LI2 Eyeof Terror

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Issue 2 Summer 2012

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ee o
ff T

Resources and
on the Occulis

The Nemean
Index Astartes
Articles for
the Steel
Dogs, the
Lions of Alba,
and the
Heralds of

Painting and

An Interview
with Author


Introduction & Contents
This is the second issue of the Legio Imprint, the
B&Cs semi-regular attempt to show the board
members all the stuff they miss by hiding in their
particular corners of the forum and show off some
new stuff into the bargain.
This issue focuses around the Eye of Terror, the centre
for so many of the events of 40K (especially power-
armoured events). Theres a lot to the Eye of Terror,
and no e-zine could really be up to the task. Still, the
B&C did its best, with fluff articles, modelling
tutorials, painting tutorials, special rules, and a fully
realized campaign with background, scenarios and
advice for adapting it to your needs. Theres also an
exclusive interview with Black Library luminary
Aaron Dembski-Bowden, where he talks about the
inner workings of the Black Library.
The issue is divided into two major sections. First is
the Eye of Terror section, which provides background
information on the Eye and many of its denizens.
Theres an exploration of just what the Eye of Terror
is, overviews of the Black Crusades and the Astartes
Praeses, and a variety of Eye-related modelling
articles. There are also three different sets of special
rules one for the various Chaos Legions and one each
for the Exorcists and Iron Hands Chapters both of
whom make their homes near the Eye.
Second is the Nemean Campaign section, which covers
a B&C-created campaign around the Eye of Terror a
war prompted by honour, pride, and vengeance. Heady
stuff and all created on the B&C. In addition to the
background articles on the Chapters and the campaign,
theres also a complete set of scenarios, a battle report,
and a guide to adapting the campaign for your
Theres lots of original fluff, original ideas, original
interpretations and original artwork, and even what
youve already seen before has been polished and
added to. Hopefully youll enjoy reading it as much as
the team enjoyed producing it. Thanks to everyone
who worked so hard on this and to all of you who will
now read it.
Octavulg Editor

Introduction & Contents 1
Interview: Aaron Dembski-Bowden 2
An Introduction to the Eye of Terror 6
The Black Crusades 12
Beast Marines Tutorials 17
A Guide to Creating Mutations 23
Renegade Chapters 26
Paths of Glory: Chaos Legion Rules 34
The Making of Magmatrax 41
The Astartes Praeses 47
Codex: Exorcists 55
Codex: Iron Hands 60
The Steel Dogs 68
The Heralds of Light 79
The Lions of Alba 88
Going on a Lion Hunt:
The Nemean Campaign
The Battle of Jamshyds World 105
Aftermath 112
Credits & Acknowledgements 115


What is the process of
writing and researching a
novel for the Black Library?
Um. I'll cover that later. If I do it
now, I'll have to write "See Question
1" about four times.

Youve mentioned a GW
Archive in the past. Could
you explain it to us?
Sure. On a practical level, dealing
with the archive goes a little like this:


Dear whomever gets this email,

I need X information for novel Y. Can
you send everything they have in the
archives about it? Ta.

Then, the very next day you get a
chunky A2-sized envelope with a
whole bunch of colour photocopies
relating to everything you asked for.

I'm usually aware of exactly what I'll
need, so I'll list off specific references
like "I know Slaves to Darkness has
some jazz on the old units Chaos
Marines used in the 80s... Can you
send me a copy of those pages?"

Essentially, the archive is everything
Games Workshop and its subsidiaries
(Black Library and Forge World)
have published. Frex, for the novel
I'm working on right now, I wanted to
see what Forge World had done on
the Marines Errant - because there's
a vague subplot where the Night
Lords are essentially hanging out
with the Red Corsairs when Huron
has a crack at killing the Chapter off
[Yes, this interview was a while ago.
Sorry, A D-B Ed]. A day later,
colour photocopies from Imperial
Armour 9 landed on the doorstep.

It occasionally includes stuff that's not
yet published, though you tend to have
to be in GWHQ to get a look at that.
But I saw the Blood Angels codex ages
before it hit the shelves, for example.
And I saw the photocopied pages of the
next codex release, like, months and
months ago. That's a rarity, but it's nice
to pretend you're as cool as the Design
Studio guys for a few minutes while
you read that stuff.

Are Black Library novels
included in the Archive?
Yeah. Though we get all of them for
free, anyway don't usually need to

Does the archive give you
access to super-secret
background material no one
else sees?
Not so much. It gives you access to
stuff no one has seen in a long time
(Black Legion Chaplains and
Techmarines with Spawngoads...
Dreadnoughts called 'Chuck'...), and it
gives you an occasional glance at
something unreleased if it pertains to
your project.

That said, the Horus Heresy meetings
are the exception that proves (okay,
completely breaks) this rule. In those,
we're sat around a table with Alan
Merrett, the overseer of Games
Workshop's entire intellectual property.
And he's not just the IP manager; this
is also the guy that invented most of
the Horus Heresy's events as we know
them today. So at HH meetings, we're
able to see any relevant new codices
while they're still basically printed, and we're the ones
deciding the Imperium's history.
That's... I mean, Jesus, even typing that
to explain it feels cool. When you're sat
in the room, it's absolutely killer. The



Staff and
One of the Black Librarys most popular authors and one of the
B&Cs most prolific luminaries, A D-B graciously agreed to answer
some questions after the application of sufficiently gratuitous flattery.
His answers are interesting and provide insight into both the Black
Library and Games Workshop.

other guys are a bit cooler and more
collected about the whole thing. I can
barely remember my name at the time,

How much older material is
contained in them (like the
Starchild theory, for
Everything, ever.

Though, as I recall from my tender
youth, the Starchild cra uh, theory,
wasn't exactly widespread.

Could you walk us through the
editorial process on a Black
Library novel?
The full deal goes like this:

1. Synopsis pitch.
2. First draft.
3. Editor feedback, usually storyline-
based and typo catching.
4. Second draft.
5. Copy editor gets it; catches typos
and stuff.
6. Lore reader gets it; sends back
feedback on any background
7. Production turn it into a formatted
.pdf file.
8. Final edit, where you check it over
again yourself. The most boring
part. You're usually sick of the sight
of it by now.
9. Print.

Does a negative or positive
reaction to a book get noticed
at the Black Library?
Okay, now I need to tread carefully.
Like any career situation, what you
know isn't always what you can safely
say. I'll try to be brief and to the point.

My gut instinct answer is that Yes, it's
noticed, and No, it doesn't really have
that much impact. Online reviews are
often not exactly well-considered or to
the standards once kept by professional
critics. That's not to say they're
worthless I spend an insane amount
of time reading my own reviews (very
unprofessional of me), and on forums
discussing the (thankfully,
almost always very positive)
reviews I get there. But a lot of
writers really don't much care,
and they're probably right in
feeling that way. Reviews by
your Average Joe can range
from 'insightful' to 'missing the
point by a ball-aching mile', and
all too often, it's the latter.

Again, while I've been more
fortunate than luck should allow,
it's a general thing inherent in
the semi-anonymous and
opinionated nature of online
reviews. Look at any Amazon
review of a TV show, book or
movie that you like. Now check
out all the people that missed the
point by a bajillion miles.

Yeah, exactly. It's not always
sane, let alone valid.

Black Library is like any other
publisher, in that its editors and
staff have opinions of their own.
You've got mass-marketed,
hugely advertised stuff that a lot
of them might think simply
sucks, and you've got lesser
known authors that they really
wish would break out of the pack.

I will say this: in the past, BL haven't
had a great record with heavily
advertising certain authors. In recent
memory, they made a fuss out of a
couple of authors in particular who've
ended up receiving very mediocre
reviews. They do notice that, but they
also know reviews are fleeting. Give
something an amazing cover and a
great blurb, and it'll attract a lot of
interest no matter what previous novels
the author has done. That's just the
nature of the game in any publishing,
but especially licensed fiction. The
fanbase orbits the concepts, not the
authors. At least, that's how it goes at

So, yeah, they notice. But no like any
other publisher things sell whether
they're great or just average; it's
marketing that decides as much as
anything. They work hard to ensure
everything is as good as it can be, but
it's not exactly a disaster if it's not.
That has nothing to do with Back
Library's production, really. It's
inherent in all types of media.

You might be reading this and thinking
I'm very sceptical. I'm really not. I'm
just honest.

How detailed a plot/concept
are you given to work with?
I assume it's the same for all the other
authors, but I'm never given anything
to work with in that sense. I pitch ideas
and wait for a reply. The notable
exception was Helsreach, when the
first few releases for the Space Marine
Battles series were loosely chosen by
editors. Nick Kyme briefed me on that
by saying "How about a novel focusing
on Helsreach?" and left it at that.

I always choose what I want to do, in
the sense that I'll email my editor Nick

Our subject in both his forms


Kyme and say "I wanna do this", and
he'll always say "Finish what you're
doing first, then send me a synopsis."

Is there any official instruction
for what to do when you run
into really big gaps in the fluff
(like how Chapters are
founded, or what colour Ork
blood is this week)?
This is a tough one.

I guess this is different for every
author. I consider myself bound to the
codices, but I don't consider myself
beholden to any other author's work.
Like, it's my choice if I want to
acknowledge their work in mine (and
vice versa), and if I do it, I think it's
because their perception of the setting
matches mine, or they add something
great to the shared universe. But I've
run across a few instances where I
could've referenced another author's
novel and chose not to, because I didn't
like the work, or I felt it wasn't really
in-line with my views on 40K. And
that's something that, to a degree,
everyone involved in the Intellectual
Property will do. In codices, it's called
retconning. The erasing of former
ideas, or simply not mentioning them

What you've got to bear in mind is that
love it or hate it Games Workshop's
attitude to the setting really is that
"Everything is true and nothing is
true". When gaps or clashes occur in
the sourcebooks, some people will
consider it lazy, while others will 'get
it' in the sense that a lot of the time,
this is simply how GW want things to
be. My 40K isn't going to be exactly
the same as your 40K, and that's a
statement that every single 40K fan can
say to another fan with absolute,
complete, 100% surety. Some people
consider that a flaw. Others, like GW,
a feature.

Canon doesn't really apply to 40K the
way it does to Star Wars, because the
setting itself is founded to give people
the chance to make their own stories,
battles, crusades, wars, and so on. It's
not canon in that sense, which is why
the imaginary distinction of "Codex
Canon" being a different tier of truth to
"Black Library Canon" and "Forge
World Canon" is a fallacy. GW brass
don't see it like that. It's all just people
telling stories in the setting, whether in
a novel or on the tabletop the
difference is that the Dev Studio will
often give more of a framework for the
setting as a whole, and the novels offer
more specific, focused frameworks on
certain factions. But canon is... well,
it's not what it is in other licenses.

In my less witty moments, I call it
"loose canon".

Yeah, I'm priceless.

But there's a consensus, of course.
Sometimes, something is established
and shouldn't be conflicted. Something
I'm pretty proud of is the feedback I
tend to get regarding my attitudes to
the established source material. I stick
to it because I love it, and I know it
from 20 years of reading and playing
it, since I was a tiny little goober with a
copy of Space Crusade.

Ultimately, the fans can judge what
they like, and what they consider
"truth". Sometimes it'll be Forge
World's consensus that becomes the
main one; sometimes the Dev Studio's;
sometimes Black Library's. It all
depends on the topic and how it's

To what extent do the authors
work together?
We don't, really. No more than any
other authors all working for the same
publisher. I have nothing but love for
Chris Wraight and Matt Farrer, and we
talk over email, but we don't work
together in the sense that we're always
going over our facts as a pack. Projects
are rarely related enough to make it
necessary, and we're all confident in
our respective grasps of the setting.

The guys I talk to most are Dan Abnett,
Nick Kyme and Jim Swallow, and it's
not usually about work with any of
them. When work comes into it, it's
almost always Horus Heresy related.
We have a pretty active group email
thing going on, too. Though it's usually
just used to congratulate Graham on
whatever award he's won that week.

Does the Black Library
discourage you from exploring
certain themes, such as
religion, romance, or the full
depths of the horror of the 41

We're not allowed to show explicit sex,
obviously. You have to be verrrrrrry
cautious with some aspects of
romance, too, and I once got in trouble
for a daemon saying "My kind will
rape your holy world, mortal", or
something like that.

I'm using 2011 to shop my non-40K
work around (if I can find the time)
and while I'll always love writing for
40K, it's great not to be second-
guessing every scene where something
mature happens. GW has a varied
demographic (which falsely translates
as "BL fans are mostly kids", which is
wrong), and although I hate it,
sometimes BL seems to cater for the
lower age range of that demographic.
That said, legally, they probably have
to. It can feel a bit stifling sometimes,

What inspires you to write
about the armies you have?
Write what you love. Luckily, I love a

I try not to write what I play, though.
There's an immensely annoying and
completely invented trope where
sometimes authors of licensed fiction
will big up their favourite factions just
to make them look better than X, Y and
Z other factions. It's patently nonsense,
but it makes a great soundbite, and it's
something instinctively childish,
malevolent, and plausible if you have
no respect for the person you're
insulting when you say it. We tend to
think the worst of people we dislike,
after all. So I try to avoid that by
simply not writing about the Black

That'll change in time, and I'm sure my
reviews will say "OMG ADB made BL

the best when really Failbaddon is a
loser", but whatever. I'd argue that if
you use that many capitals in a
sentence, you need to be punched in
the spine, anyway. And don't put 'Fail'
in anything like that. It's chimpish.

What aspects of the Heresy
would you most like to write
I wanted to detail how it all began, and
show a different perception of Lorgar
and the Word Bearers at their lowest
ebb, before they became the
charismatic crusaders of the Heresy. I
was lucky enough to do that when I
pitched The First Heretic. I'd also like
to carry on with that, showing the
Word Bearer Legion really coming into
its own with the assaults on Calth,
Terra, and whatever else they did in the
Age of Darkness. I'd love to do a novel
about the War in the Webway, though
if I ever do, it'll be a million years
away (I'm just saying I like the
concept, not that I have plans). My
next HH novel will almost definitely
be a World Eater novel, and that's
something I've always wanted to get a
hold of. Doing that is almost a dream
come true. It should go without saying,
but I'm saying it anyway, that I'd like
to do a Night Lords novel at some
point. But the series is young. There's
plenty of time.

In less local news, obviously I'd love to
have done something big in the sense
of either one of the big events or the
most popular legions (Blood Angels at
Signus Prime; Space Wolves at
Prospero) but I joined the team very
late, and they were understandably
taken by then. But getting to do a
Blood Angel, Dark Angel or
Ultramarine novel would be absolutely
amazing. I doubt that's specific to me
it's surely the kind of thing any 40K
fan would say.

Whats your favourite Black
Library book? Why?
Legion, by Dan Abnett.

Quite simply, it's brilliant, brilliant sci-
fi. The revelations meant nothing to me
(and really, I think people place too
much importance in them as truth,
when they don't really seem to be at
all), but it was beautifully written, and
I love the characters. It also bled a 30K
feel, rather than a 40K one, and I don't
think it's unfair to say that not all of the
HH series has necessarily nailed that.
It's an important part of the theme, and
one that can end up pretty difficult to
do. The characters were unique and
fascinating, the prose was awesome,
and the storyline was killer. Really,
you're not going to get much better
than that.

Ultimately, I like human characters in
40K, and I love how they contrast to
the Astartes. That's what makes Space
Marines in this setting so rich and
interesting for me: their strange,
awkwardly loyal distance from the
humans they were never given a
chance to be. There wasn't a lot of that
in Legion, but enough to tease and
make for great reading.

Will you be including a Squat
in your next book, or are you
saving it for a special
This may not be a popular opinion, but
I always thought they were a bit stupid,
anyway. Those trikes, man. Gah.

I miss Genestealer cults, though. Those
were rad.

And on that suspiciously pro-Hive
Mind note, the interview concluded.
My eternal thanks to A D-B for doing
this, and I hope you all enjoyed it. A D-
Bs novel Void Stalker is out now, and
I dont know why you havent bought it


What is the Eye of Terror?
The Eye of Terror dominates the
north-west of the galaxy. It is the
heart of Chaos in our universe.
Twenty thousand light years across,

and visible from ten thousand light
years away,
it was born in the final
years of the Dark Age of Strife,
heralding the birth of the Imperium,

brought into being by the Fall of the

The Fall of the Eldar
Explanations vary for the Eldars fall.
Some sources say they fell into Chaos
worship when they discovered it
through their use of warpgates.

Others say that they turned to the
worship of Chaos when they grew
complacent and bored in their
supremacy over the galaxy.

Whatever the reason, across the Eldar
Empire, those who felt the pull of
Chaos in their souls fell dead and their
souls were subsumed into the being
known as Slaanesh.
This catastrophe
blew the Warp Storms around Earth
away and reshaped the Warp,
allowing humanity to return to the
Slaanesh, meanwhile,
annihilated the majority of the Eldar
pantheon Khaine survived as
scattered fragments at the core of
the Laughing God
survived by concealing himself in the
Webway where his Harlequins lurk to
this day,
and a few sources say Isha,
Goddess of Healing, was taken as a
prisoner and bride by Nurgle, trapped
in his garden forever as a victim of his
various plagues and pathogens.

Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
Warhammer 40,000, Fourth Edition
Realms of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness
Codex: Eldar, Fourth Edition
Realms of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness
Codex: Eldar, Fourth Edition
Codex: Chaos Daemons
The Eye of Terror was the result of this
A rupture at its very heart
spews forth raw Warp energy into our
and this energy makes the
region violently unstable. Daemons can
safely manifest within the confines of
the Eye,
and the reality-twisting
effects of the Warp have resulted in
space and time being deformed in alien
and terrifying ways.

There are a variety of different worlds
within the Eye. The Crone Worlds are
the original core worlds of the Eldar
Empire, and the Eldar must still mine
them today in order to build soul
They also hold many artefacts
of pre-Fall Eldar Civilization.
like Belial IV, are inhabited only by
Others have become daemon
worlds, where screeching warpspawn
caper through the graveyard of a great

Many of the inhabited worlds within
the Eye of Terror are Daemon Worlds,
found toward the heart of the Eye of
Daemon Worlds have been
corrupted by Chaos, and are now
shaped by the whims of whatever
Chaos power controls them, heedless
of physical laws.
Worlds with
surfaces of living flesh; flat worlds;
night worlds where no light is ever
worlds with fire for skies;
oceans and rivers of blood or where the
moons and stars scream.
Tales of

Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
Renegades, Space Marine Second
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Fourth
Codex: Eldar, Fourth Edition
Codex: Eye of Terror
Codex: Eldar, Fourth Edition
Renegades, Space Marine Second
Codex: Chaos Daemons
Renegades, Space Marine Second
Warhammer 40,000, Third Edition

The Eye of

to the Eye of




these horrors are brought back to the
Imperium by the crews of Inquisitorial
or dragged from captured
prisoners and tomes by the Ordo
Malleus. Daemon Worlds are as varied
as the powers of Chaos the only
constant is the insanity behind them.

The Fringe Worlds along the edge of
the Eye lead a precarious existence.
The Eye of Terror is not stable, and so
they may be drawn in or expelled from
it without warning. Worlds closer to
the edge of the Eye may even be
something observers might recognize
as normal, though often they are
simply dead worlds, uninhabited even
by the creatures of Chaos.

Eldar Craftworlds are even known to
be drawn into the eye by physical or
metaphysical forces Maugan Ras
home world of Altansar was drawn
into the Eye itself,
and Ulthw is
trapped in its orbit.

What Lives There?
The inhabitants of the Eye are no
better, as twisted and malformed as the
worlds they live on. Billions of mutants
inhabit various daemon worlds,
screaming tormented praises to gods as
mad as their worshippers.

Perhaps the most infamous of the
Eyes inhabitants are those who once
served the Imperium. The Eye of
Terror provides a haven for the
treacherous and the black-hearted.
Most prominent of these are the Traitor
Legions, who fled there in the wake of
the Horus Heresy. The twisting
influence of the Warp twists time such
that many of the original Legionaries
still survive to nurse their hatred of the
Indeed, ships fleeing
Horus defeat at Terra still arrive in the

Warhammer 40,000, Fourth Edition
Codex: Eldar, Fourth Edition
Renegades, Space Marine Second
Codex: Eye of Terror
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Fourth
Eye to this day.
They are bolstered by
more recent traitor Space Marines,
formerly of the Adeptus Astartes,

fallen Imperial Guard regiments and
and the arcane forces of the
Dark Mechanicus and Traitor Titan

But the Eyes most numerous
inhabitants are Daemons, and to
understand them, one must understand
the Warp.

What is the Warp?
The Warp is a parallel reality to our
own Chaos is the Warp, and the
Warp is Chaos.
Human ships travel
across the galaxy by entering the Warp,
where the distance to their destination
is shorter, then returning to realspace.

The natural ebb and flow of the Warp
can make travel easier or more difficult
by speeding or slowing ships.
storms are created by these natural
movements and tides, coming together
and breaking apart over time.
sources suggest that warp storms are
the powers of Chaos, accumulations of
power grown large enough to achieve
As powers grow larger,
they can protect themselves from the
natural flow of the Warp and maintain
their existence.
Emotions also feed
the powers of Chaos,
and the use of
psychic powers creates disturbances
and currents in the Warp.
much of the ebb and flow of the Warp

Renegades, Space Marine Second
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Fourth
Codex: Eye of Terror
Adeptus Titanicus
Realms of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness
Warhammer 40,000, Fifth Edition
Warhammer 40,000, Third Edition
Realms of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness
Realms of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness,
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
Codex: Chaos Daemons
may be a response to emotions and
actions in our universe.
Daemons are created from the
accumulated energy of a Chaos power
more capable and larger powers can
thus create more daemons.
small Chaos powers elect to stabilize
themselves by taking daemonic form,
trading the chance at more power for
the certainty of continued existence.

Daemons are reflections of the powers
that created them Khornes are
bloodthirsty, Slaaneshs depraved,
Nurgles pestilent, and Tzeentchs
The gods most favoured
servants will be rewarded with more
and more power indeed, on some
worlds, Greater Daemons are
worshipped as gods themselves.

Most of the time, Daemons do not
concern themselves with humanity.
They are occupied participating in wars
between the Chaos powers and other
daemons within the Warp and the Eye
of Terror, wars prompted by obscure,
incomprehensible or even ridiculous
The Chaos powers can
reclaim the energies committed to a
particular daemon at any time,
ensuring the loyalty of their followers
(though, treacherous as such creatures
are, betrayal is still possible).

Daemons cannot generally manifest
themselves in our universe the walls
between universes must be weakened
by a warp storm or the beliefs and
rituals of cultists in order to allow a
daemon entrance to our world.

Alternatively, daemons can possess
mortals, committing a portion of their
power to controlling the mind and
spirit of their host.
Some mortals
succumb to this willingly, while others

Realms of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness
Codex: Chaos Daemons
Renegades, Space Marine Second
Codex: Chaos Daemons
Realms of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness

are left trapped as witnesses to the
horrors their body commits.

Talented psykers such as the Librarians
of the Adeptus Astartes can project
their minds into the Warp in the form
of a subtle body or mist flesh, like
the mirror of a daemon projecting its
psychic existence into our physical
realm. Such a journey is hazardous in
the extreme, for injury to the subtle
body is suffered by the physical body
and to die whilst in the Warp is to be
condemned to damnation and torment
at the claws of daemons.

Just as daemons struggle to maintain
their physical form in our material
realm, the immaterial realm is
anathema to mortal beings. For an
ordinary man to even look upon the
Warp is to jeopardize his sanity.
Starships are encased in protective
shields known as Gellar fields
generated by ancient engines from the
fabled Dark Age of Technology, and
these fields are all that prevent Warp
creatures from consuming those who
sail the swirling energies of the
Even the best Gellar
fields have been known to fail without
explanation, leaving crews to be turned
into gibbering maniacs and devotees of
dark and terrible influences.

It is only thanks to the mutants known
as Navigators that mankind can travel
the Warp. Navigators possess a third
eye in the centre of their forehead
which enables them to look upon the
Every Navigator perceives the
Warp differently and any attempt to
describe what they see is futile for it
requires colours and shapes beyond
mortal comprehension.
are treated with fear and suspicion for
it is said that to look in a Navigators
Warp Eye is to invite madness and

Codex: Chaos Daemons
Graham McNeill, A Thousand Sons
Warhammer 40,000, Fourth Edition
Codex: Chaos Daemons
Space Fleet, White Dwarf #140
Codex: Chaos Daemons
Space Fleet, White Dwarf 140

Thus is the Eye of Terror a twisted
realm of twisted creatures serving
twisted purposes. It is here that the
death of mankind waits, and here from
which our darkest urges march forth to
destroy us.

Notable Worlds and Sites
Agripinaa An Adeptus Mechanicus
Fortress World located south-east of
Agripinaa produces munitions
for the Cadian Gate.

Altansar This Craftworld is home to
Maugan Ra, Exarch of the Dark
He guided them in an
escape from the Eye of Terror during
the 13
Black Crusade, though they are
now mistrusted by other Eldar due to
their lengthy time within the Eye.

Altansar is now located near Terra.

The Arx Gap An alternate exit from
the Eye of Terror in the north-east,

the Arx Gap is less stable than the
Cadian Gate.
Abaddon escaped
through here to start the Gothic War.

Belial IV A Crone World in the east
of the Eye on which can be found an
Eldar relic a black crystal sword
forged from the energy of death.

Belis Corona A dead world on the
Imperial side of the Cadian Gate which
supports massive naval dockyards.

The Benighted A Daemon World in
the western Eye of Terror.

Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
Codex: Eye of Terror
Codex: Eldar, Fourth Edition
Warhammer 40,000, Fifth Edition
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
Codex: Eye of Terror
Battlefleet Gothic
Codex: Eye of Terror
Warhammer 40,000, Fifth Edition

Cadia The Fortress World that
secures the eponymous Gate. Home to
the famous Cadian regiments, and the
site of much of the action of the 13

Black Crusade.

Caliban (Ruins) The destroyed
former home world of the Dark
on the northern edge of the

Chincare A rogue system
where a
creature of Chaos was destroyed by
Inquisitor Eisenhorn.

Citadels of Flesh A Daemon World
in the eastern Eye of Terror.

Cylia A Daemon World near the
centre of the Eye.

Dhegh A Daemon World near the
centre of the Eye.

Eidolon A world in the northern Eye
of Terror.
A former Eldar Maiden
World, now the site of constant battles
between the four Chaos powers.

Fools Paradise An Imperial Guard
world of note,
but also apparently the
site of Alpha-grade Daemonic

The Forbidden Vault A Daemon
World in the western Eye of Terror.

Fulgrims World Daemon World of
the Emperors Children Primarch and

Codex: Eye of Terror
The Unforgiven, Index Astartes I
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
Codex: Eye of Terror
Warhammer 40,000, Fifth Edition
Codex: Eye of Terror
Codex: Imperial Guard, Fifth Edition
Warhammer 40,000, Fifth Edition


the goal of questing Emperors
Children. Location unknown.

Helix A Daemon World near the
centre of the Eye of Terror.

Il-Kaithe A Craftworld near the
south-west of the Eye of Terror.

Constantly battling against the forces
of Chaos, their colours are purple and
green. They are famous for the talents
of their Bonesingers.

Infinitum A Daemon World near the
centre of the Eye.

Kathalon A Daemon World ruled by
Vangashhagash the Ever-Bloody, it
takes the form of a burning lake
crossed with bridges of iron and bone,
and is the site of an endless battle
between the forces of Khorne and

Children of the Emperor, Index
Astartes I
Warhammer 40,000, Fifth Edition
Codex: Eldar, Fourth Edition
Warhammer 40,000, Fifth Edition
Codex: Chaos Daemons
Kdasks Labyrinth A Daemon
World in the south-west of the Eye of

LOquis A Crone World in the
western Eye of Terror.

The Loathsome Orb A Daemon
World in the southern Eye of Terror.

Mahrdouk A Guard world of note
to the south-west of the Eye.

Medrengard Home to the Iron
Warriors, Medrengard is a bleak slave
world in the north-east of the Eye
is dominated by physically impossible
It lies close enough to
the edge of the Eye that it can
sometimes be mapped as outside
which may just be a product of the
Eyes unpredictability

Warhammer 40,000, Fifth Edition
Codex: Imperial Guard, Fifth Edition
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
Bitter and Twisted, Index Astartes
Warhammer 40,000, Fourth Edition
Medusa The home world of the Iron
Medusa lies on the north-west
edge of the Eye.

Nemesis Tessera Site of a fortress
built to guard against the denizens of
the Eye of Terror. Nemesis Tessera is
now under the control of the

The Perilous Stair A Daemon
World near the centre of the Eye.

Plague Planet The new home of the
Death Guard, it was remade in the
image of Barbarus by Mortarion.

Sickness and pestilence are the norm,
and the clouds bring death, prompting
the population to pray to Nurgle for

Planet of Sorcerers New home of
the Thousand Sons. Saturated with
magic and volcanically active, it is

The Iron Hands, Index Astartes III
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
Codex: Eye of Terror
Warhammer 40,000, Fifth Edition
The Lost and the Damned, Index
Astartes III
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II

The Eye of Terror Colrouphobic

covered in monolithic sorcerers
towers, the tallest of which is the
Tower of the Cyclops.
From the
Tower, Magnus can peer through the
Warp across the Imperium, directing
the raids of his Legion toward targets
which particularly interest him.

Purgatrex A Daemon World in the
north of the Eye of Terror.

Rubicon Straits An anomaly.

Scelus A Dead World in the west of
the Eye, Scelus is the former home of
the Sons of Malice.

Sentinel Worlds Anomalous worlds
in the south-west of the Eye,
quarantined due to alien artefacts.

Sicarus Daemon world base of
Lorgar and centre of Word Bearer

Masters of Forbidden Knowledge,
Index Astartes IV
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
Warhammer 40,000, Fifth Edition
Codex: Eye of Terror
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
The Dark Apostles, Index Astartes
Skalathrax A freezing daemon
world covered in black cities.
Site of
the battle of Skalathrax, where Khrns
actions shattered the World Eaters and
Emperors Children and earned him the
title The Betrayer.

Thracian Primaris A Hive World of
twenty-two billion with five Ramilies
Star Forts and eight million PDF
defending it.
Capital of the Helican

Titan of Pain Daemon World near
the centre of the Eye of Terror.

Tzix Daemon World in the south of
the Eye of Terror.

Ulthw An Eldar Craftworld that
wears the colours of mourning (black
and yellow) due to being trapped in
orbit around the Eye of Terror.

Currently located near the western
edge of the Eye.

Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
Codex: Eye of Terror
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
Warhammer 40,000, Fifth Edition
Codex: Eye of Terror
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
Viest Plague world in the northern
Eye of Terror.

Volscar A Guard world of note,
almost within the southern Eye of

World of Immortal Sorrows Crone
World ruled by Slaaneshi Daemon
Prince Elyssarsirath, where daemons
torment the souls of fallen Eldar in a
massive golden forest beside rivers
made from the tears of Eldar

Xana II Renegade Forge World.
Produces the Hell Talon, Hell Blade,

and the Idolator-class escort.

Yme-Loc Eldar Craftworld near the
Eye of Terror.
Known as talented
artists, they frequently make use of
heavy grav-tanks and Titans. Their
colours are grey and orange.

Warhammer 40,000, Fifth Edition
Codex: Imperial Guard, Fifth Edition
Codex: Chaos Daemons
Imperial Armour: Apocalypse
Battlefleet Gothic
Codex: Eldar, Fourth Edition


It is the nature of Chaos that infighting
and rivalry keep the Chaos Space
Marines from permanently uniting.
However, once or twice in a
millennium, a truly great Champion of
Chaos arises in the Eye of Terror.
Through his implacable will and the
favour of the Ruinous Powers, this
Champion welds together an unsteady
alliance between the infernal regions of
the Eye of Terror and sallies forth
against the Imperium.

How the Champion brings such a
Black Crusade together will depend
on his nature and his patron God. Some
use manipulation, others extortion,
while others dominate or intimidate.
Whatever the method, the Champion
must use all of the considerable powers
at his disposal.

Unsurprisingly for the servants of
Chaos, a Black Crusade can vary
wildly in terms of the size and
composition of Traitor forces.
Depending on the Champions goals
and objectives, such a force can range
from a few hundred renegade Astartes
to a dark tide of countless thousands of
Chaos worshippers.

The Black Crusades of Abaddon the
Despoiler are some of the most
momentous events in the history of the
Imperium and yet, other than his two
most recent, relatively little is known
of these cataclysmic wars. Below is a
time line recording the known
Crusades of both Abaddon and several
other mighty chaotic war leaders.

The Death of a Primarch
An unnamed Black Crusade that
threatened to engulf Cadia. Before the
Crusade could properly begin, Rogal
Dorn and three companies of Imperial
Fists assaulted the Chaos anchorage in
the Pelenos Belt and did enough
damage to avert the attack, with Dorn
making his last stand on the bridge of
the Chaos Battleship Sword of

If this account refers to a general Black
Crusade, or specifically to one of
Abaddon's Black Crusades is unclear,
but a date is not given other than it was
'soon after' the disappearance of
The Primarch of the Raven
Guard is known to have disappeared
approximately one year after the 2nd
Founding (ca. 21.M31).
Even if one
allows 50 to 60 years to be 'soon' in
Imperial terms, this would still place
this Black Crusade 700 years before
the date given for Abaddon's First
Black Crusade, suggesting that it must
have been a separate event.

Abaddons First Black
Crusade 781.M31

After years of inactivity following the
Scouring, Abaddon suddenly erupted
back into the Imperium at the head of a
diabolical horde.
Since the Imperial
defences at the Cadian Gate were not
yet established he was able to easily
rampage around Imperial space.

During this time Abaddon assaulted the
Tower of Silence on Uralan and, after
being led into the crypts below it by a
golden-skinned stranger, recovered the
daemon sword Drach'nyen.
was eventually forced to withdraw
after a bitter battle against the

Emperors Fist, Index Astartes
Volume II
Claws of the Raven, Index Astartes
Volume IV
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Second
The Black Crusades are the fury of Chaos unleashed upon the
Imperium. Led by fell champions, they strike down the
righteous and harry the godly. In this article, Strike Captain
Lysimachus unearths information on known Black Crusades
and provides some thoughts on their general nature.
The Eye of

The Black


combined strength of several Titan
Legions and Space Marine

After this the Cadian Gate was
fortified, and the naval port of
Bellis Corona and the fortress on
Nemesis Tessera were created.

Further to this, the Astartes
Praeses program was begun and
the Liber Astartes, compiled in
M.37, listed twenty Chapters that
were founded over the following

Abaddons Second Black
Crusade 597.M32

This war lasted only five years,
but was stymied assaulting Cadia,
the path of attack reaching fewer
than 1000 light years from the Eye
of Terror.

The Host of Tallomin

This apparently took place during
the Age of Apostasy (though the
exact date is unknown) and was
led by a Daemon Prince named
Tallomin. The "Wolf Warriors"
were involved in Tallomins
defeat and destruction.

Abaddons Third Black
Crusade 909.M32

A longer campaign than
Abaddons previous Crusade,
Traitor forces went about three-
quarters of the way from the Eye of
Terror towards Armageddon.

Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
Liber Chaotica: Khorne. Though
undated, the Crusades mentioned in
Liber Chaotica are presented in
chronological order.
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II

Abaddons Fourth Black
Crusade The Devastation of
ElPhanor c.001.M34

Abaddon attacked and destroyed the
Citadel of Kromarch on El'Phanor.

The Citadel only had a single gate
three meters thick and made of

Ibid. The Second Edition and first
Third Edition Chaos Codices imply that
this occurred during the first Black
Crusade, but this source specifically
dates it as the fourth.
Codex: Chaos Space Marines,
Second Edition
adamantium. Impervious to
bombardment, it was destroyed by a
single blow from Drachnyen when
Abaddon led a charge against it.
Though the Citadel fell in less than a
day, nine-tenths of Abaddons forces
were killed in the attack and Abaddon
was repelled by the Imperial

The Tide of Blood Undated
Led by the Daemon Prince,
Doombreed, this Crusade was basically
a declaration of war against the
Adeptus Astartes.
The Warhawks and

Liber Chaotica: Khorne

Black Legionaire Firenze


Venerators Chapters were "lost" as a
result of the Black Crusade, though
Doombreed was defeated.
Its date is

One source does date a Bloodtide to
but this may be a
recurrence of the phenomenon
associated with the Bloodthirster
and its placement in
the Liber Chaotica would suggest

The Black Crusade of Jihar
the Lacerator 599.M36

Jihar the Lacerator was a follower of
Slaanesh whose very presence caused
the Warp to scream, driving those who
heard it insane.
Jihar slipped through

Warhammer 40,000, Fifth Edition
Codex: Grey Knights
Tactica Imperialis
the Cadian Gate with only a small
but the swarms of mutants on
the worlds he targeted in Adriadas
Gloom (to the south-west of the Eye)
provided him with many new recruits.

Forty-three Imperial Guard regiments
were involved,
and the Crusade
ended only when the 13
Regiment slew Jihar in battle only to
be subject to Exterminatus due to
concerns of Chaotic taint.

Abaddons Fifth Black
Crusade 723.M36

This attack reached approximately
15,000 light years from the Eye.

Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
Abaddons Sixth Black
Crusade 901.M36

This Crusade took a similar path to the
Fifth, and came even closer to Fenris.

Abaddons Seventh Black
Crusade The Ghost War

Chaos fleets flooded out past Cadia but
then disappeared, giving the Crusade
its name. Raids continued for years,
and Abaddon succeeded in reclaiming
the artefact known as the Hand of

Imperial records of this Crusade are
somewhat confusing. One star map
shows the attack path going almost due
east from the Eye, out to as far as
20,000 light years away, the furthest

Codex: Chaos Space Marines,
Second Edition

Marines Exemplar engage Hellaynneas Horde Lord Tybault

from the Eye that Abaddon ever struck,
but this same source includes the Battle
of Mackan, a planet south of the Eye.

At Mackan, Abaddon led a charge of
Khorne Berzerkers into a heavily
fortified Blood Angels position and
although only a handful of Berzerkers
survived, they overran the position and
the Blood Angels were unable to
recover the bodies of their comrades.

Abaddons Eighth Black
Crusade 999.M37

Little is known of this Crusade except
that it only reached about 500 light
years south-southwest of the Eye.

The Dominion of Fire Mid-

Angron led an army of fifty thousand
Berzerkers out of the Eye of Terror and
they rampaged over three dozen star
systems for nearly two hundred years.

They were followed by numerous other
warbands and it took four Space
Marine Chapters, two Titan Legions
and over 30 Imperial Guard regiments
around seven centuries to cleanse all
the worlds across the 70 Sectors that
fell during this time.

Abaddons Ninth Black
Crusade 573.M38

The only known engagement of this
Crusade is recorded as taking place in

Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk I
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Fourth
Edition. This campaign is not
specifically titled a Black Crusade, but
is significantly larger than the the First
War for Armageddon, which is titled as
such, suggesting it should be included.
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
when Abaddon ravaged the
world of Antecanis in order to deprive
the Imperial shipyards at Cancephalus
of workers.

Abaddons Tenth Black
Crusade The Conflict of
Helica 001.M39

The tenth Black Crusade flooded out
on the opposite side of the Eye to the
Cadian Gate, attacking Helica and the
capitol world, Thracian Primaris.
Chaos assault was fatally delayed when
the Iron Warriors attacked the Iron
Hands on Medusa.

Abaddons Eleventh Black
Crusade 301.M39

This attack headed east of the Eye, but
failed to make it as far as the

Abaddons Twelfth Black
Crusade The Gothic War

Abaddon and his forces sneaked out of
the Eye of Terror via the Arx Gap,
after a three year campaign of raids to
silence Imperial monitoring stations.

He then attacked the Gothic Sector
from his flagship, the Planetkiller.

Using the artefacts the Hand of
Darkness and the Eye of Night,
was able to capture and corrupt
Blackstone Fortresses, of which three
in concert were able to turn the

Warhammer 40,000, Fifth Edition.
Since it is contradicted by at least one
source, which is consistent with
several other sources itself, this date
may well be in error.
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
Battlefleet Gothic
Tarantis star nova, destroying the
whole system.

The Black Crusade ended at
Schindelgeist, although Abaddon fled
with two of the Blackstones.
It took
eight years to finally cleanse the
Gothic Sector of the last raiders and

The First Armageddon War

This Crusade was led by Angron and
was repelled only by the combined
efforts of Logan Grimnar of the Space
and a full Company of the
fabled Grey Knights.

Abaddons Thirteenth Black
Crusade 999.M41

The most recent of Abaddons attacks
on the Imperium opened with an
outbreak of plague zombies spread by
derelict ships launched from the Eye of
These were followed by
Chaos Space Marine raids, growing in
force and coupled with an outbreak of
heretical cults lead by a figure
matching the description of Cypher.

The full force of the Cadian Regiments
was mustered on Cadia in preparation
for what seemed an inevitable
onslaught. This assembly turned into
open warfare when the Volscani
regiment attacked their brothers, killing
much of the Cadian command

When the Chaotic forces finally arrived
in strength, the Imperial Navy fought a

Codex: Eye of Terror
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
Battlefleet Gothic
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
Liber Chaotica: Khorne
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II
Codex: Eye of Terror


desperate battle which only
delayed the inevitable. The
Chaos forces established
themselves in the Cadian
system, and have yet to be

The forces of Chaos came
close to breaking the
Cadian Gate and devastated
the surrounding systems,
including the total
destruction of Macharia, a
world in the Cadian system.

This Crusade is still
ongoing, in that the games
timeline has not yet
advanced past 999.M41.

The Black Crusade of
Vulkarth Undated
This crusade evidently
involved the Adeptus
Astartes and multiple
incursions, but beyond that
nothing is known.

There are five general
points of interest which can be drawn
from what we know about Black
Crusades (some of which Games
Workshop has been kind enough to
explicitly tell us).

First, and most obvious, is that not all
Black Crusades are led by Abaddon.
Indeed, they do not always seem to be
led by people (or things) of particular
influence or note sometimes a bunch
of Chaos adherents just decide to go on
a rampage.

Second, the Crusades vary in scale.
The First War for Armageddon and
Abaddons Tenth Black Crusade
targeted single systems, while the
Dominion of Fire and several of

Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Fourth
Codex: Space Marines, Third Edition
Abaddons Black Crusades ravaged
massive tracts of the Imperium.

Third, the Black Crusades vary widely
in type. The Gothic War was chiefly
focused on naval engagements, and
seemed to rely mostly on raiding rather
than attempting to seize territory. The
First War for Armageddon focused on
attacking a single planet on its surface.
And many of the other Black Crusades
were total wars involving planetary and
interplanetary warfare.

Fourth, the Black Crusades can vary in
composition Angrons excursions
seem to be dominated by the forces of
Khorne (unsurprisingly), while
Abaddons Crusades are more

Finally, the Black Crusades seem to
vary in organization. The Dominion of
Fire was as much an infestation as a
coordinated military campaign.
Meanwhile, the 13
Black Crusade
was dedicated to pursuing specific
objectives. Even the organized
campaigns have disorganized hangers-
on along for the easy ride out of the
Eye. Of course, this is Chaos.
Organized and under the control of one
leader would defeat the point.

Strike Captain Lysimachus is a much-
noted presence in the Liber Astartes,
and serves as a Lexicanium in the

Achaeus the Kinslayer, Warlord of Khorne Cheexsta


There are two tutorials in this article. Despite their marked similarities, there are
some notable distinctions, so both have been included. horrains tutorial seems to
produce Beastmarines with an emphasis on the marine (as befitting his loyalists),
while Firefighter Xs produces ones with an emphasis on beast (as befitting his
Khornates). Firefighter Xs uses more tools and parts and is somewhat more
complicated, while horrains is simpler. And, of course, it is very possible to blend
both approaches.

Beastmen, for those unfamiliar with them, are genetically-divergent humans who
are fiercely loyal to the Imperium, but due to their appearance are treated
with suspicion. And, of course, there are enough renegade Beastmen to further
confuse matters. Though not very bright, loyalist Beastmen are dedicated and
tough (much like Ogryns), driven to atone for their deformities through service to
the Emperor. They are technically not mutants, since their genetic quirks breed
true, but rather are abhumans like Ogryns or Ratlings. However, they are still more
variable in form than those two subspecies.

Beastmen were originally available as part of Imperial Guard armies, and were
(briefly) available again thanks to a White Dwarf article in third edition that
offered alternate doctrines to represent genetically enhanced (or deviant) Guard
regiments. They also made appearances in the ranks of the Lost and the Damned
(as goat-headed mutants).

As horrain put it: Basically, these are Beastmen in power armour, but due to the
nature of their existence they have to salvage the majority of their war gear and
thus look pretty beaten-up. Glad we got that clear.

horrains Tutorial
For this you will need:
-A complete Beastman model, either a Gor or Bestigor
-A complete Space Marine from the belt up (head, torso halves, arms and
-Additional gubbins for added excitement and character
-A razor saw, knife or other cutting implement and plastic cutters

The Eye of


From the
Work of
Beastmen may have fallen into obscurity in modern 40K, but many
older players still remember them, and they still loom large in Fantasy.
In this series of tutorials, horrain and Firefighter X created excellent
techniques for making power-armoured Beastmen surely some of the
most fearsome denizens of the Eye of Terror.

Horrains Beastmarines do their best to look intimidating. And succeed.


Step 1:
Once you have your sup plies collected, you need to cut
the Beastman in half, just below the nipple (see

When I do this step I like to use a razor saw, since it lets
me be quite accurate about where I make the cut. If you
use a knife, be careful the plastic is pretty thick and
you risk doing yourself an injury. [Firefighter X used a
Dremel cutting blade. An effective option, if riskier
Step 2:
Once you
have the
top of the
torso cut
off, you'll
want to remove what remains of its overly-
pronounced shoulders. For this I used a pair of
plastic cutters.

Step 3:
Next you want to start shaping the back of the body
section. The basic goal is to round off the back so
from the models belt it goes straight up, and curves
in to meet the front of the model toward the top. The
idea is to make a rounded ball joint similar to that on
the standard Space Marine legs. Leave the front of the model
alone for now.

Step 4:
Next up is to grab a standard marine torso, both front and
back. We need to cut off the belt and the stomach, but leave
the chest. This is because the Beastman model already has a
belt, and two looks weird. [But so stylish Ed]

The front of the torso should end up looking like
the image to the left. Note that youll need to cut
the back torso part as well as the front.

Once you have your torso shaped you can start
trimming the body's front section to match the torsos
shape. This step is pretty hard to capture in photos
the process is basically trimming the body until it fits
smoothly with the torso. The end result should look
something like the image to the right.

Step 5:
Now once that's all done you can go ahead and glue
the body to its base and glue the torso together and
then to the body. Because the marine torso
is largely untouched, the standard Marine arms and
backpack should fit with no issue. For this model, I used regular arms from the Space Wolves
sprue, but you can also use arms from either the Gor or Bestigor kits, as the scale between the
two sets of arms is pretty much identical.

Step One: Before (L) and After (R)

Step Two

Step Three

Step Four

Step Four

Step Five

Once you have attached your arms and backpack your model should look similar to this.
Step 6:
Now we run into our first problem you'll notice a large gap between the models spine, and the
backpack. We can't leave our Beastmarine in this state, because its pretty ugly (and/or comical,
depending on your outlook on life). This is where the extra credit gubbins come in handy.

Personally I like to glue a shield in this gap, as it looks pretty cool, and helps bring them back to
their Fantasy roots. One of my Wolf Guards is
carrying his combi-weapon in this void. You could
also use a variety of pouches or grenades.

In this case I have used a square shield from the WFB
goblin kit.

Step 7:
Now the last stage, here we need to give this guy a
head. On the Gor kit you'll notice a bunch of different
horns, unfortunately using all of them is pretty tricky,
as there are two main types, the straight horns, and
the ones shaped like rounded goat horns.

The problem with the rounded horns is that they are tricky to fit due to the marine
shoulder pads, so I tend to not use them unless the pose allows. You'll more
than likely need to only use the straight horns.

This guy is the leader for my Long Fang squad, so I have used Bestigor parts over
the standard Gor.

You should now have a Beastmarine. Congratulations, and thanks for reading.

horrain maintains a website at This was his first tutorial.

Step Six

Step Seven

horrains Beastmarines


Firefighter Xs Tutorial
My idea originally came from horrains
tutorial. I took his ideas and expanded on
them, changing some things and making
them my own.

- Dremel with cutting blade, grinder, &
sander wheel.
-Super glue & Zap Kicker
-double sided file (flat/rounded)
-clippers/cutters (heavy and normal)
-pin vice (for drilling)
-pin rod
-X-Acto knife with new blade

-Bestigor Champion body (any Bestigor
body will do)
-Bestigor arms & axe haft
-Berzerker torso, shoulder pads,
backpack, & bolt pistol.
-Ork Nob Choppa arm
-Ravenwing Banner flag
-Wooden toothpick (glaive handle)

Step 1:
Using the Dremel, saw the
Bestigor body in half, about
1-2 mm above the belt line.

It should end up looking
like this:

Step 2:
Using your clippers, file,
and knife trim down the
rest of the waistline. Be
careful here get it as close
to the top of the Bestigor's
belt as you can. Also remove any fantasy items from the model that you don't want
(like pouches and weapons that are moulded onto the mini). Pay special attention to
the Bestigor's leg and armour details. You want to preserve them.



Step One

Step Two


Step 3:
Glue the Berzerker torso together and, using
your knife, remove the entire "belt" from the
model. Leave the round Khorne icon at the
front of the model.

Step 4:
Use the Dremel grinding bit to dig out the
rest of the Bestigors waistline and dig a
groove in the front of the belt buckle (to
make room for the Khorne icon you saved
on the Berzerker torso earlier). Follow this
up with the Dremel sander bit. The goal here
is to get the waistline smooth and flat.

Step 5:
You should be left with two halves that look
similar to this after you clean up the mini.
[Firefighter Xs original tutorial suggested
choosing either Marine arms or Beastman
arms. This tutorial assumes you will use
Beastman arms the procedure for Marine
arms is identical to that in horrains tutorial

Dryfit the Beastman arms to make sure they fit,
then drill out holes in the Bestigor hands and
clip away the axe handle.

Step 6:
Position them on whatever you will be using for
use for the new glaive handle. Use clippers or a
Dremel sanding bit to cut away the shoulder pads to make room for attaching the Berzerker pads. Follow the mould line on
the inside of the Bestigor arm when trimming.

Step Three

Step Four

Step Five (A)

Step Five (B)

Step Six


Step 7:
At this point use your clippers and remove the ponytail from the Bestigor head.

Step 8:
Clip the chainaxe head and pommel away from the hand,
preserving the finger details. Drill out a hole for the
toothpick to slide through the whole hand. Attach the
pommel to the end of the new handle.

Step 9:
Position the axe arm & the bolt pistol arm where you
want them. Glue on the
axe head. Drill the pistol
barrel holes out (it
pleases Khorne, and you
dont want a cranky
Blood God). If you have
an uneven join between the Berzerker torso and the
Bestigor legs, use some bitz (such as pouches or
holsters) to mask it. Glue the horns to the Bestigor
head, attach the backpack, attach the head, and go
collect some skulls!

Firefighter X is a keen World Eaters player. He
reconciles killing, maiming and burning with
firefighting through a firm separation of his work and
home lives.

Step Seven

Step Eight

Step Nine

Some Other Beastmarines

Blessings of the dark gods or the
stigmata of the damned; many and
varied are the gifts that those in the
service of Chaos may find bestowed
upon them, either as a result of
exposure to the Warp in places such as
the Eye of Terror, or more directly as a
sign of their patron gods favour.

Dangerous are the roads these men
walk, for while the gifts of the gods
may seem bountiful, the denizens of
the Immaterium ultimately care not for
their mortal playthings. One mutation
often leads to more, and they are often
as random as they are beneficial.
Countless aspiring champions of Chaos
have ended their existence as one of
the pitiful, mewling messes of flesh
known as Chaos Spawn, their bodies
overcome by the changes wrought
upon by their patron.

Nevertheless mutations are signs of
favour and promise, and for the most
part are welcomed. To the servants of
the Emperor of Mankind, however,
there is no clearer indication of how far
a man has fallen from His light than
the mark of the mutant.

Gifts of the Gods
Mutations are generally purely
cosmetic in current editions of 40K,
and so with a few exceptions they will
have no influence on the way
miniatures are used in game. However
they are still a great way to
individualise the miniatures in your
army as well as allowing you to let
your imagination, converting and
painting skills shine.

For those looking for the quickest and
easiest ways to model mutations, kit-
bashing and cut-and-paste converting
are probably the best ways to go.
Quick and easy should not be
interpreted as less impressive, though,
as it is now quite easy to combine kits
from various armies in both the 40K
and Fantasy ranges produced by
Games Workshop. For example; the
Chaos Mutations sprue, the Possessed
Chaos Space Marine sprues and even
parts from the Chaos Spawn kit can be
used to bestow heads, arms, tentacles
and even legs and torsos touched by
the Warp upon your models with
minimal effort.

Some cool mutations garnered from a
variety of sources are described below,
as an indication of how easy they will
be to create; they have been given
difficulty ratings using the following

Easy: These mutations are generally
quick and easy to create and require
little modelling skill to achieve.

Intermediate: These mutations require
a little more time and patience to
produce, generally due to the
involvement of green stuff or painting
techniques. As with all hobby
techniques, using green stuff may take
a little practice to get right.

Advanced: These mutations are likely
to be the most labour intensive or
complicated ones, although that
shouldnt dissuade you from giving
them a try.

Safety Note: Creating many of these
mutations require the use of a hobby
knife, sculpting tool, razor saw or
hobby drill. Care should be taken when
using sharp tools of this nature and all
cuts should be made on a stable,
protected and level surface, away from
the body.

Crusty Armour
Easy often associated with the
followers of Nurgle, even ceramite
plating is not immune to the corrosive

The Eye of

A Guide to

Pig of
Mutations are the gifts and curses of the Chaos Gods. However,
the infinite variety and twisted imagination of daemonically
inspired physical deformity can be somewhat tricky for mere
mortals to accurately portray. Pig of Sparta takes on this
challenge with a collection of mutation tutorials and some
discussion of inspiration for great mutations.


and decaying effects of his virulent

This is a very easy mutation to show:
apply small amounts of super glue to
the miniature in a random pattern,
before dipping it in some modelling
sand. Tap off the excess sand and
allow the glue to dry before

Horned Armour
Easy Many a Champion of Chaos has
been pleased to find bestial horns
emerging from his body.

To recreate this mutation on your
miniatures, take the part of the
miniature you desire to have a horn
burst forth from and drill a hole in it
using a pin vice. Score the edges of the
hole using a modelling knife, before
inserting a trimmed down horn of your

Skull Head
Easy disturbing to say the least. This
warriors flesh has peeled from his face
and head, leaving nought but a
grinning skull exposed. All the better
to terrify his enemies.
A very easy mutation to effect, simply
select a skull you like the look of and
using guitar string, green stuff, parts
from the Tomb Kings or Undead
fantasy ranges or even scrap sprue,
create a spinal column neck to join
the skull to the torso of your miniature.
Alternatively you could use green stuff
to sculpt a hood or cowl to allow the
skull to float disconcertingly in mid-
air. You could also use small balls of
green stuff to add eyeballs for a truly
disturbing look. If youre confident
with green stuff you could try sculpting
flames coming from the eye sockets or
even the whole head.

Boils and Sores
Intermediate those who are infected
by Nurgles plagues often exhibit
symptoms of their maladies in the form
of weeping sores and boils.

Both of these mutations begin as small
balls of green stuff, placed on the area
of the miniature that you wish them to
erupt from, but they are made using
different methods.

For boils, use a sculpting tool to divide
the ball of green stuff into three parts.
Then blend the edges of the green stuff
into the surface below, before using a
paper clip or other thin, pointed object
to poke a small hole in roughly the
centre of each boil. You can even
burst some or all of the boils by using
the paper clip to open them up from the
hole in the centre.
To make sores, smooth the green stuff
onto the surface below before using the
paper clip to make uneven holes in it.

Soul Armour
Intermediate while not strictly a
mutation, suits of armour worn by the
followers of the dark gods have been
observed to contain what appear to be
the bound souls of those slain by the
wearer, allowing him to enjoy their
torment for as long as he lives.

To bind souls into a suit of armour,
begin by smoothing a layer of green
stuff onto the areas you wish them to
be visible. Once you have done this,
use a pointed sculpting tool, paper clip
or the tip of a hobby knife to create a
pair of eyes, followed by a mouth in
suitable tortured expressions. Simply
repeat until the whole of the area is
filled with tortured souls.

Daemonic Visage
Intermediate either through
possession or exposure to the warping
nature of Chaos, the faces of many
warriors take on aspects, features and
skin tones of their patrons daemons.

This mutation can be achieved either
using a head from one of the various
types of daemon miniatures
(Bloodletters or Daemonettes will be

Skull Head GooseDaMoose

Skull Head Pig of Sparta

Sores Fallout1983

Boils Fallout1983

the easiest to use) or using the heads
from the Possessed Marine sprue.
Alternatively you could use one of the
many helmetless Space Marine or
Chaos Space Marine heads, or possibly
even those from the Warriors of Chaos
or Chaos Marauder frames. Simply
paint the desired head to reflect the
miniature's allegiance. For example red
tones would signify Khorne, pallid
tones Slaanesh, rotting greens for
Nurgle and blue/grey tones for

Bejewelled Armour/Flesh
Intermediate most commonly
associated with the followers of
Slaanesh, dazzling gemstones emerge
from armour plates and flesh.

Place a small ball of green stuff in the
place where you want the gem to be.
Then, using a sculpting tool; smooth
the edges of the ball into the surface
beneath to create a bump.

Next, using the tip of a sharp hobby
knife, draw the shape of the gem into
the green stuff. Hold the knife at an
angle from the centre of the gem
outwards so that you push the
surrounding armour up slightly, this
also helps to produce a rounder shape
to the gem as well.
Finally, use the knife to make some
cuts into the armour or flesh to make it
look as though the gemstone is
bursting through it.

Beast Marines
Occasionally the body of a Chaos
worshipper may be completely
reformed by his patron god, taking on a
twisted parody of both beast and man.

horrains Beast Marines have been
discussed elsewhere in this issue, but
they arent the limit of the possible
mutations available.

The Fantasy Skaven range holds some
interesting possibilities Stormvermin
and Rat Ogres both have potential.
Likewise, the Lizardmen range has
Sauruses, Kroxigors and Salamanders.
The Ork and Goblin range can provide
deformed and twisted arms by the
score, and the various Undead ranges
can provide lots and lots of rot and

In 40K, the Dark Eldar range is also
adding more strange and twisted
creatures to serve the Haemonculi, and
those could serve equally well as
mutated servants of Chaos. Kroot are
sufficiently alien, and Vespids even
more so both would provide good
mutation fodder, especially the Vespids
with their insectoid features. The
Tyranid range also offers possibilities
(especially older Tyranids).

Sources of Inspiration
The above examples are but a tiny
fraction of ways you can personalise
your Chaos Space Marines with
mutations. Further inspiration can be
found in a variety of places: from the
novels of the Black Library, to the
Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader
Rulebook (with its notorious random
mutation tables); from the hallowed
halls of the Bolter and Chainsword to
an internet image search.

Many feel that for sheer alien
twistedness there has been little to
match the models of the Rogue Trader
era. While they can be hard to come by
in these times, the Stuff of Legends
website provides pictures from old GW
catalogues that can provide inspiration.
Old White Dwarfs are also a good
source of ideas.

One thing to remember is that
mutations dont have to be big no-
eyes is just as effective a mutation as a
giant daemon head or a tail. Another is
that mutations dont just have to be
organic becoming living metal or
stone is still weird and chaotic. A
remarkable amount can be done with
colours alone bright yellow people
simply arent normal.

Keep your mind open and youll be
amazed at how much you can do with
simple concepts, skills, and tools.
Ultimately, by its very nature Chaos is
random but inspired. The only real
limit to mutating models is your

Pig of Sparta is a noted modeller and
painter on the B&C. He lives in the
UK, and enjoys long walks on the edge
of the abyss in which the Devourer of
Worlds dwells.

Bejewelled Armour John Thompson

Daemonic Visage Pig of Sparta


In the wake of the successes of the
Great Crusade the Imperium of Man
was born. It seemed like an age of new
hope, and yet it very nearly died in its
infancy as it was torn apart by the civil
war that would become known as the
Horus Heresy. Under Warmaster Horus
fully half of the Adeptus Astartes, the
Emperors champions of mankind, fell
to Chaos. In the aftermath of the
almighty siege of Terra the battered
remnants of the Traitor Legions fled to
the great Warp storm known as the Eye
of Terror.

Seven years after the death of Horus, in
accordance with the Ultramarine
Primarch Roboute Guillimans
teachings in the Codex Astartes, the
old Legions were broken into Chapters.
Each would be limited to one thousand
marines and would be completely
autonomous. Even if an individual
Chapter was corrupted, any internecine
struggle would be weighted in favour
of the Imperium since the vast majority
of Space Marines would be untainted.

The galaxy is a vast place and the
lumbering mechanisms of the Adeptus
Administratum have been known to
misplace records of entire armies and
planets for years or even centuries. For
many in the Imperium the notion that
an entire Chapter of the celebrated and
heroic Space Marines could renege on
their oaths of allegiance is virtually
unthinkable. When it does happen, no
doubt the Inquisition and other Space
Marine Chapters swiftly limit the
spread of information. For this reason
no complete records exist, but secret
Inquisitorial archives suggest fully 50
Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes have

Codex: Space Marines, Fifth Edition
succumbed to Chaos since the Heresy.

This suggests that almost five per cent
of marine Chapters have turned
renegade. Whilst this is a huge
improvement on the Heresy, it still
seems surprisingly high. Given that
Marines are meant to be heavily
indoctrinated, the resources invested in
their creation and the threat that they
pose if they turn renegade, it may seem
surprising to some that the Imperium
continues to support the existence of
Space Marines when approximately
one Chapter in twenty will rebel.

Enemies Within
What must be borne in mind is the
extent of the threat of Chaos and its
corrupting influence. We have no solid
figures but, given their far lower level
of indoctrination and discipline plus
their wider experience of vices, it
seems reasonable to assume that the
level of betrayal in the Imperial Guard,
Imperial Navy and other branches of
the Imperium must be even higher than
that of the Adeptus Astartes. The
Imperium operates on a vast scale. If it
is necessary to create twenty Chapters
and expect that one will rebel and three
of the others be required to exterminate
the rogue Chapter in order to obtain the
net gain of the fighting strength of
sixteen Chapters then the High Lords
of Terra may very well consider this an
acceptable loss.

Another factor to consider is that the
Imperium itself is draconian in its
compliance standards. Whilst many
renegade Chapters ultimately end up in
the service of Chaos it is likely rare for
a loyal Chapter to abruptly abandon its
duties. Often the Imperium itself
rejects them. The Steel Cobras were
declared renegade because their

Codex: Space Marines, Fourth Edition

The Eye of

to the

The Horus Heresy was the single most significant event in the
history of the human race, and the Legions who betrayed their
oaths of allegiance to The Emperor acquired an infamy that
shall never fade. But do not be fooled into thinking that all the
descendants of those who remained loyal have done so
themselves. Here you shall learn of the renegade Chapters and
rogue Astartes that plague those they were created to protect.

veneration of the Emperor as a snake
god was deemed too deviant from the
Ecclesiarchys orthodoxy. The Sons of
Malice were forced to fight Adeptus
Sororitas forces in self-defence after an
Inquisitor deemed their victory rituals

Imperial politics are ruthless and a
Chapter Master must be wise for the
sake of his Chapter. Whilst the
Chapters of the Unforgiven have
earned the ire of would be allies as a
result of their tendency to abandon
their commitments in pursuit of their
own agenda, and the Space Wolves
clashes with the Inquisition have seen
them called mutants and heretics, the
First Founding Chapters have so far
had the strength of reputation and
influence to stand up to their enemies.

On the other hand, after Captain Saul
of the Celestial Lions attempted to
prevent the extermination of the
population of Khattar by the forces of
Inquisitor Apollyon a succession of

Rogue Sons, Index Astartes IV
misfortunes plagued the Chapter,
resulting in the deaths of most of the
Chapters senior officers (including all
of its Apothecaries) and leaving fewer
than a hundred marines alive. To their
credit, the survivors have resolved to
die with honour, but in such dire
circumstances and knowing that they
had been betrayed by forces of the
Imperium they could have turned
renegade and sought refuge in the dark
corners of the galaxy.

Of the 50 lost chapters, we are told that
a dozen have been exterminated and
erased from all records.
Whether their
erasure from all records is indicative of
particularly extreme heresy is unclear.
The reasons may well be more
pragmatic so long as a Chapter is at
large, Imperial authorities need access
to information on the potential threat,
once the threat is exterminated the
erasure of all records is the final step in
the extermination. Given the
Imperiums ruthlessness it is highly

Emperors Shield, White Dwarf
249; Armageddon Website Material
Rogue Sons, Index Astartes IV
probable that this erasure of records
will include the elimination of loyal
Imperial personnel involved in the
extermination process.

Other sources record that as of the 26th
Founding a total of 63
Chapters have been lost.
13 have been lost in the
Warp, 21 have suffered
irrevocable battle losses, 9
have suffered gene-seed
failure, 4 Inquisitorial purge,
and 16 have been lost in
other circumstances.
these numbers relate to the
50 Chapters mentioned
above is unclear. Some of
those believed lost in the
Warp may have in fact
turned renegade, while the
fact that only four are listed
as being subject to
Inquisitorial purge suggests
that some may have fallen
victim to other forces such as
those of the Ecclesiarchy or
other Space Marine Chapters
keen to be seen as hard on

At the end of the forty-first
millennium there are at least
a dozen traitor Chapters at
large in the galaxy. Notable known
Chaos Chapters include the following:

Sons of Malice Founded to guard the
Imperium against the denizens of the
Eye of Terror, they became a
significant force in Abaddons 13th
Black Crusade.

Violators Followers of Slaanesh, the
Violators are active in both the Eye of
Terror and the Maelstrom.

Extinction Angels Allies of the
Black Legion in the Eye of Terror.

Codex: Space Marines, Third Edition
Codex: Eye of Terror
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Third
Edition, Mk II; Codex: Eye of Terror;
Daemon World
Codex: Eye of Terror

Squad Bhagat of GooseDaMooses Sons of Malice engage Orks


Warp Ghosts Allies of Abaddon the
Despoilers forces.

Steel Cobras Driven into exile for
religious unorthodoxy.

Blood Gorgons A Cursed Founding
Chapter who continue to act as
guardians of the Bastion Sector. They
have been known to instigate
insurrections to destabilize Imperial

Angels of Ecstasy Formerly the Sons
of Ulthunas,
they are likely followers
of Slaanesh.

Angels of Flame During a lengthy
campaign in the region of the Ghoul
Stars, they became the most recent
Chapter to turn traitor.

Skulltakers Formerly the Berserkers
of Charadon. The Skulltakers polish
their armour with the powdered bones
of their enemies.

Company of the Shadow Formerly
the Death Falcons. The Death Falcons
were turned to Chaos by an ancient
beast that rose from the depths of the
primary hive on their recruiting world
of Bastonbeil.

Thunder Barons Infamous

Terror Lords On the Hive World of
Fulcrum three marines of the Chapter
slew almost an entire PDF company.

Of the rest, some like the Silver Guards
and Sons of Vengeance have splintered

Rogue Sons, Index Astartes IV
Emperors Mercy; Flesh and Iron;
Blood Gorgons
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Fourth
Soul Drinkers Omnibus; Daemon
Battle Missions
into numerous warbands;
and others
have been absorbed by the Traitor
Legions. For example many of the
surviving members of the Emperors
Swords have been adopted by the
Alpha Legion.

Mutation alone can eradicate a
Chapter, such as in the case of the
Flame Falcons. The mutation itself did
not harm the marines, but it prompted
the Chapters destruction by the Grey
Knights. Chaos makes many enemies
for itself and sometimes the Imperium
is saved the trouble of hunting its own
wayward forces the renegade Steel
Hearts were destroyed in battle by the
forces of the Eldar Craftworld of
Lugganath in 801.M41.

The fate of many renegades is simply
unknown. The vast expanse of the
galaxy and the many dangers it
contains mean that a large number of
forces, both renegade and loyalist, will
fight and die with no witnesses to
record their fate.

Renegade Beliefs and Motives
In the eyes of the Imperium
renegade, Chaos and daemon
worshipper are just different labels for
those who must be purged, but there
are as many different ideologies as
there are renegade forces. Examples of
the different ideologies include:

Full Chaos Worship Many
Chapters, of course, have fallen into
the worship of major or minor powers
of Chaos.

The Sons of Malice believe in a patron
being called Malice. While this
presumably originates from their
primitive native culture the entity
which now answers to the name Malice
is a chaos god/daemonic entity.

Hakanors Reavers are led by their
former Chapter Master who is now a

Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Fourth
Battle Missions
Rogue Sons, Index Astartes IV
Daemon Prince
23 (
a status virtually
exclusive to dedicated worshippers of
Chaos) and the Violators are known to
be dedicated to the worship of
Slaanesh. Huron Blackheart has
pledged the services of his followers,
the Red Corsairs, to the Dark Powers
in return for unspeakable rewards. The
Beasts of Annihilation have gone so far
as to welcome widespread daemonic
possession, an extreme practice even
for renegade marines.

Mercenaries Some renegade
Chapters apparently hire their services
in battle to those who can pay. The
Damned Company of Lord Caustos
was declared traitorous by the Ordo
Xenos on flimsy circumstantial
evidence. They now survive as soldiers
of fortune.

Reavers Without the support of
Imperial resources traitor marines must
either enter into pacts to obtain
supplies from industrial worlds within
Chaos controlled regions, trade with
other renegades and xenos, or steal
what was once granted freely to them
by the Imperium. Many choose the
latter option and become reavers and
pirates preying upon Imperial shipping

Despite their considerable resources
within the Maelstrom the Red Corsairs
are a major threat to Imperial shipping
and supply depots which they raid as
much for the pleasure of wanton
destruction as for plunder.
renegades known to engage in piracy
are Adharon's Reavers
and the
Brotherhood of Darkness.

Unorthodox Imperials Renegade
status is not completely incompatible
with worship of the God-Emperor. The
Blood Angels successor Chapter the

Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Fourth
Rogue Sons, Index Astartes IV
Imperial Armour VII: Siege of Vraks
Volume III
Battle Missions

Knights of Blood continue to fight
against Hive Fleet Leviathan and
assisted in the defence of the Baal
system against the daemon armies of
KaBandha, despite being declared
renegade as a result of their actions
whilst subject to a reckless battle
The Soul Drinkers believe
themselves to be true loyalists
betrayed by a corrupt Imperium;
encounters with a Tzeentchian
Daemon Prince mean that their actual
loyalty is probably more complex
than even they realise.

Xenos Corruption Although the
most pervasive corrupting influence
in the Imperium is the lure of the
Chaos Gods the Inquisition must also
be on alert for the malign influence of
the other races of the material galaxy.

The Cell-kin of the Technetium Rift
reproduce by infecting other creatures
with their own DNA causing the
hosts to mutate into new Cell-kin. The
enhanced physiology of the Space
Marines grants them some resistance
but the Cell-kin were still able to
corrupt members of a Subjugators
strike force. Most of the afflicted were
granted the Emperors Mercy but some
of the corrupted marines escaped and
are still at large.

The CTan known as The Deceiver
and Eldar Farseers habitually
manipulate other factions in the galaxy
to their own ends and might engineer
events so that a loyal Chapter is
declared Renegade.

Own Agenda The autonomy of the
Space Marines and the lengthy history
of many Chapters means that it is not
uncommon for Chapters to have
developed their own agendas. The
desire or necessity to recover lost
relics, apprehend wayward battle
brothers or honour obligations to other
Imperial organisations such as the
Navigator houses can bring a Chapter
into conflict with other Imperial forces.

Codex: Blood Angels, Fifth Edition
Soul Drinkers Omnibus
Rogue Sons, Index Astartes IV

The Relictors, originally named the
Fire Claws, were founded as part of the
Astartes Praeses. When Librarian
Decario slew the Tzeentchian
Champion known as The Excoriator
with his own Daemon weapon the
Relictors saw the potential power that
could be harnessed from the artefacts
of the enemy. The planets on the
fringes of the Eye of Terror were good
hunting grounds for forbidden
knowledge and relics but inevitably the
Relictors became the subject of
Inquisitorial scrutiny.

Although the Relictors were forced to
surrender their precious relics and their
ally the radical Inquisitor De Marche
was executed as a heretic the Chapter
escaped Excommunication. They were
sentenced to a century long penitent
crusade. The entire Chapter was
deployed in the 3rd War for
Armageddon and might have been able
to restore its prestige in the eyes of the

Unfortunately they would or could not
abandon their hunt for relics. They
eventually abandoned Armageddon
and took their Ramilies Star Fort deep
into the Eye of Terror.

The Relictors raided the Diamedes
Archive, killing the Inquisition
garrison and stealing a powerful chaos
artefact. This incident and subsequent
conflict with Inquisition forces during
the 13th Black Crusade led to them
being declared Excommunicate
Traitoris. A Grey Knights force
purged the Relictors Chapter star fort.
The few hundred surviving Relictors
escaped further Imperial retribution by
fleeing into the Eye of Terror.
Whether they have now succumbed to
the taint of Chaos or still pursue their
own agenda in defence of mankind is

Renegade Locations
The Eye of Terror The heart of
Chaos activity in the galaxy is the Eye
of Terror, the vast warp storm which
has dominated Segmentum Obscurus
since the time of the Great Crusade.
Whilst it offers sanctuary to all
enemies of the Imperium it is
dominated by the fallen Legions and
daemonic entities making it difficult
for a renegade Chapter to retain its
distinctive identity and autonomy.
Nonetheless there are renegade
Chapters operating in and around the
Eye of Terror.

The Violators are worshippers of
Slaanesh and followers of Abaddon the
Despoiler. During the 13
Crusade they landed on the Cadian
military prison world of Saint
Josmanes Hope. Although they were
initially greeted as liberators they
proceeded to enslave the inmate
population. Some inmates were
reportedly taken as recruits; the fate of
the rest is probably best left unknown.
The Imperial forces subsequently
destroyed St Josmanes Hope to
prevent the planets further use as a
staging area.

Abaddons 13th Black Crusade
invasion of the Cadian Sector gave the

Chapter Approved: Relictors,
White Dwarf 295
Death by a Thousand Cuts, White
Dwarf 287; Codex: Eye of Terror

Relictor by -JK-


Sons of Malice an opportunity to
reclaim their lost home world of
Scelus. When a Space Marine Chapter
rebels and abandons its home world it
is usually those unfortunates left
behind who bear the brunt of the initial
punishment. Following the
excommunication of the Sons of
Malice, the Inquisition determined that
the barbaric cannibalistic practices and
blood rituals that had led to the
excommunication stemmed from the
grisly rites of the feral natives of
Scelus. In a planet-wide campaign of
genocide the Cadian 331st almost
completely exterminated the native
Such action not only
serves as a warning to any who might
consider deviating from their divinely
ordained duty but severs a Chapters
link with its logistical, cultural and
spiritual roots, eradicating any doubts
as to the terribleness of their crime.
That the Sons of Malice fought
towards their home world despite the
fact that it had for all practical
purposes been obliterated shows the
powerful symbolic significance of a
Chapters home world.

Rogue Sons, Index Astartes IV
During the 13th Black Crusade the
Extinction Angels attacked the
Adeptus Mechanicus stronghold of
Demios Binary alongside Abaddons
Black Legion. They overwhelmed the
defending Skitarii forces allowing the
forces of Chaos to defile the sacred
forges of the Mechanicus. Although
the Black Templars subsequently
liberated Demios Binary the Extinction
Angels are believed to still be active in
the depths of the planet.

Imperial command received
unconfirmed reports of the Warp
Ghosts fighting Imperial forces in the
Agripinaa sector during the 13th Black
Crusade. Clues including similarities
in livery suggest that the Chapter has
subsequently fragmented into several
warbands, including the Death
Mongers, the Bleak Brotherhood and
the Apocalypse Company.

The Maelstrom It is not solely out
of vanity that Huron Blackheart calls
himself the Lord of the Maelstrom.
The Red Corsairs have built a
significant empire within the
Maelstrom. From the world of New
Badab the Tyrant commands an army
of traitor marines, human reavers and
xenos mercenaries said to be equal in
power to the Traitor Legions of old.

Here he hosts the Skull Harvest, a
tournament which attracts many
warbands and ambitious aspiring
The Tyrant jealously
guards his power and does not tolerate

When the Company of the Shadow
attacked the planet Mortain, the Tyrant
ordered his ships to bombard the planet
and eradicate his rivals. Unbeknown to
him the Company of the Shadow had
already been forced to retreat to their
home world of Bastonbeil by the
intervention of the Grey Knights and
so instead of eliminating his rivals the

Death by a Thousand Cuts, White
Dwarf 287
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Fourth
Edition; Codex: Eye of Terror
Codex: Grey Knights
Heroes of the Space Marines
bombing earned him a formidable new
enemy in Grand Master Mordrak of the
Grey Knights.

After the Primarch Lorgars Daemon
World of Sicarus in the Eye of Terror
the Word Bearerss most important
base is the factory world of Ghalmek
within the Maelstrom.
The Alpha
Legion also have a significant presence
within the Maelstrom, but their modus
operandi means that they are less
interested in overt power struggles.

The Violators maintained a four
hundred strong garrison on Torvendis,
a Daemon World in the Maelstrom.
Their harvest of potential recruits on St
Josmanes Hope may have been
necessary to replace casualties suffered
when their stronghold on Torvendis
was assaulted by the forces of the
Khornate Daemon Prince Ss'll

Lesser Warp Storms There are
many less infamous warp storms which
offer sanctuary to those willing to
traffic with the followers of Chaos. To
the galactic south, in the Segmentum
Tempestus, lie the Storms of
Judgement and the Vortex of Despair.
On the Eastern Fringe the Ultima
Segmentum is plagued by the denizens
of the Perfidian Gap, Heart of
Darkness, The Dark Maw and Van
Grothes Rapidity.

Realspace The warp is not the only
place where the servants of the
Emperor are loathe to tread. The
enhanced physiology of Space Marines
enables them to survive in a wide
variety of environments that would be
inimical to normal human life such as
asteroid belts and death worlds. The
Steel Cobras are now based beneath
the ammonia seas of Tukaroe VII. The
Imperium is aware of their presence,
but believes that anything less than a
full Chapter of Space Marines will be
insufficient to drive the Steel Cobras

Codex: Grey Knights
Dark Creed
Daemon World
Codex: Daemons

One of Hakanors Reavers by Muskie

from their fortified bunkers on the

Finally, many renegades become
nomads, roaming the space lanes
using either the space fleets granted
to them by the Imperium or one of
the many space hulks that litter the
galaxy. With the loss of their home
world of Scelus the Sons of Malice
now use the ancient vessel named
the Labyrinth as their meeting place
and venue for their sacred rituals.
The Unholy Harbinger is one of the
most notorious space hulks and has
been home to traitor marines from
numerous factions including the
Black Legion, Death Guard, Sons of
Vengeance and the Pyre. Having
been encountered in the Gothic War
it was most recently reported in the
Cadian sector during the 13th Black
The Nurgle- worshipping
Lords of Decay operate from the
space hulk Monolith of Woe, last
sighted in the Mentieth Sector
the Brokenback is home to the Soul

Renegade Organisation
Legion The Alpha Legion may well
still be operating as a cohesive force
although the secretive nature of their
chain of command makes this
uncertain. Many Word Bearers and
Iron Warriors still owe ultimate
allegiance to their daemon Primarchs
and operate on a large scale under their
Dark Apostles/Warsmiths, and
Abaddon long ago reunited the bulk of
the Black Legion. Most Legions,
however, have fragmented due to a
combination of internal political power
struggles and mutation and madness
amongst their members which does
not prevent their cooperation on
matters of mutual concern.

Chapter As noted above, at the end
of the forty-first millennium there are

Rogue Sons, Index Astartes IV
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Fourth
Soul Drinkers Omnibus
believed to be a dozen Space Marine
Chapters which have reneged on their
oaths of allegiance to the Emperor but
still operate at the Chapter level.

Warbands Whilst a few Legions and
Chapters have the discipline or strength
of purpose to operate cohesively most
eventually fragment. Warband is a
catch all term for the ad-hoc
formations in which these renegade
marines operate.

Khrns betrayal on Skalathrax
tipped the World Eaters over the
precipice into anarchy and the legion
was irretrievably divided into hundreds
of warbands.
Gene-seed markers
indicate that the Flawless Host is a
splinter group of the Emperors
Individual Dark Apostles of
the Word Bearers may adopt
distinctive names or variations of
heraldry for their personal hosts, with
the Apostles of Minthras
being a
possible example, and in some cases
these forces may split entirely from
their parent legion The Sanctified are
a band of former Word Bearers who
have abandoned the worship of the
Chaos pantheon as a whole in order to
dedicate themselves entirely to

Just as a Chapter is divided into
companies and strike forces warbands
can operate on several levels. The Red
Corsairs consist of a core warband
built around the remnants of the Astral
Claws with additional forces drawn
from other renegade forces and their
own splinter groups such as the Claws
of Lorek.

Space Marine companies are fiercely
loyal to their captains and trust them
implicitly, so it is not unheard of for a
full company to break with the rest of

Imperial Armour VI: Siege of Vraks
Volume II; Imperial Armour VII: Siege
of Vraks Volume III
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Fourth

DrudgeDreadnoughts Flawless Host


its Chapter and turn renegade. The
Blood Disciples are the former 8th
Company of the Emperors Wolves
who, after being believed to be lost in
the Warp, returned to real space as a
chaos warband.

Warbands are often more fragile than
traditional Chapters or Legions, since
they are often bound together only by a
mix of ambition and intimidation,
rather than ties of brotherhood. Whilst
a loyalist Marine will only ever serve
one Chapter, a renegade may fight in a
succession of warbands, going
wherever the rewards are greatest. The
Black Brethren of Eyreas was a Black
Legion warband, but during the Siege
of Vraks it was absorbed into the
World Eaters warband the Skulltakers
when its leaders were killed by Lord
Zhufor of the Skulltakers, himself a
former sergeant of the Storm Lords

Individuals or Squads Marines are
conditioned to function as part of the
Chapter organisation. Isolated from the
attention of Chaplains and contact with
their brethren, individuals or squads on
long tours of duty can succumb to
doubts about the rewards that they
receive for a lifetime of duty and

Such was the case with Sergeant
Constantinius of the Sons of
Guilliman. Left to oversee the planet of
Nova Terra he eventually overthrew
the planetary government, which had
become tainted by a Genestealer cult,
and seized power. Renaming the planet
Constantinium, he renounced his
allegiance to his Chapter and slew any
who opposed him, including members
of his own squad. Nova Terra plunged
into an age of anarchy. Although he
was eventually slain by Imperial
forces, his followers still hold out in

Imperial Armour VI: Siege of Vraks
Volume II; Imperial Armour VII: Siege
of Vraks Volume III
isolated parts of the planet three
hundred years after his death.

Whilst a Marine may lack the strength
to rise to power amongst his fellows,
even the weakest is more than a match
for unaugmented humans. Many
Marines thus find their way into the
ranks of the Lost and the Damned,
becoming leaders amongst the hordes
of mutants and heretics.

The Evolution of Traitor
Marines in the History of
Warhammer 40,000
The current background material for
Traitor Space Marines has evolved in a
series of jumps approximately
corresponding to the editions of the
Warhammer 40,000 game. The key
stages can be described as follows.

19871993: Rogue Trader/Slaves to
Darkness/The Lost and the Damned
In 1987 Games Workshop released
Rogue Trader, the book that was the
seed of what was to become the now
vast Warhammer 40,000 universe. It
described Space Marines and many of
their alien enemies, but made no
mention of traitor Marines. Indeed,
with all its talk of psycho-
indoctrination a reader might assume
that there was no such thing as a traitor
Space Marine.

1988 saw Games Workshop launch
Adeptus Titanicus, a game based on
combat between Imperial Titans.
Although the principal focus of this
game was not Space Marines and
Games Workshops commercial aim
was apparently to counter the threat
from the rival game Battletech it was to
prove one of the most significant steps
in the history of Traitor Marines.

Rather than develop a standalone
background universe they decided that
this new game could be fitted into the
existing universe established in Rogue
Trader. In order to justify the

Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Fourth
Codex: Eye of Terror
development of only a single model
range for the core game it was
necessary to establish some kind of
internal conflict that could account for
Imperial titans fighting one another and
so the Horus Heresy was born.

Realms of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness
expanded on the premise of Adeptus
Titanicus with the first detailed account
of the key events of the Horus Heresy
and introduced the forces of Khorne
and Slaanesh.

Realms of Chaos: The Lost and the
Damned completed the official Chaos
pantheon with details of the followers
of Nurgle and Tzeentch.

19931998 Codex I mperialis &
Codex: Chaos, Second Edition
The second edition of Warhammer
40,000 contained three books:
Rulebook, Wargear and Codex
Imperialis. The latter was a book
purely of background material
establishing for new players the key
features of the games setting. Second
Edition was the first to feature a
dedicated codex for each army.

Codex: Chaos established the character
of the key Chaos Legions. It took the
original four Legions from the Realm
of Chaos books and expanded the
background to the Horus Heresy
narrative of half of the known legions
turning to Chaos. It also introduced a
cast who were to become long-running
villains including Abaddon the
Despoiler, Khrn the Betrayer,
Ahriman and Huron Blackheart.

Interestingly, in the Designers Notes
Andy Chambers acknowledged that
Chaos included a very broad range
of forces. For that codex they had
decided to focus on Chaos Space
Marine Legion raiding forces of the
kind that would sally from the Eye of
Terror. In addition to the Traitor
Legion forces an army that included
Huron Blackheart had special rules
allowing it access to loyalist Space
Marine wargear to represent the fact
that the Tyrants forces were
comprised of recently turned Space
Marines instead of the ancient
legionnaires from the time of the

Heresy. The book also included
appendices with Chaos Cult and
Daemon Army lists.

19982004 Codex: Chaos Space
Marines, Third Edition, Mk I and
the Index Astartes articles.
Third Edition marked a reboot of the
entire rules system and introduced a
new streamlined philosophy aimed at a
younger target market. The first Chaos
codex under this regime cut away
much of the material from the previous
book in favour of traitor Space

Codex: Eye of Terror, released to
support the 2003 summer campaign,
re-introduced the idea of Chaos as a
broader mix of forces with its army list
for The Lost and the Damned a
mix of mutants, traitor guardsmen and
chaos marines whilst the forces listings
for the 13
Black Crusade contained a
mix of traitor Legions, Chapters,
Warbands, Imperial Guard, Titan
Legions, Navy fleets etc. These
renegade Chapters were fleshed out the
White Dwarf article Index Astartes:
Rogue Sons.

20042007 Codex: Chaos Space
Marines, Third Edition, Mk II
This was the first true Legion codex,
with special background material and
rules for each of the nine traitor
legions. Although Huron Blackheart
did not make an appearance the Red
Corsairs were featured in the colour
section modern day reavers drawn
from multiple Chapters.

2007Present Codex: Chaos Space
Marines, Fourth Edition
Like Chaos itself, the focus of Codex
Chaos Space Marines is always
unpredictable and always changing.
Whilst the core rules contained the
classic cult Marines such as Berzerkers
and Plague Marines the background
material was focused very much upon
the introduction of many post-Heresy
renegade Chapters and warbands and
the introduction of Chaos icons
enabled players to create squads
dedicated to a particular god without
being full cult Marines. Many existing
players were disappointed by the loss
of the Legion specific rules and the
sudden emergence of a large number
of renegade forces not previously
featured in the game background.

Question Everything
The number of diverse sources which
contribute to the ever growing
Warhammer 40,000 universe mean
that apparent contradictions are
commonplace. Sometimes, such as
with the introduction of new unit types
in the game, these are clearly retcons
the latest Codex Blood Angels
introduced the Sanguinary Guard, and
despite being new in a real-world
sense the in-universe history of this
unit can be traced all the way back to
the time of the Primarch and thus it
has now always been.

On other occasions, such as with the
relatively young Tau Empire a new
codex may represent a small but
significant step forward of the in-
universe timeline and so include fresh
additions to that factions armed
forces. Often Games Workshop does
not clarify what is and is not now
official and instead cites the fact that
these represent in-universe

Despite the already published account
of the Relictors excommunication and
purging in their Chapter Approved
article, Games Workshop included the
Relictors in Codex: Space Marines
(5th edition) as an example of a
loyalist Chapter; albeit one that is
noted as being under scrutiny from the

For the purposes of this article I
decided that the account of the
Relictors excommunication was too
good to omit so I have assumed that
the listing in the latest Space Marines
codex represents either their status in
the 41st millennium just prior to the
events of the Chapter Approved article
or the fact that not everyone in the
Imperium is aware yet of their

Inquisitor Kravin is not Batman. He
can just pass for him in a dim light.
Nor is he the pro-Alpha Legion
Inquisitor whose current whereabouts
are unknown. Certainly not.

Brother of Darkness by Muskie


The Paths of Glory Project, or Codex
Excommunicatus as we called it, was
part of the larger Codex Levelling
Project. The goal with the larger
project was to bring a number of
codices in line with Codex: Space
Marines, including the various Space
Marine codices (Black Templars,
Blood Angels PDF, Dark Angels, and
Space Wolves), Codex: Chaos Space
Marines, and both of the Inquisition
codices (Daemonhunters and Witch
Hunters). As far as the Chaos Space
Marines codex was concerned, many
players perceived the codex as being
weak in a number of areas. One of the
areas that players tended to dislike was
the inability to represent the various
Legions. Where
the previous two
editions had
allowed players
to represent
each of the
Legions, the
latest codex had
shifted to a
concept. While
the Chapter
Tactics concept
used in Codex:
Space Marines
was viewed as
imperfect by
many players,
we decided that
it provided a
decent model
that could be
adapted to the
Chaos Space

The result was
the Paths of Glory, the Chaos
equivalent to the Chapter Tactics. A
notable difference between the Paths of
Glory and the Chapter Tactics was the
lack of a rule that the Paths of Glory
would replace. The Chapter Tactics
rule allows Space Marine players to
lose the Combat Tactics rule, replacing
it with the Chapter Tactics rule of
whatever special character they include
in their army. The Chaos Space
Marines had no such mechanism. In
place of a rule to be replaced by the
Path of Glory, we decided that the
Chaos Space Marine Legions would
see limitations on the units and
wargear they could and could not take.

On that note, enjoy the rules.

The Eye of

Paths of

Tyler and
As some may already be aware, the most recent Chaos Space Marines
codex was not entirely loved. The Paths of Glory project is a B&C
attempt to add back some of what people missed most the lack of
legion-specific rules and characters. In this article are three characters
and nine sets of special rules to help players better represent their
favourite legions on the tabletop.

Daemon Prince Greyall

Path of Glory: The only units that may be taken in an Emperor's Children army are those that have or can take the Mark or
Icon of Slaanesh, and all units must take a Mark or Icon of Slaanesh. The only Icons available in an Emperor's Children army
are the Personal Icon and the Icon of Slaanesh. Any model may exchange its lascannon for a blastmaster for +20 pts. Any
model may exchange its heavy bolter for a sonic blaster for +5 pts. Note that twin-linked lascannons and heavy bolters are
exchanged for twin-linked blastmasters and twin-linked sonic blasters. If more than one character in your army has the Path
of Glory special rule, you must choose which version will apply.


Refer to Codex: Chaos Space Marines, with the addition of the Emperors Children Path of Glory special rule.

Path of Glory: Any Chaos Lord and Aspiring Champion that is not equipped with Terminator Armour or a Jump
Pack/Wings may take a servo-arm for +15 points. The servo-arm grants the model one power fist attack in assault. No unit
may take a Mark of Chaos. The only Icon available to Iron Warriors units is the Icon of Chaos Glory. Khorne Berserkers,
Plague Marines, Thousand Sons, and Noise Marines may not be taken in an Iron Warriors army. The Iron Warriors player
may select one ruins terrain piece on the table and apply the Bolster Defences rule to it (see Codex: Space Marines, page 71).
All Iron Warriors infantry models add +1 to their armour penetration rolls whenever they hit a building (both at range and in
close combat). If more than one character in your army has the Path of Glory special rule, you must choose which version
will apply.


During the Great Crusade Kehrak was known as Graius and served the Fourth Legion as a Techmarine. He coupled his
training in technoarcana with the siege warfare at which his legion excelled, and by the time of the Horus Heresy was a senior
member of his order. When the Warmaster was defeated by the Emperor of Mankind, Graius fled into the Eye of Terror with
the rest of his legion.

In the years that followed he subjected himself to the attentions of the Dark Mechanicus, and the results of their experiments
in coupling the power of the Warp with technology are evident in his physiology. As his Warp-forged enhancement
progressed, he emerged as a champion of his legion, assuming the name Gration Kehrak. He participated in Abaddons Tenth
Black Crusade, joining the rest of the Iron Warriors in their ill-fated attack on the Iron Hands home world of Medusa.
Though the attack and the Black Crusade ultimately failed, Kehrak slew Venerable Warleader Memnos of the Raukann Clan
Company in single combat, gaining the sobriquet Iron Breaker. The Raukann have sworn vengeance upon Kehrak.

Kehrak later defeated his Warsmith, Thoon, in battle on Medrengard, becoming the new leader of the Tenth Grand Company.
He immediately embarked upon a series of raids against Imperial holdings, focusing his efforts on several secret Adeptus
Mechanicus fortresses and stealing whatever weapons and experiments he could. Kehraks flagship was an Infidel-class
raider he arrogantly christened the Iron Breaker. The vessel has since been fitted with a number of weapons that appear to be
unique, either the result of Dark Mechanicus archaeotech, stolen Adeptus Mechanicus experiments, or some combination of
the two.

A number of Iron Warrior Techmarines have exhibited a limited ability to form their limbs into weapons, much like the
dreaded Traitor sub-cult known as Obliterators. Kehrak may be the foremost of these, and his body has been correspondingly
enhanced with Warp-forged augmetics. Though not as physically formidable as the more common Obliterators, his cunning
and leadership, as well as his expertise at siege warfare, make Warsmith Kehrak a fearsome opponent.

Only one image of Warsmith Kehrak exists, taken during the Black Crusade engagement against the Iron Hands. It shows
Warleader Memnos striking a mighty blow that knocks Kehrak back and sunders his helmet. The destruction of his helmet


reveals a face and head with few or no organic components remaining. Whether Kehrak has yet become wholly machine is a
matter of speculation.

Path of Glory: Kehrak
uses the Iron Warriors
Path of Glory special

Warp-forged Augmetics:
Formerly a Techmarine
during the Great Crusade,
Warsmith Kehrak has
subjected himself to
extensive modification at
the hands of the adepts of
the Dark Mechanicus.
Enhanced by arcane
means, Kehrak has the
Feel No Pain ability. In addition, at the start of each game turn he can morph his body to be equipped with one of the
following: power fist, lascannon, multi-melta, plasma cannon, combi-bolter. Further to this, Warsmith Kehrak has a 5+
invulnerable save.

Bolster Defences: See Codex: Space Marines, page 71.

Blessing of the Dark Mechanicus: If Kehrak is in base contact with a damaged vehicle during the Shooting phase, he can
attempt to repair it instead of firing. Roll a D6. If the result is 5 or more, then either a Weapon Destroyed result or
Immobilised result (owning players choice) will be repaired. If a Weapon Destroyed result is repaired, that weapon can be
fired in the following Shooting phase. Kehrak cannot repair if gone to ground or falling back.

Path of Glory: A Night Lords army may not include any Marks of Chaos, Plague Marines, Noise Marines, Khorne
Berzerkers, or Thousand Sons. The only Icon available in a Night Lords army is the Icon of Chaos Glory. Raptors may be
taken as a Troops choice in a Night
Lords army. All infantry and jump
infantry units in your army gain the
ability to outflank. If more than one
character in your army has the Path
of Glory special rule, you must
choose which version will apply.


Gorsameth achieved infamy during
the Khai-Zhan Uprising in 968.M41.
When the agri-world of Khai-Zhan
erupted in rebellion, the Chaos
rebels were supported by a force of
Night Lords Space Marines led by
Exalted Champion Gorsameth.
Though only a small number of the
traitor Space Marines took part in
the fighting, the effect of their presence was out of all proportion to their numbers. These warriors capitalized on the fear their
Kehrak WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
200 pts 6 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 2+

Unit Composition:
1 (Unique)

Unit Type:

Artificer armour
Power weapon
Frag and krak

Special Rules:
Path of Glory
Warp-forged Augmetics
Independent Character
Bolster Defences
Blessing of the Dark

Night Lords Firenze

presence engendered in the loyalist forces, striking from the shadows and disappearing rapidly, leaving the dismembered
bodies of the defenders to terrify the remaining Imperial troops.

The Night Lords fought in small groups to bolster the effectiveness of their cultist allies. Gorsameth focused his efforts in the
capitol city of Vogen, leading the force of Night Lords Space Marines that landed in the palace courtyard and secured the
city. As the fighting in the battle focused around the Arbites precinct house, Exalted Champion Gorsameth led the surprise
counter-assault that held up Imperial forces. When the Imperial Fists 5th and 9th companies arrived on Khai-Zhan, however,
Gorsameth fought some delaying actions and then withdrew his forces. Throughout the Khai-Zhan Uprising Exalted
Champion Gorsameth was a source of fear for the Imperial forces. Swooping out of the darkness on his raptor wings and
joined by similarly equipped warriors, his powered claws cut a bloody swathe in the brave defenders. His nightmarish visage
and coruscating armour were the last things seen by scores of Imperial Guardsmen and Planetary Defence Force troopers.
Later evaluation of the Khai-Zhan Uprising determined that the involvement of the Night Lords was intended to divert
Imperial forces from elsewhere, with other Night Lords forces taking advantage of the disruption to attack the neglected

Imperial chroniclers are uncertain about the role Gorsameth plays within what remains of the Night Lords though he was
referred to as Exalted Champion by the forces on Khai-Zhan, a Lord-Captain Gorsameth was noted in Imperial dispatches for
his ferocious raids against Imperial holdings during the thirty-fifth millennium. Whether Gorsameth has lost his rank as the
ferocity so typical of Raptors becomes more pronounced or if he has simply chosen to restrain himself for some unknowable
dark purpose is uncertain.

Path of Glory: Gorsameth
uses the Night Lords Path
of Glory special rule.

Terror Attack: Gorsameth
revels in terrorizing his foe
before launching an attack
from an unexpected quarter
and then fading back into
the shadows. Gorsameth
and any unit he joins may
Hit and Run and may
Outflank. Any enemy unit
within 12" of him when he
appears on the table must take a Pinning Test at -1 Ld. In addition, any unit he charges suffers a -1 Ld modifier for the
duration of the assault. These modifiers are not cumulative.

Lords of the Night: Gorsameth and any unit he joins are Fearless as the universal special rule.

Nightmare Talons: Lord-Captain Gorsameth is equipped with the Nightmare Talons, a pair of ancient claws from the days
of the Great Crusade. The Nightmare Talons count as a pair of master-crafted lighting claws (bonus attack included in profile

Path of Glory: Sorcerers, Thousand Sons, Plague Marines, and Noise Marines may not be taken in a World Eaters army. All
units in a World Eaters army must have or take a Mark or Icon of Khorne. The only Icons that may be taken are the Icon of
Khorne and Personal Icons. All non-vehicle models have the Furious Charge universal special rule. If more than one
character in your army has the Path of Glory special rule, you must choose which version will apply.


Refer to Codex: Chaos Space Marines, with the addition of the World Eaters Path of Glory special rule.

Gorsameth WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
165 pts 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 3+

Unit Composition:
1 (Unique)

Unit Type:
Jump Infantry

Power armour
Nightmare Talons
Frag and krak
Jump pack

Special Rules:
Path of Glory
5+ Invulnerable Save
Independent Character
Lords of the Night
Terror Attack


Path of Glory: A Death Guard army may not include any Chaos Space Marines, Noise Marines, Khorne Berzerkers,
Thousand Sons, Chaos Bikers, Chaos Raptors, or Obliterators. Independent characters may only be included if they take the
Mark of Nurgle. The only Icon available in a Death Guard army is the Icon of Nurgle, and all units that can take it must do
so. Chosen Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Terminators, Possessed Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Havocs must be upgraded
to Plague Marine units for +50 points per squad. These units all become Fearless and benefit from Feel No Pain. If more than
one character in your army has the Path of Glory special rule, you must choose which version will apply.


Refer to Codex: Chaos Space Marines, with the addition of the Death Guard Path of Glory special rule.

Path of Glory: A Thousand Sons army may not include any Chaos Lords, Chosen Chaos Space Marines, Possessed Chaos
Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, Plague Marines, Noise Marines, Khorne Berzerkers, Chaos Bikers, Chaos Raptors,
Obliterator Cults, or independent characters without the Mark of Tzeentch. All units in the army that may take the Mark of
Tzeentch must take that mark.

Chaos Terminators and Chaos Havocs must be upgraded to Thousand Sons Cult units for +40 points per squad. Terminator
Champions and Aspiring Champions in these squads may be upgraded to Aspiring Sorcerers for +25 points, replacing their
close combat weapon/power weapon with force weapons. Aspiring Champions must be given one of the Psychic powers
listed for Aspiring Champions in the Thousand Sons entry. Thousand Sons Chaos Terminators and Chaos Havocs have the
Mark of Tzeentch, a 4+ Invulnerable save (including the Mark of Tzeentch), are Fearless, Slow and Purposeful, have Inferno
Bolts, and suffer from the Sorcerer Commands special rules in the same way as Thousand Sons squads.

Sorcerers may use up to two Psychic powers per player turn. Any Sorcerer may be upgraded to a Sorcerer Lord for +25
points. Sorcerer Lords are Fearless and may choose an additional Psychic power. Sorcerer Lords may use up to three Psychic
powers per player turn. The only Icon available in a Thousand Sons army is the Icon of Tzeentch (though none of the units
that may take that icon need it due to the Rubric upgrade). If more than one character in your army has the Path of Glory
special rule, you must choose which version will apply.


Refer to Codex: Chaos Space Marines, with the addition of the Thousand Sons Path of Glory special rule.

The Black Legion embraces all aspects of Chaos and a flexible approach to warfare. A Black Legion army uses the standard
Chaos Space Marine codex rules and army list without modification.


Refer to Codex: Chaos Space Marines, with the addition of the Warmaster special rule.

Warmaster: Abaddon is seen as the successor to Horus and is Warmaster of the Chaos Space Marine Legions. If Abaddon is
in your army, then the standard Codex: Chaos Space Marine rules and army list are used without modification no Path of
Glory may be chosen.

Path of Glory: A Word Bearers army may include a Dark Apostle. No unit may
take a Mark of Chaos as an option (units that have a Mark of Chaos listed in their
special rules may be taken). All units in the army that do not have the Fearless
special rule are Stubborn. If more than one character in your army has the Path
of Glory special rule, you must choose which version will apply.


Dark Apostles are the fallen Chaplains of the Word Bearers, the only such to
remain within the Traitor Legions. The leaders of the Word Bearers, it is by the
will of the Dark Apostles that the hordes of Lorgars fallen Legion march forth to
war, and by their will alone that such a war shall cease.

Word Bearer armies are shaped by the whims of their Apostles, and it is not uncommon for Word Bearer forces to adopt
formations, armaments, and strategies that seem insane to the outside observer. Sometimes these whims prove prescient and
provide the faithful hordes with victory, while at other times they lead only to destruction.

The political machinations of the Dark Apostles have been known to pit Word Bearer against Word Bearer, but far more
often they are united against the Imperium of Man, working to tear down the faith that was once theirs. The swarming
multitudes of cultists and daemons that accompany any force of Word Bearers are given impetus by the blasphemies of the
Dark Apostles, and the fanaticism they provide to their followers make them some of the Imperiums most dangerous

Accursed Crozius: An Accursed Crozius is a power weapon and personal icon. The Accursed Crozius may have a daemon
bound within for 15 pts. A Daemon-Bound Accursed Crozius is a daemon weapon that also acts as a personal icon.

Favoured of the Gods:
The Dark Apostle has a
4+ invulnerable save.

Path of Glory: A Dark
Apostle uses the Word
Bearers Path of Glory
special rule.

Demagogue: All Word
Bearers within 6" of the
Dark Apostle gain the
Fearless special rule.

Litanies of Hate: On a player turn in which he assaults, a Dark Apostle and all members of any squad he has joined can re-
roll failed rolls to hit.

May replace bolt pistol with a plasma pistol for 15 pts
May take one of the following: Twin-linked bolter for 5 pts, Combi-weapon for 10 pts.
May take Melta Bombs for 5 pts
May instead replace all wargear with Terminator armour, Accursed Crozius, and a twin-linked bolter for 15 pts, or a combi-
weapon for 20 pts

Path of Glory: An Alpha Legion army may not include any Plague Marines, Noise Marines, Khorne Berzerkers, or
Thousand Sons. No Marks or Icons may be taken except for the Icon of Chaos Glory. All Chaos Lord, Chaos Sorcerer, Chaos
Space Marine, and Chaos Havoc units gain the Infiltrate ability (except those in Terminator armour or for which a Dedicated
Dark Apostle WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
145 pts 6 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 3+

Unit Composition:
1 (Unique)

Unit Type:
Accursed Crozius
Power armour
Bolt pistol
Frag and krak grenades

Special Rules:
Path of Glory
Favored of the Gods
Independent Character
Litanies of Hate

Dark Apostle madscuzzy


Transport has been purchased). If more than one character in your army has the Path of Glory special rule, you must choose
which version will apply.


In the aftermath of countless uprisings fomented across the millennia by the traitorous Alpha Legion, agents of the Inquisition
have again and again discovered the shadowy hand of a powerful and cunning enemy. Whispered of by cultists, traitors and
heretics alike, this foe is known only as the Hydra.

Despite the efforts of many Imperial investigators, nothing more has ever been uncovered of this warriors identity beyond
that he is a Space Marine clad in the dark blue armour of the twentieth Legion; and any descriptions given by those few
witnesses who claim to have seen him on the battlefield are vague and contrary. Nameless, faceless, and ever hidden in the
darkness; the Hydras weapons are subterfuge and deception, his armour guile and misdirection.

So widely spread across the breadth and history of the Imperium are the hints and clues of the Hydras machinations that
some Inquisitors have suggested that he cannot be one individual, that there must be many Hydras, and perhaps even that the
title is in fact part of the hidden rank structure of the Alpha Legion Command. Whatever the truth may be, when bloodshed,
heresy and rebellion bubble forth from the dark underbelly of the realm of Man, all too often it is the shadowy hand of the
Hydra that guides them.

Path of Glory: The
Hydra uses the Alpha
Legion Path of Glory
special rule.

Fortunate Son: The
Hydra has eluded death
or Imperial capture on
numerous occasions
where it seemed
impossible. He has a 5+
invulnerable save.

Hidden in Plain Sight:
The cunning leaders of the Alpha Legion are notoriously difficult to
identify. On many occasions Imperial warriors have thought an
enemy officer eliminated, only to discover too late that they have
made a grave mistake. The Hydra gains the Retinue rule when he
joins any unit of Chosen Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Space
Marines, or Chaos Havocs.

From the Darkness: If the Hydra (and any unit he has joined in
reserve) choose to outflank, roll a dice when he enters play to see
where he may be deployed. On a roll of 1 the Hydra and his unit
enter play from the short table edge to the owning players left, on a
2 they enter play from the short table edge on the owning players
right, and on a 3-6 they enter play from any table edge the Alpha
Legion player wishes. This may even be his opponents table edge.

Surprise Attack!: An army that includes the Hydra can re-roll the
dice when attempting to seize the initiative.

Brother Tyler would like to thank the many B&C members who
helped create these rules.
The Hydra WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
145 pts 6 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 3+

Unit Composition:
1 (Unique)

Unit Type:
Power weapon
Power armour
Bolt pistol
Frag and krak grenades

Special Rules:
Path of Glory
Fortunate Son
Surprise Attack!
Hidden in Plain Sight
From the Darkness

Alpha Legionnaire Apologist

I promised when I started this
project that should my Juggernaut
project prove successful at the
Golden Demons, it would be worth
writing a tutorial about it. Little did I
know this project would eat over 400
hours in 14 weeks. Most of these
hours were spent looking at the
model, adjusting the pose, revisiting
the colour scheme, and learning how
to paint each element, taking two or
three attempts for each new thing. I
did not take many step-by-step
pictures on how to paint each
element as I was walking in the dark
myself, trying to nail the effect I
wanted. And when I did, it was
already painted...

Within a year of starting the hobby, I
went from "applying paint" to
converting and painting a model that
would win the 2004 Canadian Slayer
Sword. I wasn't half the painter I am
now before I started this project. It
was a very long process, but as Jason
Richards himself (an amazing Artist
and Gentleman) told me at Toronto
Games Day 2004, once you know
how to paint certain things, you just
do it, and it's much faster. This
article is therefore meant to be more
of a walkthrough of my endeavours
into making a Golden Demon-class
model. It is a long read, but true to
my form as I wanted it to be

My wish is that this will serve as a
source of inspiration to everyone, to
demystify the whole Golden Demon
elite painting thing. I am not a long-
time great artist. I wish to inspire
others into believing that with a little
bit of talent and a LOT of hard work
and dedication, it can be achieved.
Just undertake a project that's much
higher than your current skill level.
That's the best way to learn and
improve. Frankly, the Juggernaut was
way over my skills. Had I seen the end
result beforehand, I would not have
believed I could ever paint that. But
with frequent questions asked to the
resident painters at the Bolter &
Chainsword and my favourite artists at
Cool Mini or Not, I improved my
skills, and there is no reason you
cannot do so yourself.

Try hard, repaint it as much as you
need to get it right, don't just finish
your model and hope to improve on the
next one. If you really are serious
about painting a terrific model, step it
up! You won't learn much by doing
your next rank and file trooper which
you've already done before. Challenge
yourself! I have no background in art,
so if I did it, you certainly can elevate
your skills to the next level too. I'm not
a big time Golden Demon artist, I'm
the underdog who worked really hard.
Magmatrax, Champion of Khorne is
the result of 25% talent, 75% hard
work. Skill, I believe anyone can
improve. The online community helped
me learn, now I'm returning the favour.

The Concept
I wanted to make a Golden Demon-
winning model. How? What to do? So
I went online, and since I started the
hobby I've been collecting pictures of
fantastic miniatures. What made a
winning model? Is there a recipe to
winning a Golden Demon? Yes and no.
Through reading articles by my
favourite artists such as Cyril Abati,
Victor Hardy and Allan C, chatting
with multiple-GD winners like Mark
Mosler (Anthraxus) and even the
judges at Games Day, I determined
what vague guidelines I was going to
adhere to.

The Eye of

The Making

When I first became a Lexicanium, Vincent Hudons Magmatrax
tutorial was being saved for a B&C e-zine. This would appear to be
one, and so its time has definitely come. Magmatrax was an
impressive model, though Im still unsure whether Magmatrax is
the rider or the mount. Boltmans tutorial on creating Magmatrax
offers valuable insight into the process that goes into making a
Golden Demon winning model, and we thank him for it.


The most valuable thing I discovered is
that your entry must be original. Sad to
say, your interpretation of a Green
Typhus model will have a hard time
scoring well, even if it's magnificently
painted, simply because there have
been so many submitted already. Don't
go for the usual GW colour scheme,
and/or convert it to make it a new,
never seen model. I wanted my model
to stand out, make it something new
and different, though clearly
identifiable. As Mark Mosler said,
"You see Magmatrax and the model
punches you right in the face!" You
don't need flashiness, but an attention-
grabber was what I wanted, I wanted
people to remember my piece.

Not all models are created equal.
Though it is true a simple model can
win the judges over with the purity of
its lines, I feel it's a toss-up when it
comes to appeal to the judges. A
Termagant, for instance, has less
potential than a Tyranid Warrior. Not
because bigger is better, but because,
in my opinion, the warrior has more
potential for you to "show off". Of
course, you want to make something
you like, not what you think the judges
will like. However, I'm a fan of the
safer tactic, the "in your face big flashy
thingy" models that draw attention.
This is not to suggest this is the only
way, but if your model is impressive

Magmatrax in all his glory

and draws attention with the
conversion, it's that much less you
have to rely on your painting to pull

Conversion: Make your model your
own, make it unique. It doesn't have to
be completely redone like my
Juggernaut, but the more different the

Freehand: Incorporate some freehand
painting, something to show you can
paint without lines and borders. This
helps make the model your own, and
shows you've spent effort on it.
Magmatrax is not just a Juggernaut, it's
the one with the magma scales effect
on its armour. Freehand further
personalizes your model.

Flawless: I've heard that sometimes
models are very close and often given
1st, 2nd or 3rd based on which has the
fewest mistakes. This can be a big time
sink, but if you can have someone else
scrutinize your model for flaws you
might have missed, you're that much

Realistic Expectations: Ditch that. If
you cannot reach higher than you aim,
you'd better aim very high. Think of a
great idea, then think about how you
would redo it if you had already done it
once. Think of other good ideas, then
pick your favourite. Make sure it's
ambitious. If you don't win, you'll have
learned a heck of a lot at least, and end
up a much better painter in the end.

A friend to consult with goes a long
way. Preferably, one who knows
painting miniatures. For painting tips
and opinions, and support on those
long weeks where I was getting a little
discouraged, my gratitude goes to
Mark Mosler, multiple Golden Demon
winner. Watch out for this guy, I smell
a sword in his future too.

The Model
I wanted to paint a Juggernaut. I
thought the model had a lot of
potential, though let down by a very
static pose and being a difficult sculpt
to modify. I thought the rider was just
boring, and could be spiced up too. I
wanted to use certain
nice bits I had seen, and
I had a vision of
Archaon's chest piece as
a rider on a more
dynamic Juggernaut, in
a more prowling
posture. This was my
basic concept.

I bought some Blu-tac
(the blue gum used to
hang poster), browsed
for various suitable bitz
and ordered them. Since
my skills in sculpting
were limited, I was
going to use bitz as
much as I could before having to resort
to sculpting my own. I then discovered
that Blu-tac was a dream come true to
temporarily hold pieces while you
work on the posture, so I used plenty of
it to get the feel of the model, and see
how the parts could be matched.

The list of bitz I used:
Juggernaut model
Archaons Torso
Grimgors left arm (WHFB
Orc Warboss)
Obliterator legs (the walking
Berserker head, shoulder pads
Skull belt buckle from a
regular Chaos marine torso
Chaos Champion backpack
Ork Choppa arms
Marneus Calgars right Power
$8 Wal-Mart Jewellery chain
Old guitar strings
A few skulls from the Undead
Round Toothpicks

Tools I used:
Modelling vice
Jewellers saws
Two-part epoxy
Various files, hobby knives,
and sculpting tools
A Dremel
Green stuff
Paper clips
I had never seen much work done with
Juggernauts in GD competitions, and
now I know why. Though I felt the
model had a lot of potential, I realized
that the sculpt was horrible, with
asymmetric parts, and badly sculpted
finer features. I spend many hours just
filing away excess and sculpting minor
add-ons to try and make the model
symmetrical. Even so, some things I
couldn't pull off, like how the
Juggernaut's neck collar has 3 spikes
which are not evenly spaced. The
collar wasn't actually straight, but that I
fixed with GS. The model was not a
simple case of cleaning the mould
lines, but throughout it all, I still loved
the look of the sculpt.

Archaon's chest turned out a perfect fit,
the cape having a curve that married
itself with the Juggernaut's rear right
leg perfectly. The Rider was going to
be bigger, but I wanted him to look like
he was leaning on the Juggernaut a bit,
reeling for the impending jump of the
Beast unto its prey. To accomplish
that, the Juggernaut's body had to be
much lower than usually mounted on
its legs, to keep the Rider low. The
front left leg would have to be cut and
a joint added to fit the prowling pose,
and complement the cape flowing on
the other side. I decided to have the
legs angled in a triangular fashion,
wider at the base, to help accentuate
the feel of the model being grounded
and ready to jump. This also made the
juggernaut wider and more imposing.
The head had to become horizontal to
keep with my concept, and at that point


I found two horns that were just
perfectly curved to make the
Juggernaut look meaner.

So piece by piece, I would convert a
part and return to the Blu-tac master
assembly to check for fit. Needless to
say I had to rebuild the Blue-tac
assembly numerous times as it was
sagging with each fit check. I started
with the legs, first drilling multiple
holes in the legs and body, and
inserting half a dozen paper clip rods
on each of the shoulder joint. With a
gob of Green Stuff, I would stick a
completed leg to the body, press to
give the right angle, and use lots of
Blue-tac to hold the position while the
GS cured. The front left leg was sawed
above the claw, then each part was
drilled, a continuous brass rod inserted
on each side of the new gap, and glued
with epoxy. I could then slightly bend
the rod to position the claw, having
checked rod length before gluing. Once
happy, I made a rubber joint-type
connection with GS where there was
now a new gap, just like the leg joints
on a regular Marine model.

The three remaining legs would simply
need to be positioned with paper clips
like I did the first one, each time
checking that the Obliterator legs I was
going to use would fit well in between.
This left me with a big ugly surface
between the front legs and a gap at the
head of the Jugger, between the legs.
The front and rear legs were also
farther apart that the original model. I
came up with the idea of adding fur to
cover these areas, which would also tie
in with the pelt on Archaon's body.
Thanks to Nexus's green stuff fur
tutorial. I practiced on spare green
stuff, and then sculpted fur on the
Juggernaut model it was a handy
filler which did not need to be a
symmetrical feature, and it was easy to
cover large areas.

The rider had to be holding onto the
Juggernaut, so I glued in each end of a
jewellery chain, which each had a
bigger link. I then green stuffed a link
to the Juggernaut's collar. A strand of
the chain would be glued on the fur
and the Power Fist would then be glued
on top, but the other end was left loose,
as I wanted it glued
inside the clutched
fist, to make it look
like the rider was
holding the chain.

The head was a lot of
work, mainly because
the Stock Juggernaut
model doesn't have a
neck. I cut the neck
off, saving the neck
collar with three
spikes to glue back on
the body. I then
drilled a hole in the
body in the middle of
the collar, and one at
the back of the head underneath the
Collar of Khorne on the head. I then
used a brass rod (well mine was iron
wire) cut to proper size to join head
and body.

I actually positioned the head lower
than the body, to emphasize the
prowling pose of the Juggernaut.
Again, I would refer to the Blue-Tac
master assembly time and time again to
adjust the position. I epoxy glued the
rod in the head, then once dry, made
final adjustments and glued the other
end of the rod in the body. Next was
time to make a neck. I made a few
sketches, tried on
spare green stuff, and
then put a gob on the
neck, working from
under the model.

I sculpted wires and
such, continuing what
little was suggested
by that very small part
of a neck provided
with the model. Once
dry, I bent guitar
strings to a proper
shape, guitar strings
being very stiff, I did
not have to worry
about losing the
shape, and I used
green stuff to tack
them to the head and
the body. I made sure to give the guitar
strings a different bend, being more
curved on the left side of the Jugger,
since that leg was leaning forward, the
cables close by were of same length,
but restricted in a smaller space.

It's all in the little details. I'll mention it
here, but through the painting process
when it became time for the eyes I
decided the stock models were too
small. I therefore cut myself a piece of
plastic sprue, drilled only 2 mm
through an end and bevelled the plastic
around it, like this picture shows. The
slightly spherical tip of the drill bit
would make a perfect rivet-type stamp
to make bigger eyes out of GS, which I
then stuck over the tiny original
Juggernaut eyes.

Checking with the Obliterator legs, the
original saddle was much too small and
deep. I simply filled the original gap
with GS, and texture the surface like a

Boltmans Juggernaut Eye-Stamp (Patent Pending)

leather seat, with a diamond-shaped
pattern on the sides. I glued on tiny
metallic studs made out of cylindrical
pewter flash from another model. I
made sure to round the surface with a
file before each cut was made in the
pewter flash rod, to make a better
painting surface later on.

The Base
I wanted the Juggernaut standing atop
the battlefield, looking at the puny
mortals soon to be crushed. I found a
natural rock, whose size and shape
suited my model well. It had a
cleavage cut, too, from which I could
exploit the recess underneath to show
off my previously acquired glowing
lava-effect. I had to pin the juggernaut
to the rock somehow though, for
solidity. I couldn't drill through the
rock, but I figured I could add features
with Milliput, a two part putty which is
more like clay, whereas green stuff is
more plastic.

I added gobs of Milliput on the rock to
improve its features and make it match
the Juggernaut's pose better. I needed
an outcrop for the front left leg to stand
on. I also needed a little extra thickness
for some legs to be able to place pins in
the base for solidity between model
and base. I did so for both right legs, as
the rock was thinner on that side. I
pinned the Juggernaut paws, and
pressed it in the wet Milliput to leave
an imprint, but removed the model,
which was going to be painted
separately. On the extra putty features,
I used a broken piece
of cork to press on the
putty and make
texture to work with
in the painting stage.

Later, when the
Juggernaut was
finished and it was
time to paint the base,
I went back with some
putty to exploit a
recess in the rock to
make a little pool of
lava emptying itself a
little lower (back right
side). I also added A
few skulls to tie in
with Khorne and fill an otherwise
simple base. The area I had left
untouched in the alcove for lava felt
like it could be improved. I decided to
simulate bubbling, thick lava, and
found that the little ball on the back of
a SM where you glue on a backpack
was just right for the task. I also used a
round plastic ball on a leftover sprue
for a bigger bubble, and some rigs cut
from a smoke launcher nozzle. The
smallest burst bubbles were made with
a grenade clip, cut in half thickness-
wise. Very small, be sure to hold them
down when you cut them, or youll
have them bounce out of your sight and
lose them.

The Rider
The Champion is where I realized how
handy it is to carefully select bitz. I cut
off the obliterator legs, and quickly
realized that it was a perfect match. On
the left side the leg was open outwards,
which worked well with my
Champion's pose, turned to the left side
and holding that huge axe. The spacing
between the obliterator legs was also a
very good fit for the Juggernaut width
and required no bending. I simply filed
off the fleshy bits from the legs, using
once again my mighty rotary tool to
grind away. I also sculpted treads
underneath the boots, in case the GD
judges would look.

Now this is where countless checks
with blue-tac took place to assert the
pose of the champion as each element
was gradually glued in. I used the
rotary tool to grind away Archaon's
shoulder armour, peeping from under
the pelt. Starting with the Right
shoulder, this was a very long grind
and check procedure, until I could fit a
complete Berserker shoulder pad.
Remember to use a mask, pewter
particles are bad for you! I then cut off
an Orc arm at the elbow, pinned it in
the Torso, and pinned the other end to
Marneus' power fist, previously drilled
between the thumb and fingers to insert
the chain form the Juggernaut s neck. I
also had to cut off the ammo clip from
the bolter that was in the way of my
Juggernaut's right leg. Nothing was
glued at this step, just using blue-tac
whenever necessary for the parts to
hold while I fit them. I went back to
the torso and legs, drilling each, and
pinning with a piece of rod, cut to

The Base


length, then glued, and finally bent to
appropriate angle. I also drilled a hole
in the obliterator legs and glued a paper
clip in the saddle. This pin and hole
would allow me to pit the champion on
the juggernaut at the same place every
time I put it on for fit.

Torso and legs now being one, I could
glue the right arm onto the torso
underneath the shoulder pad with
epoxy, and let dry overnight, champion
on the juggernaut. Then I worked on
sculpting a midsection between torso
and legs, and came up with GS trims
with studs made in the same fashion as
the Juggernaut s eyes, to keep them the
exact same size.

The left arm was trickier. I knew it was
going to be something the viewer looks
at instinctively, so it had to be suitably
impressive. I oversized the weapon
with an Orc knife as the main blade
extension, and reversed part of an Orc
axe to complete the other side. Since
the plastics were thicker than Grimgor
s axe, I used green stuff to ease the
transition. Filing down the plastic knife
and axe would have lost the facets of
the weapons. I added a toothpick tip on
top for good spiky measure, and
another knife blade at the bottom of the
axe handle, to make it a handier
weapon for a rider to wield. I finally
super glued one end of a cheap
jewellery chain on the axe head,
wrapped it around and brought it down
to the bottom of the pole for looks.
Now I had chains and fur on both the
rider and mount, which helped
emphasize the cohesion of the model.

Next was the left shoulder pad. Since
there was going to be too much
grinding involved, I tried a new
approach: only adding the visible part
of the shoulder pad. It proved tricky to
match to the fur, and in the end, I only
used a little bit of a pad, stuck in there
with GS which I sculpted the missing
parts to smooth the pad with the fur
line. I drilled underneath again for a
pin to attach the axe arm with. Once
the arm was glued (using epoxy and a
profusion of Blu-tac to hold in place
while it dried,) I finished the
connection with the body with GS.
The backpack was then stamped on a
gob of GS stuck on the back fur, and
removed for the GS to dry. A paperclip
was used as a pin, but the backpack
kept separate for painting.

Finally the head, another focal point. I
really liked the Berserker head I used,
and didnt feel major conversion was
in order. I simply added a few
toothpick spikes on the head for a little
more cohesion with the Juggernaut s
spikes. I glued the head in a forward
position, and then sculpted a collar our
of GS with stamped studs, and that was
it! To this point the complete
conversion took about 50 hours.

Vincent Hudon (AKA Boltman) won the
2004 Slayer Sword with Magmatrax,
and has won a number of Golden
Demons since (deserving every one,
too). Our publication of his tutorial is
long overdue.

The Eye of Terror is a dark and hellish
place; full with heretics, traitors and
madmen. Many Space Marines who
have spat on their oaths to the Emperor
have made their home here, along with
legions of mortal soldiers and Titans of
the Dark Mechanicus. Each of these
factions owes their allegiance to the
Warmaster Abaddon, gene-son of the
arch-traitor Horus.

To counter this threat, over the many
millennia since the Horus Heresy, the
Imperium has founded various
Chapters with the specific purpose of
guarding the space around the Eye;
and, when necessary, destroying any
threat that emerges from its hellish
depths. Collectively these Chapters are
known as the Astartes Praeses.

Records, as patchy as they are, indicate
twenty such Chapters, though they are
not all named. It must be noted that one
Chapter is known to have been
destroyed by the forces of Chaos,
whilst another has been branded
Excommunicate Traitoris; leaving the
total count of the Praeses Chapters at
18 at the time of the 13th Black
Presented below is what is
known of the Chapters of the Astartes


The Relictors are perhaps the most
famous of the Astartes Praeses they
are certainly the ones we know the
most about. They were created in the
Twenty-First Founding, and are thus a
Cursed Founding Chapter (their Curse
seems unknown their gene-seed is
believed to be mixed between the Dark
Angels and the Ultramarines, but to
what purpose is unclear).

Anthony Reynolds, Dark Creed, 74
IA: Relictors; Codex: Eye of Terror
The Chapter was based on the world of
Torva Minoris
(though other sources
give their home world as Neutra,
south-west of the Eye of Terror),
they were until recently known as the
Fire Claws. They served loyally until
on a Chaos-hunting mission under
Inquisitor DeMarche, where one of
their Librarians defeated a prince of
Chaos with his own daemon weapon.
This use of Chaos to so successfully
destroy Chaos and the honeyed words
of the Librarian and Inquisitor
DeMarche convinced the Fire Claws
Chapter Master that the tools of Chaos
could still be put to uses that would
serve the Imperium.

Under the guidance of DeMarche, the
Fire Claws sought Chaos relics and
found them. It was in this time that
they became known as the Relictors.
Soon enough, other Chapters came to
know of their methods, and the
Relictors were forced to submit by four
Space Marine Chapters, a group of
Inquisitors, and an Imperial Battleship.
De Marche was executed, and the
Relictors sent on a century of penitent

Even on that Crusade and during the
War for Armageddon, the Relictors
still seized every opportunity to
retrieve Chaotic weaponry.
Relictors remained firm in their belief
that Chaos could be used for good
purposes, and calamity loomed over
their heads.
It eventually struck when
they attacked an Inquisitorial force
protecting a powerful weapon in the
Diamedes Archive. This and other
conflicts caused the Inquisition to

Codex: Space Marines, Fifth Edition
IA: Relictors

The Eye of


The Astartes Praeses stand on the border of the Eye of Terror,
protecting it from the foul monsters that lurk in the Warp and their
servants who wait for any opportunity to crush the worlds of man.
This article summarizes the information we know about them scant
though it may be.


declare them excommunicate, and the
Grey Knights purged their Fortress-
Monastery, forcing the remains of the
Chapter into flight.

Codex: Space Marines, Fifth Edition,
however, says only that the Inquisition
was suspicious that the Relictors were
developing an unhealthy fascination
with tainted artefacts.
Whether this is
a retcon or simply an example of in-
universe ignorance is undetermined.
Likewise, it is unclear if the Relictors
are the excommunicate Chapter
mentioned in Dark Creed, or whether
that refers to some other, unknown

White Consuls

The White Consuls are a Second
Founding successor of the
Ultramarines they are thus the oldest
known Chapter of the Astartes
They are organised
according to the Codex Astartes,
except for a few minor details.
Similarly to their parent Chapter, the
Ultramarines, the White Consuls have
influence over a cluster of planets close

Codex: Space Marines, Fifth Edition
Codex: Eye of Terror
Codex: Space Marines, Fifth Edition
to their home world of
which is located in
the east of the Segmentum

The Consuls have an unusual
Chapter structure,
maintaining two Chapter
Masters rather than one.

One master leads campaigns,
while the other coordinates
the defence of their home
world and the Eye of Terror.

This structure is duplicated in
principle elsewhere in
the Chapter the
Consuls place two
Space Marines in
command of each
world; known as the
Proconsul and the
Coadjutor. Proconsuls
are veteran warriors who are
being prepared for the rank of
Captain. Only a warrior who
has served as a Proconsul may
rise to command a company of
Space Marines. Coadjutors are
warriors recently raised to the
rank of Battle-Brother, sent out
to understand the people the
Consuls are sworn to protect.

This has led to the Consuls
commanding armies of regular
troops when defending their
local region.

The current masters are Cymar Xydias
and Titus Valens.
The Chapter was
involved in the 12th
and 13th Black
and was severely hurt by
battles against the Word Bearers and

Anthony Reynolds, Dark Creed, 34
Codex: Space Marines, Fifth Edition
Deathwatch: Rites of Battle
Anthony Reynolds, Dark Creed, 34
Deathwatch: Rites of Battle
Anthony Reynolds, Dark Creed, 75
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada
Codex: Eye of Terror
Anthony Reynolds, Dark Creed
Marines Exemplar

The Marines Exemplar were heavily
involved in the 13th Black Crusade,
deploying nine companies.
They first
served under the overall command of
Logan Grimnar, but after the loss of
their Chapter Master in combat they
withdrew from Grimnar's command.

Their home world is Necris,
and the
Chapter has served under the command
of Captain Raoul since Chapter Master
Maxim Absolon went missing.
is located in the extreme south-east of
the Segmentum Tempestus, a position
which raises questions about how they
maintain their duties to the Astartes


The Subjugators are thought to belong
to the Twenty-Third or Twenty-Fourth
They are direct and
zealous in their prosecution of the

Codex: Eye of Terror
White Dwarf 283
Codex: Space Marines, Fifth Edition
White Dwarf 283
Codex: Space Marines, Fifth Edition
Codex: Eye of Terror
Deathwatch: Rites of Battle

White Consul by Apologist

Relictor on Snowscape by Artekus

enemy, routinely wiping out enemies
root and branch.

They were relatively uninvolved in the
13th Black Crusade, fielding only three
They have a number of
other recorded engagements they
were involved (along with the Sons of
Antaeus) in fighting against Eldar
pirates in the Third Inter-Guild Wars of
the Inca Sector,
and were victims of
an alien race known as the Cell-Kin,
who slowly turn infected creatures into
other Cell-Kin.
The infection was
purged, but some twenty Marines are
still at large.
Their home world is
Xenax, located in the east of the
Segmentum Solar,
and they divide
most of their efforts between that
region and the Eye of Terror.


Codex: Eye of Terror
IA: Cursed Founding
Rogue Sons, Index Astartes IV
Codex: Space Marines, Fifth Edition
Deathwatch: Rites of Battle
Codex: Eye of Terror
The Excoriators deployed eight
companies in the 13
Black Crusade.

Night Watch

They deployed eleven companies to the
Black Crusade, suggesting they are
not Codex-adherent.
Their home
world is Silence, to the north of the
Eye of Terror.
They were one of the
Chapters that contributed forces to the
Zeist Campaign at the request of
Marneus Calgar.

Iron Talons

Assisted the White Consuls against the
Word Bearers.


The Crimson Scythes, Brothers
Penitent, and Knights Unyielding are
all listed in the novel Dark Creed as

Codex: Eye of Terror
Codex: Space Marines, Fifth Edition
Anthony Reynolds, Dark Creed, 29
Ibid, 31
Ibid, 75
members of the Astartes Praeses.

General Observations
The most evident thing about the
Astartes Praeses is that they appear to
have been created over time the
Relictors and Subjugators are both
products of later Foundings, and it is
unlikely they were the only ones. It
seems likely that Imperial defences
around the Eye have gotten stronger
over time.

Second, we can note two things first,
that being close to the Eye does not
make you a member of the Astartes
Praeses (the Iron Hands, for example,
do not seem to be). Nor does being far
away seem to preclude membership
(the Marines Exemplar are on the other
side of the Imperium, though that may
be error as opposed to intent).

Finally, we can note that dedication is
evidently not required only some of
the Astartes Praeses committed forces
to fight against the 13
Black Crusade,
and of those the Subjugators only
committed three companies. This
seems more than a little odd, and
explanations are hard to conceive of
its possible the missing Astartes
Praeses Chapters were engaged, but
were some of the many who slipped
through the cracks; or that they were
deployed on the other side of the Eye;
or fighting some other Chaotic threat.
Still, their absence is notable.

Octavulg and Ferrus Manus are
Lexicanii and Liberites, who were
depressed to discover that the Astartes
Praeses are evidently publicity-shy.

Marines Exemplar by Lord Tybault


Step 1

Basecoat the armoured areas Adeptus
Battlegrey. Wash the whole thing with a
heavy wash of Badab Black.

Step 2

Overbrush the armour with Adeptus Battlegrey. Overbrushing is essentially drybrushing, but with a wet brush. Quick
highlights with Codex Grey highlight everything except the darkest areas.

Apply fine highlights to the top edges with Fortress Grey. Basically, anything at the top of the figure top of helmet, top of
shoulder pads, toes etc.

How to Paint
by Midian

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Glaze the whole lot with Badab Black, watered down until it is
virtually see through. Before painting it on, gently dab the brush on
a piece of tissue (use the stuff you get for the kitchen, not toilet
tissue) to take out the excess water out of the brush.

If it takes more than a few seconds to dry on the figure, you've got
too much watered paint on the brush. Hit the tissue again and carry

At this stage I painted everything else Chaos Black and gave the
moulded tactical arrow a coat of Fortress Grey.

Step 4

Basecoat Boltgun Metal, highlight with Chainmail, edge highlight Mithril Silver, wash with Badab Black.

Step 5

Basecoat Scorched Brown. Layer a 60/40 mix of Scorched Brown/Dark Flesh, leaving Scorched Brown in the recesses.
Edge highlight with thinned Dark Flesh.

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5


Step 6

These two are the same process except for the base colour. Basecoat the skulls with Dheneb Stone and the parchment with
Bleached Bone. Wash with Devlan Mud.

Highlight the skulls with Dheneb Stone and the parchment with Bleached Bone. Add Skull White to Dheneb Stone to
highlight the skulls, add Skull White to Bleached Bone to highlight the parchment.

Using thinned down Chaos Black, paint thin lines on the parchment to represent text.

Step 7

Basecoat Red Gore. Layer
Blood Red over the top,
leaving Red Gore in the
recesses. c

On the lenses, leave some
Red Gore showing at the
back. Add a tiny spot of Skull
White at the back of each
lens for reflection points.

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

Edge highlight the black areas with a 50/50 mix of Chaos
Black/Adeptus Battlegrey.

Step 9

Paint a circle and square with thinned Fortress Grey (see picture
1b), then fill in. Go over the grey with thinned Skull White.
You'll probably need 3 or 4 thin layers to get it smooth.

Tidy up the shape with thinned Chaos Black and add the eye,
nose and teeth.

Step 10
Water down Scorched Brown
(approx 10/1 water/Scorched
Brown) and glaze around
panel lines, joints and
anywhere else dirt would

Do the same with Catachan
Green, then with Bestial
Brown. Overall, there are
around 15 layers of colour
glazed on.

Step 8

Step 9

Step 10


Step 11

Base I've washed
the sand with
Brown Ink then
drybrushed it with
Khemri Brown
then Kommando

Paint the rim
Scorched Brown
and add static grass
to taste.

Midian is most
well known for his
DIY army, the
Sword Bearers.
His only
distractions from
his Chapter are the
Black Legion and
occasionally some
Dark Angels. We
still havent
figured out why he
did a Relictors
tutorial, but it
certainly is a nice

Step 11


The Exorcists were created in the 13th
(Dark) Founding. The gene-seed used
to create them is unknown, classified
by a special Bull Absolute issued by an
Inquisitorial representative at the time
of the Chapters founding. Despite this
secrecy, there are rumours that the
gene-seed of the Exorcists can be
traced back to the Grey Knights,
though there is no known evidence to
corroborate this.

The Chapters creation was supervised
by elements of the Ordo Malleus and
included the ritual binding of minor
daemonic creatures to the recruits,
followed by their exorcism. While
some subjects died or required
termination due to the damage suffered
in the possession, the majority survived
the procedure. Reconstructive surgery
was required for those who suffered
damage or mutation, and corrective
psychotherapy for those who suffered
psychological damage. Those that
survived the daemonic possession
therapy were then trained in the use of
the 666 verses of the Liber Exorcismus
(Book of Exorcisms) and the methods
of combating the daemons of Chaos.

After the Chapter performed
successfully in field tests against
Daemons, it was developed to a full
Chapter and granted at least limited
autonomy. The level of the Chapters
autonomy and its current relationship
with the Ordo Malleus remain
unknown, though several facilities of
the Ordo Malleus are known to exist on
the Exorcists home world of Banish.
The Chapters fortress monastery is
known as the Basilica Malefex, though
the majority of the Chapter is on
continuous active service throughout
the whole of the Imperium.

To this day, the daemonic possession
therapy continues to be a central aspect
of the Chapters process in
transforming aspirants into full battle-
brothers. Due to the rigors of this
procedure, the Chapter maintains two
extra companies of Scouts, for a total
number of twelve companies in the

The Exorcists are largely a Codex
Chapter, adhering closely to the
dictates of the Codex Astartes written
by the Ultramarines Primarch, Roboute
Guilliman. The primary exceptions to
this are the Chapters organization into
twelve companies versus the normal
ten and the Chapters proficiency at
combating the daemons of Chaos,
excelling at this over other Chapters.
The Chapter has often demonstrated
tactical flexibility and adaptability
exemplifying the teachings of the
Codex Astartes.

One other notable aspect of the
Exorcists Chapter is the presence of
Orisons, or sub-cults, within the
Chapter. Each of these Orisons is adept
at a certain specialty, and Exorcists
battle-brothers may be members of
multiple Orisons. Each Orison
maintains a book of lore in which the
specialized knowledge of the Orison is
preserved and taught; and membership
in an Orison is not a prerequisite to
access the Orisons book of lore any
battle-brother of the Chapter may
consult any Orisons book of lore.
Membership in one or more Orisons is
considered to be a high honour within
the Chapter. Known Orisons include
the Enochian Guard, many of the
members belonging to the 1st
Company; the Obelisk Thelemus, to
which many of the Chapters
Devastators and Techmarines belong;
and the Broken Tower, which is
composed almost entirely of members
of the Chapters Librarium.

If the Grey Knights are the Imperiums premier daemon hunters, the
Exorcists are a close second. Through possession and exorcism they
strengthen themselves, all so they can destroy the horrific creatures
that spill forth from the Warp across the Imperium. Here, Exorcists
player Brother Tyler presents expanded Fifth Edition rules for the
Exorcists Chapter.

The Eye of


and the
of the


Campaigns of the Exorcists
The Aschen War (The Vanquishing
of the Horned God) [307.M40] (3rd
Company known to have participated,
possibly entire Chapter)
The Twelfth Black Crusade of
Abaddon the Despoiler (The Gothic
War) [151.M41]
The Relief of Stonekraal [740.M41]
(3rd Company)
The Badab War [908-912.M41] (2nd,
3rd, 5th, 6th, 11th Companies, half of
1st Company, under command of
Captain Silas Alberec of the 3rd
The Third War for Armageddon
[999.M41] (entire Chapter)
The Thirteenth Black Crusade of
Abaddon the Despoiler [999.M41]
(ten companies)

Exorcists Fleet
The Exorcists have an extensive long-
range Chapter fleet, including three
battle barges, which is considered to
be an unusually high number of such
vessels for a Chapter of the Adeptus
Astartes. This large fleet provides the
Chapter with great mobility in its
continuous actions, the Chapter
operating throughout the breadth of
the Imperium instead of being
confined to a specific area.

Punisher (Battle Barge)
Redeemer (Battle Barge)
Captain Augusta (Strike Cruiser)
Eternal Defiance (Strike Cruiser)
Hand of Glory (Strike Cruiser)
Hunter (Strike Cruiser)

Exorcists Battle-Brothers
Though popular, the Exorcists havent
received much attention from Games
Workshop. Despite this, a number of
members of the Chapter have been
named in various sources, including
Battlefleet Gothic, the Badab War,
and a Black Library anthology.

Enoch Trismegistus (first Chapter
Master according to Chapter legend)
Captain Leitz (participated in the
Gothic War)
Captain Silas Alberec (Captain of
the 3rd Company during the Badab
Venerable Sybra (dreadnought, died
in the Aschen War)
Malachite (librarian, killed the
Horned God in the Aschen War)
Castor Machen (librarian,
participated in the Relief of
Idris (Sergeant, participated in the
Badab War)
Kahl (Veteran Sergeant and Initiate
of the Enochian Guard, participated
in the Badab War)
Rabelias (Terminator assigned to the
bodyguard of Silas Alberec,
participated in the Badab War)
Karsweltus (Apothecary,
participated in the Badab War)

Avasi (participated in the Badab
Baeliastus (participated in the Badab
Belloch (killed in the Battle of
Shavra, the Badab War)
Gebruah (possibly killed in the
Battle of Shavra, the Badab War)
Rauth (Watcher, seconded to

It is worth noting that some of the
Exorcists battle-brothers displayed in
Imperial Armour Volume Ten: The
Badab War Part Two bear titles that
dont appear to be standard to the
Adeptus Astartes, and others have titles
that are variations on typical titles,
none of which are explained. For
example, Veteran Sergeant Kahl bears
the title of Inceptus, Terminator
Rabelias bears the title of Lector, and
both Idris and Karsweltus have the title
of Almoner.

When first presented in the original
Index Astartes article on the Badab
War, the Chapter had a yellow scheme.
The Third War for Armageddon re-
imagined the Chapter in a dark red
scheme. A few minor changes have
occurred since then, though the basic
scheme is shown below. The shoulder
pad rims appear to be black regardless
of company affiliation.
Daemon Hunters
The relationship between the
Exorcists and the Grey Knights
has been the subject of much

Some players have speculated that
the Chapter is like the Grey
Knights and is composed entirely
of psykers. Included in this
speculation is the use of Nemesis
Force Weapons, the signature
weapon of the Grey Knights, by
the Exorcists. The Chapters
inclusion in Codex: Space Marines
and the rules provided for Silas
Alberec in the Badab War book
contradict this.

The relationship between the
Exorcists and the Grey Knights is
unclear. While the short story
Headhunted indicates that the
Exorcists were created using the
gene-seed of the Grey Knights and
that they have very similar
training, the Badab War book says
only that the gene-seed of the
Exorcists is a closely guarded
secret. The Exorcists are one of
the few Chapters that is allowed to
retain some knowledge of the Grey
Knights as Codex: Grey Knights
describes how the Exorcists are
known to send some of their
aspirants to Titan. How
widespread the knowledge of the
Grey Knights is within the
Exorcists Chapter is unknown.


Special Characters
You must use one of the following special characters in order to use these rules in your games of Warhammer 40,000.

Chapter Tactics
If your army includes an Exorcists character, all units in your army lose the Combat Tactics special rule. Instead, when
facing Daemons (Daemon Princes, Possessed Chaos Space Marines, Obliterators, any vehicle with Daemonic Possession,
summoned greater or lesser Daemons, Daemonhosts, Mandrakes, Kheradruakh the Decapitator, the Avatar, and all units from
Codex: Chaos Daemons), all of these units except Scout and Scout Bike squads benefit from the Furious Charge USR when
charging Daemon models and are Fearless when engaged in Assault with any Daemon models. Any of these units that start
their Movement phase within 12 of a Daemon model must pass a Ld test or suffer from the Rage USR. If more than one
character in your army has the Chapter Tactics special rule, you must choose which version will apply.


Use Silas Alberec as he is presented in Imperial Armour Volume Ten: The Badab War Part Two (page 179), adding the
Chapter Tactics included in this article.


The psykers of the Librarium serve a pivotal role in the Exorcists Chapter. In addition to screening aspirants for psychic
potential, the Librarians of the Exorcists are responsible for conducting the daemonic possession therapy and training against
the daemonic that set the Exorcists apart from other Chapters. The Chapter depends upon its Librarians in order to ensure that
no corruption survives within the battle-brothers.

Unlike other Chapter neophytes, those who possess psychic potential are not subjected to the daemonic possession therapy,
for the threat of possessing an untrained psyker with a daemonic entity is too great. Instead, these aspirants are taken into the
Librarium for testing and training. Those that survive become Lexicanii, the most junior grade of Librarian.

The Librarians also work closely with the Apothecaries of the Chapter to screen battle-brothers against the threat of re-
possession by daemonic entities. All battle-brothers are thoroughly tested upon returning from any engagements with the
daemonic, and those that are found to harbour some taint are ritually cleansed and purified or terminated.

Epistolary Leonhart was recruited from a feral world six decades ago. Quickly demonstrating his potential as a psyker and
being taken into the Librarium, he survived the rigors of the psykana rituals and has since proven himself as a potent mystic
warrior within the Chapter. He currently serves as the Outer Guardian of the Librarium, protecting Chapter rituals from
daemonic incursion
through his skill at
detecting and banishing

Destroy Daemon: This
psychic power may be
used at the beginning of
any Assault phase. If the
test is passed, any to hit
or to wound rolls made
by Leonhart against
Daemons may be re-
rolled for the rest of the
turn. You must accept
the result of the second

Dietrich Leonhart WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
190 pts 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 2+

Unit Composition:
1 (Unique)

Unit Type:

Terminator armour
Force weapon
Storm shield

Psychic Powers:
Destroy daemon
Any one of the
following powers:
Smite, Force Dome,
Machine Curse,
Quickening, Null Zone,
The Avenger, Might of
Ancients, The Gate of
Infinity, Vortex of

Special Rules:
And They Shall Know
No Fear
Combat Tactics
Chapter Tactics
Independent Character



Sergeant Idomenes has served the Chapter for almost a century, earning numerous honours for his valour. In the Cleansing of
Anruil in 982.M41, he selflessly threw himself between his injured Chapter Master and a greater daemon. Though the
creature removed Idomenes right arm with a stroke of his hell-forged axe, Idomenes action allowed the Chapter Master time
to recover and re-enter the fray, resulting in the destruction of the daemon. In recognition for his valour, Idomenes was
appointed the Sword Bearer and granted the privilege of bearing the Blade of Enoch, an ancient weapon recovered from the
Eye of Terror by the Exorcists first Chapter Master, Enoch Trismegistus.

As the Sword Bearer, it is Idomenes responsibility to serve as the Exorcists Chapter Champion and to represent the Chapter
Masters interests with the Captains of the Exorcists Chapter, often joining their companies in battle and leading squads. He
has performed these duties with distinction for almost two decades.

If an Honour Guard is included in the army, then the Chapter Champion must be replaced with Sergeant Idomenes for +30
points. If there is no Honour Guard, then one Tactical squad in the army may replace its Space Marine Sergeant with Sergeant
Idomenes for +67 points.

Blade of Enoch: The Blade of Enoch counts as a relic blade. In addition, the blade is inscribed with runes inimical to
Daemons and will always wound Daemons on a roll of 4+, unless Idomenes would normally roll better. Against possessed
vehicles the weapon
confers 2D6 +Strength
for armour penetration.

Exemplar: The Sword
Bearer is an exemplar
of the Chapters warrior
cult and is an
inspiration to his battle-
brothers. Idomenes and
any unit he has joined
always re-roll failed
Morale and Pinning

Collecting an Exorcists Army
The Exorcists follow the teachings of the Codex Astartes; and they demonstrate tactical flexibility and adaptability. As such,
dont feel constrained to any particular army composition when collecting an Exorcists army. Any army that you can create
with Codex: Space Marines is justifiable. The Chapter has two additional Scout companies, so Scouts in an Exorcists army
would not be inappropriate, but this isnt a requirement by any stretch of the imagination.

Designers Notes
Previously, there were a number of issues with the Exorcists Chapter due to inconsistencies between various sources, but
these issues are largely reconciled in Imperial Armour Volume Ten: The Badab War Part Two. This article considers the
Badab War information on the Exorcists canon. Players desiring to learn more about the Chapter should read that book.

I was largely satisfied with the background given for the Chapter in the Badab War book, and Im a fan of the Exorcists
special character, Silas Alberec and his rules. There was, however, one area in which I was dissatisfied, and that was the rules
for the Exorcists Chapter, or rather, the lack thereof. The known background information provides an ability that no other
Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes has, and that is excellence at fighting the daemons of Chaos. Were not just talking about the
Exorcists being marginally better than other Chapters they are remarkable in comparison to other Space Marines when it
comes to killing Daemons (though not as good as Grey Knights). Alberec confers a special rule to the army, but that rule is
based on him and is not necessarily an Exorcists rule in the way that Chapter Tactics would be considered to be rules for
the Chapter. More importantly, that rule isnt about daemons. The rules and characters presented herein are intended to fill
the gap between what the background material supports and representation of that background material on the table top.

Acton Idomenes WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
+30/+67 5 4 4 4 1 4 3 10 2+

Unit Composition:
1 (Unique)

Unit Type:

Artificer armour
Combat shield
Blade of Enoch
Frag and krak

Special Rules:
And They Shall Know
No Fear
Combat Tactics
Chapter Tactics
Honour or Death

Going back to the Third War for Armageddon fluff we have several important elements. First is the Chapter's training in the
tools of the exorcist; second is the heightened levels of aggression Exorcists Space Marines exhibited; and third is the
Chapter's alignment with the Ordo Malleus and the Grey Knights.

With regard to the training in/with the tools of the exorcist, I've basically combined that with the aggression described above
in the selection of Chapter Tactics that utilize universal special rules representative of the effects described for the Exorcists
in combat with daemons. In addition, the Exorcists characters presented in this article have weapons and abilities drawn from
Codex: Daemonhunters (which is now obsolete due to the release of Codex: Grey Knights).

The previous version of this article included rules for Chapter Master Leopoldus Kane (who I made up without any source
material). However, the imagery of Kane was too close to that of Silas Alberec, the official Exorcists character that is
presented in Imperial Armour Volume Ten: The Badab War Part Two. So Ive removed Kane from these rules and
recommend that fans of the Exorcists buy the Badab War book.

Leonhart represents a typical Epistolary within the Exorcists Chapter, focused more on combating the daemonic threat than
his counterparts in other Chapters. The Destroy Daemon librarian psyker power is from Codex: Daemonhunters. It replaces
one of the other psyker powers normally available to librarians. Other than that, he is a standard Epistolary in Terminator
armour. For players desiring to represent any other Exorcists librarian with the Destroy Daemon psyker power, I recommend
discussing the matter with your opponent. Simply replacing one of the normal librarian psyker powers with Destroy Daemon
doesnt have much of an impact unless youre
facing a Chaos Daemons army, so most players
will agree. If youre facing a Chaos Daemons
army, you might offer to compensate through
+5 or +10 points.

Idomenes represents one of the premier Veteran
Sergeants within the Chapter. He also fulfils a
dual role as the Chapter Champion, somewhat
similar to the Emperors Champion of the Black
Templars. The Blade of Enoch combines a relic
blade with an anointed weapon from Codex:
Daemonhunters. I looked at the Daemonbane
ability of Nemesis force weapons as well as the
Daemonic Feud result for daemonblades (both
found in Codex: Grey Knights), but decided that
both of those were too potent. Also, I didnt
want to infringe too much on the Grey Knights
and Ordo Malleus, despite the relationships that
the Exorcists have with both of those
organizations. Idomenes provides a low-cost
upgrade character that will enable players to use
the Exorcists Chapter Tactics.

The rules in this article follow the Codex: Space
Marines convention of tying the Chapter
Tactics to characters, but you might get
permission to use the special rules for the
Exorcists without taking any of the special
characters (if youre lucky). Discuss the matter
with your opponents to see what they will

Brother Tyler is an Administrator, an Exorcists
player, and a DIY rules creator. He also has
been known to talk to females and occasionally
get outside and see the sun, despite scurrilous
rumours to the contrary regarding the
administrative staff of the B&C.

Exorcist Colrouphobic


Following the Massacre at Istvaan V,
the Iron Hands vowed never again to
fail in their duty due to any physical or
mental shortcoming. This has
developed into a hatred (and some
might whisper fear) of weakness of any
kind. Whether this is due to a flaw in
their gene seed or by some other cause
is unknown. It is controlled in part by
frequent bionic enhancement. As an
Iron Hands Space Marine ages, he
continually undergoes procedures to
replace the weak, hated flesh with the
pure strength of metal. This process
begins early, as the initiate has his left
hand removed and replaced with a
bionic one upon induction into the
Chapter. The ultimate goal of any Iron
Hands Space Marine is to become a
Dreadnought combining the resolute
mind of the Iron Hands Space Marine
with the ultimate mechanical body.

This hatred has further developed into
a near fanatical worship of the
mechanical that rivals that of the
Adeptus Mechanicus. Indeed, the close
relationship between the Iron Hands
and the Cult Mechanicus is frowned
upon by more Codex Chapters and is
alarming to the Ministorum who see
these beliefs as a direct threat to their
own authority. This has led to a
number of conflicts between the
Ecclesiarchy and the Iron Hands that
have resulted in bloodshed on more
than one occasion. Consequently, the
Chapter is frequently the subject of
Inquisitorial investigation. The Iron
Hands endure the situation with barely
controlled disdain.

Despite these flaws, the Inquisition has
never acted against the Iron Hands. It
is speculated that they do not see this
flaw as a threat to the Imperium, but as
a useful tool. The Iron Hands quelling
of the Contqual Subsector has
demonstrated the brutal effectiveness
of this Chapters tactics and Contqual
remains one of the most loyal and
vigilant systems in the Imperium
today. During this campaign, the Iron
Hands were subjected to the
unimaginable influences of Chaos, yet
not a single Iron Hands Space Marine
failed in his duty due to mental
weakness a testament to their skill
and resolve.

Details of the Iron Hands
The Librariums Comprehensive
History of the Iron Hands maintains
lists of Chapter members, ships, and
battles too long to reproduce here.

The Iron Hands are one of the more
unusual Chapters in organization. Iron
Fathers combine the role of Chaplain
and Techmarine, and hold an influence
greater than either. The Chapter
Council directs the Chapter, steering it
through events (though some, possibly
conflicting, sources, suggest that the
Iron Hands have Chapter Masters).
And, of course, each Clan Company is
an independent formation of roughly
equivalent strength to a Battle

The Iron Hands have a black scheme
with an insignia of a white clawed
hand. Their armour often includes
metal, bionics, or Mechanicus insignia.

The Eye of


and the
of the
Known for their hatred of weakness, the Iron Hands have stood
faithfully against the enemies of the Imperium for centuries. Whether
from within or without, they have shown no mercy to those who would
bring destruction to mankind. As a Chapter, the Iron Hands
continually strengthen and improve themselves mentally and
physically. They see only frailties in their own genetically modified
bodies and increasingly mechanize them to become the perfect
warrior. Blending man and machine, they combine the unyielding
body with the unyielding mind.


Special Characters
These Iron Hands Special Characters are intended only for use in Iron Hands armies. You may not combine these special
characters or Chapter Tactics with any of the special characters or Chapter Tactics in Codex: Space Marines.

Chapter Tactics
If your army includes an Iron Hands character, all units in your army lose the Combat Tactics special rule. Instead, because
of the extensive bionics employed by the Chapter, all units have a 6+ invulnerable save and all independent characters benefit
from the Feel No Pain universal special rule.


Bannus served as captain of his clan company for many centuries, nearly losing his life on the industrial world of Kaladrone,
he was saved by the legendary Iron Father Paullian Blantar. Eventually Bannus was interred within an ancient dreadnaught
sarcophagus and now serves as one of the most respected figures in the Iron Hands Chapter, a voice of great wisdom on the
Great Council and a war leader of supreme skill.
Bannus is an HQ

Refractor Field: This
power field generator
provides Bannus with a
5+ invulnerable save.

Venerable: Bannus is a
Venerable Dreadnought
and benefits from the
Venerable special rule
(see Codex: Space
Marines for details).

Old and Wise: An army that includes Warleader Bannus may re-roll the dice when attempting to seize the initiative (see
Surprise Attack! in Codex: Space Marines for details).

Dedicated Transport: Warleader Bannus may select a drop pod as a dedicated transport.

Kheres Assault Cannon: Warleader Bannus is equipped with one of the rare Kheres assault cannons. The Kheres assault
cannon uses the following profile:

Range Str. AP Type
24 6 4 Heavy 6, Rending

Bannus WS BS S Front Side Rear I A
225 points 6 5 6 13 12 10 4 2

Unit Composition:
1 (Unique)

Unit Type:
Vehicle (Walker)

Kheres assault cannon
chainfist with built-in
storm bolter
Refractor field
Smoke launchers

Special Rules:
Chapter Tactics
Old and Wise

The room had filled with smoke following the exchange of fire. The sulfur was stinging her eyes and making it difficult to
breath. The wound in her side made it impossible to walk much less stand, so she clawed her way across the floor to her
Godwyn-Deaz patterned bolter. It lay just out of reach, wrested from her grip by the first rounds impacting her body. The
rest of her squad and the Emissary were dead, so the Sister of Battle could count on no one else she was all alone now. As
she felt the comforting feel of the grip in her hand, a heavy, black boot pinned her weapon to the floor. She looked up to see
the cold, mechanical face of the Iron-Father looking down at her and she could see the disgust in his expression. Such
weakness. he said. I... He was interrupted by another Iron Hands Space Marine entering the room. If he was surprised
by the carnage, he did not show it. The Council demands a report on the negotiations with the Ministorum.
Tell them... he looked back down at the Sister struggling to free her weapon. Tell them it went as well as expected.
Then he raised his bolt pistol....



Kardan Stronos is an HQ

Iron Gauntlet: The Iron
Gauntlet is a power fist with
a built in auxiliary grenade

Special Issue Ammunition:
Kardan Stronos has access to
Special Issue Ammunition
(see Codex: Space Marines
for details).

Rites of Battle: Kardan
Stronos benefits from the
Rites of Battle special rules
(see Codex: Space Marines
for details).

Command Squad: Kardan Stronos counts as a Captain and you may select a Command Squad in the normal manner.


Sarlock is an HQ selection.

Axe Mechanicus: The
Axe Mechanicus is a
master-crafted power

Blessing of the
Omnissiah: Iron-Father
Sarlock benefits from the
Blessing of the Omnissiah
special rule, except that he
needs a 6+ instead of a 5+
to make a successful repair
(see Codex: Space
Marines for details).

Mechanicus Protectiva:
This gift from the Adeptus
Mechanicus provides Iron-Father Sarlock with a 4+ invulnerable save.

Liturgies of Iron: Iron-Father Sarlock benefits from the Liturgies of Battle special rules (see Codex: Space Marines for

Scion of Mars: If you include Iron-Father Sarlock in the army, then Techmarines selected for your army do not count against
your Elites allowance and Servitors (including Combat Servitors) count as scoring units.

Servitors: Any unit of Servitors joined by Sarlock does not have to test for Mind Lock (see Codex: Space Marines for
Kardon Stronos WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
175 points 6 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 3+

Unit Composition:
1 (Unique)

Unit Type:

Power armour
Iron Halo
Iron Gauntlet
Power weapon
Special Issue
Frag and Krak

Special Rules:
And They Shall Know
No Fear
Combat Tactics
Chapter Tactics
Independent Character
Rites of Battle

Sarlock WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
135 points 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 3+

Combat Servitor WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
10 points each 4 3 3 4 1 3 1 8 4+

Unit Composition:
1 Sarlock (Unique)
0-4 Combat Servitors

Unit Type:

Power armour
Mechanicus Protectiva
Axe Mechanicus
Bolt Pistol
Frag and Krak

Special Rules:
And They Shall Know
No Fear
Combat Tactics
Chapter Tactics
Independent Character
Blessing of the
Liturgies of Iron
Scion of Mars


Combat Servitors: Iron-Father Sarlock may select up to four Combat Servitors at 10 points each as a retinue, and these
Combat Servitors do not prevent him from joining other units. Each Servitor takes up one space in a transport and is armed
with close combat implants (counts as a power weapon). If Iron-Father Sarlock is killed, then his Combat Servitors will
deactivate and are also removed from play.

Dedicated Transport: Iron-Father Sarlock may select a Rhino, Razorback or Drop Pod as a dedicated Transport.


Madeus is an HQ

Mechanicum Psykanus:
In addition to functioning
as a psychic hood, the
Mechanicum Psykanus has
the unique ability of
allowing a psyker to
commune with the
Machine Spirit of any
vehicle in the army. This
special ability is activated
at the beginning of the
player's turn and requires a successful Psychic Test. This ability also counts as one of his powers for the game turn. Any
single Iron Hands vehicle within line-of-sight may be affected (including Speeders and Dreadnoughts). The effect of this
ability varies depending on the vehicle:

If the vehicle does not have the Machine Spirit ability, then it gains the ability until the beginning of your next
If the vehicle has the Machine Spirit ability, then the vehicle may ignore Crew Shaken/Stunned damage results
until the beginning of your next turn.

Epistolary: Madeus is an Epistolary (see Codex: Space Marines for details).

Psychic Powers: Smite, Machine Curse, Might of the Ancients (see Codex: Space Marines for details).

Menestus is an HQ

Auspex: No enemy
infiltrators may set up
within 24" of Menestus.
Likewise, enemy scouts
using their pre-game
moves may not come
within 24" of Menestus.

Conversion Field: The
conversion field is a
rare technological
artefact that provides
Menestus with a 3+
invulnerable save.
Menestus WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
180 points 4 5 4 4 2 4 2 10 2+

Unit Composition:
1 (Unique)

Unit Type:

Artificer armour
Conversion field
Bolt Pistol
Digital weapons
Frag and krak

Special Rules:
And They Shall Know
No Fear
Combat Tactics
Chapter Tactics
Apostle of the
Bolster Defences
Independent Character
Lord of the Armory
Orbital Strike

Madeus WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
195 points 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 2+

Unit Composition:
1 (Unique)

Unit Type:

Terminator armor
Mechanicum Psykanus
Force weapon
Storm shield
Special Rules:
And They Shall Know
No Fear
Combat Tactics
Chapter Tactics
Independent Character


Apostle of the Omnissiah: Menestus benefits from the Blessing of the Omnissiah special rule (see Codex: Space Marines for
details) and may re-roll one failed repair roll per turn.

Orbital Strike: Menestus may call down an orbital bombardment once per game (see Codex: Space Marines for details).

One Thunderfire Cannon
may replace its Techmarine
Gunner with Brother

Krak Munitions: Brother
Gaumech has access to
special anti-tank munitions
for his Thunderfire Cannon
(in addition to the normal
rounds). When firing this
type of ammunition, the
Thunderfire Cannon has the
following profile:

Range Str. AP Type
60 8 2 Heavy 1+D3

One Tactical Squad may
replace its Sergeant with

Bonded: Brother Telamon
has been bonded to his suit
of Terminator Armour.
This armour so inspires his
squad that they always
benefit from the Preferred
Enemy USR. Because he
is permanently bonded to
his Terminator Armour,
Telamon is capable of
making a Sweeping
Advance when required.

Gaumech WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
70 points 4 5 4 4 3 4 3 10 2+

Unit Composition:
1 Gaumech (Unique)
1 Thunderfire Cannon

Unit Type:

Artificer armour
Conversion field
Bolt Pistol
Frag and Krak

Special Rules:
And They Shall Know
No Fear
Combat Tactics
Chapter Tactics
Blessing of the
Bolster Defences

Telamon WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
+50 points 5 4 4 4 1 4 3 9 2+

Unit Composition:
1 (Unique)

Unit Type:

Terminator armor
Power weapon
Storm bolter

Special Rules:
And They Shall Know
No Fear
Combat Tactics
Chapter Tactics
Feel No Pain

Iron Hands Optional Rules
While special characters can provide a lot of variation for a Space Marine army,
they have their limitations. These optional rules are available to better represent
the Clan Companies of the Iron Hands

An Iron Hands army abides by the advantages and limitations of the The Flesh
is Weak and Clans of Medusa special rules.

The Flesh is Weak: The Iron Hands venerate the mechanical over the flesh and
treat Dreadnoughts and Terminator armour differently than other Chapters. The
Iron Hands prefer to distribute this equipment throughout the Chapter
believing it provides greater inspiration to the Space Marines around them.

Venerable Dreadnoughts may only be chosen as HQ selections. Any
unit with at least one model within 12" of a Venerable Dreadnought
may re-roll any Morale or Pinning Checks.

Iron Hands Dreadnoughts and Venerable Dreadnoughts may never
replace their DCCW with another weapon, but may upgrade the storm
bolter if desired.

Any Sergeant equipped with a storm bolter and either a power weapon
or a power fist may exchange his power armour and grenades for
Terminator armour at no cost. Because the armour is distributed this
way, Iron Hands armies may not select any Terminator Squads or
Terminator Assault Squads.

Any unit equipped with one or more suits of Terminator armour (or
joined by an independent character in Terminator armour) benefits from
the Stubborn Universal Special Rule as described in the Universal
Special Rules of the main rule book. Units that include or are joined by
any models in Terminator armour may not make a Sweeping Advance
(but may Consolidate), Infiltrate or Move through Cover even if the
majority of models in the unit would normally be able to do so.

Clans of Medusa: Over time, the Iron Hands have moved away from the
standard Codex doctrine and now have more in common with the native clans
that they recruit from. Instead of the normal Codex organization, the Iron Hands
are organized into clan companies.

An Iron Hands army may not select Chaplains, but may select Iron-
Fathers (see below).

As a precaution against weakness and corruption, detachments are often
led by two officers. Armies of 1000 points or more must include two
HQ selections.

The Iron Hands have far more Techmarines than normal for a Space
Marine Chapter. You may take up to three Techmarines for each Elite
selection in your army.

Since each Clan Company determines its own hierarchy, you may
select a Command Squad for any HQ (including Venerable
Dreadnoughts) not just Captains.

An army using these rules still uses the Iron Hands Chapter Tactics.
Refractor Field
Any Dreadnought, Venerable
Dreadnought or Ironclad
Dreadnought may be equipped
with a refractor field that provides
a 5+ invulnerable save for +20

Any Dreadnought, Venerable
Dreadnought or Ironclad
Dreadnought may master-craft its
close combat weapon(s) for +5
points. This includes seismic
hammers and chainfists.

Orbital Bombardment
Any Venerable Dreadnought may
select Orbital Bombardment for
+25 points (see page 52 of Codex:
Space Marines for details).

Thunder Hammer
Any Sergeant may replace his
bolter and/or his bolt pistol with a
thunder hammer for +30 points.

Digital Weapons
Any Techmarine or Sergeant may
be equipped with digital weapons
for +10 points.

Auxiliary Grenade Launcher
Any Iron-Father, Techmarine or
Master of the Forge may select an
auxiliary grenade launcher for
+15 points.

Power of the Machine Spirit
Any Iron Hands Predator may
benefit from the Power of the
Machine Spirit special rule for
+25 points (see page 81 of Codex:
Space Marines for details).

Conversion Beamer
Any Iron Hands Techmarine may
replace his servo-harness and
bolter with a conversion beamer
for +20 points.


New Units


The Iron Hands differ from other Chapters in the complete lack of Chaplains. They have been replaced in part by the Iron-
Fathers, who combine some of the attributes of a Chaplain with those of an elite Techmarine. They exhort against the dangers
of weakness and corruption, fuelling their battle-brothers' hatred and directing it against the enemy. Like all Techmarines,
Iron-Fathers are trained in the secrets of the mechanical on Mars and pay homage to the Machine God. Because of this, the
Ecclesiarchy refuses to gift the Iron-Fathers with the Rosarius. Instead, the Iron-Fathers are provided with the Mechanicus
Protectiva a powerful
artefact from the Cult
Mechanicus. The Iron-
Fathers are also masters
in bionic enhancement,
and without them it
would be impossible to
perform the routine
bionic upgrades that are a
hallmark of this Chapter,
or even to maintain them.
Iron-Fathers lead by
example and will be
found at the forefront of
any fighting. Like the
Chaplains of other
Chapters, they are among
the most skilled of
warriors. For this reason,
it is not unusual for an
Iron-Father to be accompanied by a bodyguard of Combat Servitors mono-tasked with his protection.

May replace his power weapon with a thunder hammer or relic blade for +15 points
May replace his bolter or bolt pistol with
o a storm bolter for +3 points
o a combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma for +10 points
o a plasma pistol for +15 points.
May take digital weapons for +10 points
May take 0-4 Combat Servitors at +10 points each
May take up to 4 Combat Servitors for +10 points each

The Iron-Father is an HQ selection.

Mechanicus Protectiva: This gift from the Adeptus Mechanicus provides the Iron-Father with a 4+ invulnerable save.

Blessing of the Omnissiah: The Iron-Father benefits from the Blessing of the Omnissiah special rules, except that he needs a
6+ instead of a 5+ to make a successful repair (see Codex: Space Marines for details).

Liturgies of Iron: The Iron-Father benefits from the Liturgies of Battle special rule (see Codex: Space Marines for details).

Dedicated Transport: The Iron-Father may select a Rhino, Razorback or Drop Pod as a dedicated Transport.

Servitors: Any unit of Servitors joined by an Iron-Father does not have to test for Mind lock (see Codex: Space Marines for

Combat Servitors: An Iron-Father may select up to four Combat Servitors as a retinue, and these Combat Servitors do not
Iron-Father WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
100 points 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 3+

Combat Servitor WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
10 points each 4 3 3 4 1 3 1 8 4+

Unit Composition:
1 Iron-Father
0-4 Combat Servitors

Unit Type:

Power armor
Mechanicus Protectiva
Power weapon
Bolter or bolt pistol
Frag and krak

Special Rules:
And They Shall Know
No Fear
Liturgies of Iron
Blessings of the
Combat Tactics
Chapter Tactics

prevent him from joining other units. Each Servitor takes up one space in a transport and is armed with close combat implants
(counts as a power weapon). If the Iron-Father is killed, then his Combat Servitors will deactivate and are also removed from

Designers Notes
When Anthony Reynolds wrote the original Index Astartes article on the Iron Hands a decade ago, he captured the
imaginations of many Warhammer 40,000 players the world over.
This article was among the best ever written and inspired me (like
so many others) to build and play Iron Hands armies ever since.
Today, players still flock to the banner of the Iron Hands and many
of these players wish to recapture the character that Mr. Reynolds
established for the Chapter two editions ago. These alternate rules
are the final product of the passions and efforts of those fans.
Throughout the entire project, we tried to remain as faithful to the
background material as possible. This was not an easy task, given
that a lot of conflicting information has been published since the
original article. To give credit where credit is due, we used names
from many of these sources for the special characters in this project.
This seemed a fitting salute and tribute to the writers who helped
give the Iron Hands the depth and character that they enjoy today.

You will notice that these rules are in two distinct parts. The first
half of these rules is designed to function within the limitations of
the Space Marine codex in much the same manner as for other
Chapters i.e. special characters and Chapter Tactics. Although
there are limitations, much of the character that the Iron Hands had
in 3rd edition can be represented with the special characters alone.
The rules provided in the first section also make it possible to field
the Iron Hands as a largely Codex force since more recent material
seems to imply that this Chapter is now more Codex in organization
than in previous editions. So players wishing to represent an Iron
Hands army including Terminator Squads (for example) may do so
if desired. The second section or optional rules are provided to
represent the more divergent and unique character that the Iron
Hands enjoyed in the original Index Astartes article. The Iron-Father
is an icon of the Iron Hands and no set of rules would be complete without him. Additional rules were also included to better
imply the close relationship that the Iron Hands have with the Adeptus Mechanicus something that was consistently absent
in the official rules sets.

The new codices for the Space Marines, Blood Angels and Space Wolves have all introduced new and unique units for their
respective armies, so it seemed appropriate that the Iron Hands' optional rules were given similar treatment. A number of
units were discussed and developed, but only one made the final cut. Such is the price when developing unofficial rules.
Throughout this project, special attention was given to ensure that the rules remained very conservative. The reasons were
many, but the most significant reason was keeping the rules 'opponent-friendly'. Introducing unofficial rules to your friends or
to other players in pickup games can be met with some scepticism. Whenever possible, rules were 'borrowed' from other
sources even if they were less than ideal. This way, opponents can quickly glance at the rules and have a reasonable grasp
of them before deciding whether or not to play against them. I strongly encourage using these rules with the special
characters alone and with the optional rules also. While we cannot assure that they are perfect, we did strive to make them as
balanced as possible.

As I noted earlier, this project is the culmination of three years of effort and would not have been possible without the
contributions of many Iron Hands fans. They are too numerous to name, but they know who they are and a heartfelt thanks
goes out to all of them.

Bannus is a Moderator and Iron Hands player, who can most often be found in the Index Astartes sub-forum.

Iron Hand by madscuzzy




We are the Emperors hounds, to lie at the
Emperors feet Commander Simeon Ward, On
We are the Emperors hounds, to lie at the Emperors feet Commander Simeon Ward, On Fealty

The Steel Dogs were created in the
Eighth Founding to serve as part of the
Astartes Praeses on the northern border
of the Eye of Terror. Greatly honoured
by such an important responsibility, the
fledgling Chapter took their duties as a
sacred charge from the Emperor. They
saw their mission and even their home
world as sanctified by Him on Earth
the Emperor had shown them the way
and given them the tools to carry out
His word, and they worked ceaselessly
to be worthy of such an honour. Over
the centuries and millennia following
the Chapter's founding, reports
returned to Terra of pirate bands
hunted down, heretical covens rooted
out, and Chaos raids driven off in
ferocious space battles. On dozens of
worlds, the Steel Dogs died so that the
people of the Imperium might live in
safety, each of them thanking the
Emperor for the opportunity to fall in
His service and that of humanity. They
dedicated themselves to serving the
Imperium and its people, and their
dedication was rewarded with victories
and accolades.

The Chapter's home world of Kell was
their particular pride. Though many
Chapters would have remade the world
in their own image, the Steel Dogs
recognized that the planet had endured
the corrupting forces of Chaos for
millennia without ill effect. Any world
which could do so when the Eye of
Terror loomed in its sky should not be
meddled with. Indeed, being entrusted
with such a prize was an honour to the
Chapter as much as to the planet. The
Steel Dogs thus trusted that the
Emperor's benevolence would guide
Kell, as in the centuries before they
arrived. They founded their Fortress-
Monastery in tunnels on Kell's moon,
Avren, and interacted with the planet
only in emergencies or when

The Astartes Praeses are the watchmen
on the walls of the Imperium, and the
Steel Dogs were ever-conscious of the
responsibilities of their position. Other
Chapters have the freedom to pursue
glory, to seek out enemies, and to
embrace the challenge of the fight, but
the Astartes Praeses have no such
luxury at least, not in the minds of
the Steel Dogs. The proper place of a
Steel Dog was to die defending the
Imperium from those who would do it
harm, not to win glory and honour and
a place in history. This belief was
reflected in the Chapter's recruitment,
and where other Chapters took the
greatest warriors from their home
worlds, the Steel Dogs took those
whose strength lay in their humility
and dedication to duty.

While these policies served the Chapter
well for many centuries, the Steel Dogs
eventually noticed that their
recruitment intake was declining.
Where once they might have taken a
hundred aspirants, they would now
take fifty and those numbers were
sinking ever lower. It soon became
clear that while the recruits were as
physically strong and capable as
before, their spiritual strength was
lacking. The tests of character and
morality which ensured that only the


The Steel


worthy and the pure became Space
Marines of the Emperor were as
effective as ever it was the people
who had changed. These weaknesses
did not stem from the tendrils of Chaos
the people of Kell had not abandoned
the Emperor. The population had
simply turned away from the self-
sacrifice, humility, and strength of
spirit the Chapter demanded. Boys
longed to be Space Marines so that
they could earn glory and be mighty
warriors, not so they could serve the
Emperor and protect Mankind. They
wished to be masters, not servants.

The Chapter was disturbed by this. The
people of Kell had seemingly
abandoned the Emperor-sanctified
ideals by which the Chapter lived.
Debate raged over what to do. To
intervene in the lives of the population
was unthinkable morality imposed
would be no morality at all. It was
impossible to abandon their home
world for another it would be a stain
on their honour, a violation of the duty
with which the Emperor had charged
them. To reward weakness by taking
those not worthy of being Space
Marines would be an even greater
stain. But something had to be done.
With heavy hearts, the Steel Dogs
resolved that if the weakness of the
people was all there was, then that was
what they would use.

In the Chapter's next recruitment cycle
things were different. The tests of
morality and purity were gone. All
those who were strong enough, quick
enough and deadly enough were
welcomed into the Scout Company.
The Chapter took more recruits in one
cycle than they had in the previous
three. The successful aspirants were
rewarded with feasts and celebration
lasting almost a month, before
beginning the process of becoming a
Space Marine.

A full five years later, the Tenth
Companys Strike Cruiser slipped into
orbit above a small, feudal world
whose name has since been lost to
time. Battle-hardened, the Scouts
aboard were now stronger, faster, and
more deadly than any normal man.
They were proud of the victories they
had won, and confident of their
strength as only the young can be. That
evening, the Captain of the Tenth
assembled them in the hold of their
Strike Cruiser, where he exhorted them
with tales of their victories and told
them of the glories that awaited them
as the Emperors finest. He
told them of the importance of
the Adeptus Astartes to the
Imperium, of their superiority
to the mortal defenders of
humanity. He spoke of the
Great Crusade, when Marines
had lead, and mortals had
followed. And when their
souls were full of pride, he
told them that as a sign of the
Emperors trust in them, the
planet below would be theirs
for the next month, for it had
been lax in its service to the
Imperium. It was up to the
new Steel Dogs to return the
population to the path of
righteousness, using whatever
methods they thought fit. The
Scouts would receive the final
surgeries to activate their
Black Carapaces over the next
three days, and on the fourth
day they would descend to the
world below to show the
people what it meant to be a
Space Marine.

That night, as each Marine lay
on the cold tables of the ships
Apothecarion, he dreamed.
Guided by the gentle psychic
touch of Chapter Librarians,
each Scout dreamed of his life
as a Space Marine. Some

Steel Dogs Greyall


dreamed of training and meditation,
some of honour and the accumulation
of glory, and all too many of violence
and dominion by force. Only a few
dreamed of service and dying in the
defence of Man those who cannot
defend themselves.

When the new Space Marines woke
from their surgeries, they were
irrevocably divided into two groups.
Those few who dreamed of defending
the people rose as normal Space
Marines, the Angels of Death who are
humanity's most capable guardians.
Many were not so blessed. They found
that their will was no longer their own
arcane devices buried within their
skulls and the strictest of chemical
conditioning now kept them firmly
under the control of their officers. For
their sins, they were to be condemned
to an eternity trapped within their own
minds, released only to fight the
enemies of the Imperium. They would
never ascend the ranks, only serve and
die for the Chapter and Mankind,
faceless giants in power armour bound
to the will of their commanders. Such
was the punishment for those who
sought power for themselves, and not
for the service of the Emperor and his
people. Such is the punishment today.

A true son of the Emperor does not
need to be told to do what is right he
knows. And those who do not must be
punished for their ignorance.
Captain Thaddeus Fetladral

Though the Steel Dogs' new
recruitment methods granted them an
influx of new soldiers, it required
adjustments in their methods.
Originally, the Chapter favoured
relatively subtle battle plans, relying on
deception, surprise and any manner of
other dishonourable tactics to counter
the often superior numbers of Chaotic
forces. The Steel Dogs were less
concerned with immediate glory than
with the greater duty of defending the
Imperium and containing the forces of
Chaos within the Eye of Terror.

The damnati, as those who fail the final
test are known, are mistrusted and
viewed with contempt.
Since they are not
promoted (or even seen
as competent by some
commanders), the
Chapter thus has a
correspondingly smaller
pool from which to
draw its specialists and
officers. The Steel Dogs
have modified their
tactics to compensate.
The Chapter's battle
plans still use their
original tactics where
possible, but they are
often forced to rely on
the massed infantry of
the damnati and use
subtler stratagems to
that hammer blow.

Methods of utilising the
damnati on the
battlefield often bear a
marked resemblance to
the older combat styles
of the Space Marine
Legions, some of which
are still preserved
within the Codex
Astartes. Where modern
Marines rely on
extremes of skill and
precision, the ancient
Legions relied as much
on weight of numbers
and overwhelming
firepower. It is these
tactics the Steel Dogs
have been forced to

Supplementing direct
confrontation with their
subtler strategies has
allowed the Steel Dogs
to continue to engage
larger Traitor
formations, but the
Battle Companies are almost
constantly reinforced by elements from
the Reserve Companies in order to
provide the necessary numbers to
support such frontal engagements. This
has spread the Chapter thin across their
areas of responsibility, and they now
endure a frenetic pace attempting to
deal with the increasing number of
threats with correspondingly reduced

Meanwhile, the command staff of the
Steel Dogs has become relatively
inexperienced due to the smaller cadre
from which they can be drawn. The
Chapter does its best to ensure that all
Captain Esca Blackblood is unique among the Steel
Dogs. As leader of the Second Company, his service
has been exemplary. But it is his origin that makes
him singular Esca is the only officer in the Chapter
who failed the test of morals at the end of his tenure
as a Scout.

For seven years, Esca served as a damnati in Josens
Squad of the Second Company. When holding an
isolated village outpost during the campaign on
Garibaldis World Sergeant Josen and his deputy,
Brother Shepherd, were both killed by Eldar raiders.
Conventional wisdom in the Chapter would have it
that a squad of damnati left leaderless should be
forced to follow their last orders until finally relieved
Josens Squad should have been annihilated.

Instead, Esca took command. Seizing his dead
Sergeants comm array, Blackblood coordinated the
defines of the village and its people, then lead a
counterstrike against the raider base in the nearby
wastelands. Though many of the Eldar escaped into
the Webway, the destruction of the Webway gate left
Garibaldis World safe from the Eldar, and
concluded the campaign successfully.

Victory was sweet, but the dilemma of the victorious
Esca Blackblood was a difficult one for the Chapter.
Though skill at arms is no sign of the moral capacity
to be a true servant of the Emperor, Blackblood had
gone out of his way to ensure that the village under
his squads protection was exposed to as little danger
as possible. Furthermore, it became evident upon
inspection that his various control implants had all
become almost completely non-functional. Esca had
done what his duty to the Emperor demanded without

In light of these circumstances, Esca was reluctantly
confirmed as a sergeant. Despite the nervous view
taken of him by the Chapter command staff, casualties
among his superiors and skill at command saw the
young sergeant rise to captain soon enough.
Blackbloods skill and frequently demonstrated
dedication to the good of the Imperium have caused
some in the Chapter to whisper concerns that the
Chapters methods of selection may be prone to error.
However, none have yet dared to air these concerns
publicly. In the mean time, the Second Company and
its captain serve the Emperor with strength and purity
equal to that of any other company of the Steel Dogs.


The Steel Dogs enter the Bunker slaine69


receive superlative instruction to
compensate for this, and much of that
education involves the specialized art
of commanding the damnati. One of
the first things Steel Dog officers learn
is how to phrase orders so the damnati
do what the officer intends and,
perhaps more importantly, so they do
not do what the officer does not intend.
There have been several occasions in
the Chapters history where poorly
phrased orders have granted the
damnati license to turn their weapons
on their officers and the damnati
have done so.

The presence of the damnati has also
provoked several formal organisational
changes from the Chapter's prior
methods. First, the damnati are not
granted the formal rank of Brother
instead, they are simply Marines, and
are only addressed as such. Second, the
Chapter's First Company now serves as
Field Police, with a squad seconded to
each Captain of the Chapter at all
times. They serve as bodyguards,
watch over the damnati and provide
each Company with a contingent of
reliable and capable soldiers to execute
difficult missions. This has resulted in
the First Company no longer fighting
as a cohesive formation its banner
has hung furled in the Fortress-
Monastery for centuries, and its
various ceremonial posts are rarely

Second, the Chapter's Scout Company
remains quite separate from the Battle
Companies. Scouts do not speak to full
Marines other than their officers, and
the company rarely deploys alongside
other Chapter forces. This is intended
to keep the Scouts from becoming
aware of the moral test which lies
ahead of them, and so far has proved
successful. Instead of supporting other
companies, the Scouts serve to deal
with situations that are not worth the
commitment of full Marines, deploying
in a fashion and circumstances similar
to that of the regular companies. Where
other Scout companies receive
intensive instruction in the morals of
their Chapter, the Steel Dogs prefer to
have the Scout Company officers lead
by example a recruit should not need
to be told what is right.
Finally, the Chapter's rank structure
now includes several deputies and
redundancies, such as the resurrection
of the position of Lieutenant, which
attempts to alleviate some of the
difficulties inherent in the Chapter's
officers' relative lack of experience.

The Chapter's Cult has evolved greatly
over time. Initially dedicated to the
Emperor as creator of the Imperium
and of the Space Marines, the ever-
present threat of Chaos has clarified in
the Chapter's mind the perfection of
what the Emperor wrought. Equally,
the tendrils of the Great Enemy have
warned the Chapter of the dangers of
even seemingly-innocent changes to
doctrine. Within a few centuries of
their founding, the Chapter had
become firmly convinced of two things
the perfection of the Emperor and
that which He had sanctified with His
approval, and the danger of change,
which all too often serves as first
innocuous entrance of Chaos. Many
Dornian successors are conservative by
nature, and many fervent in their
devotion to the Emperor, but the Steel
Dogs have become unusually so,
especially as the lights of the Imperium
grow ever dimmer and more twisted
dark forces spill forth from the Eye of

The damnati have, if anything, driven
the Chapter further in this direction, as
the changes they force triggers an
instinctive defines of the Chapter's
other doctrines. Some Imperial
observers have expressed surprise that
the Chapter chose to create the damnati
rather than die with honour, but this
overlooks the third principle which
drives the Steel Dogs their dedication
to their duty as part of the Astartes
Praeses. The Chapter sees that duty as
a personal charge from the Emperor,
and as time has gone by and their
fervency grown, so has their
willingness to do anything, sacrifice
anything, destroy anything, so long as
their duty is fulfilled and the Imperium
kept safe. The damnati do not represent
an abandonment of the Chapter's
beliefs only demonstrate the extent to
which the Chapter will compromise
those things they hold dear to protect
that which is even more important.
"My strength is as the strength of ten,
for my heart is pure. My strength is as
the strength of a hundred, because they
did not see me coming. It is better to
sacrifice personal honour and win,
than sacrifice the honour of the
Chapter by losing."
Captain Esca Blackblood

The Etherway Engagement
The Dark Eldar are one of the most
vicious enemies humanity has ever
faced. Though others match them for
capability, few match them for sadism.
When their presence was reported in
the Arc-Royal system but no raiding
took place upon the system's planets,
the Steel Dogs' Fourth Company was
sent to investigate. Though it took
several weeks, eventually a Chapter
scout ship discovered what had drawn
the Dark Eldar forces to the area.

The system's cometary cloud held a
Dark Age of Technology colony ship,
the Etherway, almost impenetrably
armoured and still inhabited. Even
barely functional, these ships are still
valued prizes for the Adeptus
Mechanicus, and their inhabitants often
make excellent recruits for the Imperial
Guard, Marine Chapters, or, if nothing
else, the ranks of a local Forge World's
servitors. The Dark Eldar were still
searching for a way in when the Steel
Dogs came upon them. Though the
Chapter managed to drive off the
raider's ships, many Dark Eldar
remained on the hull of the massive

The Chapter was not yet experienced
in the use of the damnati, and so the
operation's commander ordered his
Marines into a prolonged hunt across
the surface of the structure. Its baroque
design and the lack of gravity made the
preternaturally quick and subtle Dark
Eldar even more dangerous than usual.
Though the damnati served the Chapter
well in the battle across the Etherway's
surface, standing firm where even
other Space Marines might have
hesitated, their tenacity was tempered
by inflexibility. The damnati could
beat the Dark Eldar until their

officers fell, when they would be
surrounded, outmaneuvered, and

Eventually, they were ordered to open
areas on the Etherway's hull. The
Strike Cruisers then raked remainder of
the colony ship's surface with their
point defence systems. Though not
dangerous to full warships, these
weapons were more than sufficient to
eliminate the remaining Dark Eldar.
Though the Dark Eldar were
annihilated, many of the damnati and
their officers lay dead. The Chapter's
high command took stock of this, and
the Steel Dogs' tactical principles were
revised, trying to balance the need to
face dangerous and subtle enemies
with the inflexibility of the damnati. In
many ways, each battle the Chapter has
faced since has reflected this where
the commander finds this balance, the
Steel Dogs triumph. Where he fails, so
do they.

The Battle of Thrycross [698.M38]
Triumphs are rare in the histories of the
Astartes Praeses. Far more common
are pyrrhic victories, desperate last
stands, and the crushing of rebellions
which flare up again as soon as the
Space Marines have departed. Though
it is the Black Crusades which
draw the attention of Imperial
historians and responses from
across the Imperium, the raids
and isolated attempts at
conquest of various Chaos
warbands are a constant thorn
in the side of the Imperial
forces that defend the Eye of
Terror. One of these conquest
attempts involved the warband
of Khulloth Von Strang, a
Slaaneshi prince who had
marauded, debauched and
depopulated his way through
half the outer worlds of the
Thrycross system before the
Steel Dogs' Fifth Company

The two forces met in battle
on Thrycross itself, a maze of
chasms and caverns, and a
running battle raged through
them. The Fifth Company had
begun the battle under-
strength and without their
usual supporting elements,
and the deceptive wiles of the
Slaaneshi adherents proved
capable of overcoming even
the powerful conditioning of
the damnati. A handful even
attempted to turn their
weapons on their officers,
though most simply collapsed
into catatonia or robotically
followed their last orders.
Still, the confusion this
engendered in the ranks
proved fatal to the
coordination of the various
elements of the Steel Dogs
assault. Though they dealt
fearsome casualties to the
Chaotic warband, they were
driven back toward Thycross'

Esca Blackblood slaine69



Finally, Lieutenant Takeshi St. Veir,
the senior surviving officer, ordered
the remainder of the company to retreat
to the capital, remaining behind to
challenge the members of the warband
to single combat in a large canyon.

The Lieutenant was slightly surprised
when six of the Chaotic champions
accepted his challenge. Though he
defeated the first three, the poison of
their weapons slowly broke his
strength, and the blade of the fourth
separated his head from his shoulders.
However, even before his lifeless body
had slumped into the dust, the walls of
the canyon erupted in fire and smoke,
and avalanches buried all but a few
members of the warband. The
remainder of the PDF had planted
charges throughout the canyon while
the Steel Dogs fought the warband, and
the death of St. Veir triggered them,
annihilating Von Strang's forces
including Von Strang himself. The
surviving Chaotic warriors were easy
pickings for the PDF and the remainder
of the Fifth Company. Though it cost
them greatly, the Steel Dogs had
discharged their duty.

The Battle of Port David [143.M40]
The world of Port David lies near the
edge of the Eye of Terror, and assaults
upon it were frequent. When the Steel
Dogs' Third Company responded to a
distress call from Port David, they
were expecting something unusual, as
Chaos so often provides, and they were
not disappointed.

Most assaults on Port David came from
offworld, but the most recent assault
had been coupled with several of the
planet's nation-states siding with
Chaos. While some strife between the
various constituent nations of the
planet was not uncommon, this was
unprecedented. Equally odd were the
tactics and methods of their opponent
Grand Captain Inquis Longtooth, who
led a force of surprisingly well-trained
and equipped Beastmen reinforced by
elite Chaos Space Marines.

The battles at Port David were studied
by the Chapter for a thousand years
afterward. Captain Phelan Aeacid of
the Third was perhaps the brightest
tactical mind the Chapter had seen, and
Longtooth a canny opponent.
Longtooths forces outnumbered the
Marines by hundreds to one, and
massed ground attacks should have
been suicidal. But Aeacid moved his
forces as though they were ghosts,
using his air superiority to move his
troops from deployment to
deployment, always striking where the
enemy was weakest. Enemy
maneuvering encountered minefields
and booby-traps. Small squads
mimicked conventional Space Marine
tactics while larger forces massed
elsewhere. If the enemy was foolish
enough to respond, the massed force
struck the remaining enemy troops and
broke them. Though not as flexible as
other marines, the superior forces the
Steel Dogs could bring to bear meant
that wherever they struck they were

Longtooths forces bled, but so did
Aeacids. Each battle cost soldiers that
could not be replaced, and the Port
David PDF was virtually useless,
fractured with suspicion and mistrust in
the wake of the initial uprisings.
Indeed, Imperial analysts have since
questioned whether Chaos corruption
was not responsible for much of this
intransigence. Regardless of its cause,
the result was that the Steel Dogs were
poorly supported against a much larger
force, whose numbers seemed to be
eternally swelled by traitorous locals
eager to win plunder.

Though they managed to drive
Longtooth's forces back into their
friendly cities, Aeacid decided that the
only solution to their dilemma was to
strike those enemy cities that lacked
effective garrisons, in hopes of
sparking rebellion and discord within
the enemy's ranks, and (if nothing else
could be done) depriving the enemy of
their base of support by destroying city
infrastructure and forcing Longtooth to
either lose support or dedicate
resources to maintaining them. In the
confusion that would result, the Steel
Dogs might be able to get the upper
hand. Likewise, a strike against their
former allies would revitalize the PDF.

Unfortunately, things proceeded badly.
Aeacid was killed by a sniper almost
immediately upon entering the city.
Most of the PDF was slaughtered, and
those who were not either surrendered
or switched sides. The remaining Steel
Dogs quickly realized that the situation
was untenable, and withdrew, but
several squads of damnati were left
behind in the city. Local intelligence
sources later reported seeing two of
those same damnati serving as
lieutenants in Longtooth's forces.
Though the Third Company did its best
to salvage the situation, all but one of
the cities surrendered to Longtooth,
most without even a token fight. The
Third oversaw the evacuation of the
last city's population off planet, then
withdrew themselves, leaving Port
David in the hands of Longtooth and

Step 1

The model is primed with Krylon Grey Primer. This is
then followed with a dusting of GW Skull White Primer.

The model is basecoated with a 50/50 mix of GW Catachan Green and GW Fortress Grey.

Step 2

Progress amounts of GW Skull White are added to my GW Catachan Green/GW Fortress Grey mix to highlight the model (I
went up 3 steps on this model).

Once the highlights were dry, I then mixed a 50//25/25 mix of GW Devlan Mud, GW Catachan Green and GW Fortress Grey,
and diluted this as a wash to shade in the crevices/cracks and where armour plates met.

How to Paint Steel
by DV8

Step 1

Step 2


Step 3

The grey shoulder pads and elbow guards are basecoated with GW Codex Grey. This is then highlighted with GW Fortress
Grey and given a wash of GW Devlan Mud.

Step 4

Basecoat the joints, chest eagles, and any other silver areas with GW Boltgun Metal. This is then highlighted with Vallejo Air
Chrome. The pouches and the purity seal are basecoated with P3 Beast Hide. The base is painted with GW Scorched Brown.

The pouches, purity seal, and any metallic areas are then given a wash of Badab Black.

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

The purity seal and pouches are touched up with P3 Beast Hide. The purity seal wax is basecoated with GW Dark Flesh and
then given a highlight of GW Blood Red.

The base is given a drybrush of GW Snakebite Leather, followed by a drybrush of 50/50 GW Snakebite Leather and GW
Bleached Bone. The edge is painted with GW Chaos Black.

The Boltgun is glued onto the model, and any black areas are given a thin edge highlight with GW Codex Grey.
Step 6

The helmet lenses are painted with GW Chaos Black. This is then basecoated with Dark Flesh and highlighted with Blood
Red and Blazing Orange.

Step 5

Step 6


Step 7

The purity seal is highlighted up with GW Bleached Bone, and then GW Skull White. This is followed with a GW Devlan
Mud wash. Thin lines to represent script are then painted on with a 50/50 mix of GW Scorched Brown and GW Dark Flesh.
Step 8

Voila! A completed Steel Dogs Space Marine.

DV8s impressive miniatures and drawings can be found all across the Bolter and Chainsword. His homepage can be found
at, and he can be found in the Space Wolves forum (among many other places).

Step 7

Step 8

Step 8




We are the Emperors hounds, to lie at the
Emperors feet Commander Simeon Ward, On
'We fight the battles others cannot win, we suffer the pain others cannot endure, we face the horrors
others cannot withstand.
For we are Astartes; this is our duty and we embrace it. Reclusiarch Sacrifice

On the first day of the thirty-second
millennium, the historic Third
Founding was initiated. The Heresy
was over, but the Imperium was still
struggling, as Abaddon the Despoiler
had recently launched his first Black
Crusade from the Eye of Terror. And
so for the first time in history, the High
Lords of Terra decreed the founding of
completely new Chapters, created with
the genetic material of the old Legions.
At least one of these Chapters was to
be drafted into the Astartes Praeses,
tasked with reinforcing Imperial
control in the troubled space of
Segmentum Obscurus and protecting
the Imperium from further chaos
invasions from the Eye of Terror.
Chosen because of his Legion's
unflinching bravery during the defence
of Terra and to honour the supreme
sacrifice he made for the Imperium, the
Chapter was formed from the gene-
seed of Rogal Dorn's Imperial Fists.

A small cadre of veterans and
specialists from the Imperial Fists were
given the responsibility of training and
leadership, and quickly began
moulding the first young members of
the Chapter into the ultimate defenders
of humanity. They were named the
Heralds of Light, for they would bring
the Emperor's illumination to the
darkest corners of the galaxy. Gifted
with the mighty Battle Barge
Imperatorae Tonitrus and several
Strike Cruisers from the forges of
Mars, the Heralds set sail towards the
Segmentum Obscurus, slaying
countless foes on their way. After two
centuries, their initial crusade came to
an end with the First Defence of Luxia.
This battle saw the entire Chapter
deployed on and above Luxia, a planet
cut off from the rest of the Imperium
during the Horus Heresy and now
under assault by a large warband of
Word Bearers. Although they took
grievous losses, the Heralds were
victorious and were recognized as
heroes and saviours by the Luxian
people. The Luxians had fought
bravely, despite their inferior
equipment, and they had been fearless
in the face of the traitors. Impressed,
the Heralds decided that Luxia would
become the Chapter's home world.

Since that time the Heralds have made
their name in the fight against Chaos,
participating in several operations
against emerging Chaos cults,
including the five year-long campaign
against the Breakers of Chains. During
the Age of Apostasy, the Heralds were
nearly wiped out fighting the traitor
hordes taking advantage of the internal
power struggle. The Chapter was
spread thin during the Gothic War
trying to contain the invading forces,
hunting down bands of Raiders who
managed to slip through the Cadian
Gate. For nearly nine millennia the
Heralds of Light have fought the
enemies of the Emperor, and Luxia has
been a bulwark in the defence of the
Imperium. Thirteen of Abaddons
Black Crusades have poured out from
the Eye of Terror and every time the


of Light



Heralds have defiantly stood their
ground. They are as unyielding as a
lighthouse; a symbol of humanity in a
dark tempest. They have felt the full
brunt of many attacks, suffered
horrible losses and their morale has
been pushed to the limit. But the
Heralds of Light still stand guard, for
they know that they are all that stands
between the darkness of the Eye and
the billions of defenceless Imperial

The cult of the Heralds places great
emphasis on humility, self-sacrifice,
and loyalty. They see themselves as
servants of the Emperor and therefore
protectors of humanity. All who live
under the light of the Emperor are
worthy of their protection, and the
Heralds are known for their tolerance
of both ordinary humans and even
abhumans. Unlike the majority of
Chapters, the Heralds are not
exceedingly proud or self-absorbed,
but humble and reserved. They exist to
serve mankind, not the other way
around. The Heralds value the splitting
of power in the empire as absolutely
necessary, but they also strongly
believe that if mankind is to be
victorious, the forces of the Imperium
must work together. Their humbleness
and willingness to collaborate has
earned them many allies within the
Adeptus Astartes and other Imperial

During their existence, the Heralds
have developed a conviction that the
Emperor will one day rise from the
Golden Throne, and unite humanity
against Chaos. This is due to the
beliefs of the Luxian people, which
over the years have been absorbed by
the Heralds own belief system. Their
duty is to keep the Imperium safe, until
the Emperor returns and leads them in
a second Great Crusade. The Chapter
also venerate the Emperor not as a
God, but as the greatest man the
Galaxy has ever seen. Due to their
beliefs, the Chapter has a strained
relationship with the Ecclesiarchy. But
this is typically ignored due to their
cordial relations with other Imperial
organizations, and because of their
unquestionable loyalty to the Emperor.
The Heralds of Light bear an intense
hatred for Chaos in all its forms, and it
is abhorred for its corrupting touch.
Too often has the influence of chaos,
manipulating the minds of men, been
witnessed by the Heralds, and often is
the corruption of one man enough to
throw an entire planet in devastation.
Falling to the Dark Gods is the
greatest betrayal to the Emperor and
cannot be tolerated. The Ruinous
Powers is considered to be the
ultimate threat to the human empire,
and the Heralds show no mercy when
it comes to the annihilation of Chaos.
They have been especially vigorous
during the various Black Crusades
over the millennia, and this in turn has
earned them the hatred of many Chaos
worshippers. To them, Luxia is an
intolerable provocation, a torch
burning with the flame of the False

As members of the Astartes Praeses,
the duties of the Heralds require them
to frequently fight alongside other
Imperial organizations. They have
gained a reputation for throwing
themselves into combat to support
their allies, occasionally forgoing
comprehensive planning in favour of
providing aid as fast as possible. As a
consequence, the Heralds do not
always fight on their own terms,
having participated in numerous
defensive operations as well as other
tasks that are not common for an
Adeptus Astartes Chapter. This
approach to combat has proven to be
very strenuous on the Heralds and the
number of casualties has at times been
dangerously high. The Heralds
themselves believe that it is their
responsibility as Adeptus Astartes to
fight the battles others cannot, no
matter how punishing.

Whilst they have been known for their
lack of planning, it is in the heat of
battle the Heralds have gained their
renown. The Heralds have always been
a flexible fighting force, able to
quickly react to an ever-changing
combat situation and have become
famous for their ability to adapt and
improvise. Alcaeus was a devoted
follower of the Codex Astartes and
instilled his men with the same degree
of devotion. Yet, he recognized that to
be truly flexible one has to be flexible
towards the Codex as well, a belief
which has served the Chapter well over
the years. Cooperation with allied
organizations has always been
important to the Heralds, and to
effectively work together with another
fighting force, one must be able to take
advantage of each others strengths.
They have therefore not specialized
themselves in a single aspect of
warfare, but strive to excel in all areas
so that they may better support their

Herald of Light Aerion the Faithful

allies. Their reliability and willingness
to cooperate is viewed favourably by
both Imperial commanders and citizens

In addition to their parent Chapter's
adherence to the Codex Astartes, the
Imperial Fists reluctance to accept the
possibility of defeat has also been
inherited by the Heralds. This can
sometimes blind the Heralds to risk,
resulting in them fighting on where
other Chapters would fall back or
retreat. The Heralds themselves view it
as absolutely necessary for a servant of
the Emperor to be willing to die in
battle, and the Chaplains constantly
preach of self-sacrifice. Only by the
supreme sacrifice of some of the
greatest Imperial heroes, like Rogal
Dorn or the Emperor himself, does the
Imperium still stand. It is their resolute
nature that keeps them fighting on
where others would give up.

The Heralds are organized along the
lines the Codex sets out. Aside from
the headquarters staff and support
personnel, the Chapter is divided into
ten companies each with its own
heraldry and name, often representing
the duties of the Company Captains.
This includes the Guardians of the
Flame of the Second and the Shield
Bearers of the Fifth. The First is like
in most Chapters the Veteran
Company. The 'Blades of Dorn', as
they are called, are the most
experienced and skilled warriors the
Chapter has to offer. Rarely operating
as a whole company, the Blades are
typically spread throughout the
Chapter, where their wisdom can be
imparted to the more inexperienced
battle-brothers. The second through
fifth are the Battle Companies,
while the sixth through ninth are the
Reserve Companies. The Reserve
Companies are currently under-
strength due to the ravages of war,
and as the Heralds have vowed to
never leave Luxia unguarded, they
always leave at least one of these
companies on Luxia. The tenth is
the Scout Company, containing the
newly inducted recruits of the
Chapter. Like the veterans, they are
spread throughout the Chapter,
fighting alongside their older

The Imperatorae Tonitrus is the
flagship of the Chapters fleet, and
has been ever since the Chapter was
created. This old and venerable
Battle Barge bears the scars of
countless battles, and it is one of
their most valued assets. It is also
the only Battle Barge they possess,
and it is only used when needed the
most. Instead, the smaller Strike
Cruisers are more frequently used
as their extra speed is preferred, and
there are as many as nine Strike
Cruisers in the Chapters fleet.
These vessels are largely crewed by
the naval serfs, men who are
fanatically loyal to the Chapter and
under the command of only a
handful of Adeptus Astartes these
men are more than capable of both
maintaining and defending the fleet.
Unlike many other Chapters, where
Serfs are nothing more than
servants or slaves, the Heralds
acknowledge their Serfs with
respect, and to join the Chapter as a
Serf is the greatest honour, aside
Heralds of Light Emperors Champion Greyall


from becoming one of the Adeptus
Astartes. The Heralds have been
known to draw their Serfs from both
the people of Luxia and volunteers
from nearby systems.

The Flame of Hope [435.M36]
The Age of Apostasy was a time of
uproar for the Imperium, and all too
many cries for aid were lost in a chorus
of such pleas. The Governor of
Juggernauth thus counted himself
fortunate when his distress call was
answered by the Fourth Company of
the Heralds of Light, who arrived to
find Juggernauth shrouded in an
unnatural darkness which obscured
their sensor sweeps. Despite the risks
of descending blind, the Heralds
boarded their Thunderhawk gunships
and made immediate planetfall using
ancient survey maps from
Juggernauth's entry into the Imperium.

Landing at the capital, Maganlall, they
found the planet in disarray forty
days of perpetual night had begun to
drive many of the inhabitants insane.
Some had lost faith in the Emperor and
numerous heretical cults had sprung
into existence, causing the planet to fall
into anarchy. The Heralds saw it was
up to them to restore the Emperor's
light. Chaplain Parthenius himself
ceremonially relit the holy flames in
the Temple of the Emperor as
Lightbringer in the capital using a
torch lit from a brazier in the chapel
aboard the Strike Cruiser which had
itself been lit from the Flame of the
Emperor atop the Watchtower on

Herald of Light Chronophague

The Heralds lit their own torches from
the rekindled flames, and marched
through the streets of Maganlall
spreading the sacred flame and singing
praises to the Emperor. Those who had
fallen to the taint of heresy were
purged with sacred fire, while behind
the Space Marines an army grew.
Drawn by the light, the Imperial
faithful emerged from their refuges and
marched behind the marines,
fashioning torches of their own.

When Maganlall shone with the
Emperor's light once again, Captain
Icelus despatched these faithful
citizens as messengers, each bearing a
torch lit from the sacred flames.
Though many fell victim to renegade
militias, many more reached pro-
Imperial enclaves and over the next
three months the Heralds of Light
spearheaded a crusade which swept the
planet clean of the darkness of Chaos.
With each victory won by the crusade,
the skies above brightened, and when
the Heralds of Light departed
Juggernath had been restored to safety
and the light of the Emperor.

The Chirayathan Controversy
It is unknown how long it took the
Alpha Legion to raise the Chirayath
system in revolt, but when the
Chirayans rose, they did so with a
violence that shocked all observers.
The Heralds of Light responded in
force to the uprising, committing
several companies, and battle raged
across the planets for months.
Throughout the campaign, the Heralds
of Light showed a reluctance to
cooperate that was unusual for them.
Historians have speculated that they
were concerned about possible Alpha
Legion infiltration of the loyalist
forces. Whatever the reason, the
Chapter brought its own support
forces, using Chapter serfs and Luxian
PDF in the field on several occasions.
They also relieved several officers of
the Kurapcan Hussars, and replaced
local PDF general staff with Luxian
officers on seven distinct occasions.

While the campaign was successful,
aggrieved parties within the allied
forces and the local PDF filed several
complaints with the Administratum
and the Inquisition. An investigation
was launched to determine whether the
Heralds of Light had exceeded their
mandate by making use of non-
Adeptus Astartes forces under their
direct command, and whether they had
unjustifiably interfered with the
Imperial Guard chain of command.

The investigation took five years, and
its full findings are on file at the
Library of Sycorax (section XIV sub
CLIX, volumes I to CCCLIX). Suffice
to say that it was concluded that the
Heralds of Light had not overstepped
their authority many of the officers
relieved of command were indeed
tainted by Chaos, and on this occasion
the actions of the Heralds had averted
potential calamity. Nonetheless,
Chapter Master Quizion was invited to
discuss the findings further with select
members of the Inquisition, and it was
only through his patience and humility
that catastrophe was averted for the

The Massacre at Bhein Morr
During the darkest years of the Gothic
War, the Heralds of Light Strike
Cruiser Beacon of Strength received a
distress signal from a deep space
trading post in the Bhein Morr sub-
sector, reporting an attack by pirates.

Upon arriving at the post the Beacon of
Strength was immediately engaged by
a cruiser-sized vessel of unknown class
and origin. By the time the Heralds
realized that the attackers were in fact
Fraal raiders, the Fraal vessels ether
cannon had crippled the Strike Cruiser.
Despite the severe damage to their
vessel and the overwhelming forces
encountered aboard the trading post,
the Heralds of Light refused to
disengage and instead fought to the last
man. The only Imperial forces to
survive were the serf crew of one
Hunter-class escort which, having
expended its full load of torpedoes,
was ordered to return news of the
incident to Luxia.

The loss of the trading post devastated
the regional economy for decades to
come, and local authorities have
expressed concern that the Fraal may
be planning some expansion in the
region, emboldened by their successes
against the Adeptus Astartes.


Step 1
The model is primed with Krylon
Grey Primer. This is then followed
with a dusting of GW Skull White

A 50/50 mix of Astronomicon Grey
and Devlan Mud is applied as a
wash (you'll probably want to dilute
heavily for this step), followed by
Badab Black in the crevices, joints,
and where armour plates meet to black line the model. Finally, the armour is feathered back up with GW Skull White.

Step 2
The kneepad and shoulder pads are basecoated with GW Chaos Black. This is then blended up with a mix of GW Charadon
Granite and a touch of Codex Grey.

How to Paint Heralds of Light
By DV8

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3
The joints and any silver areas are basecoated with GW Boltgun Metal. Any gold areas are basecoated with GW Iyanden
Darksun. Pouches, straps and purity seals are given a coat of P3 Beast Hide. The Purity Seal Wax is basecoated with GW
Dark Flesh.

The gold surfaces are then given another basecoat, this time with GW Burnished Gold; this is highlighted with a 50/50 mix of
GW Burnished Gold and Vallejo Air Chrome. All silver areas are given a highlight with Vallejo Air Chrome.

The purity seals, pouches, straps, and silver areas are given a wash of GW Badab Black. The gold areas are given a wash of
GW Devlan Mud. While waiting for this to dry, the base was basecoated with GW Scorched Brown.

Step 4
Touch up any messy areas
from the wash (mainly the
white armour). Any over-
paint from the metallics
(such as on the Shoulder
Pads) should be corrected.
The purity seal, gun strap,
and pouches are touched up
with P3 Beast Hide. The
purity seal wax is given a
highlight of GW Blood Red.
Any gold areas are given a
final highlight with Vallejo
Air Chrome.

With the chest area
complete, the Boltgun
(which should be painted
beforehand using the same
colour mixes for the silver
and black) is glued on. Any
black areas are given a
highlight of GW Codex Grey. The base is given a drybrush of Snakebite Leather, followed by a drybrush of 50/50 Snakebite
Leather and Bleached Bone. The edge is painted with Chaos Black.

Step 3

Step 4


Step 5
The purity seal was highlighted up with Bleached Bone, and then Skull White. This was followed with a Devlan Mud wash.
Thin lines to represent script were then painted on with a 50/50 mix of Scorched Brown and Dark Flesh.
Step 6
The helmet lenses are painted Chaos Black. A basecoat of P3 Trollblood Base is applied, and is highlighted up by adding
Skull White.
Step 7
To paint the "star" on the kneepad, first begin by painting two "crosses" with diluted Skull White. A large cross is painted
first, and then a smaller one at a 45 degree angle. This will form a guideline, at which point we can fill in the triangles to form
the star. Then take diluted Chaos Black to paint the circle in the centre.

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8
To paint the Chapter iconography, the same kind of principle as the kneepad is applied, blocking in first the geometric shapes
and working the detail in. In this instance, the overall shape of the tower is painted first with Codex Grey. The flames are
outlined in with P3 Trollblood Base. The grey is then highlighted up to Fortress Grey, and the flames are highlighted up to
Skull White. Once these shapes are blocked in, diluted Chaos Black is then taken to touch up any overpaints or messy areas.
To define the stones, lines are painted in with Chaos Black, first horizontally to represent the layers, and then vertically to
represent the individual bricks and window.
Step 9
Voila! A completed Herald of Light Space Marine.

DV8s impressive miniatures and drawings can be found all across the Bolter and Chainsword. His homepage can be found
at, and he can be found in the Space Wolves forum (among many other places).

Step 8

Step 9


Too much stock laid we in our past
glories; and in the end, they are but
ashes in the march of time.
- The Champion (The Lions' Fall, Act
I, Scene IV)

The Lions of Alba are a relatively
young Chapter, that contradictory
records date to both the 23rd and 24th
Founding. Successors to the gene-seed
of the noble Rogal Dorn, they made
their home in the galactic northeast, at
the edge of the region known as the
Eye of Terror.

In their youth, the Chapter spearheaded
a crusade to reclaim systems lost to
Chaos several centuries before. Amidst
these conquered worlds, they
discovered one that had refused to bow
down to its oppressors. The people of
Alba, despite possessing no technology
more sophisticated than steel blades
and stone walls, had courageously
waged a war of resistance against the
forces of Chaos, but were finally on the
verge of being wiped out. Impressed
with the tenacity of the locals, the
Marines intervened, destroying a vast
force of traitors in open battle. Days
later, after conducting the necessary
purity checks on the populace, the
Chapter declared the world as its own
through right of conquest.

Alba became the location of the
Chapter's Fortress Monastery as well
as the primary source of their recruits.
As a mark of respect to the great
bravery shown by the common people
of their new home, the Marines took
the name Lions of Alba. Over the
following centuries, Alba and its
surrounding systems prospered as
never before under the Chapters
watchful eye.

But all golden ages must end...

The Old Master and his Three
...And 'tis our fast intent. To shake all
cares and business from our age;
Conferring them on younger strengths,
while we, unburden'd crawl toward our
- Chapter Master Leyr (The Lions' Fall,
Act I, Scene I)

By the beginning of the 40th
Millennium, the Lions of Alba had
settled into their role protecting the
outlying sectors around the northern
rim of the Eye of Terror. They had
been led for nearly five centuries by
Chapter Master Leyr, a venerable
warrior of campaigns and victories
beyond counting. Respected though he
was, Leyr had reached an age of more
than nine hundred years and had
decided that it was time for another,
more vigorous warrior to lead the
Lions into battle. On Alba, amongst the
feudal Lords that ruled over the
populace, succession had ever been a
convoluted affair, riddled with
politicking, contention and even
occasional bloodletting; and many of
these traditions had become part of
the Chapters own ways.

Brother-Captain Cordell of the 2nd
Company, a proud but capable soldier,
was held by many (including himself)
as the natural and obvious choice to
succeed Leyr. However, he had spent
long years away on campaign, and in
his absence Gorinel of the 3rd
Company and Rygen of the 4th had
worked to sour the relationship
between Cordell and the elderly Leyr.
Convinced by the words of his two
subordinates, the ancient Master
declared that a Chapter Conclave
would be held to ratify his choice of
successor. On hearing of this, Cordell


The Lions
of Alba

of the
Through the long history of the Imperium of Man there have been
those who have chosen to stand against their mastersmaster. Many are
corrupted by their own greed for power, knowledge, wealth or glory.
But most dangerous are those turned to darkness by misplaced pride
and honour. Traitors motivated by selfishness will falter to save their
contemptible lives, but those secure in their own righteousness will
fight with all the fury and resolve with which they once supported the
Emperor. Among such fallen exemplars stand the Lions of Alba.

returned with all speed to Alba, sure
that his time to reign had finally come.
When he arrived and discovered his
brother Captains scheming, the
conclave was riven by arguments and
recriminations. The entire Chapter was
divided and Leyr was once again
placed at an impasse. Finally, Rygen,
who had a reputation for cunning,
stepped forward and declared that he
would willingly share the mastery of
the Chapter with his brother Gorinel
and thus heal the schism. While
Cordell scoffed at the suggestion, Leyr
was tired and eager to find any solution
to his problem, even one that was less
than perfect. He accepted Rygens
proposal, quietly stating that the two
Captains would rule jointly when he
stepped down.

Cordells reaction was immediate and
furious. He decried Leyrs decision as
the weakness of an old man and
demanded that the Chapter name a
single successor. Though still bowed
by age, Leyr responded angrily, his
pride enflamed by the insult his officer
had delivered. Incensed, he ordered in
a suddenly thunderous voice that if
Cordell would not respect his wishes,
the Captain and his men would be
punished, banished from Alba to
wander the stars for a hundred years.
An angry curse died on Cordells lips,
quashed by his masters ire. With his
head bowed, Cordell silently left the
great hall, followed by his men and
Gorinel and Rygens satisfied stares.

Chapter War
For the good of us all? If so, I cannot
see it.
- Brother-Captain Cordell (The Lions'
Fall, Act III, Scene II)

The 2nd Company left Alba with
heavy hearts, each one sure that they
would not see their world again for
many years. Strangely though, it would
be only a matter of weeks before they
would look upon Albas green fields
once again. Only seventeen days after
the conclusion of the conclave, Gorinel
and Rygens patience with the vagaries
of Leyrs great age worn thin, and the
two took control of the Chapter,
forcing the venerable leader to
announce his formal
retirement. While Leyr
outwardly accepted his fate,
the canny old warrior quietly
used his influence among the
Chapters support staff to
have a message sent to the
2nd Company, in which he
apologized for his
foolishness in alienating
Cordell and revealed the
treachery of the other two
Captains. Cordell, ever
headstrong, set course for
Alba at once.

Even as the Strike Cruiser of
the 2nd Company raced
towards home, Leyrs
duplicity had been
uncovered. Gorinel, enraged at his
predecessors betrayal and the
perceived slight against his own
honour, reacted rashly. He stormed to
Leyrs quarters, drawing his sidearm.
With a single bolt shell, Gorinel
angrily executed the Marine who had
once been his mentor. As his rage
slowly subsided, Gorinel realized that
his impulsive action had killed all hope
of reconciliation between himself and
Cordell. On hearing of his brothers
actions, Rygen immediately insisted
that the Chapter be mobilized for
battle, ready to face down the returning
2nd Company.

As Cordells Strike Cruiser arrived in
orbit above Alba, the rest of the Lions
Fleet moved to encircle the lone vessel.
Cordell stubbornly insisted that he be
allowed to speak to Leyr, and Gorinel
and Rygen flatly refused. Prideful
words and heated recriminations were
exchanged, followed by challenges and
insults. Who among the gathered
Adeptus Astartes fired first is
unknown, but the results were
inevitable. For a matter of minutes the
skies of Alba were lit as if by a second
sun as the Chapter turned upon itself.

Though Cordell ranked among the
greatest commanders the Lions had
ever known, his fate would surely have
been sealed were it not for the
commanders of several of the
Chapters smaller escort vessels.
Horrified by the murder of Leyr, they
rebelliously opened a hole in the
blockade around Alba and fled with
Cordell from the ambush. Together,
they fought their way to the edge of the
system and escaped into the Warp.
Gorinel and Rygen immediately
launched a pursuit, declaring Cordell
and all his followers to be renegades. A
series of running battles followed,
burning across several systems, as the
two Masters led their forces against
Cordells. The war between brothers
raged for several months but eventually
played itself out to its only possible
conclusion. On Dardelio IV, Cordell
and his outnumbered forces were
cornered and butchered to the last man.

The Imperium
We have seen the worst of our time:
machinations, hollowness, treachery
all ruinous disorders. They follow us
disquietly to our graves.
- Lord-Governor Glawster (The Lions
Fall, Act I, Scene II)

However, the ponderous weight of the
Imperium had already begun to move.
Imperial authorities were alarmed by
the reports of what had happened at
Alba and by the violence spreading
across the sub-sector. Lord-
Commander Glawster of the Imperial
Navy, an old friend of Leyr, had
mobilized a task force to investigate
further. Even as the first salvoes were
fired at Dardelio IV, Glawsters ships
Written by the dramatheurge Myrlow and based on
eyewitness accounts of scribes and soldiers attached
to Lord Glawster's task force, the play entitled The
Lions' Fall remains surprisingly popular among the
worlds surrounding the Alba system, and is still
performed regularly in festivals or feasts.

Despite its controversial subject matter, it has
escaped censure by local Administratum officials
and the Ecclesiarchy due to its focus on the heroism
of Captain Cordell and his doomed Company rather
than on the fall of his Chapter.

When the Lions of Alba first tried to reclaim their
planet, its forces made it a point to first visit
Myrlow's home world of Sachsen and systematically
exterminated all of the dramatheurge's descendants
and relatives for the slander done on their Chapter's


were quickly closing in. While Gorinel
stolidly ignored the long range hails
from the Imperial Navy as an
unwanted and unwarranted intrusion
into Chapter affairs, Cordell sent a last,
desperate message revealing what he
saw as his brothers treachery to their
Master, their Chapter and the
Imperium. Though Gorinel was able to
enjoy the momentary satisfaction of
seeing his former rivals broken corpse
brought before him, his ignorant and
proud refusal to respond to Glawster
would bring ruin to his Chapter. With
no reason to believe otherwise, the
Lord-Commander accepted Cordells
message as genuine; and when the
ships of his Fleet arrived, it was with
shields up and weapons armed.

Even as Gorinel and his forces boarded
their vessels, the Adeptus Astartes
ships came under crippling long range
fire from the Navy Fleet. Gorinels
response to this new treachery was to
fight back, but Rygen insisted that the
Lions, weakened by their war against
their former brothers, must retreat.
After a moment when it seemed that
even more of the Chapters blood must
be spilt, Gorinel acquiesced to his
brothers demands and the Lions
limped away, hiding themselves in a
nearby nebula. Though Glawsters
ships could not prevent the Lions
escape, the Lord-Commander did not
rest. Messages were sent across the
breadth of the sector, appealing for
help to hunt the traitors down.

Days later, after completing temporary
repairs to their vessels, the Lions
quietly made their way back towards
Alba, to find that their home, once a
beautiful jewel in the blackness of
space, had been reduced to nothing
more than a lifeless rock. The
interrogation of the crew of a captured
Navy patrol escort revealed that
Imperial forces, including three
companies of the Heralds of Light
Chapter, had responded to Glawsters
warning, fallen on the Lions world,
killed the few impenitent defenders and
plundered the Fortress Monastery.
Before leaving orbit the Heralds had
delivered the final blow, a pair of
cyclonic torpedoes that had reduced all
living things on Albas surface to ash.

Broken-hearted, the Chapter lamented
the loss of its home, but there proved to
be little time for grief. The fleets long
range augurs picked up no less than
four separate groups of Imperial ships,
each approaching at high speed.
Gorinel and Rygen argued again as to
whether they should fight or flee, but
once more Rygen prevailed. Even the
impetuous Gorinel was forced to see
that there was no chance of victory or
revenge here. With a voice filled with
bitter hatred, Gorinel cursed the vile
Imperium and swore that to the very
last breath of the very last warrior, the
Lions would bring bloody vengeance
and damnation upon it for its
treachery. With a final howl of grief
and denied rage, he turned the
Chapters fleet to the only heading left
open to it deep into the vast chaotic
realm known as the Eye of Terror.

Wretched betrayer! Are you bored as
you sit upon your golden throne...
That you have us crushed like ants?
Do you take joy in watching your sons
- Brother-Captain Gorinel (The Lions
Fall, Act IV, Scene III)

More than five hundred years have
passed since Alba was cleansed and
the Lions were declared renegade, yet
in some ways the Chapter has changed
very little. The Lions are still
characterised by the qualities one
would expect of Adeptus Astartes
born of the genetic lineage of Rogal
Dorn, driven by their uncompromising
sense of pride and honour, and
grounded by their stubborn
determination to endure and
persevere. Sadly, such fine qualities
have been twisted against the
Imperium. The Lions believe
themselves betrayed, turned against

Lions of Alba nurgling6688

without reason by those who should
have been their staunchest allies, and
they hate the Imperium and the
Emperor with all the dedication that
their heritage gives them. This all-
consuming hate influences the
thoughts and motivations of every
member of the Chapter, each now
willing to commit all manner of
heinous actions that they would once
have considered unthinkable, if it will
bring their goal of vengeance even
one step closer.

Although the Chapter as a whole still
fervently believes in Master Gorinels
oath of retribution against the
Imperium, there is a growing
realization among many Marines that
such a goal will never be attained.
They know that the Chapter is already
lost and that all its actions since the
destruction of Alba are nothing more
than the death throes of a wild beast.
With every battle, they see more
brethren lost, yet the Imperium of
Man continues on unhindered. Such
hopeless warriors, often led by Master
Rygen, fight on because that is all that
is left to them. They are utterly
professional, cold where their brothers
are zealous, determined that when
their inevitable death comes they will
have taken the highest possible toll of
blood from their betrayers.

The Chapter still clings to many of its
traditions and various special days are
remembered; of particular note is the
Day of the Betrayal, commemorating
their 'exile' from Alba, and it is on this
day all battle-brothers retake their oath
to bring vengeance on the Imperium.
The Chapter has tried twice to invade
and 'reclaim' the now barren Alba
system, but has thus far been repulsed.

Combat Doctrine
What you have charged me with, that
have I done; And more, much more.
- Brother-Captain Rygen (The Lions'
Fall, Act V, Scene III)

Now based on a handful of ships and
escort vessels that are all that remain of
the Chapters fleet, the Lions survive
by raiding systems around the borders
of the Eye of Terror. While their sense
of honour prevents them from
engaging in the wanton pillage and
slaughter of civilians so common
among renegade Adeptus Astartes,
they will attack Imperial worlds for
supplies, war material and potential
converts to their cause. Such assaults
are never hidden with subterfuge, but
are committed openly for all to see the
rightful stand taken by the defiant

Although the Chapter are considered
traitors by the Imperium at large, they
have not succumbed to the warband
structure favoured by most renegades
and still cling tenaciously to an ad-hoc
Codex structure, adapted for their
much-reduced numbers. The Lions
maintain several Battle Companies and
although these formations are typically
far smaller than in a loyalist Chapter,
each still has a comparable proportion
of Tactical, Assault and Devastator
units. As the Chapter has lost most of
its vehicles in the years since it was
pursued from the Alba system, it has
become necessary to use non-
mechanized stratagems to accomplish
its goals. The reduction of the battle
brethrens numbers has also forced the
Chapter to allow its sergeants a greater
level of autonomy, and missions often
have to be executed on a squad by
The agonizing fire in Brother Boras secondary heart had increased to an inferno. The
last blow must have cracked the Black Carapace within his chest and driven shards of it
into the flesh beneath. Given enough time, Boras could recover from even such grievous
wounds, but time he did not have. Even as the Herald of Light rose to a painful crouch,
his opponent stepped through the gaping hole in the thick plascrete wall that had been
created moments before by Boras heavy form being hurled through the air.

The renegade was clad in powered armour quartered in yellow and white and carried a
long, heavy blade. Though both sword and armour had seen better days, the quality of
their manufacture was clearly evident. A name was written across one shoulder, half
obscured by dirt and battle damage, but Boras could make out that it ended GEN. The
traitor spoke softly, continuing an argument that had raged even as had their combat.

Brother, will you not see it? He has betrayed you, just as surely as He did me.

Boras snarled under his helmet, but could not reply for his voxcaster had been damaged.
Angrily he tore the malfunctioning armour from his head and spat scornfully on the floor
before his foe. While no acid bubbled in the liquid, thick blood reddened it.

You are the betrayer, heretic! You turned from the light and so He turned from you!

The renegade paused, lowering his blade, and casually reached up to remove his own
helm, hanging it carefully on his belt. Beneath it, Boras was surprised to see not a warp-
corrupted horror, but rather the face of an Astartes little different in aspect from any of
his own brethren. The traitors face was stern and proud, yet was marred by an air of
weary bitterness. A faint smile crossed his lips at Boras words.

Indeed. Then tell me, brother, how does that explain your current predicament?

Boras growled angrily and with the last of his strength hurled himself suddenly forward,
combat blade outstretched. Almost effortlessly, the renegade stepped aside and lashed out
with a booted foot, sending Boras tumbling excruciatingly back to the floor.

I have no time left for this, brother, said the traitor coldly, raising his long sword.
Will you not renounce Him? There can be no doubt that He has betrayed you.

Boras replied, his voice a pained whisper, The Emperor protects.

The renegade stood above him, reversing his blade and raising it for the killing strike.
The last thing Boras would ever hear was the quiet reply, given in a voice tinged with a
mixture of hate, sorrow and hopelessness.

No he does not.


squad basis.
In battle, the Lions are zealous
warriors, full of bitter pride and
determination. Marines of the Chapter
never voluntarily retreat, and while this
has occasionally snatched victory from
defeat, all too often the Chapter has
suffered instead. The Lions lack the
resources needed to maintain their
assaults and their refusal to cut and run
has often resulted in losses that they
can ill afford.

In recent years, as casualties have
mounted, the Lions have gone so far as
to make temporary alliances with other
warbands. While for the most part
these have taken the form of pacts of
non-aggression or trade, the Chapters
marines have actually fought beside
their renegade brethren on a handful of
occasion. The Lions view any
agreement with such contemptible
traitors as distasteful in the extreme;
but these pacts are countenanced for
the opportunities they bring to strike
against the hated Imperium.

It is the Emperor who weeps; he
cannot save us from ourselves.
- The Champion (The Lion's Fall, Act
IV, Scene III)

The Lions of Alba trace their
genetic lineage to the Primarch
Rogal Dorn their Apothecaries
had a reputation for fastidious
precision in the care of the
Chapters precious gene-seed.
Such exacting standards appear
to have been continued even
since the loss of Alba, as even
now more than five centuries
later the Lions seem largely
untroubled by the countless
deviances that plague those
Adeptus Astartes who turn from
the Emperors light.

This is not to say that the Lions
are entirely unaffected by the
warping properties of the
Chaotic region that they have
been forced to call home, as
some few battle brethren have
been cursed by the blighted
hand of mutation. Such changes,
be they scaled skin, weeping
sores or, in a handful of extreme
cases, additional eyes or
mouths, are viewed with utter
disgust and as a sign of deep
shame to any warrior
unfortunate enough to be so

While those Lions who have
been affected endure their
shame with stoic dignity, they
will at the same time attempt to
limit and conceal their corruption by
sealing themselves within their power
armour, thereby attempting to protect
their brethren from its insidious taint.
The effectiveness of such efforts is
open to speculation.

For Alba! For vengeance!

Strike Captain Lysimachus, Espada
Azul, Grey Hunter Ydalir, Ace
Debonair, and Brother-Captain Alecto
all contributed to the Lions of Alba.

Lion of Alba Greyall


Step 1A
The model is primed with Krylon Grey
Primer. This is then followed with a
dusting of GW Skull White Primer.

Quartered schemes are always a little
trickier, because a precision is required
at all stages, and care must be taken that
all highlights and shadows make sense,
particularly if you have a combination
of both warm and cool colours. Here,
the Lions of Alba feature a quartered
white and mustard yellow colour scheme. Both of these colours are a little cooler so what we're going to do is first block in
our colours, and then work on the shading and highlighting.

All the yellow areas are blocked in with GW Iyanden Darksun. A 50/50 mix of GW Astronomicon Grey and GW Devlan
Mud is applied as a wash (you'll probably want to dilute heavily for this step) over both the white and yellow parts.

Step 1B
A second wash of
Charadon Granite
is applied over
both the white
and yellow parts,
focusing solely
where armour
plates meet, and
where there will
be the darkest
shadows. This
also acts are our
"Black Lining"
stage, as we can
hit up the
crevices and
joints as well.

How to Paint
Lions of Alba
by DV8

Step 1A

Step 1B


Step 2

The yellow armour plates are feathered with GW
Iyanden Darksun. This is then highlighted by mixing
progressively more GW Skull White into Iyanden
Darksun, with a final highlight of about 75/25 GW
SKull White to Iyanden Darksun.

The white armour plates are feathered up with GW
Skull White.

Step 2

Step 3
Basecoat the joints, chest
eagles, and any other silver
areas with GW Boltgun
Metal. This is then
highlighted with Vallejo
Air Chrome. The pouches
and the purity seal are
basecoated with P3 Beast
Hide. The base is painted
with GW Scorched Brown.

The pouches, purity seal,
and any metallic areas are
then given a wash of Badab

Step 4
The purity seal, gun strap,
and pouches are touched up
with P3 Beast Hide. The
purity seal wax is
basecoated with GW Dark Flesh and then given a highlight of GW Blood Red. The base is given a drybrush of GW Snakebite
Leather, followed by a drybrush of 50/50 GW Snakebite Leather and GW Bleached Bone. The edge is painted with GW
Chaos Black.

The Boltgun is glued onto the model, and any black areas are given a thin edge highlight with GW Codex Grey.

The helmet lenses are painted with GW Chaos Black. A basecoat of P3 Trollblood Base is applied, and is highlighted up by
adding GW Skull White.

Step 4

Step 3


Step 5
The purity seal was highlighted up with GW Bleached Bone, and then GW Skull White. This was followed with a GW
Devlan Mud wash. Thin lines to represent script were then painted on with a 50/50 mix of GW Scorched Brown and GW
Dark Flesh.
Step 6
Voila! A completed Lions of Alba Space Marine. Decals for the Lions of Alba have been created by the very talented Dracul,
and can be found (along with many other excellent decals) at the Bolter and Chainsword.

DV8s impressive miniatures and drawings can be found all across the Bolter and Chainsword. His homepage can be found
at, and he can be found in the Space Wolves forum (among many other places).
The deceit and dishonour of the Lions of Alba was an affront to the
Steel Dogs and Heralds of Light from the day the Chapter fled into the
Eye of Terror. Together, the two loyalist Chapters decided to end the
traitors' perfidy by luring the Lions into a trap on the world of Nemea
and destroying them. But nothing is ever as simple as it first seems...
DV8s impressive miniatures and drawings can be found all across the
Bolter and Chainsword. His homepage can be found at, and he can be found in the Space Wolves
forum (among many other places).

Step 5

Step 6

Brother Against Brother
Relationships between Space Marine
Chapters are always complicated.
Chapters from the same geneline can
nonetheless be divided by petty
resentments a thousand years gone, and
Chapters with every reason to despise
each other can be bound together by
debts and obligations just as ancient.

As members of the Astartes Praeses
and sons of Dorn, the Heralds of Light
and Steel Dogs were already closer
than most Space Marine Chapters.
Over the millennia since their
foundings, their duties had brought
them into contact on a variety of
occasions. The Steel Dogs rescued the
Heralds at the Battle of the Tiku Drift,
while the Heralds broke a blockade
around the Steel Dogs Outpost 241
during the infamous Ranavalona War,
(which needs no further explanation).
When Black Crusades erupted from the
Eye, both Chapters were at the
forefront of the defence. Each Chapter
admired the others dedication to
serving the Emperor and to putting the
needs of the Imperium before their
personal glory. The two even
cooperated on some tentative punitive
missions into the Eye in late M35,
though the Age of Apostasy brought an
end to such excursions amid the furore
of greater concerns.

Relations between the two Chapters
and the Lions of Alba were more
complicated. Though all were sons of
Dorn, the Lions relationship to their
heritage was different than that of the
Steel Dogs and the Heralds of Light.
Where the Dogs and Heralds embraced
Dorns ideals of sacrifice, throwing
themselves into the breach time and
again in order to preserve the
Imperium, the Lions inherited Dorns
pride and his stubbornness. Where the
Dogs and Heralds were members of the
Astartes Praeses, sworn to the
opposition of Chaos in all things, the
Lions concerned themselves with
matters involving Alba and its regions.
Though this meant they faced many of
the same enemies as their brothers, the
other two Chapters still saw themselves
as separate from (and even superior to)
the Lions of Alba, by reason of their
more ancient lineages and greater

When the Lions were excommunicated
and cast from the Imperium, the
Heralds of Light were foremost among
those who drove them forth. The Steel
Dogs, while they did not take action
against the Lions, rejected requests for
aid and sanctuary as the Lions fled.
With that, dislike crystallized into
hatred on both sides. The elder
Chapters despised the Lions for
bringing disrepute on the name of
Dorn, while the Lions despised their
elders for the destruction of Alba and
their denial of aid. Over the next
centuries, as the Lions raided into the
Imperium to sustain themselves and
began to work ever more closely with
the forces of the Betrayer, this hatred
only deepened on both sides. It was
cemented at the Second Battle of Alba,
where the Lions' attempt to reclaim
their former home world was driven
back by a combined force of five
Chapters, the Heralds of Light and the
Steel Dogs among them.

Opportunity Knocks
Hatred always seeks an outlet, and in
the waning years of the 41st
millennium, the Steel Dogs and
Heralds of Light agreed that the Lions
of Alba should be destroyed. Each
Chapter committed over a company of
forces to the task the Steel Dogs
committed their Second Company,
under the newly-promoted Captain
Esca Blackblood, while the Heralds
sent their Fourth Company under
Captain Skaron Cinereal. Both
companies were reinforced by reserve
elements, producing a powerful force
more than capable of dealing with a
few companies of renegade Space
Marines. Together, the two Captains
began planning the destruction of their

Cinereal and Blackblood did not
entirely see eye-to-eye. Where
Blackblood tempered his honour with
subterfuge and deceit, Cinereal
preferred somewhat more direct
methods, trusting to tenacity and
firepower to carry the day. Still, after
much debate, he came to recognize the


Going on a
Lion Hunt:

by Grey


wisdom of a conceiving a plan that
would lure the Lions of Alba into the
open and bring them to their
destruction. After all, even the brave
hunter must sometimes lie in wait. So
through various contacts with traders
and garrisons, rumours were spread,
creating a story which varied in the
details but that always took one
familiar shape.

The rumours told that an ancient
Heresy-era supply depot had been
found on Jamshyd's World, in the
Nemea system. Since disputes had
arisen over whether the depot should
belong to the Adeptus Mechanicus or
to the Space Marines that found it, no
action had been taken to secure it, each
side having sworn to destroy any force
that moved to do so. The Lions of
Alba, despite their isolation in the Eye
of Terror, were careful to maintain
contact with the region surrounding
their former home, and so the two
Captains were confident that they
would not have long to wait before the
Lions left their den. The Lions could
not afford to pass up an opportunity to
acquire such wealth, and the
knowledge that they would be seizing
it from under the noses of former
comrades would make it even more
tempting. The only question was when
the traitors would attack.

The two Captains used the time in
which the rumour spread to prepare for
the eventual onslaught. The plan was
simple enough. A fake supply depot
would be constructed on the southern
continent of Jamshyd's World, at some
distance from the nearest population
centres. A few Chapter serfs and
servitors would give the illusion of a
mostly-abandoned dig site. The
complex, meanwhile, would be filled
with traps and secret entrances
though it would appear defensible and
secure, it would be anything but.

With the exception of the false
complex, Jamshyd's World was a
simple agri-world, with little to tempt
invaders. That simplicity, reasoned the
Captains, would protect the planet
from any but the most minimal
depredations, and half a company of
Heralds of Light would be stationed in
the planetary capital with their
Thunderhawks in case that reasoning
was incorrect.

The Steel Dogs would conceal their
Strike Cruiser, the Catulus, on Bahram,
the first moon of the planet. The
moon's minimal gravity would not
inconvenience the great ship, but
would provide sufficient cover to
prevent detection by invaders.
Meanwhile, the Heralds of Light would
keep their Sacrifice in a far orbit
around the planet, accompanied by a
squadron of escorts from each Chapter.

Once invaders had appeared and
landed their forces on the planet, the
Sacrifice and its attendant ships, under
the command of Captain Cinereal,
would move to engage the enemy and
Boarding Action nurgling6688

Mission 1: Crushing Fist
The Steel Dogs and Heralds spring the trap, dropping from orbit to rapidly encircle and eradicate their foe. Taking down a renegade
warband is never an easy task however, and the cost in lives may leave a bitter aftertaste.

Suggested Forces: 1500pts.
The Loyalist forces are sending in their finest troops to eradicate the enemy, and as such only require a single HQ for this mission and may
field up to six Elites. However, they are restricted in their heavy armour due to the quick drop and so may only use a single Heavy Support
choice. Be sure to set up a single building in the middle of a table quarter, this is the entrance to the equipment cache.

If you have access to it, play Planetstrike scenario one with a single bastion. Otherwise, deploy as per the Spearhead rules from the core
book. The Lions will automatically receive the table quarter with the building as their deployment zone, and the loyalist forces must take
the one opposite of that. The renegades must deploy first, and the loyalists will receive first turn on a 2+. While not required, loyalist
deployment via Drop Pod assault is encouraged.

The loyalists must kill as many traitor marines as possible, and so receive standard Kill Points for this mission. The Lions receive a single
Kill Point for each unit they have alive at the end of the battle and an additional 3 Kill Points if they have a surviving unit inside the

If the Loyalists win continue on to scenario 2A, if the Renegades win continue onto scenario 2B. The victor in this scenario scores 2
Victory Points (whoever has the most victory points at the conclusion of the campaign wins).
prevent their escape, while the Catulus
dropped its forces to harry the enemy
on the surface. Once the Steel Dogs
had landed, under the command of
Captain Blackblood, the Catulus would
assist the Sacrifice in destroying any
remaining enemy ships, at which point
the task force could turn its attention to
destroying any forces on the planet.

With the details agreed upon, the two
Captains made their preparations, then
steeled themselves for a wait that
might not end for months. However,
they did not have nearly so long to

Crushing Fist
When two Lions of Alba Strike
Cruisers appeared in system some four
months after the initiation of the plan,
both Captains were surprised. Even the
most audacious of the storehouse
rumours had not mentioned enough
spoils to be worth the Lions risking
such a large portion of their strength.
Still, the loyalist forces possessed a
sufficient edge in firepower to be
confident of victory. The Lions moved
in-system, stopping occasionally to
annihilate a mining station or extort
supplies from a freighter, and the Steel
Dogs and the Heralds of Light watched
them come.
When the traitors entered orbit,
however, events took another
unexpected turn. Instead of landing
only at the false supply depot, the
traitor forces had landed the majority
of their forces at another location, near
the tip of the southern continent.
Planetary surveys had shown nothing
of interest at that location, but any
delay to determine what was going on
risked the forces at the false storehouse
realizing their mistake. There was no
choice but to strike now, and determine
the enemy's reasons later. With a few
simple words from Captain Cinereal,
the two ships sprang into action.

While the Sacrifice and its squadrons
struck at the two traitor cruisers, the
Catulus launched the Second Company
toward the surface in its drop pods.
The Steel Dogs landed almost on top of
the enemy, and were swiftly locked in
deadly hand-to-hand fighting. Though
the Lions were tenacious, the Steel
Dogs had the weight of numbers and
the implacability of the damnati on
their side. The Lions retreated within
the false storehouse to lick their
wounds, and the Dogs quickly
entrenched outside the entrances.

In orbit, the Catulus and Sacrifice were
battered, but had succeeded in driving
away the enemy Strike Cruisers, now
identified as the White Lion and the
Pride of Alba away from the planet.
Unfortunately, they had been unable to
destroy either vessel, though both
escort squadrons remained unscathed.
Though the traitors had certainly had
the worst of the engagement, there was
no doubt they would return.

It did not take long before the Lions in
the false storehouse discovered the
absence of their orbital support, and it
took them even less time before they
discovered that it was empty of
valuables (later inspection revealed
that the Lions lost a full squad to the
various traps within). Grimly
determined, they charged the Steel
Dogs' entrenchments, desperate to
break out and reach their fellows
elsewhere on the continent.

Unfortunately for them, the Steel Dogs
were secure, and had been reinforced
by elements of the Heralds of Light.
When two Tactical Squads of Heralds
used secret entrances to outflank the
Lions, it only hastened the inevitable.
Of the sixty Lions who dropped to
seize the storehouse, only three
survived to be taken prisoner.

What those three revealed, however,
was disturbing. The loyalists'
fabrications had, unknown to them,
contained an element of truth there


Mission 2A: Breakout
The Lions, having been forced back into the false storehouse, attempt to break out and reach their fellows to the south.

Suggested Forces: 1250pts.
The loyalists have had the opportunity to land further forces, but both sides have taken losses. Many of the elite troops are now needed for
the battle in orbit. Play this battle with normal Force Organization requirements.

Terrain: Woods, small ruins, and a broken road leading to the ancient storehouse are all great ways to reflect the rural and weathered
area this battle was fought in.

Deployment: Deploy as per the Spearhead rules. The large building from the first scenario should be placed in the Lions deployment zone
as close to the Lions corner of the field as possible. The Lions will deploy first. Either player may place up to half their forces in reserve.

Objectives: The Lions have only one objective- survival. They place one objective in the centre of the loyalist deployment zone, another in
the middle of their deployment zone and a third in the back corner of their deployment zone- which should be represented by the large
building from Scenario 1.

In addition any HQ units on the board count as objectives. If an HQ unit is still alive, it counts as held by the controlling player- if they are
slain leave them on the table to be captured as a normal objective. The player who controls the most objectives at the end of the game wins.
If the Lion player moves any of his HQs off the loyalist board edge, they count as two objectives. The victor in this scenario scores 2
Victory Points.

First Turn and Game Length: The players roll off for first turn once all units have been deployed. The game will normally last 5 turns. At
the end of turn 5 roll a d6- on a 5+ continue playing for another turn. Continue rolling at the end of each game turn until a 4 or lower is

Special Rules:
Tactical Retreat! All non-vehicle Lion of Alba units have the hit and run special rule.

Stubborn Containment. All non-vehicle loyalist units receive the counter-attack special rule.
Mission 2B: Pursuit
The loyalists try to run down the escaping enemy before they can reach their fellows to the south.

Suggested Forces: 1500pts.
The loyalists have had the opportunity to land further forces, but both sides have taken losses. Many of the elite troops are now needed for
the battle in orbit. Play this battle with normal Force Organization requirements.

Terrain: A broken road, hills, and sparse woods all make perfect terrain to run for your life in.

The Lions of Alba deploy first, within 6" of the tables centre-line and at least 18" from the short table edges. The Loyalists then deploy
their forces within 9" of the long board edges. Any units unable to deploy in this area may be placed in reserves, but will come in from a
random board edge- nominate a board edge as '1' and roll a d6, moving counter clockwise for 2, 3, and 4. A result of 5 allows the unit to
come in from the board edge of the Lion players choice, while a 6 forces them to come in on the edge of the loyalist players choice.

In this bitter fighting there can be only death. This scenario uses the kill point scenario rules. In addition any heavy support options from
the Lions of Alba count as two kill points, as do any loyalist elite units. Finally, any Lion of Alba unit that reaches the short table edge may
be removed from play, counting as 0 kill points for either side. The victor in this scenario scores 2 Campaign Victory Points.
was a lost Heresy-era depot on
Jamshyd's World, one larger than even
the rumors had suggested. The Lions
had investigated the rumours much
more thoroughly than anticipated,
using resources the prisoners refused to
divulge, and their investigations had
confirmed the presence of such a site.
The smaller force had been sent to
secure the smaller site nearly a
hundred and fifty Lions were busy
locating and entering the much larger
site to the south.

To say that the Captains were
concerned would be an understatement.
The absurdity of the situation belied
the possible consequences of the Lions
of Alba gaining powerful weapons
from the dawn of the Imperium. The
Imperial plan had lured out the Lions
of Alba, but now it risked enriching
and empowering the traitors, rather
than destroying them. Harsh words
were exchanged before it was agreed
that, whatever the cost, the Lions could
not be allowed to flee the planet with
the ancient technologies which no
doubt lurked within the storehouse.

The Steel Dogs and Heralds quickly
boarded their Thunderhawks to make
the flight to the real storehouse. In

Mission 3: Meeting Engagement
The loyalists engage the forces at the real storehouse, hoping to wipe them out before they can gain entrance.

Suggested Forces: 1750pts.
Both sides have their best and brightest forces available each may field an additional Elites choice beyond the usual Force Organization

Sloping hills or a large building should occupy the centre of the Lions deployment zone. Other than some small ruins the loyalist
deployment zone should be fairly barren.

Deploy both forces as for a pitched battle. Either player may place units in reserve.

Place one objective in the middle of the Lions deployment zone. The loyalists place a single objective anywhere within their deployment
zone. The victor in this scenario scores 3 Campaign Victory Points.

First Turn and Game Length:
Roll for first turn. At the end of the fifth turn, roll a d6. On a 4+ play another turn, otherwise the game ends immediately.

Special Rules:
Orbital Bombardment: The loyalist player rolls a d6 for each Lion of Alba unit on the field, on the roll of a 6 they may resolve the
following shooting attack on that unit:
S9, AP 2, Ordnance Barrage, Large Blast. This attack scatters 3d6" and even on a hit will scatter d6".
Any shots placed should be represented by a crater, treated as difficult 5+ area terrain for the rest of the game.
Mission 4: I nfiltration
The Steel Dogs and Heralds of Light are attempting to infiltrate the storehouse and probe its defences, while the Lions of Alba are
attempting to prevent them from relaying information back to their allies.

Suggested Forces: Special
The Attacker (Lions of Alba) uses a list of no more than 1000 points. The Defender (Steel Dogs and Heralds) use a list of no more than 500
points, and are limited to HQ, Elites, and Troops.

Congested industrial terrain would be appropriate, as would ruins and rocky ground.

The Defender sets up his entire army in the centre of the table, anywhere that is more than 18" from any table edges, and at least 24" from
the table edge from which they will be trying to escape. At least half the Attacker's units, rounding up, must be placed in Reserves. Attacker
units arriving from Reserves may enter the table from either long edge or the Attackers short edge.

The Defender is attempting to escape the pursuing Attacker forces and reach safety, along with conveying vital information on the defences
of the Attacker. The Attacker, of course, is attempting to prevent this. The Defender must get as many models as it can to the departure
point. If the Attacker destroys all Defender units before they reach the departure point, the Attacker automatically wins. The departure
point is placed on the Defender's short board edge. Victory in this scenario is decided using victory points, and each model that reaches
the departure point scores 100 victory points for the defender. The victor in this scenario scores 1 Campaign Victory Point.

First Turn and Game Length:
Roll for first turn. At the end of the fifth turn, roll a d6. On a 4+ play another turn, otherwise the game ends immediately.
orbit, servitors and serfs desperately
prepared tanks and speeders whose use
had not been expected, even as sensors
detected the White Lion and Pride of
Alba approaching again. The forces
already on planet and their newly
prepared supporting elements
assembled some distance from the
storehouse and prepared to attack, even
as battle was joined again in orbit.

With their aerial elements committed
to the battle in orbit, the strike force
launched their attack on the Lions. The
Lions had prepared defensive positions
while attempting to gain entrance to
the storehouse, but they were still
surprised by the loyalist attack. The
battle was brief, but violent, with
neither side really gaining the upper
hand. The Lions retreated into the
storehouse when it became clear
victory was unlikely, but they did so in
good order, and the Dogs and Heralds


Mission 5: Undermining
Having acquired valuable knowledge of weak points in the Lions of Albas defences, the Steel Dogs and Heralds of Light launch an
opening raid designed to weaken the Lions position and leave them vulnerable to a larger attack.

Suggested Forces: 2000pts
Both sides use the normal Force Organization chart. `

Use a terrain setup similar to that from the previous mission.

This mission uses the Dawn of War deployment. The Steel Dogs and Heralds of Light (Attacker) may deploy their entire army at the start of
the game, though the Lions of Alba (Defender) must abide by the normal limit of 1 HQ and 2 Troop choices.

Additionally, the Defender has deployed minefields to protect his position. He may place D3+3 minefields anywhere within his deployment
zone. For each minefield, place a small marker (40mm base is ideal). The mines extend 3 in all directions from the marker. This area
counts as both difficult and dangerous terrain, and any units suffering casualties from them must test for Pinning. If the Attacker won the
previous mission, he may remove D3 minefields after they are deployed, to represent the attacking forces knowing of the vulnerabilities in
the defences.

Fleeing units will flee as normal towards their respective long board edges.

Kill Points are used in this mission. Additionally, place a single objective marker anywhere in the Defenders deployment zone to represent
a communication uplink, ammo store, or other objective. Whoever controls this objective at the end gains an additional 3 Kill Points. If the
number of Kill Points are tied between both players, then whoever controls the objective wins. If neither side holds the objective, Victory
Points are used to break the tie. The victor in this scenario receives 3 Campaign Victory Points.

First Turn and Game Length:
Roll for first turn. At the end of the fifth turn, roll a d6. On a 4+ play another turn, otherwise the game ends immediately.

Special Rules:
Reserves, Random Game Length, Seize the Initiative, Night Fighting (Turn 1 only), Cities of Death (optional)

were forced to remain outside,
preparing themselves for any eventual

The loyalists began preparing their
own defences, modifying those the
Lions had built and creating new ones
into the bargain. Even as they did so,
several kill-teams were dispatched with
instructions to locate any weaknesses
in the storehouse's defences. With
frequent reference to ancient plans of
other Imperial storehouses in the
Codex Astartes, the kill-teams were
able to penetrate the outer level of the
fortress' defences.

Most of those sent into the fortress did
not return, cut down in running battles
with traitor sentries or caught by
defensive traps in the fortress'
architecture. Those who did, however,
had discovered several weak spots in
the storehouse defences most
notably, the power generators for the
storehouse void shields and primary
weapons arrays had been exposed by
an ancient earthquake, allowing an
enterprising assault to destroy them
provided that assault could penetrate
the outer level of defences in sufficient

Even as the assault was planned, the
Lions in orbit broke off their attack
once again, having suffered severe
damage. Captain Cinereal, who had
been commanding the space battle
from the bridge of the Sacrifice,
ordered a pursuit, hoping to destroy the
Lions' only possible route of escape
from the system. After all, their
possible capture of the storehouse
would be immaterial if their ships
could be destroyed. While a defensible
strategic choice, this left a shocked
Esca Blackblood without air support or
the possibility of further
reinforcements beyond his own men
and the few Heralds of Light seconded
to his command.
Even without orbital support, it was
imperative that the assault on the
storehouse proceed. To leave the Lions
too long undisturbed was to give them
the opportunity of unlocking some
powerful secret that might secure their
victory. With twinges of concern in his
hearts, Esca ordered his forces into

The assault targeted the northern wall
of the storehouse, planning to smash a
direct route through to the generators'
primary distribution nodes. Their
destruction would prevent the
generators' use for the time being while
still allowing for repair in the future.
The loyalist forces had assembled as
much firepower as they could, though
Blackblood was concerned that they
might be unable to so much as scratch
the Heresy-era armor which covered
the structure. Fortunately, millennia of
neglect and a lack of proper blessings
had caused the ancient armor to
degrade, and the scouting efforts of the

kill-teams ensured that the loyalist
guns found the most vulnerable targets.
Soon, the outer wall was breached, and
Steel Dogs poured into the storehouse,
roaring cries to the Emperor and
calling on the traitors to come and

Fight they did. The ferocity of the Steel
Dogs' onslaught was matched by that
of the traitor counterattack, and a
bloody stalemate soon ensued. In the
end, only a flanking maneuver by
Esca's bodyguards (carrying an
improbable quantity of meltabombs)
ensured the destruction of the
distribution nodes. Both Chapters fell
back, licking their wounds.

An uneasy peace reigned over the field
for a full week. The Lions did not
attempt to break out, and the loyalists
lacked the strength to break in without
the powerful orbital guns of their
Strike Cruisers (though their remaining
Rapid Strike Vessels were enough of a
threat to discourage sallies). Any
assault would be ruinous. Minor raids
crept back and forth across the no-
man's land in front of the storehouse,
costing little and achieving less.
Eventually, the battle in space forced
events to a head on the ground.

On the fourth day of battle, Esca
received word from his forces in space.
The Lions had managed to
outmaneuver them, and both sides
were now racing back to the planet as
swiftly as they could. Though the
loyalist forces might arrive in time to
prevent the Lions from escaping with
the contents of the storehouse, it was
not certain.

Final Strike
There was only one course open take
the storehouse before the Lions' ships
reached orbit, bombarded the Steel
Dogs into nothing, and escaped with
their troops and incalculable quantities
of munitions and technology. Many
might die in the resulting battle, but
many more would die should the Lions

Esca massed his forces, and prepared
the final assault. But even as the first
Steel Dog stepped out of the
earthworks, the gates of the storehouse
began to open. Lions of Alba poured
out, taking up defensive positions amid
the rubble surrounding the fortress.
And behind them, most terrifying of
all, walked a God-Machine a Reaver
Battle Greyall


Scenario 6: Final Strike.
The loyalists have prepared to launch a final strike on the heart of the Lions
of Alba- the ancient cache of imperial technology. This fighting was the
most bitter of the war, and drug on for several days before the full weight of
their forces came to clash.

Suggested Forces: 3500+pts
Choose forces as per the Apocalypse rules up to a maximum value agreed
on by both players. No additional strategic assets may be purchased, and
the only super-heavy vehicles that may be purchased are Thunderhawks.

The player who rolls highest on a d6 may choose to begin deploying first or
second. Each player then alternates placing units until all forces have been
deployed. For every 4 units in their army, rounding up, a player may place
one unit in reserve (which counts as a deployment). They will enter play
using the normal reserve rules, rather than the rules from Apocalypse.

The Lions receive the Bunkers and Obstacles strategic assets for free. Place
these bunkers, razorwire, and traps on the field before deployment.
Otherwise the battlefield should be littered with ruins, craters, and a broken
roadway leading into the heart of the renegades deployment area.

Choose a single bunker or ruin in the Lions of Alba deployment zone- this is
the one and only objective in the game. Holding it counts as 9 Kill Points.
Otherwise, follow the normal rules for Kill Points. The victor in this
scenario gains 6 Campaign Victory points. Whoever has the most
Campaign Victory points in total at the end of this scenario wins the

First Turn and Game Length:
On the roll of a 3+, after deployment, the loyalists will take first turn. The
game lasts five turns of hard bitter fighting. At the end of turn five, roll a d6
on a 5+ play a sixth and final turn.

Special Rules:
Resources of Old: The Lions have the Vortex Grenade asset for free and
may choose an additional Front Line or Space Marine asset for free. This
represents the plundered relics and ancient caches theyve brought back to
the world of the forty-first millennium. Additionally, the Lions of Alba
player may field a single super-heavy of three structure points or less from
the imperial or chaos datasheets.

If the Lion player wishes, The Lion player may sacrifice up to five campaign
victory points to field correspondingly larger super-heavies (for example,
sacrificing three would allow the player to field a single super-heavy of up
to six structure points).

Fury of the Righteous: The Steel Dogs and Heralds of Light are bringing
the full weight of their forces to bear in a final push to destroy the Lions of
Alba. To represent this they may make use of the Orbital Strike Strategic
Asset each turn, and in addition may select one additional Support or Space
Marine Strategic Asset.

Heralds of Light Aerion the Faithful

Well, the Imprint needed a battle report
to be complete, and I was drafted.
Since I already had an Epic Steel Dogs
force underway, I decided to add some
Lions and Heralds and do an Epic

A quick run-down of how Epic:
Armageddon works, for those
unfamiliar with it.

Epic: Armageddon is the small-scale
version of 40K. Tiny models, more of
them. It doesnt work much like 40K,
however players alternate actions
each turn, activating units with dice
rolls against their initiative (which, in
Epic, represents their strategic
abilities). Each activated formation can
choose to take different actions which
allow them to do different
combinations of moving, shooting, and
special actions.

Blast markers, which represent
confusion and attrition, are a big deal
in Epic. Shooting, screw ups and losses
all produce blast markers, and a
formation that takes too many Blast
Markers is in serious trouble it
breaks, and is a lot more vulnerable.

Epic shooting is relatively sparse
only heavy weapons get to shoot
outside of assaults, and the battlefields
a lot bigger proportionally.

Epic Assaults are remarkably similar to
40K, only you can shoot as well as hit
people in the face. Almost everyone
gets only one attack, which is based on
their Firefight or Close Combat stats,
depending on whether or not theyre in
base-to-base contact. Nearby
formations can use their Firefight stats
to support assaults that are close
enough to them.

Victory is decided first and foremost
by achieving goals, which depend on
the scenario. The winner must achieve
at least two goals, and achieve more
goals than their opponent. If no one
has enough goals to win, the tie is
broken by Victory Points based on the
number of enemy formations
destroyed and broken.

Ill explain more as the battle report

I had to adapt the 40K scenario to Epic,
but that was simple enough. I used
NetEA (the major international Epic
organization) lists, using the
Apocrypha of Skaros to represent the
infantry-heavy tactics of the Steel
Dogs, and the Imperial Fists defensive
siege list to represent the Lions.
Objectives were de-emphasized
compared to the usual Epic game, to
represent that this was a battle to the

The Scenario
Introduction: The Lions are sallying
forth to try and wipe out the Loyalists.
Their new Titan and tanks will be
harder to bring to bear should the
Imperials gain entrance to the restricted
confines of the storehouse, and so the
Lions disperse and destroy the
Loyalists now before retreating back
into the storehouse to await rescue.

The Steel Dogs and Heralds of Light,
meanwhile, are trying to break the
Lions and gain entry to the storehouse,
thus securing the treasures inside and
gaining a safe position to wait for their
ships return.

Scenario: All Steel Dog formations are
set up within 15cm of their table edge.
All Lion formations are set up within
30cm of the storehouse entrance
(which is set up along the Lions table

There are only two objectives on the
board, since everything else has been
flattened. This is a war of annihilation
as much as a battle of maneuver, and
both sides know it. The possible goals
in this scenario are as follows:

Blitzkrieg: The Lions achieve this by
capturing the Steel Dogs'
communications uplink. The Steel
Dogs achieve this by capturing the
storehouse entrance.

Take and Hold: This is achieved by
capturing both the uplink and the gate.

Break Their Spirit: This is achieved
by destroying the enemys most
valuable formation.

They Shall Not Pass: Either side
achieves this if there are no unbroken
enemy formations in their half of the

Players check for victory at the end of
the third and fourth turns. The game
ends at the end of the fourth turn.

The Forces
I planned both forces long in advance,
since I had to paint them.

The Steel Dogs got Escas battle
company, and the Heralds were
represented by another half-company.
Since this was a siege, I also took some
Whirlwinds and Vindicators. Finally, I
took a formation of Land Speeders,
since the rest of the army was pretty

I figured the Lions should be short on
numbers but long on shiny equipment
after looting the storehouse, so I gave
them just under a Battle Company in
infantry and loaded the rest of the list
down with vehicles, a Titan, and some
fortifications for spice. The Dogs
might have more troops, but the Land
Raiders and Titan would be tough nuts
to crack. This would help whoever I
found to general, since they werent
going to get to choose their forces.

The Battle of


The Steel Dogs and Heralds of Light:
Esca Blackbloods Demi-Company
Tactical Formation with Demi-
Company, Supreme Commander,
Armoured Support 625 pts

Lieutenant Kovacs Demi-Company
Tactical Formation with Demi-
Company 425 pts
Whirlwinds 300 pts
Veteran Land Speeders
Land Speeder Formation with two
Land Speeder Typhoons 250 pts

Reserve Captain Rhadamanthus
Tactical Formation with Demi-
Company, Commander 475 pts
Vindicators 225 pts

Total: 2300

The Lions of Alba:
Master Gorinels Retinue
Tactical Formation with Commander
350 pts
Captain Osrics Retinue
Devastator Formation with
Commander 225
Tactical Formation
Land Raider
Formation 325
Land Raider
Formation 325
Assault Formation
Lucem Ferre of
the Legio Mortis
Reaver Titan
Fortifications 50

Total: 2325

The Steel Dogs Second Company assembled on Avren

Elements of the Sixth and Fourth Companies under Rhadamanthus assembled on Jamshyds World

The Lions of Alba in column on the third moon of Astra Majoris

The Battle
I commanded the
Imperials. My opponent
was Mike, who among
other things is one of the
minds behind Astronomi-
con. Hes a gentleman and
lots of fun to game with.
It was his first real Epic
game (which is why he
got the Titan). It didnt
slow him down that much,

Since Epics turn structure
isnt divided into one
players turn, other players turn like
40K, it can be a bit confusing to keep
track of whos moving and acting. As a
rule in this battle report, each new
paragraph is a different player.

The Lions deploy around the gate. The
Steel Dogs and Heralds are spread
along their edge the Heralds have the
middle, the Whirlwinds are on a rise to
the east, while the Land Speeders are
behind the river to the west. Mike set
his mines up in a line along the eastern
side of the field, effectively blocking
off the route up to the storehouse gate.

Turn 1
The Steel Dogs win the roll to go first
this turn. Esca's formation uses a
March action
to seize the abandoned
fortification below the gate.

The Lions activate one of their Land
Raider formations, which charges
toward the Steel Dogs Whirlwinds,
heedless of possible danger. The Lions
retain the initiative,
and the Reaver

A March action lets a formation
make three moves (how far that can
be depends on the units involved).
Normally, in Epic, activations
alternate from player to player
however, you can try to take two
actions in a row by taking a penalty to
your activation roll.
, raking Escas formation
with fire and destroying a Devastator
unit and a Tactical unit. Due to the
vagaries of time, however, its fire was
not as effective as could be hoped
even the workings of the Mechanicus
degrade after ten thousand years
underground. [At this point, both of us
being tired, we got confused over how
many Turbolaser shots the Reaver got,
and decided it should get half as many
as it was entitled to. We apologize to
the crew of the Reaver and to the brave
men who died because the Reaver
could not help them enough. I
apologize to Mike, who I suspect would
have dismantled me with a full-strength
Reaver. Ed]

An Advance allows the formation to
make one move and fire once.
The Dogs Whirlwinds launch a
barrage at the Land Raiders charging
toward them, managing to destroy one.
The Loyalists retain, and Kovacs
Demi-Company moves forward and
engages the Land Raiders in assault.
Almost all of the formation is out of
range, but the Assault units can reach,
and do their best to disable the Land
Raiders close up. Neither side managed
to destroy the enemy directly, but the
Assault Resolution roll favored the
Steel Dogs, especially when combined
with the blast markers the Land
Raiders had already taken, and the
Land Raiders were wiped out as they
attempted to withdraw.

A formation takes damage when it
loses an assault, and the Land Raiders
lost the assault by a lot.

The Field of Engagement

Kovacs men engage the Land Raiders. Note how my Assault Marines are blatantly out of
coherency (since I could have just moved my Rhinos forward a little more and it would
have been fine, Ive managed to not feel too bad about it).


The Lions of Alba seek vengeance
the second Land Raider formation
forward, firing on Kovacs
Tacticals, who lose three Rhinos. The
Lions retain and move their Assault
formation forward, behind the Land

The Heralds Vindicators Double
forward, firing at the Land Raiders.
One of the Land Raiders succumbs to

A Double allows the formation to
move twice, then shoot with a -1
the heavy Demolisher shells, but the
rest shrug it off.

Master Gorinel and his Tactical
formation move forward toward the
cliff edge, opening up on Escas troops
in their battered fortification. The
Lions then retain, and their second
Tactical Formation does the same as
the first, but between the two only one
Tactical unit is destroyed.

Captain Rhadamanthus springs into
action. His men Double toward the
minefield, firing on the Assault
formation. One Assault unit is

The Lions Devastators
Double forward into
ruins, firing at the
Reserve Captains
formation with no result.

The Steel Dogs Land
Speeders March forward
into the crater at the east
edge of the board.

Turn 2
The Lions win the roll,
and opt to go first. The
Land Raiders Sustain
at the Whirlwinds,
annihilating the lighter
tanks. Retaining, the
Lucem Ferre moves
forward, firing at the
Reserve Captains
formation. The Heralds
lose three Tactical units
and two Rhinos to the
punishing barrage.

The Vindicators Advance,
blasting at the Land
Raiders. Despite high
hopes, when the smoke
clears, the Land Raiders
survive. [Mike failed all
his saves. Then he
succeeded on all his
rerolls. Stupid Land
Raiders. Ed]

The Devastators Sustain
Fire at Kovacs Demi-
Company, wiping out the
skirmishing Assault units. Retaining,
Master Regan Sustains Fire at the
Speeders, two of whom are lost despite
the cover of the crater.

Kovacs Demi-Company Sustains at
the Land Raiders, whose armor is once
again impervious. Retaining,
Rhadamanthus men follow suit, with
the same result.

A Sustain Fire action means the
formation can fire once with a +1
bonus (though it can do nothing else)

The battlefield, just after the Assault Marines moved up. Esca is in the fortification in the lower right,
Kovacs is in the upper right, and the Whirlwinds are in the upper centre.

The Heralds and Lions face off over the minefield.

The Lions' Assault formation jumps
back toward the gate to secure it from
enemy attack.

The Land Speeders Double forward to
a point between the Assault formation
and the Tacticals, attempting to force
the enemy out of position.

They shoot at the Reaver, but succeed
only in knocking down a Void Shield.
Finally, Esca's Demi-Company moves
its Predators forward and fires at
Master Regans formation. With the
Land Speeders behind them, the Lions
are caught in a lethal crossfire, and
four of their units are lost.
Masters formation breaks.

In the end phase, Master Regans
formation attempts to flee, but are
trapped against the cliff by the Land
Speeders. They are cut down and
dispersed. Unfortunately, Esca is
unable to reassert control over his
formation they fail to regroup, and
do not remove any blast markers.

Turn 3
The Steel Dogs win the roll and go
first. The Land Speeders Sustain Fire
at the Lions remaining Tactical unit,
killing one. Retaining, Esca
concentrates his formations fire
against the same target, killing four
and breaking the remaining few

Units in Epic have a zone of
control. Other units cannot enter this,
except when assaulting. Land
Speeders have a doubled zone of
control and so can force other units to
move away (or assault them) by
moving next to those units.
If there are friendly units on the
other side of a target when you shoot
at that target, the target gets a -1
penalty to its save against any hits.
In the End Phase, broken units
attempt to rally and units with blast
markers attempt to remove them. Ive
only noted when these things DONT
The Lions Assault formation attacks
the Land Speeders, looking for
vengeance (and because it was that or
move away from the Speeders zone of
control). The Reaver provides heavy
supporting fire, but it is mostly
ineffective each side destroys one
enemy unit. The Assault resolution is
very close, but the Land Speeders win
by one, which is enough to kill another
Assault unit. The last remaining
Assault unit in the formation breaks.
The Lions, angered, retain. The Reaver
moves forward and annihilates the
Land Speeders in a blaze of

Kovacs Sustains Fire at the Land
Raiders, and the punishing fusillade
finally manages to penetrate the
Mechanicus finest armour (ten
thousand year guarantee, or your
money back). That loss is enough to
break the Land Raiders, who retreat
toward the safety of the storehouse.

The Vindicators Advance through the
minefield, losing one tank despite their
Siege Shields
[Double 1. Of course.
Ed.]. Firing at the Devastators, they
inflict no appreciable losses.

The Devastator's responding Sustained
Fire has an equally negligible effect.

The Heralds of Light move wide
around the minefield, unwilling to risk
losses in exchange for minimally
effective fire against the Devastators.

Whatever the GW game, dangerous
terrain is dangerous terrain.
Escas Demi-Company and the Land Speeders destroy Gorinels Retinue


In the end phase, the Assault and
Tactical formations remain broken,
though the Land Raiders recover. The
Vindicators fail to regroup.

No one had achieved two goals, so the
game continued.

Turn 4
The Lions go first. The Land Raiders
move forward and fire at
Rhadamanthus and his men, crippling a
Rhino. Retaining, the Lucem fires at
the same target, killing two Tacticals
and another Rhino.

The Vindicators Advance and fire at
the Devastators. Retaining, and despite
the confusion among his men,
Rhadamanthus pushes forward in an
assault on the Devastators. Locked in
hand to hand, battered by Demolisher
shells, and overwhelmed in numbers,
the Devastators are annihilated.
Captain Osric is slain, and his Artificer
Armour taken as a prize by

Further efforts by the Steel Dogs were
considered likely to be ineffective. The
Space Marines slowly pulled back,
unsure whether to make another assault
or to avoid further losses and trust in
the hope of their coming support.

Results, or Lack Thereof
Mike and I both agreed that Esca was
unlikely to blast apart the Reaver in
the moments that remained. We
called the game, and determined who
had won. The Dogs and Heralds had
achieved one objective, having kept
their half of the table clear of
enemies, but otherwise no goals were
achieved. That meant we had to
calculate Victory Points.

The Lions were rather battered the
Reaver was at full strength, and the
Land Raiders were at half. The
Assaults and Tacticals rallied, but
were also below half. Everything else
was destroyed. The Steel Dogs thus
gained 1313 VP.

The Steel Dogs and Heralds, while
mauled and walking a lot more than
they were used to, fared somewhat
better. The Vindicators were still
above half and unbroken, as were the
Steel Dogs' demi-companies.
Rhadamanthus formation was below
half, but unbroken. The Lions of
Alba gained 763 VP.

The Steel Dogs won by 550 VP. The
Lions fled back into the storehouse,
and the
with the
still in Lion
hands (to
say nothing of
the fully
Reaver), this
isn't exactly a
strategic victory.

Calamity averted. Problem unsolved.

Simon's Thoughts
Just to be clear: we knew going in this
might well turn into a bloodbath
decided by who killed the most. Those
are the vagaries of a 4'x4' table and a
shortage of plausible objectives for a
scenario. At least it was thematically
appropriate. That said, I had a lot of
fun, and Mike has been gracious

Rhadamanthus battered forces engage Osrics Devastators


enough to claim he did too. Pyrrhic
victories where little was gained are
my favorite.

So: post-battle assessment. I was very
pleased with all my units, actually.
Almost all of them performed when
they needed to. More Land Speeders
are definitely planned, as are more
Whirlwinds and some Predators (in a
normal game, Id likely cut the Heralds
and replace them with the
aforementioned, but this was a co-
operative effort).

The major problems for me were the
minefields and the Reaver. Mike put
those minefields where it made the
most sense, and it certainly worked for
him. They're not THAT lethal, but they
only have to be dangerous once or
twice to cause problems.

As to the Reaver, even up on the
mountaintop it did a number on
whatever it looked at funny. If Mike
had brought it down to help take apart
the larger formations, I might have had
some serious problems. On the other
hand, up there
he had little
or no risk of
losing it. And
since killing
it would have
given me an
objective, I
think he made
the right
Indeed, even
with it up on the hill it could have done
a lot of damage if wed played its
Turbolasers properly.

Mikes Thoughts
My thoughts on the game or "No
really don't stupidly overextend

My first mistake was throwing away
the Land Raider unit on a March.
Having seen how effective a platoon of
Whirlwinds could be, I really wanted
these dead. Having already lost the
bunker to Simon's early march move, I
decided to 'go for them' full bore. This
was a mistake as the nearby demi-
company of
infantry was
able to
manage a
assault on
them and
them in hack
downs. It
helped a lot
that Simon
boxcars, but
even so!
[Skill. All
skill. Ed.]

The correct
would have
been a
double move
out and long
fire. That
them to
assault. I'd
have taken
some fire, of course, but it would have
been worth it and then I could have
moved up some infantry to support.

While I was able to hold the gate, I
needed to be more careful about
keeping my zones of control tight. As
it was the Land Speeders were able to
exploit a tiny slot between the ZoC of
the assault guys guarding the gate and
the infantry to the front. The resulting
crossfire effect got my infantry at the
front of the escarpment shot to rags by
Blackblood's demi company in the

On the upside, I was able to blunt the
attack on the gate, despite being
outnumbered, and I placed the
minefields fairly well. The galaxy's
toughest Land Raiders helped quite a
lot here and this time they were
properly supported by assault and
devastator forces. While they folded in
the end, they lasted long enough to
keep the attackers off the hill and so
the enemy weren't able to capitalize on
their very effective shooting which
greatly reduced the defensive forces by
the gate.

Simon thinks I underused the Titan by
keeping it back at the gate. He may be
right. It provided amazing fire support
but marching it down the hill where its
six dice of Firefight support could have
played a role might have been really
useful. Next
time I'll
experiment with
being more
aggressive with

All in all a fun
game though,
and fairly fast
recording so
much of it. Definitely have to dig up



The generals engage in an impromptu smug-off.


my old Desolation Angels and see
what I've got...
Licking Their Wounds
It took several hours for the Steel Dogs
and Heralds to regroup. At that point,
they launched another assault on the
storehouse. This time, they
encountered no resistance the Lions
were gone, leaving behind only a
fraction of the treasures the storehouse
should have held.

Dedicated investigation discovered a
hastily-concealed secret exit. The Dogs
and Heralds followed it as quickly as
they dared, emerging miles away just
as the White Lion slipped into orbit.

The Lions had taken all that they could
carry, and their hastily assembled
supply dump was poorly defended. In
a lightning raid, the Dogs and Heralds
annihilated the dump, pulling back to
the safety of the storehouse just ahead
of the Lions orbital bombardment.
The Lions fled out system, just ahead
of the pursuing Imperial Strike

The Nemean Campaign was over.

The Lions retreated to the relative
security of the Eye of Terror. Though
they had gained valuable resources,
they had lost equally valuable Space
Marines, and ensured only that the
Steel Dogs and Heralds of Light
would hunt them wherever possible.

The Steel Dogs and Heralds,
meanwhile, though they had secured
a valuable trove for the Imperium,
were taunted by the possibility of the
victory that might have been. Men
were dead, valuable ancient
weaponry lost, and the Lions had
escaped. Possession of the field was
not victory, and both Chapters knew
it. Esca and Skaron quarrelled over
where the blame lay for the Lions
escape indeed, it was only the
intercession of Rhadamanthus that
kept his fellow Captains from each
others throats. Though relations
between the Chapters were not
harmed (if only because of
Rhadamanthus even-handed report),
the relationship between the Captains
certainly was. Their eventual
discharge of this enmity in a duel on
Phyrenios III during the Eighth Ring
War is, of course, familiar to the
educated reader.

All in all, the Lions lost much, but so
did the Steel Dogs and Heralds of
Light. In the end, the Nemean
Campaign accomplished little besides
ensuring that the feud between the
Lions and their still-loyal brothers
burns brighter than ever.

Adapting the Campaign
There are a number of possible options
available for adapting the campaign
those mentioned here are by no means
the limit. The only limit is your
imagination. And your opponents
willingness to put up with your
imagination, of course.

Persistent Units
There are several methods of using
persistent units. The first is to simply
make use of the unit experience rules
Master Gorinel of the Lions of Alba
rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed.
As a Space Marine, he had the stamina
and energy of a dozen men.
Unfortunately, that was not sufficient
against the troubles of a hundred.

His protg was dead, as were many of
his best men. The paltry store of
equipment recovered was slightly more
than that expended in the operations on
Jamshyds World, but slightly would not
restore the Lions to Alba.

So now the Lions would retreat into the
Eye of Terror yet again, where their
numbers would slowly dwindle, worn
away by battles against warbands, the
harsh mutations of the Warp, by the
ravages of time, and most damning of all
by the simple fact that Alba was gone,
and would not return, and being a
champion of a dead world was not the
lure one might expect.

And, of course, now the Chapter was
indebted to the Dark Mechanicus. They
had been eager to recover the Reaver
perhaps too eager. They might know
something the Lions did not. And even if
they didnt, owing favours to
technological monsters who had been
twisted even further by powers beyond
human comprehension sounded like a
circumstance one might wish to avoid, all
other things considered.

Of course, all the debts in the world did
not matter. The Chapter mattered. Alba
mattered. And whatever was needed to
save them both was whatever would be

One day, Gorinel knew, Alba would be
theirs once more. And on that day, he
could rest.

He was looking forward to it.
Esca Blackblood resisted the temptation to
strangle Captain Skaron Cinereal,
Commander of the Most Glorious Fourth
Company of the Heralds of Light, Holder
of the Sacred Chalice of New Ryxx,
Scourge of Zebediah III, and infinitely
pious bastard.

It would not do to be impolite to an ally.

Cinereal had been outmaneuvered (albeit
barely). Hed been outwitted (as had they
all). He had failed in his most important
task of ensuring the Lions could not and
did not escape. And now he was berating
himself accordingly for his failures and
those of Esca and Rhadamanthus.

Not that Esca was so arrogant as to think
himself without fault. But he was fairly sure
that Skaron Cinereal was not the one to
judge him for it.

It was a small consolation that Captain
Rhadamanthus, Commander of the Most
Stalwart Sixth Company of the Heralds of
Light, Sword of the Morning and Lord of
the Inward Territories seemed to be almost
as tired of Cinereal as Esca was.

As Cinereal held forth again on the
unworthiness of these, the Emperors
humble servants, Esca eyed him,
wondering if a pact with the Chaos gods
would be worthwhile if it gave him the
power to annihilate Cinereals brain.

Damnation surely couldnt be this bad.

in the main rulebook (page 263).
Simply allow surviving units in each
scenario to pick the appropriate rules

The second is more involved create
an initial pool of units for each player
to draw on (somewhere around 4000-
5000 points should suffice). Then
choose units from that pool for each
mission. Each successive scenario a
unit survives gives it access to another
veteran skill. However, losses are
permanent models which suffer
Instant Death are gone for the rest of
the campaign, and other models which
are killed ingame must roll against
their toughness if they fail, then they
are gone for the rest of the campaign as

Adding Battlefleet Gothic
Large parts of the campaign take place
in space, and playing out those is very
possible. The first and last
engagements of the campaign would
both work well with a space
component. The fleets involved would
be relatively small (more than 1000
points a side would definitely expand
the scope of the campaign!) but it adds
another dimension. Battlefleet Gothic
already contains good advice on
integrating with planetary assaults and
ground campaigns, which I will not
duplicate here (the rules are available
free on GWs website, should you be

You could even run two separate
parallel campaigns the initial meeting
engagement, several pursuits, perhaps
an ambush or two in the rings of a gas
giant. Even if one player is winning on
the ground, will he be able to get out
again afterward

Victory Effects
Another option is to provide persistent
effects based on what player wins
which scenarios. The trick here is not
to unbalance things so much that the
winner keeps on winning. One option
is to just have the victories affect the
final scenario for example, victory in
Scenario 2 could give the Lions more
troops in Scenario 6. Or allow players
to cash in Campaign Victory Points for
more troops or other advantages.

Replacing Campaign Victory Points
Yet another option is to ignore
Campaign Victory Points altogether,
combining persistent units and victory
effects and determining the winner of
the campaign only by victory in the
final scenario. This has the potential to
keep things tense right up to the final
minutes even with an overwhelming
advantage, a few lucky rolls and good
decisions can allow even the most
battered army to triumph.

Adapting for Other Forces
Although the B&C is a power
armoured forum, we recognize that
sometimes our members want to shoot
other people. Thus, we include some
suggestions for how the campaign
could work for other races.

It isnt difficult. Its remarkable how
duplicitous and violent the inhabitants
of the 41
millennium are.

Chaos Space Marines
Adapting this campaign for Chaos
Space Marines is simple enough
warbands and legions have plenty of
reasons to hate each other, and are
more than willing to perpetrate
convoluted schemes against each other.
Likewise, the confusion of the Heresy
and Scouring make it a certainty that
ancient supply dumps remain
undiscovered. Chaos Space Marines
could easily fill the role of either side
in this campaign.

Like Chaos Space Marines, the Eldar
love to scheme. The Eldar work very
well as the side that lays the trap.
Likewise, since so many Maiden
Worlds now lie under Imperial control,
it is very possible for Eldar to attack an
Imperial world but to be seeking
something far different than what their
initial strike would suggest, or even for
the treacherous mon-keigh to lure the
Eldar into a trap by intentionally
offending their sensibilities.

The Tau are certainly canny enough to
use Imperial greed against them. As to
luring the Tau into a trap: captured
Ethereal. Real prison. Simple enough.

Im sure no Inquisitor has ever
perpetrated a sneaky plot to trap a foe.
Likewise, Im certain no Inquisitor has
double bluffed an opponent by
pretending to fall for a trap (or fallen
for a trap but escaped due to knowing
something his enemy didnt). Anyone
who says otherwise is a heretic.

Dark Eldar
While complicated plans to lure in
dangerous foes are not necessarily the
Dark Eldars style (why lure when you
could be back at his house, eating his
familys souls?), the possibility of
another force attempting to lure them
with a false prize is very real. Replace
the fake storehouse with fake refugee
camps and the real storehouse with
unknown entrance to nearby hive
city and things work just fine.

Tyranids, unfortunately, are difficult to
trick and when you lure them
somewhere, they ALL show up. It
might, be possible to do something
with a Genestealer Cult. The concept
would be similar to that involved with
the Dark Eldar trying to lure out a
threat that cannot be struck at
otherwise. Of course, it requires that
your opponent have enough

Adapting for Other Games
Not all our readers play 40K, of course.
Some play other games instead (or
additionally). To them, we offer
suggestions on adapting the campaign
for different games.

Kill Team
This works well if you want to play
through the campaign but dont want to
or cant paint up entire appropriate
armies. Its remarkably easy to adapt
the campaign for Kill Team in concept
simply cast one side as the Brutes
and proceed from there. The first
several scenarios can be easily adapted


instead of playing the whole battle,
play a part.

For example, in the first mission the
Kill Team must take out an enemy
commander during the Drop Pod
assault. Perhaps friendly drop pods
land and engage enemy Brute Squads?
In the final mission, rather than engage
the entire enemy army, the Kill Team
must find and take out the enemy
commander even as Titans and other
such units roam the battlefield. In the
pursuit mission, the Kill Team must
immobilize or destroy several vehicles.

Alternately, use the framework of the
campaign to come up with entirely new
scenarios, and play those. The
cinematic nature of Kill Team lends
itself well to acting out blood feuds
between angry Space Marines, so the
results should be more than

Epic: Armageddon
Adapting the campaign for Epic is
easy. Simply ensure the players deploy
in the appropriate fashion, tailor the
objectives accordingly, and make sure
the final battle is appropriately grand.
The scenario in the battle report will
hopefully provide a good example, but
as a further demonstration in the
Pursuit scenario, as an example, the
Dogs should have several objectives
related to destroying enemy
formations, while the Lions have
objectives related to making it to the
other side of the board. Since Marching
allows units to really get around, it
might make sense to have Lions units
achieve an objective if theyre
unbroken and within 15cm of the
appropriate board edge that gives the
loyalists a decent chance to stop them.
Alternatively, perhaps they get an
objective for moving a certain number
of points off the board and dead units
dont count.

If playing the entire campaign in Epic,
all point values should be doubled
(approximately), but otherwise
adapting the scenarios should be fairly
simple. Since this is a war of
annihilation (at least for one side),
slightly limiting the number of
objectives placed on the board in order
to encourage more destruction might
be a good idea (especially in the battle

Battlefleet Gothic
Adapting the campaign for Battlefleet
Gothic is also remarkably easy.
Supplies can be stored in space as
easily as on a planet, so the basic
concepts and most of the objectives
still work.

As an example, the Infiltration scenario
can be adapted to work with a few
squadrons of Rapid Strike Vessels. The
table is the area covered by the
storehouse sensor net, and once outside
the net the scout force can safely
disengage and slip away. Or as another
example, the breakout scenario can
involve running a blockade out of
several planetary gravity wells (using
the rules for those in BFG) through a
network of asteroid emplacements.

Hopefully weve provided you with
some helpful ideas to make the
Nemean Campaign work for you. I
hope youve enjoyed these articles, and
the Legio Imprint. Thanks for reading.

Octavulg is a Lexicanium, Liberite, law
student, and man about town. He also
(apparently) edited this Imprint.


The Bolter & Chainsword would
like to state that this electronic
magazine is completely unofficial
and in no way endorsed by Games
Workshop Limited.

Adeptus Astartes, Blood Angels,
Bloodquest, Cadian, Catachan,
the Chaos devices, Cityfight, the
Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel
Device, Codex, Daemonhunters,
Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Eavy
Metal, Eldar, Eldar symbol
devices, Eye of Terror, Fire
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logo, Genestealer, Golden
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Unclean One, Inquisitor, the
Inquisitor logo, the Inquisitor
device, Inquisitor: Conspiracies,
Keeper of Secrets, Khorne, Kroot,
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Ork, Ork skull devices, Sisters of
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Space Marine, Space Marine
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logos, Tau, the Tau caste
designations, Tyranid, Tyrannid,
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Finally A quick Hello and we
did follow all the rules! to GW
Legal if they ever read this.
Colrouphobic (Cover, pages 7, 10, and 59)
Greyall (pages 34, 69, 81, 92, 103)
Firenze (pages 13, and 36)
slaine69 (pages 71 and 73)
Chronophague (page 82)
nurgling6688 (pages 90 and 98) &
Aerion the Faithful (pages 80 and 104)
madscuzzy (pages 39, 65, and 67)

DV8, Cigar_of_Nurgle, GooseDaMoose, -JK-, Apologist, Lord Tybault,
DaemonPrinceDargor, Cheexsta, Muskie, DrudgeDreadnought, John Thompson, Pig
of Sparta, Fallout1983, and Artekus.

Octavulg, Inquisitor Kravin, Brother Tyler, Strike Captain Lysimachus, Sigismund
Himself, Aurelius Rex and Brother Argos.

To all the authors and artists, who did sterling work. To Grey Mage and Allerka for
their work on scenarios. To Greyall, Colrouphobic, madscuzzy and Chronophague,
for last-minute illustrations that dont look last-minute. To Aurelius Rex, Strike
Captain Lysimachus, Inquisitor Kravin and Sigismund Himself for invaluable
feedback and proofreading. To Inquisitor Kravin for fearlessly charging ahead in all
circumstances. Finally, thanks to Brother Tyler and Inquisitor Kravin, whose
assistance at the eleventh hour helped ensure youd actually read this.
...And thanks to the future Mrs. Octavulg, too.
Produced by The Bolter & Chainsword.
Copyright The Bolter & Chainsword 2012. All Rights Reserved.
The Bolter & Chainsword Skull emblem are The Bolter & Chainsword 2012.

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