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Water for the Soul

Zachary Skarsten
The ground flying under my quickly racing feet was hard and
firm, looking back that sickly appearing Water Buffalo doesnt seem worth
it. As I come to the base of a tree I begin to race up its trunk, having left my
spear by Omi Iho, the water hole next to where I live, I will either spend the
night in this tree, which mother told me were unsafe because some
tarantulas live in them, or wait for them to calm down and wander on their
I feel a tickling sensation on my left shoulder but ignore it ,thinking
it is one of the stray strand of the soft silk the the spiders that inhabit the
tree. I feel it working its way up my arm and get concerned and slowly turn
my head and see the large blue spider ,the size of my head, and suddenly
adrenaline shoots into me. I immediately start batting at the creature and
fall from my perch and slam into the ground hard, pain shoots through my
arm and I slowly work my way to my feet and look where my shoulder hit
the ground and see the mush that remains of my former adversary.
My mind immediately goes to my mother and my three year old
brother Zakar and I remember my spear and start hobbling back to Omi
Iho and retrieve my spear, fill my water jug, and start my three hour walk
home. After about an hour and a half I see a gazelle I start to get excited
but remember my mothers advice and immediately slam to the ground as
my mothers words flood my mind, Uzair, where there is prey there is a
She had told me that the first time I went hunting after my father
died. I wait for wait for what for about ten minutes and when I think
that it is safe I hear a sharp squeal and a soft purr and a chewing
sound so I know a lion has got ahold of my gazelle, MY GAZELLE. I
jump up to face my opponent and swing my spear opening a gash in
the lions nose, immediately the lion claws and repeatedly crunches
its jaw. One of the bites is successful and takes off my left middle,
ring, and pinky finger. Enraged I jab wildly at my adversary and I hear
a chink and the fighting stops and I walk away victorious. After a few
minutes of gathering tinder the bleeding has slowed but im not taking
any chances I repeatedly strike two rocks together and a small fire
starts the flare I clench my teeth and hold my breath and stick my
hand in the flame.
Cursing and crying I take my hand out and see three ugly black
scabs were my fingers were, I stamp out my small flame and press on.
After what seems like hours of walking I spot a wild dog and hurl my spear
with my fading strength and hit the mutt I run over and remove my spear
causing the dying creature at my feet a great deal of pain. I jab a fatal blow
the the creatures head. Roasting my game over an open fire I cant resist
temptation any longer I bury my face in the dog forgetting about its possible
diseases, I can feel cold patches of meat sliver down my esophagus but
I dont care I continue to munch until only half of the beast remains and
make a basket of nearby tall grass to carry the rest. After a few minutes of
walking I realize I will need water or I wont make it home.
I spend the next of what I judge to be an hour and a half to find the
water hole Nilo Omi and drink my fill of the dark brown water. As I raise my
head I see a boy about my age across the way. Hey! I shout. He waves
his hand in response. As I walk closer I see he has an Iku tribal symbol on
his forehead. The same as mine! What brings you here, to Nilo Omi?
I am collecting my familys water for today. he replies. Do you
know the way back I ask? Back to where? he asks. To our tribe I say.
pointing to my Iku symbol. Oh. he replies, and sticks out his hand for me
to shake. Im Oruko son of Tabi. Im Uzair son of Ominari. He points in a
direction opposite of where I was going, Home is that way. We start our,
what he told me to be an hour trek home. As we are walking he tells me
that he has three sisters Osanie, Ashtat, Shema. He goes to school he is
one of the lucky ones, and he plays for the school soccer team.
While we walk I remember my encounter with the lion and ask how a
lion was even here he told me a lion got loose from our local zoo and many
other animals. Im shocked when he suddenly sprints into the wood away
from home but when I see the jaguar racing towards us I quickly follow suit.
When I see him climbing a tree I do the same which is hard with my lack
of fingers, spear, and heavy water jug. I hear a snap and feel one of my
leather sandals yanked off, I dont stop to look down.
When I reach the perch Oruko is crouched on I crouch next to him.
Confused, scared, and trapped I ask Oruko, What will we do? I dont
know. he replies glumly. You could take a shot with you spear, or we
could wait it out. I hold up my throwing hand which now only has two
fingers, Dont think so. I laugh shakily. Let me see it. he grunts. I hand
him my spear and for a fleeting second I think he will turn on me.
I watch as he take aim and hurls my spear. The second it happens
I yelp because I see it will miss. I watch sullenly as it parts a path of fur
down the beasts back, but when it hits the ground the jaguar yelps anyway.
Confused I watch, curious, but when it turns around to inspect I see it has
pinned its tail to the ground! Whooping and clapping my hero Oruko on the
back we climb down the tree when we walk past the jaguar I taunt it with a
piece of my wild dog.
I laugh as turn to walk home but immediately stop. Dropping the
bucket and basket I fall to my knees as the tears begin to well up in my
eyes. Oruko walks up behind me and lays a hand on my shoulder. Itll be
ok. he comforts me. I try to believe him as I stare at the burning ashes that
were my village.

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