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Date 19.02.

The Registrar
Eastern University
Dhanmondi, Dhaka.
Subjet! "rayer #or $ourse re%advising.
& am 'd. Shajibu( &s(am )&D%10*+2000,-, student o# the #au(ty o# E(etria(
and Te(eommuniation Engineering .& had been advised my ourses in due
time. .ut no/ & an see some o# my ourses have been on#(ited /ith other
ourses. &n this irumstane, & /ant to dro0 a ourse named 1inear 2(gebra
)'2T 20*- 3 & /ant to add $a(u(us && )'2T 10*- 3 2(ternating $urrent
$iruit )EEE 11*-.
There#ore, & 0ray 3 ho0e that you /i(( be kind enough to grant my re4uest and
0ermit #or ourse re%advising.
5our most obedient 0u0i(,
'd. Shajibu( &s(am
De0artment o# E(etria( and Te(eommuniation Engineering

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