Assumpta Mag Oct 2013 Page 21

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learn the,
e; After,a month and a
half, we have not yet quite mastered the
routine. We have beenlin denialrabout our
age and now have to admit we were
becoming forgetful! But we have not
given up! We keep rehearsing until the
soles of our shoes crack or split off the
shoe frames.
Then here come thebalikbayons trickling
in from the States, Europe and other parts
of the world. Many have chosen to learn
the dance routine. Some of us signed in
You God!" This meant the
choreographer had to teach the
newcomers the dance steps which was
more than a review to those of us who had
been there from the start. Hey! We're not
professional dancers! We're using up
every second of the scheduled three
month practice to learn this dance. We
admit we may not perform a synchronized,
polished routine although we willdo our
best, but the camaraderie of being with
one's childhood friends and seeing each
other and being together is more
important than what we do on stage. So
what if our costumes are not as lavish as
those of past performers. So what if we
fumble our dance steps! We are the Class
of 1973, Ruby Jubilarians, Rubilicious,
united and still going strong! Let's give it
our best shot, Ladiesl

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