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Kelly R.

24w724 Blackstone Ct., Naperville, IL 60540
(630) 7!"773! kell#$%ewel&'
Student Teaching Experience:
March 2014 Wau!n"ie #alley $igh Sch!!l %ur!ra& '(
Colla(orate wit) teac)ers a(o%t researc) tools an$ 'et)o$s a'on*
$iverse *ro%ps
+evelop, access, cite an$ eval%ate in,or'ation ,ro' pri'ar# an$
secon$ar# so%rces
-resent in,or'al in,or'ation sessions on latest tec)nolo*# tren$s
.ssist st%$ents an$ sta,, in %tili/in* li(rar# reso%rces in a )i*)
sc)ool settin*
0ana*e class sc)e$%lin*, assist li(rarian in instr%ctional s%pport
wit) printe$ an$ electronic reso%rces, collection $evelop'ent,
colla(orate wit) teac)ers in c%rric%l%' $esi*n, s%pervision o,
st%$ents an$ contri(%tion to ,inancial plannin* an$ operations o,
t)e li(rar#.
%pril 2014 Mead!w )len" Ele*entary +aper,ille& '(
.ssistin* in t)e en$"o,"#ear wee$in* pro1ect
Inp%ttin* 'aterials into a new li(rar# s#ste' ,or t)e ,ollowin* #ear
-rocessin* 'aterials, re2%ests an$ colla(oratin* wit) teac)ers
(irary Experience:
200-./re"ent Steeple Run Ele*entary +aper,ille& '(
.ssist st%$ents an$ teac)ers wit) locatin* 'aterials
3)elve, c)eck in an$ o%t o, 'aterials
4enerate new li(rar# car$s, over$%e notices an$ repair (ooks
Teaching Experience:
2001.2000 +!rth 1entral 1!llege +aper,ille& '(
'n"truct!r& Tele,i"i!n /r!ducti!n and 2r!adca"t 1!pywriting
5eac) writin* aspects associate$ wit) ra$io an$ televisions
5eac) scriptin*, $irectin*, e$itin* an$ pro$%cin* in or$er to act o%t
an entire newscast, co''ercial an$ interview pro1ects
2000.2003 1!llege !4 Du/age 5 Wau!n"ee 1!**unity 1!llege
'n"truct!r& 'nterper"!nal& Speech 5 1!**unicati!n"
5eac) concepts o, ,or'%latin* an$ presentin* prepare$ speec)es
5eac) )istor# an$ pro*ression o, co''%nication over ti'e
2r!adca"t Experience:
1--0./re"ent W)+.T# 1hicag!& '(
Studi! Engineer67ill.'n
.ssist in $a#"to"$a# (roa$cast operations
.ssist 'ana*ers in per,or'in* tasks o, sc)e$%lin* en*ineers,
s%pervision an$ 'akin* $ail# reports to +epart'ent 6ea$s
0a# 20!4 +o'inican 7niversit# 8iver 9orest, IL
Ma"ter" !4 (irary and 'n4!r*ati!n Science
!::7"!::: Nort)ern Illinois 7niversit# +e;al(, IL
Ma"ter !4 %rt" 8 1!**unicati!n Studie"
!::0"!::3 <astern Illinois 7niversit# C)arleston, IL
2achel!r !4 %rt" . 1!**unicati!n" 9Radi!& T#& 7il*:

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