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Ginger Hotels:

World Class Service Organisation

Mandipinder Singh
Company Info

oots Corporation !imited "C!# is a

s$%sidiary of &he IndianHotelsCompany
!imited "IHC!#(

Incorporated on )ecem%er 2*+ 2003+ C!

operates the first,of,its,-ind category of
Smart .asics/hotel chainacross the

!a$nched in 0$ne 200*+ the Smart .asics/

concept created a revol$tion in the 1orld of
Indian hospitality(

2 Gen 3e4t category ofhotels+ they

signify simplicity+ convenience+
informality+ style+ 1armth+ modernity
and afforda%ility(

&he GingerHotelsare %$ilt aro$nd a

$ni5$e concept that provides facilities to
meet the -ey needs of today6s traveller+
at s$rprisingly afforda%le rates(

It is a philosophy of providing intelligent+

tho$ght,o$t facilities and services at a
7val$e8 pricing(

Simplicity and convenience in ease of doing

%$siness "a1areness+ %oo-ing channels+
payment gate1ays#

Informality+ style+ 1armth and modernity in

its approach to prod$ct design+ service
philosophy and afforda%ility in pricing(
Food and Beverage options
Smart Basics Facilities and
Smart Basics, Smart prices
Smart Planet An eco initiative
Smart Sleep
Smart Space Rooms
Safe Zone

Food and Beverage options

&he S5$are Meal /


Smart Basics Facilities and Services

3et :one: ;or high speed internet connectivity

Conference oom "seats <0,=00 people# or Meeting room "seats <,=0


!a$ndry facility: 94press delivery "same day delivery#

Gymnasi$m: 95$ipped 1ith %asic machines

On,site 2&M

Sec$re par-ing: 2*>? sec$rity on,site: monitoring %y CC &@

)octor on call

Smart Basics, Smart prices

2 totally transparent pricing policy+ 1ith no hidden costs
and additional levies( &r$e val$e for money(

Smart Planet An eco initiative

2t Ginger Hotels+ special emphasis on environmental and
ecological iss$es( Constantly 1or-ing to1ards %$ilding a
%etter and s$staina%le 1ay of living %y providingfacilities
to c$stomers 1itho$t compromising on the environment(

Smart Sleep
Offer state,of,the,art post$repedic mattresses

Smart Space Rooms

Safe Zone

Zero Hour Bar

Season Packages:g! "onsoon Package

#a$ use rates

Management val$es of service %$siness

;$nctions li-e ho$se-eeping+resta$rants+la$ndry+and maintenance

are o$tso$rced( &his leads to a high o$tso$rcing e5$ation of A0:=0
1hich f$rther enhances the price,performance ratio since the same
for l$4$ry hotels is 30:?0

2s a res$lt+ the room to manpo1er ratio at Ginger is =:0(3B

compared to =:3 in %$siness hotels(

.esides+ the company so$ght c$stomer responses from the initial

three variants set $p in .angalore+ Harid1ar and .h$%anesh1ar(

@ending machines+ chec-,in -ios-s+ 2&Ms+ 1i,fi connectivity+ etc

helped lo1er service costs 1hile offering good val$e to c$stomers

%ptimise $our costs:

9nCoying special c$stomised rates offered to corporate clients 1hich help
them c$t do1n on the frills %$t not on the comfort(

n'o$ e(citing facilities

Offer m$ltiple facilities to ens$re c$stomers8 %$siness is $naffected and they
have a hassle,free stay (Wi,;i+ 2*,ho$r &eaDCoffee+ Meeting room+ Conference
room+ 20,inch !C) &@s in every room+ Gymnasi$m+ ergonomically designed
1or- place and many more+ specially designed and %$ilt -eeping in mind the
needs of %$siness travellers(

)onvenience and peace of mind

2ll hotels are conveniently located 1ith good connectivity( 2ll rooms are
hygienic+ peacef$l and comforta%le to ens$re that yo$ sleep so$ndly after a
hard day8s 1or-(

With a strong net1or- of hotels in =A cities in India and gro1ing+ a $niform
standard and consistency is ens$red in services across the entire chain(

Hassle free reservations

With a host of %oo-ing and payment options to ens$re smooth
transactions+ a no,f$ss e4perience is ens$red(
C$stomers can vie1+ modify or cancel yo$r %oo-ings 1ith the clic- of a

9nCoy greater transparency and save time %y eliminating intermediaries (
C$stomer can ma-e online reservations thro$gh 1e%site and get $pdates
%y SMS and 9,mail(

+ational )ontract
If organisation has re5$irements in m$ltiple locations in India+ same can
%e indicated in the EContact $sF section+ Ginger8s e4ec$tives 1ill get in
to$ch 1ith organisation for a 3ational Contract(
Thank You

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