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New York Strip Recipe


2 (12-ounce) lean, grass-fed New York strip steaks

1 teaspoon kosher salt

3/4 teaspoon black pepper

1 tablespoon olie oil

2 tablespoons butter

2 th!"e sprigs

2 garlic cloes, crushed

1# 1# $et steaks stand 3% "inutes at roo" te"perature#
2# 2# &prinkle salt and pepper eenl! oer steaks# 'eat a large cast-iron skillet oer high heat# (dd oil
to pan) swirl to coat# (dd steaks to pan) cook 3 "inutes on each side or until browned# *educe heat to
"ediu"-low) add butter, th!"e, and garlic to pan# +arefull! grasp pan handle using an oen "itt or folded
dish towel# ,ilt pan toward !ou so butter pools) cook 1 1/2 "inutes, basting steaks with butter constantl!#
*e"oe steaks fro" pan) coer loosel! with foil# $et stand 1% "inutes# *esere butter "i-ture#
3# 3# +ut steak diagonall! across grain into thin slices# .iscard th!"e and garlic) spoon resered
butter "i-ture oer steak#

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