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Adjective Test
Circle the adjective and underline the noun it

1. The big cat sat down.

2. The librarian read a long book.
3. The new movie starts tomorrow.
4. Robert juggled red balloons.
5. Jake wrote an awful essay.
6. The stray dog ate quickly.
7. She had a difficult test today.
8. They ate a large pizza.
9. He waited in a long line.
10. She arrived for the late show.
11. I stared at the purple coat.
12. Ryan exercised in the snowy weather.
13. Gladys drove a dented bumper car.
14. Joan donated to a major charity.
15. She held her hat in the strong wind.
Fill in the correct form of the word between

1. My house is (big) _______________________________than

2. This flower is (beautiful)
____________________________________ than that one.
3. This is the
(interesting)______________________________________ book
I’ve ever read.
4. Which is the
(dangerous)______________________________animal in the
5. A holiday by the sea is
(good)____________________________than a holiday in the
6. It is strange but often a coke is
(expensive)_____________________ than beer.
7. Who is the (rich)____________________________ woman on
8. The weather this summer is even
(bad)________________________ than last summer.
9. He was the (clever)______________________________ thief
of all.
10. Non –smokers usually live
(long)___________________________ than smokers.

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