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Amber Curry

123 happy street

Tuscaloosa al 35405
Barbizo mo!eli" a! acti" school
123 happy street
Birmi"ham al 35620
#ear Barbizo
Tha$ you %or ta$i" the time to iter&ie' me %or the positio o% maa"er. ( e)oye!
meeti" 'ith you a! !iscussi" possible employmet 'ith your compay.
( am co%i!et that my traii" i mo!eli" school has pro&i!e! me 'ith s$ills that 'ill
be a bee%it to your compay. ( loo$ %or'ar! to "aii" the practical e*periece
ecessary %or success i this i!ustry.
( appreciate bei" cosi!ere! %or the positio o% maa"er. (% you ha&e ay %urther
+uestios, ( ca be reache! at -320. 250-2030. ( hope to meet 'ith you a"ai soo.
Tha$ you %or your time a! attetio.
/icerely, 0mber
1our 2ame

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