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The Title Goes Here, Times New Roman 12-pt Bold, Single-

spaced, Centered
Authors initials and last names only; Times New Roman 10-pt bold and
italicized, single-spaced, centered; presenter underlined, correspondent
asterised, all identi!ied with superscripts, e"g" A"#" $ndi%idual
, '" (erson
Full Institutional Affiliation, City, State, Country (Times New Roman 10-pt
regular, single-space, centere!
Full Institutional Affiliation, City, State, Country
T#e a$stract goes #ere as one paragrap# in Times New Roman
11-pt regular, single-line spacing, fully %ustifie, A& page' T#e te(t
s#oul $e type wit# 0')&-inc# margin on eac# sie' A$stracts s#oul
$e written in goo, concise *nglis# + ,ritis# or American spellings,
$ut not a mi(ture of $ot#' -o not use footnotes or references' T#e
style con.entions of SI units are to $e applie t#roug#out' T#e entire
a$stract must not e(cee an A& page' /lease ou$le-c#ec0 layout,
spelling an synta( $efore su$mission' T#e files s#oul $e name
after t#e presenting Aut#or1s surname an sa.e in a 2icrosoft 3or
format' T#an0s in a.ance for your cooperation'
Keywords a$stract, template, format (4 - & 0eywors, rele.ant to
your a$stract!
Corresponer1s e-mail7 ini.iual8timesnewroman10pt'com

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