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Power series, solution about ordinary points.

If L<1 then the power series converges at x. Radius of convergence: R=lim|c

| as n tents to

Suppose the linear second order differential equation

(5) is put into standard form

(6) by dividing by the leading coefficient


A point

is said to be an ordinary point of the differential equation (5) if both

in the standard form (6) are analytic at

. A point that is not an ordinary

point is said to be a singular point of the equation.
Every finite value of is an ordinary point of the differential equation

is an ordinary point of (5) if

, whereas

is singular point of (5).


A solution of the form

is said to be a solution about the ordinary point

Finding a power series solution.
The power series method of the solving a linear DE with variable coefficients is often described
as the method of undetermined series coefficients. Here is the idea: substitute

into the differential equation and then equate all coefficients to the right-hand
side of the equation to determine the coefficients

Example 1. Solve

Slution. Let

. Then


Substituting into differential equation gives

Let .

This relation generates consecutive coefficients of the assumed solution one at the time as we
let take on the successive integers

Example 2. Use power series method to solve given differential equation about ordinary point



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