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Artifact 13

East Middle School

25000 Middlebelt Road
Farmington Hills, MI 48336
Phone: (248) 489 - 3601
May 26, 2014
To the Parent/Guardian of _______________:
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Providing your child ith all of the tool! nece!!ary to !ucceed in o"taining a good education i! a
#riority of $ar%ington Pu"lic &chool!' (ttendance i! a crucial co%#onent of your child)!
education and the ti%e %i!!ed in the cla!!roo% can never truly "e regained'
Thu!, thi! letter i! "eing !ent to you a! a re%inder of your child)! attendance "a!ed u#on our
revi!ed attendance #olicy' (! of today, your child ha! "een a"!ent *0 day! and tardy 11 day!'
(ny a"!ence!, of cour!e, cau!e your child to %i!! valua"le acade%ic and !ocial e+#erience!'
, do reali-e that !o%eti%e! there are e+tenuating circu%!tance! that cau!e a"!ence!, hoever it
i! e+tre%ely i%#ortant that e all continue to or. together to a!!i!t your child to "e !ucce!!ful
in !chool' ,f you have any /ue!tion!, #lea!e feel free to call the !chool'
0ynn 1alter
(!!i!tant Princi#al
2c: ,nitial attendance letter 3 &tudent)! 2(360 file

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