CHDV 150 Art

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Name of Activity:

Portrait of Rainbows
Curriculum Area:
Length of Activity:
20 minutes
Learning Objectives (specify at least three):
The children will be able to tell the different textures being used for this activity.
The children will be able to tell the 6 colors of the rainbow.
The children will be able to express themselves through there art wor by doing what
they want to it freely.
Material/!uipment Nee"e":
!hite constuction paper "#$
Rainbow dyed maccaroonis
#reparation ($hat "o you nee" to "o beforehan"%):
(or the preparation ) would have the circle table covered with a white sheet so
that the children can do there art portraits on top of it and that the table wouldn*t get
messy. ) would then lay out all the # sheets of white construction paper for each child.
Then with all the materials ) placed them in there individual bucets+ so that they are not
mixed up and have them in the middle of the table for all the children to reach them.
#roce"ures (step by step) & 'e (pecific
)'eginning (*o+ +ill , intro"uce activity%)
) would introduce this activity while we are doing our circle time. As we are
getting ready to discuss our day and activities that we are going to do today. ) would say
to them ,!ho is ready to do there portraits of rainbows today-.,. This activity includes #
white pieces of blan construction paper for them to draw+ paint+ or to express themselves
on. Then there will be a mixture of materials that they could use to express themselves
about what ind of rainbow portrait would they lie or see.
The sills that ) would need to demonstrate would be what they are used for+ what
they can use them for+ and on how to use them. )f any of the children needed any help or
guidance ) would say to them that ,)f you need help you can raise your hand or call out to
us+ we will be be close by if you need any help,. ) would get them started by showing
them an example of the activity that ) have prepared and an example of the activity that )
have made with all the materials. Then place all the materials on the table and get them
)Mi""le: (*o+ +ill , support/enhance/scaffol"%) & -he person rea"ing your lesson
plan shoul" be able to i"entify +hat you are saying or "oing to support your state"
learning objectives. -*,( ,( /01 ,M#O0-AN-.
) will support the children by being there for them when they need me to help
guide them on what the materials are and on how to do this activity. The open ended
/uestion that ) would use would be ,'o far do you lie your portrait-, or ,0oes this
portrait express how you feel today or about it-,. ) would then encourage the children to
wor together by having them do the activity freely and let them feel open to doing this
by themselves after ) show them how to do it. ) will support the individual children by
taling to them about the activity and introducing it to the individual children. ) would
also tell them ,) see that your way over here+ would you lie to 1oin in on this fun art
activity- ) bet you will lie it and ) thin you can do a beautiful portrait 1ust lie your
classmates.,+ or as them ,how is there day going and then see what they would say
about it or be opened to it. The additional materials that ) would have on hand would be
extra sheets of white construction paper+ paint+ glue+ tabe and sticers.
)n": (*o+ +ill , bring this activity to a conclusion an" transition to the ne2t
activity% 'e very specific in ho+ you +ill transition the chil"ren.)
The way that ) will let the children now that the activity is almost over by telling
them that ,its almost time to sing the rainbow song,+ and when singing this song they will
now that its time to transition to a new activity. The song is+ ,Red is the color of an
apple+ orange is the color of an orange+ yellow is a lemon and a wonderful sun sun sun+
green is the color of trees and lots of things that grow+ and then there*s blue for the sy
and purple thats a color thats fun fun fun "2arney$. ) would then involve the children by
showing them what cleaning up is by me picing up things and organi3ing it. 2y doing
this it will show them a clear example of how to clean up and we can also mae it fun by
adding a little song or a rhyme while cleaning up.
After we clean up we would then go to our circle area to get ready for our next
activity. !e would then transition by singing another rainbow song or doing a rhyme to
get the transition going. They will get there by waling to there circle area or the area of
where the next activity is being held at. They will also be accompanied by someone when
the transition is being held. !hile they are waiting for me to get to them they will be
singing a song or being read a boo with the other teacher.
-hroughout the "ay/+ee34 +hat opportunities +ill the chil"ren have to reflect bac3
on this activity%
(rom this avtivity they will have to reflect bac on is the new materials that they
used for this activity+ on how they were able to express what they felt about portraits of
rainbows+ on there self&esteem+ and on how this activity expressed what they felt that day
when doing this activity. They can also reflect bac to this when they are all grown up
because they can tae a loo at there portrait and be able to tell us what they were feeling
at that time.

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