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IBCC Standards Committee

03/08/2014 -1-
Iowa Blue Chicken Club Standards Committee
Meeting Minutes
March 8th, 2014
1. Call to order
Standards Committee Head and Vice President Kari McKa-!iddel called to
order the re"#lar meetin" o$ the %o&a 'l#e Chic(en Cl#) - Standards
Committee at 0*+02 am CS, on March 8th, 2014 -ia !i""io -en#e.
%'CC/Standard/Committee "ro#0.
2. 1oll call
,he $ollo&in" 0ersons &ere 0resent+ Kari McKa-!iddel, Connie H#rle,
C#rtis '#rro#"hs, 2ric 'ilne, and ,rish 3#sil. 3enn 4ohnston and 4enni$er
5ittleton ha-e )een remo-ed $rom the committee.
3. 600ro-al o$ min#tes $rom last meetin"
Min#tes s#)mitted to committee mem)ers ) Secretar H#rle
4. 70en iss#es
%o&a 'l#e Standard 8 Sha0e
3isc#ssion &as held, motion to chan"e to the $ollo&in"+
BACK: Medium length, broad, and slightly sloping, blending
into tail
Motion to acce0t 0ro0osed, seconded, -oted in ) #nanimo#s consent
o$ the committee mem)ers 0resent.
3isc#ssion &as held, motion to chan"e to the $ollo&in"+
!Males" #I$%S: Medium in length, carried close to the body
under the saddle
!&emales" #I$%S: Medium in length, carried close to the body
Motion to acce0t 0ro0osed, seconded, -oted in ) #nanimo#s consent
o$ the committee mem)ers 0resent.
3isc#ssion &as held, motion to chan"e to the $ollo&in"+
!Males" 'AI(: Medium length, moderately well spread, carried
at an angle o) se*enty degrees abo*e hori+ontal
Main 'ail moderately long, broad and o*erlapping
Sickles moderate in length
(esser Sicles and Co*erts moderate length, abundant,
e,tending onto main tail
!&emales" 'AI(: Moderately long, dense, carried high at an
angle o) se*enty degrees abo*e hori+ontal
Motion to acce0t 0ro0osed, seconded, -oted in ) #nanimo#s consent
o$ the committee mem)ers 0resent.
3isc#ssion &as held, motion to (ee0 descri0tion #nchan"ed+
!Males" B-.AS': Strong, moderately deep, well/rounded
!&emales" B-.AS': Strong, moderately deep, well/rounded
Motion to acce0t 0ro0osed, seconded, -oted in ) #nanimo#s consent o$
the committee mem)ers 0resent.
'od and 9l#$$
3isc#ssion &as held, motion to chan"e to the $ollo&in"+
!Males" B012 A$1 &(3&&:
Body broad, deep, and )ull
&lu)) moderately )ull
!&emales" B012 A$1 &(3&&:
Body broad, deep, and )ull
&lu)) moderately )ull
Motion to acce0t 0ro0osed, seconded, -oted in ) #nanimo#s consent o$
the committee mem)ers 0resent.
3isc#ssion &as held, motion to (ee0 descri0tion #nchan"ed+
(Males and Females) LEGS AND TOES: Legs seet well apart,
straight when viewed r!m the r!nt"
L!wer Thighs # large, medi$m length, well eathered, sm!!th"
Shan%s # medi$m in length, sm!!th"
T!es # !$r !n ea&h !!t, medi$m in length, straight, well'
Motion to acce0t 0ro0osed, seconded, -oted in ) #nanimo#s consent o$
the committee mem)ers 0resent.
%o&a 'l#e Standard 8 Color
Com), 9ace, 2ar 5o)es, !attles
3isc#ssion &as held, motion to (ee0 descri0tion #nchan"ed+
C0MB, &AC., .A- (0B.S, #A''(.S: -ed
Motion to acce0t 0ro0osed, seconded, -oted in ) #nanimo#s consent o$
the committee mem)ers 0resent.
IBCC Standards Committee
03/08/2014 -3-
3isc#ssion &as held, motion to chan"e to the $ollo&in"+
!Males" $.CK:
4ackle web o) )eather, lustrous black with wide lacing o)
sil*ery white5 sha)ts black
&ront o) neck black with white tips
Motion to acce0t 0ro0osed, seconded, -oted in ) #nanimo#s consent o$
the committee mem)ers 0resent.
3isc#ssion &as held, motion to chan"e to the $ollo&in"+
!Males" BACK: Back including saddle web o) )eather, lustrous
black with hea*y lacing o) sil*ery white, sha)ting o) white
permissible #hite predominating on sur)ace o) upper back
Motion to acce0t 0ro0osed, seconded, -oted in ) #nanimo#s consent o$
the committee mem)ers 0resent.
3isc#ssion &as held, &ith s#""estion to (ee0 #nchan"ed+
!Males" 'AI(:
Main 'ail web, black
Main and (esser Sickles lustrous black with bluish sheen
Co*erts lustrous black with bluish sheen, laced with white
3isc#ssion ta)led to ne;t meetin".
<. 6d=o#rnment
Vice President McKa-!iddel ad=o#rned the meetin" at 11+3> am CS,.
Min#tes s#)mitted )+ Connie H#rle
>. :e;t Meetin" Sched#led
:ot et assi"ned.
Iowa Blue Chicken Club
Standard Committee Meeting Agenda
a) January 18, 2014
b) 9 AM 11 AM
Meeting: 1e-ie& o$ Standard o$ Per$ection
L!&ati!n: !i"" (assw!rd: i!wa)l$e
*!mmittee Leader: Kari McKa-!iddel
*!mmittee Mem)ers: 2ric 'ilne, C#rt '#rro#"hs, ,rish 3#sil, Connie H#rle,
3enn 4ohnston, 4enni$er 5ittleton
+e&!mmended +eeren&e Materials: *!p, ! &$rrent -!wa .l$e Standard, A(A
/010 Standard ! (ere&ti!n, pi&t$res ! e2amples,
/" *all t! !rder
3" +!ll &all
4" Appr!val ! res$lts r!m last meeting
5" Standard +evisi!n *!ntin$ed# Shape male6emale
2ar lo)es
'od and $l#$$
5e"s and ,oes
7" New )$siness
8" Ad9!$rnment

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