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Ceramics Course Outline

This course is designed for students to learn the basics of handbuilding and
wheel throwing and how to work three dimensionally. Students will learn glazing
and surface decoration techniques. The history of ceramics, clay artists, and
methods will be researched and discussed.
Ceramics Pacing Guide
9 weeks: Handbuilding
Weeks 1, 2: Surface decoration/7 Habits/Establishing a collaboratie
!ro"ect ob"ecties# Students will work collaboratiely to recreate a famous work
of art in clay. Students will learn techniques for creating surface te$ture and
decoration. Students will also be doing sketchbook work with the 7 Habits of
Highly Effectie Teens. The 7 Habits will be discussed and incor%orated into
lessons daily throughout the semester.
&esearch com%onent# Students will collaborate in small grou%s to research
chosen artists and works of art. Each grou% will select an artwork to recreate.
&eflection# Students will reflect u%on their learning through a written sketchbook
Week 2: 'a%anese Tea (u%s
!ro"ect ob"ecties# Students will create seeral %inch %ots in the style of
'a%anese tea cu%s.
&esearch com%onent# Small grou%s will research 'a%anese tea ceremonies,
%inch %ots, and 'a%anese ceramic artists and re%ort their findings to the class.
&eflection# Students will write a reflectie statement in sketchbooks and self)
assess their work.
Weeks 3 and 4# (oil building
!ro"ect ob"ecties# Students will create a coil container with a smooth surface
and a coil container with a smooth surface.
&esearch# Small grou%s will research coil containers and *atie +merican artist,
,olly *aran"o, and re%ort their findings to the class.
&eflection# Students will write a reflectie statement in sketchbooks and self)
assess their work.
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Week '# Slab (ontainer
!ro"ect ob"ecties# Students will create a slab container designed to hold %lants
or flowers.
&esearch# Small grou%s will research slab construction and the different ways
slabs can be used.
&eflection# Students will write a reflectie statement in sketchbooks and self)
assess their work.
Week (# Hollow 7orm Scul%ture
!ro"ect ob"ecties# Students will a%%ly all handbuilding skills to create a hollow
form scul%ture.
&esearch# 8uest artist 9al :yle will s%eak with students about how she uses
clay to hel% create her current %ublic art scul%tures and demonstrate techniques.
&eflection# Students will write a reflectie statement in sketchbooks and self)
assess their work.
Weeks ), 9# 8lazing/Studio (lean u%
!ro"ect ob"ecties# Students will a%%ly glazing techniques and collaboratiely
clean the clay studio.
&esearch# Students will indiidually research clay works of their choice, %aying
s%ecial attention to glazing techniques.
&eflection# Students will write a reflectie statement in sketchbooks and self)
assess their work.
2nd 9 weeks# W&eel
Week 1# !ractice and &efine Skills
!ro"ect ob"ecties# Students will com%are to% and bottom thickness of forms,
making sure they are centering and %ulling eenly.
&esearch com%onent# Students will collaborate in small grou%s to research the
history of ceramics, form and function, and well)known ceramic artists.
&eflection# Students will write a reflectie statement about what they hae
learned this week.
Week 2# ;owl
!ro"ect ob"ecties# Students will create seeral bowls of arious sizes.
&esearch com%onent# Small grou%s will research both functional and non)
functional bowls and share their findings with the class.
&eflection# Students will write a reflectie statement in sketchbooks and self)
assess their work.
Week 3# !late
!ro"ect ob"ecties# Students will learn how to create a %late. Students will later
use a decoratie glazing technique on their %lates.
&esearch com%onent# Small grou%s will research ceramic %lates and glazing
techniques and share their findings with the class.
&eflection# Students will write a reflectie statement in sketchbooks and self)
assess their work.
Week 4# (hi% and ,i%
!ro"ect ob"ecties# Students will %ractice and refine their skills by creating a chi%
and di% %latter.
&esearch com%onent# Small grou%s will research functional uses for the chi%
and di% and decoratie surfaces.
&eflection# Students will write a reflectie statement in sketchbooks and self)
assess their work.
Week '# <ug and (reamer
!ro"ect ob"ecties# Students will create a mug and creamer, learning how to %ull,
throw, and attach handles to each form.
&esearch com%onent# Students will indiidually research different ty%es of
&eflection# Students will write a reflectie statement in sketchbooks and self)
assess their work.
Week (# (ylinder 9ase
!ro"ect ob"ecties# Students will create a cylinder form with a focus on collaring.
Students will also add ridges to their form using a ribbon tool.
&esearch com%onent# Small grou%s will research cylinder forms and 8reek
ases and share their findings with the class.
&eflection# Students will write a reflectie statement in sketchbooks and self)
assess their work.
Weeks *, ), 9# Trimming, glazing, cleaning/=ebsite creation
!ro"ect ob"ecties# Students will com%lete trimming, glazing, and collaboratiely
clean the clay studio. Students will create a =eebly website to showcase this
semester>s ceramics work.
&esearch# Students will indiidually research clay artist websites.
&eflection# Students will write a reflectie statement about how they %lan to
continue their art education and art making.

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