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Balak Summary Kamens 1


Fresh from their victory over the Amorite kings, the Israelites were now
encampe on the !orer of "oa!, set for the last stage of their #oumey to the
$romise Lan% Fearful of the Israelites& might, the "oa!ite king, Balak, sent
messengers to Baalam, the soothsayer, imploring him to 'curse me this
people % % % that we may smite them an that I may rive them out of the
After receiving the elegation, Baalam sought counsel from (o, who tol
him that he shoul not curse the Israelites, 'for they are !lesse%' Balak
refuse to accept this answer an twice sent "oa!ite princes in an effort to
persuae Baalam to change his min% )ventually, the Almighty permitte
Baalam to accompany the princes, !ut only on the conition he spoke (o&s
*uring the #ourney, Balaam&s onkey encountere an arme angel !locking
its way% +hree times this happene an three times Baalam struck the
onkey% +hen he, too, saw the angel an, reali,ing he ha sinne !y
accepting Balak&s invitation, he offere to go !ack% But the angel tol him he
coul procee, provie he spoke only that which (o woul tell him%
-n meeting Baalam, Balak hel a feast in his honor% +he ne.t ay, after the
animals ha !een sacrifice seven times, Baalam withrew to consult (o
an then elivere his first prophecy, which e.tolle the virtues of Israel%
Balak Summary Kamens /
After Baalam ha again prophesie in Israel&s favor, Balak mae one final
attempt to win an averse prophecy% 0et Baalam coul still only
amiration for the Israelite camp% '1ow gooly are thy tents, 2 3aco!, thy
wellings, 2 Israel4'
In fury, Balak ismisse Baalam, !ut not !efore the soothsayer ha foretol
the ascenancy of Israel an the efeat of "oa!, )om, Amalek an Assyria%

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