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Our firm has been granted Special Power of Attorney (see attached Special Power of Attorney)

by MALMAN VN!"#S$ LL% (MALMAN) to represent MALMAN in relation to the &reen

'heels (ominicana$ S)#)L) (&'() &eneral Assembly on April *$ +,-.) /n preparation of the
Assembly$ the following documents are hereby re0uested for re1iew on behalf of MALMAN
VN!"#S$ LL%2
a) !he management report prepared by the &'(3s management (referenced in Agenda
Point A in the Summons to Assembly (Summons))$
b) !he financial statements of &'($ with the balances and accounts contained in the
financial statements audited by Ms) Nidia 4ello$ Authori5ed Public Accountant$ with
regards to the financial year from2 a) October ten (-,) of +,-, to (ecember thirty first
(6-) of two thousand ele1en (+,--)7 b) 8anuary first (-) of two thousand twel1e (+,-+) to
(ecember thirty first (6-) of two thousand twel1e (+,-+)7 c) 8anuary first (-) of two
thousand thirteen (+,-6) to (ecember thirty first (6-) of two thousand thirteen (+,-6)
(referenced in Agenda Point A in the Summons)$
c) (ocumentation that allows the granting of power of attorney to the Managers of &'(
which would allow the Managers to procure new partners for the in1estments re0uired for
the %oncession and pro1iding up to .,, new shares as consideration for an increase in
social e0uity of up to #(9:,,$,,,),, (referenced in Agenda Point ; in the Summons)$
d) Any proposed terms and conditions that may be established at the Assembly regarding
such proposed in1estments (referenced in Agenda Point ; in the Summons)$ and
e) Any draft resolutions to be passed at the Assembly that may already be prepared)

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