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Independent School District 83
M!deli! P"#lic Schools
3$% &"c' A(e) So"th M!deli!* MN +,%,$
Re-"l!tor. Coordin!tor Telephone
&o!rd Appro(!l D!te/
Re(ision D!tes/
Re(ie0 D!tes/
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
T!#le o5 Contents
Gener!l In5or6!tion
Caller Identification Checklist...........................................................................................15
Emergency Telephone Numbers..........................................................................................4
taff !esponsibilities " #ny $isaster..................................................................................%
Crisis Team &embers..........................................................................................................'
(uilding ecurity )uidelines.............................................................................................1'
Crisis Communication *lan...............................................................................................+'
Emergency E,its................................................................................................................--
Caller Identification Checklist...........................................................................................15
.ock/$o0n *rocedure.......................................................................................................41
#rmed12iolent Intruder13ostage.......................................................................................14
Escaped Con6icts1&anhunts..............................................................................................-4
Terrorism 7Chemical or (iological Threat8.......................................................................19
Caller Identification Checklist...........................................................................................15
(omb or Terrorist Threat...................................................................................................1-
(omb or Terrorist Threat *hone !eport............................................................................14
(omb: Chemical or (iological Threat...............................................................................1-
Emergency E,its................................................................................................................--
Terrorism 7Chemical or (iological Threat8.......................................................................19
heltering *rocedures........................................................................................................54
Cri6in!l Acts
Caller Identification Checklist...........................................................................................15
#ssault and !ape................................................................................................................1+
Child #buse.......................................................................................................................+-
Terrorism 7Chemical or (iological Threat8.......................................................................19
e, <ffenders.....................................................................................................................51
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
7ire/8!9!rdo"s :!ste/:e!ther
Emergency E,its................................................................................................................--
5irst !esponders.................................................................................................................+9
e6ere ;eather..................................................................................................................48
e6ere ;eather helter #reas...........................................................................................54
5ire *rocedures..................................................................................................................-9
3a=ardous &aterials Emergency.......................................................................................-%
>tility Emergencies...........................................................................................................5-
heltering *rocedures........................................................................................................54
Medic!l E6er-encies
5irst !esponders.................................................................................................................+9
(us #ccidents...............................................................................................................1%/++
&edicals Emergencies.......................................................................................................41
erious In?ury1$eath..........................................................................................................49
uicide1$eath@chool !esponse.....................................................................................5+
Emergency Telephone Numbers..........................................................................................4
Crisis Team &embers..........................................................................................................'
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
SER;ICES Phone <O55ice=
District O55ice
uperintendent " (rian )renell 94+/-+-+ EAT. 14-
#ccountant " $iana (usy 94+/-+-+ EAT. 144
Community Education " 94+/-+-+ EAT. +41
)rounds uper6isor " $a6id te6ensen 94+/-+-+ EAT. 14%
District :ide St!55/
5ood er6ice " (ecky )ersch 94+/-+-4 EAT. 1+9
chool Nurse " Connie &iller 94+/-+-4 EAT. 1-1
Ele6ent!r. School
*rincipal " !yan totesbery 7as of Buly 1: +4148 94+/-+-4 EAT.1++
(uilding ecretary " Christine .ensing 94+/-+-4 EAT. 1+4
3ead Custodian " CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 94+/-+-4 EAT.1-+
Second!r. School
*rincipal " #llan (eyer 94+/-+-+ EAT. 145
(uilding ecretary " Chris Dins 94+/-+-+ EAT. 141
chool Counselor CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 94+/-+-+ EAT. +4+
3ead Custodian " $a6e te6ensen 94+/-+-+ EAT. 14%
Co66"nit. Ser(ices
;anton0an County heriffEs $epartment %11
;anton0an County Emergency er6ices %11
;anton0an County ocial er6ice Intake 54'/-'5/-+%4
&adelia Community 3ospital 54'/94+/-+55
&N *oison Control ystem 844/'94/'991
5ire &arshal 7CN#&ECC8
G!s Ser(ice 8%%>$4+>$3<Centerpoint Ener-.=
Electric Ser(ice +%>,4$>88%3
Al!r6 S.ste6s
Electrici!ns +%>,4$>3+,% <&ill?s Electric=
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
Cit. o5 E6er-enc. N"6#ers
#mbulance %11
5ire $epartment %11
*olice $epartment 94+/-+49

ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
School Crisis Te!6
Position N!6e :or' 1
*rincipal 7ec.8 #llan (eyer 94+/-+-+ EAT. 145
*rincipal 7Elem.8 !yan totesbery 94+/-+-4 EAT 1++
ch. *sychologist CCCCCCCCCCCC
Counselor CCCCCCCCCCCCC 94+/-+-+ EAT. +4+
N"rse Connie Miller ,4$>3$34 E@T) 3%,
ecretary 7ec.8 Chris Dins 94+/-+-4 EAT. 141
Secret!r. <Ele6)= Christine Lensin- ,4$>3$34 E@T) 3$%
CPR/7irst Aid Certi5ied St!55
N!6e Roo6 1 Indic!te Certi5ic!tion
District Crisis Te!6
Position N!6e :or' 1 8o6e 1 Cell 1
#lt. Coordinator
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
These emergency procedures are designed to pro6ide guidance to those ha6ing
responsibility for the safety of pupils: school staff and anyone using school facilities.
Common sense should dictate the reaction of school authorities to emergency situations.
#ll situations cannot be clearly defined into a category for 0hich hard and fast guidelines
e,ist: and indi6idual ?udgment must be e,ercised in some situations. Continuing and
meaningful measures that pre6ent incidents that might other0ise lead to emergency
situations should be the area of greatest concern.
*rincipals or program super6isors of indi6idual buildings or facilities ha6e the primary
responsibility for dissemination of emergency procedures to staff. In addition: they must
establish a clearly defined chain of command so that safety procedures are follo0ed 0hen
they are absent from the building.
In the e6ent that the principal is not on duty at the time of an emergency: the designated
person1program super6isor 0ill take charge of the building and be responsible for the
emergency at hand.
In the e6ent that the emergency in6ol6es more than one building: the building
principal1superintendent 0ill coordinate those acti6ities of the district.

ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
St!55 Responsi#ilities A An. Dis!ster
&"ildin- Ad6inistr!tor or Desi-nee
2erify information
Call %11 7if necessary8
eal off high risk area7s8
Con6ene (uilding Crisis Team and implement crisis response procedures
Notify superintendent
Notify students and staff 7depending upon the type of emergency: students may be
notified by teachers8
E6acuate students and staff or relocate to a safe area 0ithin the building: if necessary
!efer media to the superintendent 7or designee8
Notify parents1families and community agencies 7if necessary8
Notify community agencies 7if necessary8
Implement post crisis procedures
Feep detailed notes of crisis e6ent
If possible: and if the e6ent 0arrants: keep staff and students on site for local
in6estigators so inter6ie0s and accurate documentation of the e6ents can be
2erify information
.ock classroom doors: unless e6acuation orders are issued
;arn students 7if ad6ised8
Ensure that all students are accounted for
tay 0ith students during e6acuation
Feep class roster 0ith you at all times
!efer media to superintendent 7or designee8
Feep detailed notes of crisis e6ent
If possible: and if the e6ent 0arrants: keep staff and students on site for local
in6estigators so inter6ie0s and accurate documentation of the e6ents can be
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
De5inition #n unauthori=ed person 0ho enters the building.
Each building must de6elop a plan to notify their staff of the presence of a threatening
intruder in the building. #t that time: all teachers should go to their classrooms: scan the
hall0ays to mo6e all students to a safe area: close the door and lock it if possible.
Te!chers sho"ld not !l!r6 the st"dents #. s!.in- !n.thin- else !t this ti6e)
BBBB Suggested that we include the specifics of the plan to notify staff in this document
#. ;hoe6er is in the main office and obser6es the intruderEs beha6ior should call %11 to
ask for immediate assistance.
Noti5. the police 0ith the 5ollo0in- in5or6!tion
1. The number of people in6ol6ed
+. Type of 0eapon in6ol6ed
-. .ocation of the intruder 0ithin the building or on the grounds--
4. Number of hostages: if any
5. $escription of persons in6ol6ed
9. In?uries: if any
'. Is the intruder making any reGuests
8. <ther information that may help police
(. #ll staff not in a classroom should go to a designated room until the situation is
resol6ed or has ended.
C. The primary concern in any situation is the safety of the students and staff: 0hich is
follo0ed by the importance of handling the situation 0ith a minimum disturbance to
the school.
$. If you are the one confronted by the 6iolent intruderH
o !emain calm
o (e polite: greet the intruder and identify yourself
o #sk someone to accompany you and do not remain alone 0ith intruder
o #ttempt to learn the purpose of the intruderEs 6isit
o #ttempt to identify them and1or the 6ehicle
% 0ho is con5ronted > sho"ld do 0h!t the. !re told >>>

*hrase for alerting staff in your buildingH SEC2RE &2ILDING NO:
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
o (e reasonable and prudent: keeping safety concerns first
o $o as the hostage taker says and do nothing to agitate him1her
o $o not talk to the hostage taker unless spoken to and respond in a calm
o peak truthfully: but only ans0er the Guestions asked
o Notify the district office
I5 the intr"der re5"ses to le!(e the #"ildin-
o Notify the building administrator and la0 enforcement and gi6e a full
description of the intruder
o (ack a0ay from the intruder to allo0 an a6enue for escape
o &aintain eye contact
o Initiate a lockdo0n if necessary
:itness to ! 8ost!-e Sit"!tion
I5 the host!-e t!'er is "n!0!re o5 .o"r presence* do not inter(ene
o Notify building administration
o C!ll C33 and pro6ide as many details as possible
o If possible: seal off the area near the hostage scene
o Doc"6ent all acti6ities
o )i6e control to the officers upon their arri6al
I5 t!'en 8ost!-e
o Cooperate 0ith the hostage taker
o !emain calm: particularly if students are present
o Treat the hostage taker as normally as possible by being polite and respectful
o $o not agitate the intruder
o #sk permission to speak and do not argue or make suggestions
These situations 0ould be e,tremely rare: but could be e,tremely e,plosi6e and
*ro6ide debriefing and follo0/up support for those in6ol6ed.
NoteH >se the I CAN approach 0ith the intruder.

I I Intercept
C I Contact
# I #sk
N I Notify
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
In the e6ent there is an occurrence of serious assault and or rape: school personnel should
follo0 these proceduresH
Do not le!(e the (icti6 !lone
Ensure the safety of students and staff first.
Notify the building administrator and 0ork as a team.
Notify la0 enforcement by calling C33 if circumstances lead you to belie6e that
criminal acti6ity is in6ol6ed: e.g.: a 0eapon is used: there has been se,ual assault
or there is any physical in?ury that causes substantial pain.
$isperse onlookers and seal off area to preser6e e6idence.
If 6ictim reGuires medical attention: follo0 Medic!l E6er-enc. procedures. 7ee
page +98
Notify parent1guardian and superintendent per district policy.
$ocument all acti6ities 0itnessed by staff.
#ssess counseling needs and implement post/crisis procedures as needed.
In the e6ent there is a fight and1or serious assault: school personnel should follo0 these
Ensure the safety of students and staff first.
Notify police liaison1building administrator and 0ork as a team to separate
participants that 0ere in6ol6ed. If necessary: call %11.
Clear onlookers and seal off area 0here altercation took place.
Notify building C*!15irst/#id Certified persons of medical emergencies.
Doc"6ent !ll !cti(ities 0itnessed #. st!55)
&"ildin- !d6inistr!tor o#t!ins st!te6ents 5ro6 co6#!t!nts !nd 0itnesses
!nd de!ls 0ith sit"!tion !ccordin- to district discipline polic.)
#ssess counseling needs of any 6ictims or 0itnesses and implement post/crisis
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
Critic!l In5or6!tion
chools are responsible for assessing bomb threats to determine credibility.
#ll bomb threats are to be taken seriously until they are assessed.
>nless a de6ice is located: the decision to e6acuate rests 0ith the school: not the
responding agencies.
Proced"res "pon recei(in- ! #o6# thre!t
(y phone
Complete the Bomb Threat Phone Report and the Caller Identification Checklist
on the follo0ing pages.
In 0ritten form
Try to preser6e the e6idence by placing the note in a plastic bag. #6oid touching
the e6idence as not to contaminate it 0ith your fingerprints.
*hotograph any 0ords 0ritten on 0alls.
Notify building administration.
Notify la0 enforcement.
(uilding administrator orders e6acuation or other actions according to threat
assessment and school policy.
Sc!nnin- process consider!tions
*eople 0ho are familiar 0ith the building should scan classrooms and common
areas for suspicious items. taff should be assigned so that all areas are co6ered.
!emember that a bomb could be placed anywhere on school property: inside or
outside the building.
#ny suspicious de6ices: packages: etc.: should be brought to the attention of
emergency responders. Do not to"ch)
<nce a de6ice is located: emergency responders take full responsibility for it.
E(!c"!tion consider!tions
If a decision is made to e6acuate: notify staff 6ia phone system: hard0ired *# system
or messenger. Do not "se cell phones* r!dios or 5ire !l!r6 s.ste6 because of the
risk of acti6ating a de6ice.
;hile notification is being made: all other staff should sur6ey the grounds to clear
e,its 0here students and staff 0ill be e6acuating the building. E,it routes may need to
be altered according to 0here the de6ice is located.
.ea6e the rooms unlocked and e6erything as is.
Teachers should take class rosters and take attendance after e6acuation.

ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
7Includes threats related to the release of chemicals: disease causing agents and
incendiary de6ices8
1. $ate and time call recei6edH
+. E,act 0ords of callerH
-. !emain calm and be firm. Feep the caller talking and ask these GuestionsH
a. ;here is the bomb1de6iceJ
b. ;hat does the bomb1de6ice look likeJ
c. ;hen 0ill it e,plode1detonateJ
d. ;hat 0ill cause it to e,plode1triggerJ
e. 3o0 do you deacti6ate itJ
f. ;hy 0as it put thereJ
g. $id you place the bomb1de6iceJ
4. If the building is occupied: inform caller that detonation could cause in?ury or death
to innocent people.
5. If call is recei6ed on a digital phone: check to see origin of the call.
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
)ender1#ge groupH &ale CCCCC 5emale CCCCC #dult CCCCC Bu6enile CCCCC
#ppro,imate ageH Kears CCCCC
CallerEs 6oiceH
CCCC .oud CCCC oft CCCC 5ast CCCC lo0
CCCC $eep CCCC Gueaky CCCC $istant CCCC $istorted
CCCC incere CCCC !aspy CCCC tressed CCCC tutter
CCCC Nasal CCCC $runken CCCC lurred CCCC .isp
CCCC $isguised CCCC Crying CCCC (roken CCCC Calm
CCCC Irrational CCCC !ational CCCC #ngry CCCC Incoherent
CCCC E,cited CCCC .aughing CCCC !ighteous CCCC #ccent
(ackground noisesH
CCCC 2oices CCCC #irplanes CCCC treet traffic CCCC Trains
CCCC #nimal CCCC *arty CCCC 5actory ounds CCCC Luiet
CCCC &usic CCCC 3orns CCCC <ffice ounds CCCC (ells
CCCC $id the caller sound familiarJ
CCCC $id the caller seem familiar 0ith the building or area by his1her description of the
de6ice locationJ
Telephone number call recei6ed atH CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
Report thre!t to the #"ildin- princip!l or C33 i66edi!tel. !5ter c!ller h!n-s "p)
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
If a telephone threat references a chemical or biological de6ice or package: complete the Bomb
and Terrorist Threat Phone Report ( page 1! Refer to safety procedures under Bomb or
Terrorists Threats 7page 1-8
This p!-e !ddresses the receipt #. 6!il or deli(er. ser(ice o5 ! s"spicio"s letter or
p!c'!-e th!t 6i-ht #e ! che6ic!l or #iolo-ic!l thre!t.
Loo' 5or ch!r!cteristics th!t 6!'e .o" s"spicio"s o5 the content)
o E,cessi6e postage or e,cessi6e 0eight
o &isspelling of common 0ords
o <ily stains: discoloration or an odor
o No return address: or a postmark sho0ing an address that does not match the
return location
o # package that is not anticipated by any school personnel or is from an
unkno0n 6endor
I5 ! letter or p!c'!-e is opened !nd cont!ins ! 0ritten thre!t* #"t does not cont!in
!n. s"spicio"s s"#st!nce
Notify the building administrator and la0 enforcement agencies
.imit access to the area in 0hich the package 0as opened to minimi=e the number
of people to come in contact 0ith the package as it could be considered criminal
#sk the person 0ho disco6ered the letter or package to place it in another
container: such as a plastic bag
)i6e the letter1package to la0 enforcement and document all acti6ities
I5 letter/p!c'!-e is opened !nd cont!ins s"spicio"s s"#st!nce
Notify building administrator and la0 enforcement
To pre6ent spreading of the contamination: isolate all people 0ho ha6e been
e,posed to the substance
.imit access to the area
#sk the person that opened the letter1package to 0ear glo6es and place it in a
large plastic bag
Emergency officials 0ill determine the need for decontamination of the area and
the people e,posed to the substance
&"ildin- Ad6inistr!torH
(uilding administrator and emergency officials determine 0hether e6acuation is
(uilding administrator notifies superintendent
Notification is made to parents1guardians according to district policies
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
)eneral considerations under the direction of the building *rincipal1*rogram uper6isorH
1. #ll 6isitors should sign in and 0ear an identification badge.
+. #ll staff 0ill challenge unfamiliar people or people 0ithout identification: especially
those 0ho appear to be loitering.
-. #ll students and staff 0ill report any suspicious beha6ior or situations.
4. #ll faculty and staff members should be alert for foreign or suspicious ob?ects: items
or parcels that do not appear to belong 0here such items or parcels are obser6ed.
5. #ll custodial personnel should regularly inspect restrooms: stair0ells: areas under
stair0ells and other areas of the building to insure unauthori=ed persons are not
hiding in or loitering around these areas.
9. econdary H E,cept for the main entrance: all doors are locked during the regular
school day 78H14/-H+48.
ElementaryH E,cept for the main entrance: all doors are locked during the regular
school day 78H14/-H148.
'. Ensure that doors and access 0ays to boiler rooms: s0itchboards and utility closets
are securely locked 0hen not in use.
8. Ensure that all keys1key fobs to all locks are accounted for. If all keys1key fobs are
not accounted for: locks should be changed.
%. If possible: close off portions of the building that are not needed after the school day.
14. Check all fire e,tinguishers as follo0sH
(uilding1)rounds uper6isorH Check monthlyM record date on tag
o D!(e performs this duty at the secondary
o :!.ne performs this duty at the elementary
3ealth and afety Coordinator 7Tim 3arbo8H Check e6ery si, monthsM record date
on tag
5ire and afetyH Check yearlyM record date on tag and1or replace tag
11. Ensure that all records 7student: financial: personnel8 are 0ell protected.

1+. Check all e,terior and protecti6e lighting on a regular basis for proper operation.
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
1-. Ensure that flashlights or battery/operated lanterns are a6ailable in any areas 0here
emergency lighting is not a6ailable. Check flashlights or lanterns monthly. Check
emergency lighting e6ery si, months.
14. #rrange for the security of chemicals that can be used for the construction of
e,plosi6e de6ices.
Elementary Plan: "ppro#ed by the School Board on $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
1. ecure <utside $oors H $uring the instructional day: beginning at 8H14 #.&.: all
e,terior doors 0ill be locked. The e,ception 0ill be the main office doors.
+. (adge Identification ystem H #ll employees 0ill 0ear picture identification
badges to help students and staff easily identify strangers in the building. #ll
6isitors to the building: including parents: 0ill need to sign in at the office and
0ear a 6isitorEs badge.
-. tudents .ea6ing $uring the chool $ay H tudents 0ill not be released directly to
the parent1guardian from the classroom. Teachers 0ill be notified of a studentEs
release 7doctorEs appointment: etc.8 6ia a phone call and parents 0ill be asked to
0ait for their child in the office. The policy of signing out each child before they
lea6e the building 0ill be continued.
4. $ropping <ff and *icking >p tudents H tudents 0ill be dropped off and picked
up at the main doors at the front of the building during school hours. *arents can
go to the office for any business they need to conduct. %&ception' Preschool
children and parents are allowed to go to the classroom together(
5. 5orgotten Items H (and instruments: lunches: etc. should be brought to the office.
They are not to be taken to any classroom. <ffice personnel 0ill notify the teacher
that the item can be retrie6ed from the office.
Secondary Plan' "ppro#ed by the School Board on $$$$$(
1. ecure <utside $oors H $uring the instructional day: beginning at 8H15 #&: all
e,terior doors 0ill be locked. The e,ception is the main entrance.
+. (adge Identification ystem H #ll employees are e,pected to 0ear picture I$
badges to help students and staff easily identify strangers in the building. #ll
6isitors to the building: including parents: 0ill need to sign in at the office and
0ear a 6isitorEs badge if they are going to enter the main area of the building.
-. tudents ;ho .ea6e $uring the chool $ay H tudents are dismissed from school
through the office. tudents 0ill recei6e a pass or 0ill be called from the
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
classroom. tudents are e,pected to sign out of the office before lea6ing and must
sign back in if they return.
4. $ropping <ff and *icking >p tudents H tudents can be dropped off or picked up
on the east side of the building. To a6oid conflict 0ith the buses: students should
be picked up on the 0est side of the building after -H44. # parent1guardian 0ho is
picking up their student during the day is asked to 0ait in the office or in their
5. 5orgotten Items H Items such as band instruments: lunches: etc.: should be brought
to the office and are not to be taken directly to any classroom. <ffice personnel
0ill notify the student or teacher and the item can be retrie6ed from the office.
In the e6ent of an accident
1. The bus dri6er 0ill follo0 the protocol established by state recommendations and
school policy.
+. The bus contractor 0ill notify la0 enforcement or Emergency &edical er6ices
7E&8 and the $istrict <ffice.
-. The $istrict <ffice 0ill notify the principal1designee of the building 0here the
in6ol6ed students attend. The follo0ing information 0ill be pro6idedH
!oute number
.ocation of accident
Number of students on board: if any
E,tent of in?uries: if any
#mount of time delay if no in?uries
If there are in?uries
1. # district official 0ill go to the accident site to coordinate communications
7principal1super6isor or district official8.
+. >nin?ured students 0ill be transported home or to school after being released by
-. chool officials 0ill attempt to notify parents1family of in?ured students and let them
kno0 0here the students 0ere taken.
4. # phone log of contacts 0ill be maintained.
5. The building administrator1super6isor 0ill complete an accident1in?ury report on all
students transported for medical attention.
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
9. #t least t0o people from the building 7e.g.: principal: secretary and counselor8 0ill
remain at the office to assist.
'. The district official at the accident site 0ill relay to the building the number of
in?uries and the location 7hospital8 to 0hich the students 0ere transported.
8. $istrict officials should be at the hospitals to assist parents and1or medical staff.
%. The district official at the accident site 0ill keep the superintendentEs office.
&"s dri(er
;ill determine the e6acuation of the bus
;ill notify the necessary emergency personnel
;ill ha6e a list of students and 0ill take attendance
&oth the &"s dri(er !nd S"per(isor
;ill kno0 0here students 0ent and 0ho transported them if any 0ere remo6ed
from the site of the accident
;ill notify the school principal
;ill check all students for in?uries: but 0ill not mo6e the students if there is a
possibility of causing in?ury
;ill refer all media to the superintendentEs office
Law Enforcement is in charge at the accident scene
CCC (us er6ice 0ill send an e,tra bus to scene: if the accident occurred locally
CCC (us er6ice 0ill pro6ide school 0ith information on bus route1accident and
location1people on board
CCC #dministration 0ill contact the administration of the other school: if another is
CCC #dministration 0ill assign an administrator or staff to the accident scene if possible
This indi6idual must ha6e a cell phone and must bring bus roster from district
This indi6idual 0ill pro6ide updates to Command Center 7$istrict <ffice8
CCC #dministrator 0ill determine if incident Command Center is necessary.
CCC $istrict personnel 0ill set up Command Center in $istrict <ffice
CCC Command Center *ersonnel includeH
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
(us !epresentati6e " .ake Crystal chool (us er6ice
.a0 Enforcement " tate *atrol: *olice Chief: heriff
E& !epresentati6e
Contact Command Center chool 5ield taff1<ther #dministration and *ersonnel
*osition Name *ersonal N
Second!r. Princip!l #llan (eyer 54'/-8+/481'
Secret!ri!l Chris Dins
N"rse Connie Miller 507-381-5865
Ele6) Princip!l !yan totesbery 507-384-8170
Cler-. T($: based upon se6erity of accident
CCC Establish *arent Information Center
5irst ChoiceH &ain <ffice
econd ChoiceH Cafetorium 7pending on number of families in6ol6ed8
CCC Contact *arents1)uardians of In6ol6ed students and reGuest they report to
*arent15amily Center for update on situation1location of child
CCC Coordinate unified communication 0ith help of media relations
CCC .og all calls and ensure all parents in6ol6ed ha6e been contacted
CCC ecure *arent Information Center1Command Center: including no media access
CCC E& 0ill report to Command Center as soon as patients ha6e been transported
and1or recei6ed care
CCC E& 0ill ha6e a list of 0here student7s8 0ere transported
CCC &edical staff may transport unin?ured students or students 0ith minor in?uries to the
school for e6aluation
CCC $ependent upon circumstances: E! 0ill most likely transport all students for
CCC 5ollo0ing decisions by E& or .a0 Enforcement: #dministration 0ill notify
parent1guardian of their childEs location
CCC Establish &edia Information Center
5irst ChoiceH &adelia *ublic .ibrary
econd ChoiceH &adelia .egion
CCC &edia *rotocolsH Identify time: place and location for media: as 0ell as 0hen any
ne0s release 0ill be take place
#ny ne0s releases should not be held at the school
&edia should be kept a0ay from *arent Information Center
CCC *ro6ide information and updates to parents
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
CCC >pdate staff on situation: 0hich 0ill be dictated by the conditions and time of the
Once they arrive at the scene Law Enforcement is in charge at the accident
CCC Call %11 to report any accident that had the potential to cause in?ury or ?arred bus
abruptly enough to thro0 student around8
CCC If ha=ards e,ist on board: remo6e unin?ured or those able to 0alk from the busM
gather them together in a safe location
CCC (egin treating in?ured: as you are able
CCC Contact (us er6ice to reGuest an additional bus. If one is not a6ailable: call the
nearest bus ser6ice to make reGuestH
CCC Notify chool #dministration
*osition Name <ffice 754'8 *ersonal
S"perintendent (rian )renell 94+/-+-+ 54'/%51/-94%
Sec) Princip!l #llan (eyer 94+/-+-+ 54'/-8+/481'
Ele6) Princip!l !yan totesbery 94+/-+-4 507-384-8170
CCC ecure .ist of *eople on (oard
hould be pro6ided by the dri6er or responsible school adult
CCC $o Not #llo0 *arents to !emo6e tudent from cene
(us accidents are considered a crime scene until pro6en other0ise. If parents arri6e
at the scene: they should be ad6ised to report to the *arent Information Center at the
school or to the hospital 0here their child 0as transported
CCC $iscourage Cell *hone >se1Collect Cell *hones if necessary
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
#ny staff member 0ho suspects neglect or physical1se,ual abuse is mandated to make an
immediate report to the school principal. The reporting staff member should gather the
follo0ing information on the abused or neglected childH
The childEs full name: date of birth: home address: phone and parent1guardian
#ny person belie6ed to be responsible for the abuse or neglect of the child
The nature and e,tent of the abuse or neglect
The name and address of the reporting party
#n oral report is to be made to the appropriate child protection agency after the
information has been obtained. The oral report is then follo0ed up by a detailed 0ritten
report to the notified agency. !eport forms are a6ailable from the school office or
;anton0an County ocial er6ices.
If the reporting staff member belie6es the child is abandoned: sub?ect to a real or
imminent threat or is in need of medical attention: the building principal1program
super6isor should be called immediately. <fficers can remo6e a child from a threatening
en6ironment to protect the child. If a police officer or child protection 0orker comes to
the school to inter6ie0 a child: the principal shall be notified. The principal 0ill be gi6en
a 0ritten notice of the intent to inter6ie0 a child at school.
chool officials cannot disclose to the parents: legal custodian: guardian or perpetrator:
that a reGuest to inter6ie0 a child has been made until after the abuse or neglect
in6estigation or assessment has been concluded.
#ny staff member 0ho makes a child abuse or neglect report in good faith is pro6ided
0ith ci6il and criminal immunity in accordance 0ith the &altreatment of &inors
!eporting #ct 7&innesota tatute 9+9.5598. #dditionally: the identity of the reporter is
protected e,cept in 6ery limited circumstances.
:!nton0!n Co"nt. Child Protection/ +%>3+>3$C4E !5ter ho"rs c!ll C33
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
A) The 5ollo0in- !re so6e pre(enti(e !cti(ities 0hich 6!. help !(oid child n!ppin-
o5 identi5ied st"dents
The school secretary should ha6e kno0ledge of all students 0ho are not to be
released to anyone e,cept a specific parent or guardian
Emergency cards of such students should be tagged
(efore releasing a child to anyone e,cept the identified parent1guardian on the
list: the school secretary should check 0ith the custodial parent and1or guardian
for appro6alM a record of the time and date of phone appro6al should be made and
;hen parent telephones a reGuest that a child be released from school: the identity
of the caller should be confirmed 7by a separate call to the parent or guardian: if
needed8 before the child is permitted to lea6e. The message and phone number
should be asked for and 0ritten do0nM a return call should be made after cross"
checking the phone number 0ith those on file in the childEs folder or on the
emergency card
#ll 6isitors should be asked to sign in and 0ear an identification badge
Teachers should be a0are of the identity and status of students affected by
custodial disputes
&) In the e(ent o5 ! child n!ppin-
*hone the police " call C33
Contact the building principal1program super6isor
Contact the identified parent1guardian
Contact the principal and1or superintendent
$o not release any information to the press. !efer reGuests for information to the
superintendentEs office
C) Proced"res 5or Non>C"stodi!l P!rent to Re6o(e Child 5ro6 School
1. 2erbal or 0ritten notes by the concerned parent are not sufficient documentation to
0ithhold the other parentEs access to the child. 5or emergency situations: the school
Teachers1staff members should be particularly a0are of ne0 students 0ithout
current information.
(oth parents of a child ha6e the legal right to remo6e the child from school unless there is
5amily or Bu6enile Court documentation: filed 0ith the school office: that specifies 0ho
may1may not ha6e access to the child.
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
may inform the concerned parent if the other parent comes to the school and no
5amily Court documentation is on file.
+. Teachers should be a0are of the identity and status of students affected by custodial
-. *roceduresH
#n unauthori=ed adult needs to pro6ide the school 0ith one of the follo0ing to
remo6e a child from schoolH
1. ;ritten permission from the childEs parent
+. Telephone call from the childEs parent to the school
*erson arri6es to pick up childH
1. Call parent for permission
+. Check the identification of the person picking up the child to make
sure they are indeed the person 0ho should be taking the child
tudent tells the office that someone else is picking him1her upH
1. Call parent for permission to release student
+. 5ollo0 identification procedures as abo6e
;hen a child is to be released before dismissalH
1. The adult must sign out the child at the office
+. The adult must 0ait until the child is called from the classroom
4. It is the responsibility of the office to check the identity of the person signing out the
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
<Posted in e!ch cl!ssroo6=
1. Call the office and report to the secretary O&edical situation in !oom CCCC.P
+. The secretary 0ill call the nurse
ElementaryH Connie &iller 94+/-+-4 EAT. 1-1
econdaryH Connie &iller 94+/-+-+ EAT. 149
-. The office 0ill do an all/call O&edical situation in !oom CCCC.P
4. The secretary or first/aid responder7s8 0ill take the C*! mask and go to the
specified room andH
a. tand by and call %11 if necessary.
b. !eport location and school address: status of 6ictim 7breathing: le6el of
consciousness: pulse: etc.8
c. Ensure that someone is at the entrance of the building to direct medical
personnel to the correct room.
d. &o6e onlookers to another area.
5. #n #E$ is located outside the district office in the main hall of the secondary
school. There is no #E$ located at the elementary site. The key to the #E$ is
located in the top right dra0er of the desk of the office secretary. The battery to
the #E$ 0ill beep 0hen po0er is lo0 and the (uilding1)rounds super6isor 0ill
replace the battery at that time.
Emergency 7*olice1#mbulance15ire8 %11
&N *oison CenterH 1/844/+++/1+++
5irst/#id !espondersH
Fris $e&aris
In an emergency: it is recommended that the in?ured person not be mo6ed until a health
care professional arri6es at the scene. The professional 0ill identify him1herself and gi6e
directi6es related to care.
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
Communicating during a crisis is a challenge for a number of reasonsH all the details may
not be kno0n: emotions are high: and student and staff safety is a primary concern.
$espite this: effecti6e communication during a crisis is necessary because it canH
Feep children and staff safer
)uide people a0ay from danger
!educe 0orry
!econfirm the publicEs trust in the .ake Crystal ;ellcome &emorial chool
TE#C3E! #N$ T#55
The school !d6inistr!tor is the initi!l spo'esperson. $irect all inGuiries to the school
administrator. $o not 6olunteer any informationQ
C3<<. #$&INIT!#T<!
The building principal 0ill respond Guickly to the initial Guestions from parents:
neighbors: the community or the ne0s media. hould the principal not be a6ailable: a
pre/determined alternate 0ill immediately assume this role. This section 0ill pro6ide
information and guidance to help in this critical role.
T3E )<#.
The o6erall goal is to communicate care and confidence to a number of audiences: 0hich
is a challenge 0hen confusion reigns: emotions are high and information is scattered.
3o0e6er: the goal remains and those in responsible roles must communicate effecti6ely
to the people 0ho careH parents: staff: neighbors: district communities: businesses: other
agencies and the ne0s media.
The key term is Ocommunicate effecti6ely.P $uring a crisis: as in other situations:
Oeffecti6elyP meansH
!eaching the public Guickly
*ro6iding accurate: honest and concise messages
#ddressing audience concerns
!esponse time is a ma?or factor in crisis communications. lo0 response can be
interpreted as stone0alling: e6asion and fear. The longer it takes to pro6ide accurate
information: the more the public and media 0ill speculate. peculations tend to gro0
0ith time and become increasingly difficult to dispel. Con6ersely: a timely response can
help dissipate emotion: confusion: 0orry and doubt. Luick response also helps
communicate an impression of calm: caring and control: Gualities critical to the
immediate situation: and to the long/term reputation of .
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
The chool $istrictEs strategy is to use designated spokespersons and clear: honest
messages to communicate 0ith key audiences. ItEs about team0ork. #dministrators 0ork
together 0ith the schoolEs Crisis !esponse Team to address crises as they arise. The team
also pro6ides information needed for communications. $epending on the type of crisis:
the principal 0ill 0ork 0ith other indi6iduals to communicate on an ongoing basis.
)eneral *ractices
;hen an administrator is in a face/to/face situation 0ith a concerned parent: neighbor or
reporter: they shouldH
&o6e to a safe place before taking time to respond
*ro6ide any key messages only if they are accurate
If accurate information is not kno0nH
o #sk the caller for their phone number and let them kno0 that they 0ill be
contacted 6ery shortly 0ith information
o Immediately 0ork to learn more about the situation
o eparate the kno0n from the unkno0n and note this information do0n in bullet
o The school buildingEs Crisis !esponse Team can help separate fact from
speculation. The administrator should communicate <N.K that information about
0hich they are 6ery confident: and they should pro6ide this information: plus key
messages: to the caller
Contact the Coordinator of Communications1Community !elations: 0ho 0ill help
manage messages and 6ehicles for ongoing communication
Fey &essages
The impression that should be left 0ith any audience is one of caring: safety and controlM
therefore: these key messages areH
1. <ur primary concern is the health and safety of our students and staff.
+. #t this time: I can report that 7e#eryone is safe) there are three hostages) fi#e
children ha#e been in*ured) there has been one death) police are now in#estigating)
firefighters are on hand+ etc(8. The on/site Crisis !esponse Team should pro6ide
this information to the administrator.
-. ;e are 0orking 0ith 7agency,utility8 to resol6e this situation.
These are the only messages Notice there are only three. This is because most people:
including reporters: ha6e a hard time remembering more than three. Feep to them: and
they 0ill ser6e you 0ell. In times of crisis: it is often ama=ing to obser6e that a Guestioner
may ha6e to be gi6en a simple message se6eral times before it is heard and understood.
The ob?ecti6e is to be Guoted. Though the spokesperson may feel like a broken record:
the message 0ill be remembered much better.
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
Fey ;ords about the Ne0s &edia The media are in the business of gathering ne0s and
Guickly packaging it for broadcast. They are professionals 0ith unyielding deadlines 0ho
operate under increasing market pressure. >ltimately: they are in the business to make
ad6ertising dollars. ;ithin this highly competiti6e en6ironment: they can sometimes use
their cameras: microphones and tape recorders to intimidate. They can try to use abrasi6e
manners to unner6e: or friendly attitudes to urge confidential information. *lease
remember: regardless of their demeanor: reporters are neither friend nor foe. Their
deadlines 0ill not pressure school officials to pro6ide information until 0e are sure its
accuracy can be confirmed.
The superintendent 0ill help handle media calls and inter6ie0s on or off site. $epending
on the type and duration of the crisis: the #ssistant to the uperintendent 0ill direct
media a0ay from the building: either to a designated spot at a safe: but 6isible distance
from the building: or to a media center at a remote location. The Communications
Coordinator 0ill also 0ork 0ith local agencies and ser6ices to facilitate communications.
!eporters are a conduit to the real audience: 0hich includes parents and students:
teachers: other districts and the community. pokespersons should use only the language
and attitude they 0ant audiences to hear and see.
The media pro6ides an e,cellent and immediate channel to important audiences.
Tele6ision and radio ne0s can direct motorists a0ay from school: calm 0orried parents:
point citi=ens to a hotline phone number and solicit information from the public. The
chool $istrict can and 0ill use them to the benefit of children: families and the
community at large.
#bout &edia Inter6ie0s The media inter6ie0 is not a con6ersation. It is a 6ery styli=ed
form of communication in 0hich school personnel and the reporter ha6e 6ery distinct
roles. The reporterEs ?ob is to get informedM the school spokespersonEs role is to pro6ide
key messages to important audiences. !eporters kno0 this and they 0ill be aggressi6e
about getting tough Guestions ans0ered. <ne must be ?ust as determined to focus on key
messages. ThatEs 0hy it pays to prepare for media inter6ie0s. *reparations are
abbre6iated during crisis situationsH
1. >nderstand as much as possible about the current situation
+. Note key messages in bullet form
-. .et the reporter kno0 they can ha6e only fi6e to ten minutes of your time
4. Take the initiati6e and deli6er your key messages before any Guestions are
5. !espond to each Guestion directly: honestly and briefly
9. 5ollo0 each and e6ery response 0ith at least one of the key messages
8ere !re so6e !ddition!l DO?S !nd DON?TS
Ne6er repeat the reporterEs Guestion
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
If you are unsure about 0hat is being asked: ha6e the reporter repeat or clarify
the Guestion
#ns0er Guestions using common: con6ersational language: and at a calm pace
#d?ust your body and attitude to the situation at hand. chool officials should
look serious and saddened: if the situation is tragic
There is no magic moment at 0hich an inter6ie0 starts or stops
2ideo cameras are often taping long before they are pointed at anyone
!ecording de6ices are often kept running long after the formal Guestion and
ans0er period seems to ha6e ended
# reporter may be recording an inter6ie0 in his1her head: e6en 0hen there
isnEt a notebook in his1her hand
TodayEs lenses and microphones can pick up pictures and sounds from half a
block a0ay
There is no such thing as Roff the record.E E6en a friendly chat or confidential
0hisper can sho0 up in the ne0s
!eporters should not be immediately granted access to students during crisis
7The Communications Coordinator 0ill help arrange reporter1student
inter6ie0s at some time during this situation.8
!eporters can conduct inter6ie0s: take pictures: and shoot 6ideo from public
streets and side0alks unless other0ise directed by police officers or
Ne0spaper stories are a 6ery important 0ay to pro6ide detailed information during an
ongoing crisis or after a crisis is o6er. The message people read in their local and metro
ne0spapers can help re/establish calm and confidence for the long/term.
The ne0s media is one 0ay to reach our key audiences: but other methods 0ill be used as
0ell: such as face/to/face meetings: letters home: ne0sletters: telephone hotlines: etc. The
specific a6enues used 0ill depend on the audience: urgency and the type and length of the
The chool *rincipal: uperintendent and Communications Coordinator 0ill 0ork
together 0ith other staff and administration to determine ongoing communications.
It may become important to hold a public meeting to deli6er important messages and to
ans0er Guestions face/to/face. These meetings may be called for parents and students
only: or held for the benefit of neighbors and other concerned citi=ens. The meetings may
be open or closed to the press. The Communications Coordinator 0ill help arrange these
meetings on or off school grounds: and 0ill also help to communicate notice of the
meeting to the target audience.
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
# letter sent directly to the home can be a po0erful form of communication. #ny letter
should be considered a public document that can find its 0ay to the local press. The
Communications Coordinator 0ill help de6elop the letter and 0ork 0ith administration to
ha6e it deli6ered promptly.
Ne,t to tele6ision: the telephone is one of the most po0erful communications tools
a6ailable. The telephone is the channel most parents 0ill use to get information about the
safety of the students.
Therefore: in times of crisis: t0o things can be e,pected immediatelyH
1. The secretary 0ill ha6e to field calls
+. The phone lines 0ill Guickly clog
The school secretary becomes the districtEs first responder in a difficult situation. 3ere is
0hat should be saidH
I am not a0are of any difficulty
<ur principal is the only person 0ith information
IEll ask him1her to call you
Kour childEs safety is our top concern
#s more calls come in: busy signals become the problem because they may prompt the
no0 frantic parent to dri6e to the school to secure their childEs safety: 0hich results in a
lot of an,ious parents cro0ding roads to a school.
3o0e6er: the telephone also pro6ides solutionsH
# telephone tree can dissipate 0orry 0ith a series of calls
# hotline can Guickly shift parents to a helpful message
# Guick call to the local media can pro6ide information to a 0ide audience of
parents: neighbors and the community at large
Ne0sletters are a great 0ay to gi6e students: parents and teachers a detailed e,planation
of a crisis situation. Crisis information can be included in a schoolEs e,isting ne0sletters.
In case of a more serious or large/scale crisis: a special ne0s bulletin can be generated to
update audiences regularly.
This can be a po0erful tool for Guickly reaching all district staff 0ith information. The
$istrictEs 0eb page 0ill be used as a bulletin board for updates that can be shared 0ith
students: parents and the community.
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
*re6enting possible disturbances: 0ith open lines of communications to students: staff:
parents and communities is essential. The building administrator is in complete charge of
his1her building. If the principal is absent: contact the superintendent1district office or the
office staff.
The follo0ing procedures should be considered only in case of full/scale emergencies.
The administrati6e staff should assess the situation to determine its seriousness and its
effect on the safety of students and staff before taking any action.
1. Notify the superintendent or designee 7see emergency telephone numbers on
page 48
+. The superintendent or designee 0ill notify all schools in the area of the public
disturbance. The superintendent 0ill 0ork 0ith the principal to notify outside
authorities as appropriate. 7>se of uniformed police in any crisis situation
must be handled 0ith e,treme care.8
-. Normal classroom operations are to be maintained as much as possible and all
students should be encouraged to stay in the building
4. The custodial staff is responsible for building security and lock do0n
procedures 0ill be initiated
5. #ll clerical staff persons are responsible for the security of files: records: etc.
9. #ll other staff 0ill remain at their assigned duties unless specifically
reassigned by administrati6e staff
'. Closing of schools
<nly the uperintendent or designee can legally authori=e the closing of
If the decision is made to close a school: the building principal or their
designee shouldH
a. *ro6ide information to the police department
b. Notify all neighboring schools
c. #s Guickly as possible: inform parents by using the designated
communications media
d. Inform all students and staff
e. Ensure that staff members super6ise during dismissal
f. #rrange for bus transportation as necessary
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
De6onstr!tions/Dist"r#!nce G"idelines
Building "dministrator should
#sk demonstrators to disperse
Notify the police if necessary
Ensure the safety of students and staff first
Contain unrest
eal off area of disturbance
Notify the superintendent
#lert staff and initiate lockdo0n procedures 7if appropriate8
Turn off bells
&o6e people in6ol6ed in the disturbance to an isolated area
$ocument incidents 0ith a recorder or detailed notes
Teachers should
&aintain super6ision of students
Feep students calm
.ock classroom doors
Not allo0 students to lea6e the classroom until an all/clear signal has been deli6ered
&ake a list of students 0ho 0ere absent from the classroom
$ocument all incidents
*ractice fire drills fi6e times each year during the time students are in session
*ost Emergency e,it routes in each room
Ensure that emergency e,its and routes to emergency e,its are not obstructed
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
The state notifies the county: 0hich notifies the local police department. The local police
department ad6ises the schools on ho0 to keep students and staff safe.
chool action 0ill depend on time of day: but could include the follo0ing
Each building should notify staff that an escaped con6ict or manhunt is in the area by
using a predetermined phrase. Te!chers sho"ld not !l!r6 the st"dents #. s!.in-
!n.thin- else !t this ti6e)
*hrase to alert staff in both buildingsH SEC2RE &2ILDING NO:F
Contact 5irst !esponse Team
ecure all outside doors
Feep students inside the building. $o not let students use playgrounds. 3old
physical education classes indoors
If near dismissal time: notify Transportation <ffice
o *ut riders on the bus unless their drop off point could put them in danger
o Feep 0alkers in the building until the danger has passed.
E(!c"!tion/Reloc!tion Centers
E(!c"!tion Protocols
Call %11 if necessary
Notify the building administrator
(uilding administrator issues e6acuation procedures
(uilding administrator determines if the students and the staff should be e6acuated
outside the building or to relocation centers
uperintendent coordinates transportation if the students are being e6acuated to
relocation center. uperintendent contacts building principals to inform them that the
e6acuation is taking place
(uilding administrator notifies the relocation center
(uilding administrator directs staff and students to follo0 the fire drill procedures and
route or to follo0 an alternate route if the normal route is too dangerous
Custodial staff 0ill turn off lights: electrical eGuipment: gas: 0ater faucets: air
condition and heating systems
Close all doors
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
(uilding administrator 0ill notify parent1guardians per district policy and1or guidance
Te!chers :ill
$irect students to follo0 normal fire drill procedures unless the building
administrator alters the route
Take class roster
Close classroom doors but not lock themM turn out lights
#ccount for all students and inform the building administrator immediately if any
students are missing
tay 0ith the class if students are e6acuated to a relocation center: 0here attendance
0ill be taken upon arri6al
Reloc!tion Centers
.ist the primary and secondary student relocation center for each building. The primary
site should be located close to the schoolM the secondary site is located farther a0ay and
0ould be used in case of a community/0ide emergency. Include maps for staff reference.
Elementary chool econdary chool
North *layground EGuipment N; End *ractice 5ield 7;est of (leachers8
1+1 East &ain -+4 (uck #6e. .E.
94+/-+-4 54'/94+/-+-+
Elementary chool econdary chool
t. &aryEs Church alem .uteran Church
1% Crosby #6e. NE 1-. /
St( S(%(
0-12342/-3 0-1234251
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
In the e(ent ! 5ire* s6o'e 5ro6 ! 5ire or detection o5 ! -!s odor
*ull fire alarm or notify building occupants by means of building intercom
E6acuate students and staff to the designated area 7see map located in each
o These areas should be a safe distance from emergency personnel
o (e a0are of the arri6al routes of emergency teams and 6ehicles
5ollo0 primary fire drill route. If normal route is blocked or dangerous: follo0
alternate route. 7Include map on the follo0ing page of this manual.8
Teachers take class roster
Teachers take attendance after being e6acuated
Teachers report missing students to administrator immediately
If trapped by fire: go to helter/In /*lace *rocedures S
&"ildin- !d6inistr!tor
Notifies the fire department by calling %11: notifies superintendent: and reports
incident to 5ire &arshall: as reGuired by tate .a0
#fter consulting 0ith appropriate officials: administration mo6es secondary
students to M elementary students mo6e to the
Ensures that no one re/enters the building7s8 until the entire building7s8 is declared
safe by fire or police personnel
(uilding administrator notifies students and staff of termination of emergency and
resumes normal operations
BSpeci5ic pl!ns 0ill #e de(eloped to 6eet the needs o5 st"dents/!d"lts in speci!l
#. <n disco6ery of a fire 0hen school is in session: proceed according to the follo0ing
1. Indi6idual 0ill sound the fire alarm and call %11
+. #ll indi6iduals 0ill e6acuate the building to at least 144 feet. tudents remain
0ith their class.
-. Teachers 0ill take classroom copy of Emergency #ction *lan: 0hich contains
their class roster and 0ill account for all students once a safe distance has been
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
reached. If any person is unaccounted for: the building administrator 0ill be
Each building needs to de6ise a plan to find missing students.
4. #dministrator1$esignee 0ill call the uperintendent and Coordinator of (uildings
and )roundsH
5. uperintendent 0ill establish any additional communications in the immediate
area by using local police radio or by calling (lue Earth County emergency
number listed on the Emergency Number form.
9. Contingency helter #reas
o econdary choolH
o Elementary choolH
o Circumstances may dictate alternate holding areas in buses or other locations
(. <n disco6ery of a fire 0hen school is not in session: proceed according to the
follo0ing planH
1. ound the fire alarm and call %11
+. E6acuate the building to at least 144 feet
-. Call the uperintendentH
4. Call Coordinator of (uildingsH
5. Call the (uilding *rincipalsH
o ElementaryH 3omeH or cell
o econdaryH 3omeH
9. The building administrator or superintendent 0ill report the incident: e6en if it is a
false alarm: to the local fire department as reGuired by state la0 7&innesota
tatute T+%%5.45+8
C. *ossible 5alse #larmsH
5ollo0 the same procedure e,cept 0hen notifying the fire departmentM include one of the
t0o situationsH
1. O#n alarm has been sounded at 7state name of your school or facility(! ;e do not
kno0 if there is an actual fire. *lease stand by.P
+. OThe fire alarm has sounded at 7state name of your school or facility.8 ;e kno0 it
0as a false alarm. ;e do not need your ser6ices at this time: but are simply
reporting the alarm as reGuired by the tate 5ire &arshalEs <ffice.P
$. !e/occupancy of the buildingH
1. The buildings may not be reoccupied in e6ent of a drill or possible false alarm
until an Rall clearE is sounded by the (uilding #dministrator1$esignee or
designated representati6e. If possible: reGuest that the 5ire Chief gi6e the Oall
clearP signal.
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
+. If the fire alarm is still sounding: the building may not be reoccupied.
-. In the e6ent of an actual fire: the fire official must gi6e instructions as to re/
E. 5ire $rillsH a minimum of fi6e fire drills per school year.
The 5irst !esponse Team is established to respond to emergencies in6ol6ing students and
staff: 0hich may include situations in 0hich respiration and1or circulation are
compromised or 0here immediate medical care is necessary.
Team si=e may 6ary depending on the si=e of the building. It is: ho0e6er: recommended
that the 5irst !esponse Team ha6e a minimum of fi6e 758 members: including the school
nurse. uggested members of the team could include the secretary: administrator: teacher
and paraprofessionals.
#t least four members 0ill be reGuired to maintain current certification in C*!. The
$istrict 0ould pay this yearly rene0al. Team members 0ill be reGuired to attend an
annual meeting for situational practice and re6ie0. In addition: there should be one
emergency simulation per year to e6aluate the teamEs response.
1. 5irst !esponse Team &ember is called to area 0here help is needed.
+. 5irst !esponse Team &ember 0ill sur6ey scene and send someone to alert ecretary
that the 5irst !esponse Team is needed at a specific location.
-. ecretary 0ill notify the 5irst !esponse Team that they are needed in a specific area
of the building by issuing an Rall call.E
4. The ecretary 0ill call %11 if directed by the school nurse.
5. The first person on the scene 0ill act as the director of the emergency situation and
0ill assign team members specific duties.
9. <ne team member 0ill report directly to the health office. This person should ha6e
kno0ledge of 0here necessary supplies are kept.
#cti6ate the 5irst !esponse Team 0hen directed
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
If told to call %11: be specific regarding type of emergency and the location and
state that someone 0ill be at the front door to meet him1her
Call the chool Nurse
Call parents and alert them to the situation and 0hether %11 has been called.
Notify them of the hospital 0here the student has been transported and ask if they
0ill meet the ambulance there.
Al0!.s Noti5./ (6nless indicated otherwise+ area code is 0-1!
INDI;ID2AL :or' Phone 8o6e/Cell Phone
!yan totesbery 94+/-+-4 EAT. 1++ 54'/-84/81'4
Connie &iller 94+/-+-4 EAT. 149 54'/-81/5895
Fris $e&aris 94+/-+-4 EAT. 1-- 54'/-+'/9%'+
3eidi #rduser 94+/-+-4 EAT. -++ 54'/-84/58+-
Frista ch0anke 94+/-+-4 EAT. -+8 54'/+-9/5-%'
$anette (reitbarth
#llan (eyer 94+/-+-+ EAT. 145 54'/-8+/481'
Connie &iller 94+/-+-4 EAT. 149 54'/-81/5895
ommer 3aynes
ue (rand
District :ide Cont!cts 7to be added as needed8 phone numbers are listed under
emergency phone numbers: pages 4 U '.
CPI TRAINED STA77 <5"ll. tr!ined=
Boanne E6?an 7elementary para8 $anette (reitbarth 7elementary para8
Carol (eyer 7elementary para8 Tina &arin 7elementary para8
Benny .utterman 7elementary para8 (e6 Fo6al 7elementary para8
.aurie )asner 7elementary para8 Frista ch0anke 7elementary teacher8
ue (rand 73igh chool para8 ommer 3aynes 73igh chool para8
&elissa *ietsch 73igh chool para8
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
1. E6acuate the area. In the e6ent of an outdoor occurrence: e.g.: o6erturned tanker: train
derailment: chemical fire or broken fuel line: keep students in school: keep all doors
and 0indo0s closed and turn off all outdoor 6entilation units unless other0ise
+. If burns or blisters are encountered during ha=ardous material contactH
a8 Call %11 for an ambulance
b8 5or chemical burns to skin and eyes: flush burn 0ith large amounts of 0ater for
15/+4 minutes.
c8 If only one eye has been affected: flush from the nose out0ard to pre6ent
contaminating the other eye.
d8 #sk 6ictim to remo6e any contaminated clothing.
e8 #pply sterile dressing.
f8 E,cept for facial burns H If burns are e,tensi6e: ask 6ictim to lie do0n 0ith legs
g8 5or e,tensi6e facial burns H #sk 6ictim to sit or prop 6ictim up. ;atch for
breathing difficulty.
h8 $o not immerse burned area or apply ice 0ater. #pply cold pack to hands: face or
feet if necessary.
i8 (andage loosely 0ith a dry clean dressing.
?8 $onEt apply ointment or pressure to burn.
k8 $onEt break blisters or remo6e clothing stuck to burn.
-. Call Coordinator of (uildingsH
Call uperintendentEs <fficeH 54'/94+/-+-+ EAT. 145
#ll inGuiries should be directed to the (uildingEs Coordinator
1. #sbestos !ecordsH Each building has a file located in the office: 0hich contains all
information relating to asbestos.
+. Kello0 #sbestos ;arning ignH The presence of a yello0 asbestos 0arning sign
indicates a danger area: 0hich should not be entered 0ithout instructions: and1or
consent of the $istrictEs designated person noted abo6e.
-. 5riable #sbestosH 5riable asbestos is e6ident 0hen the asbestos is falling or appearing
in a po0der form. It is also friable 0hen the material can be easily crumbled bet0een
a finger and thumb. ;hen it appears that there is open friable asbestos: contact the
designated person noted abo6e.
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
4. $emolition of any (uilding or *art Thereof H *rior to any demolition of any building
or portion thereof: the 3ealth and afety $irector must be contacted to determine if
there is any building material present that contains asbestos.
5. &a?or #sbestos Incident H # ma?or asbestos incident occurs 0hene6er there is eminent
e,posure or remo6al of asbestos. If such an incident occurs the designated person
noted abo6e is in charge of the pro?ect. The designated person shall ha6e the authority
to close the area and1or building to all public and employees until such time that air
testing indicates the area may be safely entered.
9. Contact 0ith &edia H In the unlikely e6ent of any publicity regarding asbestos in the
schools: response from and on behalf of the $istrict shall be through the designated
person noted abo6e.

ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
<ne means of securing the school is to implement lock/do0n procedures: 0hich may be
issued in situations in6ol6ing dangerous intruders or other incidents that may result in
harm to persons inside school buildings.
The building administrator 0ill issue lock/do0n procedures through an
announcement 6ia the *# system or another designated system7s8.
The teachers 0ill direct all students: staff and 6isitors into the classrooms or safe
Teachers1staff 0ill lock classroom doors and place a RThis !oom Is .ocked $o0nE
sign in an outside 0indo0.
#ll persons should be directed to mo6e a0ay from 0indo0s and doors.
No one is allo0ed outside any classroom until the Rall clearE is gi6en by the
Loc'do0n proced"res 6!. #e necess!r. in the 5ollo0in- inst!nces/
The building administrator1designee 0ill order and announce Oecure (uilding
No0.P >se a clear 6oice and repeat the 0ords at least once.
#ll students1staff that are outside the building shall be notified and gi6en
#ll e,terior doors should be locked.
#ll areas that cannot be secured should be cleared: including restrooms: hall0ays:
#ll students should be kept a0ay from 0indo0s. .
#ll mo6ement should be controlled: although classes may continue.
Teachers1staff 0ill place a RThis !oom Is .ocked $o0nE sign in an outside
(uilding administration 0ill complete a room check before announcing an Rall
Feep Calm
ur6ey the scene for safety
>se the uni6ersal precautions
>ni6ersal precautions refer to the treatment of all blood and body fluids as if they 0ere
infected 0ith a blood borne disease. #nyone coming in contact 0ith body fluid mustH
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
1. ;ear late, or 6inyl glo6es.
+. #fter gi6ing assistance: caregi6er should not touch their mouth: nose or eyes: or eat or
drink until their hands ha6e been thoroughly 0ashed.
*rocedures for &edical Emergency
Complete a primary sur6ey of the scene and person and check indi6idual7s8 for
medical bracelet or necklace
Check #(CH #ir0ay: (reathing and Circulation. (egin C*! if indicated
Check for bleeding: start first aid
$o not lea6e in?ured person unattended
$etermine the need for immediate medical attention and CALL C33) If the
incident occurs during the school day: notify Crisis Team 7see page '8
$o not mo6e the in?ured personM al0ays suspect a head1neck trauma
Feep person 0armM co6er 0ith a blanket
$o not gi6e liGuids to an unconscious person
(e supporti6e
#sk others to keep any cro0ds a0ay
Notify the school health office of an in?ury to any student: staff or 6isitor on
school grounds as soon as possible
>rgent Care $irections
.ook for a &edical #lert bracelet or necklace: 0hich 0ill contain specific information
pertaining to the indi6idual.
#. erious #ccident and1or Illness
!ender immediate first aid care
$o not mo6e a seriously in?ured person unless it is necessary for safety reasons
<btain help from school nurse or administrator if they are a6ailable
Call %11 for medical assistance if needed
78T%' If in*ury or illness appears to be serious+ call .11 and do not be concerned about
protocol of contacting parents until after emergency care has arri#ed or e#en until person has
been transported to a trauma center(
Notify parent or guardian: if possible
If emergency 6ehicles are called: report the incident to the building principal or
program super6isor and the $istrict <ffice no later than the ne,t school day.
(. (ee ting
)i6e antidote in?ection if person has such eGuipment 0ith them
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
Contact nurse: principal or parents as Guickly as possible to determine if person is
allergic to bee stings
If person is allergic: follo0 instructions of nurse: administrator or parent
If ad6ice is not a6ailable: call %11 for help
!emember that speed of action may be critical for certain persons
N<TEH $o not 0ait for a con6enient time to deal 0ith a bee sting. Immediate action is
reGuired if a student is stung 0hile in a 6ehicle. Call for help on the radio and follo0
instructions as to 0hen and 0here to meet an emergency 6ehicle for assistance. <ther
passengers 0ill ha6e to 0ait until the emergency has been resol6ed.
C. (leeding
)ently blot the 0ound to inspect for debris. If bleeding is se6ere: apply pressure
on the 0ound. #pply a dry cold pack to the area around the 0ound
Continue pressure until bleeding stops. Ele6ate 0ound abo6e le6el of heart to help
reduce bleeding. Treat for shock
$. Cessation of (reathing1Choking Incidents
If 6ictim can cough: speak and breathe: do not interfere. If the 6ictim cannot speak or
cough: uses the distress signal or appears cyanotic 7blue8 from poor air e,change:
proceed 0ith the follo0ingH
tand behind 6ictim 0ith one foot beside the 6ictim to support him1her
;rap your arms around 6ictimEs 0aist
&ake a fist and place the thumb side of your fist against the 6ictimEs abdomen:
slightly abo6e the na6el and belo0 the breastbone
)rasp your fist 0ith the other hand. *ress your fist into the 6ictimEs abdomen:
0ith a Guick in0ard and up0ard thrust
!epeat this action until the obstruction is cleared or 6ictim becomes unconscious.
If 6ictim becomes unconscious: continue to attempt to clear air0ay 0ith
abdominal thrusts. Call %11 if necessary
<nce air0ay is open: C*! may need to be gi6en if the unconscious patient is not
E. Con6ulsions1Epileptic ei=ures
*rotect 6ictim from in?ury: but do not restrain. upport and protect the patientEs
head: being careful not to be hit or kicked. 5ollo0ing the sei=ure: or if patience
6omits: turn their entire body onto their side. $o not force a blunt ob?ect bet0een
the 6ictimEs teeth. $o not gi6e fluids. If breathing stops: gi6e artificial respiration
if trained in these techniGues
Try to time ho0 long the sei=ure lasts. If it lasts fi6e minutes 0ithout stopping:
call %11
5. $ro0ning
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
Call %11 and inform operators that a dro0ning has occurred and gi6e location.
Instruct them to send emergency personnel
end a responsible student to the nurseEs office for assistance. #dminister
appropriate first aid and1or C*!. 5irst aid kits are located in the NurseEs <ffice
end a responsible student to meet the emergency personnel to gi6e directions to
6ictimEs location
Notify school principal as to the seriousness of the accident. The principal 0ill
notify the superintendent
). Eye In?uries
Chemical Burns'
5lush the eye 0ith a gentle stream of luke0arm 0ater 0hile holding the eye open. If only
one eye is affected: turn the head so the in?ured side is do0n. If both eyes are affected: tilt
the head back and pour 0ater onto the bridge of the nose. 5lushing should continue at
least +4 minutes. 5or acid1alkali burns: it may become necessary to remo6e ?e0elry and
clothing that may be contaminated by the runoff. Ears may also become contaminated.
Penetrating In*uries of the %ye'
$o not remo6e the ob?ect or 0ash the eye. Co6er both eyes loosely. tabili=e the ob?ect.
Feep the 6ictim Guiet and on his1her back.
3. Insulin !eactions
7N<TEH # student 0ill not ha6e a reaction if not on insulin therapy.8
# reaction can be in the form of disorientation: mood change: clammy skin: etc.
In this case: gi6e the person sugar: .ife a6ers candy: milk: a sand0ich: ?uice:
soda or other food if a6ailable
# reaction may culminate in con6ulsions and coma. Call %11 immediately if
con6ulsions or coma occur. This must be done L>ICF.K. *ut sugar cube or
.ifea6ers candy bet0een cheek and teeth. .ay the person on their side so that
sali6a does not choke air passage. >se glucose 7a6ailable at any drug store8 if
I. uspected Neck or pinal Cord In?ury
&aintain open air0ay
$o not mo6e 6ictim or transport 6ictim
Call %11
B. *oisoning15ood *oisoning
$ilute poison by gi6ing one or t0o glasses of 0ater. Call the *oison Control Center at
1/844/'94/'991 or %11.
9ood Poisoning
#dminister first aid: using trained personnel in building: e.g.: health room staff
Notify chool Nurse
Call %11 or make appropriate medical referral
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
Call parent or guardian
Notify 5ood er6ice $epartment
(uilding #dministrator and staff 0ill follo0 directi6es of medical authorities
F. hock
<bser6e 6ictim to monitor for cold: clammy skinM pale: bluish faceM profuse s0eatingM
0eak: rapid pulse.
#sk person to lie do0n
&aintain body temperature
Co6er only enough to keep the 6ictim from losing body heat
!eassure and calm 6ictim
taff or students e,periencing any of these medical emergencies should be e6aluated
further for medical care. Emergency ser6ices or %11 should be called. 5or students: notify
parents1guardiansM for staff members: notify ne,t of kin or emergency contact.
The follo0ing is information for &edical Emergencies from the :anual of the
;epartment of Safety(
Medic!l Sit"!tions
.ife/threatening in?ury: illness or deathH
Notify office staff1building administration to make emergency calls. If unable to reach
office immediately: call %11. ;ork as a team: gi6ing full attention to the 6ictim.
$o not attempt to mo6e a 6ictim 0ho is ill or in?ured unless they are in immediate
danger of further in?ury.
If possible: isolate the affected student1staff member. $isperse onlookers and keep
others from congregating in the area
Check breathing: ensuring that the air0ay is clear.
#pply pressure on the 0ound or ele6ate the 0ound to help stop or slo0 the
(e cautious and use glo6es to protect yourself from body fluids
Check for 6ital signs and initiate first aid: if trained
Comfort the 6ictim and offer reassurance that medical help is on the 0ay
#fter immediate medical needs are met: remain to assist emergency medical
personnel 0ith pertinent information about the incident
Non/life/threatening in?ury or illnessH
5or all non/threatening illness or in?ury: call the office or school nurse
In case of traumatic medical emergency or death at schoolH
o Notify superintendent
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
o Notify 6ictimEs parents: guardians or family
o #cti6ate post/crisis procedures if necessary
#. If Incident <ccurred in choolH
Call %11 and do not lea6e the 6ictim unattended
Notify C*!15irst #id Certified persons in school building of medical
emergencies. These names are listed in Crisis Team &ember section: page '.
If possible: isolate affected student1staff member
If trained: initiate first aid
$o not mo6e 6ictim unless e6acuation is absolutely necessary. Notify building
administrator 0ho 0ill notify the uperintendent
#cti6ate chool Crisis Team. $esignate staff person to accompany in?ured1ill
person to hospital
(uilding administrator notifies parent7s81guardian7s8 of affected student
$irect 0itness to school psychologist1counselor. Contact parents if students are
sent to psychologist1counselor
$etermine method of notifying students: staff and parents
!efer media to the uperintendentEs <fficeH
(. If Incident <ccurred <utside of choolH
#cti6ate chool Crisis Team: as needed
Notify staff if an incident occurred before normal operating hours
$etermine method of notifying students and parents and announce a6ailability of
counseling ser6ices for those 0ho need assistance
!efer media to uperintendentEs <fficeH
C. *ost Crisis Inter6entionH
&eet 0ith school counseling staff
$etermine le6el of inter6ention for staff and students
$esignate rooms as pri6ate counseling areas
Escort affected studentEs siblings and close friends and other highly stressed
indi6iduals to counselors
#ssess stress le6el of staff and recommend counseling to o6erly stressed staff
Conduct follo0 up sessions 0ith students and staff 0ho recei6ed counseling
$esignate staff person7s8 to attend funeral
#llo0 for changes in normal routines or test schedules to address in?ury or death
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
taff and tudents/
If outsideH )o inside the building as soon as possible. If you cannot get inside:
make yourself as compact as possible: put something bet0een yourself and the
shooterM do not gather in groups
If insideH Turn off the lightsM lock all doors and 0indo0sM post RThis !oom Is
.ocked $o0nE sign in 0indo0
tudents: staff and 6isitors should crouch under desks and maintain silence
#ll indi6iduals should remain in classrooms until the building
administrator1designee issues the Rall clearE
#ll teachers and adult staff should Guickly check the halls for 0andering students
and bring them immediately into your classroom: e6en if they are from another
classroom. ;hen it is safe to do so: teachers should notify the office they ha6e
students from another classroom 0ith them
Teachers take roll and immediately notify the building administrator of any
missing students or staff 0hen it is safe to do so
(uilding #dministrator1*olice !esource <fficer
#ssess the situation
.ocation of the shooter: any in?uries and1or the potential for additional shootings
Call %11 and gi6e as much detail as possible about the situation
ecure the school: if appropriate
#ssist students and staff in e6acuating from immediate danger to a safe area
Care for the in?ured as carefully as possible until la0 officers and paramedics
(uilding administrator refers media to district spokesperson per media procedures
(uilding administrator and superintendent prepare information to release to media
and parents1guardians
Notify parents1guardians according to district policy
3old information meeting 0ith all staff
Initiate a grief/counseling plan
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
Se(ere Th"nderstor6 or Torn!do :!tch occurs 0eather conditions !re 5!(or!#le for
the formation of se6ere thunderstorms or tornado.
&onitor N<## ;eather !adio #ll 3a=ards 7National ;eather er6ice8 or
emergency alert radio stations
(uilding #dministrator or designee issue an Rall callE
#ll persons should come inside the buildings
#ll 0indo0s should be closed
!e6ie0 tornado drill procedures and location of safe areas
Continue 0ith normal schedules acti6ities. Each building office 0ill continue to
monitor local radio stations for 0eather announcements
Se(ere Th"nderstor6 or Torn!do 0!rnin- occurs 0hen se6ere thunderstorms or
tornado h!(e #een si-hted or indicated on radar. # fi6e/minute steady blast on the ci6il
defense siren 0ould indicate se6ere 0eather and pro6ide the 0arning to take co6er.
&onitor N<## ;eather !adio #ll 3a=ards 7National ;eather er6ice8 or
emergency alert radio
(uilding administration or designee issue an Rall callE
&o6e students and staff to safe areas
Close classroom doors
Ensure that all students and staff are in a protected area and in the tuck position
Teachers should ha6e classroom rosters and take attendance
#ll personnel should remain in safe area until 0arning e,pires or emergency
personnel ha6e issued an Rall clearE
If at the 0eather is threatening at dismissal time: but no tornado 0arning has been
recei6ed: the superintendent and transportation director may decide to hold pupils
until ma?or storm acti6ity has passed. The director of transportation shall notify
the bus dispatcher if dismissal is delayed
&est Shelter Are!s
!ooms constructed 0ith reinforced concrete: brick or block 0ith no
0indo0s and a hea6y concrete floor or roof system o6erhead.
mall interior rooms 0ith no 0indo0s: e.g.: locker rooms or restrooms
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
3all0ays and areas a0ay from doors and 0indo0s
#ny protected area a0ay from doors and 0indo0s
:orst Shelter Are!s
)ymnasiums and auditoriums
!ooms 0ith a large 0indo0s and doors
3all0ays e,posed to direction of tornados
!ooms 0ith chimneys or areas beneath large: roof/mounted eGuipment
&obile homes are not considered to be buildings: and are not considered safe
during any se6ere 0eather or dangerous 0inds
7#ttach a building diagram sho0ing safe areas. *ost a map in each classroom sho0ing
routes to safe areas.8
(uilding administrator or designee 0ill announce tornado alert by intercom.
N<TEH >nder no circumstances should the alarm be sounded because students
and staff should not be allo0ed to go outside. The announcement should say that
a tornado has been spotted and all persons should proceed immediately to the
E2E!E ;E#T3E! 3E.TE! areas
tudents1staff should not congregate in rooms 0ith large: high ceilings: such as an
auditorium or gymnasium
$esignated e6acuation areas for each room should be posted so safety manuals do
not ha6e to be consulted in the e6ent of a tornado emergency
Teachers must be the last person to lea6e rooms that are to be e6acuated
If possible: persons should sit on floor 0ith head bet0een knees and co6er face
and eyes 0ith hands
If tornado 0arning occurs at dismissal time: hold students until danger has passed.
The buses 0ill not run 0hile students are in shelter
&onitor 0eather radio stations for updated conditions
(uilding administrator or designee 0ill do an Rall call.E
!e6ie0 e6acuation procedure 0ith staff
Check relocation centers for current safety status
Check transportation resources
E6acuate immediatelyH if ad6ised by emergency responders or district officials
Teachers should take rosters and take attendance
*arents1guardians should be notified according to district policy
#nnouncement of the approaching 0inter storm conditions 0ill be made by T2 or
by radio
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
The $istrict <ffice 0ill ad6ise principals and the transportation department of
possible early closure or cancellation of late buses and1or e,tracurricular buses
Early dismissal of special education transportation out of the district 0ill depend
on decisions of local school district to 0hich student has been transported
The superintendent 0ill notify the transportation director to prepare for optional
ser6ice or for the cancellation of ser6ice
The superintendent 0ill notify the principals1program super6isors of the decision
relati6e to transportation
#t time of dismissal: school staff to should ad6ise students toH
$ress properly for the 0eather
)o directly home
(e a0are of lo0 6isibility and the difficulty to see or be seen
chool personnel should be a0are if indi6iduals must be sent to a residence other
than their o0n homeM see emergency contact information
hould a 0inter storm be too se6ere to release students: the school staff should be
prepared to super6ise until released. hould it be necessary: the school kitchens
0ill be opened to pro6ide food for students and staff.
chool ClosingH
$etermined by the uperintendent of choolsM in absence of the superintendent:
the decision 0ill be made by his1her designee
;hen schools are not in session or upon an emergency closing: notice 0ill be
gi6en to the local radio and T2
helter in place pro6ides refuge for students: staff and the public inside the school
building that ma,imi=es the safety of inhabitants. helter in place is used 0hen
e6acuation 0ould put people at risk: e.g.: during se6ere 0eather: en6ironmental ha=ards:
a blocked e6acuation route: etc.
helter areas may change depending on the emergency.
Identify safe areas in each school building
(uilding administrator announces that all staff and students must go to shelter
(ring all persons inside the building7s8
Teachers take class rosters and account for all students in the shelter
Close all e,terior doors and 0indo0s
Turn off 6entilation leading to outdoors
If time allo0s: co6er up any foods not in containers or put it in the refrigerator
If ad6ised: co6er your nose 0ith a handkerchief: cloth or to0els
If all e6acuation routes are blockedH
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
tay in the rooms and close the doors
Feep air as clean as possibleM seal doors: eliminate e,tra mo6ement: maintain
Communicate your situation to administration by 0hate6er means possible.
In the e6ent that a .e6el II or .e6el III se, offender is released into the .C;& chool
$istrict: the local police chief 0ill do the follo0ingH
Notify the principal at each facility located near the release area
If deemed necessary: a 0orkshop may be set up 0ith the local police agency to
address any Guestions or concerns.
NOTE/ Information on the release of .e6el I se, offenders into the community 0ill not
be released to the community. <nly the local la0 enforcement agencies 0ill ha6e this
1.chool $istrict !esponsibilities
chool councilor 0ill document all referrals and keep a confidential file.
+. taff !esponsibilities
Inform the *rincipal1*rogram uper6isor if they o6erhear a remark: see a 0ritten
message or obser6e a beha6ior that identifies the possibility of suicide
#6oid a panic reaction and stay calm and listen
*romote a climate of trust
Inform the student that the information must be shared 0ith the team
*eer reports should be treated the same as staff and other referrals
Confidentially Issues
*ersonal information should be handled discreetly and sensiti6ely among staff
The team should decide among members in6ol6ed 0ho is in the best position to
be supporti6e and caring
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
# !elease of Information 5orm from the parents is reGuired for staff to share
information 0ith treatment agency
The Crisis Team should pro6ide documentation for a confidential file
#ction to (e Taken ;hen a tudent Talks of uicide
*ro6ide inter6ention by members of the Crisis Team
*ro6ide emotional support: e.g.: OKou did the right thing by coming in to talk.P
&ake parental contact
3ealth and 0elfare guidelines mandate that a minor child recei6e necessary
treatment for life/threatening physical or mental illness
*arental contact and permission: 0hile al0ays encouraged: should not delay the
schoolEs efforts to secure immediate emergency inter6ention for the student. It is
the responsibility of the school to inform the parent7s8 0hen there is reasonable
concern for suicidal risk. It is the responsibility of the parent7s8 to act on the
information for0arded to them by the school. ;hen informing the parent: full
details of suicidal beha6ior or con6ersation should be shared: including the
name7s8 of staff 0ho 0itnessed the beha6ior or con6ersation
The staff person making the call should be kno0ledgeable about community
resources and support the parents pursuing immediate referral inter6ention
It is important to keep in mind that some parents: for a 6ariety of reasons: do not
choose to seek help or inter6ention for the at/risk student. If it is not possible to
reach a parent or guardian or 0hen parents are unable or un0illing to seek help:
the school should immediately seek consultation 6ia the school counselor1social
0orker to e,plore options
Imminent .ife/Threatening ituationH # person has the means or is already hurt and has
placed him1herself in an imminent life/threatening situation.
S"icide Thre!t
Consider any studentEs reference to suicide as serious
$o not lea6e the student alone
Notify the school counselor: social 0orker: psychologist or building administrator
tay 0ith the student until suicide inter6ention arri6es
$o not allo0 the student to lea6e the school 0ithout parent1guardian or other
appropriate adult super6ision
S"icide Atte6pt in School
Notify building administrator: school nurse or other appropriate professional staff
Call %11 if the person needs medical attention: has a 0eapon: needs restraints or a
parent or guardian cannot be reached
Try to calm the suicidal person
tay 0ith the suicidal person until suicide inter6ention staff arri6es
Isolate the suicidal person or the area: if possible
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
Initiate first aid
$o not allo0 the student to lea6e the school 0ithout parent1guardian or other
appropriate adult super6ision
&"ildin- Ad6inistr!tion
Call parent1guardian if the suicidal person is a student. Call family or emergency contact
if the suicidal is a staff member.
Do?s !nd Don?ts Re-!rdin- S"icide
Yo" 6"st kno0 0hat you are going to do before a suicide occurs
Do not allo0 anyone to describe the suicide as a heroic act
Do not fly the school flag at half/mast
Do not obser6e a moment of silence in school
Do not ha6e a memorial ser6ice at school or an OIn &emoriamP page in the
Do not glorify the death in any 0ay
Decide* before you are asked: if you are 0illing to deli6er a eulogy at the funeral.
;hat you say at such a gathering can ha6e a great impact in both positi6e and
negati6e 0ays. The death of a young person from any cause is saddeningM death
by suicide is tragic. Emphasi=e that there are other options than taking oneEs o0n
&. the third d!.* try to get things back to normalM ho0e6er: it is important to #e
sensiti(e to the fact that certain students may ha6e been profoundly affected by
the death. These students need special help.

NO!E' 8ne power2fail phone is located in each building for use during power outages( They are
located in the principal<s office at the secondary school and the office at the elementary school(
G!s line &re!'/ TOP PRIORITY
Clear the immediate area and e6acuate the building if deemed necessary
Call the 5ire $epartment if necessaryH %11.
Call Center*oint Energy at
Call 3ead Custodian immediately at
Call (uildings1)rounds Custodians at
Call uperintendent at
Electric Po0er 7!il"re
Call City of
Call 3ead Custodian at
Call Coordinator of )rounds at
Call the uperintendentEs <ffice
:!ter M!in &re!'
Call 3ead Custodian immediately
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
Call Coordinator of )rounds
Call uperintendent
S"dden D!6!-e to 7!cilit.
If appropriate or dangerous: e6acuate occupants to a shelter area.
Call %11
Notify Coordinator )rounds at
Notify coordinator of (uilding at
Call (uilding #dministrator

E6acuate the building to at least 544 feet or to primary or secondary areas as listed belo0.
In case of inclement 0eather: call $irector of Transportation.
Elementary chool econdary chool
Elementary chool econdary chool
Circumstances may dictate alternate holding areas in buses or at other locations.

;hen an act of 6andalism or a break/in has been disco6ered: the follo0ing plans should
be follo0edH
Do not enter the #"ildin-E instead go to the nearest phone and call %11 to contact .a0
If you ha6e entered the building and you find there has been a break/in: do not touch
anything. .ea6e e6erything as you find it and call %11. ;ait for .a0 Enforcement to gi6e
the order to clean up or make repairs.
Notify the *olice $epartment at
Notify the 3ead Custodian
Notify the building principal
Notify the Coordinator of )rounds
The 3ead Custodian: 0orking in con?unction 0ith the Coordinator of )rounds: should
secure the building after .a0 Enforcement has completed their preliminary in6estigation.
They should then complete the cleanup and repair the damage as necessary. The building
principal should complete an in6entory of damaged or stolen items and additional
information relati6e to damage1loss for report to the $istrict <ffice. # copy of the
reGuired form is on the follo0ing page.
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
The Coordinator of (uildings and )rounds should summari=e the e6ent and de6elop
repairs and replacement cost estimates relati6e to building damage. This report should be
submitted to the $istrict <ffice no later than 48 hours follo0ing the e6ent: e,cluding
0eekends and holidays.
Time1$ate *roblem $isco6ered CCCCCCCCCCC $isco6ered (y CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
Time1$ate !eported to #uthorities CCCCCCCCC !eported (y CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
(6se .11 only if emergency still e&ists!
Pro(ide !s 6"ch description !s possi#le/ o5 ;!nd!lis6
;isi#le D!6!-e
$istrict <ffice Information
*olice Case No. CCCCCCCCCCCC
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
Ite6s Dno0n to #e Missin-
CCH (uilding *rincipal
Coordinator of )rounds
3ead Custodian1(uilding 3ead Custodian
An. st!55 or st"dent 0ho is !0!re o5 ! 0e!pon #ro"-ht on school pre6ises 6"st
i66edi!tel. noti5. the #"ildin- !d6inistr!tor* te!cher or school reso"rce o55icer)
)i6e the follo0ing informationH
Name of the person suspected of ha6ing a 0eapon
.ocation of the 0eapon
3as the person threatened anyoneJ
$etails that may pre6ent the suspect from hurting anyone or themsel6es
ISD1 83 2pd!ted +/$/$%34
If staff member1teacher suspects that 0eapon is in classroom.
T#K C#.&
$o not call attention to the 0eapon
Notify the administrator: the school resource officer or a nearest staff member ##*
!emain in the classroom 0ith students
(uilding #dministrator/
Call police if a 0eapon is suspected to be in school.
Consider the best time and place to approach the suspect: considering the follo0ingH
Is there a need to ha6e la0 enforcement presentJ
;hat type of 0eapon 0as reportedJ
;hat is the risk to the safety of the people in the areaJ
;hat is the state of mind of the suspected personJ
Is the 0eapon accessibleJ
Isolate student from 0eapon: if possible.
If the suspect threatens you 0ith the 0eapon: do not try to disarm him1her. (ack a0ay
0ith your arms up. tay calm.
5ollo0 district procedures if a 0eapon search is necessary.
Notify parent1guardian if suspect is a student. E,plain 0hy search 0as conducted and
results of search.
$ocument the incident: per reporting reGuirements established by &innesota tatutes.

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