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First Public Speaking Event put on my OSSW

Organization of Student Social Workers 4/30/14 University of

Washington: Plan and Debrief

Create an amazing public speaking event for the 70 people that attend
Work in harmony as a group utilizing all committee members strengths
Creating a useful take home for all bus riders future careers

Seats on the bus and their task lists:

Position 1
To Do:
Write up Invitation list
Print and send invitations
Send emails
Send follow-up email to list serves
Invitations-phone calls, in person meetings, letters
Make a list of our VIPs
Create individual invitations to send to our VIPs
Get list serves from relevant departments
D Center
School Clubs
School Organizations
Disability Advocacy Student Alliance
Social Work Alumni
Social Work office of development
Social Work Staff

Position 2
Logistics: (building, tables, food, gifts)
Create Menu with quantities
Pick up food drinks
Check room set up and tablecloths
Sign up a set up team
Have set up team pass out flyers right before event
Ask Lacey how she wants to be introduced

Write funding request letters and send
Follow up phone calls and emails
Write up backup plan is for budget
Travel cost
How many people can fit in a round table
Find out if we need temporary food permit

Ask Mary Lou and Michelle if they can offer extra credit for attending the event
Fill out Use of University facilities forum in order to invite off campus people
Must request 3 weeks prior to the event

Position 3
Social Media Coverage
Facebook event
Update Facebook and blog about event
Hand out Small flyers the day of the event
Post on relevant blogs
Find out about press releases
What other social media avenues are we using
Send out emails to list

Position 4
Flyers & Posters
Make invitations
Print quarter flyers
Pass out flyers weekly
Post flyers at all relevant buildings
Find out about extra credit offered
Let cohort know that they will get extra credit
Make programs

Position 5
Media coverage before and during event
Schedule videographer
Make sure they have all equipment needed
Make sure they can be there early to set up
Secure Amp for speakers guitar & Livelier microphone
Find out about sandwich boards
Ask for budget code for printing purposes

Position 6
Hosts for event taking good care of our guests.
MC Introduction
MC Conclusion
Food Supervisor
Program Disperser

Estimated Budget:
1. Room Cost $150
2. Speakers travel cost $400
3. Speakers honorarium $300
4. Food and Drink $150

Actual Budget
Food cost $64.50
Sac food cost $63.00 (donations)
Speakers Air Fare $332.00
Flyers $0 (donations)
Room $137.00 (donations)
OSSW total Expense: $ 396.50

Event Debrief
Invitations went well using the Hubs paper
Personalizing and printing 4 on each paper had good response
Unloading food and equipment went well when using the delivery entrance
Facebook worked well, good response
Our committee was strong and reliable
Using a student filmographer was good to save on costs
Asking professors for extra credit - got more people to come
Music was inspiring and sound system was good
It was good to have meal food at an event held at dinnertime
It was helpful to have a script in opening and closing.

Finding correct emails for list serves was difficult and needs to be done in
Follow up on personal invitees would have been nice
Ask for funding a few months in advance because there were allot of loopholes to
jump through and we ran out of time.
Should have used blog page and press release but needed to do it earlier.
Sending out emails needed to go out earlier.
It became important to check on the room setup because it was wrong and
needed to be changed to banquet seating last minute.
It would have been nice to have a bigger team.
We should have posted flyers earlier than we did but the editing process took
longer than we thought.
We need to consult more people about our final flyers
It would have been more engaging if the speaker had had visuals during the
presentation, not just before
Make sure that the flyer matches the content of the speaker
We can utilize sandwich boards in the future and also banners -- but we would
have to do it in advance
Maybe do a demonstration on Red Square for advertising
Looking into newspaper and media coverage (would have to be planned early)

Program Content:

Welcome Guests
(Feel free to get some refreshments; we will be starting in 5 minutes)

Welcome and Begin
On behalf of The Organization of Student Social Workers we thank you for
coming and hope that you will enjoy this evenings event. To get you acquainted
with our guest speaker Lacey Heward, she is a 2-time Paralympic athlete,
medalist, and world champion downhill skier. She retired after seven years of
being on the US adaptive ski team. Lacey transferred these skills to coaching and
mentoring athletes in adaptive sports. She uses her public speaking and
songwriting talent as a modality to shift perceptions about disability, ability and
the value of human life.
Laceys home is in Fairfield Idaho where she lives with her husband and seven sled
dogs. She sings in a band, and works with The Higher Ground adaptive sports
program out of Ketchum Idaho. Please join me in welcoming Lacey Heward.

Introduction of Guest Speaker: Lacey Heward

What qualifies a person to be a human being?
This is the underlying question that inspires Laceys passionate advocacy for
People living with disabilities

Refer guests to program where they will find contact information and references
to Laceys presentation.
(We now have an hour to mingle, meet Lacey, and eat some food)
Thank you all for coming to OSSWs first public speaking event.

Contact information we can put on back of program:
Lacey Hewards Contact Information:
LinkedIn Profile:
Facebook Profile:
Phone: 603-856-4879
More Information:
Organisation of Student Social Workers OSSW (our email address?)
US Olympic commitee website:
Out Doors For All

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