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Large Group Time (Circle Time) Planning Form

Name: Jacinta Jefferson Date: 05/20/2014

Length of large group time 1000 am to 1020
Size of group 1! Age of children "/4 #rs$
%cti&it# '1
o First ( )ill get t*e c*il+ren rea+# for our morning rain,o) poem$ T*e rain,o)
poem ( pic-e+ is ,# Jean .arren an+ its calle+ /( 0ee 1ain,o)s/$ T*in- of t*e
tune /Fere Jacues/$ I see rainbows, I see rainbows, way up high in the sky.
They are red and orange, yellow, green, and blue. Purple, too. What a view! I
see rainbows, I see rainbows, way up high in the sky. They are made from
sunshine, shinning through the rain. What a view in skies so blue!
o ( c*ose t*is acti&it# ,ecause it gets t*e c*il+ren in t*e moo+ to ,egin our +a#
an+ our acticities$
%cti&it# '2
o 2e3t4 ( )ill +o an atten+ence acti&it#4 ,# *a&ing t*em all clap t*ere *an+s
toget*er an+ ( )oul+ sa# "Lets play a guessing game and lets guess whose
here. We will start from one side and end over here." T*e c*il+ren )ill t*en
get to sa# t*ere o)n classmates name so t*at t*e# -no) eac* ot*ers names
an+ t*en guess )*o isn5t *ere to+a#$
o ( c*ose t*is acti&it# ,ecause it )oul+ gi&e t*e c*il+ren a c*ance to get
in&ol&e+ )it* t*is acti&it# ,# -no)ing eac* ot*ers names an+ *a&ing fun$
%cti&it# '"
o 2e3t4 ( )ill rea+ a stor# ,oo-4 /% 1ain,o) %ll %roun+ 6e/ ,# 0an+ra L$
Pin-ne# 7 6#les C$ Pin-ne#
o ( c*ose t*is acti&it# ,ecause t*is ,oo- is a,out colors in t*e topic of science$
T*is ,oo- +iscusses a,out t*e )eat*er4 t*e +ifferent colors of t*e rain,o)4 an+
*o) t*e rain,o) is all aroun+ t*em$ (t s*o)s pictures of c*il+ren )earing t*e
colors of t*e rain,o) in eac* page an+ t*is teac*es t*em a,out *o) a rain,o)
can ,e all aroun+ t*em )it*out it ,eing an actual rain,o)$ (t also teac*es t*em
science an+ t*e )eat*er$
Transition %cti&it#
o Finall#4 ( )ill en+ m# circle time an+ transition t*e c*il+ren ,# letting t*e
c*il+ren -no) t*at )e )ill ,e *a&ing +oing our fun acti&it# t*at )e tal-e+
a,out +uring circle time ne3t$ ( )ill t*en get t*e c*il+ren rea+# to )as* up an+
get rea+# for t*e acti&it#$ ( )oul+ *a&e eac* of t*em one ,# one grap a
popsicle stic-4 )*ic* )oul+ ,e t*ere to-en to )as* t*ere *an+s$ T*e# )oul+
t*en get up one ,# one )al- to t*e ,at*room an+ gi&e t*ere popsicle stic- to
t*e teac*er ai+e so t*at s*e -no)s *o) man# c*il+ren )as* t*ere *an+s$
o ( c*ose t*is transition acti&it# ,ecause ( feel it )ill *elp t*e c*il+ren on t*eir
,est ,e*a&ior so t*at t*e# -no) )*en t*e# are ne3t to )as* t*ere *an+s an+
)*at t*e# popsicle stic-s represent to t*em$

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