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We, Indians, are the products of one of the oldest civilisations. We need to be
really proud of our ancient history and cultural heritage. However, during the
British Rule, we developed an inferiority complex, which adversely affected our
quest to unearth facts relating to our glorious past. But our young and educated
men and women, being born and brought up in independent India, are capable
of unearthing the true facts and are confident enough to evaluate these objectively.
Shri Rama being most basic to Indian ethos, it is necessary to know who is
Shri Rama? Was he really born? If yes, when and where? As is believed by crores
of people did he really put his feet on the territory of India from North to South,
reducing the sufferings of mankind and ensuring victory of good over evil? Let
us have a look at historical facts.
The story of Shri Ramas life was first narrated by Maharishi Valmiki in the
Ramayan which was written after Shri Rama was crowned as the king of Ayodhya.
Maharishi Valmiki was a great astronomer as he has made sequential astronomical
references on important dates related to the life of Shri Rama indicating the
location of planets vis-a-vis zodiac constellations and the other visible stars
(nakshatras). Needless to add that similar position of planets and nakshatras
vis-a-vis zodiac constellations is not repeated in thousands of years. By entering
the precise details of the planetary configuration of the important events in the life
of Shri Rama as given in the Valmikis Ramayan in the software named
Planetarium Gold corresponding exact dates of these events according to English
calendar can be known.
Sh. Pushkar Bhatnagar of Indian Revenue Service had acquired from USA the
software named Planetarium Gold (of Fogware Publishing) which is used to
predict the solar/lunar eclipses and distance and location of other planets from
earth by the scientists and astronomers. He entered the relevant details about the
planetary positions vis-a-vis zodiac constellations narrated by Maharishi Valmiki
and obtained very interesting and convincing results, which almost determine the
important dates starting from the birth of Shri Rama to the date of his coming
back to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile. Sh. Pushkar Bhatnagar has given very
Historic ity of the Eras of Lord Rama and Shri Krishna
authentic and convincing details of these dates in his book titled Dating the Era
of Lord Rama published by Rupa & Co., some extracts from which are being
summarised in the succeeding paras.
Date of Birth of Lord Rama
Maharishi Valmiki has recorded in Bal Kaand Sarga 18 and Shloka 8 & 9
(1/18/8, 9) that Shri Rama was born on 9th tithi of Chaitra month during day time
when the position of different planets vis-a-vis zodiac constellations and nakshatras
(visible stars) was as under:
(i) Sun in Aries (ii) Saturn in Libra
(iii) Jupiter in Cancer (iv) Venus in Pisces
(v) Mars in Capricorn (vi) Lunar month of Chaitra
(vii) Ninth day after no moon
(viii) Lagna as Cancer (Cancer was rising in the east)
(ix) Moon on the Punarvasu (Gemini constellation and Pollux star)
This data was fed into the Planetarium Gold software, the results indicated
that this was exactly the location of planets/stars vis-a-vis zodiac constellations on
the 10th of January noon time in the year 5114 BC if viewed from latitude/
longitude of Ayodhya (25N 81E). Thus Shri Rama was born on 10th January
in 5114 BC (i.e. 7117 years back). By making use of software to convert solar
calendar into lunar calendar, it was found that this date also happened to be the
9th day of Shukla Paksha in Chaitra month and the time was around 12 to 1
noontime. This is exactly the time and date when Ram Navmi is celebrated all over
India till date. The relevant sky view generated by Planetarium Software is enclosed.
Date of Exile of Shri Rama
In Valmikis Ramayan it is mentioned in Ayodhya Kaand (2/4/18) that Dashratha
wanted to make Shri Rama the king because Sun, Mars and Rahu had surrounded
his nakshatra and normally under such planetary configuration the king dies or
becomes a victim of conspiracies. Zodiac sign of king Dashratha was Pisces and
his nakshatra was Rewati. This planetary configuration was prevailing on the 5th
of January 5089 BC and it was on this day that Shri Rama had to leave Ayodhya
for 14 years. Thus he was 25 years old at that time (5114-5089) and there are
several shlokas in Valmikis Ramayan which indicate that Shri Rama was 25 years
old when he left Ayodhya for his 14 years of exile.
Historic ity of the Era of Lord Rama
Solar Eclipse during War with Khar-Dushan
Valmikis Ramayan refers to the solar eclipse at the time of war with Khar-Dushan
in later half of 13th year of Shri Ramas living in forests. Valmiki has also mentioned
that it was Amavasya day and planet Mars was in the middle. When this data was
entered, the computer software indicated that there was a solar eclipse on 7th
October, 5077 BC (Amavasya day) which could be seen from Panchvati
Planetary position on 10th January, 5114 BC
the date on which Rama was born
Historic ity of the Eras of Lord Rama and Shri Krishna
(20N 73E). On that date planetary configuration was the same as has been
described by Valmiki, i.e., Mars was in the middle, on one side was Venus and
Mercury and on the other side were Sun and Saturn.
Planetary position on 7th October, 5077 BC (Amavasya)
the day of Solar Eclipse, when Lord Rama fought the battle with Khar.
Historic ity of the Era of Lord Rama
Other Important Dates
Only six of the twelve constellations remain above the horizon at the same time.
Valmikis Ramayan contains graphic and poetic details of eight constellations during
Hanumans return journey from Sri Lanka to Sunaabh Hill in the middle of the
sea which apparently took about four and a half hours from 6:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
All these details of planets and nakshtras with reference to eight constellations
described in Sarga 57(1,2,3) of chapter 5 tally exactly with the sky view generated
by the software for the morning of 14
September 5076 BC.
Planetary position on 14th September, 5076 BC at 6.30 a.m.
the date and time of Hanumans return from Lanka.
Historic ity of the Eras of Lord Rama and Shri Krishna
The date and time of Hanumans return from Lanka 14th September, 5076 BC.
This slide shows the time when Hanuman reached the middle of the sea
to rest on a small hill.
On the basis of planetary configurations described in various other chapters of
Valmikis Ramayan, the date on which Ravana was killed works out to be 4th
December 5076 BC and Shri Rama completed 14 years of exile on 2nd January,
5075 BC and that day was also Navami of Shukla Paksha in Chaitra month. Thus
Shri Rama had come back to Ayodhya when he was 39 years old (5114 5075).
Historic ity of the Era of Lord Rama
Such sequential matching of important dates in the life of Lord Rama narrated
in Valmikis Ramayan with astronomical dating done through planetary
configurations cannot be a mere coincidence. It speaks volumes about the historicity
of the era of Lord Rama!
Sequential Details of Places Visited by Shri Rama
during 14 Years of Exile
Many researchers, including a colleague Dr. Ram Avtar, have researched on places
visited by Shri Rama during 14 years of exile. They sequentially moved to the
places stated as visited by Shri Rama in the Valmikis Ramayan. Starting from
Ayodhya, they went right upto Rameshwaram. They found 195 places which still
have the memorials connected to the events relating to the life of Shri Rama and
Sita. The locals believe that Shri Rama had actually visited these places. Ayodhya
Kand, Aranya Kand, Kishkindha Kand and Sunder Kand (chapters 2, 3, 4 & 5)
give sequential and graphic details of these places which mostly included Rishi
ashrams located along several river banks. These details can be divided into 5
1st Phase Gangetic Belt
They went to Tamsa Nadi Tal (Mandah) 20 km from Ayodhya, thereafter
crossed Gomti river (Point no. 2 to 7 of the given map). Then they reached
Ganges and entered Shringverpur (Singraur) which was kingdom of Nishadraj
Guh and is famous for Kewat prasang (20 km from Allahabad).
After crossing Yamuna near Sangam they reached Chitrakoot on UP and MP
borders - memorials include Valmiki Ashram, Mandavya Ashram, Bharat Koop etc.
still exist. After Bharat Milap they left Chitrakoot and went to Atri Ashram
located in Satana in MP.
2nd Phase in Dandak Van
Along with Laxman and Sita, Shri Rama extensively travelled through this land of
rivulets and water bodies and dense forests around MP and Chhatisgarh.
They roamed around in Dandak Aranya area and visited Sharbhang and
Sutikshan Muni ashrams in Satna (Point no. 36-41 of the given map). Thereafter,
Historic ity of the Eras of Lord Rama and Shri Krishna
they visited several Rishi ashrams in MP and Chattisgarh areas, along Narmada
and Mahanadi rivers for 10 years, and then came back to Sutikshan ashram.
Several memorials in Panna, Raipur, Bastar and Jagdalpur still exist which include
Mandavya ashram, Shringi ashram, Ram Laxman Mandir etc.
After crossing many rivers, lakes, hills and forests they went to Agastya ashram
in Nasik. As per Valmiki, weapons made in Agnishala were given to Shri Rama
by Agastya Muni in this ashram.
3rd Phase along Godavari
Shri Rama, Laxman and Sita travelled along Godavari. From Agastya ashram they
went to stay in Panchvati a place with 5 Vata trees located on banks of Godavari
in Nasik (Point no. 116 of the given map). This place is famous for Sharoopnakha
episode and war with Khar and Dushan.
There are memorials at the place where Mareech was stated as killed; these
include Mrigvyadheshwar and Baneshwar. Infact, Nasik area is full of memorials,
e.g., Sita Sarovar, Ram Kund and Triambakeshwar and Janasthan etc.
After this incident, Sita was abducted by Ravana, who also killed Jatayu
memorial Sarvatiratha in Taked Village, 56 km from Nasik, is still preserved.
4th Phase along Tungbhadra and Kaveri
Shri Rama and Laxman extensively travelled through these areas in search of Sita.
After meeting Jatayu and Kabandh they moved towards south to reach
Rishyamook Parbat. On way they visited Shabari ashram in Pampasarovar area
which is now known as Sureban in Belgaon and is still famous for Ber trees.
(Point no. 146 and 147 of the given map.)
After crossing forests of Sandalwood, many gardens and water bodies, they
went towards Rishyamook. Here they met Hanuman and Sugreev, and were shown
Sitas ornaments. Shri Rama killed Bali in this area.
Rishyamook and Kishkindha are located in Hampi, Distt. Ballari of Karnataka.
5th Phase on the Banks of the Sea
Rama with sena marched towards the sea. After crossing Malay Parbat, Chandan
forests, many rivers and ponds they went along Kaveri River. Details of travel
narrated in Valmikis Ramayan tally with the existing memorials.
Historic ity of the Era of Lord Rama
Places visited by Lord Rama during Exile (shown in red spots)
Historic ity of the Eras of Lord Rama and Shri Krishna
1 0
Ram-sena first camped in Koddikarai but later moved to Rameshwaram for
construction of bridge and there are many memorials to commemorate this event
in Chhedukarai. After surveying the sea area the place was found unsuitable for
constructing the bridge. Therefore, Shri Rama shifted the entire army to
Rameshwaram. After surveying the place for three days, suitable area was identified
and the bridge was constructed under the supervision of great shilpakar Nal. In
Rameshwaram, particularly from Dhanushkoti, the boatmen still take visitors in
glass boats to show remains of Ramas bridge, but it is considered fashionable to
call it Adams bridge instead of calling it by its historical name i.e. Ramas bridge.
Sri Lankan government wants to construct a land route over this submerged
bridge (Pamban to Mannar) whereas Government of India wants to blast it for
shipping i.e. Sethusamndaram project. Shri Jaisurya, Energy Minister of Sri Lanka
had proposed construction of land route between India and Sri Lanka on this
submerged Rama Sethu.
Ancestors of Shri Rama
Indian history has recorded that Shri Rama belonged to Surya Vansh and he was
the 64th ruler of this dynasty. Most of the names and other relevant particulars
of previous 63 kings are listed in Ayodhya Ka Itihas written about eighty years
back by Rai Bahadur Sita Ram. In fact most of the names of these ancestors of
Lord Rama have been listed in Valmiki Ramayan itself as narrated by Vashistha
Muni to Raja Janak (1/70 & 71). Professor Subhash Kak of Lousiana University
(USA), in his book The Astronomical Code of the Rigveda has also listed
63 ancestors of Shri Rama who ruled over Ayodhya. The ancestors of Shri Rama
have been traced out as under:
Shri Rama, s/o King Dashratha, s/o King Aja, s/o King Raghu, s/o. Dirghabahu,
s/o King Dilipa-II, s/o. King Visvasaha and so on) ............... (all listed) ...............
King Sagar (40
Ruler) ............... Satyavadi Harish Chandra (33
King) ............... .
Professor Subhash Kak has also traced out 29 descendants of Shri Rama
starting with his son Kusa f/o Atithi, f/o Nisadha, f/o Nala ............... (all listed)
............... 94th Ruler of Ayodhya being Brihatksaya.
Historic ity of the Era of Lord Rama
1 1
Ancestors & descendants of Shri Rama
who was the 64th Ruler of Surya Vansh
1. Manu 33. Hariscandra 65. Kusa
2. Iksvaku 34. Rohita 66. Atithi
3. Vikuksi-Sasada 35. Harita, Cancu 67. Nisadha
4. Kakutstha 36. Vijaya 68. Nala
5. Anenas 37. Ruruka 69. Nabhas
6. Prithu 38. Vrka 70. Pundarika
7. Vistarasva 39. Bahu (Asita) 71. Ksemadhanvan
8. Ardra 40. Sagara 72. Devanika
9. Yuvanasva (I) 41. Asamanjas 73. Ahinagu
10. Sravasta 42. Amsumant 74. Paripatra
11. Brihadasva 43. Dilipa (I) 75. Bala
12. Kuvalasva 44. Bhagiratha 76. Uktha
13. Drdhasva 45. Sruta 77. Vajranabha
14. Pramoda 46. Nabhaga 78. Sankhan
15. Haryasva (I) 47. Amabarisa 79. Vyusitasva
16. Nikumba 48. Sindhudvipa 80. Visvasaha (II)
17. Samhatasva 49. Ayutayus 81. Hiranyabha
18. Akrsasva 50. Rtuparna 82. Pusya
19. Prasenajit 51. Sarvakama 83. Dhruvasandhi
20. Yuvanasva (II) 52. Sudasa 84. Sudarsana
21. Mandhatr 53. Mitrasaha 85. Agnivarna
22. Purukutsa 54. Asmaka 86. Sighra
23. Trasadsyu 55. Mulaka 87. Maru
24. Sambhuta 56. Sataratha 88. Prasusruta
25. Anaranya 57. Aidavida 89. Susandhi
26. Trasadsva 58. Visvasaha (I) 90. Amarsa
27. Haryasva (II) 59. Dilipa (II) 91. Mahashwat
28. Vasumata 60. Dirghabahu 92. Visrutavant
29. Tridhanvan 61. Raghu 93. Brihadbala
30. Trayyaruna 62. Aja 94. Brihatksaya
31. Trishanku 63. Dasaratha
32. Satyavrata 64. Rama
Historic ity of the Eras of Lord Rama and Shri Krishna
1 2
Satellite Images of Ramas Bridge
In Valmikis Ramayana, it is mentioned that Shri Ramas army constructed a
bridge over the sea between Rameshwaram and Sri Lanka. After crossing this
bridge Shri Ramas army had defeated Ravana and liberated Sita from his captivity.
Recently NASA had put pictures on internet of a bridge, the ruins of which are
lying submerged in Palk Strait between Rameswaram (Dhanushkoti) and Mannar
(Thalaimannar). The bridge is composed of a series of islands, rocks, and shoals
and it is stated to be 30 kilometres long. It is found exactly at the location narrated
in Valmikis Ramayan! See NASA picture of this Bridge!
Picture of submerged bridge between Rameshwaram & Sri Lanka
Historic ity of the Era of Lord Rama
1 3
In Yuudh Kand, sarg 22 (shlokas 45-73) Valmiki has narrated in detail that
originally Shri Ramas army camped in Kodikarai but found that place unsuitable
for constructing the bridge. Therefore, the entire army was shifted to Rameswaram.
Research was carried out by Shri Rama for three days to find out a suitable
location in the sea for constructing the land route so that the army could cross
over to Sri Lanka. Finally, the suitable location was identified. Shri Nal, a famous
shilpakar, who had the expertise similar to that of Vishwakarma in constructing the
bridges, was requested to construct the bridge (6/22/45).
After carrying out the survey, Nal declared that a bridge can indeed be
constructed at the identified location. The armymen of Shri Rama utilized various
tools and implements for uprooting trees like Taar, coconut, mango, ashoka, bakul
etc., and with the help of various yantras transported these trees, stones, and rocks
to the seashore. Shilpakar Nal directed the armymen to stand with long ropes/
chains on either side and filled the space in between with creepers, trees, stones
and rocks and bound them together. The construction of Ramsethu was completed
See the Boundaries looking like ropes & the fillings in between
Historic ity of the Eras of Lord Rama and Shri Krishna
1 4
in five days by connecting the existing land route consisting of islands, rocks and
shoals. See some latest pictures which apparently corroborate such descriptions!
Use of Ramsethu as Land Route between India and Sri Lanka
This bridge was being used as land route between India and Sri Lanka for thousands
of years, though sometimes part of it was submerged under the seawater. The
website Google Earth contains interesting as well as authentic pictures of
submerged Ramsethu whereas the website of Chicago University displays most authentic
historical atlas of South Asia and has placed pictures of Ramsethu for the period
starting from vedic era and 5
century BC to 19
century AD along with
nomenclature of Ramsethu prevailing at the relevant times!
Maps from Historical Atlas of South Asia by J.E. Schwartzberg
In the Historical Atlas of South Asia prepared by Joseph E. Schwartzberg
(1978) and placed on its website by the university of Chicago, there are more than
20 maps giving historical as well as geographical evidence about the existence of
this Ramsethu and its use as land route between India and Sri Lanka during last
more than 2500 years. In some of the maps it is shown as a complete bridge used
as land route and in some others a part of it is shown as submerged.
Route followed by Sri Rama for travelling from Ayodhya to Sri Lanka has been
shown and picture of this bridge has clearly been included in the given map on
the next page (top).
During the time of Mauryan empire (321181 BC), exchange of embassies
between King Ashoka of India and Tissa of Sri Lanka and visit of Asokas son
Mahindra are shown as undertaken by partly using land route between Koti
(Dhanushkoti) and Tambapanni (also known as Mahatirtha). In an Ajanta painting
the scene of landing of King Vijay in Ceylon in about 3
century BC has been
depicted along with elephants, horses and foot soldiers which obviously was possible
only if land route was used for travelling from Rameswaram to Sri Lanka
(given in map on next page bottom).
Historic ity of the Era of Lord Rama
1 5
Historic ity of the Eras of Lord Rama and Shri Krishna
1 6
During the Satavahan-Sak-Kushan Age (1300 AD) Schwartzberg has shown
this Ramsethu being used as land route between India and Sri Lanka and has
stated that it was known as Rameswaram Koti at that time.
As per this atlas,
during the age of Gurjara-
Pratiharas, Palas and
Rashtrakutas (700 975
AD), the region across the
Ramsethu constituted the
limits of the regions under
the control of Rashtrakuta
Kings. In fact, entire Sri
Lanka has been shown as
part of kingdom of
Rashtrakutas and
Ramsethu has been shown
as the land connection
connecting the entire
Historic ity of the Era of Lord Rama
1 7
In this historical atlas of South Asia prepared by Joseph E. Schwartzberg in
1978, during the time of Khiljis and Tughlaks (12901390 AD) Ramsethu has
been shown as a land route between Rameswaram and Sri Lanka and the prevailing
name has been stated to be Setubandha Rameswaram.
Maps prepared by Netherlands, France and UK
According to Hunters Imperial Gazetteer, XI.22 (translated by A.M. Ferguson)
the ancient records preserved in the Rameswaram temple mention that a violent
storm in 1480 AD breached this bridge and subsequent storms rendered the
breach permanent. This fact is corroborated by the two maps drawn in 16
centuries by Netherlands and by a French map drawn in 18
From 16
century onwards there are some references to two narrow channels,
known as Pamban and Mannar through each of which only very small ships could
make their way and that too when the sea was high. Reference to this has also been
made by Dutch Governor of Ceylon in 1663.
James Rennell (17421830 A.D.) was the first Surveyor General of the East
India Company and is also known as Father of Indian Geography. A map of
Hindustan got prepared by him with the help of Sir Joseph in 1788 has named this
bridge as the RAMAs BRIDGE and the same is available in Saraswati Mahal
Historic ity of the Eras of Lord Rama and Shri Krishna
1 8
Library, Tanjavur. However in the later 1804 A.D. version of the map, the name
RAMA BRIDGE has been replaced with the name ADAMS BRIDGE! Hence the
RAMA BRIDGE becomes the ADAMS BRIDGE and the psychology behind the
same needs no explanation!
Geological and Oceanography Reports
According to Geological Survey of India report named Project Rameshwaram,
this bridge was capable of being used as land route between India and Sri Lanka
7,000 to 10,000 years back. As per the report of Department of Earth Sciences
the existence of Mesolithic and Microlithic tools and of human fossils on both
sides of Rama Sethu indicated existence of man-made structures.
As per estimate made by the inter-government panel on climate change (NASA,
Global Change Master Directory) the rise in the sea level during the last 7000
years has been about 2.8 metres which roughly corresponds to 9.3 feet. The
remains of Rama Sethu are found submerged nearly at a depth of 9-10
feet. Thus, obviously this bridge was capable of being used as land route
7000 years back.
The Essence
From Kashmir to Kanyakumari and from Bengal to Gujarat, everywhere people
believe in the reality of Shri Ramas existence, particularly in the tribal areas of
Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka and the
North East. Most of the festivals celebrated in these tribal areas revolve around
the events in the life of Shri Rama and Shri Krishna.
The events and places related to the life of Shri Rama and Sita are true cultural
and social heritage of every Indian irrespective of caste and creed and therefore it
is common heritage. After all, Shri Rama belonged to the period when Prophet
Mohammed or Jesus Christ were not born and Muslim or Christian faiths were
unknown to the world. India was also known as Bharat (meansland of knowledge)
and Aryavarta (where Aryans live).
During Rama Rajya, the evils of caste system based on birth were non-existent.
In fact, Maharishi Valmiki is stated to be of Shudra class (Scheduled Caste) still
Sita lived with him as his adopted daughter after she was banished from Ayodhya
and Shri Ramas children Luv and Kusha grew in his ashram as his disciples. We
Historic ity of the Era of Lord Rama
1 9
need to feel proud of the fact that Maharishi Valmiki was perhaps the first
great astronomer and that his study of planetary configurations has stood the
test of times. Even the latest computer softwares have corroborated his astronomical
calculations, which prove that he did not commit any error. Shabari is stated to
be belonging to Bheel tribe and the army of Shri Rama, which succeeded in
defeating Ravana was also formed by various tribals from Central and South India.
The facts, events and all other details relating to the life of Shri Rama are the
common heritage of all the Indians.
The scientific details narrated about to indicate that Shri Rama was actually
born 7000 years back. Hence, discovering the details relating to Shri Ramas life
would be lot more difficult as destruction caused by floods, earthquakes and
invasions etc. would be far greater. But should that stop our quest for learning
more and more about our cultural heritage?
As Indians, let us all take pride in the fact that Indian civilisation is the most
ancient civilisation surviving on planet earth and it is certainly more than 10,000
years old. Therefore, let us reject the story of Aryan invasion of India in 1500 B.C.
as mere linguistic guess work or as a motivated implantation. In fact Max Mueller,
who was the creator of this theory, had himself rejected this theory. Let us admit
that during British Rule, we were educated in the schools based on Macaulay
school of thinking which believed that every Indian was inferior and that entire
Indian literature was not worth even one book rack in England. If there were
similarities in certain features of Indian people and people from Central Europe,
then automatic inference drawn was that the Aryans coming from Europe invaded
India and settled here. No one dared of thinking in any other way. Therefore, there
is urgency for the historians and all other intellectuals to stop reducing Indian
history to myth. There is need to gather, dig out, search, unearth and analyse all
the evidences, which would throw more light on ancient Indian civilisation and
It is saddening that even after 60 years of independence, the Government of
India has not constituted a multidisciplinary team consisting of archaeologists,
divers, geologists, ecologists and oceanographers to carry out the research around
Ram Sethu area. After all when such a team was constituted, the submerged city
of Dwarka was found 1.5 kilometres away from the existing Dwarka. Therefore,
instead of certifying the non-existence of Ramsethu without any credible
Historic ity of the Eras of Lord Rama and Shri Krishna
2 0
research, the need is to carry out scientific research. Not only this, with the
development of new scientific methods, the old history written on basis of linguistics
will have to be discarded. There is a need to constitute a multidisciplinary team
in order to carry out research pertaining to most ancient period and this team
should consist of Sanskrit Pandits, Astronomers, Archaeologists, Geologists and
Space Scientists. This team should be asked to carry out and correlate research
activities in order to rewrite the history after verifying the authenticity and dating
of most ancient events of Indian history.
There is need for the print and the electronic media to take note of these facts
and create atmosphere which would motivate our young and educated youth to
carry out research and unearth true facts about ancient Indian civilisation and
wisdom and would also encourage them to put across the results of their research
before the people fearlessly and with a sense of pride!
1. Srimadvalmeekiya Ramayana. Published by Geeta Press, Gorakhpur.
2. Dating the Era of Lord Rama by Pushkar Bhatnagar, Published by Rupa &
3. The Astronomical code of the Rigveda by Professor Subhash Kak of Lousiana
University (USA), Published by Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
4. Ayodhya Ka Itihas by Rai Bahadur Sita Ram (1932), Published by Arya Book
Depot, Karol Bagh, New Delhi.
5. Shri Rama Van Gaman Sthal by Dr. Ram Avtar, Published by Shri Rama Sanskritik
Shodh Sansthan Trust, New Delhi.
6. Rama Sethu, Published by Rameswaram Rama Sethu Protection Movement, Chennai.
7. Historical Atlas of South Asia by Joseph E. Schwartzberg.

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