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Joseph Eguche
View of America
De Tocqueville
Reconstruction Era
Individualism An American is free to
spread with no family distinctions.

It is believed that a man can rise in society
also known as the American Dream.
Democracy in America
Government proceed with a laissez faire or a
Hands Off approach to the economy.

Meaning a free enterprise system ca occur in the
society an individual can own their own personal
There is no tyrannical government.

A danger is the tyranny of the majority.

Americans are rule abiding to the laws given,

Freedom from government control.
The society of Europe was built around family
distinctions seperation-The nobles
- Middle class
- Peasants

But in America none of that matters.
Participation of the common people in political

With this it brings peace to a society and also
prosperity for everyone.
De Tocquiville quote
Americans are so
enamored of the
equality that they
would rather be equal
in slavery than
unequal in freedom
De Tocquiville simply
refers to every single
born American black
or white to be equal in
every single way.
Personal Reflection
In my opinion De Tocquivilles view of America is
still misunderstood because of where he comes
from and how it is being run and how every
individual is classified into where they should
instead of them making their own way it is being
made for them and the people have no voice in
the government which is unfair.

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