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Fourth Grade Rocks

Week of May 26, 2014

1hls week ln readlng we
conunue Lo work on
pumng our comprehenslon
sLraLegles all LogeLher
whlle readlng our gulded
readlng novels. 1he novels
belng read are:
1he 8esL School ?ear Lver
8y 8arbara 8oblnson
1he SecreL School 8y Avl
1uck Lverlasung
by naLalle 8abblu

We wlll be conunulng Lo
use our powers of
lnference ln whole class

ln wrlung Lhls week, we are
worklng on wrlung an oplnlon
plece abouL wheLher or noL we
Lhlnk Lhere should be unlforms ln
school. We have read an arucle
and waLched a cllp from a news
sLory Lo help us wlLh our
We wlll also be worklng on our
wax museum speeches. We wlll
be worklng on renlng our
speeches and Lhey wlll be back
home 1uesday nlghL Lo be
Lransferred onLo noLe cards. lf
you need any noLecards please
leL me know.

Character Quote

Math Science
Social Studies
1hls week we are Laklng
our nal unlL LesL of Lhe
year. unlL 12 has been on
raLes ln regards Lo daLa
and unlL prlclng ln sLores.
We wlll be revlewlng for
our assessmenL on
1uesday and Laklng lL on
We wlll Lhen be worklng
on games for a probablllLy
carnlval LhaL all Lhe fourLh
grade classes wlll Lake parL
ln Sclence, Lhe sLudenLs wlll
be Laklng Lhelr assessmenL
on Magneusm and
LlecLrlclLy on May 29.

ln Soclal SLudles, we are
beglnnlng Lhe WesL reglon.
1he klds wlll be compleung
Lhelr maps of Lhe sLaLes ln
Lhe WesL.
Cur lasL assessmenL on Lhe
SLaLes and caplLals wlll be
!une 10, 2014. SLudy guldes
have gone home, lf you
need one, please leL me

Pictures of
outside fun:
Read Aloud Book:
The read aloud book we are sharing this
week is The Giver. It is one of my
favorites! It is also coming out this
summer as a movie and I wanted the kids
to experience the book before seeing it on
the big screen!

29: Sing and Swing 2-3, wear red,
white, and blue with close toed shoes
Electricity and Magnets assessment
30: Field Day (afternoon session- wear
Final Speech due for the biography
3: Pen Pal picnic
5: Wax Museum
6: No School
6: Spring St. School Art Show 6-8
10: States Assessment
13: 4
Grade Celebration
18: Tentative End of year party
19: Last Day of School

lease leL me know lf your chlld can noL
access kld 8log or ScooLad. lor Lhe 8log,
SLudenLs can wrlLe hls/her posLs on

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