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Arguments For and Against school uniforms

For school uniforms Against school uniforms

Uniforms provide a better educational
atmosphere, and symbolize school
spirit. If all students dress alike, their
attention will focus on their lessons.
Uniforms will stop other students by
being judged on how they look.
School uniforms make students eual.
Uniforms help students concentrate on
their schoolwork and help school
officials detect intruders who come
unwelcome into the school.
School uniforms increase student!s
attention in class because they are not
concerned about what others are
"hey help reduce discipline problems,
teachers can teach and students can
"hey build team spirit between
School uniforms stop students from
feeling uniue and special. Students
don#t want to wear what everybody else
is wearing.
School uniforms violate the students#
liberty to control his or her personal
School uniforms give students less
opportunities to learn how to deal with
others who are different from
School Uniforms create a false sense
of security. If the student gets used to
being respected for their mind and not
looks, the $outside world$ could come as
uite a surprise to them.
It takes away students% freedom to
make decisions and their self&
School uniforms are less comfortable
than students# own clothes.
"hey reduce the students%
responsibility in making mature choice
about what to wear.

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