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Marisela Espinosa

714 Larch Street Inglewood Ca 90301,

mariespinosa32!ahoo"com, mo#ile 1$310%431&7''1
I am st(dent who is responsi#le, tr(stworth! and optimistic" I cooperate e))icientl! with
others, and o#tained a *ariet! o) s+ills" ,riendl! and social, I am intrig(ed in gaining new
Spea+ )l(ent in English and Spanish"
.asic spea+er in /apanese, and 0merican Sign Lang(age"
1ro)icient in Microso)t word, and 1ower1oint"
2a+e 3ital Signs, E45, .lood 1ress(re, 6rinar! 0nal!sis $dipstic+%"
.athe, 7air dr!, Clip, and 2rim 1et animals"
Identi)! di))erent #reeds and Illness"
Interact with children, ha*e m! teachers assistants certi)icate"
2he cardio*asc(lar, digesti*e, imm(nes s!stems, and o#tain +nowledge in
Cit! 7onors 1reparator! Charter 7igh School 5rad(ate8 9:2014
C(rrent Sched(le8
1eriod 1 01 Lang ; Comp, 1eriod 2 2eacher 0ssistants, 1eriod 3 01 Microeconomics,
1eriod 4 01 Spanish, 1eriod < So(thwest College class Comp(ter Science and
2echnolog!, 1eriod 9 =rawing"
So(thern Cali)ornia >egional ?cc(pational Center $C(rrentl! Enrolled% 9:2014
Medical 0ssisting Clinical $Class Certi)ied% completed in 9:2012
1et 7ealth and 5rooming $Class Certi)ied% completed 1:2012
=e*elopment o) Child 1s!cholog!$Class Certi)ied% completed 9:2013
1rinciples o) .iomedical Science $Class Certi)ied% completed 1:2013
0merican Sign Lang(age $c(rrentl! enrolled%
M(sician@ pla! piano, and g(itar
Sports@ 1ositions $de)ense, middle, )orward% Soccer, Mid&>(nner 2rac+"
3ol(nteered at a 3eterinarian 1et 7ospital"
/apanese co(rses d(ring s(mmer"
2(tor a Spanish woman to spea+ English"
1articipated in the >ose .owl 1arade"
1articipated in the 0ids Aal+"

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