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nuns are coming here!" Sonja 6arcia, President of the Assumption Alumnae Association Davao Chapter
excitedly announced to the alumnae members. This set in motion a flurry of emails, meetings, and
preparations for hosting what would become the Assumption Together Assembly in Davao City.
ln a fortuitous turn of events, Davao was the venue for the convention called "Faith
and lnculturation:
Celebrating the
of Faith," to be attended by the provincial superiors of all religious houses in the
country. Naturally, our Assumption sisters would not leave Davao without meeting us; thus, it set the stage
for the assembly after the convention.
We met our visitors in the Davao Museum inside the lnsular Village: Sr. Sheryl Reyes, the new Provincial
Superior of the Religious of the Assumption Philippines-Thailand province, and her Councillors: Sr. Lerma,
Sr. Mary Jo, and a familiar face to some alumnae and mother hen of the group, Sr. Regivic Yulo. Supporting
them were four of the twelve Lay Team members, namely, Baby Goyena-Herrera, Mely Diaz, Bubut Neri, and
Ming Roxas. Sonja guided the group around the museum then it was on to the nearby T'boliWeaving Center
for a first-hand look at how the Bola women wove intricately designed cloths from abaca fiber.
Dinner at
Verdes beckoned, segueing to the Assembly proper. Baby Goyena formally introduced the
sisters and the lay team members and gave us a backgrounder on who, how, what, where, and why
Assumption Together came about.
To end the first night, Sonja briefed us on the invitation of the Catanihan Foundation lnc. through alumnae
Sonia Soriano Gempesaw and Catanihan Foundation member, to partner with them in their ongoing project
to feed the
schoolchildren of the Paaralang Elementarya ng Catalunan Grande. This would be our pilot
project to strengthen our bonds as alumnae members and to foster the spirit of Marie Eugenie in us.

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