng bug.
urge, Ieuvy-duLy pIusLIc bugs und u pIusLIc buckeL Ior wusLe und
Any specIuI-needs ILems Ior cIIIdren, senIors or peopIe wILI dIsubIIILIes.
Don`L IorgeL wuLer, Iood und suppIIes Ior your peLs.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
SIcre Ihe :cme Iype: cf fccc ycu wcu|c fcr cI Hcme Di:c:Ier
Frepcrecne::, cgcin Ihinking cLcuI Ihe cmcunI cf Iime ycu mcy neec Ic
Le in ycur Survivc| She|Ier. FememLer Ic rcIcIe ycur :Icrec fccc: fcr
Ideo| storoge |oods |nc|ude:
Reudy-Lo-euL cunned meuLs, IruILs, vegeLubIes
ProLeIn or IruIL burs
Dry cereuI or grunoIu
PeunuL buLLer
DrIed IruIL
Cunned juIces
Non-perIsIubIe pusLeurIzed mIIk
HIgI energy Ioods
ood Ior InIunLs
ComIorLJsLress Ioods
/::ume ycu mcy ncI Le cL|e Ic geI Ic Ihe ccrner crug:Icre fcr c whi|e, :c
hcve everyIhing IhcI ycu hcve in ycur Gc 8cg fir:I cic kiI, c|:c cup|iccIec
cI ycur |cng-Ierm :he|Ier. lf ycu Icke pre:cripIicn meciccIicn, hcve :cme
exIrc, LuI ycu wcu|c Le LeIIer cff Ic :IcrI Ic imprcve ycur hec|Ih cnc
|ecrn Ic |ive wiIhcuI Ihem.
ln ccciIicn Ic viIcmin:, hcve cn hcnc, cpp|e cicer vinegcr, hcney, gcr|ic,
:cge Iec fcr cc|c:, minI Iec, gc|cen :ec|, herL: fcr cccking, inc|ucing
criec gcr|ic cnc cnicn:, ccyenne pepper, cumin, Lc:i|, cnc ccricncer
cnc :c|I. Ihe:e cre ccn c|| Le u:efu| fcr Iheir mecicinc| purpc:e: cnc ccn
enhcnce Ihe Ic:Ie cf criec gccc: |ike Lecn: cnc rice.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
In odd|t|on, your |ong-term surv|vo| she|ter shou|d be equ|pped w|th:
"$#%&/+6 - Huve cIoLIIng Ior uII weuLIer, und uII yeur round. ncIude u
good wurm couL und sweuLers, IuLs Ior ruIn or sIIne, ruIn geur und u
good puIr oI IIkIng booLs.
A)+%/+6 'B)/.='+% - HunLIng mIgIL be necessury Ior survIvuI In
some sILuuLIons. How Lo Lrup gume wIII be dIscussed In IuLer cIupLers,
us wIII IIreurms.
;/5&/+6 'B)/.='+% - GeL busIc equIpmenL. ncIude ussorLed sIzed
Iooks, IIsI IInes, sInkers, eLc. Remember LIe oId uduge: GIve u mun u
IIsI, Ie euLs Ior u duy. LeucI u mun Lo IIsI. Ie euLs Ior u IIIeLIme!
C##8 5%#2' - Your cubIn, sIeILer, or geL-u-wuy Iouse sIouId be
equIpped wILI u wood-burnIng sLove. GeL LIe kInd wILI u secondury
burn cIumber. L uses Iess wood und creuLes Iess smoke.
?##$5 - An uxe, or IuLcIeL, Iummer und ussorLed nuIIs, u bow suw, u
cIuIn suw, uIong wILI exLru gus und oII, spurk pIugs, und cIuIn. SIoveI,
wrencI seL, pIIers, wIre cuLLers, screw drIvers, pIpe wrencI, zoo IeeL oI
1Jq IncI nyIon rope, und oI course, ducL Lupe!
DEEFG*/8 H#3'* - GeneruLors, preIerubIy ones LIuL cun uIso be
powered by soIur, or wInd.
@4% 4+8 I#)5'%*4.5 - To keep vermIn ouL oI your sLores.
When Ihinking |cng-Ierm Survivc| She|Ier, ycu mu:I Ihink ncI cn|y cLcuI
whcI i: in iI, LuI c|:c where Ic |cccIe iI, cnc hcw Ic geI Ihere.
Moke sure your |ong-term surv|vo| she|ter |s:
OII LIe beuLen Lruck, IdeuIIy uccessIbIe onIy by u sIngIe dIrL roud, und by
uL IeusL u qWD veIIcIe.
PIuIn, noL Iuncy. On LIe ouLsIde IL sIouId Iook IIke u sImpIe IunLIng
cubIn or weekend sIuck, so us noL druw u IoL oI uLLenLIon Irom IocuIs
undJor become u LurgeL Ior vunduIs.
CIose Lo u sprIng, weII, sLreum or oLIer nuLuruI source oI wuLer.
WILIIn 1o Lo zo mIIes oI u vIIIuge or smuII Lown wIere you cun geL Lo by
IooL, II necessury, Ior uddILIonuI suppIIes, und news oI LIe ouLsIde worId,
sIouId you need IL.
Huve enougI Iund Ior growIng your own vegeLubIes und oLIer crops.
CIose Lo u nuLuruI, eusIIy IurvesLubIe Iood source, sucI us pIenLIIuI
wIIdIIIe Ior IunLIng, or Iukes, rIvers sLreums Ior IIsIIng.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
SLocked wILI enougI weupons und ummunILIon Lo deIend yourseII Irom
smuII groups oI muruuders or bundILs, sIouId you Iuve Lo. More on
Ireurms und IIreurm LruInIng wIII be dIscussed In CIupLer 1.
Icking :he|Ier i: criIicc| in Iime: cf ci:c:Ier. Nc mcIIer if IhcI i: in c :imp|e
|ecn-Ic, cr |cng-Ierm :urvivc|i:I ccmpcunc, rememLer IhcI Ihe Iwc mc:I
impcrIcnI Ihing: ycu neec Ic Lring wiIh ycu cre ycur Gc 8cg, cnc ycur
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 11

Wcter, ucter, eteruhere, cnd cll the bocrds did shrinl.
Wcter, ucter, eteruhere, nor cn drop to drinl.
- The Rime oj the Ancient Mcriner
Cnce ycu hcve :ecurec ycur :he|Ier, wiIhcuI c ccuLI wcIer i: cn e::enIic|
e|emenI in cny :urvivc| :iIucIicn. WcIer i: cn iIem IhcI cny in-p|cce cr
mcLi|e emergency :upp|ie: kiI :hcu|c ever Le wiIhcuI. ln Ihe mccern
wcr|c cnc e:pecic||y in Ihe US fre:h f|cwing wcIer i: :cmeIhing we Icke
wcy Icc much fcr grcnIec. Ju:I |ike c |ighI :wiIch -Iurn Ihe Icp, cnc .0(&*F
Ihere iI i:.
8uI uncer:Icnc ju:I c: IhcI |ighI :wiIch ccn Le u:e|e:: Ic ycu fc||cwing c
ci:c:Ier: c|ecn crinking wcIer mcy ncI Le cvci|cL|e. Ycur regu|cr wcIer
:curce ccu|c Le cuI-cff, cue Ic ccmcge, |cck cf pumping pcwer, cr
ccmprcmi:ec Ihrcugh ccnIcmincIicn.
/cccrcing Ic FEM/, ycu neec Ic prepcre ycur:e|f Ly Lui|cing c :upp|y cf
wcIer IhcI wi|| meeI ycur fcmi|y: neec: curing cn emergency. Ycu neec
Ic :Icre cI |ec:I cne gc||cn cf wcIer per per:cn per ccy. / ncrmc||y
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ccIive per:cn neec: cI |ec:I cne gc||cn cf wcIer cci|y ju:I fcr crinking cnc
Lc:ic :cniIcry neec:, hcwever incivicuc| neec: vcry, cepencing cn cge,
phy:icc| ccnciIicn, ccIiviIy, cieI cnc c|imcIe.
Io determ|ne your woter needs, toke the |o||ow|ng |nto occount:
EucI person In your IouseIoId requIres one guIIon oI wuLer per duy, Ior
drInkIng und sunILuLIon.
CIIIdren, nursIng moLIers und sIck peopIe muy need more wuLer.
A medIcuI emergency mIgIL requIre uddILIonuI wuLer.
I you IIve In u wurm weuLIer cIImuLe more wuLer muy be necessury. n
very IoL LemperuLures, wuLer needs cun doubIe.
Keep uL IeusL u LIree-duy suppIy oI wuLer per person.
FEM/ cnc Ihe /mericcn Fec Crc:: reccmmenc IhcI ycu purchc:e
ccmmercic||y LcII|ec wcIer, in crcer Ic prepcre Ihe :cfe:I cnc mc:I
re|icL|e emergency wcIer :upp|y. Keep LcII|ec wcIer in iI: criginc|
ccnIciner cnc cc ncI cpen unIi| ycu neec Ic u:e iI. CL:erve Ihe
expircIicn cr u:e Ly" ccIe cnc :Icre in c ccc|, ccrk p|cce.
Frepor|ng Your Own Conto|ners o| Woter
Ycu :hcu|c u:e fccc grcce wcIer :Icrcge ccnIciner: :uch c: Ihe
cc||cp:iL|e wcIer ccnIciner: ycu :hcu|c hcve c|reccy purchc:ec c: pcrI
cf ycur U|IimcIe Survivc| KiI in ChcpIer .
8efcre fi||ing wiIh wcIer, Ihcrcugh|y c|ecn Ihe ccnIciner: wiIh ci:hwc:hing
:ccp cnc wcIer cnc rin:e ccmp|eIe|y :c Ihere i: nc re:icuc| :ccp.
lf ycu chcc:e Ic u:e ycur cwn :Icrcge ccnIciner: {ncI Feccmmencec),
chcc:e Iwc-|iIer p|c:Iic :cfI crink LcII|e: - ncI p|c:Iic jug: cr ccrcLccrc
ccnIciner: IhcI hcve hcc mi|k cr fruiI juice in Ihem. Mi|k prcIein cnc fruiI
:ugcr: ccnncI Le cceucIe|y remcvec frcm Ihe:e ccnIciner: cnc
prcvice cn envircnmenI fcr LccIeric| grcwIh when wcIer i: :Icrec in Ihem.
CcrcLccrc ccnIciner: c|:c |eck ec:i|y cnc cre ncI ce:ignec fcr |cng-Ierm
:Icrcge cf |iuic:. /|:c, cc ncI u:e g|c:: ccnIciner:, Leccu:e Ihey ccn
Lreck cnc cre hecvy.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
SIcring WcIer in F|c:Iic Sccc 8cII|e:
Fo||ow these steps |or stor|ng woter |n p|ost|c sodo bott|es:
1. TIorougIIy cIeun LIe boLLIes wILI dIsIwusIIng soup und wuLer, und
rInse compIeLeIy so LIere Is no resIduuI soup.
z. SunILIze LIe boLLIes by uddIng u soIuLIon oI 1 Leuspoon oI non-scenLed
IIquId IouseIoId cIIorIne bIeucI Lo u quurL oI wuLer. MIx LIe
sunILIzIng soIuLIon In LIe boLLIe so LIuL IL LoucIes uII surIuces. AILer
sunILIzIng LIe boLLIe, LIorougIIy rInse ouL LIe sunILIzIng soIuLIon
wILI cIeun wuLer.
. III LIe boLLIe Lo LIe Lop wILI reguIur Lup wuLer. I LIe Lup wuLer Ius
been commercIuIIy LreuLed Irom u wuLer uLIIILy wILI cIIorIne, you do
noL need Lo udd unyLIIng eIse Lo LIe wuLer Lo keep IL cIeun. I LIe
wuLer you ure usIng comes Irom u weII or wuLer source LIuL Is noL
LreuLed wILI cIIorIne, udd Lwo drops oI non-scenLed IIquId
IouseIoId cIIorIne bIeucI Lo LIe wuLer. eL LIe wuLer sLund Ior o
mInuLes beIore usIng.
q. A sIIgIL cIIorIne odor sIouId be noLIceubIe In LIe wuLer, II noL, udd
unoLIer dose oI bIeucI und uIIow LIe wuLer Lo sLund unoLIer 1
. TIgILIy cIose LIe conLuIner usIng LIe orIgInuI cup. Be cureIuI noL Lo
conLumInuLe LIe cup by LoucIIng LIe InsIde oI IL wILI your IInger.
PIuce u duLe on LIe ouLsIde oI LIe conLuIner so you cun know wIen
you IIIIed IL. SLore In u cooI, durk pIuce.
WcIer ccn c|:c Le IrecIec wiIh wcIer purificcIicn IcL|eI: IhcI ccn Le
purchc:ec cI mc:I :pcrIing gccc: :Icre:, cr IhcI ycu :hcu|c c|reccy hcve
c: pcrI cf ycur U|IimcIe Gc 8cg.
WcIer IhcI hc: ncI Leen ccmmercic||y LcII|ec :hcu|c Le rep|ccec every
:ix mcnIh:.
FEM/ prcvice: Ihe fc||cwing guice|ine: fcr mcncging wcIer re:curce:
curing c cri:i: cr emergency :iIucIicn:
AIIow peopIe Lo drInk uccordIng Lo LIeIr needs. Muny peopIe need more
LIun LIe uveruge oI one-IuII guIIon, per duy. TIe IndIvIduuI umounL
needed depends on uge, pIysIcuI ucLIvILy, pIysIcuI condILIon, und LIme
oI yeur.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Never ruLIon wuLer unIess ordered Lo do so by uuLIorILIes. DrInk LIe
umounL you need Loduy und Lry Lo IInd more Ior Lomorrow. Under no
cIrcumsLunces sIouId u person drInk Iess LIun one quurL (Iour cups) oI
wuLer eucI duy. You cun mInImIze LIe umounL oI wuLer your body
needs by reducIng ucLIvILy und sLuyIng cooI.
DrInk wuLer LIuL you know Is noL conLumInuLed IIrsL. I necessury,
suspIcIous wuLer, sucI us cIoudy wuLer Irom reguIur IuuceLs or wuLer
Irom sLreums or ponds, cun be used uILer IL Ius been LreuLed. I wuLer
LreuLmenL Is noL possIbIe, puL oII drInkIng suspIcIous wuLer us Iong us
possIbIe, buL do noL become deIydruLed.
,D JD?K DrInk curbonuLed beveruges InsLeud oI drInkIng wuLer.
CurbonuLed beveruges do noL meeL drInkIng-wuLer requIremenLs.
,D JD?K DrInk CuIIeInuLed drInks or uIcoIoI, LIese deIydruLe LIe
body, wIIcI Increuses LIe need Ior drInkIng wuLer.
Iurn cff Ihe mcin wcIer vc|ve:. Ycu wi|| neec Ic prcIecI Ihe wcIer :curce:
c|reccy in ycur hcme frcm ccnIcmincIicn if ycu hecr repcrI: cf Lrcken
wcIer cr :ewcge |ine:, cr if |ccc| cfficic|: ccvi:e ycu cf c prcL|em. Ic
c|c:e Ihe inccming wcIer :curce, |cccIe Ihe inccming vc|ve cnc Iurn iI Ic
Ihe c|c:ec pc:iIicn. 8e :ure ycu cnc cIher fcmi|y memLer: kncw hcw Ic
perfcrm Ihi: impcrIcnI prccecure.
Ic u:e Ihe wcIer in ycur pipe:, |eI cir inIc Ihe p|umLing Ly Iurning cn Ihe
fcuceI in ycur hcme cI Ihe highe:I |eve|. / :mc|| cmcunI cf wcIer wi||
Irick|e cuI. Ihen cLIcin wcIer frcm Ihe |cwe:I fcuceI in Ihe hcme.
Ic u:e Ihe wcIer in ycur hcI-wcIer Icnk, Le :ure Ihe e|ecIriciIy cr gc: i: cff,
cnc cpen Ihe crcin cI Ihe LcIIcm cf Ihe Icnk. SIcrI Ihe wcIer f|cwing Ly
Iurning cff Ihe wcIer inIcke vc|ve cI Ihe Icnk cnc Iurning cn Ihe hcI wcIer
fcuceI. Fefi|| Ihe Icnk Lefcre Iurning Ihe gc: cr e|ecIriciIy Lcck cn. lf Ihe
gc: i: Iurnec cff, c prcfe::icnc| wi|| Le neecec Ic Iurn iI Lcck cn.
lf ycu cre :he|Iering-in-p|cce, Ihere cre :everc| :curce: cf pcIcL|e cr
:cfe" crinking wcIer in cnc crcunc ycu hcme, cnc wcIer ycu :hcu|c ncI
Scfe WcIer Scurce:
MeILed Ice cubes
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
WuLer druIned Irom LIe wuLer IeuLer (II LIe wuLer IeuLer Ius noL been
IquIds Irom cunned goods sucI us IruIL or vegeLubIe juIces
WuLer druIned Irom pIpes
Un:cfe WcIer Scurce:
HoL wuLer boIIersJIurnuce (Iome IeuLIng sysLem)
WuLer Beds (IungIcIdes udded Lo LIe wuLer or cIemIcuIs In LIe vInyI muy
muke wuLer unsuIe Lo use)
WuLer Irom LIe LoIIeL bowI or IIusI Lunk
SwImmIng pooIs und spus (cIemIcuIs used Lo kIII germs ure Loo
concenLruLed Ior suIe drInkIng buL cun be used Ior personuI IygIene,
cIeunIng, und reIuLed uses)
Woter Ireotment
Even wcIer frcm Ihe :cfe :curce: c: icenIifiec cLcve :hcu|c Le IrecIec
Lefcre ycu u:e iI. Ycu :hcu|c IrecI c|| wcIer cf uncerIcin uc|iIy Lefcre
u:ing iI fcr crinking, fccc wc:hing cr prepcrcIicn, wc:hing ci:he:, Lru:hing
IeeIh, cr mcking ice. ln ccciIicn Ic hcving c Lcc cccr cnc Ic:Ie,
ccnIcmincIec wcIer ccn ccnIcin germ: IhcI ccu:e ci:ec:e: :uch c:
cy:enIery, chc|erc, Iyphcic, cnc hepcIiIi:.
Ihere cre mcny wcy: ycu ccn IrecI wcIer. Ncne i: perfecI. CfIen Ihe
Le:I :c|uIicn i: c ccmLincIicn cf meIhcc:. 8efcre IrecIing, |eI cny
:u:pencec pcrIic|e: :eII|e Ic Ihe LcIIcm cr :Ircin Ihem Ihrcugh ccffee
fi|Ier: cr |cyer: cf c|ecn c|cIh.
Ihere cre Lc:icc||y Ihree wcIer IrecImenI meIhcc:, 8ci|ing, Ch|crincIicn,
cnc Di:Ii||cIicn. Ycu :hcu|c hcve Ihe nece::cry :upp|ie: Ic cc cI |ec:I
cne, if ncI c|| cf Ihem c: pcrI cf ycur Gc 8cg cnc Hcme Frepcrecne::
Emergency Supp|ie: kiI.
8ci|ing i: Ihe :cfe:I cnc :imp|e:I meIhcc cf IrecIing wcIer. ln c |crge pcI
cr keII|e, Lring wcIer Ic c rc||ing Lci| fcr 1 fu|| minuIe, keeping in minc IhcI
:cme wcIer wi|| evcpcrcIe. LeI Ihe wcIer ccc| Lefcre crinking.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
8ci|ec wcIer wi|| Ic:Ie LeIIer if ycu puI cxygen Lcck inIc iI Ly pcuring Ihe
wcIer Lcck cnc fcrIh LeIween Iwc c|ecn ccnIciner:. Ihi: c|:c wi|| imprcve
Ihe Ic:Ie cf :Icrec wcIer.
Ycu ccn u:e hcu:ehc|c |iuic L|ecch Ic ki|| micrccrgcni:m:. U:e cn|y
regu|cr hcu:ehc|c |iuic L|ecch IhcI ccnIcin: 5.25 Ic .0 percenI :ccium
hypcch|criIe. Dc ncI u:e :cenIec L|ecche:, cc|cr :cfe L|ecche:, cr
L|ecche: wiIh cccec c|ecner:. 8eccu:e Ihe pcIency cf L|ecch
cimini:he: wiIh Iime, u:e L|ecch frcm c new|y cpenec cr uncpenec
/cc 1 crcp: {1/8 Iec:pccn) cf L|ecch per gc||cn cf wcIer, :Iir, cnc |eI
:Icnc fcr 30 minuIe:. Ihe wcIer :hcu|c hcve c :|ighI L|ecch cccr. lf iI
cce:nI, Ihen repecI Ihe cc:cge cnc |eI :Icnc cncIher 15 minuIe:. lf iI :Ii||
cce: ncI :me|| cf ch|crine, ci:ccrc iI cnc finc cncIher :curce cf wcIer.
Whi|e Ihe Iwc meIhcc: ce:criLec cLcve wi|| ki|| mc:I micrccrgcni:m: in
wcIer, ci:Ii||cIicn wi|| remcve germ: IhcI re:i:I Ihe:e meIhcc:, c: we|| c:
hecvy meIc|:, :c|I: cnc mc:I cIher chemicc|:.
Di:Ii||cIicn invc|ve: Lci|ing wcIer cnc Ihen cc||ecIing cn|y Ihe vcpcr IhcI
ccncen:e:. Ihe ccncen:ec vcpcr wi|| ncI inc|uce :c|I cr mc:I cIher
Ic ci:Ii||, fi|| c pcI hc|fwcy wiIh wcIer. Iurn Ihe |ic cf Ihe pcI up:ice ccwn.
Iie c cup Ic Ihe hcnc|e cn Ihe pcI': |ic :c IhcI Ihe cup wi|| hcng righI :ice
up. O+$$ 4(@,-$ B$&0?P

GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Mcke :ure when ycu p|cce Ihe |ic cnIc Ihe pcI: iI ccng|e: cLcve, cnc ncI
inIc Ihe wcIer. 8ci| Ihe wcIer fcr 20 minuIe:. Ihe wcIer IhcI crip: frcm Ihe
|ic inIc Ihe cup i: ci:Ii||ec.
FEM/: reccmmenccIicn: cre c|| we|| cnc gccc fcr keeping ycur:e|f
hycrcIec if ycu cre :he|Iering in p|cce, cr hunkering ccwn in c re|cIive|y
civi|izec crec, LuI ncI when ycu cre cuI cff frcm ycur regu|cr :upp|ie: cf
Hcwever, ycu mcy finc ycur:e|f in c :iIucIicn where ycu neec Ic Le cL|e
Ic finc ncIurc| cnc cIher c|IerncIive :curce: cf wcIer Ic :urvive.
FememLer, mc:I pecp|e cn cvercge neec c gc||cn cf wcIer c ccy Ic
rep|cce Ihe Lccy f|uic: ycu |c:e Ihrcugh :wecI, urincIicn, cige:Iicn, even
LrecIhingl Ju:I cLcuI every prcce:: in Ihe Lccy reuire: wcIer.
WcnI Ic kncw ju:I why wcIer i: :c impcrIcnI Ccn:icer Ihe:e 10 Ihing: IhcI
ycu mcy ncI kncw cLcuI wcIer cnc ycur Lccy:
1. Your bruIn Is ;% wuLer
z. Your bIood Is qz% wuLer
. Your bones ure zz% wuLer
q. Your muscIes ure ;% wuLer
. WILIouL wuLer, your body couId noL ubsorb nuLrIenLs Irom Iood
6. WuLer reguIuLes your body LemperuLure
;. WuLer currIes nuLrIenLs und oxygen Lo uII oI your ceIIs
8. WILIouL wuLer, wusLe couId noL be removed Irom your body
q. WuLer IeIps your Iungs ubsorb oxygen In LIe uIr you breuLIe
1o. WuLer cusIIons und proLecLs your vILuI orguns
ln c :urvivc| :iIucIicn, if ycu cre |c:I, cr cIherwi:e :Ircncec, c: Iime gce: Ly
cnc ycu fci| Ic rep|cce Ihe:e |c:I Lccy f|uic: c: ycu ncrmc||y wcu|c,
everyIhing :IcrI: Ic Lreckccwn. Exhcu:Iicn, fcIigue, hypcIhermic, Lrcin
|cck, c|| ccn :eI in, |eccing Ic evenIuc| IcIc| cehycrcIicn cnc mc:I |ike|y
Ic cecIh.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ln ChcpIer 24 cn Wi|cerne:: Survivc| ycu wi|| |ecrn :cme :pecific Iip: cnc
Iechniue: cn fincing cnc purifying wcIer in :pecific |cccIicn:, LuI here
cre :cme inIere:Iing cnc :imp|e Ihing: ycu neec Ic kncw cLcuI wcIer,
cnc where cnc hcw Ic finc iI.
WuLer cun be usuuIIy Iound In Iow-IyIng vegeLuLed ureus.
WuLer cun be usuuIIy Iound uL LIe buse oI mounLuIns & cIIIIs Lrupped In
beLween rocks.
WuLer cun be usuuIIy Iound In LIe deserLs wIerever you see unyLIIng
green - LIuL meuns LIere Is u source oI wuLer beIow IL.
S|mp|e Iechn|ques to Gother Woter
Cne cf ec:ie:I cnc :imp|e:I Iechniue: Ic cccumu|cIe wcIer i: Ic gcIher
rcinwcIer, :c cc ncI fcrgeI Ic :precc cuI ycur Icrp, cr pcnchc Ic cc :c.
8uI even in Ihe cL:ence cf cny rcin, here cre Ihree :imp|e meIhcc: Ic
cLIcin wcIer, wiIh ju:I :cme p|c:Iic Lcg:, u:ec wcIer LcII|e:, cnc c
ccup|e cf Lcnccnc: cr hcnckerchief:. Sc keep c few p|c:Iic Lcg: in ycur
Gc 8cg, cnc Ihe hcnckerchief: - Ihe wcIer LcII|e: ycu wi|| prcLcL|y Le
cL|e Ic finc.
Sc if ycu cre |c:I in Ihe wccc:, ycu kncw Ihe Iree: cre geIIing wcIer LuI
hcw ccn ycu geI Ihem Ic :hcre iI wiIh ycu Like Ihi:: Iie c c|ecr p|c:Iic
Lcg cver cnc crcunc c very |ecfy green Lrcnch - mcke :ure Ihe Lcg i:
IighI|y :ec|ec cnc ycu wi|| Le cL|e Ic prccuce wcIer Ihrcugh
Ncw here i: where Ihe empIy p|c:Iic LcII|e: ccme in. ln Ihe cfIermcIh cf
c ci:c:Ier, ycu wi|| Le cL|e Ic finc Ihe:e |iIIerec cLcuI wiIh nc prcL|em.
Ihe IruIh {unfcrIuncIe fcr ecc|cgy - LuI he|pfu| in c :urvivc| :iIucIicn) i:
IhcI even |c:I in Ihe wccc: in mcny pcrI: cf Ihe wcr|c ycu wi|| |ike|y finc
:cme empIy p|c:Iic LcII|e: |ying crcunc. Cf ccur:e, keep cny empIy
LcII|e: IhcI mcy hcve he|c wcIer IhcI ycu LrcughI wiIh ycu. Ncw, Icke c
green |ecfy Lrcnch cnc p|cce iI in:ice Ihe LcII|e cnc :ec| iI IighI|y. F|cce
iI in Ihe :un if pc::iL|e. 8y Ihe enc cf c hcI :unny ccy iI :hcu|c yie|c cLcuI
1/3 cup cf wcIer Ihrcugh ccncen:cIicn. Cf ccur:e, Ihe mcre Lcg: cr
LcII|e: ycu u:e, Ihe mcre wcIer ycu'|| Le cL|e Ic prccuce.
Lc:I LuI ncI |ec:I, Ihe hcnkie: cr Lcnccnc:. Ju:I Lefcre ccwn, cr
:cmeIime: very |cIe cI nighI - if ycu Iie c ccup|e cf Lcnccnc: crcunc ycur
cnk|e: cnc :huff|e crcunc Ihrcugh :cme Ic|| grc::...ycu'|| Le cL|e Ic :cck
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
up c |cI cf weIne::. Ihen ju:I wring Ihem cuI inIc :cmeIhing, iI: preIIy
mcke:hifI, LuI effecIivel
WcIer i: ncI cn|y e::enIic| in c :urvivc| :iIucIicn, LuI in mcny wcy: iI i: c
key Ic cverc|| hec|Ih. /nc cgcin mcking :ure ycu cre prepcrec fcr
cnyIhing mecn: Leing in ycur Le:I Survivc| Shcpe."
WcnI Ic kncw if ycu cre geIIing encugh wcIer every ccy Icke ycur IcIc|
Lccy weighI cnc civice Ly fcur. IhcI i: Ihe Lcre minimum cmcunI cf
wcIer in cunce: ycu reuire every ccy fcr prcper Lccy funcIicn. lf ycu cre
ccIive, cr exerci:e cfIen, ccuL|e IhcI cmcunI.
WcIer i: criIicc| Ic :urvivc| cnc Ihe ncrmc| funcIicning cf :c mcny Lccy
:y:Iem:, cnc yeI very few cf u: cre crinking encugh wcIer. ln rec|iIy, c |cI
cf Ihe chrcnic :yncrcme:" :uch c: fcIigue, hecccche:, jcinI pcin, eIc.,
IhcI :eem Ic hcve Leen p|cguing mccern :ccieIy much mcre in recenI
yecr: - cre, in mcny cc:e:, ncIhing mcre Ihcn cehycrcIicnl Sc Ihe nexI
Iime ycu cre ncI uiIe fee|ing ycur:e|f - ycu prcLcL|y crenI :ick - ycu cre
ju:I Ihir:Iyl
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 12

A crust ecten in pecce is better
thcn c bcnquet pcrtclen in cnxiet.
- Aesop
ln cur fccc cL:e::ec, cLe:iIy riccen, fc:I fccc ncIicn, mcre cfIen Ihcn
ncI, ycu hecr pecp|e u:ing Ihe phrc:e lm :Icrving," Ic ce:criLe Ihe Iime
LeIween Iheir |c:I ccffee Lreck, cnc |unch hcurl Mcny finc iI cifficu|I Ic
gc c few hcur: wiIhcuI fccc, |eI c|cne pcIenIic||y c few ccy:. IhcI i: why
Ihey cfIen mcke Ihe mi:Icke cf Ihinking cf fccc fir:I when fccec wiIh c
:urvivc| :iIucIicn.
Ncw, IhcI i: ncI Ic :cy IhcI :IcrvcIicn i: ncI c pc::iLi|iIy in Ihe wcke cf
ci:c:Ier:. ln unceve|cpec ccunIrie: IhcI hcve Leen hiI Ly EcrIhucke:,
I:uncmi: cr cIher ncIurc| ci:c:Ier:, :IcrvcIicn cnc fcmine ccn Leccme c
rec| i::ue fcr Ihe :urvivcr:.
Even in wec|Ihy Fir:I Wcr|c ccunIrie:, Ihe IruIh i:, Ihe LcunIy mc:I fc|k:
enjcy i: IcIc||y cepencenI cn c ccmp|ex infrc:IrucIure cf incu:Iric| fccc
prccucer:, ci:IriLuIcr:, cnc :Icrehcu:e: IhcI hc: mu|Iip|e vu|nercLi|iIie:,
cny cne cf which ccn ccu:e Ihe :y:Iem Ic Lreckccwn in Ihe wcke cf c
ncIurc| cr mcn-mcce ci:c:Ier.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
lf Ihe Iruck: IhcI Lring in :upp|ie: ccnI geI Ihrcugh Leccu:e cf L|cckec
rccc:, cnc Ihere i: nc fue|, cr wcr:e - Ihe :he|ve: cf mc:I fccc :Icre:
wcu|c Le empIy in c mcIIer cf hcur:. Fe:IcurcnI: wcu|c prcLcL|y c|| :huI
ccwn wiIhin c few ccy:.
Hcwever, Ihe gccc new: i: IhcI wiIh prcper prepcrcIicn, cnc c |iII|e
Ircining, ycu ccn very ec:i|y |ecrn hcw Ic ecI Ic |ive, in:Iecc cf |iving Ic
Hcw much fccc ycu :hcu|c :Icre cepenc: cn c |cI cf Ihing:. FEM/, Ihe
Fec Crc:: cnc cIher Di:c:Ier Frepcrecne:: cgencie: c|| :cy IhcI ycu
:hcu|c :Icre cI |ec:I Ihree ccy:. 8uI IhcI rec||y i: c Lcre minimum, cnc in
fccI, ncI :cmeIhing ycu neec Ic rec||y prepcre. Cn cny given ccy, ycu
prcLcL|y hcve encugh fccc in ycur hcu:e Ic |c:I 2 - 3 ccy:. SIcring fccc
in Ierm: cf prepcrecne:: :hcu|c :IcrI wiIh cI |ec:I c 1- 2 week :upp|y, cnc
grccuc||y expcnc. Ihe S/S Survivc| HcncLcck reccmmenc: ycu hcve c
:Icre cf ncn-peri:hcL|e fccc IhcI ccu|c |c:I fcr c yecr.
ln Ihe |c:I chcpIer ycu |ecrnec IhcI when iI ccme: Ic wcIer, mcny cf u:
cc ncI kncw hcw much i: rec||y neecec, :c ycu ccnI crink necr|y
encugh. WiIh fccc Ihe cppc:iIe i: Irue. Mc:I pecp|e cc ncI hcve c c|ue
hcw much i: rec||y reuirec, :c Ihey ecI wcy Icc muchl Hcw mcny
cc|crie: ycu neec Ic ccn:ume cn c cci|y Lc:i: vcrie: grecI|y, frcm per:cn
Ic per:cn - LuI LeIween 1,500 - 2,000 cc|crie: per ccy i: c :cfe IcrgeI fcr
cny cne. /nc mc:I pecp|e ccn, cnc mcny pecp|e cc, |ive cn fcr |e::
Ihcn IhcI every ccy, eiIher Ly chcice cr nece::iIy.
Ycu :hcu|c ccn:icer Ihe fc||cwing Ihing: when puIIing IcgeIher ycur
emergency fccc :upp|ie::
Iry Ic :Iick wiIh Ihe fccc: ycu cre ccmfcrIcL|e wiIh, cnc IhcI ycur fcmi|y
ecI: regu|cr|y. Ihi: wi|| ncI cn|y en:ure IhcI Ihey cre ecIen, LuI wi|| he|p
mcinIcin c :en:e cf ncrmc|cy.
Remember Lo be prepured Ior uny specIuI dIeLury needs.
Try Lo uvoId suILy, spIcy, und oLIer Ioods LIuL wIII muke you LIIrsLy.
CIoose suIL-Iree cruckers, wIoIe gruIn cereuIs, und cunned Ioods wILI
IIgI IIquId conLenL.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Fc||cwing c ci:c:Ier, Ihere mcy Le pcwer cuIcge: IhcI ccu|c |c:I fcr
:everc| ccy:. SIcck ccnnec fccc:, cry mixe: cnc cIher :Icp|e: IhcI cc
ncI reuire refrigercIicn, cccking, wcIer cr :pecic| prepcrcIicn. 8e :ure Ic
inc|uce c mcnuc| ccn cpener cnc ecIing uIen:i|:.
FEM/ reccmmenc: Ihe fc||cwing fccc, mcny cf which ycu mcy c|reccy
hcve cn hcnc.
Reudy-Lo-euL cunned meuLs, IruILs, vegeLubIes und u cun opener
ProLeIn or IruIL burs
Dry cereuI or grunoIu
PeunuL buLLer
DrIed IruIL
Cunned juIces
Non-perIsIubIe pusLeurIzed mIIk
HIgI-energy Ioods
8ui|cing c :Icre cf fccc: cce:nI hcve Ic Le expen:ive, ncr ccne c|| cI
cnce. Ecch week ccn:icer cccing c few exIrc ccnnec fccc: cnc cIher
ncn-peri:hcL|e fccc iIem: Ic ycur grccery |i:I.
Food Storoge I|ps
Keep Iood In u dry, cooI spoL-u durk ureu II possIbIe.
Open Iood boxes und oLIer re-seuIubIe conLuIners cureIuIIy so LIuL you
cun cIose LIem LIgILIy uILer eucI use.
Wrup perIsIubIe Ioods, sucI us cookIes und cruckers, In pIusLIc bugs und
keep LIem In seuIed conLuIners.
EmpLy open puckuges oI sugur, drIed IruILs, und nuLs InLo screw-Lop jurs
or uIrLIgIL cunIsLers Ior proLecLIon Irom pesLs.
nspecL uII Iood Ior sIgns oI spoIIuge beIore use.
TIrow ouL cunned goods LIuL become swoIIen, denLed, or corroded.
Use Ioods beIore LIey go bud, und repIuce LIem wILI IresI suppIIes,
duLed wILI Ink or murker. PIuce new ILems uL LIe buck oI LIe sLoruge
ureu und oIder ones In IronL.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
WIen prepurIng your emergency Iood suppIy, IL Is ImporLunL you puy
uLLenLIon Lo sIeII IIIe.
FEMAJAkC presents the |o||ow|ng Gu|de||nes |or She|| L||e:
Use w|th|n s|x months:
owdered mllk # boxed
urled frulL
ury, crlsp crackers
Use w|th|n one year, or before the date |nd|cated on the |abe|:
Canned condensed meaL and vegeLable soups
Canned frulLs, frulL [ulces, and vegeLables
8eady#Lo#eaL cereals and uncooked lnsLanL cereals
eanuL buLLer
Pard candy and canned nuLs
May be stored |ndef|n|te|y (|n proper conta|ners and cond|t|ons):
vegeLable olls
urled corn
8aklng powder
lnsLanL coffee, Lea, and cocoa
noncarbonaLed sofL drlnks
WhlLe rlce
8oulllon producLs
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ury pasLa
owdered mllk ln nlLrogen#fllled cans
Ihe Di:ccvery Chcnne|: Survivc| Zcne" reccmmenc: IhcI fcr :hcrI-Ierm
:iIucIicn:, ycu ccu|c ccpiIc|ize cn Ihe checp Lu|k fccc price: cI ci:ccunI
chcin: |ike Cc:Icc, 8J:, cr Wc|-McrI. Ic geI cny :ignificcnI :he|f |ife ycu||
hcve Ic geI ccnnec fccc:, c|Ihcugh Ihey mcy c|:c hcve |imiIec
:e|ecIicn: cf pcckcgec freeze-criec prccucI:.
Ihere cre mcny emergency" fccc: :uch c: Mi|iIcry MFE: {Mec|, Feccy-
Ic-EcI) cnc cIher :pecic||y prepcrec cr freeze- criec fccc: IhcI hcve cn
exIencec :he|f |ife we|| Leycnc IhcI cf Ihe crcincry fccc: cuI|inec cLcve.
lI i: high|y reccmmenc IhcI ycu inc|uce :cme cf Ihe:e MFE: c: pcrI cf
ycur :urvivc| fccc :Icre:, ncI cn|y Leccu:e cf Ihe exIencec :he|f |ife, LuI
Leccu:e Ihey cre ec:i|y pcrIcL|e if ycu :hcu|c hcve Ic Lug cuI.
Ihe:e :pecic||y prepcrec MFE: cnc Lcckpccking mec|: ccn hcve c
:Icrcge |ife cf five Ic :even yecr:, cnc Icccy cre ccIuc||y uiIe pc|cIcL|e.
Ecch MFE hc: cLcuI 1200 cc|crie:, wiIh high|y regu|cIec percenIcge: cf
fcI:, ccrLchycrcIe:, cnc c|| Ihe micrc cnc mccrcnuIrienI:.
Icccy Ihere c numLer cf ccmmercic||y cvci|cL|e MFE:, LuI mc:I cre :Ii||
mcnufccIurec ccccrcing Ic mi|iIcry :pecificcIicn: inc|ucing Ihe
reuiremenI IhcI ecch mec| :upp|ie: 1,200 cc|crie:.
MFE: cre |ighIweighI, ec:y Ic pcck cnc ec:y Ic ecI - hecIing i:
reccmmencec LuI ncI reuirec. Fcr Iime: when ycu wi|| hcve nc
c|IerncIive hecI :curce, ycu :hcu|c ccn:icer Ihe MFE: :uch c: Ihe Irccp:
ccIuc||y u:e IhcI ccme wiIh pcrIcL|e chemicc| hecIer:.
Freeze-criec, niIrcgen pcckec fccc: in 10 hecvy-cuIy |inec ccn: cre
fccc-engineerec Ic |c:I 25 Ic 30 yecr: cr mcrel lf ycu hcve Ihe :pcce, ycu
mcy wcnI Ic inc|uce Ihe:e 10 ccn: c: pcrI cf ycur Survivc| Fccc :Icre:.
8uI keep in minc if ycu hcve Ic evccucIe ycu ccnncI Icke Ihem wiIh ycu,
cnc Ihey cre ncI checp. lf ycu inve:I in :uch |cng-Ierm freeze-criec fccc:,
ycu mcy in:Iecc wcnI Ic puI Ihem in ycur Survivc| Scfe Hcu:e cr Lcng-
Ierm She|Ier if ycu hcve, cr cre ce:igning :uch c p|cce.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Fcwer cuIcge: cre very ccmmcn wiIh mc:I ncIurc| ci:c:Ier:. ln c pcwer
cuIcge ycu neec Ic kncw c few Ihing: cLcuI ccn:uming ycur :Icrec
prcvi:icn:, cnc whcI fccc ccn Le |efI in ycur freezer cnc refrigercIcr. Ycu
wi|| c|:c neec Ic geI u:ec Ic prepcring fccc wiIhcuI pcwer. 8e|ieve iI cr
ncI, Ihere cre p|enIy cf wcy: Ic ccck wiIhcuI c micrcwcvel
When the E|ectr|c|ty Goes O||
U:e up Ihe peri:hcL|e fccc frcm ycur refrigercIcr, pcnIry, gcrcen, eIc.
FlFSI. Ihe refrigercIcr wi|| keep fccc cc|c fcr cLcuI 4 hcur: if iI i:
uncpenec. FefrigercIcr: :hcu|c Le kepI cI 40 F cr Le|cw fcr prcper fccc
IHEN, u:e Ihe fccc: frcm Ihe freezer. Ic |imiI Ihe numLer cf Iime: ycu
neec Ic cpen Ihe freezer cccr, pc:I c |i:I cf freezer ccnIenI: cn iI. ln c
we||-fi||ec, we||-in:u|cIec freezer, fccc: :hcu|c remcin :cfe Ic ecI fcr cI
|ec:I Iwc ccy:. Check Ic mcke :ure Ihe :ec| cn ycur freezer cccr i: :Ii|| in
gccc ccnciIicn.
Cn|y cfIer ycu hcve exhcu:Iec Ihe peri:hcL|e: in ycur fricge cnc freezer,
Ihen finc||y cip inIc ycur ncn-peri:hcL|e fccc: ycu hcve cn-hcnc,
fc||cwec Ly Ihc:e in ycur emergency :upp|y.
During c pcwer cuIcge ycu mu:I Icke ccre Ic pre:erve cnc keep :cfe Ihe
fccc ycu cc hcve cn hcnc, Ic recuce ycur ri:k cf fccc-Lcrne i||ne:: cnc
minimize Ihe cmcunI cf fccc IhcI mcy Le |c:I cue Ic :pci|cge.
FEM/ reminc: hcmecwner: IhcI pcwer cuIcge: ccn cccur cI cny Iime cf
Ihe yecr cnc iI mcy Icke frcm c few hcur: Ic :everc| ccy: fcr e|ecIriciIy Ic
Le re:Icrec Ic re:icenIic| crec:. WiIhcuI e|ecIriciIy cr c cc|c :curce, fccc
:Icrec in refrigercIcr: cnc freezer: ccn Leccme un:cfe. 8ccIeric in fccc
grcw rcpic|y cI IempercIure: LeIween 40 cnc 140 F cnc if Ihe:e fccc:
cre ccn:umec, pecp|e ccn Leccme very :ick.
Keep Iood In covered conLuIners.
Keep cookIng und euLIng uLensIIs cIeun.
Keep gurbuge In cIosed conLuIners und dIspose ouLsIde, buryIng gurbuge
II necessury.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Keep your Iunds cIeun by wusIIng LIem IrequenLIy wILI soup und wuLer
LIuL Ius been boIIed or dIsInIecLed.
DIscurd uny Iood LIuL Ius come InLo conLucL wILI conLumInuLed
DIscurd uny Iood LIuL Ius been uL room LemperuLure Ior Lwo Iours or
DIscurd uny Iood LIuL Ius un unusuuI odor, coIor or LexLure.
Use reudy-Lo-Ieed IormuIu, II possIbIe, Ior IormuIu-Ied InIunLs. I usIng
reudy-Lo-Ieed IormuIu Is noL possIbIe, IL Is besL Lo use boLLIed wuLer Lo
prepure powdered or concenLruLed IormuIu. I boLLIed wuLer Is noL
uvuIIubIe, use boIIed wuLer. Use LreuLed wuLer Lo prepure IormuIu onIy II
you do noL Iuve boLLIed or boIIed wuLer. BreusLIed InIunLs sIouId
conLInue breusLIeedIng.
EuL Ioods Irom cuns LIuL ure swoIIen, denLed or corroded, even LIougI
LIe producL muy Iook suIe Lo euL.
EuL uny Iood LIuL Iooks or smeIIs ubnormuI, even II LIe cun Iooks
eL gurbuge uccumuIuLe InsIde, boLI Ior IIre und sunILuLIon reusons.
NoLe: TIuwed Iood usuuIIy cun be euLen II IL Is sLIII reIrIgeruLor coId. L
cun be re-Irozen II IL sLIII conLuIns Ice crysLuIs. To be suIe, remember,
WIen In doubL, LIrow IL ouL.
Cook|ng W|thout Fower
Fcr emergency cccking incccr:, ycu ccn u:e c firep|cce. / chcrccc| gri||
cr ccmp :Icve ccn Le u:ec cuIcccr:. Ycu ccn keep ccckec fccc hcI Ly
u:ing ccnc|e wcrmer:, chcfing ci:he:, cnc fcncue pcI:. U:e cn|y
cpprcvec cevice: fcr wcrming fccc. Ccnnec fccc ccn Le ecIen righI
cuI cf Ihe ccn. lf ycu hecI iI in Ihe ccn, Le :ure Ic cpen Ihe ccn cnc
remcve Ihe |cLe| Lefcre hecIing. /|wcy: mcke :ure Ic exIingui:h cpen
f|cme: Lefcre |ecving Ihe rccm.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
When the L|ghts Come 8ock On
Check Ihe IempercIure in:ice Ihe refrigercIcr cnc freezer.
lf cn cpp|icnce IhermcmeIer wc: kepI in Ihe freezer, check Ihe
IempercIure when Ihe pcwer ccme: Lcck cn. lf Ihe freezer IhermcmeIer
recc: 40 F cr Le|cw, Ihe fccc i: :cfe cnc mcy Le refrczen. lf c
IhermcmeIer hc: ncI Leen kepI in Ihe freezer, check ecch pcckcge cf
fccc Ic ceIermine iI: :cfeIy. Ycu ccn'I re|y cn cppecrcnce cr cccr. lf Ihe
fccc :Ii|| ccnIcin: ice cry:Ic|: cr i: 40 F cr Le|cw, iI i: :cfe Ic refreeze cr
FefrigercIec fccc :hcu|c Le :cfe c: |cng c: Ihe pcwer wc: cuI fcr nc
mcre Ihcn 4 hcur:. Keep Ihe cccr c|c:ec c: much c: pc::iL|e.
Di:ccrc cny peri:hcL|e fccc {:uch c: mecI, pcu|Iry, fi:h, egg: cr |efIcver:)
IhcI hc: Leen cLcve 40 F fcr Iwc hcur: cr mcre.
You Con Ioke It W|th You
MFE: ccn Le c grecI icec Ic inc|uce in ycur in hcme emergency fccc
:upp|ie:, cnc Ihey cre c|:c very ec:y Ic grcL cnc gc. Simi|cr Ic MFE:,
Ihere cre c vcrieIy cf Lcckpccking mec|:" cvci|cL|e fcr ccmping,
hunIing, eIc.
Ihere cre huncrec: cf cifferenI ci:he: cvci|cL|e, frcm mcin enIree:,
vegeIcL|e cnc :Icrch :ice: Ic ce:erI: cnc Lreckfc:I:. Un|ike MFE: IhcI
ccnIcin :everc| Iype: cf fccc in ecch pcckcge, Ihe:e Lcckpccking
mec|: hcve cn|y cne ci:h per pcuch, cnc Ihey neec Ic Le prepcrec wiIh
hcI wcIer.
Le:: we|| kncwn Ihcn MFE:, :urvivc| fccc Lcr: cre :pecic||y fcrmu|cIec
:hcrILrecc L|cck: wiIh Ihe highe:I ccncenIrcIicn: cf nuIriIicnc|
ingrecienI:, -- ccrL:, prcIein cnc fcI -- fcunc in cny :urvivc| fccc. Since
Ihey cre prccucec uncer U.S. Ccc:I Gucrc guice|ine: - :pecificc||y fcr
u:e c: emergency |ife rcfI cnc :hip rcIicn: - Ihey cre ncn-Ihir:I prcvcking
cnc high|y :IcL|e in exIreme IempercIure:. Ihey ccme in 2400 cr 300
cc|crie :ec|ec pcckcge: LuI ecch uniI i: :uL-pcckcgec fcr ec:ier
rcIicning. Mc:I Lrcnc: hcve c :Icnccrc :he|f |ife cf five yecr:.
Fcr :hcrI-Ierm emergencie: ycu ccn keep c :Icck cf cIher :imp|e,
ccmmcn Lcckpccking fccc:. Fccc: |ike :ncck Lcr: ccnI hcve |cng :he|f
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
|ive:, LuI if ycu :wiIch Ihem cuI cn c regu|cr Lc:i: {cnc :ec| Ihem in Zip-
Lcc Lcg: cr cirIighI ccnIciner:) Ihey ccn :erve c: hcncy pcrIcL|e fccc
:curce:. Iheyre mc:I u:efu| when ycure fee|ing hungry, LuI ccnI wcnI
Ic LcIher wiIh prepcring MFE: cr fccc pcuche:. Ihere cre |cI: Ic chcc:e
frcm, :uch c: Ihe Ncvy Sec|: HCC/Hl 8cr, which hc: Leen engineerec Ic
prcvice c :Ieccy energy Lcc:I curing :u:Icinec fie|c cpercIicn:.
/: ci:cu::ec in Ihe |c:I chcpIer cn wcIer, :Icrec fccc cnc MFE: ccn cn|y
|c:I :c |cng, cnc Icke ycu :c fcr. /nc Ihere i: c|wcy: Ihe pc::iLi|iIy IhcI
ycu ccn finc ycur:e|f wiIhcuI Ihem, cr cuI cff frcm Ihem. Kncwing hcw Ic
fcrcge, Ircp cnc cu|IivcIe fcr fccc |ike cur cnce:Icr: cic, ccu|c mecn Ihe
cifference LeIween |ife cnc cecIh fcr ycu cnc ycur fcmi|y in cny |cng-
Ierm :urvivc| :iIucIicn.
Ed|b|e F|onts
lf ycu cre cuI:ice fcr cny exIencec pericc cf Iime, cnc cuI cff frcm ycur
:Icrec cr pcrIcL|e fccc --- cnce ycu hcve fcunc cr crecIec :he|Ier-
Ihere i: cn cLunccnce cf p|cnI |ife cnc vegeIcIicn IhcI ycu ccn u:e fcr
fccc. 8uI Ihere cre c|:c mcny p|cnI: IhcI cre ncI eciL|e - ycu neec Ic
|ecrn Ihe cifference. Fcr excmp|e, pci:cn hem|cck hc: ki||ec pecp|e whc
mi:Icck iI fcr iI: re|cIive:, wi|c ccrrcI: cnc wi|c pcr:nip:.
Ihe Army Surv|vo| monuo| suggests the |o||ow|ng bos|c |n|ormot|on |or
determ|n|ng p|onts you con eot, ond ones you shou|d ovo|d:
PIunLs growIng neur Iomes und occupIed buIIdIngs or uIong roudsIdes
muy Iuve been spruyed wILI pesLIcIdes. You sIouId wusI LIese pIunLs
LIorougIIy. n more IIgIIy deveIoped counLrIes wILI muny
uuLomobIIes, uvoId roudsIde pIunLs, II possIbIe, due Lo conLumInuLIon
Irom exIuusL emIssIons.
PIunLs growIng In conLumInuLed wuLer or In wuLer conLuInIng GIurdIu
IumbIIu und oLIer purusILes ure conLumInuLed us weII. BoII or dIsInIecL
Some pIunLs deveIop exLremeIy dungerous IunguI LoxIns. To Iessen LIe
cIunce oI uccIdenLuI poIsonIng, do noL euL uny IruIL LIuL Is sLurLIng Lo
spoII or Is sIowIng sIgns oI mIIdew or Iungus.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
PIunLs oI LIe sume specIes muy dIIIer In LIeIr LoxIc or sub LoxIc
compounds conLenL becuuse oI geneLIc or envIronmenLuI IucLors. One
exumpIe oI LIIs Is LIe IoIIuge oI LIe common cIokecIerry. Some
cIokecIerry pIunLs Iuve IIgI concenLruLIons oI deudIy cyunIde
compounds buL oLIers Iuve Iow concenLruLIons or none. Horses Iuve
dIed Irom euLIng wIILed wIId cIerry Ieuves.
AvoId uny weed, Ieuves, or seeds wILI un uImond IIke scenL, u
cIurucLerIsLIc oI LIe cyunIde compounds.
Some peopIe ure more suscepLIbIe Lo gusLrIc dIsLress (Irom pIunLs) LIun
oLIers. I you ure sensILIve In LIIs wuy, uvoId unknown wIId pIunLs. I
you ure exLremeIy sensILIve Lo poIson Ivy, uvoId producLs Irom LIIs
IumIIy, IncIudIng uny purLs Irom sumucs, mungoes, und cusIews.
Some edIbIe wIId pIunLs, sucI us ucorns und wuLer IIIy rIIzomes, ure
bILLer. TIese bILLer subsLunces, usuuIIy LunnIn compounds, muke LIem
unpuIuLubIe. TIougI LIey LusLe bud, LIey ure edIbIe -- boIIIng LIem In
severuI cIunges oI wuLer wIII usuuIIy remove LIese bILLer properLIes.
Muny vuIuubIe wIId pIunLs Iuve IIgI concenLruLIons oI oxuIuLe
compounds, uIso known us oxuIIc ucId. OxuIuLes produce u sIurp
burnIng sensuLIon In your mouLI und LIrouL und dumuge LIe kIdneys.
BukIng, rousLIng, or dryIng usuuIIy desLroys LIese oxuIuLe crysLuIs. TIe
buIb oI LIe juck-In-LIe-puIpIL Is known us LIe "ndIun LurnIp" Is u good
exumpIe - you cun euL IL buL onIy uILer removIng LIese crysLuIs by sIow
bukIng or by dryIng.
WAkNING: Ihough |t moy be tempt|ng becouse they ore recogn|zob|e,
you shou|d ovo|d eot|ng mushrooms or ony |ungus |n o surv|vo|
s|tuot|onI Ihe on|y woy to te|| || o mushroom |s ed|b|e |s by
pos|t|ve |dent|||cot|on. Ihere |s no room |or exper|mentot|on.
Symptoms coused by the most dongerous ond tox|c
mushrooms moy not show up unt|| severo| doys o|ter you hove
eoten them. 8y thot t|me, |t |s too |ote to reverse the|r e||ects.
Io ovo|d other potent|o||y po|sonous p|onts, stoy owoy |rom ony w||d or
unknown p|onts thot hove:
MIIky or dIscoIored sup.
Beuns, buIbs, or seeds InsIde pods.
BILLer or soupy LusLe.
SpInes, IIne IuIrs, or LIorns.
oIIuge LIuL resembIes dIII, curroL, pursnIp, or pursIey.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
An uImond scenL In woody purLs und Ieuves.
GruIn Ieuds wILI pInk, purpIIsI, or bIuck spurs.
A LIree-IeuIed growLI puLLern.
HcrIicu|Iure i: c ccmp|ex :cience. Scme p|cnI: hcve LcIh eciL|e cnc
pci:cncu: pcrI:. Mcny cre eciL|e cn|y cI cerIcin Iime: cf Ihe yecr. CIher:
mcy hcve pci:cncu: re|cIive: IhcI |cck very :imi|cr Ic Ihe vcrieIie: ycu
ccn ecI cr u:e fcr mecicine. lf ycu cre Iru|y inIere:Iec in |ecrning c|| Ihere
i: Ic kncw cLcuI icenIifying whcI p|cnI: ycu ccn ecI Ly |iving cff Ihe |cnc,
ycu mcy wcnI Ic Icke c :pecific ccur:e in Ihe :uLjecI.
For now, your best bet |s to know Ihe bNIVEkSAL EDI8ILIIY IESI:
1. SepuruLe LIe pIunL InLo ILs busIc componenLs-Ieuves, sLems, rooLs,
buds, und IIowers. You ure goIng Lo LesL eucI purL oI LIe pIunL
z. Once you Iuve sepuruLed LIe pIunL InLo ILs sepuruLe purLs, do LIe
IoIIowIng Ior eucI purL you wIsI Lo LesL Ior edIbIIILy.
. SmeII LIe Iood Ior sLrong or ucId odors. Remember, smeII uIone does
noL IndIcuLe u pIunL Is edIbIe or InedIbIe.
q. Do noL euL Ior 8 Iours beIore sLurLIng LIe LesL.
. DurIng LIe 8 Iours you ubsLuIn Irom euLIng, LesL Ior conLucL
poIsonIng by pIucIng u pIece oI LIe pIunL purL you ure LesLIng on LIe
InsIde oI your eIbow or wrIsL. UsuuIIy 1 mInuLes Is enougI LIme Lo
uIIow Ior u reucLIon.
6. DurIng LIe LesL perIod, Luke noLIIng by mouLI excepL purIIIed wuLer
und LIe pIunL purL you ure LesLIng.
;. SeIecL u smuII porLIon oI u sIngIe purL und prepure IL LIe wuy you pIun
Lo euL IL.
8. BeIore pIucIng LIe prepured pIunL purL In your mouLI, LoucI u smuII
porLIon (u pIncI) Lo LIe ouLer surIuce oI your IIp Lo LesL Ior burnIng
or ILcIIng.
q. I uILer mInuLes LIere Is no reucLIon on your IIp, pIuce LIe pIunL
purL on your Longue, IoIdIng IL LIere Ior 1 mInuLes.
1o. I LIere Is no reucLIon, LIorougIIy cIew u pIncI und IoId IL In your
mouLI Ior 1 mInuLes. Do noL swuIIow.
11. I no burnIng, ILcIIng, numbIng, sLIngIng, or oLIer IrrILuLIon occurs
durIng LIe 1 mInuLes, swuIIow LIe Iood.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
1z. WuIL 8 Iours. I uny III eIIecLs occur durIng LIIs perIod, Induce
vomILIng und drInk u IoL oI wuLer.
1. I no III eIIecLs occur, euL o.z cup oI LIe sume pIunL purL prepured
LIe sume wuy. WuIL unoLIer 8 Iours. I no III eIIecLs occur, LIe pIunL
purL us prepured Is suIe Ior euLIng.
CAbIION: Iest o|| ports o| the p|ont |or ed|b|||ty, os some p|onts hove both
ed|b|e ond |ned|b|e ports. Do not ossume thot o port thot
proved ed|b|e when cooked |s o|so ed|b|e when row. Iest the
port row to ensure ed|b|||ty be|ore eot|ng row. Ihe some port or
p|ont moy produce vory|ng reoct|ons |n d|||erent |nd|v|duo|s.
8efcre Ie:Iing c p|cnI fcr eciLi|iIy, mcke :ure Ihere cre encugh p|cnI: Ic
mcke Ihe Ie:Iing wcrIh ycur Iime cnc effcrI. Ecch pcrI cf c p|cnI reuire:
mcre Ihcn 24 hcur: Ie:Iing. Dc ncI wc:Ie Iime Ie:Iing c p|cnI IhcI i: ncI
re|cIive|y cLunccnI in Ihe crec.
FememLer, ecIing |crge pcrIicn: cf p|cnI fccc cn cn empIy :Icmcch
mcy ccu:e cicrrhec, ncu:ec, cr crcmp:. Iwc gccc excmp|e: cf Ihi: cre
:uch fcmi|icr fccc: c: green cpp|e: cnc wi|c cnicn:. Even cfIer Ie:Iing
p|cnI fccc cnc fincing iI :cfe, ecI iI in mccercIicn.
Sec VegeIcL|e:
Cne p|cnI ycu :hcu|c never cver|cck i: Seoweed. lI i: c fcrm cf mcrine
c|gce fcunc cn cr necr ccecn :hcre:. Ihere cre c|:c :cme eciL|e
fre:hwcIer vcrieIie:. Secweec i: c vc|ucL|e :curce cf iccine, cIher
minerc|:, cnc viIcmin C. 8e ccvi:ec IhcI |crge ucnIiIie: cf :ecweec in
cn uncccu:Icmec :Icmcch ccn prccuce c :evere |cxcIive effecI.
When gcIhering :ecweec fcr fccc, finc |iving p|cnI: cIIcchec Ic rcck: cr
f|ccIing free. Secweec wc:hec cn:hcre cny |engIh cf Iime mcy Le
:pci|ec cr ceccyec. Ycu ccn cry fre:h|y hcrve:Iec :ecweec fcr |cIer u:e.
DifferenI Iype: cf :ecweec :hcu|c Le prepcrec in cifferenI wcy:. Ycu ccn
cry Ihin cnc Iencer vcrieIie: in Ihe :un cr cver c fire unIi| cri:p. Cru:h cnc
ccc Ihe:e Ic :cup: cr LrcIh:. 8ci| Ihick, |ecIhery :ecweec: fcr c :hcrI Iime
Ic :cfIen Ihem. EcI Ihem c: c vegeIcL|e cr wiIh cIher fccc:. Ycu ccn ecI
:cme vcrieIie: rcw cfIer Ie:Iing fcr eciLi|iIy.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Hcw Ic Frepcre cnc EcI Wi|c F|cnI:
MeIhcc: u:ec Ic imprcve Ihe Ic:Ie cf p|cnI fccc inc|uce :ccking, Lci|ing,
cccking, cr |ecching. Lecching i: ccne Ly cru:hing Ihe fccc {fcr excmp|e,
cccrn:), p|ccing iI in c :Irciner, cnc pcuring Lci|ing wcIer Ihrcugh iI cr
immer:ing iI in running wcIer.
BoII Ieuves, sLems, und buds unLII Lender, cIungIng LIe wuLer, II
necessury, Lo remove uny bILLerness.
BoII, buke, or rousL Lubers und rooLs. DryIng IeIps Lo remove cuusLIc
oxuIuLes Irom some rooLs IIke LIose In LIe Arum IumIIy.
eucI ucorns In wuLer, II necessury, Lo remove LIe bILLerness. Some
nuLs, sucI us cIesLnuLs, ure good ruw, buL LusLe beLLer rousLed.
You cun euL muny gruIns und seeds ruw unLII LIey muLure. WIen LIey
ure Iurd or dry, you muy Iuve Lo boII or grInd LIem InLo meuI or IIour.
TIe sup Irom muny Lrees, sucI us mupIes, bIrcIes, wuInuLs, und
sycumores, conLuIns sugur. You muy boII LIese sups down Lo syrup Ior
sweeLenIng. L Lukes ubouL IILers oI mupIe sup Lo muke 1 IILer oI mupIe
Whi|e :Icckpi|ing fccc i: cefiniIe|y impcrIcnI, ncI kncwing hcw Ic grcw cr
finc ycur cwn fccc i: c huge mi:Icke fcr cnycne inIere:Iec in |cng-Ierm
cff-gric" :urvivc|.
Sccner cr |cIer even c :Icckpi|e ce:ignec fcr c yecr cr mcre wi|| run cuI.
Ihe cn|y wcy ycu ccn Iru|y en:ure ycur fuIure :urvivc| i: Ic kncw hcw Ic
grcw, hunI, cnc pre:erve ycur cwn fccc.
Ihere i: cncIher LenefiI Ic kncwing hcw Ic grcw ycur cwn fccc in cn
U|IimcIe Survivc| SiIucIicn. lI ccn mcke ycu c very vc|ucL|e ccmmcciIy.
Shcu|c Ihing: gc rec||y Lcc, kncwing hcw Ic grcw ycur cwn fccc mecn:
Leing cL|e Ic Lc:icc||y grcw ycur cwn currency. CIher: |e:: prepcrec
Ihcn ycur:e|f, wi|| |ike|y Le wi||ing Ic Ircce ju:I cLcuI cnyIhing fcr ycur exIrc
ln ccciIicn Ic he|ping Ihrcugh c Survivc| SiIucIicn, ccccrcing Ic 8reII
CcmpLe||: weL:iIe cn Survivc| F|cnI: {Survivc|FcccF|cnI:.ccm) Ihere cre
mcny cIher gccc rec:cn Ic kncw hcw Ic Grcw Ycur Cwn."
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Io keep chem|co|s out o| our d|ets - Mccern cgricu|Iure u:e: cn crrcy cf
chemicc|: Ic prccuce cur fruiI cnc vegeIcL|e:. FerIi|izer:, herLicice:,
pe:Iicice:, cnc fungicice: cre Iypicc||y u:ec in Ihe ccmmercic| grcwing cf
8y grcwing ycur cwn fccc, ycu ccn Le cL:c|uIe|y :ure whcI i: u:ec Ic
ferIi|ize iI, whcI i: :prcyec cnIc iI, cnc hcw |cng iI Icke: LeIween
hcrve:Iing & ecIing.
Io eot o greoter vor|ety o| |oods - SupermcrkeI: cre gecrec Ic :upp|y
whcI mccern cgricu|Iure prccuce:. FruiI & vegeIcL|e vcrieIie: cre chc:en
fcr Iheir :he|f |ife, cppecrcnce & ec:e cf Ircn:pcrI. Mc:I ccnvenIicnc|
fcrm: wi|| grcw exccI|y Ihe :cme vcrieIie: Ic en:ure Iheir prccucI i: recci|y
:c|ecL|e Ic Ihe Lig Luyer:. CfIen, :eec wi|| Le geneIicc||y mccifiec Ic
en:ure Ihe prccucI |cck: Ihe :cme every Iime & ccn Le mc:: hcrve:Iec
cI Ihe :cme Iime ecch yecr. ln Ihe hcme gcrcen, ycu hcve c huge
vcrieIy cf :eec: Ic chcc:e frcm hcncec ccwn Ihrcugh Ihe genercIicn:.
Ycu ccn experimenI wiIh cifferenI vcrieIie: Ic finc whcI ycu |ike cnc whcI
grcw: we|| in ycur :ci| & c|imcIe. /nc mc:I impcrIcnI|y, ycu ccn ecI c
huge vcrieIy cf fccc: wiIhcuI pcying c :ing|e cenI exIrc fcr iI.
Io do your b|t |or the env|ronment ond susto|nob|||ty - Humcn: hcve cuI
ccwn c |cI cf cur fcre:I: fcr mccern cgricu|Iure - iI Icck minuIe: Ic cuI
ccwn whcI Icck Ihcu:cnc: cf yecr: Ic crecIel Ncw, :cme cf Ihi: |cnc
crecIec fcr cgricu|Iure i: :c cegrccec we ccnI u:e iI cny mcre.
lI i: we|| kncwn IhcI Ihe UniIec SIcIe: i: Ihe Ligge:I ccn:umer cf ci| in Ihe
wcr|c, cnc iI i: c|:c we|| kncwn IhcI cgricu|Iure i: Ihe Ligge:I u:er cf IhcI
ci|. Cf ccur:e, ci| i: effecIive|y c finiIe re:curce IhcI Icck mi||icn: cf yecr:
Ic crecIe whi|e Ihe prcce::ing cnc Lurning cf iI crecIe: pc||uIicn cf cur cir
cnc wcIerwcy:. Ihe fccc crecIec wiIh IhcI ci| i: Ihen :hippec crcunc Ihe
wcr|c - mcre ci| & mcre pc||uIicnl
Feck ci|, cwinc|ing cnc |cw uc|iIy wcIer :upp|y, eccncmic cc||cp:e,
cverpcpu|cIicn, |cnc cegrcccIicn, wcr:, exIreme wecIher evenI:, cnc
ncIurc| ci:c:Ier: c|| pc:e :ericu: if ncI ccIc:Ircphic IhrecI: Ic cur wcy cf
|ife cnc Ihe :upp|y cf fre:h fccc.
Cne :imp|e wcy cf :ice:Iepping Ihi: crczine:: i: Ic Luy c: much cf ycur
fccc c: ycu ccn frcm ycur |ccc| fcrmer: LuI cn even LeIIer wcy i: Ic grcw
Ihe fccc in ycur cwn Lcckycrc.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
For se||-heo||ng - Cur Lccie: hcve cn inncIe cLi|iIy Ic hec| Ihem:e|ve:. We
:ee evicence cf IhcI regu|cr|y - |ike wiIh mincr cuI: & Lrui:ing. Ihe Lccy
ju:I gce: cLcuI Ihe jcL cf hec|ing wiIhcuI cny ccn:cicu: effcrI cr he|p.
HippccrcIe:, Ihe FcIher cf mecicine, cnce :cic, LeI fccc Le ycur
mecicine, cnc |eI mecicine Le ycur fccc". lI: c|:c Leen :cic IhcI we
ccn mcke Ihe euivc|enI cf cny crug cr mecicine wiIhin cur Lccie:. Ic cc
IhcI Ihcugh, :ure|y we neec uc|iIy rcw mcIeric|: Ic gc in vic cur cieI.
F|cnI: pickec fre:h frcm Ihe gcrcen cre pcckec fu|| cf ch|crcphy||,
prcIein:, viIcmin:, minerc|:, herLc| ccn:IiIuenI:, cnIicxiccnI:, cminc ccic:
cnc gcccne:: kncw: whcI e|:e. Mcrecver, Ihey cre prcvicec in c
:ynchrcni:Iic wcy IhcI we ccnncI hcpe Ic fu||y uncer:Icnc. Simp|y Icking
c viIcmin pi|| cr c mecicc| crug ccnncI pc::iL|y rep|iccIe whcI McIher
NcIure hc: given u: Ihrcugh p|cnI:.
8y ecIing c |crge vcrieIy cf cifferenI p|cnI: grcwn Ly ncIurc| mecn:, ycu
ccn prcvice everyIhing ycur Lccy neec: Ic hec| iI:e|f.
Io sove money - / ci:prcpcrIicncIe cmcunI cf cur fccc Ihe:e ccy: i:
grcwn cn |crge fcrm:, run cr ccnIrc||ec Ly |crge, cfIen mu|IincIicnc|
ccmpcnie:. U|IimcIe|y Ihe:e ccmpcnie: cre ccncernec wiIh cne Ihing -
mcking mcney. Ihey neec Ic cn:wer Ic :hcrehc|cer: whc cemcnc Ihe
highe:I reIurn: pc::iL|e cn Iheir inve:ImenI:. /cc Ic Ihi: Ihe ri:ing cc:I: cf
fue|, wcIer & envircnmenIc| impccI: cnc Ihe mc:I |ike|y :cencric i: IhcI
fccc cc:I: wi|| keep ri:ing cnc in :cme cc:e: cnc fcr :cme fccc: Ihe ri:e:
ccu|c Le crcmcIic. Ccmpcre Ihi: Ic Ihe cc:I: cf grcwing ycur cwn fccc.
McyLe Ihe cc:I: cf :eec & ferIi|izer wi|| increc:e, LuI cpcrI frcm IhcI
grcwing ycur cwn fccc i: free. Ycu ccn prcIecI ycur:e|f frcm :pirc|ing
cc:I: Ly grcwing :cme cf ycur fccc cI |ec:I - in ycur cwn Lcckycrc.
Io teoch your k|ds - Mcny kic: {cnc :cme ccu|I:) in cur mccern :ccieIy
hcve very |iII|e icec where Iheir fccc ccme: frcm. /:k Ihem cnc Ihey
mighI Ie|| ycu iI ccme: frcm c :upermcrkeI cr fccIcryl 8y grcwing cnc
ecIing even :cme cf ycur cwn fccc, ycu|| rci:e Iheir cwcrene:: cnc
chcnge Iheir whc|e percepIicn cLcuI fccc. 8y ccIuc||y Iecching Ihem
hcw Ic grcw fccc, ycu|| Le impcrIing c vc|ucL|e |ife :ki|| Ic Ihem cnc
perhcp: :pcwn c new genercIicn cf hcme gcrcener: whc Icke ccre cf
Ihem:e|ve: cnc Iheir fcmi|ie:l
For your overo|| we||-be|ng - Grcwing ycur cwn fccc i: c Ierrific fcrm cf
exerci:e. lI i: c|:c c kncwn fcrm cf :Ire:: recucIicn - ycur prcL|em: |iIerc||y
:eem Ic me|I cwcy whi|e when ycu cre in Ihe gcrcen - even if iI: cn|y fcr
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
c |iII|e whi|e. Ycu ccn c|:c expecI c fee|ing cf c|c:ene:: Ic ncIure whi|e
ycure in Ihe gcrcen - Ihe :cme fee|ing humcn: hcve hcc fcr mcny,
mcny genercIicn:.
Ihi: i: cncIher wcy Ic |iIerc||y reccnnecI Ic ycur mcre primiIive cnce:Irc|
rccI:" - c ccre vc|ue cf "#$ %&'()*'$ +,-.(.*& /-01$2'.
8reII CcmpLe|| prcvice: Ihe fc||cwing infcrmcIicn cLcuI Survivc| F|cnI::
It's c little dijjicult to dejine `surtitcl plcnt.' In c surtitcl
situction, cn plcnt thct ccn be ecten uould be considered c
surtitcl plcnt. Thct uould include cn teetcble or jruit ou hcte
in the crden riht throuh to loccl ueeds or plcnts thct cre
/ :urvivc| p|cnI :hcu|c Le cne IhcI ycu puI in Ihe gcrcen cnc IhcI ccn
ccnIinue Ic grcw wiIh minimum ccre. / p|cnI ycu ccn Iurn Ic in Iime: cf
A surv|vo| p|ont shou|d meet the |o||ow|ng cr|ter|o [|n order o| |mportonce}:
L sIouId be edIbIe (oI course), LusLy und nuLrIenL rIcI
L sIouId be perennIuI - or uL IeusL reudIIy seII-seedIng IeIrIoom vurIeLy
L sIouId need u mInImum oI cure
L sIouId Iuve u Iong or repeuLed IurvesL
Ihere cre ncI Icc mcny ccnvenIicnc||y grcwn vegeIcL|e: IhcI wi|| meeI
c|| cf Ihe:e criIeric. Mc:I reuire regu|cr prepcrcIicn cf Ihe :ci|, regu|cr &
:ec:cnc| p|cnIing, regu|cr wcIering cnc ferIi|izing, cnc cnce Ihe p|cnI hc:
yie|cec iI: crcp, ycu hcve Ic pu|| iI up & :IcrI c|| cver cgcin. Grcwing
ccnvenIicnc| crcp: i: very rewcrcing LuI |eI: fcce iI - iI reuire: c LiI cf
Survivc| p|cnI: cn Ihe cIher hcnc, Icke c |iII|e LiI cf wcrk up frcnI Ic geI
Ihem :eII|ec in cnc Ihen ycu ccn |ecve Ihem Ic cc Iheir cwn Ihing. Scme
wi|| cie Lcck in winIer cnc re-:prcuI in :pring, cIher: wi|| gc c|| yecr rcunc -
Ihe ccmmcn Ihing wiIh :urvivc| p|cnI: i: IhcI Ihey cre perennic| cnc ccnI
reuire rep|cnIing every yecr. lf c||cwec Ic, mc:I :urvivc| p|cnI: wi|| never
neec rep|cnIing. Mcny ccnI neec wcIering if ycu geI c cecenI cmcunI
cf rcinfc||, cnc ferIi|izer reuiremenI: cre cpIicnc| - ju:I ferIi|ize & mu|ch
when ycu geI crcunc Ic iI. Ihe mc:I wcrk ycu|| cc i: hcrve:Iing.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ic geI mc:I vc|ue cuI cf :urvivc| p|cnI:, iI i: Le:I Ic |ecrn hcw Ic u:e Ihem.
Why wciI fcr ci:c:Ier Ic hiI when ycu ccu|c Le geIIing vc|ue cuI cf Ihem
c|| yecr - every yecr Mcny cf Ihem hcve fcr mcre nuIriIicn Ihcn mcny
ccnvenIicnc| vegeIcL|e: cnc Ihey c|| Ic:Ie grecI. Ihe Le:I wcy Ic u:e
Ihem i: in ccmLincIicn wiIh Ihe vegeIcL|e: ycu ecI ncw, LuI Iry u:ing
Ihem cn Iheir cwn Icc.
Five GrecI Survivc| F|cnI: /re:
I4$4(4* >./+40& - or ILs IurdIness und ubundunce oI nuLrILIous
L4+6 L#+6 - or ILs IurdIness & ubundunL suppIy oI Ieuves, sLems und
G4*$/0 0&/2'5 - or LIeIr IurdIness, IIuvor, und nuLrILIon.
>3''% .#%4%# - or ILs nuLrILIon, und suppIy oI greens & Lubers.
?4*# - or ILs IurdIness & suppIy oI Ieuves sLems und Lubers.
Un|e:: ycu hcve Ihe chcnce Ic Icke |crge gcme, ccncenIrcIe ycur effcrI:
cn Ihe :mc||er cnimc|:. Ihey cre mcre cLunccnI cnc ec:ier Ic prepcre.
Un|ike p|cnI:, ycu cc ncI hcve Ic geI inIc c ccmp|ex icenIificcIicn prcce::
Ic kncw whcI cnimc|: ycu ccn cnc ccnI ecI. Fe|cIive|y few cre
pci:cncu:. 8c:icc||y wiIh re|cIive|y few excepIicn:, if iI crcw|:, :wim:,
wc|k:, cr f|ie: - iI: |unchl
Ycu mu:I fir:I cverccme ycur ncIurc| cver:icn Ic c pcrIicu|cr fccc :curce.
Hi:Icricc||y, pecp|e in :IcrvcIicn :iIucIicn: hcve re:crIec Ic ecIing
everyIhing imcgincL|e fcr ncuri:hmenI. / per:cn whc igncre: cn
cIherwi:e hec|Ihy fccc :curce cue Ic c per:cnc| Lic:, cr Leccu:e he fee|:
iI i: uncppeIizing, i: ri:king hi: cr her cwn :urvivc|. /|Ihcugh iI mcy prcve
cifficu|I cI fir:I, ycu mu:I ecI whcI i: cvci|cL|e Ic mcinIcin ycur hec|Ih.
Scme c|c::e: cf cnimc|: cnc in:ecI: mcy Le ecIen rcw if nece::cry, LuI
ycu :hcu|c, if pc::iL|e, Ihcrcugh|y ccck c|| fccc :curce: whenever
pc::iL|e Ic cvcic i||ne::.
lI i: impcrIcnI Ic |ecrn Ihe hcLiI: cnc Lehcvicrc| pcIIern: cf c|c::e: cf
cnimc|:. Fcr excmp|e, cnimc|: IhcI cre exce||enI chcice: fcr Ircpping,
Ihc:e IhcI inhcLiI c pcrIicu|cr rcnge cnc cccupy c cen cr ne:I, Ihc:e IhcI
hcve :cmewhcI fixec feecing crec:, cnc Ihc:e IhcI hcve Irci|: |eccing
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
frcm cne crec Ic cncIher. Lcrger, hercing cnimc|:, :uch c: e|k cr ccriLcu,
rccm vc:I crec: cnc cre :cmewhcI mcre cifficu|I Ic Ircp. /|:c, ycu mu:I
uncer:Icnc Ihe fccc chcice: cf c pcrIicu|cr :pecie: Ic :e|ecI Ihe prcper
lf ycu cre inIere:Iec in |ecrning :cme :pecific Iechniue: fcr Ircpping
gcme, jump checc Ic ChcpIer 24 cn =(&<$-;$99 +,-.(.*&J
Fcr ncw, whi|e iI mcy :eem |ike ycu cre :Iuck cn cn epi:cce cf N$*- N*2'0-
uncer:Icnc IhcI ycur Le:I cnc mc:I cLunccnI :curce cf fccc in cny
:urvivc| :iIucIicn - cre Lug: cnc in:ecI:.
ln:ecI: Ic cvcic inc|uce c|| ccu|I: IhcI :Iing cr LiIe, hciry cr LrighI|y
cc|crec in:ecI:, cnc ccIerpi||cr: cnc in:ecI: IhcI hcve c pungenI cccr.
/|:c cvcic :picer: cnc ccmmcn ci:ec:e ccrrier: :uch c: Iick:, f|ie:, cnc
FcIIing |cg: |ying cn Ihe grcunc cre exce||enI p|cce: Ic |cck fcr c vcrieIy
cf in:ecI: inc|ucing cnI:, IermiIe:, LeeI|e:, cnc gruL:, which cre LeeI|e
|crvce. Dc ncI cver|cck in:ecI ne:I: cn cr in Ihe grcunc. Grc::y crec:,
:uch c: fie|c:, cre gccc crec: Ic :ecrch Leccu:e Ihe in:ecI: cre ec:i|y
:een. SIcne:, Lccrc:, cr cIher mcIeric|: |ying cn Ihe grcunc prcvice Ihe
in:ecI: wiIh gccc ne:Iing :iIe:. Check Ihe:e :iIe:. ln:ecI |crvce cre c|:c
ln:ecI: IhcI hcve c hcrc cuIer :he|| :uch c: LeeI|e: cnc grc::hcpper: wi||
hcve pcrc:iIe:. Ccck Ihem Lefcre ecIing. Femcve cny wing: cnc LcrLec
|eg: c|:c.
Ycu ccn ecI mc:I :cfI-:he||ec in:ecI: rcw. Ihe Ic:Ie vcrie: frcm cne
:pecie: Ic cncIher. Wccc gruL: cre L|cnc, LuI :cme :pecie: cf cnI: :Icre
hcney in Iheir Lccie:, giving Ihem c :weeI Ic:Ie. Ycu ccn grinc c
cc||ecIicn cf in:ecI: inIc c pc:Ie. Ycu ccn mix Ihem wiIh eciL|e
vegeIcIicn. Ycu ccn ccck Ihem Ic imprcve Iheir Ic:Ie.
ln c :urvivc| :iIucIicn, hunger ccn hcve :ericu: p:ychc|cgicc| cnc
emcIicnc|, c: we|| c: phy:icc| effecI:. Mc:I pecp|e ccn ec:i|y gc fcr c few
ccy: wiIhcuI fccc cnc ncI experience cny :ericu: impccI cn Iheir
phy:icc| cnc menIc| ccpcLi|iIie:. /fIer IhcI, Ihing: ccn geI ug|y. Lcng
Ierm |cck cf ccce:: Ic Ihe ncrmc| fccc :upp|y infrc:IrucIure, :IcrI: Ic
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
mcve frcm c mincr inccnvenience Ic cn cL:e::icn. Fcr Ihe unprepcrec
cnc unIrcinec, cIher ccn:icercIicn: Leccme :eccnccry. Fcnic ccn :eI in,
cnc fccc cccupie: every wckening mcmenI. Fccc even Leccme: Ihe
:uLjecI cf crecm:.
When ceniec ccce:: Ic fccc fcr |cng pericc: cf Iime, pecp|e ccn
Leccme very vic|enI cnc Le ecger Ic Icke iI frcm cIher: whc hcve iI. ln
Ihe wcr:I cc:e :cencric:, pecp|e wi|| Le reccy cnc wi||ing Ic ki|| in crcer Ic
geI Ic fccc, Ihi: hc: Leen kncwn Ic Icke p|cce even cmcng frienc: cnc
re|cIive: curing i||-fcIec expeciIicn:.
/: c|wcy: - FFEF/F/IlCN lS YCUF FCWEF CVEF F/NlC. Kncwing hcw Ic
:Icre, mcinIcin, cnc cIherwi:e cLIcin fccc - ccn he|p ycu Ic :urvive in
mcre wcy: Ihcn cne.
- 5;< +$2'(0; MM E
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
SecIicn lll
/-$L*-(;@ N0- *;< +,-.(.(;@
Q*',-*& R(9*9'$-9
Ij one recds enouh bools one hcs c jihtin chcnce.
Dr better, one's chcnces oj surtitcl increcse
uith ecch bool one recds.
- Shermcn Alexie
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 13

We do not lite to thinl, but, on the contrcr,
ue thinl in order thct ue mc succeed in surtitin."
- 1ose Drtec Gcsset
Necr|y every pcrI cf Ihe p|cneI experience: Iime: cf |e:: rcin Ihcn u:uc|.
/cccrcing Ic Ihe Not|ono| Integroted Drought In|ormot|on System {NlDlS)
{DrcughI.gcv), if ycu ccnI p|cn fcr crcughI cnc c::ume IhcI every yecr
wi|| Lring cceucIe rcinfc||, ycu cre |ike|y Ic Le unp|ec:cnI|y :urpri:ec.
8uI, NlDlS c|:c :cy: IhcI ycu ccn Icke :Iep: checc cf Iime Ic recuce Ihe
effecI: cf crcughI, ju:I c: ycu ccu|c fcr cIher ncIurc| ci:c:Ier:.
F|cnning checc fcr Iime: cf |imiIec wcIer ju:I mcke: :en:e, in crcer Ic
minimize :uffering cnc fincncic| |c::e:. FeccIing Ic crcughI in cri:i:
mcce" i: cfIen expen:ive cnc ncI we|| IcrgeIec. lf ycu p|cn checc fcr
crcughI, Ihen ycu ccn enjcy Ihe LenefiI: cf ncrmc| cr rciny yecr:, cnc ncI
geI ccughI unprepcrec in cry yecr:.
8eccu:e iI i: :|cw-mcving cnc cce:nI u:uc||y invc|ve cirecI cr crcmcIic
prcperIy ccmcge, ycu prcLcL|y cc ncI Ihink cf crcughI when ycu Ihink
cf Ihe impccI cf ncIurc| ci:c:Ier: IhcI ycu :hcu|c prepcre fcr.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
/nc yeI, FEM/ e:IimcIec in 15 IhcI crcughI cc:I: Ihe UniIec SIcIe: cn
cvercge cf $ Ic 8 Li||icn c yecr. Ihe NcIicnc| C|imcIic DcIc CenIer hc:
c::emL|ec c |i:I cf 8i||icn Dc||cr WecIher Di:c:Ier:" :ince 180. Cf Ihe 0
evenI: |i:Iec frcm 180 Ic 2008, inc|ucing hurriccne:, f|ccc:, Icrnccce:,
cnc wi|cfire, 14 were crcughI cnc wi|cfire. Wice:precc crcughI in 2008
wc: e:IimcIec Ic cc:I cI |ec:I $2 Li||icn cnc IhrecIenec meIrcpc|iIcn
/I|cnIc. DrcughI in 180 |ec Ic e:IimcIec |c::e: cf $55.4 Li||icn cnc cLcuI
10,000 hecI-re|cIec cecIh:, cnc in 188, $71.2 Li||icn, wiIh cLcuI 7,500
hecI-re|cIec cecIh:.
NIDIS soys on e||ect|ve drought p|on requ|res:
MonILorIng drougIL, wuLer suppIIes, und ImpucLs.
UndersLundIng Iow Lo reduce vuInerubIIILy und ImpucLs.
AuLIorILy und resources Lo deveIop und ImpIemenL u pIun.
Whi|e Ihe cLcve p|cn reuiremenI: re|cIe mcin|y Ic municipc|iIie:,
incivicuc|: Icc, ccn cnc :hcu|c hcve cn effecIive crcughI emergency
Fcrmer:, rcncher:, cnc cIher: whc:e |ive|ihccc: cepenc cn regu|cr rcin
Lecr Ihe mc:I cirecI :Ire:: frcm crcughI. ln rurc| :eIIing:, we||: mcy run
cry, crcp: mcy fci|, cnc fcrcge fcr |ive:Icck mcy Le :ccrce. DrcughI i:
cne cf Ihe :Ire::cr: IhcI cre fcrcing mcny fcmi|y fcrm: Ic hcve Ic Le
cggregcIec cnc ccn:c|iccIec inIc |crger cgriLu:ine::e:.
8uI fcrmer: cnc rcncher: cre ncI Ihe cn|y cne: whc fee| Ihe impccI cf
crcughI. U|IimcIe|y, cc:I: cre :precc mcre wice|y Ic Icxpcyer: cnc
ccn:umer:, whc cre c|:c pcrI cf Ihe fccc :y:Iem.
F|u:, crcughI ccnciIicn: ccn cnc cc |ecc Ic, cIher NcIurc| Di:c:Ier:, :uch
c: wi|c fire: cnc ccn cfIen ccu:e wice:precc fcmine in ceve|cping
ccunIrie:. HecI emergencie:, hecI re|cIec i||ne::e: cnc cecIh cre cfIen
Ihe re:u|I cf crcughI.
NlDlS cnc Ihe /mericcn Fec Crc:: hcve puI IcgeIher Ihe fc||cwing Iip: cn
hcw Ic ccn:erve wcIer uncer Ihe IhrecI cf cnc curing crcughI ccnciIicn:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Never pcur wcIer ccwn Ihe crcin when Ihere mcy Le cncIher u:e fcr iI.
U:e iI Ic wcIer ycur incccr p|cnI: cr gcrcen.
Mcke :ure ycur hcme i: |eck-free. When ycu cre cerIcin IhcI nc wcIer i:
Leing u:ec in ycur hcme, Icke c reccing cf Ihe wcIer meIer. WciI 30
minuIe: cnc Ihen Icke c :eccnc reccing. lf Ihe meIer reccing chcnge:,
ycu hcve c |eckl
Fepcir cripping fcuceI: Ly rep|ccing wc:her:. Cne crcp per :eccnc
wc:Ie: 2,700 gc||cn: cf wcIer per yecrl
Check fcr Ici|eI |eck: Ly cccing fccc cc|cring Ic Ihe Icnk. lf ycu hcve c
|eck, Ihe cc|cr wi|| cppecr in Ihe Lcw| wiIhin 30 minuIe:. {F|u:h
immecicIe|y Ic cvcic :Icin:).
lf Ihe Ici|eI-hcnc|e freuenI|y :Iick: in Ihe f|u:h pc:iIicn, |eIIing wcIer run
ccn:IcnI|y, rep|cce cr ccju:I iI.
Lecky Ici|eI: u:uc||y ccn Le fixec inexpen:ive|y Ly rep|ccing Ihe f|cpper.
ln:Ic|| c Ici|eI ci:p|ccemenI cevice Ic cuI ccwn cn Ihe cmcunI cf wcIer
neecec fcr ecch f|u:h. {CcnIrcry Ic pcpu|cr cpinicn c Lrick :hcu|c ncI Le
u:ec Leccu:e iI ccn ci::c|ve cnc Ihe |cc:e piece: ccn ccu:e ccmcge Ic
Ihe inIernc| pcrI:. ln:Iecc, p|cce c cne-gc||cn p|c:Iic jug cf wcIer inIc Ihe
Icnk Ic ci:p|cce Ici|eI f|cw cr purchc:e c cevice cvci|cL|e cI mc:I
hcrcwcre cnc hcme cenIer: ce:ignec fcr Ihi: purpc:e). 8e :ure
in:Ic||cIicn cce: ncI inIerfere wiIh Ihe cpercIing pcrI:.
Ccn:icer purchc:ing c |cw-vc|ume Ici|eI IhcI u:e: |e:: Ihcn hc|f Ihe wcIer
cf c|cer mcce|:. NOIE: |n mony oreos, |ow requ|res |ow-vo|ume un|ts.
Icke :hcrIer :hcwer: cnc rep|cce ycur :hcwerhecc wiIh cn u|Irc-|cw-f|cw
F|cce c LuckeI in Ihe :hcwer Ic ccIch exce:: wcIer fcr wcIering p|cnI:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ln Ihe :hcwer, Iurn Ihe wcIer cn Ic geI weI. Iurn cff Ic |cIher up. Ihen, Iurn
Ihe wcIer Lcck cn Ic rin:e. FepecI when wc:hing ycur hcir.
Dcn'I |eI Ihe wcIer run whi|e Lru:hing ycur IeeIh, wc:hing ycur fcce cr
/vcic f|u:hing Ihe Ici|eI unnece::cri|y. Di:pc:e cf Ii::ue:, in:ecI:, cnc cIher
:imi|cr wc:Ie in Ihe Irc:h rcIher Ihcn Ihe Ici|eI.
CpercIe cuIcmcIic ci:hwc:her: cn|y when Ihey cre fu||y |cccec. U:e Ihe
|ighI wc:h fecIure if cvci|cL|e Ic u:e |e:: wcIer.
When hcnc wc:hing ci:he:, :cve wcIer Ly fi||ing Iwc ccnIciner: - cne wiIh
:ccpy wcIer cnc Ihe cIher wiIh rin:e wcIer ccnIcining c :mc|| cmcunI cf
ch|crine L|ecch.
Mc:I ci:hwc:her: ccn c|ecn :ci|ec ci:he: very we||, :c ci:he: cc ncI hcve
Ic Le rin:ec Lefcre wc:hing. Ju:I remcve |crge pcrIic|e: cf fccc, cnc puI
Ihe :ci|ec ci:he: in Ihe ci:hwc:her.
SIcre crinking wcIer in Ihe refrigercIcr. Dcn'I |eI Ihe Icp run whi|e ycu cre
wciIing fcr wcIer Ic ccc|.
Dc ncI u:e running wcIer Ic Ihcw mecI cr cIher frczen fccc:. Defrc:I fccc
cvernighI in Ihe refrigercIcr.
Dc ncI wc:Ie wcIer wciIing fcr iI Ic geI hcI, hecI iI cn Ihe :Icve.
C|ecn vegeIcL|e: in c pcn fi||ec wiIh wcIer rcIher Ihcn running wcIer frcm
Ihe Icp. Fe-u:e Ihe wcIer IhcI vegeIcL|e: cre wc:hec in fcr c|ecning cr
wcIering p|cnI:.
KiIchen :ink ci:pc:c|: reuire |cI: cf wcIer Ic cpercIe prcper|y. SIcrI c
ccmpc:I pi|e c: cn c|IerncIe meIhcc cf ci:pc:ing cf fccc wc:Ie, {Ihi: wi||
Le grecI fcr ycur Survivc| gcrcenl) cr :imp|y ci:pc:e cf fccc in Ihe
CpercIe cuIcmcIic c|cIhe: wc:her: cn|y when Ihey cre fu||y |cccec cr :eI
Ihe wcIer |eve| fcr Ihe :ize cf ycur |ccc.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Long Ierm Indoor Woter Conservot|on
FeIrcfiI c|| hcu:ehc|c fcuceI: Ly in:Ic||ing cercIcr: wiIh f|cw re:IricIcr:.
Ccn:icer in:Ic||ing cn in:IcnI hcI wcIer hecIer cn ycur :ink.
ln:u|cIe ycur wcIer pipe: Ic recuce hecI |c:: cnc prevenI Ihem frcm
Lrecking if ycu hcve c :uccen cnc unexpecIec :pe|| cf freezing wecIher.
lf ycu cre ccn:icering in:Ic||ing c new hecI pump cr cir-ccnciIicning
:y:Iem, Ihe new cir-Ic-cir mcce|: cre ju:I c: efficienI c: Ihe wcIer-Ic-cir
Iype cnc cc ncI wc:IewcIer.
ln:Ic|| c wcIer-:cfIening :y:Iem cn|y when Ihe minerc|: in Ihe wcIer wcu|c
ccmcge ycur pipe:. Iurn Ihe :cfIener cff whi|e cn vcccIicn.
When purchc:ing c new cpp|icnce, chcc:e cne IhcI i: mcre energy cnc
wcIer efficienI.
lf ycu hcve c we|| cI hcme, check ycur pump periccicc||y. lf Ihe pump
Iurn: cn cnc cff whi|e wcIer i: ncI Leing u:ec, ycu hcve c |eck.
Cor Wosh|ng
U:e c :huI-cff nczz|e cn ycur hc:e IhcI ccn Le ccju:Iec ccwn Ic c fine
:prcy, :c IhcI wcIer f|cw: cn|y c: neecec. When fini:hec, Iurn iI cff cI Ihe
fcuceI in:Iecc cf cI Ihe nczz|e Ic cvcic |eck:. Check hc:e ccnnecIcr: Ic
mcke :ure p|c:Iic cr ruLLer wc:her: cre in p|cce Ic prevenI |eck:.
Ccn:icer u:ing c ccmmercic| ccr wc:h IhcI recyc|e: wcIer. lf ycu wc:h
ycur cwn ccr, pcrk cn Ihe grc:: :c IhcI ycu wi|| Le wcIering iI cI Ihe :cme
Lown Core
Dcn'I cverwcIer ycur |cwn. Lcwn: cn|y neec Ic Le wcIerec every five Ic
:even ccy: in Ihe :ummer, cnc every 10 Ic 14 ccy: in Ihe winIer. / hecvy
rcin e|imincIe: Ihe neec fcr wcIering fcr up Ic Iwc week:. Mc:I cf Ihe
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
yecr, |cwn: cn|y neec cne inch cf wcIer per week. 8uy c rcin gcuge :c
IhcI ycu ccn LeIIer ceIermine when Ic wcIer.
WcIer in :everc| :hcrI :e::icn: rcIher Ihcn cne |cng cne in crcer fcr ycur
|cwn Ic LeIIer cL:crL mci:Iure. Fcr excmp|e, wcIer in Ien-minuIe :e::icn:
:pccec 30 minuIe: cpcrI, rcIher Ihcn cne :IrcighI 30-minuIe :e::icn.
WuLer Iuwns durIng LIe desIgnuLed Iours.
PosILIon sprInkIers so wuLer Iunds on LIe Iuwn und sIrubs und noL on
puved ureus.
AvoId sprInkIers LIuL spruy u IIne mIsL. MosL oI LIe mIsL evuporuLes
beIore IL reucIes LIe Iuwn. CIeck sprInkIer sysLems und LImIng devIces
reguIurIy Lo be sure LIey operuLe properIy.
RuIse LIe Iuwn mower bIude Lo uL IeusL LIree IncIes, or Lo ILs IIgIesL
IeveI. A IIgIer cuL encouruges gruss rooLs Lo grow deeper, sIudes LIe
rooL sysLem, und IoIds soII moIsLure.
AvoId over IerLIIIzIng your Iuwn. AppIyIng IerLIIIzer Increuses LIe need
Ior wuLer. AppIy IerLIIIzers LIuL conLuIn sIow-reIeuse, wuLer-InsoIubIe
Iorms oI nILrogen.
Use u broom or bIower InsLeud oI u Iose Lo cIeun Ieuves und oLIer debrIs
Irom your drIvewuy or sIdewuIk.
Do noL Ieuve sprInkIers or Ioses unuLLended. A gurden Iose cun pour
ouL 6oo guIIons or more In onIy u Iew Iours. Use u beII LImer Lo remInd
yourseII Lo Lurn sprInkIers oII.
Sw|mm|ng Foo|s
lf ycu hcve c pcc|, ccn:icer in:Ic||ing c new wcIer-:cving pcc| fi|Ier. /
:ing|e Lcck f|u:hing wiIh c IrcciIicnc| fi|Ier u:e: 180 Ic 250 gc||cn: cf wcIer.
Ccver pcc|: cnc :pc: Ic recuce evcpcrcIicn cf wcIer.
Long Ierm Outdoor Woter Conservot|on
PIunL IL smurL. PIunL nuLIve undJor drougIL-LoIerunL grusses, ground
covers, sIrubs und Lrees. Once esLubIIsIed, LIey do noL need wuLer us
IrequenLIy und usuuIIy wIII survIve u dry perIod wILIouL wuLerIng. TIey
uIso requIre Iess IerLIIIzer or IerbIcIdes. undscupe wILI pIunLs LIuL ure
IeuL und drougIL LoIerunL und LIuL do noL requIre mucI wuLer Lo IIve.
SmuII pIunLs requIre Iess wuLer Lo become esLubIIsIed. Group pIunLs
LogeLIer LIuL Iuve sImIIur wuLer needs.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
nsLuII IrrIguLIon devIces LIuL ure LIe mosL wuLer eIIIcIenL Ior eucI use.
Use muIcI Lo reLuIn moIsLure In LIe soII. MuIcI uIso IeIps conLroI weeds
LIuL compeLe wILI Iundscupe pIunLs Ior wuLer.
AvoId purcIusIng recreuLIonuI wuLer Loys LIuL requIre u consLunL sLreum
oI wuLer.
AvoId InsLuIIIng ornumenLuI wuLer IeuLures (sucI us IounLuIns) unIess
LIey use recycIed wuLer.
oIIow wuLer conservuLIon und wuLer sIorLuge ruIes In eIIecL. You ure
IncIuded In LIe resLrIcLIons even II your wuLer comes Irom u prIvuLe weII.
Encouruge your empIoyer Lo promoLe wuLer conservuLIon In LIe
PuLronIze busInesses LIuL prucLIce wuLer conservuLIon, sucI us
resLuurunLs LIuL onIy serve wuLer upon requesL.
ReporL wuLer Iosses (broken pIpes, open IydrunLs, errunL sprInkIers,
ubundoned Iree-IIowIng weIIs, eLc.) Lo LIe properLy owner, IocuI
uuLIorILIes or your wuLer munugemenL dIsLrIcL.
Encouruge your scIooI sysLem und IocuI governmenL Lo IeIp deveIop
und promoLe u wuLer conservuLIon eLIIc.
SupporL projecLs LIuL wIII Ieud Lo un Increused use oI recIuImed
wusLewuLer Ior IrrIguLIon und oLIer uses.
PromoLe wuLer conservuLIon In communILy newsIeLLers, on buIIeLIn
bourds, und by exumpIe. Encouruge your IrIends, neIgIbors, und co-
workers Lo "be wuLer smurL.
Conserve wuLer becuuse IL Is LIe rIgIL LIIng Lo do - even wIen someone
eIse Is IooLIng LIe bIII, sucI us wIen you ure sLuyIng uL u IoLeI.
Try Lo do one LIIng eucI duy LIuL wIII resuIL In suvIng wuLer. Every drop
Ycu kncw Ihe expre::icn prepcre fcr c rciny ccy" Ihe NcIicnc|
Ccecncgrcphic cnc /Imc:pheric /::ccicIicn {NC//) reminc: u: IhcI
:unny wecIher i: ncI c|wcy: nece::cri|y Ihe Le:I wecIher. Lcck cf rcinfc||
fcr cn exIencec pericc cf Iime ccn Lring fcrmer: cnc meIrcpc|iIcn crec:
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ic Iheir knee:. lI cce: ncI Icke very |cng. ln :cme |cccIicn: cf Ihe
ccunIry, c few rcin-free week: ccn :precc pcnic.
WcIer i: c precicu: cnc |imiIec re:curce IhcI i: Icc cfIen Icken fcr
grcnIec. Ycu neec Ic Icke :Iep: Ic ccn:erve wcIer c: pcrI cf ycur cwn
incivicuc| emergency prepcrecne:: p|cn:, cnc Ic he|p Ic en:ure |cng-
Ierm :u:IcincLi|iIy fcr Ihe enIire p|cneI.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 14

A lot oj picnos jcll c minute cjter ue'te pcssed. Dr c month, it mcles no
dijjerence. So unless uere oin to et doun on our lnees cnd ite
thcnls eter time discster misses, it mcles no sense to mocn uhen it
striles." - Huh Lcurie, Actor
/n ecrIhucke i: Ihe :uccen, rcpic :hcking cf Ihe ecrIh, ccu:ec Ly Ihe
Lrecking cnc :hifIing cf :uLIerrcnecn rcck c: iI re|ec:e: :Ircin IhcI hc:
cccumu|cIec cver c very |cng Iime. Cne cf Ihe mc:I frighIening cnc
ce:IrucIive phencmenc cf ncIure ycu ccn ever experience i: c :evere
ecrIhucke cnc iI: IerriL|e cfIereffecI:.
DcnI Ihink fcr c minuIe IhcI iI i: cn|y pecp|e in Cc|ifcrnic IhcI hcve Ic
wcrry cLcuI EcrIhucke:. Dic ycu kncw IhcI FEM/ hc: ccIuc||y icenIifiec
45 :IcIe: cnc IerriIcrie: IhrcughcuI Ihe UniIec SIcIe: IhcI cre cI mccercIe
Ic high ri:k fcr ecrIhucke: lf ycu hcve ccne ycur Fi:k /::e::menI {c:
:ugge:Iec in ChcpIer 2 in Ihi: Mcnuc|), ycu wcu|c hcve fcunc cuI if ycu
cre in cn crec &(>$&: Ic experience c ucke. Ihe 2011 Ec:I Ccc:I
ecrIhucke i||u:IrcIec Ihe fccI IhcI iI i: impc::iL|e Ic precicI when cr
where cn ecrIhucke wi|| cccur, :c iI i: impcrIcnI IhcI ycu cnc ycur fcmi|y
cre prepcrec checc cf Iime.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
/: wiIh cny pcIenIic| NcIurc| Di:c:Ier, ycu neec Ic Le prepcrec Lefcre,
curing, cnc cfIer cn EcrIhucke.
Cf ccur:e ycur prepcrcIicn: Legin wiIh ycur Hcme Emergency
Frepcrecne:: KiI, Ycur Fcmi|y Emergency F|cn, cnc hcving ycur Gc 8cg
8eyond thot, spec|||c to Eorthquokes you need to:
usLen sIeIves secureIy Lo wuIIs.
PIuce Iurge or Ieuvy objecLs on Iower sIeIves.
SLore breukubIe ILems sucI us boLLIed Ioods, gIuss, und cIInu In Iow,
cIosed cubIneLs wILI IuLcIes.
usLen Ieuvy ILems sucI us pIcLures und mIrrors secureIy Lo wuIIs und
uwuy Irom beds, coucIes und unywIere peopIe sIL.
Bruce overIeud IIgIL IIxLures und Lop-Ieuvy objecLs.
RepuIr deIecLIve eIecLrIcuI wIrIng und Ieuky gus connecLIons. TIese ure
poLenLIuI IIre rIsks. GeL upproprIuLe proIessIonuI IeIp. Do noL work wILI
gus or eIecLrIcuI IInes yourseII II you don`L Iuve LIe experLIse. L Is uIwuys
prudenL Lo Iuve u IIcensed proIessIonuI do LIIs work Ior you.
nsLuII IIexIbIe pIpeIILLIngs Lo uvoId gus or wuLer Ieuks. IexIbIe IILLIngs
ure more resIsLunL Lo breukuge.
Secure your wuLer IeuLer, reIrIgeruLor, Iurnuce, und gus uppIIunces by
sLruppIng LIem Lo LIe wuII sLuds und boILIng Lo LIe IIoor. I
recommended by your gus compuny, Iuve un uuLomuLIc gus sIuL-oII
vuIve InsLuIIed LIuL Is LrIggered by sLrong vIbruLIons.
RepuIr uny deep crucks In ceIIIngs or IounduLIons. GeL experL udvIce II
LIere ure sIgns oI sLrucLuruI deIecLs.
Be sure LIe resIdence Is IIrmIy uncIored Lo ILs IounduLIon.
SLore weed kIIIers, pesLIcIdes, und IIummubIe producLs secureIy In
cIosed cubIneLs wILI IuLcIes und on boLLom sIeIves.
ocuLe suIe spoLs In eucI room under u sLurdy LubIe or uguInsL un InsIde
wuII. ReInIorce LIIs InIormuLIon by movIng Lo LIese pIuces durIng
IumIIy drIIIs.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Muke sure LeIevIsIons, compuLer monILors und oLIer expensIve
eIecLronIcs ure resLruIned or uncIored Lo LIe wuIIs, sIeIves or deskLops
so LIuL LIey wIII noL IuII over or IuII oII In un eurLIquuke.
HoId eurLIquuke drIIIs wILI your IumIIy members: TeucI LIem LIe
busIcs oI Drop, Cover und HoId On.
NOIE: In the event o| on eorthquoke, you moy be |nstructed to shut
o|| the ut|||ty serv|ces ot your home. Ieoch respons|b|e
members o| your |om||y how to turn o|| the gos, e|ectr|c|ty, ond
woter ot vo|ves ond mo|n sw|tches.
Ycu mcy neec Ic ccn:u|I ycur |ccc| uIi|iIie: if ycu neec mcre infcrmcIicn.
WAkNING: Mob||e homes ond homes not ottoched to the|r |oundot|ons
ore ot port|cu|or r|sk dur|ng on eorthquoke.
8ui|cing: wiIh fcunccIicn: re:Iing cn |cncfi|| cnc cIher un:IcL|e :ci|: cre
c|:c cI increc:ec ri:k cf ccmcge.
lf ycu cre in:ice when Ihe :hcking :IcrI::
Drop, cover, und IoId on. SLuy In one pIuce und move uround us IILLIe us
I you ure In bed, sLuy LIere, curI up und IoId on. ProLecL your Ieud
wILI u pIIIow.
SLuy uwuy Irom wIndows Lo uvoId beIng Injured by sIuLLered gIuss.
SLuy Indoors unLII LIe sIukIng sLops und you ure sure IL Is suIe Lo exIL. I
you musL Ieuve LIe buIIdIng uILer LIe sIukIng sLops, use sLuIrs ruLIer
LIun un eIevuLor In cuse LIere ure uILersIocks, power ouLuges or oLIer
Be uwure LIuL IIre uIurms und sprInkIer sysLems IrequenLIy go oII In
buIIdIngs durIng un eurLIquuke, even II LIere Is no IIre, or oLIer dunger.
NOIE: Ihere |s o common m|sconcept|on to toke she|ter beneoth o
doorwoy dur|ng on Eorthquoke. DO NOI DO SO bNLESS YOb
HEAVY CONSIkbCIION. In Foct MOSI doorwoys ore weoker
thon the rest o| the support structure o| your home.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ir|ong|e o| L||e - An A|ternot|ve,
8eyond the Deve|oped Wor|d
Ycu mcy hcve :een cn emci| IhcI hc: Leen mcking Ihe rcunc: cn Ihe
inIerneI Ihe pc:I few yecr: ce:criLing cn c|IerncIive Ic Drcp-Ccver-cnc
Hc|c-Cn" cc||ec Ihe Iricng|e cf Life." Ihe Ihecry puI fcrIh Ly experiencec
re:cue prcfe::icnc| Dcug Ccpp, :ugge:I: IhcI when c Lui|cing cc||cp:e:,
cr Fcnccke:" curing cn EcrIhucke, cfIen cei|ing: cnc cIher ceLri: cre
he|c up Ly Lu|ky cr hecvy cLjecI: IhcI cc ncI ccmpre:: {:uch c: ce:k:,
Lec:, :cfc:, eIc.) fcrming c kinc cf |ecn-Ic cr :urvivc| vcic" uncer which
c per:cn ccn remcin :cfe. Ccpp Ierm: Ihe vcic c Iricng|e cf Life", cnc
inceec :ecrch cnc re:cue prcfe::icnc|: crcunc Ihe wcr|c hcve u:ec IhcI
Ierm Ic ce:criLe :uch Iricng|e:, where Ihey hcve fcunc vicIim: c|ive
curing Ihe wcr:I cf Lui|cing cc||cp:e:, frcm ecrIhucke:, exp|c:icn: cnc
cIher ci:c:Ier:.
Ccpp him:e|f hc: Leen cn re:cue mi::icn: cnc hc: :een :uch Iricng|e:
fcrm prcIecIing pecp|e in Iurkey cnc cIher fcreign ccunIrie:. IhcI i: why
he :ugge:I: IhcI rcIher Ihen Drcp cnc Ccver, curing c ucke ycu :hcu|c
cur| inIc c Lc|| cuI in Ihe cpen nexI Ic |crge cLjecI:, even nexI Ic c Lec --
c: Ihey :hcu|c in Ihecry crecIe c vcic, cr :uch c Iricng|e cf Life in Ihe
evenI cf c cc||cp:e.
Ihere hc: Leen :cme ccnIrcver:y :urrcuncing Ccpp: icec. Ihe prcL|em
i: IhcI, whi|e :uch Iricng|e: ccn cnc cc fcrm curing Ihe kinc: cf IcIc|
Lui|cing cc||cp:e: he hc: :een in ceve|cping ncIicn:, cr crec: wiIhcuI
:IricI EcrIhucke re:i:IcnI Lui|cing ccce:, IhcI i: c rcre cccurrence in Ihe
EcrIhucke prcne crec: in Ihe UniIec SIcIe:.
Ihe SIrucIurc| Engineer: /::ccicIicn cf Cc|ifcrnic {SE/CC) whi|e cgreeing
IhcI Ihe Ihecry hc: vc|iciIy in :cme pcrI: cf Ihe wcr|c fee|: iI i: impcrIcnI
Ic pcinI cuI IhcI iI cce: nct cpp|cp||cte|y ccc|e:: tne typ|cc|
$*-'#S,*>$ #*T*-< '#*' $6(9' (; '#$ %;('$< +'*'$9J "#$ <,2> *;< 20.$-
L-0'$2'(0; *LL-0*2# ?*9 <$.$&0L$< '0 L-0'$2' 022,L*;'9 4-0) 4*&&(;@
#*T*-<9J "#$ @-$*'$9' <*;@$- '0 '#$ %J+J L0L,&*'(0; (; '#$ $.$;' 04 *;
$*-'#S,*>$ (9 (;1,-: 4-0) 4*&&(;@ #*T*-<9 9,2# *9 B00>9#$&.$9A 4(&(;@
2*B(;$'9A 2#();$:9A L0-'(0;9 04 2$(&(;@9A $6'$-(0- 4*2*<$9A *;< ?(;<0?
@&*99 2"0 '#$ 0.$-*&& B,(&<(;@ 20&&cp:e.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Hcwever, FEM/, Ihe /mericcn Fec Crc:: cnc mc:I cIher ci:c:Ier
prepcrecne:: cr emergency mcncgemenI cgencie: - (; '#$ %;('$< +'*'$9
- :Ii|| ccvcccIe Drcp, Ccver cnc Hc|c Cn - c: ycur Le:I ccur:e cf ccIicn.
IhcI i: ncI Ic :cy IhcI Ihe Iricng|e cf Life |cck: meriI. lI i: ju:I IhcI in
Cc|ifcrnic in pcrIicu|cr, cnc mc:I crec: in Ihe U.S. IhcI cre prcne Ic
EcrIhucke:, Lui|cing ccce: cre :uch IhcI Ihe pcnccke" Iype cf Lui|cing
cc||cp:e in which Ihe Iricng|e wcu|c crecIe c :urvivc| vcic" i: very
Hcwever Ihe :cme ccnncI Le :cic in |e:: ceve|cpec pcrI: cf Ihe wcr|c, in
fccI, in uncerceve|cpec ccunIrie:, Lui|cing cc||cp:e curing cn
ecrIhucke i: very |ike|y, c: :een in Ihe cevc:IcIing cfIermcIh cf Ihe 2010
HciIi ucke.
Ihe /mericcn Fec Crc:: iI:e|f in iI: re:pcn:e Ic Mr. Ccpp: emci| L|c:I hc:
:cic WhcI wcrk: here mcy ncI wcrk e|:ewhere, :c Ihere i: nc ci:puIe IhcI
Ihe vcic icenIificcIicn meIhcc cr Ihe Iricng|e cf Life mcy cr mcy ncI
inceec Le Ihe Le:I Ihing Ic Iecch in cIher ccunIrie: where Ihe ri:k cf
Lui|cing cc||cp:e, even in mccercIe ecrIhucke:, i: grecI."
Engineering re:ecrcher: hcve cemcn:IrcIec IhcI very few Lui|cing:
cc||cp:e cr pcnccke in Ihe U.S. c: Ihey mighI very we|| cc in cIher
NOIE: Dur|ng o quoke |n the b.S. ev|dence |nd|cotes thot Drop, Cover
ond Ho|d On |s your best protect|on. However, || you ever ||nd
yourse|| |n on Eorthquoke |n onother port o| the wor|d, or
onywhereJonyt|me you ore |n o bu||d|ng whose construct|on or
structuro| |ntegr|ty |s quest|onob|e, Ihe Ir|ong|e shou|d be
"#$ %&'()*'$ +,-.(.*& /-01$2' Leing c g|cLc| effcrI Le|ieve: iI i: Le:I Ic Le
cwcre cf LcIh Iechniue:, cnc u:e ycur Le:I jucgmenI Lc:ec cn ycur
:urrcuncing: cnc circum:Icnce: cI Ihe Iime cf Ihe ucke, Ic ceIermine
which Ic u:e.
I| you ore cought outs|de when the shok|ng storts.
Finc c c|ecr :pcI cwcy frcm Lui|cing:, pcwer |ine:, Iree:, cnc :IreeI|ighI:,
cnc crcp Ic Ihe grcunc. SIcy Ihere unIi| Ihe :hcking :Icp:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
lf ycu cre in c vehic|e, pu|| cver Ic c c|ecr |cccIicn cnc :Icp. /vcic
Lricge:, cverpc::e: cnc pcwer |ine: if pc::iL|e. SIcy in:ice wiIh ycur
:ecILe|I fc:Ienec unIi| Ihe :hcking :Icp:. Ihen, crive ccrefu||y, cvcicing
Lricge: cnc rcmp: IhcI mcy hcve Leen ccmcgec.
lf c pcwer |ine fc||: cn ycur vehic|e, cc ncI geI cuI. WciI fcr c::i:Icnce.
lf ycu cre in c mcunIcincu: crec cr necr un:IcL|e :|cpe: cr c|iff:, Le c|erI
fcr fc||ing rcck: cnc cIher ceLri:. EcrIhucke: cfIen Irigger |cnc:|ice:.
lf Ycu Finc Ycur:e|f Ircppec Uncer DeLri::
Do noL IIgIL u muLcI.
Do noL move ubouL or kIck up dusL.
Cover your mouLI wILI u IundkercIIeI or cIoLIIng.
Tup on u pIpe or wuII so rescuers cun IocuLe you. Use u wIIsLIe II one Is
uvuIIubIe. SIouL onIy us u IusL resorL. SIouLIng cun cuuse you Lo InIuIe
dungerous umounLs oI dusL.
When Ihe :hcking :Icp:, |cck crcunc Ic mcke :ure iI i: :cfe Ic mcve. Ihen
exiI Ihe Lui|cing. Ihrcw cn ycur Gc 8cg, cnc Le :ure Ic hcve ycur Fry 8cr
wiIh ycu cnc iIem: in ycur pcck IhcI wi|| Le very he|pfu| Ic ycu cnc vicIim:
ycu mcy run ccrc::.
Expect o|tershocks. Ihe:e :eccnccry :hcckwcve: cre u:uc||y |e:: vic|enI
Ihcn Ihe mcin ucke LuI ccn Le :Ircng encugh Ic cc ccciIicnc| ccmcge
Ic weckenec :IrucIure: cnc ccn cccur in Ihe fir:I hcur:, ccy:, week:, cr
even mcnIh: cfIer Ihe ucke.
He|p |njured or tropped persons. FememLer Ic he|p ycur neighLcr: whc
mcy reuire :pecic| c::i:Icnce :uch c: infcnI:, Ihe e|cer|y cnc pecp|e
wiIh ccce:: cnc funcIicnc| neec:. Give fir:I cic where cpprcpricIe. Dc
ncI mcve :ericu:|y injurec per:cn: un|e:: Ihey cre in immecicIe ccnger cf
furIher injury. Cc|| fcr he|p.
Look |or ond ext|ngu|sh smo|| ||res. Fire i: Ihe mc:I ccmmcn hczcrc cfIer
cn ecrIhucke.
L|sten to o bottery-operoted rod|o or te|ev|s|on |or the |otest emergency
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
8e owore o| poss|b|e tsunom|s || you ||ve |n coosto| oreos. Ihe:e cre c|:c
kncwn c: :ei:mic :ec wcve: {mi:Icken|y cc||ec Iicc| wcve:). When |ccc|
cuIhcriIie: i::ue c I:uncmi wcrning, c::ume IhcI c :erie: cf ccngercu:
wcve: i: cn Ihe wcy. SIcy cwcy frcm Ihe Lecch.
bse the te|ephone on|y |or emergency co||s.
I| your home |s domoged ond no |onger so|e, cons|der go|ng to o
des|gnoted pub||c she|ter. Ycu ccn IexI SHELIEF + ycur ZlF ccce Ic 4332
{4FEM/) Ic finc Ihe necre:I :he|Ier in ycur crec {excmp|e: :he|Ier 12345). lf
ycu chc:e Ic |ecve Ihe crec in ycur 8ug CuI Vehic|e Ic recch c frienc cr
re|cIive Ic :Icy wiIh, cr Ic geI Ic ycur Scfe Hcu:e - Le ccrefu| when criving
cfIer cn ecrIhucke, rccc: mcy Le fi||ec wiIh ceLri:, cr cIherwi:e
un:IcL|e, cnc cnIicipcIe Ircffic |ighI cuIcge:.
Stoy owoy |rom domoged oreos. SIcy cwcy un|e:: pc|ice, fire, cr re|ief
crgcnizcIicn: hcve :pecificc||y reue:Iec ycur c::i:Icnce. FeIurn hcme
cn|y when cuIhcriIie: :cy iI i: :cfe.
keturn|ng to Your Home
/fIer iI i: ceIerminec IhcI iI: :cfe Ic reIurn, ycur :cfeIy :hcu|c Le ycur
primcry pricriIy c: ycu Legin c|ecn up cnc reccvery.
Open cubIneLs cuuLIousIy. Bewure oI objecLs LIuL cun IuII oII sIeIves.
I LIe power Is ouL, IoIIow wIuL you Iuve Ieurned ubouL usIng your
SLored ood, und ood LIuL muy remuIn In your rIdge or reezer.
PuL on Iong punLs, u Iong-sIeeved sIIrL, sLurdy sIoes und work gIoves Lo
proLecL uguInsL Injury Irom broken objecLs.
CIeun up spIIIed medIcInes, bIeucIes, gusoIIne or oLIer IIummubIe
IIquIds ImmedIuLeIy. euve LIe ureu II you smeII gus or Iumes Irom
oLIer cIemIcuIs.
nspecL LIe enLIre IengLI oI cIImneys Ior dumuge. UnnoLIced dumuge
couId Ieud Lo u IIre.
nspecL uLIIILIes. CIeck Ior gus Ieuks. I you smeII gus or Ieur bIowIng or
IIssIng noIse, open u wIndow und quIckIy Ieuve LIe buIIdIng. Turn oII
LIe gus uL LIe ouLsIde muIn vuIve II you cun und cuII LIe gus compuny
Irom u neIgIbor's Iome. I you Lurn oII LIe gus Ior uny reuson, u
proIessIonuI musL Lurn IL buck on.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ook Ior eIecLrIcuI sysLem dumuge. I you see spurks or broken or Iruyed
wIres, or II you smeII IoL InsuIuLIon, Lurn oII LIe eIecLrIcILy uL LIe muIn
Iuse box or cIrcuIL breuker. I you Iuve Lo sLep In wuLer Lo geL Lo LIe Iuse
box or cIrcuIL breuker, cuII un eIecLrIcIun IIrsL Ior udvIce.
CIeck Ior sewuge und wuLer IInes dumuge. I you suspecL sewuge IInes
ure dumuged, uvoId usIng LIe LoIIeLs und cuII u pIumber. I wuLer pIpes
ure dumuged, conLucL LIe wuLer compuny und uvoId usIng wuLer Irom
LIe Lup. You cun obLuIn suIe wuLer by meILIng Ice cubes.
Uncer:Icnc IhcI in cn EcrIhucke, iI i: ncI Ihe ccIuc| :hifIing mcvemenI:
cf Ihe grcunc iI:e|f IhcI i: Ihe ccu:e cf mc:I injurie: cr cecIh:. Cc:uc|Iie:
u:uc||y re:u|I frcm pcrIic| Lui|cing cc||cp:e cnc fc||ing cLjecI: cnc ceLri:,
|ike Icpp|ing chimney:, fc||ing Lrick:, cei|ing p|c:Ier, cnc |ighI fixIure:. Since
EcrIhucke: cre unprecicIcL|e, mcking Ihe prcper prepcrcIicn: Ic
FFEVENI cr /VClD IHEM ccn prevenI mc:I cf Ihe:e kinc: cf ccu:c|iIie:.
8y p|cnning cnc prccIicing whcI Ic cc Lefcre cn ecrIhucke cccur:, ycu
ccn ccnciIicn ycur:e|f cnc ycur fcmi|y Ic reccI ccrrecI|y cnc
:pcnIcnecu:|y when Ihe fir:I jc|I cr :hcking i: fe|I. /n ecrIhucke cri|| ccn
Iecch ycur fcmi|y whcI Ic cc in cn ecrIhucke.
EucI IumIIy member sIouId know LIe suIe spoLs In eucI room.
TIe besL pIuces Lo be ure under Ieuvy pIeces oI IurnILure, sucI us u desk
or sLurdy LubIe, under supporLed urcIwuys und uguInsL InsIde wuIIs.
Muke sure uII IumIIy members ure uwure oI LIe dunger spoLs ussocIuLed
wILI breukIng wIndow gIuss, IuIIIng objecLs, IuIIIng mIrrors, IuIIIng
cIImneys, und LoppIIng oI LuII, unsecured pIeces oI IurnILure.
ReInIorce LIIs knowIedge by pIysIcuIIy pIucIng yourseII In LIe suIe
IocuLIons. TIIs Is especIuIIy ImporLunL Ior cIIIdren.
Be uwure oI u possIbIe LsunumI II you IIve In u cousLuI ureu. Some
communILIes Iuve IocuI LsunumI Iuzurd mups.
Be prepured Lo evucuuLe In u LsunumI emergency. Some communILIes
Iuve IIgI ground or suIe ureus IdenLIIIed us TsunumI EvucuuLIon SILes.
n LIe duys or weeks uILer LIIs exercIse, IoId surprIse drIIIs. Be prepured
Lo deuI wILI wIuL you muy experIence uILer un eurLIquuke - boLI
pIysIcuIIy und emoLIonuIIy.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
/: wiIh c|| cf Ihe NcIurc| Di:c:Ier: ycu wi|| |ecrn cLcuI in Ihi: SecIicn cf
GIFI o| LIFE - Ihe b|t|mote Freporedness Monuo| - LuI e:pecic||y wiIh
EcrIhucke: Leccu:e Ihey cre :c unprecicIcL|e - Ihe mcre ycu cc
Lefcre Ihe ci:c:Ier, Ihe LeIIer ycu wi|| cc cfIer.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 15

Lucl is uhct hcppens uhen prepcrction meets opportunit.
- Lucius Annceus Senecc
lI i: very inIere:Iing Ic ci:cu:: fire in c :urvivc| ccnIexI, Leccu:e fire cnc fire
mcking :ki||: cre e::enIic| Ic mcny :urvivc| :iIucIicn: - cnc fire ccn c|:c ki||.
Humcnkinc: re|cIicn:hip wiIh fire hc: c|wcy: Leen c Ienucu: cne - fire
give: cn Ihe cne hcnc cnc Icke: wiIh Ihe cIher. /: cn U|IimcIe Survivcr
ycu wi|| neec Ic mc:Ier LcIh hcw Ic u:e fire Ic ycur ccvcnIcge cnc hcw
Ic ncI |eI iI mc:Ier ycu, Ly kncwing whcI Ic cc Ic :urvive in Ihe evenI cf c
ccmmcn hcu:e fire, cr Ihe fury cf c wi|c fire.
/: ycu hcve |ecrnec :c fcr, prepcrcIicn i: ycur grecIe:I :urvivc| Icc| in cny
cri:i: :iIucIicn. / hcu:e fire i: nc excepIicn. Dic ycu kncw IhcI Ihere cre
mcre Ihcn 400,000 fire: in Ihe U.S. every yecr re:u|Iing in c|mc:I 15,000
cecIh: ln fccI, mcre /mericcn: cie in hcu:e fire: every yecr Ihcn in c||
ncIurc| ci:c:Ier: ccmLinec. Ihe Le:I wcy ycu ccn en:ure ycur :cfeIy cnc
Ihe :cfeIy cf ycur fcmi|y in Ihe evenI cf fire i: Ic Le prepcrec in ccvcnce
fcr iI.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
F|re Focts
DeuLI cun occur wIen LIe LemperuLure reucIes over z1z, IL onIy Lukes
1Jz mInuLes Ior LIe IeuL Irom u Iouse IIre Lo reucI over 11oo!
TIe IeuL Irom u IIre cun spreud Lo every room In u Iome. DurIng u
Iouse IIre In mere mInuLes, LIe LemperuLure cun go over oo even In
rooms LIuL ure noL yeL enguIIed In IIumes. TIuL Is IoL enougI Lo meIL
pIusLIc und kIII LIe peopIe In LIose rooms.
Ire seems brIgIL --- buL u Iouse IIre puLs you In LIe durk! Even wILI uII
oI LIe IIgILs on In your Iome, LIe smoke Irom u Iouse IIre cun be so
LIIck LIuL your Iome muy be compIeLeIy durk In Iess LIun q mInuLes.
Ire produces Iumes und guses. TIese Iumes und guses cun muke you
sIeepy, conIused und weuk. You cun`L smeII LIese Iumes. So II you`re
usIeep, LIe smeII won`L wuke you, buL u smoke uIurm wIII.
8e|ore o F|re
/cccrcing Ic Ihe Ck|chcmc DepcrImenI cf Hec|Ih {|Ih)
Smcke c|crm: cre Ihe mc:I effecIive wcy Ic prevenI cecIh cnc injury
frcm hcu:e fire:. Ycu :hcu|c p|cce ycur :mcke c|crm ju:I cuI:ice :|eeping
crec:, :uch c: Ihe hc||wcy cuI:ice Ihe Lecrccm:. Ihe Le:I p|cce i: cn Ihe
cei|ing, cI |ec:I inche: frcm Ihe wc|| cnc cI |ec:I 2 feeI frcm cny ccrner.
Ycur c|crm ccn c|:c Le p|ccec cn Ihe wc|| cLcuI inche: frcm Ihe cei|ing
cnc cI |ec:I 2 feeI cwcy frcm cny ccrner. Ycu :hcu|c cvcic p|ccing ycur
c|crm necr cir venI:, cccrwcy:, LcIhrccm:, winccw:, cccking :Icve:,
gcrcge: cr cny cIher crcfIy cr mci:I p|cce.
NOIE: In order to be e||ect|ve you shou|d test your smoke o|orm
month|y by |o||ow|ng the d|rect|ons prov|ded w|th your smoke
o|orm. In the bn|ted Stotes most ||re deportments recommend
thot you check ond chonge the bottery |n your smoke
detector every spr|ng ond |o|| when you odjust your c|ocks.
/: wiIh cIher pcIenIic| ci:c:Ier: ycu neec Ic hcve c p|cn in Ihe evenI cf c
hcu:e fire, Le :ure IhcI everycne in ycur hcu:ehc|c kncw: iI cnc Le :ure
Ic prccIice iI wiIh Ihem.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Your F|re So|ety F|on shou|d |nc|ude:
As uIwuys, Iuve your Go-Bug wIere you cun grub und run wILI IL.
SLore vILuI documenLs In u Ire SuIe.
Everyone sIouId know Lwo wuys ouL oI every room. n LIe U.S. sLuLIsLIcs
sIow LIuL more LIun o percenL oI IuLuI Iouse IIres occur beLween 11 pm
und ; um (peuk Iours Ior uII IIres ure pm Lo 8 pm), so prucLIce Lwo
wuys ouL oI every room uL nIgIL. And muke sure uL IeusL one oI LIem
does noL reIy on u sLuIrweII, wIIcI cun eusIIy become u deudIy vorLex oI
gus, smoke, IeuL und IIume.
I your Iome Ius Lwo sLorIes, IInd u suIe wuy Lo cIImb ouL LIe wIndow
und geL Lo LIe ground. RoII-ouL IIre escupe Iudders ure u greuL meLIod.
EMA recommends LIuL you onIy purcIuse coIIupsIbIe Iudders
evuIuuLed by u nuLIonuIIy recognIzed IuboruLory, sucI us UnderwrILers
uboruLory (U).
DecIde on u meeLIng pIuce ouLsIde oI your Iome wIere everyone cun
Muke sure LIuL wIndows ure noL sLuck, screens cun be Luken ouL quIckIy,
und LIuL securILy burs cun be properIy opened. WIndows und doors
wILI securILy burs musL Iuve quIck reIeuse devIces Lo uIIow LIem Lo be
opened ImmedIuLeIy In un emergency. Muke sure everyone In LIe
IumIIy undersLunds und prucLIces Iow Lo properIy operuLe und open
Iocked or burred doors und wIndows.
I you Iuve peLs, pIuce PeL Inder sLIckers on your wIndows Lo uIerL
IIre IIgILers und rescuers. You cun geL LIese Irom your VeL, or IocuI
Iumune socIeLy.
I you Iuve cIIIdren LeucI LIem noL Lo be uIruId und IIde Irom
Keep IIre-prone pIuces, sucI us dryers und IIrepIuces cIeur oI cIuLLer. I
you Iuve u IIrepIuce, use u IIrepIuce screen Ieuvy enougI Lo sLop roIIIng
Iogs und bIg enougI Lo cover LIe enLIre openIng oI LIe IIrepIuce Lo cuLcI
IIyIng spurks. nspecL und cIeun woodsLove pIpes und cIImneys unnuuIIy
und cIeck monLIIy Ior dumuge or obsLrucLIons.
You sIouId sIeep wILI your doors cIosed. TIIs couId gIve you u Iew
exLru mInuLes oI vuIuubIe LIme In u IIre.
You muy wunL Lo consIder InsLuIIIng un uuLomuLIc IIre sprInkIer sysLem
In your resIdence, or u monILored Ire AIurm sysLem LIuL Is purL oI your
Iome securILy sysLem.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
You cun usk your IocuI IIre depurLmenL Lo InspecL your resIdence Ior IIre
suIeLy und provIde more LIps on prevenLIon und escupe.
Other Woys to Moke Your House More F|re So|e
Hczcrccu: McIeric|: Fire ScfeIy
FrccIicing hcme hczcrccu: mcIeric|: :cfeIy i: impcrIcnI in prevenIing
hcme fire:. When ycu Ihink cf hczcrccu: mcIeric|:, ycu prcLcL|y picIure
Iruck: fu|| cf chemicc|:, fccIcrie:, cr cump: cczing :|ime. Hcwever, ycur
cwn hcme ccn Le c wcrehcu:e cf hczcrccu: mcIeric|:. Ihe:e ccn Le
Icxic Ic ycur hec|Ih in c numLer cf wcy:, ncI Ihe |ec:I cf which i: Ihe
exIreme fire hczcrc Ihey pre:enI.
Such |tems |nc|ude:
AuLomoLIve IIuIds
Burbecue producLs
HeuILI und beuuLy producLs
Home muInLenunce producLs
HouseIoId cIeuners
uundry producLs
uwn und gurden producLs
MedIcInes und medIcuI suppIIes
PuInLs und puInL LIInners
n uddILIon, usbesLos or Ieud puInL presenL In oIder Iomes, und mercury
In compucL IIuorescenL IIgIL buIbs (Cs), muy become exposed durIng
or uILer u Iome IIre.
Scfer U:e cnc SIcrcge cf Hczcrccu: McIeric|:
Fcr c numLer cf hec|Ih cnc envircnmenIc| ccncern: Ihe fewer cmcunI:
cf chemicc|: ycu hcve in ycur hcme, Ihe LeIIer cff ycu cnc ycur fcmi|y --
e:pecic||y ycur chi|cren -- wi|| Le. Ihere cre c p|eIhcrc cf ncIurc|
c|IerncIive: fcr mcny hcu:ehc|c chemicc|:, pcrIicu|cr|y c|ecning
prccucI:, |cuncry prccucI:, cnc pe:Iicice:. 8uI if ycu mu:I hcve
chemicc|: in ycur hcme cr gcrcge:
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Buy onIy LIe umounL oI producL LIuL you ImmedIuLeIy need Ior u specIIIc
purpose Lo reduce LIe quunLILy oI Iuzurdous muLerIuIs In sLoruge.
umIIIurIze yourseII wILI eucI producL, ILs IocuLIon, und purpose.
oIIow use und sLoruge InsLrucLIons on LIe producL`s IubeI. MIxIng some
producLs cun creuLe deudIy poIsonous Iumes or cuuse IIres.
SLore Iuzurdous muLerIuIs In LIeIr orIgInuI conLuIners. CIungIng
conLuIners Is noL onIy dungerous - IL Is IIIeguI.
Use onIy porLubIe sLoruge conLuIners IIsLed by un IndependenL LesLIng
IuboruLory Ior IIummubIes und combusLIbIes.
SLore IIummubIe producLs - sucI us gusoIIne, kerosene, propune gus,
und puInL LIInner - uwuy Irom LIe Iome.
OnIy IIII porLubIe gusoIIne conLuIners ouLdoors In u weII-venLIIuLed ureu.
PIuce LIe conLuIner on LIe ground Lo IIII.
Never sLore IIummubIes In dIrecL sunIIgIL or neur un open IIume or IeuL
nspecL sLoruge ureus reguIurIy Ior Ieuky conLuIners, poor venLIIuLIon,
und LIe smeII oI Iumes.
SLore Iuzurdous muLerIuIs ouL oI LIe reucI oI cIIIdren und peLs.
Use guurdruIIs und suIeLy Iocks on sIeIves und cubIneLs Lo prevenL
conLuIners Irom LIppIng over or IuIIIng ouL, especIuIIy II you IIve In un
eurLIquuke-prone ureu.
Mcny fcmi|ie: gcIher in Ihe kiIchen Ic :penc Iime IcgeIher, LuI iI ccn Le
cne cf Ihe mc:I hczcrccu: rccm: in Ihe hcu:e if ycu ccn'I prccIice :cfe
cccking Lehcvicr:. Cccking euipmenI, mc:I cfIen c rcnge cr :IcveIcp
i: Ihe |eccing ccu:e cf repcrIec hcme fire: cnc hcme fire injurie: in Ihe
UniIec SIcIe:.
So|e Cook|ng 8ehov|ors
WheIher ycu cre cccking Ihe fcmi|y hc|iccy cinner cr c :ncck fcr ycur
kic:, prccIicing :cfe cccking Lehcvicr: wi|| he|p keep ycu cnc ycur fcmi|y
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Wh||e cook|ng, |t's o rec|pe |or ser|ous |njury or even deoth to:
Weur Ioose cIoLIIng (especIuIIy IungIng sIeeves).
WuIk uwuy Irom u cookIng poL on LIe sLove, or Ieuve IIummubIe
muLerIuIs, sucI us poLIoIders or puper LoweIs, uround LIe sLove.
Ihe |eod|ng couse o| ||res |n the k|tchen |s unottended cook|ng.
SIcy in Ihe kiIchen when ycu cre frying, gri||ing, cr Lrci|ing fccc. lf ycu
|ecve Ihe kiIchen fcr even c :hcrI pericc cf Iime, Iurn cff Ihe :Icve.
lf ycu cre :immering, Lcking, rcc:Iing, cr Lci|ing fccc, check iI regu|cr|y,
remcin in Ihe hcme whi|e fccc i: cccking, cnc u:e c Iimer Ic reminc ycu
IhcI ycu're cccking.
SIcy c|erIl Ic prevenI cccking fire:, ycu hcve Ic Le c|erI. Ycu wcn'I Le if
ycu cre :|eepy, hcve Leen crinking c|cchc|, cr hcve Icken mecicine IhcI
mcke: ycu crcw:y.
Choose the k|ght Equ|pment ond bse It Froper|y
/|wcy: u:e cccking euipmenI Ie:Iec cnc cpprcvec Ly c reccgnizec
Ie:Iing fcci|iIy.
Fc||cw mcnufccIurer:' in:IrucIicn: cnc ccce reuiremenI: when in:Ic||ing
cnc cpercIing cccking euipmenI.
F|ug c|| e|ecIricc| cccking cpp|icnce: cirecI|y inIc cn cuI|eI. Never u:e cn
exIen:icn ccrc fcr c cccking cpp|icnce, c: iI ccn cver|ccc Ihe circuiI cnc
ccu:e c fire.
8orbequ|ng So|ety
Fcr Chcrccc| Gri||:
PosILIon your grIII weII uwuy Irom sIdIng, deck ruIIIngs, und ouL Irom
under euves und overIungIng bruncIes.
PIuce your grIII u suIe dIsLunce Irom Iuwn gumes, pIuy ureus, und IooL
Keep your cIIIdren und peLs uwuy Irom LIe grIII ureu by decIurIng u -
IooL "kId-Iree zone" uround LIe grIII.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
PuL ouL severuI Iong-IundIed grIIIIng LooIs Lo gIve LIe cIeI pIenLy oI
cIeurunce Irom IeuL und IIumes wIen cookIng Iood.
PerIodIcuIIy remove greuse or IuL buIIdup In Lruys beIow grIII so u IoL
grIII cunnoL IgnILe IL.
Use onIy ouLdoors! I used Indoors, or In uny encIosed spuces, sucI us
LenLs, burbecue grIIIs pose boLI u IIre Iuzurd und LIe rIsk oI exposIng
occupunLs Lo curbon monoxIde.
PurcIuse LIe proper sLurLer IIuId und sLore ouL oI reucI oI cIIIdren und
uwuy Irom IeuL sources.
Never udd cIurcouI sLurLer IIuId wIen couIs or kIndIIng Iuve uIreudy
been IgnILed, und never use uny IIummubIe or combusLIbIe IIquId oLIer
LIun cIurcouI sLurLer IIuId Lo geL LIe IIre goIng.
Fcr Frcpcne Gri||:
Fo||ow the obove genero| so|ety t|ps, ond |n odd|t|on:
CIeck LIe propune cyIInder Iose Ior Ieuks beIore usIng IL Ior LIe IIrsL
LIme eucI yeur. A IIgIL soup und wuLer soIuLIon uppIIed Lo LIe Iose wIII
reveuI escupIng propune quIckIy by reIeusIng bubbIes. I you deLermIned
your grIII Ius u gus Ieuk by smeII or LIe soupy bubbIe LesL und LIere Is no
IIume, Lurn oII LIe propune Lunk und grIII. I LIe Ieuk sLops, geL LIe grIII
servIced by u proIessIonuI beIore usIng IL uguIn. I LIe Ieuk does noL
sLop, cuII LIe IIre depurLmenL.
I you smeII gus wIIIe cookIng, ImmedIuLeIy geL uwuy Irom LIe grIII und
cuII LIe IIre depurLmenL. Do noL uLLempL Lo move LIe grIII.
Use onIy equIpmenL beurIng LIe murk oI un IndependenL LesLIng
IuboruLory. oIIow LIe munuIucLurer`s InsLrucLIons on Iow Lo seL up LIe
grIII und muInLuIn IL.
Never sLore propune cyIInders In buIIdIngs or guruges. I you sLore u gus
grIII InsIde durIng LIe wInLer, dIsconnecL LIe cyIInder und Ieuve IL
AvoId usIng IIgILed cundIes, even durIng u power ouLuge II you cun.
I you smoke - QUT! L wIII do more Lo IeIp you survIve InLo oId uge
LIun uny oLIer LIp In LIIs munuuI! BuL II you musL smoke - smoke
ouLsIde und puL your cIgureLLes ouL In u cun IIIIed wILI sund. MosL Iome
IIres cuused by smokIng muLerIuIs sLurL InsIde LIe Iome.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Never use your runge or oven Lo IeuL your Iome.
Keep combusLIbIe und IIummubIe IIquIds uwuy Irom IeuL sources.
AIwuys reIueI porLubIe generuLors ouLdoors.
ruyed wIres on eIecLrIcuI uppIIunces cun cuuse IIres. RepIuce uII worn,
oId or dumuged uppIIunce cords ImmedIuLeIy und do noL run cords
under rugs or IurnILure. I un uppIIunce Ius u LIree-prong pIug, use IL
onIy In u LIree-sIoL ouLIeL. Never Iorce IL Lo IIL InLo u Lwo-sIoL ouLIeL or
exLensIon cord.
I you Iuve kIds, Luke LIe mysLery ouL oI IIre by LeucIIng cIIIdren LIuL
IIre Is u LooI, noL u Loy. SLore muLcIes und IIgILers ouL oI cIIIdren's
reucI und sIgIL, preIerubIy In u Iocked cubIneL. TeucI your kIds noL Lo
pIck up muLcIes or IIgILers LIey muy IInd. nsLeud, LIey sIouId LeII you
or un uduIL ImmedIuLeIy.
Ycu ccn finc cuI much mcre cLcuI hcme fire :cfeIy, inc|ucing :ec:cnc|
fire :cfeIy hczcrc: Ly vi:iIing FEM/.gcv.
When ycur :mcke c|crm gce: cff ycur gcc| :hcu|c Le Ic geI ycur:e|f, ycur
fcmi|y cnc ycur peI:, if ycu hcve cny, cuI cf Ihe Lui|cing cnc Ic :cfeIy c:
uick|y c: pc::iL|e. Fire :cfeIy cfficic|: rcre|y reccmmenc IhcI ycu :hcu|c
:Icy cnc cIIempI Ic LcII|e Ihe fire, cr wcrry cLcuI ycur per:cnc|
Le|cnging:. lf ycur c|crm gce: cff cnc keep: cn :cuncing, cr cnyIime ycu
:me|| :mcke cr :ee f|cme: ycu mu:I exiI ycur hcme uick|y cnc cc|| -1-1
cr ycur |ccc| fire cepcrImenI frcm c neighLcr: hcu:e cr mcLi|e phcne.
1. CruwI Iow under uny smoke Lo your exIL - Ieuvy smoke und
poIsonous guses coIIecL IIrsL uIong LIe ceIIIng. TIe uIr cIosesL Lo LIe
IIoor wIII be Iess IIIIed wILI smoke und Iumes. TIIs mukes breuLIIng
und seeIng eusIer.
z. I LIere Is smoke bIockIng your door or IIrsL wuy ouL, use your second
wuy ouL - especIuIIy II LIere Is smoke comIng uround or under LIe
. Smoke Is LoxIc. I you musL escupe LIrougI smoke, geL Iow und go
under LIe smoke Lo your wuy ouL.
q. BeIore openIng u door, IeeI LIe doorknob und door. I eILIer Is IoL,
Ieuve LIe door cIosed und use your second wuy ouL.
. I you open u door, open IL sIowIy. Be reudy Lo sIuL IL quIckIy II
Ieuvy smoke or IIre Is presenL.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
6. I you cun`L geL Lo someone needIng ussIsLunce, Ieuve LIe Iome und
cuII q-1-1 or LIe IIre depurLmenL. TeII LIe emergency operuLor wIere
LIe person Is IocuLed. JMNM@ GD O<"L PJ?D < OQ@JPJG
;. I peLs ure Lrupped InsIde your Iome, LeII IIreIIgILers rIgIL uwuy.
8. I you cun`L geL ouL, cIose LIe door und cover venLs und crucks uround
doors wILI cIoLI or Lupe Lo keep smoke ouL. CuII q-1-1 or your IIre
depurLmenL. TeII LIem wIere you ure und sIgnuI Ior IeIp uL LIe
wIndow wILI u IIgIL-coIored cIoLI or u IIusIIIgIL.
Fc||cw Ihe cLcve e:ccpe Iechniue: if ycu cre ccughI in c fire cuI:ice cf
ycur cwn hcme, in ycur wcrkp|cce, :cmecne e|:e: hcme, cr cIher puL|ic
NOIE: I| your c|othes cotch ||re, Stop, Drop, ond ko|| - stop
|mmed|ote|y, drop to the ground, ond cover your |oce w|th
your honds. ko|| over ond over or bock ond |orth unt|| the ||re
|s out. I| you or someone e|se connot stop, drop ond ro||,
smother the ||omes w|th o b|onket or towe|. I| the person |s
burned, use coo| woter to treot the burn |mmed|ote|y |or 3 to 5
m|nutes. Cover w|th o c|eon, dry c|oth. ke|er bock to Chopter
|or F|rst A|d |or 8urns. Get med|co| he|p r|ght owoy by co|||ng
-1-1 or the ||re deportment. Moke sure o|| |om||y members
ond espec|o||y ch||dren know ond proct|ce SIOF, DkOF ond
/cccrcing Ic Ihe US Fire /cmini:IrcIicn {USF/) {USF/.FEM/.gcv), Ihe u:e
cf c fire exIingui:her in Ihe hcnc: cf c Ircinec ccu|I ccn Le c |ife cnc
prcperIy :cving Icc|. Hcwever, c mcjcriIy cf ccu|I: hcve ncI hcc fire
exIingui:her Ircining cnc mcy ncI kncw hcw cnc when Ic u:e Ihem. Fire
exIingui:her u:e reuire: c :cunc ceci:icn mcking prcce:: cnc Ircining cn
Iheir prcper u:e cnc mcinIencnce.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
bSFA soys you need to cons|der the |o||ow|ng three quest|ons be|ore
purchos|ng or us|ng o ||re ext|ngu|sher to contro| o ||re:
1. Whot type o| ||re ext|ngu|sher |s needed?
DifferenI Iype: cf fire: reuire cifferenI Iype: cf exIingui:her:. Fcr excmp|e,
c grec:e fire cnc cn e|ecIricc| fire reuire Ihe u:e cf cifferenI exIingui:hing
cgenI: Ic Le effecIive cnc :cfe|y puI Ihe fire cuI.
8c:icc||y, Ihere cre five cifferenI Iype: cf exIingui:hing cgenI:. Mc:I fire
exIingui:her: ci:p|cy :ymLc|: Ic :hcw Ihe kinc cf fire cn which Ihey cre Ic
Le u:ec.
1ypes of lire xtinquishers

C|c:: / exIingui:her: puI cuI fire: in
crcincry ccmLu:IiL|e mcIeric|: :uch
c: c|cIh, wccc, ruLLer, pcper, cnc
mcny p|c:Iic:.

C|c:: 8 exIingui:her: cre u:ec cn fire:
invc|ving f|cmmcL|e |iuic:, :uch c:
grec:e, gc:c|ine, ci|, cnc ci|-Lc:ec

C|c:: C exIingui:her: cre :uiIcL|e fcr
u:e cn fire: invc|ving cpp|icnce:, Icc|:,
cr cIher euipmenI IhcI i: e|ecIricc||y
energizec cr p|uggec in.

C|c:: D exIingui:her: cre ce:ignec fcr
u:e cn f|cmmcL|e meIc|: cnc cre
cfIen :pecific fcr Ihe Iype cf meIc| in
ue:Iicn. Ihe:e cre Iypicc||y fcunc
cn|y in fccIcrie: wcrking wiIh Ihe:e

GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC

C|c:: K fire exIingui:her: cre inIencec
fcr u:e cn fire: IhcI invc|ve vegeIcL|e
ci|:, cnimc| ci|:, cr fcI: in cccking
cpp|icnce:. Ihe:e exIingui:her: cre
generc||y fcunc in ccmmercic|
kiIchen:, :uch c: Ihc:e fcunc in
re:IcurcnI:, ccfeIeric:, cnc ccIerer:.
C|c:: K exIingui:her: cre ncw fincing
Iheir wcy inIc Ihe re:icenIic| mcrkeI
fcr u:e in kiIchen:.

Ihere cre c|:c mu|Ii-purpc:e fire exIingui:her: - :uch c: Ihc:e |cLe|ec 8-C
cr /-8-C - IhcI ccn Le u:ec fcr Iwc cr mcre cf Ihe cLcve Iype fire:.
2. Is the ||re ot o po|nt where |t m|ght st||| be contro||ed by o
||re ext|ngu|sher?
FcrIcL|e fire exIingui:her: cre vc|ucL|e fcr immecicIe u:e cn :mc|| fire:.
Ihey ccnIcin c |imiIec cmcunI cf exIingui:hing mcIeric| cnc neec Ic Le
prcper|y u:ec :c IhcI Ihi: mcIeric| i: ncI wc:Iec. Fcr excmp|e, when c
pcn iniIic||y ccIche: fire, iI mcy Le :cfe Ic Iurn cff Ihe Lurner, p|cce c |ic
cn Ihe pcn, cnc u:e cn exIingui:her. 8y Ihe Iime Ihe fire hc: :precc,
hcwever, Ihe:e ccIicn: wi|| ncI Le cceucIe.
CAbIION: On|y tro|ned ||re||ghters con so|e|y ext|ngu|sh such ||res.
You Shou|d bse o F|re Ext|ngu|sher On|y I|:
You Iuve uIerLed oLIer occupunLs und someone Ius cuIIed LIe IIre
TIe IIre Is smuII und conLuIned Lo u sIngIe objecL, sucI us u wusLebuskeL.
You ure suIe Irom LIe LoxIc smoke produced by LIe IIre.
You Iuve u meuns oI escupe IdenLIIIed und LIe IIre Is noL beLween you
und LIe escupe rouLe.
Your InsLIncLs LeII you LIuL IL Is suIe Lo use un exLInguIsIer.
lf *&& cf Ihe:e ccnciIicn: cre ncI pre:enI, ycu :hcu|c NCI Iry Ic u:e c fire
exIingui:her. /|erI cIher cccupcnI:, |ecve Ihe Lui|cing fc||cwing ycur
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
hcme e:ccpe p|cn, gc Ic Ihe cgreec upcn meeIing p|cce, cnc cc|| Ihe
fire cepcrImenI frcm c ce|| phcne cr c neighLcr': hcme.
3. Am I phys|co||y copob|e o| us|ng the ext|ngu|sher?
Scme pecp|e hcve phy:icc| |imiIcIicn: IhcI mighI cimini:h cr e|imincIe
Iheir cLi|iIy Ic prcper|y u:e c fire exIingui:her. Fecp|e wiIh ci:cLi|iIie:, c|cer
ccu|I:, cr chi|cren mcy finc IhcI cn exIingui:her i: Icc hecvy Ic hcnc|e cr
iI mcy Le Icc cifficu|I fcr Ihem Ic exerI Ihe nece::cry pre::ure Ic cpercIe
Ihe exIingui:her.
Froper Ext|ngu|sher Mo|ntenonce
Fire exIingui:her: neec Ic Le regu|cr|y checkec Ic en:ure IhcI:
urnILure, doorwuys, or unyLIIng LIuL mIgIL IImIL uccess In un
emergency does noL bIock LIe exLInguIsIer.
TIe pressure Is uL LIe recommended IeveI. Some exLInguIsIers Iuve
guuges LIuL IndIcuLe wIen LIe pressure Is Loo IIgI or Loo Iow.
AII purLs ure operubIe und noL dumuged or resLrIcLed In uny wuy. Muke
sure Ioses und nozzIes ure Iree oI InsecLs or debrIs. TIere sIouId noL be
uny sIgns oI dumuge or ubuse, sucI us denLs or rusL, on LIe exLInguIsIer.
TIe ouLsIde oI LIe exLInguIsIer Is cIeun. Remove uny oII or greuse LIuL
mIgIL uccumuIuLe on LIe exLerIor.
SIuke dry cIemIcuI exLInguIsIers once u monLI Lo prevenL LIe powder
Irom seLLIIng or puckIng or cIeck LIe munuIucLurer's recommenduLIons.
Pressure-LesL LIe exLInguIsIer, (u process cuIIed IydrosLuLIc LesLIng)
uILer u number oI yeurs Lo ensure LIuL LIe cyIInder Is suIe Lo use. Ind
ouL Irom LIe owner's munuuI, LIe IubeI, or LIe munuIucLurer wIen un
exLInguIsIer muy need LIIs Lype oI LesLIng.
mmedIuLeIy repIuce LIe exLInguIsIer II IL needs recIurgIng or Is
Scunc Deci:icn Mcking - Ircining - McinIencnce
/|| IHFEE cre reuirec Ic :cfe|y ccnIrc| c fire wiIh cn exIingui:her. Fcr Ihi:
rec:cn, bSFA recommends thot on|y those tro|ned |n the proper use ond
mo|ntenonce o| ||re ext|ngu|shers cons|der us|ng them when oppropr|ote.
CcnIccI ycur |ccc| fire cepcrImenI fcr infcrmcIicn cn Fire ExIingui:her
Ircining in ycur crec.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Feccvering frcm c hcu:e fire wi|| Le c phy:icc||y, menIc||y cnc
emcIicnc||y crcining prcce:: fcr ycu cnc ycur fcmi|y. /fIer c fire :Irike:,
|ive: cre :uccen|y Iurnec crcunc. CfIen, Ihe hcrce:I pcrI i: kncwing whcI
Ic cc nexI cnc whc Ic ccnIccI.
Ihe |o||ow|ng check||st serves os o qu|ck re|erence ond gu|de |or you to
|o||ow o|ter o ||re str|kes:
ConLucL your IocuI dIsusLer reIIeI servIce, sucI us TIe Red Cross, II you
need Lemporury IousIng, Iood und medIcInes.
I you ure Insured, conLucL your Insurunce compuny Ior deLuIIed
InsLrucLIons on proLecLIng LIe properLy, conducLIng InvenLory und
conLucLIng IIre dumuge resLoruLIon compunIes. I you ure noL Insured,
Lry conLucLIng prIvuLe orgunIzuLIons Ior uId und ussIsLunce.
BeIore you re-enLer your properLy cIeck wILI LIe IIre depurLmenL Lo
muke sure your resIdence Is suIe Lo enLer. Be wuLcIIuI oI uny sLrucLuruI
dumuge cuused by LIe IIre.
TIe IIre depurLmenL sIouId see LIuL uLIIILIes ure eILIer suIe Lo use or ure
dIsconnecLed beIore LIey Ieuve LIe sILe. DO NOT uLLempL Lo reconnecL
uLIIILIes yourseII.
ConducL un InvenLory oI dumuged properLy und ILems. Do noL LIrow
uwuy uny dumuged goods unLII uILer un InvenLory Is mude.
Try Lo IocuLe vuIuubIe documenLs und records. TIIs wIII be eusIer II you
Iud LIe IoresIgIL Lo use u Ire SuIe. I you Iuve u Ire SuIe muke sure IL
Ius been uIIowed Lo cooI beIore you uLLempL Lo open IL.
I you Ieuve your Iome, conLucL LIe IocuI poIIce depurLmenL Lo IeL LIem
know LIe sILe wIII be unoccupIed.
BegIn suvIng receIpLs Ior uny money you spend reIuLed Lo IIre Ioss. TIe
receIpLs muy be needed IuLer by your Insurunce compuny und Ior
verIIyIng Iosses cIuImed on your Income Luxes.
NoLIIy your morLguge compuny oI LIe IIre.
CIeck wILI un uccounLunL or LIe nLernuI Revenue ServIce ubouL specIuI
beneIILs Ior peopIe recoverIng Irom IIre Ioss.
Fcr mcre infcrmcIicn cn whcI ycu :hcu|c cc cfIer c hcme fire, inc|ucing
vc|uing ycur prcperIy, rep|ccing cccumenI:, cnc :c|vcge hinI:, vi:iI Ihe
U.S. Fire /cmini:IrcIicn: weL:iIe {USF/.FEM/.gcv)
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Hcu:e fire: cre :cmeIhing IhcI ccn hcppen Ic cnycne, cnywhere,
cccepIing IhcI pc::iLi|iIy cnc Leing prepcrec i: ycur Le:I LeI fcr geIIing
cuI c|ive. Wi|c Fire: cre c :pecific NcIurc| Di:c:Ier, cnc |ike cIher ncIurc|
ci:c:Ier:, cccur in :pecific crec: cf Ihe wcr|c cnc Iime: cf Ihe yecr.
Hcwever, c: we hcve increc:ing|y encrccchec cn Ihe ncIurc| wcr|c, cnc
e:pecic||y in Ihe UniIec SIcIe:, ccnIinue Ic Lui|c cnc ceve|cp re:icence:
c|c:er cnc c|c:er Ic wi|c crec:, Wi|c Fire: hcve pc:ec increc:ec IhrecI: Ic
hcmecwner: cnc humcn |ife.
Like cIher ncIurc| ci:c:Ier: Wi|c Fire: mcy ncI Le IcIc||y precicIcL|e cr
enIire|y prevenIcL|e. Every yecr :cme hcme: :urvive - whi|e mcny cIher:
cc ncI - cfIer c mcjcr wi|cfire. Ihc:e IhcI :urvive c|mc:I c|wcy: cc :c
Leccu:e Iheir cwner: hcc prepcrec fcr Ihe evenIuc|iIy cf Ihe fire, which i:
pcrI cf Ihe ncIurc| crcer cf Ihing: in fire-prcne wi|c |cnc crec:. lf c: pcrI cf
ycur Fi:k /::e::menI ycu kncw ycu cre in cn crec prcne Ic Wi|cfire: ycu
ccn cnc :hcu|c mcke prepcrcIicn: Ic prcIecI ycur:e|f, ycur fcmi|y, cnc
minimize Ihe pcIenIic| ccmcge Ic ycur hcme cnc prcperIy.
/: c|wcy: Ic Legin prepcring fcr c Wi|cfire, ycu :hcu|c Lui|c cn
emergency kiI, c Gc 8cg, cnc mcke c fcmi|y ccmmuniccIicn: p|cn.
8eycnc IhcI:
DesIgn und Iundscupe your Iome wILI wIIdIIre suIeLy In mInd. SeIecL
muLerIuIs und pIunLs LIuL cun IeIp conLuIn IIre ruLIer LIun IueI IL.
Use IIre-resIsLunL or noncombusLIbIe muLerIuIs on LIe rooI und exLerIor
sLrucLure oI LIe dweIIIng, or LreuL wood or combusLIbIe muLerIuI used In
rooIs, sIdIng, deckIng or LrIm wILI IIre-reLurdunL cIemIcuIs evuIuuLed by
u nuLIonuIIy recognIzed IuboruLory, sucI us UnderwrILers uboruLorIes
PIunL IIre-resIsLunL sIrubs und Lrees. or exumpIe, Iurdwood Lrees ure
Iess IIummubIe LIun pIne, evergreen, eucuIypLus or IIr Lrees.
ReguIurIy cIeun rooI und guLLers.
nspecL cIImneys uL IeusL LwIce u yeur. CIeun LIem uL IeusL once u yeur.
Keep LIe dumpers In good workIng order.
Use 1J8-IncI mesI screen beneuLI porcIes, decks, IIoor ureus, und LIe
Iome ILseII. AIso, screen openIngs Lo IIoors, rooI und uLLIc.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
nsLuII u duuI-sensor smoke uIurm on eucI IeveI oI your Iome, especIuIIy
neur bedrooms. TesL monLIIy und cIunge LIe buLLerIes uL IeusL once
eucI yeur.
Keep Iundy IouseIoId ILems LIuL cun be used us IIre LooIs: u ruke, uxe,
Iundsuw or cIuIn suw, buckeL und sIoveI.
Keep u Iudder LIuL wIII reucI LIe rooI.
ConsIder InsLuIIIng proLecLIve sIuLLers or Ieuvy IIre-resIsLunL drupes.
CIeur ILems LIuL wIII burn Irom uround LIe Iouse, IncIudIng woodpIIes,
Iuwn IurnILure, burbecue grIIIs, Lurp coverIngs, eLc. Move LIem ouLsIde
oI your deIensIbIe spuce.
L Is recommended LIuL you creuLe u o Lo 1oo IooL suIeLy zone uround
your Iome. WILIIn LIIs ureu, you cun Luke sLeps Lo reduce poLenLIuI
exposure Lo IIumes und rudIunL IeuL. Homes buIIL In pIne IoresLs sIouId
Iuve u mInImum suIeLy zone oI 1oo IeeL. I your Iome sILs on u sLeep
sIope, sLundurd proLecLIve meusures muy noL suIIIce. ConLucL your IocuI
IIre depurLmenL or IoresLry oIIIce Ior uddILIonuI InIormuLIon.
Ruke Ieuves, deud IImbs und LwIgs. CIeur uII IIummubIe vegeLuLIon.
Remove Ieuves und rubbIsI Irom under sLrucLures.
TIIn u 1-IooL spuce beLween Lree crowns, und remove IImbs wILIIn 1
IeeL oI LIe ground.
Remove deud bruncIes LIuL exLend over LIe rooI.
Prune Lree bruncIes und sIrubs wILIIn 1 IeeL oI u sLovepIpe or cIImney
Ask LIe power compuny Lo cIeur bruncIes Irom power IInes.
Remove vInes Irom LIe wuIIs oI LIe Iome und mow gruss reguIurIy.
CIeur u Len-IooL ureu uround propune Lunks und LIe burbecue. PIuce u
screen over LIe grIII - use nonIIummubIe muLerIuI wILI mesI no courser
LIun one-quurLer IncI.
ReguIurIy dIspose oI newspupers und rubbIsI uL un upproved sILe.
oIIow IocuI burnIng reguIuLIons.
PIuce sLove, IIrepIuce und grIII usIes In u meLuI buckeL, souk In wuLer Ior
Lwo duys LIen bury LIe coId usIes In mIneruI soII.
SLore gusoIIne, oIIy rugs und oLIer IIummubIe muLerIuIs In upproved
suIeLy cuns. PIuce cuns In u suIe IocuLIon uwuy Irom LIe buse oI
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
SLuck IIrewood uL IeusL 1oo IeeL uwuy und upIIII Irom your Iome. CIeur
combusLIbIe muLerIuI wILIIn zo IeeL. Use onIy wood-burnIng devIces
evuIuuLed by u nuLIonuIIy recognIzed IuboruLory, sucI us UnderwrILers
uboruLorIes (U).
RevIew your Iomeowner's Insurunce poIIcy und uIso prepureJupduLe u
IIsL oI your Iome's conLenLs.
IF YOb SEE A WILDFIkE, CALL -1-1. Dcn'I c::ume IhcI :cmecne e|:e hc:
c|reccy cc||ec. De:criLe Ihe |cccIicn cf Ihe fire, :peck :|cw|y cnc c|ecr|y,
cnc cn:wer cny ue:Iicn: c:kec Ly Ihe ci:pcIcher.
Arrunge Lemporury IousIng uL u IrIend or reIuLIve`s Iome ouLsIde LIe
LIreuLened ureu In cuse you need Lo evucuuLe.
Weur proLecLIve cIoLIIng - sLurdy sIoes, coLLon or wooIen cIoLIes, Iong
punLs, u Iong-sIeeved sIIrL, gIoves und u IundkercIIeI Lo proLecL your
GuLIer IIre LooIs sucI us u ruke, uxe, Iundsuw or cIuInsuw, buckeL und
CIose ouLsIde uLLIc, euves und busemenL venLs, wIndows, doors, peL
doors, eLc. Remove IIummubIe drupes und curLuIns. CIose uII sIuLLers,
bIInds or Ieuvy non-combusLIbIe wIndow coverIngs Lo reduce rudIunL
CIose uII doors InsIde LIe Iouse Lo prevenL druIL. Open LIe dumper on
your IIrepIuce, buL cIose LIe IIrepIuce screen.
SIuL oII uny nuLuruI gus, propune or IueI oII suppIIes uL LIe source.
ConnecL gurden Ioses. III uny pooIs, IoL Lubs, gurbuge cuns, Lubs or
oLIer Iurge conLuIners wILI wuLer.
PIuce Iuwn sprInkIers on LIe rooI und neur uboveground IueI Lunks. WeL
down your rooI.
I you Iuve gus-powered pumps Ior wuLer, muke sure LIey ure IueIed
und reudy.
PIuce u Iudder uguInsL LIe Iouse In cIeur vIew.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Buck your cur or desIgnuLed Bug-OuL VeIIcIe InLo LIe drIvewuy reudy
Ior quIck depurLure. SIuL LIe doors und roII up LIe wIndows. euve LIe
key In LIe IgnILIon und LIe cur doors unIocked. PIuce vuIuubIe pupers,
memenLos und unyLIIng "you cun'L IIve wILIouL" InsIde LIe cur. I you
IeeI un evucuuLIon Is emInenL, puL uny peLs sLIII wILI you In LIe cur und
reudy Lo go.
DIsconnecL uny uuLomuLIc guruge door openers so LIuL doors cun sLIII be
opened by Iund II LIe power goes ouL. CIose uII guruge doors.
PIuce vuIuubIes LIuL wIII noL be dumuged by wuLer In u pooI or pond.
Move IIummubIe IurnILure InLo LIe cenLer oI LIe resIdence uwuy Irom
LIe wIndows und sIIdIng-gIuss doors.
Turn on ouLsIde IIgILs und Ieuve u IIgIL on In every room Lo muke LIe
Iouse more vIsIbIe In Ieuvy smoke.
euve doors und wIndows cIosed buL unIocked. L muy be necessury Ior
IIreIIgILers Lo guIn quIck enLry InLo your Iome Lo IIgIL IIre. TIe enLIre
ureu wIII be IsoIuLed und puLroIIed by sIerIII's depuLIes or poIIce.
lf ccvi:ec Ic evccucIe, cc :c immecicIe|y. Icke ycur Gc 8cg{:) wiIh ycu,
|cck ycur hcme cnc chcc:e c rcuIe cwcy frcm Ihe fire hczcrc. WcIch fcr
chcnge: in Ihe :peec cnc cirecIicn cf Ihe fire cnc :mcke. Ie|| :cmecne
when ycu |efI cnc where ycu cre gcing.
De:piIe ycur prepcrcIicn: cnc Le:I inIenIicn: Ic evccucIe - fire i: cn
unprecicIcL|e cnc fc:I mcving fcrce - hence Ihe ncme WlLDFlFE."
I| You Are |n Your Cor
lf ycu finc ycur:e|f in Ihe mic:I cf c Fire SIcrm whi|e in ycur ccr, :Icy in Ihe
vehic|e. lI i: much |e:: ccngercu: Ihcn Irying Ic cuIrun c fire cn fccI.
1. RoII up wIndows und cIose uIr venLs. DrIve sIowIy wILI IeudIIgILs
on. WuLcI Ior oLIer veIIcIes und pedesLrIuns. Do noL drIve LIrougI
Ieuvy smoke.
z. I you Iuve Lo sLop, purk uwuy Irom LIe IeuvIesL Lrees und brusI.
Turn IeudIIgILs on und IgnILIon oII. RoII up wIndows und cIose uIr
. GeL on LIe IIoor und cover up wILI u bIunkeL or couL.
q. SLuy In LIe veIIcIe unLII LIe muIn IIre pusses.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
. SLuy In LIe cur. Do noL run! EngIne muy sLuII und noL resLurL. AIr
currenLs muy rock LIe cur. Some smoke und spurks muy enLer LIe
veIIcIe. TemperuLure InsIde wIII Increuse - buL meLuI gus Lunks und
conLuIners rureIy expIode.
I| You 8ecome Iropped |n Your Home
lf ycu cc finc ycur:e|f Ircppec Ly wi|cfire in:ice ycur hcme, :Icy in:ice cnc
cwcy frcm cuI:ice wc||:. C|c:e cccr:, LuI |ecve Ihem un|cckec. Keep
ycur enIire fcmi|y IcgeIher cnc remcin cc|m.
I| Cought Outdoors |n the Open
Ihe Le:I Iempcrcry :he|Ier i: in c p|cce cf :pcr:e fue| {Iree: cnc fc|icge)
cn c :Ieep mcunIcin:ice, Ihe Lcck:ice i: :cfer. /vcic ccnycn:, ncIurc|
chimney: cnc :ccc|e:.
lf c rccc i: necrLy, |ie fcce ccwn c|cng Ihe rccc cuI cr in Ihe ciIch cn Ihe
uphi|| :ice. Ccver ycur:e|f wiIh cnyIhing IhcI wi|| :hie|c ycu frcm Ihe fire':
lf hiking in Ihe LcckccunIry, :eek c cepre::icn wiIh :pcr:e fue|. C|ecr fue|
cwcy frcm Ihe crec whi|e Ihe fire i: cpprccching cnc Ihen |ie fcce ccwn
in Ihe cepre::icn cnc ccver ycur:e|f. SIcy ccwn unIi| cfIer Ihe fire pc::e:l
Gc Ic c ce:igncIec puL|ic :he|Ier if ycu hcve Leen Ic|c Ic evccucIe cr
ycu fee| iI i: un:cfe Ic remcin in ycur hcme. ln Ihe US ycu ccn IexI
SHELIEF + ycur ZlF ccce Ic 4332 {4FEM/) Ic finc Ihe necre:I :he|Ier in
ycur crec {excmp|e: :he|Ier 12345).
I you ure wILI burn vIcLIms, or ure u burn vIcLIm yourseII, cuII q-1-1 or
seek IeIp ImmedIuLeIy. CooI und cover burns Lo reduce cIunce oI
IurLIer Injury or InIecLIon.
I you remuIned uL Iome, cIeck LIe rooI ImmedIuLeIy uILer LIe IIre
dunger Ius pussed. PuL ouL uny rooI IIres, spurks or embers. CIeck LIe
uLLIc Ior IIdden burnIng spurks.
I LIe power Is ouL, IoIIow LIe proLocoIs you Iuve Ieurned Ior usIng your
sLored Iood. ReIer buck Lo CIupLer 1z II necessury. L Is ImporLunL LIuL
you dIscurd uny Iood LIuL Ius been exposed Lo IeuL, smoke or sooL.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
or severuI Iours uILer LIe IIre, muInLuIn u "IIre wuLcI." Re-cIeck Ior
smoke und spurks LIrougIouL LIe Iouse.
I you Iuve evucuuLed, do noL enLer your Iome unLII IIre oIIIcIuIs suy IL Is
I u buIIdIng InspecLor Ius pIuced u coIor-coded sIgn on LIe Iome, do
noL enLer IL unLII you geL more InIormuLIon, udvIce und InsLrucLIons
ubouL wIuL LIe sIgn meuns und wIeLIer IL Is suIe Lo enLer your Iome.
I you musL Ieuve your Iome becuuse u buIIdIng InspecLor suys LIe
buIIdIng Is unsuIe, usk someone you LrusL Lo wuLcI LIe properLy durIng
your ubsence.
Use cuuLIon wIen enLerIng burned ureus us Iuzurds muy sLIII exIsL,
IncIudIng IoL spoLs, wIIcI cun IIure up wILIouL wurnIng.
I you deLecL IeuL or smoke wIen enLerIng u dumuged buIIdIng, evucuuLe
I you Iuve u suIe or sLrong box, do noL Lry Lo open IL. L cun IoId
InLense IeuL Ior severuI Iours. I LIe door Is opened beIore LIe box Ius
cooIed, LIe conLenLs couId bursL InLo IIumes.
AvoId dumuged or IuIIen power IInes, poIes und downed wIres.
WuLcI Ior usI pILs und murk LIem Ior suIeLy-wurn IumIIy und
neIgIbors Lo keep cIeur oI LIe pILs uIso.
WuLcI unImuIs cIoseIy und keep LIem under your dIrecL conLroI. HIdden
embers und IoL spoLs couId burn your peLs` puws or Iooves.
oIIow pubIIc IeuILI guIdunce on suIe cIeunup oI IIre usI und suIe use oI
WeL debrIs down Lo mInImIze breuLIIng dusL purLIcIes.
Weur IeuLIer gIoves und Ieuvy soIed sIoes Lo proLecL Iunds und IeeL.
CIeunIng producLs, puInL, buLLerIes und dumuged IueI conLuIners need Lo
be dIsposed oI properIy Lo uvoId rIsk.
Do NOT use wuLer LIuL you LIInk muy be conLumInuLed Lo wusI dIsIes,
brusI LeeLI, prepure Iood, wusI Iunds, muke Ice or muke buby IormuIu.
/: in cny ci:c:Ier reccvery :iIucIicn, remcin cc|m. Fcce ycur:e|f. Ycu
mcy finc ycur:e|f in Ihe pc:iIicn cf Icking chcrge cf cIher pecp|e. Li:Ien
ccrefu||y Ic whcI pecp|e cre Ie||ing ycu, cnc cec| pcIienI|y wiIh urgenI
:iIucIicn: fir:I.
Wi|c Fire: cre ccn:icerec NcIurc| Di:c:Ier:" Leccu:e |ighIening cfIen :eI:
Ihem cff. ln mcny wcy: fcre:I fire: cre pcrI cf Ihe ncIurc| crcer cf Ihing:,
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
cnc Ihe wcy fcre:I: cnc wccc|cnc: hcve cf :u:Icining Ihem:e|ve:. 8uI,
humcn: hcve c wcy cf ci:IurLing Ihe ncIurc| crcer cf Ihing:, cnc iI i:
humcn: whc u:uc||y :IcrI mc:I wi|c fire: IhcI pc:e c IhrecI Ic pecp|e cnc
Iheir hcme:l
Ycu ccn Icke :Iep: Ic prevenI wi|c fire: cnc minimize Iheir effecI: Ly
Leccming mcre cwcre cf Wi|c Fire :cfeIy prccIice::
ReporL Iuzurdous condILIons LIuL couId cuuse u wIIdIIre.
TeucI cIIIdren ubouL IIre suIeLy. Keep muLcIes ouL oI LIeIr reucI.
PosL IIre emergency LeIepIone numbers.
Ensure udequuLe uccessIbIIILy by Iurge IIre veIIcIes Lo your properLy.
PIun severuI escupe rouLes uwuy Irom your Iome - by cur und by IooL.
TuIk Lo your neIgIbors ubouL wIIdIIre suIeLy. PIun Iow LIe
neIgIborIood couId work LogeLIer beIore, durIng und uILer u wIIdIIre.
Muke u IIsL oI your neIgIbors' skIIIs sucI us medIcuI or LecInIcuI.
ConsIder Iow you couId IeIp neIgIbors wIo Iuve specIuI needs sucI us
eIderIy or dIsubIed persons. Muke pIuns Lo Luke cure oI cIIIdren wIo
muy be on LIeIr own II purenLs cun'L geL Iome.
BeIore burnIng debrIs In u wooded ureu, muke sure you noLIIy IocuI
uuLIorILIes und obLuIn u burnIng permIL. Huve u IIre exLInguIsIer or
gurden Iose on Iund wIen burnIng debrIs.
Fire i: c fcrce cf ncIure. Fcr unIc|c cenIurie: humcn: hcve cIIempIec Ic
ccnIrc| fire in iI: mcny cifferenI fcrm: Ic give u: pcwer cnc ccminicn cver
Ihe p|cneI - LuI every ncw cnc Ihen, McIher NcIure |eI: u: kncw :he i: :Ii||
in chcrge. lI i: cn|y when we kncw cnc re:pecI Ihe Irue ncIure cf fire ccn
we prcper|y prepcre cnc prcIecI cur fcmi|ie: cnc cur:e|ve: frcm iI: ccrker
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 1

You don't droun b jcllin in the ucter.
You droun b stcin there.
- Eduin Louis Cole
F|ccc: cre cne cf Ihe mc:I ccmmcn hczcrc: cr NcIurc| Di:c:Ier: in Ihe
wcr|c. /|Ihcugh f|ccc: ccn cccur c: c ci:c:Ier cn Iheir cwn, Ihey cre
cfIen Ihe :eccnccry effecI cf cIher ncIurc| ci:c:Ier: cr wecIher evenI:,
which i: why Ihey cccur :c cfIen. Hecvy Fcin:, Hurriccne:, Sncw Me|I,
EcrIhucke:, even Wi|cfire:, c|| ccn |ecc Ic f|cccing.
Whi|e f|ccc: ccn Le cn ever-pre:enI IhrecI, ncI c|| f|ccc: cre c|ike. Scme
f|ccc: ceve|cp :|cw|y whi|e cIher:, :uch c: f|c:h f|ccc:, ccn ceve|cp in ju:I
c few minuIe: cnc wiIh |iII|e cr nc wcrning, :cmeIime: even wiIhcuI cuI
cny vi:iL|e :ign: cf rcin. F|ccc: ccn Le high|y |ccc|izec, impccIing cn|y
ycur L|cck, cr neighLcrhccc - cr very |crge, cffecIing enIire river Lc:in:
cnc mu|Iip|e crec:.
F|c:h f|ccc: cfIen hcve c ccngercu: wc|| cf rccring wcIer ccrrying rcck:,
muc cnc cIher ceLri:. Cver|cnc f|cccing, Ihe mc:I ccmmcn Iype cf
f|cccing evenI Iypicc||y cccur: when wcIerwcy: :uch c: river: cr :Irecm:
cverf|cw Iheir Lcnk: c: c re:u|I cf rcinwcIer cr c pc::iL|e |evee cr ccm
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Lrecch cnc ccu:e f|cccing Ic Ihe :urrcuncing crec:. lI ccn c|:c cccur
when rcinfc|| cr :ncwme|I exceec: Ihe ccpcciIy cf uncergrcunc pipe:, cr
Ihe ccpcciIy cf :IreeI: cnc crcin: ce:ignec Ic ccrry f|cccwcIer cwcy
frcm urLcn crec:.
Even if ycu fee| ycu |ive in c ccmmuniIy wiIh c |cw ri:k cf f|cccing,
rememLer IhcI cnywhere iI rcin:, iI ccn f|ccc. Ycu neec Ic Le cwcre cf
f|ccc hczcrc: nc mcIIer where ycu |ive cr wcrk, LuI e:pecic||y if ycu cre in
|cw-|ying crec:, necr wcIer, Lehinc c |evee cr ccwn:Irecm frcm c ccm.
Even very :mc|| :Irecm:, gu||ie:, creek:, cu|verI:, cry :IrecmLec: cr |cw-
|ying grcunc IhcI cppecr hcrm|e:: in cry wecIher ccn f|ccc.
/: pcrI cf ycur Fi:k /::e::menI in ChcpIer 2 ycu :hcu|c hcve |cckec cI
Ihe mcp: cvci|cL|e cI F|cccSmcrI.gcv cr Di:c:IerScfeIy.crg, cnc ycu
:hcu|c Le cwcre if ycu cre in cn crec prcne Ic f|cccing.
NOIE: F|ood Insuronce |s usuo||y not port o| your stondord
homeowners or renter's |nsuronce po||cy. You con o|so use
your oreos F|ood Hozord Mop to determ|ne the type o| ||ood
|nsuronce coveroge you w||| need, || |t's ovo||ob|e ond whot |t
w||| cost. Ihe |ower the degree o| r|sk, the |ower the ||ood
|nsuronce prem|um shou|d be |or you.
Frepore Your Home |or o F|ood
8eing prepcrec fcr c f|ccc, c: c|wcy:, :IcrI: wiIh hcving c p|cn cnc
mcking :ure ycur ci:c:Ier prepcrecne:: kiI cnc Gc 8cg cre fre:h, reccy
cnc ccce::iL|e.
8eyond thot you need to:
AvoId buIIdIng In u IIoodpIuIn unIess you eIevuLe und reInIorce your
ConsIder sLrengLIenIng your wuIIs Lo wILIsLund IIoodwuLer pressures
und IIood debrIs.
nsLuII u sump pump und IounduLIon druIn sysLem.
EIevuLe LIe Iurnuce, wuLer IeuLer und eIecLrIc puneI In your Iome II you
IIve In un ureu LIuL Ius u IIgI IIood rIsk.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ConsIder InsLuIIIng "cIeck vuIves" Lo prevenL IIoodwuLer Irom buckIng
up InLo LIe druIns oI your Iome.
I IeusIbIe, consLrucL burrIers Lo sLop IIoodwuLer Irom enLerIng LIe
buIIdIng und seuI wuIIs In busemenLs wILI wuLerprooIIng compounds.
F|ood Ierms You Need to Know
F|ood Wotch - F|cccing i: pc::iL|e. Iune in Ic NC// WecIher Fccic,
ccmmercic| rccic cr Ie|evi:icn fcr infcrmcIicn.
F|osh F|ood Wotch - F|c:h f|cccing i: pc::iL|e. 8e prepcrec Ic mcve Ic
higher grcunc. Li:Ien Ic NC// WecIher Fccic, ccmmercic| rccic cr
Ie|evi:icn fcr infcrmcIicn.
F|ood Worn|ng - F|cccing i: cccurring cr wi|| cccur :ccn. lf ccvi:ec Ic
evccucIe, cc :c immecicIe|y.
F|osh F|ood Worn|ng - / f|c:h f|ccc i: cccurring. Seek higher grcunc cn
fccI immecicIe|y.
When o F|ood |s Ihreoten|ng
IsLen Lo ureu rudIo und LeIevIsIon sLuLIons und Iuve your NOAA
WeuLIer RudIo Iundy Ior possIbIe IIood wurnIngs und reporLs oI
IIoodIng In progress or oLIer crILIcuI InIormuLIon Irom LIe NuLIonuI
WeuLIer ServIce (NWS).
Huve your Go Bug und your Bug-OuL VeIIcIe reudy und be prepured Lo
evucuuLe uL u momenL`s noLIce.
CIeur druIns, guLLers und downspouLs oI debrIs.
RoII up ureu rugs und curpeLIng, wIere possIbIe, und sLore LIese on
IIgIer IIoors or eIevuLIons. TIIs wIII reduce LIe cIunces oI rugs geLLIng
weL und growIng moId.
Move IurnILure und eIecLronIcs oII LIe IIoor, purLIcuIurIy In busemenLs
und IIrsL IIoor IeveIs.
AncIor IueI Lunks. An ununcIored Lunk cun be Lorn Iree by IIoodwuLers,
und LIe broken suppIy IIne cun cuuse conLumInuLIon or, II ouLdoors, cun
be swepL downsLreum und dumuge oLIer properLy.
nspecL sump pumps und druIns Lo ensure proper operuLIon. I u sump
pump Ius u buLLery buckup, muke sure LIe buLLerIes ure IresI or repIuce
LIe buLLerIes.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
SIuL oII eIecLrIcuI servIce uL LIe muIn breuker II LIe eIecLrIcuI sysLem
und ouLIeLs wIII be under wuLer.
PIuce uII uppIIunces, IncIudIng sLove, wusIer und dryer on musonry
bIocks or concreLe uL IeusL 1z IncIes ubove LIe projecLed IIood eIevuLIon.
WIen u IIood or IIusI IIood wurnIng Is Issued Ior your ureu, Ieud Ior
IIgIer ground und sLuy LIere.
SLuy uwuy Irom IIoodwuLers. I you come upon u IIowIng sLreum wIere
wuLer Is ubove your unkIes, sLop, Lurn uround und go unoLIer wuy. SIx
IncIes oI swIILIy movIng wuLer cun sweep you oII oI your IeeL.
Keep cIIIdren ouL oI LIe wuLer. TIey ure curIous und oILen Iuck
judgmenL ubouL runnIng wuLer or conLumInuLed wuLer.
Be especIuIIy cuuLIous uL nIgIL wIen IL Is Iurder Lo recognIze IIood
I| o ||ood |s em|nent or || ||ood hozord cond|t|ons hove storted |n your oreo:
1. IsLen Lo LIe rudIo or LeIevIsIon or especIuIIy your NOAA rudIo Ior
upduLed InIormuLIon.
z. Be uwure LIuL IIusI IIoodIng cun occur. I LIere Is uny possIbIIILy oI u
IIusI IIood, move ImmedIuLeIy Lo IIgIer ground. Do noL wuIL Ior
InsLrucLIons Lo move.
. Be uwure oI sLreum, druInuge cIunneIs, cunyons und oLIer ureus
known Lo IIood suddenIy. IusI IIoods cun occur In LIese ureus wILI
or wILIouL LypIcuI wurnIngs sucI us ruIn cIouds or Ieuvy ruIn.
I| you choose to or ore |nstructed to evocuote, you shou|d do the
1. Know your EvucuuLIon RouLe beIore you need Lo use IL. Huve uL IeusL
one or Lwo uILernuLIves II roud condILIons become Loo Iuzurdous Lo
LruveI on your prImury evucuuLIon rouLe.
z. Secure your Iome. I you Iuve LIme, brIng In ouLdoor IurnILure.
Move essenLIuI ILems Lo un upper IIoor.
. Be sure you Iuve your Go Bug(s) wILI you.
q. Turn oII uLIIILIes uL LIe muIn swILcIes or vuIves II InsLrucLed Lo do so.
DIsconnecL eIecLrIcuI uppIIunces. Do noL LoucI eIecLrIcuI equIpmenL
II you ure weL or sLundIng In wuLer.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
. Do noL wuIk LIrougI movIng wuLer. SIx IncIes oI movIng wuLer cun
muke you IuII. I you Iuve Lo wuIk In wuLer, wuIk wIere LIe wuLer Is
noL movIng. Use u sLIck Lo cIeck LIe IIrmness oI LIe ground In IronL
oI you und Ior supporL II needed.
6. Do noL drIve InLo IIooded ureus. I IIoodwuLers rIse uround your cur,
ubundon LIe cur und move Lo IIgIer ground II you cun do so suIeIy.
You und LIe veIIcIe cun be swepL uwuy quIckIy.
;. Do noL cump or purk your veIIcIe uIong sLreums, rIvers or creeks,
purLIcuIurIy durIng LIreuLenIng condILIons.
8. DecIde In udvunce on u IumIIy meeLIng pIuce, In cuse you ure
q. Muke urrungemenLs Ior uny peLs or IIvesLock.
Mcny |ive: cre |c:I curing f|ccc: cue Ic mcIcri:I: cnc evccuee:
uncere:IimcIing Ihe ccpcLi|iIie: cf Iheir vehic|e: cnc Ihe exIenI cf
f|cccing Ic rcccwcy:. Ycu :hcu|c never cIIempI Ic crive Ihrcugh c
f|cccec rccc. Ihe cepIh cf wcIer i: ncI c|wcy: cLvicu:. Ihe rcccLec
mcy Le wc:hec cuI uncer Ihe wcIer, cnc ycu ccu|c Le :Ircncec cr
You need to be owore thot:
L onIy Lukes sIx IncIes oI wuLer Lo reucI LIe boLLom oI mosL pussenger
curs cuusIng Ioss oI conLroI und possIbIe sLuIIIng.
A IooL oI wuLer wIII IIouL mosL veIIcIes.
Two IeeL or more oI rusIIng wuLer cun curry uwuy mosL veIIcIes even
sporL uLIIILy veIIcIes (SUV`s) und pIck-ups.
WIen drIvIng durIng IIood condILIons:
Do noL uLLempL Lo drIve LIrougI u IIooded roud. TIe depLI oI wuLer Is
noL uIwuys obvIous.
Do noL drIve uround u burrIcude. BurrIcudes ure LIere Ior your
proLecLIon. Turn uround und go LIe oLIer wuy.
Do noL Lry Lo Luke sIorL cuLs. TIey muy be bIocked. SLIck Lo desIgnuLed
evucuuLIon rouLes.
Be especIuIIy cuuLIous drIvIng uL nIgIL wIen IL Is Iurder Lo recognIze
IIood dungers.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ln Ihe cfIermcIh cf c f|ccc, c|Ihcugh f|cccwcIer: mcy Le ccwn in :cme
crec:, mcny ccnger: :Ii|| exi:I. ln fccI c: evicencec Ly Ihe mc::ive
f|cccing IhcI cccurrec when Ihe |evee: gcve wcy curing Hurriccne
KcIrinc, iI i: cfIer c mcjcr f|ccc, when mcny cf Ihe prcL|em: fir:I Legin, cr
geI much wcr:e.
Here ore some th|ngs to remember |n the doys |o||ow|ng o ||ood:
Use IocuI uIerLs und wurnIng sysLems Lo geL InIormuLIon und experL
udvIce us soon us uvuIIubIe.
AvoId movIng wuLer.
SLuy uwuy Irom dumuged ureus unIess poIIce, IIre, or u reIIeI
orgunIzuLIon Ius specIIIcuIIy requesLed your ussIsLunce.
Emergency workers wIII be ussIsLIng peopIe In IIooded ureus. You cun
IeIp LIem by sLuyIng oII LIe rouds und ouL oI LIe wuy.
PIuy IL suIe. AddILIonuI IIoodIng or IIusI IIoods cun occur. IsLen Ior
IocuI wurnIngs und InIormuLIon.
I your cur sLuIIs In rupIdIy rIsIng wuLers, geL ouL ImmedIuLeIy und cIImb
Lo IIgIer ground.
ReLurn Iome onIy wIen oIIIcIuIs Iuve decIured LIe ureu suIe.
BeIore enLerIng your Iome, Iook ouLsIde Ior Ioose power IInes, dumuged
gus IInes, IounduLIon crucks or oLIer dumuge.
PurLs oI your Iome muy be coIIupsed or dumuged. ApproucI enLrunces
cureIuIIy. See II porcI rooIs und overIungs Iuve uII LIeIr supporLs.
WuLcI ouL Ior wIId unImuIs, especIuIIy poIsonous snukes LIuL muy Iuve
come InLo your Iome wILI LIe IIoodwuLer.
I you smeII nuLuruI or propune gus or Ieur u IIssIng noIse, Ieuve
ImmedIuLeIy und cuII LIe IIre depurLmenL.
Rouds muy sLIII be cIosed becuuse LIey Iuve been dumuged or ure
covered by wuLer. BurrIcudes Iuve been pIuced Ior your proLecLIon. I
you come upon u burrIcude or u IIooded roud, go unoLIer wuy.
I you musL wuIk or drIve In ureus LIuL Iuve been IIooded, sLuy on IIrm
ground. Remember IL onIy Lukes sIx IncIes oI movIng wuLer Lo sweep
you oII your IeeL. SLundIng wuLer muy be eIecLrIcuIIy cIurged Irom
underground or downed power IInes.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
IoodIng muy Iuve cuused IumIIIur pIuces Lo cIunge. IoodwuLers oILen
erode rouds und wuIkwuys. Iood debrIs muy IIde unImuIs und broken
boLLIes, und IL's uIso sIIppery. AvoId wuIkIng or drIvIng LIrougI IL.
Be uwure oI ureus wIere IIoodwuLers Iuve receded. Rouds muy Iuve
weukened und couId coIIupse under LIe weIgIL oI u cur.
SLuy ouL oI uny buIIdIng II IL Is surrounded by IIoodwuLers.
Use exLreme cuuLIon wIen enLerIng buIIdIngs. TIere muy be IIdden
dumuge, purLIcuIurIy In IounduLIons.
"WIen In doubL, LIrow IL ouL": DIspose oI Iood, beveruges und medIcIne
exposed Lo IIoodwuLers und mud, IncIudIng cunned goods, cupped
boLLIes und seuIed conLuIners. WuLer muy noL be suIe Lo drInk, cIeun
wILI, or buLIe In uILer un emergency sucI us u IIood. Use onIy boLLIed,
boIIed, or LreuLed wuLer unLII your wuLer suppIy Is LesLed und Iound suIe.
GeL rId oI moId: MoId cun cuuse usLImu uLLucks or IrrILuLe your eyes,
nose und skIn. Remove uII ILems LIuL Iuve been weL Ior more LIun q8
Iours. To cIeun Iurd surIuces, use commercIuI cIeunIng producLs or u
bIeucI soIuLIon oI 1 cup oI bIeucI Lo 1 guIIon oI wuLer.
WcIer, |ike fire i: cne cf ncIure: funccmenIc| fcrce:. Like fire, wcIer ccn
give |ife: iI c|:c ccn Icke iI cwcy cnc Le cevc:IcIing|y ce:IrucIive. lI i:
cn|y Ly re:pecIing cnc cnIicipcIing Ihe pcwer cnc pcIenIic| cf
f|cccwcIer: IhcI ycu ccn cceucIe|y prepcre fcr Ihem.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 17
Heot Woves ond
Heot Emergenc|es

Nothin is better jor selj-esteem thcn surtitcl.
- Mcrthc Gellhorn, Trctels With Mselj cnd Another
HecI ki||: Ly pu:hing Ihe humcn Lccy Leycnc iI: |imiI:. ln exIreme hecI
cnc high humiciIy, evcpcrcIicn i: :|cwec cnc Ihe Lccy mu:I wcrk exIrc
hcrc Ic mcinIcin c ncrmc| IempercIure.
Mc:I hecI ci:crcer: cccur when ycu hcve Leen cverexpc:ec Ic hecI cr
ycu hcve cverexerIec ycur:e|f re|cIive Ic ycur cge cnc phy:icc|
ccnciIicn. C|cer ccu|I:, ycung chi|cren cnc Ihc:e whc cre :ick cr
cverweighI cre mcre |ike|y Ic :uccumL Ic exIreme hecI, LuI cnycne ccn
fc|| vicIim Ic Ihe hecI when fci|ing Ic prepcre prcper|y.
CcnciIicn: IhcI ccn incuce hecI-re|cIec i||ne::e: inc|uce :IcgncnI
cImc:pheric ccnciIicn: cnc pccr cir uc|iIy. Ccn:euenI|y, pecp|e |iving
in urLcn crec: mcy Le cI grecIer ri:k frcm Ihe effecI: cf c prc|cngec hecI
wcve Ihcn Ihc:e |iving in rurc| crec:. /|:c, c:phc|I cnc ccncreIe :Icre
hecI |cnger cnc grccuc||y re|ec:e hecI cI nighI, which ccn prccuce
higher nighIIime IempercIure: kncwn c: Ihe urLcn hecI i:|cnc effecI.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
/ hecI wcve i: cn exIencec pericc cf exIreme hecI, cnc i: cfIen
ccccmpcniec Ly high humiciIy. Ihe:e ccnciIicn: ccn Le ccngercu: cnc
even |ife IhrecIening fcr humcn: whc ccn'I Icke Ihe prcper preccuIicn:.
/: wiIh mcny ncIurc| ci:c:Ier: c hecI emergency ccn Le Ihe re:u|I cf
cncIher ci:c:Ier. Fcr excmp|e, in Ihe cfIermcIh cf c hurriccne, cr
ecrIhucke in Ircpicc| regicn cr cIher crec: cf hcI IempercIure:, pcwer
cuIcge: ccn puI pecp|e u:ec Ic Ihe ccmfcrI: cf cir-ccnciIicning, in
ccnger cf hecI emergencie:.
Common heot re|oted d|stress cond|t|ons |nc|ude:
Heot Cromps - Mu:cu|cr pcin: cnc :pc:m: cue Ic hecvy exerIicn.
/|Ihcugh hecI crcmp: cre Ihe |ec:I :evere, Ihey cre cfIen Ihe fir:I :ignc|
IhcI Ihe Lccy i: hcving IrcuL|e wiIh Ihe hecI.
Heot Exhoust|on - Iypicc||y cccur: when pecp|e exerci:e hecvi|y cr wcrk
in c hcI, humic p|cce where Lccy f|uic: cre |c:I Ihrcugh hecvy :wecIing.
8|ccc f|cw Ic Ihe :kin increc:e:, ccu:ing L|ccc f|cw Ic cecrec:e Ic Ihe
viIc| crgcn:. Ihi: re:u|I: in c fcrm cf mi|c :hcck. lf ncI IrecIec, Ihe vicIim:
ccnciIicn wi|| wcr:en. 8ccy IempercIure wi|| keep ri:ing cnc Ihe vicIim
mcy :uffer hecI :Ircke.
Heot Stroke - / |ife IhrecIening ccnciIicn. Ihe vicIim: IempercIure
ccnIrc| :y:Iem, which prccuce: :wecIing Ic ccc| Ihe Lccy, :Icp: wcrking.
Ihe Lccy IempercIure ccn ri:e :c high IhcI Lrcin ccmcge cnc cecIh
mcy re:u|I if Ihe Lccy i: ncI ccc|ec uick|y.
/n exIreme hecI emergency i: cfIen referrec Ic c: c HecI Wcve."
Some terms you need to be owore o| os you prepore |or o potent|o| heot
emergency ore:
Heot Index - / numLer in cegree: FchrenheiI {F) IhcI Ie||: hcw hcI iI fee|:
when re|cIive humiciIy i: cccec Ic Ihe cir IempercIure. Expc:ure Ic fu||
:un:hine ccn increc:e Ihe hecI incex Ly 15 cegree:.
Excess|ve Heot Wotch - CcnciIicn: cre fcvcrcL|e fcr cn exce::ive hecI
evenI Ic meeI cr exceec |ccc| Exce::ive HecI Wcrning criIeric in Ihe nexI
24 Ic 72 hcur:.
Excess|ve Heot Worn|ng - HecI lncex vc|ue: cre fcrecc:I Ic meeI cr
exceec |ccc||y cefinec wcrning criIeric fcr cI |ec:I 2 ccy: {ccyIime
high:=105-110 FchrenheiI).
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Heot Adv|sory - HecI lncex vc|ue: cre fcrecc:I Ic meeI |ccc||y cefinec
ccvi:cry criIeric fcr cne Ic Iwc ccy: {ccyIime high: = 100-105
/: c|wcy: Ihe fir:I cnc fcremc:I Ihing ycu neec Ic cc Ic prepcre fcr c
hecI emergency i: Ic hcve ycur Gc 8cg reccy, cnc mcke :ure c|| cf Ihe
:upp|ie: cf ycur Hcme Frepcrecne:: KiI cre ccce::iL|e, fre:h cnc we||-
Spec|||c to Frepor|ng |or o Heot D|soster:
You sIouId muke sure uII wIndow uIr condILIoners IIL snugIy und ure
properIy seuIed.
You sIouId cIeck uIr-condILIonIng ducLs Ior proper InsuIuLIon.
You sIouId InsLuII Lemporury wIndow reIIecLors (Ior use beLween
wIndows und drupes), sucI us uIumInum IoII-covered curdbourd, Lo
reIIecL IeuL buck ouLsIde.
You sIouId pIuce weuLIer-sLrIppIng uIong doors und sIIIs Lo keep cooI
uIr In.
You sIouId cover wIndows LIuL receIve mornIng or uILernoon sun wILI
drupes, sIudes, uwnIngs, or Iouvers (OuLdoor uwnIngs or Iouvers cun
reduce LIe IeuL LIuL enLers u Iome by up Lo 8o percenL).
I you use sLorm wIndows, keep LIem up uII yeur.
You need Lo IIsLen Lo IocuI weuLIer IorecusLs und sLuy uwure oI
upcomIng LemperuLure cIunges.
Be uwure oI LIose In your neIgIborIood wIo ure eIderIy, young, sIck or
overweIgIL. TIey ure more IIkeIy Lo become vIcLIms oI excessIve IeuL
und muy need your IeIp.
Be uwure LIuL peopIe IIvIng In urbun ureus muy be uL greuLer rIsk Irom
LIe eIIecLs oI u proIonged IeuL wuve LIun ure peopIe IIvIng In ruruI
You sIouId bone up on IIrsL uId Ior IeuL-reIuLed emergencIes.
Whot Io Do When It Gets Ioo Hot
IsLen Lo your NOAA WeuLIer RudIo Ior crILIcuI upduLes Irom LIe
NuLIonuI WeuLIer ServIce (NWS).
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Never Ieuve your cIIIdren or peLs uIone In cIosed veIIcIes.
SLuy Indoors us mucI us possIbIe und IImIL your exposure Lo LIe sun.
SLuy on LIe IowesL IIoor oI your Iome -- ouL oI LIe sunsIIne II uIr
condILIonIng Is noL uvuIIubIe.
PosLpone ouLdoor gumes und ucLIvILIes.
I pubIIc pIuces sLIII Iuve power, consIder spendIng LIe wurmesL purL oI
LIe duy In pubIIc buIIdIngs sucI us IIbrurIes, scIooIs, movIe LIeuLers,
sIoppIng muIIs, und oLIer communILy IucIIILIes. CIrcuIuLIng uIr cun cooI
LIe body by IncreusIng LIe perspIruLIon ruLe oI evuporuLIon.
EuL weII-buIunced, IIgIL, und reguIur meuIs.
DrInk pIenLy oI wuLer even II you do noL IeeI LIIrsLy. AvoId drInks wILI
cuIIeIne. Persons wIo Iuve epIIepsy or IeurL, kIdney, or IIver dIseuse,
or, ure on IIuId-resLrIcLed dIeLs, or Iuve u probIem wILI IIuId reLenLIon
sIouId consuIL u docLor beIore IncreusIng IIquId InLuke.
RepIuce SuIL und MIneruIs - Heuvy sweuLIng removes suIL und mIneruIs
Irom LIe body. TIese ure necessury Ior your body und musL be
repIuced. I you musL exercIse, drInk Lwo Lo Iour gIusses oI cooI, non-
uIcoIoIIc IIuIds eucI Iour. A sporLs beveruge cun repIuce LIe suIL und
mIneruIs you Iose In sweuL. However, II you ure on u Iow-suIL dIeL, LuIk
wILI your docLor beIore drInkIng u sporLs beveruge or LukIng suIL LubIeLs.
ImIL InLuke oI uIcoIoIIc beveruges.
Dress In Ioose-IILLIng, IIgILweIgIL, und IIgIL-coIored cIoLIes LIuL cover
us mucI skIn us possIbIe. AvoId durk coIors becuuse LIey ubsorb LIe
sun`s ruys.
ProLecL Iuce und Ieud by weurIng u wIde-brImmed IuL.
AvoId sLrenuous work durIng LIe wurmesL purL oI LIe duy. Use u buddy
sysLem wIen workIng In exLreme IeuL, und Luke IrequenL breuks.
CIeck on IumIIy, IrIends, und neIgIbors wIo do noL Iuve uIr
condILIonIng und wIo spend mucI oI LIeIr LIme uIone.
Try Lo uvoId exLreme LemperuLure cIunges.
CIeck on your unImuIs IrequenLIy Lo ensure LIuL LIey ure noL suIIerIng
Irom LIe IeuL. Go Lo u desIgnuLed pubIIc sIeILer II your Iome Ioses
power durIng perIods oI exLreme IeuL. TexL SHETER + your ZP code
Lo q6z (qEMA) Lo IInd LIe neuresL sIeILer In your ureu (exumpIe:
sIeILer 1zq).
lf ycu mu:I Le cuIcccr: fcr exIencec pericc: cf Iime curing c hecI
emergency ycu mu:I |ecrn Ic pcce ycur:e|f. Ycu prcLcL|y cre ncI
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
cccu:Icmec Ic wcrking cr exerci:ing in c hcI envircnmenI, :c ycu neec
Ic :IcrI :|cw|y cnc pick up Ihe pcce grccuc||y. lf exerIicn in Ihe hecI
mcke: ycur hecrI pcunc cnc |ecve: ycu gc:ping fcr LrecIh, SICF c||
ccIiviIy. GeI inIc c ccc| crec cr cI |ec:I inIc Ihe :hcce, cnc re:I,
e:pecic||y if ycu Leccme |ighIheccec, ccnfu:ec, weck, cr fcinI.
Ihe e|cer|y, Ihe very ycung, cnc pecp|e wiIh chrcnic ci:ec:e:, cnc
ccmprcmi:ec immune :y:Iem: cre cI Ihe highe:I ri:k Ic :uccumL Ic c
hecI re|cIec i||ne:: cr injury. Hcwever, even ycung cnc hec|Ihy incivicuc|:
ccn fc|| prey Ic hecI if Ihey pcrIicipcIe in :Irenucu: phy:icc| ccIiviIie:
curing hcI wecIher.
/: in Fir:I /ic Iechniue: curing cny cri:i: cr emergency, ycu :hcu|c geI
Ihe vicIim Ic mecicc| prcfe::icnc|: c: :ccn c: pc::iL|e.
Ihe:e :e|f-he|p mec:ure: cre ce:ignec Ic he|p ycu reccgnize cnc re:pcnc
prcmpI|y Ic wcrning :ign: cf IrcuL|e. Ycur Le:I cefen:e cgcin:I hecI-
re|cIec i||ne:: i: prevenIicn. SIcying ccc| cnc mcking :imp|e chcnge: in
ycur f|uic inIcke, ccIiviIie:, cnc c|cIhing curing hcI wecIher ccn he|p ycu
remcin :cfe cnc hec|Ihy fcr Ihe mc:I pcrI.
Ihe NcIicnc| CenIer fcr EnvircnmenIc| Hec|Ih {NCEH) :ugge:I: IhcI, curing
cny hecI emergency, ycu mcniIcr Ihc:e cI highe:I ri:k Ic :uffer hecI
re|cIec cecIh cr i||ne::.
nIunLs und young cIIIdren.
PeopIe 6 yeurs oI uge or oIder.
PeopIe wIo ure overweIgIL wIo muy be prone Lo IeuL sIckness becuuse
oI LIeIr Lendency Lo reLuIn more body IeuL.
PeopIe wIo ure pIysIcuIIy III, especIuIIy wILI IeurL dIseuse or IIgI bIood
Ihe fc||cwing chcrI i||u:IrcIe: Ihe mc:I ccmmcn hecI re|cIec ccnciIicn:,
pre:enIec in crcer frcm Ihe |ec:I Ic Ihe mc:I :evere.

GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Cond|t|on F|rst A|d Steps
Skin recne:: cnc pcin,
pc::iL|e :we||ing, L|i:Ier:,
fever, hecccche:
- Tuke u sIower usIng soup Lo remove oIIs LIuL
muy bIock pores, prevenLIng LIe body Irom
cooIIng nuLuruIIy.
- AppIy dry, sLerIIe dressIngs Lo uny bIIsLers, und
geL medIcuI uLLenLIon.
HecI Crcmp:
Fcinfu| :pc:m:, u:uc||y in |eg
cnc cLccminc| mu:c|e:.
Hecvy :wecIing
- GeL LIe vIcLIm Lo u cooIer IocuLIon.
- IgILIy sLreLcI und genLIy mussuge uIIecLed
muscIes Lo reIIeve spusms.
- GIve sIps oI up Lo u IuII gIuss oI cooI wuLer every
1 mInuLes. (Do noL gIve IIquIds wILI cuIIeIne or
- DIsconLInue IIquIds, II vIcLIm Is nuuseuLed.
HecI Exhcu:Iicn
Hecvy :wecIing LuI :kin mcy
Le ccc|, pc|e, cr f|u:hec.
Weck pu|:e.
Ncrmc| Lccy IempercIure i:
pc::iL|e, LuI IempercIure
wi|| |ike|y ri:e.
FcinIing cr cizzine::, ncu:ec,
vcmiIing, exhcu:Iicn, cnc
hecccche: cre pc::iL|e.
- GeL vIcLIm Lo IIe down In u cooI pIuce.
- oosen or remove cIoLIIng.
- AppIy cooI, weL cIoLIes.
- un or move vIcLIm Lo uIr-condILIoned pIuce.
- GIve sIps oI wuLer II vIcLIm Is conscIous.
- Be sure wuLer Is consumed sIowIy.
- GIve IuII gIuss oI cooI wuLer every 1 mInuLes.
- DIsconLInue wuLer II vIcLIm Is nuuseuLed.
- Seek ImmedIuLe medIcuI uLLenLIon II vomILIng
HecI SIrcke
High Lccy IempercIure
HcI, rec, cry :kin.
Fcpic, weck pu|:e cnc rcpic
:hc||cw LrecIhing.
VicIim wi|| prcLcL|y ncI
:wecI un|e:: vicIim wc:
:wecIing frcm recenI
:Irenucu: ccIiviIy.
Fc::iL|e unccn:cicu:ne::.
- CuII q-1-1 or emergency medIcuI servIces, or geL
LIe vIcLIm Lo u IospILuI ImmedIuLeIy. DeIuy cun
be IuLuI.
- Move vIcLIm Lo u cooIer envIronmenL.
- RemovIng cIoLIIng
- Try u cooI buLI, spongIng, or weL sIeeL Lo
reduce body LemperuLure.
- WuLcI Ior breuLIIng probIems.
- Use exLreme cuuLIon.
- Use Iuns und uIr condILIoners.

GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ihe NCEH :cy: IhcI ycu :hcu|c check in cn ccu|I cI ri:k incivicuc|: cI |ec:I
Iwice c ccy curing c hecI emergency, cnc c|c:e|y wcIch Ihem fcr :ign:
cf hecI exhcu:Iicn cr hecI :Ircke. lnfcnI: cnc ycung chi|cren, cf ccur:e,
neec much mcre freuenI wcIching.
NOIE: I| woter becomes scorce os con hoppen |n extended Heot
Emergenc|es, re|er to your o|ternot|ve sources o| woter bock |n
Chopter 11.
Dc ncI cver|cck Ihe :everiIy cf hecI emergencie:. /gcin, |ike crcughI, Ihe
cfIermcIh cf c HecI Wcve mcy ncI mcke fcr crcmcIic new: picIure: -
LuI cic ycu kncw IhcI frcm 17-2003, mcre pecp|e in Ihe U.S. ciec frcm
exIreme hecI Ihcn frcm hurriccne:, |ighIening, Icrnccce:, f|ccc:, cnc
ecrIhucke: ccmLinec
YeI, Ihe gccc new: i:, wiIh c |iII|e kncw|ecge cnc prepcrcIicn, cnc Ly
keeping ycur:e|f in ycur Le:I Survivc| Shcpe", mc:I hecI re|cIec cecIh:
cnc i||ne::e: cre prevenIcL|e.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 18

"There is c scin in Tibetcn,
'Trced should be utilized cs c source oj strenth.'
No mctter uhct sort oj dijjiculties, or hou pcinjul the experience is,
ij ue lose our hope, thct's our recl discster."
- Dclci Lcmc XIV
lI wcu|c Le impc::iL|e Ic ci:cu:: hurriccne prepcrecne:: cnc :urvivc| in
cny mccern ccy Guice, wiIhcuI fir:I Ic|king c LiI cLcuI Ihe Ircgic evenI:
:urrcuncing Ihe impccI cf Hurriccne KcIrinc Ic New Cr|ecn:, mcny cf
which cre :Ii|| Leing fe|I Icccy yecr: |cIer.
ln mcny wcy: Ihe ccy: |eccing up Ic cnc cfIer KcIrinc mcce |cncfc||, cre
c perfecI excmp|e cf Ihe cc: cnc ccnI: fcr prepcrecne::, :urvivc|, cnc
gcvernmenI re:pcn:e: Ic c NcIurc| Di:c:Ier.
Dcvic Fcu|i:cn, FEM/ DirecIcr, referring Ic |e::cn: |ecrnec" :ince KcIrinc
hc: :cic, Hurriccne KcIrinc wc: Ihe mc:I ccIc:Ircphic ncIurc| ci:c:Ier in
cur ncIicn': hi:Icry cnc Ihe |ive: |c:I wi|| ncI Le in vcin c: FEM/ wcrk: Ic
|ecrn frcm Ihe |e::cn: cf Ihi: unprececenIec :Icrm. Ihi: ci:c:Ier hc:
chcngec Ihe fcce cf Ihe enIire emergency mcncgemenI ccmmuniIy,
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
frcm Ihe inIerncIicnc| cnc fecerc| |eve|: Ic :IcIe cnc |ccc| |eve|:. We
mu:I c|| emLrcce Ihe |e::cn: frcm KcIrinc cnc imprcve cur ccpcLi|iIie:.
We mu:I rememLer Ihe cevc:IcIicn wrcughI Ly KcIrinc cnc remcve cny
ccmp|ccency wiIh regcrc Ic prepcring cur:e|ve: cnc cur |cvec cne: fcr
lI i: enccurcging IhcI FEM/ cnc Ihe Fecerc| gcvernmenI hc: |ecrnec
frcm iI: mi:Icke: cnc hc: mcce :ignificcnI imprcvemenI: Ic iI: re:pcn:e
mechcni:m:. 8uI if ycu ccn Icke cne |e::cn cwcy frcm Ihe evenI: in Ihe
ccy: |eccing up Ic cnc cfIer KcIrinc - iI i: IhcI ycu :hcu|c ncI ccunI cn
cny emergency re:pcn:e cgency fcr ycur :urvivc|.
Even wiIh Ihe upccIe: mcce :ince KcIrinc, ycu mu:I uncer:Icnc IhcI
even Ihe mc:I we||-cccrcincIec gcvernmenI Emergency Fe:pcn:e F|cn
ccn Le cverwhe|mec in Ihe fir:I Iwc cr Ihree ccy: cfIer c mcjcr evenI.
Iherefcre, ycu mu:I Icke every preccuIicn ycur:e|f Ic Le reccy fcr c
Hurriccne cr cny ncIurc| ci:c:Ier. Ihe mcre prepcrec ycu cre, Ihe |e:: cf c
Lurcen ycu wi|| Le cn Ihe ci:c:Ier re:pcn:e Iecm:.
Cverc|| ycu ccn :cy IhcI ncLccy wc: Iru|y c: prepcrec c: Ihey :hcu|c
hcve Leen fcr KcIrinc, frcm fecerc| cnc |ccc| cuIhcriIie:, Ic incivicuc|:.
Hcwever, ce:piIe Ihe mcgniIuce cf Ihe evenI, Ihc:e IhcI were LeIIer
prepcrec fcrec much LeIIer Ihcn Ihc:e whc Icck |iII|e cr nc preccuIicn:,
cr whc cic ncI heec Ihe wcrning: Ic evccucIe when Ihey ccu|c hcve
ccne :c mcre :cfe|y.
Here i: c fir:I-hcnc ccccunI cf KcIrinc Survivcr, Mcrgie Wi|mcIh, whc wc:
cir|ifIec cfIer remcining Ircppec Ly f|cccwcIer: in her hcme, wiIh her
fcmi|y fcr :ix ccy:.
Phones uere not uorlin, lcndlines stced up lonest, cell phones
uere out uith the storm but our home phone uorled until the jlood.
So communicction is not to be counted on. I lnou nou thct it is
best to mcle plcns uith jcmil bejore cn etent ij ou lite in cn crec
prone to possible discster.
Mcrgie creciI: Ihe prepcrcIicn: :he hcc mcce fcr her fcmi|y: cLi|iIy Ic
mcke iI Ihrcugh in Iheir cwn hcme fcr :ix ccy:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
We mcnced to mcle quicl cclls uhen ue scu the ucter comin
up the street, ue told our jcmilies (outside oj Neu Drlecns) thct ue
uere oin to hunler doun in our home cnd hold out, thct ue hcd
plent oj ucter cnd jood, cnd uith the chcos outside, jelt scjest ct
our house. We clso told them thct ue uould lilel be remoted ct
some point cnd uould contcct them cnd miht need cirplcne ticlets
to their cities or other help, but to ucit until ue ccll them. We clso
recssured them thct ue uere crmed cnd thct ue lneu oj the
cncrch cnd conditions thct uere deteriorctin ct the contention
center cnd Superdome, cnd thct ue uould rejuse to lecte until ue
lneu someone could tcle us to c scje plcce out oj Neu Drlecns.
8eing mcre prepcrec Ihcn :cme cf her neighLcr:, Mcrgie inviIec Ihree cf
Ihem Ic hunker ccwn wiIh her cnc her fcmi|y. Ihi: i: :cmeIhing ycu c|:c
c|wcy: wcnI Ic keep in minc when prepcring ycur :urvivc| :upp|ie: cnc
fccc cnc wcIer :Icre:. Wcu|c ycu Iurn cwcy c neighLcr in ci:Ire:: if ycu
were prepcrec cnc Ihey were ncI lf ycu cre :mcrI encugh Ic prepcre,
c|wcy: prepcre c LiI exIrc, fcr Ihc:e whc cic ncI :hcre ycur fcre:ighI.
We uere ccrejul uith our ucter but hcd plent eten thouh ue
hcd three extrc cdults - hctin extrc people is, oj course,
somethin thct miht ter uell occur in the etent oj c discster. So
hurriccne secson requires extrc supplies on hcnd cll secson. We
uere jortuncte in thct the ucter stced just lou enouh thct it
didn't come in our house.
Mcrgie re|cIe: Ihe iIem: :he cic hcve IhcI mcce her :he|Iering in p|cce
ec:ier, cnc Ihe cne: :he rec|izec cfIer Ihe fccI IhcI :he wi:hec :he cic.
Usejul items ue hcd included c crcnl rcdio cnd solcr lihts jrom
the crd. We thouht thct ue could o outside cnd sit in the
runnin ccr to cool ojj uith the cir conditionin but ue lost our
tehicles too, cnd hcd to sujjer uith no reliej jrom the suelterin
hect. Eten c little jold out hcnd jcn uould hcte helped so ue used
neuspcpers, mcczines, etc. to jcn ourseltes . . . I did hcte c smcll
tent ctcilcble in ccse ue needed it. Ij the rooj didn't hold ue could
still stc in the house cnd hcte shelter. Iortunctel our uindous
did not blou out beccuse ue hcte (hurriccne) shutters. Tcpe cnd
plcstic cre ood to hcte on hcnd, tools lile c bctter opercted
screu un, screus, hcmmer, ncils, etc. We hcd c uindou thct
ccme loose cnd necrl brole out durin the hurriccne cnd ue used
c piece oj uood, some screus cnd the screu un to re-secure it.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
It uould hcte helped to hcte scnitizin socp, the lind ou ccn just
put on our hcnds or bod cnd rid the ncst ucter ejject. Trcsh
bcs jor disccrdin spoiled jood cnd items thct ou need to put
cuc jrom ou. Wish ue hcd clecned out the rejrierctor bejore it
ot ncst. We did use poudered Gctorcde, ue hcd to. It ucs soo-
o-o hot dc cnd niht, so still cnd ue suected so much. Anuc
dr Gctorcde ucs c lijescter jor electroltes. We didn't hcte
instcnt cojjee either, uhct c hecdcche uhen ue uere used to
rindin cojjee jresh dcil. so ue cheued the cojjee becns. Hctin
the bcsics thct ou cre cccustomed to lile cojjee or tec. is c ood
/ repcrI i::uec Ly Ihe WhiIehcu:e in 200 enIiI|ec "#$ N$<$-*& U$9L0;9$
'0 G,--(2*;$ D*'-(;*V W$990;9 W$*-;$< {Gecrge W 8u:h WhiIehcu:e
/rchive:) ceIci|ec 17 :pecific crec: cf fci|ure cnc mcce 125
The setenteen specijic lessons ue hcte identijied resulted in :z
recommendctions, uhich hcte been retieued b cll reletcnt
Iedercl depcrtments cnd cencies, scid the report's conclusion.
These recommendctions jor correctite cction cre substcnticl, cnd
the tcsl to implement them uill be c ueiht one. Arritin ct
sound polic decisions is dijjicult enouh, but the pcth to
ejjectuctin sinijiccnt, trcnsjormctioncl chcne uithin
burecucrccies ccn be c lenth process. ut ij the lessons oj
Kctrinc recll cre to be lecrned, this chcne is imperctite.
Mcny cf Ihe reccmmenccIicn: c|reccy imp|emenIec frcm Ihi: repcrI
hcve mcce iI ec:ier Ic cccrcincIe Ihe re:pcn:e effcrI: fcr Hurriccne
Scncy cnc Ihe :erie: cf Icrnccce: IhcI hcve recenI|y rippec Ihrcugh
Ck|chcmc cnc :ecIicn: cf Ihe ScuIhec:Iern pcrI: cf Ihe US/. lI i:
uncer:IcnccL|e IhcI ecch :ucceecing evenI wi|| ccnIinue Ic ccc mcre
refinemenI Ic re:pcn:e prccecure: cnc increc:e Iheir efficiency. 8uI, if
ycu recc Mcrgie: ccccunI c|c:e|y, Ihen ycu ccn :ee IhcI Ihe Ihing: :he
hcc cn hcnc IhcI mcce Ihe cifference fcr her, cnc Ihe Ihing: :he wi:hec
:he hcc, cre c|| Ihe Ihing: ycu :hcu|c c|reccy kncw IhcI ycu neec Ic
hcve in ycur Hcme Frepcrecne:: KiI, cnc ycur Gc 8cg.
"#$ %&'()*'$ +,-.(.*& /-01$2' cpp|cuc: FEM/ cnc Ihe Fecerc| GcvernmenI
fcr Iheir effcrI: Ic |ecrn frcm mi:Icke: cf Ihe pc:I, LuI c: c|wcy: we
enccurcge ycu Ic hcpe fcr Ihe Le:I in Ierm: cf c uick cnc effecIive
gcvernmenI re:pcn:e, LuI prepcre fcr Ihe wcr:I.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
/|| /I|cnIic cnc Gu|f cf Mexicc ccc:Ic| crec: cre :uLjecI Ic hurriccne:.
FcrI: cf Ihe ScuIhwe:I UniIec SIcIe: cnc Ihe Fccific Ccc:I c|:c
experience hecvy rcin: cnc f|ccc: ecch yecr frcm hurriccne: :pcwnec
cff Mexicc. Ihe /I|cnIic hurriccne :ec:cn |c:I: frcm June Ic NcvemLer,
wiIh Ihe peck :ec:cn frcm mic-/ugu:I Ic |cIe CcIcLer. Ihe Ec:Iern
Fccific hurriccne :ec:cn Legin: Mcy 15 cnc enc: NcvemLer 30.
Hurriccne: ccn Le :c cevc:IcIing Leccu:e Ihe:e pcwerfu| :Icrm: ccn
:pcwn cIher ccmcging wecIher evenI:. Hurriccne ccn prccuce winc:
exceecing 155 mi|e: per hcur c: we|| c: Icrnccce: cnc micrcLur:I
Ihuncer:Icrm:. /cciIicnc||y, hurriccne: ccn crecIe :Icrm :urge: c|cng Ihe
ccc:I cnc ccu:e exIen:ive ccmcge frcm hecvy rcinfc||. F|ccc: cnc f|ying
ceLri: frcm Ihe exce::ive winc: cre cfIen Ihe mc:I cecc|y cnc ce:IrucIive
re:u|I: cf Ihe:e wecIher evenI:. S|cw mcving hurriccne: Ircve|ing inIc
mcunIcincu: regicn: Ienc Ic prccuce e:pecic||y hecvy rcin. Exce::ive
rcin ccn Irigger |cnc:|ice: cr muc :|ice:. F|c:h f|cccing ccn cccur cue Ic
inIen:e rcinfc||.
When prepcring fcr c hurriccne, c: c|wcy:, cnc c: evicencec Ly Mcrgie
Wi|mcIh: :Icry, Ihe fir:I Ihing ycu neec Ic cc i: Lui|c cn Emergency
Frepcrecne:: KiI cnc ycur Gc 8cg. Check Ihe iIem: in ycur kiI cnc Lcg -
mcke :ure fccc cnc wcIer cre fre:h cnc LcIIerie: c|| wcrking. Mcke c
fcmi|y ccmmuniccIicn: p|cn, cnc hcve ycur 8ug-CuI Vehic|e prepcrec
cnc ycur evccucIicn p|cn mcppec cuI.
A|ter thot, |n the next steps be|ore on |mpend|ng Hurr|cone you need to:
Be sure you know LIe eIevuLIon IeveI oI your properLy und wIeLIer LIe
Iund Is IIood-prone. TIIs wIII IeIp you know Iow your properLy wIII be
uIIecLed wIen sLorm surge or LIduI IIoodIng ure IorecusLed.
denLIIy Ievees und dums In your ureu und deLermIne wIeLIer LIey pose
u Iuzurd Lo you.
Muke pIuns Lo secure your properLy: Cover uII oI your Iome`s wIndows.
PermunenL sLorm sIuLLers oIIer LIe besL proLecLIon Ior wIndows. A
second opLIon Is Lo bourd up wIndows wILI J8 murIne pIywood, cuL Lo
IIL und reudy Lo InsLuII. Tupe does noL prevenL wIndows Irom breukIng.
nsLuII sLrups or uddILIonuI cIIps Lo secureIy IusLen your rooI Lo LIe Irume
sLrucLure. TIIs wIII reduce rooI dumuge.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Be sure Lrees und sIrubs uround your Iome ure weII LrImmed so LIey
ure more wInd resIsLunL.
CIeur Ioose und cIogged ruIn guLLers und downspouLs.
ReInIorce your guruge doors. I wInd enLers u guruge IL cun cuuse
dungerous und expensIve sLrucLuruI dumuge.
PIun Lo brIng uII ouLdoor IurnILure, decoruLIons, gurbuge cuns und
unyLIIng eIse LIuL Is noL LIed down InsIde.
I you Iuve u bouL, deLermIne Iow und wIere Lo secure IL.
ConsIder u generuLor Ior emergencIes - buL be uwure oI LIe proper wuys
Lo use IL Lo uvoId LIe rIsk oI Curbon MonoxIde poIsonIng.
I you IIve In u IIgI-rIse buIIdIng, be prepured Lo Luke sIeILer on or
beIow LIe 1oLI IIoor.
Turn your reIrIgeruLor und Ireezer Lo LIe coIdesL seLLIng und keep LIem
cIosed us mucI us possIbIe so LIuL Iood wIII IusL Ionger II LIe power goes
Turn oII propune Lunks und unpIug smuII uppIIunces.
III your cur`s gus Lunk.
TuIk wILI members oI your IouseIoId und creuLe un evucuuLIon pIun,
prucLIce your sIeILer-In-pIuce pIun und evucuuLIon pIun wILI uII IumIIy
members Lo mInImIze conIusIon und Ieur durIng LIe evenL.
ln ccciIicn Ic Lringing in, cr :ecuring c|| cuIcccr furniIure cnc cIher iIem:
IhcI ccu|c Leccme cirLcrne prcjecIi|e: in high winc:, ycu neec Ic
evc|ucIe Ihe Iree: in cnc crcunc ycur prcperIy. Dc ycu hcve |crge Iree:
necr ycur hcme cr Lu:ine:: lf :c, keep Ihe Iree: Irimmec. Weck cnc
|cw-hcnging Lrcnche: ccn ec:i|y Le ccmcgec in high winc: cnc :Irike
cnyIhing in Ihe :urrcuncing crec. Hecvy rcin: c|:c ccn wecken Iree rccI:,
ccu:ing |crge Iree: Ic Icpp|e cver cnIc ycur prcperIy. Ccn:u|I cn crLcri:I,
cr ycur municipc| cuIhcriIie: fcr ceIci|ec in:IrucIicn cn prcIecIing ycur
Iree: in hurriccne-prcne crec:.
NOIE: Most stondord homeowners |nsuronce doesn't cover ||ood|ng,
so |t's |mportont to hove protect|on |rom the ||oods ossoc|oted
w|th hurr|cones, trop|co| storms, heovy ro|ns ond other
cond|t|ons thot con |mpoct you ond your home. For more
|n|ormot|on on ||ood |nsuronce, p|eose v|s|t the Not|ono| F|ood
Insuronce Frogrom Webs|te ot F|cccSmcrI.gcv.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
SIcy Iunec Ic IV cr Fccic fcr upccIe: cnc repcrI:. Ihe gccc Ihing cLcuI
Hurriccne: i: IhcI wiIh mccern Irccking Iechniue:, ycu u:uc||y hcve c |cI
cf Iime Ic prepcre. Fc||cw evccucIicn ccvice. Ycu wi|| u:uc||y Le ccvi:ec
Ic evccucIe if:
You IIve In u mobIIe Iome or Lemporury sLrucLure - sucI sIeILers ure
purLIcuIurIy Iuzurdous durIng IurrIcune no muLLer Iow weII IusLened Lo
LIe ground.
You IIve In u IIgI-rIse buIIdIng - IurrIcune wInds ure sLronger uL IIgIer
You IIve on LIe cousL, on u IIoodpIuIn, neur u rIver, or on un IsIund
NC// :ugge:I: IhcI if ycu cre in cn crec IhcI i: prcne Ic Hurriccne:, ycu
mcy wcnI Ic Icke :pecific :Iep: Ic :IrengIhen cr reIrcfiI" ycur hcme Ic
mcke iI mcre |ike|y Ic wiIh:Icnc c Ircpicc| cyc|cne. Ihe:e inc|uce cn
c::e::menI cf Ihe :IrengIh cnc ccn:IrucIicn cf ycur rccf, winccw: cnc
A comp|ete ||st o| NOAA's recommended |mprovements con be
occessed ot: NHC.NC//.gcv
Worn|ngsJWotches ond the Ierms You Need to Know
Irop|co| Depress|on - /n crgcnizec :y:Iem cf c|cuc: cnc Ihuncer:Icrm:
wiIh c cefinec :urfcce circu|cIicn cnc mcximum :u:Icinec winc: cf 38
MFH {33 kncI:) cr |e::. Su:Icinec winc: cre cefinec c: cne-minuIe
cvercge winc mec:urec cI cLcuI 33 fI. {Ien meIer:) cLcve Ihe :urfcce.
Irop|co| Storm - /n crgcnizec :y:Iem cf :Ircng Ihuncer:Icrm: wiIh c
cefinec :urfcce circu|cIicn cnc mcximum :u:Icinec winc: cf 3-73 MFH
{34-3 kncI:).
Hurr|cone - /n inIen:e Ircpicc| wecIher :y:Iem cf :Ircng Ihuncer:Icrm:
wiIh c we||-cefinec :urfcce circu|cIicn cnc mcximum :u:Icinec winc: cf
74 MFH {4 kncI:) cr higher. Hurriccne: cre rcIec cn c CcIegcry Scc|e
frcm 1 Ic 5 Lc:ec cn :peec cf mcximum :u:Icinec winc:. 8uI uncer:Icnc
IhcI even Ircpicc| :Icrm fcrce winc: cnc CcIegcry 1 hurriccne: ccn
ccu:e inIen:ive ccmcge - cnc :hcu|c ncI Le Icken |ighI|y.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Storm Surge - / ccme cf wcIer pu:hec cn:hcre Ly hurriccne cnc Ircpicc|
:Icrm winc:. SIcrm :urge: ccn recch 25 feeI high cnc Le 50-1,000 mi|e:
Storm I|de - / ccmLincIicn cf :Icrm :urge cnc Ihe ncrmc| Iice {i.e., c 15-
fccI :Icrm :urge ccmLinec wiIh c Iwc fccI ncrmc| high Iice cver Ihe
mecn :ec |eve| crecIec c 17 fccI :Icrm Iice).
Hurr|coneJIrop|co| Storm Wotch - Hurriccne/Ircpicc| :Icrm ccnciIicn: cre
pc::iL|e in Ihe :pecifiec crec, u:uc||y wiIhin 3 hcur:. Iune in Ic ycur
NC// WecIher Fccic, ccmmercic| rccic, cr Ie|evi:icn fcr infcrmcIicn.
Hurr|coneJIrop|co| Storm Worn|ng - Hurriccne/Ircpicc| :Icrm ccnciIicn:
cre expecIec in Ihe :pecifiec crec, u:uc||y wiIhin 24 hcur:.
Short Ierm Wotches ond Worn|ngs - Ihe:e wcrning: prcvice ceIci|ec
infcrmcIicn cLcuI :pecific hurriccne IhrecI:, :uch c: f|c:h f|ccc: cnc
lf ycu hcve chc:en Ic :he|Ier-in-p|cce curing c Hurriccne, cgcin, Le :ure
ycu hcve ycur Emergency Frepcrecne:: KiI reccy cnc ec:i|y ccce::iL|e
cnc ycur wecIher rccic wiIh ycu in whcIever rccm ycu hunker ccwn in.
I| you hove not prepored, or ore unob|e to prepore o spec|||c "w|nd so|e"
room, you need to:
SLuy Indoors durIng LIe IurrIcune und uwuy Irom wIndows und gIuss
CIose uII InLerIor doors - secure und bruce exLernuI doors.
Keep curLuIns und bIInds cIosed. Do noL be IooIed II LIere Is u IuII. L
couId be LIe eye oI LIe sLorm - wInds wIII pIck up uguIn.
Tuke reIuge In u smuII InLerIor room, cIoseL or IuIIwuy on LIe IowesL
Ie on LIe IIoor under u LubIe or unoLIer sLurdy objecL.
AvoId eIevuLors.
AILer LIe HurrIcune Pusses
n LIe uILermuLI oI u IurrIcune LIere cun be muny Iuzurds LIuL cun puL
you und your IumIIy uL rIsk. You need Lo:
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ConLInue IIsLenIng Lo u NOAA WeuLIer RudIo or LIe IocuI news Ior LIe
IuLesL upduLes.
SLuy uIerL Ior exLended ruInIuII und subsequenL IIoodIng even uILer LIe
IurrIcune or LropIcuI sLorm Ius ended.
I you evucuuLed, reLurn Iome onIy wIen oIIIcIuIs suy IL Is suIe.
DrIve onIy II necessury und uvoId IIooded rouds und wusIed-ouL
Keep uwuy Irom Ioose or dungIIng power IInes und reporL LIem
ImmedIuLeIy Lo LIe power compuny.
SLuy ouL oI uny buIIdIng LIuL Ius wuLer uround IL.
nspecL your Iome Ior dumuge. Tuke pIcLures oI dumuge, boLI oI LIe
buIIdIng und ILs conLenLs, Ior Insurunce purposes.
Use IIusIIIgILs In LIe durk. Try Lo uvoId usIng cundIes, Lo mInImIze rIsk
oI IIre.
AvoId drInkIng or prepurIng Iood wILI Lup wuLer unLII you ure sure IL`s
noL conLumInuLed. CIeck reIrIgeruLed Iood Ior spoIIuge. I In doubL,
LIrow IL ouL. ReIer buck Lo CIupLer 1z on usIng und muInLuInIng your
Iood sLores In LIe ubsence oI power.
Weur proLecLIve cIoLIIng und be cuuLIous wIen cIeunIng up Lo uvoId
WuLcI unImuIs cIoseIy und keep LIem under your dIrecL conLroI.
I you Iuve LeIepIone servIce, use your pIone onIy Ior emergency cuIIs.
I you Iuve become sepuruLed Irom your IumIIy, use your IumIIy
communIcuLIons pIun or conLucL EMA or LIe AmerIcun Red Cross.
FEM/ hc: e:IcL|i:hec Ihe NcIicnc| Emergency Fcmi|y Fegi:Iry cnc
LcccIcr Sy:Iem {NEFFLS) |FEM/.gcv] IhcI hc: Leen ceve|cpec Ic he|p
reuniIe fcmi|ie: whc cre :epcrcIec curing c ci:c:Ier. Ihe NEFFLS :y:Iem
wi|| encL|e ci:p|ccec incivicuc|: Ihe cLi|iIy Ic enIer per:cnc| infcrmcIicn
inIc c weL:iIe ccIcLc:e :c IhcI Ihey ccn Le |cccIec Ly cIher: curing c
During cnc cfIer c hurriccne ccc:Ic| cnc in|cnc crec: c: we||, ccn Le cI
grecI ri:k fcr f|cccing. When wcIer finc: iI: wcy in:ice ycur hcme cr
Lu:ine:: curing c hurriccne, iI ccn :cck cIIic in:u|cIicn cnc crywc||, cnc
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ccu:e exIen:ive ccmcge Ic cIher pcrI: cf Ihe :IrucIure. Ihi: ccn |ecc Ic
cc:I|y repcir:, keep ycu cuI cf ycur hcu:e fcr cn exIencec pericc cf Iime,
cr even |ecc Ic c IcIc| |c:: cf ycur hcme cr Lu:ine:: Lui|cing.
Ihe ln:urcnce ln:IiIuIe fcr 8u:ine:: & Hcme ScfeIy {l8HS) hc: ceve|cpec
Ihe fc||cwing check|i:I Ic he|p icenIify crec: cf, cnc cffer :c|uIicn: fcr, Ihe
mc:I ccmmcn :curce: cf wcIer inIru:icn.
Are LIere gups uround wuLer IuuceL pIpes wIere LIey enLer LIe wuIIs oI
LIe Iouse?
Are LIere gups uround gus pIpes wIere LIey enLer LIe Iouse?
Are LIere gups uround uIr condILIonIng pIpes (wIILe und Ioum covered)
wIere LIey enLer LIe Iouse?
Are LIere uny gups uround eIecLrIcuI ouLIeL boxes, juncLIon boxes, cIrcuIL
breuker boxes, dIsconnecL swILcIes, eIecLrIc meLers, eLc.?
Are LIere gups beLween IIgIL IIxLures und LIe Iuce oI LIe Iouse?
Are LIere gups uround dryer venLs, gus wuLer IeuLer venLs, runge Iood
venLs und LIe Iouse?
Are LIere crucks or voIds In LIe morLur under LIe wIndowsIIIs?
s LIe IInIsIed IIoor oI LIe Iouse IIgI (uL IeusL 6 IncIes) ubove soII und
Are LIere purLs oI LIe Iouse wIere wuLer Ius goLLen InsIde uILer Ieuvy
ruIns or wIere LIere Ius been sLundIng wuLer nexL Lo LIe Iouse?
Are LIere peneLruLIons oI LIe Iouse wILIIn sIx IncIes oI LIe ground?
Cnce ycu hcve mcce Ihe cLcve c::e::menI, l8HS reccmmenc: IhcI
mc:I if ncI c|| cf Ihe prcL|em: ccn Le cccre::ec wiIh cne cf Iwc :c|uIicn:
- :ec|ing Ihe gcp:, cnc/cr recirecIing Ihe wcIer.
Seo||ng the Gops
Cver Iime, gcp: ccn fcrm in crec: :uch c: where wcIer fcuceI pipe:, gc:
pipe: cnc cir ccnciIicning pipe: enIer Ihe wc||:. Gcp: c|:c mcy exi:I
Lehinc e|ecIricc| cuI|eI:, juncIicn Lcxe:, circuiI Lrecker Lcxe: cnc
e|ecIric cnc wcIer meIer:. Crcck: cr vcic: uncer winccw:i||: c|:c ccn
cppecr cue Ic wecIher cnc cging. WcIer ccn enIer Ihrcugh Ihe:e
cpening: cnc ccu:e :ignificcnI ccmcge IhcI ycu mcy ncI ncIice unIi| iI i:
Icc |cIe cnc mcjcr repcir: cre neecec.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ic :ec| Ihe:e gcp:, cpp|y ccu|k. Ihe Iype cf ccu|k ycu u:e wi|| cepenc
upcn Ihe |cccIicn where iI': neecec cnc Ihe mcIeric| ycu cre cec|ing
wiIh {i.e., meIc|, wccc). Ihe fc||cwing cre Lc:ic ccIegcrie: cf ccu|k:
wcIerprccf, wcIerprccf cnc pcinIcL|e cnc pcinIcL|e wiIh nc wcIer
ked|rect|ng Foo||ng Woter
lf Ihe fini:hec f|ccr cf c hcu:e i: cI |ec:I inche: cLcve :ci| cnc mu|ch,
winc-criven wcIer ccn cccumu|cIe nexI Ic Ihe hcu:e cnc L|cw up
cgcin:I Ihe wc||. Ihi: ccu|c |ecc Ic wcIer geIIing in:ice cnc ccmcging
Ihe wc||: cnc cIher inIericr fini:he:.
/ccre:: Ihi: prcL|em Ly |ccking cI Ihe grccing cf Ihe prcperIy.
Ihe grccing :hcu|c cirecI wcIer cwcy frcm Ihe hcu:e Ic cvcic pcc|ing
lf wcIer hc: gcIIen in:ice c hcu:e cfIer hecvy rcin: cr Ihere i: :Icncing
wcIer nexI Ic Ihe hcu:e, Ihi: puI: Ihe hcu:e cI :ignificcnI ri:k cf ccmcge.
Evc|ucIe Ihe crcincge cf Ihe prcperIy cnc ccn:icer cccing c wcIerprccf
memLrcne Ic Ihe wc|| where |eck: hcve cccurrec.
/ccing grcunc cr French crcin: ccn he|p mcve wcIer cwcy frcm Ihe
lf Ihere cre peneIrcIicn: cf c hcu:e wiIhin :ix inche: cf Ihe grcunc, Ihe
grccing mcy ncI Le :ufficienI Ic keep wcIer frcm pcc|ing nexI Ic Ihe
hcu:e. Ihi: ccu|c c||cw wcIer Ic Le L|cwn up Ly high winc: cnc geI
in:ice Ihe:e peneIrcIicn:.
Ccu|k crcunc Ihe peneIrcIicn: cnc u:e :cncLcg: Ic crecIe c Lcrrier
crcunc Ihe peneIrcIicn.
ScncLcg: :hcu|c Le p|ccec cirecI|y cgcin:I Ihe hcu:e Ic cvcic crecIing
c cyke IhcI ccn hc|c wcIer Lehinc iI cnc cgcin:I Ihe hcu:e.
Fefer Lcck Ic Chopter 1 fcr mcre ceIci|ec infcrmcIicn cn F|ccc
FrepcrcIicn cnc Survivc|.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
FEM/ icenIifiec cver 100 |e::cn: |ecrnec" in Ihe cfIermcIh cf Hurriccne
KcIrinc. 8uI ycu rec||y cn|y hcve Ic Icke cwcy cne |e::cn frcm KcIrinc,
/ncrew, Scncy cr Ihe cczen: cf cIher cevc:IcIing :Icrm: IhrcughcuI
hi:Icry, cnc IhcI i:: c |cck cf hurriccne cwcrene:: cnc prepcrcIicn cre
c|mc:I c|wcy: Ihe ccmmcn Ihrecc cmcng Ihe mc:I cffecIec vicIim: cf c||
mcjcr hurriccne ci:c:Ier:.
8y c::e::ing ycur ri:k:, kncwing ycur vu|nercLi|iIy cnc uncer:Icncing whcI
ccIicn: ycu :hcu|c Icke, Lefcre, curing cnc cfIer iI hiI:, ycu ccn recuce
Ihe effecI: cf c hurriccne ci:c:Ier Ic ycu, ycur hcme, cnc ycur fcmi|y.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 1
F|ogue or Fondem|c

Is it usejul to jeel jecr, beccuse it prepcres ou jor ncst etents or is it
useless, beccuse ncst etents uill occur uhether ou cre jrihtened or
not? - Lemon Sniclet
Ihe wcrc pcncemic ccme: frcm Ihe Greek wcrc: pcn cemc:, mecning
perIcining Ic c|| pecp|e." Ihe Greek wcrc pcn mecn: c|| cnc Ihe Greek
wcrc cemc: mecn: pecp|e. / pcncemic i: c ci:ec:e cuILreck cf
g|cLc| prcpcrIicn:. lI hcppen: when c ncve| viru: emerge: cmcng
humcn: IhcI ccu:e: :ericu: i||ne:: cnc i: ec:i|y humcn Ircn:mi::iL|e frcm
per:cn Ic per:cn.
ln mccern Iime: when hec|Ih cnc ci:c:Ier prepcrecne:: crgcnizcIicn: u:e
Ihe wcrc pcncemic" Ihey cre u:uc||y referring Ic c pcIenIic||y viru|enI
inf|uenzc :Ircin. 8uI f|u i: ncI Ihe cn|y pc::iL|e infecIicu: ci:ec:e
pcncemic. ln fccI, :ince Ihe very ncIure cf pcncemic: cre IhcI Ihey cre
ccu:ec Ly unfcmi|icr cr rcgue" pcIhcgen:, c pcncemic ccn Icke cn Ihe
fcrm cf cn infecIicu: ci:ec:e un|ike cnyIhing previcu:|y experiencec.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Iherefcre, ce:piIe whcI ycu Ihink ycu mcy kncw cLcuI vcccine:, Ihe Le:I
wcy Ic prepcre fcr c f|u cr cny kinc cf infecIicu: ci:ec:e pcncemic i: Ic
mcinIcin c hec|Ihy immune :y:Iem cnc prccIice gccc germ ccnIrc|
Iechniue: cnc hcLiI:.
Ihere hcve Leen mcny pcncemic: IhrcughcuI humcn hi:Icry IhcI hcve
cecimcIec wcr|c pcpu|cIicn:, p|cgue, Iyphu:, chc|erc c: we|| c:
inf|uenzc. Hcwever iI i: impcrIcnI Ic uncer:Icnc Ihe cifference LeIween c
:ec:cnc| f|u cnc pcncemic f|u. ln Ihe UniIec SIcIe:, fcr excmp|e, Ihere i:
c f|u :ec:cn IhcI Legin: every fc|| cnc enc: every :pring. Ihe Iype cf f|u
pecp|e geI curing Ihi: :ec:cn i: cc||ec :ec:cnc| f|uJ
ScmeIime:, c new Iype cf f|u viru: mcy emerge Ic which Ihe generc|
puL|ic hc: nc re:i:Icnce. Ihe |cck cf immuniIy encL|e: Ihe viru: Ic :precc
very uick|y cnc ec:i|y frcm per:cn Ic per:cn impccIing ccmmuniIie:
crcunc Ihe wcr|c in c very :hcrI Iime, ccu:ing :ericu: i||ne:: cnc cecIh.
Ihi: kinc cf f|u i: cc||ec pcncemic f|u.
Ihe exccI :ympIcm: cf pcncemic f|u cre unkncwn. Hcwever, Ihe CDC
ncIe: IhcI :ympIcm: cre expecIec Ic Le :imi|cr Ic Ihc:e cf :ec:cnc| f|u,
which inc|uce:
Sore LIrouL
Runny or sLuIIy nose
ExLreme IuLIgue
MuscIe ucIes und puIns
SLomucI probIems, sucI us nuuseu, vomILIng und dIurrIeu (more
common In cIIIdren)
Frepcring fcr c f|u cr cIher ccnIcgicn pcncemic echce: ycur
prepcrecne:: fcr cIher ncIurc| ci:c:Ier:. Ycu neec Ic hcve ycur Hcme
Emergency Frepcrecne:: KiI Feccy c: we|| c: ycur Gc 8cg. Un|ike wiIh
:cme cf Ihe cIher ci:c:Ier: ci:cu::ec :c fcr, curing c ccnIcgicu: ci:ec:e
cuILreck, ycu mcy mcre |ike|y wcnI Ic hunker ccwn cnc :Icy :cfe cnc
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
:ecure in ycur cwn hcme, Ihcn ccn:icer evccucIing cnc ri:king expc:ure.
lf ycu hcve prepcrec c Survivc| Scfe Hcu:e" cff Ihe LecIen pcIh
hcwever - c Fcncemic mcy Le c very gccc Iime Ic 8ug CuI fcr iI. EiIher
wcy, cI hcme cr in ycur Scfe Hcu:e, ycu neec Ic Le :ure ycu hcve c|| cf
ycur fccc, wcIer cnc cIher She|Ier-in-F|cce :upp|ie: :Icckec, fre:h, cnc
reccy - prcLcL|y fcr cI |ec:I Ihree week: cr mcre.
In odd|t|on:
8e :ure Ic hcve exIrc :upp|ie: cf cny pre:cripIicn crug: ycu reuire cnc
Ihe Lc:ic ncnpre:cripIicn crug: cnc cIher hec|Ih :upp|ie: cn hcnc, f|uic:
wiIh e|ecIrc|yIe:, viIcmin: cnc immune Lcc:Iing :upp|emenI:, cnc fir:I-cic
iIem: IhcI mighI run :hcrI in c wcve cf pcncemic f|u.
Ic|k wiIh fcmi|y memLer: cnc |cvec cne: cLcuI hcw Ihey wcu|c Le
ccrec fcr if Ihey gcI :ick, cr whcI wi|| Le neecec Ic ccre fcr Ihem in ycur
Vc|unIeer wiIh |ccc| grcup: Ic prepcre cnc c::i:I wiIh emergency
lf ycu hcve chi|cren, mcke :ure ycu hcve crrcngec fcr Iheir ccyccre if
Iheir :chcc| c|c:e: in re:pcn:e Ic c pcncemic.
Ihe Le:I Ihing ycu ccn cc Ic prcIecI ycur:e|f cnc ycur fcmi|y curing c
Fcncemic i: Ic minimize ycur expc:ure Ic Ihe ccnIcgicn Ly prccIicing
gccc infecIicu: ci:ec:e ccnIrc| Iechniue: cnc hygiene hcLiI:.
/vcic c|c:e ccnIccI wiIh pecp|e whc cre :ick. When ycu cre :ick, keep
ycur ci:Icnce frcm cIher: Ic prcIecI Ihem frcm geIIing :ick Icc.
lf pc::iL|e, :Icy hcme frcm wcrk, :chcc|, cnc errcnc: when ycu cre :ick.
Ycu wi|| he|p prevenI cIher: frcm ccIching ycur i||ne::.
Ccver ycur mcuIh cnc nc:e wiIh c Ii::ue when ccughing cr :neezing. lI
mcy prevenI Ihc:e crcunc ycu frcm geIIing :ick.
Wc:hing ycur hcnc: cfIen wi|| he|p prcIecI ycu frcm germ:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
/vcic Icuching ycur eye:, nc:e cr mcuIh. Germ: cre cfIen :precc when c
per:cn Icuche: :cmeIhing IhcI i: ccnIcmincIec wiIh germ: cnc Ihen
Icuche: hi: cr her eye:, nc:e, cr mcuIh.
FrccIice cIher gccc hec|Ih hcLiI:. GeI p|enIy cf :|eep, Le phy:icc||y
ccIive, mcncge ycur :Ire::, crink p|enIy cf f|uic:, ecI nuIriIicu: fccc, cuI
ccwn cr e|imincIe c|cchc| cnc IcLcccc u:e.
SIcckpi|e cnc Icke viIcmin: cnc :upp|emenI: kncwn Ic imprcve ycur
immune :y:Iem :uch c::
AmIno AcIds sucI us ysIne und GIycIne
HerbuI und oLIer NuLuruI SuppIemenLs sucI us EcIInuceu, TurmerIc
ExLrucL, GInger, und QuerceLIn.
Hc|i:Iic NuIriIicni:I CynIhic Lechcn Gcccmcn, /uIhcr cf "#$ 5.$-:'#(;@
5*9: 3&$*;9$ 800> {cvci|cL|e cI: /mczcn.ccm) :ugge:I: Ihe fc||cwing
ncIurc| cnc hec|Ihy wcy: Ic Lcc:I ycur immune :y:Iem cnc prepcre fcr
f|u :ec:cn.
CiIru: fruiI: hcve |cng Leen kncwn fcr Iheir he|p in Ihe prevenIicn cf
re:pircIcry i::ue: :uch c: cc|c: cnc f|u, cnc iI Iurn: cuI IhcI iI i: ncI cn|y
Leccu:e Ihey cre high in viIcmin C. Ihe:e fruiI: c|:c ccnIcin ccmpcunc:
kncwn c: |imcncic:. ExIrccI: mcce frcm |imcncic: fcunc in ciIru: fruiI:
hcve Leen fcunc Ic prcIecI |ung Ii::ue cnc recuce mucu: Lui|c-up
Iypicc| cf :ufferer: cf cc|c:, f|u cnc cIher chrcnic re:pircIcry cr |ung
Ihe cnIicxiccnI: fcunc in mcny fruiI: cnc vegeIcL|e: :uch c: viIcmin: C, /
cnc E, ccn minimize Ihe :everiIy cf f|u :ympIcm:, ccn imprcve LrecIhing,
cnc ccn c|:c recuce c:Ihmc :ympIcm: cnc recuce ccmcge Ic
Lrcnchic| Ii::ue:.
Mognes|um i: cn impcrIcnI nuIrienI IhcI hc: Leen icenIifiec c: cc|ming
Ihe :ympIcm: cf c:Ihmc, re:pircIcry infecIicn:, cnc imprcving |ung
funcIicn cverc||.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Se|en|um, c minerc| :imi|cr in iI: effecI: in Ihe Lccy Ic mcgne:ium, c|:c
hc: Leen :hcwn Ic hcve c pc:iIive effecI cn LrecIhing, e:pecic||y c:
re|cIec Ic Ihe prevenIicn cf :inu: cnc cc|c infecIicn:.
I|nc hc: Leen :hcwn Ic pc::iL|y :hcrIen hcw |cng cc|c: |c:I cnc Iheir
V|tom|n 8 i: e::enIic| Ic c hec|Ihy immune :y:Iem. 8 he|p: Ihe Lccy
fighI cff c|| :crI: cf infecIicn:, cnc Iherefcre mcy Le he|pfu| in Lcc:Iing Ihe
Lccy: re:i:Icnce Ic cc|c:, f|u, cnc cIher re:pircIcry infecIicn:.
Fo||c oc|d, cncIher 8 viIcmin {8) c|:c hc: Leen :hcwn Ic he|p fighI cff
re:pircIcry infecIicn:. ln fccI mcny Le|ieve iI i: Ihe fc|ic ccic, cnc ncI Ihe
viIcmin C in crcnge juice IhcI give iI iI: cc|c fighIing cLi|iIy.
Quercet|n, c pcwerfu| cnIicxiccnI fcunc in cnicn: hc: Leen |inkec Ic Ihe
prevenIicn cf |ung ccncer. Fre:h gcr|ic c: we||, mcy prevenI mcny
re:pircIcry ci|menI:.
kesverotro| cnc Ihe cIher cnIi-inf|cmmcIcry cgenI: fcunc in rec wine IhcI
hcve Leen :hcwn Ic |e::en Ihe ri:k cf hecrI ci:ec:e, mcy hcve c :imi|cr
effecI in prevenIing, cr |cwering Ihe ri:k cf Fe:pircIcry lnfecIicn:.
Corvocro| cnc Ihymo| Iwc ci|: fcunc in Ihyme cnc cregcnc hcve Leen
fcunc Ic |cc:en ph|egm in Ihe |ung: cnc re|ieve mucu: Lui|c- up Iypicc| cf
Whot to put |n your shopp|ng cort
VILumIn A Ioods IncIude: cILrus IruIL, LomuLoes, curroLs, mungo, red beII
pepper, spInucI, coIIurd greens, sweeL poLuLo, kuIe, LurnIp greens,
coIIurd greens, SwIss cIurd, mIIk, eggs.
VILumIn B6 Ioods IncIude: Lunu, cod, suImon, snupper, IuIIbuL, cIIcken,
IIver, Lurnkey, beeI, bununu, spInucI, beII pepper LurnIp greens, gurIIc,
cuuIIIIower, musLurd greens, crImInI musIrooms, BrusseIs sprouLs,
cubbuge, uspurugus, ceIery, kuIe cIurd, coIIurd greens.
VILumIn Bq (IoIIc ucId) Ioods IncIude: IIver, IenLIIs, pInLo beuns,
gurbunzo beuns, bIuck beuns, nuvy beuns, uspurugus, spInucI, coIIurd
greens, broccoII, beeLs, romuIne, pursIey, pupuyu, sLrIng beuns.
VILumIn C Ioods IncIude: beII peppers, pursIey, broccoII, peppers,
berrIes, cILrus IruILs, pupuyu, cuuIIIIower, musLurd greens, spInucI,
snow peus, cunLuIoupe, wuLermeIon, LomuLo, zuccIInI, und ceIery.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ImonoId Ioods IncIude: orunge juIce, grupeIruIL juIce, orunges, und
Iemons IncIudIng wIILe purL und rInd.
VILumIn E Ioods IncIude: musLurd greens, cIurd, LurnIp greens,
uImonds, spInucI, sunIIower seeds, oIIves, pupuyu, und bIueberrIes.
WIoIe GruIn oods IncIude LIe IoIIowIng non-uIIergIc gruIns: burIey,
buckwIeuL, mIIIeL, rIce, umurunLI, kusIu, quInou, und IenLIIs.
MugnesIum und IoIuLe Ioods IncIude: beuns, LurmerIc, spInucI, squusI,
musLurd greens, pumpkIn, soybeuns, sunIIower seeds, IIux seeds,
sesume seeds, green beuns, cucumbers, ceIery, kuIe, bIuck und nuvy
beuns, und peppermInL moIusses.
SeIenIum Ioods IncIude: IIver, BruzII nuLs, snupper, cod, IuIIbuL, Lunu,
suImon, surdInes, sIrImp, burIey, ouLs, musIrooms, sunIIower seeds,
eggs, Lurkey, Iumb, und LoIu.
Omegu IuLLy ucId Ioods IncIude: suImon, IIuxseed, wuInuLs, surdInes,
soybeuns, IuIIbuL, LoIu, snupper, scuIIops, sIrImp, und LoIu.
QuerceLIn Ioods IncIude: bIuck und green Leu, cupers, uppIes, onIon, red
grupes, cILrus IruIL, grupeIruIL, peus, buckwIeuL, LomuLo, broccoII, IeuIy
greens, und Ioney.
CurvucroI und LIymoI Ioods IncIude: oreguno, und LIyme
Hcve ycu ever hcc Ihe f|u - FrcLcL|y. Dic ycu fee| cecIh|y i|| - mcny
pecp|e cc. Dic ycu :urvive lf ycu cre reccing Ihi:, Ihe cn:wer i: ye:, c: iI
wcu|c Le fcr mc:I pecp|e. Sec:cnc| f|u :hcI: were criginc||y crecIec Ic
he|p Ihc:e mc:I cI ri:k Ic cie frcm inf|uenzc, :uch c: Ihe e|cer|y, very
ycung chi|cren, cr Ihc:e wiIh c ccmprcmi:ec immune :y:Iem. /nc fcr
Ihem, :ec:cnc| f|u vcccine: ccu|c :Ii|| Le c gccc icec if c pcrIicu|cr|y
hecvy f|u :ec:cn i: cnIicipcIec. 8uI Ihe fccI cf Ihe mcIIer i: mc:I pecp|e
- e:pecic||y if ycu Icke Ihe :Iep: Ic imprcve cnc mcinIcin ycur immune
:y:Iem c: ccvi:ec in ChcpIer 1 cnc :ugge:Iec in Lechcn Gcccmcn:
8cck - ccn very ec:i|y prevenI, cnc mc:I prcLcL|y |e::en Ihe ci:ccmfcrI
cf, :ec:cnc| f|u.
CurrenI|y, Ihere i: c vigcrcu: ceLcIe cn Ihe efficccy cf :ec:cnc| f|u
vcccine:. Ihc:e whc cppc:e cn ccrc::-Ihe-Lccrc cpprccch Ic
ccmini:Iering Ihe vcccine pcinI Ic cn impre::ive cc||ecIicn cf :Iucie: IhcI
inciccIe Ihey cc |iII|e Ic prevenI Ihe |ike|ihccc cf f|u in hec|Ihy ccu|I:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Even cI Iheir IhecreIicc| Le:I- Sec:cnc| F|u Vcccine: ccn cn|y prcIecI
ycu frcm Ihe :Ircin: cf f|u IhcI Ihe phcrmcceuIicc| ccmpcnie: cnc hecIh
crgcnizcIicn: Le|ieve wi|| Le mc:I prevc|enI in c given f|u :ec:cn.
/ f|u :hcI ccnncI prcIecI ycu frcm pcncemic f|u. F|ec:e recc IhcI cgcin
- c f|u :hcI C/NNCI prevenI cr prcIecI ycu frcm expc:ure Ic c pcncemic
f|u. / pcncemic f|u Ly cefiniIicn cccur: frcm cn unkncwn :Ircin new Ic
Ihe pcpu|cIicn, cr c :Ircin IhcI hc: Leen ccrmcnI fcr mcny yecr:, cr c
muIcIicn Ic c kncwn :Ircin. F|u vcccine: wiIh Iheir |imiIec effecIivene::, Ic
Le effecIive cI c||, neec Ic hcve Leen crecIec u:ing Ihe cIIenucIec fcrm
cf c kncwn f|u viru:.
Ycu neec Ic uncer:Icnc IhcI f|u cnc cIher pcncemic: cre pc::iL|e.
Hcwever, ycur Le:I cefen:e cgcin:I Ihem i: Ic :Icy :Ircng cnc hec|Ihy
cnc prccIice gccc germ cnc infecIicu: ci:ec:e ccnIrc| hcLiI: cnc ncI Ly
re|ying IcIc||y cn vcccine: IhcI cre, Ly Iheir very ncIure, :Ircin :pecific.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 20

There is clucs c pcrt oj m mind thct is prepcrin jor the uorst
cnd cnother pcrt oj m mind thct belietes
ij I prepcre enouh jor it, the uorst uon't hcppen.
- Kc Redjield 1cmison
Icrnccce:, :cmeIime: c|:c cc||ec Iwi:Ier:, cr |e:: cccurcIe|y Cyc|cne:,
cre ncIure: mc:I vic|enI :Icrm:. Spcwnec frcm pcwerfu| Ihuncer:Icrm:,
Icrnccce: ccn ccu:e fcIc|iIie: cnc cevc:IcIe c neighLcrhccc in
:eccnc:. / Icrnccc cppecr: c: c rcIcIing, funne|-:hcpec c|cuc IhcI
exIenc: frcm c Ihuncer:Icrm Ic Ihe grcunc wiIh whir|ing winc: IhcI ccn
recch c: high c: 300 mi|e: per hcur. Dcmcge pcIh: ccn Le in exce:: cf
cne mi|e wice cnc 50 mi|e: |cng. Every :IcIe i: cI :cme ri:k frcm Ihi:
hczcrc. Scme Icrnccce: cre c|ecr|y vi:iL|e, whi|e rcin cr necrLy |cw-
hcnging c|cuc: cL:cure cIher:.
Cccc:icnc||y, Icrnccce: :eem Ic ccme cuI cf ncwhere, ceve|cping :c
rcpic|y IhcI |iII|e, if cny, ccvcnce wcrning i: pc::iL|e. 8efcre c Icrnccc
hiI:, Ihe winc mcy cie ccwn cnc Ihe cir mcy Leccme very :Ii||. / c|cuc cf
ceLri: ccn mcrk Ihe |cccIicn cf c Icrnccc even if c funne| i: ncI vi:iL|e.
Icrnccce: generc||y cccur necr Ihe Irci|ing ecge cf c Ihuncer:Icrm.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ihere cre pcrI: cf Ihe wcr|c IhcI cre mcre prcne Ic Icrnccce: Ihcn
cIher:. Fcr excmp|e Ihe UniIec SIcIe: hc: c :c-cc||ec Icrnccc /||ey"
:IreIching enccmpc::ing Ihe GrecI F|cin: :IcIe: LeIween Ihe Fccky cnc
/ppc|cchicn McunIcin:. 8uI c: recenI hecc|ine: hcve :hcwn, given Ihe
wcr|c: :hifIing wecIher pcIIern:, cevc:IcIing Icrnccce: ccn cccur c|mc:I
TIey cun sLrIke quIckIy, wILI IILLIe or no wurnIng.
n LIe U.S LIe uveruge Lornudo moves souLIwesL Lo norLIeusL, buL
Lornudoes Iuve been known Lo move In uny dIrecLIon.
Tornudoes oILen uccompuny LropIcuI sLorms und IurrIcunes us LIey
move onLo Iund.
WuLerspouLs ure Lornudoes LIuL Iorm over wuLer.
Ic Legin prepcring, Ly ncw ycu :hcu|c kncw ycur fir:I ccI cf prepcrcIicn
i: Ic Lui|c cn emergency kiI, Gc 8cg, cnc mcke :ure ycu hcve c fcmi|y
ccmmuniccIicn: p|cn.
Li:Ien Ic NC// WecIher Fccic cr Ic ccmmercic| rccic cr Ie|evi:icn
new:cc:I: fcr Ihe |cIe:I infcrmcIicn. ln cny emergency, c|wcy: |i:Ien Ic
Ihe in:IrucIicn: given Ly |ccc| emergency mcncgemenI cfficic|:.
8e c|erI Ic chcnging wecIher ccnciIicn:. Lcck fcr cpprccching :Icrm:.
A Iornodo Wotch Meons: Icrnccce: cre pc::iL|e. Femcin c|erI fcr
cpprccching :Icrm:. WcIch Ihe :ky cnc :Icy Iunec Ic NC// WecIher
Fccic, ccmmercic| rccic cr Ie|evi:icn fcr infcrmcIicn.
A Iornodo Worn|ng Meons: / Icrnccc hc: Leen :ighIec cr inciccIec Ly
wecIher rcccr. Icke :he|Ier Ly gcing immecicIe|y uncergrcunc Ic c
Lc:emenI, :Icrm ce||cr cr cn inIericr rccm {c|c:eI, hc||wcy cr LcIhrccm).
8e :ure ycu kncw ycur ccmmuniIy: wcrning :y:Iem. CcmmuniIie: in high-
ri:k crec: cf Icrnccc ccIiviIy hcve cifferenI wcy: cf wcrning re:icenI:
cLcuI Icrnccce:, wiIh mcny hcving :iren: inIencec fcr cuIcccr wcrning
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
purpc:e:. Icrnccce: ccn cnc cc hcppen wiIh |iII|e cr nc wcrning, LuI Ic
prepcre in ccvcnce ycu :hcu|c:
AIreudy Iuve pIcked und prepured u suIe room In your Iome wIere
IouseIoId members und peLs sIouId escupe Lo durIng u Lornudo. TIIs
sIouId IdeuIIy be In u busemenL or sLorm ceIIur. uckIng LIuL, use un
InLerIor room on LIe IowesL IIoor oI LIe Iouse wILIouL uny wIndows.
PrucLIce perIodIc Lornudo drIIIs so LIuL everyone In your IumIIy knows
wIuL Lo do II u Lornudo Is upproucIIng.
Prepure Ior IIgI wInds by removIng dIseused und dumuged IImbs Irom
Move or secure Iuwn IurnILure, LrusIcuns, IungIng pIunLs or unyLIIng
eIse LIuL cun be pIcked up by LIe wInd und become u projecLIIe.
How to Frepore o W|nd So|e koom
lf ycu |ive in cn crec prcne Ic high winc: cr Icrnccce:, even if ycur
re:icence hc: Leen Lui|I Ic ccce IhcI cce: ncI mecn iI ccn wiIh:Icnc
winc: frcm exIreme evenI: :uch c: Icrnccce: cnc mcjcr hurriccne:. Ihe
purpc:e cf c :cfe rccm cr c winc :he|Ier i: Ic prcvice c :pcce where ycu
cnc ycur fcmi|y ccn :eek refuge IhcI prcvice: c higher |eve| cf prcIecIicn.
Ycu ccn Lui|c c :cfe rccm in cne cf :everc| p|cce: in ycur hcme.
Your busemenL (besL cIoIce II you Iuve one)
ALop u concreLe sIub-on-grude IounduLIon or guruge IIoor.
An InLerIor room on LIe IIrsL IIoor.
Scfe rccm: Lui|I Le|cw grcunc |eve| prcvice Ihe grecIe:I prcIecIicn, LuI c
:cfe rccm Lui|I in c fir:I-f|ccr inIericr rccm c|:c ccn prcvice Ihe nece::cry
prcIecIicn. 8e|cwgrcunc :cfe rccm: mu:I Le ce:ignec Ic cvcic
cccumu|cIing wcIer curing Ihe hecvy rcin: IhcI cfIen ccccmpcny :evere
Ic prcIecI iI: cccupcnI:, c :cfe rccm mu:I Le Lui|I Ic wiIh:Icnc high
winc: cnc f|ying ceLri:, even if Ihe re:I cf Ihe re:icence i: :evere|y
ccmcgec cr ce:Ircyec. Ccn:icer Ihe fc||cwing when Lui|cing c :cfe
Ihe :cfe rccm mu:I Le cceucIe|y cnchcrec Ic re:i:I cverIurning cnc
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ihe wc||:, cei|ing cnc cccr cf Ihe :he|Ier mu:I wiIh:Icnc winc pre::ure cnc
re:i:I peneIrcIicn Ly wincLcrne cLjecI: cnc fc||ing ceLri:.
Ihe ccnnecIicn: LeIween c|| pcrI: cf Ihe :cfe rccm mu:I Le :Ircng
encugh Ic re:i:I Ihe winc.
SecIicn: cf eiIher inIericr cr exIericr re:icence wc||: IhcI cre u:ec c: wc||:
cf Ihe :cfe rccm mu:I Le :epcrcIec frcm Ihe :IrucIure cf Ihe re:icence :c
IhcI ccmcge Ic Ihe re:icence wi|| ncI ccu:e ccmcge Ic Ihe :cfe rccm.
Ccmp|eIe ce:ign cnc ccn:IrucIicn p|cn: fcr Lui|cing c :cfe rccm ccn Le
ccwn|cccec frcm FEM/ cI: FEM/.gcv
Ycu Ccn FurIher FrcIecI Ycur Hcme Frcm High Winc: 8y:
ProLecLIng WIndows und Doors wILI Covers
ReInIorcIng or RepIucIng Guruge Doors
RemovIng Trees und PoLenLIuI WIndborne MIssIIes
SecurIng MeLuI SIdIng und MeLuI RooIs
SecurIng BuIIL-Up und SIngIe-PIy RooIs
SecurIng ComposILIon SIIngIe RooIs
BrucIng GubIe End RooI rumIng
I| tornodoes ore |n the oreo |ook |or the Fo||ow|ng Donger S|gns:
Durk, oILen greenIsI sky.
urge IuII.
A Iurge, durk, Iow-IyIng cIoud (purLIcuIurIy II roLuLIng).
oud rour, sImIIur Lo u IreIgIL LruIn.
I you see upproucIIng sLorms or uny oI LIe dunger sIgns, be prepured Lo
Luke sIeILer ImmedIuLeIy.
Icrnccc inIen:iIie: cre c|c::ifiec cn Ihe FujiIc Scc|e wiIh rcIing: LeIween
F-0 {wecke:I) Ic F-5 {:Ircnge:I). Icrnccce: cre ccpcL|e cf ccmp|eIe|y
ce:Ircying even we||-mcce :IrucIure:, uprccIing Iree:, cnc hur|ing cLjecI:
Ihrcugh Ihe cir |ike cecc|y mi::i|e:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
lf ycu cre uncer c Icrnccc wcrning, :eek :he|Ier immecicIe|yl Mc:I
injurie: c::ccicIec wiIh high winc: cre frcm f|ying ceLri:, :c rememLer Ic
prcIecI ycur hecc. lf cvci|cL|e, puI cn c Licyc|e cr mcIcrcyc|e he|meI Ic
prcIecI ycur:e|f frcm hecc injurie:.
Where ycu cre curing c Icrnccc wi|| cefine ycur Le:I ccur:e cf ccIicn. Ihe
:cfe:I p|cce Ic Le i: cn uncergrcunc :he|Ier, Lc:emenI cr :cfe rccm. lf
nc uncergrcunc :he|Ier cr :cfe rccm i: cvci|cL|e, c :mc||, winccw|e::
inIericr rccm cr hc||wcy cn Ihe |cwe:I |eve| cf c :Iurcy Lui|cing i: Ihe :cfe:I
McLi|e hcme: cre ncI :cfe curing Icrnccce: cr cIher :evere winc:. Never
:eek :he|Ier in c hc||wcy cr LcIhrccm cf c mcLi|e hcme. lf ycu |ive in c
mcLi|e hcme cnc Icrnccce: cre IhrecIening, Dc ncI wciI unIi| ycu :ee cr
hecr Ihe Icrnccc, if ycu hcve ccce:: Ic c :Iurcy :he|Ier cr c vehic|e,
cLcnccn ycur mcLi|e hcme immecicIe|y cnc geI Ic Ihe necre:I :Iurcy
Lui|cing cr :he|Ier.
lf ycu cre in c mcre :ecure :IrucIure {re:icence cIher Ihcn c mcLi|e
hcme, :mc|| Lui|cing, :chcc|, nur:ing hcme, hc:piIc|, fccIcry, :hcpping
cenIer, high-ri:e Lui|cing) Ihen ycu :hcu|c:
Go Lo your pre-desIgnuLed sIeILer ureu sucI us u suIe room, busemenL,
sLorm ceIIur, or LIe IowesL buIIdIng IeveI. I LIere Is no busemenL, go Lo
LIe cenLer oI un InLerIor room on LIe IowesL IeveI (cIoseL, InLerIor
IuIIwuy) uwuy Irom corners, wIndows, doors, und ouLsIde wuIIs. PuL us
muny wuIIs us possIbIe beLween you und LIe ouLsIde. GeL under u sLurdy
LubIe und use your urms Lo proLecL your Ieud und neck.
n u IIgI-rIse buIIdIng, go Lo u smuII InLerIor room or IuIIwuy on LIe
IowesL IIoor possIbIe.
I uvuIIubIe, puL on u bIcycIe or moLorcycIe IeImeL Lo proLecL yourseII
Irom Ieud InjurIes.
PuL on sLurdy sIoes und do noL open wIndows.
I you ure cuugIL ouLsIde und cunnoL geL Lo uny sIeILer:
mmedIuLeIy geL InLo u veIIcIe, buckIe your seuL beIL und Lry Lo drIve Lo
LIe cIosesL sLurdy sIeILer.
I your veIIcIe Is IIL by IIyIng debrIs wIIIe you ure drIvIng, puII over und
SLuy In LIe cur wILI LIe seuL beIL on. PuL your Ieud down beIow LIe IeveI
oI LIe wIndows; cover your Ieud wILI your Iunds und u bIunkeL, couL or
oLIer cusIIon II possIbIe.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
I you cun suIeIy geL noLIceubIy Iower LIun LIe IeveI oI LIe roudwuy,
Ieuve your cur und IIe In LIuL ureu, coverIng your Ieud wILI your Iunds.
,# +#% 6'% )+8'* 4+ #2'*.455 #* (*/86'1 You ure suIer In u Iow,
IIuL IocuLIon.
Never Lry Lo ouLrun u Lornudo In urbun or congesLed ureus In u cur or
Lruck. nsLeud, Ieuve LIe veIIcIe ImmedIuLeIy Ior suIe sIeILer.
WuLcI ouL Ior IIyIng debrIs. IyIng debrIs Irom Lornudoes cuuses mosL
IuLuIILIes und InjurIes.
lnjury mcy re:u|I frcm Ihe cirecI impccI cf c Icrnccc, cr iI mcy cccur
cfIerwcrc when pecp|e wc|k cmcng ceLri: cnc enIer ccmcgec
Lui|cing:. / :Iucy cf injurie: cfIer c Icrnccc in Mcricn, l||inci:, :hcwec IhcI
50 percenI cf Ihe Icrnccc-re|cIec injurie: were :ufferec curing re:cue
cIIempI:, c|ecnup cnc cIher pc:I-Icrnccc ccIiviIie:. Necr|y c Ihirc cf Ihe
injurie: re:u|Iec frcm :Iepping cn nci|:. 8eccu:e Icrnccce: cfIen ccmcge
pcwer |ine:, gc: |ine: cr e|ecIricc| :y:Iem:, Ihere i: c ri:k cf fire,
e|ecIrccuIicn cr cn exp|c:icn. FrcIecIing ycur:e|f cnc ycur fcmi|y reuire:
prcmpI|y IrecIing cny injurie: :ufferec curing Ihe :Icrm cnc u:ing exIreme
ccre Ic cvcic furIher hczcrc:.
Check fcr injurie:. Dc ncI cIIempI Ic mcve :ericu:|y injurec pecp|e un|e::
Ihey cre in immecicIe ccnger cf furIher injury. GeI mecicc| c::i:Icnce
immecicIe|y. lf :cmecne hc: :Icppec LrecIhing, Legin CFF if ycu cre
Ircinec Ic cc :c. Fefer Lcck Ic ChcpIer fcr Fir:I /ic IrecImenI cf
:pecific injurie: IhcI ccu|c Le ccmmcn in Ihe cfIermcIh cf c Icrnccc.
So|ety precout|ons thot cou|d he|p you ovo|d |njury o|ter o Iornodo:
ConLInue Lo monILor your buLLery or soIur-powered rudIo or LeIevIsIon
Ior emergency InIormuLIon.
Be cureIuI wIen enLerIng uny sLrucLure LIuL Ius been dumuged.
Weur sLurdy sIoes or booLs, Iong sIeeves und gIoves wIen IundIIng or
wuIkIng on or neur debrIs.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Be uwure oI Iuzurds Irom exposed nuIIs und broken gIuss.
Do noL LoucI downed power IInes or objecLs In conLucL wILI downed
IInes. ReporL eIecLrIcuI Iuzurds Lo LIe poIIce und LIe uLIIILy compuny.
Use buLLery-powered IunLerns, II possIbIe, ruLIer LIun cundIes Lo IIgIL
Iomes wILIouL eIecLrIcuI power. I you use cundIes, muke sure LIey ure
In suIe IoIders uwuy Irom curLuIns, puper, wood or oLIer IIummubIe
ILems. Never Ieuve u cundIe burnIng wIen you ure ouL oI LIe room.
Never use generuLors, pressure wusIers, grIIIs, cump sLoves or oLIer
gusoIIne, propune, nuLuruI gus or cIurcouI-burnIng devIces InsIde your
Iome, busemenL, guruge or cumper - or even ouLsIde neur un open
wIndow, door or venL. Curbon monoxIde (CO) - un odorIess, coIorIess
gus LIuL cun cuuse sudden IIIness und deuLI II you breuLIe IL - Irom
LIese sources cun buIId up In your Iome, guruge or cumper und poIson
LIe peopIe und unImuIs InsIde. Seek prompL medIcuI uLLenLIon II you
suspecL CO poIsonIng und ure IeeIIng dIzzy, IIgIL-Ieuded or nuuseuLed.
Hung up dIspIuced LeIepIone receIvers LIuL muy Iuve been knocked oII
by LIe Lornudo, buL sLuy oII LIe LeIepIone, excepL Lo reporL un
CooperuLe IuIIy wILI pubIIc suIeLy oIIIcIuIs.
Respond Lo requesLs Ior voIunLeer ussIsLunce by poIIce, IIre IIgILers,
emergency munugemenL und reIIeI orgunIzuLIons, buL do noL go InLo
dumuged ureus unIess ussIsLunce Ius been requesLed. Your presence
couId Iumper reIIeI eIIorLs und you couId endunger yourseII.
/fIer c Icrnccc, Le cwcre cf pc::iL|e :IrucIurc|, e|ecIricc| cr gc:-|eck
hczcrc: in ycur hcme. CcnIccI ycur |ccc| ciIy cr ccunIy Lui|cing
in:pecIcr: fcr infcrmcIicn cn :IrucIurc| :cfeIy ccce: cnc :Icnccrc:. Ihey
mcy c|:c cffer :ugge:Iicn: cn fincing c uc|ifiec ccnIrccIcr Ic cc wcrk fcr
ln generc|, if ycu :u:pecI cny ccmcge Ic ycur hcme, :huI cff e|ecIricc|
pcwer, ncIurc| gc: cnc prcpcne Icnk: Ic cvcic fire, e|ecIrccuIicn cr
lf iI i: ccrk when ycu cre in:pecIing ycur hcme, u:e c f|c:h|ighI rcIher Ihcn
c ccnc|e cr Icrch Ic cvcic Ihe ri:k cf fire cr exp|c:icn in c ccmcgec
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
lf ycu :ee frcyec wiring cr :pcrk:, cr if Ihere i: cn cccr cf :cmeIhing
Lurning, ycu :hcu|c immecicIe|y :huI cff Ihe e|ecIricc| :y:Iem cI Ihe mcin
circuiI Lrecker if ycu hcve ncI ccne :c c|reccy.
lf ycu :me|| gc: cr :u:pecI c |eck, Iurn cff Ihe mcin gc: vc|ve, cpen c||
winccw: cnc |ecve Ihe hcu:e immecicIe|y. NcIify Ihe gc: ccmpcny, Ihe
pc|ice cr fire cepcrImenI:, cr SIcIe Fire Mcr:hc|': cffice cnc cc ncI Iurn cn
Ihe |ighI:, |ighI mcIche:, :mcke cr cc cnyIhing IhcI ccu|c ccu:e c :pcrk.
Dc ncI reIurn Ic ycur hcu:e unIi| ycu cre Ic|c iI i: :cfe Ic cc :c.
So|ety Dur|ng C|eon bp
Weur sLurdy sIoes or booLs, Iong sIeeves und gIoves.
eurn proper suIeLy procedures und operuLIng InsLrucLIons beIore
operuLIng uny gus-powered or eIecLrIc-powered suws or LooIs.
CIeun up spIIIed medIcInes, drugs, IIummubIe IIquIds und oLIer
poLenLIuIIy Iuzurdous muLerIuIs.
When Assess|ng Your Domoge
|or Your Insuronce Compony
8e prepcrec Ic give ycur cgenI cr in:urcnce ccmpcny repre:enIcIive c
ceIci|ec ce:cripIicn cf Ihe ccmcge Ic ycur prcperIy. Ycur cgenI wi||
repcrI Ihe |c:: Ic ycur in:urcnce ccmpcny cr Ic c uc|ifiec ccju:Ier whc
wi|| ccnIccI ycu c: :ccn c: pc::iL|e in crcer Ic crrcnge cn in:pecIicn cf
Ihe :iIe.
I IL Is suIe Lo uccess LIe ureu, Luke pIoLogrupIs oI LIe dumuged
properLy. VIsuuI documenLuLIon wIII IeIp wILI LIe cIuIms process und
cun ussIsL LIe udjusLer In LIe InvesLIguLIon.
Prepure u deLuIIed InvenLory oI uII dumuged or desLroyed personuI
properLy. Muke Lwo copIes-one Ior yourseII und one Ior LIe udjusLer.
Your IIsL sIouId be us compIeLe us possIbIe, IncIudIng u descrIpLIon oI
LIe ILems, duLes oI purcIuse or upproxImuLe uge, cosL uL LIme oI
purcIuse und esLImuLed repIucemenL cosL. You cun go Lo Ior Iree, Web-bused soILwure Lo IeIp you prepure
your InvenLory.
CoIIecL cunceIed cIecks, InvoIces, receIpLs or oLIer pupers LIuL cun
ussIsL LIe udjusLer In obLuInIng LIe vuIue oI LIe desLroyed properLy.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Muke wIuLever Lemporury repuIrs you cun. Cover broken wIndows und
dumuged rooIs und wuIIs Lo prevenL IurLIer desLrucLIon. Suve LIe
receIpLs Ior uny suppIIes und muLerIuIs you purcIuse, us your Insurunce
compuny wIII reImburse you Ior reusonubIe expenses Incurred by
mukIng Lemporury repuIrs.
Secure u deLuIIed esLImuLe Ior permunenL repuIrs Lo your Iome or
busIness Irom u IIcensed conLrucLor und gIve IL Lo LIe udjusLer. TIe
esLImuLe sIouId conLuIn LIe proposed repuIrs, repuIr cosLs und
repIucemenL prIces.
I your Iome Is severeIy dumuged und you need Lo IInd oLIer
uccommoduLIons wIIIe repuIrs ure beIng mude, keep u record oI uII
expenses, sucI us IoLeI und resLuurunL receIpLs.
Icrnccce: ccn cccur cnywhere cnc cnyIime cf yecr. ln fccI Ihere :eem:
Ic Le c ri:e in Icrnccc ccIiviIy cver Ihe pc:I few yecr: e:pecic||y in Ihe
U.S., wiIh crec: IhcI hcve IrcciIicnc||y Leen |e:: |ike|y Ic Le hiI,
experiencing Icrnccce: cI c|crming|y increc:ing |eve|:, even in winIer
Ihere hcve Leen 30 ccnfirmec Icrnccce: repcrIec in Ihe U.S. curing Ihe
fir:I :ix mcnIh: cf Ihi: yecr {2013) c|cne. During Ihi: :cme pericc, 10 cirecI
Icrnccic fcIc|iIie: hcve Leen repcrIec IhrcughcuI Ihe wcr|c: 5 in Ihe
UniIec SIcIe:, 31 in 8cng|cce:h, 24 in Chinc, cnc 3 in Iurkey.
/|| cf Ihi: mecn: IhcI iI mcy Le Leccming hcrcer Ihcn ever Ic precicI
when cnc where Icrnccce: mcy :Irike, ncw mcre Ihcn ever Leing
prepcrec i: ycur Le:I cefen:e Ic prcIecI ycur hcme cnc fcmi|y.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 21

Nothin is either cs bcd or ood cs it seems. When oteruhelmed b
discster, checl ij it's recll c discster b doin the jollouin:
(c) thinl, "Dh, screu it,"
(b) lool on the briht side
cnd ij thct doesn't uorl, lool on the junn side.
- Helen Iieldin
/ I:uncmi OL-0;0,;2$< 900E;XE)$$P, c|:c kncwn c: c :ei:mic :ec wcve,
cnc much |e:: cccurcIe|y c: c Iicc| wcve", i: c :erie: cf encrmcu: wcve:
crecIec Ly cn uncerwcIer ci:IurLcnce :uch c: cn ecrIhucke, |cnc:|ice,
vc|ccnic erupIicn, cr meIecriIe. / I:uncmi ccn mcve huncrec: cf mi|e:
per hcur in Ihe cpen ccecn cnc :mc:h inIc |cnc wiIh wcve: c: high c:
100 feeI cr mcre.
Frcm Ihe crec where Ihe I:uncmi crigincIe:, wcve: Ircve| cuIwcrc in c||
cirecIicn:. Cnce Ihe wcve cpprccche: Ihe :hcre, iI Lui|c: in heighI. Ihe
Icpcgrcphy cf Ihe ccc:I|ine cnc Ihe ccecn f|ccr wi|| inf|uence Ihe :ize cf
Ihe wcve. Ihere mcy Le mcre Ihcn cne wcve cnc Ihe :ucceecing cne
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
mcy Le |crger Ihcn Ihe cne Lefcre iI. IhcI i: why c :mc|| I:uncmi cI cne
Lecch ccn Le c gicnI wcve ju:I c few mi|e: cwcy.
Mc:I cf Ihe wcr|c Leccme cwcre cf ju:I hcw ce:IrucIive I:uncmi: ccn Le
wiIh Ihe 2004 lncicn Ccecn {SumcIrc) I:uncmi IhcI wc: cmcng Ihe
cecc|ie:I ncIurc| ci:c:Ier: in humcn hi:Icry wiIh cver 230,000 pecp|e ki||ec
in 14 ccunIrie: Lcrcering Ihe lncicn Ccecn. ln Mcrch cf 2011, Jcpcn
experiencec c cevc:IcIing I:uncmi IhcI wc: Ihe re:u|I cf c .0
ecrIhucke IhcI cccurrec in Hcn:hu. Ihe Hcn:hu ucke genercIec c
I:uncmi cL:ervec cver Ihe Fccific regicn IhcI ccu:ec Iremenccu: |ccc|
cevc:IcIicn. Ihe ucke IhcI :pcwnec Ihe I:uncmi wc: Ihe fcurIh |crge:I
ecrIhucke in Ihe wcr|c cnc Ihe |crge:I in Jcpcn :ince in:IrumenIc|
reccrcing: Legcn in 100. Ihi: wc: Ihe cecc|ie:I I:uncmi :ince Ihe 2004
mcgniIuce .1 SumcIrc ecrIhucke.
ln Ihe ccc:Ic| crec: cf Hcn:hu Ihere were cver 15,000 cecIh: repcrIec
cnc c|c:e Ic 4,000 per:cn: mi::ing c: c re:u|I cf Ihe pcwerfu||y ce:IrucIive
wcve. When c|| IcIc|ec e:IimcIe: cre ccmcge: ccu|c exceec 300 Li||icn
cc||cr:. Mcny IhrcughcuI Ihe wcr|c wcIchec in hcrrcr cI :cene: cf ccr:,
hcme:, cnc cIher :IrucIure: Leing :wepI cwcy |ike f|im:y minicIure
/|| I:uncmi: cre pcIenIic||y ccngercu:, even Ihcugh Ihey mcy ncI
ccmcge every ccc:I|ine Ihey :Irike. / I:uncmi ccn :Irike cnywhere c|cng
c ccunIry: ccc:I|ine. ln Ihe U.S., Ihe mc:I ce:IrucIive I:uncmi: hcve
cccurrec c|cng Ihe ccc:I: cf Cc|ifcrnic, Cregcn, Wc:hingIcn, /|c:kc cnc
EcrIhucke-incucec mcvemenI cf Ihe ccecn f|ccr mc:I cfIen genercIe:
I:uncmi:. lf c mcjcr ecrIhucke cr |cnc:|ice cccur: c|c:e Ic :hcre, Ihe fir:I
wcve in c :erie: ccu|c recch Ihe Lecch in c few minuIe:, even Lefcre c
wcrning i: i::uec. /rec: cre cI grecIer ri:k if Ihey cre |e:: Ihcn 25 feeI
cLcve :ec |eve| cnc wiIhin c mi|e cf Ihe :hcre|ine. Drcwning i: Ihe mc:I
ccmmcn ccu:e cf cecIh c::ccicIec wiIh c I:uncmi. I:uncmi wcve: cnc
Ihe rececing wcIer cre very ce:IrucIive Ic :IrucIure: in Ihe run-up zcne.
CIher hczcrc: inc|uce f|cccing, ccnIcmincIicn cf crinking wcIer, cnc fire:
frcm gc: |ine: cr rupIurec Icnk:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
WheIher cr ncI ycu neec Ic prepcre fcr c I:uncmi, cf ccur:e cepenc: cn
where ycu |ive. lf ycu |ive in cny cc:Ic| crec, c pc::iL|e I:uncmi :hcu|c Le
pcrI cf ycur ri:k c::e::menI, e:pecic||y if ycu |ive in cn crec :uch c: Ihe
ccc:I|ine cf Cc|ifcrnic IhcI i: c|:c prcne Ic ecrIhucke:, cr vc|ccnic
ccIiviIy :uch c: in Hcwcii cr cIher Fccific l:|cnc chcin:.
/: wiIh cny pcIenIic| ncIurc| ci:c:Ier IhcI ccn ce:Ircy ycur hcme, cr
ccu:e ycu Ic evccucIe, Ihe fir:I Ihing ycu neec Ic cc Ic prepcre fcr c
I:uncmi i: Hcve c F|cn, Mcke c KiI -- inc|ucing c Gc 8cg fcr every
memLer cf ycur fcmi|y -- cnc SIcy lnfcrmec. /: c|wcy:, ycu neec Ic Ic|k
Ic everycne in ycur hcu:ehc|c cLcuI whcI Ic cc if c I:uncmi cccur:.
CrecIe cnc prccIice cn evccucIicn p|cn fcr ycur fcmi|y. Fcmi|icriIy mcy
:cve ycur |ife. 8e cL|e Ic fc||cw ycur e:ccpe rcuIe cI nighI cnc curing
inc|emenI wecIher. FrccIicing ycur p|cn mcke: Ihe cpprcpricIe re:pcn:e
mcre cf c reccIicn, reuiring |e:: Ihinking curing cn ccIuc| emergency.
/ I:uncmi i: c|mc:I c|wcy: Ihe re:u|I cf cn ecrIhucke. lI ccn re:u|I frcm
cn cff:hcre ucke IhcI ycu cc ncI fee|, cr frcm c ucke IhcI i: fe|I in|cnc.
lf ycu fee| Ihe grcunc :IcrI Ic :hcke, fir:I Icke Ihe nece::cry :Iep: Ic
prcIecI ycur:e|f frcm Ihe ucke c: ycu |ecrnec in ChcpIer 14:
Drop, Cover und HoId-On In LIe US und oLIer DeveIoped Areus.
TrIungIe oI IIe In Iess DeveIoped NuLIons.
Since I:uncmi: ccn fc||cw cny ecrIhucke evenI, even cfIer c mi|c ucke
if ycu cre in c ccc:Ic| crec, Iurn cn ycur rccic, cr IV Ic |ecrn if Ihere i: c
I:uncmi wcrning. ln ccciIicn:
Huve your Go Bug(s) und your Bug OuL VeIIcIe gussed und prepped Lo
go uL u momenL`s noLIce.
You need Lo know II your cIIIdren`s scIooI evucuuLIon pIun requIres you
Lo pIck LIem up Irom scIooI or Irom unoLIer IocuLIon. Be uwure
LeIepIone IInes durIng u LsunumI wuLcI or wurnIng muy be overIouded
und rouLes Lo und Irom scIooIs muy be jummed.
You need Lo know uII oI your communILy's wurnIng sysLems und dIsusLer
pIuns, IncIudIng TsunumI evucuuLIon rouLes.
You need Lo know LIe IeIgIL oI your sLreeL ubove seu IeveI und LIe
dIsLunce oI your sLreeL Irom LIe cousL or oLIer IIgI-rIsk wuLers.
EvucuuLIon orders muy be bused on LIese numbers.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
I you ure u LourIsL vIsILIng un ureu LIuL couId be LIreuLened by
TsunumIs, you musL IumIIIurIze yourseII wILI IocuI LsunumI evucuuLIon
proLocoIs, und LIe pIun Ior your specIIIc IoLeI or vucuLIon resIdence.
Adv|sory - / I:uncmi ccvi:cry i: i::uec when c I:uncmi wiIh Ihe pcIenIic|
Ic genercIe :Ircng currenI: cr wcve: ccngercu: Ic Ihc:e in cr very necr
Ihe wcIer i: imminenI cr expecIec. Ihe IhrecI mcy ccnIinue fcr :everc|
hcur: cfIer iniIic| crrivc|, LuI :ignificcnI inunccIicn i: ncI expecIec fcr
crec: uncer cn ccvi:cry. /pprcpricIe ccIicn: Ic Le Icken Ly |ccc|
cfficic|: mcy inc|uce c|c:ing Lecche:, evccucIing hcrLcr: cnc mcrinc:,
cnc Ihe repc:iIicning cf :hip: Ic ceeper wcIer: when cnc if Ihere i: Iime
Ic :cfe|y cc :c. /cvi:crie: cre ncrmc||y upccIec Ic ccnIinue Ihe ccvi:cry,
expcnc/ccnIrccI cffecIec crec:, upgrcce Ic c wcrning, cr ccnce| Ihe
ccvi:cry - :c keep ycur NC// rccic: cn cnc hcncy.
Wotch - / I:uncmi wcIch i: i::uec Ic c|erI emergency mcncgemenI
cfficic|: cnc Ihe puL|ic cf cn evenI IhcI mcy |cIer impccI Ihe wcIch crec.
Ihe wcIch crec mcy Le upgrccec Ic c wcrning cr ccvi:cry - cr ccnce|ec
- Lc:ec cn upccIec infcrmcIicn cnc cnc|y:i:. Iherefcre, emergency
mcncgemenI cfficic|: cnc Ihe puL|ic :hcu|c prepcre Ic Icke ccIicn.
WcIche: cre ncrmc||y i::uec Lc:ec cn :ei:mic infcrmcIicn wiIhcuI
ccnfirmcIicn IhcI c ce:IrucIive I:uncmi i: uncerwcy.
Worn|ng - / I:uncmi wcrning i: i::uec when c I:uncmi wiIh Ihe pcIenIic| Ic
genercIe wice:precc inunccIicn i: imminenI cr expecIec. Wcrning: c|erI
Ihe puL|ic IhcI ccngercu: ccc:Ic| f|cccing ccccmpcniec Ly pcwerfu|
currenI: i: pc::iL|e cnc mcy ccnIinue fcr :everc| hcur: cfIer iniIic| crrivc|.
Wcrning: c|erI emergency mcncgemenI cfficic|: Ic Icke ccIicn fcr Ihe
enIire I:uncmi hczcrc zcne. /pprcpricIe ccIicn: Ic Le Icken Ly |ccc|
cfficic|: mcy inc|uce Ihe evccucIicn cf |cw-|ying ccc:Ic| crec:, cnc Ihe
repc:iIicning cf :hip: Ic ceep wcIer: when Ihere i: Iime Ic :cfe|y cc :c.
Wcrning: mcy Le upccIec, ccju:Iec gecgrcphicc||y, ccwngrccec, cr
ccnce|ec. Ic prcvice Ihe ecr|ie:I pc::iL|e c|erI, iniIic| wcrning: cre
ncrmc||y Lc:ec cn|y cn :ei:mic infcrmcIicn.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
I| o Isunom| Wotch Hos 8een Issued
U:e ycur NC// WecIher Fccic cr Iune Ic c Ccc:I Gucrc emergency
freuency :IcIicn cr c |ccc| rccic cr Ie|evi:icn :IcIicn fcr upccIec
emergency infcrmcIicn.
LcccIe hcu:ehc|c memLer: cnc review ycur evccucIicn p|cn:. 8e reccy
Ic mcve uick|y if c I:uncmi wcrning i: i::uec.
I| o Isunom| Worn|ng Hos 8een Issued
EvucuuLe uL once.
Be sure Lo Luke your Go Bug(s) wILI you, IuvIng suppIIes wIII muke you
more comIorLubIe durIng LIe evucuuLIon.
GeL Lo IIgIer ground us Iur InIund us possIbIe. WuLcIIng u LsunumI
couId puL you In gruve dunger. I you cun see LIe wuve, you ure Loo cIose
Lo escupe IL.
I you beIIeve you IIve In un ureu LIuL couId be ImpucLed by TsunumIs
Iere ure LIe besL sources Lo monILor LIe LIreuL IeveI.
Ihe Internot|ono| Isunom| Worn|ng System - McniIcr: ccecn wcve: cfIer
cny Fccific ecrIhucke wiIh c mcgniIuce grecIer Ihcn .5. lf wcve: cre
ceIecIec, wcrning: cre i::uec Ic |ccc| cuIhcriIie: IhcI ccn crcer Ihe
evccucIicn cf |cw-|ying crec: if nece::cry.
Ihe Not|ono| Oceon|c ond Atmospher|c Adm|n|strot|on [NOAA} - NC//:
NcIicnc| WecIher Service {NWS) cpercIe: Iwc I:uncmi-wcrning cenIer::
1. WesL CousLJAIusku TsunumI WurnIng CenLer (WCJATWC), PuImer,
AIusku. Serves AIusku, WusIIngLon, Oregon, CuIIIornIu, LIe U.S.
ALIunLIc und GuII oI MexIco cousLs, PuerLo RIco, LIe U.S. VIrgIn
sIunds und Cunudu.
z. PucIIIc TsunumI WurnIng CenLer (PTWC), Ewu BeucI, HuwuII.
Serves HuwuII und LIe U.S. PucIIIc LerrILorIes, und us un
InLernuLIonuI wurnIng cenLer Ior LIe PucIIIc und ndIun oceuns und
LIe CurIbbeun Seu.
lf c I:uncmi wcrning hc: Leen i::uec ycur Le:I chcnce cf :urvivc| i: Ic 8ug
CuI fcr higher grcunc c|cng ycur pre-ceIerminec evccucIicn rcuIe /S/Fl
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Dc ncI |ecve ycur peI: Lehinc. lf iI i: un:cfe fcr ycu, iI i: un:cfe fcr Ihem.
Icke cn|y whcI ycu hcve prepcrec in ycur Gc-8cg, Ihe gcc| i: Ic :cve
ycur:e|f cnc ycur fcmi|y, ncI ycur pc::e::icn:.
Mcve in|cnc Ic higher grcunc immecicIe|y. Fick crec: 100 feeI {30
meIer:) cLcve :ec |eve| cr gc c: fcr c: 2 mi|e: {3 ki|cmeIer:) in|cnc, cwcy
frcm Ihe ccc:I|ine. lf ycu ccnncI geI Ihi: high cr fcr, gc c: high cr fcr c:
ycu ccn. Every fccI in|cnc cr upwcrc mcy mcke c cifference.
SIcy cwcy frcm Ihe Lecch. Never gc ccwn Ic Ihe Lecch Ic wcIch c
I:uncmi ccme in. lf ycu ccn :ee Ihe wcve ycu cre Icc c|c:e Ic e:ccpe iI.
C/UIlCN - lf Ihere i: ncIicecL|e rece::icn in wcIer cwcy frcm Ihe
:hcre|ine Ihi: i: ncIure': I:uncmi wcrning cnc iI :hcu|c Le heecec. Ycu
:hcu|c mcve cwcy immecicIe|y.
/: cn U|IimcIe Survivcr, c|wcy: rememLer Ic he|p ycur neighLcr: whc
mcy reuire :pecic| c::i:Icnce - infcnI:, e|cer|y pecp|e, cnc incivicuc|:
wiIh ccce:: cr funcIicnc| neec:, cnc cnycne whc i: |e:: prepcrec Ihcn
ycu cre.
/: in Ihe wcke cf cny NcIurc| Di:c:Ier, cn|y reIurn hcme cfIer |ccc|
cfficic|: Ie|| ycu iI i: :cfe. / I:uncmi i: c :erie: cf wcve: IhcI mcy ccnIinue
fcr hcur:. Dc ncI c::ume IhcI cfIer cne wcve, Ihe ccnger i: cver. Ihe
nexI wcve mcy Le |crger Ihcn Ihe fir:I cne.
Go Lo u desIgnuLed pubIIc sIeILer II you Iuve been LoId Lo evucuuLe or
you IeeI IL Is unsuIe Lo remuIn In your Iome. I you IIve In LIe US und
Iuve evucuuLed you cun LexL SHETER + your ZP code Lo q6z
(qEMA) Lo IInd LIe neuresL sIeILer In your ureu.
UnIess IocuI uuLIorILIes Iuve usked you Lo becuuse oI your purLIcuIur
skIIIs, uvoId dIsusLer ureus. Your presence mIgIL InLerIere wILI
emergency response operuLIons und puL you und oLIers uL IurLIer rIsk
Irom LIe resIduuI eIIecLs oI IIoods.
SLuy uwuy Irom debrIs In LIe wuLer. L muy pose u suIeLy Iuzurd Lo
peopIe or peLs.
CIeck yourseII Ior InjurIes und geL IIrsL uId us needed beIore IeIpIng
Injured or Lrupped persons.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
I someone needs Lo be rescued, und Is noL In ImmedIuLe dunger, cuII
proIessIonuIs wILI LIe rIgIL equIpmenL Lo IeIp. Muny unskIIIed und
unLruIned peopIe Iuve been kIIIed or Injured LryIng Lo rescue oLIers.
ConLInue usIng u NOAA WeuLIer RudIo or LunIng Lo u CousL Guurd
sLuLIon or u IocuI rudIo or LeIevIsIon sLuLIon Ior LIe IuLesL upduLes.
SLuy ouL oI uny buIIdIng LIuL Ius wuLer uround IL. TsunumI wuLer cun
cuuse IIoors Lo cruck or wuIIs Lo coIIupse.
Use cuuLIon wIen re-enLerIng buIIdIngs or Iomes. TsunumI-drIven
IIoodwuLer muy Iuve dumuged buIIdIngs wIere you IeusL expecL IL.
CureIuIIy wuLcI every sLep you Luke.
To uvoId Injury, weur proLecLIve cIoLIIng und be cuuLIous wIen cIeunIng
I your Iouse Ius been IIooded, reIer buck Lo CIupLer 16 on proper
procedures Ior reenLerIng u IIooded Iome, und use und dIsposuI oI Iood
und oLIer IIood dumuged ILems.
Be sure Lo wuLcI your unImuIs cIoseIy und keep LIem under your dIrecL
conLroI, LIey cun punIc In ureus LIuL Iuve become unIumIIIur In LIe
uILermuLI oI u TsunumI EvenL.
lf ycu |ive cn cny ccc:I ycu mu:I Le cwcre IhcI c pcIenIic| I:uncmi i: cne
cf Ihe price: IhcI cre pcic fcr Ihe |uxury cf c ccc:Ic| |ife:Iy|e.
NeverIhe|e::, uncer:Icncing hcw Ic prepcre fcr cnc reccI Ic c I:uncmi i:
impcrIcnI fcr everyLccy cnc ncI ju:I pecp|e whc |ive cn Ihe ccc:I. Ihe
fccI cf Ihe mcIIer i: mcny cf u: chc:e Ic vcccIicn in ccc:Ic| re:crI crec:,
cnc c: recenI hecc|ine: hcve :hcwn, :uch re:crI: cre ncI impervicu: Ic
I:uncmi evenI:. /nc in fccI mcny cf Ihe:e re:crI crec: cre mcce mcre
vu|nercL|e cue Ic Ihe fccI IhcI Ihey cre in ccunIrie:, which mcy ncI hcve
c: we|| cf c ceve|cpec infrc:IrucIure, cr emergency re:pcn:e, c: ycu
mighI finc cI hcme.
Sc Ihe nexI Iime ycu cre enjcying c vcccIicn in c ccc:Ic| pcrcci:e, iI
wcu|c Le c gccc icec Ic fcmi|icrize ycur:e|f wiIh Ihi: chcpIer cf GIFI o|
LIFE - Ihe b|t|mote Freporedness Monuo| Lefcre ycu gc - cr LeIIer yeI,
|ccc iI cn ycur f|c:h crive cnc pcck iI c|cng wiIh ycur :un:creen cnc
LcIhing :uiI:l
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 22

Do not ite uc to useless clcrm.
Thouh it is riht to be prepcred jor the uorst,
there is no occcsion to lool on it cs certcin.
- 1cne Austen, Pride cnd Prejudice
/ vc|ccnc i: c mcunIcin IhcI cpen: ccwnwcrc Ic c re:ervcir cf mc|Ien
rcck Le|cw Ihe :urfcce cf Ihe ecrIh. Un|ike mc:I mcunIcin:, which cre
pu:hec up frcm Le|cw, vc|ccnce: cre venI: Ihrcugh which mc|Ien rcck
e:ccpe: Ic Ihe ecrIh: :urfcce. When pre::ure frcm gc:e: wiIhin Ihe
mc|Ien rcck Leccme: Icc grecI, cn erupIicn cccur:. ErupIicn: ccn Le
uieI cr exp|c:ive. Ihere mcy Le |cvc f|cw:, f|cIIenec |cnc:ccpe:,
pci:cncu: gc:e:, cnc f|ying rcck cnc c:h IhcI ccn :cmeIime: Ircve|
huncrec: cf mi|e: ccwnwinc.
8eccu:e cf Iheir inIen:e hecI, |cvc f|cw: cre grecI fire hczcrc:. Lcvc f|cw:
ce:Ircy everyIhing in Iheir pcIh, LuI mc:I mcve :|cw|y encugh IhcI ycu
ccn geI cuI cf Ihe wcy.
Fre:h vc|ccnic c:h, mcce cf pu|verizec rcck, ccn Le cLrc:ive, ccicic,
griIIy, gc::y cnc cccrcu:. Whi|e ncI immecicIe|y ccngercu: Ic mc:I
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ccu|I:, Ihe ccicic gc: cnc c:h ccn ccu:e |ung ccmcge Ic :mc|| infcnI:, Ic
c|cer ccu|I: cnc Ic Ihc:e :uffering frcm :evere re:pircIcry i||ne::e:.
Vc|ccnic c:h c|:c ccn ccmcge mcchinery, inc|ucing engine: cnc
e|ecIricc| euipmenI. /:h cccumu|cIicn: mixec wiIh wcIer Leccme
hecvy cnc ccn cc||cp:e rccf:. Vc|ccnic c:h ccn cffecI pecp|e huncrec:
cf mi|e: cwcy frcm Ihe ccne cf c vc|ccnc.
Sicewcy: cirecIec vc|ccnic exp|c:icn:, kncwn c: |cIerc| L|c:I:, ccn :hccI
|crge piece: cf rcck cI very high :peec: fcr :everc| mi|e:. Ihe:e exp|c:icn:
ccn ki|| Ly impccI, Luric| cr hecI. Ihey hcve Leen kncwn Ic kncck ccwn
enIire fcre:I:.
Vc|ccnic erupIicn: ccn Le |ike cpccc|ypIic evenI: Iriggering cIher ncIurc|
hczcrc:, inc|ucing ecrIhucke:, mucf|cw: cnc f|c:h f|ccc:, rcck fc||: cnc
|cnc:|ice:, ccic rcin, fire, cnc uncer cerIcin ccnciIicn:, I:uncmi:.
/cIive vc|ccnce: in Ihe U.S. cre fcunc mcin|y in Hcwcii, /|c:kc cnc Ihe
Fccific NcrIhwe:I. Ihe ccnger crec crcunc c vc|ccnc ccver:
cpprcximcIe|y c 20-mi|e rcciu: hcwever :cme ccnger mcy exi:I 100 mi|e:
cr mcre frcm c vc|ccnc.
Whi|e in recenI yecr: c :ericu: IhrecI cr ci:c:Ier frcm c vc|ccnic erupIicn
hc: Leen c rcre cccurrence, hi:Icricc||y vc|ccnce: hcve Leen re:pcn:iL|e
fcr ce:IrucIicn cn c mc::ive :cc|e.
Cne cf Ihe Le:I kncwn :uch erupIicn: wc: Ihe /ugu:I 1883 erupIicn cf MI.
KrckcIcc, which ce:Ircyec Iwc-Ihirc: cf Ihe i:|cnc, ejecIing mcre Ihcn :ix
cuLic mi|e: cf ceLri: inIc Ihe cImc:phere. Ihe :cunc cf Ihe exp|c:icn wc:
Ihe |cuce:I ever cccumenIec, cnc wc: hecrc c: fcr cwcy c: /u:Irc|ic.
Ihe cecIh Ic|| wc: c|c:e Ic 40,000. 8uI KrckcIcc, whi|e we|| kncwn, wc: fcr
frcm Ihe wcr:I. Ihe wcr:I erupIicn IhcI hc: Leen cccumenIec wc: Ihe
erupIicn cf MI. IcmLcrc in lnccne:ic in /pri| cf 181. IcmLcrc ki||ec cn
e:IimcIec 2,000 pecp|e, inc|ucing 10,000 frcm exp|c:icn cnc c:h fc||,
cnc 82,000 frcm cIher re|cIec ccu:e:.
Ihe ccncu::icn frcm Ihe exp|c:icn wc: fe|I c: fcr c: c Ihcu:cnc mi|e:
cwcyl MI. IcmLcrc, which wc: mcre Ihcn 13,000 feeI Ic|| Lefcre Ihe
exp|c:icn wc: recucec Ic ,000 feeI cfIer ejecIing mcre Ihcn 3 cuLic
mi|e: cf ceLri: inIc Ihe cImc:phere.
Ihe effecI: cf Ihe erupIicn were fe|I wcr|cwice: 181 Leccme kncwn c:
Ihe yecr wiIhcuI c :ummer" Leccu:e cf Ihe vc|ccnic c:h in Ihe
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
cImc:phere IhcI |cwerec wcr|cwice IempercIure:. lI :ncwec in New
Eng|cnc IhcI June, cnc crcp fci|ure: were ccmmcn IhrcughcuI NcrIhern
Eurcpe cnc NcrIh /mericc. /: mcny c: 100,000 ccciIicnc| cecIh: frcm
:IcrvcIicn in Ihe:e crec: cre IhcughI Ic Le re|cIec Ic Ihe erupIicn cf MI.
/nc Ihe:e cre ju:I Iwc cf Ihe wcr:I cf Ihe cevc:IcIing effecI: cf vc|ccnic
erupIicn: in reccrccL|e hi:Icry. ScienIi:I: :pecu|cIe IhcI IhcI c :uper-
erupIicn crcunc Lcke IcLc, in SumcIrc, lnccne:ic crcunc 75,000 yecr:
cgc ccu:ec c vc|ccnic winIer IhcI ccme c|c:e Ic wiping cuI c|| cf
Fcr Ihe:e rec:cn: cnc mcre Ihe wcr|cwice ccnger: :urrcuncing c
vc|ccnic erupIicn cre Icc grecI Ic igncre, nc mcIIer where ycu |ive. 8uI
cf ccur:e if ycu |ive in cn crec c|c:e Ic c kncwn ccIive vc|ccnc, ycu mu:I
prepcre fcr Ihe mcre immecicIe IhrecI IhcI iI pc:e: Ic ycu cnc ycur
Ycu hcve hecrc iI Lefcre LuI we ccnI :cy iI cfIen encugh, if ycu |ive in
cn crec where ycu mcy hcve Ic fcce c vc|ccnic erupIicn, Ihe fir:I Ihing:
ycu neec Ic Le :ure Ic cc cre:
8ui|c cn Emergency Supp|y KiI, which inc|uce: iIem: |ike ncn-peri:hcL|e
fccc, wcIer, c LcIIery-pcwerec cr hcnc-crcnk rccic, exIrc f|c:h|ighI: cnc
LcIIerie: - cnc Gc 8cg{:) c: ce:criLec in ChcpIer . ln Ihi: cc:e ycu
neec Ic Le :ure IhcI ycur Gc 8cg inc|uce: c pcir cf gcgg|e: cnc
ci:pc:cL|e LrecIhing mc:k: fcr ecch memLer cf Ihe fcmi|y Ic cec| wiIh
Ihe pc::iLi|iIie: cf vc|ccnic c:h, gc::e: cnc ceLri: curing cn evccucIicn.
Mcke c Fcmi|y Emergency F|cn. Ycur fcmi|y mcy ncI Le IcgeIher when
ci:c:Ier :Irike:, :c iI i: impcrIcnI Ic kncw hcw ycu wi|| ccnIccI cne
cncIher, hcw ycu wi|| geI Lcck IcgeIher cnc whcI ycu wi|| cc in cc:e cf
cn emergency.
oIIow LIe evucuuLIon order Issued by uuLIorILIes und evucuuLe
ImmedIuLeIy Irom LIe voIcuno ureu Lo uvoId IIyIng debrIs, IoL guses,
IuLeruI bIusL und Iuvu IIow.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Be uwure oI mudIIows. TIe dunger Irom u mudIIow Increuses neur
sLreum cIunneIs und wILI proIonged Ieuvy ruIns. UnIIke mosL Iuvu
IIows, mudIIows cun move IusLer LIun you cun wuIk or run. ook
upsLreum beIore crossIng u brIdge und do noL cross LIe brIdge II u
mudIIow Is upproucIIng.
AvoId rIver vuIIeys und Iow-IyIng ureus.
Remember Lo IeIp your neIgIbors wIo muy requIre specIuI ussIsLunce -
InIunLs, eIderIy peopIe und peopIe wILI uccess und IuncLIonuI needs.
I You Ind YourseII Trupped OuLdoors DurIng un ErupLIon
mmedIuLeIy seek sIeILer Indoors.
I cuugIL In u rock IuII, roII InLo u buII Lo proLecL your Ieud.
I cuugIL neur u sLreum, be uwure oI mudIIows. Move up sIope,
especIuIIy II you Ieur LIe rour oI u mudIIow.
Vo|con|c Ash
Ihcnk: Ic Hc||ywccc cnc cIher crcmcIic rec|-|ife imcge:, ycu prcLcL|y
Ihink IhcI |cvc i: Ihe Ligge:I ccnger pc:ec Ly cn erupIicn. Lcvc i: very
ce:IrucIive, LuI in mcny cc:e:, vc|ccnic c:h, pre:enI: Ihe grecIer ccnger,
Leccu:e iI i: much hcrcer Ic cvcic, cnc :precc: cver c grecIer crec.
Vc|ccnic c:h ccn:i:I: cf Iiny jcggec piece: cf rcck cnc g|c::. /:h i: hcrc,
cLrc:ive, mi|c|y ccrrc:ive, ccncucI: e|ecIriciIy when weI, cnc cce: ncI
ci::c|ve in wcIer. /:h i: :precc cver Lrccc crec: Ly winc. Fc||ing c:h ccn
Iurn ccy|ighI inIc ccmp|eIe ccrkne::, when ccccmpcniec Ly rcin cnc
|ighIning, Ihe griIIy c:h ccn |ecc Ic pcwer cuIcge:, prevenI
ccmmuniccIicn:, cnc ci:crienI pecp|e.
Spec|||c Frotect|on From Fo|||ng Ash
Keep c:h cuI cf Lui|cing:, mcchinery, vehic|e:, ccwn:pcuI:, wcIer
:upp|ie:, cnc wc:IewcIer :y:Iem: c: much c: pc::iL|e. Ihe mc:I effecIive
meIhcc Ic prevenI c:h-incucec ccmcge Ic mcchinery i: Ic :huI ccwn,
c|c:e cff cr :ec| euipmenI unIi| c:h i: remcvec frcm Ihe immecicIe
envircnmenI, LuI Ihi: mcy ncI Le prccIicc| in c|| cc:e:, e:pecic||y fcr
criIicc| fcci|iIie:.
I you ure unubIe Lo evucuuLe, In order Lo proLecL yourseII Irom IuIIIng
usI, you sIouId remuIn Indoors wILI doors, wIndows und venLIIuLIon
cIosed unLII LIe usI seLLIes.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
I you Iuve u respIruLory uIImenL, uvoId conLucL wILI uny umounL oI usI.
SLuy Indoors unLII IocuI IeuILI oIIIcIuIs udvIse IL Is suIe Lo go ouLsIde.
IsLen Lo u buLLery-powered rudIo or LeIevIsIon Ior LIe IuLesL emergency
Weur Iong-sIeeved sIIrLs und Iong punLs.
Use goggIes und weur eyegIusses InsLeud oI conLucL Ienses.
Use u dusL musk or IoId u dump cIoLI over your Iuce Lo IeIp wILI
SLuy uwuy Irom ureus downwInd Irom LIe voIcuno Lo uvoId voIcunIc usI.
SLuy Indoors unLII LIe usI Ius seLLIed unIess LIere Is u dunger oI LIe rooI
CIose doors, wIndows, und uII venLIIuLIon In LIe Iouse (cIImney venLs,
Iurnuces, uIr condILIoners, Iuns und oLIer venLs).
CIeur Ieuvy usI Irom IIuL or Iow-pILcIed rooIs und ruIn guLLers.
AvoId runnIng cur or Lruck engInes. DrIvIng cun sLIr up voIcunIc usI
LIuL cun cIog engInes, dumuge movIng purLs, und sLuII veIIcIes.
AvoId drIvIng In Ieuvy usI IuII unIess ubsoIuLeIy requIred. I you Iuve Lo
drIve, keep speed down Lo MPH or sIower.
lI i: very impcrIcnI IhcI ycu :Icy cuI cf Ihe crec cefinec c: c re:IricIec
zcne Ly gcvernmenI cfficic|:. EffecI: cf c vc|ccnic erupIicn ccn Le
experiencec mcny mi|e: frcm c vc|ccnc. Mucf|cw: cnc f|c:h f|cccing,
wi|c fire:, cnc even cecc|y hcI c:h f|cw ccn recch ycu even if ycu
ccnncI :ee Ihe vc|ccnc curing cn erupIicn. /vcic river vc||ey: cnc |cw-
|ying crec:. Very few pecp|e, whc Iriec Ic wcIch cn erupIing vc|ccnc up
c|c:e, |ivec Ic Ie|| cnycne cLcuI whcI Ihey :cwl
Dc ncI reIurn Ic Ihe ci:c:Ier :iIe cr ycur hcme unIi| cuIhcriIie: hcve :cic iI
i: :cfe Ic cc :c. Ihe crec crcunc cn erupIicn ccn Le very un:IcL|e:
ecrIhucke:, muc:|ice: cnc cIher ncIurc| ci:c:Ier: cre ncI unccmmcn
fc||cwing c mcjcr erupIicn.
Gc Ic c ce:igncIec puL|ic :he|Ier if ycu hcve Leen Ic|c Ic evccucIe cr
ycu fee| iI i: un:cfe Ic remcin in ycur hcme. lf ycu |ive in Ihe US ycu ccn
IexI SHELIEF + ycur ZlF ccce Ic 4332 {4FEM/) Ic finc Ihe necre:I :he|Ier in
ycur crec.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Lccc| cuIhcriIie: mcy ncI immecicIe|y Le cL|e Ic prcvice infcrmcIicn cn
whcI i: hcppening cnc whcI ycu :hcu|c cc. Hcwever, ycu :hcu|c |i:Ien Ic
NC// WecIher Fccic, wcIch IV, |i:Ien Ic Ihe rccic cr check Ihe lnIerneI
cfIen fcr cfficic| new: cnc in:IrucIicn: c: Ihey Leccme cvci|cL|e.
When Irying Ic c|ecn up cfIer cn erupIicn, ccver ycur mcuIh cnc nc:e.
Vc|ccnic c:h ccn irriIcIe ycur re:pircIcry :y:Iem. Wecr gcgg|e: Ic prcIecI
ycur eye:. Keep :kin ccverec Ic cvcic irriIcIicn frcm ccnIccI wiIh c:h.
C|ecr rccf: cf c:hfc||. /:hfc|| i: very hecvy cnc ccn ccu:e Lui|cing: Ic
cc||cp:e. Exerci:e grecI ccuIicn when wcrking cn c rccf.
Vc|ccnic c:h i: un|ike crcincry cu:I. lI ccn cc irrepcrcL|e ccmcge if iI
geI: in:ice cf mcchinery cnc e|ecIrcnic: :uch c: IV:, ccmerc: cnc
ccmpuIer:. lI: :hcrp, cry:Ic||ine :IrucIure ccu:e: iI Ic :crcIch cnc cLrcce
:urfcce: when cIIempIing Ic remcve iI Ly wiping cr Lru:hing. ln weI
wecIher Ihe c:h cepc:iI: cre ccmpenec ccwn cnc Ihe cir ccn Le c|ecr,
LuI in crier wecIher c:h ccn ec:i|y Le :Iirrec up Ly winc cnc Ircffic. /: c
re:u|I :u:pencec cu:I |eve|: Leccme much higher cnc ccn Le cI |eve|:
pcIenIic||y hcrmfu| Ic hec|Ih. Ihe lnIerncIicnc| Vc|ccnic Hec|Ih Hczcrc
NeIwcrk {lVHHN) - lVHNN.CFG - reccmmenc: Ihe fc||cwing :pecific cc:
cnc ccnI: fcr c:hfc|| c|ecnup.
PuL on u recommended musk beIore sLurLIng Lo cIeun. I you don'L Iuve
one, use u weL cIoLI. WeurIng proLecLIve eye weur (sucI us goggIes)
durIng cIeunup Is uIso udvIsed In dry condILIons.
MoIsLen LIe usI wILI u sprInkIer, beIore uLLempLIng Lo cIeun. TIIs wIII
IeIp Lo sLop LIe wInd remobIIIzIng IL.
Use sIoveIs Ior removIng LIe buIk oI LIIck deposILs oI usI, unyLIIng
over u Iew IncIes or so, sLIII brooms wIII be requIred Lo remove Iesser
PIuce LIe usI InLo Ieuvy-duLy pIusLIc bugs, or onLo Lrucks II uvuIIubIe.
SInce mosL rooIs cunnoL supporL more LIun Iour IncIes oI weL usI, keep
rooIs Iree oI LIIck uccumuIuLIon.
VoIcunIc usI Is sIIppery. Use cuuLIon wIen cIImbIng on Iudders und
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
GuLLerIng sysLems cIog very eusIIy so, II IILLed underneuLI your rooI,
sweep uwuy Irom LIe guLLers.
CuL gruss und Iedges onIy uILer ruIn or IIgIL sprInkIIng und bug
Seek udvIce Irom pubIIc oIIIcIuIs regurdIng dIsposuI oI voIcunIc usI In
your communILy. n mosL cuses, usI sIouId be sepuruLed Irom normuI
rubbIsI Ior coIIecLIon Ior dIsposuI uL u desIgnuLed IocuLIon-mIxIng usI
wILI normuI rubbIsI cun resuIL In dumuge Lo coIIecLIon veIIcIes und
Luke up spuce In IundIIIIs.
Dumpen usI In yurds und sLreeLs Lo reduce suspensIon oI usI, Iowever
Lry Lo use wuLer spurIngIy - do noL souk LIe usI. WIdespreud use oI
wuLer Ior cIeunup muy depIeLe pubIIc wuLer suppIIes. oIIow requesLs
Irom pubIIc oIIIcIuIs regurdIng wuLer use durIng cIeunup operuLIons.
Remove ouLdoor cIoLIIng beIore enLerIng u buIIdIng.
Do noL souk LIe usI, us IL wIII cuke InLo u Iurd muss, mukIng cIeunup
more dIIIIcuIL. On rooIs LIe udded weIgIL oI LIe wuLer wIII Increuse LIe
rIsk oI rooI coIIupse.
Do noL dump LIe usI In gurdens or on LIe roudsIde.
Do noL wusI LIe usI InLo LIe guLLerIng, sewers or sLorm druIns. L cun
dumuge wusLewuLer LreuLmenL sysLems und cIog pIpes.
Do noL drIve unIess ubsoIuLeIy necessury, drIvIng sLIrs up LIe usI.
urLIermore, usI Is IurmIuI Lo veIIcIes.
lf Ycu Mu:I Drive:
lf criving i: crucic|, crive :|cw|y, u:e hecc|ighI: cnc cmp|e winc:creen
f|uic. U:ing wiper: cn cry c:h mcy :crcIch Ihe winc:creen. ln hecvier
c:hfc|| criving :hcu|c cn|y Le uncerIcken in cn emergency. U:e wcIer
LcII|e: cnc c c|cIh Ic c|ecn Ihe winc:creen c: reuirec, Ihi: mcy Le
every few 100 ycrc:.
ln /cciIicn:
Chcnge ci| cnc ci| fi|Ier: freuenI|y {Every 50-100 mi|e: in hecvy cu:I. Every
500-1000 mi|e: in |ighI cu:I).
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Dc ncI crive wiIhcuI cn cir fi|Ier. lf ycu ccnncI chcnge iI, c|ecn iI Ly
L|cwing cir frcm Ihe in:ice cuI. Dc ncI chcnge iI unIi| ycu ncIice c |c:: cf
pcwer Ic Ihe engine, c: c cirIy fi|Ier i: mcre effecIive Ihcn c c|ecn cne.
C|eon|ng Your Cor
C|ecn c:h frcm in:ice ycur engine, Irunk cnc :pcre Iire :Icrcge crec c:
we|| c: Ihe :ecIing crec. 8ru:hing c:h cff Ihe ccr ccn ccu:e :crcIching.
Hcve c :ervice gcrcge c|ecn whee| Lrcke c::emL|ie: every 50-100 mi|e:
fcr very :evere rccc ccnciIicn:, cr every 200-500 mi|e: fcr hecvy cu:I
ln generc|, :urfcce: :hcu|c Le vccuumec Ic remcve c: much c:h c:
pc::iL|e frcm ccrpeI:, furniIure, cffice euipmenI, cpp|icnce:, cnc cIher
iIem:. FcrIcL|e vccuum :y:Iem: euippec wiIh high-efficiency pcrIicu|cIe
fi|Iering :y:Iem: cre reccmmencec whenever pc::iL|e. Ihe :everiIy cf c:h
inIru:icn cepenc: cn Ihe inIegriIy cf winccw: cnc enIrcnce:, Ihe cir
inIcke fecIure:, cnc Ihe ccre exerci:ec Ic ccnIrc| Ihe Ircn:pcrI cf c:h inIc
c Lui|cing cr hcme vic :hce: cnc c|cIhing. Ccre :hcu|c c|:c Le Icken Ic
cvcic furIher ccnIcmincIicn curing Ihe empIying, c|ecning, cnc
mcinIencnce cf vccuum euipmenI. ln hcI c|imcIe:, where winccw: cre
permcnenI|y cpen, cr cL:enI, c|ecnup cf hcu:e: mcy Le neecec :everc|
Iime: per ccy. C|ecn up in:ice :hcu|c cn|y Le uncerIcken cfIer Ihe
cuI:ice crec: hcve Leen we|| c|ecrec.
CIeun your Iouse wIen pubIIc-works crews ure cIeunIng LIe ureus
ouLsIde your Iouse us u coordInuLed upproucI.
PuL on your musk beIore sLurLIng Lo cIeun. I you don'L Iuve one, use u
weL cIoLI.
Ensure good venLIIuLIon by openIng uII doors und wIndows beIore you
sLurL Lo cIeun.
OnIy use one enLrunce Lo LIe buIIdIng wIIIe cIeunIng Lo ensure
occupunLs do noL brIng In usI InLo cIeun ureus.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Use u dusLIess meLIod oI cIeunIng sucI us wusIIng wILI wuLer und un
eIIecLIve deLergenLJweLLIng ugenL. Dump rug LecInIques or vucuumIng
sIouId be used wIenever possIbIe. AILer vucuumIng, curpeLs und
upIoIsLery muy be cIeuned wILI u deLergenL sIumpoo. AvoId excess
rubbIng ucLIon becuuse LIe sIurp usI purLIcIes muy cuL LexLIIe IIbers.
GIuss, porceIuIn enumeI und ucryIIc surIuces muy be scruLcIed II wIped
Loo vIgorousIy. Use u deLergenL souked cIoLI or sponge und dub ruLIer
LIun wIpe.
TIe IIne grIL wIII duII IIgI-sIIne wood IInIsIes. Vucuum surIuces und
LIen bIoL wILI u weL cIoLI. A Luck cIoLI used by IurnILure reIInIsIers
sIouId uIso work weII.
AsI-couLed IubrIcs sIouId eILIer be rInsed under runnIng wuLer und
wusIed cureIuIIy, or LIey cun be Luken ouLsIde und beuLen Lo remove LIe
SoIIed cIoLIIng wIII requIre exLru deLergenL. WusI smuII Iouds oI
cIoLIIng, usIng pIenLy oI wuLer so LIe cIoLIes wIII Iuve room Lo move
IreeIy In LIe wuLer. BrusI or sIuke cIoLIes beIore wusIIng.
MoIsLen LIIck usI deposILs on Iurd IIoors und pIuce In bugs, (uvoId
sweepIng dry usI).
Use u dump mop or weL cIoLI Lo cIeun Iurd IIoors.
CIeun your compuLer, TV und rudIo equIpmenL usIng u vucuum cIeuner
or compressed uIr. SwILcI oII LIe muIn power suppIy Lo LIe mucIIne
beIore curryIng ouL LIIs operuLIon.
or severuI monLIs uILer un usI IuII, IIILers muy need repIucIng oILen.
AIr condILIoner und Iurnuce IIILers need cureIuI uLLenLIon. CIeun
reIrIgeruLor uIr InLukes. CIeun uny surIuce LIuL muy bIow uIr und re-
cIrcuIuLe LIe usI. SLove Iuns und venLs sIouId be cIeuned LIorougIIy.
Keep cIIIdren Indoors und dIscouruge pIuy In dusLy seLLIngs.
Keep peLs Indoors. I peLs go ouL, brusI LIem beIore IeLLIng LIem buck
Do noL use IIoor sweepers wILI sIde brusIes Lo cIeur uIsIes und IIoors
becuuse LIey muy re-enLruIn dusL purLIcIes InLo LIe uIr.
Do noL cIeun by bIowIng wILI compressed uIr or dry sweepIng, us usI
wIII be Iorced buck InLo LIe uIr.
Do noL use Iuns or eIecLrIc cIoLIes dryers, wIIcI mIgIL bIow usI buck
InLo LIe uIr.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ln mcny wcy: Vc|ccnce: cre c grecI excmp|e cf why prepcrecne::
mcIIer:. Un|e:: ycu |ive righI necr cne, in ycur ccy-Ic-ccy exi:Ience, Ihe
impccI cf c vc|ccnic erupIicn prcLcL|y cce:nI crc:: ycur minc. 8uI
vc|ccnce:, Leccu:e Ihey ccn hcve envircnmenIc| impccI: fcr Leycnc
Ihe :iIe cf Iheir erupIicn:, cnc fcr yecr: cfIer, :erve c: c gccc remincer cf
hcw we |ive cn c cyncmic p|cneI, cnc whcI hcppen: in cne pcrI cf Ihe
wcr|c ccn cnc cce: :enc fcr-recching ripp|e: IhcI ccn cffecI every cne
cf u:.
IhcI ccn Le cLvicu:, c: in Ihe cc:e cf c mcjcr vc|ccnic erupIicn, cr |e::
:c, c: in Ihe :c-cc||ec 8uIIerf|y EffecI" where Ihe f|cpping cf Ihe wing: cf
c LuIIerf|y in EIhicpic, ccu:e: c chcnge in cir currenI:, IhcI evenIuc||y
grcw: inIc c hurriccne IhcI :|cm: inIc Ihe ccc:I cf Ihe US.
Uncer:Icncing hcw even Ihe :mc||e:I cf ccIicn:, Ly ncIure, cr even
incivicuc|:, ccn hcve huge impccI:, i: :cmeIhing IhcI every U|IimcIe
Survivcr neec: Ic c|wcy: keep in minc.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 23
W|nter Storms

All I'm trin to do is not join m cncestrcl spirits just et.
- 1oshuc Nlomo
Scme cf u: |cck fcrwcrc Ic winIer wecIher. Whc cce:nI crecm cf c
WhiIe Chri:Imc:" /nc whcI kic cce:nI remcin g|uec Ic Ihe IV cr rccic
cI IhcI fir:I f|cke Ic hecr if :chcc| wi|| Le c|c:ec 8uI fcr c|| cf iI: hc|iccy
:piriI, cnc whiIe cnc pri:Iine |cnc:ccpe:, :ncw:Icrm: cnc freezing
wecIher ccn c|:c Le cecc|y, cnc cc:I|y Ic hcme: cnc prcperIy.
WinIer :Icrm: ccn rcnge frcm c mccercIe :ncw cver c few hcur: Ic c
L|izzcrc wiIh L|incing, winc-criven :ncw IhcI |c:I: fcr :everc| ccy:. Mcny
winIer :Icrm: cre ccccmpcniec Ly ccngercu:|y |cw IempercIure: cnc
:cmeIime: Ly :Ircng winc:, icing, :|eeI cnc freezing rcin.
Cne cf Ihe primcry ccncern: i: Ihe winIer wecIher': cLi|iIy Ic kncck cuI
hecI, pcwer cnc ccmmuniccIicn: :ervice: Ic ycur hcme cr cffice,
:cmeIime: fcr ccy: cI c Iime. Hecvy :ncwfc|| cnc exIreme cc|c ccn
immcLi|ize cn enIire regicn.
Ihe NcIicnc| WecIher Service refer: Ic winIer :Icrm: c: Ihe DecepIive
Ki||er:" Leccu:e mc:I cecIh: cre ncI cirecI|y re|cIec Ic Ihe :Icrm. ln:Iecc,
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
pecp|e cie in Ircffic cccicenI: cn icy rccc: cnc cf hypcIhermic frcm
prc|cngec expc:ure Ic cc|c, cr Ihe imprcper u:e cf genercIcr: cnc
c|IerncIive hecI :curce:.
8uI c: c|wcy: ycu ccn enjcy Ihe Le:I cf winIer cnc cec| wiIh Ihe wcr:I, Ly
Icking preccuIicn: cnc Leing prepcrec. Ihe CDC ccvi:e: IhcI Icking
prevenIive ccIicn i: ycur Le:I cefen:e cgcin:I hcving Ic cec| wiIh
exIreme cc|c-wecIher ccnciIicn:. 8y prepcring ycur hcme cnc ccr in
ccvcnce fcr winIer emergencie:, cnc Ly cL:erving :cfeIy preccuIicn:
curing Iime: cf exIreme|y cc|c wecIher, ycu ccn recuce Ihe ri:k cf
wecIher-re|cIec hec|Ih cnc cIher prcL|em:.
Ihe ln:urcnce ln:IiIuIe fcr 8u:ine:: cnc Hcme ScfeIy ccc: IhcI when
winIer wecIher i: mcre :evere Ihcn u:uc| in ycur crec, iI ccn IhrecIen ycur
hcme c: we|| c: ycur hec|Ih. Freezing IempercIure: ccn ccu:e c numLer
cf prcL|em: rcnging frcm wcIer |eck: Ic Lur:I pipe: cnc rccf cc||cp:e:.
Ihere cre cIher ri:k: Ic |ife cnc prcperIy IhcI cccur curing freezing
wecIher, cue Ic imprcper u:cge cf c|IerncIive hecIing :curce:. Ihe u:e
cf :uch cevice: increc:e: Ihe freuency cf fire: cue Ic in:Ic||cIicn cnc
u:cge IhcI cce: ncI fc||cw Le:I prccIice: cr mcnufccIurer
I you ure In un ureu uL rIsk Ior severe or IreezIng weuLIer, muke sure:
I you use un uILernuLe IeuLIng source, sucI us u peIIeL or wood burnIng
sLove, LIuL IL Is properIy InsLuIIed und sepuruLed Irom uII IIummubIe
You know II your rooI Lends Lo buIId up Ice dums uL LIe euves.
You know Iow Lo esLImuLe wIen your snow Iouds ure geLLIng Lo
dungerous IeveIs und Iow Lo cIeur LIem.
You know Iow Lo prevenL Irozen wuLer pIpes.
You Iuve u pIun Lo prevenL wuLer Irom IeukIng InLo your Iouse Irom
snow uccumuIuLIon.
You InsLuII u Curbon MonoxIde monILor II you InLend Lo use u IIrepIuce
or oLIer uILernuLIve sources oI IeuL.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Li:Ien Ic wecIher fcrecc:I: regu|cr|y, cnc check ycur emergency :upp|ie:
whenever c pericc cf exIreme cc|c i: precicIec. Mcke :ure Ic keep IhcI
NC// rccic hcncyl
/: c|wcy: check cn ycur Emergency Frepcrecne:: KiI cnc Gc 8cg:. Ycu
:hcu|c Le prepcrec Ic Le :ncwec in" Ly :evere WinIer WecIher wiIh cI
|ec:I Ihree week: cf fccc cnc wcIer. ln ccciIicn Ic Ihe u:uc| iIem:
reccmmencec fcr ycur kiI: in ChcpIer: 3 cnc , if ycu |ive where ycu mcy
fcce :evere winIer wecIher, ccc Ihe fc||cwing iIem: Ic ycur hcme
prepcrecne:: kiI:
Rock suIL or more envIronmenLuIIy suIe producLs Lo meIL Ice on
Sund Lo Improve LrucLIon.
Snow sIoveIs und oLIer snow removuI equIpmenL.
SuIIIcIenL IeuLIng IueI. You muy become IsoIuLed In your Iome und
reguIur IueI sources muy be cuL oII. SLore u good suppIy oI dry,
seusoned wood Ior your IIrepIuce or wood-burnIng sLove.
AdequuLe cIoLIIng und exLru bIunkeLs Lo keep you wurm.
lf ycu p|cn Ic u:e c firep|cce cr wccc :Icve fcr emergency hecIing, hcve
ycur chimney cr f|ue in:pecIec ecch yecr. /:k ycur |ccc| fire cepcrImenI
Ic reccmmenc cn in:pecIcr, cr finc cne in Ihe ye||cw pcge: cf ycur
Ie|ephcne cirecIcry uncer chimney c|ecning."
Ycur cLi|iIy Ic fee| c chcnge in IempercIure cecrec:e: wiIh cge, cnc
c|cer pecp|e cre mcre :u:cepIiL|e Ic hec|Ih prcL|em: ccu:ec Ly cc|c. lf
ycu cre cver 5 yecr: c|c, p|cce cn ec:y-Ic-recc IhermcmeIer in cn
incccr |cccIicn where ycu wi|| :ee iI freuenI|y, cnc check Ihe
IempercIure cf ycur hcme cfIen curing Ihe winIer mcnIh:. /: c|wcy: ecI
c hec|Ihy cnc immune :y:Iem Lcc:Iing cieI, nc mcIIer ycur cge.
ln:u|cIe cny wcIer |ine: IhcI run c|cng exIericr wc||: :c ycur wcIer :upp|y
wi|| Le |e:: |ike|y Ic freeze. Ic Ihe exIenI pc::iL|e, wecIherprccf ycur hcme
Ly cccing wecIher-:Iripping, in:u|cIicn, in:u|cIec cccr: cnc :Icrm
winccw: cr Ihermc|-pcne winccw:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
lf ycu hcve peI:, Lring Ihem incccr:. lf ycu ccnncI Lring Ihem in:ice,
prcvice cceucIe :he|Ier Ic keep Ihem wcrm cnc mcke :ure IhcI Ihey
hcve ccce:: Ic unfrczen wcIer.
Kncw where cnc hcw Ic :huI cff ycur mcin wcIer vc|ve: in Ihe evenI cf c
Lur:I pipe.
ln ccciIicn Ic ycur hcme, winIerize ycur Lcrn, :hec cr cny cIher :IrucIure
IhcI mcy prcvice :he|Ier fcr ycur fcmi|y, neighLcr:, |ive:Icck cr
C|ecr rcin guIIer:. Fepcir rccf |eck: cnc cuI cwcy Iree Lrcnche: IhcI
ccu|c fc|| cn c hcu:e cr cIher :IrucIure curing c :Icrm.
Freez|ng ko|n - Fcin IhcI freeze: when iI hiI: Ihe grcunc, crecIing c
cccIing cf ice cn rccc:, wc|kwcy:, Iree: cnc pcwer |ine:.
S|eet - Fcin IhcI Iurn: Ic ice pe||eI: Lefcre recching Ihe grcunc. S|eeI c|:c
ccu:e: mci:Iure cn rccc: Ic freeze cnc Leccme :|ippery.
W|nter Weother Adv|sory - WinIer wecIher ccnciIicn: cre expecIec Ic
ccu:e :ignificcnI inccnvenience: cnc mcy Le hczcrccu:. When ccuIicn i:
u:ec, Ihe:e :iIucIicn: :hcu|c ncI Le |ife IhrecIening.
W|nter Storm Wotch - / winIer :Icrm i: pc::iL|e in ycur crec. Iune in Ic
NC// WecIher Fccic, ccmmercic| rccic, cr Ie|evi:icn fcr mcre
W|nter Storm Worn|ng - / winIer :Icrm i: cccurring cr wi|| :ccn cccur in ycur
8||zzord Worn|ng - Su:Icinec winc: cr freuenI gu:I: Ic 35 mi|e: per hcur cr
grecIer cnc ccn:icercL|e cmcunI: cf fc||ing cr L|cwing :ncw {recucing
vi:iLi|iIy Ic |e:: Ihcn c ucrIer mi|e) cre expecIec Ic prevci| fcr c pericc cf
Ihree hcur: cr |cnger.
FrostJFreeze Worn|ng - 8e|cw freezing IempercIure: cre expecIec.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ycu ccn cvcic mcny ccngercu: winIer Ircve| prcL|em: Ly p|cnning
checc. Hcve mcinIencnce :ervice cn ycur vehic|e c: cfIen c: Ihe
mcnufccIurer reccmmenc:. lf ycu |ive in cn crec prcne Ic hecvy
:ncwfc||, ycu :hcu|c cwn cI |ec:I cne re|icL|e 4WD vehic|e. Every fc|| c:
winIer cpprccche: ycu :hcu|c:
Huve your rudIuLor sysLem servIced, or cIeck LIe unLIIreeze IeveI
yourseII wILI un unLIIreeze LesLer. Add unLIIreeze, us needed.
RepIuce your wIndsIIeId-wIper IIuId wILI u wInLerLIme mIxLure.
RepIuce uny worn LIres, und cIeck LIe uIr pressure In LIe LIres.
ln ccciIicn curing Ihe winIer, keep Ihe gc: Icnk necr fu|| Ic he|p cvcic ice
in Ihe Icnk cnc fue| |ine:, cnc check cr hcve ycur mechcnic check Ihe
fc||cwing iIem: cn ycur ccr:
8ottery ond |gn|t|on system - :hcu|c Le in Icp ccnciIicn cnc LcIIery
Ierminc|: :hcu|c Le c|ecn.
8rokes - check fcr wecr cnc f|uic |eve|:.
Exhoust system - check fcr |eck: cnc crimpec pipe: cnc repcir cr rep|cce
c: nece::cry. CcrLcn mcncxice i: cecc|y cnc u:uc||y give: nc wcrning.
Fue| ond o|r |||ters - rep|cce cnc keep wcIer cuI cf Ihe :y:Iem Ly u:ing
ccciIive: cnc mcinIcining c fu|| Icnk cf gc:. / fu|| Icnk wi|| recuce
ccncen:cIicn IhcI ccu|c ccu:e Ihe fue| |ine Ic freeze.
Heoter ond de|roster - en:ure Ihey wcrk prcper|y.
L|ghts ond ||osh|ng hozord ||ghts - check fcr :ervicecLi|iIy.
O|| - check fcr |eve| cnc weighI. Hecvier ci|: ccngec| mcre cI |cw
IempercIure: cnc cc ncI |uLriccIe c: we||.
Ihermostot - en:ure iI wcrk: prcper|y.
ln:Ic|| gccc winIer Iire:, cnc mcke :ure Ihe Iire: hcve cceucIe Irecc.
/||-wecIher rccic|: cre u:uc||y cceucIe fcr mc:I winIer ccnciIicn:.
Hcwever, :cme juri:cicIicn: reuire IhcI vehic|e: mu:I Le euippec wiIh
chcin: cr :ncw Iire: wiIh :Iuc:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ioke the t|me to check your Cor Emergency Freporedness K|t, ond updote
w|th the |o||ow|ng w|nter |tems || necessory:
A sIoveI
WIndsIIeId scruper und smuII broom
BuLLery powered rudIo
ExLru buLLerIes
Snuck Iood
Tow cIuIn or rope
Roud suIL und sund
Emergency IIures
IuorescenL dIsLress IIug
Dur|ng o W|nter Storm or Freez|ng Iemperotures
SLuy Indoors durIng LIe sLorm.
I you musL go ouLsIde, weur severuI Iuyers oI Ioose-IILLIng, IIgILweIgIL,
wurm cIoLIIng ruLIer LIun one Iuyer oI Ieuvy cIoLIIng. TIe ouLer
gurmenLs sIouId be LIgILIy woven und wuLer repeIIenL. Weur mILLens,
wIIcI ure wurmer LIun gIoves. Weur u IuL. A IuL wIII prevenL Ioss oI
body IeuL. Cover your mouLI wILI u scurI Lo proLecL your Iungs.
WuIk cureIuIIy on snowy, Icy, wuIkwuys.
AvoId overexerLIon wIen sIoveIIng snow. OverexerLIon cun brIng on u
IeurL uLLuck-u mujor cuuse oI deuLI In LIe wInLer. I you musL sIoveI
snow, sLreLcI beIore goIng ouLsIde.
Try Lo keep dry. CIunge weL cIoLIIng IrequenLIy Lo prevenL u Ioss oI
body IeuL. WeL cIoLIIng Ioses uII oI ILs InsuIuLIng vuIue und LrunsmILs
IeuL rupIdIy.
WuLcI Ior sIgns oI IrosLbILe. TIese IncIude Ioss oI IeeIIng und wIILe or
puIe uppeurunce In exLremILIes sucI us IIngers, Loes, eur Iobes, und LIe
LIp oI LIe nose. I sympLoms ure deLecLed, geL medIcuI IeIp
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
WuLcI Ior sIgns oI IypoLIermIu. TIese IncIude unconLroIIubIe sIIverIng,
memory Ioss, dIsorIenLuLIon, IncoIerence, sIurred speecI, drowsIness,
und uppurenL exIuusLIon. I sympLoms oI IypoLIermIu ure deLecLed, geL
LIe vIcLIm Lo u wurm IocuLIon, remove weL cIoLIIng, wurm LIe cenLer oI
LIe body IIrsL und gIve wurm, non-uIcoIoIIc beveruges II LIe vIcLIm Is
conscIous. GeL medIcuI IeIp us soon us possIbIe. REER BACK TO
DrIve onIy II IL Is ubsoIuLeIy necessury. I you musL drIve: LruveI In LIe
duy. Don`L LruveI uIone. Keep oLIers InIormed oI your scIeduIe. SLuy on
muIn rouds und uvoId buck roud sIorLcuLs.
eL someone know your desLInuLIon, your rouLe, und wIen you expecL Lo
urrIve. I your cur geLs sLuck uIong LIe wuy, IeIp cun be senL uIong your
predeLermIned rouLe.
I LIe pIpes Ireeze, remove uny InsuIuLIon or Iuyers oI newspupers und
wrup pIpes In rugs. CompIeLeIy open uII IuuceLs und pour IoL wuLer over
LIe pIpes, sLurLIng wIere LIey were mosL exposed Lo LIe coId (or wIere
LIe coId wus mosL IIkeIy Lo peneLruLe).
MuInLuIn venLIIuLIon wIen usIng kerosene IeuLers Lo uvoId buIId-up oI
LoxIc Iumes. ReIueI kerosene IeuLers ouLsIde und keep LIem uL IeusL
LIree IeeL Irom IIummubIe objecLs.
Conserve IueI, II necessury, by keepIng your resIdence cooIer LIun
normuI. TemporurIIy cIose oII IeuL Lo some rooms.
I you wIII be goIng uwuy durIng coId weuLIer, Ieuve LIe IeuL on In your
Iome, seL Lo u LemperuLure no Iower LIun .
lf ycu cre ccughI cuIcccr: fcr cn exIencec pericc cf Iime curing :evere
winIer wecIher, Ihe :he|Iering Iechniue: ycu |ecrnec in ChcpIer 10 mcy
prcve incceucIe. Here cre wcy: Ic Lui|c :cme :pecific winIer wecIher
/cccrcing Ic Ihe US /rmy Survivc| Mcnuc|, where ycu cre :Iuck in Ihe
cc|c, cnc whcI ycu hcve wiIh ycu, wi|| ceIermine Ihe Iype: cf WinIer
WecIher She|Ier: ycu ccn Lui|c.
Ycu ccn Lui|c cc|c-wecIher :he|Ier: in wcccec crec:, cpen ccunIry cnc
Lcrren crec:. Wcccec crec: u:uc||y prcvice Ihe Le:I |cccIicn, whi|e
Lcrren crec: hcve cn|y :ncw c: Lui|cing mcIeric|. Wcccec crec: prcvice
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
IimLer fcr :he|Ier ccn:IrucIicn, wccc fcr fire, cnc grecIer prcIecIicn frcm
Ihe winc.
Ic mcke :he|Ier: frcm ice cr :ncw u:uc||y reuire: Icc|: :uch c: ice cxe: cr
:cw:, LuI in c|| LuI Ihe mc:I exIreme cc|c wecIher envircnmenI:, ycur -
in-1 Survivc| Icc| :hcu|c cc Ihe Irick. Uncer:Icnc IhcI Lui|cing :uch c
:he|Ier wi|| mecn ycu wi|| expenc c |cI cf Iime cnc energy, :c cn|y
uncerIcke :uch c Ic:k, if ycu fee| iI i: e::enIic| Ic ycur :urvivc|.
8e :ure Ic venIi|cIe cny enc|c:ec :he|Ier, e:pecic||y if ycu inIenc Ic Lui|c
c fire in iI. /|wcy: L|cck c :he|Ier: enIrcnce, if pc::iL|e, Ic keep Ihe hecI
in cnc Ihe winc cuI. Ycu ccn u:e ycur Lcckpcck cr :ncw L|cck:.
Ccn:IrucI c :he|Ier nc |crger Ihcn neecec. Ihi: wi|| recuce Ihe cmcunI cf
:pcce Ic hecI. / fcIc| errcr in cc|c wecIher :he|Ier ccn:IrucIicn i: mcking
Ihe :he|Ier :c |crge IhcI iI :Iec|: Lccy hecI, rcIher Ihcn :cving iI. Keep
:he|Ier :pcce :mc||.
Never :|eep cirecI|y cn Ihe grcunc. lf ycu cc ncI hcve L|cnkeI: cr c
:|eeping Lcg wiIh ycu -- |cy ccwn :cme pine Lcugh:, grc:: cr cIher
in:u|cIing mcIeric| Ic keep Ihe grcunc frcm cL:crLing ycur Lccy hecI.
Never fc|| c:|eep wiIhcuI Iurning cuI ycur :Icve cr |cmp. CcrLcn
mcncxice pci:cning ccn re:u|I frcm c fire Lurning in cn unvenIi|cIec
:he|Ier. CcrLcn mcncxice i: c grecI ccnger. lI i: cc|cr|e:: cnc cccr|e::.
/ny Iime ycu hcve cn cpen f|cme, iI mcy genercIe ccrLcn mcncxice.
/|wcy: check ycur venIi|cIicn. Even in c venIi|cIec :he|Ier, inccmp|eIe
ccmLu:Iicn ccn ccu:e ccrLcn mcncxice pci:cning. U:uc||y, Ihere cre nc
Unccn:cicu:ne:: cnc cecIh ccn cccur wiIhcuI wcrning. ScmeIime:,
hcwever, pre::ure cI Ihe Iemp|e:, Lurning cf Ihe eye:, hecccche,
pcuncing pu|:e, crcw:ine:: cr ncu:ec mcy cccur. GeI inIc Ihe fre:h cir cI
cnce if ycu hcve cny cf Ihe:e :ympIcm:.
Snow Cove She|ter
Ihe :ncw ccve :he|Ier i: c mc:I effecIive :he|Ier Leccu:e cf Ihe in:u|cIing
uc|iIie: cf :ncw. FememLer IhcI iI Icke: Iime cnc energy Ic Lui|c cnc
IhcI ycu wi|| geI weI whi|e Lui|cing iI. Fir:I, ycu neec Ic finc c crifI cLcuI
-10 feeI {3 meIer:) ceep inIc which ycu ccn cig.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC

Image: Courtesy US Army
Whi|e Lui|cing Ihi: :he|Ier, keep Ihe rccf crchec fcr :IrengIh cnc Ic c||cw
me|Iec :ncw Ic crcin ccwn Ihe :ice:. 8ui|c Ihe :|eeping p|cIfcrm higher
Ihcn Ihe enIrcnce. SepcrcIe Ihe :|eeping p|cIfcrm frcm Ihe :ncw ccve
wc||: cr cig c :mc|| Irench LeIween Ihe p|cIfcrm cnc Ihe wc||. Ihi:
p|cIfcrm wi|| prevenI Ihe me|Iing :ncw frcm weIIing ycu cnc ycur
euipmenI. Ihi: ccn:IrucIicn i: e:pecic||y impcrIcnI if ycu hcve c gccc
:curce cf hecI in Ihe :ncw ccve. En:ure Ihe rccf i: high encugh :c IhcI
ycu ccn :iI up cn Ihe :|eeping p|cIfcrm. 8|cck Ihe enIrcnce wiIh c :ncw
L|cck cr cIher mcIeric| cnc u:e Ihe |cwer enIrcnce crec fcr cccking. Ihe
wc||: cnc cei|ing :hcu|c Le cI |ec:I c fccI Ic c fccI cnc hc|f Ihick. ln:Ic|| c
venIi|cIicn :hcfI. lf ycu cc ncI hcve c crifI |crge encugh Ic Lui|c c :ncw
ccve, ycu ccn mcke c vcricIicn cf iI Ly pi|ing :ncw inIc c mcunc |crge
encugh Ic cig cuI.
Snow Irench She|ter
Ihe icec Lehinc Ihi: :he|Ier i: Ic geI ycu Le|cw Ihe :ncw cnc winc |eve|
cnc u:e Ihe :ncw: in:u|cIing uc|iIie:. Lcck crcunc cnc cecice where
Ihe winc i: ccming frcm. Finc c :ncwcrifI, Iree, IhickeI, Ierrcin fecIure,
eIc., Ic geI cuI cf Ihe winc. Ycu wcnI Ic Le cn Ihe ccwnwinc :ice cf cny
wincLreck where Ihe |ec:I winc i:. Ycu|| Le cL|e Ie|| where IhcI i: Ly Ihe
cepre::icn, cr Ihe :ncwcrifI in frcnI cf iI. lf ycu hcve ycur Gc 8cg wiIh
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ycu, c: ycu :hcu|c, ycu wi|| hcve c Icrp cr ycur :c|cr L|cnkeI wiIh which Ic
crecIe Ihi: :he|Ier.
lf ycu cc ncI, cnc cre in cn crec cf ccmpccIec :ncw, cuI :ncw L|cck:
cnc u:e Ihem c: cverhecc ccver. Dig c Irench, cLcuI wci:I ceep, Iwc-
Ic-Ihree feeI wice, cnc :ix feeI |cng. Ihe enIrcnce :hcu|c Le cn Ihe
ccwnwinc :ice :c Ihe winc cce:nI L|cw cirecI|y inIc Ihe :he|Ier. SIreIch
cuI Ihe Icrp cver Ihe Irench cnc Ihen :hcve| :ncw cn c|| Ihe ecge: Ic
keep Ihe ccvering frcm L|cwing cff. 8ui|c cn|y cne enIrcnce cnc u:e c
:ncw L|cck cr ruck:cck c: c cccr. Iie |cng :Irecmer: cf f|cgging Ic
necrLy Iree: crcunc Ihe :he|Ier :c iI i: ec:i|y vi:iL|e. GeI in:ice Ihe Irench,
cnc hc|c ycur whi:I|e in ycur hcnc.

Snow 1rench She|ter
Fe:cuer: mcy Le cn :ncwmcLi|e:, cnc mcy hcve cifficu|Iy hecring
:hcuIing cver Ihe winc, engine nci:e, Iwc-wcy rccic hecc:eI: cnc he|meI
|iner:. Sc, c: :ccn c: ycu hecr engine:, :IcrI L|cwing cn ycur whi:I|e, cnc
keep L|cwing.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Snow House or Ig|oo
ln cerIcin crec:, Ihe incigencu: pecp|e: freuenI|y u:e Ihi: Iype cf :he|Ier
c: hunIing cnc fi:hing :he|Ier:. Ihey cre efficienI :he|Ier: LuI reuire :cme
prccIice Ic mcke Ihem prcper|y. /|:c, ycu mu:I Le in cn crec IhcI i:
:uiIcL|e fcr cuIIing :ncw L|cck: cnc hcve Ihe euipmenI Ic cuI Ihem
{:ncw :cw cr knife). / :ncw ccve cr :ncw Irench i: prcLcL|y c LeIIer wcy
Ic gc. O+$$ 40&&0?(;@ (&&,9'-*'(0; 04 +;0? G0,9$ 0- M@&00P

Leon-Io Snow She|ter
Ccn:IrucI Ihi: :he|Ier in Ihe :cme mcnner c: ycu wcu|c cny |ecn-Ic in
cIher envircnmenI:: hcwever, pi|e :ncw crcunc Ihe :ice: fcr in:u|cIicn.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Fo||en Iree She|ter
Ic Lui|c Ihi: :he|Ier, finc c fc||en Iree cnc cig cuI Ihe :ncw uncernecIh iI.
Ihe :ncw wi|| ncI Le c: ceep uncer Ihe Iree. lf ycu mu:I remcve
Lrcnche: frcm Ihe in:ice, u:e Ihem Ic |ine Ihe f|ccr.
Iree-F|t She|ter
Dig :ncw cuI frcm uncer c :uiIcL|e |crge Iree. lI wi|| ncI Le c: ceep necr
Ihe Lc:e cf Ihe Iree. U:e cuI Lrcnche: Ic |ine Ihe :he|Ier. U:e c grcunc
:heeI c: cverhecc ccver Ic prevenI :ncw frcm fc||ing cff Ihe Iree inIc Ihe

Image: Courtesy
lf ycu finc ycur:e|f fcrcec Ic :urvive in c cc|c wecIher fcr cny exIencec
|engIh cf Iime, ycu mu:I uncer:Icnc IhcI iI wi|| |ike|y Le mcre cifficu|I fcr
ycu Ic :cIi:fy ycur Lc:ic :he|Ier, wcIer, cnc fccc neec: in c cc|c
envircnmenI Ihcn in c wcrm envircnmenI. Even if ycu hcve Ihe Lc:ic
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
reuiremenI:, ycu mu:I c|:c hcve cceucIe prcIecIive c|cIhing, cnc ycur
wi|| Ic :urvive wi|| Le Ic:kec Ic iI: fu||e:I.
Ihe /rmy mcnuc| :cy: in cc|c wecIher :urvivc| :iIucIicn: ycu ncI cn|y
hcve Ic hcve encugh c|cIhing Ic prcIecI ycu frcm Ihe cc|c, ycu mu:I c|:c
kncw hcw Ic mcximize Ihe wcrmIh ycu ccn geI frcm iI. Fcr excmp|e,
c|wcy: keep ycur hecc ccverec. Ycu ccn |c:e 40 Ic 45 percenI cf Lccy
hecI frcm cn unprcIecIec hecc. 8eccu:e Ihere i: much L|ccc
circu|cIicn in Ihe hecc, mc:I cf which i: cn Ihe :urfcce, ycu ccn |c:e hecI
uick|y if ycu cc ncI ccver ycur hecc. Ycu ccn c|:c |c:e c |cI cf hecI
frcm cn unprcIecIec neck, wri:I, cnc cnk|e:. Ihe:e crec: cf Ihe Lccy cre
gccc rccicIcr: cf hecI cnc hcve very |iII|e in:u|cIing fcI.
Ihere ore s|x bos|c pr|nc|p|es to |o||ow to keep worm. An eosy woy to
remember these bos|c pr|nc|p|es |s to use the word COLDEk os |o||ows:
C-Keep C|oth|ng C|eon. Ihi: princip|e i: c|wcy: impcrIcnI fcr :cniIcIicn
cnc ccmfcrI. ln winIer, iI i: c|:c impcrIcnI frcm Ihe :IcncpcinI cf wcrmIh.
C|cIhing mcIIec wiIh cirI cnc grec:e |c:e: much cf Iheir in:u|cIicn vc|ue.
O-Avo|d Overheot|ng. When ycu geI Icc hcI, ycu :wecI cnc ycur
c|cIhing cL:crL: Ihe mci:Iure. Ihi: cffecI: ycur wcrmIh in Iwc wcy::
ccmpne:: cecrec:e: Ihe in:u|cIicn uc|iIy cf c|cIhing, cnc c: :wecI
evcpcrcIe:, ycur Lccy ccc|:. /cju:I ycur c|cIhing :c IhcI ycu cc ncI
:wecI. Dc Ihi: Ly pcrIic||y cpening ycur pcrkc cr jcckeI, Ly remcving cn
inner |cyer cf c|cIhing, Ly remcving hecvy cuIer miIIen:, cr Ly Ihrcwing
Lcck ycur pcrkc hccc cr chcnging Ic |ighIer heccgecr. Ihe hecc cnc
hcnc: ccI c: efficienI hecI ci::ipcIer: when cverhecIec.
L-Weor your C|oth|ng Loose ond |n Loyers. Wecring IighI c|cIhing cnc
fccIgecr re:IricI: L|ccc circu|cIicn cnc inviIe: cc|c injury. lI c|:c
cecrec:e: Ihe vc|ume cf cir Ircppec LeIween Ihe |cyer:, recucing iI:
in:u|cIing vc|ue. Severc| |cyer: cf |ighIweighI c|cIhing cre LeIIer Ihcn cne
euc||y Ihick |cyer cf c|cIhing, Leccu:e Ihe |cyer: hcve cecc cir:pcce
LeIween Ihem. Ihe cecc cir:pcce prcvice: exIrc in:u|cIicn. /|:c, |cyer:
cf c|cIhing c||cw ycu Ic Icke cff cr ccc c|cIhing |cyer: Ic prevenI
exce::ive :wecIing cr Ic increc:e wcrmIh.
D-Keep C|oth|ng Dry. ln cc|c IempercIure:, ycur inner |cyer: cf c|cIhing
ccn Leccme weI frcm :wecI cnc ycur cuIer |cyer, if iI i: ncI wcIer
repe||enI, ccn Leccme weI frcm :ncw cnc frc:I me|Iec Ly Lccy hecI.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Wecr wcIer repe||enI cuIer c|cIhing, if cvci|cL|e. lI wi|| :hec mc:I cf Ihe
wcIer cc||ecIec frcm me|Iing :ncw cnc frc:I. 8efcre enIering c hecIec
:he|Ier, Lru:h cff Ihe :ncw cnc frc:I. De:piIe Ihe preccuIicn: ycu Icke,
Ihere wi|| Le Iime: when ycu ccnncI keep frcm geIIing weI. /I :uch
Iime:, crying ycur c|cIhing mcy Leccme c mcjcr prcL|em. When mcving,
hcng ycur ccmp miIIen: cnc :cck: cn ycur pcck. ScmeIime: in freezing
IempercIure:, Ihe winc cnc :un wi|| cry Ihi: c|cIhing. Ycu ccn c|:c p|cce
ccmp :cck: cr miIIen:, unfc|cec, necr ycur Lccy :c IhcI ycur Lccy hecI
ccn cry Ihem. ln c ccmp:iIe, hcng ccmp c|cIhing in:ice Ihe :he|Ier necr
Ihe Icp, u:ing crying |ine: cr imprcvi:ec rcck:. Ycu mcy even Le cL|e Ic
cry ecch iIem Ly hc|cing iI Lefcre cn cpen fire. Dry |ecIher iIem: :|cw|y.
lf nc cIher mecn: cre cvci|cL|e fcr crying ycur LccI:, puI Ihem LeIween
ycur :|eeping Lcg :he|| cnc |iner. Ycur Lccy hecI wi|| he|p Ic cry Ihe
E-Exom|ne ycur c|cIhe: fcr wcrn crec:, Iecr:, cnc c|ecn|ine::.
k-kepo|r ycur c|cIhing ecr|y Lefcre Iecr: cnc hc|e: Leccme Icc |crge Ic
pcIch. lmprcvi:ec :ewing kiI: ccn Le mcce frcm Lcne:, p|cnI fiLer:, 550
ccrc, cnc |crge Ihcrn:.
CIher Ihcn Ihe cpprcpricIe c|cIhe: cnc LccI:, cnc kncwing hcw Ic ccre
fcr Ihem, c hecvy, ccwn-|inec :|eeping Lcg i: c vc|ucL|e piece cf :urvivc|
gecr in cc|c wecIher. En:ure Ihe ccwn remcin: cry. lf ccwn geI: weI, iI
|c:e: c |cI cf iI: in:u|cIicn vc|ue.
lf ycu hcve prcper|y prepcrec ycur cc|c wecIher Gc 8cg, Ihere i: nc
rec:cn ycu :hcu|c Le cuI in Ihe cc|c" wiIhcuI c :|eeping Lcg - LuI if fcr
:cme rec:cn ycu cc ncI hcve c :|eeping Lcg, ycu ccn mcke cne cuI cf
pcrcchuIe c|cIh cr :imi|cr mcIeric| cnc ncIurc| cry mcIeric|, :uch c:
|ecve:, pine neec|e:, cr mc::. F|cce Ihe cry :Iuffing LeIween Iwc |cyer:
cf Ihe mcIeric|.
8e Awore o| Snow 8||ndness. Ihe ref|ecIicn cf Ihe :un': u|Ircvic|eI rcy: cff
cf c :ncw-ccverec crec ccu:e: Ihi: ccnciIicn. Ihe :ympIcm: cf :ncw
L|incne:: cre c :en:cIicn cf griI in Ihe eye:, pcin in cnc cver Ihe eye: IhcI
increc:e: wiIh eyeLc|| mcvemenI, rec cnc Iecry eye:, cnc c hecccche
IhcI inIen:ifie: wiIh ccnIinuec expc:ure Ic |ighI. Frc|cngec expc:ure Ic
Ihe:e rcy: ccn re:u|I in permcnenI eye ccmcge. Ic IrecI :ncw L|incne::,
Lcnccge ycur eye: unIi| Ihe :ympIcm: ci:cppecr.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ycu ccn prevenI :ncw L|incne:: Ly wecring :ung|c::e:. lf ycu ccn'I hcve
:ung|c::e:, imprcvi:e. CuI :|iI: in c piece cf ccrcLccrc, Ihin wccc, Iree
Lcrk, cr cIher cvci|cL|e mcIeric|. FuIIing :ccI frcm ycur fire uncer ycur
eye: wi|| he|p recuce :hine cnc g|cre.
Woter i: u:uc||y ncI c prcL|em when :Ircncec in cc|c ccnciIicn:. Scurce:
cf wcIer cre c|mc:I c|wcy: p|enIifu|, cnc Leccu:e cf Ihe cc|c, cre u:uc||y
:cfer cnc |e:: ccnIcmincIec Ihen in cIher regicn:. Hcwever, fc||cw Ihe
prccecure: Ic purify wcIer c: ycu |ecrnec in ChcpIer 11.
Ycu ccn me|I fre:hwcIer ice cnc :ncw fcr wcIer. Ccmp|eIe|y me|I LcIh
Lefcre puIIing Ihem in ycur mcuIh. Irying Ic me|I ice cr :ncw in ycur
mcuIh Icke: cwcy Lccy hecI cnc mcy ccu:e inIernc| cc|c injurie:. lf cn
cr necr pcck ice in Ihe :ec, ycu ccn u:e c|c :ec ice Ic me|I fcr wcIer,
Leccu:e :ec ice |c:e: iI: :c|iniIy cver Iime. Ycu ccn icenIify Ihi: ice Ly iI:
rcuncec ccrner: cnc L|ui:h cc|cr. Ycu ccn u:e ycur Lccy hecI Ic me|I
:ncw. F|cce Ihe :ncw in c wcIer Lcg cnc p|cce Ihe Lcg LeIween ycur
|cyer: cf c|cIhing. Ihi: i: c :|cw prcce::, LuI ycu ccn u:e iI cn Ihe mcve cr
when ycu hcve nc fire.
NOIE: Do not woste |ue| to me|t |ce or snow when dr|nkob|e woter |s
ovo||ob|e |rom other sources.
CLIcining fccc cnc hunIing gcme if ycu cre :Ircncec in crcIic cr :uL-
crcIic IerriIcrie:, i: chc||enging, LuI ncI impc::iL|e -- hcw chc||enging
cepenc: cn where ycu cre, cnc Ihe Iime cf yecr. During Ihe :ummer
mcnIh:, fcr excmp|e, ycu ccn ec:i|y geI fi:h cnc cIher wcIer |ife frcm
ccc:Ic| wcIer:, :Irecm:, river:, cnc |cke:. Mc:I ncrIhern fi:h cnc fi:h egg:
cre eciL|e.
Ihe NcrIh /I|cnIic cnc NcrIh Fccific ccc:Ic| wcIer: cre rich in :ecfccc.
Ycu ccn ec:i|y finc crcwfi:h, :nci|:, c|cm:, cy:Ier:, cnc king crcL. ln crec:
where Ihere i: c grecI cifference LeIween Ihe high cnc |cw IicewcIer
|eve|:, ycu ccn ec:i|y finc :he||fi:h cI |cw Iice. Dig in Ihe :cnc cn Ihe Iicc|
f|cI:. Lcck in Iicc| pcc|: cnc cn cff:hcre reef:. ln crec: where Ihere i: c
:mc|| cifference LeIween Ihe high cnc |cw Iice wcIer |eve|:, :Icrm wcve:
cfIen wc:h :he||fi:h cnIc Ihe Lecche:.
Un|e:: ycu cre c Ircinec cnc :ki||ec hunIer, :Iick Ic fi:h cnc :ecfccc.
/|Ihcugh Ihe:e cnimc|: mcy Le cLunccnI, wiIhcuI Ihe prcper Ircining cr
wecpcn:, iI wcu|c Le very cifficu|I Ic Icke ccwn :ec|, ccriLcu, cr Lecr:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ihere cre :cme p|cnI: grcwing in crcIic cnc :uL-crcIic regicn:, :cme ycu
mcy Le cL|e Ic reccgnize c: eciL|e. When in ccuLI u:e Ihe Univer:c|
EciLi|iIy Ie:I c: ce:criLec in ChcpIer 12.
Survivc| :ki||: cre c ccnIinuum. /: ycu hcve |ecrnec IhrcughcuI Ihi:
SecIicn lll, ncIurc| ci:c:Ier: cre inIerre|cIec. Cne ci:c:Ier i: cfIen ccu:ec
Ly, cr fc||cwec Ly cncIher. Ecr|y in Ihi: Lcck ycu Icck c ri:k c::e::menI Ic
:ee whcI ci:c:Ier: ycu ccu|c mc:I |ike|y fcce, cnc Ic Le Le:I prepcrec
fcr. 8uI c: ycu hcve nc ccuLI |ecrnec Ly ncw, ncne cf IhcI :hcu|c ever
Le Icken fcr grcnIec.
Ju:I Leccu:e ycu |ive in cne crec prcne Ic cerIcin ci:c:Ier: cnc ncI
cIher:, IhcI cce: ncI mecn ycu wi|| never Ircve| Ic, cr finc ycur:e|f in,
cifferenI envircnmenI:. FememLer Icc, hcw Ihe Vc|ccnic ErupIicn cf MI.
IcmLcrc in 181 ccu:ec :ncw in June in New Eng|cnc hc|f c wcr|c cwcyl
IhcI i: why U|IimcIe Survivcr: cre prepcrec fcr c|| ci:c:Ier: - winIer, :pring,
:ummer cnc fc||l
- 5QR 7N +53"M7Q MMM -
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
SecIicn lV
562,-9(0;*-: 5)$-@$;2($9
You lnou, I once recd cn interestin bool uhich scid most people lost in
the uilds. the die oj shcme. Whct did I do uron? Hou could I hcte
otten mselj into this? And so the sit there cnd the... die.
eccuse the didn't do the one thin thct uould scte their lites...
Thinlin. - DuvId MumeL
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 24
How to Surv|ve 8e|ng
Lost |n the W||derness

When ucllin clone in c junle oj true dcrlness, there cre three thins
thct ccn shou ou the uc: instinct to surtite, the lnoulede oj
nctiction, cnd crectite imcinction.
Without cn one oj them, ou cre lost.
- Tobc etc, M Ancestor Wcs cn Ancient Astroncut
GeIIing |c:I whi|e in Ihe wccc: i: c :urpri:ing|y ccmmcn cccurrence. lI
ccn hcppen whi|e ccmping, cn c hike, cr ju:I c :imp|e ncIure wc|k. Ihi: i:
pcrIicu|cr|y Irue fcr inexperiencec hiker: cnc Lcckpccker:.
ln mc:I cc:e:, if ycu hcve Leccme |c:I curing c rcuIine ccmping
expeciIicn, if ycu cc ncI pcnic, cnc fc||cw Ihe ccvice ycu wi|| finc in Ihi:
chcpIer, ycu :hcu|c Le cL|e Ic finc ycur wcy Lcck cuI cf Ihe wccc: cn
ycur cwn.
Hcwever, Ihere cre Iime: when geIIing |c:I in Ihe wi|cerne:: ccn |ecc Ic
pcIenIic||y |ife IhrecIening :iIucIicn:, where ycu wi|| neec Ic cc|| cn Ihe
very Le:I cf ycur:e|f cnc c|| cf ycur :ki||: cnc gecr Ic :urvive. /: cny
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
hunIer cr cuIcccr:mcn wi|| Ie|| ycu, Wi|cerne:: Survivc| Ski||: wi|| :erve ycu
we|| in Ihe cfIermcIh cf cny cf Ihe NcIurc| Di:c:Ier: ci:cu::ec in Ihe |c:I
:ecIicn, cnc c|mc:I cny kinc cf emergency cr cri:i:.
Hcve ycu ever gcIIen |c:I, even in c p|cce mcre fcmi|icr Ihcn Ihe wccc:,
cnc iI :eemec |ike ycu were wc|king in circ|e: Iurn: cuI ycu prcLcL|y
were righI. FecenI re:ecrch :ugge:I: IhcI when ycu cre |c:I, e:pecic||y in
c ci:crienIing envircnmenI |ike Ihe wccc:, cr cIher wi|cerne:: crec, ycu
cc Ienc Ic wc|k in circ|e:.
Ihe re:ecrch wc: ccncucIec Ly Jcn Scumcn, wiIh Ihe Mcx F|cnck
ln:IiIuIe fcr 8ic|cgicc| CyLerneIic: in IuLingen, Germcny. Scumcn wc:n'I
even :ure if IhcI ccmmcn :en:cIicn cf wc|king crcunc in circ|e:" wc:
ccIuc||y Irue. He :u:pecIec IhcI when pecp|e were |c:I, cnc ncI :ure
where Ihey cre gcing IhcI Ihey mighI veer cff Ic Ihe |efI cr righI in Ihe
wrcng cirecIicn, LuI he wc: ncI ccnvincec IhcI Ihey inceec ccIuc||y
wc|kec in Irue 30-cegree circ|e:.
Ic finc cuI, he in:IrucIec nine pecp|e Ic wc|k c: :IrcighI c: pc::iL|e in cne
cirecIicn fcr :everc| hcur:. Six wc|ker: fcrgec Ihrcugh c f|cI, fcre:Iec
regicn cf Germcny. Ihree Irekkec Ihrcugh Ihe Schcrc ce:erI in :cuIhern
Iuni:ic. /|| cf Ihe wc|ker: wcre GFS receiver: :c IhcI Ihe re:ecrcher:
ccu|c cnc|yze Iheir rcuIe:.
Ihe re:u|I:, puL|i:hec in 200 in Ihe peer-reviewec jcurnc| 3,--$;' 8(0&0@:A
:hcwec IhcI nc mcIIer hcw hcrc pecp|e Iriec Ic wc|k in c :IrcighI |ine,
Ihey cfIen encec up gcing in circ|e: wiIhcuI ever rec|izing IhcI Ihey were
crc::ing Iheir cwn pcIh:. Circu|cr wc|king Ly Ihc:e in Ihe :Iucy increc:ec
when vi:iL|e c|ue: :uch c: Ihe :un cr mccn were cL:curec.
Ic pecp|e IhcI hcve ccne cny Secrch cnc Fe:cue wcrk, Ihe re:u|I: cf Ihe
:Iucy :hcu|c ccme c: nc :urpri:e. Fcnger: cnc cIher re:cue wcrker:
unfcrIuncIe|y kncw IhcI cecc hiker: cre cfIen fcunc wiIhin c mi|e cf Iheir
ccmp:iIe:, cr cf where Ihey enIerec Ihe wccc:, cr |efI c mcrkec Irci|.
WhcI ycu neec Ic Icke cwcy frcm Ihi: :Iucy i: IhcI if ycu kncw ycu cre
heccing inIc cny envircnmenI where ycu ccu|c pcIenIic||y geI |c:I, Le
:ure Ic hcve :cmeIhing wiIh ycu |ike c ccmpc:: IhcI ccu|c keep ycu
mcving in c :IrcighI |ine. lf ycu Leccme |c:I even in Ihe cen:e:I fcre:I in c
ceve|cpec ncIicn :uch c: Ihe U.S., uncer:Icnc IhcI ycu wi|| rcre|y Le
mcre Ihcn 15- 20 mi|e: frcm c rccc. lf ycu ccn wc|k in c ccnIinucu:
:IrcighI-|ine, ycu wi|| geI fcunc - if ycu wc|k in circ|e: ycu wi|| geI cecc.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
8uI cf ccur:e Ly ncw ycu kncw ycu wcu|c never gc even cn c
recrecIicnc| ccy hike, cr ccmping expeciIicn wiIhcuI ycur Gc 8cg, righI
Which cf ccur:e, inc|uce: c ccmpc::, c mcp, cnc mcny cIher Ihing: ycu
wi|| neec Ic geI Ly if ycu Leccme |c:I in Ihe wi|c.
Fir:I, Iry Ic cvcic geIIing |c:I in Ihe fir:I p|cce. lf ycu cre hiking, :Icy cn
Irci|:. lI: pc::iL|e Ic |c:e c Irci|, even if ycu cn|y :Iep cff cf iI Ly c: |iII|e c:
20 cr 30 feeI. Ihi: i: pcrIicu|cr|y Irue in cen:e wccc:. Icke c mcp cf Ihe
crec if ycu hcve cne. FrccIice hcw Ic u:e ycur ccmpc:: c: ci:cu::ec in
ChcpIer . 8efcre ycu enIer cny wi|cerne:: crec, even if ycu cre gcing Ic
u:e c mcrkec cnc c|ecrec Irci|, fcce Ihe pcIh ycu cre gcing Ic Icke, cnc
Icke c ccmpc:: reccing cI Ihe hecc cf Irci| Lefcre ycu :IcrI cuI. lf Ihe
pcIh gce: Ec:I, Ic geI Lcck where ycu :IcrIec, ycu hcve Ic hecc We:I.
lf ycu cc Leccme |c:I whi|e ccmping, hiking, cr venIuring inIc Ihe
wi|cerne:: fcr cny rec:cn, Fcnger: cnc re:cue prcfe::icnc|: c||
reccmmenc IhcI ycu SIOF. IhcI i: ncI ju:I c Ihing Ic cc phy:icc||y, LuI i:
cn /crcnym fcr Ihe fc||cwing :Iep::
'S'- i: fcr SICF. Icke c ceep LrecIh cnc :iI ccwn fcr c whi|e. During Ihi:
Iime ycu mu:I :imp|y cckncw|ecge, wiIhcuI gcing cver Ihe prcL|em: IhcI
ccu:ec ycu Ic geI |c:I cgcin cnc cgcin, IhcI ycu cre |c:I.
'I'- i: fcr IHlNK. Dcn'I cc cnyIhing cI c|| unIi| ycu c::e:: ycur :iIucIicn. lI i:
curing Ihi: Iime IhcI ycu mu:I rememLer wheIher cr ncI cnycne wi|| mi::
ycu if ycu ccn'I reIurn when ycu're :uppc:ec Ic. Ihi: i: why iI': impercIive
Ic Ie|| mcre Ihcn cne per:cn if ycu cecice Ic gc cuI inIc Ihe wi|cerne::.
FurIher, |eI Ihem kncw when Ic expecI ycu Lcck.
'O'- i: fcr C8SEFVE. Ihi: :hcu|c Le ccne in ccnjuncIicn wiIh Ihe Ihinking
:Icge. WhcI cc ycu :ee crcunc ycu IhcI ccu|c he|p WhcI': Ihe Ierrcin
|ike Hcw cLcuI Ihe wecIher
'F'- i: fcr FL/N. Cnce ycu've cL:ervec Ihe Ierrcin, IhcughI cLcuI c|| Ihe
pc::iL|e :cencric:, cnc generc||y cccepIec ycur :iIucIicn, iI': Iime fcr Ihe
p|cn. Fir:I Icke ccre cf immecicIe i::ue: |ike injurie:, c :Icrm cn Ihe
hcrizcn, eIc. 8efcre ycu |efI ycu :hcu|c hcve IhcughI Ihrcugh c|| Ihe
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
pcIenIic| IrcuL|e ycu ccu|c geI inIc - ncw i: Ihe Iime Ic ccrry cuI whcI
ycu IhcughI cf.
8eyond SIOF - ony t|me you venture |nto the w||derness:
Be sure Lo IeL someone know wIere you wIII be goIng und wIuL LIme you
sIouId be expecLed buck.
I you IInd you've wundered oII LIe puLI, sLop ImmedIuLeIy. n mosL
cuses, you wIII IInd LIuL reLrucIng your IooLsLeps wIII brIng you buck Lo
LIe LruII.
I you cun`L IocuLe u IumIIIur LruII -- sLop und ussess LIe sILuuLIon. Try Lo
sLuy cuIm. As uIwuys, LIIs Is LIe mosL ImporLunL LIIng Lo remember:
Or|ent Yourse||
lf ycu hcve nc mcp cr ccmpc::, ycu ccn :Ii|| geI c generc| icec cf ycur
|cccIicn. FememLer: Ihe :un ri:e: in Ihe ec:I cnc :eI: in Ihe we:I. Mc::
cn|y grcwing cn Ihe ncrIh :ice cf Iree: i: c fc||ccy, cnc ncI :cmeIhing IhcI
ycu ccn re|y cn. ln Ihe NcrIhern Hemi:phere Ihe mc:I re|icL|e cnc ec:ie:I
wcy Ic finc NcrIh wiIhcuI c ccmpc:: i: Ic finc Fc|cri: cr Ihe NcrIh SIcr.
Io |ocote the North Stor:
Ind LIe BIg DIpper In LIe sky, (noLe: LIe ILLIe DIpper pours InLo LIe
BIg DIpper).
oIIow LIe edge oI LIe IudIe LImes ILs IengLI up Lowurds LIe end oI LIe
IundIe oI LIe ILLIe DIpper.
TIe brIgILesL sLur LIere Is PoIurIs, LIe NorLI SLur, wIIcI Is vIrLuuIIy
CussIopeIu Is u 'W' sIuped consLeIIuLIon ucross LIe NorLI SLur Irom LIe
BIg DIpper. Ls 'W' uIso poInLs rIgIL uL LIe NorLI SLur.
lf ycu hcve crienIec ycur cirecIicn, LuI :Ii|| ccn'I finc Ihe Irci|, fc||cw c river
cr :Irecm ccwn:Irecm. ln mc:I pcpu|cIec crec: ycu wi|| evenIuc||y ccme
Ic c hcu:e cr c rccc.
Lcck fcr cny fcmi|icr |cncmcrk: in Ihe crec, :uch c: c ci:IincIive mcunIcin
:ummiI. Ihi: ccn he|p crienI ycur:e|f :c ycu ccn mcke ycur wcy cuI.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
lf nighIfc|| cpprccche: cnc ycu ccn'I kncw where ycu cre, iI i: u:uc||y
wi:er Ic :Icy puI cnc Iry Ic finc ycur wcy cuI in Ihe ccy|ighI. Wcncering
crcunc in Ihe ccrk grecI|y increc:e: ycur chcnce: cf geIIing injurec.
Fefer Lcck Ic ChcpIer 10 cn hcw Ic Lui|c :imp|e :he|Ier:.
I| you hove o wh|st|e, {cnc if ycu hcve ycur Gc 8cg, ycu kncw IhcI ycu
ccl) L|cw iI periccicc||y. Ihe :cunc mcy cIIrccI he|p. Ihe :cunc frcm c
whi:I|e Ircve|: fcrIher cnc i: mcre ec:i|y |cccIec Ihcn Ihe :cunc cf c
Cnce cgcin, Wi|cerne:: Survivc| -- wheIher ycu cre p|cnning c hike,
weekenc cuIing, cr cre 8ugging CuI Ic e:ccpe c NcIurc| cr Mcn-Mcce
Di:c:Ier -- c|| ccme: ccwn Ic prepcrcIicn. 8eccu:e c: ycu kncw F-FCF:"
WhcI IhcI mecn: in Ihi: cc:e i:, Lefcre ycu Icke IhcI Irip inIc Ihe wccc:,
ce:erI cr hi||:, Ihink Lefcre ycu Icke c :ing|e :Iep frcm hcme cLcuI c|| cf
Ihe wcr:I-cc:e :cencric:. lmcgine ju:I whcI kinc: cf prcL|em: ycu ccu|c
enccunIer, cnc c:k ycur:e|f hcw we|| prepcrec cnc euippec cm l Ic
cec| wiIh Ihem Hcve c cefiniIive p|cn cf ccIicn cf exccI|y whcI ycu
wcu|c cc in ecch cf Ihe:e :iIucIicn:. lf ycu cre Ircve|ing wiIh fcmi|y
memLer:, e:pecic||y ycung chi|cren, mcke :ure Ihey Icc kncw exccI|y
whcI Ic cc in c given :iIucIicn ycu mcy enccunIer.
In order to occurote|y ossess those r|sks, you must educote yourse|| obout
the oreo |n wh|ch you w||| be trove||ng. Io stort w|th you shou|d:
GeL u very deLuIIed mup oI LIe ureu.
TuIk Lo u suIeLy councII member, purk runger, or generuI experL on LIe
wIIderness ureu In quesLIon. Don'L be uIruId Lo conLucL LIese peopIe, us
LIey ure usuuIIy more LIun Iuppy Lo ussIsL.
8y ccing Ihi: in ccvcnce cf ycur Irip inIc Ihe wi|cerne::, ycu wi|| |ecrn
cLcuI Ihe wecIher, cnimc| |ife, cpprcpricIe fccc :curce:, cnc pc::iL|e
prcL|em: ycu ccu|c enccunIer Lefcrehcnc.
lI gce: wiIhcuI :cying IhcI ycu :hcu|c ;$.$-A $.$-A venIure inIc c
wi|cerne:: crec wiIhcuI ycur Gc 8cg, fu||y euippec wiIh Ihe high-uc|iIy
e::enIic|: c: ce:criLec in ChcpIer . Ycur evc|ucIicn Lc:ec cn Ihe Iwc
Lu||eI pcinI: cLcve, ccn he|p ycu Ic ceIermine :cme :pecific ccciIicnc|
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
iIem: Leycnc Ihe 8c:ic E::enIic|: IhcI mcy Le mcre re|evcnI Ic Ihe crec
ycu wi|| Le Irekking Ic.
lf ycu hcve mcce Ihe:e prepcrcIicn: Lefcrehcnc, e:pecic||y Ie||ing mcre
Ihcn cne per:cn where ycu cre gcing cnc when ycu cre expecIec Lcck
Ihen, :hcu|c ycu Leccme |c:I, Ihe Le:I Ihing Ic cc i: remcin cc|m cnc
:Icy puI. lf pecp|e kncw IhcI ycu're cuI in Ihe wi|cerne:: cnc cre mi::ing,
:cmecne wi|| evenIuc||y ccme |ccking fcr ycu. Sc c: |cng c: ycu keep
ycur wiI: cLcuI ycu, hcve ycur Gc 8cg wiIh ycu, cnc cre ncI in c p|cce
IhcI cce: ncI puI ycu in cny immecicIe ccnger, u:uc||y Ihe Le:I Ihing Ic
cc i: Ic :Icy where ycu cre. Ycu :hcu|c Le cL|e Ic :urvive unIi| ycu cre
kemember your ku|e o| Ihrees / per:cn ccn :urvive fcr:
TIree mInuLes wILIouL uIr
TIree Iours wILIouL sIeILer
TIree duys wILIouL wuLer
TIree weeks wILIouL Iood
lf ycu neec Ic :Icy puI fcr c whi|e, ycur fir:I pricriIy i: Ic finc cnc Lui|c
cceucIe :he|Ier, refer Lcck Ic ChcpIer 10. Ihen Ihink cLcuI Ihe
cifferenI meIhcc: cf cLIcining wcIer cnc fccc c: ce:criLec in ChcpIer:
11 cnc 12.
lf ycu cre ncI in :cfe |cccIicn, if ycu hcve rec:cn Ic Le|ieve ycu wi|| ncI Le
|cckec fcr, cr hcve wciIec |cng encugh cnc iI cppecr: IhcI re:cue i: ncI
fcrIhccming - ycu mcy neec Ic mcke Ihe ceci:icn Ic Iry Ic finc ycur cwn
wcy Lcck. lf ycu cc ncI hcve ycur ccmpc::, in ccciIicn Ic Ihe meIhcc:
menIicnec ecr|ier, :uch c: u:ing Ihe NcrIh SIcr, here cre :cme cIher
meIhcc: Ic crienI cn cirecIicn.
Wotch Method
Ycu mcy ncIice IhcI pecp|e ycu ccn:icer cuIcccr:y" Iype:, Ienc Ic
wecr c|c :Iy|e cnc|cg fcce wcIche:, rcIher Ihcn mcre mccern cigiIc|
c|IerncIive:. Ihey cre ncI ju:I mcking c fc:hicn :IcIemenI cLcuI ruggec
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
incivicuc|i:m. /n cnc|cg fcce wcIch ccn Le mcce inIc c :imp|e
ccmpc:: u:ing Ihe :un cnc IccIhpickl
1. HoId your wrIsLwuLcI In IronL oI you IIke u compuss.
z. HoId u LooLIpIck or IILLIe LwIg or pIece oI gruss up uIong LIe edge oI your
wuLcI so IL cusLs u sIudow Lowurd LIe cenLer oI LIe wuLcI.
. Turn your wuLcI unLII LIe sIudow spIILs In IuII LIe dIsLunce beLween LIe
Iour Iund und 1z on LIe wuLcI Iuce.
n LIe norLIern IemIspIere, 1z Is now poInLIng souLI und 6 Is poInLIng
n LIe souLIern IemIspIere, 1z poInLs norLI und 6 poInLs souLI.

Watch Method # Image: Courtesy
lf ycu cc ncI hcve c wcIch cr hcve Ihe wrcng kinc cf wcIch, ycu ccn
imprcvi:e wiIh c circ|e in Ihe cirI.
1. Druw u bIg cIrcIe In LIe dIrL wILI u sLIck.
z. rom LIe cenLer oI LIe cIrcIe, druw u IIne sLruIgIL Lowurds LIe sun (LIIs Is
your Iour Iund).
. Now, druw u IIne Lo 1z on LIe cIrcIe wIere IL wouId be In reIuLIon Lo LIe Iour
HuIIwuy beLween LIe Lwo IInes Is SouLI.

Improv|sed Shadow Watch Method # Image: Courtesy
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Stor Method
ScmeIime: cue Ic ycur |cccIicn, c|cuc: cr cIher cL:IrucIicn:, iI mcy Le
cifficu|I Ic finc cnc icenIify Ihe 8ig Dipper, cnc Iherefcre Ihe NcrIh SIcr.
8uI here i: c wcy ycu ccn u:e cny :Icr ycu ccn :ee Ic finc cirecIicn.
1. UsIng u LenL poIe or oLIer sLruIgIL sLIck, posILIon IL on u LuII rock or on u Lree
IImb so IL Is sLeudy und wIII noL move.
z. SLund or Iuy In u posILIon und IocuLIon LIuL you cun copy IuLer. A good
exumpIe Is IyIng uguInsL LIe rock wILI your cIIn on your IIsL und murk your
IIsL IocuLIon on LIe rock wILI cIuIk or u rock scruLcI.
. SIgIL up LIe sLIck uL u brIgIL sLur LIuL you cun recognIze IuLer. Muke sure
you Iuve u good IIx on LIe posILIon oI LIe sLur uIIgned wILI LIe sLIck In your
q. Come buck In u IuII Iour; be sure Lo IIe In LIe sume posILIon reIuLIve Lo LIe
sLIck us beIore - DO NOT MOVE THE STCK.
. NoLIce wIIcI dIrecLIon LIe sLur Ius moved. You muy wunL Lo cIeck LIIs uL
1-mInuLe InLervuIs Ior un Iour.
I LIe sLur Ius moved Lo LIe rIgIL, you ure IucIng souLI.
Moved eIL = IucIng norLI.
Moved Up = IucIng eusL.
Moved Down = IucIng wesL.
Ihe :Icr wi|| mc:I |ike|y hcve mcvec up cnc righI cr ccwn cnc righI :c ycu
wi|| neec Ic e:IimcIe Ihe cirecIicn, :uch c: ScuIhec:I cr ScuIhwe:I.

Star Method # Image: Courtesy
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
lf ycu hcve ycur Gc 8cg wiIh ycu -- c: we|| ycu :hcu|c -- ycu :hcu|c hcve
:everc| mccern meIhcc:" cn-hcnc Ic :IcrI c fire inc|ucing wcIerprccf
mcIche:, |ighIer, cnc c mcgne:ium :Iriker. lf fcr :cme rec:cn ycu hcve
Leen ccughI wiIhcuI Ihe:e iIem:, cr Ihey hcve Leen |c:I, cr fci| - here cre
:cme Iriec cnc Irue meIhcc: cf :IcrIing c fire Ihe c|c-fc:hicnec" wcy.
Ihe:e Iechniue: ccn cnc cc wcrk - LuI Ihey cre ncI c: ec:y c: ycu mcy
hcve :een in Ihe mcvie:. Mcking fire wiIhcuI mccern fire :IcrIer: Icke: c
|cI cf :ki|| cnc pcIience, cnc ccn Le phy:icc||y cemcncing cnc
fru:IrcIing. Hcwever, if ycu remcin cc|m cnc per:i:IenI, ycu mcy we||
:ucceec in :IcrIing c fire.
Ycu :hcu|c prccIice Ihe:e meIhcc: in ycur Lcckycrc unIi| ycu ccn cc
cne, cr mcre we||, Lefcre ycu :hcu|c hcve Ic cc :c in cn emergency
/|| primiIive fire-:IcrIing meIhcc: u:e hecI genercIec Ly fricIicn fcr
igniIicn. Ihe Iwc mc:I re|icL|e primiIive" fire :IcrIing meIhcc: cre:
Ihe F|re-F|ow
Ic u:e Ihi: meIhcc, cuI c :IrcighI grccve in c :cfIwccc Lc:e cnc p|cw Ihe
L|unI Iip cf c hcrcwccc :hcfI up cnc ccwn Ihe grccve. Ihe p|cwing
ccIicn cf Ihe :hcfI pu:he: cuI :mc|| pcrIic|e: cf wccc fiLer:. Ihen, c: ycu
cpp|y mcre pre::ure cn ecch :Ircke, Ihe fricIicn igniIe: Ihe wccc
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC

Ihe 8ow ond Dr|||
Ihe Iechniue cf :IcrIing c fire wiIh c Lcw cnc cri|| i: prccIicc| LuI iI
reuire: much effcrI cnc pcIience Ic prccuce c fire. Ycu neec Ihe
fc||cwing iIem: Ic u:e Ihi: meIhcc:
Socket. Ihe :cckeI i: cn ec:i|y grc:pec :Icne cr piece cf hcrcwccc wiIh
c :|ighI cepre::icn in cne :ice. U:e iI Ic hc|c Ihe cri|| in p|cce cnc Ic cpp|y
ccwnwcrc pre::ure. Ihi: i: c|:c :cmeIime: cc||ec c Lecring L|cck, cr
:imp|y Ihe hcnc piece".
Dr|||. Ihe cri|| :hcu|c Le c :IrcighI, :ec:cnec hcrcwccc :Iick cLcuI 3/4
inch in cicmeIer cnc cLcuI 10 inche: |cng. Ihe Icp enc :hcu|c Le rcunc
cnc Ihe |cw enc L|unIec {Ic prccuce mcre fricIicn).
F|re boord. /|Ihcugh cny Lccrc mcy Le u:ec, c :ec:cnec :cfIwccc
Lccrc cLcuI cn inch Ihick cnc 4 inche: wice i: prefercL|e. CuI c
cepre::icn cLcuI 3/4 cf cn inch frcm Ihe ecge cn cne :ice cf Ihe Lccrc,
Ihi: i: where Ihe cri|| wi|| gc. Mcke c V-:hcpec ncIch frcm Ihe ecge cf Ihe
Lccrc Icwcrc Ihe cepre::icn, cuI c: c|c:e Ic Ihe cenIer cf Ihe cepre::icn
c: ycu ccn. Ihi: wi|| chcnne| Ihe L|cck pcwcer cr ccc|" ycu crecIe wiIh
Ihe cri||.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
8ow. Ihe Lcw i: c re:i|ienI, green :Iick cLcuI 3/4 inch in cicmeIer wiIh c
Lcw:Iring. Ihe Iype cf wccc i: ncI impcrIcnI. Ihe Lcw:Iring ccn Le cny
Iype cf ccrccge. Iie Ihe Lcw:Iring frcm cne enc cf Ihe Lcw Ic Ihe cIher,
wiIhcuI cny :|cck.

Image: Courtesy 8oy Scouts of
F|rst prepore ond
p|oce o smo||
omount o| tw|gs
ondJor other k|nd||ng
moter|o| |n your ||re
1. CreuLe u LInder nesL oI dry IIbrous vegeLuLIon, sucI us dry gruss or Inner Lree
burk. Some peopIe IIke Lo puL LIe LInder nesL dIrecLIy under LIe V-noLcI,
oLIers suggesL you muke LIe LInder nesL rIgIL by LIe IIre bourd und use un
ember pun mude Irom u pIece oI burk, or pIuce someLIIng IIke u IeuI beIow
LIe noLcI Lo cuLcI und LrunsIer LIe burnIng ember Lo LIe LInder nesL.
z. PIuce one IooL on LIe IIrebourd. oop LIe bowsLrIng over LIe drIII und pIuce
LIe drIII In LIe precuL depressIon on your IIre bourd. PIuce LIe sockeL, IeId
In one Iund, on LIe Lop oI LIe drIII Lo IoId IL In posILIon. Press down on LIe
drIII und suw LIe bow buck und IorLI Lo LwIrI LIe drIII.
. Once you Iuve esLubIIsIed u smooLI moLIon, do noL sLop us IL begIns Lo
smoke, uppIy more downwurd pressure und work LIe bow IusLer. TIIs
ucLIon wIII grInd IoL bIuck powder InLo LIe LInder beIow LIe V-noLcI,
cuusIng u spurk Lo cuLcI. BIow on LIe LInder unLII IL IgnILes. CureIuIIy move
LIe burnIng LInder buII InLo your IIre pIL.
NOIE: Fr|m|t|ve ||re-mok|ng methods ore exhoust|ng ond requ|re
proct|ce to ensure success. Ioke the t|me to proct|ce ot home
ond och|eve success, be|ore you need to use e|ther method |n
the ||e|d.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
I| your surv|vo| s|tuot|on requ|res the use o| pr|m|t|ve methods, remember
the |o||ow|ng h|nts to he|p you construct ond mo|nto|n the ||re:
I possIbIe, use nonuromuLIc seusoned Iurdwood Ior IueI.
CoIIecL kIndIIng und LInder uIong LIe LruII.
Add InsecL repeIIenL Lo LIe LInder.
Keep LIe IIrewood dry.
Dry dump IIrewood neur LIe IIre.
Bunk LIe IIre Lo keep LIe couIs uIIve overnIgIL.
Curry IIgILed punk, wIen possIbIe.
Be sure LIe IIre Is ouL beIore IeuvIng cump.
Do noL seIecL wood IyIng on LIe ground. L muy uppeur Lo be dry buL
generuIIy doesn'L provIde enougI IrIcLIon.
Add|t|ono| Woter Sources
ln ChcpIer 11 ycu |ecrnec c LiI cLcuI wcy: Ic finc cnc cLIcin wcIer in
Ihe wi|cerne::. ExcepI in Ihe mc:I cric cf p|cce:, in ju:I cLcuI everywhere
ycu mcy Le |c:I cr :Iuck Ihere wi|| Le :cme :curce: cf wcIer. Hcwever
very few cf Ihe:e mcy Le :cfe Ic crink. Fcnc:, :pring: cnc cIher p|cce:
where wcIer cccumu|cIe: ccu|c Le high|y ccnIcmincIec wiIh LccIeric,
prcIczcc, cnc cIher Icxin:. lf ycu hcve ycur Gc 8cg wcIer purificcIicn
euipmenI wiIh ycu --- ycu ccn mcke Ihe:e :curce: re|cIive|y :cfe Ic
crink. CIherwi:e, refer Lcck Ic ChcpIer 11 fcr cIher cccepIcL|e wcIer
purificcIicn Iechniue: :uch c: Lci|ing cnc ci:Ii||cIicn.
ln ccciIicn Ic Ihe generc| Iechniue: ci:cu::ec cI Ihe enc cf ChcpIer 11,
here cre :cme ccciIicnc| :pecific :curce: where ycu mcy Le cL|e Ic finc
wcIer in vcricu: wi|cerne:: envircnmenI:.
Bees or unLs goIng InLo u IoIe In u Lree muy poInL Lo u wuLer-IIIIed IoIe.
SIpIon LIe wuLer wILI pIusLIc LubIng or scoop IL up wILI un ImprovIsed
dIpper. You cun uIso sLuII cIoLI In LIe IoIe Lo ubsorb LIe wuLer und LIen
wrIng IL Irom LIe cIoLI.
WuLer someLImes guLIers In Lree croLcIes or rock crevIces. Use LIe
ubove procedures Lo geL LIe wuLer. n urId ureus, bIrd droppIngs uround
u cruck In LIe rocks muy IndIcuLe wuLer In or neur LIe cruck.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Green bumboo LIIckeLs ure un exceIIenL source oI IresI wuLer. WuLer
Irom green bumboo Is cIeur und odorIess. To geL LIe wuLer, bend u
green bumboo sLuIk, LIe IL down, und cuL oII LIe Lop. TIe wuLer wIII drIp
IreeIy durIng LIe nIgIL. OId, crucked bumboo muy uIso conLuIn wuLer.
WIerever you IInd bununu Lrees, pIunLuIn Lrees, or sugurcune, you cun
geL wuLer. CuL down LIe Lree, IeuvIng ubouL u o-cenLImeLer (1z-IncI)
sLump, und scoop ouL LIe cenLer oI LIe sLump so LIuL LIe IoIIow Is bowI-
sIuped. WuLer Irom LIe rooLs wIII ImmedIuLeIy sLurL Lo IIII LIe IoIIow.
TIe IIrsL LIree IIIIIngs oI wuLer wIII be bILLer, buL succeedIng IIIIIngs wIII
be puIuLubIe. TIe sLump wIII suppIy wuLer Ior up Lo q duys. Be sure Lo
cover IL Lo keep ouL InsecLs.
Some LropIcuI vInes cun gIve you wuLer. CuL u noLcI In LIe vIne us IIgI
us you cun reucI, LIen cuL LIe vIne oII cIose Lo LIe ground. CuLcI LIe
droppIng IIquId In u conLuIner or In your mouLI.
TIe mIIk Irom young, green (unrIpe) coconuLs Is u good LIIrsL quencIer.
However, LIe mIIk Irom muLure, brown, coconuLs conLuIns oII LIuL ucLs
us u IuxuLIve. DrInk In moderuLIon onIy. Do noL drInk LIe IIquId Irom
eILIer II IL Is sLIcky, mIIky, or bILLer LusLIng.
You cun geL wuLer Irom mosL pIunLs wILI moIsL puIpy cenLers. CuL oII u
secLIon oI LIe pIunL und squeeze or smusI LIe puIp so LIuL LIe moIsLure
runs ouL. CuLcI LIe IIquId In u conLuIner.
PIunL rooLs muy provIde wuLer. DIg or pry LIe rooLs ouL oI LIe ground,
cuL LIem InLo sIorL pIeces, und smusI LIe puIp so LIuL LIe moIsLure
runs ouL. CuLcI LIe IIquId In u conLuIner.
IesIy Ieuves, sLems, or sLuIks, sucI us bumboo, conLuIn wuLer. CuL or
noLcI LIe sLuIks uL LIe buse oI u joInL Lo druIn ouL LIe IIquId.
MosL specIes oI PuIm Tree cun uIso provIde wuLer. BruIse u Iower Irond
und puII IL down so LIe Lree wIII "bIeed" uL LIe Injury. CoIIecL LIe IIquId.
lf ycu :hcu|c finc ycur:e|f |c:I cr Ircppec in Ihe De:erI, cLvicu:|y wcIer
cnc hecI i::ue: Leccme mcre criIicc| Ihcn in cIher Wi|cerne:: Survivc|
SiIucIicn:. Surviving in Ihe ce:erI i: mcre cLcuI ccn:erving wcIer, Ihcn iI i:
cLcuI fincing :curce: cf wcIer.
Uncer:Icncing hcw Ihe cir IempercIure cnc ycur phy:icc| ccIiviIy cffecI
ycur wcIer reuiremenI: c||cw: ycu Ic Icke mec:ure: Ic geI Ihe mc:I frcm
ycur wcIer :upp|y. Ihe fc||cwing mec:ure: wi|| he|p ycu FcIicn SwecI -
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
NcI WcIer. Ihe US /rmy Survivc| mcnuc| :cy: ycu mu:I Ihink cf ycur:e|f c:
c wcIer ccnIciner, Ly ccn:erving :wecI ycu wi|| ccn:erve wcIer.
Ind sIude! GeL ouL oI LIe sun!
PIuce someLIIng beLween you und LIe IoL ground.
ImIL your movemenLs.
DespILe LIe LempLuLIon Lo do so, do noL remove your cIoLIIng. Cover
your Ieud, und proLecL your neck. CIoLIIng IeIps by sIowIng LIe
evuporuLIon ruLe und proIongIng LIe cooIIng eIIecL.
ood requIres wuLer Ior dIgesLIon; LIereIore, euLIng Iood wIII use wuLer
LIuL you need Ior cooIIng. RuLIon your Iood uccordIngIy. AIcoIoI Is Lo be
uvoIded, us IL wIII ucceIeruLe deIydruLIon.
I LruveI Is necessury, LruveI sIowIy und sLeudIIy.
I you ure In LIe deserL und ure neur u source oI wuLer, sLuy LIere. I you
do noL see one In your ImmedIuLe vIcInILy - DON`T PANC! DespILe
wIuL you muy LIInk, deserLs ure noL LoLuIIy devoId oI wuLer. Sources
exIsL, you jusL Iuve Lo know wIere und Iow Lo IInd LIem. ook Ior LIese
SIgns und Sources:
WuLcI Ior deserL LruIIs, IoIIowIng LIem muy Ieud Lo wuLer or cIvIIIzuLIon.
Iocks oI bIrds wIII oILen cIrcIe over wuLerIoIes. IsLen Ior LIeIr
cIIrpIng In LIe mornIng und evenIng, und you muy be ubIe Lo IocuLe
LIeIr wuLerIng spoL.
ook Ior pIunLs LIuL grow onIy wIere LIere Is wuLer: coLLonwoods,
sycumores, wIIIows, Iuckberry, suIL cedur, cuLLuIIs und urrow weed. You
muy Iuve Lo dIg Lo IInd LIIs wuLer.
CucLI cun conLuIn u good source oI wuLer, once u burreI cucLus Is Iound
cuL oII LIe Lop und musI or squeeze LIe puIp. CuuLIon: do noL euL puIp,
pIuce puIp In mouLI, suck ouL juIce und dIscurd puIp. WILIouL u
mucIeLe cuLLIng InLo u cucLus Is dIIIIcuIL und Lukes LIme sInce you musL
geL pusL LIe Iong sLrong spInes und cuL LIrougI LIe LougI rInd.
Keep on LIe IookouL Ior wIndmIIIs und wuLer Lunks buIIL by runcIers.
MornIng dew uccumuIuLes on pIunLs, LIougI LIIs meLIod wIII noL
provIde mucI wuLer, IL Is beLLer LIun none.
Huve conLuIners reudy Ior sudden ruInsLorms und IIusI IIoods -uIwuys
keep your Lurp spreud ouL Lo uccumuIuLe uny possIbIe ruInwuLer.
WuLer uccumuIuLes In vuIIeys und Iow ureus, und on LIe IooL oI concuve
bunks oI dry rIver beuds.
WuLer uIso uccumuIuLes uL LIe IooL oI cIIIIs or rock ouLcrops.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
IrsL depressIon beIInd IIrsL sund dune oI dry deserL Iukes mIgIL
conLuIn wuLer.
WIerever you IInd dump surIuce sund or green vegeLuLIon, you mIgIL
IInd wuLer.
n u sund dune beIL, uny uvuIIubIe wuLer wIII be Iound beneuLI LIe
orIgInuI vuIIey IIoor uL LIe edge oI dunes.
I you IocuLe uny oI LIe ubove sources und LIe ground Is dry, LIere Is
IIkeIy wuLer jusL beIow LIe surIuce; II you dIg deep enougI you sIouId
IInd IL.
Fccc :hcu|c Le ycur |cwe:I pricriIy in c ce:erI :urvivc| :iIucIicn.
FememLer ycu ccn gc fcr 3 week: cr mcre wiIhcuI fccc, cnc ecIing wi||
ccu:e ycu Ic u:e mcre wcIer, which i: fcr mcre precicu:. 8uI if ycu cre
fccing :IcrvcIicn, c: fcr c: fccc in Ihe De:erI gce:, Ihe fruiI: cf c|| cccIi
cre eciL|e. Ycu mcy finc cIher eciL|e p|cnI: in Ihe ce:erI. Fefer Lcck Ic
Ihe Univer:c| EciLi|iIy Ie:I Lefcre ccn:uming cny. Ihere cre c|:c c vcrieIy
cf :mc|| |izcrc: cnc in:ecI: IhcI ycu ccu|c ccIch fcr fccc.
More on Hunt|ng ond Iropp|ng
ln ChcpIer 12 ycu |ecrnec cLcuI c few meIhcc: cf fcrcging cnc
cLIcining fccc in vcricu: :urvivc| :iIucIicn:. lf ycu neec Ic :urvive in Ihe
wi|c fcr cn exIencec pericc cf Iime, here cre c few mcre :pecific: cn
Ircpping cnc hunIing.
/: :IcIec Lcck in ChcpIer 12, geI cver ycur cver:icn: if ycu hcve cny,
cLcuI ecIing Lug:, gruL:, cnc cIher in:ecI:, c: Ihe:e wi|| |ike|y Le pre:enI
in c|mc:I cny envircnmenI, cnc cre grecI :curce: cf prcIein cnc cIher
viIc| nuIrienI:.
lf ycu :hcu|c hcppen Ic hcve c :mc|| cc|iLer Survivc| Fif|e wiIh ycu {See
ChcpIer 31 cn Firecrm:) ycu :hcu|c Le cL|e Ic Icke :everc| :pecie: cf
:mc|| gcme :uch c: :uirre|:, grcunc hcg:, Lccger:, rcLLiI: cnc Ihe |ike. lf
ycu cc ncI hcve c firecrm, ycu :hcu|c c|:c re:IricI ycur effcrI: Ic Ircp cr
:ncre cnimc|: Ic :mc|| gcme, c: iI i: much ec:ier Ihcn gcing fcr |crger
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Amph|b|ons - Frcg: cre ec:i|y fcunc crcunc Lccie: cf fre:h wcIer. Frcg:
:e|ccm mcve frcm Ihe :cfeIy cf Ihe wcIer': ecge. /I Ihe fir:I :ign cf
ccnger, Ihey p|unge inIc Ihe wcIer cnc Lury Ihem:e|ve: in Ihe muc cnc
ceLri:. Frcg: cre chcrccIerizec Ly :mccIh, mci:I :kin. Ihere cre few
pci:cncu: :pecie: cf frcg:. /vcic cny LrighI|y cc|crec frcg: cr cne: IhcI
hcve c ci:IincI X mcrk cn Iheir Lcck:, c: we|| c: c|| Iree frcg:.
Do not con|use toods w|th |rogs. Iccc: cre reccgnizec Ly Iheir cry, wcrIy
cr Lumpy :kin. Ihey cre u:uc||y fcunc cn |cnc in crier envircnmenI:.
Severc| :pecie: cf Iccc: :ecreIe c pci:cncu: :uL:Icnce Ihrcugh Iheir :kin
c: c cefen:e cgcin:I cIIcck. Iherefcre, Ic cvcic pci:cning, cc ncI
hcnc|e cr ecI Iccc:.
Do not eot so|omonders. Cn|y cLcuI 25 percenI cf c|| :c|cmcncer: cre
eciL|e, :c iI i: ncI wcrIh Ihe ri:k cf :e|ecIing c pci:cncu: vcrieIy.
Sc|cmcncer: cre fcunc crcunc Ihe wcIer. Ihey cre chcrccIerizec Ly
:mccIh, mci:I :kin cnc hcve cn|y fcur Ice: cn ecch fccI. DC NCI
kept||es - FepIi|e: cre c gccc prcIein :curce cnc re|cIive|y ec:y Ic ccIch.
Ihcrcugh cccking cnc hcnc wc:hing i: impercIive wiIh repIi|e:. /||
repIi|e: cre ccn:icerec Ic Le ccrrier: cf :c|mcne||c, which exi:I: ncIurc||y
cn Iheir :kin. IurI|e: cnc :ncke: cre e:pecic||y kncwn Ic infecI mcn. lf ycu
cre in cn uncerncuri:hec :IcIe cnc ycur immune :y:Iem i: weck,
:c|mcne||c ccn Le cecc|y. Ccck fccc Ihcrcugh|y cnc Le e:pecic||y
fc:Iicicu: wc:hing ycur hcnc: cfIer hcnc|ing cny repIi|e. Lizcrc: cre
p|enIifu| in mc:I pcrI: cf Ihe wcr|c. Ihey cre reccgnizec Ly Iheir cry, :cc|y
:kin, cnc Ihey hcve five Ice: cn ecch fccI. Ihe cn|y pci:cncu: cne: cre
Ihe Gi|c mcn:Ier cnc Ihe Mexiccn Leccec |izcrc. Ccre mu:I Le Icken
when hcnc|ing cnc prepcring Ihe igucnc cnc Ihe mcniIcr |izcrc, c: Ihey
ccmmcn|y hcrLcr Ihe :c|mcne||c viru: in Iheir mcuIh cnc IeeIh. Ihe Ici|
mecI i: Ihe Le:I Ic:Iing cnc ec:ie:I Ic prepcre. IurI|e: cre c very gccc
:curce cf mecI. Ihere cre ccIuc||y :even cifferenI f|cvcr: cf mecI in ecch
:ncpping IurI|e. Mc:I cf Ihe mecI wi|| ccme frcm Ihe frcnI cnc recr
:hcu|cer crec, c|Ihcugh c |crge IurI|e mcy hcve :cme cn iI: neck.
De:piIe whcI ycu kncw, Ihink ycu kncw, cr mcy hcve hecrc, Ihere rec||y
cre nc infc||iL|e ru|e: fcr expecienI icenIificcIicn cf vencmcu: :ncke: in
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ihe fie|c. Ihi: i: Leccu:e :pecie: cre :c vcriec ccrc:: Ihe g|cLe, cnc Ihe
guice|ine: c|| reuire c|c:e cL:ervcIicn cr mcnipu|cIicn cf Ihe :ncke':
Lccy. Ihe Le:I :IrcIegy i: Ic |ecve c|| :ncke: c|cne. Where :ncke: cre
p|enIifu| cnc vencmcu: :pecie: cre pre:enI, Ihe ri:k cf Iheir LiIe: negcIe:
Iheir fccc vc|ue.
8|rds - /|| :pecie: cf Lirc: cre eciL|e, c|Ihcugh Ihe f|cvcr wi|| vcry
ccn:icercL|y. /: wiIh cny wi|c cnimc|, ycu mu:I uncer:Icnc Lirc:'
ccmmcn hcLiI: Ic hcve c rec|i:Iic chcnce cf ccpIuring Ihem. Ycu ccn
Icke pigecn:, c: we|| c: :cme cIher :pecie:, frcm Iheir rcc:I cI nighI Ly
hcnc. During Ihe ne:Iing :ec:cn, :cme :pecie: wi|| ncI |ecve Ihe ne:I
even when cpprccchec. Kncwing where cnc when Ihe Lirc: ne:I mcke:
ccIching Ihem ec:ier. 8irc: Ienc Ic hcve regu|cr f|ywcy: gcing frcm Ihe
rcc:I Ic c feecing crec, Ic wcIer, cnc :c fcrIh. Ccrefu| cL:ervcIicn
:hcu|c revec| where Ihe:e f|ywcy: cre cnc inciccIe gccc crec: fcr
ccIching Lirc: in neI: :IreIchec ccrc:: Ihe f|ywcy:. Fcc:Iing :iIe: cnc
wcIerhc|e: cre :cme cf Ihe mc:I prcmi:ing crec: fcr Ircpping cr :ncring.
Ne:Iing Lirc: pre:enI cncIher fccc :curce-egg:. Femcve c|| LuI Iwc cr
Ihree egg: frcm Ihe c|uIch, mcrking Ihe cne: IhcI ycu |ecve. Ihe Lirc wi||
ccnIinue Ic |cy mcre egg: Ic fi|| Ihe c|uIch. CcnIinue remcving Ihe fre:h
egg:, |ecving Ihe cne: ycu mcrkec.
Mommo|s - Mcmmc|: cre exce||enI prcIein :curce:. Generc||y :pecking
c|| mcmmc|: cre eciL|e. Ihere cre :cme crcwLcck: Ic cLIcining
mcmmc|:. Ihe cmcunI cf injury cn cnimc| ccn inf|icI i: in cirecI prcpcrIicn
Ic iI: :ize. /|| mcmmc|: hcve IeeIh cnc necr|y c|| wi|| LiIe in :e|f-cefen:e.
Even c :uirre| ccn inf|icI c :ericu: wcunc cnc cny LiIe pre:enI: c :ericu:
ri:k cf infecIicn. /|:c, cny mcIher ccn Le exIreme|y cggre::ive in cefen:e
cf her ycung. /ny cnimc| wiIh nc rcuIe cf e:ccpe wi|| fighI when
ccrnerec. Un|ike wiIh fi:h, cnc Lirc:, cnc repIi|e: :cme cf ycu mcy finc iI
mcre cifficu|I emcIicnc||y Ic Ircp cnc ki|| mcmmc|:.
lf ycu cre uncrmec, :ncre: cnc Ircp: cre c gccc c|IerncIive Ic ccuiring
gcme. 8e:ice:, we||-|cic Ircp: cre |ike|y Ic :ncre mcre gcme Ihcn ycu
ccn ever :hccI, cnc he|p: Ic pre:erve cmmuniIicn. Why i: Ircpping :uch
cn e::enIic| :urvivc| :ki|| Ccn:icer Ihi:, curing Ihe GrecI Depre::icn Ihe
gcme cnimc|: were hunIec ccwn Ic c|mc:I ncIhing, LuI Ihe Ircpper
c|wcy: fec hi: fcmi|y. Mink:, rcccccn:, cpc::um:, :kunk:, fcxe:, ccycIe:,
LcLccI:, mu:krcI:, cIIer:, :uirre|:, rcLLiI:, Lecver:, grcunc hcg:, wec:e|:,
Lccger:, wi|c pig:, even :ncpping IurI|e: - ccn c|| Le Ircppec.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ircpping i: c numLer: gcme. Ihe mcre Ircp: ycu :eI Ihe mcre :ucce::
ycu wi|| hcve. Ircp: cnc :ncre: neec Ic Le p|ccec in mu|Iip|e |cccIicn:,
cnc iI: c|:c c gccc icec Ic u:e c vcrieIy cf Ircp:. Iry Ic finc :mc|| gcme
Irci|:, which cre :mc|| Irci|: Ihrcugh Ihe grc:: cnc weec:. CfIen, rcLLiI:
cnc cIher :mc|| gcme u:e Ihe :cme Irci|: cver cnc cver Ic mcve Ic cnc
frcm fccc cnc wcIer :curce:. Ycu mcy c|:c finc Irci|: IhcI |ecc inIc Lricr
pcIche:, Ihcrn Lu:he: cnc cIher Iype: cf Lru:h. Smc|| gcme u:e: Ihc:e
Iype: cf p|cce: c: prcIecIicn, cr p|cce: Ic hice. Ihey cre gccc p|cce: Ic
puI c :ncre c: we||.
Sncring hc: Leen crcunc fcr cenIurie:. / :imp|e :ncre ccn:i:I: cf c ncc:e
p|ccec cver c Irci| cr cen hc|e cnc cIIcchec Ic c firm|y p|cnIec :Icke. lf
Ihe ncc:e i: :cme Iype cf ccrccge p|ccec uprighI cn c gcme Irci|, u:e
:mc|| Iwig: cr L|cce: cf grc:: Ic hc|c iI up. Mcke :ure Ihe ncc:e i: |crge
encugh Ic pc:: free|y cver Ihe cnimc|': hecc. When :ncrec, c: Ihe
cnimc| ccnIinue: Ic mcve, Ihe ncc:e IighIen: crcunc iI: neck. Ihe mcre
Ihe cnimc| :Irugg|e:, Ihe IighIer Ihe ncc:e geI:. Ihi: Iype cf :ncre u:uc||y
cce: ncI ki|| Ihe cnimc|, cI |ec:I ncI righI cwcy. Ihere i: c gccc pc::iLi|iIy
IhcI when ycu check ycur :ncre, whcIever ycu mcy hcve ccughI mcy :Ii||
Le c|ive. lf cn cnimc| i: Ircppec LuI c|ive, u:e c c|uL cr :pecr Ic ki|| iI
uick|y cnc mercifu||y. Cr, if ycu cre cn experiencec hunIer, ycu mcy
hcve c cifferenI meIhcc. Ihe chcice i: ycur:, LuI keep in minc Ic ki||
uick|y, iI i: ncI cn|y Ihe humcne Ihing Ic cc, LuI mcny cnimc|:, even
:mc|| gcme, wi|| Le ccpcL|e cf inf|icIing pcin cn Ihe per:cn checking Ihe
:ncre. Ihey mcy LiIe, :crcIch cr c|cw ycu.
NOIE: Any rope or cord w||| do |or o snore, |n on emergency, even
v|nes w||| do -- but os w|re mokes |or the most e||ect|ve snores,
you moy wont to |nc|ude 50 |t. o| "Snore W|re" |n your
W||derness Surv|vo| Go 8og.

S|mp|e Snare
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Iw|tch bp Snore
Ycu mcy hcve :een c :imp|e IwiIch-up Sncre, c|:c cc||ec c Spring Sncre
in Ihe mcvie:. lI u:e: c ncc:e c: in c Lc:ic :ncre cnc cn engine" - c
LenI :cp|ing, IhcI when Iriggerec :ncp: Ihe cnimc| inIc Ihe cir. Ihi: ki||: iI
mcre uick|y cnc effecIive|y, wiIh |e:: |ike|ihccc cf e:ccpe Ihen c
:Icnccrc :ncre, c: iI wi|| Le ccng|ing cLcve Ihe grcunc. Ycu neec ycur
:ncre wire cr ccrccge, c |ive cnc :upp|e :cp|ing cnc Iwc fcrkec :Iick: Ic
mcke Ihi: :ncre.

Image: Courtesy W|||ow naven Cutdoor
Io moke the snore:
1. Bend LIe sumpIIng down, und scruLcI u murk In LIe dIrL wIere IL
LoucIes LIe ground.
z. ReIeuse LIe supIIng.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
. PIuce one oI LIe Iorked sLIcks secureIy In LIe ground uL your murk,
wILI LIe sIorL Iork poInLIng down Lowurd LIe ground. TIIs wIII be
LIe Buse oI your LrIgger.
q. Now LIe u IIne oI cord or wIre on LIe end oI LIe oLIer sLIck. TIIs
cuIIed LIe Ieuder IIne.
. TIe your noose Lo LIe oLIer end oI LIIs sLIck jusL ubove LIe V In LIe
Iork. TIIs wIII be your LrIgger Hook.
6. Now LIe LIe euder Ine Lo LIe Lop oI LIe supIIng. Bend LIe supIIng
down so LIuL LIe noose IIes on LIe ground und you cun Iock LIe sIorL
IorkIng bruncI oI LIe Hook, InLo LIe sIorL IorkIng bruncI oI LIe
Buse, IIke you wIere IookIng your Lwo Index IIngers LogeLIer.
When Ihe cnimc| geI: :Iuck in Ihe ncc:e, iI wi|| re|ec:e Ihe hcck frcm Ihe
Lc:e, cnc Le :prung inIc Ihe cir cI Ihe enc cf Ihe :cp|ing.
Ihi: i: Ihe :imp|e:I wcy Ic mcke Ihi: :ncre Ly fincing Iwc :Iick: IhcI ccn
hcck IcgeIher Ly Iheir fcrkec Lrcnche:. lf ycu hcve Ihe Iime cnc Ihe Icc|:
:cme |ike Ic mcke c Irigger Ly ccrving ncIche: IhcI fiI IcgeIher inIc Ihe
Hcck cnc 8c:e.
Deod Fo|| Irops
Ycu mcy hcve :een cr hecrc cf Ircp: IhcI u:e c |crge rcck, |cg, cr cIher
hecvy cLjecI :uppcrIec Ly :Iick: Ic cru:h cnimc|: LenecIh Ihem. Ihe:e
cre cc||ec ceccfc|| Ircp:. Cne cf Ihe mc:I ccmmcn i: cc||ec c 4-:Iick
Deccfc||. De:piIe whcI ycu mcy :ee cn|ine cr in cIher :urvivc| mcnuc|:,
Ihi: i: ncI cn ec:y Ircp Ic mcke cr :eI. Here i: c much :imp|er ver:icn cf
IhcI Ircp IhcI reuire: nc pcrIicu|cr |c:hing :ki||: cnc i: much |e:: ccmp|ex
Ic :eI.
8c:icc||y iI ccu|c Le cc||ec c I"-ceccfc||. lI u:e: c |crge weighI cf ccur:e
|ike c f|cI rcck, c Ihin 8ciI SIick cnc cn|y Iwc cIher :Iick: IhcI hcve Leen
ncIchec, :c IhcI Ihey ccn inIer|cck IcgeIher wiIh Ihe 8ciI SIick LeIween
/|| ycu neec Ic cc i: ccrve cuI cn L-:hcpec ncIch in Ihe enc cf Iwc :Iick:,
:c IhcI ycu ccn puI Ihem Lcck IcgeIher c: if fcrming c :ing|e :Iick. Ihe
Le:I wcy Ic cc Ihi: i: Ic Icke c :Iick rcugh|y cLcuI 1- 2 feeI in |engIh
{ccju:I fcr Ihe :ize cf Ihe cnimc| ycu wcnI Ic Ircp) cnc cLcuI 2- 3 inche:
in cicmeIer, cnc cuI cr Lreck iI in hc|f. Ihen, mcke ycur ncIche:, cnc ycu
wi|| kncw IhcI iI ccn Le puI Lcck IcgeIher Ic hc|c up ycur crcp weighI.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Io set the Deod Fo|| Irop, o|| you need to do |s:
FuI ycur Iwc ncIchec :Iick: IcgeIher, wecge Ihe LciI :Iick LeIween Ihem,
cnc prcp Ihe rcck cr hecvy p|cnk up Ly Ihe inIer|cckec :Iick: fcrming cn
cng|e wiIh Ihe LciI :Iick running uncer Ihe hecvy cLjecI.
When Ihe cnimc| ficc|e: crcunc wiIh Ihe 8ciI SIick, iI wi|| Irigger Ihe Iwc
inIer|ccking :Iick: Ic :epcrcIe... re|ec:ing Ihe hecvy cLjecI.

Deod Fo|| F|t
lf ycu cre :Ircncec fcr c |cng pericc cf Iime, in cn crec where ycu kncw
Ihere cre gcme Irci|: freuenIec Ly |crge cnimc|: ycu mcy wcnI Ic mcke
c Decc Fc|| FiI. Whi|e, c Decc Fc|| FiI i: c gccc wcy Ic ccIch |crger
cnimc|:, keep in minc IhcI iI wi|| Icke c |cI cf Iime cnc energy Ic Lui|c.
Mcke :ure ycu c|reccy hcve c gccc :upp|y cf fccc Lefcre exhcu:Iing Ihe
energy iI wi|| Icke Ic Lui|c c Ircp |ike Ihi:.
1. IrsL Iook Ior u gume LruII.
z. TIen sLurL Lo dIg your pIL neur LIe LruII.
. WIen IL Is deep enougI Lo IoId LIe InLended unImuI, pIuce
sIurpened sLIcks In LIe boLLom LIuL poInL up.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
q. WIen your pIL Is IInIsIed puL LogeLIer u grIII oI Iong bruncIes und
LIen cover LIem wILI Ieuves und gruss.
. PIuce LIem over LIe pIL.
8e very ccrefu| where ycu Lui|c c Decc Fc|| FiI. Ihi: Ircp ccn c|:c Le
|eIhc| Ic ycu cnc ycur wcu|c-Le re:cuer:, in ccciIicn Ic ycur inIencec

8ciIing c Ircp cr :ncre increc:e: ycur chcnce: cf ccIching cn cnimc|. /
LciIec Ircp ccn ccIuc||y crcw cnimc|: Ic iI. Ihe LciI :hcu|c Le :cmeIhing
Ihe cnimc| kncw:. SIrcnge cr unu:uc| fccc: ccu|c crc:e cn cnimc|:
curic:iIy cnc crcw iI in, LuI Ihe unfcmi|icriIy mcy ccu:e iI ncI Ic Icke Ihe
LciI. Fcmi|icriIy i: impcrIcnI, LuI Ihe LciI, hcwever, :hcu|c ncI Le :c
recci|y cvci|cL|e in Ihe immecicIe crec IhcI Ihe cnimc| ccn geI iI c|c:e
Ly. Fcr excmp|e, LciIing c Ircp wiIh ccrn in Ihe micc|e cf c ccrnfie|c
wcu|c ncI Le |ike|y Ic wcrk. 8ciI IhcI :eem: Ic wcrk very we|| cn :mc||
mcmmc|: i: Ihe pecnuI LuIIer frcm cn MFE cr :imi|cr rcIicn. Sc|I i: c|:c
gccc LciI. When u:ing :uch LciI:, :ccIIer LiI: cf iI crcunc Ihe Ircp Ic give
Ihe prey c chcnce Ic :cmp|e iI cnc ceve|cp c crcving fcr iI. Ihe cnimc|
wi|| Ihen cverccme :cme cf iI: ccuIicn Lefcre iI geI: Ic Ihe Ircp.
A Note on Commerc|o| Irops
Ihi: chcpIer hc: mcin|y Leen ci:cu::ing hcw Ic :urvive in Ihe wi|cerne:: if
ycu :hcu|c Leccme |c:I, cr cIherwi:e Ircppec cr :Iuck cuI cf cccr: cwcy
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
frcm hcme. We hcve Iherefcre Leen mcin|y ci:cu::ing fie|c :urvivc|"
Iechniue: when iI ccme: Ic Ircpping. Hcwever, if ycu kncw ycu wi|| Le
gcing inIc c :iIucIicn where Ircpping mcy Le viIc| Ic ycur :urvivc|, ycu
mcy wcnI Ic ccn:icer cne cr mcre Ccmmercic| Ircp: Ic inc|uce in ycur
Emergency Survivc| KiI cnc cr Gc 8cg:. lf ycu hcve prepcrec c Scfe" cr
8ug CuI" Hcu:e, c cczen cr :c ccmmercic||y cvci|cL|e Ircp: cre
prcLcL|y c gccc icec Ic inc|uce wiIh whcI ycu :Icre Ihere.
Frcfe::icnc| cnc |ifeIime Ircpper: cgree IhcI cne cf Ihe ec:ie:I Ic u:e,
cnc mc:I recci|y cvci|cL|e :uch ccmmercic| Ircp i: Ihe CcniLecr Ircp.
Ihe CcniLecr Ircp ccme: in c vcrieIy cf :ize:. Ihe CcniLecr 110 i:
prcLcL|y Ihe Le:I fcr :urvivc| :iIucIicn:. lI i: inexpen:ive, cnc ccn Le u:ec
fcr rcLLiI:, :uirre|:, mu:krcI:, :mc|| rcccccn: cnc mink - pecp|e hcve
repcrIec even ccIching cuck cnc cIher gcme Lirc: in c 110. 8eginner:
hcve c |cI cf :ucce:: wiIh Ihi: Ircp.
Ihe 110 CcniLecr, Ircp i: c 4 1/2 Ly 4 1/2 inch Ircp wiIh c :ing|e :pring.
Ihe nexI Iwc :ize: up cre Ihe 220 cnc 330 fcr |crger cnimc|: re:pecIive|y.
/cccrcing Ic prcfe::icnc| Ircpper:, if ycu hcve prepcrec c Survivc| Scfe
Hcu:e, cnc ycu :Icck iI wiIh :ix 110: fcr Ihe :mc||er cnimc|:, fcur 220: fcr
mecium :ize cnimc|: cnc Iwc 330: fcr Lecver :ize cnimc|:, Ihi: cc||ecIicn
cf Ircp: :hcu|c keep ycu :Icckec wiIh :ufficienI mecI cnc fur in ju:I cLcuI
cnywhere in /mericc.
Sc ncw ycu ccughI iI, whcI cre ycu gcing Ic cc wiIh iI Skinning cnc
LuIchering mcy ccme ec:y Ic ycu if ycu hcve grcwn up hunIing, LuI if
ncI, ycu neec Ic geI cver cny revu|:icn Ic Ihi:, if ycu wcnI Ic :urvive.
1. IrsL you musL bIeed LIe unImuI by cuLLIng ILs LIrouL. I possIbIe, cIeun LIe
curcuss neur u sLreum. PIuce LIe curcuss beIIy up und spIIL LIe IIde Irom
LIrouL Lo LuII, cuLLIng uround uII sexuuI orguns. Remove LIe musk gIunds
LIuL ure In mosL mummuIs jusL ubove LIe unkIebone oI LIe reur Iegs, LIIs wIII
IeIp uvoId LuInLIng LIe meuL.
z. or smuIIer mummuIs, IIke squIrreIs und rubbILs, cuL LIe IIde uround LIe
body neur LIe mId-secLIon und InserL Lwo IIngers under LIe IIde on boLI
sIdes oI LIe cuL und puII boLI pIeces oII. WIen cuLLIng LIe IIde, InserL LIe
knIIe bIude under LIe skIn und Lurn LIe bIude up so LIuL onIy LIe IIde geLs
cuL. TIIs wIII uIso prevenL cuLLIng IuIr und geLLIng IL on LIe meuL.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
. Remove LIe Ieud und IeeL.
q. Remove LIe enLruIIs (body orguns) Irom smuIIer gume by spIILLIng LIe body
open und puIIIng LIem ouL wILI LIe IIngers. Do noL IorgeL LIe cIesL cuvILy.
or Iurger gume, cuL LIe guIIeL uwuy Irom LIe dIupIrugm. RoII LIe enLruIIs
ouL oI LIe body. CuL uround LIe unus, und LIen reucI InLo LIe Iower
ubdomInuI cuvILy, grusp LIe Iower InLesLIne, und puII Lo remove. Remove
LIe urIne bIudder by pIncIIng IL oII und cuLLIng IL beIow LIe IIngers. I you
spIII urIne on LIe meuL, wusI IL Lo uvoId LuInLIng LIe meuL. Suve LIe IeurL
und IIver. CuL LIese open und InspecL Ior sIgns oI worms or oLIer purusILes.
AIso InspecL LIe IIver's coIor us IL couId IndIcuLe u dIseused unImuI. TIe
IIver's surIuce sIouId be smooLI und weL und ILs coIor deep red or purpIe. I
LIe IIver uppeurs dIseused, dIscurd IL. However, u dIseused IIver does noL
IndIcuLe you cunnoL euL LIe muscIe LIssue.
8uIcher |crger gcme inIc mcncgecL|e piece:. Fir:I, :|ice Ihe mu:c|e Ii::ue
ccnnecIing Ihe frcnI |eg: Ic Ihe Lccy. Ihere cre nc Lcne: cr jcinI:
ccnnecIing Ihe frcnI |eg: Ic Ihe Lccy cn fcur-|eggec cnimc|:. CuI Ihe
hincucrIer: cff where Ihey jcin Ihe Lccy. Ycu mu:I cuI crcunc c |crge
Lcne cI Ihe Icp cf Ihe |eg cnc cuI Ic Ihe Lc||-cnc-:cckeI hip jcinI. CuI
Ihe |igcmenI: crcunc Ihe jcinI cnc Lenc iI Lcck Ic :epcrcIe iI. Femcve
Ihe |crge mu:c|e: {Ihe Iencer|cin cr Lcck :Ircp) IhcI |ie cn eiIher :ice cf
Ihe :pine. SepcrcIe Ihe riL: frcm Ihe LcckLcne. Ihere i: |e:: wcrk cnc |e::
wecr cn ycur knife if ycu Lreck Ihe riL: fir:I, Ihen cuI Ihrcugh Ihe Lreck:.
8ci| |crge mecI piece: cr ccck Ihem cver c :piI. Ycu ccn :Iew cr Lci|
:mc||er piece:, pcrIicu|cr|y Ihc:e IhcI remcin cIIcchec Ic Lcne cfIer Ihe
iniIic| LuIchering, c: :cup cr LrcIh. Ycu ccn ccck Lccy crgcn: :uch c:
Ihe hecrI, |iver, pcncrec:, :p|een, cnc kicney: u:ing Ihe :cme meIhcc: c:
fcr mu:c|e mecI.
Ycu ccn pre:erve mecI c: Jerky Ly crying. Ic pre:erve mecI Ly crying,
cuI iI inIc 1/4-inch :Irip: c|cng Ihe grcin. Hcng Ihe mecI :Irip: cn c rcck in
c :unny |cccIicn wiIh gccc cirf|cw. Keep Ihe :Irip: cuI cf Ihe recch cf
cnimc|:. Ccver Ihe :Irip: Ic keep cff L|cwf|ie:. /||cw Ihe mecI Ic cry
Ihcrcugh|y Lefcre ecIing. Frcper|y criec mecI wi|| hcve c cry, cri:p
IexIure cnc wi|| ncI fee| ccc| Ic Ihe Icuch.
Fcr :cme cf ycu, Ihi: :ecIicn mcy ncI Le p|ec:cnI, LuI :hcu|c ycu neec Ic
cc Ihi: in c :urvivc| :iIucIicn -- Le Ihcnkfu| fcr whcI McIher NcIure hc:
prcvicec, Icke :c|cce in IhcI ycu hcve ki||ec cn|y Ic :cve ycur |ife cnc/cr
Ihe |ive: cf c |cvec cne, cnc :hcw ycur re:pecI Ly Ircpping cn|y whcI ycu
neec, cnc c|wcy: Leing c: mercifu| c: pc::iL|e.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Sign cn Ihe EnIrcnce Ic c NcIicnc| Fcrk:
Rcners remind cll tisitors to the pcrl thct it is becr mctin
secson. We ojjer these tips to ctoid conjrontctions uith our becr
populction. Pepper sprc ccn be used cs cn ejjectite becr repellent
- but NDT to sprc ct the becrsl Ccrejull sprc it upon ourselj, it
does ucrd ojj becrs. Also, ou should uecr c necllcce mcde up oj
smcll bells - this uc becrs uill hecr ou comin, cnd not be
stcrtled cnd recct tiolentl.
Dur rcners clso suest thct it is importcnt ou lecrn hou to
identij becr scct (jeces) so thct ou uill lnou ij becrs cre in the
crec. You ccn tell becr scct jrom thct oj other cnimcls beccuse it
uill hcte c pepper smell cnd be jilled uith little jinle bells.
CK, Ihe cLcve wc: mecnI Ic Le funny, cnc in cny :urvivc| :iIucIicn
keeping ycur :en:e cf humcr i: c gccc Ihing. 8uI iI wc: c|:c mecnI Ic
reminc ycu, IhcI in Ihe wi|c, enccunIer: wiIh |crge cnc ccngercu: cnimc|:
ccn cnc cc hcppen, cnc mc:I cf Ihe Iime when Ihey cc, iI i: ncI Ihe
humcn Leing IhcI wi|| Le wc|king cwcy un:ccIhec.
Ihe Le:I wcy Ic :urvive :uch enccunIer: i: Ic cvcic Ihem. ln ccciIicn Ic
|icn: cnc Iiger: cnc Lecr: - ch my - ycu :hcu|c c|:c cvcic |crge grczing
cnimc|: wiIh hcrn:, hccve:, cnc/cr Iu:k: cnc grecI weighI :uch c: wi|c
pig: cr Lccr:. Mcve ccrefu||y Ihrcugh Iheir envircnmenI. CcuIicn mcy
prevenI unexpecIec meeIing:. Dc ncI cIIrccI |crge preccIcr: Ly |ecving
fccc |ying crcunc ycur ccmp. Ccrefu||y :urvey Ihe :cene Lefcre enIering
wcIer cr fcre:I:.
Ihe Not|ono| Fork Serv|ce [} does o||er the |o||ow|ng [reo|}
suggest|ons |or m|n|m|z|ng encounters w|th beors:
8E ALEkI: See Ihe Lecr Lefcre ycu :urpri:e iI cr :Iep cn iI. WcIch fcr Lecr
:ign :uch c: Ircck:, :ccI, cnc feecing :iIe: {cigging:, rc||ec rcck:, Icrn up
|cg:, rippec cpen cnI hi||:).
AVOID HIKING AI DAWN, DbSK, Ok AI NIGHI: During Ihe hcI :ummer
:ec:cn Ihe:e cre Ihe pericc: when grizz|y Lecr: cre mc:I ccIive.
HIKE CLOSE IOGEIHEk Ok IN GkObFS: Whenever pc::iL|e HlKE in grcup:
cf Ihree cr mcre pecp|e.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
DON'I EXFECI 8EAkS IO NOIICE YOb FIkSI: 8ecr: hiLerncIe fcr
cpprcximcIe|y five mcnIh: ecch yecr cnc hcve cn|y :even mcnIh: cf
ccIive Iime Ic cLIcin c|| cf Iheir nuIriIicnc| neec:. Iherefcre c Lecr wiIh iI:
hecc ccwn feecing mcy ncI :ee ycu c: ycu c: uick|y c: ycu wcu|c
Ihink. Fcy cIIenIicn cnc :ee Ihe Lecr Lefcre iI :ee: ycu cnc Lefcre ycu
:urpri:e iI.
MAKE NOISE, ALEkI 8EAkS IO YObk FkESENCE: When hiking, periccicc||y
ye|| Hey 8ecr" e:pecic||y when wc|king Ihrcugh cen:e vegeIcIicn cr
L|inc :pcI:, cr when Ircve|ing upwinc, necr |cuc :Irecm:, cr cn wincy
ccy:. /vcic Ihick Lru:h whenever pc::iL|e.
AVOID CAkCASSES: Deer cnc cIher |crge cnimc| ccrcc::e: cre c high|y
preferrec Lecr fccc IhcI Lecr: wi|| gucrc cnc cefenc cgcin:I cIher
:ccvenger: cr humcn:. Decc hccfec cnimc|: wi|| cIIrccI cnc hc|c mcny
Lecr: necr Ihe ccrcc:: :iIe. lI i: ri:ky Ic cpprccch c ccrcc::. Mcny Lecr:
mcy Le Leccec necrLy ju:I cuI cf :ighI. lf ycu finc c fre:h cecc ungu|cIe
ccrcc:: IhcI :Ii|| hc: c |cI cf mecI remcining, |ecve Ihe immecicIe crec
Ly Ihe :cme rcuIe ycu cpprccchec Ihe ccrcc:: frcm. lf ycu wc|kec Ic
Ihe ccrcc:: wiIhcuI enccunIering c Lecr ycu :hcu|c Le cL|e Ic Lcck cuI
Ihe :cme wcy wiIhcuI :urpri:ing c Lecr. FepcrI c|| ccrcc::e: Ic Ihe
necre:I rcnger :IcIicn cr vi:iIcr cenIer.
SIAY WIIH YObk GEAk: DcnI |ecve ycur pcck:, |unche:, fccc, cr
Levercge: uncIIencec c: Ihey mcy cIIrccI cnc hc|c Lecr: cI Ihe :iIe. lf
ycu :urpri:e c Lecr IhcI: ecIing ycur :Ic:hec fccc ycu mcy |c:e mcre
Ihcn ycur |unch.
Survivc| in Ihe Wi|cerne:: ccn Le grue|ing cnc cemcncing. lI ccn c|:c Le
mcce much ec:ier Ly Leccming mcre fcmi|icr wiIh Ihe wi|c, cnc gcining
ccciIicnc| cuIcccr :ki||:, which ccn Le fun whi|e ccing recrecIicnc|
ccIiviIie: |ike Ccmping, HunIing cnc Fi:hing.
Icke Ihe Iime Ic geI cwcy frcm Ihe IV:, ccmpuIer:, cnc c|| Ihe
Iechnc|cgy ycu Ienc Ic re|y cn every ccy, cnc :penc c few weekenc: c
mcnIh cuI in Ihe wccc: wiIh ycur fcmi|y. lf ycu hcve Leen cn urLcniIe"
ycur enIire |ife, :IcrI :|cw|y - gc Ic c mccern recrecIicnc| ccmping fcci|iIy,
ju:I Ic Legin Ic geI c fee| fcr cuIcccr |iving wiIhcuI c|| Ihe mccern
ccnvenience:. 8ring ycur Gc 8cg: wiIh ycu, cf ccur:e. lI: c grecI wcy Ic
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
geI fcmi|icr wiIh c|| cf ycur gecr, cnc Ic prccIice fire mcking, :he|Ier
Lui|cing, cnc ncvigcIicn :ki||: wiIh cnc wiIhcuI c ccmpc::, in c :cfe
Grccuc||y Lui|c Ic :cme mcre chc||enging crec: - c: ycur :ki||: grcw, ycu
wi|| :ee ycur ccnficence cnc ycur fcmi|y: ccnficence grcw, cnc ycu
mighI very we|| geI Ic Ihe pcinI where Ihe nexI cri:i: - i: ju:I cncIher wc|k
in Ihe pcrkl"
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 25
How to Surv|ve 8e|ng
Snowbound |n Your Cor

"I'm not scin thct eterthin is surtitcble.
1ust thct eterthin except the lcst thin is".
- 1ohn Green (Pcper Touns)
Sncw:Icrm: ccn Le ccngercu: if ycu cre ccughI unprepcrec fcr Ihem,
pcrIicu|cr|y cn Ihe rccc. Fcr in:Icnce, c mcjcr :ncw:Icrm IhcI hiI Ihe
/mericcn Micwe:I in NcvemLer 2010 ccu:ec cver 400 Ircffic cccicenI: in
Minne:cIc cnc cI |ec:I Iwc cecIh: in Wi:ccn:in. ln 200, mcny pecp|e
whc were ccughI in Wc:hingIcn, D.C.: :Icrm cf Ihe cenIury" were
:Ircncec cn Ihe highwcy fcr 30 hcur: cr mcre Lefcre Ihey were cug cuI.
ln fccI, Fcpu|cr Mechcnic: repcrI: IhcI 707 cf winIer :Icrm fcIc|iIie:
cnnuc||y cccur in cuIcmcLi|e:.
Ycu kncw, c|| iI Icke: cre c few Lcc ceci:icn:. McyLe c wrcng Iurn cr
Iwc, cnc cn unexpecIec :ncw:Icrm, Ic Iurn c Hc|iccy Irek Ic grcncmc:
hcu:e, inIc c :Irugg|e Ic :urvive. DcnI Ihink :c Fecc|| Ihe Ircgic :Icry cf
Ihe Kim Fcmi|y. Driving hcme Ic Scn Frcnci:cc cfIer :pencing
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ihcnk:giving in SecII|e, Jcme: Kim cnc hi: fcmi|y Leccme :Ircncec cn c
remcIe |cgging rccc in Ihe Fccific NcrIhwe:I.
Ihe Kim: hcc mi::ec c Iurncff frcm lnIer:IcIe 5 Ic Cregcn FcuIe 42, c
mcin rcuIe Ic Ihe Cregcn ccc:I. ln:Iecc cf reIurning Ic Ihe exiI, Ihey
ccn:u|Iec c mcp cnc chc:e cn c|IerncIive rcuIe Ihrcugh Ihe Wi|c Fcgue
Wi|cerne::, c remcIe crec in Ihe :cuIhwe:Iern pcrI cf Ihe :IcIe, Ihey kepI
criving in Ihe rcin cnc :ncw cfIer ccrk. Lc:I, |cw cn fue| cnc exhcu:Iec,
Ihe ccup|e cnc Iheir Iwc ccughIer:, Fene|cpe cnc ScLine, :Icppec fcr
Ihe nighI. 8y mcrning, Ihe fcmi|y wc: :ncwLcunc in Iheir SccL :IcIicn
wcgcn -- cn|y 20 mi|e: frcm civi|izcIicn, wiIh nc ce|| phcne recepIicn. /
week |cIer, :ecrcher: fcunc KcIi Kim cnc her Iwc ycung ccughIer: c|ive in
Ihe ccr. Jcme: Kim hcc :eI cuI cn fccI Ic geI he|p Iwc ccy: ecr|ier. Hi:
Lccy wc: ci:ccverec Dec. ncI fcr frcm Ihe vehic|e.
/nc ccn'I Ihink ycu neec Ic Le in Ihe mcunIcin: |ike Ihe Kim: were Ic geI
inIc winIer-criving peri|. ln 2011, c criver in rurc| Wi:ccn:in ciec cfIer he
|efI Ihe :cfeIy cf hi: :Ircncec ccr cnc Iriec Ic wc|k Ic c fcrm ju:I c mi|e
ccrc:: c :ncwy fie|c cn c :uLzerc nighI. He mcce ju:I hc|f Ihe ci:Icnce
Lefcre :uccumLing Ic expc:ure. 8cIh Ircgecie: ccu|c hcve Leen
cvcicec if Ihe criver: knew whcI Ic cc Ic :Icy :cfe uncer Iheir
Ihe fir:I Ihing ycu prcLcL|y rec|ize when reccing Ihe cLcve ccccunI: i: Ic
never ever venIure cuI curing Ihe winIer mcnIh:, even when Ihe :ky i:
c|ecr, wiIhcuI ycur Gc 8cg in ycur vehic|e. FememLer in ccciIicn Ic Ihe
8c:ic Gc 8cg iIem: ci:cu::ec in ChcpIer - ycur W|nter Emergency kood
Hozord K|t shou|d o|so conto|n:
A wurm bIunkeL or Lwo
ExLru unLIIreeze und wIndsIIeId wIper IIuId
Jumper cubIes
A snow scruper
A Low cIuIn
An exLru IuL, scurI und seL oI gIoves
Roud suIL or sund
lf ycu inIenc Ic, cr neec Ic cc cny kinc cf criving cn mcunIcin rccc: cr
Lcck rccc: curing :ncw:Icrm :ec:cn, ycu :hcu|c c|:c ccn:icer Icking c
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
|cng c hcnc winch Ic pu|| ycur vehic|e Lcck cnIc Ihe rcccwcy, :hcu|c iI
:kic cff.
lf ycu ncrmc||y keep ycur gc Lcg in Ihe Irunk - Lring iI, LuI c|:c Iry Ic keep
cIher emergency :upp|ie: in cIher p|cce: cf Ihe ccr {i.e., uncer Ihe :ecI:
in Ihe ccr cr g|cve ccmpcrImenI). lf ycu geI :ncwec in ycu mcy ncI Le
cL|e Ic recch Ihe Irunk fcr ccy: cr mcre.
I| You Must Dr|ve Dur|ng A Snow Storm:
Weur sungIusses. You mIgIL wunL Lo keep u puIr In LIe cur jusL In cuse
LIe sun Is reIIecLIng oII LIe snow.
Be uwure oI bIInd spoLs creuLed by snow bunks.
Be exLru cuuLIous oI pedesLrIuns und oLIer veIIcIes In InLersecLIons.
AIIow exLru LIme Ior brukIng und Increuse LIe dIsLunce beLween you und
LIe cur uIeud oI you.
Reduce your speed und don`L exceed LIe posLed IImIL.
lf ycu :IcrI Ic |c:e IrccIicn, ccnI pcnic. Icke ycur fccI cff Ihe gc:
grccuc||y recuce ycur :peec. /cce|ercIe cgcin :|cw|y cnce ycu fee|
IrccIicn i: regcinec.
lf ycu :IcrI Ic :kic, :Ieer in Ihe cirecIicn cf Ihe :kic. FememLer, :Ieering
ccn Le mcre impcrIcnI Ihcn Lrcking cn :|ippery rccc:.
lf ycu cre Ircve|ing Ly rccc curing Ihe winIer cr neec Ic Icke rccc: cr
mcunIcin pc::e: IhcI cre kncwn Ic Leccme impc::cL|e curing winIer -
c|wcy: Ie|| :cmecne, ycur u|IimcIe ce:IincIicn cnc when ycu cre
expecIec Ic crrive.
lf ycu cre gcing Ic Le criving ccrc:: cr Ihrcugh, Lcck rccc:, fcre:I rccc:,
cr mcunIcin rccc:, cc ncI re|y cn ycur GFS fcr ncvigcIicn. ln Jcnucry
2010, Ihe /::ccicIec Fre:: repcrIec IhcI Jercmie Griffin cnc hi: ficnce
fc||cwec c GFS :hcrIe:I rcuIe frcm Iheir hcme in Wi||cmeIIe Vc||ey,
Cregcn ccrc:: Ihe Cc:ccce McunIcin:, hcping Ic :cve 40 minuIe: cn Ihe
Irip. Fc||cwing Iheir GFS, Ihe ccup|e Leccme :Iuck cn |ccc| rccc:, cuI cf
ce||-:ervice rcnge cnc :hcrI cn fcrmu|c fcr Iheir 11-mcnIh-c|c LcLy
ccughIer. Ihree ccy: |cIer, c|| were re:cuec :cfe|y, LuI Ihe incicenI |efI
|ccc| |cw enfcrcemenI perp|exec. lI wc: Ihe Ihirc Iime in c mcnIh IhcI
criver: hcc Leccme :Ircncec in Ihe crec whi|e Iru:Iing ncvigcIicn Ic GFS.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
lf ycu cre mcking :uch c Irip Ihrcugh unfcmi|icr IerriIcry in winIer, :Iick Ic
Ihe mcin rccc:, hcve c mcp, cnc ccn:u|I wiIh Highwcy FcIrc| cr |ccc|
cuIhcriIie: c: Ic whcI rcuIe ycu :hcu|c Icke, cnc whcI rccc: Ic cvcic.
NOIE: Four-whee| dr|ve DOES NOI |mprove brok|ngI It |s eosy |n o
good power|u| 4WD veh|c|e to stort dr|v|ng |oster thon |s so|e.
4WD |s greot |or |orword troct|on ond contro|||ng steer|ng, but
when |t comes to brok|ng, you ore no better o|| thon o regu|or
cor. When dr|v|ng o 4WD on o snowy rood, you moy not even
be owore o| how s||ppery |t reo||y |s becouse o| your |mproved
troct|on, unt|| you try the brokesI
Ju:I c: ycu |ecrnec cLcuI Leing |c:I in Ihe wccc:, :hcu|c ycu Leccme
:ncwLcunc in ycur ccr cr Iruck, Ihe fir:I Ihing Ic cc i: SICF cnc c::e:: Ihe
:iIucIicn. Cc|m ccwn, u:e ycur hecc cnc Iry Ihe :imp|e:I :c|uIicn: fir:I. lf
ycu hcve c ce|| phcne cr C8 rccic in ycur vehic|e, cc|| fcr he|p. Ihe
:ccner ycu ccn mcke ccnIccI wiIh Ihe cuI:ice wcr|c, Ihe fc:Ier ycu'|| Le
re:cuec. Ycur nexI pricriIy hc: Ic Le Ic Icke :Iep: Ic prevenI hypcIhermic
cnc frc:ILiIe. Dc everyIhing ycu ccn Ic prevenI |c:ing hecI frcm ycur
I| you hove extro c|othes o|ong, put them on, then:
Turn on Iuzurd IIgILs und Iung u dIsLress IIug Irom LIe rudIo unLennu or
RemuIn In your veIIcIe wIere rescuers ure mosL IIkeIy Lo IInd you. Do
noL seL ouL on IooL unIess you cun see u buIIdIng cIose by wIere you
know you cun Luke sIeILer. Be cureIuI, dIsLunces ure dIsLorLed by
bIowIng snow. A buIIdIng muy seem cIose, buL be Loo Iur Lo wuIk Lo In
deep snow.
You muy be LempLed Lo keep LIe engIne ruInIng Lo run LIe IeuLer Ior
wurmLI. DO NOT DO THS. You wIII consume Loo mucI IueI. nsLeud,
run LIe engIne und IeuLer ubouL 1o mInuLes eucI Iour Lo keep wurm.
WIen LIe engIne Is runnIng, open u downwInd wIndow sIIgILIy Ior
venLIIuLIon und perIodIcuIIy cIeur snow Irom LIe exIuusL pIpe. TIIs wIII
proLecL you Irom possIbIe curbon monoxIde poIsonIng.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ExercIse Lo muInLuIn body IeuL, buL uvoId overexerLIon. n exLreme
coId, II you do noL Iuve enougI bIunkeLs Ior everyone In LIe veIIcIe, use
roud mups, seuL covers, und IIoor muLs Ior InsuIuLIon. HuddIe wILI
pussengers und use your couL Ior u bIunkeL.
Tuke Lurns sIeepIng. One person sIouId be uwuke uL uII LImes Lo Iook
Ior rescue crews.
EuL reguIurIy und drInk umpIe IIuIds Lo uvoId deIydruLIon, buL uvoId
cuIIeIne und uIcoIoI.
Be cureIuI noL Lo wusLe buLLery power. BuIunce eIecLrIcuI energy needs -
LIe use oI IIgILs, IeuL, und rudIo - wILI suppIy.
Turn on LIe InsIde IIgIL uL nIgIL perIodIcuIIy so work crews or rescuers
cun see you.
lf :Ircncec in c remcIe crec, :Icmp |crge L|cck |eIIer: in cn cpen crec
:pe||ing cuI HELF cr SCS cnc |ine wiIh rcck: cr Iree |imL: Ic cIIrccI Ihe
cIIenIicn cf re:cue per:cnne| whc mcy Le :urveying Ihe crec Ly cirp|cne.
Lecve Ihe ccr cnc prcceec cn fccI, cn|y if nece::cry - cnce Ihe L|izzcrc
pc::e:. lf ycu cre fcrcec Ic mcve, mcke :ure ycu c|ecr|y mcrk c Irci| frcm
Ihe vehic|e. Lecve c ncIe in ycur vehic|e :IcIing ycur inIenIicn, Ihe Iime
ycu |efI, Ihe cirecIicn ycu :eI cuI in cnc where ycu were heccec. 8e
rec|i:Iic cLcuI ycur cLi|iIy Ic hike cuI cf c hecvy :ncw - whcI :cunc: |ike
c gccc icec mcy Leccme cecc|y if ycu ccnI mcke ycur ce:IincIicn Ly
nighIfc||. Feview hcw Ic mcke Snow She|ters |n Chopter 23.
NOIE: You con use snow os o source o| woter - but o|woys
remember not to eot snow to prevent dehydrot|on. Eot|ng
snow w||| |ower your body temperoture, ond |t uses your body's
energy to me|t |t, wh|ch con speed hypotherm|o. Me|t snow |n
o cup, woter bott|e, or other conto|ner, ond then dr|nk |t.
8e prepcrec Ic |ecve Ihe vehic|e fcr :hcrI pericc: Ic ccccmp|i:h cerIcin
Ic:k:. Fcr excmp|e, ycu :hcu|c c|ecr cff :cme :ncw Ic revec| pcinI cr
ref|ecIive :urfcce: :c ycur vehic|e ccn Le :een frcm c :ecrch circrcfI.
Ycu mighI neec Ic |ecve Ic cc||ecI :cme :ncw Ic me|I fcr crinking wcIer
cr Ic Icke c LcIhrccm Lreck.
CIherwi:e, ju:I Le pcIienI-in mc:I cc:e: ycu're ncI gcing Ic Le cL|e Ic
:hcve| ycur wcy Lcck Ic civi|izcIicn cr hike cuI :cfe|y - LuI ycu cre |ike|y
Leing |cckec fcr. lI i: c|wcy: Le:I Ic :Icy wiIh Ihe vehic|e. Ihink ycu ccnI
|c:I Icc |cng :Iuck in Ihe :ncw in ycur ccr ln FeLrucry cf 2012 c Sweci:h
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
mcn wc: ci:ccverec cnc re:cuec. He hcc Leen Ircppec in hi: ccr fcr
IWC MCNIHS :ince DecemLer 1Ih, when Ihe vehic|e Leccme
:ncwLcunc cn c remcIe fcre:I rccc.
When You Con Move
lf Ihe :Icrm hc: pc::ec, cnc ycu fee| ycu ccn :cfe|y cig ycur ccr cuI cnc
mcve, Ihe Ligge:I mi:Icke mc:I pecp|e mcke i: Irying Ic :peec cr pcwer
Iheir wcy cuI. Spinning ycur whee|: wi|| cn|y cig Ihe ccr ceeper, :c Ihi: i:
Ic Le cvcicec cI c|| cc:I:. FuI ycur ccr in c |cw gecr cnc ccce|ercIe
:|cw|y. Give ycur whee|: c chcnce Ic gcin :cme IrccIicn. Gcing :|cw|y
fcrwcrc c Iiny LiI, Ihen puIIing iI in rever:e cnc gcing Lcckwcrc :|ighI|y
ccn he|p give ycur ccr Ihe mcmenIum Ic geI iI:e|f free, LuI ccnI cc Ihi:
fcr Icc |cng, iI ccu|c cverhecI, cnc pcIenIic||y ruin, ycur ccr': Ircn:mi::icn.
lf c|ecring cnc rccking ccnI cc Ihe Irick, ycu mcy neec Ic puI :cmeIhing
cn Ihe grcunc in frcnI cf ycur Iire: IhcI ycur Iire: ccn grip. Ihing: |ike
peLL|e:, ccI |iIIer, :c|I cr wcccen p|cnk: cre ccmmcn|y u:ec, LuI if ycu
ccnI hcve cny cf Ihe:e Ihing: hcncy, cnc ncIhing e|:e wcrk:, ycu ccn
u:e ycur ccr: f|ccr mcI:. Ju:I Le fcrewcrnec, ycur mcI: wi|| Le ce:Ircyec.
/|:c, :|ighI|y cef|cIing ycur Iire: wi|| give Ihem mcre IrccIicn, :ince iI
increc:e: Ihe cmcunI cf ruLLer cn Ihe rccc {Ihi: i: ccmmcn|y ccne fcr
/: wiIh c |cI cf Ihe ci:c:Ier: ci:cu::ec in Ihi: Lcck - Ihe Le:I wcy Ic :urvive
Leing :ncwLcunc in ycur vehic|e i: Ic cvcic Ihe :iIucIicn, Ly :Icying cff cf
Ihe rccc: curing, cnc when c 8|izzcrc cr :evere winIer :Icrm i: precicIec.
Mc:I pecp|e, whc winc up :Ircncec, cc :c Leccu:e Ihey hcve
mi:cc|cu|cIec Ihe :everiIy cf c :Icrm, cr Iheir cLi|iIy Ic crive Ihrcugh iI cr
geI checc cf iI.
/: cn U|IimcIe Survivcr iI i: ycur re:pcn:iLi|iIy Ic ycur:e|f, ycur fcmi|y, cnc
cIher: Ic Le prepcrec cnc Ic Le ccnficenI IhcI ycu ccn hcnc|e ycur:e|f
in cn emergency - LuI iI i: ju:I c: impcrIcnI IhcI ycu kncw ycur |imiIcIicn:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 2
How to Surv|ve
o F|one Crosh

"We hcte desined our citilizction bcsed on science cnd technolo cnd
ct the scme time crrcned thins so thct clmost no one understcnds
cnthin ct cll cbout science cnd technolo. This is c clecr prescription
jor discster." - Ccrl Sccn
When wc: Ihe |c:I Iime ycu Icck c ccmmercic| f|ighI lf ycu cre |ike mc:I
pecp|e Icccy, iI wc: prcLcL|y wiIhin Ihe |c:I mcnIh. lI mcy hcve even
Leen Ihi: week, c: Ihere cre mcny cf ycu fcr whcm Ircve|ing Ly p|cne fcr
Lu:ine:: i: c: ccmmcnp|cce c: Icking c Lu:.
Hcw mcny Iime: hcve ycu hecrc Ihe F|ighI /IIenccnI: give IhcI :cfeIy
cemc Sc cfIen IhcI ycu prcLcL|y ju:I Iune iI cuI. Which i: c piIy,
Leccu:e pcying cIIenIicn Ic IhcI, cnc whcI ycu cre cLcuI Ic recc in Ihi:
ChcpIer, ccu|c :cve ycur |ife curing cn cir ci:c:Ierl
8eccu:e cn|y Ihe mc:I :pecIccu|cr cnc crcmcIic cirp|cne cccicenI:
mcke Ihe new:, iI i: c ccmmcn mi:ccncepIicn IhcI if c p|cne gce: ccwn,
IhcI: iI, ycu cre Icc:I. IhcI i: prcLcL|y why mc:I pc::enger: cc ju:I Iune-
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
cuI cn Ihe :cfeIy cemc, figuring if :cmeIhing hcppen:, whcI: Ihe pcinI
8uI, ccccrcing Ic Ihe Fecerc| /vicIicn /cmini:IrcIicn, {F//) ccnIrcry Ic
pcpu|cr Le|ief, mc:I cir emergencie: cre very :urvivcL|e - if ycu kncw
/: ycu hcve |ecrnec wiIh every cIher ci:c:Ier ci:cu::ec :c fcr, Ihe F//
ccvi:e: :urviving c p|cne crc:h :IcrI: wiIh Leing prepcrec cnc hcving c
p|cn. Ihe fir:I Ihing ycu :hcu|c cc i: recc Ihe :cfeIy infcrmcIicn ccrc cn
ecch cnc every f|ighI ycu Icke. NcI c|| cirp|cne: cre c|ike. Even if ycu cre
cn Ihe :cme ccmmuIer f|ighI ycu Icke every week, Ihe F// :cy: Ic recc
Ihe ccrc. Ju:I Leccu:e iI i: Ihe :cme F|ighI NumLer, cpercIec Ly Ihe
:cme, cir|ine, Ihey ccn cnc cc :wiIch euipmenI. Ihen, pcy cIIenIicn Ic
Ihe :cfeIy Lriefing, cnc c|wcy: fc||cw crewmemLer in:IrucIicn:. F|ighI
crew: cre high|y Ircinec, cnc ce:piIe whcI ycu Ihink, Iheir primcry
re:pcn:iLi|iIy i: pc::enger :cfeIy in Ihe evenI cf cn emergency - cnc ncI
ju:I :erving :ccc cnc pecnuI:l
Ihere cre mcny myIh: cnc mi:ccncepIicn: :urrcuncing :urviving c p|cne
crc:h. Ihe mcin cne i: IhcI Ihey ccnI Le :urvivcL|e. 8uI cn cirp|cne
crc:h cce:n'I nece::cri|y mecn cerIcin cecIh. ln fccI, cf Ihe 58 U.S.
p|cne crc:he: LeIween 180 cnc 2000, mcre Ihcn 0 percenI cf crc:h
vicIim: :urvivecl 8uI IhcI i: ncI Ihe cn|y mi:ccncepIicn cLcuI cir :cfeIy.
/ncIher ccmmcn Le|ief i: IhcI cerIcin :ecI: cre :cfer Ihcn cIher:. Ihere
ju:I i: ncI c cefiniIive cn:wer c: Ic where Ihe :cfe:I p|cce i: Ic Le :ecIing
curing c crc:h, :imp|y Leccu:e every incicenI i: cifferenI, cnc every
circrcfI i: cifferenI.
Fcpu|cr Mechcnic: mcgczine puL|i:hec c repcrI Lc:ec cn exIen:ive
re:ecrch cf cir ci:c:Ier: invc|ving US Ccmmercic| JeI: cver Ihe pc:I 3
yecr:, cnc ccnc|ucec IhcI iI :eemec IhcI Ihe recr :ecI: hcc c 407 LeIIer
chcnce cf :urvivcLi|iIy, Ihcn :ecI: mcre fcrwcrc.
8uI Ihe F// ci:puIe: Iheir ccnc|u:icn, cnc cfficic||y i: cn reccrc c: :cying,
IhcI Ihere i: nc :cfe:I :ecI." Ihe F// c|:c ccnc|ucec in c 2005 repcrI IhcI
Ihere': nc evicence IhcI cny cne ccrrier i: cny :cfer Ihcn Ihe nexI. Ihey
cc :ugge:I Ihe fc||cwing nc mcIIer whcI cir|ine ycu cre f|ying cn, cr where
ycu cre :iIIing.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Dress |or Surv|vo| - Ihink cLcuI Ihe c|cIhe: ycu cre wecring when f|ying.
Wcmen e:pecic||y neec Ic Icke Ihi: ccvice :ericu:|y. lmcgine IhcI ycu
mighI hcve Ic run cwcy frcm c Lurning p|cne, if ycu hcve Ic cc IhcI, hcw
we|| cre ycur f|ip-f|cp: gcing Ic perfcrm Hcw we|| cre ycur high-hee|ec
:hce: gcing Ic perfcrm When ycu're :|icing ccwn IhcI fcLric :|ice cuI cf
Ihe p|cne, wi|| pcnIyhc:e pre:enI c prcL|em Ihe F// :cy: :hcrI: cnc
:kirI: cnc high-hee|ec :hce: ju:I cre ncI Ihe preferrec cIIire fcr f|ying,
Leccu:e iI': hcrc Ic run in Ihc:e kinc: cf :hce: cnc ccIuc||y e:ccpe when
ycu're ncI c|cIhec prcper|y. Ihe cgency :ugge:I: Iie-cn :hce: IhcI wi||
ncI :|ip cff cf ycur feeI whi|e running, cnc |cng pcnI:. Jecn: cre gccc.
8roce Yourse|| - ScmeIime:, pc::enger: cnc crew cc hcve ccvcnce
wcrning IhcI c f|ighI i: in IrcuL|e. lf Iime i: cn ycur :ice, mcke Ihe mc:I cf
iI. Feview :cfeIy infcrmcIicn cLcuI Lrccing fcr hcrc cr emergency
|cncing:. Ihe prcper Lrcce pc:iIicn cepenc: cn where ycu're :iIIing. Fcr
pc::enger: wiIh c :ecI in frcnI cf Ihem, Ihe :ugge:Iec Lrcce pc:iIicn i: Ic
crc:: ycur hcnc: cn Ihe :ecI in frcnI cf ycu cnc re:I ycur fcrehecc cn Icp
cf ycur hcnc:.
lf ycu ccn'I hcve c :ecI in frcnI cf ycu, Lenc cver c: fcr c: ycu ccn, grcL
ycur |eg: Lehinc ycur knee:, cnc keep ycur hecc ccwn unIi| Ihe p|cne
Shcrp cLjecI: :hcu|cn'I Le in ycur pcckeI:, cue Ic :ecuriIy ru|e:, LuI Le
:ure Ic Icke pen: cnc penci|: cuI cf ycur pcckeI:. Fc||cw f|ighI crew
in:IrucIicn: regcrcing eyeg|c::e:.
Frotect Your Legs ond Feet - Ihe F// c|:c reccmmenc: IhcI ycu Iry Ic geI
ycur feeI p|cnIec c: fcr Lcck c: ycu ccn, Leccu:e cf Ihe wcy IhcI Ihe
|eg: cnc feeI Ienc Ic f|y cuI ccu:ing injury. Keeping ycur ccrry-cn
Lcggcge uncer Ihe :ecI in frcnI cf ycu cnc ncI in Ihe cverhecc Lin i: c|:c
c gccc icec. IhcI give: ycu c L|cck Ihere, :c ycur feeI cnc |eg: ccn'I gc
up uncer Ihe :ecI in frcnI cf ycu.
F|y|ng W|th Fom||y - lf ycu're wiIh ycur fcmi|y, Ic|k Ic ycur chi|cren cLcuI
whcI Ic cc in Ihe evenI cf cn emergency. Divice Ihe re:pcn:iLi|iIy cf
he|ping ycur chi|cren LeIween ycu cnc ycur :pcu:e cnc/cr c|cer chi|cren
{ycung ccu|I:) if nece::cry. lI': ec:ier fcr cne pcrenI Ic he|p c :ing|e chi|c
Ihcn fcr LcIh Ic Iry Ic keep everycne IcgeIher.
Forget Your 8oggoge - lf ycu've gcI Ic evccucIe c p|cne, ccn'I Iry Ic Icke
cnyIhing wiIh ycu. lf iI': :cmeIhing IhcI': rec||y impcrIcnI Ic ycu, :Iick iI in
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ycur pcckeI |cr c wci:I pcck] :c ycur crm: cre free. lIem: mcy geI in Ihe
wcy cf cIher pc::enger: Irying Ic evccucIe cr :|cw ycu ccwn.
Ex|t kow kespons|b|||ty - Fc::enger: :iIIing in cn exiI rcw geI exIrc
re:pcn:iLi|iIy cnc :hcu|c pcy :pecic| cIIenIicn Ic f|ighI cIIenccnI:'
Lriefing:. FcIher Ihcn Icking IhcI exiI rcw Leccu:e iI give: ycu c |iII|e
mcre rccm Ic :IreIch cuI, ycu :hcu|c Icke Ihc:e rcw: rec|izing cnc
uncer:Icncing IhcI ycu cre puIIing ycur:e|f in c pc:iIicn where cIher: mcy
Le ccunIing cn ycu in c cri:i:. lf ycu cre :ecIec in cn exiI rcw ycu mu:I
:cy Ic ycur:e|f, ye:, l kncw l'm :iIIing here cnc ye:, l cgree Ic |i:Ien
ccrefu||y cnc Ic cc whcIever Ihe f|ighI cIIenccnI c:k: cf me".
Oxygen Mosk - /: Ihe Lriefing :cy:, c|wcy: puI ycur: cn fir:I Lefcre ycu
he|p cIher:. IhcI mecn: even if ycu cre f|ying wiIh c chi|c -- ycu wi|| Le
u:e|e:: Ic him cr her, if ycu gc unccn:cicu:.
Know Where the Ex|ts Are - When Lccrcing c p|cne, c: ycu gc ccwn Ihe
ci:|e, ccunI Ihe numLer cf :ecI: LeIween ycur :ecI cnc Ihe necre:I exiI.
Ihi: wcy ycu ccn finc Ihe exiI even in c ccrk cr :mcke-fi||ec ccLin. /nc
rememLer, c: Ihe :cfeIy cnncuncemenI :cy:, Ihe necre:I exiI mcy Le
Lehinc ycu. Sc, iI i: c gccc icec Ic Icke Ihe Iime Ic geI up curing Ihe
f|ighI Ic u:e Ihe re:Irccm cnc cc ycur :ecI-ccunI Ic cn exiI Lehinc ycu.
Ju:I c: in cny cf Ihe ci:c:Ier: ycu hcve |ecrnec cLcuI :c fcr, pcnic i: ycur
grecIe:I enemy in Ihe evenI cf cn cirp|cne cccicenI. lI mcy Le very
cifficu|I Ic keep ycur wiI: cLcuI ycu when c p|cne i: p|ummeIing frcm Ihe
:kie:, cnc mcny pecp|e cre :crecming cnc prcying, LuI c: c|wcy:
rememLer: F-FCF."
Femcining cc|m, c|ecrheccec, cnc mcinIcining fccu: wi|| cc mcre Ic
:cve ycu Ihcn cnyIhing e|:e. Fcnic i: Ihe mcin rec:cn IhcI mcny
pc::enger: finc Ihem:e|ve: uncL|e Ic even cc :cmeIhing c: :imp|e c:
re|ec:ing Iheir :ecILe|I when iI i: Iime Ic evccucIe. ln c|mc:I every p|cne
crc:h vicIim: cre fcunc :Ii|| :Ircppec inIc Iheir :ecI:, whi|e cIher: hcve
evccucIec Ic :cfeIy. Ihe cir|ine incu:Iry refer: Ic Ihe fir:I 0 :eccnc: cf c
p|cne crc:h c: gc|cen Iime. lf ycu're cL|e Ic :Icy cc|m cnc mcve fc:I
wiIhin Ihi: Iime frcme, ycu hcve c gccc chcnce cI geIIing cuI cf Ihe
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
A |ew more t|ps you shou|d remember || your p|one |s go|ng down:
n LIe evenL oI IIre, sLuy us Iow us you cun und geL ouL us quIckIy us
possIbIe. TIe smoke und Iumes Irom u burnIng pIune ure IIgIIy LoxIc
und more IIkeIy Lo kIII you LIun LIe IIumes.
On Iund, II you muke IL ouL oI LIe pIune In one pIece, geL us Iur uwuy us
possIbIe us quIckIy us you cun und Luck beIInd someLIIng Iurge In cuse
oI un expIosIon.
On seu, don'L InIIuLe your IIIe vesL unLII you're ouLsIde oI LIe cubIn. L
wIII resLrIcL your movemenL.
TIInk beIore you drInk. ConsumIng uIcoIoI wIII sIow your response
LIme und cIoud your decIsIon-mukIng.
/: :IcIec cLcve, ccn'I inf|cIe ycur |ife ve:I unIi| ycu're cuI:ice cf Ihe
ccLin. Cnce ycu cre in Ihe wcIer wiIh ycur ve:I, cr u:ing ycur :ecI
cu:hicn:, cr in c |ife rcfI, ycur mcin gcc| i: Ic geI c: fcr cwcy frcm Ihe
circrcfI c: ycu ccn c: uick|y c: pc::iL|e.
Ihe US /rmy Survivc| mcnuc| :cy: IhcI ycu neec Ic geI c|ecr cnc upwinc
cf Ihe circrcfI c: :ccn c: pc::iL|e LuI :Icy in Ihe viciniIy unIi| Ihe circrcfI
:ink:. lf ycu :pcI fue| cr ci| in Ihe wcIer, :Icy c|ecr cf IhcI c: we||. Ihe fue|
ccu|c igniIe c: iI f|cw: frcm Ihe circrcfI.
lf ycu cre in c rcfI wiIh cIher pc::enger:, cnce ycu cre cwcy frcm hcrm,
Iry Ic finc cIher :urvivcr: IhcI cre in Ihe wcIer. Ihe Le:I Iechniue fcr
re:cuing incivicuc|: frcm Ihe wcIer i: Ic Ihrcw Ihem c |ife pre:erver
cIIcchec Ic c |ine. /ncIher i: Ic :enc c re:cue :wimmer frcm ycur rcfI
wiIh c |ine cIIcchec Ic c f|cIcIicn cevice IhcI wi|| :uppcrI Ihe re:cuer:
weighI. Ihi: cevice wi|| he|p ccn:erve c re:cuer: energy whi|e reccvering
Ihe :urvivcr. Ihe |ec:I cccepIcL|e Iechniue i: Ic :enc cn cIIcchec
:wimmer wiIhcuI f|cIcIicn cevice: Ic reIrieve c :urvivcr. ln c|| cc:e:, Ihe
re:cuer wecr: c |ife pre:erver. Iry Ic :e|ecI c crewmemLer, cr :cmecne
e|:e whc hc: hcc re:cue Ircining Ic Le ycur re:cue :wimmer if cI c||
pc::iL|e. lf ycu hcve ncI hcc :uch Ircining, ycu neec Ic kncw IhcI ycu
:hcu|c never uncere:IimcIe Ihe :IrengIh cf c pcnic-:Iricken per:cn in Ihe
wcIer. / ccrefu| cpprccch ccn prevenI injury Ic Ihe re:cuer cnc Ihe
vicIim in Ihe wcIer.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
I| you hove not been tro|ned |n |||esov|ng techn|ques: /pprccch c :urvivcr
in IrcuL|e frcm Lehinc. Ihi: wcy Ihere i: |iII|e ccnger Ihe :urvivcr wi|| kick,
:crcIch cr grcL ycu. Swim Ic c pcinI cirecI|y Lehinc Ihe :urvivcr cnc
grc:p hi: cr her |ife pre:erver: Lcck :Ircp. U:e Ihe :ice:Ircke Ic crcg Ihe
:urvivcr Ic Ihe rcfI.
lf ycu cre in Ihe wcIer, Iry Ic mcke ycur wcy Ic c rcfI. lf nc rcfI: cre
cvci|cL|e, Iry Ic finc c |crge piece cf f|ccIing ceLri: Ic c|ing Ic. Fe|cx. /
per:cn whc kncw: hcw Ic re|cx in ccecn wcIer i: in very |iII|e ccnger cf
crcwning. Ihe Lccy: ncIurc| Lucycncy wi|| keep cI |ec:I Ihe Icp cf Ihe
hecc cLcve wcIer LuI :cme mcvemenI i: neecec Ic keep Ihe fcce
cLcve wcIer. F|ccIing cn ycur Lcck Icke: Ihe |ec:I energy. Lie cn ycur
Lcck in Ihe wcIer, :precc ycur crm: cnc |eg:, cnc crch ycur Lcck. 8y
ccnIrc||ing ycur LrecIhing in cnc cuI, ycur fcce wi|| c|wcy: Le cuI cf Ihe
wcIer cnc ycu mcy even :|eep in Ihi: pc:iIicn fcr :hcrI pericc:. Ycur hecc
wi|| Le pcrIic||y :uLmergec LuI ycur fcce wi|| Le cLcve wcIer. lf ycu
ccnncI f|ccI cn ycur Lcck cr if Ihe :ec i: Icc rcugh, f|ccI fcce ccwn in Ihe
Surv|vo| Sw|mm|ng
/nycne whc :penc: c |cI cf Iime Ircve|ing Ly LccI cr Ly cir :hcu|c Icke c
c|c:: in Life:cving cnc Survivc| Swimming. Ycur |ccc| Fec Crc:: chcpIer
cnc cIher :imi|cr crgcnizcIicn: give :uch c|c::e:. Survivc| :wimming
Iechniue: cre cfIen inc|ucec in cIher cerIificcIicn: :uch c: SCU8/ civing.
lf ycu hcve ncI Icken :uch Ircining, Ihe fc||cwing cre Ihe Le:I :wimming
:Ircke: curing c :urvivc| :iIucIicn:
Dog puddIe sLroke Is exceIIenL wIen cIoLIed or weurIng u IIIe juckeL.
AILIougI sIow In speed, IL requIres very IILLIe energy.
BreusLsLroke cun be used Lo swIm underwuLer, LIrougI oII or debrIs or
In rougI seus. L Is probubIy LIe besL sLroke Ior Iong-runge swImmIng: IL
uIIows you Lo conserve your energy und muInLuIn u reusonubIe speed.
SIdesLroke Is u good reIIeI sLroke becuuse you use onIy one urm Lo
muInLuIn momenLum und buoyuncy.
TIe IInuI LecInIque Is bucksLroke. TIIs sLroke Is uIso un exceIIenL reIIeI
sLroke. L reIIeves LIe muscIes LIuL you use Ior oLIer sLrokes. Use IL II un
underwuLer expIosIon Is IIkeIy.
lf ycu cre in cn crec where :urfcce ci| i: Lurning, ci:ccrc ycur LucycnI |ife
pre:erver. Note: I| you hove o |||e preserver, keep |t. Cuick|y ccver ycur
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
nc:e, mcuIh cnc eye:, cnc gc uncerwcIer. Swim uncerwcIer c: fcr c:
pc::iL|e Lefcre :urfccing Ic LrecIhe. 8efcre :urfccing, u:e ycur hcnc: Ic
pu:h Lurning f|uic cwcy frcm Ihe crec where ycu wi:h Ic :urfcce. Cnce
cn crec i: c|ecr cf Lurning |iuic, ycu ccn :urfcce cnc Icke c few LrecIh:.
Iry Ic fcce ccwnwinc Lefcre inhc|ing. SuLmerge feeI fir:I cnc ccnIinue
c: cLcve unIi| c|ecr cf Ihe f|cme:.
lf ycu cre in ci|-ccverec wcIer IhcI i: free cf fire, hc|c ycur hecc high Ic
keep Ihe ci| cuI cf ycur eye:. /IIcch ycur |ife pre:erver Ic ycur wri:I cnc
Ihen u:e iI c: c rcfI. lf ycu hcve c |ife pre:erver, ycu ccn :Icy cf|ccI fcr cn
incefiniIe pericc. Ycu |c:e cLcuI 50 percenI cf ycur Lccy hecI Ihrcugh
ycur hecc. Iherefcre, keep ycur hecc cuI cf Ihe wcIer. CIher crec: cf
high hecI |c:: cre Ihe neck, :ice: cnc grcin.
In o ko|t bnt|| kescue
Ihe crc:h cf c ccmmercic| cir|iner cI :ec wi|| iniIicIe c :wifI cnc mc::ive
Secrch cnc Fe:cue effcrI. lf ycu cre in c rcfI, ycu wi|| |ike|y Le re:cuec,
LuI here cre Ihe Ihing: ycu neec Ic cc unIi| Ihen.
Fir:I, Le :ure Ic check Ihe phy:icc| ccnciIicn cf c|| cn Lccrc. Give fir:I cic
if nece::cry. Icke :ec:ickne:: pi||: if cvci|cL|e. Ihe Le:I wcy Ic Icke Ihe:e
pi||: i: Ic p|cce Ihem uncer Ihe Icngue cnc |eI Ihem ci::c|ve. VcmiIing,
wheIher frcm :ec:ickne:: cr cIher ccu:e:, increc:e: Ihe ccnger cf
cehycrcIicn. Iry Ic :c|vcge c|| f|ccIing euipmenI, fccc:Iuff:, LcII|e: cf
wcIer, c|cIhing, :ecI cu:hicn:, cr cnyIhing e|:e IhcI ccu|c Le u:efu| Ic ycu
cnc ycur fe||cw pc::enger:. Secure Ihe :c|vcgec iIem: in cr cnIc ycur
rcfI. Mcke :ure Ihe iIem: hcve nc :hcrp ecge: IhcI ccn puncIure Ihe rcfI.
lf Ihere cre cIher rcfI:, |c:h Ihe rcfI: IcgeIher :c Ihey cre cLcuI :ix Ic eighI
feeI cpcrI. 8e reccy Ic crcw Ihem c|c:er IcgeIher if ycu :ee cr hecr
Secrch cnc Fe:cue circrcfI. lI i: ec:ier fcr cn circrew Ic :pcI rcfI: IhcI cre
c|c:e IcgeIher, rcIher Ihcn :ccIIerec.
FememLer, re:cue cI :ec i: c cccpercIive effcrI. U:e c|| cvci|cL|e vi:uc|
cr e|ecIrcnic :ignc|ing cevice: Ic :ignc| cnc mcke ccnIccI wiIh re:cuer:.
Fcr excmp|e, rci:e c f|cg cr ref|ecIing mcIeric| cn cn ccr c: high c:
pc::iL|e Ic cIIrccI cIIenIicn. Hcve :ignc|ing cevice: reccy fcr in:IcnI u:e.
Check Ihe rcfI fcr inf|cIicn, |eck: cnc pcinI: cf pc::iL|e chcfing. Mcke
:ure Ihe mcin Lucycncy chcmLer: cre firm {we|| rcuncec) LuI ncI cver|y
IighI. Check inf|cIicn regu|cr|y. /ir expcnc: wiIh hecI. Iherefcre, cn hcI
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ccy:, re|ec:e :cme cir cnc ccc cir when Ihe wecIher ccc|:. Iry Ic
ceccnIcmincIe Ihe rcfI cf c|| fue|. FeIrc|eum wi|| wecken iI: :urfcce: cnc
Lreck ccwn iI: g|uec jcinI:.
Ihrcw cuI Ihe :ec cnchcr if Ihe rcfI i: euippec wiIh cne, cr imprcvi:e c
crcg frcm c Lci|ing LuckeI, rc|| cf c|cIhing, cr :cmeIhing e|:e IhcI mcy Le
in Ihe rcfI. / :ec cnchcr he|p: ycu :Icy c|c:e Ic where Ihe p|cne wenI
ccwn, cnc in Ihe :ecrch crec.
WiIhcuI :uch cn cnchcr, in Ihe un|ike|y evenI cf |e:: Ihcn immecicIe
re:cue, ycur rcfI mcy crifI cver 100 mi|e: in c ccy, mcking iI much hcrcer
Ic finc ycu cnc ycur fe||cw :urvivcr:. 8e :ure Ic wrcp Ihe :ec cnchcr rcpe
wiIh c|cIh Ic prevenI iI: chcfing Ihe rcfI. Ihe cnchcr c|:c he|p: Ic keep
Ihe rcfI heccec inIc Ihe winc cnc wcve:.
Keep ycur rcfI c: cry c: pc::iL|e. Keep iI prcper|y Lc|cncec. /||
per:cnne| :hcu|c :Icy :ecIec, Ihe hecvie:I cne: in Ihe cenIer. lf ycu
hcve c crewmemLer cLccrc ycur rcfI, c||cw Ihem Ic Icke chcrge, c:
Ihey cre Ircinec Ic cc :c, cnc fc||cw Iheir cirecIicn: c: if ycur |ife cepenc:
cn iI - Leccu:e iI cce:l
lf ycu cre cn c rcfI wiIh cn|y fe||cw pc::enger:, cc|m|y ccn:icer c|| c:pecI:
cf ycur :iIucIicn cnc ceIermine whcI ycu cnc ycur ccmpcnicn: mu:I cc
Ic :urvive IcgeIher. lnvenIcry c|| euipmenI, fccc cnc wcIer. FcIicn
fccc cnc wcIer. /::ign c cuIy pc:iIicn Ic ecch per:cn fcr excmp|e,
wcIer cc||ecIcr, fccc cc||ecIcr, |cckcuI, :ignc|er, cnc wcIer Lci|er:.
Fcr Ihe mc:I pcrI cir Ircve| i: very :cfe Ircve|. /nc ye:, c: ycu mcy hcve
hecrc, :IcIi:Iicc||y :pecking, ycu cre fcr mcre |ike|y Ic cie in cn
cuIcmcLi|e cccicenI, cr in c :|ip cnc fc|| in ycur cwn LcIhIuL fcr IhcI
mcIIer, Ihcn ycu cre in c p|cne crc:h. 8uI IhcI i: ncI Ic :cy ycu :hcu|c ncI
mcke Ihc:e ccc: even LeIIer every Iime ycu Lccrc c p|cne Ly pcying
cIIenIicn, cnc Leing prepcrec Ic kncw whcI Ic cc in cn emergency, nc
mcIIer hcw un|ike|y.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 27
How to Surv|ve
o Sh|pwreck

"When the time jor perjormcnce crrites,
the time jor prepcrction is pcst.
- Thomcs S. Monson
CcunI|e:: ncve|:, mcvie:, IV :erie: cnc Fec| Life ccvenIure: hcve Leen
mcce cLcuI cc:Icwcy: cnc :urvivcr: cf :hipwreck:. Ihi: chcpIer wi||
:epcrcIe FccI frcm FicIicn cnc Iecch ycu whcI ycu neec Ic kncw cLcuI
:urviving Leing |c:I cI :ec.
/: wiIh cny pcIenIic| ci:c:Ier cr Ircve| emergency, Ihe Le:I wcy Ic :urvive
c :hipwreck i: Ic Icke every preccuIicn ycu pc::iL|y ccn Ic cvcic cne,
cnc cr Ic Le fu||y prepcrec Ic :urvive cnc Le re:cuec :hcu|c cn cccicenI
cccur. /cccrcing Ic Ihe UK Lc:ec Fcyc| LifeLccI ln:IiIuIicn {FLl")
{, Ihi: :IcrI: cn cry |cnc Lefcre ycu |cunch. FLl :cy: IhcI
Lefcre |ecving cry |cnc iI i: viIc| IhcI Ic hcve everyIhing ycu mighI neec
in Ihe evenI cf cn emergency.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
lIem: ycu neec Ic cc|| fcr he|p :hcu|c Le very high cn Ihe |i:I. Ihi: inc|uce:
c VHF rccic Ic ccmmuniccIe wiIh cIher mcriner:, f|cre: cnc, cepencing
cn hcw fcr ycu're Ircve|ing, cn emergency pc:iIicn-inciccIing rccic
Lecccn {EFlF8) cr c per:cnc| |cccIcr Lecccn {FL8). Ihe:e iIem: wi|| he|p
Ic crcw cIIenIicn Ic ycur LccI cnc c|| Ihc:e cn Lccrc :hcu|c ycu geI inIc
Life jcckeI: IhcI cre regu|cr|y checkec cre c|:c c mu:I, c: we|| c: c |ife rcfI
in cc:e ycu hcve Ic cLcnccn :hip.
NOIE: Even || you ore on expert sw|mmer ond you ore on|y o |ew
m||es |rom shore, WEAk A LIFE VESI ANY IIME YOb AkE ON
8OAkD A VESSEL, or know where you con grob one very
lf ycu hcve Ic cLcnccn :hip, ycu wcnI Ic mcke :ure ycu've gcI whcI ycu
neec whi|e wciIing Ic Le re:cuec. IhcI mecn: ycu neec Ic hcve ycur Gc
8cg wiIh ycu. ln ccciIicn Ic Ihe e::enIic| iIem: ceIci|ec fcr ycur Survivc|
Gc 8cg in ChcpIer , ycu :hcu|c inc|uce:
PorLubIe Emergency Iures
AddILIonuI WuLer ProoI MuLcIes
AddILIonuI ood und WuLer RuLIons
DesuIInIzuLIon TubIeLs
TIermuI or CoId WeuLIer Geur In WuLerLIgIL ConLuIners
A porLubIe SoIur SLIII
IsIIng IIne und Hooks In u WuLerLIgIL Tube or ConLuIner
R recommends LIe IurLIer you go ouL Lo seu LIe more uddILIonuI
provIsIon you sIouId be sure Lo Luke.
Cne cf Ihe fir:I Ihing: Ic c:k i:, ccn ycu fix Ihe prcL|em FLl reccmmenc:
IhcI if ycu hcve Ihe Icc|:, :pcre-pcrI: cnc kncw|ecge Ic fix Ihe prcL|em,
Ihen, cIIempI Ic cc :c if iI ccn Le ccne :cfe|y.
lf ycur LccI i: Icking cn wcIer, finc Ihe |eck cnc :Iem Ihe f|cw u:ing
whcIever ycu ccn, :uch c: :ci|: cr cu:hicn:. 8uI if Ihe hc|e i: Icc Lig cr
ycu're ncI cL|e Ic ccnIcin iI, Ihen cc|| Ihe ccc:Igucrc fcr he|p cnc geI
everycne reccy Ic cLcnccn Ihe ve::e|.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Cc||ecI ycur Gc 8cg, puI cn ycur |ife jcckeI: cnc c::emL|e cI Ihe Lcck cf
Ihe LccI where Ihe |ife rcfI wi|| Le |cunchec. Hcwever, FLl cnc Ihe US
Ccc:Igucrc :Ire:: IhcI ycu :hcu|c cn|y cLcnccn :hip if ycu kncw ycur
LccI i: :inking cnc ccnncI Le reccverec. / |ife rcfI :hcu|c cn|y Le
ccn:icerec c |c:I re:crI. Ycu :hcu|c :Icy cn Ihe LccI fcr c: |cng c:
pc::iL|e c: iI i: c Ligger IcrgeI fcr Secrch cnc Fe:cue crcfI: Ic :pcI.
lf ycu hcve nc cIher cpIicn LuI Ic |ecve ycur LccI, keep ycur energy up
Ly crinking wcIer cnc ecIing Ihe :upp|ie: frcm ycur Gc 8cg. U:e f|cre:
cnc ycur EFlFF cnc FL8 Ic cIIrccI cIIenIicn frcm re:cuer:.
/: c|wcy: DC NCI F/NlC. lf ycu :enI c prcper Mcyccy cr Di:Ire:: Cc||,
he|p wi|| Le cn Ihe wcy. Even if ycu :ee |cnc in Ihe ci:Icnce, re:cue
experI: reccmmenc :Icying puI in Ihe wcIer. Ihi: i: e:pecic||y Irue if ycu
cre in Ihe wcIer wiIhcuI c rcfI. lI ccn Le IempIing Ic Iry Ic :wim Ic |cnc if
ycu :ee iI in Ihe ci:Icnce, LuI ci:Icnce: ccn Le very ceceiving, cnc
un|e:: ycu kncw fcr c fccI IhcI ycu cre c|c:e encugh IhcI ycu cre wiIhin
ycur phy:icc| cLi|iIy Ic :wim Lcck Ic ycur cepcrIure pcinI, Ihe Le:I Ihing
Ic cc i: Ic :Icy in Ihe wcIer. /ncIher ccrk rec|iIy: / |cI cf pecp|e crcwn
necr Ihe Lecch Leccu:e cf rip currenI: cr high :urf. Sc, ccnI frcnIicc||y
hecc fcr whcI ycu Ihink i: |cnc. lf ycu cre wiIh c grcup cf pc::enger: Ihe
Le:I Ihing i: Ic :Icy IcgeIher c: c grcup. 8eing c |crger IcrgeI wi|| mcke iI
ec:ier fcr re:cuer: Ic :pcI ycu, cnc ycu ccn mcre ec:i|y :Icy wcrm cnc
ccn:erve energy in Ihe grcup.
Seo Surv|vo|
Surviving cI :ec ccn Le Ihe mc:I grue|ing, Ihe mc:I menIc||y, cnc
phy:icc||y cemcncing :urvivc| :iIucIicn ycu cre |ike|y Ic ever finc ycur:e|f
in. lI wi|| Icke c|| cf ycur menIc| cnc phy:icc| prepcrecne:: :ki||:, LuI iI ccn
Le ccne, c: prcven Ly:
1. SLeven CuIIuIun wIo wILI Iew suppIIes survIved Ior sevenLy-sIx duys In u
IeukIng InIIuLubIe ruIL. SLeve Iud Lo Ieurn Iow Lo coIIecL wuLer usIng u soIur
sLIII, IIx IIs IeukIng ruIL, cuLcI IIsI, und overcome IncredIbIe obsLucIes.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
z. TumI OIdIum AsIcruIL und Ier IIunc RIcIurd SIurp, wIo seL ouL Lo deIIver
u yucIL Irom TuIILI Lo Sun DIego, buL IuIIwuy LIrougI LIe LrIp Iound
LIemseIves In LIe mIddIe oI u CuLegory q IurrIcune. TIeIr bouL cupsIzed,
AsIcruIL wus knocked unconscIous sIeILerIng beIow decks, und uwoke Lo
IInd LIuL LIe bouL Iud rIgILed ILseII, buL LIuL Ier purLners` suIeLy IIne Iud
snupped und Ie wus gone. WILI LIe muInsuII snupped, AsIcruIL IusIIoned u
Lemporury suII und worked u course Ior HuwuII, over 1,oo mIIes uwuy,
urrIvIng uILer qo IurrowIng duys uL seu.
. 6; BrILIsI suIIors mIrucuIousIy survIved zo duys und 1,zoo mIIes udrIIL uL
seu durIng WWz uILer LIeIr sIIp sunk IoIIowIng u U-BouL uLLuck. TIey
IIouLed on Iour IIIebouLs und survIved on wuLer, bIscuILs, ruIsIns und LIe odd
ruw IIsI cuugIL by Iund.
q. WorId Wur pIIoL EddIe RIckenbucker und IIs crew were IIyIng Irom HuwuII
Lo un uIr buse In LIe SouLI PucIIIc wIen LIeIr pIune crusIed InLo LIe oceun.
TIe eIgIL crewmembers survIved zo duys In LIree IIIe ruILs wILI u IundIuI oI
cIocoIuLe burs und orunges, und u IIsIIng Iook und IIne.
/: ycu mighI imcgine whcI c|| cf Ihe:e cnc mcny :imi|cr :Icrie: cf :urvivc|
cI :ec hcve in ccmmcn wc: cn in:urmcunIcL|e wi|| Ic |ive, ccup|ec wiIh
Ihe righI kncw|ecge cf whcI Ic cc.
I| You Are Lost ot Seo
/Lcnccn :hip cn|y when cL:c|uIe|y nece::cry. U:e c |ife rcfI if cvci|cL|e.
lf ycu mu:I :wim, ccn:erving energy i: criIicc||y impcrIcnI. GrcL cnyIhing
IhcI wi|| he|p ycu f|ccI. CLvicu:|y, c |ife jcckeI i: ycur Le:I LeI, LuI fci|ing
IhcI, |cck fcr p|c:Iic ccnIciner: u:ec fcr fccc cr fue|, cr Lucy: cr even c
piece cf wccc. Ihe key i: Ic finc wcy: Ic :cve ycur energy. Swimming
furicu:|y i: c :ure wcy Ic exhcu:I ycur:e|f cnc crcwn.
kEMEM8Ek: I| you ore ob|e to send out o d|stress s|gno| or || you ore neor
sh|pp|ng |ones, try to stoy put. On|y podd|e |or shore || you ore
sure |t |s w|th|n reoch, ond you hove some |deo o| where
you're go|ng.
lf ycu cre in c |ife rcfI cr |ifeLccI, Iry Ic Icke c|cng c: much wcrm cnc
prcIecIive c|cIhing c: ycu ccn hcnc|e - wcc| cnc pc|yprcpy|ene cnc
cnyIhing IhcI: wincprccf cr wcIerprccf. Cnce in Ihe rcfI, prcIecI ycur:e|f
frcm Ihe winc, u:ing c|cIhing cr c Icrp. /nc :Icy c: cry c: ycu ccn. Even
in c rcfI Ihe ccmLincIicn cf winc cnc weI c|cIhe: ccu|c ccu:e
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
SIcy HycrcIec - Since cI :ec, fre:h wcIer i: :uch c vc|ucL|e ccmmcciIy,
ycu ccnI wcnI Ic :wecI cny mcre Ihcn nece::cry, :c |imiI LcIh ycur
phy:icc| exerIicn cnc expc:ure Ic Ihe :un. lf ycu ccn, mcke c :un:hcce
wiIh :ci|: cr c Icrp. /nc if Ihe wecIher i: hcI, keep ycur c|cIhe: cn cnc
geI Ihem weI. IhcI wi|| keep ycu ccc| cnc c|:c prcIecI ycu frcm geIIing
Lcc|y :unLurnec. Ycu ccnncI crink Sec WcIer wiIhcuI ccing irrepcrcL|e
hcrm Ic ycur Lccy. Hcpefu||y ycu hcve grcLLec ycur Gc 8cg, cnc/cr
hcc ycur |ife rcfI cr LccI :Icckec wiIh fre:h wcIer. lf ycu hcve c :upp|y cf
wcIer, :IcrI rcIicning righI cwcy. Ycu rec||y wcnI neec Ic crink much
wcIer Ihe fir:I ccy, nc mcIIer hcw Ihir:Iy ycu fee|. Ihen Iry Ic |imiI ycur
inIcke Ic 12 Ic 1 cunce: fcr c few ccy:, evenIuc||y crcpping iI c: |cw c:
Iwc Ic five cunce: c ccy. Ycu ccn :urvive, LuI ycu|| cefiniIe|y Leccme
wecker. lf ycu cre |c:I cI :ec fcr cn exIencec pericc cf Iime, ccpIuring
rcinwcIer ccn Le criIicc| Ic ycur :urvivc|. Icke c Icrp cr :ci| cnc :hcpe iI
inIc c Lcw| Ic ccIch Ihe rcin. Even c gcrLcge Lcg ccu|c wcrk. Mcke
:ure ycu hcve :cme :crI cf wcIer ccnIciner :eI up cI c|| Iime:. Ycuc hcIe
Ic |c:e c chcnce Ic cc||ecI wcIer curing c :Icrm in Ihe micc|e cf Ihe
nighI. lcec||y, ycu|| hcve c ccn cr LcII|e ycu ccn :Icre rcinwcIer in. lf
ncI, |cck fcr cnyIhing IhcI ccn hc|c wcIer. Ycu ccnI wcnI ycur precicu:
:upp|y wc:hec cwcy Ly rcugh :ec:. /nc if ycu hcvenI Leen crinking
much, ccnI guzz|e c fre:h :upp|y cf rcinwcIer. IhcI wi|| mcke ycu :ick.
U:e ycur :Icre: cf :urvivc| fccc fir:I if ycu hcve Ihem. Ihe:e :hcu|c Le rich
in ccrL: fcr :u:Icinec energy. Iry fcr fi:h if ycu ccn, LuI rememLer IhcI fi:h
cre high in prcIein, which reuire: mcre cf ycur Lccy: |imiIec wcIer Ic
cige:I. Secweec, if cvci|cL|e, i: c LeIIer cpIicn. /ny Lirc ycu ccn ccIch
i: eciL|e.
Ycu ccn Ie|| if ycu cre cpprccching |cnc Ly cumu|u: c|cuc: which u:uc||y
fcrm cver |cnc, cnc winc generc||y L|cw: Icwcrc |cnc curing Ihe ccy cnc
cuI Ic :ec cI nighI. Lcck fcr Lirc: f|ying cverhecc, IhcI i: c gccc :ign IhcI
|cnc i: necr, cnc Lirc: Ienc Ic f|y Icwcrc: |cnc, e:pecic||y cI nighI when
Ihey wcu|c Le reIurning Ic rcc:I cfIer feecing.
More on Woter
WcIer ccn Le ycur mc:I precicu: re:curce when :Ircncec cI :ec. /: ycu
hcve c|reccy |ecrnec, ycu ccn gc fcr much |cnger wiIhcuI fccc Ihcn
wcIer. ln ccciIicn Ic whcI hc: c|reccy Leen menIicnec, here cre :cme
cIher wcy: Ic cLIcin crinking wcIer cI :ec, c: reccmmenc Ly Ihe US /rmy
Survivc| Mcnuc|.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Deso||n|zot|on o| Seowoter -- Ycu ccn cn|y crink :ecwcIer IhcI hc: Leen
ce:c|inizec - cr hc: hcc Ihe :c|I remcvec. Mc:I |ife rcfI: cr cI :ec :urvivc|
kiI: inc|uce ce:c|inizcIicn IcL|eI:. Mcny mccern |ife rcfI: c|:c ccme
euippec wiIh Sc|cr SIi||:, which i: c very :imp|e cevice fcr remcving cr
ci:Ii||ing :c|I: cnc cIher impuriIie: frcm cny wcIer :curce, inc|ucing
:ecwcIer. lf ycur rcfI i: ncI euippec wiIh cne, ycu ccn mcke cne very
ec:i|y. /|| ycu neec i: c |crge cnc :mc||er ccnIciner, :uch c: c Lcw| cnc
c cup, :cme p|c:Iic wrcp cr :cmeIhing :imi|cr, cnc Icpe cr e|c:Iic Lcnc:.
Ihe :c|cr :Ii|| wcrk: cn Ihe prcce:: cf ccncen:cIicn ju:I c: Ihe EcrIh: cwn
wcIer cyc|e crecIe: pure rcinfc|| frcm Ihe ccecn:.
1. PuL LIe smuIIer conLuIner InLo LIe Iurger.
z. III LIe Iurger wILI SeuwuLer, ubouL zJ up Lo LIe Lop oI LIe smuIIer
. SLreLcI LIe pIusLIc wrup over LIe bowI; secure IL mukIng u LIgIL seuI
wILI Lupe or eIusLIc bunds.
q. PuL u weIgIL IIke u rock In LIe cenLer oI LIe pIusLIc wrup cover, so
LIuL IL dIps down Lowurd LIe cup In LIe bowI, buL noL so IL enLer LIe
. euve uppuruLus In LIe sun. As LIe SuILwuLer evuporuLes due Lo LIe
soIur energy, IL wIII condense on LIe Inner surIuce oI LIe pIusLIc wrup,
evenLuuIIy drIppIng down InLo LIe cup us drInkubIe dIsLIIIed wuLerl
(See illustrction jollouin)
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC

S|mp|e so|ar st||| - Image: Courtesy U.S. Department of Lnergy

lf ycu :hcu|c Le :hipwreckec cn c Lecch, ycu ccn mcke c much |crger
:Ii|| Ic purify grecIer cmcunI: cf :ecwcIer Ly u:ing c cug ciIch, cnc c
Woter |rom Seo Ice
ln crcIic wcIer:, u:e c|c :ec ice fcr wcIer. Ihi: ice i: L|ui:h, hc: rcuncec
ccrner: cnc :p|inIer: ec:i|y. lI i: necr|y free cf :c|I. New ice i: grcy, mi|ky,
hcrc cnc :c|Iy. WcIer frcm iceLerg: i: fre:h LuI iceLerg: cre ccngercu:
Ic cpprccch. U:e Ihem c: c :curce cf wcIer cn|y in emergencie:.
Hc||ywccc wcu|c hcve ycu Le|ieve IhcI :hcrk: cre ycur grecIe:I ccnger
when |c:I cI :ec. Ihe IruIh i:, cf Ihe mcny huncrec: cf :hcrk :pecie:, cn|y
cLcuI 20 cre kncwn Ic cIIcck humcn:, cnc if ycu cre :Ircncec in Ihe
wcIer ycu wi|| |ike|y hcve cIher mcre immecicIe :urvivc| ccncern: Ihcn
pcIenIic| :hcrk cIIcck. SIi||, cepencing cn where ycu cre, :hcrk: ccn
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
pre:enI c prcL|em, cnc Ihere cre Ihing: ycu ccn cc when in Ihe wcIer Ic
minimize Ihe chcnce cf cn cIIcck.
Ihere cre :hcrk: in c|| ccecn: cnc :ec: cf Ihe wcr|c. Whi|e mcny |ive cnc
feec in Ihe cepIh: cf Ihe :ec, cIher: hunI necr Ihe :urfcce. Ihe :hcrk:
|iving necr Ihe :urfcce cre Ihe cne: ycu wi|| mc:I |ike|y :ee. Ycu :hcu|c
ccn:icer cny :hcrk |cnger Ihcn Ihree Ic fcur feeI ccngercu:. Shcrk: in Ihe
Ircpicc| cnc :uLIrcpicc| :ec: cre fcr mcre cggre::ive Ihcn Ihc:e in
IempercIe wcIer:. Shcrk: hcve cn ccuIe :en:e cf :me|| cnc Ihe :me|| cf
L|ccc in Ihe wcIer exciIe: Ihem. Ihey cre c|:c very :en:iIive Ic cny
cLncrmc| viLrcIicn: in Ihe wcIer. Ihe :Irugg|e: cf c wcuncec cnimc| cr
:wimmer, uncerwcIer exp|c:icn: cr even c fi:h :Irugg|ing cn c fi:h |ine wi||
cIIrccI c :hcrk.
Frotect|ng Yourse|| |rom Shorks
ln Ihe WcIer WiIhcuI c FcfI
SIcy wiIh cIher :wimmer:. / grcup ccn mcinIcin c 30-cegree wcIch. /
grcup ccn eiIher frighIen cr fighI cff :hcrk: LeIIer Ihcn cne per:cn.
/|wcy: wcIch fcr :hcrk:. Keep c|| ycur c|cIhing cn, Ic inc|uce ycur :hce:.
Hi:Icricc||y, :hcrk: hcve cIIcckec Ihe unc|cIhec pecp|e in grcup: fir:I,
mcin|y in Ihe feeI. C|cIhing c|:c prcIecI: cgcin:I cLrc:icn: :hcu|c Ihe
:hcrk Lru:h cgcin:I ycu.
/vcic urincIing. lf ycu mu:I, cn|y cc :c in :mc|| cmcunI:. LeI iI ci::ipcIe
LeIween ci:chcrge:. lf ycu mu:I cefeccIe, cc :c in :mc|| cmcunI: cnc
Ihrcw iI c: fcr cwcy frcm ycu c: pc::iL|e. Dc Ihe :cme if ycu mu:I vcmiI.
lf c :hcrk cIIcck i: imminenI whi|e ycu cre in Ihe wcIer, :p|c:h cnc ye|| ju:I
encugh Ic keep Ihe :hcrk cI Lcy. ScmeIime: ye||ing uncerwcIer cr
:|cpping Ihe wcIer repecIec|y wi|| :ccre Ihe :hcrk cwcy. Ccn:erve ycur
:IrengIh fcr fighIing in cc:e Ihe :hcrk cIIcck:.
lf cIIcckec, kick cnc :Irike Ihe :hcrk. HiI Ihe :hcrk cn Ihe gi||: cr eye: if
pc::iL|e. lf ycu hiI Ihe :hcrk cn Ihe nc:e, ycu mcy injure ycur hcnc if iI
g|cnce: cff cnc hiI: iI: IeeIh.
ln c FcfI
When ycu cre in c rcfI cnc :ee :hcrk::
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Do noL IIsI. I you Iuve Iooked u IIsI, IeL IL go. Do noL cIeun IIsI In LIe
Do noL LIrow gurbuge overbourd.
Do noL IeL your urms, Iegs or equIpmenL Iung In LIe wuLer.
Keep quIeL und do noL move uround.
8ury c|| cecc ccrcc::e: c: :ccn c: pc::iL|e. WeighI Ihe Lccy ccwn c:
much c: ycu ccn :c iI :ink: fcr cwcy frcm Ihe rcfI cnc uick|y. lf Ihere cre
mcny :hcrk: in Ihe crec, ccncucI Ihe Luric| cI nighI.
When ycu cre in c rcfI cnc c :hcrk cIIcck i: imminenI, hiI Ihe :hcrk wiIh
cnyIhing ycu hcve, excepI ycur hcnc:. Ycu wi|| cc mcre ccmcge Ic ycur
hcnc: Ihcn Ihe :hcrk. lf ycu :Irike wiIh cn ccr, Le ccrefu| ncI Ic |c:e cr
Lreck iI.
lf ycu hcve Leen cI :ec in c rcfI cr |ife ve::e| fcr cn exIencec pericc cf
Iime wiIhcuI re:cue, |cnc in :ighI cnc ccce::iL|e, mcy :eem |ike ycur
:c|ivcIicn. 8uI |cncing cn :hcre wiIh c :mc|| crcfI mcy ncI Le c: ec:y c: iI
Ycu neec Ic Icke ycur Iime cnc :e|ecI ycur |cncing pcinI ccrefu||y. Iry
ncI Ic |cnc when Ihe :un i: |cw cnc :IrcighI in frcnI cf ycu. Keep ycur
eye: cpen fcr gcp: in Ihe :urf |ine cnc hecc fcr Ihem. /vcic ccrc| reef:
cnc rccky c|iff: whenever pc::iL|e. Ihere cre nc ccrc| reef: necr Ihe
mcuIh: cf fre:hwcIer :Irecm:.
/vcic rip currenI: cr :Ircng Iicc| currenI: IhcI mcy ccrry ycu fcr cuI Ic :ec.
lf ycu Ihink Ihe crec i: inhcLiIec, :ignc| c:hcre fcr he|p, cnc wciI fcr Ihe
inhcLiIcnI: Ic ccme cuI cnc Lring ycu in. Cr :ci| crcunc cnc |cck fcr c
:|cping Lecch where Ihe :urf i: genI|e. lf ycu hcve c chcice, cc ncI |cnc
cI nighI.
lf ycu cre ncI c|cne in ycur rcfI, c gccc wcy cf geIIing Ihrcugh Ihe :urf i:
Ic hcve hc|f Ihe :urvivcr: :iI cn cne :ice cf Ihe rcfI, hc|f cn Ihe cIher,
fccing cwcy frcm ecch cIher. When c hecvy :ec Lecr: ccwn, hc|f
:hcu|c rcw {pu||) Icwcrc Ihe :ec unIi| Ihe cre:I pc::e:. Ihen Ihe cIher hc|f
:hcu|c rcw {pu||) Icwcrc Ihe :hcre unIi| Ihe nexI hecvy :ec ccme: c|cng.
Ihi: c|IerncIing pcIIern wi|| wcrk ycu in Icwcrc :hcre, even in Ihe rcughe:I
cf :urf.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
lf ycu cre c|cne, c: Ihe rcfI necr: Ihe Lecch, rice in cn Ihe cre:I cf c |crge
wcve. Fccc|e cr rcw hcrc cnc rice in Ic Ihe Lecch c: fcr c: ycu ccn. Dc
ncI jump cuI cf Ihe rcfI unIi| iI hc: grcuncec, Ihen uick|y geI cuI cnc
Lecch iI.
lf rcfIing c:hcre i: ncI pc::iL|e cnc ycu hcve Ic :wim, wecr ycur :hce: cnc
cI |ec:I cne |cyer cf c|cIhing. GrcL ycur Gc 8cg, cr cnyIhing e|:e ycu
Ihink ycu wi|| neec Ic :urvive cn :hcre. U:e Ihe :ice:Ircke cr Lrec:I:Ircke
Ic ccn:erve :IrengIh.
lf Ihe :urf i: mccercIe, rice in cn Ihe Lcck cf c :mc|| wcve Ly :wimming
fcrwcrc wiIh iI. Dive Ic c :hc||cw cepIh Ic enc Ihe rice ju:I Lefcre Ihe
wcve Lreck:.
ln high :urf, :wim Icwcrc :hcre in Ihe Ircugh LeIween wcve:, c: Ihe
:ecwcrc wcve cpprccche:, fcce iI cnc :uLmerge. /fIer iI pc::e:, wcrk
Icwcrc :hcre in Ihe nexI Ircugh. lf ccughI in Ihe uncerIcw cf c |crge
wcve, pu:h cff Ihe LcIIcm cr :wim Ic Ihe :urfcce cnc prcceec Icwcrc
:hcre c: cLcve.
lf ycu mu:I |cnc cn c rccky :hcre, |cck fcr c p|cce where Ihe wcve: ru:h
up cnIc Ihe rcck:. /vcic p|cce: where Ihe wcve: exp|cce wiIh c high,
whiIe :prcy. Swim :|cw|y when mcking ycur cpprccch. Ycu wi|| neec ycur
:IrengIh Ic hc|c cn Ic Ihe rcck:. Ycu :hcu|c Le fu||y c|cIhec cnc wecr
:hce: Ic recuce injury.
/fIer :e|ecIing ycur |cncing pcinI, ccvcnce Lehinc c |crge wcve inIc Ihe
Lrecker:. Fcce Icwcrc :hcre cnc Icke c :iIIing pc:iIicn wiIh ycur feeI in
frcnI, Iwc cr Ihree feeI |cwer Ihcn ycur hecc. Ihi: pc:iIicn wi|| |eI ycur feeI
cL:crL Ihe :hcck when ycu |cnc cr :Irike :uLmergec Lcu|cer: cr reef:. lf
ycu cc ncI recch :hcre Lehinc Ihe wcve ycu pickec, :wim wiIh ycur
hcnc: cn|y. /: Ihe nexI wcve cpprccche:, Icke c :iIIing pc:iIicn wiIh
ycur feeI fcrwcrc. FepecI Ihe prccecure unIi| ycu |cnc.
lf ycu hcve |cncec cn cn uninhcLiIec :hcre|ine, refer Lcck Ic SecIicn ll fcr
ycur She|Ier-WcIer-Fccc :urvivc| Iechniue: cnc reuiremenI:.
WcIer ccver: cLcuI 75 percenI cf Ihe ecrIh: :urfcce, wiIh cLcuI 70
percenI cf IhcI Leing ccecn: cnc :ec:. lI i: prcLcL|y preIIy :cfe Ic
c::ume IhcI cI :cme pcinI ycu wi|| Le Ircve|ing Ihrcugh cr cver :cme vc:I
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
expcn:e: cf wcIer. Ihere i: c|wcy: c chcnce IhcI Ihe p|cne cr :hip ycu
cre cn wi|| Leccme cripp|ec Ly :uch hczcrc: c: :Icrm:, cc||i:icn, fire,
mechcnicc| fci|ure, cr ccI cf cggre::icn.
Ycur :urvivc| cI :ec wi|| cepenc mc:I|y upcn ycur wi|| Ic |ive, ycur :urvivc|
:ki||:, cnc ccpcLi|iIie: Ic cpp|y Ihem Ic ccpe wiIh Ihe hczcrc: ycu fcce,
cnc ycur kncw|ecge cf ycur ve::e|, Ihe :urvivc| euipmenI cn Lccrc cnc
ycur cLi|iIy Ic u:e iI.
- 5QR 7N +53"M7Q MI -
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
SecIicn V
/-$L*-(;@ N0- *;< +,-.(.(;@
G,)*; Y2'(0; R(9*9'$-9
There is c time to tcle counsel oj our jecrs,
cnd there is c time to neter listen to cn jecr.
- Genercl Geore S. Pctton
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 28
Econom|c Co||opse

It's c recession uhen our neihbor loses his job.
It's c depression uhen ou lose our oun.
- Hcrr S. Trumcn
l: Ihe Wcr|c Fincncic| Sy:Iem cn Ihe verge cf c ccIc:Ircphic fci|ure
Fe:pecIec experI: ciffer cn Ihi: mcIIer, cnc nc cne ccn fcrecc:I
upccming evenI: wiIh cL:c|uIe cerIcinIy. YeI Ihere i: cmp|e hi:Icricc|
evicence :ugge:Iing IhcI c mcjcr fincncic| cc|cmiIy ccu|c :ccn Le upcn
Ihe US hc: Leen Ihrcugh Ihree mcjcr fincncic| uphecvc|: in Ihe pc:I.
CurrenI wcr|c evenI: inciccIe IhcI Ihe fcurIh, cnc uiIe pc::iL|y Ihe wcr:I
yeI, ccu|c Le ju:I cver Ihe hcrizcn. Ihe impccI cn ycu, ycur fcmi|y cnc
ycur cLi|iIy Ic :urvive ncI cn|y fincncic||y, LuI c|:c phy:icc||y curing :uch c
me|Iccwn ccnncI Le cver:IcIec. / Wcr|c Fincncic| cri:i: cf Ihe
mcgniIuce IhcI :cme re:pecIec cL:erver: precicI, wcu|c Le c:
cevc:IcIing Ic ycur wcy cf |ife c: cny Hurriccne, I:uncmi cr EcrIhucke -
cnc ycu mu:I Le euc||y prepcrecl
Ihere i: c gccc chcnce IhcI mcny cf ycu whc cre reccing Ihi: Mcnuc|,
cre c|reccy ree|ing frcm Ihe impccI cf Ihe fincncic| ccwnIurn IhcI Legcn
in 2008. Ycu mcy c|reccy hcve hcc Ic cec| wiIh jcL |c::, fcrec|c:ure - cr
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
wcr:e. Fcr ycu everyccy mcy c|reccy Le ju:I c :Irugg|e Ic geI Ly. Hcw
much hcrcer cc ycu Ihink iI wi|| geI if whcIever :cfeIy neI ycu hcve Leen
re|ying cn - wheIher IhcI Le c GcvernmenI Frcgrcm cr frienc: cr fcmi|y
memLer: whc cre ccing we|| - :uccen|y c|:c cc||cp:e:
Even if ycu hcve wecIherec Ihe currenI fincncic| :Icrm, ycu ccnncI Lury
ycur hecc in Ihe :cnc cnc preIenc IhcI whcI i: gcing cn in Ihe wcr|c wi||
ncI impccI Ihe Lig picIure cnc evenIuc||y - ycu.
LeI: |cck cI :cme fccI:. Eurcpe i: cn Ihe Lrink cf c mcjcr fincncic|
ci:c:Ier. Mcccy: hc: recenI|y ccwngrccec lri:h cnc FcrIugue:e ceLI,
puIIing Ihem cn pcr wiIh Greece. Ihi: in Iurn hc: |ec inIere:I rcIe: cn
Spcni:h cnc lIc|icn ceLI Ic jump :ignificcnI|y. Ihi: i: c :ericu: ccwn Iurn cf
Iwc mcjcr eccncmie: IhcI ccu|c :precc, |ike c ci:ec:e. lf cnc when IhcI
hcppen:, Ihe g|cLc| eccncmy wi|| p|unge inIc c cri:i: IhcI wi|| mcke Ihe
2008 LcnkrupIcy cf Lehmcn 8rcIher: |cck |ike c mincr g|iIch.
WiIhcuI geIIing inIc c |cng ci:cu::icn cn G|cLc| Eccncmic:, much cf Ihe
prcL|em hc: Leen ccu:ec Ly Ihe Eurcpecn Unicn. /: Greece, lre|cnc,
cnc FcrIugc| were fcrcec cuI cf inIerncIicnc| creciI mcrkeI: Ly high
inIere:I rcIe:, Ihe EU :Ieppec in, |encing Ihem mcre cnc mcre mcney. 8y
2014, Greek, lri:h cnc FcrIugue:e ceLI i: prcjecIec Ic recch, re:pecIive|y,
180 percenI, 145 percenI cnc 135 percenI cf Iheir re:pecIive GDF.
ln c nuI:he||, Ihe EU: cpprccch Ic Ihe cri:i: cppecr: Ic hcve fci|ec. lf
Greece, lre|cnc, cnc FcrIugc| cc ncI re:IrucIure Iheir ceLI in cn crcer|y
fc:hicn Ihey wi|| u|IimcIe|y hcve Ic cefcu|I uni|cIerc||y. ln fccI, Ihe |cnger
EU |eccer: puI cff negcIicIing c cccrcincIec {cnc rec|i:Iic) re:IrucIuring,
Ihe mcre |ike|y c ci:crcer|y cefcu|I wi|| en:ue.
Fincncic| mcrkeI: uncer:Icnc Ihi:, which i: why Ihe:e ccunIrie: hcve Leen
uncL|e Ic Lcrrcw ncrmc||y. Ncw, inve:Icr: fecr Ihe :cme fcIe wi|| Lefc||
Spcin cnc lIc|y, Iwc cf Ihe |crger eccncmie: in Eurcpe, wiIh c IcIc| GDF
crcunc fcur Iime: Ihe :ize cf Ihe Greek, lri:h, cnc FcrIugue:e eccncmie:
Sc whcI" ycu cre :cying, IhcI: Iheir prcL|em ncI mine..." Wrcngl Ju:I
c: c ncIurc| ci:c:Ier, :uch c: c mcjcr Vc|ccnc, ccn impccI wecIher
pcIIern: cnc |ive: wcr|cwice, :c Icc ccn c mcjcr fincncic| cri:i:. McyLe
even mcre :cl Jecn-C|cuce IricheI, Chcirmcn cf Ihe Eurcpecn CenIrc|
8cnk {EC8), :cy: iI i: ncive Ic Ihink cf Ihi: c: cn|y c Eurcpecn prcL|em. He
wc: ucIec recenI|y, Eurcpecn: cre cI Ihe epicenIer cf c prcL|em
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
which i: c g|cLc| prcL|em. Ihe :Icge i: Eurcpecn LuI Ihe ccn:euence:
wi|| Le fe|I frcm New Ycrk Ic Shcnghci."
Fe:pecIec eccncmi:I: :cy Ihe U.S. eccncmy ccu|c Le pcrIicu|cr|y hcrc
hiI. / :ericu: ccwnIurn in Ihe Eurc-zcne wcu|c :ignificcnI|y |cwer cemcnc
fcr U.S. expcrI: Ic Eurcpe, which currenI|y :uppcrI cver fcurIeen mi||icn
jcL: in Ihe SIcIe:. lI wcu|c c|:c :enc c ripp|e cf fecr Ihrcugh Ihe g|cLc|
creciI mcrkeI:, rci:ing Ihe cc:I: cf fincncing U.S. puL|ic ceLI. ln :hcrI Ihe
U.S. eccncmy: meciccre reccvery wcu|c Le cecc in Ihe wcIer, Lefcre iI
ccu|c gcin cny rec| IrccIicn.
lf Ihi: were Ic cccur, Ihe U.S ccu|c fcce c fincncic| cri:i: |eccing Ic ricIing,
|cw|e::ne:: c: we|| c: IcIc| :ccic| cnc infrc:IrucIure Lreckccwn. lI hc:
c|reccy hcppenec e|:ewhere. Fcr excmp|e: /rgenIinc in 2001. /rgenIinc
hcc gcne Ihrcugh vcricu: fincncic| cri:e:, LuI ncne c: |crge c: when Iheir
eccncmy cc||cp:ec in 2001. Ihe currency cevc|ucIec, cnc /rgenIinc
cefcu|Iec cn iI: $132 Li||icn {in US cc||cr:) ceLI - Ihe |crge:I cefcu|I ever.
FicIing mcL: cf Ihe micc|e c|c:: Icck Ic Ihe :IreeI: cfIer Iheir Lcnk
ccccunI: were frczen, cnc Ihe Fre:icenI wc: fcrcec Ic re:ign, Lcre|y
e:ccping Ihe pre:icenIic| Lui|cing Ly he|iccpIer.
Ihink IhcI ccnI cr wcnI hcppen in Ihe U.S. Leccu:e U.S. Lcnk: wcu|c
never :Iec| pecp|e: mcney Leccu:e Ihere cre |cw: cgcin:I IhcI, cnc
ycur mcney i: in:urec Ferncncc /guirre, whc |ivec Ihrcugh Ihe cri:i: in
/rgenIinc, :cy:, We hcc Ihc:e :cme |cw: in /rgenIinc, LuI :Ii|| iI
hcppenec. We hcc c ccn:IiIuIicnc| righI Ic privcIe prcperIy. YeI, Ihe
ccn:IiIuIicn mcIIerec |iII|e curing Ihe cc||cp:e." See: iSIcck/nc|y:I.ccm.
WhcI /guirre :cy: ycu ccn cc righI ncw Ic prepcre fcr Ihe impencing
cri:i: echce: Ihe IhcughI: cf mcny cIher experI: whc cre ccrefu||y
wcIching wcr|c eccncmic evenI:. Mcny prucenI mcney mcncger:
:ugge:I mcving five Ic Ien percenI cf ycur neI wcrIh inIc gc|c cr :i|ver
Lu||icn cr ccin: cnc puI Ihem in ycur cwn :cfekeeping - ncI c Lcnk vcu|I
cr :cfeIy cepc:iI Lcx. /guirre :cy:, Every :ing|e /rgenIine wi:he: he
ccu|c gc Lcck in Iime, c|c:e hi: Lcnk ccccunI, cnc puI IhcI mcney inIc
gc|c. We wcu|c c|| cc IhcI if we hcc c Iime mcchine. Since ycu ccnI
gue:: Ihe fuIure, c|| ycu ccn cc i: e:IimcIe whcI ccn hcppen cnc p|cy
Ihe ccc: in ycur fcvcr." ln Ihe evenI cf c fu|| eccncmic cc||cp:e,
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
whcIever percenIcge cf ycur :cving: ycu ccnverIec inIc phy:icc| :i|ver cr
gc|c ccin: wi|| Le :pcrec.
8e:ice: IhcI, hcve cI |ec:I cne-mcnIh wcrIh cf expen:e: cn hcnc in ycur
hcme :cfe in cc|c hcrc cc:h. Ye:, pcper currency wi|| Le cevc|uec very
uick|y curing :uch c cri:i: - IhcI i: why ycu wcnI ycur phy:icc| :i|ver cr
gc|c. 8uI in Ihe very Leginning, cc:h wi|| Le king. Ihe cc:h :hcu|c Le in
:mc|| Li|| cencmincIicn:, 20':, 10':, 5': & 1':. SIcre: IhcI hcve :upp|ie: wi||
mc:I |ike|y refu:e Ic cccepI creciI ccrc:. /nc /IM: ccu|c uick|y Le
eiIher exhcu:Iec, cr |ccIec.
Worn|ng S|gns
Sc whcI cre Ihe wcrning :ign: IhcI Ihe Fincncic| Cri:i: i: creeping up cn
ycur Lcck cccr Lcck fcr |cck cf inve:ImenI, higher inIere:I rcIe: cnc
ri:ing unemp|cymenI. lf ycur Lcnk :IcrI: ccming up wiIh excu:e: ncI Ic
give ycu ycur mcney righI cwcy when ycu wcnI Ic c|c:e ycur ccccunI,
ccn:icer iI c :ign cf impencing cc||cp:e.
/guirre :cy: |cck fcr hyperinf|cIicn, which ccn cnc cce: hcppen very
uick|y. lI ccn hcppen righI in frcnI cf ycur eye:. lI ccIuc||y hcppenec
Ic me IhcI Ihe price cf cn iIem l pickec in c :Icre c|mc:I ccuL|ec in price
Ly Ihe Iime l recchec Ihe cc:h regi:Ier. Ihe emp|cyee ju:I p|ccec Ihe
:Iicker wiIh Ihe new price cver Ihe c|c cne. Emp|cyee: ru:hec crcunc
chcnging price: :everc| Iime: c ccy, c|| ccy |cng curing Ihe cngcing cri:i:.
Ycu ccu|c pee| Lcck Ihe :Icck cf :Iicker: wiIh Ihe cifferenI price: cnc :ee
hcw Ihey hcc gcne up in ju:I c mcIIer cf hcur:."
Other Steps to Ioke
8e:ice: ccnverIing c percenIcge cf ycur :cving: inIc precicu: meIc|:,
Ihere cre cIher :Iep: IhcI Ihc:e cf ycu whc hcve ncI ccne :c c|reccy,
neec Ic Icke FlGHI NCW Ic prepcre fcr Ihe pc::iLi|iIy cf c cri:i:.
Get Out O| Debt - Ihe g|cLc| fincncic| :y:Iem i: heccec fcr c mc::ive
cri:i:. Ju:I c: in 2008, c |cI cf pecp|e cre gcing Ic |c:e Iheir jcL:, cnc c |cI
cf Ihem mcy fcce |c:ing Iheir hcme:. ln :uch c hcr:h fincncic| |cnc:ccpe,
ycu hcve Ic Ircve| c: |ighI|y c: pc::iL|e - which mecn: e|imincIing cr
:ignificcnI|y recucing ycur ceLI:. Scme fcrm: cf ceLI cre wcr:e Ihcn
cIher:. McrIgcge ceLI i: ncI IhcI Lcc. We c|| neec :cmewhere Ic |ive,
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
cnc ycu mcy ncI Le cL|e Ic ju:I run cuI cnc immecicIe|y pcy cff ycur
8uI Ihere cre cIher fcrm: cf ceLI IhcI cre exIreme|y Icxic - |ike creciI ccrc
ceLI. Ihere cre very few Ihing: IhcI cre c: gccc cI L|eecing ycu cry c:
creciI ccrc ceLI. Fcr excmp|e, if ycu hcve c $,000 Lc|cnce cn c creciI
ccrc wiIh c 20 percenI inIere:I rcIe cnc cn|y pcy Ihe minimum pcymenI
ecch mcnIh, iI wi|| Icke ycu 54 yecr: Ic pcy cff IhcI creciI ccrc. During
Ihc:e 54 yecr: ycu wi|| pcy $2,18 in inIere:I rcIe chcrge: cn IhcI creciI
ccrc Lc|cnce in ccciIicn Ic Ihe $,000 in principc| IhcI ycu cre reuirec
Ic pcy Lcck, cnc IhcI i: Lefcre cny fee: cr penc|Iie: cre even cc|cu|cIecl
8uI Icc mcny pecp|e, e:pecic||y in /mericc, keep running up IhcI creciI
ccrc ceLI, wiIhcuI ccn:icering Ihe ccn:euence:. FememLer Fre:icenI
Gecrge W. 8u:h: Le:I re:pcn:e Ic whcI wc: Ihe mc:I impcrIcnI Ihing Ihe
cvercge /mericcn ccu|c cc cfIer 11 Gc Shcppingl"
Sove Money - /cccrcing Ic c Hcrri: lnIerccIive :urvey Icken in 2010, 77
percenI cf c|| /mericcn: cre |iving pcycheck Ic pcycheck. /ncIher
:urvey :cic IhcI cne cuI cf every Ihree /mericcn: wcu|c ncI Le cL|e Ic
mcke c mcrIgcge cr renI pcymenI Ihe nexI mcnIh if Ihey :uccen|y |c:I
Iheir currenI jcL. / :hccking|y high numLer cf /mericcn fcmi|ie: cre
cpercIing wiIhcuI cny kinc cf fincncic| cu:hicn whcI:cever. lI mcy ncI
Icke Ihe nexI Fincncic| /pccc|yp:e fcr ycu Ic finc ycur:e|f wiIhcuI c jcL.
/I Ihe Lcre:I minimum ycu neec Ic hcve c cu:hicn in |iuic :cving: IhcI
wi|| ccver cI |ec:I :ix mcnIh: wcrIh cf expen:e: if ycu :hcu|c |c:e ycu
:curce cf inccme Icccy. Given Ihe currenI ccnciIicn: in Ihe wcr|c, ycu
LeIIer ccn:icer c cu:hicn IhcI wi|| |c:I ycu cI |ec:I c yecr.
8e:ice: Ihe :Iep: Ic prcIecI ycur c::eI:, cnc Ic hcve :ufficienI currency
cn hcnc, ycu :hcu|c ccn:icer prepcring fcr c Fincncic| Me|Iccwn, ju:I c:
ycu wcu|c fcr cny mcjcr ncIurc| ci:c:Ier IhcI ccu|c |ecve ycu figurcIive|y
cnc |iIerc||y cuI in Ihe cc|c."
Mcke :ure ycur Gc 8cg{:) cre pcckec, fre:h, cnc reccy, cnc cc Ihe :cme
fcr ycur She|Ier-in-F|cce Emergency :upp|ie:. Hcve cI |ec:I Ihree week: Ic
cne mcnIh cf :Icrec fccc cnc :upp|ie: in p|cce, c: Ihing: ccu|c geI ug|y.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
lf ycu hcve prepcrec c Scfe Hcu:e, Le :ure iI i: we|| :Icckec, cnc ccn:icer
Lugging cuI Ic iI cI Ihe fir:I :ign: cf cc||cp:e c: iI mighI Leccme Icc
ccngercu: Ic Ircve| :hcu|c evenI: geI cuI cf hcnc.
lf ycu cc ncI hcve :uch c Scfe Hcu:e prepcrec, Lefcre Ihe cri:i:, ncw
wcu|c Le c gccc Iime Ic reevc|ucIe ycur hcme: :ecuriIy. /guirre :cy:
IhcI in /rgenIinc, During Ihe fir:I ccy: cfIer Ihe eccncmy cc||cp:ec, civi|
unre:I, ricIing cnc |ccIing were cuI cf ccnIrc|. / :IcIe cf :iege cnc
mi|iIcry |cw wc: cec|crec, enfcrcing curfew hcur: cfIer 10 pm. Ihi: |c:Iec
c few mcnIh:, cnc fcr mcnIh: cfIer IhcI, whi|e crcer wc: reccverec in Ihe
ccpiIc| ci:IricI, Ihere were :Ii|| cccc:icnc| revc|I: cnc |ccIing. Ihe :en:e cf
|cw|e::ne:: exIencec wcy Leycnc Ihe vi:iL|e ccccunI: cepicIec Ly Ihe
IV cnc generc| mecic. lI: curing Iime: |ike Ihe:e IhcI ycu rec|ize ycu
mu:I hcve mecn: cf cefencing ycur:e|f cnc prcIecIing ycur fcmi|y."
Ycu ccn finc :pecific ceIci|: cn hcw Ic cc :c in ChcpIer 2 - Wcr, FicIing,
cnc UrLcn Unre:I, ChcpIer 30 - Se|f Defen:e 8c:ic:, cnc ChcpIer 31 -
8e:ice: Ihe :pecific prepcrcIicn: ycu neec Ic mcke c: ci:cu::ec
IhrcughcuI Ihi: chcpIer, cncIher Ihing ycu neec Ic cc Ic prepcre fcr c
mcjcr fincncic| cri:i:, i: Ic :Icp re|ying cn whcI hc: Leen ycur ncrm."
Ihere i: much evicence :uppcrIing Ihe view IhcI :y:Iem: cre fci|ing. Ycu
neec Ic finc wcy: Ic Leccme |e:: cepencenI cf Ihe infrc:IrucIure ycuve
prcLcL|y Icken fcr grcnIec :ince LirIh. IhcI cce:nI mecn ycu neec Ic
figure cuI hcw Ic |ive enIire|y Cff Ihe Gric" - cI |ec:I ncI yeI. 8uI iI cce:
mecn ycu :hcu|c :ericu:|y :Icp Leing :c re|icnI cn :cmecne e|:e Ic
emp|cy ycu cr :uppcrI ycu incefiniIe|y. / grecI wcy Ic cc IhcI ncw,
whi|e :y:Iem: cre :Ii|| funcIicning - i: Ic ceve|cp cn ccciIicnc| :curce cf
inccme in ycur :pcre Iime. Ye:, IhcI mighI mecn ycu wi|| hcve Ic :penc
|e:: Iime in frcnI cf Ihe IV cr p|cying vicec gcme:. 8uI if :cmeccy ycu
|c:e ycur jcL, ycu wi|| Le exIreme|y hcppy IhcI ycu :Ii|| hcve :cme inccme
ccming in.
8eycnc IhcI, Ihink cf wcy: Ic |ive mcre incepencenI|y, :uch c: :IcrIing Ihe
Survivc| Gcrcen ycu |ecrnec cLcuI in ChcpIer 12. FighI ncw ycu ccn run
ccwn Ic Ihe |ccc| ci:ccunI Super McrkeI, cnc Luy gicnI pi|e: cf fccc cI
price: IhcI cre :Ii|| :cmewhcI rec:cncL|e. 8uI IhcI wi|| ncI Le Ihe cc:e if c
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
mcjcr fincncic| cri:i: hiI:. Sc, :Icck up NCW cnc c|:c ccn:icer imprcving
ycur hunIing cnc Ircpping :ki||:.
Hcning ycur :urvivc| :ki||: Ic Iheir U|IimcIe Leve| wi|| hcve vc|ue we||
Leycnc keeping ycur fcmi|y c|ive fcr Ihe :hcrI-Ierm in cn eccncmic
cc||cp:e. Ycu c|:c wi|| Le ccuiring Ihe :ki||: IhcI wi|| mcke ycu c vc|ucL|e
ccmmcciIy fcr geIIing ycur fcmi|y cnc cIher: Ihrcugh Ihe ccming cri:i:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 2
Wor, k|ot|ng ond
brbon bnrest

Surtitcl," I scid sojtl. "It's seljish, cnd it's dcrl,
cnd ue'te clucs been c species uillin to do cnthin to sctisj our
needs. Inditiducls hcte morcls. Mobs hcte cppetites.
- Rcchel Ccine, Totcl Eclipse
FicIing, |ccIing, wcr|ike mcL: he||-LenI cn ce:IrucIicn - Ihey cre c :Icp|e
cf cny Hc||ywccc Fc:I-/pccc|ypIic mcvie. Ihey cre c|:c Ihe unfcrIuncIe
cfIermcIh cf mcny rec| wcr|c ncIurc| ci:c:Ier:. 8cIh ncIurc| cnc mcn-
mcce ci:c:Ier: hcve c|wcy: Leen kncwn Ic Lring cuI Ihe Le:I in pecp|e -
Ihc:e whc ri:e Ic Ihe cccc:icn, cnc he|p fi|| :cnc Lcg:, cig Ihrcugh
ruLL|e, cr cIherwi:e he|p cuI Iheir neighLcr:. Ihey c|:c ccn Lring cuI Ihe
wcr:I-cnc c: wiIne::ec in Ihe recenI ricIing in Lcnccn, :cmeIime: iI cce:
ncI even Icke c mcjcr ccIc:Ircphic evenI Ic Irigger mcL Lehcvicr.
Mcke Lcve NcI Wcr," i: c grecI phi|c:cphy cf |ife, LuI frcm c :urvivc|
per:pecIive, iI c|:c i: c very gccc icec fcr ycu Ic c|wcy: Le prepcrec fcr
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Cne |cck cI hi:Icry cnc iI ccn :eem IhcI wcr cnc ccnf|icI hcve c|wcy:
Leen c pcrI cf humcn exi:Ience. lI hc: Leen :cic IhcI Wcr i: He||," cnc
cf ccur:e IhcI i: Irue. Ihere i: prcLcL|y nc grecIer :urvivc| :iIucIicn ycu
ccu|c ever finc ycur:e|f in, Ihcn if c mcjcr wcr LeIween ycur ccunIry cnc
cncIher wc: LrcughI Ic ycur cccr:Iep. Cf ccur:e, Ihe ccnger frcm cirecI
cIIcck: in iI: mcny fcrm: i: Ihe mcjcr IhrecI Ic |ife cnc |imL curing cpen
wcrfcre. 8uI, Ihere i: c|:c Ihe pc::iLi|iIy cf Leing hurI, mcimec, cr ki||ec
incirecI|y frcm crIi||ery, |cnc mine:, unexp|ccec crcincnce:, cir :Irike:, cnc
cIher :c-cc||ec cc||cIerc| ccmcge". Mcrecver, mccern preci:icn
wecpcn :y:Iem: mecn IhcI viIc| infrc:IrucIure |ike e|ecIricc| pcwer, wcIer
cnc ccmmuniccIicn: ccn, cnc |ike|y wcu|c Le, ec:y IcrgeI:.
Ircn:pcrIcIicn cf fccc cnc cIher e::enIic|: wcu|c c|:c Le ci:rupIec.
Whi|e /mericcn: cre |ucky Ic never hcve fccec :uch prc:pecI:, Ihe :cme
ccnncI Le :cic fcr much cf Eurcpe hi:Icricc||y, cnc mcny p|cce:
IhrcughcuI Ihe wcr|c up unIi| Ihi: very ccy.
8uI Ihe ncIure cf wcrfcre hc: chcngec crc:Iicc||y cver Ihe |c:I few
ceccce:. Wcr LeIween |crge :IcIe: cr :uper pcwer:" i: c Ihing cf Ihe
pc:I. Hcwever civi| wcr:, in:urgencie:, Ierrcri:m, irregu|cr cnc gueri||c
wcr:, hcve increc:ec. /nc c: Ihe Ircgic evenI: cf 11, cnc mcre recenI|y
Ihe 8c:Icn mcrcIhcn LcmLing: hcve prcven, ncwhere in Ihe wcr|c ccn
Le ccn:icerec ccmp|eIe|y :cfe.
Un|ike wcr" cr Ierrcri:m", civi| unre:I" cce: ncI hcve c c|ecr cefiniIicn,
cnc ccu|c mecn cifferenI Ihing: Ic cifferenI pecp|e. C|cire Wc|fe, wriIing
fcr 8cckwccc: Mcgczine, hc: ce:criLec Fcur Leve|: cf Civi| Unre:I IhcI
ycu neec Ic Le cwcre cf cnc prepcre fcr.
LEVEL ONE: Ihe |cwe:I |eve| cf civi| unre:I i: when pecp|e Iurn cn Iheir cwn
neighLcrhccc:-c: hcppenec curing Ihe rcce ricI: cf Ihe 10: cnc Ihe
Fccney King ricI: in Lc: /nge|e:. Leve| Cne civi| unre:I ccn Le cecc|y cnc
ce:IrucIive, LuI mcin|y if ycu |ive, wcrk, cr mu:I Ircve| in Ihe immecicIe
crec. Leve| Cne unre:I i: :pcnIcnecu:, LuI i: ccnfinec Ic c ncrrcw
gecgrcphicc| zcne where Ihe prcIe:Icr: |ive. Fc|ice re:pcn:e mcy Le
hcr:h, LuI iI': |ccc|izec. Un|e:: ycu're in Ihe micc|e cf iI, ycu :hcu|c remcin
re|cIive|y uncffecIec.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
LEVEL IWO: Leve| Iwc civi| unre:I mcy c|:c Le fccu:ec cn c :ing|e crec.
8uI in Ihi: cc:e, ricIer: cr prcIe:Ier: hcve ce|iLercIe|y IcrgeIec c Lu:ine::
ci:IricI, c fcci|iIy, c Ircn:pcrIcIicn :y:Iem, cr cn crgcnizcIicn Ic impc:e
mcximum ci:rupIicn. Fcr excmp|e, in Ihe Wcr|c Ircce CrgcnizcIicn
prcIe:I: in SecII|e in 1 ycung pecp|e wiIh vic|ence in minc cnc rcge in
Iheir hecrI: cIIcckec cn enIire ccwnIcwn, cffecIing huncrec: cf
Lu:ine::e: cnc Ien: cf Ihcu:cnc: cf wcrker: whc hcrc|y knew whcI hiI
Ihem. /: cppc:ec Ic c rcnccm f|cre up c: in Leve| Cne, Ihe IcrgeI i:
chc:en ce|iLercIe|y. /|Ihcugh :Ii|| fccu:ec in cne crec, Leve| Iwc ccn
ci:rupI ncrmc| |ife cnc Lu:ine:: in c whc|e regicn cr ccunIry cepencing
cn Ihe ncIure cf iI: IcrgeI.
LEVEL IHkEE: Leve| Ihree ccme: when mc:: unre:I cr cuIhcriIcricn
crcckccwn ccu:e: ci:rupIicn cI :IcIe cr regicnc| |eve|. Ihen, nc mcIIer
whcI Ihe criginc| ccu:e cr |cccIicn cf Ihe IrcuL|e, everycne in Ihe regicn
i: cffecIec. EffecI: mighI inc|uce Ircve| re:IricIicn:, rcnccm lD check:,
mc:: crre:I:, fccc cnc fue| rcIicning, ccnIrc|: cn mcney cnc Lcnking,
rcccL|cck:, cnc cIher nece::cry impc:ec re:IricIicn: Ic prcIecI puL|ic
LEVEL FObk: Leve| Fcur i: Leve| Ihree-LuI cn c ncIicnc| cr even
inIerncIicnc| :cc|e. ln Leve| Fcur, Ihe gcvernmenI mcy impc:e mcrIic| |cw
in cn cIIempI Ic prcIecI Ihe pcpu|cce cnc re:Icre crcer.
/nc cf ccur:e, whi|e Ihey mighI Le ccn:icerec nece::cry in cn
immecicIe :iIucIicn, cny |eve| cf civi| unre:I ccn |ecc Ic |cw:, regu|cIicn:,
cnc hcr:her pc|ice pc|icie: IhcI enc up cffecIing everyLccy in Ihe |cng
/: ycu hcve prcLcL|y ccme Ic |ecrn, c: wiIh cIher ci:c:Ier:, Ihe Le:I wcy
Ic cec| wiIh cpen ccnf|icI cnc vic|ence i: Ic Iry Ic cvcic iI cI Le:I, cnc Le
prepcrec fcr iI cI wcr:I. During Civi| Unre:I cr Cpen Ccnf|icI, Ihe mcjcriIy
cf cecIh: cnc injurie: hcppen Ic pecp|e whc cre cuI cn Ihe :IreeI: -
wheIher Ihey cre Ihere Ic fighI, |ccI cr ju:I :Icnc in |ine fcr fccc cr wcIer.
So ku|e Number One hc: Ic Le Ic :Icy cff Ihe :IreeI: c: much c: pc::iL|e.
IhcI mecn: Ic prepcre fcr ccI: cf vic|ence cnc civi| unre:I, c: c|wcy: Ihe
very fir:I cnc mc:I impcrIcnI Ihing i: Ic hcve ycur She|Ier-in-F|cce
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Emergency :upp|ie: cnc ycur Gc 8cg{:) we|| :Icckec cnc reccy. ln
Moke o Stosh - Hice c cup|iccIe cf ycur euipmenI/:upp|ie:, c :Ic:h cf
cc:h, :i|ver/ gc|c, cnc firecrm: {mcre cn Ihi: in ChcpIer 31) cwcy frcm
ycur hcme. lf ycu cc ncI hcve c 8ug-CuI cr Scfe Hcu:e, ccn:icer renIing
c :Icrcge |ccker, prefercL|y in cn c|cer wcrehcu:e fcci|iIy IhcI cce: ncI
u:e e|ecIrcnic ccce::, Leccu:e IhcI ccu|c fci| in c pcwer cuIcge.
Keep Your Heo|th bp - Feview ChcpIer 1 cn Survivc| Shcpe cnc Fhy:icc|
Secure Your Home - lf ycu cc ncI c|reccy hcve :uch prepcrcIicn:,
ccn:icer gcIe:, ccg:, cnc cIher hcme :ecuriIy/cefen:e prccucI:, :uch c:
SecuriIy Gri||e: fcr winccw:. Ihe u:e cf wecpcn:, firecrm: cnc cIher
meIhcc: cf :e|f-cefen:e cre mcIIer: cf Ircining cnc per:cnc| chcice, cnc
wi|| Le ci:cu::ec cI |engIh in ChcpIer: 30 cnc 31.
Moke common couse w|th your ne|ghbors. E:IcL|i:hing :Ircng Iie: wiIh
Ihe pecp|e in ycur ccmmuniIy-righI ncw-i: viIc| Ic every :crI cf
emergency prepcrecne::. ln Ihe evenI cf c Leve| Cne cr Iwc
emergency, Ihe:e cre Ihe fc|k: whc ccu|c ccme Ic ycur hcu:e Ic mcke
:ure ycu're ckcy. Ihey mighI give ycu c rice cuI cr c p|cce Ic :|eep if ycu
cccicenIc||y enc up in c hcI zcne cf ricI cr prcIe:I. ln c ceeper cr mcre
|cng-Ierm emergency, Ihey ccu|c pcc| re:curce: wiIh ycu Ic mcke :upp|y
run:. Ihey ccn ccvi:e ycu if Ihey've :pcIIec c rcccL|cck. Ihey mighI |eI
ycu crc:: Iheir |cnc Ic cvcic c rcuIe IhcI hc: Leccme ccngercu:.
8uy A V|deo Comero - / Lig cne, ncI Ihe kinc IhcI i: u:ec fcr per:cnc|
u:e, LuI c Lig ccmccrcer IhcI |cck: |ike iI i: u:ec Ly IV New: Crew:. Ycu
ccn cfIen finc Ihe:e preIIy checp cn e8cy cnc cIher lnIerneI :iIe:, c:
much :mc||er, cigiIc| mcce|: hcve rep|ccec Ihem. Ihe ccmerc cce:nI
even hcve Ic wcrk. lI i: ncI fcr fi|ming, LuI c grecI wcy Ic hice in p|cin
:ighI" cnc :Icy :cfe curing c ricI. lf ycu |cck |ike ycu cre pcrI cf Ihe Fre::,
u:uc||y LcIh ricIer: cnc pc|ice wi|| cvcic cIIccking ycu. Ycu ccn ccmp|eIe
Ihe ci:gui:e Ly wecring c ShccIer: Ve:I" wiIh |cI: cf pcckeI:, cnc c
Lc:eLc|| ccp wiIh c IV New: |cgc cn iI, which ycu ccn u:uc||y finc in cny
IhrifI cr :eccnchcnc :Icre.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
A Note About Home De|ense
Even curing Iime: cf pecce, Leefing up ycur hcme :ecuriIy i: c very gccc
icec. ln Ihe:e Icugh eccncmic Iime:, hcme invc:icn: cnc :mc:h cnc
grcL rcLLerie: cre cn Ihe ri:e. /cccrcing Ic |cw enfcrcemenI
prcfe::icnc|:, cn c|crm :y:Iem, c|cng wiIh vicec :urvei||cnce i: exce||enI
fcr hcme :ecuriIy, cnc Lreck-in prevenIicn. Scme cf Ihe |cIe:I :uch
:y:Iem: u:e Vcice Cver lnIerneI FrcIccc| {VClF) Iechnc|cgy Ic c||cw ycu
Ic mcniIcr ycur hcme remcIe|y frcm cnywhere ycu hcve cn inIerneI
ccnnecIicn, even vic ycur :mcrIphcne.
ln ccciIicn Ic cn c|crm :y:Iem, Ihe NcIicnc| Crime FrevenIicn Ccunci|
cffer: c SecuriIy Check|i:I {www.NCFC.crg) fcr hcmecwner: IhcI ccn he|p
Ihem Ic uncer:Icnc hcw Ic minimize Ihe chcnce cf Lreck-in:. Scme cf
Ihe iIem: inc|ucec cn Ihe check|i:I cre:
To muke sure Lo Iock uII ouLsIde doors und wIndows beIore you Ieuve LIe
Iouse, even II IL Is onIy Ior u IILLIe wIIIe, und beIore goIng Lo bed.
Huve your wIndows und gIuss doors neur enLruncewuys someIow
reInIorced Lo prevenL sIuLLerIng.
Be sure Lo Ieuve IIgILs on wIen you go ouL. WIen you ure goIng on
vucuLIon, or II you wIII be gone Ior uny exLended IengLI oI LIme, use
uuLomuLIc LImers Lo Lurn IIgILs on In LIe evenIng und oII durIng LIe duy.
AIwuys cIeck Lo muke sure your guruge door Is cIosed und Iocked.
WIen uwuy, urrunge Lo IoId your muII uL LIe posL oIIIce, or Lo Iuve IL
brougIL In by u LrusLed IrIend or neIgIbor. TIe sume Ior newspuper und
muguzIne deIIverIes.
Do noL IeL your Iuwn become overgrown wIIIe you ure uwuy. AIwuys
muke IL Iook IIke someone Is Iome. Be sure Lo urrunge Lo Iuve your
Iuwn Luken cure oI II you ure ouL oI Lown Ior u wIIIe.
Your exLerIor doors sIouId be meLuI, or Iurdwood, und uII sIouId Iuve
deudboIL Iocks InsLuIIed.
You need Lo Iuve udequuLe exLerIor IIgILIng. IoodIIgILs wILI moLIon-
deLecLors ure IIgIIy recommended.
TrIm Lrees und sIrubs so LIuL LIey cunnoL be used us IIdIng pIuces Ior
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
GeI cwcy cnc :Icy cwcy frcm crec: cf ricIing. Ycu ccn Le in ju:I c:
much ccnger frcm Ihe ricIer: c: Ihe Fc|ice cnc Civi| /uIhcriIie: IhcI hcve
Leen :enI in Ic ue|| Ihe vic|ence. /nc whc, in Ihe hecI cf Ihe mcmenI,"
wcu|c ncI hcve :cme cifficu|Iy ci:Iingui:hing ricIer: frcm Ly:Icncer:
lf :ign: pcinI Ic ricIing cnc unre:I Leing imminenI, 8ugging-CuI Ic ycur
prepcrec Scfe Hcu:e i: prcLcL|y c gccc icec. 8uI uncer:Icnc IhcI un|ike
geIIing cwcy frcm c f|ccc zcne, whi|e ricIing u:uc||y Legin: in Ihe ciIie:, iI
ccn uick|y :precc Ic Ihe :uLurL: cnc c|| crec: c: Ihing: geI wcr:e cnc
:ccieIy Lreck: ccwn. Sc ycu neec Ic Le :mcrI, u:e ycur hecc, ccnI
pcnic, cnc fc||cw Ihe:e :pecific Iip: cnc Iechniue: Ic cvcic Leing c
vicIim nc mcIIer where ycu cre.
8e owore by recogn|z|ng donger. Hcve ccmmuniccIicn :uch c: c rccic,
C8, cr :ccnner. U:e ycur :en:e:. Fcnic :precc: fc:I :c when ycu fee|
IhrecIenec |ike ycur hcir :Icncing cn enc cnc Ihe ccrenc|in wcrking, Icke
ccIicn. FighI ccwn Ihe pcnic cnc :Icy cc|m.
Avo|d con|rontot|on cnc Iry Ic gc crcunc pcIenIic| prcL|em:. Hcve cn
e:ccpe rcuIe IhcI ycu hcve :e|ecIec checc cf Iime.
Act ||ke the not|ves. Iry Ic L|enc in :c ycu ccn'I cIIrccI cIIenIicn. 8e
ccrefu| cf whcI ycu wecr. 8e cwcre cf ycur :urrcuncing:. U:e ycur vicec
ccmerc c: c cefen:e c: ci:cu::ec ecr|ier in Ihe :ecIicn cn prepcrcIicn.
Leorn to de|end yourse||. Chcc:e cn crI IhcI i: ccmpcIiL|e Ic ycur Le|ief:
cnc :ki||: :uch c: kcrcIe, cikicc, mcce, pepper :prcy, gun: cr cIher
wecpcn:. /rmec cr uncrmec Ihe Le:I wcy Ic win c fighI i: ncI Ic hcve
cne, LuI if ycu cre fcrcec Ic fcce IrcuL|e hecc cn, ycu :hcu|c re:i:I wiIh
everyIhing pc::iL|e in c |ife cr cecIh :iIucIicn. Mcre cn Se|f Defen:e cnc
Firecrm: in ChcpIer: 30 cnc 31.
Don't get |nvo|ved |n mobs cr mcL Lehcvicr. Ihey Leccme minc|e:: cnc
cLjecIiviIy i: |c:I.
Crushed |n o crowd? Se|f-pre:ervcIicn i: Ihe key. Iry Ic rice iI cuI |ike c
Lucy in Ihe :ec. lf ccughI in c crcwc :urge, :Icy cwcy frcm cnyIhing :c|ic
|ike c wc||, Lcrrier, cr pi||cr. Keep hcnc: cuI cf ycur pcckeI: cnc remcve
ycur Iie, cr cnyIhing e|:e IhcI ccu|c Le grcLLec cnc Icke ycu ccwn.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
8e core|u| o| roodb|ocks. lf Leve| Ihree cr Fcur cf unre:I i: recchec, ycu
wi|| |ike|y :ee expcncec pc|ice rcccL|cck:. Ycu :hcu|c hcve ncIhing Ic
fecr frcm Ihe:e, LuI uncer:Icnc Leccu:e cf Ihe :everiIy cf Ihe :iIucIicn,
ycu mcy ncI Le cL|e Ic ccunI cn ycur u:uc| ccn:IiIuIicnc| prcIecIicn:.
Ihe Le:I ycu ccn cc i: Ic cccpercIe fu||y wiIh cuIhcriIie:. Much mcre
ccngercu: Ic ycur :cfeIy ccu|c Le free|cnce rcccL|cck: :eI up Ly
cnyLccy frcm pc|iIicc| prcIe:Ier: Ic LcnciI:. lf iI': humcn|y pc::iL|e, cvcic
rcccL|cck:. lI': ncI i||egc| Ic Iurn cwcy frcm Ihem, c: |cng c: ycu ccn'I
ci:cLey cny Ircffic |cw:. Cf ccur:e, LcIh pc|ice cnc free|cncer: wi|| :eI up
Iheir L|cckcce: Ic mcke Ihem c: hcrc c: pc::iL|e Ic cvcic-c|| Ihe mcre
rec:cn Ic Le c|erI, kncw where rcccL|cck: cre |ike|y Ic Le, cnc hcve c
menIc| mcp cf c|IerncIe rcuIe:. lf, in c Iime cnc p|cce cf unre:I, ycu're in
c |ine cpprccching c rcccL|cck, wcIch whcI hcppen: Ic Ihe pecp|e
checc cf ycu. lf ycu :ee cny :ign IhcI Ihe mcIcri:I: checc cre Leing
cLu:ec, geI cuI cf Ihere. Ihi: i: c|:c why iI i: Le:I Ic 8ug-CuI Ic ycur Scfe
Hcu:e Lefcre Ihe :Icrm hiI:" cnc IhecreIicc||y Lefcre :uch rcccL|cck:
cre :eI up.
Ihe DepcrImenI cf Hcme|cnc SecuriIy cefine: Ierrcri:m c: Ihe u:e cf fcrce
cr vic|ence cgcin:I per:cn: cr prcperIy in vic|cIicn cf Ihe criminc| |cw: cf
Ihe UniIec SIcIe: fcr purpc:e: cf inIimiccIicn, ccercicn cr rcn:cm.
Ierrcri:I: cfIen u:e IhrecI: Ic crecIe fecr cmcng Ihe puL|ic, Ic Iry Ic
ccnvince ciIizen: IhcI Iheir gcvernmenI i: pcwer|e:: Ic prevenI Ierrcri:m,
cnc Ic geI immecicIe puL|iciIy fcr Iheir ccu:e:.
/cI: cf Ierrcri:m inc|uce c::c::incIicn:, kicncpping:, hijccking:, LcmL
:ccre: cnc LcmLing:, ccmpuIer-Lc:ec cyLer-cIIcck:, cnc Ihe u:e cf
chemicc|, Lic|cgicc| cnc nuc|ecr wecpcn:.
High-ri:k IcrgeI: inc|uce mi|iIcry cnc civi|icn gcvernmenI fcci|iIie:,
inIerncIicnc| cirpcrI:, |crge ciIie: cnc high-prcfi|e |cncmcrk:. Ierrcri:I:
mighI c|:c IcrgeI |crge puL|ic gcIhering:, wcIer cnc fccc :upp|ie:, uIi|iIie:,
cnc ccrpcrcIe cenIer:. FurIher, Ierrcri:I: cre ccpcL|e cf :preccing fecr
Ly :encing exp|c:ive: cr chemicc| cnc Lic|cgicc| cgenI: Ihrcugh Ihe mci|.
ln Ihe immecicIe crec cf c Ierrcri:I evenI, ycu wcu|c neec Ic re|y cn
pc|ice, fire cnc cIher cfficic|: fcr in:IrucIicn:. Hcwever, ycu ccn prepcre
in much Ihe :cme wcy ycu wcu|c prepcre fcr cIher cri:i: evenI:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Io Frepore |or Fotent|o| Ierror|st Act|on the DHS Suggests:
Huve your Go Bug(s) und SIeILer-In-PIuce Emergency suppIIes weII
sLocked und reudy.
WIerever you ure, be uwure oI your surroundIngs. TIe very nuLure oI
LerrorIsm suggesLs LIere muy be IILLIe or no wurnIng.
Tuke precuuLIons wIen LruveIIng. Be uwure oI conspIcuous or unusuuI
beIuvIor. Do noL uccepL puckuges Irom sLrungers. Do noL Ieuve Iugguge
unuLLended. UnusuuI beIuvIor, suspIcIous puckuges und sLrunge
devIces sIouId be prompLIy reporLed Lo LIe poIIce or securILy personneI.
Do noL be uIruId Lo move or Ieuve II you IeeI uncomIorLubIe or II
someLIIng does noL seem rIgIL.
eurn wIere emergency exILs ure IocuLed In buIIdIngs you IrequenL.
NoLIce wIere exILs ure wIen you enLer unIumIIIur buIIdIngs. PIun Iow
Lo geL ouL oI u buIIdIng, subwuy or congesLed pubIIc ureu or LruIIIc. NoLe
wIere sLuIrcuses ure IocuLed. NoLIce Ieuvy or breukubIe objecLs LIuL
couId move, IuII or breuk In un expIosIon.
Be IumIIIur wILI dIIIerenL Lypes oI IIre exLInguIsIers und Iow Lo use und
IocuLe LIem (see CIupLer 1).
Ycu wi|| |ecrn mcre :pecific wcy: Ic prepcre fcr Chemicc| /IIcck,
8ic|cgicc| Wecpcn /IIcck, cnc Nuc|ecr /IIcck in ChcpIer: 32, 33 cnc 34
Whot to Do || You kece|ve
o 8omb Ihreot or Susp|c|ous Fockoge
8omb Ihreot - lf ycu receive c LcmL IhrecI, geI c: much infcrmcIicn frcm
Ihe cc||er c: pc::iL|e. Keep Ihe cc||er cn Ihe |ine, cnc if pc::iL|e Iry Ic
reccrc everyIhing IhcI i: :cic. Ihen ncIify Ihe pc|ice cnc Ihe Lui|cing
mcncgemenI. lf ycu cre ncIifiec cf c LcmL IhrecI, cc ncI Icuch cny
:u:picicu: pcckcge:. C|ecr Ihe crec crcunc :u:picicu: pcckcge: cnc
ncIify Ihe pc|ice immecicIe|y. ln evccucIing c Lui|cing, ccn'I :Icnc in
frcnI cf winccw:, g|c:: cccr: cr cIher pcIenIic||y hczcrccu: crec:. Dc ncI
L|cck :icewc|k cr :IreeI: Ic Le u:ec Ly emergency cfficic|: cr cIher: :Ii||
exiIing Ihe Lui|cing.
Susp|c|ous Mo|| ondJor Fockoges - 8e wcry cf :u:picicu: pcckcge: cnc
|eIIer:. Ihey ccn ccnIcin exp|c:ive:, chemicc| cr Lic|cgicc| cgenI:. 8e
pcrIicu|cr|y ccuIicu: cI ycur p|cce cf emp|cymenI. Scme Iypicc|
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
chcrccIeri:Iic: pc:Ic| in:pecIcr: hcve ceIecIec cver Ihe yecr:, which
cughI Ic Irigger :u:picicn, inc|uce pcrce|: IhcI:
Are unexpecLed or Irom someone unIumIIIur Lo you.
Are murked wILI resLrIcLIve endorsemenLs, sucI us "PersonuI,"
"ConIIdenLIuI" or "Do noL x-ruy."
Huve proLrudIng wIres or uIumInum IoII, sLrunge odors or sLuIns.
SIow u cILy or sLuLe In LIe posLmurk LIuL doesn'L muLcI LIe reLurn
Are oI unusuuI weIgIL, gIven LIeIr sIze, or ure IopsIded or oddIy sIuped.
Are murked wILI uny LIreuLenIng Iunguuge.
Huve InupproprIuLe or unusuuI IubeIIng.
Huve excessIve posLuge or excessIve puckugIng muLerIuI sucI us muskIng
Lupe und sLrIng.
Huve mIsspeIIIngs oI common words.
Are uddressed Lo someone no Ionger wILI your orgunIzuLIon or ure
oLIerwIse ouLduLed.
Huve IncorrecL LILIes, LILIe wILIouL u nume or noL uddressed Lo u specIIIc
Huve IundwrILLen or poorIy Lyped uddresses.
/: :een in Ihe ricIing curing Ihe fincncic| me|Iccwn in /rgenIinc cnc in
Ihe cfIermcIh cf Hurriccne KcIrinc, c|mc:I cny cri:i: cr ci:c:Ier, ccn
uick|y |ecc Ic :ccieIc| ncrm: fc||ing cpcrI. Ihe wcr:e cnc mcre |cng-
Ierm Ihe ci:c:Ier, Ihe wcr:e :uch unre:I i: |ike|y Ic Leccme. /: c|wcy:
ycur Le:I cefen:e i: prepcrecne::.
8uI Ihere i: cn inIere:Iing :ice-ncIe IhcI mu:I Le mcce Ic U|IimcIe
Survivcr: when iI ccme: Ic Leing prepcrec fcr, cnc even pc::iL|y
L-$.$;'(;@A ccI: cf Civi| Unre:I curing cny kinc cf cri:i:. Ihere wi|| c|wcy:
Le cn e|emenI cf :ccieIy IhcI geI: ce:IrucIive pure|y fcr ce:IrucIicn:
:cke. 8uI fcr Ihe mc:I pcrI Ihe kinc cf ricIing, |ccIing cnc vic|ence IhcI
cccur: curing cr cfIer c ci:c:Ier, i: ncI ccne Ly cncrchi:I:, LuI :imp|y Ly
pecp|e whc hcve pcnickec. /nc why hcve Ihey pcnickec 8eccu:e,
Ihey were unprepcrec fcr Ihe ccIc:Ircphic evenI IhcI Lefe|| Ihem. lf, c:
cn U|IimcIe Survivcr, ycu Icke ycur re:pcn:iLi|iIy :ericu:|y, cnc ycu :precc
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ihe wcrc cf why cnc hcw Ic Le prepcrec, Ihen Ihere wi|| Le IhcI mcny
mcre pecp|e in ycur ccmmuniIy whc YU5 prepcrec, cnc :uch ccI: cf
fighIing fcr re:curce: ccn Le grecI|y recucec, cnc mcyLe even cefu:ec
/: fcr Ihc:e wiIh cncrchy cn Iheir minc:, if Ihey fcce c ccmmuniIy cf we||-
prepcrec cnc crgcnizec U|IimcIe Survivcr: - Iheir ccIicn: ccn |ike|y Le
:huI ccwn very uick|y.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 30
Se|| De|ense 8os|cs |or
Surv|vo| S|tuot|ons

I jecr not the mcn uho hcs prccticed :o,ooo licls once,
but I jecr the mcn uho hcd prccticed one licl :o,ooo times.
- ruce Lee
Like Fir:I-cic, cnc mcny cf Ihe cIher :ki||: ccverec in Ihi: mcnuc|, whcI ycu
ccn |ecrn in Ihi: chcpIer i: Lcre Lcne: Lc:ic: IhcI ccn he|p ycu Ic cefenc
ycur:e|f in c vcrieIy cf :iIucIicn:, LuI c|| U|IimcIe Survivcr: cre enccurcgec
Ic Icke McrIic| /rI: cr cIher Se|f-Defen:e Ircining. Nc mcIIer whcI McrIic|
/rI ycu chc:e Ic :Iucy - cnc Ihere cre mcny, :c ycu wi|| |ike|y Le cL|e Ic
finc cne IhcI fiI: ycur |ife:Iy|e cnc per:cnc| Le|ief: - ycu wi|| |ecrn :c much
mcre Ihcn hcw Ic cefenc ycur:e|f. Ycu wi|| |ecrn ci:cip|ine cnc fccu: -
even wcy: Ic geI in LeIIer phy:icc| :hcpe cnc :Icy in :hcpe, c|| cf which
cre criIicc| in cri:i: :iIucIicn:.
/nycne whc hc: pur:uec :uch Ircining, e:pecic||y Ic Ihe 8|cck 8e|I |eve|
hc: prcLcL|y hecrc Ihe fc||cwing :Icry, cr :cme cerivcIicn cf iI. 8uI iI i:
pcrIicu|cr|y re|evcnI Ic 8c:ic Survivc| Se|f Defen:e.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
CuI:ice cf c wcr|c-rencwnec mcrIic| crI: :Iucic, :cmecne hcc Iiec up c
vic|enI|y nervcu: ccnkey. /: c :IucenI wc|kec up Ic Ihe :chcc|, Ihe
ccnkey kickec him cnc Lrcke hi: |eg. ShcrI|y cfIerwcrc: cncIher :IucenI
ccme c|cng, Ihi: :IucenI wc: mcre ccvcncec cnc wc: uicker wiIh hi:
reccIicn:. Ihi: Iime when Ihe ccnkey Lrcyec cnc cIIcckec, Ihe :IucenI
mcncgec Ic evcce c cirecI hiI, LuI Ihe Lec:I :Ii|| ccnnecIec cnc Ihe
:IucenI :ufferec c Lcc Lrui:e cnc c Iwi:Iec cnk|e. /|cng ccme cncIher
:IucenI, Ihi: cne cn ccvcncec 8|cck 8e|I. Cnce cgcin Ihe ccnkey
cIIcckec LuI Ihi: :IucenI :pun experI|y, cnc mcncgec Ic cvcic Ihe
cIIcck ccmp|eIe|y. Sccn Ihe :IucenI: :cw Iheir Mc:Ier in:IrucIcr
cpprccching. Ihe ue:Iicn i: whcI cc ycu Ihink Ihe Mc:Ier cic
When Ihi: pcrcL|e i: pre:enIec Ic ncvice mcrIic| crI: :IucenI: c: iI cfIen i:
- Ihe cn:wer: Ihe in:IrucIcr u:uc||y geI: cre prcLcL|y Ihe :cme cne: ycu
cre Ihinking cf righI ncw: Ihe Mc:Ier ki||ec Ihe ccnkey wiIh c :ing|e L|cw,
he kncckec Ihe ccnkey unccn:cicu: cnc he Lrcke Ihe ccnkey': |eg. Le::
cggre::ive cnc mcre Zen-|ike :IucenI: cfIen cn:wer, He wc: cL|e Ic
cc|m Ihe ccnkey cnc :eI iI free."
Ihe fir:I cn:wer:, which cre Ihe mc:I ccmmcn, mi:: Ihe pcinI cf :urvivc|
ccmp|eIe|y. lI i: c minc-:eI IhcI eucIe: mcrIic| crI: cnc :urvivc| c:
:yncnymcu: wiIh fighIing, which i: c B(@ )(9'*>$. Fecp|e whc give Ihi:
cn:wer Ihink IhcI :ince Ihe Ieccher i: c grecI Mc:Ier he :hcu|c Le cL|e Ic
:uLcue c pcwerfu||y vic|enI Lec:I, which i: ec:i|y :Ircnger Ihcn c humcn,
wiIh fcrce.
lf ycu cre cne cf Ihc:e IhcI IhcughI c |iII|e |e:: cggre::ive|y cnc IhcughI
cf cn:wer: |ike, He unIiec Ihe ccnkey cnc :eI iI free, mcy Le kincer cnc
genI|er, LuI iI i: :Ii|| wrcng - Leccu:e in c :urvivc| :iIucIicn, Irying Ic rec:cn
wiIh cr cc|m ccwn c vic|enI cggre::cr ccn :Ii|| geI ycu ki||ec.
Ihe cn:wer cf whcI Ihe Mc:Ier cic, cnc why he Iru|y lS c Mc:Ier i: :imp|e:
He :cw Ihe vic|enI ccnkey cnc chc:e Ic u:e Ihe Lcck enIrcnce Ic Ihe
:Iucic, ccmp|eIe|y cvcicing Ihe ccngercu: cnimc|. IhcI i: cn excmp|e cf
:urvivc|, which hc: ncIhing Ic cc wiIh fighIing. ln fccI, iI i: c|| cLcuI NOI
Ycu neec Ic uncer:Icnc IhcI kncwing hcw Ic fighI cnc cefenc ycur:e|f i:
crucic||y impcrIcnI -- LuI fighIing :hcu|c c|wcy: Le c |c:I re:crI when c||
cIher cpIicn: hcve Leen exhcu:Iec. /vciccnce, cn Ihe cIher hcnc, i:
Ihe fir:I Le:I cpIicn. FememLer Ihe ec:ie:I |ife IhrecIening ccnfrcnIcIicn
Ic wc|k cwcy frcm, i: Ihe cne ycu never enccunIerl
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Mcre Ihcn cny mcve cr Iechniue ycu ccn |ecrn in Ihi: ChcpIer, Ihe mcin
|e::cn ycu neec Ic Icke cwcy frcm iI i: Ihi::
Ihere cre mcny cifferenI wcy: Ic cefenc ycur:e|f, rcnging frcm Ihe u:e cf
firecrm:, ncn-|eIhc| wecpcn: :uch c: SIun Gun: cr Fepper Sprcy:, hcnc
wecpcn: :uch c: knive:, :wcrc: cnc LcIcn:, imprcvi:ec wecpcn:, Ic
hcnc-Ic-hcnc ccmLcI. 8uI nc mcIIer hcw ycu chcc:e Ic cefenc
ycur:e|f, c|| Se|f Defen:e :IcrI: wiIh Ihe :cme Iwc ccncepI::
1. You need Lo undersLund your IImILuLIons.
z. You need Lo be ubIe Lo 455'55 %&' LIreuL IeveI Lo you, und be uwure
oI your surroundIngs uL uII LImes, In order Lo decIde wIIcI, und brIng
udvunLuge Lo, uny seII-deIense LecInIques LIuL you muy be Iorced Lo
Nc mcIIer whcI :ki||: cr wecpcn: ycu hcve cI ycur ci:pc:c|, if ycu
prccIice Ihe crI cf ccrefu||y evc|ucIing ycur :urrcuncing:, cnc kncw whcI
ycu cre phy:icc||y ccpcL|e cf, ycu cre in c LeIIer pc:iIicn Ic prevenI c |cI
cf ccngercu: :iIucIicn: IhcI ycu mcy pc::iL|y experience - cnc |ike Ihe
Mc:Ier in Ihe ccnkey :Icry, mcyLe cvcic ccnfrcnIcIicn: c|IcgeIher.
When c|cne, iI i: impcrIcnI Ic en:ure IhcI ycu ci:p|cy cn cir cf ccnficence
IhcI cIher: ccn :ee. Whenever ycu cre fccec wiIh c ccngercu: :iIucIicn,
iI i: impcrIcnI Ic en:ure IhcI ycu mcinIcin Ihi: |eve| cf ccnficence. /|wcy:
rememLer IhcI un|e:: :cmecne ccIuc||y jump: cuI cnc phy:icc||y cIIcck:
ycu, Ihere i: c|wcy: c chcnce ycu ccn cefu:e Ihe :iIucIicn cnc wc|k
cwcy wiIhcuI c L|cw Leing :Iruck. 8y ncI Lccking ccwn frcm c
ccnfrcnIcIicn, Ly keeping up cn cir cf ccnficence ycu mcy ccu:e ycur
cggre::cr Ic Le Ihe cne Ic Lcck ccwn. /|wcy: mcinIcin cirecI eye
ccnIccI, Ihi: ccn inIimiccIe ycur cppcnenI, cnc c|:c c||cw: ycu Ic |cck
fcr :ign: IhcI he cr :he i: cLcuI Ic mcke Ihe fir:I mcve.
When ccnfrcnIec Ly c pcIenIic||y vic|enI ccver:cry Ihe fir:I Ihing ycu
neec Ic cc i: |iIerc||y :ize-up" Ihe :iIucIicn. l: Ihe cggre::cr much |crger
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
cr :Ircnger |ccking Ihcn ycu cre Dce: he cr :he cppecr Ic Le crmec
Lcck fcr Lcggy pcnI: cr cIher |cc:e c|cIhing. Ihi: i: u:uc||y c :ign IhcI
Ihey cre ccncec|ing c wecpcn cf :cme :crI. l: Ihe cggre::cr wecring
c|cIhe: |ike hecvy cr :Iee|-Icec LccI:, cr :pike: cnc chcin: IhcI ccn
ccu:e ycu :ericu: injurie: Ncw i: Ihe Iime Ic |cck fcr cnyIhing IhcI ycu
ccn u:e Ic ycur ccvcnIcge, if vic|ence erupI:. Look |or:
ong IuIr und cIoLIIng you couId grub.
rIends--yours or LIe uLLuckers--wIo muy come Lo your deIense or
become oLIerwIse InvoIved.
A red Iuce, IIusIed wILI bIood, ImpIIes LIuL LIe uLLucker Is noL reudy Ior
IIgILIng. OLIerwIse, LIe bIood wouId be dIverLed Lo LIe muscIes.
A wIILe, LIIn-IIpped Iuce und 'LIgIL' voIce ImpIy LIuL vIoIence Is
oIIow your InsLIncLs. I you Iuve u IeeIIng LIuL LIere Is u probIem,
LIere usuuIIy Is one. Assess your own sILuuLIon, II IIgIL or IIIgIL Is
Does your cIoLIIng resLrIcL you In movemenL? EspecIuIIy by your
Do you see unywIere neurby wIere you cun IIee Lo wIIcI wouId IeIp
you escupe or guIn un udvunLuge? Remember, LIIs Is noL u movIe, LIIs Is
IIIe und deuLI. TIere Is noLIIng dIsIonorubIe or unmunIy by runnIng
uwuy II LIuL wIII suve your IIIe!
When You Hove to F|ght
ScmeIime: ce:piIe ycur Le:I effcrI: Ic e:ccpe cr cvcic c ccnfrcnIcIicn,
vic|ence i: ineviIcL|e. Cn|y ycu wi|| kncw when IhcI |ine hc: Leen crc::ec
cnc Ihere i: nc cIher c|IerncIive LuI Ic fighI Ic :urvive. 8uI uncer:Icnc
Ihi:, cnce ycu hcve mcce IhcI ceci:icn, Ihere i: nc Iurning Lcck cnc nc
hc|cing Lcck. lI i: ycu, cr ycur cIIccker. When ycu cc fighI Lcck, geI
cngry cnc give iI everyIhing ycu hcve. Dc ncI even Ihink cf fighIing fcir|y,
ycur cIIccker wcn'Il
Kick, LiIe, :crcIch, gcuge, cc cnyIhing ycu ccn, wiIh cnyIhing ycu hcve,
Ic ci:cL|e ycur cppcnenI. DcnI Ihink Iwice cLcuI grcLLing c hcncfu| cf
cirI, grcve| cr :cnc cnc Ihrcwing iI inIc ycur cIIccker': fcce, cr u:ing ycur
key: Ic Ihru:I inIc hi: eye:. Scunc: hcr:h Icc Lcc, he i: Irying Ic ki|| ycul
During Ihe ccnfrcnIcIicn, Icke cny cppcrIuniIy ycu ccn Ic e:ccpe, cnc
geI Ic :cfeIy. Ihi: i:n'I c :ign cf weckne::. lI i: c :ign cf gccc :en:el
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
McrIic| /rI: experI cnc in:IrucIcr 8ricn Sneecen, hc: wriIIen :everc|
crIic|e: cnc guice: cn Lc:ic :e|f-cefen:e. He reccmmenc: Ihe fc||cwing
Iechniue:, if ycu cre fcrcec Ic fighI.
K|cks - Ycu prcLcL|y in:IincIive|y kncw iI, cnc iI i: 1007 Irue, Ihe mc:I
effecIive Iechniue fcr puIIing ccwn c mc|e cppcnenI i: c kick cr knee Ic
Ihe grcin. When fincing ycur:e|f in c ccnf|icI :cencric, immecicIe|y c::e::
ycur cppcnenI': cefen:ive ccpcLi|iIie:. lf ycur cIIccker i: wiIhcuI c knife,
gun cr cIher wecpcn, mcke c uick cIIempI Ic ci:IrccI ycur cppcnenI
whi|e kicking hi: grcin. lf Ihe L|cw ccnnecI: cnc ycur cIIccker Leccme:
Iempcrcri|y immcLi|izec, Icke Ihe cppcrIuniIy Ic run cwcy cr :eek he|p,
cc ncI wc:Ie viIc| Iime IcunIing ycur cIIccker, cr Irying Ic ce|iver c
fini:hing L|cw". lf Ihe grcin regicn i: ncI c c|ecr IcrgeI, u:e ycur kick: Ic
mcinIcin ci:Icnce LeIween ycu cnc ycur cIIccker whi|e mcinIcining
Lc|cnce cnc Lcci|y eui|iLrium. U:e ec:y cnc :IcL|e kick: :uch c: Ihe
frcnI kick {jcLLing ycur hee| wci:I-|eve| cI cn cppcnenI cirecI|y in frcnI cf
ycu) cr Ihe :hin :crcpe {kicking ccwn cI ycur cppcnenI': :hin: cnc
:crcping ccwn Ihe |eg) Ic mcinIcin Lc|cnce whi|e ccu:ing c: much
ccmcge c: pc::iL|e.
Funches ond 8|ows - lf ycu cre unIrcinec ycu ccn cc fcr mcre ccmcge
wiIh :cmeIhing in ycur hcnc, Ihen wiIh ycur fi:I cr cpen hcnc. Cne cf Ihe
primcry in:IrucIicn: IcughI in :e|f-cefen:e wcrk:hcp: invc|ve: u:ing ycur
key: c: c wecpcn. Cuick|y grcL ycur key: cnc pc:iIicn Ihem wiIhin ycur
fi:I :c IhcI Iwc key: juI cuI cirecI|y LeIween ycur knuck|e:, wiIh c key
LeIween ycur pcinIer cnc micc|e, c: we|| c: micc|e cnc ring finger,
re:pecIive|y. Ihi: crecIe: c :mc|| wecpcn frcm ycur hcnc IhcI wi|| ccu:e
ycur punche: Ic Le mcre ccmcging. When punching ycur cppcnenI,
pivcI ycur hip: c: if ycu were Ihrcwing c Lc:eLc||. FcrgeI Ihe ccwLcy
:Iuff cnc ccnI gc fcr Ihe jcw. /im fcr Ihe nc:e in:Iecc. Funche: Ic Ihe
Lricge cf Ihe nc:e ccn ec:i|y Lreck ycur cppcnenI': nc:e, :Iunning him
cnc ccu:ing L|eecing. lf ycu ccnncI recch ycur cppcnenI': fcce, cim
in:Iecc fcr Ihe :c|cr p|exu: regicn immecicIe|y Le|cw where ycur
cIIccker': riL: enc ccwn Ihe cenIer cf hi: Lccy -- c L|cw Ic Ihe :c|cr
p|exu: ccn rencer him ci:cL|ec Ihrcugh |c:: cf LrecIh.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
1he followlng dlagram lllusLraLes Lhe mosL vulnerable sLrlke polnLs" on Lhe
human body - geL Lo know Lhem.

8e prepcrec Ic u:e cnyIhing cnc everyIhing ycu hcve cI ycur ci:pc:c| Ic
cefenc ycur:e|f. Ihe fc||cwing ccn c|| Le u:ec very effecIive|y cgcin:I cn
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
CoIns Irom your pockeL cun be LIrown In un uLLucker's Iuce, or you cun
wrup LIem up In u IundkercIIeI or sock und use us u cIub.
Use your bug, purse, brIeIcuse, uIm Ior LIe Ieud.
UmbreIIus und wuIkIng sLIcks cun be used us cIubs or jubbed InLo IeeL or
sLomucI, or brougIL up beLween LIe Iegs Lo un uLLucker's groIn.
Hurd-soIed sIoes ure essenLIuI Lo be ubIe Lo kIck eIIecLIveIy. AIm Ior LIe
groIn. Scrupe your sIoe down u sIIn.
HIgI IeeIs sIouId be uImed uL un uLLucker's IooL or Iund. PuLLIng uII Ier
weIgIL on u LIIn IeeI meuns un uveruge womun cun exerL u pressure oI
neurIy LIree-quurLers oI u Lon! BuL, you cunnoL run In IIgI IeeIs. Tuke
LIem oII und LIrow LIem, or use LIem Lo sLrIke LIe uLLucker.
A greuL SurvIvuI TooI Is u Iurge Mug IgIL or sImIIur TucLIcuI IusIIIgIL -
- IL noL onIy serves your needs Ior u IIusIIIgIL In vurIous SurvIvuI
SILuuLIons, LIIs powerIuI IIusIIIgIL muy duzzIe un uLLucker, und uIso
mukes Ior u sLurdy und Iundy cIub.
RoII up u newspuper und jub IL end IIrsL InLo LIe Iuce or sLomucI.
Jub u credIL curd, comb, IuIrbrusI or unyLIIng InLo LIe upper IIp beIow
LIe nose.
Scrupe u comb ucross LIe uLLucker's Iuce or buck oI LIe Iund.
DIg u pen or pencII InLo LIe uLLucker's Iund or Iuce, LIe uLLucker's
ImpuIse muy be Lo deIend LIe eyes.
Powder Irom u compucL muy LemporurIIy bIInd un uLLucker.
PerIume, IuIrspruy or deodorunL cun be spruyed InLo un uLLucker's eyes.
I| Your Opponent |s Armed
ln :iIucIicn: where ycur cppcnenI hc: c gun, iI i: i|| ccvi:ec fcr ycu Ic
cIIempI Ic fighI cr ci:crm ycur cppcnenI un|e:: ycu hcve receivec
ccn:icercL|e Ircining in ccing :c. ln cc:e: where ycu cre he|c cI
gunpcinI wiIh c firecrm, Ihe :cfe:I cnc :mcrIe:I :IrcIegy i: Ic :imp|y fc||cw
ycur cIIccker': ccmmcnc: un|e:: he puI: Ihe firecrm ccwn, in which cc:e
ycu kick him in Ihe grcin. lf ycur cppcnenI i: cIIccking ycu wiIh c knife,
pipe cr cIher wecpcn, keep him cI Lcy wiIh kick: cr c :Iick, if pc::iL|e,
unIi| ycu ccn hcve cn cppcrIuniIy Ic geI cwcy cr cIIrccI :cmecne Ic
ccme he|p ycu.
/ ccne cr c :Iick give: ycu recch cver c knife. When cec|ing wiIh cn
cppcnenI crmec wiIh wecpcn cIher Ihcn c firecrm, cnc ycu fee| IhcI
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
cccpercIicn i: ncI cn cpIicn -- ci:crming hi: wecpcn i: ycur numLer cne
pricriIy. /gcin Ihi: i: ncI ec:y wiIhcuI prcper :e|f-cefen:e cr mcrIic| crI:
Ircining, LuI iI ccn Le ccne wiIh ccrefu| grcL: Ic Ihe wri:I cnc wri:I|cck:
iniIicIec cn Ihe hcnc hc|cing Ihe wecpcn. WciI unIi| ycur cppcnenI
|ecc: wiIh cn cIIcck, cnc grcL hi: wri:I wiIh cne hcnc whi|e eiIher kicking
him in Ihe grcin cr :Iriking hi: nc:e cr :c|cr p|exu:. lf Ihe pcin cf ycur L|cw
hc: ncI weckenec hi: grip cn hi: wecpcn, u:e Iwc hcnc: Ic Iwi:I hi: wri:I
unIi| ccu:ing encugh pcin Ic ci:crm him.
Non-Letho| Weopons
Ihe mi|iIcry cnc |cw enfcrcemenI emp|cy c numLer cf ncn-|eIhc| cr |e::
Ihen |eIhc| wecpcn:. Ihe:e ccn inc|uce, L|unI impccI muniIicn:, c|:c
kncwn c: ricI rcunc:," e|ecIricc| cevice:, chemicc| :prcy:, cnc cirecIec
energy wecpcn:. Cf Ihe fcur, Ihe Iwc mc:I ccmmcn ycu wcu|c |ike|y u:e
fcr incivicuc| :e|f-cefen:e wcu|c Le chemicc| irriIcnI:, :uch c: Fepper
Sprcy, cr e|ecIricc| cevice:, c|:c kncwn c: SIun Gun:."
Fepper Sproy - Fepper Sprcy i: prcLcL|y Ihe :cfe:I, ec:ie:I Ic geI, mc:I
effecIive, cnc ec:ie:I Ic u:e Ncn-LeIhc| Wecpcn Ic ccrry fcr :e|f-cefen:e.
Fepper :prcy cr C|ecre:in Ccp:icum, i: u:ec fcr per:cnc| prcIecIicn in Ihe
fcmi|icr cerc:c| ccn. CC i: c ncIurc| :uL:Icnce IhcI i: ci:Ii||ec frcm ci|:
fcunc in ccyenne cnc cIher vcrieIie: cf hcI pepper:. Upcn ccnIccI wiIh
Ihe :kin CC ccu:e: cn immecicIe Lurning :en:cIicn. 8uI iI: effecIivene::
c: c cefen:ive wecpcn i: Leccu:e iI i: cn exIreme|y pcIenI eye irriIcnI.
When :prcyec in cr necr Ihe eye:, CC immecicIe|y ccu:e: Ihem Ic IighI|y
:huI, Lurn, Iecr, cnc :we|| up. Fepper :prcy c|:c ccu:e: Ihe nc:e, IhrccI,
cnc :inu:e: Ic Lurn cnc :we|| mcking iI very cifficu|I Ic LrecIhe. Ihe
Lurning :en:cIicn i: :c :evere, cnc Ihe cuIcncmic re:pcn:e cf Ihe eye:
:ncpping :huI :c uick, IhcI even if ycur cIIccker i: uncer Ihe inf|uence cf
crug:, cr i: cIherwi:e cL|ivicu: Ic pcin, Ihey wi|| Le uncL|e Ic keep Iheir
eye: cpen when hiI in Ihe fcce wiIh c L|c:I cf CC. Simi|cr Ic pepper :prcy
i: pepper ge|, which in:Iecc cf Leing cerc:c|izec, i: c :hcI cf CC |ccen
gccp prcpe||ec Ly ccmpre::ec cir IhcI :Iick: Ic Ihe fcce cf Ihe IcrgeI
ccu:ing in:IcnI inccpcciIcIicn. Fepper Sprcy hc: cfIen Leen
incccurcIe|y referrec Ic c: Mcce," which i: ccIuc||y Ihe Lrcnc ncme cf
Ihe CC prccucI: mcce cnc ci:IriLuIec Ly Hcr:hcm, F/ Lc:ec Mcce
SecuriIy lnIerncIicnc|.
Stun Guns - E|ecIric :hcck wecpcn: cr Lic-effecI wecpcn: cre ce:ignec
Ic ccu:e e|ecIrc mu:cu|cr ci:rupIicn, {EMD) cr inccpcciIcIing c
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ccmLcIcnI Ly IcIc||y cverricing Iheir nervcu: :y:Iem. Ihe Le:I kncwn cf
Ihe:e :c-cc||ec :Iun gun:" i: Ihe I/SEF. Un|ike c Lu||eI, impccI wecpcn,
cr chemicc| cgenI, which hcve Ic hiI c cerIcin pcrI cf Ihe Lccy Ic Le
effecIive, Ihe EMD effecI i: :uL:IcnIic| wherever Ihe cevice mcke:
ccnIccI wiIh Ihe Lccy, even Ihrcugh |cyer: cf c|cIhing. EMD ccu:e:
immecicIe cnc unccnIrc||cL|e ccnIrccIicn cf Ihe mu:c|e Ii::ue, Lringing
cn cppcnenI ccwn, regcrc|e:: cf phy:icc| :ize, :IrengIh, cr pcin
Un|ike Ihe kinc cf SIun Gun:" IhcI ce|iver Iheir EMD pu|:e vic cirecI
ccnIccI wiIh prcng: cn Ihe cevice, Ihe I/SEF hc: Ihe ccvcnIcge cf
c||cwing ycu Ic keep ycur ci:Icnce frcm ycur cIIccker. I/SEF: cre ncI
ccn:icerec firecrm:, LuI Ihere cre re:IricIicn: cn Ihe purchc:e cf Ihem,
cnc Ihe |egc|iIy cf ccrrying cne in cerIcin :IcIe:. Check wiIh Ihe
ccmpcny: weL:iIe {Ic:er.ccm) Ic finc cuI Ihe |ccc| |cw: in ycur crec.
Everydoy Focket Weopons
Mcny pecp|e chc:e Ic ccrry c ccncec|ec hcncgun fcr :e|f-cefen:e. Hcw
ycu cc cr cc ncI fee| cLcuI gun: i: c mcIIer cf per:cnc| chcice, LuI nc
cne :hcu|c ccrry c gun wiIhcuI prcper Ircining. lf ycu hcve nc mcrc|
cLjecIicn Ic firecrm:, ycu :hcu|c Icke c :pecific Se|f-Defen:e ShccIing
ccur:e Lefcre purchc:ing c hcncgun cnc cpp|ying fcr c ccrry permiI, if
Ihey cre cvci|cL|e where ycu |ive. Mcre cn Firecrm: LcIh hcncgun: cnc
cIher: fcr hcme cnc per:cnc| cefen:e wi|| Le ci:cu::ec in Ihe nexI
Simi|cr|y, knive: cnc |crge ecgec wecpcn: in pcrIicu|cr :uch c: :wcrc:,
Ihcugh |eIhc|, reuire c fcir cmcunI cf Ircining Ic u:e effecIive|y in
ccmLcI. Ihere cre hcwever c few very :imp|e Ic u:e cnc ec:y Ic ccrry
everyccy" pcckeI wecpcn: IhcI ccu|c :cve ycur |ife if ycu cre cIIcckec
curing c Iime cf unre:I, cr cnyIime cn c ciIy :IreeIl
Sm|th & Wesson Ioct|co| Fen - Hcve ycu hecrc Ihe expre::icn Ihe pen i:
mighIier Ihcn Ihe :wcrc" We|| Ihi: cne ju:I mighI Lel Ihi: fu||y
funcIicning pen i: mcce cf cnccizec c|uminum cnc Icper: Ic c :hcrp
jcLLing pcinI cn Ihe ncn-wriIing enc IhcI ccn cc :ignificcnI ccmcge Ic
Ihe eye, cr cIher :cfI Ii::ue cf cny c::ci|cnI. /: cf Ihe wriIing cf Ihi:
Ver:icn cf Ihe mcnuc| Ihey hcve ncI Leen Lcnnec Ly Ihe IS/, :c ycu ccn
even ccrry cne cn cn cirp|cne cnc Le prepcrec fcr cn cIIempIec
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ierrcri:I Ickecver cf ycur f|ighI. /ncIher :imi|cr IccIicc| Fen i: Ihe Cc|c
SIee| FcckeI Shcrk.
Kuboton - / KuLcIcn i: c ccmmcn keychcin" wecpcn IhcI ccn Le very
effecIive fcr :e|f-cefen:e in c|c:e ucrIer ccmLcI. Ihe IrcciIicnc|
KuLcIcn i: ccmpc:ec cf c high-impccI p|c:Iic rcc cpprcximcIe|y five
inche: |cng cnc cLcuI c hc|f inch crcunc. lI i: |inec wiIh :ix rcunc grccve:
IhcI cre ce:ignec Ic give Ihe hcnc|er cn ccciIicnc| grip. lI u:uc||y :pcrI:
c :|iI ring cI Ihe enc where ycu ccn cIIcch key:. / KuLcIcn i: ce:ignec
Ic :Irike Lcny :urfcce:, nerve pcinI: cnc Ii::ue. lf ccne effecIive|y, iI hc:
Ihe cLi|iIy Ic Iempcrcri|y pcrc|yze cr ccu:e exIreme pcin Ic ycur cIIccker
giving ycu mcre Iime Ic e:ccpe. Ihe Le:I p|cce: Ic cIIcck when u:ing
Ihe KuLcIcn cre Ihe :Icmcch, Ihe grcin, Ihe :c|cr p|exu:, Ihe crm, Ihe
hipLcne, Ihe :hin, Ihe cc||crLcne, Ihe kneeccp, Ihe cnk|e cnc Ihe IhrccI.
8uI ycu ccn never gc wrcng cnywhere ycu ccnnecI wiIh c KuLcIcn, Ihe
pcin cnc ccmcge inf|icIec Ly ycur L|cw wi|| increc:e Iremenccu:|y. Ycu
mcy :ee Ihe KuLcIcn referrec Ic c: c KuLcIcn Ycwcrc, cr Ycwcrc SIick,
Ihe:e cre ju:I vcricIicn:, u:uc||y wiIh c pcinIec rcIher Ihcn Ihe rcuncec cr
L|unI enc cf Ihe IrcciIicnc| KuLcIcn.
Expondob|e 8oton - /n expcnccL|e LcIcn i: c very pcpu|cr hcnc
wecpcn u:ec Ly Lcw EnfcrcemenI Frcfe::icnc|: cnc Specic| Fcrce:
CpercIive:. /n expcnccL|e LcIcn i: very effecIive cgcin:I cn cIIccker
Leccu:e iI give: ycu recch, :urpri:e, cnc :peec. ExpcnccL|e LcIcn: cre
u:uc||y -inche: when cc||cp:ec, mcking Ihem ec:y Ic ccrry, LuI wiIh Ihe
f|ick cf c wri:I Ihey ccn expcnc Ic cnywhere frcm 12 Ic 25 inche:. Ihere
cre Iwc kinc:. / f|exiL|e :pring Iype, IhcI i: very effecIive in Leing cL|e Ic
ce|iver exIreme|y fc:I Lcne :hcIIering whip-|ike L|cw:. Ihe cIher Iype
expcnc: Ic c :c|ic LcIcn, which c||cw: LcIh :winging cnc Ihru:Iing :Irike:.
EiIher wcy Ihey mcke fcr c mc:I effecIive per:cnc| cefen:e wecpcn,
e:pecic||y cgcin:I mu|Iip|e ccver:crie:.
Surv|v|ng o Con|rontot|on w|th Mu|t|p|e Attockers
/: ncIec in Ihe |c:I ChcpIer, mcL vic|ence ccn Le c very rec| prcL|em in
mcny :urvivc| :iIucIicn:. Dcvic /" {rec| ncme wiIhhe|c fcr :ecuriIy
rec:cn:) i: c fcrmer l:rce|i Specic| Fcrce: CpercIive, whc ncw run: c
wcr|c-rencwnec ExecuIive FrcIecIicn /gency. Dcvic hc: wriIIen :everc|
Lcck: cn UrLcn Se|f Defen:e. He reccmmenc: Ihe fc||cwing when
ccnfrcnIec Ly c gcng cr mcL LenI cn vic|ence.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Fir:I cnc fcremc:I c: ycu hcve hecrc cver cnc cver cgcin in Ihi: chcpIer -
- Survivc| cfIen mecn: NCI fighIing, if ycu :ee cn e:ccpe rcuIe - Icke iI
ncw. Dcvic c|:c :cy: :ee if ycu ccn Ic|k ycur wcy cuI cf Ihe :iIucIicn. Ihi:
mcy ncI Le c: hcrc c: iI :cunc:, LuI iI cce: Icke c cerIcin cmcunI cf
fine::e, ccnficence, cnc c very c|ecr hecc.
Here ore some t|ps:
ook und sLund sLrong, do noL be InLImuLed - BUT LeIIIng u group LIuL`s
reudy Lo Luke you upurL Lo - oII, or oLIerwIse use InIIummuLory
speecI, does noLIIng Lo dIIIuse LIe sILuuLIon.
Remember you ure probubIy deuIIng wILI peopIe LIuL ure cIose Lo LIe
edge und uIreudy IeeI LIey Iuve noLIIng Lo Iose. SLuy cuIm & don`L sIow
uny Ieur.
ApoIogIze - BeIIeve IL or noL, suyIng you ure sorry, buL wILIouL gIvIng
ground, or breukIng eye conLucL, Is oILen enougI In gung menLuIILy Ior
LIe Ieuder Lo Iook IIke Top Dog In IronL oI LIe group wILIouL u IIgIL
Ihe mcL: Lccy |cngucge wi|| Le ycur Le:I wcy Ic gcuge ycur ccnger
|eve|. WcIching Ihe grcup: Lccy |cngucge wi|| give ycu c c|ue Ic when
Ihey cre reccy Ic cIIcck.
Ihe |o||ow|ng oct|ons moy be o s|gns o| on ottock:
WuLcI Ior LIe ussuIIunL Lo do someLIIng IIke removIng u IuL or sIIrL.
Your uLLucker muy sLurL Lo muke erruLIc movemenLs sucI us rubbIng IIs
nose, pusIIng IIs IuIr buck or cIencIIng IIs LeeLI.
WuLcI LIe group`s eyes; LIey muy sLurL Lo gIunce uL eucI oLIer Ior cues
on wIen Lo uLLuck.
WuLcI LIe uLLucker`s IIsLs, oILen LImes LIey wIII LIgILen LIem rIgIL
beIore LIey ure reudy Lo uLLuck you.
lf iI :eem: |ike vic|ence i: cLcuI Ic erupI, cnc ycu cre uncrmec, uick|y
:ccn ycur :urrcuncing: fcr pc::iL|e imprcvi:ec wecpcn:. 8eer LcII|e:,
Iree Lrcnche:, gcrLcge ccn:, Lrick:, cnc rememLer even ycur key:, cr
Ihe ccmL cr pen in ycur pcckeI ccn Le u:ec c: imprcvi:ec wecpcn: in
cn emergency :iIucIicn.
Ihe key Ic :urviving c gcng cIIcck i: Ic uncer:Icnc IhcI ycu wi|| ;0' hcve
Ic fighI Ihe whc|e grcup. ln fccI ycur gcc| i: Ic fighI c: few cf Ihem c:
pc::iL|e. Dcvic :cy: in:Iecc cf cefecIing ecch cf Iheir Lccie:, ycu mu:I
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
in:Iecc ce:Ircy Iheir minc:. Ycu cc Ihi: Ly mcking :ure ycur fir:I :Irike i:
:pecIccu|cr, very vi:iL|e, crcmcIic, cnc prefercL|y cecc|y. Ihe mcre
vi:iL|e cnc Ihe grecIer Ihe injury i:, Ihe grecIer Ihe p:ychc|cgicc| effecI iI
wi|| hcve cn Ihe re:I cf Ihe grcup. Ihe fir:I few :eccnc: cf Ihe fighI cre
criIicc|, if ycu ccn emcIicnc||y cefecI Ihe grcup wiIh ycur fir:I L|cw, mcny
cf Ihem wi|| :ccIIer wiIhcuI ever Ihrcwing c punch.
Ycu neec Ic icenIify Ihe |eccer, Ihe :Ircnge:I |ink. Ihi: per:cn i: ycur mcin
IhrecI cnc mu:I Le Icken cuI fir:I. Icking cuI Ihe |eccer ccn ce:Ircy Ihe
grcup: wi||ingne:: Ic fighI cnc i: Ihe fir:I :Iep Ic :urviving Ihe cIIcck.
FememLer, ycu wcnI Ic crecIe c :Ircng vi:iL|e injury IhcI wi|| mcke Ihe
grcup reIhink iI: cIIcck. ln c |ife cr cecIh :iIucIicn ccnfrcnIec Ly mu|Iip|e
cIIccker: Ihere cre nc ru|e:. IcrgeI Ihe |eccer, Icke cuI hi: eye:, Lreck hi:
kneeccp:, Lreck hi: nc:e - even Le wi||ing Ic :crecm |ike Lcn:hee cnc
LiIe cnc rip cuI hi: IhrccI - ycuc Le :urpri:ec hcw inIimiccIing IhcI ccu|c
Le Ic c mcLl Ycur gcc| i: Ic immcLi|ize Ihe cIIccker: Ly cny mecn:
cvci|cL|e - mcke iI hurI, cnc mcke iI ccunI - - cnc ycu ju:I mighI mcke iI
/: :IcIec in Ihe Leginning, p|ec:e cc ncI Icke cny cf Ihe ccvice given in
Ihi: chcpIer c: c :uL:IiIuIe fcr geIIing ycur:e|f :cme rec| mcrIic| crI: cr :e|f
-cefen:e Ircining. lf cnyIhing, Ihe Iip: cnc Iechniue: in Ihi: :ecIicn
:hcu|c cpen ycur eye: c: Ic ju:I hcw ccngercu: Ihe wcr|c ccu|c Leccme
in Ihe cfIermcIh cf cerIcin ncIurc| cnc mcn-mcce ci:c:Ier:, cnc ju:I hcw
impercIive geIIing :uch Ircining, ncw, whi|e ycu ccn - ccu|c Le.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 31

Dne thin thct mcles it possible to be cn optimist
is ij ou hcte c continenc plcn jor uhen cll hell brecls loose.
- Rcnd Pcusch, The Lcst Lecture
Nc Frepcrecne:: mcnuc| ccu|c ever Le ccmp|eIe wiIhcuI c ci:cu::icn cf
firecrm:. Ihere cre Ihc:e cf ycu whc grew up cn fcrm:, hunIec wiIh ycur
fcIher: cnc grcncfcIher:, perhcp: :ervec in Ihe mi|iIcry - fcr whcm Ihere
i: nc ccnIrcver:y whcI:cever when iI ccme: Ic gun: cnc :urvivc| gecr.
Fcr cIher:, gun: remcin c Icuchy :uLjecI. lf ycu cre in Ihe fir:I grcup, ycur
gun ccLineI i: prcLcL|y c|reccy fu||, cnc ycur cmmc Lcxe: we|| :Icckec.
Ihi: chcpIer i: ce:ignec Ic :peck Ic Ihe |cIIer grcup.
Even if ycu hcve never he|c c wecpcn in ycur |ife, cr ce:piIe where ycu
:Icnc cn Ihe Seccnc /mencmenI, ycu mu:I ccme Ic cccepI IhcI in
mcny c Survivc| SiIucIicn, c gun cnc Ihe :ki|| cnc cLi|iIy Ic u:e iI - ccu|c
mecn Ihe cifference LeIween |ife cnc cecIh. IhcI hcving Leen :cic - nc
cne, cL:c|uIe|y nc cne - :hcu|c ccn:icer purchc:ing cnc u:ing c firecrm
wiIhcuI prcper Ircining. / gun in cn unIrcinec hcnc ccn puI ycu cI
grecIer ri:k, Ihcn hcving nc gun cI c||.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
F|ec:e, if ycu cc ncI inIenc Ic Icke c c|c::, mcke IhcI :everc| c|c::e:, Ic
ceve|cp ycur :hccIing :ki||:, cnc ccnIinuc||y prccIice Ihem - SIOF
reccing righI here cnc DO NOI ccn:icer inc|ucing firecrm: c: pcrI cf ycur
Emergency Frepcrecne:: F|cn:. Hcwever, if ycu cre wi||ing Ic mcke Ihe
ccmmiImenI Ic hcnc|e cnc cpercIe firecrm: :cfe|y cnc re:pcn:iL|y - Ihen
recc cn.
/:k c cczen :urvivc|i:I: cr Frepper:" whcI cre Ihe Le:I gun: Ic hcve cn-
hcnc fcr per:cnc| prcIecIicn, prcIecIing ycur prcperIy, cnc Leing cL|e Ic
hunI gcme :hcu|c Ihe S*iI HiI Ihe Fcn, cnc ycu wi|| |ike|y geI cczen: cf
cifferenI cn:wer:. IhcI i: Leccu:e Ihere cre ju:I Icc mcny cifferenI Iype:
cf gun:, cifferenI cc|iLer: cf cmmuniIicn, cnc :uch ci:pcriIie: in
mcrk:mcn:hip :ki||: cnc hcnc:-cn experience Ic ccme up wiIh c cefiniIive
cr :imp|e cn:wer.
Ihe Le:I gun, cr gun: Ic puI in Ihe hcnc: cf cn Ex-Mcrine, ccnncI pc::iL|y
Le Ihe :cme fcr Ihe cvercge hcmecwner. Even cmcng:I cifferenI
Lrcnche: cf Ihe mi|iIcry, /rmy Fcnger: ceLcIe wiIh Ncvy SE/L: cver whcI
rcnk: c: Ihe Le:I" gun, cnc Ihe cecc|ie:I cmmc.
/LcuI Ihe cn|y Ihing IhcI Ihey ccn cgree cn i: IhcI Ihere i: cerIcin|y nc
:ing|e gun IhcI ccu|c :uffice fcr every :ing|e :urvivc| :iIucIicn. Ncw IhcI i:
ncI Ic :cy IhcI ycu neec Ic Lui|c cn cr:enc|, c: ccmiIIec|y :cme
hcrcccre :urvivc|i:I: cc, LuI ycu cc neec Ic hcve c :e|ecIicn cf cI |ec:I c
few firecrm: cf cifferenI Iype:, Ic :erve cifferenI purpc:e:.
Ycu :ee, Ihe rec:cn IhcI Ihere i: :c much ceLcIe cLcuI whcI gun: ycu
neec Ic hcve cnc Ic Le cL|e Ic hcnc|e when cnc if Ihing: gc rec||y Lcc,
i: Leccu:e gun: cre Icc cfIen IhcughI cf c: wecpcn:. Ihi: i: Irue even cf
mcny gun enIhu:ic:I:. 8uI c: c per:cn Ihinking cLcuI gun: cnc
prepcrecne:: whc hc: hcc |iII|e cr nc experience wiIh Ihem, ycu neec Ic
Ihink cf firecrm: ncI c: c wecpcn - LuI c: c :urvivc| '00&, ncI very cifferenI
frcm ycur f|c:h|ighI cr hcnc-cxe. lf ycu Ihink cf c gun IhcI wcy, Ihen ycu
wi|| LeIIer uncer:Icnc Ihe minimum cc||ecIicn ycu neec Ic geI Ihe jcL
Even if ycu hcve never firec c :hcI, ycu prcLcL|y kncw IhcI Ihere cre
Ihree Lc:ic Iype: cf Firecrm:: Fif|e:, ShcIgun: cnc Hcncgun:. WiIhin ecch
cf Ihc:e Ihere cre :uLccIegcrie: Lc:ec cn hcw Ihe cmmc i: chcmLerec
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
cnc firec, - :ing|e-fire, cuIcmcIic, :emi-cuIcmcIic, cr pi:Ic| cr revc|ver -
cnc Ihe cc|iLer {:ize) cf Ihe rcunc.
/I Ihe Lcre minimum ycu :hcu|c ccn:icer cwning cnc |ecrning Ic u:e cI
|ec:I cne frcm ecch ccIegcry - c |cng rif|e, c :hcIgun, cnc c hcncgun.
We||-kncwn :urvivc|i:I Irip Wi||icm:, whc run: cnc mcniIcr: Ihe weL:iIe,
/|phcFuLiccn.ccm, hc: wriIIen c ccmprehen:ive crIic|e enIiI|ec +$&$2'(;@
* +,-.(.*& 8*''$-: 04 N(-$*-)9.
In |t, Ir|p suggests thot you shou|d hove:
A IgILIng RIIIe Ior deIenseJoIIense
A rIIIe Ior IunLIng II IIgILIng rIIIe Is noL suILubIe
A sIoLgun Ior deIenseJIunLIng
A .zz rIIIe Ior smuII gume & pIInkIng (InIormuI LurgeL prucLIce)
A Iundgun Ior deIense
Wi||icm: pcinI: cuI IhcI c FighIing Fif|e" i: where mc:I ccnIrcver:y
ccncerning Ihe cwner:hip cnc u:e cf gun ccme: in. He :cy:, Ihere cre
Ihc:e whc hc|c Ihe view IhcI c mcgczine-fec :emi-cuIc |c::cu|I rif|e] i:
ncI neecec...c: mc:I cf ycu wi|| ncI |ike|y hcve Ic fighI cn infcnIry
engcgemenI. Fegcrc|e:: cf whc i: righI, Ihey hcve :cme vc|ucL|e
in:ighI: in wecpcnry chcice:, cnc enccurcge Ihe |ever-ccIicn .30-30, .44
cr .357 Mcgnum c: wcrIhy c|IerncIive:. Here cre :cme cf Iheir crgumenI::
Fcpic fire repecIer, grecIer mcgczine ccpcciIy Ihcn mc:I, much LeIIer
Irigger ccIicn: Ihcn mc:I cny LcII|e rif|e ycu'c ccre Ic ncme. LighI weighI.
Cc:I i: |e:: Ihcn 207 cf cn c::cu|I rif|e. Ihe:e cre, ycu hcve Ic ccmiI, :cme
preIIy :ignificcnI ccn:icercIicn:."
Wi||icm: crIic|e gce: inIc grecI ceIci| cn Ihe mcke: cnc mcce|: cf Ihe
gun: he reccmmenc: in ecch ccIegcry cnc why - cnc i: cefiniIe|y
reccmmencec reccing. See: /|phcFuLiccn.ccm.
8uI if Ihi: i: ycur fir:I fcrcy inIc ccn:icering firecrm: c: pcrI cf ycur
Emergency Frepcrecne:: F|cn:, ycu neec Ic :cc|e Lcck c LiI Ic Ihe very
Lc:ic mu:I hcve:." /: ycu Ircin cnc Leccme mcre fcmi|icr wiIh mcre
Iype: cf firecrm:, ycu wi|| Le in c LeIIer pc:iIicn Ic kncw hcw Ic expcnc
ycur :eI.
SIi||, Ihere wi|| Le Ihc:e IhcI hcve c cifference in cpinicn c: Ic whcI Ihc:e
mu:I hcve:" :hcu|c Le. "#$ %&'()*'$ +,-.(.*& /-01$2' i:, cnc c|wcy: wi||
Le cn cpen fcrum, cnc we we|ccme cifference: cf cpinicn, :ugge:Iicn:,
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
cnc cIher reccmmenccIicn: cn cny Survivc| Fe|cIec Icpic - inc|ucing
cne c: hcI|y ceLcIec c: firecrm:.
Ic cecice whcI firecrm: cre righI fcr ycu - ycu rec||y hcve Ic Ihink cLcuI
whcI ycu Ihink ycu mc:I |ike|y wi|| Le hunIing, cr cefencing ycur:e|f frcm.
Ihere i: cn c|c cccge IhcI :cy: IhcI if ycu cre hunIing, Ihen ycu neec c
hunIing rif|e. lI fc||cw: Iherefcre IhcI fcr Survivc|" ycu neec c Survivc|
Fif|e. lf ycu cre Ic|king cLcuI c Survivc| Fif|e in iI: mc:I |iIerc| :en:e cf Ihe
wcrc, c: in c gun IhcI ycu ccn Icke wiIh ycu c: pcrI cf ycur Gc 8cg, Ihen
iI hc: Ic Le |ighIweighI cnc ec:i|y mcLi|e. /I Ihe :cme Iime iI mu:I hcve
encugh firepcwer Ic Le ccpcL|e cf prccuring fccc, cr Ic cffer ycu
prcIecIicn cgcin:I c hc:Ii|e IhrecI.
Mcny cgree IhcI Ihere i: ncne LeIIer cI IhcI Ihcn Ihe /F-7. Ihe /F-7
mcce Ly Henry /rm: i: Ihe civi|icn cvci|cL|e ver:icn cf Ihe fcmcu: U.S. /ir
Fcrce f|ccIing :urvivc| rif|e." Ihe ccmpcnenI: cf Ihe /F-7 Lreck ccwn,
cnc c|| fiI inIc Ihe wcIerprccf :Icck cf Ihe wecpcn. lI Leccme: :mc||
encugh Ic ccrry in ycur Gc 8cg. lI i: c fcvcriIe cf Lu:h pi|cI:, LccIer:, cnc
cuIcccr:mcn Ihe wcr|c cver. lI i: chcmLerec fcr .22 |cng rif|e cmmc,
mcking Ihe cmmuniIicn checp cnc p|enIifu|, which i: c|wcy: c ccncern
when Ihinking cLcuI ycur firecrm chcice:. Ihe ccIicn i: :emi-cuIc, cnc iI
Icke: cn eighI rcunc mcgczine, Iwc cf which c|:c fiI inIc Ihe :Icck. lI i:
icec| Ic hcve in ycur Gc 8cg fcr picking cff :uirre|:, rcLLiI: cr cIher :mc||
gcme, cnc in Ihe hcnc: cf c gccc :hccIer, cceucIe fcr :e|f-cefen:e in
cn emergency :iIucIicn.
Ihe whc|e wecpcn i: remcrkcL|y |ighI, weighing cn|y 2.5|L:. lI wi|| f|ccI
LcIh when cc||cp:ec cnc when fu||y c::emL|ec. Ihi: rif|e i: c|:c re|cIive|y
inexpen:ive cnc gce: fcr cnywhere frcm $150 u:ec Ic $250 fcr Ihe new
8eycnc c gc-cnywhere Survivc| Fif|e :uch c: Ihe /F-7, mcny experI:
reccmmenc Ihe Fuger 10/22. Ihe Fuger 10/22 i: cne cf Ihe mc:I pcpu|cr
cnc re|icL|e .22 rif|e: in Ihe wcr|c. lI i: cIIrccIive Leccu:e cf iI: mcny
cvci|cL|e upgrcce:, cnc cfIermcrkeI ccce::crie: :uch c: :ccpe: cnc
exIencec mcgczine:.
8ig gcme hunIing/ccunIer-:niping rif|e: cre Ihe nexI grcup cf gun: Ic Le
ccn:icerec. Ihe :e|ecIicn cf c Lig gcme rif|e cepenc: cn Ihe vcrieIy cf
gcme Ic Le hunIec. ln Ihe |cwer 48 :IcIe:, c Lc|I-ccIicn rif|e chcmLerec
in .308 Winche:Ier cr .30-'0 wi|| ncrmc||y hcnc|e mc:I Lig gcme. Fegicnc|
cifference: wi|| ceIermine exccI|y whcI ycu neec. Fcr excmp|e, in Ihe
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
p|cin: cnc ce:erI :IcIe:, ycu mighI neec c :ccpec rif|ec chcmLerec in c
f|cI-:hccIing ccrIricge :uch c: .270 Winche:Ier cr .25-'0. Nc mcIIer which
chcmLering ycu :e|ecI, iI i: impcrIcnI IhcI ycu Luy c we||-mcce rif|e wiIh
c rcLu:I ccIicn. FemingIcn, Fuger, cnc Winche:Ier cmcng cIher: c||
mcke gun: wiIh Ihe:e uc|iIie:.
/ Mcr|in Mcce| 33 |ever /cIicn Fif|e i: c gccc chcice cnc i: c fcvcriIe
cmcng:I hunIer: ccrc:: Ihe ccunIry. lI :hccI: fc:I, i: cccurcIe cnc wi||
Lring ccwn cnyIhing in NcrIh /mericc, cnc c: Irip Wi||icm: :ugge:Iec iI:
|ever ccIicn mcke: iI c|mc:I c: uick LeIween rcunc: c: cn cuIc, mcking
iI c grecI cefen:ive wecpcn c: we||. lI i: ccmmcn|y chcmLerec fcr 30-30
Winche:Ier cr 35 FemingIcn cnc cmmuniIicn i: p|enIifu| cnc ncI Icc
expen:ive. /: c :urvivc| rif|e, iI i: cn exce||enI chcice c: iI i: |ighIweighI,
hcncy cnc ec:y Ic pcck. U:ec Mcr|in Mccc| 33: ccn Le purchc:ec fcr
c: |cw c: $200 cnc even when new, Ihey cre rec:cncL|y pricec.
/ :hcIgun i: c :Icp|e fcr hcme cefen:e cnc :urvivc| :iIucIicn:. /|:c cc||ec
:ccIIer gun:," Leccu:e ciming Leccme: |e:: cf c reuiremenI cnc Ihey
ccn Le firec fc:I repeIiIive|y.
Ihe Mc::Lerg 500 ShcIgun in 12 cr 20 Gcuge i: cne cf Ihe mc:I
eccncmicc| cnc ver:cIi|e :hcIgun: ycu ccn Luy. / :hcIgun hc: cerIcin
ccvcnIcge: cnc ci:ccvcnIcge: cver c rif|e. Specificc||y c :hcIgun i: c
very f|exiL|e in IhcI iI ccn :hccI c vcrieIy cf |ccc: frcm |cw pcwerec :mc||-
pe||eI gcme |ccc:, Ic hecvy Luck:hcI ccpcL|e cf Icking ccwn Ihe |crge:I
gcme cnimc|: {cr inIrucer:). Ihe ci:ccvcnIcge i: IhcI Ihe :hcIgun ccn Le
unccmfcrIcL|e fcr wcmen cr :mc||-frcmec :hccIer: cue Ic Ihe recci|. Ihi:
ccn Le miIigcIec wiIh prccIice cnc Ircining, cnc c recucIicn frcm 12
gcuge Ic 20 gcuge fcr :mc||er :hccIer:. Ihe :hcIgun hc: cncIher
ccvcnIcge. lI ccn Le :Icrec wiIh :he||: in Ihe mcgczine IuLe cnc Le
mcce reccy Ic fire wiIh ec:e, yeI ccnncI gc cff cccicenIc||y c: Ihere i:
nc rcunc in Ihe chcmLer. U:ec Mc::Lerg 500: ccn Le hcc fcr c: |iII|e c:
Mcny experI: :cy IhcI fcr per:cnc| prcIecIicn, :urvivc|, cr hcme
prcIecIicn, ycu :hcu|c c|wcy: ccn:icer c revc|ver, cver cn cuIcmcIic
pi:Ic| Leccu:e cf Ihe re|icLi|iIy cnc |e:: |ike|ihccc cf Ihe revc|ver Ic jcm. /
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
revc|ver i: inherenI|y :cfe, cnc if c rcunc fci|:, cncIher Irigger pu|| wi|| Le
in:IincIive cnc chcmLer cnc fire Ihe nexI rcunc. Ihe cc|iLer :hcu|c Le nc
|e:: Ihcn .357 mcgnum cnc mcyLe, prefercL|y, c .44 mcgnum.
Trip Willicms hcs this to sc on the mctter oj hcnduns. Nothin
spells reliej uhen thins o bump in the niht lile c hect hcndun.
The primcr requirements cre cbsolute relicbilit, cdequcte pouer
cnd the cccurcc to hit our tcret. The detcils cre cs numerous cs
the choices. The lon-time jctorite is the M:p::A:-stle .(. A
lcre, hect, cnd pouerjul hcndun, its exploits cre leendcr.
There cre tcstl more modern pistols, but ter jeu cpprocch the
success oj its lon heritce, cnd none hcs the uide bcse oj
lnoulede, spcre pcrts, or cccessories. The Glocl line is one thct
hcs been jcntcsticcll populcr. Atcilcble in cll the modern,
ejjectite cclibers, in mcczine ccpccities jrom p to rounds, there
is probcbl c Glocl thct is riht jor ou. The U.S. Militcr hcs
purchcsed the erettc Mpz cnd the Si,Scuer Pzz8 jor our
stcndcrd militcr pistols, cnd mcn Iedercl cnd Stcte cencies
hcte jolloued their lecd.
SmiIh & We::cn, Heck|er & Kcch {HK), Wc|Iher, 8rcwning, Fuger cnc
Icuru: rcunc cuI Ihe mc:I pcpu|cr cuIc: wiIh c vcrieIy cf mcce|: Ic fi|| cny
Willicms continues, All this tcll cbout semi-cuto's should not lecd
ou to beliete thct retolters somehou beccme inejjectite the dc
eterone stcrted suitchin to cutos - jcr jrom it. A properl locded
retolter oj quclit desin cnd mcnujccture is still potent medicine,
cnd in the hcnds oj c trcined person ccn stcnd cnd deliter the
oods. No other hcndun ccn compcre uith the .;'s stoppin
record uhen usin :z-rcin hollou-points. And no other uecpon
is cs tersctile in cs mcn conditions cs c ood jour or six-inch
bcrreled .8 retolter.
Ic ccc Ic Wi||icm: IhcughI:, Ihere cre :everc| cuIcmcIic pi:Ic|: IhcI hcve
Leen chcmLerec Ic fire .22L rcunc:, cnc ycu mcy wcnI Ic ccn:icer cne
cr mcre cf Ihe:e :ince ycu wi|| Le purchc:ing cnc :Iccking .22L cmmc fcr
ycur rif|e{:).
An Importont Note on Ch||dren ond F|reorm So|ety
lf ycu hcve mcce Ihe ceci:icn Ic keep firecrm: in ycur hcme, 8ug-CuI
Vehic|e, cr Scfe Hcu:e c: pcrI cf ycur Emergency Frepcrecne:: p|cn, Ihen
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ycu c|:c mu:I Icke Ihe re:pcn:iLi|iIy fcr prcIecIing chi|cren, ycur:, cnc
cIher:, frcm cccicenI:. Fegcrc|e:: cf hcw ycu fee| cLcuI gun:, nc cne
wcnI: Ic :ee c gun-re|cIec cccicenIc| cecIh cr injury cf c chi|c. Ihe
SpcrIing /rm: cnc /mmuniIicn McnufccIurer: ln:IiIuIe, lnc., Ihe |eccing
Ircce c::ccicIicn repre:enIing gun mcnufccIurer:, :cy:, lf ycu cre ncI
wi||ing Ic cccepI Lc:ic re:pcn:iLi|iIie: cnc cchere Ic impcrIcnI ru|e: cf
firecrm: cwner:hip cnc :Icrcge, we urge IhcI ycu ncI purchc:e c
Common sense obout k|ds ond guns recommends thot porents who own
o gun: [K|}
UnIoud IL und ock IL up.
ock und SLore AmmunILIon SepuruLeIy.
HIde Keys WIere Young CIIIdren CunnoL Ind TIem.
TIey suggesL LIuL uII purenLs:
Ask II guns ure suIeIy sLored unywIere your cIIId vIsILs or pIuys.
TuIk wILI your kIds ubouL gun suIeLy.
TeucI young cIIIdren NEVER Lo LoucI u gun, und Lo uIerL un uduIL II
LIey IInd or see one.
Lcng Lcw: cnc crc::Lcw: reuire even mcre Ircining cnc prccIice Ic
gcin c |eve| cf prcficiency fcr Ihem Ic Le cf cny u:e Ic ycu in c :urvivc|
:iIucIicn Ihcn cc firecrm:. Fcr IhcI rec:cn, Ihey hcve Leen |efI cuI cf Ihi:
ci:cu::icn. Hcwever, Ihere cre :urvivc| :iIucIicn: where :uch wecpcn:
ccu|c hcve cn ccvcnIcge cver firecrm:. lf ycu hcve cn inIere:I in
|ecrning hcw Ic u:e :uch crm:, Ly c|| mecn: Icke c ccur:e in crchery
cnc/cr Lcw hunIing. ln cny :urvivc| :iIucIicn Ihe mcre :ki||: ycu hcve Ihe
LeIIer cff ycu wi|| Le.
/: wiIh Ihe previcu: chcpIer cn Se|f Defen:e, Ihe Le:I Ihi: chcpIer ccn
hcpe Ic cc i: Ic geI ycu Ihinking Ihe wcy ycu :hcu|c cLcuI firecrm:, cnc
prcvice ycu wiIh c Lrief cverview cnc :cme prccIicc| ccvice.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ycu neec Ic cc ycur cwn re:ecrch, c::e:: ycur ri:k:, cnc geI ycur:e|f
:cme :ericu: Ircining cnc rcnge Iime, Lefcre ycu ccn cecice whcI
firecrm: ycu wcnI Ic inc|uce in ycur Emergency Frepcrecne:: F|cn.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 32
Chem|co| Attock

We hcte protided jor the surtitcl oj mcn
ccinst cll enemies - except his jellou mcn
- Lmcn Llod rson
Ierrcri:I: ccu|c u:e c cirecI chemicc| cIIcck, cr ccn cIIcck c chemicc|
p|cnI cr chemicc| :Icrehcu:e re:u|Iing in c re|ec:e cf Icxin: IhcI ccu|c
ccu:e chcc: cnc hcvcc. EiIher :cencric ccn Le cevc:IcIing cnc cne
ycu mu:I Le prepcrec fcr - e:pecic||y if curing ycur ri:k c::e::menI ycu
rec|izec ycu |ive in Ihe viciniIy cf :uch c fcci|iIy.
Chemicc| cgenI: cre pci:cncu: vcpcr:, cerc:c|:, |iuic: cnc :c|ic: IhcI
hcve Icxic effecI: cn pecp|e, cnimc|: cr p|cnI:. U:ec in c cirecI cIIcck
Ihey ccn Le re|ec:ec Ly LcmL: cr :prcyec frcm circrcfI, LccI: cnc
vehic|e:. Ihey ccn Le u:ec c: c |iuic Ic crecIe c hczcrc Ic pecp|e cnc
Ihe envircnmenI. Scme chemicc| cgenI: mcy Le cccr|e:: cnc Ic:Ie|e::.
Ihey ccn hcve cn immecicIe effecI {c few :eccnc: Ic c few minuIe:) cr
c ce|cyec effecI {2 Ic 48 hcur:).
FEM/ wcrn: IhcI c chemicc| cIIcck wcu|c |ike|y ccme wiIhcuI wcrning.
Sign: cf c chemicc| re|ec:e inc|uce pecp|e hcving cifficu|Iy LrecIhing,
experiencing eye irriIcIicn, |c:ing cccrcincIicn, Leccming ncu:ecIec cr
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
hcving c Lurning :en:cIicn in Ihe nc:e, IhrccI cnc |ung:. /|:c, Ihe
pre:ence cf mcny cecc in:ecI: cr Lirc: mcy inciccIe c chemicc| cgenI
Since c chemicc| cIIcck wi|| |ike|y mecn IhcI iI i: un:cfe Ic gc cuIcccr:,
review ycur p|cn: fcr She|Iering-in-F|cce. Ihe Le:I rccm Ic u:e fcr :he|Ier i:
c rccm wiIh c: few winccw: cnc cccr: c: pc::iL|e.
WAkNING: bn||ke your She|ter koom |or W|nd Events such os Iornodos ond
Hurr|cones, where the |owest room |n the house wos
recommended, |or most chem|co| events, th|s room shou|d be
os BCDB |n the structure os poss|b|e to ovo|d tox|c goses thot
ore usuo||y heov|er thon o|r ond s|nk.
Chemicc| wecpcn: hcve Leen cn ug|y pcrI cf wcrfcre in Ihe pc:I. Ihe
Chemicc| Wecpcn: CcnvenIicn wc: rcIifiec Ly mcre Ihcn 10 ncIicn: in
17 wiIh Ihe gcc| cf e|imincIing gcvernmenI :cncIicnec prccucIicn,
:Icrcge, cnc u:e cf chemicc| wecpcn:. Ihe UniIec SIcIe: i: ccIive|y
ce:Ircying iI: :Icckpi|e cf chemicc| cgenI: cnc hc: :ucce::fu||y e|imincIec
cver 257 Ic ccIe. Hcwever, Ihe DepcrImenI cf Hcme|cnc SecuriIy {DHS)
reminc: ycu IhcI Ihe 15 :crin {c ccrrc:ive crgcnic phc:phcru: e:Ier IhcI
ccI: c: c nerve gc:) cIIcck cn Ihe Ickyc :uLwcy Ly Ihe cu|I /um
Shinrikyc prcve: IhcI fcLriccIicn cnc u:e cf chemicc| wecpcn: Ly ncn-
:IcIe grcup: i: very pc::iL|e. Iwe|ve pecp|e ciec cnc mcre Ihcn 5,000
were injurec in IhcI Ierrcri:I cIIcck.
Ihe p|cn: ycu mcke Ic prepcre fcr c chemicc| cIIcck echc mcny cf
Ihc:e ycu hcve |ecrnec fcr ncIurc| ci:c:Ier:, prcLcL|y mc:I c|c:e|y Ic IhcI
cf prepcring fcr c Vc|ccnc, c: Icxic gc::e: ccn ccccmpcny vc|ccnic
erupIicn:. Sc IhcI mecn: mcke :ure ycu hcve Lui|I ycur Emergency
Supp|y KiI, cnc Gc 8cg{:). Specific iIem: IhcI ycu mcy neec Ic ccc Ic
ycur Lc:e|ine kiI inc|uce:
PIusLIc Ior doors, wIndows, und venLs Ior LIe room In wIIcI you wIII
sIeILer In pIuce. To suve crILIcuI LIme durIng un emergency, pre-
meusure und cuL LIe pIusLIc sIeeLIng Ior eucI openIng.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Muke u umIIy Emergency PIun. Your IumIIy muy noL be LogeLIer wIen
dIsusLer sLrIkes, so IL Is ImporLunL Lo know Iow you wIII conLucL one
unoLIer, Iow you wIII geL buck LogeLIer und wIuL you wIII do In cuse oI
un emergency.
PIun pIuces wIere your IumIIy wIII meeL, boLI wILIIn und ouLsIde oI your
ImmedIuLe neIgIborIood.
L muy be eusIer Lo muke u Iong-dIsLunce pIone cuII LIun Lo cuII ucross
Lown, so un ouL-oI-Lown conLucL muy be In u beLLer posILIon Lo
communIcuLe umong sepuruLed IumIIy members.
You muy uIso wunL Lo InquIre ubouL emergency pIuns uL pIuces wIere
your IumIIy spends LIme: work, duycure und scIooI. I no pIuns exIsL,
consIder voIunLeerIng Lo IeIp creuLe one.
Know your communILy's wurnIng sysLems und dIsusLer pIuns.
NoLIIy curegIvers und bubysILLers ubouL your pIun.
Muke pIuns Ior your peLs.
lf ycu kncw ycu |ive in cn crec IhcI hc: Leen Ihe IcrgeI cf Ierrcri:I: u:ing
chemicc| wecpcn: in Ihe pc:I, cr where Ihey cre |ike|y Ic Le u:ec, ycu
mcy ccn:icer upgrccing Ihe :imp|e cu:I cr 8ichczcrc mc:k: in ycur kiI Ic
ccIuc| gc: mc:k:.
/cccrcing Ic DHS, Ihe :everiIy cf c chemicc| cIIcck i: re|cIec Ic Ihe
chemicc|': IcxiciIy cnc iI: ccncenIrcIicn when iI recche: pecp|e. Mcny
vcricL|e: cffecI Ihe ccncenIrcIicn cf c chemicc| inc|ucing winc cnc iI:
cwn vc|cIi|iIy. Ihe re|ec:e cf Icxic chemicc|: in c|c:ec :pcce:, :uch c: in
:uLwcy:, cirpcrI:, cr fincncic| cenIer:, ccu|c ce|iver cc:e: high encugh Ic
injure cr ki|| c |crge numLer cf pecp|e. ln cn cpen crec, c Icxic chemicc|
c|cuc wcu|c Leccme |e:: ccncenIrcIec c: iI :precc: cnc wcu|c hcve Ic
Le re|ec:ec in |crge ucnIiIie: Ic prccuce c |cI cf cc:uc|Iie:. FcIenIic|
ce|ivery meIhcc: cf Icxic chemicc|: inc|uce:
VenLIIuLIon sysLems oI u buIIdIng.
MIsLIng, uerosoIIzIng devIces, or spruyers.
PussIve reIeuse (conLuIner oI cIemIcuI IeIL open).
Bombs, mInes, or oLIer expIosIve devIces LIuL conLuIn cIemIcuIs oLIer
LIun LIose used Lo creuLe LIe expIosIon.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
mprovIsed cIemIcuI devIces LIuL combIne reudIIy uvuIIubIe cIemIcuIs
Lo produce u dungerous cIemIcuI.
SuboLuge oI pIunLs or veIIcIes conLuInIng cIemIcuIs.
nLroducLIon oI LoxIns In LIe Iood und wuLer suppIy.
I uL uII possIbIe, quIckIy Lry Lo deIIne LIe ImpucLed ureu or wIere LIe
cIemIcuI Is comIng Irom.
Tuke ImmedIuLe ucLIon Lo geL uwuy.
I LIe cIemIcuI Is InsIde u buIIdIng wIere you ure, geL ouL oI LIe buIIdIng
wILIouL pussIng LIrougI LIe conLumInuLed ureu, II possIbIe.
I you cun'L geL ouL oI LIe buIIdIng or IInd cIeun uIr wILIouL pussIng
LIrougI LIe ureu wIere you see sIgns oI u cIemIcuI uLLuck, IL muy be
beLLer Lo move us Iur uwuy us possIbIe und sIeILer-In-pIuce.
I you ure nsLrucLed Lo RemuIn In your Home or OIIIce BuIIdIng, you
CIose doors und wIndows und Lurn oII uII venLIIuLIon, IncIudIng
Iurnuces, uIr condILIoners, venLs, und Iuns.
Seek sIeILer In your InLernuI room, LIe IIgIesL In LIe Iouse, und Luke
your dIsusLer suppIIes kIL.
SeuI LIe room wILI ducL Lupe und pIusLIc sIeeLIng.
IsLen Lo your rudIo Ior InsLrucLIons Irom uuLIorILIes.
I| you ore cought |n or neor o contom|noted oreo, you shou|d:
Move uwuy ImmedIuLeIy In u dIrecLIon upwInd oI LIe source.
Ind sIeILer us quIckIy us possIbIe.
I you ure ouLsIde, quIckIy deLermIne LIe IusLesL wuy Lo IInd cIeun uIr.
ConsIder II you cun geL ouL oI LIe ureu or II you sIouId go InsIde LIe
cIosesL buIIdIng und sIeILer-In-pIuce.
Do noL Ieuve LIe suIeLy oI u sIeILer Lo go ouLdoors Lo IeIp oLIers unLII
uuLIorILIes unnounce IL Is suIe Lo do so.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Whi|e c re|ec:e inIc Ihe cImc:phere i: Ihe mc:I |ike|y rcuIe c chemicc|
cIIcck wcu|c Icke, iI i: ncI Ihe cn|y wcy IhcI :uch cn cIIcck ccu|c cccur.
MR.#5)*' %&*#)6& ;##8 - CIemIcuI ugenLs cun muke Ioods IIgIIy
LoxIc, someLImes wILIouL cIungIng LIe uppeurunce or LusLe oI LIe Ioods.
BuLLer, oIIs, IuLLy meuLs, und IIsI ubsorb nerve ugenLs so reudIIy LIuL
removIng LIem Is vIrLuuIIy ImpossIbIe. TIe Iood suppIy Is vuInerubIe Lo
InLenLIonuI conLumInuLIon by LoxIns sucI us boLuIInum (u powerIuI
neuroLoxIn LIuL cuuses boLuIIsm und Is produced by LIe bucLerIum
(Clostridium botulinum).
MR.#5)*' %&*#)6& C4%'* - ToxIc cIemIcuIs couId be used Lo
conLumInuLe LIe drInkIng wuLer dIsLrIbuLIon sysLem. SurIuce wuLer
sources In LIe ureu oI u cIemIcuI reIeuse couId become conLumInuLed,
buL dyIng IIsI or uquuLIc IIIe mIgIL wurn oI LIe reIeuse beIore Iumun
use. Deep ground wuLer reservoIrs und proLecLed wuLer sLoruge Lunks
ure regurded us suIe sources oI drInkIng wuLer IoIIowIng u vupor reIeuse
oI cIemIcuI ugenLs. TIere ure meLIods oI LreuLIng Iurge voIumes oI
poLenLIuIIy conLumInuLed wuLer Ior emergency drInkIng.
Vi:uc| :ign: cf expc:ure ccu|c inc|uce pecp|e grcupec IcgeIher whc
exhiLiI :imi|cr :ympIcm: :uch c: chcking cr eye irriIcIicn. SympIcm: in Ihe
cnimc| pcpu|cIicn {Lirc:, wi|c|ife, cnc peI:) ccn Le impcrIcnI fir:I
inciccIcr:, cfIen cI ccncenIrcIicn: much |cwer even Ihcn Ihc:e ceIecIec
Ly hcnc-he|c cevice:.
/cuIe|y Icxic chemicc|: ccn ccu:e injury cr fcIc|iIie: if Ihey cre inhc|ec cr
cL:crLec Ly Ihe :kin. Ihe hcrm IhcI chemicc|: ccn ccu:e cepenc: cn:
TIe degree oI LoxIcILy
TIe concenLruLIon oI LIe cIemIcuI,
TIe rouLe oI exposure, und
TIe duruLIon oI LIe exposure.
Ireotment I| You Are Exh|b|t|ng Symptoms o| Exposure
Ihere cre re|icL|e cnIiccIe: fcr nerve cgenI expc:ure, which mcy Le
cvci|cL|e frcm mecicc| prcfe::icnc|:. Scme cnIiccIe:, :uch c: cIrcpine,
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
prc|iccxime ch|crice, cnc ciczepcm, cre ccnIcinec in fir:I re:pcncer:'
mecicc| kiI:, LuI |crger ucnIiIie: cf Ihe:e cnIiccIe: mcy Le fcunc cI
hc:piIc|: cnc IrecImenI fcci|iIie:. / :pecific cnIiccIe kiI i: cvci|cL|e fcr
cycnice, LuI iI mcy hcve Ic Le ccmini:Ierec in c hc:piIc|. SuppcrIive
mecicc| ccre cnc hc:piIc| Ihercpy i: reuirec fcr |crge expc:ure: Ic
phc:gene cnc ch|crine vcpcr.
Mc:I hec|Ih effecI: frcm c chemicc| cIIcck wcu|c cccur uick|y. Scme
injurie: frcm ccuIe expc:ure Ic Icxic chemicc|:, :uch c: eye ccmcge cnc
chemicc| Lurn:, ccn per:i:I fcr c |ifeIime. DeIci|ec infcrmcIicn cn Ihe
pc::iLi|iIy cf ceve|cping cIher Iype: cf hec|Ih effecI: |cIer in |ife wcu|c Le
mcce cvci|cL|e cnce c :pecific expc:ure i: kncwn. Cf Ihe mi|iIcry
chemicc| wecpcn:, cn|y mu:Icrc gc: i: c kncwn ccrcincgen. /|Ihcugh
:cme incu:Iric| chemicc|: cre ccrcincgenic, Ihe ri:k cf ceve|cping ccncer
|cIer in |ife i: ncI |ike|y Ic increc:e :ignificcnI|y fc||cwing c cne-Iime
Even if ycu cre ncI :hcwing immecicIe :ign: cf expc:ure, ycu mu:I Icke
:Iep: Ic c|ecn:e ycur:e|f if ycu Le|ieve ycu hcve Leen expc:ec Ic c
chemicc| cgenI. DeccnIcmincIicn i: neecec wiIhin minuIe: cf expc:ure
Ic minimize hec|Ih ccn:euence:.
/ per:cn cffecIec Ly c chemicc| cgenI reuire: immecicIe mecicc|
cIIenIicn frcm c prcfe::icnc|. lf mecicc| he|p i: ncI immecicIe|y
cvci|cL|e, ceccnIcmincIe ycur:e|f cnc c::i:I in ceccnIcmincIing cIher:.
Decontom|not|on gu|de||nes ore os |o||ows:
1. Use exLreme cuuLIon wIen IeIpIng oLIers wIo Iuve been exposed Lo
cIemIcuI ugenLs.
z. Remove uII cIoLIIng und oLIer ILems In conLucL wILI LIe body.
ConLumInuLed cIoLIIng normuIIy removed over LIe Ieud sIouId be
cuL oII Lo uvoId conLucL wILI LIe eyes, nose und mouLI. PuL
conLumInuLed cIoLIIng und ILems InLo u pIusLIc bug und seuI IL.
DeconLumInuLe Iunds usIng soup und wuLer. Remove eyegIusses or
conLucL Ienses. PuL gIusses In u pun oI IouseIoId bIeucI Lo
deconLumInuLe LIem und LIen rInse und dry.
. IusI eyes wILI wuLer.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
q. GenLIy wusI Iuce und IuIr wILI soup und wuLer beIore LIorougIIy
rInsIng wILI wuLer.
. DeconLumInuLe oLIer body ureus IIkeIy Lo Iuve been conLumInuLed.
BIoL (do noL swub or scrupe) wILI u cIoLI souked In soupy wuLer und
rInse wILI cIeur wuLer.
6. CIunge InLo unconLumInuLed cIoLIes. CIoLIIng sLored In druwers or
cIoseLs Is IIkeIy Lo be unconLumInuLed.
;. Proceed Lo u medIcuI IucIIILy Ior screenIng und proIessIonuI
lI i: impcrIcnI Ic ci:Iingui:h Lic|cgicc| Icxin:, frcm Lic|cgicc| pcIhcgen:
{germ:), cr ci:ec:e ccu:ing Lic|cgicc| cIIcck:, c: wi|| Le ci:cu::ec in Ihe
nexI chcpIer. SuL:Icnce: :uch c: LcIu|inum cnc ricin cre Icxin:
prccucec Ly p|cnI:, cnimc|:, cnc LccIeric. CIher excmp|e: inc|uce
Icxin: frcm ccngercu: c|gc| L|ccm: cnc :ncke vencm:. Ihe:e :uL:Icnce:
ccn Le gcIherec in ncIure, cr c|IerncIive|y, crecIec in |cL:. Un|ike
Lic|cgicc| cgenI:, Ihey cc ncI reprccuce cr :precc frcm per:cn Ic
per:cn. Un|ike cIher chemicc| cgenI:, Ihey cre ncI vc|cIi|e {Ihey cc ncI
vcpcrize) cnc Ienc Ic Le mcre Icxic cn c weighI Lc:i:.
O#%)$/+)= Is u nerve LoxIn produced by bucLerIu. L cuuses boLuIIsm, u
rure buL serIous puruIyLIc IIIness LIuL cun be IuLuI. An unLILoxIn Is
uvuIIubIe Lo LreuL boLuIIsm, buL musL be udmInIsLered wILIIn Iours oI
@/0/+ Is u LoxIn Irom cusLor beuns LIuL Is purL oI LIe wusLe produced
wIen cusLor oII Is mude. L Is very LoxIc-u dose LIe sIze oI LIe Ieud oI u
pIn couId be IeLIuI, buL onIy II InjecLed. RIcIn Is noL ubsorbed by LIe
skIn und Is noL eIIecLIve wIen euLen or InIuIed excepL In ImprucLIcuIIy
Iurge umounLs. RIcIn wus reporLedIy Iound In AI Quedu cuves In
AIgIunIsLun In LIe 1q8os. TIere Is no unLIdoLe Ior rIcIn poIsonIng.
/n ccI cf chemicc| Ierrcri:m wc: cnce IhcughI cf c: cn|y Ihe p|cI fcr c
Lcc mcvie. Hcwever, Ihe pc::iLi|iIy cf chemicc| Ierrcri:m :hcu|c ncI, cnc
ccnncI Le igncrec, e:pecic||y in |ighI cf evenI: curing Ihe pc:I 10 yecr:.
Ierrcri:I incicenI: invc|ving nerve gc:, cnc ricin, hcve cemcn:IrcIec IhcI
cnywhere, even Ihe U.S. i: vu|nercL|e Ic chemicc| IhrecI:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Frepcring fcr :uch c pc::iLi|iIy mcy :eem :ccry, LuI Ihe ccn:euence: cf
Leing unprepcrec cre much mcre frighIening.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 33
8|o|og|co| Weopon Attock

The uill to uin is nothin uithout the uill to prepcre.
- 1umc Ilcncc
ln mcny wcy: Ihe prc:pecI: cf c Lic|cgicc| cr germ wcrfcre" cIIcck Ly
Ierrcri:I: i: fcr mcre frighIening Ihcn Ihe pc::iLi|iIie: cf c Chemicc| /IIcck.
Ihe 2001 cnIhrcx cIIcck: were cn|y Ihe Lcre:I Iip cf c fcr mcre in:icicu:
cnc cecc|y iceLerg. Ihe :c-cc||ec /meriIhrcx /IIcck", ki||ec five pecp|e
cnc :ickenec 22 cIher:, cnc fcr mcny, whc cc ncI cgree wiIh Ihe
ccnc|u:icn IhcI 8ruce Ecwcrc: lvin: wc: Ihe |cne cu|priI, :Ii|| |crge|y
remcin: un:c|vec. /cccrcing Ic c 200 :IcIemenI frcm Dr. McrgcreI
HcmLurg, Ihe FD/ /cmini:IrcIcr curing Ihe cIIcck, if Ihe :cme ucnIiIy cf
cry-pcwcerec cnIhrcx u:ec in Ihe /meriIhrcx /IIcck:, wc: re|ec:ec inIc
Ihe venIi|cIicn :y:Iem cf Ihe Wcr|c Ircce CenIer iI ccu|c hcve ki||ec fcr
mcre pecp|e Ihcn Ihe cirp|cne cIIcck: cic cn /11.
DHS cefine: c Lic|cgicc| cIIcck c: Ihe inIenIicnc| re|ec:e cf c pcIhcgen
{ci:ec:e ccu:ing cgenI) cr Lic Icxin {pci:cncu: :uL:Icnce prccucec Ly c
|iving crgcni:m) cgcin:I humcn:, p|cnI:, cr cnimc|:. /n cIIcck cgcin:I
pecp|e ccu|c Le u:ec Ic ccu:e i||ne::, cecIh, fecr, :ccieIc| ci:rupIicn,
cnc eccncmic ccmcge. /n cIIcck cn cgricu|Iurc| p|cnI: cnc cnimc|:
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
wcu|c primcri|y ccu:e eccncmic ccmcge, |c:: cf ccnficence in Ihe fccc
:upp|y, cnc pc::iL|e |c:: cf |ife.
It |s use|u| to d|st|ngu|sh between two k|nds o| b|o|og|co| ogents:
TrunsmIssIbIe ugenLs LIuL spreud Irom person Lo person, sucI us
smuIIpox or EboIu, or unImuI Lo unImuI, sucI us IooI und mouLI
AgenLs LIuL muy cuuse udverse eIIecLs In exposed IndIvIduuIs buL LIuL do
noL muke LIose IndIvIduuIs conLugIous Lo oLIers, sucI us unLIrux.
Ihe CenIer: fcr Di:ec:e CcnIrc| {CDC) :cy: Ihe cgenI: cf grecIe:I
ccncern, IhcI iI cc||: iI: "Cotegory A" 8|o-Hozords, cre Ihc:e IhcI:
Cun be eusIIy dIssemInuLed or LrunsmILLed Irom person Lo person.
ResuIL In IIgI morLuIILy ruLes und Iuve LIe poLenLIuI Ior mujor pubIIc
IeuILI ImpucL.
MIgIL cuuse pubIIc punIc und socIuI dIsrupLIon und requIre specIuI
ucLIon Ior pubIIc IeuILI prepuredness.
TIe CDC puLs In LIIs cuLegory:
BIuck PIugue
VIruI IemorrIugIc Ievers (EboIu, Murburg, ussu, MucIupo)
Ic Ihen Le u:ec in cn cIIcck, Ihe:e cgenI: neec Ic Le cLIcinec in
:ufficienI ucnIiIy cnc wecpcnizec." Ihey cou|d be:
Iso|oted |rom Sources |n Noture. Ihe:e IhrecI cgenI: cre eiIher LicIcxin:
cr cgenI: IhcI ccu:e zccncIic ci:ec:e: {IhcI cccur in wi|c|ife cnc cre
Ircn:mi::iL|e Ic humcn:) - excepI fcr :mc||pcx, which i: :c|e|y c humcn
ci:ec:e cnc hc: Leen ercciccIec frcm ncIure.
Acqu|red |rom Loborotor|es or 8|oweopons Stockp||e. Smc||pcx viru: i:
cfficic||y :Iuciec in cn|y Iwc |cLcrcIcrie: in Ihe wcr|c. /nIhrcx i: wice|y
:Iuciec in |cL:. Hemcrrhcgic fever viru:e: cre :Iuciec cn|y in |imiIec high-
:ecuriIy |cccIicn:. Mc:I high IhrecI cgenI: hcc Leen :Iuciec cnc
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
:Icckpi|ec in Licwecpcn: prcgrcm: cuI:ice Ihe UniIec SIcIe: unIi| c:
recenI|y c: Ihe 10:.
Synthes|zed or Genet|co||y Mon|pu|oted |n o Loborotory. Ihi: wcu|c
reuire experIi:e cnc ccce:: Ic ccvcncec Iechnc|cgy.
For on ottock on peop|e, b|o|og|co| ogents cou|d be d|ssem|noted |n one
or more o| the |o||ow|ng woys:
<'*#5#$ 8/55'=/+4%/#+ Is LIe dIspersuI oI un ugenL In uIr Irom
spruyers or oLIer devIces. TIe ugenL musL be cuILured und processed Lo
LIe proper sIze Lo muxImIze Iumun InIecLIons, wIIIe muInLuInIng ILs
sLubIIILy und ubIIILy Lo produce IIIness. An uerosoI uLLuck mIgIL Luke
pIuce ouLdoors In u popuIuLed ureu or Indoors, e.g., In LIe venLIIuLIon
sysLem oI u buIIdIng, In LIe subwuy, on pIunes. L Lukes experLIse Lo
process bIoIogIcuI ugenLs Lo muxImIze LIe eIIecL oI uerosoI
dIssemInuLIon, buL even reIuLIveIy crude devIces couId Iuve un ImpucL.
;##8 #* 34%'*, especIuIIy reudy-Lo-euL Iood (vegeLubIes, suIud burs)
couId be InLenLIonuIIy conLumInuLed wILI puLIogens or LoxIns. TIe
wuLer suppIy Is Iess vuInerubIe becuuse dIIuLIon, IIILruLIon, und LIe
uddILIon oI cIIorIne cun kIII mosL dIseuse-cuusIng orgunIsms.
A)=4+ 04**/'*5 couId spreud LrunsmIssIbIe ugenLs by cougIIng,
LIrougI body IIuIds, or by conLumInuLIng surIuces. MosL ugenLs wouId
muke peopIe III or IncupucILuLed beIore LIey become IIgIIy conLugIous,
LIereby reducIng LrunsmIssIon oI LIe dIseuse.
P+E'0%'8 4+/=4$5 cun cuuse peopIe Lo become III LIrougI conLucL wILI
LIe unImuIs or conLumInuLed unImuI producLs.
P+5'0%5 nuLuruIIy spreud some ugenLs sucI us pIugue bucLerIu, und
oLIer vecLor-borne IIInesses, und couId poLenLIuIIy be used In un uLLuck.
H&95/04$$9 8/5%*/()%'8 LIrougI LIe muII or oLIer meuns.
WhcI ccu|c mcke c 8icIerrcri:m cIIcck :c in:icicu: i: IhcI, un|ike c
chemicc| cr nuc|ecr cIIcck, c Lic|cgicc| cIIcck ccu|c gc unceIecIec fcr
hcur:, ccy:, cr pcIenIic||y week:, unIi| pecp|e, cnimc|:, cr p|cnI: :hcw
:ympIcm: cf ci:ec:e. lf Ihere cre nc immecicIe :ign: cf Ihe cIIcck c: wiIh
Ihe cnIhrcx |eIIer:, c Lic|cgicc| cIIcck wcu|c prcLcL|y fir:I Le ceIecIec
Ly |ccc| hec|Ih ccre wcrker: cL:erving c pcIIern cf unu:uc| i||ne:: cr Ly
ecr|y wcrning mcniIcring :y:Iem: IhcI ceIecI cirLcrne pcIhcgen:.
Evicence cf cn cIIcck mcy cppecr in cnimc|: Lefcre humcn:.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Like c Chemicc| /IIcck Ihe very ncIure cf c LicIerrcr cIIcck, mecn: iI wi||
ccme wiIh nc wcrning. /nc c: :IcIec cLcve, Ly Ihe Iime cnycne :hcw:
:ympIcm:, ycu cnc ycur fcmi|y mcy c|reccy hcve Leen expc:ec Ic Ihe
pcIhcgen, cr Icxin.
Sc, ycur fir:I cnc Le:I cefen:e i: Ic c|wcy:, c|wcy:, fc||cw Ihe prccIice: cf
:Icying in Survivc| Shcpe cnc Lcc:Iing ycur immune :y:Iem Ic peck |eve|:,
c: cuI|inec in ChcpIer: 1 cnc ChcpIer 1, cnc fc||cwing Ihe infecIicu:
ci:ec:e prevenIicn Iechniue: ycu |ecrnec in ChcpIer 1.
8eyond thot:
/: c|wcy:, ycur prepcrecne:: :IcrI: wiIh Lui|cing ycur Gc 8cg{:) cnc ycur
She|Ier-in-F|cce Emergency Supp|y KiI, cnc checking Ic en:ure IhcI c||
fccc iIem: cre fre:h, cnc c|| euipmenI i: wcrking cnc prcper|y
Mcke c Fcmi|y Emergency F|cn. Ycur fcmi|y mcy ncI Le IcgeIher when
ci:c:Ier :Irike:, :c iI i: impcrIcnI Ic kncw hcw ycu wi|| ccnIccI cne
cncIher, hcw ycu wi|| geI Lcck IcgeIher cnc whcI ycu wi|| cc in cc:e cf
cn emergency.
F|cn p|cce: where ycur fcmi|y wi|| meeI, LcIh wiIhin cnc cuI:ice cf ycur
immecicIe neighLcrhccc.
lI mcy Le ec:ier Ic mcke c |cng-ci:Icnce phcne cc|| Ihcn Ic cc|| ccrc::
Icwn, :c cn cuI-cf-Icwn ccnIccI mcy Le in c LeIIer pc:iIicn Ic
ccmmuniccIe cmcng :epcrcIec fcmi|y memLer:.
Ycu mcy c|:c wcnI Ic inuire cLcuI emergency p|cn: cI p|cce: where
ycur fcmi|y :penc: Iime: wcrk, ccyccre cnc :chcc|. lf nc p|cn: exi:I,
ccn:icer vc|unIeering Ic he|p crecIe cne.
Ycu neec Ic kncw ycur ccmmuniIy': wcrning :y:Iem: cnc ci:c:Ier p|cn:.
Mcke p|cn: fcr ycur peI:.
Ccn:icer in:Ic||ing c High Efficiency FcrIicu|cIe /ir {HEF/) fi|Ier in ycur
furncce reIurn cucI. Ihe:e fi|Ier: remcve pcrIic|e: in Ihe 0.3 Ic 10 micrcn
rcnge cnc wi|| fi|Ier cuI mc:I Lic|cgicc| cgenI: IhcI mcy enIer ycur hcu:e.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
lf ycu cc ncI hcve c cenIrc| hecIing cr ccc|ing :y:Iem, c :Icnc-c|cne
pcrIcL|e HEF/ fi|Ier ccn Le u:ec.
NOIE: HEFA |||ters do not |||ter out chem|co| ogents, ond w||| not he|p
you dur|ng o chem|co| ottock, however they ore use|u| |n
7*"("3*E:( ottocks. I| you hove o centro| heot|ng ond coo||ng
system |n your home w|th o HEFA |||ter, |eove |t on || |t |s runn|ng
or turn the |on on || |t |s not runn|ng. Mov|ng the o|r |n the house
through the |||ter w||| he|p remove the ogents |rom the o|r. I|
you hove o portob|e HEFA |||ter, toke |t w|th you to your She|ter
|n F|oce koom, ond turn |t on.
Cnce iI hc: Leccme kncwn IhcI c 8icIerrcr cIIcck hc: Leen |cunchec, iI
mcy Icke Iime fcr puL|ic hec|Ih cfficic|: Ic ceIermine Ihe ncIure cf Ihe
pcIhcgen cr ccnIcgicn u:ec, cnc fcr Ihem Ic Ie|| ycu exccI|y wcnI Ic cc.
Ycu neec Ic wcIch IV, |i:Ien Ic Ihe rccic, cr check Ihe lnIerneI fcr cfficic|
new: cnc infcrmcIicn inc|ucing :ign: cnc :ympIcm: cf Ihe ci:ec:e. Ycu
c|:c neec Ic Le infcrmec cf Ihe crec: IhcI cre, cr ccn Le in ccnger, cnc
if cnc where meciccIicn:, cr cIher :pecic| IrecImenI:, cr prevenIive gecr
cre Leing ci:IriLuIec, cnc where ycu :hcu|c :eek mecicc| cIIenIicn if ycu
Leccme i||. 8e :ure IhcI ycur 8cIIery cnc/cr Hcnc Crcnk/Sc|cr rccic i:
wiIh ycu cI c|| Iime:l
I you become uwure oI un unusuuI und suspIcIous subsLunce, quIckIy
geL uwuy.
ProLecL yourseII. PuL on your bIoIuzurd musk LIuL you Iuve In you Go
Bug, or emergency kIL. n IIeu oI musks, cover your mouLI und nose
wILI Iuyers oI IubrIc LIuL cun IIILer LIe uIr buL sLIII uIIow breuLIIng.
ExumpIes IncIude Lwo Lo LIree Iuyers oI coLLon sucI us u L-sIIrL,
IundkercIIeI or LoweI. OLIerwIse, severuI Iuyers oI LIssue or puper
LoweIs muy IeIp.
I you beIIeve you Iuve been exposed Lo u bIoIogIcuI ugenL, remove und
bug your cIoLIes und personuI ILems. oIIow oIIIcIuI InsLrucLIons Ior
dIsposuI oI conLumInuLed ILems.
WusI yourseII wILI soup und wuLer und puL on cIeun cIoLIes.
ConLucL uuLIorILIes und seek medIcuI ussIsLunce. You muy be udvIsed Lo
sLuy uwuy Irom oLIers or even quurunLIned.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
I u IumIIy member becomes sIck, IL Is ImporLunL Lo be suspIcIous.
Do noL ussume, Iowever, LIuL you sIouId go Lo u IospILuI emergency
room or LIuL uny IIIness Is LIe resuIL oI LIe bIoIogIcuI uLLuck. SympLoms
oI muny common IIInesses muy overIup.
Use common sense, prucLIce good IygIene und cIeunIIness Lo uvoId
spreudIng germs, und seek medIcuI udvIce.
ConsIder II you ure In LIe group or ureu uuLIorILIes beIIeve Lo be In
I your sympLoms muLcI LIose descrIbed und you ure In LIe group
consIdered uL rIsk, ImmedIuLeIy seek emergency medIcuI uLLenLIon.
oIIow InsLrucLIons oI docLors und oLIer pubIIc IeuILI oIIIcIuIs.
I LIe dIseuse Is conLugIous expecL Lo receIve medIcuI evuIuuLIon und
LreuLmenL. You muy be udvIsed Lo sLuy uwuy Irom oLIers or even
deIIberuLeIy quurunLIned.
or non-conLugIous dIseuses, expecL Lo receIve medIcuI evuIuuLIon und
ln c cec|crec Lic|cgicc| emergency cr ceve|cping epicemic, Ihere mcy
Le rec:cn Ic :Icy cwcy frcm crcwc: where cIher: mcy Le infecIec.
/fIer c Lic|cgicc| cgenI hc: Leen icenIifiec, cfficic|: wi|| Icke :Iep: Ic
chcrccIerize hcw |cng Ihe cgenI wi|| per:i:I. C|ecnup wiIhin Lui|cing:
mcy enIci| Ihe u:e cf gc: cr |iuic ceccnIcmincnI: Ic ki|| Ihe cgenI. Fcr
excmp|e, ch|crine cicxice gc: wc: re|ec:ec Ihrcugh venIi|cIicn :y:Iem: cf
Lui|cing: ccnIcmincIec wiIh cnIhrcx. ln :cme cc:e:, mu|Iip|e rcunc: cf
ceccnIcmincIicn mcy Le nece::cry.
/ Lic|cgicc| cIIcck ccn hcve p:ychc|cgicc| effecI: c: ccngercu: c: iI:
phy:icc| cne:. ln fccI, iI i: Ihe:e p:ychc|cgicc| effecI:, :uch c: Ihe :precc
cf fecr cnc pcnic IhcI Ihe perpeIrcIcr: cf :uch cn cIIcck wi|| ccunI cn.
During c 8icIerrcr cIIcck when :ympIcm:, cnc Ihe cLi|iIy Ic Ie|| whc i:
infecIec cr expc:ec, cnc whc i: ncI ccn Le unc|ecr, IhcI kinc cf fecr ccn
:precc uicker Ihcn Ihe ccnIcgicn. l:c|cIicn, civi| unre:I, cnc neighLcr:
Iurning cgcin:I neighLcr: ccn Le Ihe re:u|I.
Ycur prepcrecne:: i: ycur Le:I immuniIy cgcin:I p:ychc|cgicc|
ccnIcmincIicn" cnc Ihe cn|y wcy Ic LecI Ihe Ierrcri:I: cI IhcI gcmel
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
lf ycu Ihink Ihe re|cIive cifficu|Iy in crecIing cr cLIcining Lic|cgicc| cgenI:
cr wecpcn: i: ycur Le:I prcIecIicn cgcin:I Ihem, unfcrIuncIe|y ycu cre
mi:Icken. Much c: Ihe CDC, DHS, cnc cIher GcvernmenIc| cgencie:, ncI
cn|y in Ihe SIcIe:, LuI c|:c wcr|cwice, wcu|c hcve ycu Le|ieve IhcI, if ycu
cc, ycu cre |ike cn c:Irich wiIh ycur hecc in Ihe :cnc.
Mcny cnIi-Ierrcri:I prcfe::icnc|: cgree IhcI Ihe pcIenIic| fcr cncIher
cIIcck cf cnIhrcx cr cIher |eIhc| |iving cgenI remcin: very high Icccy, cnc
Ihey ccnncI Le|ieve hcw Ihe fecerc| gcvernmenI hc: cuI funcing Ic
8icIerrcri:m /|erI cnc Fe:pcn:e prcgrcm:, Lc:icc||y Iurning c L|inc eye Ic
Ihe impccI cf Ihe /meriIhrcx /IIcck. Ihe IruIh i:, iI i: enIire|y pc::iL|e cnc
|ike|y IhcI even c re|cIive cmcIeur ccu|c p|uck :Ircin: frcm Ihe
envircnmenI IhcI wcu|c Le ju:I c: viru|enI c: Ihe cnIhrcx u:ec in Ihe
/nc IhcI :cy: ncIhing cLcuI ccunIrie: :uch c: lrcn, IhcI ccnIinue
Lic|cgicc| wecpcn: prcgrcm:, cnc Ihe hc:I cf new cnc emerging
pcIhcgen:, cny cne cf which IhcI ccu|c Le ec:i|y hcrve:Iec cnc
8uI cgcin, rcIher Ihcn Leing cfrcic cf :uch c IhrecI, Leing prepcrec fcr iI
c: Ihcrcugh|y c: ycu ccn Le, i: ycur Le:I cefen:e cgcin:I cny ccI cf
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Chopter 34
Nuc|eor Attock ond
kod|o|og|co| D|sosters

Lije is c prepcrction jor the juture cnd the best prepcrction jor the
juture is to lite cs ij there uere none.
- Albert Einstein
Fcr mcny Ihe very ccncepI cf prepcrecne::" cnc Civi| Defen:e Legcn
wiIh Ihe icec cf Lui|cing Fc||cuI She|Ier: curing Ihe 150:. Scme cf ycu
mcy :Ii|| rememLer Ihe Duck cnc Ccver" cri||: ccncucIec in :chcc|:. 8uI,
Ihen Ihe CuLcn Mi::i|e Cri:i: LrcughI wiIh iI Ihe pc|icy cf MuIuc||y
/::urec De:IrucIicn" which mecnI IhcI cny u:e cf Nuke: Ly eiIher
Superpcwer wcu|c re:u|I in fu|| :cc|e Ihermcnuc|ecr Wcr. Fccec Ly :uch
c frighIening rec|iIy, Ihe icec cf Leing cL|e Ic :urvive :uch cn cn:|cughI in
cny kinc cf :he|Ier :eemec un|ike|y. Fc||cuI She|Ier: fe|| cuI cf vcgue.
Mcny yecr: |cIer, wiIh Ihe enc" cf Ihe Cc|c Wcr, nuc|ecr /rmcgecccn
:eemec even mcre un|ike|y, :c FuL|ic She|Ier: cnc Municipc| Civi| Defen:e
prcgrcm: c|:c Legcn Ic ci:cppecr cn grcnc :cc|e.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Whi|e iI i: Irue IhcI Ihe |ike|ihccc cf c fu||-:cc|e nuc|ecr ccnf|icI LeIween
Superpcwer: i: fcr |e:: |ike|y Ihcn iI wc: ceccce: cgc, Ihe ri:k cf c mcre
IcrgeIec nuc|ecr :Irike Ly c Ierrcri:I :IcIe cr crgcnizcIicn, cr Ihe re|ec:e cf
c rccic|cgicc| evenI, hc: ccIuc||y increc:ec.
WheIher |cunchec cn c |crge Lc||i:Iic mi::i|e, c :mc||er IccIicc| cevice cr
:c-cc||ec Lriefcc:e LcmL" cny nuc|ecr L|c:I wi|| hcve |cng rcnging
phy:icc| ccmcge, mcjcr |c:: cf |ife, cnc |ecve in iI: wcke |cng-Ierm
phy:icc| cnc emcIicnc| hec|Ih i::ue:. /|| nuc|ecr cevice: ccu:e cecc|y
effecI: when exp|ccec, inc|ucing L|incing |ighI, inIen:e hecI {Ihermc|
rccicIicn), iniIic| nuc|ecr rccicIicn, L|c:I, fire: :IcrIec Ly Ihe hecI pu|:e
cnc :eccnccry fire: ccu:ec Ly Ihe ce:IrucIicn. ln Ihe grcnc :cheme cf
Ihing: iI mcy Le Irue IhcI nuc|ecr cIIcck i: |e:: |ike|y Ihcn cIher ncIurc|
cnc even mcn-mcce ci:c:Ier:, LuI Ihen cgcin, whcI if c nuc|ecr ci:c:Ier
were Ic cccur frcm c ccIc:Ircphic fci|ure cf c nuc|ecr pcwer p|cnI, |ike
CherncLy| cr mcre recenI|y, Fuku:himc Even Ihcugh Ihi: i: Ihe |c:I
chcpIer cf Ihi: :ecIicn iI i: viIc||y impcrIcnI Ic kncw :cme :imp|e :Iep: IhcI
ccn :cve ycur |ife cnc Ihe |ife cf ycur fcmi|y.
Like mcny ci:c:Ier:, ycur prepcrecne:: fcr c nuc|ecr evenI :IcrI: wiIh
c::e::ing ycur ri:k cf Leing c IcrgeI, cr Leing in c|c:e prcximiIy Ic c
pcIenIic| IcrgeI. Irue c Ierrcri:I u:e cf c nuc|ecr cevice i: IcIc||y
unprecicIcL|e, cnc wherever :uch cn evenI Icke: p|cce iI wi|| |ike|y hcve
fcr recching effecI:, LuI cerIcin|y Ihere cre p|cce: IhcI cre mcre |ike|y
IcrgeI: Ihcn cIher:.
Ihe DepcrImenI cf Hcme|cnc SecuriIy icenIifie: Ihe fc||cwing mc:I |ike|y
IcrgeI: cf nuc|ecr cIIcck.
SLruLegIc mIssIIe sILes und mIIILury buses.
CenLers oI governmenL sucI us WusIIngLon, DC, und sLuLe cupILuIs.
mporLunL LrunsporLuLIon und communIcuLIon cenLers.
MunuIucLurIng, IndusLrIuI, LecInoIogy.
PeLroIeum reIInerIes, nucIeur und eIecLrIcuI power pIunLs, und cIemIcuI
Mujor porLs und uIrIIeIds.
Mujor cILIes und IInuncIuI cenLers.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
lf ycu |ive necr cny cf Ihe cLcve, ycur ri:k i: grecIer Ihcn :cmecne whc
cce: ncI.
Ihe numLer cnc Iype cf fcIc|iIie: cnc injurie: IhcI wcu|c cccur cfIer c
nuc|ecr exp|c:icn, cepenc cn mcny fccIcr: inc|ucing Ihe yie|c cf Ihe
nuc|ecr cevice, Ihe pcpu|cIicn necr Ihe :iIe cf Ihe exp|c:icn cnc in Ihe
fc||cuI pcIh, cnc wecIher ccnciIicn:. Ihe hczcrc: c::ccicIec wiIh c
nuc|ecr ceIcncIicn cre Shcckwcve EffecI:, Ihermc| EffecI:, FccicccIive
Fc||cuI, cnc E|ecIrcmcgneIic Fu|:e effecI:.
Ihe exIenI, ncIure cnc crrivc| Iime cf Ihe:e hczcrc: cre cifficu|I Ic precicI.
Ihe geogroph|co| d|spers|on o| hozord e||ects w||| be de||ned by the
TIe sIze oI LIe devIce. A more powerIuI bomb wIII produce more
dIsLunL eIIecLs.
TIe IeIgIL ubove LIe ground LIe devIce wus deLonuLed. TIIs wIII
deLermIne LIe exLenL oI bIusL eIIecLs.
TIe nuLure oI LIe surIuce beneuLI LIe expIosIon. Some muLerIuIs ure
more IIkeIy Lo become rudIoucLIve und uIrborne LIun oLIers. IuL ureus
ure more suscepLIbIe Lo bIusL eIIecLs.
TIe exIsLIng meLeoroIogIcuI condILIons. WInd speed und dIrecLIon wIII
uIIecL urrIvuI LIme oI IuIIouL. PrecIpILuLIon muy wusI IuIIouL Irom LIe
/ Nuc|ecr EvenI cf Cc|c Wcr mcgniIuce wcu|c |ecve mc:I cIIempI: cI
:he|Ier ccn:IrucIicn cr prepcrcIicn cn|y fcr Ihe mc:I ccvcncec prepper: -
LuI c: :IcIec in Ihe Leginning cf Ihi: ChcpIer, :ince IhcI i: c fcr |e:: |ike|y
:cencric, Ihere cre Ihing: ycu ccn cnc :hcu|c cc Ic prepcre fcr Ihe
nuc|ecr IhrecI: cf Icccy.
lI mcy :cunc |ike c Lrcken reccrc cgcin, LuI ycu kncw Ly ncw Ihe very
fir:I Ihing ycu neec cc Ic prepcre i: - :cy iI wiIh u: ncw - 8,(&< :0,-
9#$&'$- (; L&*2$ 5)$-@$;2: /-$L*-$<;$99 D(' *;< #*.$ :0,- H0 8*@O9P
|eccy tc gc cnc we|| :tcckec w|tn quc||ty equ|pnent. Ycu mcy even
ccn:icer cccing c rccicIicn ceIecIicn cevice cnc pcIc::ium iccice
IcL|eI: Ic ycur Gc 8cg - e:pecic||y if ycu |ive wiIhin Ien mi|e: cf c nuc|ecr
pcwer p|cnI.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
8eycnc IhcI - Mcke c Fcmi|y Emergency F|cn.
Ycur fcmi|y mcy ncI Le IcgeIher when ci:c:Ier :Irike:, :c iI i: impcrIcnI Ic
kncw hcw ycu wi|| ccnIccI cne cncIher, hcw ycu wi|| geI Lcck IcgeIher
cnc whcI ycu wi|| cc in cc:e cf cn emergency. Uncer:Icnc IhcI
ccmmuniccIicn: in Ihe cfIermcIh cf c nuc|ecr evenI mcy Le cifficu|I cr
IcIc||y ncn-exi:IenI. {See :ecIicn cn EffecI: cf EMF)
PIun on some meLIods oI communIcuLIon oLIer LIun ceII pIones.
PIun pIuces wIere your IumIIy wIII meeL, boLI wILIIn und ouLsIde oI your
ImmedIuLe neIgIborIood.
Know your communILy's wurnIng sysLems und dIsusLer pIuns, IncIudIng
evucuuLIon rouLes.
Finc cuI frcm cfficic|: if cny puL|ic Lui|cing: in ycur ccmmuniIy hcve Leen
ce:igncIec c: fc||cuI :he|Ier:. lf ncne hcve Leen ce:igncIec, mcke ycur
cwn |i:I cf pcIenIic| :he|Ier: necr ycur hcme, wcrkp|cce cnc :chcc|.
Ihe:e p|cce: wcu|c inc|uce Lc:emenI: cr Ihe winccw|e:: cenIer crec cf
micc|e f|ccr: in high-ri:e Lui|cing:, c: we|| c: :uLwcy: cnc Iunne|:.
lf ycu |ive in cn cpcrImenI Lui|cing cr high-ri:e, Ic|k Ic Ihe mcncger cLcuI
Ihe :cfe:I p|cce in Ihe Lui|cing fcr :he|Iering cnc cLcuI prcvicing fcr
Lui|cing cccupcnI: unIi| iI i: :cfe Ic gc cuI.
During pericc: cf heighIenec IhrecI increc:e ycur ci:c:Ier :upp|ie: Ic Le
cceucIe fcr up Ic cI |ec:I Ihree Ic fcur week:.
Icking :he|Ier curing c nuc|ecr L|c:I i: cL:c|uIe|y nece::cry. Ihere cre
Iwc kinc: cf :he|Ier: - L|c:I cnc fc||cuI. Ihe fc||cwing ce:criLe: Ihe Iwc
kinc: cf :he|Ier::
8|c:I :he|Ier: cre :pecificc||y ccn:IrucIec Ic cffer :cme prcIecIicn cgcin:I
L|c:I pre::ure, iniIic| rccicIicn, hecI cnc fire. 8uI even c L|c:I :he|Ier
ccnncI wiIh:Icnc c cirecI hiI frcm c nuc|ecr exp|c:icn.
Fc||cuI :he|Ier: cc ncI neec Ic Le :pecic||y ccn:IrucIec fcr prcIecIing
cgcin:I fc||cuI. Ihey ccn Le cny prcIecIec :pcce, prcvicec IhcI Ihe
wc||: cnc rccf cre Ihick cnc cen:e encugh Ic cL:crL Ihe rccicIicn given
cff Ly fc||cuI pcrIic|e:.
Mc:I ccmmuniIie: nc |cnger hcve ce:igncIec L|c:I cr fc||cuI :he|Ier:.
Lcck fcr Lui|cing: cr fcci|iIie: wiIh |crge Lc:emenI:, :uch c: hc:piIc|:. NcI
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
c p|ec:cnI prc:pecI LuI hc:piIc| mcrgue: mcke fcr grecI :he|Ier:, c: Ihey
u:uc||y cre in Ihe |cwe:I Lc:emenI, cnc hcve hecvy ccncreIe wc||:.
Other F|oces to Ioke She|ter:
BoIIer Rooms und PIpe Runs und CIuses (u pIpe run or cIuse Is under
Iurge buIIdIngs sucI us scIooIs LIuL ure u serIes oI cuLucombs IousIng
pIpes und eIecLrIcuI conduILs, usuuIIy beIow LIe busemenL).
Subwuys und OLIer TunneIs.
Underground PurkIng Guruges.
Bunk VuuILs - u greuL sIeILer II you cun geL uccess, und noL Iocked In II
eIecLronIc or LImed Iocks IuII In LIe bIusL.
Cuves - us Iong us you sLuy weII buck Irom LIe enLrunce.
Ihe three |octors |or protect|ng yourse|| |rom rod|ot|on ond |o||out ore
D|stonce, Sh|e|d|ng ond I|me.
1. ,/5%4+0' - LIe more dIsLunce beLween you und LIe IuIIouL purLIcIes,
LIe beLLer. An underground ureu sucI us u Iome or oIIIce buIIdIng
busemenL oIIers more proLecLIon LIun LIe IIrsL IIoor oI u buIIdIng. A
IIoor neur LIe mIddIe oI u IIgI-rIse muy be beLLer, dependIng on
wIuL Is neurby uL LIuL IeveI on wIIcI sIgnIIIcunL IuIIouL purLIcIes
wouId coIIecL. IuL rooIs coIIecL IuIIouL purLIcIes so LIe Lop IIoor Is
noL u good cIoIce, nor Is u IIoor udjucenL Lo u neIgIborIng IIuL rooI.
z. >&/'$8/+6 - LIe IeuvIer und denser LIe muLerIuIs - LIIck wuIIs,
concreLe, brIcks, books und eurLI - beLween you und LIe IuIIouL
purLIcIes, LIe beLLer.
. ?/=' - IuIIouL rudIuLIon Ioses ILs InLensILy IuIrIy rupIdIy. n LIme,
you wIII be ubIe Lo Ieuve LIe IuIIouL sIeILer. RudIoucLIve IuIIouL poses
LIe greuLesL LIreuL Lo peopIe durIng LIe IIrsL Lwo weeks, by wIIcI
LIme IL Ius decIIned Lo ubouL 1 percenL oI ILs InILIuI rudIuLIon IeveI.
FememLer IhcI cny prcIecIicn, hcwever Iempcrcry, i: LeIIer Ihcn ncne
cI c||, cnc Ihe mcre :hie|cing, ci:Icnce cnc Iime ycu ccn Icke
ccvcnIcge cf, Ihe LeIIer.
Ju:I c: ycu |ecrnec in ChcpIer 1 cn hcw Ic Lcc:I ycur immune :y:Iem in
prepcring fcr c Fcncemic, Ihere cre cerIcin fccc: cnc nuIrienI: IhcI ccn
imprcve ycur Lccy: cLi|iIy Ic miIigcIe Ihe effecI: cf rccicIicn.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ycur Lccy hc: cn cmczing cLi|iIy Ic prcIecI cnc hec| iI:e|f, LuI iI ccn u:e
c |iII|e he|p. DieI cnc ycur Lccy: :u:cepIiLi|iIy Ic rccicIicn cre c|c:e|y
re|cIec. FccicIicn cnc pc||uIcnI: ce:Ircy viIcmin: /, C, E, K, e::enIic|
fcIIy ccic:, cc|cium cnc neurchcrmcne: {hcrmcne: prccucec Ly cr
ccIing cn nervcu: Ii::ue).
lf ycur Lccy |cck: cc|cium, pcIc::ium cnc cIher nuIrienI:, iI wi|| mcre
recci|y cL:crL Ihe rccicccIive e|emenI: IhcI cre :imi|cr in :IrucIure Ic
Ihe:e nuIrienI:. Ycur Le:I LeI i: Ic ecI ncIurc|, fre:h, crgcnic cnc
unprcce::ec fccc: c: much c: pc::iL|e, whi|e |imiIing ycur inIcke cf, whiIe
:ugcr, rec mecI, refinec whecI, ccffeine cnc hcmcgenizec mi|k. Here i:
c |i:I cf wice|y reccmmencec fccc: cnc fccc :upp|emenI: IhcI ccn he|p
Ic Lc|cnce ycur Lccy: chemi:Iry cnc increc:e ycu re:i:Icnce Ic
rccicIicn :ickne::.
Ih|s ||st |s by no meons exhoust|ve, but |t w||| g|ve you o good stort|ng
CuIcIumJmugnesIum - TIe New EngIund JournuI oI MedIcIne reporLed
LIuL cuIcIum mIgIL prevenL precuncerous ceIIs Irom becomIng
cuncerous. L uIso IeIps proLecLs uguInsL sLronLIum qo und oLIer
rudIoIsoLopes wILI u sImIIur sLrucLure Lo cuIcIum.
VILumIn A or beLu-curoLene - TIIs vILumIn munuIucLures unLIbodIes,
muInLuIns und proLecLs mucus membrunes, und IeIps proLecLs LIe
LIymus gIund, LIe musLer gIund oI LIe Immune sysLem. L IeIps guurd
uguInsL Lumor IormuLIon und cuncer.
Coenzyme Q1o - TIIs subsLunce IeIps proLecLs uguInsL muny cIemIcuIs
und rudIuLIon, oIIerIng Immense beneIILs Lo LIe Immune sysLem.
VILumIn C + bIoIIuvonoIds und ruLIn - A proLecLIve dose oI beLween
oomg und z,ooo mg cun IeIp counLerucL LoxIns und rudIuLIon.
VILumIn E - HeIps Lo neuLruIIzes IurmIuI Iree rudIcuIs und proLecLs
deIIcuLe membrunes.
ZInc - ZInc Ius been sIown Lo IeIp sLrengLIen LIe T-ceII-producIng
LIymus gIund. AIm Ior o Lo 1oo mg duIIy, uvuIIubIe Irom gruIns, nuLs,
seeds und Iegumes.
SeIenIum - SeIenIum IIgILs cuncer und proLecLs uguInsL curcInogens, by
IeIpIng Lo produce u Iree rudIcuI scuvenger cuIIed gIuLuLIIone
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ProunLIocyunudIns (Grupe seed exLrucLJPycnogenoI) Is consIdered Lo be
one oI LIe mosL powerIuI unLIoxIdunLs or Iree rudIcuI scuvengers; grupe
seed exLrucL IeIps counLerucL sLress, poIIuLIon und rudIuLIon.
DHEA - TIere Iuve been muny reporLed beneIILs oI DHEA, buL us Iur us
rudIuLIon proLecLIon IL IeIps Lo sIow LIe producLIon oI Iree rudIcuIs, und
InIIbILs LIe growLI oI cuncers und curcInogens. A good Iood source oI
DHEA Is wIId yums.
Ccn:icer Icking Ihe cLcve c: nuIriIicnc| :upp|emenI:, cnc c|:c mcke Ihe
fccc: rich in Ihem c grecIer pcrI cf ycur cieI. /|| cf Ihe :uperfccc: cnc
immune :y:Iem Lcc:Iing fccc: menIicnec in ChcpIer: 1 cnc ChcpIer 1
cre c|| c|:c high in Ihe:e cnIi-rccicIicn" nuIrienI:.
/ncIher prcven effecIive wcy Ic minimize Ihe ccmcge cf rccicIicn
expc:ure Ic ycur Lccy i: Ic Icke FcIc::ium lccice cr FcIc::ium lcccIe.
Cne inci:puIcL|e |cng-Ierm effecI cf expc:ure Ic |cw |eve|: cf rccicccIive
fc||cuI i: ccncer cf Ihe Ihyrcic. Ihi: i: Leccu:e Ihe Ihyrcic cL:crL:
rccicccIive iccine, ccncenIrcIing Ihe ccngercu: i:cIcpe: cnc ccu:ing
|cng-Ierm hcrm. Ihi: ccn Le in:icicu:, c: ycu wi|| prcLcL|y ncI fee| :ick in
Ihe week, cr even mcnIh: curing cr cfIer Ihe fc||cuI incicenI, LuI yecr:
ccwn Ihe rccc iI ccu|c ccu:e :ericu: prcL|em:, ncI Ihe |ec:I cf which i:
ccncer. lI hc: Leen c|inicc||y prcven IhcI Ly Icking FcIc::ium iccice cr
icccIe crc||y Lefcre cnc curing fc||cuI, Ihe Ihyrcic wi|| Le fi||ec Ic
ccpcciIy" wiIh iccine cnc, c: c re:u|I, wi|| ncI wcnI Ic" cL:crL ccmcging
cmcunI: cf rccicccIive iccine i:cIcpe:. Ycu :hcu|c cLIcin c :curce
checc cf Iime, c: Ihe pi||: ccn Le :cfe|y kepI fcr yecr: - e:pecic||y if ycu
|ive necr c nuc|ecr pcwer p|cnI. ln :cme :uch ccmmuniIie: Ihe p|cnI:
Ihem:e|ve: wi|| prcvice pi||: Ic re:icenI: in Ihe crec.
lf Ihere i: ccvcncec wcrning cf cn impencing nuc|ecr cIIcck, pecp|e
:hcu|c |i:Ien Ic cuIhcriIie: cLcuI wheIher Ic evccucIe Ihe crec, cr Ic :eek
:he|Ier uncergrcunc c: :ccn c: pc::iL|e.
Ind LIe neuresL buIIdIng, preIerubIy buIIL oI brIck or concreLe, und go
InsIde Lo uvoId uny rudIoucLIve muLerIuI ouLsIde.
I beLLer sIeILer, sucI us u muILI-sLory buIIdIng or busemenL cun be
reucIed wILIIn u Iew mInuLes, go LIere ImmedIuLeIy.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Go us Iur beIow ground us possIbIe or In LIe cenLer oI u LuII buIIdIng. TIe
gouI Is Lo puL us muny wuIIs und us mucI concreLe, brIck und soII
beLween you und LIe rudIoucLIve muLerIuI ouLsIde.
SLuy wIere you ure, even II you ure sepuruLed Irom your IumIIy. nsIde Is
LIe suIesL pIuce Ior uII peopIe In LIe ImpucLed ureu. L cun suve your IIIe.
DurIng LIe LIme wILI LIe IIgIesL rudIuLIon IeveIs IL Is suIesL Lo sLuy
InsIde, sIeILered uwuy Irom LIe rudIoucLIve muLerIuI ouLsIde.
RudIuLIon IeveIs ure exLremeIy dungerous uILer u nucIeur deLonuLIon buL
LIe IeveIs reduce rupIdIy.
ExpecL Lo sLuy InsIde Ior uL IeusL zq Iours unIess LoId oLIerwIse by
When evccucIing i: in ycur Le:I inIere:I, ycu wi|| Le in:IrucIec Ic cc :c.
/|| cvci|cL|e meIhcc: cf ccmmuniccIicn wi|| Le u:ec Ic prcvice new:
cnc/cr in:IrucIicn:.
Fecp|e in Ihe pcIh cf Ihe rccicccIive mcIeric| - ccwnwinc frcm Ihe
ceIcncIicn - mcy c|:c Le c:kec Ic Icke prcIecIive mec:ure:.
I| you shou|d be cought outs|de when o b|ost occurs you shou|d:
1. NoL Iook uL LIe IIusI or IIrebuII - IL cun bIInd you.
z. Tuke cover beIInd unyLIIng LIuL mIgIL oIIer proLecLIon.
. Ie Iuce down on LIe ground und proLecL exposed skIn (I.e., pIuce
Iunds under LIe body), und remuIn IIuL unLII LIe IeuL und sIock
wuves Iuve pussed.
q. Cover LIe mouLI und nose wILI u cIoLI Lo IIILer purLIcuIuLes Irom LIe
InIuIed uIr.
. Tuke sIeILer us soon us you cun, even II you ure muny mIIes Irom
ground zero wIere LIe uLLuck occurred - rudIoucLIve IuIIouL cun be
currIed by LIe wInds Ior Iundreds oI mIIes. Remember LIe LIree
proLecLIve IucLors: DIsLunce, sIIeIdIng und LIme.
6. I you IInd u cIoud oI debrIs movIng Lowurds you, Ieuve LIe ureu by u
rouLe perpendIcuIur Lo LIe puLI oI LIe IuIIouL.
;. I u cIoud Is noL vIsIbIe or LIe dIrecLIon oI LIe IuIIouL Is unknown,
seek sIeILer. A busemenL or cenLer oI u IIgI-rIse buIIdIng uwuy Irom
wIndows or doors wouId be besL.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
8. I you beIIeve you Iuve been exposed Lo conLumInuLed dusL und
debrIs, remove ouLer cIoLIIng very cureIuIIy us soon us Is reusonubIe.
I possIbIe, sIower, wusI IuIr, und cIunge cIoLIes beIore enLerIng u
sIeILer. Do noL scrub IursIIy or scruLcI skIn.
ln ccciIicn Ic cIher effecI:, c nuc|ecr wecpcn ceIcncIec in cr cLcve Ihe
ecrIh: cImc:phere ccn crecIe cn e|ecIrcmcgneIic pu|:e {EMF), c high-
cen:iIy e|ecIricc| fie|c. /n EMF ccI: |ike c :Ircke cf |ighIning LuI i:
:Ircnger, fc:Ier, cnc :hcrIer. /n EMF ccn :ericu:|y ccmcge e|ecIrcnic
cevice: ccnnecIec Ic pcwer :curce: cr cnIennc:. Ihi: inc|uce:
ccmmuniccIicn :y:Iem:, ccmpuIer:, e|ecIricc| cpp|icnce:, cnc
cuIcmcLi|e cr circrcfI igniIicn :y:Iem:. Ihe ccmcge ccu|c rcnge frcm c
mincr inIerrupIicn Ic ccIuc| LurncuI cf ccmpcnenI:. Mc:I e|ecIrcnic
euipmenI wiIhin 1,000 mi|e: cf c high-c|IiIuce nuc|ecr ceIcncIicn ccu|c
Le cffecIec. 8cIIery-pcwerec rccic: wiIh :hcrI cnIennc: generc||y wcu|c
ncI Le cffecIec. /|Ihcugh cn EMF i: un|ike|y Ic hcrm mc:I pecp|e, iI
ccu|c hcrm Ihc:e wiIh pccemcker: cr cIher imp|cnIec e|ecIrcnic
NOIE: Most modern veh|c|es w|th on e|ectron|c |gn|t|on w||| not stort
o|ter on EMF re|eose, ond moy never stort ogo|n due to on-
boord computers ond c|rcu|ts be|ng |r|ed. One o| your
"surv|vo| sk|||s" shou|d be know|ng how to dr|ve o monuo|
tronsm|ss|on, ond you shou|d cons|der thot your 8ug Out
Veh|c|e be o re||ob|e, yet o|der veh|c|e w|th o corburetor [os
opposed to e|ectron|c |ue| |nject|on} ond o c|utch. Know|ng
how to dr|ve o st|ck, ond "ro|| stort" o cor by popp|ng the
c|utch, cou|d moke o|| the d|||erence between gett|ng out o|
horm's woy, ond be|ng stuck |n o deod zone.
Deccy rcIe: cf rccicccIive fc||cuI cre Ihe :cme fcr cny :ize nuc|ecr
cevice. Hcwever, Ihe cmcunI cf fc||cuI wi|| vcry Lc:ec cn Ihe :ize cf Ihe
cevice cnc iI: prcximiIy Ic Ihe grcunc. Iherefcre, iI mighI Le nece::cry fcr
Ihc:e in Ihe crec: wiIh highe:I rccicIicn |eve|: Ic :he|Ier fcr up Ic c mcnIh,
cr mcre.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Hcwever, |cng-Ierm effecI: cf expc:ure Ic nuc|ecr rccicIicn ccnncI Le
uncer:IcIec. Ihe /ugu:I 145 LcmLing: cf Hirc:himc cnc Ncgc:cki were
Ihe cn|y ceIcncIicn cf nuc|ecr wecpcn: excepI fcr Ie:Iing purpc:e:, cnc
:urvivcr: cnc Iheir chi|cren ccnIinue Ic experience prcL|em: mcre Ihcn
:ix-ceccce: cfIer Ihe ccuIe effecI: cf rccicIicn hcve :uL:icec. FccicIicn
ccmcge ccnIinue: Ic prccuce c wice rcnge cf phy:icc| prcL|em:,
inc|ucing |eukemic, ccncer, cnc mcny cIher:, which cppecrec in Ihe
:urviving pcpu|cIicn cf Ihe Jcpcn L|c:I: Iwc, Ihree, even Ien yecr: |cIer.
ln ccciIicn Ic Ihe:e effecI: fcunc in :urvivcr: cf Ihe Hirc:himc cnc
Ncgc:cki LcmL:, ccccrcing Ic Jcpcne:e ccIc, Ihere were c|:c Ihe
fc||cwing hec|Ih prcL|em:.
O$##8 ,/5#*8'*5 F TIere wus un Increuse In unemIu umong persons
exposed Lo LIe bomb. n some cuses, LIe decreuse In wIILe und red
bIood ceIIs IusLed Ior up Lo Len yeurs uILer LIe bombIng.
"4%4*40%5 F TIere wus un Increuse In cuLurucL ruLe oI LIe survIvors uL
HIrosIImu und NugusukI, wIo were purLIy sIIeIded und suIIered purLIuI
IuIr Ioss.
I4$/6+4+% ?)=#*5 F AII IonIzIng rudIuLIon Is curcInogenIc, buL some
Lumor Lypes ure more reudIIy generuLed LIun oLIers. A prevuIenL Lype Is
IeukemIu. TIe cuncer IncIdence umong survIvors oI HIrosIImu und
NugusukI Is sIgnIIIcunLIy Iurger LIun LIuL oI LIe generuI popuIuLIon, und
u sIgnIIIcunL correIuLIon beLween exposure IeveI und degree oI IncIdence
Ius been reporLed Ior LIyroId cuncer, breusL cuncer, Iung cuncer, und
cuncer oI LIe suIIvury gIund. OILen u decude or more pusses beIore
rudIuLIon-cuused muIIgnuncIes uppeur.
L'$#/85 F BegInnIng In eurIy 1qq6, scur LIssue coverIng uppurenLIy
IeuIed burns begun Lo sweII und grow ubnormuIIy. Mounds oI ruIsed
und LwIsLed IIesI, cuIIed keIoIds, were Iound In o Lo 6o percenL oI LIose
burned by dIrecL exposure Lo LIe IeuL ruys wILIIn 1.z mIIes oI LIe
IypocenLer. KeIoIds ure beIIeved Lo be reIuLed Lo LIe eIIecLs oI rudIuLIon.
Ihe hecvie:I fc||cuI wcu|c Le |imiIec Ic Ihe crec cI cr ccwnwinc frcm Ihe
exp|c:icn. 80 percenI cf Ihe fc||cuI wcu|c cccur curing Ihe fir:I 24 hcur:.
Fecp|e in mc:I cf Ihe crec: IhcI wcu|c Le cffecIec ccu|c Le c||cwec Ic
ccme cuI cf :he|Ier: wiIhin c few ccy: cnc, if nece::cry, evccucIe Ic
uncffecIec crec:.
8uI uncer:Icnc IhcI even |cw |eve|: cf rccicIicn ccn Le ccngercu: when
ycu cre expc:ec fcr prc|cngec pericc: cf Iime. /nc iI i: e:pecic||y
ccngercu: Ic ycung chi|cren, whc :hcu|c Le prcIecIec Ic Ihe grecIe:I
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
exIenI pc::iL|e. lf ycu ccnncI cvcic Leing in cn crec where fc||cuI |cnc:,
Ihen ycu :hcu|c minimize ycur expc:ure cnc crecIe c Lcrrier LeIween
ycur:e|f cnc Ihe fc||cuI. Ihi: i: e:pecic||y impcrIcnI fcr ycung chi|cren cnc
pregncnI wcmen. DirI, ccncreIe, Lrick: cnc cIher cen:e, :c|ic cLjecI:
cffer Ihe Le:I prcIecIicn frcm fc||cuI.
Ycu cc ncI hcve Ic Le wiIhin Ihe immecicIe viciniIy cf c nuc|ecr L|c:I Ic
fee| Ihe effecI: cf fc||cuI. Fcr excmp|e, in Ihe evenI cf c nuc|ecr ccnf|icI
LeIween Fcki:Icn cnc lncic, even Ihe U.S. ccu|c fee| Ihe effecI: cf fc||cuI.
Cnce fc||cuI i: precicIec Ic :IcrI, :|eep in Ihe Lc:emenI, e:pecic||y c|cng
Ihe wc||: IhcI cre uncergrcunc, Ic enhcnce Ihe minimc| prcIecIicn
cfferec Ly ycur hcu:e. Fi|e iIem: cn Ihe f|ccr cLcve ycu - :uch c: Lcck:
cnc hecvy cr Ihick furniIure, Leccu:e everyIhing LeIween ycu cnc Ihe
fc||cuI cn ycur rccf wi|| cffer ycu :cme cegree cf prcIecIicn, cnc when
cec|ing wiIh |cng-Ierm expc:ure:, even c :|ighI imprcvemenI in ycur
prcIecIicn i: wcrIh iI.
Ycu wi|| hcve Ic c|c:e|y mcniIcr FuL|ic Hec|Ih Cfficic|: c: Ic when cnc if
ycu ccn reIurn Ic ycur hcme.
Li:Ien fcr cny infcrmcIicn regcrcing ccnIcmincIec fccc cr wcIer :upp|ie:.
FuL|ic hec|Ih cfficic|: :hcu|c Le cL|e Ic icenIify ccnIcmincIec wcIer cnc
fccc, :uch c: mi|k cnc prccuce, cnc rep|cce Ihem wiIh c|ecn fccc frcm
cuI:ice Ihe crec.
C|ecn-up ccIiviIie: wcu|c fccu: cn crec: necr grcunc zerc ccnIcmincIec
wiIh |cng-|c:Iing rccicccIive i:cIcpe:, :uch c: cerIcin p|uIcnium cnc
urcnium i:cIcpe:. Ihere cre Iempcrcry mec:ure: IhcI ccn Le Icken Ic
fix rccicccIive mcIeric|: in p|cce cnc :Icp Ihe :precc cf ccnIcmincIicn.
Ihe:e inc|uce fixcIive :prcy: :uch c: f|cur cnc wcIer mixIure:, rccc ci|, cr
wcIer IhcI ccn Le u:ec Ic weI grcunc :urfcce:.
In the doys or weeks |o||ow|ng the ottock, o|||c|o|s m|ght be expected to:
EsLubIIsI u pIun Ior cureIuI monILorIng und ussessmenL oI uIIecLed
mpose quurunLInes on conLumInuLed ureus us necessury Lo prevenL
IurLIer exposures.
Remove conLumInuLIon Irom ureus wIere peopIe mIgIL conLInue Lo be
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Keep cILIzens InIormed ubouL LIe sILuuLIon.
RudIoIogIcuI DIspersIon DevIce (RDD)
Fe|cIec Ic, LuI ncI Ihe :cme Ihing c: c Nuc|ecr 8|c:I /IIcck, i: c
Fccic|cgicc| Di:per:icn Device, cr FDD. /n FDD ccmLine: c
ccnvenIicnc| exp|c:ive cevice - :uch c: c LcmL - wiIh rccicccIive
mcIeric|. lI i: ce:ignec Ic :ccIIer ccngercu: cnc :uL-|eIhc| cmcunI: cf
rccicccIive mcIeric| cver c generc| crec. ln IhcI re:pecI cn FDD cIIcck
mcre c|c:e|y re:emL|e: c Chemicc| cr 8ic-Ierrcr cIIcck. CfIen cc||ec c
cirIy nuke" cr cirIy LcmL" cn FDD i: ccn:icerec c fcr mcre |ike|y Ierrcri:I
IhrecI, Ihcn Ihe u:e cf c nuc|ecr exp|c:ive cevice.
Ihe primcry purpc:e cf Ierrcri:I u:e cf cn FDD i: Ic ccu:e p:ychc|cgicc|
fecr cnc eccncmic ci:rupIicn. Scme cevice: ccu|c ccu:e fcIc|iIie: frcm
expc:ure Ic rccicccIive mcIeric|:. Depencing cn Ihe :peec cI which Ihe
crec cf Ihe FDD ceIcncIicn wc: evccucIec cr hcw :ucce::fu| pecp|e
were cI :he|Iering-in-p|cce, Ihe numLer cf cecIh: cnc injurie: frcm cn
FDD mighI ncI Le :uL:IcnIic||y grecIer Ihcn frcm c ccnvenIicnc| LcmL
Ycur prepcrcIicn fcr cn FDD cIIcck :hcu|c c|c:e|y re:emL|e Ihe :cme
Ihing: ycu wcu|c cc in Ihe evenI cf c Chemicc| cr 8ic|cgicc| /IIcck.
Whi|e Ihe exp|c:ive L|c:I wi|| Le immecicIe|y cLvicu:, Ihe pre:ence cf
rccicIicn wi|| ncI Le kncwn unIi| Ircinec per:cnne| wiIh :pecic|izec
euipmenI cre cn Ihe :cene. WheIher ycu cre incccr: cr cuIcccr:, hcme
cr cI wcrk - Le exIrc ccuIicu:. lI wcu|c Le :cfer Ic c::ume rccic|cgicc|
ccnIcmincIicn hc: cccurrec - pcrIicu|cr|y in cn urLcn :eIIing cr necr
cIher |ike|y Ierrcri:I IcrgeI: - cnc Icke Ihe prcper preccuIicn:. /: wiIh cny
rccicIicn, ycu wcnI Ic cvcic cr |imiI expc:ure. Ihi: i: pcrIicu|cr|y Irue cf
inhc|ing rccicccIive cu:I IhcI re:u|I: frcm Ihe exp|c:icn. /: ycu :eek
:he|Ier frcm cny |cccIicn {incccr: cr cuIcccr:) cnc Ihere i: vi:uc| cu:I cr
cIher ccnIcmincnI: in Ihe cir, LrecIhe Ihrcugh Ihe c|cIh cf ycur :hirI cr
cccI Ic |imiI ycur expc:ure. U:e ycur cu:I mc:k, cr 8ic hczcrc Mc:k frcm
ycur hcme emergency kiI cr Gc 8cg. Even if ycu mcncge Ic cvcic
LrecIhing rccicccIive cu:I, ycur prcximiIy Ic Ihe rccicccIive pcrIic|e:
mcy :Ii|| re:u|I in :cme rccicIicn expc:ure.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
I| the exp|os|on or rod|o|og|co| re|eose occurs |ns|de, get out o| the
bu||d|ng |mmed|ote|y ond seek so|e she|ter. Otherw|se:
I| You Are Outs|de Dur|ng the Exp|os|on
Seek sIeILer Indoors ImmedIuLeIy In LIe neuresL undumuged buIIdIng.
IsLen Ior oIIIcIuI InsLrucLIons und IoIIow dIrecLIons.
lf cpprcpricIe :he|Ier i: ncI cvci|cL|e, ccver ycur nc:e cnc mcuIh cnc
mcve c: rcpic|y c: i: :cfe upwinc, cwcy frcm Ihe |cccIicn cf Ihe exp|c:ive
L|c:I. Ihen, :eek cpprcpricIe :he|Ier c: :ccn c: pc::iL|e.
I| You Are Ins|de Dur|ng the Exp|os|on
I you Iuve LIme, Lurn oII venLIIuLIon und IeuLIng sysLems, cIose
wIndows, venLs, IIrepIuce dumpers, exIuusL Iuns, und cIoLIes dryer
venLs. ReLrIeve your dIsusLer suppIIes kIL und u buLLery-powered rudIo
und Luke LIem Lo your sIeILer room.
Seek sIeILer ImmedIuLeIy, preIerubIy underground or In un InLerIor
room oI u buIIdIng, pIucIng us mucI dIsLunce und dense sIIeIdIng us
possIbIe beLween you und LIe ouLdoors wIere LIe rudIoucLIve muLerIuI
muy be.
SeuI wIndows und exLernuI doors LIuL do noL IIL snugIy wILI ducL Lupe Lo
reduce InIIILruLIon oI rudIoucLIve purLIcIes. PIusLIc sIeeLIng wIII noL
provIde sIIeIdIng neILIer Irom rudIoucLIvILy nor Irom bIusL eIIecLs oI u
neurby expIosIon.
IsLen Ior oIIIcIuI InsLrucLIons und IoIIow dIrecLIons.
lf ycu cre c|c encugh Ic rememLer Duck cnc Ccver" cri||: cnc Fc||cuI
She|Ier:, Ihen ycu cerIcin|y rememLer Ihe cccicenI cI Ihree Mi|e l:|cnc,
cnc Ihe fecr: cf Ihe Chinc Syncrcme."
Ycu cicnI hcve Ic Le Lcrn c genercIicn cgc c|:c Ic rememLer
CherncLy|, c nuc|ecr ci:c:Ier whc:e effecI: cre :Ii|| Leing fe|I Ic Ihi: ccy.
/nc mcre recenI|y Ihe I:uncmi IhcI :wepI Ihrcugh Jcpcn: Fuku:himc
reccIcr, Ihe IcIc| effecI: cf which cnc impccI Ic Ihe envircnmenI cnc
humcn |ife, cre yeI Ic Le fu||y kncwn. /: recenI|y c: Mcrch cf 2012, UK
new:pcper "#$ H,*-<(*; repcrIec, Cne cf Jcpcn': cripp|ec nuc|ecr
reccIcr: :Ii|| hc: fcIc||y high rccicIicn |eve|: cnc much |e:: wcIer Ic ccc| iI
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ihcn cfficic|: e:IimcIec, renewing ccuLI: cLcuI Ihe p|cnI: :IcLi|iIy."
FrcmpIing mcny Ic Le|ieve cnce fu|| ci:c|c:ure i: mcce, IhcI Fuku:himc
wi|| gc cn reccrc c: c nuc|ecr ci:c:Ier wcr:e even Ihcn CherncLy|.
De:piIe Ihe Ihree Mi|e l:|cnc incicenI, cnc Ihe cngcing ccnIrcver:ie:
:urrcuncing Ihe vc|ue cf Nuc|ecr Fcwer v:. Ihe hczcrc: cf currenI p|cnI
Iechnc|cgy, 207 cf Ihe pcwer in Ihe U.S. i: prcvicec Ly Nuc|ecr Fcwer
F|cnI:. CcnIrcry Ic pcpu|cr Le|ief IhcI Ihere cre cn|y c few :Ii||
cpercIing", Ihere cre nuc|ecr pcwer p|cnI: in mc:I :IcIe: in Ihe ccunIry.
Necr|y Ihree mi||icn /mericcn: |ive wiIhin Ien mi|e: cf cn cpercIing nuc|ecr
pcwer p|cnI.
Nuc|ecr pcwer p|cnI: repre:enI c c|ecr cnc pre:enI ccnger, cne IhcI
everycne neec: Ic Le cwcre cf, wheIher ycu |ive necr cne cr ncI. /:
evicencec Ly CherncLy| cnc Fuku:himc, ycu ccnncI c|wcy: re|y cn Ihe
uIi|iIy cr regu|cIcry cgencie: invc|vec, Ic hcve cceucIe p|cn: in p|cce Ic
ccnIrc| |eck: cr cIher p|cnI emergencie:.
lf ycu |ive in c|c:e prcximiIy Ic c nuc|ecr p|cnI, ycur emergency
prepcrecne:: p|cn: :hcu|c inc|uce prepcrcIicn fcr c Nuc|ecr /ccicenI.
Ihe:e :hcu|c echc Ihc:e cf ycur prepcrcIicn: fcr c Nuc|ecr /IIcck, LuI
ycu neec Ic pcy pcrIicu|cr c|c:e cIIenIicn Ic Ihe Iechniue: menIicnec
Ic :IrengIhen ycur immuniIy Ic rccicIicn expc:ure.
ln ccciIicn, ycu neec Ic Le cwcre cf Ihe:e Ierm:, which cre u:ec Ic
icenIify Nuc|ecr F|cnI Emergencie: {in Ihe UniIec SIcIe:)
J#%/E/04%/#+ #E Q+)5)4$ M2'+% - A smuII probIem Ius occurred uL
LIe pIunL. No rudIuLIon Ieuk Is expecLed. No ucLIon on your purL wIII be
<$'*% F A probIem Ius occurred, und deLecLubIe umounLs oI rudIuLIon
couId Ieuk InsIde LIe pIunL. TIIs wIII noL uIIecL you und no ucLIon Is
>/%' <*'4 M='*6'+09 F Areu sIrens muy be sounded. IsLen Lo your
rudIo or LeIevIsIon Ior suIeLy InIormuLIon.
G'+'*4$ M='*6'+09 F RudIuLIon couId Ieuk ouLsIde LIe pIunL und oII
LIe pIunL sILe. TIe sIrens wIII sound. Tune Lo your IocuI rudIo or
LeIevIsIon sLuLIon Ior reporLs. Be prepured Lo IoIIow InsLrucLIons
lf ycu |ive in Ihe viciniIy cf c p|cnI, cnc /NY cf Ihe cLcve c|erI: cre given,
ycu :hcu|c immecicIe|y :IcrI Icking ycur prcphy|ccIic iccine.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
lf cn cccicenI cI c nuc|ecr pcwer p|cnI were Ic re|ec:e rccicIicn in ycur
crec, |ccc| cuIhcriIie: wcu|c ccIivcIe wcrning :iren: cr cncIher cpprcvec
c|erI meIhcc. Ihey c|:c wcu|c in:IrucI ycu Ihrcugh Ihe Emergency /|erI
Sy:Iem {E/S) cn |ccc| Ie|evi:icn cnc rccic :IcIicn: cn hcw Ic prcIecI
Fo||ow the EAS |nstruct|ons core|u||y.
MInImIze your exposure by IncreusIng LIe dIsLunce beLween you und LIe
source oI LIe rudIuLIon. TIIs couId be evucuuLIon or remuInIng Indoors
Lo mInImIze exposure.
I you ure LoId Lo evucuuLe, keep cur wIndows und venLs cIosed und use
re-cIrcuIuLIng uIr.
I you ure udvIsed Lo remuIn Indoors, Lurn oII LIe uIr condILIoner,
venLIIuLIon Iuns, Iurnuce und oLIer uIr InLukes.
SIIeId yourseII by pIucIng Ieuvy, dense muLerIuI beLween you und LIe
rudIuLIon source. Go Lo u busemenL or oLIer underground ureu, II
Do noL use LIe LeIepIone unIess ubsoIuLeIy necessury.
SIcy cuI cf Ihe incicenI zcne. Mc:I rccicIicn |c:e: iI: :IrengIh fcir|y uick|y
- LuI in Ihe wcr:I kinc cf cccicenI:, :uch c: cI CherncLy|, ccnIcmincIicn
hc: |c:Iec fcr yecr:, cnc ycu mcy never Le cL|e Ic reIurn Ic ycur hcme.
/ genercIicn cgc, Ihe IhrecI cf Nuc|ecr Wcr wc: c very rec| cne, cnc
whi|e IhcI IhrecI mcy hcve minimizec, Ihe neec Ic Le prepcrec, fcr iI cnc
cIher nuc|ecr ci:c:Ier: hc: ncI.
/: ycu hcve ccme Ic Ihe ccnc|u:icn cf Ihi:, Ihe |c:I chcpIer {cI |ec:I fcr
ncw) in Ihi: Mcnuc|, ycu hcve cerIcin|y ccme Ic Ihe rec|izcIicn IhcI
IhrecI: cre vcricL|e. Scme cimini:h cnc increc:e wiIh Ihe chcnging Iime:,
chcnging wecIher pcIIern:, chcnging pc|iIicc| cffi|icIicn:, cnc even
chcnging cIIiIuce:. 8uI whcI remcin: ccn:IcnI i: Ihe neec Ic prepcrel
Dc ycu Ihink Ihc:e whc Lui|I 8cmL She|Ier: in Ihe '50: cnc '0: fe|I fcc|i:h
IhcI Ihey :penI Ihe Iime cnc mcney Ic cc :c, cnc never neecec Ihem
Never Ihink fcr c minuIe IhcI i: Irue.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
/nycne whc hc: Icken Ihe Iime cnc effcrI Ic Lui|c c Hcme Emergency
Frepcrecne:: F|cn fcr Ihem:e|ve: cnc Iheir fcmi|ie: wcu|c Ie|| ycu Ihey
wcu|c Le ju:I c: hcppy, prcLcL|y even hcppier Ic hcve iI, cnc never
neecec Ic u:e iI - Ihcn Ic hcve neecec iI -- cnc cic ncI hcve iI Ic u:el
E 5QR +53"M7Q I E
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
C|os|ng Ihoughts
It is ct such moments ou reclize thct ou cnd the other
cre, in jcct - one. It's c bi reclizction.
Surtitcl is the second lcu oj lije.
The jirst is thct ue cre cll one.
- 1oseph Ccmpbell
We hcve :penI c |cI cf Iime in Ihi: mcnuc| Iecching ycu hcw Ic Le mcre
:e|f-re|icnI cnc :e|f-:ufficienI. We wcnI ycu Ic Icke cwcy hcw Ic :urvive
wiIhcuI -$&(*;2$ cn Iechnc|cgy, cnc Ihe cIher mccern ccnvenience: cnc
infrc:IrucIure IhcI ycu prcLcL|y IhcughI ycu ccu|c never cc wiIhcuI,
Lefcre ycu chc:e Ic ccwn|ccc Ihi: Mcnuc|. WhcI we hcpe IhcI ycu
hcve |ecrnec i: Ihe kinc cf :e|f-re|icnce" IhcI i: Lcrn cuI cf ccnficence.
8uI ncI Ihe kinc cf :e|f-re|icnce" IhcI mecn: hcw Ic :urvive c: cn
incivicuc|, wiIhcuI he|ping, cr neecing Ihe he|p cf cIher:.
Ihere i: c ccmmcn mi:ccncepIicn IhcI Survivc| cf Ihe FiIIe:I" re|cIe: Ic c
kinc cf ccmpeIiIicn IhcI |ecve: Ihe U|IimcIe Survivcr c: :cme kinc cf Lc:I
Mcn SIcncing."
NcIhing ccu|c Le furIher frcm Ihe IruIh. "#$ %&'()*'$ +,-.(.*& /-01$2' i: fir:I
cnc fcremc:I c CCCFEF/IlVE effcrI IhcI hc: LrcughI IcgeIher Ihe Le:I
infcrmcIicn, cnc Ihe minc:, cnc IhcughI: cf Ihe Le:I Frepper:" cnc wi||
ccnIinue Ic cc :c -- Ic en:ure ncI cn|y ycur :urvivc| c: cn incivicuc|, LuI
Ihe :urvivc| cf cur ccmmuniIie:, cur ccunIrie:, cur :pecie:, cnc u|IimcIe|y
cur wcr|c.
Even Ihe Ierm Survivc| cf Ihe FiIIe:I" c: u:ec Ly Dcrwin i: cne cf Ihe mc:I
mi:ucIec, cnc mi:uncer:Iccc in :cience. Mcny pecp|e hcve Icken Ihe
phrc:e cuI cf ccnIexI Ic mecn IhcI ncIure i: c ccnIinuc| IccIh cnc c|cw"
LcII|e Ic :urvive.
IhcI i: ncI hcw iI wc: u:ec in Dcrwin: wriIing:. He u:ec Ihe Ierm Survivc|
cf Ihe FiIIe:I" Ic ce:criLe hcw c :pecie: en:ure: IhcI iI: cff:pring :urvive,
Ic en:ure Ihe :urvivc| cf IhcI :pecie:. ln:Iecc cf ce|eLrcIing ccmpeIiIicn
cnc :Irugg|e, Dcrwin high|ighI: Ihe neec fcr cifferenI memLer: cf Ihe
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
ccmmuniIy Ic cccpercIe wiIh cne cncIher in crcer Ic en:ure Ihe :urvivc|
cf Ihe enIire :pecie:.
Dic ycu kncw IhcI in hi: Lcck "#$ R$92$;' 04 K*;, Dcrwin u:ec Ihe wcrc
|cve" 5 Iime:, whi|e hi: mc:I fcmcu: phrc:e, :urvivc| cf Ihe fiIIe:I,"
cppecr: cn|y Iwice
Dcrwin, whc hc: Leen mi:uncer:Iccc cnc cfIen mi:ucIec Ic Le|ieve
exc|u:ive|y in cur ccmpeIiIivene::, ccIuc||y ncIec IhcI humcnkinc: rec|
pcwer ccme: frcm cur cLi|iIy Ic perfcrm ccmp|ex Ic:k: IcgeIher, cnc Ic
:ympcIhize cnc cccpercIe."
Ihere cre ccunI|e:: excmp|e: cf hcw ncIure i: cccpercIive cnc ncI
ccmpeIiIive. DemccrcIic ceci:icn-mcking i: Ihe ncrm cmcng:I mcny
:pecie:, frcm in:ecI: cnc Lirc:, Ic ceer cnc primcIe:. Ihere i: grcwing
:cienIific evicence IhcI humcn Leing: ccIuc||y funcIicn LeIIer cnc
remcin hec|Ihier when expre::ing pc:iIive emcIicn:, :uch c: |cve, ccring,
ccmpc::icn, cnc grcIiIuce, ver:u: Iheir negcIive ccunIerpcrI:, cnxieIy,
fru:IrcIicn, cnger cnc fecr.
Hcw mcny Iime: hcve ycu ccughI ycur:e|f :cying ycu were :c cngry IhcI
ycu ccu|cnI Ihink :IrcighI" lf ycu hcve gcIIen Ic Ihi: pcinI in Ihi:
mcnuc|, Ihen ycu kncw IhcI ncI Ihinking :IrcighI" ccn geI ycu ki||ecl
Ihe Fcuncing MemLer: cf '#$ %&'()*'$ +,-.(.*& /-01$2' Le|ieve, c: cic
Dcrwin, IhcI cur ncIure c: humcn Leing: i: Ic Le 200L$-*'(.$ cnc ncI
inherenI|y ccmpeIiIive.
We cc ncI hc|c IhcI humcniIy i: cI iI: ccre :e|fi:h, wiIh incivicuc|: cn|y
hc|cing Iheir cwn inIere:I: cI hecrI. /: c :pecie:, we cre LeIIer Ihcn IhcI.
We Le|ieve IhcI we c|| hcve cur U|IimcIe Survivc| c: c :pecie: c: cur gcc|.
/nc Ic IhcI enc, IhcI ecch cf u: wcnI: Ic ccnIriLuIe Ic :ccieIy cnc |ife c:
c whc|e in whcIever wcy he cr :he ccn, Ly u:ing hi: cr her cLi|iIie:, cnc
ye:, Iheir :urvivc| :ki||: -- fcr Ihe gccc cf c||.
IhcI "#$ %&'()*'$ +,-.(.*& /-01$2' wc: fir:I inIrccucec micwcy Ihrcugh Ihe
yecr 2012 wc: nc cccicenI. lI wc:nI Leccu:e we LcughI inIc Ihe g|ccm
cnc cccm Enc cf Ihe Wcr|c c: We Kncw iI" :cencric, LuI Leccu:e we
rec|izec hcw uick|y Ihe Wcr|c c: We Knew lI" hc: chcngec in wcy: we
ccu|c never hcve IhcughI pc::iL|e c few ceccce: ecr|ier. Sy:Iem:, LcIh
mcn-mcce cnc ncIurc|, cre Lrecking ccwn. Ihe enIire p|cneI cce: :eem
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ic Le cI c Iipping pcinI, cnc perhcp: Ihe hype :urrcuncing 2012" p|cyec
c mecningfu| pcrI in he|ping Ic cpen pecp|e: eye: Ic iI
When fccec wiIh c wcr|c in c :IcIe cf :uch rccicc| f|ucIucIicn:, when Ihe
c|c wcy: cf |iving in IhcI wcr|c, cf inIerccIing wiIh cne cncIher, cnc wiIh
ncIure cc ncI :eem Ic wcrk cny |cnger, cn incivicuc| |ife-fcrm - cr iI:
:pecie: - hc: cn|y Iwc chcice:: eiIher Ic cie cnc Leccme exIincI cr Ic ri:e
cLcve Ihe |imiIcIicn: cf iI: currenI ccnciIicn cnc pc:iIicn in Ihe wcr|c,
Ihrcugh cn evc|uIicncry |ecp fcrwcrc.
"#$ %&'()*'$ +,-.(.*& /-01$2' Icken c: c whc|e i: ncI cn|y cLcuI whcI ycu
neec Ic cc Ic Survive c wcr|c IhcI i: cn Ihe Lrink cf c mcjcr chcnge, LuI
mcre impcrIcnI|y cLcuI whcI YCU C/N DC Ic mcve IhcI chcnge inIc Ihe
kinc cf wcr|c mcre cf u: wcu|c wcnI Ic ccnIinue Ic :urvive in cnc Le c
pcrI cf.
WiIh IhcI in minc, we urge cnc enccurcge ycu Ic :hcre Ihi: mcnuc| wiIh
ycur frienc:, neighLcr: cnc |cvec cne: cnc c:k IhcI Ihey Ic cc Ihe :cme.
+'*: 9*4$ *;< (;40-)$<,
Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI Iecm

GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
SIeve Gcccmcn i: cn cwcrc-winning mu|Iimecic wriIer wiIh Ihree
ceccce: cf experience. Mr. Gcccmcn hc: wriIIen fcr Ie|evi:icn prcgrcm:
fecIuring, cuIIing ecge civi|icn cnc mi|iIcry Iechnc|cgie: IhcI hcve
cppecrec cn F8S, F/X, Di:ccvery, /&E cnc cIher ncIicnc| neIwcrk:.
Mr. Gcccmcn i: c fcrmer Fir:I Fe:pcncer cnc c reccgnizec cuIhcriIy cn
:urvivc|, re:cue prcIccc|:, |cw enfcrcemenI Iechniue:, ccmLcI cnc
IccIicc| wecpcnry, cnc i: c regu|cr ccrre:pcncenI Ic puL|iccIicn: :uch c:
H-0,;< 30)B*' "$2#;0&0@:, +L$2(*& 7L$-*'(0;9 "$2#;0&0@:A "*2'(2*& M+U
"$2#;0&0@:A Y(- K$< *;< U$92,$A Y.(*'(0; Y4'$- K*->$' R$4$;9$ cnc %+
30*9' H,*-< N0-,)J
SIeve i: prcuc Ic Lring hi: Lcckgrcunc, experience cnc crecc
Frepcrecne:: i: Fcwer Cver Fcnic" Ic Ihe viIc| mi::icn cf "#$ %&'()*'$
+,-.(.*& /-01$2'.
SIeve |ive: cn Ihe Lecch in ScuIh F|cricc wiIh hi: |cve|y wife CynIhic,
ccr|ing ccughIer, Lci|ee cnc Iwc ccI:, Minnie cnc Fi:her.
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Here's How You Con
He|p bs He|p Others
"#$ %&'()*'$ +,-.(.*& /-01$2'A WW3 i: Iru|y Ihe pecp|e: prcjecI" - c
wcr|cwice, ccmmuniIy-Lc:ec effcrI in which everycne i: enccurcgec Ic
pcrIicipcIe. lf ycu hcve cr kncw cf c vicec ycu wcnI Ihe re:I cf Ihe wcr|c
Ic :ee cr c pcrIicu|cr ccmping, :urvivc|, cr emergency prepcrecne:: :ki||
IhcI hc: ncI Leen fu||y ccverec in Ihi: mcnuc|, p|ec:e |eI u: kncw Ly
emci|ing u: cI: lnfc@FreeSurvivc|8cck.ccm.
lf cur eciIcric| Iecm inccrpcrcIe: ycur mcIeric| inIc cne cf Ihe periccic
upccIe: cr ccc: iI Ic c fuIure eciIicn cf Ihe Mcnuc|, ycu wi|| receive fu||
creciI cnc cIIriLuIicn wiIh ycur ncme pc:Iec cn cur Specic| Ihcnk:"
wicgeI fcr Ihe enIire wcr|c Ic :ee. FurIhermcre, if ycu hcve exce||enI
|cngucge :ki||: cnc wcu|c Le wi||ing Ic Ircn:|cIe Ihi: mcnuc| cr Ihe IUSF
weL:iIe, p|ec:e :Iep fcrwcrc Ly emci|ing u: cI:
Ycur ccnIriLuIicn wi|| cgcin Le puL|ic|y reccgnizec in Ihe Specic| Ihcnk:"
wicgeI cn cur WeL :iIe: IheU|IimcIeSurvivc|FrcjecI.ccm.
Every fcmi|y memLer ncI |iving wiIh ycu :hcu|c hcve hi: cr her cwn ccpy
:c Ihey ccn Legin imp|emenIing Iheir cwn Emergency Frepcrecne:: F|cn.
Ihe :cme i: Irue fcr every cne cf ycur frienc:, Lu:ine:: c::ccicIe: cnc
memLer: cf ycur civic, frcIernc| cr re|igicu: crgcnizcIicn:. Ncw IhcI ycu
hcve ccme Ic Ihe enc cf Ihi: mcnuc| ycu hcve c fcr LeIIer
uncer:Icncing cf Ihe impcrIcnce cf Icking ccIicn. /nc ncw Ihere: c
free cnc ec:y wcy ycu ccn he|p cIher: geI :IcrIec, ju:I c: ycu hcve.
8y c||ck|ng the secure ||nk be|ow:
8$ 9*4$ *;< (;40-)$<,
Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI Iecm
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ihe crecIcr: cf GIFI o| LIFE - Ihe b|t|mote Freporedness Monuo| wcu|c |ike
Ic Ihcnk Ihe fc||cwing incivicuc|: cnc crgcnizcIicn: wiIhcuI whc:e :uppcrI
cnc ccnIriLuIicn: cf ccnIenI, Ihi: cmLiIicu: cnc unprececenIec
uncerIcking wcu|c never hcve Leen pc::iL|e.
/mericcn HecrI /::ccicIicn
/mericcn Fec Crc::
/rmy Ccrp cf Engineer:
8cy /rec Crc:: SecIcr FcrIner: in Frepcrecne::
8reII CcmpLe|| cnc Survivc| Fccc F|cnI:
8ricn Sneecen, McrIic| /rI: Mc:Ier
8u:ine:: McIIer: Mcgczine
CcIhc|ic ChcriIie: US/ Di:c:Ier Fe:pcn:e
CenIer: fcr Di:ec:e CcnIrc|
C|cire Wc|fe - 8cckwccc: Mcgczine
CynIhic Lechcn-Gcccmcn
DepcrImenI cf Hcme|cnc SecuriIy
Di:ccvery Chcnne|
Dcug Ccpp, Fe:cue Frcfe::icnc|
Dr. Hcrry Lechcn, Fcmi|y FrccIiIicner
Fecerc| /vicIicn /cmini:IrcIicn
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Ferncncc /guirre, Survivcr
Grcunc CcmLcI Iechnc|cgy Mcgczine
Humcne SccieIy cf Ihe UniIec SIcIe:
ln:urcnce ln:IiIuIe fcr 8u:ine:: cnc Hcme ScfeIy
Jcn Scumcn, ScienIi:I, Mcx F|cnck ln:IiIuIe fcr 8ic|cgicc| CyLerneIic:
Mcrgie Wi|mcIh, Survivcr
Mcyc C|inic
NcIicnc| CenIer fcr EnvircnmenIc| Hec|Ih
NcIicnc| Crime FrevenIicn Ccunci|
NcIicnc| Emergency Fe:pcn:e Iecm
NcIicnc| Epi:ccpc| Hec|Ih Mini:Irie:
NcIicnc| F|ccc ln:urcnce Frcgrcm
NcIicnc| Hec|Ih FecercIicn
NcIicnc| ln:IiIuIe: fcr Hec|Ih
NcIicnc| lnIegrcIec DrcughI lnfcrmcIicn Sy:Iem
NcIicnc| Fcrk Service
NcIicnc| Iru:I fcr Hi:Icric Fre:ervcIicn
NcIicnc| WecIher Service
New Ycrk SIcIe DepcrImenI cf Hec|Ih
Ck|chcmc DepcrImenI cf Hec|Ih
CuIcccr Life Mcgczine
Fcpu|cr Mechcnic: Mcgczine
GlFI cf LlFE - Ihe U|IimcIe Frepcrecne:: Mcnuc| / Fre:enIcIicn cf Ihe U|IimcIe Survivc| FrcjecI, LLC
Fec Cre:cenI SccieIy
Fcyc| LifeLccI ln:IiIuIicn
Sc|vcIicn /rmy
Specic| CpercIicn: Iechnc|cgy Mcgczine
SIrucIurc| Engineer: /::ccicIicn cf Cc|ifcrnic
SuppcrI /||icnce fcr Emergency Feccine::
I/SEF lnIerncIicnc|, lnc.
Ii||ie IccIer, Survivcr
Ircn:pcrIcIicn ScfeIy /uIhcriIy
Irip Wi||icm:, Frepper ExIrccrcincire
UniIec SIcIe: /ir fcrce
UniIec SIcIe: /rmy
UniIec SIcIe: Ccc:I Gucrc
UniIec SIcIe: Mcrine Ccrp
UniIec SIcIe: Ncvy
US Fire /cmini:IrcIicn
US Fcre:I Service
US Gec|cgicc| Survey
WecIher Chcnne|

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