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Last updated: February 4, 2014

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Michael P Marinaro, PE, SE, RA all rights reserved
Permission is granted for ARE candidates to copy and use this document without charge for the purpose of studying for the NCARB ARE Exams.
The guide should not be posted on any website, forum or ftp site with the permission of the owner.
I write these guides for people studying for the ARE. Engineers and professors may not like the way I
present some ideas. I present the material in a manner that will help you remember the important points
and have a few laughs while you study. I want you to pass the test, I do not want to turn you to the dark
side (Structural engineering)! Nobody would ever use this paper to study for the structural engineering
exam. We start with some general information and then delve into all things you will learn to hate!
I started these guides to correct issues with old versus new codes. As I worked my way through the
exams, I came to "know" enough people that I wanted to help. Three plus years later I am still writing
and editing the guides.
Thanks go to God for giving me talents in structural engineering and the angels that put me into the
situations that led me to write these guides.
Resources (* indicates that there is a link to the publication in my post on the forum)
Using the correct resources to study for the exam is essential to pass the exam. using all available
resources is overkill and will create undo stress in your life.
Start with these resources (they are free)
Buildings at Risk: Wind Design Basics for Practicing Architects (AIA publisher) - Mandatory
reading! *
Buildings at Risk: Seismic Design for Practicing Architects (AIA publisher) - Mandatory reading! *
FEMA 454 Designing for Earthquakes: A Manual for Architects *
International Building Code, 2006 Edition; chapter 16 *
ASCE 7-05, the basis for chapter 16 in the IBC is not mandatory reading, too much for architects
There are numerous sets of notes, written by candidates as they prepare for the exam. These are good but
can be overwhelming. *Jenny's notes are among the best. Marty and Rich's notes are also valuable.
The ftp portion of the website is still available at: Be
warned, some material is out of date.
Alternate vignettes are a valuable resource. However, I do not know which ones are copyright by
somebody so I have not made them available on my ftp site.
Seminar, live or on the web, are a good method for remembering all you have forgotten since college.
Thaddeus and Mitalski each offer live seminars that are highly rated. If Thaddeus holds a seminar near
you, attend it. Is it worth the cost, everybody that take it says it is worth the cost.
There are numerous books available with in-depth structural information in an attempt to prepare you for
the exam. I have read only one book, The Ballast book that covers all seven exams. Based on questions
and comments from people on the forum I have the following comments.
Older versions of the books are available for discounted price. They may use outdated information.
Check to see if they reference IBC 2006 edition and ASCE 7-05. If a book references any building code
other than a version of the IBC do not use it!
Kaplan - every edition seems to have numerous errors. Because of the errors, I recommend using a
different book for studying.
Kaplan Mock exam - again too many errors
Ballast - not as many errors as Kaplan
Ballast book that covers all exams - provides a proper outline of structures without turning you into
an engineer.
Gang Chen has a series of books out. I do not have enough knowledge of the book to comments
Last updated: February 4, 2014
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Michael P Marinaro, PE, SE, RA all rights reserved
Permission is granted for ARE candidates to copy and use this document without charge for the purpose of studying for the NCARB ARE Exams.
The guide should not be posted on any website, forum or ftp site with the permission of the owner.
The Test
Nobody outside of NCARB knows the minimum percentage correct to pass the test. As you will read
below the overall score DOES NOT matter, you must pass each section.
The multiple-choice portion of the test has four content areas:
1. General Structures 38-42%
2. Seismic Forces 28-32%
3. Wind Forces 14-17%
4. Lateral Forces 13-16%
The following is my opinion, based on comments on the failing reports received by candidates. The
comments were of the form "minor deficiency in" or "major deficiency in" followed by the name of one
of the content areas.
From the above information, I believe are taking FOUR separate tests and must pass each section to pass
the exam. You may score 80% or better in general, seismic and wind but fail if you lateral force score is
below the minimum passing score.
Most candidates use a mock exam such as Kaplan's or Ballast or others. They then ask is 65% good
enough, nobody knows. My advice: After taking the mock exam, look at your correct percentage in the
four content areas. If you score 95% in the general structures, stop studying that area. Study the area
with the most incorrect answers!
The content area of lateral forces creates the most confusion because the questions will use wind or
seismic is a question about stability.
Answering the questions
This is a separate category in my guide because too many people want to be politically correct about the
Your quest is NOT to determine the "correct" answer, but to determine which answers are WRONG. The
list may not include the "correct" answer or the answer YOU think believe to be correct. There are four
or five answers for each MC questions. The fifth one is normally "all of the above" or "none of the
Recently I replied to a thread about an answer for a mock exam. The right answer was "ductility" the
other answers were strength, stiffness and Bozo the Clown. The original post was arguing that the
wording of the question did not lead to ductility being the right answer because of some minor nuances in
the wording. My comment, that ended it all, was that the other three answers were so obviously WRONG
that there was no way to answer anything but ductility. It took me five seconds to eliminate three answers
leaving only one as possible. Ductility was the right answer but was not entirely correct. You do not get
to argue about the correctness of the answers. Determine the answer THEY want you to pick and move
onto the next question.
Understand the difference between precision and accuracy, most people think they mean the same thing,
they do not. Too many people want to pick the most precise answer rather than the accurate answer:
What is the moment capacity of a W16x26, Fy=36 ksi
A. 59.234
B. 70.00
C. 78.1
D. Bozo
The actual capacity is 77.1
Last updated: February 4, 2014
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Michael P Marinaro, PE, SE, RA all rights reserved
Permission is granted for ARE candidates to copy and use this document without charge for the purpose of studying for the NCARB ARE Exams.
The guide should not be posted on any website, forum or ftp site with the permission of the owner.
A is the most precise answer but is wrong.
B is close
C is the most accurate and the least precise.
D there is always one in the crowd that is obviously wrong
You want the most accurate answer; leave the precision to the engineers. I have seen engineers write
down the moment in a beam to four significant digits and then compare to a table with only one
significant digit. THEY do not understand the difference between precision and accuracy.
The above used mathematics to make a point but the same holds true in logical and definition type
Speaking of mathematics, do not screw up your units! 99% of the mistakes on questions that requires the
use of math are due to errors in the units not in precision or accuracy.
The questions on the test will give loads with the units of pounds, kips, pounds per foot and kips per foot.
Lengths will be given in the units of feet
The section modulus, moment of inertia, yield strength and modulus of elasticity are given in inches^3,
inches^4, psi or ksi and psi or ksi respectively.
Write the units down next to the numerical answer (77.1 ft-kips) Fy psi * Sx inches^3 = Ma ft-kips
That can be written as Fy
* Sx
= Ma ft-kips some units cancel out:
* Sx
= Ma ft-kips
I am left with pound-in or in-pounds on the left and ft-kips on the right. Oops!
What happened? (This COULD occur on YOUR test)
The question provided the strength in psi and asked for an answer in ft-kips.
Using the W16x26 from above the answers might be:
A. 925 ft-kips (77.1 x 12)
B. 78,100 ft-kips
C. 77 ft-kips (correct answer using Fb)
D. 115 ft-kips (wrong answer using Fy instead of Fb)
BUT by writing the units next to the numerical answer, you should be able to see the problem. Use the
strike through on your practice problems so that during the test it is very natural to write them done.
Uniformly loaded beam, Maximum moment:
WL/8 or wL^2/8 W has the units of pounds, w is pounds per foot. Hence, the first
one has one "L" included with the load and does not need L to be squared.
Same beam, deflection
5*w*L^4/(384*E*I) and 5*W*L^3/(384*E*I)
Stop. Re-read the section on units then the next paragraph
I had a unit ERROR on a problem when I took the SS exam!!! Being an SE I did NOT need to write
down the units. Fortunately, I knew my calculated answer was an order of magnitude out of the range for
the correct answer. However, there was an answer on the exam that was close enough to my screwed up
Last updated: February 4, 2014
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Michael P Marinaro, PE, SE, RA all rights reserved
Permission is granted for ARE candidates to copy and use this document without charge for the purpose of studying for the NCARB ARE Exams.
The guide should not be posted on any website, forum or ftp site with the permission of the owner.
answer that I laughed and thought about all of the lecturing I have done about writing down the units.
You are warned!
A common question on the forums pertains to which formulas to memorize for the exam. I recommend
memorizing those formulas you use at work each day, almost none! Simple span beam with uniform
load, simple span beam with load at mid-span, 1/3 span and 1/4 span.
Understand how to use the formulas in the AISC manual. No need to memorize just how to use them.
They are included in the reference section of the exam.
There is no need to memorize equations to determine wind or seismic loads on a structure. The guides on
wind and seismic provide some information you should know. This is an architect's exam not and
engineer's exam!
You must be able to determine the forces in a truss but hopefully not the names of the different types of
You are now done with the general information I gathered about the test. Now it is time to study the
technical information. The following applies to all structural materials.
Strength and Serviceability
The design of structures must consider both strength and serviceability. As a wise engineer (not me) said
~ strength is essential but otherwise unimportant. You will receive complaints about serviceability of a
building long before you receive complaints about strength. Sometimes the lay people do not realize a
strength issue when presented with one.
Strength deals with Fy, Fu, F'c, etc. Shear, compression, tension, bending, torsion
Serviceability concerns stiffness E, deflection, drift, ponding, acceleration (and deceleration)
Distinguish between the two
"Static" means it does not move, everything is in equilibrium, if not in equilibrium it will move!
We use statics to determine reactions, shear, moments, deflections etc. in structural members.
There are two types of structures, as defined by statics, statically determinate and statically indeterminate.
The former means you can solve the problem without a computer the later requires a computer.
Nine equations involved with statics
Sum Forces in X, Y and Z-axis
Sum moments ABOUT X, Y and Z-axis
For a structure to be static, ALL of the above equations must equal ZERO!
For a two-dimensional member, a beam, these become Sum of forces in horizontal direction, sum of
forces in the vertical direction and sum of moments about the z-axis.
If you look at a beam diagram, the X-axis is from left to right, Y-axis is bottom to top and Z-axis is into
the paper.
Determinate vs. indeterminate beams and structures
There are three equations in statics: Sum forces in the horizontal, Sum forces in the vertical and Sum of
moments at a point. If you can determine the reactions of the beam, frame, truss, etc. using only these
three equations the element is determinate. If not, it is indeterminate.
Last updated: February 4, 2014
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Michael P Marinaro, PE, SE, RA all rights reserved
Permission is granted for ARE candidates to copy and use this document without charge for the purpose of studying for the NCARB ARE Exams.
The guide should not be posted on any website, forum or ftp site with the permission of the owner.
Simple span beam, reactions each end, vertical load only. There are four unknowns, vertical and
horizontal reactions at each support but there are no horizontal forces. Sum of forces in the horizontal =
zero; leaving two unknowns, the vertical reactions and two equations: Sum of moments about left support
to determine vertical reaction at right support; then Sum of forces in the vertical to determine left support.
Beam is determinate.
Same simple span beam, reactions each end, but with horizontal and vertical loads. There are four
unknowns, vertical and horizontal reactions at each support and three equations. Sum of moments about
left support to determine the vertical reaction at right support; then Sum of forces in the vertical to
determine vertical reaction at left support. You cannot solve for the horizontal reactions. Beam is
An "X" brace is determinate: There is a horizontal reaction at only one support; three unknowns, three
A Chevron brace is indeterminate: There is a horizontal reaction at both supports; four unknowns, three
equations. For a chevron brace that is symmetrical, the reactions are equal at each base
Two span beam with only vertical loads. There are six unknowns, vertical and horizontal reactions at
each support but since there are only vertical loads the actual problem reduces to three unknowns, the
vertical reactions at each support. You have two equations, sum forces in the vertical and sum moments
about a point, two equations and three unknowns, indeterminate. If you sum moments at the left support
you have two unknowns, the center support and the right support. You cannot solve the equation.
There are three types of joints:
Roller - resists forces in one direction, prevents translation (movement) in that direction. An old fashion
conveyor is an excellent example of rollers; the material can move horizontally but is supported
Pinned (also called hinged) - resists forces in two or three directions; prevents translation (movement) in
those directions but allows rotation. A door hinge is a perfect example of a hinged support; door rotates
about the hinge but cannot move in-out, up-down, left-right
Fixed (also called rigid or moment resisting) A pinned connection that also prevents rotation of the
member about the joint. It can prevent rotation about one, two or three axis. The base of a flagpole.
Technical definitions and information
Thermal stress = (Modulus of elasticity) * (coefficient of linear expansion) * (Change in temperature)
Thermal Stain = (coefficient of linear expansion) * (Change in temperature)

Last updated: February 4, 2014
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Michael P Marinaro, PE, SE, RA all rights reserved
Permission is granted for ARE candidates to copy and use this document without charge for the purpose of studying for the NCARB ARE Exams.
The guide should not be posted on any website, forum or ftp site with the permission of the owner.
Columns are members that are loaded axially in compression or tension. They may also resist moments
due to loads applied out-of-plane, eccentric loading or incidental due to out of plumb, building drift, etc.
(P-delta more on this later)
Columns fail in one of two ways, buckling and crushing. Buckling is the failure mode for most columns.
The slenderness of the column determines at what load the column will buckle. Slenderness is
represented by the formula k*L/r. You must check k*L/rx and k*L/ry
k is the effective length factor. Taken as 1.0 for columns that do not depend on their own bending
stiffness for stability. k is greater than 1.0 when the column is dependent on its own bending stiffness for
stability. The value of K is dependent on the end restraints of the columns.
L is the actual length of the column
kL is the effective length of the column
You do not need to memorize the following. It is provided to help you understand.
r is the radius of gyration of the column. A column has an rx and an ry. For symmetrical (mainly square)
members the value is the same. For wide flange, channels, built up and similar manners rx is always
greater than ry.
r = sqrt(I/A) for rx use Ix in the formula and for ry use Iy
For a rectangular member sqrt (I/A) reduces to sqrt (d/12). D equals dx or dy.
As the length of the column increases, its slenderness ratio there is a reduction in capacity.
As the length decreases, the column decreases its slenderness ratio and the capacity increases.
As r is reduced, the column increases its slenderness ratio and reduced capacity.
As r is increased, the column decreases its slenderness ratio and increased capacity.
For wide flange columns, rx is greater than ry so ry is used to determine the capacity of the column. The
exception is moment frames. In moment frames, k(lx) uses a k value greater than 1.0. Therefore, k(lx)/rx
may be greater than k(ly)/ry.
Increasing a stud from 2x4 to 2x6 increases its area but not the ry so kl/r is the same and the only benefit
is an increase in area. Changing a stud from 2x4 to 3x4 increases the area AND ry. ry increases by 66%
resulting in a large decrease in kl/r and therefore the allowable stress Fa.
Always use the method of joints to solve truss problems in the exam! Do not use the method of sections;
I never use the method of sections. Yes, everybody teaches method of sections, why I do not know! The
exam will ask you for the force in a member. The exam does not care how you determine the force! Do
it the easy way and do not spend time studying the method of sections. Play with your kids or significant
other rather than studying the method of sections.
If for some unknown reason you prefer method of sections instead of method of joints, do not study
method of joints! You only need to know ONE method to pass the test!
Forces at a joint aka method of joints
At a joint, the forces must be in equilibrium:
Sum of the forces in the horizontal = zero
Last updated: February 4, 2014
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Michael P Marinaro, PE, SE, RA all rights reserved
Permission is granted for ARE candidates to copy and use this document without charge for the purpose of studying for the NCARB ARE Exams.
The guide should not be posted on any website, forum or ftp site with the permission of the owner.
Sum of the forces in the vertical = zero
Sum of the moments at a joint = zero
A force pointing towards the joint indicates the member is in compression. A force pointing away from a
joint indicates the member is in tension. Tension forces MUST balance the compressive forces so the
sum of the forces equals zero.
Zero force members will drive you crazy if you let them. A zero force member will be a vertical member
that has a "T" joint, a joint where there are two horizontal members, one vertical member and no diagonal
members. With only one vertical member, there is only one member with a vertical force and no member
to provide an opposite force. Therefore the sum of forces in the vertical = zero dictates that there is no
force in the member. The exception is if there is an externally applied vertical load at the joint.

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