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Artifact 7

Lynn Walter
Interview Questions -EA 754


We are selecting questions for the position of principal at a suburban, middle class,
ethnically diverse, Title One middle school. The ideal candidate will be strong in the
areas of promoting culture, communication, relationships, technology, PBiS, and
RTI. The school has had a focus status for the last two years. The leader must have
the vision to create an academically sound program with motivated teacher leaders
to achieve the needs of the school.

Topic - Relationships

First Question Tell us important things we should know about you, your
life and your experiences.

Rationale- When asking tell us about yourselfwe are really asking what
makes you special and why should we hire you?

Deeper or tag question- Share a personal story that exemplifies the real

Topic -Evidence of professional growth

Second Question- What weaknesses of yours has prevented you from doing
your job well in the past?

Rationale- Demonstrates evidence of appropriate leadership experience
focused on assessing the weakness. How honest are you being about yourself
with us and how realistic are you?

Deeper or tag question- What did you do to assess the weakness and
correct it. What was the outcome?

Topic- Philosophy of Education

Third Question- What is your philosophy of education?

Rationale- Looking for evidence and knowledge about diverse learners,
differentiation, Title One, Focus status, RTI, and student achievement and
how their mission and vision impacts a schools culture.

Artifact 7
Lynn Walter
Interview Questions -EA 754

Deeper or tag question Based on what you know about our school
population, how would your educational philosophy and beliefs impact our
school community? How would you create a mission and vision for our

Topic Leadership Style

Fourth Question Tell us about your leadership style. How do you lead?
What would we observe when watching you work with staff?

Rationale Looking for a supportive mindset focused on student
achievement and building the capacity of others to lead and grow
professionally. Looking for a level of experience of quality instructional
strategies that include differentiated instruction.

Deeper or tag question Give an example of a teacher observation for
evaluation when the teacher has students that are struggling academically
and what do you do to help him/her?

Topic Collaboration Processes and Skills

Fifth Question How do you involve staff, parents, students and others in
the decision making process?

Rationale Demonstrates the ability to identify appropriate stakeholder
groups, develop teams for decision making, and models/teaches
collaborative skills and processes and is able to establish effective
communication with all stakeholders.

Deeper or tag question How would you build a collaborative and
communicative relationship with staff and with parents?

Topic School Climate and Community

Sixth Question How do you go about creating and nurturing a safe,
supportive school environment?

Rationale Demonstrates ability to address stakeholders needs (student,
parent, and staff). Show ability to assess student concerns that support a
positive school environment. Demonstrates characteristics, such as empathy,
while dealing with situations in a firm, fair, and consistent manner.

Artifact 7
Lynn Walter
Interview Questions -EA 754

Deeper or tag question Give an example of how would you use the PBIS
model to address bullying in the school cafeteria. Also, how would you
handle a racial confrontation between a teacher and a parent?

Topic Student Discipline

Seventh Question What is your philosophy of student discipline?

Rationale Looking for evidence of consistent support for school rules with
a level of understanding that does not alienate the student, parent, or staff
member. Firm, fair, and consistent adherence to the code of conduct in a
manner that provides for discipline with dignity for the student.

Deeper or tag question Give an example of how you resolved a student
discipline problem where a parent didnt agree with the disciplinary action?

Topic Assessment/Measurement/Evaluation

Eighth Question How do you determine the success of the activities,
services and programs in your building?

Rationale Demonstrates the ability to analyze and synthesize assessment
and evaluation data. Uses student data, needs assessment, common core,
NGSS, teacher/staff evaluation and other evaluative processes.

Deeper or tag question How do you use data collection, including student
test/assessment data and teacher/staff evaluation data, in your

Topic Hiring Practice

Ninth Question What are the top two characteristics you look for when
hiring a teacher?

Rationale Response demonstrates any of the following: ability to
differentiate, use of strategies in the classroom, passion for teaching, building
relationships, engagement, flexibility, classroom management, and
knowledge about NGSS/Common Core. Response should also include
teachers ability to obtain and use data to shape teaching.

Artifact 7
Lynn Walter
Interview Questions -EA 754

Deeper or tag question A teacher you are interviewing has made it
through the round one process. You invite the teacher back to teach a lesson.
What are you really looking for as you assess this teacher and his/her lesson?

Topic Technology Management

Tenth Question How do you use technology in your areas of
responsibility? How do you use it in your own development as an

Rationale As part of staff working in PLTs evidence should include use of
technology and data to improve student instruction and achievement.

Deeper or tag question Part of our professional development plan for
teachers and other staff includes technology based instruction. Give an
example of how you would encourage and support this initiative?

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