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Artifact 11

You are cordially invited to attend our

ninth annual adolescent conference
called. . .
May Day: A Call for Help May Day: A Call for Help
Date: Friday, May 31, 2013
Time: 8:00 .M. to 1:00 !.M.
!lace: "ast Middle #chool
2$000 Middle%elt &oad
Farmin'ton (ills, Michi'an
!lease )oin us as *e +re+are our ei'hth 'raders for their
transition to hi'h school. You *ill have an o++ortunity to
attend a variety of *or,sho+s and listen to e-+erts from our
community, as they hel+ our adolescents learn to ma,e
educated choices.
#hould you have any .uestions +lease call Dena /icovs,i,
May Day Team /eader, or 0en #anders, !rinci+al, at 12283

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