Essay For Persepolis

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Samuel Zeng
Mrs. McKinley
Honors English II
March 25, 2014
Persepolis Essay
The author, Marjane Satrapi states that Revolutions just spread blood. Evolution
this is something that changes in the long term. Marjanes quote explains her
perspective and experiences with the Islamic revolution. Revolutions are not always for
the best especially in Marjanes case. In Marjane Satrapis Persepolis, the idea that all
revolutions bring justice and happiness is disproved.
The effects of a revolution will never be beneficial to all of those affected. In Chapter
1: The Veil, Marjane states, In 1979 a revolution took place/ Then came 1980: The
year it became obligatory to wear the veil at school. / We didnt like to wear the veil,
(3). In her statement Marjane expresses her negative feelings towards having to wear the
veil. This effect of the revolution separated the country of Iran. At the time in Iran one
was either a fundamentalist or a modernist. The effects of the Islamic revolution were
more beneficial to the fundamentalists. The modernist had to hide their lifestyles to
avoid persecution. The effects of the war were not beneficial to the modernist of Iran.
The separation of the people of Iran causes more violent conflicts in the future.
Typically when a revolution takes place more human rights are given to the people,
but not in the case of the Islamic revolution. In Chapter 2 The Bicycle, Marjanes
father says, They burned down the Rex Cinema tonight /The police were there. / They
forbade people to rescue those locked inside (14). Human rights can be described as
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rights that belong to every person for being a person. The human rights of the people that
were in the Rex Cinema were violated. Those that died had their right to live taken away
by the corrupt government of Iran. This violation of human rights creates uproar in the
society of Iran. The separation of society in Iran becomes even larger. The modernist
sought to protest in every way possible. The fundamentalist brought government and
religion together. The close connection of government and religion lead to a corrupt
government in Iran.
Corruption slowly infected the Iranian government right after the Islamic revolution.
In the chapter The Passport, Marjanes aunt states, All that creepy window washer had
to do to become director of the hospital was to grow a beard and put on a suit (121).
The quote from the book displays the enormous amount of corruption in Iran. A window
washer becoming the director of an entire hospital in a matter of months is outrageous.
The former window washer couldnt have made a miraculous change to the point that he
could be a director of a hospital. He was given the position because of his religious and
political views. This situation is an exact example of corruption. The deep-seeded
corruption in Iranian government was a strong source of conflict at that time.
The Islamic Revolution was the main source of conflict in Satrapis Persepolis. The
effects of the revolution were only beneficial to the Islamic extremists or fundamentalists.
To the modernists the effects hindered their daily lives and caused several problems. The
Islamic Revolution did not have the typical effects of a revolution. Many of the effects of
the Islamic Revolution were seen as burdens by most of the citizens. Human rights were
taken away especially from women and children. Corruption took part in the Iranian
government and directly affected Marjanes family. Revolutions are supposed to free the
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oppressed people not oppress even more people; why is that the case with the Islamic
Revolution in Iran?

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Work Cited:
Satrapi, Marjane. Persepolis. New York, NY: Pantheon Books, 2003.

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