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The human resource of an organization constitutes its
entire workforce. Human resource management(HRM) is
responsible for selecting and inducting competent people, training
them, facilitating and motivating them to perform at high levels
of efficienc, and providing mechanisms to ensure that the
maintain their affiliation with the organization.
The ob!ective of this pro!ect is to find out how much the
emploees are satisfied and what is their "ualit of life. How the
Tata steel compan(T#$) applies the human resource functions in
the organization and out the organization. %n this pro!ect % make the
surve on the emploees of various departments of Tata steel, !oda
The pro!ect report is divided in various sections like introduction
of the compan ,topic introduction ,surve report and conclusion.

% would like to e'press m sincere thanks to m gurus
,who guides me in all steps of life and motivates me in m !ourne
of life to be successful .% would like to thank m parents ,without
whom we would not have been what we are toda .% would like to
thank (%%$M #chool of )usiness for giving me permission to do m
summer internship pro!ect at Tata steel ,which is a ver big
organization. % would like to thank all those officers of Tata steel,
!oda east who help me in making of the pro!ect report and last but
not the least % would like to thank the Head HR*%R Mr.M.+.M
,nsari ,who allowed me to do summer internship pro!ect under his

#iddharth &as
%ntroduction to Human Resource
%ntroduction to %ndustrial Relation
%ntroduction to Tata steel compan
-ompan overview
Human ResourceManagement in T#$
%ntroduction to .mploee #atisfaction
%ntroduction to /ualit of $ife
Maslow0s motivation theor
/uestionnaire 1ro!ect report


Human resources are on ma!or factors of
production. %t is human asset, which convert the various
resources in to the production resources. %t has immense
potentialities and it onl human resources, which appreciate
with time whereas all other resources undergo the process of
depreciation. #uccess of an organization mainl depends on the
"ualit of manpower and its performance.
%n earl das human resource was not taken as an
important factor of production. Human begin was simple
treated as log in the movement increasing emphasis has been
given to the worker as a whole man. The need of vast
manpower and their importance was realized b some of the
progressive entrepreneurs. The emergence of Trade 2nion and
their gradual collective power forced some entrepreneurs to
give some district feature of human side b production. The
first among the entrepreneurs who had contributed in the
development of human side of production was Robert 3wen,
and .nglish Humanist. He took a genuine interest in the welfare
of the workers. )ut this magnetite was not supported b a
ma!or chunk of entrepreneurs.
, number of social scientist advocated their valuable
theories towards the beginning of the 45
centur. ,braham
Maslow gave his 6Hierarch of needs7 theor. Mc -lelland0s
,fflation8 ,chievement theor is well accepted too. -hrist
,rgris theor of 6four sstem of Management7 is also a
milestone in the development of human factor in the
production process.
)ut the most important in this field was that of .lton
Mao0s Human Relation ,pproach. The great 6Hawthorne #tud
6b .lton Mao0s and colleagues, revealed that the
effectiveness of an organization depends upon the "ualit of
the relationship among the personnel and social needs of
emploees are ver important and that concentration b
management e'clusivel on productivit, material and
environmental issue will to be a self8defecting aim.
Hence the management must give more emphasis on
the human side and their proper utilization. This then remains
the cardinal ob!ective of the human relations function to
discover newer was of understanding man and to motive him
to higher standard of workmanship. Man new e'periments
such as stud of his state universit of Michigan etc have
developed the branch of Management beond margin.
Toda an organization having a good inventor of
human resources and a dnamic personnel department is
prospective one. #o the techni"ue and functions of personnel
management have now come closel integrated with the
overall organization strategies n search of e'cellence.
The following are main ob!ectives of the stud
To re"uire the overall idea about the organization.
Helping the skills and abilities of the workers efficienc.
1roviding the organization with well trained and well8
motivated emploees.
%ncreasing to the fullest the emploees0 !ob satisfaction
and self actualization.
&eveloping and maintaining a "ualit of work life that
makes emploment in the organization desirable.
-ommunicating of HRM policies to all emploees.
Helping to maintain ethical policies and sociall
responsible behavior.
Managing change to mutual advantage of individuals
groups, the enterprise and public.
To verif how far as the personnel practices methods are
effective in meeting the ob!ective la down b the
To stud how the interacting agent i.e. managers,
supervisors and workers are identifing themselves with
the program ob!ectives.
To e'amine whether the managers, supervisors and
workers are satisfied with the present sstem of
personnel practices in the organization.
,s there is saing, practice makes a man perfect and
the knowledge. This does not deal with the practical
application, is said to be unscientific and unsstematic. More
over the branch of management, which deals with the most
critical and important factor of production, re"uires not onl
theoretic background but also some practical e'perience to
have some knowledge on da8to8da problem solving.
6%ndustrial Relations7 poses one of the most delicate and
comple' problems to modern industrial societ. 9ith growing
prosperit and rising wages, workers have achieved a higher
standard of living .The have ac"uired, education,
sophistication and greater, mobilit career patterns have
changed., for larger section of the people have been hanged.,
for higher section of people have been constrained to leave
their firms to become wage earners and salar earners in urban
areas under tring conditions of work. %gnorant and drenched in
povert, vast masses of men, women and children have
migrated to few urban ares.The organization in which the are
emploed have ceased to be individuall owned and have
become corporate enterprises. ,t the same time however,
progressive status dominated secondl group8oriented aspirant
and sophisticated class of workers has come in being, who have
own trade unions and who have thus gained a bargaining
power which enables them to give a taught fight to their
emploers to establish their rights in growing industrial societ.
,s a result the :overnment has stepped in and plas an
important role in establishing harmonious industrial relations,
partl because it has itself become emploer of millions of
industrial worker but mainl because it has enacted a vast bod
of legislation to ensure that the rights of industrial workers in
private enterprise are suitable safe guarded. )esides rapid
changes have taken place in techni"ues and method of
production. $ong established !obs have disappeared and new
emploment opportunities have been created which call for
different patterns of e'perience and technical education.
$abour emploer relations have therefore become more
comple' than the were in past, and have been a sharp edge
because of widespread labour unrest.
%t is obvious from these facts that industrial relations
don0t function in vacuum but are multidimensional in nature;
the are conditioned b two sets of determinants industrial
factors and economic factors.
2nder institutional factors &r.<.).#ingh includes such
matters as state polic, labour legislation, labourers and
emploers organizations and social institution, attitudes to
work, sstems of the power and status motivation and
influence, the sstem of %ndustrial Relations etc.

2nder economic factors are included economic
organizations, capital structure, including technolog, the
nature and composition of the labour force and the sources of
suppl and demand in the labour market.
The primar ob!ectives of bringing about good and
health relations between emploers and emploees,
industrial relation are designed=
To safeguard the interests of labour and management b
securing the highest level of mutual understanding and
goodwill among those sections in the industr which
participate in the process of production.
To avoid industrial conflict or strike and develop
harmonious relations, which are essential factor in the
productivit of workers and the industrial progress of a
To raise productivit to a higher level in an area of full
emploment b lessening the tendenc to high turn over
and fre"uent absenteeism.
To establish the growth of an industrial &emocrac based
on labour partnership in the sharing of profits and of
managerial decision.
To eliminate, as far as possible and practicable,
strikes,lockouts and gheraos b providing reasonable
wages, improved living and working conditions.
To establish :overnment control of plants and units as are
running at a loss or in which production has to be
regulated in the public interest.
%n other words, the ob!ectives of industrial relations are to
facilitate production, to safeguard the rights and interests
of both labour and management b enlisting the co8
operation of both to achieve a sound, harmonious and
mutuall beneficial relationship between emploer and
:athering information and theoretical knowledge is a
part of stud. %t become complete when added with practical
knowledge as the noted truth comes to sight. Hence one
becomes more efficient and effective when a flavor of practical
out look is added to the bosk mind. ,s the stud has got wide
relevance is formulating valid information about the
organization, it helps in getting a critical look in to the
personnel practices of the organization. 3rganizational
behavior emploer emploee relationship and the working
environment of the organization in relation to theoretical
knowledge. %t gives a previous idea about the !ob and working
environment to the future decision8 making how to perform b
assigned !ob successfull and tact full.
This stud program has got the following ob!ectives=
To gain an overall idea about the organization.
To get practical knowledge in the areas of personnel
management and
%ndustrial relations.
To stud the composition of emploer and emploee
relation e'isting in
the organization.
To know the facilities provided to the emploees as well
as the public b
the organization.
To stud the statutor and non8statutor welfare
practices adopted b
The stud of the HR& practices training and
development performance
appraisal schemes adopted b the organization.
To stud organizational culture and stle.


Tata steel begins its !ourne from the small own !amshedpur
in >harkhand .9here ever child grows up to a dream and to a realit
both leading to one organization .,n organization which defined the
lives of the people of this small township .3ne power ,one force ?The
dream of one man which shapes the realities of millions world over
toda .Tata steel is one of the oldest and most successful organization
and celebrates the true spirit of steel with Tata steel limited.
)acked b @55 glorious ears of e'perience in steel
making ,Tata #teel is the world0s Ath largest steel compan with an
e'isting annual crude steel production capacit of B5 Million Tones 1er
,nnum (MT1,). .stablished in @C5D, it is the first integrated steel
plant in ,sia and is now the worldEs second most geographicall
diversified steel producer and a Fortune G55 -ompan.

The reasons for picking T#$ for
m internship pro!ect are simple.
%t is ,sia0s first and %ndia0s largest
steel compan in the private sector.
%t is %ndia0s 4
most profitable compan in private sector.
%t is one of the most admired companies in terms HR practices
and sustainable growth and corporate social responsibilit.
,nd the most important reason is that the compan completes
its @55
ear in
Tata #teel has a balanced global presence in over G5
developed .uropean and fast growing ,sian markets, with
manufacturing units in 4A countries.
%t was the vision of the founder; >amset!i (usserwan!i Tata.,
that on 4Dth Februar, @C5H, the first stake was driven into the soil
of #akchi. His vision helped Tata #teel overcome several periods of
adversit and strive to improve against all odds. Tata #teelEs
>amshedpur (%ndia) 9orks has a crude steel production capacit of A.H
MT1, which is slated to increase to @5 MT1, b 45@5. The -ompan
also has proposed three :reenfield steel pro!ects in the states of
>harkhand, 3rissa and -hhattisgarh in %ndia with additional capacit of
4B MT1, and a :reenfield pro!ect in <ietnam.
Through investments in -orus, Millennium #teel (renamed Tata
#teel Thailand) and (at#teel Holdings, #ingapore, Tata #teel has
created a manufacturing and marketing network in .urope, #outh .ast
,sia and the pacific8rim countries. -orus, which manufactured over 45
MT1, of steel in 455H, has operations in the 2I, the (etherlands,
:erman, France, (orwa and )elgium.
Tata #teel Thailand is the largest producer of long steel
products in Thailand, with a manufacturing capacit of @.D MT1,. Tata
#teel has proposed a 5.G MT1, mini blast furnace pro!ect in Thailand.
(at#teel Holdings produces about 4 MT1, of steel products across its
regional operations in seven countries. Tata #teel, through its !oint
venture with Tata )lue#cope #teel $imited, has also entered the steel
building and construction applications market.
The iron ore mines and collieries in %ndia give the -ompan a
distinct advantage in raw material sourcing. Tata #teel is also striving
towards raw materials securit through !oint ventures in Thailand,
,ustralia, Mozambi"ue, %vor -oast (9est ,frica) and 3man. Tata
#teel has signed an agreement with #teel ,uthorit of %ndia $imited to
establish a G5=G5 !oint venture compan for coal mining in %ndia. ,lso,
Tata #teel has bought @C.CJ stake in (ew Millennium -apital
-orporation, -anada for iron ore mining.
.'ploration of opportunities in titanium dio'ide business in Tamil
(adu, Ferro8 chrome plant in #outh ,frica and setting up of a deep8
sea port in coastal 3rissa are integral to the :rowth and :lobalization
ob!ective of Tata #teel.
Tata #teel0s vision is to be the global steel industr benchmark
for Value Creation and Corporate Citien!"ip.
Tata #teel %ndia is the first integrated steel compan in the
world, outside >apan, to be awarded the De#in$ %ppli&ation Prie
'(() for e'cellence in Total /ualit Management.

The compan has its own visions ,values and own
policies and those are the followings.

*e a!pire to +e t"e $lo+al !teel indu!tr, +en&"#ar- .or
Value Creation and Corporate Citien!"ip.
9e make the difference through=
3ur people, b fostering team work, nurturing talent,
enhancing leadership capabilit and acting with pace,
pride and passion.
3ur offer, b becoming the supplier of choice, delivering
premium products and services, and creating value with
our customers.
3ur innovative approach, b developing leading edge
solutions in technolog, processes and products.
3ur conduct, b providing a safe working place,
respecting the environment, caring for our communities
and demonstrating high ethical standards.
Respect for the individual

#ome policies
-onsistent with the group purpose, Tata #teel shall constantl
strive to improve the "ualit of life of the communities it serves
through e'cellence in all facets of its activities.
9e are committed to create value for all our stakeholders b
continuall improving our sstems and process through innovation,
involving all our emploees.
This polic shall form the basis of establishing and reviewing
the /ualit 3b!ectives and shall be communicated across the
organization. This polic will be reviewed to align with business
direction and to compl with all the re"uirements of the /ualit
Management #tandard.
Tata #teel recognizes that its people are the primar source of its
%t is committed to e"ual emploment opportunities for attracting
the best available talent and ensuring a cosmopolitan
%t will pursue management practices designed to enrich the "ualit
of life of its emploees, develop their potential and ma'imize their
%t will aim at ensuring transparenc, fairness and e"uit in all its
dealing with its emploees.
Tata #teel will strive continuousl to foster a climate of openness,
mutual trust and teamwork.
Tata #teel0s safet and occupational health responsibilities and
driven b our commitment to ensure zero harm to people we work
with and societ at large and integral to the wa we do business.
@. 3ur fundamentals belief is that all in!uries can be prevented. This
responsibilit starts with each one of us.

9e will identif, assess and manage our #K3 Hazard*risks.

9e will regularl monitor, review the progress and report.

9e will ensure 9%$$ and #I%$$ buildup among emploees*
contractor partners to demonstrate their involvement,
responsibilit and accountabilit to achieve sound # K 3H

4. 9e are committed to continual improvement in our # K 3H

9e will set ob!ectives ? targets, develop, implement and
maintain management standards and sstems, and go beond
compliance of the relevant industr standards, legal and other

B. 9e will trul succeed when we achieve our #afet and
3ccupational Health goals and are valued b the communities in
which we work.

#afet is line management responsibilit.
,ll in!uries can be prevented.
Felt concern and care for the emploee on 64L hours
safet7 shall be demonstrated b
.mploees shall be trained to work safel.
9orking safel shall be condition of emploment.
.ver !ob shall be assessed for the risk involved and
shall be carried out as per authorized
procedures* checklist* necessar work permit
and using necessar personal protective e"uipment.
@. Tata #teel environmental responsibilit are driven b our
commitment to preservation the environment and are integral to the
wa we do business.
9e are committed to the efficient use of natural resources and
energ; reducing and preventing pollution; promoting waste
avoidance and reccling measures and product stewardship.

9e will identif, assess and mange our environmental

9e will regularl monitor review and report publicit our
environmental performance.

9e shall develop K rehabilitates abandoned sites through a
forestation and landscaping and shall protect K preserve the
biodiversit in the areas of our operations.

9ell will enhance awareness, skill and competence of our
emploee and contactors so as to enable them to
demonstrate their involvement, responsibilit and
accountabilit for sound environmental performance.

4.9e are committed to continual improvement in our environmental

e will set ob!ectives targets, develop, implement and maintain
management standards and sstem, and go beond compliance of
the relevant industr standards legal and other re"uirements.

B.9e will trul succeed when we sustain our environmental
achievement and are valued b the communities in which we work.
Tata #teel believes that the primar purpose of the
business is to improve the "ualit of life of people.
Tata #teel will volunteer its resources to the e'tent it
can reasonable afford, to sustain and improve health and
prosperous environment and to improve the "ualit of life of the
people of the area in which it operates.

)efore we discuss at length about the compan, we would lie
to throw some light on the Tata :roup of companies in couple
of ears back.
The Tata :roup
@BC ears old #trong brand e"uit
:roup Revenue 2# M B5.5 )illion
Total #ales B.4J of %ndia0s :&1
%nternational %ncome BHJ of :roup revenue
%ndia0s largest emploer 3ver 4HC,G55 emploees
in private sector.
T#$ is one of the first ventures of Tata :roup but it has
man other successful companies under its umbrella. #ome of
the notable Tata concerns are below.
Engineering M!"eri!#
Energ$ C%e&i'!#
C(n)&er *r(+)'" Ser,i'e
C(&&)ni'!"i(n An+ In-(r&!"i(n S$"e&
Tata Motors $eading auto compan in %ndia in
terms of revenues.
Tata Tea $argest integrated tea compan in
Tata 1ower $argest power generating supplier in
the private sector in %ndia.
Tata -hemicals 3ne of the worlds largest producers of
snthetic soda ash.
Ta! $argest hotel chain in %ndia.
T-# ,sia0s leading software services provider
and the first %ndian software firm
to e'tend sales of 2# M @555
Tata -ommunication $eading %$& telecommunication service
provider in %ndia.
Tata Steel Ltd. An
.stablished in @C5D b >amset!i (usserwan!i Tata in
Formerl known as Tata %ron and #teel -ompan $imited
(T%#-3).B5 million tones per annum of crude steel production
capacit. 9ith CORUS ac"uisition ,T#$ is worlds A
largest steel
producer .Ranked N)est #teel Maker0 b 9orld #teel &namics in
455A,455G and 455@.Ranked B@G
on Fortune :lobal G55 (post
the -orusac"uisition)455D.H4,D55 emploees .$isten to )#. and
(#. .Head"uartered in >amshedpur ,>harkhand and registered
office in Mumbai.
#ome ma!or national steel producers or competitors are follows.

#ome global competitors
-omparison between %ndian leading plaers.
1laers T,T, #,%$ >#9 .##,R
Oear of
@C5D @CGL 455B(@CHL) @CDG
Rods -old rolled sheets
and coils
-old rolled sheets
and coils
Hot rolled
shets and coils
1ipes Hot rolled sheets
and coils
Hot rolled sheets
and coils
-old rolled
sheets and coils
-old rolled
sheets and coils
sheets and coils
9ires and tubes Hot rolled sheets
and coils
sheets and coils
%ron ore pellets
in million
B.H C.@G B.G B.B
1ercentage of
C 44 H H
(The numerical data0s might be wrong)
The respective market share of the ma!or %ndian plaers shown

#,%$ P 44J
T,T, #T..$ P CJ
R%($ P DJ
.##,R P HJ
%#1,T P AJ
>#9$ P HJ

Tata steel products name
Tata #haktee :- sheet
Tata #teelium
Tata T%#-3(
Tata pipes
Tata ,:R%-3
Tata 9iron
Tata )earings
#ales and &istribution
,ppro'imatel C@J of all saleable steel from T#$ are to
the %ndian market .The compan has a strong sales and
distribution channel as shown below.

suppl chain
s agencies

9ide network of
distributers and
@G e'ternal

-omparison of Total %ncome and Total .'penditure.
Tata #teel %ncome Tata #teel
455B P CCGA.4L 455B P
455L P @44BH.AB 455L P
455G P @A45B.A@ 455G P
455A P @DLCA.LH 455A P
455D P 45BLL.5C 455D P
455H P 4B@HL.4A 455H P
Here we see that the sales of T#$ has been increasing
over the ears which is a good sign for the compan.
1ercentage growth of total income
455B P 4H.LGDG5
455L P 44.C4L44
455G P B4.BCD4G
455A P D.CDHC5
455D P @A.4DGBB
455H P @B.CA5AA

Tata steel %ndia becomes the first integrated
steel compan in the world, outside >apan, to be awarded
the Di!in" A##li$ati%nprize for e'cellence in T%tal
&'alit( )ana"e!ent for the ear 455H.
H'!an Re*%'r$e
Tata steel recognizes that its people are the
primar source of its competitiveness and is committed to
e"ual emploment opportunities for attracting the best
available talent and ensuring a cosmopolitan workforce.
T#$ aims to pursue management practices
designed to enrich the "ualit of life of its emploees,
develop their potentials and ma'imize their productivit. %t
also aims at ensuring transparenc , fairness and e"uit in all
its dealing with its emploees.
T#$ has been in pioneer in its HR polic over the
ears with the basic underling principle of sharing and
caring and a sense of belonging amongst all emploees who
are considered to be a part of T#$ famil.
The compan has been known as a leader in
introducing various HR practices and setting benchmarks in
the global as well as %ndian industr .#ome of these
initiatives include.
@C45 Tata steel introduced initiatives like leave with
pa @CG4).,nd 9orkman0s ,ccident -ompensation #cheme
(enforced b law in @C4L).
Tata steel introduced eight(H) hour working time in @C@4,
much before such a sstem was implemented b law even
in most western countries.
Free medical aid was introduced in @C@G (enforced b law
in @CLH).
Maternit benefits were introduced b Tata steel in @C4H
(implemented b law in @CLA)
1rofit sharing bonus was granted for the first time in %ndia
b Tata steel as earl as in @CBL (enforced b law in
, scheme of retiring gratuit was introduced b Tata steel
in @CBD (enforced b law in@CD4).
Te!aswini, launched in 455B, is a woman empowerment
program? the first of its kind ? that trains woman to take
up unconventional !obs in the steel works.
#habash , weekl scheme launched in 4554 ? offers
instant rewards and recognition to emploees for
e'emplar behavior.
#ome of these initiatives which were introduced wa
before enforced are tabulated below.

%nitiatives T#$ :overnme
H hour working da.
Free Medical ,id.
$eave 9ith 1a.
9orkers 1rovident
Fund #cheme.

(ot known(but not
implemented even
in western
countries at that
Maternit benefits.
1rofit #haring
Retiring :ratuit.
Su+ Depart#ent Hu#an Re!our&e! Poli&,
Re&ruit#ent :
-ampus recruitment
Tata steel management trainee program.
3ne ear development program.
.mploee surve
/eader!"ip De0elop#ent :
Formal programs ,coaching and on the !ob training.
$eadership appreciation process and subse"uentl conduct
N&evelopment -enters0.
%$4 , %$B
Trainin$ and De0elop#ent :
e8learning facilities available on the companies internet
which facilitated b computer literac training.
-omputer based training packages and multimedia
training materials.
#afet training received special attention based on the
&u1ont guidelines identification of skill gaps ,there is a
plan in place to introduce a technical competenc
assessment sstem.
Facult support.
2p skilling emploees through process based ,on the !ob
training and diploma courses through premium
engineering institutes.
&irect learning strengthening the leadership pipeline coupled
with emerging needs of growth pro!ects across
Indu!trial Relation! :
the welfare of the laboring class must be one of the first
cares of the emploer. ?(#ir &orab Tata)
%$A formed in 455H
3nl one recognized 2nion ? %(T2-
,ffiliation of emploees to these unions has been on a
constant decline over the ears and stood the
ear 455H.
, market based benchmarking of compensation is
%nclusive growth ? sports das,social events ,contents for
children , education opportunities ,celebrating festivals
>oda .ast %ron Mines, 1rocessing 1lant
In"r(+)'"i(n "( E&*#($ee
.mploee satisfaction is a measure of how happ workers are
with their !ob and working environment. Ieeping morale high
among workers can be of tremendous benefit to an compan,
as happ workers will be more likel to produce more, take
fewer das off, and sta loal to the compan. There are man
factors in improving or maintaining high emploee satisfaction,
which wise emploers would do well to implement.
To measure emploee satisfaction ,man companies will have
mandator surves or face8to8face meetings with emploees to
gain information. )oth of these tactics have pros and con and
should be chosen carefull. #urves are often anonmous,
allowing workers more freedom to be honest without fear of
repercussion. %nterviews with compan management can feel
intimidating, but if done correctl can let the worker know that
their voice has been heard and their concerns addressed b
those in charge. #urves and meetings can trul get to the
center of the data surrounding emploee satisfaction, and can
be great tools to identif specific problems leading to lowered
Man e'perts believe that one of the best was to maintain
emploee satisfaction is to make workers feel like part of a
famil or team. Holding office events, such as parties or group
outings, can help build close bonds among workers. Man
companies also participate in team8building retreats that are
designed to have found success. strengthen the working
relationship of the emploees in a non8work related setting.
-amping trips, backpacking wars and guide backpacking trips
are versions of this tpe of team8building strateg, with which
man emploershave found success.
3f course, few workers will not e'perience a boost in morale
after receiving more mone. Raises and bonuses can seriousl
affect emploee satisfaction, and should be given when
possible. Oet mone cannot solve all morale issues, and if a
compan with widespread problems for workers cannot improve
their overall environment, a bonus ma be "uickl forgotten as
the dail stress of an unpleasant !ob continues to mount.
%f possible, provide amenities to our workers to improve
morale. Make certain the have a comfortable, clean break
room with basic necessities such as running water. Ieep
facilities such as bathrooms clean and stocked with supplies.
9hile an air of professionalism is necessar for most
businesses, allowing workers to keep famil photos or small
trinkets on their desk can make them feel more comfortable
and nested at their workstation. )asic considerations like these
can improve emploee satisfaction, as workers will feel well
cared for b their emploers.
The backbone of emploee satisfaction is respect for workers
and the !ob the perform. %n ever interaction with
management, emploees should be treated with courtes and
interest. ,n eas avenue for emploees to discuss problems
with upper management should be maintained and carefull
monitored. .ven if management cannot meet all the demands
of emploees, showing workers that the are being heard and
putting honest dedication into compromising will often help to
improve morale.
.mploee satisfaction surves help emploers measure and
understand their emploeesR attitude, opinions, motivation, and
satisfaction. .mploee satisfaction is the terminolog used to
describe whether emploees are happ and contented and
fulfilling their desires and needs at work. .mploee
satisfaction is often measured b anonmous surves
administered periodicall that gauge emploee satisfaction in
areas such as management and teamwork.
Intr%d'$ti%n t% &'alit( %+
9hat is S/ualit of $ifeST 9hat does it denoteT 9hat
parameters*attributes can be used to measure /3$T /3$ is
increasingl referred to in evaluating urban and rural areas, and in
several other situations. #ome definitions, models and more ...
The best wa of approaching "ualit of life measurement is to
measure the e'tent to which peopleRs Nhappiness re"uirements0 are
met ? that is those re"uirements which are a necessar (although
not sufficient) condition of anoneRs happiness 8 those Rwithout
which no member of the human race can be happ.R
9hat is /3$T /3$ ma be defined as sub!ective well8being.
Recognizing the sub!ectivit of /3$ is a ke to understanding this
construct. /3$ reflects the difference, the gap, between the hopes
and e'pectations of a person and their present e'perience. Human
adaptation is such that life e'pectations are usuall ad!usted so as
to lie within the realm of what the individual perceives to be
possible. This enables people who have difficult life circumstances
to maintain a reasonable /3$.
3ur definition of "ualit of life is= The degree to which a person
en!os the important possibilities of his*her life. 1ossibilities result
from the opportunities and limitations each person has in his*her
life and reflect the interaction of personal and environmental
factors. .n!oment has two components= the e'perience of
satisfaction and the possession or achievement of some
Q)!#i"$ (- Li-e -r(& "%e ,ie. *(in" (- TSL.
%mprovement in /3$
@. &evelopment of a model traditional rehabilitation colon in
consultation with villagers.
4. Rehabilitation colon will have facilities for education, health and
hgiene, water, electrification, plaground and communit centre.
B. Tree plantation in the rehabilitation colon.
L. Facilitation of construction of temporar shelter within the
G. Facilitation of construction of the permanent house with the
house building assistance.
)uilding a better /ualit of life has alwas been the purpose of T#$
Tata steel believes that the primar purpose of a business is to
improve the "ualit of life of people.
Tata steel will volunteer its resources, to the e'tent it can
reasonabl afford, to sustain and improve a health and prosperous
environment and to improve the "ualit of life of the people in the
areas in which it operates.
Re#!"i(n /e".een E&*#($ee S!"i-!'"i(n
!n+ M("i,!"i(n
Sati!.a&tion lead! to #oti0ation .This statement could
easil understand
b the following theor of %+ra"a# Ma!lo1.
Ma!lo12! Hierar&", o. 3eed!
%f motivation is driven b the e'istence of unsatisfied needs,
then it is worthwhile for a manager to understand which needs
are the more important for individual emploees. %n this regard,
,braham Maslow developed a model in which basic, low8level
needs such as phsiological re"uirements and safet must be
satisfied before higher8level needs such as self8fulfillment are
pursued. %n this hierarchical model, when a need is mostl
satisfied it no longer motivates and the ne't higher need takes
its place. MaslowRs hierarch of needs is shown in the following
Ma!lo12! Hierar&", o. 3eed!
E!tee# 3eed!
So&ial 3eed!, 3eed!
P",!iolo$i&al 3eed!
P",!iolo$i&al 3eed!
1hsiological needs are those re"uired to sustain life, such as=
,ccording to MaslowRs theor, if such needs are not satisfied
then oneRs motivation will arise from the "uest to satisf them.
Higher needs such as social needs and esteem are not felt until
one has met the needs basic to oneRs bodil functioning.,
3nce phsiological needs are met, oneRs attention turns to
safet and securit in order to be free from the threat of
phsical and emotional harm. #uch needs might be fulfilled b=
$iving in a safe area
Medical insurance
>ob securit
Financial reserves
,ccording to MaslowRs hierarch, if a person feels that he or she
is in harmRs wa, higher needs will not receive much attention.
So&ial 3eed!
3nce a person has met the lower level phsiological and safet
needs, higher level needs become important, the first of which
are social needs. #ocial needs are those related to interaction
with other people and ma include=
(eed for friends
(eed for belonging
(eed to give and receive love
3nce a person feels a sense of SbelongingS, the need to feel
important arises. .steem needs ma be classified as internal or
e'ternal. %nternal esteem needs are those related to self8
esteem such as self respect and achievement. .'ternal esteem
needs are those such as social status and recognition. #ome
esteem needs are=
Maslow later refined his model to include a level between
esteem needs and self8actualization= the need for knowledge
and aesthetics.
#elf8actualization is the summit of MaslowRs hierarch of needs.
%t is the "uest of reaching oneRs full potential as a person.
2nlike lower level needs, this need is never full satisfied; as
one grows pschologicall there are alwas new opportunities
to continue to grow.
#elf8actualized people tend to have needs such as=
#elf8actualized persons have fre"uent occurrences of *e!0
e1*erien'e, which are energized moments of profound
happiness and harmon. ,ccording to
Maslow, onl a small percentage of the population reaches the
level of self8actualization.
I#pli&ation! .or Mana$e#ent
%f MaslowRs theor holds, there are some important implications
for management. There are opportunities to motivate
emploees through management stle, !ob design, compan
events, and compensation packages, some e'amples of which
1hsiological needs= 1rovide lunch breaks, rest breaks,
and wages that are sufficient to purchase the essentials of
#afet (eeds= 1rovide a safe working environment,
retirement benefits, and !ob securit.
#ocial (eeds= -reate a sense of communit via team8
based pro!ects and social events.
.steem (eeds= Recognize achievements to make
emploees feel appreciated and valued. 3ffer !ob titles
that conve the importance of the position.
#elf8,ctualization= 1rovide emploees a challenge and the
opportunit to reach their full career potential.
However, not all people are driven b the same needs 8 at an
time different people ma be motivated b entirel different
factors. %t is important to understand the needs being pursued
b each emploee. To motivate an emploee, the manager
must be able to recognize the needs level at which the
emploee is operating, and use those needs as levers of
A S,%rt Intr%d'$ti%n T% TSL- J%da
(earl G5 ears old, iron ore at
>oda .ast %ron Mine is
e'tracted b mechanized open
cast mining methods in a
series of C meter high
benches. ."uipped with a 9et
1rocessing -ircuit and primar
and secondar crushing,
scrubbing, screening and
classification facilities, the mine is capable of producing sized
ore (8BD.Gmm to U@5mm) and classifier fines (8@5mm).
The :omardih (#tate of 3rissa) &olomite /uarr under the
>oda operations is another important minerals resource.
&olomite from the region is e'tracted after drilling and
blasting in a series of L meter high benches. The mine has
capabilit to crush and screen the e'tracted ore in to different
product ranges such as $umps (8DGmm to UL5mm), Flu'
(8L5mm to U4Gmm), -hips (84Gmm to U@5mm) and Fines
>oda is covered b big iron mountains. #ome of the other steel
companies are also situated near to >oda. The availabilit of
raw material in a huge amount for steel and sponge iron
companies, makes the environment full of dust.
>oda .ast %ron Mines(>.%M)
has the capacit of G million tone per month.
&'e*ti%nnaire Pr%.e$t
The pro!ect report is prepared b surveing on a good number
of emploees from various departments of Tata steel ,>oda
east. Those departments are as follows.
@. <.T.- ,>oda
4. .lectrical &epartment ,nd 9ater #uppl
B. :eological &epartment
L. Hospital
G. >-3 ,dministration
A. #ecurit &epartment
D. -ivil &epartment
H. T#R&# (Tata #teel Rural &evelopment #ervice)
C. >.%M (>oda .ast %ron Mines)
@5.>oda .ast Time 3ffice
@@.>oda .ast 1rocessing 1lant
@4.>oda .ast ."uipment
@L.Ihondbond %ron Mine
@G.>-3 land and $ease
@A.>-3 .state K :R
@D.HR*%R &epartment
%re ,ou !ati!.ied 1it" t"e a&&o##odation .a&ilit,5
pro0ided +, t"e &o#pan, 6
This is the first basic need of a human. ,ccommodation
should be situated in a good environment and should be in a
good area where one can survive easil. There are so man big
concerns who does not provide accommodation facilit to their
emploees, but T#$ provides accommodation facilit to their
emploees. T#$ has its own township. There emploees has no
problem for accommodation in T#$, >oda east. This is the first
theor of motivation. The emploees of T#$, >oda are satisfied
with the accommodation facilit provided b the compan.
%re ,ou !ati!.ied 1it" t"e "ealt" &are .a&ilit, 6
. Health care is one of the important factor life. T#$ has its
own township, so the compan provides Hospital for the
emploees, with a good number of doctors for all diseases.
There are @@ doctors and @L nurses available at >oda .ast. The
emploees are satisfied for a certain limit, the has a complain
also and that is, the health care facilit is onl for small and
normal diseases, if there is a measure disease arise then there
is no arrangements for that. The have to go for other Hospitals
like &istrict Head"uarter Hospital, Ieon!har or to Tata Hospital,
>amshedpur. )oth those hospitals are nearest to >oda but those
has a long distance.
%re ,ou .eelin$ !e&ure a+out ,our 7o+ 6
This is another factor of motivational theor. Feeling
secure about the increases the morale of the emploee.T#$
emploees are feeling secure about their !obs. The officers of
T#$ are e'perienced and permanent.
%re ,ou !ati!.ied 1it" t"e edu&ational .a&ilitie!
a0aila+le at Joda .or ,our &"ildren 6
.ducation is a most vital part of life now a das. .ver
parents want to send their children to a standard school rather
than an ordinar school.,ll parents wants that their children
should know all the aspects that how to cope with the
competitive world. T#$ provides schooling facilit for the
children of the emploees, but emploees of T#$, >oda are not
satisfied with the schooling facilit available at >oda. The
various educational institutions are,:ovt.M.. #chool, Tata
1rimar #chool, >oda .ast 21,M. #chool, :irls High #chool, >oda
High #chool, Hill Top 1rimar #chool, #araswati #ishu Mandir,
9omen0s -ollege, etc. The school at >oda is an ordinar one,
and the want that the compan should provide a standard
schooling facilit.
Doe! t"e &o#pan, pro0ide! ,ou t"e !tandard !,
applian&e! 6
The first polic of T#$ is safet, and we could see the
hoardingsof safet principle ever where at T#$, >oda. >oda is
the mines division of T#$ . The compan0s management focused
its best in providing the safet appliances to the emploees.
The emploees of >oda, T#$ are ver much satisfied with the
safet appliances provided b the compan.
%re ,ou .eelin$ !a.e at ,our 1or- pla&e 1it" t"e
!, !tandard! #aintained at pre!ent 6
The compan provides safet appliances as well as
maintains the safet standards at the work place for all
emploees. %n the compan at ever where we could find safet
instruction for emploees as well as for out side people, and
emploees alwas suggests outside people to follow the safet
standards. T#$ provides positional training, it means, on the !ob
training #tandard 3perating 1rocedure (#31) for safet
purposes. There is a To'ic &etected Machine, if the machine
gives a positive isolation, then emploee should be
implemented. $ast but not the list, safet is a man made
%re ,ou !ati!.ied 1it" ,our tea# #e#+er! at ,our
1or- pla&e 6
The team work e'aggerates the morale of the emploees
and the puts their best effort. The emploees of T#$, >oda are
ver much satisfied with there team members, all the
emploees are co8operative with each other. ,ll the emploees
at here shares there information relating their work, divides
there work properl. The gives respect to each other and the
makes fun with each other also. ,ll the emploees are ver
much co8operative with the outside people also.
%re ,ou !ati!.ied 1it" t"e trainin$ and de0elop#ent
pro$ra#! 1"i&" are pro0ided +, t"e &o#pan, 6
Training and development program this is one of the factor
which ever emploee needs at the ver first time in an
organization and this is a continuous process. The emploees of
T#$ are not full not satisfied with this factor. There are 45J
emploees are satisfied and H5J are not. The unsatisfied
emploees sas that, this is not a continuous process at T#$,
>oda. #ome of them complains that the training and
development programs which are provided b the compan are
not enough for them.
%re ,ou !ati!.ied 1it" t"e 1el.are .a&ilitie! 1"i&"
are pro0ided to ,ou at t"e 1or-in$ area 6 8e$.
Canteen5 %C9S 5Et&.:
The emploees of >oda are satisfied with the welfare
facilities which are provided to them. .ver rooms of the office
are ,-(air condition) fitted, well furnished rooms with good
lighting facilit, the cost of the foods in the canteen are ver
low, such as,
$unch (veg)PRs.B
$unch (non8veg,egg)PRs.L
)reakfast or evening food items P5.L5
TeaP5.L5 paise
There is no charges for accommodation, electricit and water
for emploees.
T#$, >oda emploees are satisfied with the welfare facilities.
%re ,ou !ati!.ied 1it" ,our !alar, pa&-a$e 6
This is the "uestion on which no one will give true answer.
)ecause ever person wants more and more mone than
he*she gets and that0s wh everone mustnRt satisfied with their
salar packages. )ut when % ask the emploees of T#$ about
their salar package according to their performance, and
performance wise the are satisfied with the salar package.
)ut there are a few oung emploees are working there, who
are not satisfied with the salar package which the are getting.
9hen % ask about those unsatisfied emploees to emploees
who spends their long period of time in T#$ said that, if
the(unsatisfied emploees) are not satisfied, then wh do the
working at here. The must work at there where the gets the
right salar according to there performance and should leave
Doe! t"e &o#pan, &o4operate! and "elp! ,ou at an,
e#er$en&, ti#e 6
T#$ co8operates with there emploees in an emergenc
time. ,ll the emploees are ver much satisfied with the
emergenc helping facilit. The facilities are like, if one of the
emploees famil member or the emploee itself suddenl
suffers from a measure disease, compan helps them b
providing sufficient mone.
Do ,ou $et re&o$nition .or ,our indi0idual;$roup
per.or#an&e 6
(ear about HGJ T#$ emploees of the surve gets
recognition for their individual*group performance. The rest
emploees don0t get an recognition because the are new.
This is another motivational factor which motivates the
emploees to give their best again and again towards the
%re ,ou a!!o&iated 1it" an, !o&ial a&ti0it, 6I. ,e!
t"en5 1"at i! t"at 6
There are a less number of emploees who are associated
with an social activit, near about B5J of emploees are
associated. #ome are associated with temple committee, and
organizes festivals. #ome are associated with the communit
centre and organizes occasional festivals (new ear parties),etc.
%re ,ou #aintainin$ ,our .a#il, &o#.orta+l, 1it" t"e
!alar, ,ou "a0e 6
,ll the emploees of surve said es on this "uestion,
because compan fulfills all the needs of emploees, starting
from well facilitate accommodation, provides grocer items
through "(re with less price than market, medicines from
compan0s hospital, etc. 3n for the rest items the emploees
have to spent as per the need.
*"i&" one ,ou po!!e!! in li.e !t,le6
This "uestion reflects the "ualit of life of the emploees of
T#$, >oda. ,bove C5J of emploees has their own house, own
car, own ,-0s, own computer*laptop, and all those necessar
items which are needed in toda0s life stle. The rest of
emploees has their own house.
Ho1 #u&" ,ou !pent and "o1 #u&" ,ou !a0e in a
,ll the emploees spent above Rs.G555 and saves
according to their capacit starting from Rs@555 to Rs@5,555.
*"i&" ,ou #o!t in ,our li.e !t,le 6
3n this "uestion the emploees has a mi'ed reaction.
#ome gives much attention to val'e, in case of doctors and
some higher post emploees. #ome gives much attention to
!%ne(. )ut the number of emploees is more, who prefers to
both !%ne( and val'e.
Do ,ou t"in- t"at t"e &o#pan, 1ill pro0ide !o#e
#ore .a&ilitate!5 i. ,e! t"en5 1"at !"ould +e t"o!e 6
The emploees of T#$, >oda of the surve suggested that
the compan should provide a better schooling facilit for their
children. The complains that, if the >#9$ could provide a
standard schooling facilit for their emploees children, then
wh shouldn0t our compan also. #ome said that the health care
facilit could be more better. ,nd the compan should focus
more on training and development process.
Doe! t"e re&ent e&ono#i& &ri!i! a..e&t! ,ou an,
1a, 6I. ,e! t"en "o16
The recent economic crisis doesn0t affects the T#$, >oda
emploees, even if the compan gives increment to all
emploees, where other companies fired their emploees in the
past recession time. This step of compan motivates the
emploees. ,nd gave them an assurance that when ever there
is a problem, compan is alwas behind ou.
Did ,ou parti&ipate in t"e re&ent ele&tion
pro&edure 6I. ,e! t"en "o16
9e all must remember about the ad8campaign of Tata tea
that J!!g( re, and there message is *#e!e gi,e $()r ,("e2 )ut
at this compan of T#$ there are a lot of emploees, who has
no voter %& of local and because of that the are not able to
gave their vote in this ears $ok #abha0s election.
%re ,ou "app, 1it" t"e .ollo1in$! 6
('i!# '#i&!"e
*(#i"i'!# '#i&!"e
e'(n(&i'!# '#i&!"e
in+)"ri!# '#i&!"e
Most of the emploees are happ with the above factors.
The following statistical analsis shows how much the
emploees are satisfied with the compan according to
"uestionnaire surve.

T#$, >oda .ast provides some other facilities to emploees and
local people. Those are
:m8for local people and separated one for T#$ emploees.
Two communit centers where swimming pool, billiards to
pla and some other facilities are also available.
)us to railwa station for emploees and their famil
#habashi bonanza
T1M circle competition in division level, state level, national
level(individual performance , group performance).
There is a suggestion giving facilit also available. %n this
procedure an emploee could give suggestion related to
their work. There are three stage of process of that
suggestion, re!ect, on hold, accept. %f the suggestion is
accepted and implemented, then the suggestion giver will
be rewarded from Rs.4G584,G5,555. The suggestion could
be given b a group of L people or b individual.
Time to time compan provides health awareness to
emploees. Health care facilities for >oda people, like Li-e
Line E1*re,etc.

T#$0s management fulfills the needs and wants of the
emploees, compan provides a standard "ualit of life to all
emploees. )ut there are some places where the compan should
have to make a few rectifications.
@. The repair and maintenance work of the houses which
are provided to the T#$, >oda emploees.
4. -ompan should provide a better schooling facilit for
>oda division . ,nd school bus for school going children.
.nglish medium and minimum upto @5
or @4
class ,
!ust like, &1# (&elhi 1ublic #chool), &,<, etc. This is an
off the !ob facilit.
B. The health care facilit could be more standardized.
L. The training and development program is not good at
>oda, the compan should work more on that and should
make it a continues process. -ompan should provide
higher studies facilities for interested emploees.
G. T#$ could provide more better "ualit of life at >oda
division. Tata steel should provide cit living life for
emploees of !oda, which are provided at >amshedpur,
))#R branch, and others. The working environment is
good, but it could be better b renovating the internal
infrastructure of the offices of >oda.

Tata steel limited is one of the best compan of %ndia as well as
of world. T#$ knows for its best T/M and HR policies in the
world. The emploees are ver much satisfied, who are working
for T#$. ,ll the emploees are motivated and work together to
achieve compan0s goal. )ecause of high motivated emploees
T#$, >oda division increases its production this ear from The
emploees are ver luck, who are working and who will work
for T#$. The compan should provide all those facilities, which it
provides at other offices in %ndia e'cluding >oda division. .arning
of more and more mone is not enough for live the life, if an
emploee wouldn0t able to give time to his*her famil, then
he*she must be disturbed at the working duration. %f the
emploee gives his*her best effort to the compan, then the
ne't responsibilit is of the compan to provide a better "ualit
of life in return.

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