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APPLICAI!N F!"# F!" AI" F!"C$ C!##!N

AD#ISSI!N $S %AFCA&' February'()*+
-ser ID %For
Na,e Mohan Adari
Date o. /irt0 24/12/1989
1ender Male

*2 Login ID and Pass3ord .or .illing up o. subse4uent parts o. t0e application .or,
0ave been sent to your e,ail addresses ,o0an2aadari5g,ail2co,2 6ou 3ould receive
t0e e',ail 3it0in t0e ne7t (+ Hours2
(2 6ou are re4uested to add a.catcell5nic2in to your sa.e list o. e,ail addresses in
order to ensure t0at t0e e',ail does not go in to your 8un9 / Spa, .older2
Application will be treated as incomplete/reected !nless Sub,it b!tton !nder lin" #Application
$re%iew & '!bmit# has been clic"ed.
(n $art 2 & 3) *o! need to enter *o!r +!ali,ication details.
(n $art 4) *o! need to select *o!r choice o, co!rse-s. and choice o, e/am centre-s..
(n $art 5) *o! need to enter *o!r basic details and photograph -Mandator*.) signat!re and
th!mb impression
(n #Application $re%iew & '!bmit#) *o! need to scroll to the end o, the page) clic" on '!bmit
b!tton to 0inall* '!bmit *o!r ,orm. 12 ,!rther changes wo!ld be allowed a,ter 0inal '!bmission
o, the ,orm.

Career Air Force-India (Candidate Section)
1 of 1 12/16/2013 9:46 PM

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