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Artifact 8

May 16, 2014

NOAA-Teacher at Sea
To Whom It May Concern:
As department charperson and co!!ea"#e, I ha$e %no&n 'e!! (#"hes )or * years+ She c#rrent!y teaches
"enera! ed ,th "rade scence &hch s prmar!y a !)e scence mod#!e+ She a!so has the $ery speca!
pr$!e"e o) teachn" -oth ,th and .th "rade scence to the /S0 st#dents here at /ast+ 1ror to her mo$e
to /ast Mdd!e Schoo! she &or%ed as a meda speca!st )or another schoo! n o#r 2strct+ 'e!! -rn"s
her pror %no&!ed"e as a meda speca!st nto the c!assroom+ She a!&ays researches her topcs and
teaches her st#dents ho& to research+ She attends techno!o"y con)erences )re3#ent!y and )nds creat$e
&ays to nc!#de techno!o"y to he!p the st#dents #nderstand the matera!+ In )act, many o) the pro4ects
she ntates &th her st#dents are ncred-!y nno$at$e+
I )nd 'e!! to -e a h"h!y mot$ated, creat$e, ener"etc, -r"ht yo#n" &oman+ She s a $ery p!easant,
hard&or%n" mem-er o) the scence team &hose opnons are h"h!y $a!#ed+ 'e!! s a team p!ayer n
e$ery sense o) the &ord+ She &!! contn#e to attac% a pro-!em #nt! t s reso!$ed and nssts on !oo%n"
)or other opport#ntes to )#rther her #nderstandn"+ In addton, yo# &!! )nd her to -e $ery
conscento#s, po!te, and )#nny5
I %no& that ths pro"ram &o#!d -e a &onder)#!!y e6ctn" e6perence )or 'e!!+ She s s#re to -rn"
many stores and e6perences -ac% to her c!assroom+ Sharn" these e6perences &o#!d -e $a!#a-!e to the
/S0 st#dents &ho o)ten ha$e d))c#!ty ma%n" rea! !)e connectons d#e to ther !an"#a"e -arrer+
7#rthermore, I am 3#te s#re yo# &o#!d not -e dsapponted -y her per)ormance n ths pro"ram+ I )nd
her to -e a $ery de!"ht)#! yo#n" &oman and I am con)dent yo# &!! too5
0ynn M+ Wa!ter
Interm Assstant 1rncpa!
Char, Mdd!e Schoo! Scence
/ast Mdd!e Schoo!
7armn"ton (!!, MI

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