Commodore Horizons Issue 23 1985 Nov

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Phe ee by The Edge COMMODORE 64 aPC OMe rT eae Roan A Available from W.H.SMITHS, BOOTS, J.MENZIES, WOOLWORTHS PP Cee CUa CaO UCC aCe UHM A ACC e aCe Aue elec Ces garnet oe) RIOR DBC Lied GAMES Pea 4 hs bat ed gees ere ee ACCC 20 Let The Edge’s spell take you into a world where Wizardey reigns! Br CCU yas) Ken Matthews finds out what happened on the Eighth Day, and beats off the Rats CREATIVE felted CCheck out the Syntron Digidrum — it's the hottest sound. around for the 64 OY Tate) Composing, printing, playing sampling — the 64 ts sill the sreates musical micro eS peel ead The Datex Mouse for the 64 offers hi-res graphics and M Ce cry PROGRAMMING Peer cr ‘A seta ype-in routine which males ist work of data check tia lots more Besides ae SS Aerie yi Have sour say and catch up with Fink Dee) E Minter and Ariolasofi; C128 packaging news; and a big PCW show report pela i} All the best-selling CBM titles UY TT G ea tele od Ld A great special offer — save ‘money on the latest MH programming book for the 64 Answer Back rd Jack Cohen gets t0 grips with technical tips Classifieds ry Pick up a bargain in the section with real class ee ee Beebalike Safe)! "ites el ip) Cad ‘A 16-page pull-out guide to the frst Commodore Horizons Show, ‘neiuding a full list of exhibitors, a floor plan, and details on how to get to the new venue — the TECH WEST CENTRE, Wasple Way, Shepherds Bush, London W.12. Be there on Saturday and Sunday, 26th-27th October, for the Year's best computer Sho 43 Make your 64 act like a BBC with Aztec software's ingenious Program ‘THIS MONTHS editorial is about things which aren't where you expect them to be. Lots of people expected the Amiga to be on Commodore's stand at the PCW Show, but instead it was in the Royal Keasington Hotel up the road. Moce oa that in our PCW Show report om page 7. Many of you will be expecting the Commodore Horizons Show to take place In the Novotel, but, due f0 contractual problems, the venue has been changed. The new venue is the TECH WEST CENTRE, Warple Way, Shepherds Bush, London WI2. Tech West is a new exhibition facility in easy reach of Turnham Green tube, Acton CCenccal BR station, and Uxbridge Road, There are also ear parking facilis on ste. Ticket priees, at £3 for adults and £2 for under sinteens (£2 and £1 in advance) remain the same, fs do the times and. dates, 10am-oom October 26th and 27th (Saturday and Sunday), All txisting tickets and stand bookings will be vali, “There will be a free bus service between the Novotel, Shepherd's Bush tube, and TECH WEST for snyone who turns up at the wrong venue. For any further enquiries about the Show, contact Commodore Horizons on O1-437 4343 or Howard Heath at Editionscheme, HR House, 447 High Road, Finchley, London N12, 01-346 6566, EDITOR Christopher Jenkins PRODUCTION EDITOR Barbora Hajek EDITORIAL SECRETARY Geraldine Smyth GROUP ADVERTISEMENT MANAGER David Lake ADVERTISEMENT MANAGER Simon Langston MANAGING EDITOR Brendon Gore PUBLISHING DIRECTOR Duncan Scot TELEPHONE (ALL DEPTS) 01-437 4343 TELEX 296275 SUNRGY UK ADDRESS Comiodote Horizons, 12/13 Little Newport Street, London WC2H 7PP US ADDRESS Commodore Horizons, c/o Business Press Int'l, 205 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017 SUBSCRIPTIONS UK £10.00 for 12 issues, overseas surface (excluding US and Canada) £16,00 for 12 issues, US and Canada airlifted USS33.95 for 12 issu Commodore Horizons is published monthly by Scot Press Lid. Typeset by In-Step Lid, 33-1 Dallingion Steet, Landon EC1. Prated by Greenaway Harrison Lid, Southend-on-Sea, Essex: Dsteted by SM Distribution, 1618 Trinity Gardens, London SW9, telephone O1-274 Beil, cee 26164), Sunshine Books 1988 SUBMITTING ARTICLES Commodore Horizons invites readets* contributions, cither program listings or articles. Articles should be (yped, double spaced with a wide margin. When possible rogram should be submitted on cassette or disk with a printout on plain white paper. Please keep 8 copy of your submission — do not send your only copy. Please enclose an's.a.c. if you wish your Submission to be returned. All submissions must be your own original work.

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