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Linda J.

110 Marion Street Moscow, PA 18444
HOME PHONE 570.842.0571 CELL PHONE 570.499.2477
Acco!"lis#ed and !oti$ated relations#i" b%ilder wit# e&tensi$e e&"erience in training and sales de$elo"!ent, "ro'it ( loss
!anage!ent and )e* acco%nt e&"erience. +&"ertise in training de$elo"!ent, i!"le!entation and anal*sis to s%""ort cor"orate
initiati$es. ,isionar* !anage!ent st*le, tea! oriented and w#ile being sel'-directed to acco!"lis# re"eated s%ccess'%l end res%lt.
,isionar* global b%siness "ers"ecti$e w#ile !aintaining a gro%nded !indset o' inde"endent ind%str* trends.
HENKEL / Schar!"#$% Pr#%e&&i#nal ' (ea)*+ Care ,i-i&i#n
Director of Education USA Ma* 201. / Present
0 1e$elo" +d%cational 2ontent and P#iloso"#* o' S3P
0 4iaison 5o 6er!an* 7nternational 5ea!
0 Maintain 3e* Acco%nts 8it#in 9SA
0 Manage t#e +d%cation Manage!ent 5ea! 'or 9SA
0 1e$elo" 6%est Artists ( +d%cational 5ea!s 'or 9SA
National Education Manager East Coast :an%ar* 201. / A"ril 201.
0 Manage 'i$e ;egional +d%cation Managers
0 3e* Acco%nt 1e$elo"!ent
0 <$ersee +d%cation ( Sales 5raining=+$ents on +ast 2oast
Regional Education Manager Se"te!ber 2012/ 1ece!ber 2012
0 <$ersee t#ree distrib%tion networ)s 'or ed%cation and sales growt#
0 Manage +d%cation 5ec#nical Ad$isor tea!s
0 3e* Acco%nt !anage!ent 'or t#ree distrib%tors
.#*#& In*erna*i#nal / S)b&idiar+ #% Shi&eid# #% A0erica& 1arien, 2t. Ma* 200. / Se"te!ber 2012
Territory Manager - East Coast
S%ccess'%l de$elo"!ent and training o' national ed%cation tea! !e!bers
;e"eated ><> sales growt# in c#annels o' distrib%tion
+&ce"tional relations#i" b%ilder o' "ri!ar* "rinci"les and )e* acco%nts
Manage t#e P ( 4 'or di$ision, cor"orate e$ents, training
Partici"ate in ; ( 1 o' new "rod%ct de$elo"!ent
Acc%rate needs anal*sis and e''ecti$e instr%ctional design de$elo"!ent
;ecogni?ed asset o' t#e cor"orate !anage!ent tea!
1#*all+ 1an 2 S+ner3+ Sal#n, Moscow, Penns*l$ania A%g%st 1991-Present
+stablis# t#e c%lt%re and "#iloso"#* o' t#e brand to generate consistent !essage
1e$elo" and i!"le!ent t#e brands o$erall c%sto!er=st*list ser$ice e&"erience c%rric%l%!
2reate, i!"le!ent and 'acilitate !edia conce"ts to s%""ort t#e brands sales goals
1e$elo" and 'acilitate "%blic relations, co!!%nit* "artners#i"s and social e$ent

Kid&$eace Na*i#nal 4#&*er Care A3enc+ Allentown, Penns*l$ania :an%ar* 1989-A%g%st 1991
Pulic Relations ! Recruiter
2reated and 7!"le!ented 5raining Progra!s, Mar)eting Strategies and Ad$ertising 2a!"aigns 'or t#e recr%it!ent o' 'oster
'a!ilies in t#e "ri$ate care sector
2ond%cted @o!e St%dies and 5rained "otential 'oster 'a!ilies in t#e role o' 'oster "arenting
1e$elo"ed and 'acilitated agenc* "%blic relations co!!%nit* and trade e$ents
Presidents 5ea! Award, recogni?ed 'or s%ccess'%ll* e&ceeding o%r tea! cor"orate initiati$es - 2008
Abo$e ( Ae*ond Award, 'or e&ce"tional e''orts towards !eeting and e&ceeding cor"orate initiati$es - 2008
2ore ,al%e Award Bor ;es"onsibilit*, in recognition o' e&ce"tional integrit* and et#ics - 2009
Most Cew 1oors, 'or #ig#est sales in new b%siness de$elo"!ent - 2009
5 5i!e Cational ;ecognition b* ind%str* trade !aga?ines - 5otall* 5an ( S*nerg* Salon - 1991-2012
Uni-er&i*+ #% Scran*#n, Scranton, Penns*l$ania
(A - 2o!!%nications=+nglis# - A%siness=Mar)eting
Uni-er&i*+ #% Ph#eni6 / P#oeni&, Ari?ona - 2andidate, MasterDs Progra!, Ad%lt +d%cation and 5raining
Antici"ated 6rad%ation 1ateE :%ne 201.
E0$ire (ea)*+, Scranton, Penns*l$ania
5eac#erDs 2erti'ication=4icense
Na*i#nal A&&#cia*i#n #% Pr#%e&&i#nal 5#0en 2008-Present
Pr#%e&&i#nal (ea)*+ A&&#cia*i#n 200.-Present
Re%erence& Pr#-ided U$#n Re7)e&*

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