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Top 10 Apologies

Emily Richardson
10. Alec Baldwins homophobic slurs
Bye-bye to the homophobic jokes folks,
Baldwin says hes changed.
9. Joe Francis calling jurors
f***ing retarded
By the movie he made, Im not surprised.
8. Rupert Murdochs offensive
Holocaust Memorial Day offended many
Jewish people
7. JCPenneys plea to win back
I dont know anyone who shops there
6. Oprahs apology for insinuating a
store clerk was racist
Im actually with Oprah.. Thats rude
5. Sanjay Guptas flip-flop on medical
Still confused if hes for or against..
4. 60 Minutes retraction of its
Bengazi expos
I dont watch the news.. Its ok Lara
3. Barack Obamas mea culpa for flip-
flopping on the effects of Obamacare
2. Rob Fords begging for forgiveness
for smoking crack cocaine
After all those months of denying.
1. Paula Deens mea culpa for using
the n-word
She should also apologize for the amount of
butter shes used.
Winner isss
Paula Deen!! Many great pictures have some
from her.

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