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Seoul International School

Daily Blabbity Issue 3 February 2014 Volume II
Phones become overly reliable Page 3
Atheletes compete in the Winter Page 6
Winter allows for annual Snowball
The annual Winter
Snowball is a party for
high school students,
mainly for freshmen
and sophomores. As it
holds an importance
as the freshmans frst
party in high school,
the Sophomore Student
Council tries to make
it better each year by
putting in a lot of work.
However, this work
has brought recent
controversy among the
parents and high school
administrators regarding
costs, venue, and style.
For this years Snowball,
the Student Council
has decided to alter the
location to school grounds
in order to minimize
the expense. They are
also aiming to create
a casual party where
students can feel free to
dance with their peers.
At the party, everybody
is just there to get their
picture taken, said Jarret
Lambie, High School
Principal. If we are going
to have a dance, lets
actually have a dance, not
an extended photography
session. We havent picked
a venue yet, but there is
talk about using the small
gym on the sixth foor.
Not only is the cost
and style controversial,
but other factors as
well. According to Mr.
Lambie, by making the
Snowball fantastic, it
puts more pressure on
the Prom to be even more
spectacular. He described
that they were running
out of ways to be bigger
and better for the Prom
because they had tried
all possibilities. Also, the
Musical talent
explodes in
Los Angeles
An extravagant opening ceremony
Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Ut
pharetra pharetra lacus, at
elemen. Nulla orci magna,
mattis ut consectetur non,
cursus a velit. Ut viverra
lorem sem, nec faucibus
purus accumsan a. Morbi
et dapibus tellus. Duis
libero erat, vestibulum
non blandit vitae, sagittis
non dui. Mauris at nisl
molestie, luctus porttitor
dui sagittis. Praesent nec
magna nunc. Vivamus vel
purus lacinia, tincidunt
mi sit amet, ultrices enim.
Praesent scelerisque, lacus
vel blandit vehicula, odio
leo vulputate ligula, sit
amet fermentum el eget.
Cras arcu sapien, sodales
eu egestas a, convallis vel
nunc. Nullam faucibus
metus non diam mattis,
vitae. .Ut lorem, sed velit
dictum sed. Duis ultricies
lacus ac nunc sagittis
adipiscing. Luctus lacus
in dui sodales iaculis
at et nulla. Vestibulum
libero orci, hendrerit eu
nisi at, vehicula ornare
turpis. velit, facilisis sit
semper, placerat in ipsum.
Mauris consequat. Duis
a iaculis magna. Integer
vel fermentulandit est
eu turpis meh lit. Etiam
tempor lobortis massa, et
ultric. Let tellus mauris.
Ut sollic rhoncus magna
ac mella leee lucah.
lorem mi, placerat nec
tempus sed, tempus id
justo. Suspee andre if
justice id quam vel justo
aliquet imperdiet porta el
vitae. Donec acne mile.
Photo Courtesy to The Moscow Times
Photo Courtesy to Wikimedia
Los Angeles buzzed
with excitement as Katy
Perry showed up in a
Valentino dress adorned
with musical notes to
attend the 56th annual
Grammy Awards hosted at
Staples Center on January
26th. This years Grammys
focused attention on stars
nominated for the Best
Dressed Award because
they revealed their outft
plans to the media prior
to the event. The Grammy
Awards introduced a new
assortment of artists and
marked the start of another
musical booming year.
One of 2013s biggest
hits include Thrift Shop,
produced through the
collaboration of chart-
topping artists, who are
Macklemore and Ryan
Lewis. Being new the
stars of 2013, they were
able to recognize their
achievements through
the Grammys and put on
the fnal show. Although
new, they achieved their
fame and proved it in the
Grammys by sweeping
the rap category and
taking the Best New
Artist Award. A new year
awaits their performances.
Not only is the Gramm-
ys about trophies, but also
about performances that
are put together by the
artists and producers. Jay
Z and Beyonce put on
the opening show for this
Students jump and dance together in the gym that was altered to ft a club theme and to gi-
ve students a space to relax and have fun.
The freworks start to mark the start of a new year, 2014.
- 2 -
Photo Courtesy to Fire Line Photos
Christian Bale, the
39-year-old actor most
famous for his role as
Bruce Wayne, died
Tuesday on a ferry, the
Catalina Flyer, when
it malfunctioned. The
cause of the failure
was suspected to be
the lower gas tank.
Captain of the Catalina
Flyer, Samuel Henson,
described it as a tragic
malfunction that could
have been prevented
if taken measures
in the beginning.
The ferry was halfway
to its destination when
the lower deck blew up at
11:45am. It left 24 badly
injured and 9 deceased
including Mr. Bale.
The Catalina Flyer had
departed from Newport
Beach, California in
order to reach Catalina
Island, a well-known
tourist destination. The
reason for Mr. Bales
travel is unknown, but
it is suspected that he
was on a solitary trip to
the Islands of California.
Henson reported that
the 8 other passengers
killed were identifed
as Emmett Waltz,
35; Robert Fulton,
45; Peter Griffn, 24;
Legendary star dies in ferry blowup
Charlotte Boudegard, 31;
Tyler Barton, 18; Sarah
Mckensie, 22; Todd Lin,
38; and Rachel Adams,
45. The bodies will be
transferred to the funeral
home in Orange County
for relatives to iden-
tify. Mr. Bales beloved
spouse, Sandra Blazic,
43, and their child,
Emmecine, survives him.
Mr. Bale was born
in Haverfordwest, Pem-
brokeshire, Wales, UK as
Christian Charles Philip
Bale in 1974, on January
. He made his flm
debut through Anastasia:
The Mystery of Anna, in
1986. In 1995, he starred as
Robin in Batman Forever
and started to build his
career in the Batman flm
series as Bruce Wayne.
He also featured in many
other popular flms
such as Treasure Island
(1990), Midsummer
Nights Dream(1999),
and The Fighter (2010).
He was nominated
for Best Actor 15 times
and won many awards
such as the Peoples
Choice Award, Golden
Globe Award for Best
Supporting Actor, and
the Academy Award for
Best Supporting Actor. He
married Sandra Blazic
at the age of 26, and
had a child, Emmecine,
who is now 8.
He actively pa-
rticipated in government
organizations and also
supported environ-
mental groups such as
Greenpeace and the
World Wildlife Fund.
He was caring,
funny, and devoted to
his career, community,
and family, said
Sandra. Emmecine,
and I are absolutely
devastated by our loss.
Mr. Bales funeral
will be held at 11am
at the Walkers funeral
home located in Orange
County. Viewing hours
will be held from 2pm
to 3pm. The honorary
pallbearers will be
his mother, Jenny
James; his stepmother,
Gloria Steinem, who
is a feminist activist;
Mark Wahlberg, who
starred as Milky
Ward in The Fighter;
and Michael Caine,
who accompanied
Mr. Bale during the
Batman sequels.
I miss him and
Im just very shocked
with this tragedy.
Michael Caine said.
The Catalina Flyer explosion caused eight deaths and wou-
nded many.
Mr. Christian Bale
JiWhan rises
as new chess
star at SIS
Donec venenatis
sagittis el lanailresand
elpetra rhoncus. Etiam
vulputate orci quis
libero elllatral tristique
pulvinar. Pellentesque
sit amet volutpat urna.
Donec adipiscing quam
non turpis hendrerit, at
gravida purus tristique.
Nullam libero mauris,
convallis sit el la amet
venenatis at, molestie
nec purus. Suspendisse
sem arcu, volutpat eu
erat ut, vehicula tempus
nunc. Nulla tincidunt
lorem mauris, el quis
porta lacus porttitor
eget. In sed egestas
ante, sed ella rhoncus
erat. Etiam convallis
malesuada ella sapien,
sit amet euismod
dui bibendum ac.
Quisque eu lectus
sit amet orci aliquam
posuere id sodales
quam. Morbi id nisl
elementum, ella ultrices
dui a, posuere felis.
Pellentesque habitant
morbi tristique senectus
et netus et malesuada
fames ac turpis egestas.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus etlael magnis
dis parturient montes,
nascetur ridiculus mus.
Quisque dictum arcu
augue, mollis dapibus
neque porta ella nec.
Nulla vitae accumsan
metus, vitae facilisis
felis. Nullam ac nisi
sapien. Aliquam erat
volutpat. elsa Aliquam
sollicitudin lola gravida
est non vestibulum.
Graphic Courtesy to Recreation Chess
- 3 -
Looking into the minds of students...
Growing attachment to electronics, Nomophobia
There are many
types of fears in the
world Going to the
hospital, studying for
a test, or earning a
drivers license incites
fear in many people.
But in the 21st century,
a new type of fear
has been introduced:
the fear of being
deprived of a mobile
phone, which is kno-
wn as nomophobia,
This is increasingly
showing itself to be
a rampant problem
in todays society.
Many people believe
that phones are an
essential and helpful
tool for studying and
browsing the Internet.
However, I think m-
ost people cant see that
phones can be harmful
as well. One example
is this nomophobia
issue, among other
harmful side effects.
Based on a UK
research organization,
out of 2,153 people,
53% said they show
anxiety when they lose
their mobile phone, run
out of battery, or have
no network coverage.
The study found that
about 58% of men
and 48% of women
are nomophobes,
or people who suffer
from nomophobia.
Nomophobes face
problems of feeling
insecure and being
unable to function
without the presence of
phones. Phones are a
basic part of the typical
life of a nomophobe
and because of their
severe dependency.
Some of the symptoms
of nomophobia include
keeping the phone on
the bed, in pockets,
and checking the
phone every fve to ten
minutes. However, in
order to be categorized
as a nomophobe, th-
ese symptoms have
to occur frequently.
In addition, the
overuse of phones can
lead to serious health
issues. This is because
electromagnetic waves
emitted from phones
are harmful to humans.
The constant use of
mobile phones can
cause diseases such as
cancer, carpel tunnel,
and central nervous
system diseases. Not
only does it interfere
with health explicitly,
but it can also cause
damage indirectly.
For instance, there are
multiple ca-ses where
accidents occurred
because of phones.
Furthermore, ac-
cording to Sobhiya N.
Mogul from Health
Meup, phones interfere
with socializing in
reality. It can create
a mental barrier for
people who are addicted
to com-municating
through the screen. The
more attached one gets
to a phone, the more
one is likely to be less
engaged in outdoor
and social activities.
A nomophobe would
choose to stay home
with their phone, than
go out with friends.
In the end, nom-
ophobia is a wide-
spreading fear that
applies to many
teenagers who rely on
their phone. Unless
people decide to limit
their use cells, there
will be no simple and
quick solution to the
addiction. But for the
moment, one should
learn to be more
paper - dependent
and abstain from
becoming nomophobic.
Photo Courtesy to Android Guys
A poll done by Android Guys suggests that most people feel panic when they are not at-
tached to their phones, a serious example of nomophobia taking place in the world today.
1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Ut pharetra pharetra lacus, at
elementum nibh imperdiet non. Nulla orci
magna, mattis ut consectetur non, cursus a
velit. Ut viverra lorem sem, nec faucibus
purus accumsan a. Morbi et dapibus tellus.
Duis libero erat, vestibulum non blandit vitae,
sagittis non dui. Pellentesque elementum mauris
at nisl molestie, luctus porttitor dui sagittis.
Praesent nec magna nunc. Quisque gravida
nunc id fringilla fermentum. Vivamus vel purus
lacinia, tincidunt mi sit amet, ultrices enim.
2. Praesent scelerisque, lacus vel blandit
vehicula, odio leo vulputate ligula, sit amet
fermentum sem augue eget elit. Cras arcu
sapien, sodales eu egestas a, convallis vel nunc.
Nullam faucibus metus non diam mattis, vitae
fermentum nisi accumsan. Donec a ligula at
sapien imperdiet malesuada gravida nec metus.
Ut auctor convallis lorem, sed rutrum velit
dictum sed. Duis ultricies lacus ac nunc sagittis
adipiscing. Pellentesque luctus lacus in dui
sodales iaculis at et nulla. Vestibulum libero
orci, hendrerit eu nisi at, vehicula ornare turpis.
3. Suspendisse nibh velit, facilisis sit amet
bibendum semper, placerat in ipsum. Mauris
elementum rhoncus consequat. Duis a iaculis
magna. Integer vel fermentum neque. Proin
blandit est eu turpis adipiscing condimentum.
Etiam tempor lobortis massa, et ultrices ante
porta a. Phasellus dapibus nunc vel tempor
dictum. Donec pharetra consequat feugiat. Nunc
et tellus mauris. Ut sollicitudin rhoncus magna
ac convallis. Quisque lorem mi, placerat.Ferr
vel fermentum neque. Proin blandit est eu turpis
adipiscing condimentum. Etiam tempor lobortis
- 4 -
would coach basketball
to elementary students
because she liked play-
ing with kids and was
an expert of the sport.
I always wanted to
teach something to
others, Ms. Julian said.
Coaching allows me to
communicate with var-
ious students, not just
my Spanish students.
Being a coach pro-
motes close relation-
ships with students in
a healthy environment.
Furthermore, in order
to expand her cultural
experience, she decided
to take her teaching ca-
reer out of the borders
of Spain. She traveled
to North America, Ire-
land, Portugal, Finland,
Germany, Switzerland,
Taiwan, Tailand, Ja-
pan, China and fnally
to Korea, where she
currently continues
her teaching career.
Tis defnitely shows
her vigor in teaching
and enthusiasm to ex-
perience new cultures
and environments.
Ive always wanted a
job where I could travel
and meet new people.
I like learning and un-
derstanding cultures
and I especially enjoy
teaching internation-
ally, Ms. Julian said.
In addition, the girls
in her team also feel
very closely tied with
her, as they spend four
days a week with the
coaches during prac-
tice. She is my Spanish
teacher and basketball
coach. In the gym, she
feels more like a mentor
to myself and she is very
supportive, said Sue
Lee (9), student at SIS.
Although she can be
strict sometimes, I feel
as if shes one of the best
teachers at our school
Photo Courtesy to Yearbook
Ms. Julian poses with her 2012- 2013 Varsity Girls Basketball Team after a fantastic game
against the Pheonix players from KIS. Each member from the team helped bring the
victory and happily celebrated their seasons results with their coach. Ms. Julian, proud,
congratulated them.
She stands. Trough-
out the whole game,
she encourages her
players on the court
and forgets the weari-
ness in her legs as she
urges them on. Get
under the hoop! Nice
Job! Tese words ring
throughout the basket-
ball arena as Paloma
Julian motivates her
girls. Soon, the game
is over. Independent of
the results, she fashes a
proud smile at her girls
for trying their best.
Many people at SIS
regard Ms. Julian only
as the high school
Spanish teacher. How-
ever, that is not her
only interaction with
her students. She is also
the passionate Varsity
Basketball coach and
caring friend of various
faculty members. Her
experience at SIS start-
ed in 2009, when she
moved to South Korea
afer being introduced
to the school through
one of her friends.
Ms. Julians story
starts in Reus, Spain,
where she was born in
the summer of 1974.
She was raised in a fam-
ily of fve, including her
younger brother and
sister. Tey would play
together, but would
also get into numerous
arguments. However, it
was those fghts, rather
than the playing, that
led to the construction
of such a powerful and
loving relationship be-
tween her siblings. As
she grew up, Ms. Ju-
lian spent most of her
time with them, and
thus developed even
more memories with
her brother and sister.
Her caring person-
ality derives natural-
ly from these bonds
with her siblings.
To this day, my
family still infuenc-
es and communicates
with me even though
we live 6,232 miles
away. Ms. Julian said.
At the age of six, she
was expected to make
an important deci-
sion that would follow
her forever. In Spain,
there was a rule that
when a child turned
six years old, he or
she had to choose one
sport that they would
major in. Tus, Ms.
Julian naturally chose
basketball, as it was a
common sport in her
family and in Spain.
My dad played
basketball and my
cousin was train-
ing for the national
team. Ms. Julian said.
To make her own
mark on basketball,
she dedicated much of
her time and efort by
practicing at least three
times a week, and al-
ways trying her best.
Soon, basketball had
become a part of her;
something that would
never separate for the
rest of her life. Seeing
her cousin on the Span-
ish national team, Ms.
Julian was motivated to
try even harder. When
she was 18, she was in
the low league. Howev-
er, each year she moved
up a level. Soon, afer
4 years, she made it to
the First League, but
made a life-changing
decision to become a
teacher. She made this
decision as she decided
that a teacher would ft
her interests the most.
At that time, I didnt
know it was such a
huge achievement,
but now I realize that
I gave up a lot of op-
portunities, Ms. Julian
said. However, I do
not regret my decision
of choosing this life.
With that, her own
basketball career
paused, but her pas-
sion for basketball did
not cease. Her interest,
knowledge, and skill
involving basketball
enabled her to become
a coach a few years lat-
er. Her frst endeavor to
become a coach started
when she was 15. She
- 5 -
as she is passionate.
Basketball allows Ms.
Julian to foster a closer
relationship with her
students because they
are a group of girls who
want to be there. It is a
completely diferent re-
lationship as the players
feel Ms. Julians passion
when she is coaching.
My goal every year
is for my girls to enjoy
playing basketball and
learn about sportsman-
ship, whether they win
or lose. Ms. Julian said.
Four years at Seoul
International School
seems to be infuenc-
ing Ms. Julian in many
ways. She has devel-
oped friendships with
the faculty, as they live
in a very close-knit
community. Coming
to SIS in the same year
and both sport lovers,
Mrs. Hubley is one
of Ms. Julians most
closest friends. She is
probably the most loy-
al friend because she
will be on your side for
everything no matter
what. Ms. Hubley said.
Currently, Ms. Julian
is determined to con-
tinue her career as a
successful teacher and
coach. Students at SIS
respect her and the
words corroborated by
numerous students re-
fect her personality as
being dedicated, caring
and passionate about
her work. Her child-
hood bonds with fami-
ly, her choice to coach,
and interaction with
students all portray her
passion and dedica-
tion for teaching. Ms.
Julians inspiration and
motivation to coach
like none other has
carried her to become
an auspicious model
for those around her.
Photo Courtesy to Yearbook
Ms. Julian poses with her new Varsity Girls Basketball team for the 2014 year. Ms. Julian
is glad she can start off the Winter season with a new group of talented players, including
the Freshmen.
What pe ple say ab ut Ms. Julian...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing ella elit. Ut
pharetra pharetra lacus, at elementum
nibh imperdiet non. Nulla orci magna,
mattis ut consectetur non, cursus a velit.
Ut viverra lorem sem, nec ella faucibus
purus ella accumsan a. Morbi et dapibus
tellus. Duis ella libero erat, vestibulum
non blandit vitae, sagittis non dui.
Pellentesque elementum ella mauris at
nisl ella el molestie, luctus porttitor dui
sagittis. Praesent nec ella ela el magna
nunc. Quisque gravida ella el nunc id
fringilla ella fermentum. Vivamus vel
purus ella lacinia, tincidunt mi sit amet,
ultrices enim. Praesent scelerisque, lacus
vel blandit vehicula, odio leo vulputate
ligula, sit amet fermentum sem augue
eget elit. Cras arcu sapien, sodales eu
egestas a, convallis vel nunc. Nullam
faucibus metus non diam mattis, vitae
fermentum nisi accumsan. Donecel
la ligula ellla at sapien imperdiet el
malesuada gravida nec metus. Ut
auctor convallis lorem, sed rutrum velit
dictum sed. Duis ella ultricies lacus ac
nunc sagittis adipiscing. Pellentesque
luctus lacus in dui sodales iaculis at et
nulla. Vestibulum libero orci, hendrerit
eu nisi at, vehicula ella ornare turpis.
Suspendisse nibh ella velit, facilisis
sit amet bibendum semper, placerat
in ipsum. Mauris ella elementum
rhoncus ella consequat. Duis a iaculis
magna. Integer vel fermentum neque.
Proin blandit est eu turpis adipiscing
condimentum. Etiam tempor ella el
lobortis massa, et ultrices ante porta
ellla e a. Phasellus dapibus ella do nunc
vel tempor dictum. Donec pharetra
consequat ella feugiat. Nunc et tellus
mauris. Ut d sollicitudin rhoncus
dolce magna ac convallis. Quisque
lorem mi, placerat nec tempus sed,
ebro tempus id justo. Suspendisse id
quam ella vel justo aliquet imperdiet
porta vitae est. Donec ac mi tincidunt,
euismod quam vel, ella semper velit.
Sed dolce placerat commodo sapien
eu cursus. In hac habitasse platea
ella el dictumst.Duis viverra mauris
in ligula laoreet, ut suscipit lorem
commodo. Etiam quis urna mauris.
Sed sagittis ella odio auctor magn.
- 6 -
Ann Coulter built a
reputation as one of
Americas most ruth-
less and conservative
columnists, earning a
title as, The Tyrant
of the Press. Ann
Coulters boldness en-
ables her to criticize
politicians on a dai-
ly basis. She leaves
an impression that no
other columnist can
follow. Her ability to
criticize, bring hu-
mor, and take sides
in politics are unique
features that differen-
tiates her from other
writers. She stands by
all her statements no
matter how shocking,
including calling John
Edwards a faggot,
Barack Obama a re-
tard, and saying wom-
en should be stripped
of their right to vote.
Born on Dec. 8th,
1961 in New York
City, she was educat-
ed on Republican pol-
itics. She and her two
older brothers grew
up in New Canaan,
Connecticut where she
fnished her studies
at New Canaan High
School in 1980. Soon
afterwards, in 1984, she
graduated from Cornell
University with a B.A.
in history and earned
her law degree at the
University of Mich-
igan Law School. In
Michigan, she became
an editor for the Mich-
igan Law review, and
trained at the Nation-
al Journalism Center.
Afterwards, Coul-
ters strong interest
in law took her to the
U.S. Senate Judiciary
Committee in 1995,
where she dealt with
crime and immigration
issues. According to
Wikipedia, from there,
she became a litigator
with the Center For
Individual Rights in
Washington. Coulters
frst public appearance
was when MSNBC
hired her in 1996 as
a legal correspond-
ent. The moment she
stepped into the public,
she started disrespect-
ing U.S. Ambassadors
and Pamela Harriman,
an English-born social-
ite. Thus, she was dis-
missed by the channel
twice. Since then, she
has made frequent ap-
pearances on television
for her explicit nature of
criticizing politicians.
Coulters career
is not only highlighted
by her achievements
in journalism, but also
in the publication of
books. Although the
books she publishes
portrays Democrats
as idiots and no
brainers, they are all
New York Times Best
Sellers. Her frst, High
Crimes and Misdemea-
nors: The Case Against
Bill Clinton, talks
about her case she used
against him in the Paula
Jones VS Bill Clinton
case. According to Ann
Coulters personal web-
site, her other books in-
clude 2003s Treason:
Liberal Treachery from
the Cold War to the War
on Terrorism, 2007s
If Democrats Had Any
Brains, Theyd Be Re-
publicans, and 2011s
Demonic: How the
Liberal Mob is En-
dangering America.
Compared to oth-
er columnists such
as Paul Krugman,
a neo-conservative
columnist, Coulter
remains strictly sup-
portive of her own
bias. Her ideas about
banning gay-mar-
riage, punishing Oba-
ma, and continuing
drone strikes arouse
great controversy.
As a prominent col-
umnist, Diana Walker,
agrees, Coulter has
never failed to stir
up her audiences.
Ann Coulter: The Tyrant of the Press
Photo Courtesy to Brand Builder
William Randolph Hearst, the American
newspaper publisher who built the nations
largest newspaper ch-ain and profoundly
infuenced the Am-erican paper, was also
the one who aroused the start of yellow j-
ournalism. William Randolph Hearst was
born into a wealthy family as the son of
George and Phoebe Hearst, on April 29th,
1863 in San Francisco, California. According
to the textbook, High School Journalism
written by Homer L. Hall and Logan H.
Aimone, George Hearst was the owner of
the San Francisco Evening Examiner, and
an owner of a go-ldmine. Naturally, William
Hearst grew up to follow his fathers
footsteps into becoming a journalist.
As indicated in Wi-kipedia, Hearsts
ea-rly life was mostly infuenced by
his sc-hools and family. He attended
a private boarding school, St. Pauls
School, in Concord, and graduated from
Harvard, class of 1885. Being born as
the son of a journalist, Hearst grew up
to have interest in journalism. Searching
for an occupation, Hearst st-arted out
by working for his fathers paper, the
Examiner, and afterwards set out for
his own newspaper company. In 1887,
he started to incorporate sensationalism
in th- e paper, similar to how Joseph
What does the public think... about Commentators?
Pulitzer did for the New York World.
He soon purchased the New York
Morning Journal and became rivals
with Pulitzer. With th-is rising rivalry,
the two used methods like yellow
journalism to surpass their opponent.
In 1923, to put the problems to an end,
the American Society of Newspaper
Editors adopted rules to be followed
by journalists. In 1947, Hearst left
to obtain medical care, and died in
Beverly Hills on August 14, 1951, at
the age of 88. Although, he has stirred
up the issue of yellow journalism,
he contributed to journalism greatly.
Founder of yellow journalism, William R. Hearst
- 7 -
The 2014 Sochi Olympics bring excitement
Praesent ella tortor
nunc, ella sollicitudin id
fermentum eu, fringilla
in orci. Duis dolor
ella leo, ell varius non
consectetur ac, gravida
eu eros. Donec vitae
mollis sapien. Phasellus
ellascelerisque dapibus
purus ac ellla rutrum.
Nullam at nibh porta,
varius nulla aliquet,
semper ligula. Quisque
ac sapien faucibus,
gravida lacus ellaeu,
fringilla lectus. Nunc
posuere mauris congue,
interdum ella el diam
in, adipiscing du diam.
Curabitur ol adipiscing
risus sed ellla aliquet
convallis. Dellaononec
orci justo, ella rutrum
id purus sit amet, auctor
el condimentum libero.
Suspendisse eget ella
groso eld ticka est eros
Cras purus lacus, lacinia
molestie faucibus vitae,
volutpat ut nibh. Integer
quis mattis neque.
Phasellus elllla eleifend
vulputate lacus. Nulla
ac libero est. Nam
dignissim ac massa nec
condimentum. Duis at
sodales velit. Aliquam
rhoncus quam metus,
non euismod ante
lobortis quis. Ut congue
mi vitae elementum
molestie. Mauris a nibh
vel leo semper fringilla.
Curabitur lacinia
ella ell al ella ella
tempor est. Curabitur
mattis nibh et massa
vulputate tempus. Ut
ella faucibus lacus
quam, ut tempus massa
rhoncus in. Donec non
ullamcorper ipsum.
Maecenas ut quam ella
pretium felis tristique
mattis. Mauris sit amet
nulla nisi. Sed eget ante
nunc. Aliquam ac lectus
quis augue convallis
semper non eu nisl.
Sed in tristique magna.
Praesent sagittis mauris
sit amet diam interdum,
nec accumsan mauris
rhoncus. Proin eu purus
non metus adipiscing
convallis et ut massa.
Aenean vitae risus
vel tellus elementum
ullamcorper. Sed sed
eros vehicula, semper
ligula eget, pellentesque
metus. Fusce tempor
ligula ellla at congue
imperdiet. Vestibulum
ante ela ipsum primis
in faucibus orci luctus
et ultrices ella posuere
cubilia Curae; Donec
ultrices tortor ell libero,
vitae ullamcorper quam
egestas id. Praesent
ornare justoela sit amet
viverra ella elporttitor.
Pellentesque ut ultricies
augue. Curabitur a nisl
in mi suscipit pretium.
Donec elllla a libero
risus. Aenean ella non
libero lacus. Nullam
eu commodo ell risus.
Nunc pretium ella risus
augue, id imperdiet
ante imperdiet ella
id. Pellentesque el
sagittis elit nunc.
Pellentesque habitant
morbi tristique senectus
et netus et malesuada
famesellaloi. Ac luola e.
Photo of the Month
Photo Courtesy to Sochi
Mike Ireland, Canada, tries his best during the race.
Sang Hwa Lee, South Korea, makes the Olympic
Record for the Speed Skating 500m race with 37.28.
New records in speed skating
Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing ella elit.
Ut pharetra pharetra
lacus, at elementum
nibh imperdiet non.
Nulla orci magna,
mattis ut consectetur
non, cursus a velit.
Ut viverra lorem sem,
necella dolce faucibus
purus elllll accumsan
a. Morbi et dapibus
tellus. Duisell a libero
erat, vestibulum non
blandit vitae, sagittis
non dui. Pellentesque
elementum mauris at
nisl dolce ell molestie,
luctus porttitor dui
sagittis. Praesent nec
magna nunc. Quisque
gravida ella nunc id
fringilla el fermentum.
Vivamus el vel purus
lacinia, tincidunt mi
sit amet, ultrices enim.
ella menuism, Praesent
scelerisque, lacus vel
blandit vehicula, odio
leo vulputate ligula, sit
amet fermentum sem
augue eget elit. Cras
arcu sapien, sodales eu
egestas a, convallis vel
nunc. Nullam faucibus
metus non diam mattis,
vitae fermentum nisi
accumsan. Donec a
ligulaell all at sapien
imperdietell malesuada
gravida ela nec metus.
Ut auctor convallis
lorem, sed ella rutrum
velit dictum sed. Duis
ultricies lacus ac nunc
sagittis dolc adipiscing.
Pellentesque bell luctus
lacus in dui sodales
iaculis at etla nulla.
Vestibulum ellla libero
orci, hendrerit eu nisi
at, vehiculael a ornare
turpis. Suspendisse n
ibh ella velit, facilisis
sit amet bibendum
semper, placerat ella in
lorum ipsum. Mauris
elementum ella rhoncus
ellla consequat. Duis a
iaculis magna. Integer
vel fermentum Conundr
mentod ella el manuel
delal dolce bella ell.
Trend of the Month
Jun Ji-Hyun is captured by the camera in a casual
look designed by a hoodie, clutch, and a pair of
1. Vanilla
2. Mint Chocolate
3. Chocolate
4. Strawberry
5. Walnut
6. Cofee
7. Tofee
8. Rainbow Swirl
9. Shooting Star
10. Green Tea
Students Choice
Did You Know?
1. 11% of people are lef
2. August has the highest
percentage of births
3. Unless food is mixed with
saliva you cant taste it
4. Te average person falls
asleep in 7 minutes
5. A bear has 42 teeth
6. An ostrichs eye is bigger
than its brain
7. Most lipsticks contain fsh
8. No two corn fakes look
the same
9. Lemons contain more sug-
ar than strawberries
10. 8% of people have an
extra rib
11. A lobsters blood is
colorless, but when exposed
to blood it turns blue?
Lorem ipsum
dolor sit ella ella
amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Ut
pharetra pharetra
lacus, at elementum
nibh ella imperdiet
non. Nulla ella orci
magna, mattis ut
consectetur ella
ella non, cursus a
velit. Ut viverra
lorem sem, nec
faucibus ella purus
accumsan a. Morbi
et dapibus tellus.
Duis libero erat,
ella vestibulum non
blandit vitae, sagittis
non dui. Pellentesque
elementum mauris at
nisl molestie, luctus
porttitor dui sagittis.
Praesent nec magna
nunc. Quisque gravida
nunc id ekka fringilla
fermentum. Vivamus
vel purus ella lacinia,
tincidunt mi sit amet,
ultrices enim.Praesent
scelerisque, lacus vel
blandit vehicula, odio
leo vulputate ligula,
sit amet fermentum
sem augue eget
elit. Cras arcu
sapien, sodales eu
egestas a, convallis vel
nunc. Nullam faucibus
metus non diam mattis,
vitae fermentum nisi
accumsan. Donec a
ligula ea el at sapien
imperdiet malesuada
gravida nec el metus.
Ut auctor convallis
lorem, sed ella rutrum
velit dictum sed. Duis
ultricies lacus ac nunc
sagittis ella adipiscing.
Pellentesque luctus
in ella dui
sodales iaculis at et
nulla. Vestibulum
libero ellla dolv orci,
hendrerit eu el nisi
at, vehicula ornare
turpis. Suspendisse
nibh velit, facilisis
sit amet bibendum
semper, ella leal lolpo
placerat el in ipsum.
Mauelris elementum
el ella dolce rhoncus

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