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Calli Leventis
Student TeacherChicago Public Schools
January-February, 2014 Nightingale Elementary School, Chicago, llinois
Create! boo"tal" lessons, collaborate! #ith Chicago $ribune re%orters on ne#s
literacy %ro&ect, coache! teachers in use o' Chromeboo"s ( )oogle %ro!ucts
February-*arch 2014 +incoln Par" ,igh School, Chicago, llinois
Collaborate! #ith -rama teacher on theatre research unit, con!ucte! #ee"-long
storytelling %rogram #ith 'reshman English classes, assiste! #ith boo" club
LicensureE.%ecte! June 2014
$y%e 10 /-12 +ibrary *e!ia S%ecialist
*i!!le School En!orsement
-rama En!orsement
Reference Paraprofessional)len0ie# Public +ibrary, 1ugust 2012-
-esigning an! teaching com%uter #or"sho%s on to%ics such as Faceboo", *icroso't
Publisher, an! No0elist2 1ns#ering %hone, in-%erson, an! email re'erence 3uestions2
Creating an! s%onsoring teen 0olunteer %rogram calle! 4Social *e!ia *entoring5
GED & ESL Teacher6er#yn Public +ibrary, 2011-2012
Create! curriculum an! taught con0ersation an! grammar lessons 'or 1!ult ES+
!ro%-in classes t#ice #ee"ly2 $este! an! !etermine! stu!ents7 ability le0els in )E-
sub&ects an! %ro0i!e! in!i0i!uali8e! instruction an! e.tra hel% in #ea" areas
Literacy Intern9%en 6oo"s, Chicago, June 2012-1ugust 2012
*anage! 0olunteers an! stu!ents in 9%en 6oo"s 6u!!ies %aire! rea!ing %rogram2
$aught creati0e #riting 'iel! tri%s 'or stu!ents in gra!es :-122 Selecte! age- an! le0el-
a%%ro%riate boo"s 'or struggling rea!ers in gra!es /-12
Storytime Intern9a" Par" Public +ibrary, Se%tember--ecember
-e0elo%e! an! %er'orme! e!ucational outreach storytimes 'or chil!ren ages 2-; in
!aycare 'acilities an! at the library
Americorps VISTAllinois Cam%us Com%act, 1ugust 2010-1ugust 2011
<ecruite!, inter0ie#e!, an! traine! stu!ent 0olunteers at $rinity Christian College2
Facilitate! ongoing re'lection sessions 'or stu!ent 0olunteers2 -esigne! curriculum 'or
ci0ic engagement course2 Connecte! stu!ents an! grou%s #ith a%%ro%riate
community organi8ations 'or ser0ice-learning
*aster in +ibrary an! n'ormation Science, -ominican =ni0ersity >1ugust, 2014?
4@0 )P1, 6utler Center Scholarshi%
1tten!ing the nternational Chil!ren7s 6oo" Fair in 6ologna, taly
6achelor in Fine 1rts in $heatre Stu!ies, =ni0ersity o' llinois at Cham%aign >*ay,
:@AB )P1, Samuel +@ Stic"ler 1#ar! 'or E.cellence in $heatre Pro!uction an!
Certi'icate in )rant-Criting, -ePaul =ni0ersity
*ac ( PC %ro'icient, social me!ia ( !igital literacy s"ills

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