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Unit 1.

I. Fill in the blanks with Modals (with numbers) and correct the words in the brackets
using the
right tenses.
Unicorns (not) extinct. Ah, I see you (smile). That old trick question, you are saying to yourself. uite
right. They (not) extinct !ecause they ne"er (exist). #ell, you ($) ........ !e %rong, my friend. Unicorns
(not extinct) & !ecause I (sa"e) them.
'et me introduce myself. I am (ethro, a #his)erer. A race of !eings %ho ha"e em)athy %ith all li"ing
things and )o%ers... %ell, too considera!le to go into no%. *ut I (+)........ tell you creatures no% the
legend of the unicorn, for you ha"e mo"ed on & in some areas any%ay. ,uffice to say you care more
no% a!out the conser"ation of a !east such as the s)lendid unicorn. *ut that %as not so centuries
ago. -h, to clarify & my )eo)le (!e) immortal. Again, as you may %ell imagine, a long story, too long
for no%.
Unicorns once (roam) this )lanet .arth freely, from the mountainous areas of the fro/en north to the
arid )lains of equatorial Africa. It (!e) there in Africa that humans first disco"ered the 0)otency0 of its
horn. This fantastic idea of the humans, that the horn (1)...... hold the ans%er to so many of lifes
)ro!lems from curing )eo)le stricken %ith ailments to enhancing sexual )ro%ess, from inhaling the
)o%dered horn to achei"e a feeling of %ell!eing to using an intact horn )laced outside a )ersons
d%elling to )ut a curse on the
incum!ent resulting in their death. All )ure fantasy of course. The horn (!e) nothing more than
hardened skin, !eautiful o!2ect that it is, it (look) far !etter on the unicorn.
I (!e) summoned in the usual manner !y the unicorns %ho faced extinction !y this )oint. The solution
to their )light, my friend, %as relati"ely sim)le. I (contact) an old acquaintance of mine, a %itch, in the
!est traditions of the craft. ,he cast a s)ell making the horn in"isi!le on the %orld%ide )o)ulation of
And you see, they still %alk amongst you to this day. 3o% to recogni/e them4 If you are a #his)erer,
such as myself, you (5)....... sim)ly still see the horn. *ut %e are a rare !reed. 6o. 6o%, %hat (7)....... I
tell you4 They ha"e the a))earance of horses. They a))ear as a %hite horse. And as you all kno%,
there8s no such thing as a %hite horse. 9ou (kno%) that, didn0t you4

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