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Artifact 14

L. Walter
EA 741: Business/Instructional Implications

In 2009 Farmington Public Schools was faced with a major decision as a State school funding
crisis adversely effected the way the District did business. Due to cuts in State school funding,
Farmington faced a $20 million budget shortfall and had to reduce spending by $18.2 million in the
2010-2011 budget. In order to insure a fair and equitable process in examining options a community-
wide Facilities Study Team was created in August 2009. The Facilities Study Team was a group of 28
citizens representing the total community. The team was charged with developing recommendations
regarding facility usage and consolidation given the Districts financial picture as a result of the school
funding crisis.
The Team spent over 1,200 hours and five months gathering information about demographics,
student enrollment projections, the Districts financial status, building assessments, building operating
costs, etc. and updated the Board of Education at its monthly meetings. After much deliberation the
Board was presented with three comprehensive plans.
At the 9
hour, the Director of Operational Services indicated that the Board of Education
would not be utilizing any of the recommendation made by the Study Team. In fact, the Board favored
a new option of their own creation. It involved closing schools and reconfiguring middle schools.
While this option solved the immediate $18.2 million crisis. It was political suicide. The
Boards decision was not well received. In the summer/fall of 2013, Farmington attempted to pass a
much needed $222 million bond to update buildings, increase technology and improve instructional
practices. The bond was unsuccessful not once but twice. Open Community forums regarding the
bonds failure indicated the Community still had feelings of mistrust toward the Board of Education and
the Superintendent. It was apparent that the District had lost credibility with its stakeholders.
It is clear that the relationship between the District and Community has not healed.
Unfortunately, one business decision made four years ago still has a major impact on the Districts
ability to acquire the money needed to improve schools, technology and instructional practices.

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