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Control Shortcuts

Open Word
Change font size to 24
Choose font of your choice

Type your name (Dont forget the capital letter!)
Ctrl+A (select all)
Ctrl+C (copy)
Ctrl+V (paste)

Ctrl+I (italics)
Ctrl+B (bold)
Ctrl+U (underline)

Ctrl+I (undo the italics)
Ctrl+B (undo bold)
Ctrl+U (undo underline)

Type the sentence:

The black dog ran quickly down the street.

Highlight the word black
Ctrl+U to underline black
Highlight the word quickly
Ctrl+X (cut)
Highlight the word ran
Ctrl+B to bold ran
Highlight the word street
Ctrl+I to italicize street
Ctrl+I to undo italicize

On a new line, type your last name (remember the capital!)
Highlight it
Ctrl+Z (undo)
Ctrl+Y (redo)

Ctrl+O (open)
Double click on 4
grade folder
Double click on Control Shortcuts (click OK on Read only copy)
Close the Control Shortcuts document so you are working in your
original document.
Ctrl+V to paste in your original document

Ctrl+S (save)
Double click on 4
Double click on your teacher
Double click on your name
Name the file shortcuts
Click save

Ctrl+N (new document)

ALT Symbols

In your new document, make at least one of every symbol. You may
make more than one, if you would like.
Change the font size to 36 so the symbols are bigger and easier to see.
Have fun with them.

To make the symbols:
Hold down on the Alt key and type in the number

9733 star 9762 radioactive
9728 sun 8451 Celsius
9730 umbrella 8457 Fahrenheit
9731 snowman 9732 comet
9742 phone 9813 crown
9785 frowning face 9775 ying & yang
9786 smiling face 9789 crescent moon
9774 peace sign 9729 cloud
9999 pencil
9992 airplane
9996 victory sign
9993 envelope
9988 scissors
9836 musical double bar
9834 musical eighth note
9833 musical quarter note
9835 musical single bar
9829 heart
9824 spade
9827 club
9830 diamond

Type your name at the bottom of the page
Ctrl+P (print)

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