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8 secrets of success

Richard St. John

By 500 interviews and years of research! "ichard #t. $ohn share to people what really
leads to success. %hey are 8 followin& secrets:
%his is the most important thin&. 'assion is what you can think and do it over ima&in&.
#uccess people have private passion and they do it for love! do not do it for money. %hen
the money comes anyway. ,ollow your passions and success will follow you.
+othin& comes easily. /ou have to work hard to 0e success. ) remem0er a famous 1uote
of %homas 2dition is 3 4enius is one percent inspiration and ninety5nine percent
perspiration3. ( tip to 0e hard workin& is let work is fun workin&.
)t all has to do is focusin& yourself to one thin&. /ou should have one tar&et at a time and
focus your effort into it.
/ou have some weaknesses. /ou were not smart enou&h9 you were not &ood enou&h:
they make you shyness and self5dou0t. -hat you need to do is push yourself! push your
spirit! push your physically: and throu&h them.
/ou must find the time to think what is new! what is 0etter. %he methods are listen9
o0serve9 0e curious9 ask 1uestions9 pro0lem solve9 make connections. %he tools are
0ooks9 mentors:
/ou do &ood at what you do. %ry to work lon& and hard to 0e &ood at somethin&. %he
keyword is practice! practice and more practice.
'ersistence is the num0er one reason for success. /ou &ot to persist throu&h failure!
criticism! rejection! assholes and pressure.
/ou serve other people somethin& they will find of value. /ou think more a0out the
needs of other than of your needs. %hat is the way you must &o to &et success.

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