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Support File for ISLLC Standard 4

Relationships with the Broader Community to Foster Learning

A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by
collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and
needs and mobilizing community resources
Personal Statement: The leader must collect and analyze data and information pertinent to the
educational environment that can be communicated to the community. It is important to promote
understanding, appreciation and the use of the communitys diverse cultural, social, and intellectual
resources. Finally, the leader should build and sustain positive and productive relationships with
families, caregivers, and community partners.
Artifact Reflection Source Course!
A,B,,! Field "#perience $og The internship allowing me to not only reflect on my
beliefs but also to reflect on my professional practice.
"A %&' (Internship
e#perience ')
A,B,,! Interview with the
I +uic,ly realized that what an administrator perceives as
good communication efforts is not perceived the same by
parents and other community efforts. -uch needs to be
done to bring the community into the building by
communicating through other medias.
"A %./
A,B,,! Budget -eeting Attending a board meeting where budget concerns were
addressed allowed me to see the importance of
community buy in. Furthermore, I was able to understand
the necessity for articulating the schools funding
"A %.'
(*chool Business
B, *taff 1 2arent $etters
for *3*
Artifact 9 & 10
This assignment allowed me to reflect upon writing a
communication to the staff and parents as an entering
"A %./ (*chool
ommunity 4elations)
B,,! Faceboo, and
2interest *ite
The ob5ective for this activity was to find a new way to
connect with the community using 6'
century technology
and to meet the need for communication on their terms.
ompleted while acting
as Interim Assistant
B,,! -ay !ay Invitation
Artifact 11
For the past two years I have been as,ed to create a
community 7e8invitation9 for our annual -ay !ay :
adolescent conference.
ompleted while acting
as Interim Assistant
B,,! Administrative
*upervision for
-iddle *chool
;rchestra oncert and
-usical 2erformances
I was able to supervise two evening presentations, which
allowed me to positively interact with parents and the
community as we showcased the amazing talent of our
ompleted while acting
as Interim Assistant

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