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Web Development Technologies - IS 2004 (2014)

Schedule for Practical Sessions

Week Date Content
1 26.02.2014 -introduce notepad or notepad++
-Layout of HTML cording page (<html>,<title>,<head>,<body>)
-Tags (<p>,<i>,<u>,<b>,<sup>,<sub>,<strike>,<hr>,<br>,<font>,
-how to save a web page (file extensions-.html and. htm)
-view output with different browsers
-view source page
-reedit cording page
-add title to the page using <title>tag
-attributes (font:-color, size, type)
-color using hexadecimal values (eg:<font color=#1ab23c>
-evaluation (?/10) should be able to create at least 5 separate
web pages including all these tags.
2 10.03.2014 -<ol>,<ul>,<li>
-<ol>attributes(1,I,i , a, A,)
-<ul>type attributes(circle, disc, square)
- nested <ol>and <ul>
-<dl><dt><dd>definition list
-<table>tag, Attributes, Cellspacing, Cellpadding, Border, Width,
Height, align
-<th>. <td>, <caption>tags
-Increase column width
-align Caption (top, bottom)
-cell merge (colspan and rowspan) eg:

-evaluation (?/10) should be able to create at least 5 separate
web pages including all these tags.

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