What They Are & Why We Care: Ignition Interlocks

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Ignition Interlocks

What They Are

& Why We Care
Toby Taylor Toby Taylor
Board of Tests for Alcohol and Drug Influence Board of Tests for Alcohol and Drug Influence
Oklahoma Impaired Driving Prevention Summit Oklahoma Impaired Driving Prevention Summit
February !" #$ February !" #$
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
How does it work?
Sensor technologies and accuracy
Mouth alcohol and environmental influences
NHTSA Model Specifications
Technical standards
Running retest
Device certification and licensing
Tampering and circumvention
Data recorder
!iolation scheme
"hat They Are
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
How does it work?
An ignition interlock is a
#reath$testing device
that is installed into a
t prevents the car from
#eing started when a
pre$set level of alcohol
is detected in the #reath
sample presuma#ly
provided #y the driver of
the vehicle%
&%A%'% ()$*) et se+%
gnition nterlock
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> Semiconductor sensors , not allowed -.))/0
> 1uel 'ell or 2lectrochemical sensors
> Advantages
> Device is alcohol$specific and only generates a
positive reading if alcohol is detected%
> s used in many #reath testing instruments
including evidential tests due to the high level of
> Re+uires less fre+uent cali#ration%
> 3imitations
> 2lectrochemical sensors while more advanced4 are
also more e5pensive than semiconductor sensors%
Sensor technology
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> gnition interlocks containing an electrochemical
sensor are accurate in detecting alcohol consumption
667 of the time%
> Detects #everage alcohol that is consumed4 or
alcohol in medications or other ingested products
-e%g%4 cough syrup4 mouth wash0%
> The NHTSA specifications state that the ignition
interlock device must prevent the driver from
starting the vehicle -even in e5treme heat or cold
conditions0 687 of the time when the 9rA' is %):*7
or greater -9eirness .));0%
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> Mouth alcohol is residual alcohol that is present in the
mouth or throat immediately following the
consumption of food4 drink4 mouth spray or medicine
that contains alcohol%
> Mouth alcohol can register on an interlock device as
an alcohol$positive #reath sample and can prevent
the engine of the vehicle from starting%
> This is easily overcome #y waiting a few minutes to
allow residual alcohol to dissipate4 similar to an
evidential #reath test%
> 'urrent technical specifications attempt to factor for
mouth alcohol%
Mouth alcohol
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> <enerally4 e5treme temperatures have nominal
effects on ignition interlocks%
> Most interlocks can withstand temperatures ranging
from $(6 to =;8* degrees 1ahrenheit and altitudes of
up to ;;4(8. feet -9urger .)); cited in 9a5 et al%
> The electrochemical sensor in an interlock device
operates at a high temperature% 1or this reason4 a
#rief warm$up period #efore the device can analy>e a
#reath sample is essential%
2nvironmental influences
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> "arm$up time typically spans a few minutes and is
influenced #y environmental and climatic varia#les%
n e5treme cold environments4 a longer period of
*$;) minutes may #e re+uired%
> Technological advances have significantly reduced
the warm$up period% These include?
> detacha#le handset
> wireless device
2nvironmental influences
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> NHTSA developed and pu#lished model specifications
for ignition interlock devices in ;66. -*@ 1R ;;@@.0%
> Stated purpose was to esta#lish performance criteria
and testing methods for interlock devices%
> ncluded tests in the following / categories?
> Safety Features. Any specification related to
insuring that the 9AD will prevent a driver with a
9rA' a#ove the alcohol set point from driving%
> .; Tests including? accuracy4 #reath sampling4
'ali#ration Sta#ility4 Temperature Ranges and
25tremes4 !i#ration4 R1A2M4 and Tampering
and 'ircumvention%
NHTSA model specifications
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> Utility Features. Any specification related to
insuring that the 9AD will function relia#ly and
not interfere with driving #y operators whose
9rA'Bs are #elow the alcohol set point%
> 6 CTestsD including? accuracy A precision4
clearance rate test4 warm up test4 low
temperature provisions4 and altitude -user
NHTSA model specifications
NHTSA model specifications
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> Optional Features. Any specification that is not
specifically recommended at the time #ut may #e
necessary to include at some future issuance of
certification standards% Non$inclusion at the time
was due to lack of evidence that failure to include
constituted a significant pro#lem%
> * CTestsD including? 9rA' readout4 sample
accepta#ility4 smoke4 dust4 and alert conditions%
> Revised NHTSA specifications were pu#lished in
1ederal Register for comment in .);) -@* 1R :;8.)0
and do include NHTSA testing for inclusion on a 'E3%
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> &nly apply to installations pursuant to an nstallation
> &klahomaBs current configuration?
Startup set point F )%). gA.;)3%
> 1ree restart within . minutes%
> Anti circumvention feature-s0 activated%
Technical standards
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> The purpose of the running retest is to thwart
Ccur#side service%D
> 1irst retest occurs randomly * , ;* minutes%
Su#se+uent retests ;* , (* minutes%
> 1ive minutes to complete the test%
> Set point F )%)/ gA.;)3 9rA'%
> 1ailure to deliver a clean and proper sample within
the time frame allowed will result in an auditory or
visual warning for the driver to pull over and stop
Running retest
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> The alarm will persist until the vehicle is turned off%
> The interlock will not shut off a running engine%
> The event will #e recorded in the logger%
> The interlock device will reset4 forcing the vehicle to
#e returned to a service center within * days%
> 1ailure to report to the service center will result in a
permanent lock$out of the vehicle%
Running retest
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> No device may #e used in &klahoma unless certified
#y the 9&T%
> Annual process that includes?
Application wApayment -G;4)))%))0%
> 3a# certificationANHTSA Model Specifications%
> 'ertificate of insurance -G;4)))4)))AG/4)))4)))0%
> 'onfiguration profile%
Device certification
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> No device may #e used in &klahoma unless certified
#y the 9oard of Tests%
> Annual process that includes?
Application wApayment -G;4)))%))0%
> 3a# certificationANHTSA Model Specifications%
> 'ertificate of insurance -G;4)))4)))AG/4)))4)))0%
> 'onfiguration profile%
> 1ield test%
Device certification
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> nstallation of a device into a state vehicle%
> nduce general and specific events%
> 1ield log%
> Detail log reports%
> !iolation reports4 if applica#le%
'ompare #oth logs to ensure the device responds
appropriately and records the correct information%
1ield test
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> No device may #e used in &klahoma unless certified
#y the 9&T%
> Annual process that includes?
Application wApayment -G;4)))%))0%
> 3a# certificationANHTSA Model Specifications%
> 'ertificate of insurance -G;4)))4)))AG/4)))4)))0%
> 'onfiguration profile%
> 1ield test%
> No modification without approval%
Device certification
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> All service centers must #e licensed #y the 9&T and
located in a fi5ed facility which?
> s staffed with at least one licensed technician4 and
> Eroperly and successfully accommodates necessary
services related to a specific device%
> Annual process that includes and application
wApayment -G;))%))0%
> 2ach service center is physically inspected annually #y
9&T staff%
> Additional inspections as needed%
Service center license
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> No person may perform any services related to any
device without #eing duly licensed #y the 9&T%
> Annual process%
> nitial process includes and application wApayment
-G/*%))0 and the following?
> 'riminal history #ackground4
> Must #e at least ;8 years old4
> Eossess a valid driver license4 and
> 'omplete and pass a knowledge and skills e5am%
> Renewal process includes and application wApayment
-G.*%))0 $ same re+uirements as the initial license%
Technician license
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
&riginal interlock device installations can only #e
performed #y a licensed technician in a licensed
service center%
* ManufacturersAdevices
*; licensed service centers
66 licensed technicians
9oard of Tests we#site?
www%#ot%ok%gov $or ,
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
&n average4 the installation of the interlock device
takes appro5imately (* minutes%
t can take up to . hours depending on the
e5perience of the installer and sophistication of the
vehicle electronics%
During the installation the participant receives
information a#out the device and learns how to
deliver a proper #reath sample%
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
Additionally4 the licensed technician will?
Eerform maintenance and cali#ration on the
interlock device%
Discuss reporta#le violations with the participant%
Erovide the participant with an installation
verification form%
nstallations performed outside the state of
&klahoma apply to the 9oard of Tests for Alcohol and
Drug nfluence -9&T0 Director for authority to issue
an installation verification form%
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> Sealed wiring
> Special tape wrapped around all wiring and
circuits to protect them and to provide evidence of
> Temperature and pressure gauges
> Hsed to detect Inon$humanB4 stored4 or filtered
#reath samples%
> 3ayers of testing for temperature4 pressure4
duration4 moisture4 and alcohol content of sample%
> The emergency override feature is not availa#le on
any ignition interlock device in &klahoma%
> !isual inspection at least every :* days%
Tampering and circumvention
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
Tampering and circumvention
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
Tampering and circumvention
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
Tampering and circumvention
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
Tampering and circumvention
9lowclean is a device that allows you to never have
false positives on you Ignition Interlock Devices
and always allow you to start up your car% tBs a
simple device which you can carry anywhere4 in your
car or purse%
Erice? G;(6%)) ea = 1lat$rate shipping J handling?
30-Day Money-back Guarantee. 1 Year Manufacture
> re multiple systems availa#le to limit opportunities
for non$drivers to provide a #reath sample?
#reath pulse
#low and suck
> 'amera units
<ES tracking
Real time "i$1i
violation reporting
Tampering and circumvention
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> There are multiple systems availa#le to limit
opportunities for non$drivers to provide a #reath
> #reath pulse
> hum$tone
> #low and suck
> temperatureApressure
> 'amera units
> <ES tracking
> Real time "i$1i
violation reporting
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> 2ach interlock device contains a data recording
device to record the day4 date and time of every
vehicle event -e%g%4 start tests4 re$tests4 fails4 etc%0%
> 9ackups of the data protect against loss even if there
are power disruptions or tampering attempts%
> Data collection ena#les authorities to monitor and
respond to participant drinking and driving #ehavior%
Data recorder
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> !iolation definitions4 device responses4 and report
forms are standardi>ed%
> !iolations rise to the level of CReporta#le !iolationsD
#ased on the type andAor +uantity of the specific
> Reporta#le violations must #e reported to the
nstallation Authority andAor Monitor within five
#usiness days%
> f the D is District 'ourt ordered4 the KJS must
identify the person to whom violations should #e
reported , the CMonitorD%
!iolation scheme
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> Reporta#le violations are as follows?
> Three penalty fails, at startup, within a
fifteen minute time frame.
Eenalty fail set point?
> )%)/ gA.;)3 for persons under .; years of
> )%)6 gA.;)3 for persons .; years of age
and over%
> "hy three fails and not Lust one?
!iolation scheme
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
!iolation scheme
1st/T1 2nd/T7 3rd/T14
Penalty Fails
!out alcool
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> Any illegal start.
> The starting of a vehicle e+uipped with a device
without successfully completing and passing the
re+uired #reath alcohol test%
> etest violations.
> 1ive minutes to complete the test%
> Set point F )%)/ gA.;)3 9rA'%
> 'ould possi#ly #low / times in * minutes%
> Three retest violations constitute a reporta#le
violation% 2ach retest violation thereafter
constitutes a reporta#le violation%
> 3earning curve%
!iolation scheme
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> emoval of a !evice e"cept#
> Hpon receipt of documentation from the
nstallation Authority or Monitor authori>ing
> The vehicle is #eing repaired% The participant
must inform the licensed service center at least
every eight days as to the anticipated date of
completion of repairs4 or
> The vehicle is #eing replaced% The removal and
reinstallation of the device in the su#se+uent
vehicle must #e accomplished within eight days
of the removal%
!iolation scheme
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> Tampering.
> Any act or attempt to alter4 interfere4 disa#le4
defeat or circumvent the installation or
operation of the device%
> Three penalty fails4 an illegal start andAor any retest
violations shall result in a Cviolation resetD%
> Hpon activation4 the device will initiate a uni+ue
audi#le andAor visual cue to warn the driver if a
permanent lockout in five days from the violation
> 1ailure to return to the licensed service center will
result in a permanent lockout%
!iolation scheme
"e can o#tain
log$in credentials for
Monitors to access
the manufacturerBs
we#sites to view
detail log reports%
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> !iolation occurrence , finding of fact%
> Eossi#le witnesses?
> gnition interlock technician4
> Manufacturer representative4
> ndividuals named on a MechanicBs Affidavit4
&ther witnesses as necessary%
!iolation scheme
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> .. &%S% 66;a Sentence $ Eowers of the 'ourt
> (@ &%S% :$;;; ssuance of 3icense or 'ard
> (@ &%S% :$.)*%; Duration of RevocationM
> (@ &%S% :$.;.%/ Repeat &ffendersMgnition nterlockM
> (@ &%S% ;;$6). Eersons Hnder the nfluence of Alcohol
> (@ &%S% ;;$6).a Allowing Hse of Motor !ehicle "ithout
gnition nterlock Device , Eenalty
> (@ &%S% ;;$6):%( Driving Hnder nfluence of Alcohol
> (@ &%S% @*(%; Modification of Revocation%%gnition nterlock
> *@ &%S% :;.a Erocessing of Eersons 'onvicted of Driving
Hnder nfluence Hnder nfluence
"hy "e 'are
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> .. &%S% 66;a Sentence $ Eowers of the 'ourt
> (@ &%S% :$;;; ssuance of 3icense or 'ard
> (@ &%S% :$.)*%; Duration of RevocationM
> (@ &%S% :$.;.%/ Repeat &ffendersMgnition nterlockM
> (@ &%S% ;;$6). Eersons Hnder the nfluence of Alcohol
> (@ &%S% ;;$6).a Allowing Hse of Motor !ehicle "ithout
gnition nterlock Device , Eenalty
> (@ &%S% ;;$6):%( Driving Hnder nfluence of Alcohol
> (@ &%S% @*(%; Modification of Revocation%%gnition nterlock
> *@ &%S% :;.a Erocessing of Eersons 'onvicted of Driving
Hnder nfluence
"hy "e 'are
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> $% O.S. &'((( Issuance of )icense or *ar!
+ffective ((,-(,.-((
> -(0-10 A person su#Lect to an order for the
installation of an D shallMsu#mit their driver license
for a replacement% The replacement driver license
shall #ear the words Nnterlock Re+uiredN and such
designation shall remain on the driver license for the
duration of the order re+uiring the D%
"hy "e 'are
Cnterlock Re+uiredD
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> $% O.S. &'.-/.( Duration of evocation of Driver
)icense. +ffective ((,-(,.-((
> -A0 The driving privilege of a person who is convicted
of any offenseMparagraph . or : of su#section A of
Section :$.)*MorMhas refused to su#mit to a test or
tests as provided in Section @*/MorMwhose alcohol
concentration is su#Lect to the provisions of Section
@*( of this title4 shall #e revoked or denied #y the
Department of Eu#lic Safety for the following period4
as applica#le?
> -;0 first revocation one hundred eighty -;8)0 days4
may #e modified%
"hy "e 'are
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> -.0-#0 second revocation wAin ;) years for one -;0
year4 may #e modified% Erovided4 further4 whether
or not the person is eligi#le for4 applies for4 or is
granted a modification4 the person shall #e re+uired
to install an ignition interlock device or devices4
pursuant to (@ &%S% @*(%;4 during the mandatory
period of revocation%
> -/0-c0 third and su#se+uent revocation wAin ;)
years for three -/0 years4 may #e modified%
Erovided4 further4 whether or not the person is
eligi#le forM4 the person shall #e re+uired to install
an ignition interlock device or devices4 pursuant to
(@ &%S% @*(%;4 during the mandatory period of
"hy "e 'are
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> $% O.S. &'.(..0 epeat Offen!ers 1Ignition
Interlock Device. +ffective ((,-(,.-((
> -A0 "henever the records of the Department of
Eu#lic Safety reflect the revocation of the driving
privilege of a person as provided in su#section A of
Section :$.)*%; of this title4 the Department shall
re+uire the installation of an ignition interlock device4
at the e5pense of the person4 as provided in
su#section D of this section4 after the mandatory
period of revocation4 as prescri#ed #y Section :$
.)*%; of this title4 for the following period4 as
"hy "e 'are
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> $% O.S. &'.(..0 epeat Offen!ers 1Ignition
Interlock Device. +ffective ((,-(,.-((
> -;0 1irst revocation -refused4 or )%;*0 for a
period of one and one$half -; ;A.0 years following
the mandatory period of revocation or until the
driving privileges of the person are reinstated4
whichever is longerO
> -.0 Second revocation4 for a period of four -(0
years following the mandatory period of
revocation or until the driving privileges of the
person are reinstated4 whichever is longerO or
"hy "e 'are
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> -/0 Third or su#se+uent revocation4 for a period of
five -*0 years following the mandatory period of
revocation or until the driving privileges of the
person are reinstated4 whichever is longer%
> -90DES classification as an C25cessive HserD4 upon
re+uest for reinstatement%
> -D0-;0 Re+uirements shall #e a prere+uisite and
condition for reinstatement of driving privileges%
> -20 nstallation of an ignition interlock deviceMshall
run concurrently with a court order4 if any4 for
installation of an ignition interlock device4 or devices
pursuant to the same conviction%
"hy "e 'are
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> $% O.S. (('2-.a Allowing Use of 3otor 4ehicle
5ithout Ignition Interlock Device 6 7enalty
> -A0 No person shall knowingly authori>e or permit a
motor vehicle owned or under the control of that
person which is not e+uipped with an D to #e driven
upon any street or highway of this state #y any
person who is re+uired to have an D installed%
> -90 No person shall make an overt or conscious
attempt to physically disa#le4 disconnect or wire
around an D4 unless certified pursuant to rule or
&klahoma Statutes4 or intentionally fail to return an
D when it is no longer re+uired in the vehicle or
upon re+uest #y the owner of the device%
"hy "e 'are
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> &%A%'% ()?*)$;$/ -/0 Display tamper seals and a
warning la#el that states? 8Any person attempting
to physically !isa9le, !isconnect or wire aroun!
this !evice or who intentionally fails to return
the !evice upon re:uest 9y the owner may 9e
guilty of a mis!emeanor un!er Oklahoma law
;$% O.S. <(('2-.a=.8
> f the device consists of separate pieces -e%g% a
handset and separate #ase unit0 a separate warning
la#el shall #e placed on each piece%
"hy "e 'are
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
"hy "e 'are
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
> (@ &%S% @*(%; Modification of Revocation%%gnition
nterlock Device
> -90 D re+uired as a prere+uisite and condition of any
modificationM approved #y the 9&TMupon every motor
vehicle operated #y the person%%%any vehicle owned or
leased4 as reflected on the vehicle registration4 #y an
employer of the person for use #y the person4 e5cept
when the employer re+uests the ignition interlock
device not #e installed%
> Note? A modification occurs when DES CmodifiesD the
revocation allowing the licensee to drive during the
period of revocation%
"hy "e 'are
Ignition Interlocks
What They Are & Why We Care
To9y Taylor To9y Taylor
&klahoma 9oard of Tests
for Alcohol and Drug nfluence
E%&% 9o5 /:/)@
&klahoma 'ity4 &klahoma @/;/:
-()*0 (.*$.(:)

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