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UTC Time Change for 3.

3 Design Document


Table of Contents
1) Document Control.................................................................................................................................4
2) Introduction............................................................................................................................................5
2.1) Purpose...........................................................................................................................................5
2.2) Background information................................................................................................................5
2.3) Sign-offs.........................................................................................................................................6
3) Requirements.........................................................................................................................................7
3.1) Overview........................................................................................................................................7
3.2) Functional Requirements...............................................................................................................7
3.3) Performance Requirements............................................................................................................7
3.4) Assumptions and Dependencies.....................................................................................................7
3.5) Hardware and Software..................................................................................................................7
Design Documentation..............................................................................................................................8
3.6) Architecture Overview...................................................................................................................8
3.7) User-interface Design.....................................................................................................................8
3.8) Back-end Design............................................................................................................................8
3.9) Data-Base Design and Modifications............................................................................................8
3.10) QQQ Integration Design..............................................................................................................8
3.11) Challenges and Dependencies......................................................................................................8
3.12) Future Enhancements...................................................................................................................8
4) Testing....................................................................................................................................................9
4.1) Overview.......................................................................................................................................9
4.2) Requirements................................................................................................................................9
4.3) Test Cases......................................................................................................................................9
5) Errata................................................................................................................................................9

4)Document Control
4.1)Revision History



Change Summary





Document Status

Date Reviewed

Comments Incorporated

With QQQ 3.3 UTC release, time zones are stored in UTC format. This fixes the issue of losing
video of 1 hour at the boundary times when the time zone shifts by one hour at Daylight saving time
shifts. Save all times in UTC format and present them in the given time zone or system time zone.

5.2)Background information
Prior to Myth 2.6 all the recordings were scheduled and saved in local system time zone. Every
year when Daylight savings time shifts happen, one hour of video is lost. This issue is resolved in Myth
0.26. From Myth 0.26, dates are stored in UTC format. Hence we need to accept the timezone from the
user and convert the times to and from UTC format to his local time.


Ability to accept time in local time zone and save them in UTC time zone for all time based
operations. To overcome time zone shifts by one hour at Daylight saving time shifts.

6.2)Functional Requirements
QQQ should be able to work without any issues, when myth backend is upgraded to 0.26. Should be
able to handle Mythtv's UTC settings and End users timezone setting in below mentioned pages/API.
Program Guide, Cut Clip, Editor Page, Viewer Page, Search Page.
1)Ability to schedule/view recordings in local time zone and save the schedules in UTC time zone.
2)Ability to display recordings clips in search page from UTC to local time zone.
3)Adapt archive scripts to follow UTC time zones while archiving.
4)Modify API to return data in given time zone.
5)Handle captions, import logs and other meta data to save in UTC and display in local times zone.

6.3)Performance Requirements

6.4)Assumptions and Dependencies

1) We assume all the data which is stored in the database is in UTC format and the data which is
displayed to the user should be in local system time zone except for auto archive.
2)Auto Archive data is stored in local time blocks where there is no date dependency.

6.5)Hardware and Software

Software: Myth .26 to be installed along with QQQ 3.3

7)Design Documentation
7.1)Architecture Overview
Data should be stored in UTC time format
Inputs taken from Recordings schedules should be converted from local system time zone to UTC
time zone.
Display all schedules from UTC to local system time zone.
Search page: Live recordings, completed recordings, clips progress and completed clips should be
converted from UTC to local system time zone.
Post the recording /clips details to solr in UTC time zone.
Recordings controller should accept a timezone parameter and return data in the given time zone or if
no time zone is specified the data should be returned in local system time zone.
Since there is no date dependency in Auto archive all time blocks are stored in local time blocks. The
data is queried by converting UTC time in the recorded data to local time at run time.

7.2)User-interface Design

7.3)Back-end Design

7.4)Data-Base Design and Modifications

No database structure is modified except all the date times are posted in UTC format.

7.5)QQQ Integration Design

Convert all date time based operations and from local to UTC before saving to the database.
API should be modified to return data in specified time zone or by default local time zone.
Program Guide
Present days program guide should be displayed for 24hrs by deafult. Upon selecting a DateTime fields
in program guide page, 24hrs program guide for selected date should be displayed.
Cut Clip
Cutclip should happen as per selected start datetime and end datetime with reference to the selected
timezone, irrespective of the underlying Mythtv's UTC datetime formats.
Also the Time burned on clip should be in box timezone.

User should be able to edit the appropriate video's as per the box timezone by handling underlying
Mythtv's UTC timezone.
Time displayed on the player should be as per box timezone.
Cutclip should happen as mentioned above under cut clip section.
User should be able view box timezone displayed on players for live recordings. And the timezone
appropriate for the past recordings.
Should be able to cutclip as mentioned under cutclip section.
User should be able to search recordings/clips both live and recorded in local time zone.
Import Logs
Import logs should be converted in to UTC time zone and then post to the database/solar for the
following logs. Asrun log, Traffic log, Discrepancy report, Nielsen Ratings, SCTE 35 Cue tones.
Auto Archive
User should be able to add archive settings in local time and the implementation of this archive settings
is done by converting the recordings from UTC to local times at run time and compare them with the
specified Archive archive them accordingly.

7.6)Challenges and Dependencies

7.7)Future Enhancements

8.1) Overview
When box timezone is set in Admin System Date and Time, all the date/time which are
displayed on front end and used in backend (for API and Scripts) should be converted/handled as per
the new timezone setting.

8.2) Requirements
1)Myth 2.6 should be installed.

8.3) Test Cases

1.Program Guide :
1.All the guide information should be displayed as per box timezone.
2.On-clicking guide information of a program which is already recorded, should take to
editor page.
3.On-clicking guide information of a program which is scheduled for future recording
should display program information in Recording Schedules.
1.Editor Page :
1.Recording information, Start Time, End Time, time under captions tab, AsRun tab, QQQ
Alerts , etc. should be displayed in box timezone.
2.Cut & Save should cut clips (in a video, or across the hours) as per box timezone.
3.Cut & Send should cut clips (in a video, or across the hours) as per box timezone. And the
email sent should have information in box timezone.
4.Date Time on the player should be in box timezone, with respect to video start date time.
5.Burn in Loudness & Burn in Captions should burn appropriate captions and loudness
6.Apporpriate Captions, Audio Streams, LKFS & Ratings should be displayed/played.
7.All the above test cases under Editor Page section should be tested for both Recorded &
Live content.
1.Viewer Page :
1.Date Time, Start & End DateTime fields should be in box timezone
2.Email Link should sent on clicking Email Link in viewer should play the videos starting
at Date & Time fields in viewer page.
3.Date Time on the players should be in box timezone, with respect to video start date time.
4.Cut & Save should cut clips (in a video, or across the hours) as per box timezone.

5.Cut & Send should cut clips (in a video, or across the hours) as per box timezone. And the
email sent should have information in box timezone.
6.Burn in Loudness & Burn in Captions should burn appropriate captions and loudness
7.Play Live should play live content.
8.Apporpriate Captions, Audio Streams, LKFS & Ratings should be displayed/played.
9.All the above test cases under Viewer Page section should be tested for both Recorded &
Live content.
10.Should test continous playback during hour transition and day transition.
1.Recordings and Meta-data should not break/skip during DSP changes in Viewer, Editor, Cutclip and
Program Guide pages.
2.Cut Clip Should monitor whether proper metadata is burned.
3.Even if the box timezone changes to a new timezone, all the date/time should be converted
4.All the alerts, mails should be as per timezone settings.
5.Search page:
1.Click on Search tab Select From Date Time and To Date Time Click on Search button
1.Verify whether the results are in local time or not for recordings and clips in both current section and
recorded sections.
2.Check if the duration is valid or not for both recordings and clips in both current section and recorded
3.Click on the Recording thumbnail Check if it is navigated to the correct editor page.
4.Click on the Clip thumbnail Check if it is navigated to the correct video and it should seek to the
clip start time and start playing.
5.Select two videos of the same channel Click on merge icon Click on Merge button in the dialog
box verify the merge clip.
6.Select Clip/Recording Click send Icon Click send button Verify if the received links are
working as expected.
7.Search for some meta data or captions click on the time Verify if it is navigated to the correct
video and it should seek to that time and start playing.
6.Import Logs:
1.Import Asrun logs, Traffic logs, Discrepancy report, Nielsen ratings for some channel that has
1.Click on Search Tab Click on the recording for which the logs are imported Click on each
meta data tabs AsRun, Traffic, Discrepancy Report Verify if the logs are imported correctly.
2.Click on ratings icon in the player Verify if ratings are displayed
3.Click on Ratings tab on the left pannel in the editor page Verify if the ratings graph.
7.SDI Routers:

1.Check if HDSDI Channels are recording correctly.

8.Auto Archive:
1.Click Admin Import/Export Archive Profiles Add Archive Profile Add an archive
profile and check if the archive profiles are working correctly.



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