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Artifact 9

May 2013
Dear SCHS Families,
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce mysel and share my e!citement a"out my
appointment as the new #rincipal at Southield Christian Hi$h School% SCHS has a reputation
or e!cellence and I eel "lessed to "e &oinin$ a school culture ocused on student learnin$, a
commitment to hi$h e!pectations, inno'ation and colla"oration% Most importantly, I am $rateul
to ha'e the opportunity to ser'e with a sta who pursues e!cellence or the (lory o (od) It is
my intent to continue to carry out these important traditions, practices, and priorities% I would
like to "uild on the same reputation here at SCHS and in'ite you to help us determine what is
"est or your child "y attendin$ parent conerences, academic, social and athletic e'ents and
'olunteerin$ to help on campus%
I would like to share some inormation a"out my testimony, "ack$round and proessional
e!perience% *s a child I was pri'ile$ed to attend a Christian elementary school and Hi$h
School here in Michi$an% Durin$ that time I came to know my +ord and Sa'ior, ,esus Christ%
-hen I was in my early 30.s I rededicated mysel to the +ord and participated in a "elie'er.s
"aptism% #resently, I pray I will ser'e the +ord in a capacity that is truly $loriyin$ to Him% My
educational "ack$round includes a /achelor o Science de$ree in "iolo$y, a Master.s de$ree
in Curriculum, Instruction, 0 +eadership, and currently I am pursuin$ an 1ducation Specialist
de$ree, all rom 2akland 3ni'ersity% /eore &oinin$ the Southield Christian Family I tau$ht
secondary science or 24 years% Durin$ that time I also held multiple leadership positions
includin$ Science Department Chair, F1* 5ice6#resident, Coordinatin$ Council Chair, and
*ctin$ *dministrator all in the Farmin$ton #u"lic School District%
My $oal as administrator is to do e'erythin$ I can to support and encoura$e your child to
successully en$a$e in "ein$ 78oday.s +earners, 8omorrow.s +eaders, and Fore'er +o'ers o
Christ9% I eel 'ery "lessed to "e &oinin$ an outstandin$ sta who is 'ery dedicated to meetin$
the social, emotional, academic, and spiritual needs o your children% I eel it is important or
educators to meet the uni:ue needs and connect with each student% It is important to teach to
the heart o each child and enrich their a"ilities to em"race the lie (od has intended or them%
I look orward to "ein$ a part o a warm and carin$ school en'ironment and workin$ to$ether
with each o you% My door is always open, so please eel ree to call or stop "y or a 'isit% I
you ha'e :uestions or concerns do not hesitate to contact me%
+ynn -alter

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