Burnout Mid-Career

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Artifact 4
Eliminating Teacher Burnout in Mid-Career
Carol A. ethi ! "#nn M. $alter
Oa%land Uni&er'it#
$ith 'ta)) attrition ta%ing more than *+, o) ne- hire' in their )ir't )i&e #ear'. and teacher 'tre''
and (urnout at an all-time high. the teaching /ro)e''ion need' an inter&ention. The challenge' o)
/ro&iding 'u//ort )or teacher' -ho are o&erl# 'tre''ed or (urned out -ill (e anal#0ed -ith
regard to a one-#ear 'ta)) re-induction /lan. /eci)icall# it -ill addre'' the teacher1' need )or
ho/e. /ur/o'e. /a''ion. healing. &alue. and team-or%2colla(oration that /romote a culture -here
'tudent' -ant to come to learn to achie&e and teacher' lo&e to teach. The /lan highlight -a#' to
hel/ teacher' 'ta# /o'iti&e. em/o-ered. and connected to their 'chool communitie'.
Recommendation' )or alignment to the 'tandard' (# "earning 3or-ard -ill (e included in the
The late't 'tati'tic' indicate that 55, o) ne- teacher' lea&e the /ro)e''ion in their )ir't
three #ear' o) their career. In addition. (# their )i)th #ear 67, ha&e le)t the /ro)e''ion
89ra0iano. 4+:5;. Ho-e&er. i) a teacher ma%e' it to their tenth #ear the# are not out o) the
-ood'. According to an in)ormal /oll recentl# conducted (# Dr. Marc Tin'le# 8NA< Blog.
4+:5; at a 'tre'' management and (urnout /re&ention -or%'ho/ )or teacher'. *6, o) teacher'
)elt the le&el o) 'tre'' in the teaching /ro)e''ion -a' high -hile :=, o) teacher' )ound it to (e
&er# high. He 'ite' the to/ )our contri(uting 'ource' o) thi' 'tre'' a': 'tudent (eha&ior. limited
time and re'ource'. le&el o) com/en'ation. and >o( 'ecurit#. It i' %no-n that 'tre'' among
American educator' e?i't' in huge num(er' 8Bu''ell. 4+:4;. A 'tud# conducted in the U@ (# the
National A''ociation o) Head Teacher' 8a' cited in Bu''ell. 4+:4;. indicated that 6+, o)
educator' had &i'ited a doctor -ith a 'tre'' related /ro(lem in the /re&iou' #ear. Thi' 'tud#
could 'hed 'ome light on 'tre'' in American 'chool' 'ince (oth '#'tem' rel# on 'tandardi0ed
te'ting to determine teacher -orthine''.
$hile multi/le 'ource' 'ite earl# retirement a' the rea'on )or mid-career attrition.
8Borman. 4++A; it ma# (e more li%el# due to >o( di''ati')action. According to the 4+:: Met"i)e
'ur&e# o) American teacher'. onl# 66, o) teacher' are 'ati')ied -ith their >o('. It i' /o''i(le
that thi' di''ati')action ma# (e the cau'e o) teacher 'tre'' and that 'tre'' i' the contri(uting )actor
)or teacher (urnout leading to attrition )or teacher' in the :+ to :* #ear' range o) their career. It
i' (elie&ed that teacher 'tre'' and (urnout correlate' to teacher e))ecti&ene'' and con'eBuentl#
lo-ered 'tudent achie&ement. Ho-e&er. &er# little re'earch ha' (een conducted in thi' area.
Currentl#. there i' a C:.7 million 'tud# through Te?a' In'titute )or E&aluation. Mea'urement. and
tati'tic' 8TIME; at the Uni&er'it# o) Hou'ton. The lead re'earcher. Tere'a McInt#re. (egan
re'earching the literature on teacher 'tre'' in America and )ound &er# little. It i' ho/ed that the
'tud# titled. DU'ing "ongitudinal and Momentar# Anal#'i' to tud# the Im/act o) Middle chool
Teacher'1 tre'' on Teacher E))ecti&ene''E -ill identi)# the /redictor' and outcome' o) >o(
'tre'' in middle 'chool teacher'. It1' /o''i(le that the )inding' -ill create (etter inter&ention' to
cut teacher 'tre'' and im/ro&e teacher e))ecti&ene''. thu' im/ro&ing 'tudent achie&ement.
According to an article in About.com Secondary Education 8@ell#. 4+:5;. the to/ ten
-a#' to management teacher (urnout include:
:. 3o'ter /o'iti&it#.
4. create reali'tic to-do li't'.
5. acce/t that there are thing' #ou cannot change.
6. learn to rela?.
*. -atch a )unn# mo&ie.
7. tr# 'omething ne-.
F. lea&e #our teaching at 'chool.
A. get /lent# o) 'lee/.
=. tal% to 'omeone /o'iti&e. and
:+. cele(rate -hat it mean' to (e a teacher.
In an article 'ited in eduto/ia 84+::;. 3ar(er 'ugge't' eight -a#' to /re&ent (urnout a'
:. u//ort teacher' in time' o) need.
4. /lan )or a (etter -or%2li)e (alance.
5. /ro&ide (ac%u/.
6. 'u//ort ne- mother'.
*. 'ee% leader'hi/ o//ortunitie'.
7. a change -ould do #ou good
F. (and together.
A. and create a /o'iti&e. 'u//orti&e climate.
According to 9la''er1' Control Theor# in the cla''room 8a' cited in Blan%'tein. 4++6;.
there are )i&e (a'ic need' that dri&e (eha&ior: 'ur&i&al and re/roduction. (eha&ior and lo&e.
/o-er. )reedom. and )un. Although the'e ma# (e true )or 'tudent' one might 'a# the# eBuall#
a//l# to teacher >o( 'ati')action. It a//ear' the nece''it# )or (elonging. )reedom. and )un ha&e
(ecome lo't and are no- re/laced -ith the (a'ic need )or 'ur&i&al. Additionall#. in Blan%'tein1'
Failure is not an Option 84++6;. he 'ite' the (a'ic need' are contained -ithin )our C1' that create
a circle o) caring: contri(ution. connection. com/etence. and 'el)-control. He )urther 'ugge't'
that under certain unde'ira(le circum'tance' the )our' C1' can mo&e )rom contri(ution to 'el)-
centeredne''. connect to di'connect. com/etence to incom/etence. and )rom 'el)-control to
com/liance2o(edience. In thi' ca'e the teacher ha' (ecome di'connected )rom the cla''room and
relie' on 'ur&i&al in all dail# a))air'.
It i' -ith the under'tanding that (urned out teacher' are good teacher' that ha&e lo't their
/a''ion due to 'tre''. not )eeling &alued. di'connection. and i'olation that thi' 'ta)) Dre-
inductionE /lan i' /re'ented. There)ore. the /lan -ill not '/eci)icall# addre'' data and GE<D. (ut
it doe' '/ea% to the teacher1' need' )or ho/e. /ur/o'e. /a''ion. healing. &alue. and
team-or%2colla(oration that /romote a culture -here 'tudent' -ant to come to learn to achie&e
and teacher' lo&e to teach. The'e idea' highlight -a#' to hel/ teacher' 'ta# /o'iti&e.
em/o-ered. and connected to their 'chool communitie'. In addition. thi' treatment -ill (e
(ene)icial to all teacher'. including ne- 'ta)). in ho/e' to /re&ent )uture (urnout.
Year One Re-Induction Plan
Month: Augu't
Topic: $elcome (ac% @ic%o)) ceremon# 8/icnic. BBH. /otluc%;
Rationale: Moti&ation. team (uilding. cele(ration and culture tran')ormation.
Who will present: Building /rinci/al8';.
Goals: It i' the re'/on'i(ilit# o) the /rinci/al to (e the in'tructional leader. There)ore. the
Admini'trator -ill )acilitate the /roce''e' )or deci'ion-ma%ing that e'ta(li'h ritual' to con)irm
&alue' and /ro&ide o//ortunitie' )or (onding. Additionall#. thi' reorgani0ational /roce'' -ill
maintain an image o) accounta(ilit# and re'/on'i&ene'' that negotiate' a ne- 'ocial order that
-ill 'u//ort teacher'. <UR<OE.
Description: A ne- ritual that /romote' moti&ation -ith '#m(ol' and cele(ration' and an
o//ortunit# )or /eo/le to 'hare their 'torie'. Admini'trator' -ill 'et norm' to e'ta(li'h team-
(uilding acti&itie'. moti&ator' and de)ine culture that -ill (e -ea&ed throughout the 'chool #ear
and -ill de&elo/ a common &i'ion )or the 'chool #ear. Acti&itie' -ill include: -elcome (ac%.
'hare 'torie' to (uild communication and team'. and de&elo/ment and di'cu'' o) the #ear1'
Month: e/tem(er
Topic: <"T and teacher 'u//ort.
Rationale: Burned out teacher' need to connect to colleague' in an e))ort to reduce the /ractice
o) -or%ing in i'olation.
Who will present: Team leader' and De/artment head' -ill )acilitate the /roce''.
Goals: To gi&e the teacher /ermi''ion to no longer ha&e to 'truggle in i'olation (ut to
colla(orate in goal 'etting. data /roce''ing. in&e'tigating ne- 'trategie'. re)lect on (e't /ractice.
and cele(rating earl# -in' 8'ign o) /rogre'';. The'e <"T' -ill occur -ee%l# ongoing throughout
the #ear. HO<E2TEAM$OR@.
Description: Team leader' and De/artment head' -ill )acilitate the /roce'' o) creating <"T'.
Thi' -ill (e done -ith role-/la#ing to model e))ecti&e team colla(oration. The /roce'' i'
ongoing and >o( em(edded in order to e'ta(li'h 'ucce'')ul team' that -ill meet the
a)orementioned goal'. Al'o. ongoing acti&itie' could include attending con)erence' and
arranging )or o//ortunitie' to o('er&e other colleague'.
Month: No&em(er
Topic: tre'' Reduction
Rationale: "ate )all i' one o) the mo't 'tre'')ul time' o) the #ear gi&en the lac% o) time o)).
im/ending Holida# 'ea'on. and o&er-helming re'/on'i(ilitie' o) the >o( 8te'ting. con)erence'.
data a''e''ment. relation'hi/ (uilding;.
Who will present: Ioga In'tructor
Goals: The /ur/o'e i' to learn 'ome dee/ (reathing and 'tretching acti&itie' to reduce 'tre''.
Description: 3ollo-ing the meeting a &ariet# o) 'tre'' reducing o//ortunitie' -ill (e o))ered
throughout the -ee%. Acti&itie' -ill include chair ma''age. #oga. Jum(a. and mind)ulne''
in'truction. Ba'ed on 'ta)) /re)erence a -ee%l# 'tre'' reduction routine -ill (e e'ta(li'hed.
Month: 3e(ruar#
Topic: Central O))ice DCrucialE Con&er'ation'
Rationale: Keteran teacher' ha&e o)ten unta//ed /otential and &i'ion )or 'chool im/ro&ement.
Who will present: Central O))ice /er'onnel
Goals: Collaboration between veteran teachers and central office will further enhance programs
that demonstrate student achievement. In addition, it validates the knowledge and experiences of
the veteran teacher. KA"UE2TEAM$OR@.
Description: Keteran teacher' and Central o))ice /er'onnel -ill /artici/ate in -ee%l#. o/en
con&er'ation' during the month o) Ganuar# that -ill allo- )or the de&elo/ment and 'ha/ing o)
)uture /ractice'. Thi' -ill model a climate o) collegialit# (et-een the 'chool. di'trict and
communit# 'ta%eholder'.
Month: Ma#
Topic: haring Our torie'
Rationale: To 'hare 'ucce'' 'torie' and cele(rate teaching 2 learning.
Who will present: Building /rinci/al -ill )acilitate
Goals: Thi' i' an o//ortunit# )or 'ta)) to 'ee and hear a(out 'chool 'ucce''. 'u//orti&e culture
and 'tudent achie&ement. Thi' i' e''entiall# the 'chool' /oint' o) /ride.
Description: The /rinci/al -ill (egin (# 'haring their 'tor# o) 'ucce'' thi' 'chool #ear and then
each 'ta)) mem(er -ill 'hare their 'torie'.
Month: Ongoing
Topic: To%en' o) a//reciation
Rationale: Cele(ration' are an e''ential /art o) )eeling &alued
Who will present: Building /rinci/al
Goals: Recognition o) 'ta)) achie&ement and cele(ration a' a communit#. KA"UE.
Description: At monthl# 'ta)) meeting' /rinci/al' -ill /re'ent 'ta)) mem(er' -ith to%en' o)
a//reciation including 'ta)) mem(er o) the -ee%. )ront /ar%ing '/ot. cand#. certi)icate'. C*
co))ee gi)t card' 8)or * 'ta)) mem(er' each month;. and &er(al recognition.
Part II- Our Standards
Standards List
Learning Communities: This induction plan embraces professional learning teams that promote
passion and hope by sharing the burdens and responsibilities for teaching and student
achievement. Accountability among peers, rather than administrative initiatives, inspires
commitment to professional learning.
Leadership: By honoring the veteran teachers expertise, valuing their experiences, and tapping
into their knowledge and skillset, teachers will be empowered to want to be leaders.
Resources: Opportunities for teachers to attend conferences or workshops that support
collaboration and teamwork should occur. These resources provide hope by extinguishing the
burden of working in isolation. The opportunity to contract practitioners that can facilitate stress
reduction should be utilized.
Data: PLTs embracing teamwork and collaboration establish a positive culture that increases
teacher effectiveness and therefore, data that supports student growth.
Learning Designs: Collaboration between veteran teachers and central office will further
enhance programs that demonstrate student achievement. In addition, it validates the knowledge
and experiences of the veteran teacher.
Implementation: Continued/ongoing supportive measures will take 3-5 years before there is
sustained embedded culture. During this time the mission must be intentionally and purposefully
embraced to create substantial change. Camaraderie, common vision, purpose, passion, and hope
are the desired change.
Outcomes: Addressing burnout will improve teacher effectiveness and professional practice thus
renewing the culture and thereby creating happy teachers, engaged students, and academic
Blan%'tein. A. M. 84+:+;. Failure is not an option: Six principles for making student

success the only option,
ed. Thou'and Oa%'. CA: Cor-in.
Bolman. ". 9.. ! Deal. T. E. 84++A;. !eframing organi"ations: artistry, choice, and
leadership, 4
ed. an 3ranci'co. CA: Go''e# Ba''.

Borman. 9. D.. ! Do-ling. N. M. 84++A;. Teacher attrition and retention: A meta-
anal#tic and narrati&e re&ie- o) re'earch. American Educational !esearch
Association, FA85;. 57F-6+=.
Bu''ell. B. 84+:4. Ganuar# 5+;. tre'' among American teacher' -- -hat do -e %no-L 8$e( log
Comment;. Retrie&ed )rom htt/:22---.americanteacherin)o.com
3ar(er. @. 84+:+;. #hy great teachers $uit and ho% %e might stop the exodus.
Thou'and Oa%'. CA: Cor-in.
3ar(er. @. 84+:5. No&em(er =;. Teacher' hel/ing teacher': eight -a#' to /re&ent (urnout.
Retrie&ed )rom htt/:22---.eduto/ia.org2(log2/re&enting-teacher-(urnout-%at#-)ar(er
3ogart#. R.. ! <ete. B. 84++F;. From staffroom to classroom. Thou'and Oa%'.
CA: Cor-in.
9ra0iano. C. 84+:5. No&em(er ::;. <u(lic education )ace' a cri'i' in teacher retention. Edutopia.
Retrie&ed )rom htt/:22---.eduto/ia.org2ne--teacher-(urnout-retention
In'titute o) Educational er&ice'. 84+::;. earch )unded re'earch grant' and contract'.
Retrie&ed )rom
Ga?. C. 84+:5. Gune 4=;. $hat i' cau'ing teacher 'hortage' and -h# are teacher' lea&ing the
)ieldL e&o%. Retrie&ed )rom htt/:22---.eho-.com N Education N @-:4 N @-:4 Ba'ic'
@ell#. M. 84+:5. Gune :A;. To/ :+ -a#' to deal -ith teacher (urnout. 'opical teaching.
Retrie&ed )rom htt/:22---.o/icalteaching.com2...2:F2to/-:+--a#'-o)-dealing--ith-
"ar(#. 3. 84+:5. No&em(er :;. Ho- do -e %ee/ teacher' in the /ro)e''ionL ()sg *+.
Me''age /o'ted to
"earning 3or-ard. The /ro)e''ional learning a''ociation. Retrie&ed )rom
<atter'on. @.. 9renn#. G.. McMillian. R.. ! -it0ler. A. 84+:4;. ,rucial ,on-ersations. Ne-
Ior%. NI: Mc9ra--Hill.
Tin'le#. M. 84+:5;. ource' o) teacher 'tre'' and (urnout. .ASS/. 8$e( log comment;.
Retrie&ed )rom htt/:22---.na''/.org
$illiam'. C. . 84+::. No&em(er 5;. Com(ating teacher (urnout. '.&.E. 0ournal. Retrie&ed
)rom htt/:22---. the>ournal.com2article'24+::2::2+52teacher-(urnout.a'/?

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